SAT 00:00 The Spaceship II (b0091tns)
The End
The crew is brought face-to-face with reality when they reach the end of the universe. Stars James Fleet and Emily Joyce.
SAT 00:30 Paradise Lost in Space (b007jp0g)
5. Things Hot Up
When Norman introduces the Oblivions to the pleasures of the flesh, one thing leads to another...
Colin Swash's sci-fi comedy about two space-age humans stranded on a friendly alien planet.
Norman ...... Tony Robinson
Max ...... David Haig
Stella ...... Louise Lombard
Macari ...... Michael Troughton
Terayz ...... Carla Mendonca
Clive ...... Guy Witcher
Buzz ...... Peter Serafinowcz
Producer: Richard Wilson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1995.
SAT 01:00 Falco (b008klh0)
Shadows in Bronze
2. Resort
Probing the murder of a conspirator against the Emperor, Roman sleuth Falco is sent to a fashionable resort.
Starring Anton Lesser.
Lindsey Davis's witty detective, Marcus Didius Falco patrols the streets of 1st-century Rome.
Falco ....... Anton Lesser
Petronius ....... Ben Crowe
Vespasian ....... Michael Tudor Barnes
Silvia ....... Sara Poyzer
Larius ....... Christopher Kelham
Caprenius Marcellus ....... Paul Webster
Helena Justina ....... Anna Madeley
Dramatised by Mary Cutler.
Directed at BBC Birmingham by Peter Leslie Wild.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2005.
SAT 01:30 Andrew Sachs - The Revenge (b007jr11)
Que? Andrew Sachs's pioneering thriller featuring sound effects and 11 actors, but no written dialogue.
This experimental play for radio an attempt to tell a story in terms of sounds alone. There is no dialogue, and no coherent speech, yet the play is a thriller with a straightforward storyline full of action and dramatic tension.
Recorded on location using the naturalistic recording techniques of binaural stereo.
Written and interpreted by Andrew Sachs, The Revenge, was the world's first radio drama without words...
With Andrew Sachs, Sean Barrett, Fraser Kerr, Graham Ashley, Paul Rosebury, Michael Deacon, Blain Fairman, John Rye, Melody Sachs, Frances Jeater and Leonard Fenton.
Producer: Glyn Dearman
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1978.
SAT 02:00 Millport (b0076bfv)
Series 3
Wild Rover
The Cumbrae Club is up and running and the islanders are already arguing over how it should be run.
Meanwhile back at Bruce House, Moira is in hysterics over her missing pet pooch. But will Irene risk missing the ferry and losing her job to help her unhappy sister?
Bittersweet comedy written by and starring Lynn Ferguson as 30-something barmaid Irene Bruce, who hankers after a better life on the mainland.
Irene ...... Lynn Ferguson
Moira/Agnes ...... Janet Brown
Alberto/Dr Hume/Ferryman/Robert the Dog /Morris ...... Lewis McLeod
Ena/Bunty ...... Gabriel Quigley
Minister/Bob ...... Robert Patterson
Dougie ...... Kenneth Bryans
Producer: Lucy Bacon
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2002.
SAT 02:30 Snap (b012llxz)
Series 3
Episode 2
Trying to rebuild their relationship after divorcing, Molly and Doug try changing their least appealing traits.
But life isn't that simple...
Third and final series of Paul Mendelson’s sitcom
Starring Rebecca Lacey as Molly, Paul Venables as Doug, Soumaya Keynes as Kaz, Jessie Sullivan as Ryan, Marlene Sidaway as Annie, Robin Weaver as Dawn, Jonathan Tafler as Raymond and Richard Firth as Ansel.
Producer: David Ian Neville
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2005.
SAT 03:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzkz)
Christmas and a Wedding
Back from Ipswich, Samuel Pickwick prepares for his Christmas visit to Dingley Dell...
Charles Dickens 1837 novel dramatised in eight parts by Barry Campbell and Constance Cox.
Charles Dickens ..... Simon Cadell
Mr Pickwick ... Freddie Jones
Mr Winkle .... Philip Bond
Mr Tupman ..... Michael Graham Cox
Mr Snodgrass .... Stephen Thorne
Sam Weller ... Douglas Livingstone
Tony Weller .... John Hollis
Mrs Weller .... Stella Tanner
Mr Stiggins .... Christopher Benjamin
Mr Wardle --- Jack May
Old Mrs Wardle .... Kathleen Helme
Emily .... Heather Bell
Isabella .... Anne Rosenfeld
Arabella Allen .... Rosalind Ayres
Ben Allen ..... Tim Piggott Smith
Bob Sawyer .... Nigel Anthony
Joe .... Michael Troughton
Emma ... Jane Knowles
Coachman ... Michael Goldie
Mr Trundle .... Kenneth Shanley
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1977.
SAT 04:00 Perspectives (b00lxfbj)
By Elizabeth Reeder. A man comes to a life-changing decision as he observes his lover tending to a dying relative. Read by Robin Laing.
SAT 04:15 Alex Ferguson - My Uncle Freddie (b007jw6h)
A Catalogue of Disasters
Set-backs and surprises unite the family, making Lecky the hero of the hour. 1930s Jarrow childhood trilogy with Shaun Prendergast.
SAT 05:00 Beachcomber... By the Way (b008y6pd)
Series 3
Episode 6
More odd stories, idiotic court hearings and surprises from the dictionary.
Richard Ingrams, John Wells, John Sessions, Joan Sims and Patricia Routledge recreate the world of JB Morton.
With Brian Bowles, Simon Greenall, Henrietta Gooden and featuring June Whitfield.
Running in the Daily Express from 1924 to 1975 – JB Morton’s surreally comic ‘Beachcomber’ column paved the way for a great deal of modern humour – thanks to characters he created between the wars.
Adapted by Michael Barfield with Richard Ingrams.
Announcer: Brian Perkins
Producer: Harry Thompson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1994.
SAT 05:30 Elephants to Catch Eels (b007mcc4)
Series 1
Episode 1
If smugglers were the rock stars of the day, Tamsyn Trelawny was Drumlin Bay's very own Ms Dynamite-ee-ee.
But how will she cope when a keen young soldier from London is appointed the new local customs collector.?
18th century Cornish village sitcom by the writers of Dead Ringers - Tom Jamieson and Nev Fountain.
Starring Lucy Speed as Tamsyn Trelawny, John Bowe as Jago Trelawny, Cameron Stewart as Major Thomas Falconer, Andrew McGibbon as Captain Marriot, Martin Hyder as Squire Bascombe, Julia Deakin as Lady Mary, Mark Felgate as Dewey and Phil Nice as Various Characters.
Producer: Jan Ravens.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2003.
SAT 06:00 Peter Roberts - Holy Fool (b014gj3c)
Living a glorious, chivalrous dream - or just crazy?
A knight errant sails through a series of adventures involving the greatest figures in the medieval world. The story of William the Marshall - with a real-life Don Quixote and his cohort.
Peter Roberts's drama stars Michael Williams as Jean d'Erlee, William Chubb as William Marshal, Garard Green as Henry II, Christopher Scott as Henry FitzHenry, Martin Head as Richard Lionheart, Francis Thomson as the Poet, Susan Jeffrey as Isabella Chepstow,
Other parts played by Tom Roberts, Simon Carter, Graham Padden and Neal Foster.
Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Nigel Bryant.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
SAT 07:30 Jack and the Genetically Modified Beanstalk (b018ft4x)
4 Extra Debut. Stage and science collide to show how laboratory research may one day make panto fantasies a reality. With Sharon Ann Holgate.
SAT 08:00 Garrison Keillor's Radio Show (b00wt94f)
Series 6
Episode 5
From New York's Town Hall - the festive American funny man with Norah Jones and the city's Russian Chamber Chorus. From 2009.
SAT 09:00 Horne of Plenty: Beyond Our Ken to Round The Horne (b007k2b6)
The fascinating inside story behind two of BBC radio's all-time favourite comedies: 'Beyond Our Ken' and 'Round the Horne'.
Presented by a former BBC Head of Radio Light Entertainment, Jonathan James-Moore
Featuring cast members: Ron Moody and Bill Pertwee. Plus, the son of Beyond Our Ken scriptwriter Eric Merriman - Andy Merriman, Lyn Took - who was married to Barry Took, writer for both series – and the last surviving Round The Horne scriptwriter, Brian Cooke.
Extracts from Kenneth Williams diaries are read by David Benson.
Beyond Our Ken ran for 7 series, while Round The Horne ran for 4. Hear the very first and last editions of both series starring Kenneth Horne, Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Betty Marsden, Bill Pertwee, Ron Moody, Stanley Unwin and Douglas Smith.
The FIRST Beyond Our Ken - 1st July 1958:
Kenneth Horne’s diary, poking fun at tax bills and Horn-o-rama.
The LAST Beyond Our Ken - 16th July 1964:
Kenneth Horne’s week, Horn-o-rama and Drama of the Week
The FIRST Round the Horne - 7th March 1965:
Trends, the BBC's Backroom Boys and part one of 'The Clissold Saga'.
The LAST Round The Horne - 9th June 1968:
Nobody knew it was the last show, but a surprise was in store for Julian and Sandy
Producer: Peter Reed
Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in May 2004.
SAT 12:00 Modesty Blaise (b01pfb33)
A Taste for Death
Made for 4 Extra. Peter O'Donnell's hero takes on a mission involving a young girl with ESP, a desert location and a villain intent on murder.
SAT 13:15 Petrella (b007jmbt)
Series 1
Vengeance Foreseen
The philosophising sleuth's probe of murky protection rackets sparks trouble a bit too close to home. Stars Philip Jackson.
SAT 14:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007k06k)
Series 6
The Christmas Club
The lad lives to regret answering a knock at the front door.
Starring Tony Hancock. With Sidney James, Wilfred Babbage, Hugh Morton and Frank Partington.
Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
Theme and incidental music written by Wally Stott.
Producer: Tom Ronald
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in December 1959.
SAT 14:30 Round the Horne (b00j05w2)
Series 1
Episode 2
Kenneth Horne's secrets from the BBC backroom boys and continuing 'The Clissold Saga'.
With Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Betty Marsden and Bill Pertwee.
