SAT 00:00 Midnight News (m001mm2c)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 00:30 Blue Machine: How the Ocean Shapes Our World by Helen Czerski (m001mm2h)
Episode 5: Navigating the Ocean

In the physicist Helen Czerski's new book on how the ocean works, she considers the human relationship to our blue and fragile planet. Lyndsey Marshal reads.

Helen Czerski is at the forefront of marine science and in her new book she offers fascinating insights into the defining feature of our planet, its ocean. Here Czerski explores the passengers and voyagers who live and travel across the ocean from the humble herring, to the cannibalistic Humboldt squid to the mysterious sea-potato. We travel to the depths and encounter active volcanoes and an upside down waterfall. Czerski also examines the history of human fascination with the ocean, from nineteenth century polar explorers, to her own passion for Hawaii's canoeing prowess.

Helen Czerski is an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department. She studies the bubbles underneath breaking waves in the open ocean to understand their effects on weather. Czerski hosts the Ocean Matters podcast, and is a columnist for the Wall Street Journal. She is also the author of the bestselling Storm in a Teacup: the Physics of Everyday Life.

Abridged by Penny Leicester
Produced by Elizabeth Allard

SAT 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001mm2m)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

SAT 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mm2r)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

SAT 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mm2w)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

SAT 05:30 News Briefing (m001mm30)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

SAT 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001mm34)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Richard Reddie from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Good morning!

On the 22nd June I will be joining with friends, colleagues and a range of other folks at Southwark Cathedral in south London, for a church service that marks the 75th anniversary of Windrush. The Empire Windrush was a ship that arrived on these shores on 22 June 1948 with several hundred Caribbean passengers. For many historians and cultural commentators, this event heralded the rise of multi-ethnic Britain.

My parents, who came to this country from Jamaica in the 1950s, were part of the ‘Windrush Generation’, as these Caribbean people were subsequently dubbed. Travelling to Britain on British passports, they believed they were coming to the Mother Country, a country they had heard so much about, as all the English-speaking Caribbean countries at that time were part of the British Empire. While my parents faced racism and other forms of bigotry, especially when they first arrived, they really enjoyed their four decades in this country, before retiring to Jamaica in the 1990s.

So, among other things, the Windrush anniversary is an opportunity for us all to, remember the struggles that the Windrush generation had to overcome when they first arrived in this country. Equally, it’s a moment to celebrate the invaluable and indelible contributions that the Windrush generation have made to this country. Britain is all the greater because of the on-going impact of the Windrush generation. And this should be celebrated by everyone.

And finally it’s an opportunity to equip the descendants of the Windrush generation with the knowledge to tell these important stories for their generation, thus allowing them to build on the hard work of their forebears.

Gracious Lord, I pray that the forthcoming Windrush anniversary will be a real opportunity to celebrate our existing diversity, and the unity that can be found in it.


SAT 05:45 Living on the Edge (m001mlj2)

Ten coastal encounters, presented by Richard King.

Today: at Bottle Alley in Hastings with the painter Ben Fenton.

Not simply town or countryside, the coastline is a place apart – attracting lives and stories often overlooked.

In these ten programmes, the writer Richard King travels around the UK coast to meet people who live and work there – a sequence of portraits rooted in distinct places, which piece together into an alternative portrait of the UK: an oblique image of the nation drawn from the coastal edge.

SAT 06:00 News and Papers (m001msq8)
The latest news headlines. Including the weather and a look at the papers.

SAT 06:07 Ramblings (m001mlrl)
Riverside Rambling near Reading

Two friends, Karen and Emma, who say they met when both were post-covid slumped on the sofa and doing no exercise, take Clare for a walk along the Thames Path near Reading in Berkshire. Their friendship is based on walking and they’re notching up the miles, including the Grand Union Canal (188 miles), the Ridgeway (72 miles) and 150 miles of the Portuguese Camino.

Karen says that “Emma has gone from a neighbour I sort of knew to my very best friend. We have laughed so hard together we could barely stand; we have howled with pain together; we have picked each other up when the other could barely go on; we have gotten so grumpy with each other that we could barely speak to each other but always found a way back to friendship”.

Clare hears their inspirational story of building a supportive and healing friendship as they ramble riverside one morning in late Spring. They start at the end of the Kennet and Avon canal and walk for around 9 miles to Henley on Thames. This is a section of a long distance route the friends are completing, coast to coast, from Bristol to the Isle of Grain on the Thames Estuary.

Producer: Karen Gregor

SAT 06:30 Farming Today (m001msqb)
10/06/23 Farming Today This Week; Ukraine dam breach; Combine harvester challenge; Gene editing; Insect decline.

The breaching of a major dam on the Dneipro river in southern Ukraine is unfolding as a human, environmental and economic tragedy for thousands of people who live downstream. But there are global implications too. Ukraine is one of the world’s biggest wheat producers.

A group of farmers have driven from John O’ Groats to Land’s End in a large green combine harvester to raise awareness of suicide and mental health. The National Farmers Union has this week published a survey showing that the soaring costs of energy, fuel and fertiliser along with increased market volatility over the last year have all had a negative impact on farmers’ mental health.

The government launched a rural action plan this week. The initiatives include: improving rural broadband; relaxing planning rules around developing farm buildings; new strategies for rural transport; a fund for smaller abattoirs; and higher penalties for fly tipping. Some campaigners say the plans need to be underpinned by fairer funding for rural areas.

All week on Farming Today we looked at gene editing. The government in England has changed the law to allow the development and marketing of gene edited crops. In Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland the law hasn't changed. Gene Editing is not the same as genetic modification - GE allows researchers to make a specific edit to a plant's DNA, no new genes are added as they would be in GM plants.

An EFRA committe inquiry has been told the reduction in the number and variety of insects in the UK and around the world is a risk to food security. Scientists have given evidence to MPs are examining the reasons for the decline and the impact on food security and the environment.

Presenter = Charlotte Smith
Producer = Rebecca Rooney

SAT 06:57 Weather (m001msqd)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SAT 07:00 Today (m001msqg)
Including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

SAT 09:00 Saturday Live (m001msqj)
Sheila Hancock, Vogue Williams, Fran Scott, Ben Bailey Smith

The actor, memoirist and ‘woman relishing Old Rage’ Dame Sheila Hancock looks back on her storied career having worked at the top of the game for seven decades.

The multi-hyphenate Vogue Williams, model, podcaster, media star, business woman and mother of three describes what the podcast world has done for her.

Engineering presenter Fran Scott, famous for her fiery TV demonstrations, reveals the secrets of how to build an F1 car.

And we’ll hear the Inheritance Tracks of actor, rapper and writer Ben Bailey Smith.

Presenters: Nikki Bedi and Huw Stephens

Producer: Ben Mitchell

SAT 10:00 Your Place or Mine with Shaun Keaveny (m001msql)
Craig Parkinson: Penang, Malaysia

Actor Craig Parkinson tempts Shaun with incredible food and culture, but there is also a Snake Temple. As Craig admits, sometimes snakes do fall on you out of trees. A very real dilemma for Shaun. Resident geographer, historian and comedian Iszi Lawrence helps calm him down.

Your Place Or Mine is the travel podcast that isn’t going anywhere. Join Shaun as his guests try to convince him that it’s worth getting up off the sofa and seeing the world, giving us a personal guide to their favourite place on the planet.

Producers: Beth O'Dea and Sarah Goodman

Your Place or Mine is a BBC Audio production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

SAT 10:30 Soul Music (m001msqn)
I Only Have Eyes For You

When I Only Have Eyes For You first emerged in 1934 it was a jaunty ditty written by Harry Dubin and Al Warren for the movie "Dames". But it gained huge popularity when the 1950s doo wop group The Flamingos under the musical arrangement of Terry Johnson transformed it into a dreamy otherworldly love song. Terry explains how he went about turning the song into an evergreen hit that has been covered by many including Art Garfunkel and Carly Simon.
Musicologist Luis Cruz attributes the genius of the song to its pedal chord - the repeated use of the C note. It adds to the feeling of fixation he says where the singer cannot see anyone else but the object of his affection.
The song is obviously one that speaks of deep love and Vivian Fransen was one of many who chose the song to play at her wedding. She'd been introduced to the Art Garfunkel version in 1975 when she met the man who was to become her husband. 12 years later he revealed a secret he'd been keeping from her which ended their marriage and caused her to reassess the song's meaning.
Jess Farr Cox would sing the song to her aged rescue dog Pico as his health deteriorated. Only that song and the theme to Antiques Roadshow would send him to sleep when he was in pain and distress and she still gets emotional when she hears it over a year after he was eventually put to sleep. People underestimate the love you get from a rescue dog, she says.
Chris Deerin is a political journalist and part of Scottish band Fat Cops. He recorded a version of I Only Have Eyes For You for the Tiny Changes Young People's Mental Health Charity founded following the death of the singer Scott Hutchison in 2018. Chris says he and fellow musician Bobby Bluebell had always loved the song and felt it was a fitting tribute to fellow musician Scott.

Producer: Maggie Ayre

SAT 11:00 The Week in Westminster (m001msqq)
Steve Richards considers the reasons behind Boris Johnson's dramatic resignation from Westminster, and the wider political implications, with panel guests: Ben Riley-Smith from the Daily Telegraph; Observer columnist Sonia Sodha; and Henry Hill - deputy editor of ConservativeHome.

SAT 11:30 From Our Own Correspondent (m001msqs)
The Taliban's Opium War

Kate Adie introduces stories from Afghanistan, Nigeria, India, Ukraine and Panama.

Opium poppies from Afghanistan have provided the raw materials for the world's heroin trade for decades, with successive governments failing to curtail this illicit crop. Now back in power, the Taliban have decreed a new ban on opium cultivation, sending patrols to destroy crops across the country - often leaving poor farmers with no other means of income. Yogita Limaye joined a patrol in Nangahar province.

When Nigeria's new President, Bola Ahmed Tinubu, was sworn in at the end of May, he called the occasion 'a sublime moment'. Few people expected any revelations or surprises in his inaugural speech - but when he went off-script, there was a scramble for petrol across the country. Mayeni Jones weighs up the mood as Mr Tinubu took power.

The scale of the recent rail disaster in Odisha state in India was shocking: nearly three hundred people died and more than a thousand more were injured. Amid the chaos of the aftermath, Archana Shukla reported on the human losses, and spoke to many families desperate for news of relatives who'd been travelling that day.

The forcible removal of children from Ukraine to Russia, or Russian-controlled territory, has been a sinister element of Moscow's tactics during the invasion and occupation of the country. Sarah Rainsford has spent months tracing what really happened to these children - and met Ukrainian mothers and grandmothers who ventured into Russian territory to get them back.

One swallow doesn't make a summer - but how many swifts make a spring? Stephen Moss is a passionate naturalist who's travelled around the world to spot some of its most threatened species. On a recent visit to Panama, he was worried to hear that climate change is now affecting the timing of huge seasonal bird and wildlife migrations.

Producer: Polly Hope
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith
Production Co-ordinator: Helena Warwick-Cross

SAT 12:00 News Summary (m001mssd)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 12:04 Money Box (m001msqx)
Child Trust Funds and Data Breaches

Changes to how families of disabled children can access UK government-backed trust funds have been announced. Currently, parents and carers of 18-year-olds who lack mental capacity have to apply to the Court of Protection to access the money. The Ministry of Justice says claims will now be dealt with in eight weeks - rather than six months. We'll hear from Mike Freer the Minister for Courts and Legal Services and from a campaigner who says the changes don't go far enough.

Hundreds of thousands of people have had their personal information stolen by hackers. We'll ask what you can do now to stay safe.

