The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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Unofficial Weekly Listings for BBC World Service (UK DAB version) — supported by


SAT 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nr3gcq9tb)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 01:06 Business Matters (w172x18q47lw2pq)
Global business news, with live guests and contributions from Asia and the USA.

SAT 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyz42s)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 02:06 WorklifeIndia (w3cszvgm)
Coronavirus lockdown: Lessons in tackling pollution?

Lockdowns across the world have grounded flights and shut down factories. But as countries battle the coronavirus pandemic and prepare for an impending economic recession, we are also witnessing one of the largest carbon crashes ever recorded. People across the world are talking about and sharing pictures on social media of azure blue skies, fresh air, clean water and even rare wildlife sightings within human settlements.

But environmentalists warn all this may be temporary, as economic recovery would get prioritized before the environment in a post-pandemic world.

So, are there lessons the pandemic can teach us about living with nature? And will countries go for greener policies as they rebuild their economies?

In this edition of WorklifeIndia, we bring in guests from China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and India to discuss what the lockdown has meant for some of Asia’s – and the world’s – most polluted places.

Presenter: Devina Gupta

Contributors: Sunita Narain, director general, Centre for Science and Environment, India; Ahmad Rafay Alam, environment lawyer, Pakistan; Shababa Haque, senior research associate, International Centre for Climate Change and Development, Bangladesh; Yifei Li, assistant professor of environmental studies, New York University Shanghai, China

SAT 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qknhc5)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 02:32 Stumped (w3cszhj2)
The tropical island where cricket carries on

Could women's cricket be the hardest hit by the Covid-19 shutdown? We hear from Middlesex captain Naomi Dattani, whose hopes of a breakthrough year have been shattered.

Plus, we'll take you to the only cricketing nation in the world where the game is still being played. It's business as usual in the virus-free tropical island of Saint Helena.

And how should Darren Lehmann's tenure as Australia coach be remembered?

Photo: St Helena (Getty Images)

SAT 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyz7tx)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 03:06 The Fifth Floor (w3cszjgy)
Garment factories, missing buttons and Antarctic trips

David Amanor invites Akbar Hossain of BBC Bangla, Giang Nguyen of BBC Vietnamese and Anastasiya Gribanova of BBC Ukrainian to share stories from inside and outside the Covid-19 pandemic. Including lockdown and Bangladesh's garment factories; the long journey of Ukrainian scientists to their Antarctic base; and what coronavirus has revealed about supply chains in Vietnam.

Nepal's puppet marriages
Rama Parajuli of BBC Nepali describes a tradition from a remote part of the country, where two girls are chosen as bride and groom in a pretend "puppet" marriage. It has all the feasts, dances and gifts of a real marriage, but ends the same day.

Pink dolphins
BBC Chinese recently ran a beautiful online story about the pink dolphins of Hong Kong. They’re a big draw for tourists, but also critically endangered. For reporter Martin Yip, this was his first encounter with them.

Venezuela's young 'farmers'
Some young Venezuelan gamers have found it can be easier to earn a living in the virtual world than the real one. They call it 'farmeo', winning points and credits in video games that can be sold for real money. BBC Mundo’s Guillermo Olmo has spoken to some of them.

Picture: Garment workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh
Credit: EPA

SAT 03:50 Witness History (w3cszmtt)
VE Day

On the 8th of May 1945, hundreds of thousands of Londoners took to the streets to celebrate the end of the Second World War in Europe. BBC correspondents captured the scenes of joy across the city - from the East End to Piccadilly Circus. This programme is made up of material from the BBC Archives recorded on VE Day in 1945.

Photo: Londoners dancing on VE Day (Getty Images)

SAT 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyzcl1)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 04:06 The Real Story (w3cszcmt)
Coronavirus: Will flying ever be the same?

Most industries around the world have been shaken by the coronavirus, but few have been quite as devastated as the airline industry. IATA, which represents about 290 airlines around the world, says the airline industry could lose $314bn due to the outbreak, as planes are grounded and entire routes abandoned. Aviation employs millions of people and underpins the livelihoods of tens of millions more. So can it recover? Past crises like the 9/11 terror attacks transformed the flying experience and the pandemic will do the same, but how so? Can the world’s airports provide a safe travel experience while keeping passengers moving? What happens to societies - to business trips and leisure activities - when people can no longer be mobilised to and from airports in vast numbers? And what happens to our relationships with each other - and to other places - if the cost of travel becomes unaffordable for most?
Ritula Shah and a panel of expert guests discuss whether air travel will ever been the same.

SAT 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyzhb5)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 05:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b3tx3k7r9)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SAT 05:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qknvlk)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 05:32 Trending (w3csws7l)
The Sextortion Scammers

We investigate the criminals who threaten to expose you on social media, using password hacking.

Imagine you open your email and there’s a message in there from someone that knows some of your personal information – like your laptop password. Not only that, but they’re threatening to reveal your darkest secrets on social media, unless you pay a ransom in anonymous cryptocurrency. That’s been happening to people all over the world - including our reporter Jo Whalley.

Jo finds out how cyber criminals have got hold of people’s personal information and about the huge sums of money people have been paying to the scammers.

Presenter: Mike Wendling
Reporter: Jo Whalley
Studio Manager: Neil Churchill

Photo Caption: Photo illustration of hackers
Photo Credit: Getty Images

SAT 05:50 The Big Idea (w3csxfj9)
Outrage and Moral Conscience

Why is there so much outrage on social media? And what does this have to do with our moral conscience? Molly Crockett is a neuroscientist who runs her own lab at Yale University. She believes that concern about reputation may explain both the operation of our conscience and our frequent expressions of indignation.

Presented by David Edmonds

(Image: Flaming fists, Credit: Shutterstock)

SAT 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyzm29)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 06:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1r)
One hundred days of Brexit

When voters elected new Members of Parliament to ‘get Brexit done’ in the UK election last December, no-one anticipated that the first 100 days after the UK left Europe on 31st January 2020, would instead be dominated by a global pandemic. Not least the newly elected MPs themselves.
In 100 Days we hear how ‘get Brexit done’ turned into ‘StayatHome’ through the experiences of four first time MPs. They represent constituencies across the North of England – places where voters had switched traditional allegiances in great numbers. Conservative MP Simon Fell, won in Barrow-in-Furness and he’s under no illusions – they wanted him to get Brexit done, voting as much for his leader, Boris Johnson, as for Simon himself. In Barrow, on Brexit day, voters tell us how they feel on this historic day.

In Yorkshire, Olivia Blake is the newly elected Labour MP for Sheffield Hallam – a seat held by Labour but which many believed would be lost. Likewise in Warrington North, where Charlotte Nichols held on narrowly against the Brexit tide.

Richard Holden took the North West Durham seat from Labour – we meet him in early March, in Consett, a town once dominated by its steel works, which closed 40 years ago. There’s growing concern about coronavirus. Just over two weeks later Britain goes into lockdown.

Caz Graham hears the MPs’ stories of the first 100 days of Brexit - and how coronavirus changed everything.

(Photo: Simon Fell, Conservative MP for Barrow-in-Furness)

Producer: Philip Reevell

SAT 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyzqtf)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 07:06 Business Weekly (w3ct0sng)
The most compelling reports and interviews from the BBC's business programmes over the past week, examining the huge issues facing policymakers and asking what the future holds for our working lives.

SAT 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyzvkk)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 08:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1x)
Don't Log Off

Don't log off - part five

Around the world our borders are closed and we’ve been told to keep our distance. But that’s not always easy. For some, it’s near impossible.

Alan Dein connects with people around the globe, as they try to find space amongst those around them.

Under the setting sun of the African Savannah, Maasai leader Kimaren is used to living collectively – something he has been told they can no longer do.

Novia, originally from Indonesia, is a domestic worker in Singapore, living with a family that is not her own.

In Hangzhou, China, Fish has gone outside for the first time after weeks locked down on her University campus.

And in a South African township, Zanyiwe tries to make sense of social distancing - living in a six-metre ‘shack’ with nine others.

SAT 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkp6ty)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 08:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0p)
Chinese Dreams

Chinese Dreams: Canada

Canada has been sucked into a global dispute between the US and China. It started in Vancouver, with arrest on an American warrant of Meng Wanzhou, an executive with the Chinese telecoms giant Huawei. China’s furious response caught Canada off guard. Two Canadians have been detained in China – seemingly in response, precipitating an acute foreign policy crisis.

Canadian journalist Neal Razzell examines what could be the first of many tests for this nation, in which it is forced to choose between its two biggest trading partners.

(Photo: Huawei chief financial officer Meng Wanzhou leaves her home to appear in British Columbia Supreme Court, Vancouver. Credit: Lindsey Wasson/Reuters)

SAT 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzyzz9p)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b3tx3kqqt)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SAT 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkpbl2)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 09:32 Trending (w3csws7l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:32 today]

SAT 09:50 Over to You (w3cszf46)
Getting the balance right

Is the BBC World Service getting the balance right with the amount of airtime it is giving to the coronavirus pandemic? Not everyone thinks so. Listeners give their views on both sides of the debate and the controller of BBC World Service English, responds.

Presenter: Rajan Datar
Producer: Howard Shannon

SAT 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz031t)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 10:06 Sportshour (w172x3br1cxmr3p)
Live Saturday morning global sports show with reports, debate and humour.

SAT 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz06sy)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b465dpth7)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SAT 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkpl2b)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 11:32 The Response (w3ct0rws)
The Response: Coronavirus

Lockdown: Tales from Brazil, Germany and Australia

Listeners from Brazil, Germany, Rwanda, Australia and Norway report on their experiences of lockdown, from reaction to Jair Bolsanaro's coronavirus policies to the partial easing of lockdown in Germany, to racial abuse experienced by Chinese residents in Australia.

By emailing a voice memo recorded on their smartphones listeners from different countries offer their unique perspectives on a global crisis, and a glimpse of not just their own lives in lockdown, but how their country is tackling this unprecedented challenge.
If you want to tell us your story, send your voice memo to or simply send us a message saying you want to take part.

(Photo: A supporter of Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro displays a national flag as she takes part in a demonstration in Brasilia. Credit: Evaristo Sa/AFP/Getty Images)

SAT 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz0bk2)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 12:06 Music Life (w3csz6sr)
The influence of family with Soweto Kinch and Shingai Shoniwa

Music Life this week sees British jazz saxophonist, MC, and poet Soweto Kinch host Shingai Shoniwa, Eno Williams, and Barney Artist.

Singer and bassist Shingai Shoniwa is formerly of the band The Noisettes. The name Shingai, according to Wikipedia, means "bold/courageous/strong" in the Shona language. Eno Williams is the lead vocalist in the electronic funk band Ibibio Sound Machine. She was born in London but spent most of her childhood in Nigeria where her family spoke Ibibio, the native language of the Ibibio people in Akwa Ibom Staten. And our final guest is Barney Artist, a London rapper, who’s worked with George The Poet, Tom Misch, and Jordan Rakai. Soweto is a Mercury prize nominated / MOBO winning artist who’s been championed by Mos Def and Rodney P and has supported the likes of KRS ONE, Dwele, and TY. He’s also the nicest guy in music.

Together they explore themes in music that revolve around family and its influence, the idea of homecoming and identity, and the importance of language.