Recorded at the BBC's Paris Studio in Lower Regent Street, London. Announcer: Douglas Smith
Round The Horne was born out of the demise of BBC radio comedy Beyond Our Ken, after the end of writer Eric Merriman's involvement. Using the same cast and producer, Barry Took and Marty Feldman were persuaded to write the scripts - which led to four series that ran between 1965 and 1968 - packed full of parodies, recurring characters, catchphrases and double-entendres.
Music by Edwin Braden and the Hornblowers and The Fraser Hayes Four.
Producer: John Simmonds
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in March 1965.
SAT 15:00 Garrison Keillor's Radio Show (b00wt94f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
SAT 16:00 Peter Roberts - Holy Fool (b014gj3c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
SAT 17:30 What's So Funny? (b01pdy7q)
Ed Byrne, Kerry Godliman and Paul Chowdhry preview the best Christmas comedy, plus tales of panto and Ed interviews Lee Mack.
SAT 18:00 Bradbury 13 (b012f50v)
The aftermath of a disaster in space. Can there be beauty in dying? Ray Bradbury's classic tale stars Scott Wilkinson.
SAT 18:30 Ghost Stories of Walter De La Mare (b00wwd8m)
The Almond Tree
A man looks back on the complex relationship between his parents and a female friend of his father's. It's one that will influence the rest of his life...
Read by Julian Wadham.
Walter de la Mare (1873-1956) was a popular award-wining poet, short story writer and novelist. He wrote for both children and adults.
Abridged by Doreen Estall.
Producer: Lawrence Jackson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in December 2010.
SAT 19:00 Horne of Plenty: Beyond Our Ken to Round The Horne (b007k2b6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]
SAT 22:00 Jeremy Hardy Speaks to the Nation (b007jrj6)
Series 2
How to Be a Popular Figure Around Town
Out to make a good impression, it's the host's comic lecture plus sketches. With Debbie Issit and Gordon Kennedy. From October 1994.
SAT 22:30 The Jason Byrne Show (b01pfrm4)
Series 3
Use Your Imagination to Have the Best Fun
Jason Byrne looks at the subject of technology – getting all nostalgic over the novelty of 24 hour photos.
Amongst the audience, he discovers a human wheelbarrow; an advertiser who struggles to give a name to things and everything he needs to recreate the sounds of a Clangers' convention.
Themed audience comedy show with high-energy stand-up and sketches featuring Laurence Howarth and Margaret Cabourn-Smith.
Producer: Julia McKenzie
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2010.
SAT 23:00 Patricia Highsmith - The Cry of the Owl (b0131yvn)
Episode 3
As each day passes with Greg still missing after the fight, Detective Lippenholtz is finding Robert's story harder to believe.
Patricia Highsmith's intriguing tale of obsession stars John Sharian as Robert Forester, Adrian Lester as Greg Wyncoop, Joanne McQuinn as Jenny Theirolf, Briony Glassco as Nickie Jurgen and Peter Marinker as Detective Lippenholtz.
Adapted by Shaun McKenna.
Music composed and performed by David Chilton
Director: Marion Nancarrow
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002.
SAT 23:30 Adam Baron - Hold Back the Night (b00sydl4)
Episode 1
Ex-cop turned private-eye Billy Rucker scours London's hot and humid underbelly for runaway teenagers. Stars David Morrissey.


SUN 00:00 Bradbury 13 (b012f50v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Saturday]
SUN 00:30 Ghost Stories of Walter De La Mare (b00wwd8m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Saturday]
SUN 01:00 Garrison Keillor's Radio Show (b00wt94f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Saturday]
SUN 02:00 Modesty Blaise (b01pfb33)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Saturday]
SUN 03:15 Petrella (b007jmbt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 13:15 on Saturday]
SUN 04:00 Peter Roberts - Holy Fool (b014gj3c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Saturday]
SUN 05:30 What's So Funny? (b01pdy7q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:30 on Saturday]
SUN 06:00 Ladies of Letters (b01pft3x)
Ladies of Letters Go Crackers
Vera faces homelessness and Irene is inundated. Carole Hayman and Lou Wakefield's missives star Anne Reid and Prunella Scales.
SUN 07:15 Susie Boyt - My Judy Garland Life (b00pdzg3)
Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas
Lucien Freud's daughter compares her family Yuletides to the sometimes difficult childhood of her heroine. Read by Tamsin Greig.
SUN 07:30 Heresy (b00b7wwz)
Series 5
Episode 1
Victoria Coren chairs the programme that likes to think the unthinkable.
Former host David Baddiel makes a special appearance, joined by David Mitchell and Rev Richard Coles.
An Avalon production for BBC Radio 4.
SUN 08:00 Doctor in the House (b007k4k7)
Happy Christmas
The Dean asks Sparrow, Evans and Benskin to organise St Swithin's festivities. Stars Richard Briers. From August 1968.
SUN 08:30 The Clitheroe Kid (b007jw8n)
Double Trouble (Christmas Edition)
The cheeky schoolboy causes confusion by doing a good turn for an old lady. Starring Jimmy Clitheroe.
SUN 09:00 The Sarah Jane Adventures (b01pft3z)
The Glittering Storm
After disturbing a burglar, Sarah Jane Smith investigates a mysterious clinic. Doctor Who spin-off adventure by Stephen Cole, read by Elisabeth Sladen.
SUN 10:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b01pft41)
Just a Minute
Nicholas Parsons
Without repetition, deviation or hesitation, Nicholas Parsons shares his castaway picks with Kirsty Young. From November 2007.
SUN 10:45 Bright Young Things (b00pfslv)
P G Wodehouse - Jeeves and the Yuletide Spirit
4 Extra Debut. An unexpected invite to spend Christmas in the country throws Jeeves's plans into disarray. Read by Julian Rhind-Tutt.
SUN 11:00 Armstrong and Miller (b00t5x2s)
Episode 3
Australian lifestyle, and a Euro rock band.
Sketches and songs with Ben Miller and Alexander Armstrong in their first series for radio.
With Samuel West and Tony Gardiner.
Written by Ben Miller and Alexander Armstrong.
Producer: Gareth Edwards
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1998.
SUN 11:15 Ambridge Extra (b01pft43)
Series 4 - Omnibus
Series 4, Episodes 5-6
Donna's heart is all of a flutter, Keith is having a tough time, and there's a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel for Tracy, but will it all come good?
SUN 11:45 Completely Crackers (b00pd389)
Episode 2
Linda Smith concludes her panoramic investigation with a visit to the World Cracker Pulling extravaganza. From December 2001.
SUN 12:00 Ladies of Letters (b01pft3x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
SUN 13:15 Susie Boyt - My Judy Garland Life (b00pdzg3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]
SUN 13:30 Frost Fair (b00g6t3m)
Francine Stock and guests assemble in Somerset House, overlooking the River Thames, to re-evoke the extraordinary frost fairs held on the frozen river between the early-17th and early-19th centuries.
Joining her to learn about the fairs and to offer their own reflections on ice and the British imagination are guests including Seamus Heaney, Carol Ann Duffy, Michael Morpurgo, Norwegian 'ice musician' Terje Isungset and culinary historian Ivan Day, who provides traditional gin and gingerbread.
SUN 15:00 Doctor in the House (b007k4k7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
SUN 15:30 The Clitheroe Kid (b007jw8n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
SUN 16:00 Mel's Mix: The Best of The 4 O'Clock Show (b01pft45)
The best of this week's 4 O'Clock Show programmes, including a visit to a brussels sprout farm, making the perfect Christmas pudding, and celebrating The Snowman's birthday.
SUN 16:30 The Sarah Jane Adventures (b01pft3z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]
SUN 17:30 Arthur Askey - Before Your Very Eyes (b01pftld)
Behind The Heart
The famous comedian's life story reaches an end. Tragedy strikes, but Arthur proves how big his heart is. From July 1975.
SUN 18:00 The Man in Black (b0180hnl)
Series 4
3. The Beaten Track by Dawn King
A young couple ignore warnings on a New Zealand getaway.
Mark Gatiss as the sinister raconteur, The Man in Black, introduces Dawn King's tale of ignorance.
Aaron ...... Adam Billington
Louise Kirsty ...... Oswald
Motel Owner ...... Jonathan Forbes
Sandy ...... Clare Corbett
James ...... Christopher Webster
More horrifying tales from The Man in Black. You might meet him at a luggage carousel in an airport, or behind the desk at an employment agency or he might approach you in the corridor of a care home. Wherever you encounter him, he's eager to pass on his stories. Stories to unsettle and horrify. Stories to haunt you.
Director: Jeremy Mortimer
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra and first broadcast in December 2011.
SUN 18:30 James Follett - The Destruction Factor (b007k4t9)
World Without Fire
After sparking a plane crash, the deadly Exon plant strain's advancement continues.
Conclusion of James Follett’s sci-fi thriller starring TP McKenna.
Max Flinders ...... TP McKenna
Denise Exon ...... Rosalind Adams
Howard Rogers ...... Paul Copley
Nurse ...... Joan Matheson
Craig ...... Noel Johnson
Blowers ...... Michael Shannon
Miss Anderson ...... Diana Olson
Scott ...... Diana Olsson
Helicopter Pilot ...... Peter Wickham
Farmer ...... Roy Spencer
Corporal ...... Gregory de Polnay
Sachs ...... Denis Goacher
Producer: David Spencer
First broadcast as 2 x 90 minute plays on BBC Radio 4 in March 1978.
SUN 19:00 Armstrong and Miller (b00t5x2s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]
SUN 19:15 Ambridge Extra (b01pft43)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]
SUN 19:45 Completely Crackers (b00pd389)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:45 today]
SUN 20:00 Doctor in the House (b007k4k7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
SUN 20:30 The Clitheroe Kid (b007jw8n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
SUN 21:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b01pft41)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]
SUN 21:45 Bright Young Things (b00pfslv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]
SUN 22:00 Heresy (b00b7wwz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]
SUN 22:30 Steven Appleby's Normal Life (b012216l)
Series 1
Normal Work
Steven Appleby concludes his series with a look at the world of work.
However, pondering on why he became a cartoonist instead of getting a "proper job" proves to be rather more dangerous and revealing than he intended.