We'll discuss a new report calling for banks and other financial institutions to do more to improve services for people with hearing difficulties. The report is from the Lending Standards Board which is calling for greater inclusion. UK Finance, which represents the banking and finance sectors, told us it's committed to supporting customers and do offer extra support including British Sign Language translations in branches, longer appointments and quiet rooms.

Help To Save, a savings scheme for people on low incomes, has been extended. We've got the details.

Presenter: Felicity Hannah
Team: Dan Whitworth, Sandra Hardial, Jo Krasner
Editor: Jess Quayle

(First broadcast 12pm, Saturday 10th June, 2023)

SAT 12:30 The News Quiz (m001mm13)
Series 111

Episode 7

Andy Zaltzman quizzes the week's news. Providing the answers, hopefully, are Ria Lina, Camilla Long, Ian Smith and Rosie Holt. On this series finale expect a prickly prince, some puzzling priorities, and a few prophetic pronouncements.

Written by Andy Zaltzman

With additional material by
Alice Fraser
Kate Dehnert
Mark Granger
Caroline Mabey

Producer: Sam Holmes
Executive Producer: James Robinson
Production Co-ordinator: Becky Carewe-Jeffries
Sound Editor: Marc Willcox

A BBC Studios Production

SAT 12:57 Weather (m001msqz)
The latest weather forecast

SAT 13:00 News and Weather (m001msr1)
The latest national and international news and weather reports from BBC Radio 4

SAT 13:10 Any Questions? (m001mm1j)
David TC Davies MP, Henry Engelhardt, Eluned Morgan MS, Liz Saville-Roberts MP

Alex Forsyth presents political debate from Rhosygilwen in Cilgerran, Pembrokeshire, with the Secretary of State for Wales David TC Davies MP, founder of Admiral Insurance Henry Engelhardt, Minister for Health and Social Services in the Senedd Eluned Morgan MS, and Plaid Cymru's Leader at Westminster Liz Saville-Roberts MP.
Producer: Ed Prendeville
Lead broadcast engineer: Tim Allen

SAT 14:00 Any Answers? (m001msr3)
Call Any Answers? to have your say on the big issues in the news this week

SAT 14:45 The Museums That Make Us (m00154h2)
PK Porthcurno - Museum of Global Communications

Neil MacGregor presents a new series for BBC Radio Four celebrating the museums to be found in all corners of Britain. The ambition is to explore local, regional and city museums across the length and breadth of the country, and in the process to answer the question ‘What are Museums For in 2022’.

Today he travels to the western tip of Cornwall to discover why the Museum of Global communications in Porthcurno is far more than just a local curiosity telling the story of a colourful past. He learns about deep sea cabling and a hidden network that helped forge the modern world of mass communication, and which is best understood in the form of a cable hut where cables from across the British Empire once came ashore.

Museums have always been telescopes trained on the past to help locate a sense of place in the present. Neil believes that role is an active one, responding to changes in the people museums serve and the shifting social and cultural landscape they inhabit. After spending much of his life at the centre of our national Museum life in London, Neil is taking to the road to discover more about the extraordinary work being done in Museums outside the capital, from Stornoway to Stowmarket, and Belfast to Birmingham.

In each episode he visits a single museum, inviting them to choose an object from their collections which they feel best illustrates their civic role, and the way they relate and want to relate to their local audience. Very rarely have they chosen a crown jewel from their often priceless collections. More often it's an object with a particular local resonance, or which helps tackle episodes from the past which are being viewed very differently by citizens in the 21st century.

He’ll be visiting the great national museums of Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland, as well as major city institutions in Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool and elsewhere. And in spite of the challenges of the last two years, everywhere he meets passionate teams who are dedicated to providing a unique experience for both local audiences and visitors from further afield.

Neil writes: “What’s going on in our museums is at once challenging and exciting and it can only really be understood by visiting as many as possible and finding out how they have approached what is a vital role in providing a sense of local, regional and national identity.”

Producer - Tom Alban
Original music composed by Phil Channell

SAT 15:00 Turning Point (m001msr5)
Wasps in a Jam Jar

Turning Point: Wasps in a Jam Jar by Jonathan Maitland.

Elspeth was married to Geoffrey Howe. She was the complete opposite of the other woman in his life, Margaret Thatcher. Elspeth was Chair of the Broadcasting Standards Commission and a vocal supporter of the homeless. She was a feminist, whereas Mrs Thatcher thought a woman's place was in the home. This rivalry played a substantial part in Geoffrey Howe's famous resignation speech in 1990. Arguably the speech was a major turning point in contemporary history. It meant the end of Mrs Thatcher. But most significant of all, the European battle lines in the Conservative Party were indelibly drawn that day. There's a straight line from that speech to the Brexit referendum. This comedy drama by journalist Jonathan Maitland dramatises the events leading up to the speech.

Elspeth Howe...................................Penelope Wilton
Margaret Thatcher.........................Harriet Walter
Geoffrey Howe................................James Fleet
Alan Clark/Nigel Lawson.............Jonty Stephens
Ian Gow/Brian Walden.................Simon Greenall
Journalist...........................................Jonathan Maitland
Commons Speaker.........................Hamilton Berstock

Production Co-Ordinator - Pippa Day
Tech Team - Keith Graham & Jenni Burnett
Sound Design - Sue Stonestreet
Director/Producer -Gary Brown
A BBC Audio Drama North Production.

This drama is an adaptation of Jonathan Maitland's stage play 'Dead Sheep'. Jonathan Maitland is a well known broadcast journalist who has worked extensively for BBC, ITV and Radio 4. He is now a playwright with several plays already produced. His new play 'The Interview' will premiere at the Park Theatre in Oct 2023.

SAT 16:00 Woman's Hour (m001msr7)
Weekend Woman’s Hour: Ukraine Kakhovka Dam, Candi Staton & Christina Rossetti the Carer

Facebook has removed an advert for a sanitary towel product because it referenced the words Vagina, Vulva and Clitoris. It's the latest in a long line of period ads that have caused a stir. So what is and isn't appropriate when it comes to period adverts? Chella Quint, the founder of Period Positive, a menstruation education advisor and author and Alice Enders, Director of Research at Enders Analysis discuss.

The rescue efforts are continuing in Ukraine after Tuesday's breach of the Kakhovka dam. Thirty communities along the Dnipro river have been flooded according to officials. Now the Red Cross has raised concerns that land-mines have been dislodged in the flooding. Kate Zhuzha is from Nova Kakhovka where the dam has collapsed and is the Founder of NGO Union of Help to Kherson in touch with people in the flooded areas. She tells us about the latest reports.

Last month we looked at the experience of caring with authors Emily Kenway and Lynne Tillman. So many of you got in touch including academic Dinah Roe, a Reader in nineteenth-century literature, who with poet Sarah Hesketh, managing editor of Modern Poetry In Translation have been running a series of free online workshops, inspired by Christina Rossetti's writing, designed specifically for people with caring responsibilities. Dinah and Sarah discuss the power of writing poetry.

Four-time Grammy award nominated singer Candi Staton has moved between several musical genres during of the course of her celebrated career – from soul, R&B, gospel and disco. She discusses her iconic tracks such as the multi-platinum “You Got the Love” and the singalong anthem “Young Hearts Run Free”. It has recently been remixed by UK producer Benji La Vida and has had more than 2.4 million streams on Spotify alone, and there are 60,000 TikTok reels of people doing a dance challenge to the song

No single person can take credit for the huge boom in women’s football but if anyone can it’s the woman who placed second on the Woman’s Hour Power List, Baroness Sue Campbell. The Director of Women’s Football at the FA tells us about the Lionesses legacy, the upcoming World Cup and the future of the Women’s Super League.

Since his diagnosis in 2019, rugby league star Rob Burrow has been battling Motor Neurone Disease, with wife Lindsey by his side. Lindsay tells us about her first marathon and has raised over £100,000 towards a specialist Motor Neurone Disease Centre to be built in his name. A new ITV documentary, Lindsey and Rob: Living with MND, follows Lindsey as she navigates marathon training alongside working and family life, whilst also exploring the wider impact of this disease.

Presenter: Krupa Padhy
Producer: Rabeka Nurmahomed

SAT 17:00 PM (m001msr9)
Full coverage of the day's news

SAT 17:30 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson (m001msrc)
The Louise Casey One

Baroness Louise Casey has become one of the most influencial non-politicians in the UK. She tells Nick Robinson why it all started with a passion for homelessness and what might be next on her list.

SAT 17:54 Shipping Forecast (m001msrf)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

SAT 17:57 Weather (m001msrh)
The latest weather forecast

SAT 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001msrk)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

SAT 18:15 Loose Ends (m001msrm)
Jaime Winstone, Geezer Butler, Paterson Joseph, Andy Hamilton, Denai Moore, Ashley Henry, Christopher Eccleston, Clive Anderson

Clive Anderson and Christopher Eccleston are joined by Jaime Winstone, Paterson Joseph, Andy Hamilton and Denai Moore for an eclectic mix of conversation, music and comedy. With music from Ashley Henry and Denai Moore.

SAT 19:00 Profile (m001msrp)
Baroness Hallett

Former High Court judge Baroness Hallett is no stranger to a high-profile case, having previously chaired an inquiry into the 2005 London terror attacks. But her most recent appointment as chair of an inquiry looking at the UK's response to the pandemic could be her biggest job to date.

In the past few weeks she’s been stuck in a legal battle with the Government after refusing to withdraw her order for them to hand over unredacted material for her investigation.

The first female Chair of the Bar Council, Baroness Hallett didn’t come from the usual privilege associated with the top tier of the legal profession. She grew up as the daughter of a policeman and a secretary, moving around a lot in her childhood and going to various state schools before getting a place at Oxford where she went on to specialise in criminal law.

Mark Coles speaks to friends and peers about her extraordinary legal career and why she will not sway over Government demands when the COVID inquiry starts next week.

Presenter: Mark Coles
Producers: Georgia Coan, Octavia Woodward and Samantha Haque
Editor: Richard Vadon
Sound Engineer: Rod Farquhar

SAT 19:15 This Cultural Life (m001msrr)
Jeremy Deller

Winner of the Turner Prize in 2004 and Britain’s official representative at the 2013 Venice Biennale, Jeremy Deller is an unconventional artist whose work is as likely to be seen in streets or fields as in museums and galleries. In his work The Battle of Orgreave he restaged a modern civil conflict; a clash between striking miners and police officers. He persuaded a traditional brass band to play Acid House tunes in his work Acid Brass. Perhaps most memorably, on the centenary of the first day of the Battle of they Somme he conjured ghostly platoons of young soldiers all around the UK in his work We’re Here because We’re Here.

Jeremy talks to John Wilson about some of his most formative creative influences. Seeing The Who's rock musical film Tommy as a teenager was an unforgettable experience that revealed to him the power of imaginative vision. A chance encounter with one of his artist heroes Francis Bacon strengthened his interest in art history, and time spent with Andy Warhol in New York encouraged him to think of art as multi-dimensional and unlimited. He also recounts how P J Harvey's album Let England Shake and the play Jerusalem by Jez Butterworth crystallised ideas he was forming about notions of Englishness which he used in both his work at the British pavilion at the 2013 Venice Biennale, and his work to mark the anniversary of the Battle of the Somme.

Producer: Edwina Pitman

SAT 20:00 Archive on 4 (m000v75j)
A Night with Prince

To mark the fifth anniversary of Prince’s passing, US music critic and broadcaster Ann Powers presents a tribute framed around a night she spent with the star in 2008.