SAT 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nr3gcrrrw)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 13:06 Newshour (w172x2ynnsrth5y)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

SAT 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz0l1b)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 14:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b3tx3lbgg)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SAT 14:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkpy9q)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 14:32 Heart and Soul (w3ct0t19)
Reflections on Faith in a Global Crisis


Rituals are at the heart of many religions, they are vital to the practice of faith giving structure, comfort and focus.

The best-selling Indian writer Amish Tripathi sees daily yoga practice as central to his Hindu faith. He loves the calm and balance it brings. But with the virus bringing fear of respiratory problems he newly appreciates the breathing techniques which ease anxiety. Miriam Camerini is an Italian trainee Rabbi who is stranded in Canada, unable to travel home. She is heartbroken to hear of sick friends, but comforted by new online connections with Jerusalem. And a Pastor used to non-stop cross-border travel to look after Mexican and US parishioners finds strength in bible passages he never had time to sit and study before.

With much of the world in lockdown the rituals and sacraments of conventional religion are impossible. Journalist John McCarthy hears how people are finding new ways to live out their faith in retreat.

SAT 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz0psg)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 15:06 Sportsworld (w172x3l40ybv2py)
Live sport from around the world with news, interviews and analysis.

SAT 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz0tjl)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 16:06 Sportsworld (w172x3l40ybv6g2)
Live sport from around the world with news, interviews and analysis.

SAT 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz0y8q)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 17:06 Business Weekly (w3ct0sng)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:06 today]

SAT 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz120v)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 18:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b465dqnq4)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SAT 18:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkqf97)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 18:32 Trending (w3csws7l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:32 today]

SAT 18:50 Over to You (w3cszf46)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:50 today]

SAT 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz15rz)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 19:06 World Questions (w3cszt5w)
Coronavirus and Asia

World Questions explores the impact of Covid-19 on Asia with a panel of leading public health experts, politicians and analysts from across the region.
What can be done to slow down the spread of the virus? And how should countries balance the needs of their economies with the need to save lives?
The programme is presented by Jonny Dymond and the panel includes:

Manish Sisodia: Deputy Chief Minister of Delhi, India
Jiyoon Kim: Analyst and broadcaster, South Korea
Dr Shahid Jameel: Leading virologist, India
Sophia Yan: Daily Telegraph Beijing Correspondent, China

Producer: Helen Towner
Studio Manager: Tim Heffer

BBC World Questions is a series of international events created in partnership with the British Council.

(Photo: A representative of the Tokyo metropolitan government wearing a face mask holds a sign saying Stay Home, Credit: Tomohiro Ohsumi / Getty Images)

SAT 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz19j3)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 20:06 The Arts Hour (w3cszk2q)
Australian actor Chris Hemsworth

This week on The Arts Hour, Australian actor Chris Hemsworth talks about his latest action movie, Extraction, and his struggles with home schooling in the lock down, Danish Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson explains why he’s creating digital images of the earth and British musician Lianne Le Havas plays with the BBC Symphony Orchestra.

The Arts Hour also hears about American actor Steve Martin’s favourite works in the Museum of Modern Art in New York, author C Pam Zhang talks about her novel following during the American gold rush and Icelandic pianist Víkingur Ólafsson plays Bach in a deserted concert hall.

Joining Nikki Bedi to discuss this week’s cultural highlights are crime writer Simone Buchholz, author of Mexico Street, and Icelandic comedian Ari Eldjárn.

Image: Chris Hemsworth
Credit: Getty Images/Don Arnold

SAT 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nr3gcsqqx)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 21:06 Newshour (w172x2ynnsrvg4z)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

SAT 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz1k0c)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 22:06 From Our Own Correspondent (w3csz9pd)
Lebanon’s hunger revolution

The effect of the lockdown on the Lebanese population has been dramatic. The economy was already on its knees through mismanagement and corruption and now it has all but collapsed. The exchange rate of the Lebanese lira has plummeted, slashing people’s wages and savings by more than half. Seventy five per cent of the population are now in need of aid and every other person is living below the poverty line. People are once again taking to the streets. Abbie Cheeseman reports on what has become known as the hunger revolution.

Guangzhou in southern China is home to a large community from sub-Saharan Africa. People come for the business opportunities, the trading to be done, or to study. The locals called the part of the city where Africans did business, lived and socialised, Little Africa, and the Chinese government had been welcoming up to now. But the coronavirus has exposed prejudice, as Danny Vincent heard.

Nigeria’s mega-churches, once host to vast numbers of worshippers, were told to close their doors to stop the spread of Coronavirus. Some have adapted to the changes quickly, streaming prayer services online, making donations to the government and stricken worshippers - as well as asking for them. But not all their followers are complying with social distancing measures, drawing the ire of the Nigerian authorities, as Nduka Orijinmo found.

On the West Coast of Ireland, in County Clare, stand the imposing Cliffs of Moher. They are situated on the Wild Atlantic Way – a 2,500 kilometre route that follows the rugged Irish coastline from County Donegal in the north to County Cork in the south. The striated cliffs soar 214 metres high. And the place is popular. But right now, the well-trodden coastal path is almost deserted, giving nature a chance to reclaim it. Trish Flanagan took a wander.

(Image: Anti-government protesters attend a protest against the collapsing Lebanese lira currency and the price hikes of goods in Beirut Credit: EPA/Nabil Mounzer)

SAT 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkqx8r)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 22:32 Outlook (w3cszdzp)
Back to the islands: searching for lost graves

After being stranded on a deserted island as a child refugee fleeing Vietnam in 1979, Dr Carina Hoang returned 19 years later. She'd survived unimaginable trauma and her cousin had died on a nearby island. She was determined to find his grave and give him a proper burial to bring peace to their family. It would be the first of many trips back because when other refugees started to hear of Carina's mission they started calling her, asking for help. (2/2)

Part 1 of this story can be found here:

Carina's book is called Boat People: Personal Stories from the Vietnamese Exodus 1975-1996.

Presented by Emily Webb
Produced by Mariana Des Forges

Picture: Dr Carina Hoang in the jungle with an Indonesian official
Credit: Courtesy of Dr Carina Hoang

SAT 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz1nrh)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SAT 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b465dr8fs)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SAT 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkr10w)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SAT 23:32 Boston Calling (w3csz70j)
Extra credit

Adam Carter was awarded a prestigious Fulbright scholarship to teach English to teenagers in Beijing. When the coronavirus outbreak hit, his school there was shut down. Carter is still teaching his students remotely, but he also came up with an idea for a side project: trying to broker deals of Chinese-made personal protective equipment - things like masks and gloves - to American hospitals in need. It's been far more complicated than he imagined.

A group of Harvard university graduate students have also created a new PPE supply chain from China to Boston, while other students are on the front lines of debunking Covid-19 misinformation; international students continue to face uncertainty over what the coming school year will look like; while yet another student, her friends and her family, find a unique way to celebrate her graduation; and professional athletes find creative ways to train from while staying at home.

Photo: From left, statues of Lucy Stone and Abigail Adams are heeding the advice of the CDC by wearing face masks on Commonwealth Avenue Mall in Boston. (Photo by David L. Ryan/The Boston Globe/Getty Images)

SUNDAY 10 MAY 2020

SUN 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62pcg8)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 01:06 Togetherness: Coronavirus Global Conversations (w3ct0t58)
Haircuts after lockdown

We bring together three hairdressers from around the world to talk about how their lives have changed because of the pandemic. Marcel in Jerusalem and Marion in Berlin can cut their clients' hair again - but with restrictions. Tamsyn in Johannesburg has only been allowed to open her salon to sell hair products so far. So what is the future of cutting hair while the world is dealing with Covid-19? And if you're still in lockdown, without access to a hairdresser - do the professionals have any tips?

Also, what is it like to be a funeral director in these times? You'll hear Louise and Britanny talk about their work in the UK and California with those who've died from Covid-19 - and their families.

And three sex workers talk to each other about their lives in Nigeria, Canada and the Netherlands. What are the implications of physical distancing for them and their clients?

Picture: Tamsyn Reynolds, South African hairdresser
Credit: Hello Hair Fourways in Johannesburg

SUN 01:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpcqqn)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 01:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:32 on Saturday]

SUN 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62ph6d)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 02:06 Tech Tent (w3cszhnl)
Smarter workplaces after lockdown ends

How tech will help to get people back to work safely. Plus, the UK’s Covid-19 contact tracking app begins trials. And how to get started making hardware projects at home including an automated cocktail mixer. Presented by Rory Cellan-Jones, with BBC tech reporter Jane Wakefield.

(Image: Man in a suit looking at his smartphone in front of a modern building. Credit: Getty Images).

SUN 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpcvgs)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 02:32 Spitfire: The People’s Plane (w3ct0t1f)
Spitfire: The People’s Plane


The Spitfire factory was a priority target for German bombers. The workers endured raid after raid. If vital Spitfires are going to continue to be built, then a plan is desperately needed.

Presenter: Tuppence Middleton
Producers: Alasdair Cross and Emily Knight
Editors: Chris Ledgard and Kirsten Lass

SUN 02:50 Over to You (w3cszf46)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:50 on Saturday]

SUN 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62plyj)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 03:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Saturday]

SUN 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62pqpn)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 04:06 From Our Own Correspondent (w3csz9pd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:06 on Saturday]

SUN 04:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpd2z1)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 04:32 Boston Calling (w3csz70j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:32 on Saturday]

SUN 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz2d78)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 05:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b3tx3n4nd)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SUN 05:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkrrhn)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 05:32 The Cultural Frontline (w3cszj85)
Joe Sacco: The political power of the graphic novel

He’s been hailed as one of the world's greatest cartoonists and the creator of war reportage comics. The artist Joe Sacco talks to Tina about the political power of the graphic novel and why he’s telling the story of the indigenous communities of the Canadian North West in his latest book, Paying the Land.

The Indian comic book and graphic novel writer Ram V explores the clash of cultures and what happens to a country when it is colonised, though the mythology of vampirism, in his series These Savage Shores.

Swedish comic book artist and activist Lisa Wool-Rim Sjöblom shares the story of her adoption from South Korea in the graphic memoir Palimpsest. She speaks to the BBC’s Karl Bos about her childhood experiences of racism, her search for jer birth parents and why the ethics of adoption can be far more complicated than people think.

Plus how’s the sounds of your world changed during lockdown? The sound artist Nick Ryan shares the sounds we’ve received from our listeners during the coronavirus lockdown.

Presented by Tina Daheley

Image: Joe Sacco
Credit: Philippe Huguen/Getty Images

SUN 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62pz5x)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 06:06 The Why Factor (w3cswrkt)
Plane, Train and Bird Spotting

Why do people love plane, train and bird spotting?

Novice aviation geek Alys Harte enters the worlds of twitchers, birders, watchers and spotters.

She meets Noel Marsh-Giddings, who has flown on the shortest and longest flights on the planet - just for the sake of flying; she goes ‘birding’ on the east coast of England with Ashley Saunders where they have a close encounter with a sparrow hawk (and a photobombing mallard!) and speaks to Prof. Kiyohito Utsunomiya, transport economist and railway fan about the subcultures within subcultures that make up Japanese ‘tetsu’ train spotters.

Photo: Man in a field with binoculars. Credit: Getty Creative Images. ISO3000

SUN 06:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpdbg9)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 06:32 Spitfire: The People’s Plane (w3ct0t1f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:32 today]

SUN 06:50 More or Less (w3ct0px7)
Covid-19 fatality rate

The question of just how dangerous Covid-19 really is, is absolutely crucial. If a large number of those who are infected go on to die, there could be dreadful consequences if we relaxed the lockdowns that have been imposed across much of the world. If the number is smaller, for many countries the worst might already be behind us.