Starring Paul McCrink as cartoonist Steven Appleby who takes an abnormal look at everyday life.
Steven ...... Paul McCrink
Mum ...... Rosalind Paul
Mr Two ...... Ewan Bailey
Dad ...... Nigel Betts
Lauren ...... Rachel Atkins
Steven Appleby ...... As Himself
Other parts played by the cast.
Written by Steven Appleby
Producer: Toby Swift
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2002.
SUN 22:45 2000 Years of Radio (b007jnj7)
Series 1
Steaming - Radio Victoriana
Steam powered fun from the Great Exhibition of 1851, plus the latest inventions. Stars Marcus Brigstocke. From November 2000.
SUN 23:00 1966 and All That (b010hcwh)
The 1960s
Albert Einstein discovers the Beatles, while for the first time, the nation discovers sex.
Plus a look at the era of "Flour Power"; the World Cup is won by a team of men all called Bobby; and the with-it Royal try barbecuing.
Craig Brown's satirical history of Britain reaches the 1960s.
Joss Ackland
Eleanor Bron
Rory Bremner
Ewan Bailey
Margaret Cabourn-Smith
John Humphrys
Producer: Victoria Lloyd
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2006.
SUN 23:30 The Harpoon (b007k4t8)
Series 2
Episode 3
The complete story of evolution from Little Blobby Thing to Homo Erectus Britishus Imperius.
Plus an advert for some sticks.
All in your nostalgic spoof of boys' adventure story papers.
With Susie Brann , Alistair McGowan , Mary Elliot-Nelson, Julian Dutton and Peter Baynham.
Producer: Sarah Smith
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1992.


MON 00:00 The Man in Black (b0180hnl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Sunday]
MON 00:30 James Follett - The Destruction Factor (b007k4t9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Sunday]
MON 01:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b01pft41)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Sunday]
MON 01:45 Bright Young Things (b00pfslv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 on Sunday]
MON 02:00 Armstrong and Miller (b00t5x2s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Sunday]
MON 02:15 Ambridge Extra (b01pft43)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]
MON 02:45 Completely Crackers (b00pd389)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:45 on Sunday]
MON 03:00 Doctor in the House (b007k4k7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Sunday]
MON 03:30 Frost Fair (b00g6t3m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 13:30 on Sunday]
MON 05:00 The Sarah Jane Adventures (b01pft3z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Sunday]
MON 06:00 Falco (b008kmgp)
Shadows in Bronze
3. Friends
At the villa of Helena's former father-in-law, Falco meets some old friends of the senator's daughter.
Starring Anton Lesser.
Lindsey Davis's witty detective, Marcus Didius Falco patrols the streets of 1st-century Rome.
Falco ....... Anton Lesser
Helena Justina ....... Anna Madeley
Larius ....... Christopher Kelham
Caprenius Marcellus ....... Paul Webster
Aemilius Rufus ....... Timothy Watson
Aenelia ....... Jaimi Barbakoff
Dramatised by Mary Cutler.
Directed at BBC Birmingham by Peter Leslie Wild.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2005.
MON 06:30 Miss Marple (b007jpp2)
The Murder at the Vicarage
Episode 1
Even the vicar of St Mary Mead detests a certain member of his flock. But murder seems to be carrying things a bit far?
First published in 1930, Agatha Christie's whodunit stars June Whitfield as Miss Marple.
Rev Leonard Clement...........................Francis Matthews
Griselda Clement....................................Imelda Staunton
Dr Haydock...............................................Nigel Davenport
Dennis........................................................Nicholas Boulton
Lettice Protheroe...................................Rachel Atkins
Miss Wetherby.......................................Joan Matheson
Mrs Price-Ridley....................................Margot Boyd
Mrs Lestrange........................................Jilly Meers
Lawrence Redding...............................James Telfer
Anne Protheroe................................... Frances Jeater
Colonel Protheroe...............................James Greene
Mary.........................................................Alice Arnold
Inspector Slack.....................................John Baddeley
Dramatised in five parts by Michael Bakewell
Director: Enyd Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1993.
MON 07:00 Second Holmes (b016px9c)
The Case of the Missing Link
The grandsons of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson meet a member of the Moriarty family.
Six light-hearted adventures involving the grandsons of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson written by Grant Eustace
Starring Peter Egan as Stamford Holmes, Jeremy Nicholas as Dr Watson, Simon Hewitt as James Macpherson, David Gooderson as Inspector Winter, Lolly Cockerell as Mrs Pettifer and John Dunn as himself.
Producer: Paul Mayhew-Archer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1983.
MON 07:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b01pbq3t)
Series 58
Episode 6
Back for a second week at the Charter Theatre in Preston, regulars Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor are joined on the panel by the great Victoria Wood, with Jack Dee in the chair. Piano accompaniment is provided by Colin Sell.
Producer - Jon Naismith.
MON 08:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest (b01pfwmw)
A pantomime favourite Eric co-wrote with Spike Milligan. Will outlaw Neddie risk the lot for Maid Marion? From December 1954.
MON 08:30 The Marx Brothers' Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel (b008hzh9)
Series 3
Episode 6
Shady lawyer Waldorf T Flywheel is collecting for 'charity' in a seasonal scam.
Recreation of the Marx Brothers' lost shows charting the adventures of shady lawyer Waldorf T Flywheel and his assistant, Emmanuel Ravelli. Originally broadcast with sponsors on America's NBC radio network in the 1930s. The scripts were rediscovered in 1988.
Groucho Marx as Waldorf T. Flywheel …. Michael Roberts
Chico Marx as Emmanuel Ravelli …. Frank Lazarus
With Lorelei King, Graham Hoadly and Vincent Marzello.
Written by Nat Perrin and Athur Sheekman. Adapted by Mark Brisenden.
Music arranged and conducted by David Firman.
Producer: Dirk Maggs
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1992.
MON 09:00 Heresy (b00bcv9f)
Series 5
Episode 2
Victoria Coren hosts the show that thinks the unthinkable. With Sue Perkins, Euan Ferguson and Richard Herring. From May 2008.
MON 09:30 Son of Santa (b007jqrz)
Freshly qualified as a management consultant, Santa's son has big plans for the North Pole. Stars Ron Moody. From December 1999.
MON 10:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jznk)
Trials and Tribulations
The past comes back to haunt the founder of the travelling society, Samuel Pickwick, in a court of law...
Charles Dickens 1837 novel dramatised in eight parts by Barry Campbell and Constance Cox.
Charles Dickens ..... Simon Cadell
Bob Sawyer .... Nigel Anthony
Ben Allen ..... Tim Piggott Smith
Mr Pickwick ... Freddie Jones
Mr Hopkins ... Peter Baldwin
Mrs Raddle ... Pauline Letts
Betsy ....Karen Archer
Sam Weller ... Douglas Livingstone
Tony Weller .... John Hollis
Brother Humm ... Michael Goldie
Brother Tadger ... Eric Allen
Brother Stiggins ...Christopher Benjamin
Mr Perker ... Timothy Bateson
Mr Phunky .... Gavin Campbell
Mr Unwitch... Kenneth Shanley
Sgt Snubbins ... Malcolm Gerard
Sgt Buzz Fuzz ... Peter Vaughan
Justice Stareleigh ... Gerald Cross
Dodson... John Gabriel
Fogg.... Michael Tudor Barnes
Mrs Bardell ... Elizabeth Spriggs
Mrs Cluppins ... Cecile Chevreau
Mrs Sanders ... Diana Bishop
Mr Winkle .... Philip Bond
Mr Tupman ..... Michael Graham Cox
Barmaid ... Brenda Kaye
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1977.
MON 10:55 Christmas Diaries (b01pfwmy)
The first Christmas through the eyes of those it touched. A traveller meets Joseph and reflects on the past. With Nicola Walker.
MON 11:00 Hans Christian Andersen - The Fir Tree (b01pfwn0)
Out in the woods amongst his many large companions, a nice little fir tree is keen to grow up. Read by Paul Copley.
MON 11:15 Loose Ends (b01pf5sn)
Macy Gray, James Purefoy, Bryan Ferry, Matthew McFadyen and Freshsteps
Clive talks All That Jazz with musician, songwriter and Jealous Guy Bryan Ferry. Following the huge success of Roxy Music in the 70's and 80's, Bryan is celebrating the 40th anniversary of his incredible career and has re-recorded some of his own compositions on new album 'The Jazz Age'. It's performed by 'The Bryan Ferry Orchestra' in the style of the decadent, roaring Twenties.
Clive's on the run from actor James Purefoy, who's about to star in cat and mouse thriller 'The Following', alongside Kevin Bacon. After playing cunning Roman general Mark Antony in the HBO series 'Rome', James is playing a notorious serial killer who escapes from death row and embarks on a new killing spree. 'The Following' starts on Tuesday 22nd January on Sky Atlantic HD.
Arthur Smith talks to Mr Darcy, 'Pride & Prejudice' star Matthew MacFadyen. From aloof romantic hero to forward thinking detective, Matthew's playing Inspector Edmund Reid in a fictionalised trek into the heart of London's East End in the blood soaked aftermath of Jack the Ripper. 'Ripper Street' starts on BBC One on Sunday 30th December at 21.00.
Clive checks in On How Life Is for Grammy award-winning singer-songwriter Macy Gray. Since she shot to fame in 1999 with 'I Try', Macy has been Dancing With The Stars, collaborated with The Black Eyed Peas and appeared in such Hollywood blockbusters as 'Spiderman'. Her latest album 'Talking Book' is a love letter to its creator, Stevie Wonder. Macy performs 'You and I' in the 40th Anniversary year of Stevie's timeless masterpiece.
And South Coast collective FreshSteps have just what we need and perform 'Need You Now' from their album 'The Sound of Urban Soul-Jazz Vol 1'.
Producer: Cathie Mahoney.
MON 12:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest (b01pfwmw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
MON 12:30 The Marx Brothers' Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel (b008hzh9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
MON 13:00 Falco (b008kmgp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
MON 13:30 Miss Marple (b007jpp2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
MON 14:00 HE Bates - Love for Lydia (b007jvkm)
Episode 1
Winter has come to Evensford. As the first snowflakes of 1931 settle, Lydia Aspen has come to live with her two aunts.