This was a night for hanging out in the star’s mansion in Beverly Park (which had ‘the European opulence of an upscale spa’), for meeting his protege and girlfriend Bria Valente, and for listening to tracks in Prince’s limo, a local club – even his bedroom.

Contributors include keyboard player Doctor Fink, sound engineer Susan Rogers, biographer Dan Piepenbring who was working on Prince's memoir just before he died, and Kristin Scott Thomas whose first ever film role was in the Prince directed Under The Cherry Moon.

Produced by Clem Hitchcock
A Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4

SAT 21:00 Stone (b05vfgc8)
Series 5

A Cut Above

Third drama in crime series Stone created by Danny Brocklehurst.

In A Cut Above by Marcia Layne, when DCI Stone and team investigate a suspected case of female genital mutilation, they find that no-one is willing to talk to them.

DCI STONE.....Hugo Speer
DI MIKE TANNER.....Craig Cheetham
DS SUE KELLY.....Deborah McAndrew
FATIMA.....Nisa Cole
SUKINA.....Yusra Warsama
FAISAL.....Chris Jack

Sound design by Steve Brooke

Directed by Nadia Molinari

SAT 21:45 Short Works (m001mm0c)
Motherdaughter Daughtermother by Susannah Dickey

An original short story commissioned by BBC Radio 4 from the writer Susannah Dickey. Read by Lola Petticrew.

Susannah Dickey is the author of four poetry pamphlets, I had some very slight concerns (2017), genuine human values (2018), bloodthirsty for marriage (2020), and Oh! (2022). Her poetry has been published in The TLS, Poetry London, and Poetry Ireland Review. Her short fiction has been published in The Dublin Review and The White Review. In 2019 she won the Vincent Buckley Poetry Prize, and in 2021 she was longlisted for the Sunday Times Short Story Award. She is an Eric Gregory Award winner, a prize granted for a collection by poets under the age of 30. Her debut poetry collection, Isdal, will be published in 2023. She is the author of Tennis Lessons (2020) and Common Decency (2022), both published by Doubleday UK.

Writer: Susannah Dickey
Reader: Lola Petticrew
Producer: Michael Shannon
Executive Editor: Andy Martin

A BBC Northern Ireland production.

SAT 22:00 News (m001msrt)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

SAT 22:15 Add to Playlist (m001mm1c)
Amy Harman and Gavin Higgins start a brand new playlist

Bassoon player Amy Harman and composer Gavin Higgins join Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey Boakye for the opening episode of the new series of the Prix Italia and Prix Europa award-winning music programme.

Starting from scratch, the new adventure takes us from the Great Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee via the Aegean Sea to a hand-rubbing fado song from Lisbon.

Producer Jerome Weatherald
Presented, with music direction, by Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey Boakye

The five tracks in this week's playlist:

Mule Skinner Blues (Blue Yodel No 8) by Dolly Parton
Mes Sto Aigaiou Ta Nisia by Glykeria
Casta Diva by Bellini, sung by Maria Callas
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by the Noordpool Orchestra
Vai de Roda by Duarte

Other music in this episode:

The Poor People of Paris by Winifred Atwell
Blue Yodel No 8 by Jimmie Rodgers
Labor Blues by Tom Dickson
El Condor Pasa by Simon & Garfunkel
Weird Fishes/Arpeggi by Radiohead
Inner City Life by Goldie
Funky Mule by Ike Turner
Last Nite by The Strokes

SAT 23:00 Round Britain Quiz (m001mlj6)
Programme 9, 2023

The last time Northern Ireland took on Wales in an earlier contest this series, Northern Ireland were victorious - so Wales have the chance to turn the tables today. Paddy Duffy and Freya McClements play for Northern Ireland and Myfanwy Alexander and David Edwards for Wales.

As always, Kirsty Lang asks the questions and provides hints and steers where necessary, as the panel grope their way towards the complex answers. Points are deducted each time they need a hefty clue or even an invisible raised eyebrow to get them back on course.

Producer: Paul Bajoria

SAT 23:30 Uncanny (m001msrw)
S2. Case 10: Harry Called

When a spirit called Harry makes contact via a Ouija board, student Will thinks his friends are playing a joke. But then Harry starts calling him…

Written and presented by Danny Robins
Editor and Sound Designer: Charlie Brandon-King
Music: Evelyn Sykes
Theme Music by Lanterns on the Lake
Produced by Danny Robins and Simon Barnard
A Bafflegab and Uncanny Media production for BBC Radio 4


SUN 00:00 Midnight News (m001msry)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 00:15 Whose Truth Is It Anyway? (m001mm2l)
Lies, Damned Lies and Autofiction

What does it mean for a story to be true? Writer and broadcaster Damian Barr grapples with the increasingly slippery idea of truth in books - from memoir to fiction and all the grey areas between. Reflecting on his own writing, Damian unpicks the different truths that writers and readers expect from different genres. Is our idea of truth changing? And who gets to decide whose truths make it onto the page and onto our shelves?
In this final episode, Damian gets to grips with ‘autofiction’ - writing which is neither memoir nor fiction, but plays with elements of both.

Helping Damian answer these questions are novelists Olivia Lang, Jarred McGinnis and Taymour Soomro. We also hear from Suede’s Brett Anderson whose new album is called Autofiction.
Do readers have a right to know if a story is lifted from real life or not? How do we fictionalise our lives on and off the page? And might the autofictional approach help or hinder marginalised writers? Are we living in an autofictional moment?

Written and Presented by Damian Barr
Produced by Leo Hornak
An Overcoat Media production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001mss0)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mss2)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mss4)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

SUN 05:30 News Briefing (m001mss6)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (m001mss8)
St Margaret’s Church in Tanfield, County Durham.

This week's Bells on Sunday, comes from St Margaret’s Church in Tanfield, County Durham. The church has a ring of ten bells, eight of which were cast by John Warner of Cripplegate in the late 19th century. In 2019 two new trebles cast by the Westley foundry of Newcastle under Lyme were added.The Tenor bell weighs ten and three quarter hundredweight and is tuned to the note of G. We hear them ringing Plain Bob Caters in celebration of the coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla.

SUN 05:45 Profile (m001msrp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 News Summary (m001msw1)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b0520t2c)
Agony and Ecstasy

If you're lucky enough to have felt it, a sudden overwhelming sense of well-being can be life-changing. Where do these crucial moments in our lives come from? Are they just chemicals reacting in the brain or could they originate from the divine?

John McCarthy reflects on the strange and sudden experience of euphoria. He begins with a deeply puzzling euphoric moment from his own life. Did he feel God or simply the release of endorphins? He revisits the trauma psychiatrist that helped him make sense of the bewildering experience.

John reflects on others' euphoric moments and their different sources - like religious ecstasy, brain disorders, drugs, exercise and music. He considers the mystical experiences of saints - Paul the Apostle's awakening on the road to Damascus, and St Teresa of Avila's sudden state of ecstasy consumed by the love of God.

Before his epileptic seizures, Fyodor Dostoevsky would experience staggering seconds of bliss, which influenced his writing and religious sentiments. In The Doors of Perception, Aldous Huxley detailed his euphoric experiences taking the hallucinogenic drug mescaline. Beyond the short-cut of mind-altering drugs, long-distance runners have often experienced euphoria after pushing their bodies to the absolute limit. The conclusion to Wagner's Tristan and Isolde climaxes with a musically-induced euphoria for both the audience and the performers.

Euphoria takes on many forms, but the feeling is often transformative. Euphoria can seemingly spontaneously enter one's life or can be experienced through the very human effort to transcend ordinary humdrum experience.

Producer: Colin McNulty
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 06:35 Natural Histories (b092f8wt)

They infest our bodies and our clothes, are amongst our closet neighbours, have been made famous by Robert Burns and yet they are only a few millimetres in size. Brett Westwood explores our relationship with the louse; a creature that has lived alongside since our earliest evolution. Whether it's the head, clothes or crab lice these ancient creatures both repel and fascinate us.

Originally broadcast in a longer form on 29th August 2017

Original Producer Sarah Blunt.

Archive Producer : Andrew Dawes

SUN 06:57 Weather (m001mswb)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SUN 07:00 News and Papers (m001mswm)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 07:10 Sunday (m001msww)
Hajj bookings, Ukraine army chaplains, Jewish divorce

Scores of British Muslims have had difficulty booking their Hajj pilgrimages on the new Nusuk app which was designed to manage travel arrangements for pilgrims. The service has been beset by technical glitches, slow customer service and poor communication. We hear about the problems it's caused to Muslims in the UK and speak to the Labour MP, Yasmin Qureshi, who has taken up the issue with the Saudi authorities.

Ukrainian armed forces have identified spiritual support as essential to their fight, as their counter-offensive against Russian forces gets underway. Ten military chaplains were sent to the UK for a fortnight of training with British Army chaplains, the first ever training of its kind. We hear from Rev Robin Richardson who developed the programme for chaplains working with troops on the front line. We also speak to Ukrainian military chaplain and mother-of-five Kateryna Semenyuk as she sets off to provide support to people affected by the humanitarian crisis in the flood-affected Kherson region.

The office of the Chief Rabbi and the United Synagogue are launching a commission to overcome some of the difficulties Jewish women face in obtaining a divorce. Some Jewish women's groups are concerned that any reforms may not go far enough. Emily Buchanan speaks to Raime Smith, the founder of Gettoutuk, a charity which supports Jewish women seeking a divorce, and Nicola Rosenfelder, a trustee of the United Synagogue.

Presenter: Emily Buchanan
Producers: Bara'atu Ibrahim & Louise Clarke
Editor: Jonathan Hallewell
Production Coordinator: Kim Agostino
Studio Managers: Helen Williams & Jonathan Esp

SUN 07:54 Radio 4 Appeal (m001msx4)
Book Aid International

Foreign Affairs journalist Rageh Omaar makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of Book Aid International.

To Give:
- UK Freephone 0800 404 8144
-You can donate online at
- Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal. (That’s the whole address. Please do not write anything else on the front of the envelope). Mark the back of the envelope ‘Book Aid International’.
- Cheques should be made payable to ‘Book Aid International’.
Please note that Freephone and online donations for this charity close at 23.59 on the Saturday after the Appeal is first broadcast. However the Freepost option can be used at any time.

Registered charity number: 313869

SUN 07:57 Weather (m001msxg)
The latest weather forecast

SUN 08:00 News and Papers (m001msxv)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the Sunday papers.

SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (m001msy2)
Live from St Mary's Episcopal Cathedral, Glasgow, with The Very Rev Kelvin Holdsworth and the Cathedral Choir directed by Frikki Walker. Organist: John Gormley.
Music: When in our music God is Glorified (Tune: Engelberg)
Jubilate (Philip Stopford)
Could It Be that God is Singing (Lewis Folk Melody)
Over my head I hear music in the air
Angel Voices Ever Singing (Tune: Angel Voices)
Producer: Mo McCullough

SUN 08:48 A Point of View (m001mm1l)
Beyoncé, Beauty and the Pursuit of Youth

The trend for expensive age-defying treatments is 'an insult to youth itself' says Zoe Strimpel, as she argues against treating youth as a commodity that can be bought.

After admiring the seemingly ageless beauty of 41-year-old singing superstar Beyoncé at her recent stadium show in London, Zoe reflects on her own experience of getting older - and the people desperate to avoid it.

She hones in on 45-year-old American tech mogul, Bryan Johnson, who is attempting to transform his body into that of a teenager in a highly scientific quest for youth.

His mission is to regain the body of an 18-year-old - albeit with the help of 30 doctors and experts, extreme diets (exactly 1,977 vegan calories a day), gruelling workouts and an array of medical procedures.

While an extreme case, Zoe reflects on how the possibilities of looking and feeling younger are intensifying with each new development in cosmetic technology or the science of diets.