But the frustrating thing is: we’re still not sure. So how can we work this crucial number out?

(An Indian health official inside a COVID-19 mobile testing van uses a nasal swab to collect a sample from a man in New Delhi, India. Photo credit: Yawar Nazir/Getty Images)

SUN 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62q2y1)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 07:06 Togetherness: Coronavirus Global Conversations (w3ct0t58)
[Repeat of broadcast at 01:06 today]

SUN 07:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpdg6f)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 07:32 The Conversation (w3csynjk)
Female roadies

Most people's idea of a band 'roadie' is a burly bloke in a black T-shirt, lugging kit around a stage, living hard and touring constantly. Kim Chakanetsa speaks to two women who have broken this mould, living on the road with music royalty, and making them look and sound amazing.

Known as the world’s first female roadie, Tana Douglas is something of a legend in her field. She started off working for the Australian rock band AC/DC when she was just 16. She went on to tour with huge international artists such as Elton John and Status Quo, specialising in lighting.

Sound engineer to the stars, Becky Pell, regularly plays huge arenas on sell-out tours for artists like Kylie Minogue and Westlife, and for three years has been in charge of the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury, the world’s biggest festival. She says it's a myth that you need to be big and brawny to work on stage, it’s all about staying calm amid the chaos.

l: Tana Douglas (credit BBC)
r: Becky Pell (credit Becky Pell)

SUN 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62q6p5)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 08:06 Miriam and Youssef (w3ct0sxr)
Miriam and Youssef

Ep 2. Halutzim

1925. Miriam and her mother move into a new kibbutz close to Jerusalem and find Yehoshua, also a Jewish refugee from Europe. Miriam and Youssef meet - two young people from across the divide. But Yehoshua distrusts the Arabs and threatens Youssef, his father and his uncle. Harry finds Youssef work. Episode two of the drama.

Written by Steve Waters.

Youssef: Amir El-Masry
Miriam: Shani Erez
Young Miriam: Ava Merson-O’Brien
Young Youssef: Jo Ben Ayed
Sara: Jessica Turner
Yehoshua: Philip Arditti
Ben-Gurion: Elliot Levey
Abu Khalid: Rami Nasr
Umm Khalid: Sirine Saba
Harry Lister: Blake Ritson
Mahmoud: Daniel Rabin
The Mufti: Dana Haqjoo
Major Dennis: Clive Hayward
Other parts: Heather Craney and Neil McCaul

Original music: Glenn Sharp
Sound designer: Caleb Knightley

SUN 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpdkyk)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 08:32 The Food Chain (w3cszjps)
What next for restaurants?

Lockdowns around the world have seen many restaurants close overnight, but how many will be able to re-open once restrictions are lifted? And if so, what will they look like? Graihagh Jackson hears from a top New York chef and a London food writer how an existing culture of high rents, razor-thin margins and low-paid workers has plagued the industry leaving many vulnerable to permanent closure. Could this forced break be a chance to ‘reset’ for the better? A strategist explains how restaurants need to completely re-orientate their business models to weather the storm and keep their suppliers in business in the process. Plus, a veteran franchise investor explains why - contrary to many others - he is excited about the opportunity this time of huge change could bring.

If you would like to get in touch please email

(Picture: Man arranges single table outside his restaurant in Rome. Credit:EPA/FABIO FRUSTACI/BBC)

SUN 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz2w6s)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b3tx3nmmx)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SUN 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qks7h5)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 09:32 The Cultural Frontline (w3cszj85)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:32 today]

SUN 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62qg5f)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 10:06 From Our Own Correspondent (w3csz9pd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:06 on Saturday]

SUN 10:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpdtft)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 10:32 Outlook (w3cszdzp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:32 on Saturday]

SUN 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz33q1)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b465dsqdb)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SUN 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qksgzf)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 11:32 Heart and Soul (w3ct0t19)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:32 on Saturday]

SUN 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62qpnp)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 12:06 World Questions (w3cszt5w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:06 on Saturday]

SUN 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nr3gcvnnz)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 13:06 Newshour (w172x2ynnsrxd31)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

SUN 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62qy4y)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 14:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Saturday]

SUN 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62r1x2)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 15:06 The Forum (w3cszjv9)
Hazel Scott: Jazz star and barrier breaker

A child prodigy on the piano, then a glamorous jazz and popular music entertainer, a civil rights campaigner and the first black American woman to host her own TV show: for the first three decades of her life, Hazel Scott’s rise to fame was vertiginous.

Born in Trinidad in 1920, Scott was the headliner in some of New York’s most fashionable clubs by the time she was 20. A couple of years later she became one of Hollywood’s highest paid entertainers and then married one of the most high-profile US Congressmen of her day. Their celebrity lifestyle regularly featured on newspaper front pages, Scott’s records were selling well, her syndicated TV show was given double airtime because it was so popular. And then, almost overnight, she vanished from public view. What happened?
That's one of the questions Rajan Datar discusses with Scott's biographer and actor Karen Chilton; Loren Schoenberg, saxophonist, bandleader and Senior Scholar of the National Jazz Museum in Harlem; and playwright, lyricist and broadcaster Murray Horwitz.

(Image: Hazel Scott in the 1950s. Credit: Archive Photos/Getty Images)

SUN 15:50 The Big Idea (w3csxfj9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:50 on Saturday]

SUN 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62r5n6)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 16:06 Sportsworld (w172x3l40yby3c5)
Live sport from around the world with news, interviews and analysis.

SUN 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz3v5t)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 17:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b3tx3plly)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SUN 17:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkt6g6)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 17:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:32 on Saturday]

SUN 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62rf4g)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 18:06 From Our Own Correspondent (w3csz9pd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:06 on Saturday]

SUN 18:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpfsdv)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 18:32 The Cultural Frontline (w3cszj85)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:32 today]

SUN 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz42p2)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 19:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b465dtpcc)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SUN 19:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qktfyg)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 19:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0q)
The Sound Odyssey

Loyle Carner in Guyana

The Sound Odyssey, presented by Gemma Cairney, creates joyful and rich cross-cultural projects by bringing together artists from two different countries and combining their talents to make a new, unique piece of music. The musicians are tasked with the challenge of recording a track together in just a couple of days.

For this episode, UK rapper Loyle Carner travels to Georgetown, Guyana, to explore his Guyanese roots for a musical collaboration with flautist and composer Keith Waithe, a leading figurehead and champion of Guyanese music and culture.

Loyle, aka Benjamin Coyle-Larner, earned a Mercury Prize nomination for his debut album, Yesterday’s Gone, in 2017. His second album, Not Waving, But Drowning, was released in 2019. His other passion is food, and he has launched the Chilli Con Carner cookery school, teaching children aged 14-16 how to cook.

He was raised in South London by his Scottish mother and stepfather. His biological father is of Guyanese descent, but he has never visited the country.

Loyle will be immersed in the culture, food and music of Georgetown, working with Keith and other traditional Guyanese musicians to learn about the roots of Guyanese music and explore his black identity, and create a brand new track together.

SUN 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62rnmq)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 20:06 Music Life (w3csz6sr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 on Saturday]

SUN 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nr3gcwmn0)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 21:06 Newshour (w172x2ynnsryc22)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

SUN 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nqr62rx3z)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 22:06 The Cultural Frontline (w3cszj85)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:32 today]

SUN 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pk5xpg8dc)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 22:32 Heart and Soul (w3ct0t19)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:32 on Saturday]

SUN 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz4knl)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

SUN 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b465dv5bw)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

SUN 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qktxxz)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

SUN 23:32 Spitfire: The People’s Plane (w3ct0t1f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:32 today]

SUN 23:50 The Big Idea (w3csxfj9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:50 on Saturday]

MONDAY 11 MAY 2020

MON 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz4t4v)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 01:06 World Business Report (w172x57kkqkdw0x)
First broadcast 11/05/2020 00:06 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

MON 01:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkv5f7)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 01:32 The Food Chain (w3cszjps)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:32 on Sunday]

MON 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz4xwz)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 02:06 HARDtalk (w3cszc1r)
In-depth, hard-hitting interviews with newsworthy personalities.

MON 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkv95c)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 02:32 CrowdScience (w3cszv5l)
What is the smallest particle?

What is the smallest particle of matter? How does radiation affect our bodies? And, how is particle physics useful in our everyday lives?

CrowdScience takes on particle physics questions from listeners all over the world. Marnie Chesterton and Anand Jagatia get help from particle physicists from the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and medical physicist Heather Williams.

Presented by Marnie Chesterton and Anand Jagatia
Produced by Cathy Edwards, Jen Whyntie and Louisa Field

(Photo: Particle collider, Credit: Getty IMages)

MON 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz51n3)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 03:06 The Why Factor (w3cswrkt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Sunday]

MON 03:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkvdxh)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 03:32 The Conversation (w3cszj35)
Nurses on the frontline

Nurses risking their lives to treat coronavirus patients. Hospitals around the world - and in particular Intensive Care Units - have been described as the frontline of the pandemic. It's there that the sickest Covid19 patients are looked after round-the-clock by highly specialised nurses. Kim Chakanetsa talks to two of them at the height of the current outbreak.

Hannah Gray is a 23-year-old nurse working in an Intensive Care Unit at a major London hospital. Her unit has rapidly expanded to accommodate extra patients, and all the staff are getting used to working in full PPE or Personal Protective Equipment. Hannah has been documenting her experiences on her blog, The Corona Lisa.

Bianca Dintino is a 26-year-old critical care nurse based at Tufts Medical Center in Boston. She was among the first to volunteer to work with coronavirus patients when they started arriving at her hospital in mid-March. She describes the camaraderie that has developed among her co-workers.

(l) Bianca Dintino (credit: Anne Marie)
(r) Hannah Gray (credit: Simi Sebastian)

MON 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz55d7)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 04:06 The Forum (w3cszjv9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:06 on Sunday]

MON 04:50 Sporting Witness (w3cszh4s)
The 'Crazy Gang' win the FA Cup

In May 1988, Wimbledon secured a shock victory over a great Liverpool side in the 1988 FA Cup Final. Known as the "Crazy Gang" because of their physicality and tough attitude, the Wimbledon players went one-nil up after 37 minutes and somehow kept the lead thanks to some typically uncompromising defending. Alex Capstick talks to Wimbledon goal hero, Lawrie Sanchez.

(Photo: Lawrie Sanchez, centre left, celebrating with his Wimbledon team-mates. Credit: Getty Images)

MON 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz594c)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 05:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8180d)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

MON 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz5dwh)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 06:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw81crj)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

MON 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz5jmm)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 07:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw81hhn)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

MON 07:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkvwx0)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 07:32 CrowdScience (w3cszv5l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:32 today]

MON 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz5ncr)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 08:06 HARDtalk (w3cszc1r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

MON 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkw0n4)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 08:32 Business Daily (w3csz7j7)
The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

MON 08:50 Witness History (w3cszmjt)
The liberation of the Channel Islands

The only part of the British Isles to be occupied during World War Two was liberated when the German army surrendered in May 1945. The Channel Islands are situated just off the coast of France, and yet even after the Allies had invaded the French coast, they remained under German occupation. Barbara Frost was 17 years old when liberation came. She has been telling Robbie Wojciechowski about life under occupation.

Photo: Barbara a year after the war ended. Courtesy of Barbara Frost.