Richardson, a young reporter on the local paper, watches as the shy heiress passes by in a Daimler. His editor tells him "go and get the story"...
Stars Tim Pigott-Smith as Older Richardson, Jordan Frieda as Richardson, Juliet Aubrey as Lydia, Margaret Tyzack as Miss Bertie, Angela Thorne as Miss Juliana, Philip Fox as Bretherton and Jamie Bamber as Tom.
HE Bates's semi-autobiographical novel (published in 1952) dramatised by Vivienne Allen.
Director: Tracey Neale
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2004.
MON 14:15 Amanda Vickery - A History of Private Life (b00mvg01)
Every Man's Home Is His Castle
Elaborate rituals of locking up at night, plus records of Old Bailey trials. Amanda Vickery's hidden history of the home over 400 years.
MON 14:30 Alan Bennett - Untold Stories (b00kmtmn)
Wanting to Go Unnoticed
The much-loved writer reads tales of his Yorkshire family. Retiring to a village in the Dales, his mam is hugely intimidated.
MON 14:45 Tom Bodett - Christmastime at the End of the Road (b007jw7k)
Emmitt's Arrival
A new city manager arrives, determined to tame the wilderness. Then the snow starts to fall. Alaskan tales read by their author.
MON 15:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jznk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]
MON 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b01pfwn2)
Mel Giedroyc introduces a new series especially for The 4 O'Clock Show. Dick and Dom present 'How Dangerous...', exploring the surprising science of everyday life.
MON 17:00 Coming Alive (b00gdw1p)
Series 2
Just One Night
Terry and Sandra come to blows when his ex winds up staying at the community centre. Stars Karl Howman. From August 2000.
MON 17:30 Second Holmes (b016px9c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]
MON 18:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00tvk9s)
1. Pursuit
Opening in 1920s Manhattan, Edwardian dandy and secret agent, Lucifer Box is in hot pursuit of the dodgy dealer responsible for an influx of cheap cocaine to the city.
Mark Gatiss reads his novel abridged in five parts by David Jackson Young.
Dashing hero, Lucifer Box is an assassin, spy and sometime portrait painter.
Producer: Kirsteen Cameron.
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by BBC Scotland and first broadcast in 2010.
MON 18:30 Paradise Lost in Space (b007jp39)
6. Sacrifice
Oblivio is in the grip of an Ice Age.
When the UME spaceship lands on the surface, Norman and Max make a sacrifice...
Conclusion of Colin Swash’s sci-fi comedy about two space-age humans stranded on a friendly alien planet.
Norman ...... Tony Robinson
Max ...... David Haig
Stella ...... Louise Lombard
Macari ...... Michael Troughton
Suzy ...... Carla Mendonca
Louise ...... Ronni Ancona
Ume ...... Lorelei King
Vince ...... Daniel Main
Producer: Richard Wilson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1995.
MON 19:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - Ye Bandit of Sherwood Forest (b01pfwmw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
MON 19:30 The Marx Brothers' Flywheel, Shyster and Flywheel (b008hzh9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
MON 20:00 Falco (b008kmgp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
MON 20:30 Miss Marple (b007jpp2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
MON 20:55 Christmas Diaries (b01pfwmy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:55 today]
MON 21:00 Hans Christian Andersen - The Fir Tree (b01pfwn0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]
MON 21:15 Loose Ends (b01pf5sn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]
MON 22:00 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b01pbq3t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]
MON 22:30 Heresy (b00bcv9f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]
MON 23:00 The News Quiz Extra (b01pfwzr)
Series 6
Episode 1
An extended version of the News Quiz, featuring jokes that you won't have heard already, some clips from the archives and exclusive behind-the-scenes material.
MON 23:45 All the World's a Globe (b007jwp2)
The Creation
The National Theatre of Brent tells the chaotic story of life on Earth. Stars Patrick Barlow and Jim Broadbent. From May 1990.


TUE 00:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00tvk9s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Monday]
TUE 00:30 Paradise Lost in Space (b007jp39)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Monday]
TUE 01:00 Falco (b008kmgp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Monday]
TUE 01:30 Miss Marple (b007jpp2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Monday]
TUE 02:00 Heresy (b00bcv9f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Monday]
TUE 02:30 Son of Santa (b007jqrz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Monday]
TUE 03:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jznk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Monday]
TUE 04:00 Hans Christian Andersen - The Fir Tree (b01pfwn0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Monday]
TUE 04:15 Loose Ends (b01pf5sn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Monday]
TUE 05:00 Coming Alive (b00gdw1p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Monday]
TUE 05:30 Second Holmes (b016px9c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Monday]
TUE 06:00 Falco (b008ktyq)
Shadows in Bronze
4. Party
Falco heads to a party thrown by the wealthy and influential Crispus.
Helena gets shocking news and the Roman sleuth receives a nasty surprise.
Starring Anton Lesser.
Lindsey Davis's witty detective, Marcus Didius Falco patrols the streets of 1st-century Rome.
Falco ....... Anton Lesser
Helena Justina ....... Anna Madeley
Aufidius Crispus ....... Bertie Carvel
Petronius ....... Ben Crowe
Silvia ....... Sara Poyzer
Aemilius Rufus ....... Timothy Watson
Aenelia ....... Jaimi Barbakoff
Aufidius Crispus ....... Bertie Carvel
Atius Pertinax ....... Sean Connolly
Dramatised by Mary Cutler.
Directed at BBC Birmingham by Peter Leslie Wild.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2005.
TUE 06:30 Miss Marple (b007jppk)
The Murder at the Vicarage
Episode 2
Much to the Vicar's embarrassment, a murder has been committed in his study. But who killed Colonel Protheroe?
Miss Jane Marple is on the case.
Agatha Christie's whodunit stars June Whitfield as Miss Marple
Rev Leonard Clement..................................Francis Matthews
Griselda Clement..........................................Imelda Staunton
Dr Haydock.....................................................Nigel Davenport
Lettice Protheroe..........................................Rachel Atkins
Mary..................................................................Alice Arnold
Colonel Melchett.........................................Richard Todd
Constable.......................................................Malcolm Ward
Butler...............................................................Lewis Jones
Anne Protheroe...........................................Frances Jeater
Lawrence Redding......................................James Telfer
Inspector Slack.............................................John Baddeley
Gladys Cram.................................................Oona Beeson
Dramatised by Michael Bakewell
Director Enyd Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1993.
TUE 07:00 Second Thoughts (b007jzst)
The Fight Before Christmas
Faith's children and Bill's ex-wife threaten her dream of a perfect festive lunch.
A festive edition of the popular sitcom about the lives of two middle-aged divorcees, starring Lynda Bellingham as Faith and James Bolam as Bill.
With Julia Sawalha as Hannah, Belinda Lang as Liza and Mark Denham as Joe.
Four series of 'Second Thoughts' were made for the BBC (1988-1992) before it transferred to ITV using the adapted radio scripts.
Written by: Jan Etherington and Gavin Petrie
Producer: Paul Schlesinger
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1992.
TUE 07:30 Bleak Expectations (b01p9l4v)
Series 5
A Terrifying Life Made Even Scarier a Bit Some More
A new and terrible danger threatens Victorian Britain as Harry Biscuit becomes possessed by the evil Pen of Penrith, which turns his heart to inky black.
Pip and Gently Benevolent join forces to take on this new, cruel and cake-obsessed nemesis and his army of robot swans. They also turn out to share a love of antiquing in the Cotswolds.
Mark Evans's epic Victorian comedy in the style of Charles Dickens.
Sir Philip ..... Richard Johnson
Young Pip Bin ..... Tom Allen
Gently Benevolent ..... Anthony Head
Harry Biscuit ..... James Bachman
Servewell ...... James Bachman
Clampvulture ..... Geoffrey Whitehead
Ripely ..... Sarah Hadland
Pippa ..... Susy Kane
Lily ...... Sarah Hadland
Hector the Holy Horse ...... Mark Evans
Producer: Gareth Edwards
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2012.
TUE 08:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Tales of Montmartre (b01pg57t)
Eddie Izzard introduces the final episode that Eric co-wrote with Spike Milligan. Artistic passion in Paris. From January 1956.
TUE 08:30 Cue! Eric Sykes: In Touch (b01pg57w)
4 Extra Debut. Disability specialist Peter White asks how Eric managed hearing and sight loss. Introduced by Eddie Izzard. From January 1999.
TUE 08:45 Cue! Eric Sykes: It's A Fair Cop (b01pg57y)
Eric plays a hapless copper on a bank stake-out. Introduced by Eddie Izzard. Stars Deryck Guyler and Dick Emery. From June 1961.
TUE 09:15 Cue! Eric Sykes: Desert Island Discs - Revisited (b01pg580)
4 Extra Debut. Eddie Izzard introduces the music and memories from Eric Sykes' second spell as a castaway. With Sue Lawley. From June 1997.
TUE 10:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzpx)
Walls and Bars
With the verdict announced, Samuel Pickwick is determined not to pay a penny in damages.
Charles Dickens 1837 novel dramatised in eight parts by Barry Campbell and Constance Cox.
Simon Cadell .... Charles Dickens
Freddie Jones .... Mr Pickwick
Philip Bond .... Mr Winkle
Michael Graham Cox .... Mr Tupman
Stephen Thorne .... Mr Snodgrass
Douglas Livingstone .... Sam Weller
John Hollis .... Tony Weller
Paul Chapman .... Mr Jingle
Timothy Alcock .... Mr Perker
Alan Dudley .... Mr Roker
Paddy Ward .... Mr Namby
Peter Woodthorpe .... Mr Smangle
Michael Goldie .... Mr Mivins
Hugh Dickson .... Chancery Prisoner
Rosalind Ayres .... Arabella Allen
Alison Frazer .... Mary
Kenneth Shanley .... Scientific Gent
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1977.
TUE 10:55 Christmas Diaries (b01pg582)
The first Christmas through the eyes of those it touched. Mary finds the birth isn't how she dreamed of it. With Lizzy Watts.