She argues that however distasteful we might find such projects, what is more unsettling 'is the thieving, plundering nature of this quest - the insult to youth itself - as if it is nothing but a product to be had at any time, rather than a transient stage of life, whose splendour is in that very transience.'

Producer: Adele Armstrong
Sound: Peter Bosher
Production coordinator: Helena Warwick-Cross
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith

SUN 08:58 Tweet of the Day (b03mzv4q)
Glossy Ibis

Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.

David Attenborough presents the story of the Glossy Ibis. If, from a distance, you see what appears to be a stout-looking curlew with bronze-coloured highlights, it's probably a glossy ibis. Glossy ibis have always been rare visitors to the UK but in recent years, they've flown here much more regularly.

SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (m001msy8)
The Sunday morning news magazine programme. Presented by Paddy O'Connell

SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (m001msyj)
Writer, Sarah Hehir
Director, Marina Caldarone
Editor, Jeremy Howe

Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood
Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris
David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck
Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch
Tom Archer ….. William Troughton
Tony Archer ….. David Troughton
Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde
Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early
Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman
Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett
Susan Carter ….. Charlotte Martin
Justin Elliott ….. Simon Williams
Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan
George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie
Adam Macy ….. Andrew Wincott
Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler
Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling
Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence
Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed

SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (m001msyr)
Claudia Rankine, poet

Claudia Rankine is a poet, essayist and playwright. She is best known for her book Citizen: An American Lyric which combines short stories about everyday injustices experienced by people of colour with poems telling the stories of black men who died during confrontations with the police. The book won several awards in the US and the UK’s Forward Prize for best collection in 2015.

Claudia was born in Kingston, Jamaica and at seven followed her parents to New York City where they had emigrated some years before. After graduating from university in 1993, she won a poetry prize for her thesis which became her first book – Nothing in Nature is Private.

In addition to her poetry Claudia has written three plays and has taught at several universities including Yale and New York University. In 2016 she won a prestigious ‘Genius Grant’ from the MacArthur Fellowship which celebrates intellectual and artistic achievement and awards its winners hundreds of thousands of dollars. She used the money to co-found the Racial Imaginary Institute which interrogates notions of race and whiteness.

Claudia lives in Connecticut with her husband, the photographer and filmmaker John Lucas.

DISC ONE: Good as Hell - Lizzo
DISC TWO: Stir It Up - Bob Marley & The Wailers
DISC THREE: Nightshift - Commodores
DISC FOUR: More Than This - Roxy Music
DISC FIVE: Can't Take My Eyes Off of You (I Love You Baby) - Lauryn Hill
DISC SIX: Kiss - Prince & The Revolution
DISC SEVEN: My Favorite Things - John Coltrane
DISC EIGHT: The Rhythm Of The Night - Corona

BOOK CHOICE: As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner
LUXURY ITEM: A solar powered television, playing tennis matches
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: Good as Hell - Lizzo

Presenter Lauren Laverne
Producer Paula McGinley

SUN 12:00 News Summary (m001msz4)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 12:04 The Unbelievable Truth (m001mlkc)
Series 29

Episode 2

David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they’re able to smuggle past their opponents.

Lou Sanders, Phil Wang, Neil Delamere, and Kerry Godliman are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as beauty, tea, giraffes and dancing.

The show is devised by Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith.

Producer: Jon Naismith
A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (m001mst8)
Learning to Eat Part 1 – Do Kids Need Special Food?

Sheila Dillon explores how food habits are formed in the early years, and how parents and nurseries are coping with a food environment full of unhealthy ultra-processed food.

Presented by Sheila Dillon and produced by Sophie Anton for BBC Audio in Bristol

SUN 12:57 Weather (m001mszj)
The latest weather forecast

SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (m001mszt)
Radio 4's look at the week's big stories from both home and around the world.

SUN 13:30 The Archbishop Interviews (m001mt03)
Shirine Khoury-Haq

In this series, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has conversations with public figures about their inner lives. What do they believe? How does that shape their values and actions?

This week's guest is the Chief Executive of the Co-op, Shirine Khoury-Haq.

Producer: Dan Tierney.

SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (m001mm04)
From the Archives: Allotments

Kathy Clugston looks back over 76 years of allotment advice on this special archive edition of GQT.

There has been a steady increase in the number of allotment owners over the years, as well as more and more questions on where to start, what to plant, and how to maintain them. The GQT team have gone for a no dig approach when pulling out questions and answers from our horticultural experts over various episodes. They share their knowledge on how to save an allotment after a flood, what sort of fruit and veg you should grow, and the properties of a successful compost heap.

And later we listen back to when Matthew Wilson and Christine Walkden paid Bob Flowerdew’s exotic polytunnel a visit back in 2018.

Producer: Daniel Cocker
Assistant Producer: Rahnee Prescod
Executive Producer: Hannah Newton

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 14:45 Opening Lines (m001mt0b)
Cloudstreet - Episode 1

John Yorke delves into Tim Winton’s beloved novel, Cloudstreet, published in 1991.

Set in a suburb of Perth in Western Australia, the novel spans the period from the end of the second world war until the mid 1960s and made the young Winton, who wrote the book in his 20s, both a literary and popular phenomenon in his own country. It tells the story of two large white working class families – the Pickles and the Lambs - who experience separate catastrophes, and end up moving to the city to share a great, breathing, ramshackle house, No.1 Cloudstreet.

In this first episode about Cloudstreet, John Yorke asks why this prize winning book, iconic in Australia, is so beloved. As the book charts the lives, loves, griefs, struggles and entanglements of the Pickles and Lamb families, he notices that the divine aspect of everyday experience is always present. There is a sacred framing to the novel, as Winton poignantly depicts human beings trying to survive tragedy and continue thriving, by keeping on loving.

John also examines how Winton’s own background, rooted as he is in the same area his characters emerge from, shines through and gives an added depth to the language and sense of place in the novel. Ultimately John reflects that the novel is both a hymn to and a critique of the country itself, suggesting that Winton is beginning to ask questions about what it means to live in a country where the indigenous people were largely invisible to their white Australian counterparts.

John Yorke has worked in television and radio for thirty years, and he shares his experience with Radio 4 listeners as he unpacks the themes and impact of the books, plays and stories that are being dramatized in BBC Radio 4’s Sunday/Saturday Drama series. From EastEnders to the Archers, Life on Mars to Shameless, he has been obsessed with telling big popular stories. He has spent years analysing not just how stories work but why they resonate with audiences around the globe, and has
brought together his experience in his bestselling book Into the Woods. As former Head of Channel Four Drama, Controller of BBC Drama Production and MD of Company Pictures, John has tested his theories during an extensive production career working on some of the world’s most lucrative, widely viewed and critically acclaimed TV drama. As founder of the hugely successful BBC Writers Academy John has trained a generation of screenwriters - his students have had 17 green-lights in
the last two years alone.

Lyn McCredden, Professor Emerita, Deakin University, Victoria, Australia
Kathryn Heyman, Australian novelist and writer
Peter Straus, literary agent and Managing Director RCW agency, also first British publisher of Cloudstreet.

Cloudstreet by Tim Winton, 1991, Penguin Books, Australia.

Produced by Penny Boreham
Executive Producer: Caroline Raphael
Sound by Martyn Harries
Researcher: Nina Semple
Readings: James Frecheville
Production Manager: Sarah Wright
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 15:00 Drama on 4 (m001mt0m)

Welcome to Cloud Street

Tim Winton’s Cloudstreet is a book about finding one’s place in the world and the search for meaning in life. From separate catastrophes, two rural families flee to the city and find themselves sharing a great, breathing, shuddering joint called Cloudstreet, where they begin their lives again from scratch. For 20 years they roister and rankle, laugh and curse until the roof over their heads becomes a home for their hearts.

Tim Winton’s funny, sprawling saga is an epic novel of love and acceptance. Winner of the Miles Franklin and NBC Awards in Australia, Cloudstreet is a celebration of people, places and rhythms which has fuelled imaginations world-wide.

The book follows the two families from the time they leave their rural homes and move into Cloudstreet, a big, old house in Perth. Both moves are precipitated by disaster. For the Lambs, this misfortune takes the form of the near-drowning of the family favourite, Samson, better known as Fish. For the Pickles, it occurs in the loss of father Sam’s fingers in a fishing accident.

These mishaps mean that both ‘Sams’ – like the biblical Samson – lose some of their strengths, but they also gain new opportunities and insights. Sam Pickles’ move to the city brings him a home of his own and a job at the Mint – a stroke of poetic justice for a man addicted to gambling. Although Fish loses his mental faculties as a result of his accident, and is unable to communicate with the outside world, his near-drowning and subsequent bond with water also lead him to a new life as a visionary, and it is this ‘other’ Fish who is the omniscient narrator of the novel.

The two families are a study in contrasts, ‘squared off at one another like opposing platoons’. The Lambs are righteous, God-fearing, hard working and parsimonious while the Pickles are licentious wastrels. The Lambs find meaning in industry and in God’s grace; the Pickles, in luck. The Lambs’ God is a maker of miracles; the Pickles’ God is the ‘Shifty Shadow’ of fate. Both families are often betrayed by their faith.

Cloudstreet belongs to an Australian cultural tradition of family sagas and yarns – as well as to that universal tradition of telling stories in order to find meaning in the chaos of existence. Each of its characters carries with them a small history which, in turn, becomes part of a complicated, rambling series of stories. Seen together, these strands convey the idea that we are all, in our hearts, inextricably linked to each other via the networks we are part of: family, suburb, city, nation.

Rose Pickles decides to return to Cloudstreet with Quick because, ‘It’s like getting another childhood, another go at things...It’s like a village'. Like every character in the book, Rose’s personal narrative is underpinned by a search for love and the certainties of the past. The search for meaning in life can thus be summarised in one word, love – although Tim Winton might call it grace.

This state of love or grace is described in the opening scenes of the book: ‘The whole restless mob of us on spread blankets in the dreamy briny sunshine skylarking and chiacking about for one day, one clear, clean, sweet day in a good world in the midst of our living.’

Cloudstreet is dramatised for radio by D.J. Britton.

Oriel Lamb - Kerry Fox
Lester Lamb - Jonathan Hyde
Sam Pickles - Richard Dillane
Dolly Pickles – Felicity Ward
Rose Pickles - Kate Winter
Quick Lamb - James Frecheville
Fish Lamb - Tom Glenister
Beryl – Jane Slavin
Nyoongah man – Wayne Blair

Other parts played by members of the cast.

Directed by Eoin O’Callaghan.
A Big Fish Radio production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 16:00 Open Book (m001mt0z)
Leila Slimani, Nii Ayikwei Parkes, Kalaf Epalanga

Johny Pitts talks to Leila Slimani about her new book Watch Us Dance, set in 1960s Morocco and the second in her multigenerational trilogy following the fortunes and frictions of the Belhaj family

Nii Ayikwei Parkes is best known as an award-winning poet, and Kalaf Epalanga is a highly acclaimed musician. They discuss mixing forms and influences by writing novels.

Plus, Michael Bracewell chooses a poetically written piece of non-fiction for a Book I'd Never Lend.

Book List – Sunday 11 June and Thursday 15 June

The Country of Others by Leila Slimani
Watch Us Dancy by Leila Slimani
Azucar by by Nii Ayikwei Parkes
Whites Can Dance Too by Kalaf Epalanga
Bossa Nova: The Story of the Brazilian Music That Seduced the World by Ruy Castro
Until the Morning After by Kofi Awoonor
Diplomatic Pounds & Other Stories by Ama Ata Aido
Freedom Symphony: Selected and New Love Poems by Atukwei Okai
Enemies of Promise by Cyril Connolly
Unfinished Business by Michael Bracewell

SUN 16:30 The Ballad of Eliza Showell (m001mt17)
When poet Liz Berry stumbles onto a hidden part of her own family's story, it leads her into an investigation of a lost chapter of British history; a story that takes us from the slums of Edwardian Birmingham to the snowbound hills of Nova Scotia.