MON 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz5s3w)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq072b)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

MON 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkw4d8)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 09:32 The Why Factor (w3cswrkt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Sunday]

MON 09:50 More or Less (w3ct0px7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:50 on Sunday]

MON 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz5ww0)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 10:06 The Inquiry (w3cszl3b)
Why are so many ethnic minorities dying in the UK and US?

In news reports and newspapers, pictures of British healthcare workers who have lost their lives to Covid-19 sit side by side.

And if you look at those faces one thing stands out clearly. Of the 119 cases of NHS deaths more than two thirds are black or an ethnic minority - yet they only make up 20% of the workforce. Figures from the National Health Service in England show a disproportionate number of Covid-19 deaths are amongst these groups. And it’s not just in the UK.

In the United States on available data – it’s a similar story with African Americans accounting for many more deaths in a community that make up 13% of the population.

So what’s going on?

Kavita Puri speaks with:
Dr Kamlesh Khunti, Professor of Primary Care Diabetes and Vascular Medicine at the University of Leicester
Professor Kathy Rowan, Director of the Intensive Care National Audit and Research Centre
Dr Consuelo Wilkins, Vice President for Health Equity at Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Prof John Watkins, Professor Epidemiology, Cardiff University/Public Health Wales

(Ambulance workers transport patients to St Thomas' Hospital in Westminster, London, UK. Photo credit: Ollie Millington/Getty Images)

MON 10:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkw84d)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 10:32 Boston Calling (w3csz70j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:32 on Saturday]

MON 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz60m4)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq0gkl)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

MON 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkwcwj)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 11:32 The Conversation (w3cszj35)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

MON 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz64c8)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 12:06 Outlook (w3cszd2z)
True stories of ordinary people and the extraordinary events that have shaped their lives.

MON 12:50 Witness History (w3cszmjt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

MON 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz683d)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 13:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq0q1v)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

MON 13:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkwmcs)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 13:32 CrowdScience (w3cszv5l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:32 today]

MON 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz6cvj)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 14:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122480f)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

MON 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz6hln)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 15:06 HARDtalk (w3cszc1r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

MON 15:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkwvw1)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 15:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g54xk9)
First broadcast 11/05/2020 14:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

MON 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz6mbs)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 16:06 Togetherness: Coronavirus Global Conversations (w3ct0t58)
[Repeat of broadcast at 01:06 on Sunday]

MON 16:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkwzm5)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 16:32 The Why Factor (w3cswrkt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Sunday]

MON 16:50 More or Less (w3ct0px7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:50 on Sunday]

MON 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz6r2x)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 17:06 BBC OS (w172x2sr0f4wydx)
2020/05/11 16:06 GMT

BBC OS gives a vibrant account of the day’s events with explanation and reaction from those involved.

MON 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz6vv1)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 18:06 Outlook (w3cszd2z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 today]

MON 18:50 Witness History (w3cszmjt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

MON 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz6zl5)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 19:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq1fjm)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

MON 19:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkxbvk)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 19:32 Sport Today (w172x3jhhrfsnkj)
2020/05/11 GMT

BBC sports correspondents tell the story behind today's top sporting news, with interviews and reports from across the world.

MON 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz73b9)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 20:06 HARDtalk (w3cszc1r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

MON 20:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkxglp)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 20:32 Discovery (w3ct0t2c)
In Their Element

The Science of Dad

Whilst most men become fathers, and men make up roughly half the parental population, the vast majority of scientific research has focused on the mother.

But studies have started to reveal the impact of fatherhood on both dads themselves and on their children. We're seeing how fathers play a crucial role in children's behaviour, happiness, and even cognitive skills.

Oscar Duke, a doctor, new dad and author of How To Be A Dad, discovers how pregnancy, birth and childcare affect the father, bringing about profound physiological and hormonal changes. Only 5% of mammal fathers invest in their offspring, and human males have evolved to undergo key changes when their children are born.

Involved fathers can expect their levels of the 'love hormone' oxytocin to rise, nature's way of helping parents bond with their children. At birth, a dad's testosterone levels dramatically fall, increasing affection and responsiveness, and discouraging polygamy.

With more fathers taking on a hands-on role in bringing up their children, how can these new discoveries about the science of dad help support them, and inform social and healthcare policies?

Presented by Dr Oscar Duke and produced by Melanie Brown and Cathy Edwards

Picture: Dad holding a child, Credit: kate_sept2004/Getty Images

MON 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz772f)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 21:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122537b)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

MON 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz7btk)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 22:06 The Why Factor (w3cswrkt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Sunday]

MON 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkxq2y)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 22:32 The Conversation (w3cszj35)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

MON 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz7gkp)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

MON 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq1xj4)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

MON 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkxtv2)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

MON 23:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g55wjb)
First broadcast 11/05/2020 22:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.


TUE 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz7q1y)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 01:06 Business Matters (w172x18qhhx8mp5)
Global business news, with live guests and contributions from Asia and the USA.

TUE 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz7tt2)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 02:06 People Fixing the World (w3cszv11)
An innovative new weekly programme looking at how we can solve the world's problems.

TUE 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qky62g)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 02:32 Discovery (w3csz9dd)
Explorations in the world of science.

TUE 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz7yk6)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 03:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t27)
Wuhan - The Beginning

It’s week one of the coronavirus. In this critical time, decisions were made that set the entire trajectory of the crisis.

The program uses exclusive interviews with a cast of characters who were on the ground at the hospital in the very beginning. Their stories, combined with striking audio from the heat of the moment, brings listeners into the critical turning-points that defined the crisis to come.

Listeners will meet Dr. Li, the head of the ICU in Wuhan and one of the first doctors to intubate a patient with COVID-19. As his hospital became overrun with patients, he and his colleagues debated just how contagious the virus was, what should be told to the general populace, and the proper government response.

But for Dr. Li, it’s a personal crisis as much as a public health crisis. In the weeks to come, he would become quarantined away from his wife of just three months, lose countless patients, and witness his colleague and mentor succumb to the virus.

At the same time, independent journalist Wei Ao sneaks into Wuhan to report in the hospital frontlines. While Dr. Li is busy saving lives, Wei Ao undertakes significant personal risk to uncover why officials were unwilling to admit the extent of the crisis. If only they had listened three weeks earlier, then perhaps everything would have been different. Separated from his infant son in Beijing, Wei Ao starts to wonder if he will ever get a chance to see him again.

Through the eye-witness accounts of Dr. Li, Wei Ao, and several other characters, listeners will be able to experience the beginnings of the crisis more intimately than ever before. These are the moments that would change China and our world forever.

TUE 03:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qky9tl)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 03:32 In the Studio (w3csz1yb)
Tamara Kvesitadze, Kinetic artist

Tamara Kvesitadze, a kinetic artist from Georgia, is best known for Man and Woman, a 26-feet tall moving sculpture located in the coastal city of Batumi. Each evening, along the seafront, the two huge steel figures move closer together, and momentarily merge, before passing through one another.

Tamara’s large scale kinetic sculptures often combine elaborate moving mechanisms with evocative imagery, and her latest project, Sigh (also known as Buddha's Smile), is no exception. Due for installation at a Buddhist resort in the Chinese city of Wuxi, Sigh has been commissioned to be a reflection on the country’s traditional philosophy, as well as the more progressive thinking of modern-day China. The installation features a human figure which stands in the water at nearly 60 feet tall. The sculpture then splits into eight exotic trees which come back together to reform the figure, completing the cycle. The grand size and movement of the work is intended to symbolise the beginning and the end of human experience and - to chime with the Buddhist philosophy - the surpassing of it.

Natalia Golysheva follows the story of Sigh by joining Tamara as she works on the project across several months, taking her from London to Georgia and back, and searches for the perfect way to balance the modern and the traditional.

Presenter / Producer: Natalia Golysheva (Geyser Media) for BBC World Service

(Image: Tamara Kvesitadze, Georgian artist. Credit to Robert Presutti)

TUE 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz829b)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 04:06 Outlook (w3cszd2z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 on Monday]

TUE 04:50 Witness History (w3cszmjt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 on Monday]

TUE 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz861g)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 05:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw844xh)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

TUE 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz89sl)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 06:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw848nm)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

TUE 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz8fjq)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 07:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw84ddr)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

TUE 07:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkyst3)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 07:32 Discovery (w3csz9dd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:32 today]

TUE 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz8k8v)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 08:06 People Fixing the World (w3cszv11)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

TUE 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkyxk7)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 08:32 Business Daily (w3csz898)
The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

TUE 08:50 Witness History (w3cszmpb)
The story of our times told by the people who were there.

TUE 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz8p0z)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq33zf)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

TUE 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkz19c)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 09:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t27)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

TUE 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz8ss3)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 10:06 The Arts Hour (w3cszk2q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:06 on Saturday]

TUE 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz8xj7)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq3cgp)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

TUE 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkz8sm)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 11:32 In the Studio (w3csz1yb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

TUE 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz918c)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 12:06 Outlook (w3cszdjj)
True stories of ordinary people and the extraordinary events that have shaped their lives.

TUE 12:50 Witness History (w3cszmpb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

TUE 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz950h)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 13:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq3lyy)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

TUE 13:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkzj8w)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 13:32 Discovery (w3csz9dd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:32 today]

TUE 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz98rm)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 14:06 Newshour (w172x2yp12274xj)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

TUE 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz9dhr)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 15:06 People Fixing the World (w3cszv11)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

TUE 15:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkzrs4)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 15:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g57tgd)
First broadcast 12/05/2020 14:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

TUE 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz9j7w)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 16:06 WorklifeIndia (w3cszvgm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 on Saturday]

TUE 16:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8qkzwj8)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 16:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t27)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

TUE 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz9n00)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 17:06 BBC OS (w172x2sr0f4zvb0)
2020/05/12 16:06 GMT

BBC OS gives a vibrant account of the day’s events with explanation and reaction from those involved.

TUE 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz9rr4)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 18:06 Outlook (w3cszdjj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 today]

TUE 18:50 Witness History (w3cszmpb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

TUE 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzz9wh8)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 19:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq4bfq)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

TUE 19:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql07rn)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 19:32 Sport Today (w172x3jhhrfwkgm)
2020/05/12 GMT

BBC sports correspondents tell the story behind today's top sporting news, with interviews and reports from across the world.

TUE 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzb07d)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 20:06 People Fixing the World (w3cszv11)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

TUE 20:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql0chs)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 20:32 Digital Planet (w3csz97w)
Technological and digital news from around the world.

TUE 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzb3zj)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 21:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122804f)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

TUE 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzb7qn)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 22:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t27)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

TUE 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql0m01)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 22:32 In the Studio (w3csz1yb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

TUE 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzbcgs)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

TUE 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq4tf7)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

TUE 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql0qr5)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

TUE 23:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g58sff)
First broadcast 12/05/2020 22:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.


WED 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzblz1)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 01:06 Business Matters (w172x18qhhxcjl8)
Global business news, with live guests and contributions from Asia and the USA.

WED 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzbqq5)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 02:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t4j)
The Coronavirus Front Line

The Coronavirus Front Line

This is the account of one hospital’s race to help those made ill by the Coronavirus. A British Doctor, Professor John Wright, is helping Bradford Royal Infirmary to prepare for Covid-19. He is one of the thousands of health professionals around the world now trying to treat patients in this pandemic.