TUE 11:00 John Mortimer - Not So Tiny Tim: God Bless Us Everyone (b007jtzf)
Sir Timothy Cratchit's selfish Christmas spent in Africa is rudely interrupted. Read by Nicholas Le Prevost.
TUE 11:15 NF Simpson - Cue! Eric Sykes: A Resounding Tinkle (b01pg584)
4 Extra Debut. Eddie Izzard introduces a slice of not-so-everyday suburbia by Eric's favourite writer. Stars Deryck Guyler. From July 1960.
TUE 12:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Tales of Montmartre (b01pg57t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
TUE 12:30 Cue! Eric Sykes: With Great Pleasure (b01pg586)
4 Extra Debut. Eric shares his literary and poetry favourites with readings by Dennis Waterman and Imelda Staunton. Introduced by Eddie Izzard.
TUE 13:00 Falco (b008ktyq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
TUE 13:30 Miss Marple (b007jppk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
TUE 14:00 HE Bates - Love for Lydia (b007jvkr)
Episode 2
Reporter Richardson spends more time with the headstrong heiress. Stars Tim Pigott-Smith, Juliet Aubrey and Jordan Frieda.
TUE 14:15 Ambridge Extra (b01pg588)
Series 4
Episode 7
An increasingly desperate Donna takes action. Keith is low and under pressure. The situation is explosive and needs careful handling - is hot-headed Tracy the right person?
TUE 14:30 Alan Bennett - Untold Stories (b00kmys8)
Recalling tales of his Yorkshire family, the writer reflects on his Dad - who Mam says never pushes himself forward.
TUE 14:45 Tom Bodett - Christmastime at the End of the Road (b007k06s)
Argus and Emmitt
On a December night, a man and his dog turn up at a log cabin. There's a smell of burning. Alaskan tales read by their author.
TUE 15:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzpx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]
TUE 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b01pg58b)
Mel pulls the party poppers and presents a guide to festive food, and Dick and Dom show how to make your own crackers. Plus there's more from Terry Deary's Vicious Vikings.
TUE 17:00 Ken Dodd's Christmas Cracker (b00pdkdr)
The King of Comedy hosts half an hour of festive frolics. With Colin Edwynn and Sybie Jones. From December 1987.
TUE 17:30 Second Thoughts (b007jzst)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]
TUE 18:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00tz24d)
2. Accused
Probing a Fascist cult in 1920s New York, Edwardian dandy and secret agent, Lucifer Box's plans to infiltrate nasty Fascist cult F.A.U.S.T. have gone awry.
Mark Gatiss reads from his own novel.
Dashing hero, Lucifer Box is an assassin, spy and sometime portrait painter.
Abridged by David Jackson Young.
Producer: Kirsteen Cameron.
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by BBC Scotland and first broadcast in 2010.
TUE 18:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008hvvp)
Episode 1
Tragedy strikes at the Opera House in 19th century Paris - home to a fabled ghost.
Starring Anna Massey as Madame Giry, Peter Guinness as The Phantom, James D'Arcy as Raoul de Chagny Helen Goldwyn as Christine Daaé
"The Phantom of the Opera" is a classic tale of murder, romance and suspense in 19th-century Paris. Gaston Leroux's original novel, "Le Fantôme de l'Opéra" was published in 1911 and it's never been out of print since. The subject of countless plays, films and musicals - this is the first adaptation to remaining utterly faithful to the spirit and plot of Leroux's original. There are many sequences here which have never appeared before in any adaptation.
Leroux was a prolific writer in many genres, as well as being a playboy and globetrotter. But he started out as a journalist, which is how he came across the true stories forming the basis for the plot of "The Phantom of the Opera": a misshapen skeleton unearthed in the foundations of the Paris Opera House, a subterranean lake, a fatal accident with the chandelier and, of course, rumours of the Opera Ghost.
This adaptation was the first version to include the correct operatic sequences referred to in the novel: arias from Charles Gounod's Faust and his Romeo et Juliette, and Desdemona's famous aria from Rossini's Otello. These were specially recorded by singers from the ENO and Opera Diva.
In the novel, The Phantom performs a section of his own self-penned opera - Don Juan Triumphant - and this too is included in this adaptation, composed by classical musician Tim Sutton. Tim also wrote a new score for the entire adaptation with a theme tune played by violinist Ruth Rogers.
Freshly translated, dramatised and produced by Barnaby Edwards.
A Big Finish Production.
TUE 19:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Tales of Montmartre (b01pg57t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
TUE 19:30 Cue! Eric Sykes: With Great Pleasure (b01pg586)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:30 today]
TUE 20:00 Falco (b008ktyq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
TUE 20:30 Miss Marple (b007jppk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
TUE 20:55 Christmas Diaries (b01pg582)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:55 today]
TUE 21:00 John Mortimer - Not So Tiny Tim: God Bless Us Everyone (b007jtzf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]
TUE 21:15 NF Simpson - Cue! Eric Sykes: A Resounding Tinkle (b01pg584)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]
TUE 22:00 Bleak Expectations (b01p9l4v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]
TUE 22:30 Getting Nowhere Fast (b007k1xx)
Series 2
Episode 3
Competitive capitalism engulfs the CyberPass Bistro as Merv creates an internal market. Stars Mervyn Stutter. From May 2003.
TUE 23:00 Old Harry's Game (b00cl63c)
Series 5
I Blame the Media
Whilst Satan's away morally cleansing the media and internet, revolt is brewing in Hell.
Andy Hamilton’s devilishly funny sitcom set in Hell.
Satan …. Andy Hamilton
Thomas …. Jimmy Mulville
Scumspawn …. Robert Duncan
Other characters played by Felicity Montagu, Hugh Dennis, Tony Maudsley and Philip Pope.
Producer: Paul Mayhew-Archer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2005.
TUE 23:30 The Masterson Inheritance (b007jr0v)
Series 3
The Masterson Bunch
Suffragettes split the Masterson family, sparking drama at the races.
The award-winning improvised historical family saga based entirely on audience suggestions.
Starring Paul Merton, Josie Lawrence, Jim Sweeney, Lee Simpson, Phelim McDermott and Caroline Quentin.
Producer: Phil Clarke
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1995.


WED 00:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00tz24d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Tuesday]
WED 00:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008hvvp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Tuesday]
WED 01:00 Falco (b008ktyq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Tuesday]
WED 01:30 Miss Marple (b007jppk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Tuesday]
WED 02:00 The News Quiz Extra (b01pfwzr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:00 on Monday]
WED 02:45 All the World's a Globe (b007jwp2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:45 on Monday]
WED 03:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzpx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Tuesday]
WED 04:00 John Mortimer - Not So Tiny Tim: God Bless Us Everyone (b007jtzf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Tuesday]
WED 04:15 NF Simpson - Cue! Eric Sykes: A Resounding Tinkle (b01pg584)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Tuesday]
WED 05:00 Ken Dodd's Christmas Cracker (b00pdkdr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Tuesday]
WED 05:30 Second Thoughts (b007jzst)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Tuesday]
WED 06:00 Falco (b008l1cb)
Shadows in Bronze
5. Surprise
Roman sleuth Falco closes in on his man, but gets more than he bargained for from Helena's old school friend...
Starring Anton Lesser.
Lindsey Davis's witty detective, Marcus Didius Falco patrols the streets of 1st-century Rome.
Falco ....... Anton Lesser
Helena Justina ....... Anna Madeley
Atius Pertinax ....... Sean Connolly
Larius ...... Christopher Kelham
Silvia ....... Sara Poyzer
Marcellus...... Paul Webster
Aufidius Crispus ....... Bertie Carvel
Aemilius Rufus ....... Timothy Watson
Gordianus ....... Christian Rodska
Aenelia ....... Jaimi Barbakoff
Dramatised by Mary Cutler.
Directed at BBC Birmingham by Peter Leslie Wild.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2005.
WED 06:30 Miss Marple (b007jpq1)
The Murder at the Vicarage
Episode 3
Multiple confessions to the murder of Colonel Protheroe mount up in the village of St. Mary Mead.
But who does amateur sleuth Jane Marple believe?
Agatha Christie's whodunit stars June Whitfield as Miss Marple
Rev. Leonard Clement....................................Francis Matthews
Griselda Clement.............................................Imelda Staunton
Mrs Lestrange..................................................Jillie Meers
Mary....................................................................Alice Arnold
Hilda...................................................................Lisa Howard
Dr Haydock......................................................Nigel Davenport
Lawrence Redding........................................James Telfer
Dennis................................................................Nicholas Boulton
Hawes................................................................David Thorpe
Dr Stone...........................................................Timothy Alcock
Raymond West..............................................Ian Masters
Inspector Slack..............................................John Baddeley
Gladys Cram...................................................Oona Beeson
Nancy...............................................................Vivienne Rochester
Dramatised by Michael Bakewell
Director: Enyd Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1993.
WED 07:00 One Foot in the Grave (b007jn64)
The Beast in the Cage
Victor suffers a bank holiday traffic nightmare stuck in a jam - and so do Margaret and Jean!
Richard Wilson stars as Victor and Annette Crosbie as his long-suffering wife Margaret.
Adapted for radio by David Renwick from his BBC TV script.
Victor Meldrew ...... Richard Wilson
Margaret Meldrew ...... Annette Crosbie
Mrs Warboys ...... Doreen Mantle
With Michael Fenton-Stevens, Ainslee Foster, Paul Rogan, Stephanie Pack and Keith Wickham.
Winning numerous awards, six series were made for TV plus numerous specials on BBC ONE from 1990 to 2000.
Producer: Diane Messias
First broadcast in February 1995 on BBC Radio 2.
WED 07:30 Mark Steel's in Town (b01pc3by)
Series 4
Ottery St Mary
Comedian Mark Steel returns with a new series, looking under the surface of some of the UK's more distinctive towns to shed some light on the people, history, rivalries, slang, traditions, and eccentricities that makes them unique.

Creating a bespoke stand-up set for each town, Mark performs the show in front of a local audience.

As well as examining the less visited areas of Britain, Mark uncovers stories and experiences that resonate with us all as we recognise the quirkiness of the British way of life and the rich tapestry of remarkable events and people who have shaped where we live.