In 1907, twelve years old and newly orphaned, Eliza Showell (Liz's great aunt) was placed at the Middlemore Children's Emigration Home in Birmingham. Her brothers - little older than her and unable to provide for her - were forced to sign the papers for her admission. Within months, Eliza was sent via ship to Canada, where she was placed in indentured domestic service in rural Nova Scotia. She would never return to Britain or see her brothers again.

Between 1860 and 1960, over 130,000 of Britain's poorest and most vulnerable children were forcibly emigrated to distant parts of the British colonies to work as indentured farm labourers and domestic servants. They were known as Home Children. It is estimated that one in ten Canadians is descended from a 'Home Child'.

They were sent by child-care agencies, religious missions and philanthropic organizations. It was believed that they were giving the children the gift of a better life. Yet on arrival, Home Children were separated from any remaining family, worked only for their board and many were poorly treated. Although some managed to build the promised 'better life' for themselves, many carried the effects of their loss and ill-treatment throughout their lives.

In 2010, Prime Minister Gordon Brown made an official apology on behalf of the UK Government to the child migrants - "We are sorry that instead of caring for them, this country turned its back, and we are sorry that the voices of those children were not heard."

Liz's new book, The Home Child (Chatto & Windus, 2023), imagines Eliza's journey through an incredible new series of poems that reads like a novel. In this radio feature, we hear poems from the book and accompany Liz as she follows in Eliza's footsteps; visiting the site of the Emigration Homes in Birmingham, speaking to local historians and descendants of other 'Home Children', and making a visit to the Birmingham Archives to view records of Eliza and hundreds of others like her.

With the voices of Lori Oschefski of Home Children Canada and Valerie Hart of the Balsall Heath Local History Society, co-author of The Lost Children.
Poems from The Home Child written and read by Liz Berry, with poems in Eliza's voice read by Keira Langowska-Gadd

Original music composed and performed by John Matthias. Recorded by Dan Smith.

Produced by Mair Bosworth for BBC Audio

SUN 17:00 File on 4 (m001mlth)
Living with Antisocial Behaviour

Earlier this year, the government announced their new plan to stamp out antisocial behaviour across England and Wales.

Hot spot policing and what they call ‘immediate justice’ will be trialled in towns and cities in an attempt to curb the problem.

What is it like to live in a community that experiences antisocial behaviour year-in, year-out? And what do the people who live there think needs to be done?

This is the story of one community marred by antisocial behaviour - and their fight for better.

Reporter: Alys Harte
Producers: Vicky Carter and Surya Elango
Digital Producer: Melanie Stewart-Smith
Journalism Assistant: Tim Fernley
Technical Producer: Richard Hannaford
Editor: Carl Johnston

SUN 17:40 Profile (m001msrp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (m001mt1g)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

SUN 17:57 Weather (m001mt1p)
The latest weather forecast

SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001mt1x)
Scotland's former first minister, Nicola Sturgeon, has been arrested by police investigating the SNP's finances. In the past few minutes she's been released without charge.

SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (m001mt24)
Rachel Parris

This week, we’ve got witches and walkers, suffragettes and sweet, soul music. We cross the globe from Berkshire to New York, hear poignant stories of Windrush and of the devastation in Kherson. Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen tells us how to be a man, while Phil Wang goes into the finer detail of just how he likes his tea. Join Rachel for all this and so much more...

Presenter: Rachel Parris
Producer: Elizabeth Foster
Production Co-ordinar : Lydia Depledge-Miller

Photo: Karla Gowlett

SUN 19:00 The Archers (m001mst4)
Ruth is delighted to see Stella at Open Farm Sunday. Stella explains she’s been advised she has a strong case for unfair dismissal against Brian. Part of her would love to drag him through a tribunal, but Justin is urging to hold tight until the emergency BL board meeting he’s called for later this week. Later, David suggests to Stella that managing Home Farm has many benefits and not much risk. All she has to do is make Brian feel like he’s still in charge. Maybe that’s not too high a price to pay.
Meanwhile, Harrison has also dropped in at Brookfield. Ben teases him gently about his increased interest in outdoor activities. Compared to farming, the tasks are pretty lightweight. Nonetheless, Harrison is enjoying connecting with nature. Ben invites him to join him the next time he takes Bess out.
Lee gets into Tom’s car. He feels guilty about lying to Helen that he’s going to a friend’s karate tournament. Tom reassures him that all they’re going to do is speak to Rob and tell him to stay out of Helen’s life and that he can’t see Jack. On the way, Tom opens up about John’s death and how it made him want to hold the family together. Lee talks about his daughters and how hard it is not being around to protect them. Pulling into Manor Farm, they see Rob. Later, Tom and Lee jump back into the car, after some kind of altercation. Despite their panic, Tom urges Lee not to worry. Hopefully Rob got the message. It’ll be fine.

SUN 19:15 Ashley Blaker: 6.5 Children (m000xv7s)
Opt to Adopt

New comedy from stand-up comedian Ashley Blaker about his unusual home life. In episode two, Ashley tells the story of how the Blakers came to add to their already hectic home by adopting a two-year-old girl with Down Syndrome.

Ashley Blaker: 6.5 Children is a mix of stand-up and observational documentary, all recorded in the Blakers’ unusual home with the voices of his real family, and tackling parenting, adoption and raising children with special needs.

The series brings a whole new perspective to the subject of parenting. That is because as parents of six children, Ashley and his wife Gemma are trying to raise a family in a world that is only really set up for having two. What's more, the Blakers’ children are not just any kids. Three have special needs – two autistic boys and an adopted girl with Down Syndrome – and Ashley Blaker: 6.5 Children sensitively finds the funny in both raising children with disabilities and adoption.

The series is written and performed by Ashley Blaker - a comedian who has performed on five continents including tours of the UK, USA, Canada, South Africa, Israel and Australia. His 2018 Off-Broadway run was called ‘a slickly funny stand-up show’ by the New York Times and, in 2020, he returned with Goy Friendly which ran at the prestigious SoHo Playhouse.

Ashley is joined by Shelley Blond (Peep Show, Cold Feet and the voice of Lara Croft in Tomb Raider), Kieran Hodgson (three-time Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee), Rosie Holt (online lockdown star with countless viral videos) amd Judith Jacob (EastEnders, The Real McCoy, Still Open All Hours).

Also appearing as themselves are Ashley’s own children: Ami (17), Ophie (15), Simi (13), Soroh (12), Sruly (11) and Bina (7).

Producer: Steve Doherty
A Giddy Goat production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 19:45 Coastlines (m001mt28)
The Bucket by Sophie Mackintosh

"The fascination with the bucket continued throughout the week. There was always at least one of them guarding it, furtive, shouting at the adults to stay back".

A new short story for radio by Sophie Mackintosh, the author of Cursed Bread and The Water Cure. On a Pembrokeshire beach, a group of children find something in a rockpool. Something they bring back from the beach in a bucket. Something they're unwilling to let their parents see.

Sophie Mackintosh's fiction, essays and poetry have been published by Granta, The White Review, The New York Times and The Stinging Fly, among others. Her debut novel The Water Cure was published by in 2018 and was long-listed for the Man Booker Prize. Her third novel, Cursed Bread, was published in March 2023 and long-listed for the Women's Prize. She was picked as one of the 2023 Granta Best of Young British Novelists.

From Pembrokeshire to Penwith, Coastlines is a series of five original short stories for radio, each anchored at a different point along the coast of Wales and South West England.

Produced in Bristol by Mair Bosworth for BBC Audio

SUN 20:00 More or Less (m001mlhx)
Lib Dem ambulance claims, affordable rent and goat meat

The Liberal Democrats say 120 people a day in England died whilst waiting for an ambulance last year. We investigate whether the claim stands up to scrutiny. Also, Rishi Sunak's pandemic-era scheme Eat Out To Help Out is back in the spotlight. How much did it really contribute to a second wave of infections? We look at a claim that no single woman in England on an average salary can afford to rent a home of her own. And Jonathan Agnew said on Test Match Special that goat is the most eaten meat in the world. Is he right?

Presenter: Tim Harford
Series Producer: Jon Bithrey
Reporters: Jo Casserly, Nathan Gower
Editor: Richard Vadon
Sound Engineer: James Beard
Production Co-ordinator: Brenda Brown

SUN 20:30 Last Word (m001mm0j)
Mel Parry, Professor Alice Coleman, Hugh Callaghan, Cynthia Weil

Matthew Bannister on

Mel Parry, the SAS veteran who was part of the team that stormed the Iranian embassy in London in 1980.

Professor Alice Coleman, the geographer whose modifications to modernist high rise estates won the support of Margaret Thatcher.

Hugh Callaghan, the labourer who was one of six men arrested after the Birmingham pub bombings of 1974. He served 16 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit.

Cynthia Weil, the American songwriter behind hits like The Righteous Brothers’ “You’ve Lost That Loving Feeling”, The Animals’ “We Gotta Get Out Of This Place” and Dolly Parton’s “Here You Come Again”.

Interviewee: Bob Shepherd
Interviewee: Jo Kendall
Interviewee: Professor Loretta Lees
Interviewee: Chris Mullin

Producer: Gareth Nelson-Davies

Archive used:
Iranian Embassy Siege, News bulletin, BBC Radio 4, 30/04/1980; Iranian Embassy Siege, Reports and interviews, BBC Radio 4, 01/05/1980; Iranian Embassy Siege, Reports and interviews, BBC Radio 4, 03/05/1980; Iranian Embassy Siege in London, News report, BBC Radio 4, 05/05/1980; Cynthia Weil interview: writing songs for male performers, Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, YouTube uploaded 14/03/2016; Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann interview, Sunday Morning, CBS, 08/02/2015; Alice Coleman interview, The Friday Report: A Design for Living, BBC Two, 05/02/1988; 1974 Birmingham Pub Bombings report, BBC News, 15/08/1975; Birmingham bombings, 21 Dead And 182 Injured In Birmingham, RTE News Archive, 21/11/1974; Hugh Callaghan interview, World In Action, Granada Television, 18/03/1991; Hugh Callaghan interview, BBC Radio Ulster, 08/12/1996; Birmingham Six freed, News reports, BBC Newsnight, 11/03/1991; Hugh Callaghan singing, Songs of Love and Emigration: Two, The Irish Pensioners Choir, 2023;

SUN 21:00 Money Box (m001msqx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:04 on Saturday]

SUN 21:25 Radio 4 Appeal (m001msx4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:54 today]

SUN 21:30 Loose Ends (m001msrm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:15 on Saturday]

SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (m001mt2n)
Ben Wright discusses the implications of Boris Johnson's resignation with Conservative MP Bim Afolami, Labour's Karin Smyth and the Director of the Institute for Government, Hannah White. They also talk about moves to exclude MPs accused of serious sexual or violent offences from Westminster. Jason Groves - political editor of the Daily Mail - provides additional context and analysis. And the US pollster and political strategist, Fank Luntz, offers some advice to both main parties, ahead of the next general election.

SUN 23:00 Moral Maze (m001mlrc)
Football: a moral force for good?

Try telling the hordes of Manchester City fans heading to the Champions League final this weekend that the beautiful game has an ugly side. The team is on the verge of sealing an historic first Treble and glory awaits. Rival fans, however, claim they’ve bought success, with the wealth of their Abu Dhabi owners.