He’s an expert in fighting epidemics and has worked in outbreaks of Ebola, Cholera and HIV around the world. He thinks it’s important to share what clinical staff and support workers are facing at this critical time. He’s been recording on the hospital wards as the disease takes hold, the number of cases starts to climb and the pressures intensify.

These recordings with frontline staff at all levels of Britain’s National Health Service take you behind the scenes on the hospital wards as they plan for what is to come, and then cope with a wave of people with a new and highly infectious disease. They let us share in the deliberations, personal and professional, and in the painful life and death decisions being made in the face of this unprecedented global threat.

Presented by Winifred Robinson.

WED 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql12zk)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 02:32 Digital Planet (w3csz97w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Tuesday]

WED 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzbvg9)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 03:06 Miriam and Youssef (w3ct0sxs)
Miriam and Youssef

Ep 3. The Holy Places

1929. The drama series continues. Tensions boil in Jerusalem. Arabs and Jews feel they are being denied access to holy sites. Both take to the streets in protest - and the ruling British seem powerless to prevent blood being spilt in the holy city.

Written by Steve Waters

Miriam: Shani Erez
Youssef: Amir El-Masry
Young Miriam: Ava Merson-O’Brien
Young Youssef: Jo Ben Ayed
Sara: Jessica Turner
Yehoshua: Philip Arditti
Abu Khalid: Rami Nasr
Zahra: Lara Sawalha
Harry Lister: Blake Ritson
Mahmoud: Daniel Rabin
The Mufti: Dana Haqjoo
Major Dennis: Clive Hayward
Judah Magnes: Neil McCaul
The Rabbi: Elliot Levey
Other parts: Heather Craney and Hasan Dixon

Original music: Glenn Sharp
Sound design: Caleb Knightley
Produced by Radio Drama London for BBC World Service

WED 03:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql16qp)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 03:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0r)
The Sound Odyssey

Nubya Garcia in Ethiopia

Nubya Garcia travels to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where Ethio-jazz is enjoying a comeback, for a collaboration with local musicians .

Saxophonist and composer Nubya Garcia, is one of the leading forces behind the resurgence of jazz-influenced sounds in the UK, and a rising young star of the London jazz scene. Born and raised in north London, she began her music education at Camden Music, before joining Tomorrow’s Warriors in her late teens, and completing her training at Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music. She went on to perform in small gigs and impromptu jazz sessions around London, her audience growing organically, and eventually began headlining her own shows around the world.

Nubya will travel to Ethiopia, where Ethio-jazz is enjoying a comeback amongst the younger generation at venues across the city in Addis Ababa.

She will be collaborating with local jazz musicians, including guitarist Girum Mezmur, who has played a central role in the resurgence of live music and Ethiopian jazz in Addis, as well as incorporating Edom Bahru, a local poet who performs at Fendika Arts and Culture Centre .

WED 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzbz6f)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 04:06 Outlook (w3cszdjj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 on Tuesday]

WED 04:50 Witness History (w3cszmpb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 on Tuesday]

WED 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzc2yk)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 05:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw871tl)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

WED 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzc6pp)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 06:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw875kq)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

WED 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzcbft)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 07:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8799v)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

WED 07:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql1pq6)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 07:32 Digital Planet (w3csz97w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Tuesday]

WED 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzcg5y)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 08:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t4j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

WED 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql1tgb)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 08:32 Business Daily (w3csz8mk)
The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

WED 08:50 Witness History (w3cszmrl)
Fighting for the pill in Japan

After decades of campaigning in Japan, the pill was finally legalised in 1999. In contrast the male impotency drug Viagra was approved for use in just six months, and legalised before the contraceptive pill for women. Politician Yoriko Madoka pushed hard for the right to take the pill and told Rebecca Kesby that sexism and male dominance in Parliament is why it took so long.

(Photo: A collection of contraceptive pills. Getty Images)

WED 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzcky2)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq60wj)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

WED 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql1y6g)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 09:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

WED 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzcpp6)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 10:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:06 on Saturday]

WED 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzctfb)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq68cs)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

WED 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql25pq)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 11:32 Miriam and Youssef (w3ct0sxs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

WED 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzcy5g)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 12:06 Outlook (w3cszdr9)
True stories of ordinary people and the extraordinary events that have shaped their lives.

WED 12:50 Witness History (w3cszmrl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

WED 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzd1xl)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 13:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq6hw1)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

WED 13:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql2f5z)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 13:32 Digital Planet (w3csz97w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Tuesday]

WED 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzd5nq)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 14:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122b1tm)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

WED 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzd9dv)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 15:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t4j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

WED 15:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql2np7)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 15:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g5bqch)
First broadcast 13/05/2020 14:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

WED 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzdf4z)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 16:06 Miriam and Youssef (w3ct0sxs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

WED 16:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql2sfc)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 16:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

WED 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzdjx3)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 17:06 BBC OS (w172x2sr0f52r73)
2020/05/13 16:06 GMT

BBC OS gives a vibrant account of the day’s events with explanation and reaction from those involved.

WED 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzdnn7)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 18:06 Outlook (w3cszdr9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 today]

WED 18:50 Witness History (w3cszmrl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

WED 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzdsdc)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 19:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq77bt)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

WED 19:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql34nr)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 19:32 Sport Today (w172x3jhhrfzgcq)
2020/05/13 GMT

BBC sports correspondents tell the story behind today's top sporting news, with interviews and reports from across the world.

WED 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzdx4h)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 20:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t4j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

WED 20:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql38dw)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 20:32 Health Check (w3cszcbs)
2020/05/13 GMT

Health issues and medical breakthroughs from around the world.

WED 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzf0wm)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 21:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122bx1j)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

WED 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzf4mr)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 22:06 Miriam and Youssef (w3ct0sxs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

WED 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql3hx4)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 22:32 The Documentary (w3ct0t0r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

WED 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzf8cw)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

WED 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq7qbb)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

WED 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql3mn8)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

WED 23:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g5cpbj)
First broadcast 13/05/2020 22:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.


THU 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzfhw4)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 01:06 Business Matters (w172x18qhhxgfhc)
Global business news, with live guests and contributions from Asia and the USA.

THU 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzfmm8)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 02:06 The Inquiry (w3cszl3c)
The Inquiry gets beyond the headlines to explore the trends, forces and ideas shaping the world.

THU 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql3zwn)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 02:32 Health Check (w3cszcbs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Wednesday]

THU 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzfrcd)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 03:06 Assignment (w3csz6l0)
Boris Johnson and Britain’s Covid-19 crisis

Britain’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has led his country’s efforts to deal with the coronavirus pandemic. At one level it turned into a very personal mission. At the beginning of April he was hospitalised having tested positive for the virus and spent three days in intensive care fighting for his life. Jonny Dymond asks how this happened and what it reveals about Mr Johnson’s style of leadership and politics.

(Image: Boris Johnson as he gives a statement outside 10 Downing Street on 27 April 27 2020 on his return to work after being hospitalised with the Covid-19 virus. Credit: Pippa Fowles/10 Downing Street/AFP via Getty Images)

THU 03:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql43ms)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 03:32 The Food Chain (w3cszjpt)
The Food Chain examines the business, science and cultural significance of food, and what it takes to put food on your plate.

THU 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzfw3j)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 04:06 Outlook (w3cszdr9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 on Wednesday]

THU 04:50 Witness History (w3cszmrl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 on Wednesday]

THU 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzfzvn)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 05:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw89yqp)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

THU 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzg3ls)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 06:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8b2gt)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

THU 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzg7bx)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 07:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8b66y)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

THU 07:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql4lm9)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 07:32 Health Check (w3cszcbs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Wednesday]

THU 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzgc31)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 08:06 The Inquiry (w3cszl3c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

THU 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql4qcf)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 08:32 Business Daily (w3csz7wd)
The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

THU 08:50 Witness History (w3cszmm2)
The story of our times told by the people who were there.

THU 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzggv5)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq8xsm)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

THU 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql4v3k)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 09:32 Assignment (w3csz6l0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

THU 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzgll9)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 10:06 The Forum (w3cszjvb)
The California Gold Rush

From 1849, hundreds of thousands of prospectors from across the USA headed for California in the hope of finding gold. Some made great fortunes, and there was a new Californian dream for these 49ers, willing to risk everything and, if they failed, to try again. California was to become the engine house of the US economy, while expanding so rapidly that it unbalanced the free and slave-owning states and hastened the USA towards civil war. Yet the new arrivals also drove out competing miners from around the Pacific who had reached the goldfields first, and destroyed the lives of Native Americans there, and excluded Chinese people who had begun to settle, with lasting consequences.

Joining Bridget Kendal to explore who won and who lost in the California Gold Rush are Cliff Trafzer, Distinguished Professor of History at the University of California, Riverside; Mae Ngai, Professor of History at Columbia University, and author of the forthcoming book The Chinese Question, a study of Chinese gold miners; and HW Brands, Professor of History at The University of Texas at Austin and author of Dreams of El Dorado: A History of the American West.

(Image: Gold Nuggets Credit: bodnarchuk/Getty Images)

THU 10:50 Sporting Witness (w3cszh4t)
The inside and personal story of the key moments from sporting history

THU 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzgqbf)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq958w)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

THU 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql52lt)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 11:32 The Food Chain (w3cszjpt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

THU 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzgv2k)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 12:06 Outlook (w3cszd9r)
True stories of ordinary people and the extraordinary events that have shaped their lives.

THU 12:50 Witness History (w3cszmm2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

THU 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzgytp)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 13:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfq9ds4)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

THU 13:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql5b32)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 13:32 Health Check (w3cszcbs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Wednesday]

THU 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzh2kt)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 14:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122dyqq)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

THU 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzh69y)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 15:06 The Inquiry (w3cszl3c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

THU 15:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql5klb)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 15:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g5fm8l)
First broadcast 14/05/2020 14:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

THU 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzhb22)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 16:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:06 on Saturday]

THU 16:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql5pbg)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 16:32 Assignment (w3csz6l0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

THU 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzhft6)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 17:06 BBC OS (w172x2sr0f55n46)
2020/05/14 16:06 GMT

BBC OS gives a vibrant account of the day’s events with explanation and reaction from those involved.

THU 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzhkkb)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 18:06 Outlook (w3cszd9r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 today]

THU 18:50 Witness History (w3cszmm2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

THU 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzhp9g)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 19:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqb47x)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

THU 19:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql61kv)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 19:32 Sport Today (w172x3jhhrg2c8t)
2020/05/14 GMT

BBC sports correspondents tell the story behind today's top sporting news, with interviews and reports from across the world.

THU 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzht1l)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 20:06 The Inquiry (w3cszl3c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

THU 20:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql659z)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 20:32 Science in Action (w3cszh09)
The BBC brings you all the week's science news.

THU 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzhxsq)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 21:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122fsym)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

THU 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzj1jv)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 22:06 Assignment (w3csz6l0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:06 today]

THU 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql6dt7)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 22:32 The Food Chain (w3cszjpt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

THU 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzj58z)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

THU 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqbm7f)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

THU 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql6jkc)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

THU 23:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g5gl7m)
First broadcast 14/05/2020 22:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

FRIDAY 15 MAY 2020

FRI 01:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzjds7)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 01:06 Business Matters (w172x18qhhxkbdg)
Global business news, with live guests and contributions from Asia and the USA.

FRI 02:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzjjjc)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 02:06 HARDtalk (w3cszbx7)
In-depth, hard-hitting interviews with newsworthy personalities.