During this 4th series of 'Mark Steel's In Town', Mark will visit Tobermory, Whitehaven, Handsworth, Ottery St Mary, Corby, and Chipping Norton.

This week, Mark visits Ottery St Mary in Devon to discuss Coleridge's embarrassing childhood, pixies, and what happens when you put five thousand people in a square with a lit tar barrel. From December 2012.

Additional material by Pete Sinclair.
Produced by Sam Bryant.
WED 08:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Sinking of Westminster Pier (b01pg64v)
Eric selects a favourite episode he co-wrote with Spike Milligan. Neddie hunts oysters in the Thames. From February 1955.
WED 08:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b00t9zpz)
Series 4
Episode 7
Making movie news: 'The Lone Hydrangea' and 'The Sound of Monks' and 'The Curse of the Flying Wombat' continues...
More quick-fire sketches, terrible puns, humorous songs and parodies.
Stars Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall and Bill Oddie.
Written by Tim Brooke-Taylor, Ian Lang, Graeme Chapman, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Eric Idle, and Bill Oddie.
Originating from the Cambridge University Footlights revue 'Cambridge Circus', ISIRTA ran for 8 years on BBC Radio and quickly developed a cult following.
Music and songs by Dave Lee and Bill Oddie.
Producer: Humphrey Barclay
First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in November 1966.
WED 09:00 Winston (b007m660)
Series 1
Whacko Jolly Dee
The wily village poacher and handyman's plans for a life of bliss with Nancy hit a snag.
Peter Tinniswood's bawdy comedy.
Winston …. Bill Wallis
Father …. Maurice Denham
Nancy …. Shirley Dixon
Rosie …. Liz Goulding
William …. Christian Rodska
Directed at BBC Bristol by Shaun MacLoughlin.
First broadcast on BBC Radio in May 1989.
WED 09:30 Foul Play (b00jm6kb)
Series 3
The Proof of the Pudding
Crime writers PD James and HRF Keating probe a death at dinnertime.
Simon Brett hosts the murder quiz.
Suspects played by Maria McErlane and Lee Simpson.
Producer Liz Anstree
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1997.
WED 10:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzr7)
A Matter of Principle
Holed up in a debtors' prison - will Samuel Pickwick manage to get himself released?
Conclusion of Charles Dickens 1837 novel dramatised in eight parts by Barry Campbell and Constance Cox.
Simon Cadell .... Charles Dickens
Freddie Jones .... Mr Pickwick
Philip Bond .... Mr Winkle
Michael Graham Cox .... Mr Tupman
Stephen Thorne .... Mr Snodgrass
Douglas Livingstone .... Sam Weller
John Hollis .... Tony Weller
Paul Chapman .... Mr Jingle
Timothy Alcock .... Mr Perker
Michael Goldie .... Isaac
Rosalind Ayres .... Arabella Allen
Elizabeth Spriggs .... Mrs Bardell
Pauline Letts .... Mrs Raddle
Cecile Chevreau .... Mrs Cluppins
Kenneth Shanley .... Mr Raddle
Heather Bell .... Tommy Bardell
Margot Boyd .... Mrs Rogers
Peter Wickham .... Mr Jackson
Christopher Benjamin .... Mr Stiggins
Stella Tanner .... Mrs Weller
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1977.
WED 10:55 Christmas Diaries (b01pg64x)
The first Christmas through the eyes of those it touched. A shepherd faces his fears on a dark hillside. With Ben Crowe.
WED 11:00 A Ghost for Christmas (b007jtz4)
The Woodman's Enigma by Gary Kilworth
A Christmas visit to their Uncle proves to be a haunting experience for young Jill and Colin. Read by Edward de Souza.
WED 11:15 MR James (b01pg64z)
Echoes from the Abbey
One of his few great passions in life was a fascination for our great English Abbeys. So when he received an invitation to spend Christmas at Medborough Abbey, James accepted without a second thought. But had he known of the strange, supernatural and eventually tragic series of events that were to take place, he might have thought again - or perhaps not...?
Inspired by a fragment of his writing, Sheila Hodgson provides MR James with a ghostly encounter at Christmas.
Stars David March as James, Arnold Diamond as Arthur Layton, Ysanne Churchman as Nora Layton and Timothy Stark as Harley.
Director: David Johnston
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1984.
WED 12:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Sinking of Westminster Pier (b01pg64v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
WED 12:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b00t9zpz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
WED 13:00 Falco (b008l1cb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
WED 13:30 Miss Marple (b007jpq1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
WED 14:00 HE Bates - Love for Lydia (b007n9k5)
Episode 3
As they go off dancing, Richardson realises both Alex and Tom are also falling under the heiress' spell. Stars Juliet Aubrey.
WED 14:15 Amanda Vickery - A History of Private Life (b00mzw4f)
All My Life Is a Struggle With Dirt
Women's struggle to clean and care for their families in a household moral mission. Amanda Vickery's hidden history of the home.
WED 14:30 Alan Bennett - Untold Stories (b00kn1hy)
Aunty Myra
The writer recalls tales of his Yorkshire family. Visiting his mother's sister, she always shared her military service memories.
WED 14:45 Tom Bodett - Christmastime at the End of the Road (b007k082)
The Best Sauna Story So Far
A cosy evening at the lake with food, drink and good company. What can possibly go wrong?
WED 15:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzr7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]
WED 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b01pghdq)
Mel introduces the next episode of 'How Dangerous...' where Dick and Dom explore the science of Christmas decorations. Plus there's more from Terry Deary's Vicious Vikings.
WED 17:00 PG Wodehouse - Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves (b007jqgh)
Bartholomew, Blackmail and Barefaced Lies
An expensive statue lands Bertie Wooster in a pickle.
PG Wodehouse romp adapted in six-parts by Richard Usborne.
Starring Michael Hordern as Jeeves, Richard Briers as Bertie Wooster, Paul Eddington as Roderick Spode, John Le Mesurier as Sir Watkin Bassett, Ronald Fraser as Major Plank, Jonathan Cecil as Boko Fittleworth, Denise Coffey as Stiffy Bing and Percy Edwards as Bartholemew the Dog.
Producer: David Hatch
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1980.
WED 17:30 One Foot in the Grave (b007jn64)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]
WED 18:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00v7b52)
3. Aboard
Falsely accused of murder, Lucifer Box has fled the USA aboard a leaky tub bound for England.
He's spent the journey trying to discover what links a silken fragment of an ancient heathen prayer to the Convent of St Bede.
A comely cabin girl provides welcome distraction.
Mark Gatiss continues his own novel.
Abridged by David Jackson Young.
Producer: Kirsteen Cameron
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by BBC Scotland and first broadcast in 2010.
WED 18:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008jw9j)
Episode 2
Christine Daae has disappeared. Is she with the mysterious Angel of Music? Stars Anna Massey, Peter Guinness and James D'Arcy.
WED 19:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Sinking of Westminster Pier (b01pg64v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
WED 19:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b00t9zpz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
WED 20:00 Falco (b008l1cb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
WED 20:30 Miss Marple (b007jpq1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
WED 20:55 Christmas Diaries (b01pg64x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:55 today]
WED 21:00 A Ghost for Christmas (b007jtz4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]
WED 21:15 MR James (b01pg64z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]
WED 22:00 Mark Steel's in Town (b01pc3by)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]
WED 22:30 Gus Murdoch's Sacred Cows (b00fgq45)
2. Bank Hols
Incisive reporter Gus Murdoch investigates the pros and cons of bank holidays.
Written by and starring Stephen Carlin.
Neil Edmond
Margaret Cabourn-Smith
Stephen Carlin
Helen Longworth
Chris Pavlo
Producer: Tilusha Ghelani
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in November 2008.
WED 22:45 Jelly Mountain (b00fkp5z)
Episode 3
A visit to the circus heralds arcane amusements. Songs and stories from Ivor Cutler, with Craig Murray-Orr. From May 1996.
WED 23:00 Mitch Benn's Crimes Against Music (b007k0c8)
Series 1
Pop excess is the stuff of legends... but sometimes it just gets a bit too much.
Mitch Benn continues his journey through the showbiz glitz and backstage little of pop music.
With Robert Ince, Alfie Joey, Tash Baylis and Kirsty Newton
Producer: Adam Bromley
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2004.
WED 23:30 If You're So Clever, Why Aren't You Rich? (b00sttpy)
Series 3
Riot Grrrl!
The three London flatmates Judith, David and Giles enter a writing competition. Stars Tony Slattery. From June 1998.


THU 00:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00v7b52)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Wednesday]
THU 00:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008jw9j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Wednesday]
THU 01:00 Falco (b008l1cb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Wednesday]
THU 01:30 Miss Marple (b007jpq1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Wednesday]
THU 02:00 Winston (b007m660)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Wednesday]
THU 02:30 Foul Play (b00jm6kb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Wednesday]
THU 03:00 Charles Dickens - The Pickwick Papers (b007jzr7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Wednesday]
THU 04:00 A Ghost for Christmas (b007jtz4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Wednesday]
THU 04:15 MR James (b01pg64z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Wednesday]
THU 05:00 PG Wodehouse - Stiff Upper Lip, Jeeves (b007jqgh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Wednesday]
THU 05:30 One Foot in the Grave (b007jn64)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Wednesday]
THU 06:00 Falco (b008m17q)
Shadows in Bronze
6. Showdown
A final showdown for Roman sleuth Falco - but his reunion with Helena proves bittersweet.
Starring Anton Lesser.
Lindsey Davis's witty detective, Marcus Didius Falco patrols the streets of 1st-century Rome.
Falco ....... Anton Lesser
Petronius ....... Ben Crowe
Helena Justina ....... Anna Madeley
Decimus Camillus ....... Robert Lister
Vespasian ....... Michael Tudor Barnes
Silvia ....... Sara Poyzer
Tullia ....... Fiona Clarke
Gordianus ....... Christian Rodska
Atius Pertinax ....... Sean Connolly
Dramatised by Mary Cutler.
Directed at BBC Birmingham by Peter Leslie Wild.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2005.
THU 06:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqf)
The Murder at the Vicarage
Episode 4
Investigations into the murder of Colonel Protheroe don't go at all to plan. Who is the killer?