The eye-watering sums of money invested in top-flight football raises moral questions for all fans, some of whom may feel they are entering into a Faustian pact. Newcastle United’s recent takeover by an investment fund with strong links to the Saudi state, has prompted concerns about ‘sportswashing’ – a means by which ethically dubious regimes direct attention away from their poor human rights records. Some worry that the commercialisation and uneven distribution of wealth in the game has priced hardworking fans out of watching their team, while leaving some community clubs on the brink of insolvency. There is unease not just about the institution of football but about its culture. Across Europe, high-profile black players are targets of racist abuse, there are hardly any openly gay footballers and female officials are subjected to misogyny.

Others see football, on balance, as a moral force for good. Our society, they say, would be worse off without it. Far from encouraging a toxic tribalism, enthusiasts believe football brings communities together. They cite grassroots projects, funded by footballing authorities, clubs and individual players, which often go under the radar and transform people’s lives. For many fans, football is a language that knows no borders, and their home ground is a cathedral of collective transcendence. Football could be seen as a microcosm of life – the agony, the extasy, the drama, the messiness, the humanity – just ask the people of Wrexham, whose Hollywood owners, they believe, have not just injected money into their club, but meaning into their town.

Producer: Dan Tierney.


MON 00:00 Midnight News (m001mt2w)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

MON 00:15 Thinking Allowed (m001mlnk)
High Finance

HIGH FINANCE: Laurie Taylor talks to Brett Christophers, Professor in the Department of Human Geography at Uppsala University, Sweden, whose latest book argues that banks have taken a backseat since the global financial crisis . Today, our new economic masters are asset managers who don’t just own financial assets, they also own the roads we drive on; the pipes that supply our drinking water; the farmland that provides our food; energy systems for electricity and heat; hospitals, schools, and even the homes in which many of us live—these all now swell asset managers’ bulging investment portfolios. They’re joined by Megan Tobias Neely, Assistant Professor in the Department of Organization at Copenhagen Business School and author of a study which takes us behind the designer suits and helicopter commutes to provide a glimpse of the lives and times of the mainly white men who dominate the hedge fund industry where about 10,000 firms manage $4 trillion in assets and the average earnings are $1.4 mm a year - which can rise to several billion.

Producer: Jayne Egerton

MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (m001mss8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:43 on Sunday]

MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001mt32)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mt38)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mt3g)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

MON 05:30 News Briefing (m001mt3m)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001mt3r)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Richard Reddie from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Good morning!

Today is National Superman Day. I’m sure that many listeners would agree with the great Sir Michael Caine that ‘not many people know that!’

I’m an avid comic or graphic novel fan, especially of the superhero genre, and my favourite character has always been Superman. I still like the idea of being ‘faster than a speeding bullet’, even if this phrase is tautological in nature!

I’ve been fasincated by the religious symbolism linked to Superman. His Jewish American creators, the writer Jerry Siegel, and artist, Joe Shuster, based him on biblical figures from the Old Testament or Hebrew Bible. Superman crash lands on this planet in a space vessel as a toddler and is adopted by Martha and Jonathan Kent which is reminiscent of a Baby Moses. Equally, Superman’s strength is similar to to that of Samson’s. Interestingly, in his earliest incarnation Superman did not hve the ability to fly. Similarly, Superman’s s Kryptonian name, Kal-El, plays heavily on the divine as the word ‘El’ in the Hebrew language denotes God, and Superman’s messianic credentials can be seen in his earthly mission to ‘fight for truth and justice’.

Although Superman appears invincible, he is vulnerable to a greenish rock from his home planet called Kryptonite; which is now a that term has become a metaphor for a person’s weakness. As we all know, weakness is what makes us human, and separates us from the divine. And since time immemorial we have grappled with ways to turn our weaknesses into strengths.

In 2 Corinthians 12, the Apostle Paul, when discussing the ‘Thorn in his flesh’, suggested that Jesus Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness, and he ended his famous treatise on weakness by proposing that ‘whenever I am weak, then I am strong’.

Today I pray that I can help some people find strength when they experience weakness.


MON 05:45 Farming Today (m001mt3x)
12/06/23 Pheasant shoots taking legal action against government, Holkham Estate, solar farms for bees

The shooting organisation BASC says itis taking legal action against the government over gamebird licences in England. Following a legal challenge by campaigners Wild Justice, since 2021 the release of birds like pheasants has been licensed by Natural England. Because of concerns about avian flu, this year the licence doesn't cover protected areas. Anyone wanting to release red legged partridge or pheasants within 500 m of a Special Protection Area, which protects rare, vulnerable and migratory birds, must get permission from Natural England. BASC says there has been no consultation on the change and it was announced too late to give shoots time to adapt.

We start our theme for this week: agricultural estates. They are complicated businesses, with farming often at the heart but diversifications from holiday homes to shoots and micro-breweries helping to pay the bills. This week we're going to take a tour round the Holkham Estate in North Norfolk, owned by the Earl of Leicester.
The estate covers 3500 hectares, growing salad potatoes, malting barley for beer, wheat and sugar beet, and maize for a biodigester. It includes forestry, a national nature reserve on the coast, grazes 900 beef cattle and 600 breeding ewes. It's also a tourist attraction.

And a Leicestershire beekeeper says he has noticed a forty percent increase in honey production from hives near a solar farm.

Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Beatrice Fenton.

MON 05:56 Weather (m001mt41)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.

MON 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b08rt9rh)
Joe Harkness on the skylark

Joe Harkness indulges in some bird therapy, rejoicing in the sight and song of the skylark. Joe writes about the benefits of birdwatching towards wellbeing through connecting people with nature.

Producer Maggie Ayre.

MON 06:00 Today (m001mssg)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

MON 09:00 Start the Week (m001mssj)
Hacking and cybercrime

Just how safe is the online world? Yale Professor of Law and Philosophy Scott Shapiro delves into cybersecurity in his book, Fancy Bear Goes Phishing. The book’s title derives from the exploits of ‘Fancy Bear’, an elite unit of the Russian military intelligence that hacked the US Democratic National Committee in 2016. From a bored graduate student who accidentally crashed the nascent internet, to cyber criminals and bot farms, Shapiro looks at the dark history of the information age.

Dr Alice Hutchings first began researching cybercrime in the late 1990s, while working in industry, and is now Director of the Cambridge Cybercrime Centre. She argues that the romanticised image of the underground hacker as an anti-authoritarian ‘lone wolf’ who possesses technological wizardry is outdated. Hacking has become industrialised with criminals able to buy ‘off-the-shelf’ tools to infect computers.

While hackers constantly look to exploit vulnerabilities within the technology, one of the major weak points are users themselves. Jenny Radcliffe’s job is to expose the flaws and weaknesses in security operations. In People Hacker she explains how she uses a blend of psychology, stagecraft and charm to gain access to computer systems, and reveals how people can boost their security and make her job more difficult.

Producer: Katy Hickman

MON 09:45 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mssl)
1. Entering Conspiracyland

What’s happening in the Devon town of Totnes? The small town of Totnes in Devon is known for its warmth and open-mindedness, gong baths and healing crystals, but a fault line has emerged between the minority who’ve been drawn in by disinformation laced with hate and those who are fighting against it. Some in the town were drawn into a conspiracy theory movement during the pandemic, one whose monthly marches and rallies persist to this day. A conspiracy theory newspaper called The Light seems to have played a key part in the division there. BBC disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring investigates how the theories that dominate its pages are changing the town.

Host: Marianna Spring
Producers: Philip Marzouk and Olivia Lace-Evans
Producer for BBC Radio 4 podcasts: Nathan Jones
Technical Producer: Alex Portfelix
Series producer: Emma Close
Senior news editor: Sam Bonham
Commissioner: Rhian Roberts

New episodes released every few days. If you're in the UK, listen to the whole series first on BBC Sounds

And please get in touch with Marianna by emailing at:

MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001mssp)
Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan's first female architect, Relationships under pressure

The Scout Association is not doing enough to protect and safeguard children from child abuse, that’s according to two young women who have set up a website which launches tomorrow (Tuesday) asking for people to share their own testimonies of abuse. They are also calling on the Government as well as the Scout Association to do more. On Tuesday BBC Radio 4’s File on Four investigates the Scouts handling of such cases.

Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan's first female architect, talks to Nuala on being awarded the Royal Gold Medal for Architecture 2023, her work in disaster zones and helping the poorest communities impacted by climate change.

The last in our series Under Pressure about how couples cope when their relationship comes under great strain. An American study from 2010 found that couples who had experienced stillbirth were at a 40% greater risk of their relationship ending. Jo Morris went to meet Mustafa and Hawra who told their story.

Presented by Nuala McGovern
Reporter Jo Morris
Producer: Louise Corley
Editor: Karen Dalziel

MON 11:00 Windrush: A Family Divided (m001mssr)
Part Two: Identity and Culture

In the second part Robert and Jennifer Beckford unravel the intricate layers of the Windrush legacy through the prism of identity and culture.

Robert argues that moving to the UK was a transformative experience for not only the Windrush generation but for the whole of British society, helping create a new vibrant British culture. He cites the influences of Caribbean heritage people in music, film, sport and language in Britain. To help make his case he asks Jennifer to meet with Jamaican born England footballer John Barnes.

In contrast, Jennifer asserts that Caribbean culture in the UK is defined by stereotypes and the communities achievements in science and industry are overlooked and they received a hostile environment in return. She asks Robert to meet with Barbara Blake-Hannah - the first female black news reporter in the UK, who went back to Jamaica after just eight years, due to racist abuse.

Robert and Jennifer also hear the views of second and third generation British Caribbean's on how they feel about their identity. Are they British, Caribbean or is it possible to be both?

Finally, Robert travels to Manchester to speak to Tony Downie, who came to the UK as a child of Windrush. He served in the British military until his world was turned upside down after being threatened with deportation during the Windrush scandal.

Will Tony's shocking story change Roberts view on the Windrush generation and benefits of being in the UK?

Produced by Rajeev Gupta

MON 11:30 The Bottom Line (m001mlw3)
Are supermarkets profiteering?

Grocery stores are under pressure – with food inflation still near record highs, some have accused them of profiteering and the UK’s competition watchdog is investigating.

So what’s the evidence, if any, that supermarkets and other smaller stores are taking advantage of consumers, and what is a reasonable profit margin in this industry anyway? Food suppliers, large and small, also have a role to play here – we look at how their margins impact prices.

And, with government ministers vowing to curb food price inflation, we ask whether a cap on the cost of some products would help.

Evan Davis is joined by guests from across the industry to try to get a clearer picture of the UK’s food supply chain, and ask how fair it is on customers.

Produced in Partnership with The Open University.


Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones, founder of The Black Farmer
Teresa Wickham, retail analyst, fruit grower, and former advisor to Sainsbury’s and director at Safeway
Chris Noice, communications director, Association of Convenience Stores


Producer: Simon Tulett
Editor: China Collins
Sound: Graham Puddifoot and Neil Churchill
Production co-ordinator: Brenda Brown

MON 12:00 News Summary (m001msxr)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 12:04 You and Yours (m001mssw)
Post Pandemic Workers, Older Renters and Badly Behaved Dogs

How the pandemic has changed our working lives and shopping patterns, the challenge of being an older renter and why dogs need more training now than ever before.

MON 12:57 Weather (m001mssy)
The latest weather forecast

MON 13:00 World at One (m001mst0)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

MON 13:45 Close Encounters (m001mst2)
Edward Enninful and Naomi Campbell

In the sixth edition of her new series celebrating portraits and portraiture through the eyes of ten Great Britons, Martha Kearney's guest is the editor-in-chief of British Vogue, Edward Enninful. His choice is a photograph of super-model Naomi Campbell taken in 1987 when she was just 17.