FRI 02:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql6wsr)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 02:32 Science in Action (w3cszh09)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Thursday]

FRI 03:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzjn8h)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 03:06 The Documentary (w3ct0t1y)
Don't Log Off

15/05/2020 GMT

Across every continent, people are trying to make sense of a new world – one that happens mostly behind closed doors and often alone. Alan Dein connects with seven individuals whose lives have shifted under the coronavirus pandemic as they nervously anticipate what will come next in an uncertain future.

In Tehran, Golnar, an Iranian who describes herself as ‘constant traveller’ is inside her apartment – all future trips postponed. Across the town is the hostel she set up with a friend. Forced to close in the city’s lockdown it is now serving a crucial role.

Dhaka is one of the most densely populated city’s on earth. As the pandemic takes hold, entrepreneur Fahad worries for the successful delivery business he has spent years building up and the future for his parents he shares a home with.

Not everyone is inside. In Greece, Ibrahim is homeless, sheltering in an abandoned building. His friend Mikki is self-isolating and cannot help him.

Plus stories from Amsterdam, Hong Kong and Sudan of isolation and expectation.

FRI 03:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql70jw)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 03:32 World Football (w3csztfz)
Football's biggest stories of the week on the BBC.

FRI 04:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzjs0m)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 04:06 Outlook (w3cszd9r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 on Thursday]

FRI 04:50 Witness History (w3cszmm2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 on Thursday]

FRI 05:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzjwrr)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 05:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8dvms)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

FRI 06:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzk0hw)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 06:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8dzcx)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

FRI 07:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzk480)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 07:06 Newsday (w172x2w6pw8f341)
Live news, business and sport from around the world.

FRI 07:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql7hjd)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 07:32 Science in Action (w3cszh09)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Thursday]

FRI 08:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzk804)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 08:06 HARDtalk (w3cszbx7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

FRI 08:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql7m8j)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 08:32 Business Daily (w3csz787)
The daily drama of money and work from the BBC.

FRI 08:50 Witness History (w3cszmtv)
The story of our times told by the people who were there.

FRI 09:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzkcr8)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 09:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqctpq)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

FRI 09:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql7r0n)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 09:32 Heart and Soul (w3ct0t1b)
Reflections on Faith in a Global Crisis

15/05/2020 GMT

In the first programme of a special Heart and Soul series for the BBC World Service, amidst a global pandemic of Coronavirus, the journalist John McCarthy brings together reflections from people of faith around the world. In each programme specially chosen contributors reflect on the horrendous situation the whole world is dealing with.

Rituals are at the heart of many religions, they are vital to the practice of faith giving structure, comfort and focus.
The best-selling Indian writer Amish Tripathi sees daily yoga practice as central to his Hindu faith. He loves the calm and balance it brings. But with the virus bringing fear of respiratory problems he newly appreciates the breathing techniques which ease anxiety. Miriam Camerini is an Italian trainee Rabbi who is stranded in Canada, unable to travel home. She is heartbroken to hear of sick friends, but comforted by new online connections with Jerusalem. And a pastor used to non-stop cross-border travel to look after Mexican and US parishioners finds strength in bible passages he never had time to sit and study before.
With much of the world in lockdown the rituals and sacraments of conventional religion are impossible. John McCarthy hears how people are finding new ways to live out their faith in retreat.

FRI 10:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzkhhd)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 10:06 The Real Story (w3cszcmv)
Global experts and decision makers discuss, debate and analyse a key news story.

FRI 11:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzkm7j)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 11:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqd25z)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

FRI 11:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql7zhx)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 11:32 World Football (w3csztfz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

FRI 12:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzkqzn)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 12:06 The Fifth Floor (w3cszjgz)
David Amanor showcases global stories from the Fifth Floor - home to the BBC’s 27 Language Services.

FRI 12:50 Witness History (w3cszmtv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

FRI 13:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzkvqs)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 13:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqd9p7)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

FRI 13:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql8705)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 13:32 Science in Action (w3cszh09)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:32 on Thursday]

FRI 14:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzkzgx)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 14:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122hvmt)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

FRI 15:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzl371)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 15:06 Tech Tent (w3cszhnm)
Rory Cellan-Jones on the latest stories in the tech world.

FRI 15:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql8ghf)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 15:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g5jj5p)
First broadcast 15/05/2020 14:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

FRI 16:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzl6z5)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 16:06 HARDtalk (w3cszbx7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

FRI 16:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql8l7k)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 16:32 Heart and Soul (w3ct0t1b)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:32 today]

FRI 17:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzlbq9)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 17:06 BBC OS (w172x2sr0f58k19)
2020/05/15 16:06 GMT

BBC OS gives a vibrant account of the day’s events with explanation and reaction from those involved.

FRI 18:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzlggf)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 18:06 The Fifth Floor (w3cszjgz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:06 today]

FRI 18:50 Witness History (w3cszmtv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:50 today]

FRI 19:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzll6k)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 19:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqf150)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

FRI 19:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql8ygy)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 19:32 Sport Today (w172x3jhhrg585x)
2020/05/15 GMT

BBC sports correspondents tell the story behind today's top sporting news, with interviews and reports from across the world.

FRI 20:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzlpyp)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 20:06 HARDtalk (w3cszbx7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 02:06 today]

FRI 20:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql9272)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 20:32 CrowdScience (w3cszv5m)
We take your questions about life, Earth and the universe to researchers hunting for answers at the frontiers of knowledge.

FRI 21:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzltpt)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 21:06 Newshour (w172x2yp122jpvq)
Interviews, news and analysis of the day’s global events.

FRI 22:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzlyfy)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 22:06 Tech Tent (w3cszhnm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:06 today]

FRI 22:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql99qb)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 22:32 World Football (w3csztfz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 03:32 today]

FRI 23:00 BBC News (w172x5nrtzzm262)
The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service.

FRI 23:06 The Newsroom (w172x7b4kfqfj4j)
The world's Newsroom brings you global events as they happen

FRI 23:30 BBC News Summary (w172x5pl8ql9fgg)
The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service.

FRI 23:32 World Business Report (w172x58d0g5kh4q)
First broadcast 15/05/2020 22:32 GMT

The latest business and finance news from around the world, on the BBC.

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

Assignment 03:06 THU (w3csz6l0)

Assignment 09:32 THU (w3csz6l0)

Assignment 16:32 THU (w3csz6l0)

Assignment 22:06 THU (w3csz6l0)

BBC News Summary 02:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qknhc5)

BBC News Summary 05:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qknvlk)

BBC News Summary 08:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkp6ty)

BBC News Summary 09:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkpbl2)

BBC News Summary 11:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkpl2b)

BBC News Summary 14:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkpy9q)

BBC News Summary 18:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkqf97)

BBC News Summary 22:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkqx8r)

BBC News Summary 23:30 SAT (w172x5pl8qkr10w)

BBC News Summary 01:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpcqqn)

BBC News Summary 02:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpcvgs)

BBC News Summary 04:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpd2z1)

BBC News Summary 05:30 SUN (w172x5pl8qkrrhn)

BBC News Summary 06:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpdbg9)

BBC News Summary 07:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpdg6f)

BBC News Summary 08:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpdkyk)

BBC News Summary 09:30 SUN (w172x5pl8qks7h5)

BBC News Summary 10:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpdtft)

BBC News Summary 11:30 SUN (w172x5pl8qksgzf)

BBC News Summary 17:30 SUN (w172x5pl8qkt6g6)

BBC News Summary 18:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpfsdv)

BBC News Summary 19:30 SUN (w172x5pl8qktfyg)

BBC News Summary 22:30 SUN (w172x5pk5xpg8dc)

BBC News Summary 23:30 SUN (w172x5pl8qktxxz)

BBC News Summary 01:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkv5f7)

BBC News Summary 02:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkv95c)

BBC News Summary 03:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkvdxh)

BBC News Summary 07:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkvwx0)

BBC News Summary 08:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkw0n4)

BBC News Summary 09:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkw4d8)

BBC News Summary 10:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkw84d)

BBC News Summary 11:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkwcwj)

BBC News Summary 13:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkwmcs)

BBC News Summary 15:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkwvw1)

BBC News Summary 16:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkwzm5)

BBC News Summary 19:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkxbvk)

BBC News Summary 20:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkxglp)

BBC News Summary 22:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkxq2y)

BBC News Summary 23:30 MON (w172x5pl8qkxtv2)

BBC News Summary 02:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qky62g)

BBC News Summary 03:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qky9tl)

BBC News Summary 07:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkyst3)

BBC News Summary 08:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkyxk7)

BBC News Summary 09:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkz19c)

BBC News Summary 11:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkz8sm)

BBC News Summary 13:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkzj8w)

BBC News Summary 15:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkzrs4)

BBC News Summary 16:30 TUE (w172x5pl8qkzwj8)

BBC News Summary 19:30 TUE (w172x5pl8ql07rn)

BBC News Summary 20:30 TUE (w172x5pl8ql0chs)

BBC News Summary 22:30 TUE (w172x5pl8ql0m01)

BBC News Summary 23:30 TUE (w172x5pl8ql0qr5)

BBC News Summary 02:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql12zk)

BBC News Summary 03:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql16qp)

BBC News Summary 07:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql1pq6)

BBC News Summary 08:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql1tgb)

BBC News Summary 09:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql1y6g)

BBC News Summary 11:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql25pq)

BBC News Summary 13:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql2f5z)

BBC News Summary 15:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql2np7)

BBC News Summary 16:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql2sfc)

BBC News Summary 19:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql34nr)

BBC News Summary 20:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql38dw)

BBC News Summary 22:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql3hx4)

BBC News Summary 23:30 WED (w172x5pl8ql3mn8)

BBC News Summary 02:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql3zwn)

BBC News Summary 03:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql43ms)

BBC News Summary 07:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql4lm9)

BBC News Summary 08:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql4qcf)

BBC News Summary 09:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql4v3k)

BBC News Summary 11:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql52lt)

BBC News Summary 13:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql5b32)

BBC News Summary 15:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql5klb)

BBC News Summary 16:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql5pbg)

BBC News Summary 19:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql61kv)

BBC News Summary 20:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql659z)

BBC News Summary 22:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql6dt7)

BBC News Summary 23:30 THU (w172x5pl8ql6jkc)

BBC News Summary 02:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql6wsr)

BBC News Summary 03:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql70jw)

BBC News Summary 07:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql7hjd)

BBC News Summary 08:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql7m8j)

BBC News Summary 09:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql7r0n)

BBC News Summary 11:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql7zhx)

BBC News Summary 13:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql8705)

BBC News Summary 15:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql8ghf)

BBC News Summary 16:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql8l7k)

BBC News Summary 19:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql8ygy)

BBC News Summary 20:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql9272)

BBC News Summary 22:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql99qb)

BBC News Summary 23:30 FRI (w172x5pl8ql9fgg)

BBC News 01:00 SAT (w172x5nr3gcq9tb)

BBC News 02:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyz42s)

BBC News 03:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyz7tx)

BBC News 04:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyzcl1)

BBC News 05:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyzhb5)

BBC News 06:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyzm29)

BBC News 07:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyzqtf)

BBC News 08:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyzvkk)

BBC News 09:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzyzz9p)

BBC News 10:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz031t)

BBC News 11:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz06sy)

BBC News 12:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz0bk2)