Agatha Christie's whodunit stars June Whitfield as Miss Marple.
Rev. Leonard Clement.............................................Francis Matthews
Griselda Clement.......................................................Imelda Staunton
Lettice Protheroe......................................................Rachel Atkins
Dr Haydock................................................................Nigel Davenport
Anne Protheroe.......................................................Frances Jeater
Inspector Slack........................................................John Baddeley
Gladys Cram.............................................................Oona Beeson
Hawes........................................................................David Thorpe
Mrs Price-Ridley.....................................................Margot Boyd
Dramatised by Michael Bakewell
Director: Enyd Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1993.
THU 07:00 An Actor's Life for Me (b01pglt3)
Series 3
Prat On A Hot Tin Roof
Colours nailed to the mast, Robert Wilson gets his party politicals in a pickle.
Farcical sitcom about the trials and tribulations of a young actor desperately seeking work.
John Gordon Sinclair stars in Paul Mayhew-Archer's sitcom.
Robert Wilson ..... John Gordon Sinclair
Desmond Shaw ..... Gary Waldhorn
Sue ..... Gina McKee
Sally Grace
Toby Longworth
Ainsley Foster
Ian Angus Wilkie
Christopher Roe
Producer: Diane Messias
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in January 1993.
THU 07:30 Births, Deaths and Marriages (b01jhnyh)
Series 1
Episode 3
A new sitcom set in a Local Authority Register Office where staff deal with the three greatest events in anybody's life.
Written by David Schneider (The Day Today, I'm Alan Partridge), he also stars as chief registrar Malcolm Fox who is a stickler for rules and would be willing to interrupt any wedding service if the width of the bride infringes health and safety. He's not married - but why does he need to be? He's married thousands of women.
Alongside him are rival and divorcee Lorna who has been parachuted in from Car Parks to drag the office (and Malcolm) into the 21st century. To her, marriage isn't just about love and romance, it's got to be about making a profit in our new age of austerity.
There's also the ever spiky Mary, geeky Luke who's worried he'll end up like Malcolm one day, while ditzy Anita may get her words and names mixed up occasionally but as the only parent in the office, she's a mother to them all.
In this episode, Malcolm is distracted by a breast feeding mother during a birth registration, causing Lorna to suspect he might have made his first ever mistake.
Malcolm........................................David Schneider
Lorna............................................Sarah Hadland
Anita.............................................Sandy McDade
Luke..............................................Russell Tovey
Mary..............................................Sally Bretton
Mr Carrick......................................Andrew Brooke
Mrs Carrick.....................................Kerry Godliman
Mrs Ferguson/
Mrs Goldring/ Mrs Smith..................Jane Whittenshaw
Producer: Simon Jacobs
A Unique production for BBC Radio 4.
THU 08:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Last Tram (From Clapham) (b01pglt5)
Eric selects a favourite episode he co-wrote with Spike Milligan. Neddie searches for a lost London tram. From November 1954.
THU 08:30 Take It From Here (b011vffg)
From 14/01/1954
Dick Bentley asks Jimmy Edwards for help with a speech, and Ron and Eth ponder eloping in The Glums. From January 1954.
THU 09:00 Unnatural Acts (b00kt1q6)
Series 2
To Catch a Thief
It's all hands to the duster as Paul makes an interesting discovery in Ashdown Forest. Stars Jeremy Hardy. From April 1988.
THU 09:30 HR (b00hg6mz)
Series 1
An Appraisal
An angry senior manager has been caught verbally abusing a client. His HR officer must take him to task. Can he?
Nigel Williams’ comedy drama series charting the misfortunes of a middle-aged HR officer and his trouble-making colleague.
Peter ...... Jonathan Pryce
Sam ...... Nicholas Le Prevost
Director: Peter Cavanagh
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2009.
THU 10:00 Anthony Trollope - Miss MacKenzie (b01pglt7)
Episode 1
Miss Mackenzie, a woman past the bloom of youth, inherits a fortune and is then beset by suitors. But whom will she choose?
Anthony Trollope's tale stars David Troughton as Anthony Trollope, Hattie Morahan as Miss Mackenzie, Philip Franks as John Ball and Margaret Tyzack as Lady Ball.
Dramatised by Martyn Wade
Director: Tracey Neale
Miss Mackenzie by Anthony Trollope was the runner-up in BBC Radio 4's 'Neglected Classics' vote in 2011.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2011.
THU 10:55 Christmas Diaries (b01phnmv)
The first Christmas through the eyes of those it touched. A lawyer muses on the stars, and their observers. With Anton Lesser.
THU 11:00 A Ghost for Christmas (b007jv0g)
Across the Fields
A brother and sister are in for a ghostly surprise when taking a short cut home on Christmas Eve. Read by Anna Keaveney.
THU 11:15 Sheila Hodgson - Turn, Turn, Turn (b01pglt9)
In which MR James - in an effort to heal a breach between a young man and his father - tells a cautionary and chilling tale of evil and witchcraft.
One of a number of dramas written by Sheila Hodgson inspired by MR James and portraying him as the diarist of a series of fictional ghost stories.
Starring David March as James, Michael Cochrane as Charles Fenton, Gerald Cross as Sir John Cheke, Alan Lawrance as the Rev Nicholas Fenton and Colin Etherington as Mark Palgrave.
Director: David Johnston
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1977.
THU 12:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Last Tram (From Clapham) (b01pglt5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
THU 12:30 Take It From Here (b011vffg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
THU 13:00 Falco (b008m17q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
THU 13:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
THU 14:00 HE Bates - Love for Lydia (b007ncy6)
Episode 4
Party plans are afoot to celebrate the heiress' 21st birthday and Richardson comes to a decision. Stars Tim Pigott-Smith.
THU 14:15 Ambridge Extra (b01pgltc)
Series 4
Episode 8
Events are out of control and rushing towards a terrifying conclusion, but will it be a happy one for Donna, Tracy and Poochie?
THU 14:30 Alan Bennett - Untold Stories (b00kn5x3)
Aunty Kathleen
Recalling tales of his Yorkshire family, the writer reflects on the brisk marriage of his Mam's sister.
THU 14:45 Tom Bodett - Christmastime at the End of the Road (b007k09c)
The Town Tree
Will the town's first communal Christmas tree be greeted with peace and goodwill to all men? Alaskan tales read by their author.
THU 15:00 Anthony Trollope - Miss MacKenzie (b01pglt7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]
THU 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b01pgltf)
Mel Giedroyc serves up more seasonal science from Dick and Dom's new series 'How Dangerous...'. Plus there's more from Terry Deary's current story The Vicious Vikings.
THU 17:00 King Street Junior (b007jnc6)
Series 7
Taking the Rap
School trouble is brewing over a pupil playing truant and a strict disciplinarian on the staff. With Dilys Laye. From May 1992.
THU 17:30 An Actor's Life for Me (b01pglt3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]
THU 18:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00vc8bl)
4. Rescue
Dandy spy hero Lucifer Box must rescue the 'perfect victim' to foil Olympus Mons' dastardly plan to raise the devil.
Mark Gatiss continues his own novel.
Abridged by David Jackson Young.
Producer: Kirsteen Cameron.
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by BBC Scotland and first broadcast in 2010.
THU 18:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008lz2f)
Episode 3
As Christine faces grave danger, a mysterious figure offers to help her. Stars Anna Massey, Peter Guinness and Helen Goldwyn.
THU 19:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - The Last Tram (From Clapham) (b01pglt5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
THU 19:30 Take It From Here (b011vffg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
THU 20:00 Falco (b008m17q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
THU 20:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
THU 20:55 Christmas Diaries (b01phnmv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:55 today]
THU 21:00 A Ghost for Christmas (b007jv0g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]
THU 21:15 Sheila Hodgson - Turn, Turn, Turn (b01pglt9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]
THU 22:00 Births, Deaths and Marriages (b01jhnyh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]
THU 22:30 Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better (b00d45ny)
Series 2
The comedian examines the virtue of generosity. With poetry and songs by Tom Basden and Tim Key. From August 2008.
THU 23:00 The Atkinson People (b007k271)
Barry Good
A wry, startling, in-depth probe into the life of a spoof pop star. Stars Rowan Atkinson. From November 1979.
THU 23:30 Weak at the Top (b00rmygl)
Series 1
Smoked Meat
Sir Marcus wants a global web presence by the end of the week.
Mean marketing director John Weak descends to the IT netherworld to do battle with Gavin Smedley, an IT director grown from the sweat of a techie's armpit.
Alexander Armstrong stars as John Weak in Guy Browning’s sitcom.
John Weak ...... Alexander Armstrong
Hayley ...... Clare Perkins
Sir Marcus ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Bill Peters ...... Ron Cook
Gary Peyton ...... Ewan Bailey
Gavin Smedley ...... Gerard McDermott
Paul ...... Harry Myers
Producer: Jonquil Panting
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2005.


FRI 00:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00vc8bl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Thursday]
FRI 00:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008lz2f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Thursday]
FRI 01:00 Falco (b008m17q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Thursday]
FRI 01:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Thursday]
FRI 02:00 Unnatural Acts (b00kt1q6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Thursday]
FRI 02:30 HR (b00hg6mz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Thursday]
FRI 03:00 Anthony Trollope - Miss MacKenzie (b01pglt7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Thursday]
FRI 04:00 A Ghost for Christmas (b007jv0g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Thursday]
FRI 04:15 Sheila Hodgson - Turn, Turn, Turn (b01pglt9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Thursday]
FRI 05:00 King Street Junior (b007jnc6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Thursday]
FRI 05:30 An Actor's Life for Me (b01pglt3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Thursday]
FRI 06:00 The Blackburn Files (b007jprs)
Series 1
A Case of Making Good
A rich woman receives a mysterious parcel of tenners and the past unfolds like a flower. Can redundant pitman turned discrete private investigator, Stephen J Blackburn solve the case?
One of five cases for the ex-pitman turned investigator and his government scheme-funded assistant Tracey. Set in a South Yorkshire town that's seen better days.
Starring Fine Time Fontayne as Stephen J Blackburn, Judy Flynn as Tracey Duggan.