After three years of closure for major refurbishment and expansion the National Portrait Gallery, just off London's Trafalgar Square is set for re-opening. To mark the occasion the gallery, along with BBC Radio 4 have launched a celebration of great Briton's, with Martha Kearney hosting a Close Encounter between the likes of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Dame Katherine Grainger and Edward Enninful and a portrait they choose to champion. For Sir Tim Berners-Lee it's the Suffragette campaigner Christabel Pankhurst, for Dame Katherine Grainger it's the first English woman to swim the channel, the largely forgotten Mercedes Gleitze.

In each episode we find out about the subject of the portrait, the moment at which their image was captured for posterity and the importance of image and identity for those who find themselves in the eye of the nation's attention today.

Producers: Tom Alban and Mohini Patel

MON 14:00 The Archers (m001mst4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Sunday]

MON 14:15 This Cultural Life (m001msrr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:15 on Saturday]

MON 15:00 Round Britain Quiz (m001mst6)
Programme 10, 2023

Fresh from their victory over Wales last week, Paddy Duffy and Freya McClements of Northern Ireland return for their final fixture of the 2023 season, against Frankie Fanko and Stephen Maddock of The Midlands. Kirsty Lang's cryptic questions will test their knowledge of everything from Dordogne villages and Elvis Costello albums to quotations in classical music and nicknames for drugs.

As always, the more clues Kirsty has to give the teams, the more their scores will suffer. How close can either team come to a perfect 24?

Producer: Paul Bajoria

MON 15:30 The Food Programme (m001mst8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:32 on Sunday]

MON 16:00 Fit for Work (m001mlym)
For 30 years, governments have tried to get disabled people into work by toughening up benefit rules. Part of the motivation has been to cut the welfare bill, but it's also been framed as an attempt to stop disabled people "languishing" on benefits.

But the policy has had tragic consequences, particularly for people with mental illness, who have felt coerced and pressured, as the department for work and pensions has deemed them fit for work. Many - maybe hundreds - have taken their own lives.

Jolyon Jenkins investigates how the policy came about. In this episode, he looks at how, despite evidence that the Fit for Work test was failing, governments of both main parties ignored official warnings and pressed ahead with it, expanding the scheme dramatically.

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins
An Off Beat Media production for BBC Radio 4

MON 16:30 The Digital Human (m001mstb)
Series 29


We’ve all seen those TV programmes (and perhaps shed a tear) when long lost family members are reunited. Who doesn’t love a fairytale ending? Making those connections nowadays is simpler and faster than ever, thanks to a combination of DNA testing, digital records and the ease of gathering information and communicating online. But do these huge leaps forward we’ve experienced in science and technology mean that, sometimes, things can move a bit too quickly for us to process. Reunions don’t always involve a happy ending and can be complicated emotionally. So just because we can track someone down, does that always mean that we should? Aleks Krotoski meets five adoptees navigating aspects of reunion.

Producer: Lynsey Moyes
Researcher: Anna Miles

MON 17:00 PM (m001mstd)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001mstn)
The Prime Minister has claimed Mr Johnson asked him to intervene in the process

MON 18:30 The Unbelievable Truth (m001msts)
Series 29

Episode 3

David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they’re able to smuggle past their opponents.

Alan Davies, Holly Walsh, Angela Barnes and Henning Wehn are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as pubs, the postal service, cleaning and languages.

The show is devised by Graeme Garden and Jon Naismith.

Producer: Jon Naismith

A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4

MON 19:00 The Archers (m001mstx)
Brian welcomes Ruairi to Blossom Hill Cottage. Ruairi apologises for his behaviour after Jennifer died and for not being in touch much since, but Brian bats it away. Upstairs he shows Ruairi his new bedroom, which Brian has made an effort to arrange nicely. Ruairi is delighted. He’s sorry he can only stay for a few days, but he has a bar job to get back to in London. Brian senses Ruairi has money troubles and wonders if he needs a bigger allowance, but Ruairi insists he can’t keep relying on other people.
Helen is telling Lee that Dominic thinks Rob has a very weak case, when the doorbell rings. It’s Harrison. He needs to take Lee in for questioning under caution. Rob has accused him of assault. Helen can’t believe what she’s hearing and tries to get some answers from Tom. He explains that Rob was winding Lee up. When Rob wouldn’t let him walk away, Lee shoved him and Rob fell, hitting his head on the yard. Miles was there too. Helen is furious. They’ve made everything ten times worse. Later, Pat comforts Tom. Whilst it was misguided, she understands why Tom went to see Rob. Lee returns and reveals to Helen he’s accepted a Community Resolution. If Rob won’t agree to it though, Lee may be charged with common assault, and faces up to six months in jail. Helen tells Lee coldly that their priority is keeping Rob away from Henry and Jack. Everything else they’ll have to deal with as best as they can.

MON 19:15 Front Row (m001msv1)
Mad Musicals, Eric Whitacre, Women's Prize - Laline Paull

Surprising musicals: new musicals are packing in audiences - and some with quite unlikely subjects. Whilst the classic Broadway musical, like 42nd Street, Guys and Dolls, and Oklahoma!, remain as popular as ever, there’s now a musical based on Bake Off, and the plot of Operation Mincemeat is itself a plot - to hoodwink the Nazis with a corpse in disguise. Critic David Benedict, Natasha Hodgson, co-writer of Operation Mincemeat, and Matthew Iliffe, Assistant Director of Assassins, discuss what’s happening with the musical.

Eric Whitacre is one of the world’s most popular living composers. He specialises in choral music and is a virtual choir pioneer, uniting thousands of singers all over the globe. He talks to Samira Ahmed about Home, his new album with acclaimed vocal ensemble Voces8.

Plus, the Women’s Prize For Fiction. In the last of our interviews from authors on the shortlist, we speak to Laline Paull - whose novel Pod explores sealife in the Indian Ocean, with themes of war and migration under the shadow of climate change.

Presenter: Samira Ahmed
Producer: Julian May

MON 20:00 The Fast Furniture Fix (m001msv5)
Fair fashion campaigner and influencer Venetia La Manna sets out to discover how the ways we produce, consume and value furniture have transformed over recent decades, and what that means for our homes and the planet. From the comfort of our sofas, it’s a giant footprint and a major waste category that many of us are barely aware of. And with diminishing quality feeding our throwaway mindset, are we beginning to get stuck in a perpetual cycle?

Venetia finds out how we got here and explores the nuanced reasons we turn to fast options – out of both choice and necessity, from the influence of social media to the housing crisis. We hear about the turning tide towards second hand furniture and the growing reuse market, and ask pioneering homewares giant IKEA about their sustainability strategy. If we act now, can fast furniture slow down before it’s too late?

With contributions from design historian Deborah Sugg Ryan, sustainable consumption expert Tim Cooper, TrendBible’s Home and Interiors Editor Wendy Lowe, culture journalist Kieran Yates, and representatives from Bristol Waste, Gloucestershire County Council, and IKEA.

Photo credit: Holly Falconer

MON 20:30 Analysis (m001msv9)
What are companies for?

Ruth Sunderland, the group business editor of the Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday, asks industry leaders and thinkers about the purpose of companies. Should they be organisations designed to generate profits for the benefit of shareholders, or do they have a bigger role to play in society? What part do they play in environmental policy? Ruth investigates ESG investments, which claim to promote environmental, social and corporate governance best practice, and have become a trillion pound industry. Why has ESG become a flashpoint in the US political culture wars and could the same happen in the UK?

Presenter: Ruth Sunderland
Producer: Farhana Haider
Editor: Clare Fordham
Sound Engineer: Nicky Edwards
Production Coordinator: Maria Ogundele

Mark Goyder Founder, Tomorrows Company
Euan Munro, Chief Executive, Newton Investment Management
Merryn Somerset Webb, Senior Columnist at Bloomberg.
Philip Gill, small Investor
Giulia Chierchia, Executive Vice President for Strategy, Sustainability, and Ventures at BP
Louise Oliver, Co-Founder, Piercefield Oliver Chartered Financial Planners
Rachel, Small investor
Dr Nina Seega, Director for the Centre for Sustainable Finance at the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership
Tariq Fancy, Former Chief Investment officer for Sustainability Investing at BlackRock
Witold Henisz, Vice Dean and faculty director of the ESG initiative at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania

MON 21:00 Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin (m001mlmy)
2. A Question of Trust

A team of top scientists ask where Covid came from. But can they trust data from China?

As the new virus takes hold in Wuhan, the Chinese state downplays its infectiousness and punishes a doctor who sounded the alarm. It raises the question of trust in what China and its scientists say - a question soon at the heart of a brewing political storm over Covid’s origin. Western scientists offer a response to claims the virus could’ve leaked from a lab. But are they being given the full picture?

Archive: CBS; The White House; NPR; Weibo; CGTN; Tom Cotton; CBS; MSNBC; Democracy Now!; CNN.

Presenter: John Sudworth
Series producer: Simon Maybin
Editor: Richard Vadon
Sound design and mix: James Beard
Commissioning editor: Dan Clarke
Science advice: Julian Siddle and Victoria Gill
Extra production: Eva Artesona and Kathy Long
Research support: Zisheng Xu and BBC Monitoring
Production coordinators: Siobhan Reed, Helena Warwick-Cross, Sophie Hill, and Debbie Richford
Theme and original music: Pete Cunningham, with trumpet by Joss Murray
Radio 4 Editor of Editorial Standards: Roger Mahony
Head of BBC News - Long Form Audio: Emma Rippon

MON 21:30 Start the Week (m001mssj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 22:00 The World Tonight (m001msvh)
Mother jailed for taking abortion pills too late

A mother-of-three is jailed for inducing an abortion too late

Rishi Sunak and Boris Johnson's escalating feud over the former PM's honours list

MON 22:45 Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton (m001msvm)
Episode 1

What happens when heartfelt principles meet obscene wealth? A struggling gardening collective in New Zealand is about to find out when a chance meeting with a billionaire survivalist brings the opportunity of a lifetime.

Kerry Fox reads the satirical, apocalyptic thriller from Booker Prize-winner Eleanor Catton.

Abridged by Siân Preece
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie

MON 23:00 Gaby's Talking Pictures (m0007kzr)
Series 2

Episode 3

Gaby Roslin hosts the film quiz with impressions by Alistair McGowan and Ronni Ancona. This week, team captains John Thomson and Ellie Taylor are joined by special guests Lucy Porter and Emma Kennedy.

Presented by Gaby Roslin
Team Captains: John Thomson and Ellie Taylor
Impressionists: Alistair McGowan and Ronni Ancona
Created by Gaby Roslin
Written by Carrie Quinlan and Barney Newman

Produced by Gaby Roslin and Barney Newman
Executive Producer Gordon Kennedy
Recorded at RADA Studios, London

An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4

MON 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001msvt)
News from Westminster with Susan Hulme.


TUE 00:00 Midnight News (m001msvz)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 00:30 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mssl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Monday]

TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001msw5)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mswc)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mswp)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

TUE 05:30 News Briefing (m001mswz)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001msx8)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Richard Reddie from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Good morning!

In just under a week’s time, we will be marking Refugee Week, which is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees and people seeking sanctuary.