BBC News 13:00 SAT (w172x5nr3gcrrrw)

BBC News 14:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz0l1b)

BBC News 15:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz0psg)

BBC News 16:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz0tjl)

BBC News 17:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz0y8q)

BBC News 18:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz120v)

BBC News 19:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz15rz)

BBC News 20:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz19j3)

BBC News 21:00 SAT (w172x5nr3gcsqqx)

BBC News 22:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz1k0c)

BBC News 23:00 SAT (w172x5nrtzz1nrh)

BBC News 01:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62pcg8)

BBC News 02:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62ph6d)

BBC News 03:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62plyj)

BBC News 04:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62pqpn)

BBC News 05:00 SUN (w172x5nrtzz2d78)

BBC News 06:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62pz5x)

BBC News 07:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62q2y1)

BBC News 08:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62q6p5)

BBC News 09:00 SUN (w172x5nrtzz2w6s)

BBC News 10:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62qg5f)

BBC News 11:00 SUN (w172x5nrtzz33q1)

BBC News 12:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62qpnp)

BBC News 13:00 SUN (w172x5nr3gcvnnz)

BBC News 14:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62qy4y)

BBC News 15:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62r1x2)

BBC News 16:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62r5n6)

BBC News 17:00 SUN (w172x5nrtzz3v5t)

BBC News 18:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62rf4g)

BBC News 19:00 SUN (w172x5nrtzz42p2)

BBC News 20:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62rnmq)

BBC News 21:00 SUN (w172x5nr3gcwmn0)

BBC News 22:00 SUN (w172x5nqr62rx3z)

BBC News 23:00 SUN (w172x5nrtzz4knl)

BBC News 01:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz4t4v)

BBC News 02:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz4xwz)

BBC News 03:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz51n3)

BBC News 04:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz55d7)

BBC News 05:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz594c)

BBC News 06:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz5dwh)

BBC News 07:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz5jmm)

BBC News 08:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz5ncr)

BBC News 09:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz5s3w)

BBC News 10:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz5ww0)

BBC News 11:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz60m4)

BBC News 12:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz64c8)

BBC News 13:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz683d)

BBC News 14:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz6cvj)

BBC News 15:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz6hln)

BBC News 16:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz6mbs)

BBC News 17:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz6r2x)

BBC News 18:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz6vv1)

BBC News 19:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz6zl5)

BBC News 20:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz73b9)

BBC News 21:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz772f)

BBC News 22:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz7btk)

BBC News 23:00 MON (w172x5nrtzz7gkp)

BBC News 01:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz7q1y)

BBC News 02:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz7tt2)

BBC News 03:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz7yk6)

BBC News 04:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz829b)

BBC News 05:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz861g)

BBC News 06:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz89sl)

BBC News 07:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz8fjq)

BBC News 08:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz8k8v)

BBC News 09:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz8p0z)

BBC News 10:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz8ss3)

BBC News 11:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz8xj7)

BBC News 12:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz918c)

BBC News 13:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz950h)

BBC News 14:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz98rm)

BBC News 15:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz9dhr)

BBC News 16:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz9j7w)

BBC News 17:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz9n00)

BBC News 18:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz9rr4)

BBC News 19:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzz9wh8)

BBC News 20:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzzb07d)

BBC News 21:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzzb3zj)

BBC News 22:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzzb7qn)

BBC News 23:00 TUE (w172x5nrtzzbcgs)

BBC News 01:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzblz1)

BBC News 02:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzbqq5)

BBC News 03:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzbvg9)

BBC News 04:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzbz6f)

BBC News 05:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzc2yk)

BBC News 06:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzc6pp)

BBC News 07:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzcbft)

BBC News 08:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzcg5y)

BBC News 09:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzcky2)

BBC News 10:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzcpp6)

BBC News 11:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzctfb)

BBC News 12:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzcy5g)

BBC News 13:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzd1xl)

BBC News 14:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzd5nq)

BBC News 15:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzd9dv)

BBC News 16:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzdf4z)

BBC News 17:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzdjx3)

BBC News 18:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzdnn7)

BBC News 19:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzdsdc)

BBC News 20:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzdx4h)

BBC News 21:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzf0wm)

BBC News 22:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzf4mr)

BBC News 23:00 WED (w172x5nrtzzf8cw)

BBC News 01:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzfhw4)

BBC News 02:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzfmm8)

BBC News 03:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzfrcd)

BBC News 04:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzfw3j)

BBC News 05:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzfzvn)

BBC News 06:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzg3ls)

BBC News 07:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzg7bx)

BBC News 08:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzgc31)

BBC News 09:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzggv5)

BBC News 10:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzgll9)

BBC News 11:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzgqbf)

BBC News 12:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzgv2k)

BBC News 13:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzgytp)

BBC News 14:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzh2kt)

BBC News 15:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzh69y)

BBC News 16:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzhb22)

BBC News 17:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzhft6)

BBC News 18:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzhkkb)

BBC News 19:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzhp9g)

BBC News 20:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzht1l)

BBC News 21:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzhxsq)

BBC News 22:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzj1jv)

BBC News 23:00 THU (w172x5nrtzzj58z)

BBC News 01:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzjds7)

BBC News 02:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzjjjc)

BBC News 03:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzjn8h)

BBC News 04:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzjs0m)

BBC News 05:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzjwrr)

BBC News 06:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzk0hw)

BBC News 07:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzk480)

BBC News 08:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzk804)

BBC News 09:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzkcr8)

BBC News 10:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzkhhd)

BBC News 11:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzkm7j)

BBC News 12:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzkqzn)

BBC News 13:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzkvqs)

BBC News 14:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzkzgx)

BBC News 15:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzl371)

BBC News 16:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzl6z5)

BBC News 17:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzlbq9)

BBC News 18:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzlggf)

BBC News 19:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzll6k)

BBC News 20:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzlpyp)

BBC News 21:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzltpt)

BBC News 22:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzlyfy)

BBC News 23:00 FRI (w172x5nrtzzm262)

BBC OS 17:06 MON (w172x2sr0f4wydx)

BBC OS 17:06 TUE (w172x2sr0f4zvb0)

BBC OS 17:06 WED (w172x2sr0f52r73)

BBC OS 17:06 THU (w172x2sr0f55n46)

BBC OS 17:06 FRI (w172x2sr0f58k19)

Boston Calling 23:32 SAT (w3csz70j)

Boston Calling 04:32 SUN (w3csz70j)

Boston Calling 10:32 MON (w3csz70j)

Business Daily 08:32 MON (w3csz7j7)

Business Daily 08:32 TUE (w3csz898)

Business Daily 08:32 WED (w3csz8mk)

Business Daily 08:32 THU (w3csz7wd)

Business Daily 08:32 FRI (w3csz787)

Business Matters 01:06 SAT (w172x18q47lw2pq)

Business Matters 01:06 TUE (w172x18qhhx8mp5)

Business Matters 01:06 WED (w172x18qhhxcjl8)

Business Matters 01:06 THU (w172x18qhhxgfhc)

Business Matters 01:06 FRI (w172x18qhhxkbdg)

Business Weekly 07:06 SAT (w3ct0sng)

Business Weekly 17:06 SAT (w3ct0sng)

CrowdScience 02:32 MON (w3cszv5l)

CrowdScience 07:32 MON (w3cszv5l)

CrowdScience 13:32 MON (w3cszv5l)

CrowdScience 20:32 FRI (w3cszv5m)

Digital Planet 20:32 TUE (w3csz97w)

Digital Planet 02:32 WED (w3csz97w)

Digital Planet 07:32 WED (w3csz97w)

Digital Planet 13:32 WED (w3csz97w)

Discovery 20:32 MON (w3ct0t2c)

Discovery 02:32 TUE (w3csz9dd)

Discovery 07:32 TUE (w3csz9dd)

Discovery 13:32 TUE (w3csz9dd)

From Our Own Correspondent 22:06 SAT (w3csz9pd)

From Our Own Correspondent 04:06 SUN (w3csz9pd)

From Our Own Correspondent 10:06 SUN (w3csz9pd)

From Our Own Correspondent 18:06 SUN (w3csz9pd)

HARDtalk 02:06 MON (w3cszc1r)

HARDtalk 08:06 MON (w3cszc1r)

HARDtalk 15:06 MON (w3cszc1r)

HARDtalk 20:06 MON (w3cszc1r)

HARDtalk 02:06 FRI (w3cszbx7)

HARDtalk 08:06 FRI (w3cszbx7)

HARDtalk 16:06 FRI (w3cszbx7)

HARDtalk 20:06 FRI (w3cszbx7)

Health Check 20:32 WED (w3cszcbs)

Health Check 02:32 THU (w3cszcbs)

Health Check 07:32 THU (w3cszcbs)

Health Check 13:32 THU (w3cszcbs)

Heart and Soul 14:32 SAT (w3ct0t19)

Heart and Soul 11:32 SUN (w3ct0t19)

Heart and Soul 22:32 SUN (w3ct0t19)

Heart and Soul 09:32 FRI (w3ct0t1b)

Heart and Soul 16:32 FRI (w3ct0t1b)

In the Studio 03:32 TUE (w3csz1yb)

In the Studio 11:32 TUE (w3csz1yb)

In the Studio 22:32 TUE (w3csz1yb)

Miriam and Youssef 08:06 SUN (w3ct0sxr)

Miriam and Youssef 03:06 WED (w3ct0sxs)

Miriam and Youssef 11:32 WED (w3ct0sxs)

Miriam and Youssef 16:06 WED (w3ct0sxs)

Miriam and Youssef 22:06 WED (w3ct0sxs)

More or Less 06:50 SUN (w3ct0px7)

More or Less 09:50 MON (w3ct0px7)

More or Less 16:50 MON (w3ct0px7)

Music Life 12:06 SAT (w3csz6sr)

Music Life 20:06 SUN (w3csz6sr)

Newsday 05:06 MON (w172x2w6pw8180d)

Newsday 06:06 MON (w172x2w6pw81crj)

Newsday 07:06 MON (w172x2w6pw81hhn)

Newsday 05:06 TUE (w172x2w6pw844xh)

Newsday 06:06 TUE (w172x2w6pw848nm)

Newsday 07:06 TUE (w172x2w6pw84ddr)

Newsday 05:06 WED (w172x2w6pw871tl)

Newsday 06:06 WED (w172x2w6pw875kq)

Newsday 07:06 WED (w172x2w6pw8799v)

Newsday 05:06 THU (w172x2w6pw89yqp)

Newsday 06:06 THU (w172x2w6pw8b2gt)

Newsday 07:06 THU (w172x2w6pw8b66y)

Newsday 05:06 FRI (w172x2w6pw8dvms)

Newsday 06:06 FRI (w172x2w6pw8dzcx)

Newsday 07:06 FRI (w172x2w6pw8f341)

Newshour 13:06 SAT (w172x2ynnsrth5y)

Newshour 21:06 SAT (w172x2ynnsrvg4z)

Newshour 13:06 SUN (w172x2ynnsrxd31)

Newshour 21:06 SUN (w172x2ynnsryc22)

Newshour 14:06 MON (w172x2yp122480f)

Newshour 21:06 MON (w172x2yp122537b)

Newshour 14:06 TUE (w172x2yp12274xj)

Newshour 21:06 TUE (w172x2yp122804f)

Newshour 14:06 WED (w172x2yp122b1tm)

Newshour 21:06 WED (w172x2yp122bx1j)

Newshour 14:06 THU (w172x2yp122dyqq)