With Rita May, Vanessa Rosenthal, Lorraine Peters, Lucia Laratonda and Robin Polley.
Scripted by Ian McMillan, Martyn Wiley and Dave Sheasby
Directed for BBC North East by Dave Sheasby
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1989.
FRI 06:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqv)
The Murder at the Vicarage
Episode 5
Amateur sleuth Jane Marple battles to unearth the proof she needs to reveal the murderer's identity - along with a few other surprises.
The conclusion of Agatha Christie's whodunit starring June Whitfield as Miss Marple.
Rev. Leonard Clement.......................................Francis Matthews
Griselda Clement.................................................Imelda Staunton
Lettice Protheroe.................................................Rachel Atkins
Colonel Melchett.................................................Richard Todd
Dr Haydock............................................................Nigel Davenport
Inspector Slack......................................................John Baddeley
Gladys Cram..........................................................Oona Beeson
Mrs Sadler..............................................................Tina Gray
Constable................................................................Dominic Letts
Dramatised by Michael Bakewell
Director: Enyd Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1993.
FRI 07:00 Elephants to Catch Eels (b007nchq)
Series 1
Episode 2
Sly barmaid Tamsyn Trelawny and her band of smugglers battle to try and outwit local customs officer, Captain Marriott.
18th century Cornish village sitcom by the writers of Dead Ringers - Tom Jamieson and Nev Fountain.
Starring Lucy Speed as Tamsyn Trelawny, John Bowe as Jago Trelawny, Cameron Stewart as Major Thomas Falconer, Andrew McGibbon as Captain Marriot, Martin Hyder as Squire Bascombe, Julia Deakin as Edna, Mark Felgate as Dewey and Phil Nice as Roy.
Producer: Jan Ravens.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2003.
FRI 07:30 Just William - Live! (b01pfrrc)
Series 3
William Holds the Stage
Last May, as part of Winchester's Best of British Festival in celebration of the Jubilee, Martin Jarvis performed the first of two of Richmal Crompton's comic classics, live on-stage.
In William Holds the Stage, when an old boy of the school gives a lecture on Hamlet, William gets a somewhat confused idea that Shakespeare's plays were written by a man called Ham, and that Shakespeare poisoned Ham, and stole the plays and pretended he had written them. Then a man called Bacon got involved and possibly someone called Eggs as well.
When it's announced that the class will perform a scene from Hamlet in front of a live audience, William decides that, despite being cast as an attendant, he'd prefer to play the leading role himself. But things don't go entirely to plan.
A packed house at the Theatre Royal rocks with laughter as Jarvis performs William's hilariously inventive version of Shakespeare's masterpiece. Just William as 'stand-up'.
Performed by Martin Jarvis
Director: Rosalind Ayres.
A Jarvis and Ayres Production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 08:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - Lurgi Strikes Britain (b01pgs6q)
Eric selects a favourite episode he co-wrote with Spike Milligan. Doctor Neddie tackles a curious epidemic. From November 1954.
FRI 08:30 The Burkiss Way (b00crq2m)
Series 4
Repeat Yourself the Burkiss Way - Part 1
Enter the 'Pardon,Sir?' school of languages.
Starring Fred Harris, Jo Kendall, Nigel Rees and Chris Emmett.
Cult sketch comedy series which originally ran from 1976 to 1980.
Written by Andrew Marshall and David Renwick.
Producer: David Hatch
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1979.
FRI 09:00 Millport (b0076bk4)
Series 3
The Siege
Millport's under siege by the neighbouring islands, furious that this little insignificant town has its own independent public house.
Amidst the madness Irene and Moira find romance where they least expect it - and Alberto unveils an unusual secret defence system.
Bittersweet comedy written by and starring Lynn Ferguson as 30-something barmaid Irene Bruce, who hankers after a better life on the mainland.
Irene ...... Lynn Ferguson
Moira/Agnes ...... Janet Brown
Alberto/Dr Hume/Robert the Dog/Mr Shetland /Mr Sky ...... Lewis McLeod
Ena/Bunty ...... Gabriel Quigley
Minister/Bob/Mr Dunoon/Mr Orkney ...... Robert Patterson
Dougie/Mr Arran ...... Kenneth Bryans
Producer: Lucy Bacon
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2002.
FRI 09:30 Snap (b012s2gf)
Series 3
Episode 3
Divorced Doug and Molly come to blows over his mum Annie, who seems to be going senile.
Continuing Paul Mendelson's sitcom about a couple trying to rebuild their relationship after divorce.
Starring Rebecca Lacey as Molly, Paul Venables as Doug, Soumaya Keynes as Kaz, Jessie Sullivan as Ryan, Marlene Sidaway as Annie, Robin Weaver as Dawn and Jonathan Tafler as Raymond.
Producer: David Ian Neville
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2005.
FRI 10:00 Anthony Trollope - Miss MacKenzie (b01pgs6s)
Episode 2
After two marriage proposals, Margaret Mackenzie has turned down the first, but what of the second? Stars Hattie Morahan.
FRI 11:00 Fay Weldon Stories (b007k04g)
Living By the Small Print
A penny-pinching young woman with an eye for a bargain begins to realise the consequences. Read by Rebecca Front.
FRI 11:15 Ben Lewis - Blue Sky Thinking (b01pgs6v)
Looking forward to her wedding, Karen's life begins to unravel following the arrival of a stranger. Stars Nicola Stapleton.
FRI 12:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - Lurgi Strikes Britain (b01pgs6q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
FRI 12:30 The Burkiss Way (b00crq2m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
FRI 13:00 The Blackburn Files (b007jprs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
FRI 13:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
FRI 14:00 HE Bates - Love for Lydia (b007nfd7)
Episode 5
As a midsummer night draws to an end, some life-changing events await Richardson. Stars Tim Pigott-Smith and Juliet Aubrey.
FRI 14:15 Amanda Vickery - A History of Private Life (b00mzw4j)
Pots and Pans
What do letters and diaries tell us about running the home in the 16th and 17th centuries? Why do pots and pans matter?
FRI 14:30 Alan Bennett - Untold Stories (b00kn8k3)
Recalling tales of his Yorkshire family, the writer explains how his Mam's memory is beginning to fail.
FRI 14:45 Tom Bodett - Christmastime at the End of the Road (b007k0bq)
Yet Another New Year
New Year is a time of celebration - and an annual fist fight. But a dense fog descends. Alaskan tales read by author Tom Bodett.
FRI 15:00 Anthony Trollope - Miss MacKenzie (b01pgs6s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]
FRI 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b01pgs6x)
Mel Giedroyc presents the next episode of 'How Dangerous...' in which Dick and Dom climb to the top of the Christmas tree to find out how fairy lights work.
FRI 17:00 Ballylenon (b007nfs3)
Series 1
Episode 1
1953: Trouble brews when the McConkey sisters join forces with hotel owner, Phonsie Doherty to campaign for the demolition of the Georgian courthouse to make way for a car park.
Series set in the sleepy town of Ballylenon, Co Donegal, in 1953, before the days of mass tourism and proper plumbing in every home.
Written by Christopher Fitz-Simon.
Written by Christopher Fitz-Simon.
Phonsie Doherty ...... TP McKenna
Muriel Maconchy ...... Margaret D'Arcy
Vera Maconchy ...... Stella McCusker
Vivienne Hawthorne ...... Aine McCartney
Guard Gallagher ...... John Hewitt
Stumpy Bonner ...... Gerard McSorley
Rev Samuel Hawthorne ...... Gerard Murphy
RL Watson ...... Roma Tomelty
O'Brollochain ...... Kevin Flood
Music arranged and performed by Stephanie Hughes
Director: Eoin O'Callaghan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1994.
FRI 17:30 Elephants to Catch Eels (b007nchq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]
FRI 18:00 The Devil in Amber by Mark Gatiss (b00vfjsh)
5. Desperation
Will spy hero Lucifer Box reach cult leader Olympus Mons' Satanic lair, deep beneath the Swiss Alps, in time to prevent the sacrifice of the "perfect victim"?
Mark Gatiss concludes his own fiendishly gripping adventure.
Abridged by David Jackson Young.
Producer: Kirsteen Cameron.
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by BBC Scotland and first broadcast in 2010.
FRI 18:30 Gaston Leroux - The Phantom of the Opera (b008p5cw)
Episode 4
Raoul and the Persian enter the Phantom's lair to search for Christine. Stars Peter Guinness, Helen Goldwyn and James D'Arcy.
FRI 19:00 Cue! Eric Sykes: The Goon Show - Lurgi Strikes Britain (b01pgs6q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]
FRI 19:30 The Burkiss Way (b00crq2m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]
FRI 20:00 The Blackburn Files (b007jprs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]
FRI 20:30 Miss Marple (b007jpqv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]
FRI 21:00 Fay Weldon Stories (b007k04g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]
FRI 21:15 Ben Lewis - Blue Sky Thinking (b01pgs6v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]
FRI 22:00 Old Harry's Game (b007jzzh)
Christmas Special 2002
The Roll of the Dice
Satan embarks on an epic quest - and encounters Queen Victoria, Harpo Marx and a highly intelligent bluebottle.
Meanwhile the saintly Hope Fraser's arrival in Hell sparks confusion...
Andy Hamilton's two-part devilishly funny, festive special from Hell.
Satan ...... Andy Hamilton
The Professor ...... James Grout
Thomas ...... Jimmy Mulville
Scumspawn ...... Robert Duncan
Hope ...... Claire Skinner
With Philip Pope, Felicity Montagu and Michael Fenton Stevens.
Producer: Paul Mayhew-Archer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2002.
FRI 22:30 Goodness Gracious Me (b01pgs6z)
Series 3
Episode 6
The Archers and The Waltons with a twist, and the Minx Twins tackle feminism. Stars Sanjeev Bhaskar. From June 1998.
FRI 23:00 Rigor Mortis (b00g2glp)
Series 3
Episode 1
It's New Year in the mortuary and the pathologists must tackle a befuddled mother. Stars Peter Davison. From January 2006.
FRI 23:30 Half Sketch (b007k022)
Series 4
Episode 1
Bill Clinton's next career move revealed. Northern Ireland's comedy troupe go topical. Stars Tim McGarry. From January 2001.