Newshour 21:06 THU (w172x2yp122fsym)

Newshour 14:06 FRI (w172x2yp122hvmt)

Newshour 21:06 FRI (w172x2yp122jpvq)

Outlook 22:32 SAT (w3cszdzp)

Outlook 10:32 SUN (w3cszdzp)

Outlook 12:06 MON (w3cszd2z)

Outlook 18:06 MON (w3cszd2z)

Outlook 04:06 TUE (w3cszd2z)

Outlook 12:06 TUE (w3cszdjj)

Outlook 18:06 TUE (w3cszdjj)

Outlook 04:06 WED (w3cszdjj)

Outlook 12:06 WED (w3cszdr9)

Outlook 18:06 WED (w3cszdr9)

Outlook 04:06 THU (w3cszdr9)

Outlook 12:06 THU (w3cszd9r)

Outlook 18:06 THU (w3cszd9r)

Outlook 04:06 FRI (w3cszd9r)

Over to You 09:50 SAT (w3cszf46)

Over to You 18:50 SAT (w3cszf46)

Over to You 02:50 SUN (w3cszf46)

People Fixing the World 02:06 TUE (w3cszv11)

People Fixing the World 08:06 TUE (w3cszv11)

People Fixing the World 15:06 TUE (w3cszv11)

People Fixing the World 20:06 TUE (w3cszv11)

Science in Action 20:32 THU (w3cszh09)

Science in Action 02:32 FRI (w3cszh09)

Science in Action 07:32 FRI (w3cszh09)

Science in Action 13:32 FRI (w3cszh09)

Spitfire: The People’s Plane 02:32 SUN (w3ct0t1f)

Spitfire: The People’s Plane 06:32 SUN (w3ct0t1f)

Spitfire: The People’s Plane 23:32 SUN (w3ct0t1f)

Sport Today 19:32 MON (w172x3jhhrfsnkj)

Sport Today 19:32 TUE (w172x3jhhrfwkgm)

Sport Today 19:32 WED (w172x3jhhrfzgcq)

Sport Today 19:32 THU (w172x3jhhrg2c8t)

Sport Today 19:32 FRI (w172x3jhhrg585x)

Sporting Witness 04:50 MON (w3cszh4s)

Sporting Witness 10:50 THU (w3cszh4t)

Sportshour 10:06 SAT (w172x3br1cxmr3p)

Sportsworld 15:06 SAT (w172x3l40ybv2py)

Sportsworld 16:06 SAT (w172x3l40ybv6g2)

Sportsworld 16:06 SUN (w172x3l40yby3c5)

Stumped 02:32 SAT (w3cszhj2)

Tech Tent 02:06 SUN (w3cszhnl)

Tech Tent 15:06 FRI (w3cszhnm)

Tech Tent 22:06 FRI (w3cszhnm)

The Arts Hour 20:06 SAT (w3cszk2q)

The Arts Hour 10:06 TUE (w3cszk2q)

The Big Idea 05:50 SAT (w3csxfj9)

The Big Idea 15:50 SUN (w3csxfj9)

The Big Idea 23:50 SUN (w3csxfj9)

The Conversation 07:32 SUN (w3csynjk)

The Conversation 03:32 MON (w3cszj35)

The Conversation 11:32 MON (w3cszj35)

The Conversation 22:32 MON (w3cszj35)

The Cultural Frontline 05:32 SUN (w3cszj85)

The Cultural Frontline 09:32 SUN (w3cszj85)

The Cultural Frontline 18:32 SUN (w3cszj85)

The Cultural Frontline 22:06 SUN (w3cszj85)

The Documentary 06:06 SAT (w3ct0t1r)

The Documentary 08:06 SAT (w3ct0t1x)

The Documentary 08:32 SAT (w3ct0t0p)

The Documentary 01:32 SUN (w3ct0t0p)

The Documentary 03:06 SUN (w3ct0t1r)

The Documentary 14:06 SUN (w3ct0t1r)

The Documentary 17:32 SUN (w3ct0t0p)

The Documentary 19:32 SUN (w3ct0t0q)

The Documentary 03:06 TUE (w3ct0t27)

The Documentary 09:32 TUE (w3ct0t27)

The Documentary 16:32 TUE (w3ct0t27)

The Documentary 22:06 TUE (w3ct0t27)

The Documentary 02:06 WED (w3ct0t4j)

The Documentary 03:32 WED (w3ct0t0r)

The Documentary 08:06 WED (w3ct0t4j)

The Documentary 09:32 WED (w3ct0t0r)

The Documentary 10:06 WED (w3ct0t1r)

The Documentary 15:06 WED (w3ct0t4j)

The Documentary 16:32 WED (w3ct0t0r)

The Documentary 20:06 WED (w3ct0t4j)

The Documentary 22:32 WED (w3ct0t0r)

The Documentary 16:06 THU (w3ct0t1x)

The Documentary 03:06 FRI (w3ct0t1y)

The Fifth Floor 03:06 SAT (w3cszjgy)

The Fifth Floor 12:06 FRI (w3cszjgz)

The Fifth Floor 18:06 FRI (w3cszjgz)

The Food Chain 08:32 SUN (w3cszjps)

The Food Chain 01:32 MON (w3cszjps)

The Food Chain 03:32 THU (w3cszjpt)

The Food Chain 11:32 THU (w3cszjpt)

The Food Chain 22:32 THU (w3cszjpt)

The Forum 15:06 SUN (w3cszjv9)

The Forum 04:06 MON (w3cszjv9)

The Forum 10:06 THU (w3cszjvb)

The Inquiry 10:06 MON (w3cszl3b)

The Inquiry 02:06 THU (w3cszl3c)

The Inquiry 08:06 THU (w3cszl3c)

The Inquiry 15:06 THU (w3cszl3c)

The Inquiry 20:06 THU (w3cszl3c)

The Newsroom 05:06 SAT (w172x7b3tx3k7r9)

The Newsroom 09:06 SAT (w172x7b3tx3kqqt)

The Newsroom 11:06 SAT (w172x7b465dpth7)

The Newsroom 14:06 SAT (w172x7b3tx3lbgg)

The Newsroom 18:06 SAT (w172x7b465dqnq4)

The Newsroom 23:06 SAT (w172x7b465dr8fs)

The Newsroom 05:06 SUN (w172x7b3tx3n4nd)

The Newsroom 09:06 SUN (w172x7b3tx3nmmx)

The Newsroom 11:06 SUN (w172x7b465dsqdb)

The Newsroom 17:06 SUN (w172x7b3tx3plly)

The Newsroom 19:06 SUN (w172x7b465dtpcc)

The Newsroom 23:06 SUN (w172x7b465dv5bw)

The Newsroom 09:06 MON (w172x7b4kfq072b)

The Newsroom 11:06 MON (w172x7b4kfq0gkl)

The Newsroom 13:06 MON (w172x7b4kfq0q1v)

The Newsroom 19:06 MON (w172x7b4kfq1fjm)

The Newsroom 23:06 MON (w172x7b4kfq1xj4)

The Newsroom 09:06 TUE (w172x7b4kfq33zf)

The Newsroom 11:06 TUE (w172x7b4kfq3cgp)

The Newsroom 13:06 TUE (w172x7b4kfq3lyy)

The Newsroom 19:06 TUE (w172x7b4kfq4bfq)

The Newsroom 23:06 TUE (w172x7b4kfq4tf7)

The Newsroom 09:06 WED (w172x7b4kfq60wj)

The Newsroom 11:06 WED (w172x7b4kfq68cs)

The Newsroom 13:06 WED (w172x7b4kfq6hw1)

The Newsroom 19:06 WED (w172x7b4kfq77bt)

The Newsroom 23:06 WED (w172x7b4kfq7qbb)

The Newsroom 09:06 THU (w172x7b4kfq8xsm)

The Newsroom 11:06 THU (w172x7b4kfq958w)

The Newsroom 13:06 THU (w172x7b4kfq9ds4)

The Newsroom 19:06 THU (w172x7b4kfqb47x)

The Newsroom 23:06 THU (w172x7b4kfqbm7f)

The Newsroom 09:06 FRI (w172x7b4kfqctpq)

The Newsroom 11:06 FRI (w172x7b4kfqd25z)

The Newsroom 13:06 FRI (w172x7b4kfqd9p7)

The Newsroom 19:06 FRI (w172x7b4kfqf150)

The Newsroom 23:06 FRI (w172x7b4kfqfj4j)

The Real Story 04:06 SAT (w3cszcmt)

The Real Story 10:06 FRI (w3cszcmv)

The Response 11:32 SAT (w3ct0rws)

The Why Factor 06:06 SUN (w3cswrkt)

The Why Factor 03:06 MON (w3cswrkt)

The Why Factor 09:32 MON (w3cswrkt)

The Why Factor 16:32 MON (w3cswrkt)

The Why Factor 22:06 MON (w3cswrkt)

Togetherness: Coronavirus Global Conversations 01:06 SUN (w3ct0t58)

Togetherness: Coronavirus Global Conversations 07:06 SUN (w3ct0t58)

Togetherness: Coronavirus Global Conversations 16:06 MON (w3ct0t58)

Trending 05:32 SAT (w3csws7l)

Trending 09:32 SAT (w3csws7l)

Trending 18:32 SAT (w3csws7l)

Witness History 03:50 SAT (w3cszmtt)

Witness History 08:50 MON (w3cszmjt)

Witness History 12:50 MON (w3cszmjt)

Witness History 18:50 MON (w3cszmjt)

Witness History 04:50 TUE (w3cszmjt)

Witness History 08:50 TUE (w3cszmpb)

Witness History 12:50 TUE (w3cszmpb)

Witness History 18:50 TUE (w3cszmpb)

Witness History 04:50 WED (w3cszmpb)

Witness History 08:50 WED (w3cszmrl)

Witness History 12:50 WED (w3cszmrl)

Witness History 18:50 WED (w3cszmrl)

Witness History 04:50 THU (w3cszmrl)

Witness History 08:50 THU (w3cszmm2)

Witness History 12:50 THU (w3cszmm2)

Witness History 18:50 THU (w3cszmm2)

Witness History 04:50 FRI (w3cszmm2)

Witness History 08:50 FRI (w3cszmtv)

Witness History 12:50 FRI (w3cszmtv)

Witness History 18:50 FRI (w3cszmtv)

WorklifeIndia 02:06 SAT (w3cszvgm)

WorklifeIndia 16:06 TUE (w3cszvgm)

World Business Report 01:06 MON (w172x57kkqkdw0x)

World Business Report 15:32 MON (w172x58d0g54xk9)

World Business Report 23:32 MON (w172x58d0g55wjb)

World Business Report 15:32 TUE (w172x58d0g57tgd)

World Business Report 23:32 TUE (w172x58d0g58sff)

World Business Report 15:32 WED (w172x58d0g5bqch)

World Business Report 23:32 WED (w172x58d0g5cpbj)

World Business Report 15:32 THU (w172x58d0g5fm8l)

World Business Report 23:32 THU (w172x58d0g5gl7m)

World Business Report 15:32 FRI (w172x58d0g5jj5p)

World Business Report 23:32 FRI (w172x58d0g5kh4q)

World Football 03:32 FRI (w3csztfz)

World Football 11:32 FRI (w3csztfz)

World Football 22:32 FRI (w3csztfz)

World Questions 19:06 SAT (w3cszt5w)

World Questions 12:06 SUN (w3cszt5w)