Britain has a rich history of offering sanctuary to those fleeing persecution that goes back millennia. As early as 600 CE, during the reign of King Ethelbert, churches in England had the right to give sanctuary to those in peril. Churches that offered sanctuary usually had a knocker on their doors, and a person seeking sanctuary would hold and then rattle this to gain entrance. The wonderful Durham Cathedral still has a Sanctuary Knocker on its door. Other places of worship in Beverley, Ripon and Hexham had Frith Stools, which were stone seats found beside the altar in which a person could take sanctuary.

Churches undoubtedly get their inspiration from the Bible, which is replete with verses that call upon God’s people to offer sanctuary to the foreigner, the alien and the vulnerable. Indeed, In the Hebrew Bible or Old Testament the challenge to ‘love the stranger’ is mentioned on 37 occasions, which is many more times than the better-known command to ‘love your neighbour’.

Refugee organisations point to the humungous numbers of people displaced around the world, and the increasing antagonism they face when seeking safety. It can be argued that if we want to be faithful to biblical teachings, we should opt for hospitality over hostility, and help those in need.

Lord, I thank you for being a refuge and shelter, and for knowing all journeys taken – as well as all hopes and concerns. I pray that you strengthen our resolve to be people of sanctuary, who can build cultures of welcome and hospitality, so we can act with protective care for all who are in need.


TUE 05:45 Farming Today (m001msxm)
13/06/23 Small abattoirs, Cereals, Farm accounts

Farmers are hoping for an announcement soon on more help for small abattoirs, which have been in decline for many years. This means farmers have fewer options when they sent animals for slaughter, and the animals themselves have to make longer journeys. Farming Minister Mark Spencer promised to do something about it in his speech at the National Farmers Union Conference back in February. Since then, no specific announcements have been made, although the recent Rural Action Plan launched by DEFRA mentions consultation. We speak to Marisa Heath who set up a cross-party Parliamentary inquiry into small abattoirs.

Hundreds of farmers are gathering at the Cereals event in Nottinghamshire and after one of the most volatile years arable farmers can remember there'll be a lot to discuss. Some figures calculate that UK arable farmers are facing more than a 50% drop in profits from harvest 2023.

All week we're taking a look at what it takes to run a big estate and how they juggle farming with tourism and conservation. Today we speak to the accountants in the office who manage all the money for the farm business.

Presenter = Anna Hill
Producer = Rebecca Rooney

TUE 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b092fyw2)
Amy Liptrot on the Curlew

Writer Amy Liptrot reflects on her favourite bird, the curlew, whose evocative call reminds her of her childhood home back in the Orkneys, in this Tweet of the Day.

Producer: Mark Ward.

TUE 06:00 Today (m001mt31)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

TUE 09:00 The Life Scientific (m001mt3h)
Anne-Marie Imafidon on fighting for diversity and equality in science

Anne-Marie Imafidon passed her computing A-Level at the age of 11 and by 16, was accepted to the University of Oxford to study Maths and Computer Science.

She's used to the 'child prodigy' label that's followed her throughout her career, but that doesn't mean she's had an easy ride.

It was a combination of personal experience and the discovery that the number of women working in the STEM sectors - Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics - was in free-fall that inspired Anne-Marie to found Stemettes: a not-for-profit social enterprise introducing girls to STEM ideas and careers in fun and accessible ways. It's now in its tenth year and still growing, while Anne-Marie has received an MBE, enjoyed a successful stint as the numbers guru on the TV series Countdown, and is the current President of the British Science Association.

In conversation in front of an audience at the 2023 Cheltenham Science Festival, she tells Jim Al-Khalili about her quest for equality and diversity across the scientific community - and explains why she thinks everyone has the potential to be a 'child prodigy', given the right opportunity...

Produced by Lucy Taylor.

TUE 09:30 One to One (m001mt3l)
Dharshini David meets cosmetic dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting

Are we as obsessed as ever with not wanting to look old? And does the beauty industry respond to or fuel that desire?
BBC business correspondent Dharshini David and cosmetic dermatologist Dr Sam Bunting discuss people's motivation for wanting beauty treatments and procedures, the way advertising has changed over the years, and the ethics of the industry.

TUE 09:45 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mt3q)
2. Down The Rabbit Hole

What do those in the movement believe? And why? BBC disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring continues her investigation into Totnes’ conspiracy theory movement after hearing about one of its prominent members: an artist named Jason Liosatos. Meeting him in his gallery she learns more about some of his beliefs and what that indicates about the movement.

Host: Marianna Spring
Producers: Philip Marzouk and Olivia Lace-Evans
Producer for BBC Radio 4 podcasts: Nathan Jones
Technical Producer: Alex Portfelix
Series producer: Emma Close
Senior news editor: Sam Bonham
Commissioner: Rhian Roberts

New episodes released every few days. If you're in the UK, listen to the whole series first on BBC Sounds

And please get in touch with Marianna by emailing at:

TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001mt3t)
Abortion laws, Anorexia and bone health, Profile of Greta Thunberg, Susanna Hoffs

Is current abortion legislation fit for purpose? It's a question debated this morning following the conviction and sentencing of Carla Foster for inducing an abortion outside the legal time limit using pills at home. Nuala is joined by barrister, Harriet Johnson and Ruth Rawlings from CBR UK, Centre for Bioethical Reform which seeks to challenge views on abortion.
Dr Laura Flexer, a GP, emailed Woman’s Hour to ask the programme to talk about bone health, especially that of teenage girls with anorexia. Should young women with eating disorders be given oestrogen to boost bone density? Dr Flexer joins Nuala to talk about her research, along with Professor Sandeep Ranote, an expert clinical media spokesperson for the eating disorders charity BEAT and a consultant paediatric psychiatrist for eating disorders in the NHS.
Last Friday climate activist Greta Thunberg took to twitter to mark her final school strike for climate. We wanted to take this opportunity to look back at the impact of Greta’s work so far and cast forward to the future. Guardian climate journalist Fiona Harvey and Climate activist Mikaela Loach join Nuala.
Susanna Hoffs is a solo artist and a founding member of the Bangles. Blending ’60s garage rock, harmonies, and jangly guitars, they became a seminal band of the 1980s with a string of hits including ‘Manic Monday’ , ‘Walk Like an Egyptian’ and ‘Eternal Flame.’ She’s since written and recorded for and appeared in the Austin Powers movies. She joins Nuala to discuss her career and her first novel – This Bird Has Flown – described as "part British romcom, part Jane Eyre” – which gives a glimpse inside the music business.

Presenter: Nuala McGovern
Producer: Lucinda Montefiore
Studio Manager: Steve Greenwood

TUE 11:00 Fever: The Hunt for Covid's Origin (m001mt3y)
3. Uncertainty and Trump

US President Donald Trump wades into the Covid origins debate.

It’s April 2020 and at the podium of the White House’s press room, Donald Trump makes a geopolitically incendiary claim: he has a high degree of confidence that the origin of the virus that causes Covid is the Wuhan Institute of Virology - a Chinese government lab. But scientists seem certain that can’t be true. So what is the evidence for both claims? And what were the scientists publicly dismissing a lab leak saying in private?

Archive: The White House; C-SPAN; CBS.

Presenter: John Sudworth
Series producer: Simon Maybin
Editor: Richard Vadon
Sound design and mix: James Beard
Commissioning editor: Dan Clarke
Science advice: Julian Siddle and Victoria Gill
Extra production: Eva Artesona and Kathy Long
Research support: Zisheng Xu and BBC Monitoring
Production coordinators: Siobhan Reed, Helena Warwick-Cross, Sophie Hill, and Debbie Richford
Theme and original music: Pete Cunningham, with trumpet by Joss Murray
Radio 4 Editor of Editorial Standards: Roger Mahony
Head of BBC News - Long Form Audio: Emma Rippon

TUE 11:30 Taste (m001mt42)
Episode 1: The Self

'Taste' is a highly individual cultural attribute, an indicator of personality and refinement. For Zakia Sewell, a DJ and broadcaster, it's most viscerally - and most precisely - expressed through music, revealing so much about each of us and about the world we've built around ourselves.

She starts her deconstruction of what we mean by 'taste' by comparing notes with her friend Flo Dill, with whom Zakia co-hosts the NTS Breakfast Show, to talk about niche audiences and musical 'cheese'.

She then visits two temples of musical connoisseurship. At Wigmore Hall, possibly the world's finest chamber music venue, she meets John Gilhooly who sometimes has to put his own preferences to one side in programming concerts. At Honest Jon's, the famous Portobello Road record shop where she used to work, Zakia interrogates the musical predilections of her old boss, Alan Scholefield.

Presented by Zakia Sewell
Produced by Alan Hall
A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4
(Image credit: Buster Grey Jung)

TUE 12:00 News Summary (m001mt4c)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 12:04 You and Yours (m001mt47)
Call You and Yours: How have your holiday habits changed?

Have your summer holiday habits changed? Air fares are soaring - there are some predictions that the era of cheap flights could be over for good. The price of package holidays to popular destinations is also up. During Covid we all holidayed in the UK - did that habit stick for you, and does it represent any better value than going abroad? Or is the idea of a holiday anywhere just a remote possibility, given the relentless rise of the cost of living? Let us know your plans.

You can call us on 03700 100 444. Lines are open at 11 am on Tuesday 13 June. You can also email us now at


TUE 12:57 Weather (m001mt4b)
The latest weather forecast

TUE 13:00 World at One (m001mt4g)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

TUE 13:45 Close Encounters (m001mt4j)
Clara Amfo and Amy Winehouse

The seventh of Martha Kearney’s new series celebrating portraits and portraiture through the eyes of ten Great Britons. Her guest is the British radio broadcaster, television presenter, podcast host, Clara Amfo. Her choice is the singer songwriter Amy Winehouse.

After three years of closure for major refurbishment and expansion the National Portrait Gallery, just off London's Trafalgar Square is set for re-opening. To mark the occasion the gallery, along with BBC Radio 4 have launched a celebration of great Briton's, with Martha Kearney hosting a Close Encounter between the likes of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Dame Katherine Grainger and Edward Enninful and a portrait they choose to champion. For Sir Tim Berners-Lee it's the Suffragette campaigner Christabel Pankhurst, for Dame Katherine Grainger it's the first English woman to swim the channel, the largely forgotten Mercedes Gleitze.

In each episode we find out about the subject of the portrait, the moment at which their image was captured for posterity and the importance of image and identity for those who find themselves in the eye of the nation's attention today.

Producers: Tom Alban and Mohini Patel

TUE 14:00 The Archers (m001mstx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Monday]

TUE 14:15 Drama on 4 (b0b92qsz)
From a Great Height

based on a true story
by Robin Soans

When a nurse recognises her former teacher in hospital, both their worlds begin to unravel.

Bradley Woods ..... Ray Fearon
Zenna Williams ..... Franc Ashman
Clarence ..... Enyi Okoronkwo
Olwyn Gaunt ..... Elizabeth Counsell
Conrad Kent ..... Zackary Momoh
Declan Driscoll ...... Ryan Whittle
Teacher ..... John Lightbody
Gym Worker ..... Joseph Ayre
Nurse ..... Emma Handy

Produced & directed by Marion Nancarrow

Robin Soans is a writer and actor. He is a specialist in verbatim and documentary plays. In 2000 he was commissioned to write " A State Affair' - a verbatim play set on the Buttershaw Estate in Bradford as a companion piece to Rita, Sue and Bob Too by Andrea Dunbar, which had been set on the same estate 18 years earlier. Three years later came "The Arab-Israeli Cookbook", researched in Israel and Palestine and In 2005, 'Talking to Terrorists' for Out-of-Joint and the Royal Court and described by Michael Billington as 'the most important play of the year', Other plays include 'Life after Scandal' 'One Turbulent Ambassador' 'Perseverance Drive' at the Bush Theatre and 'Crouch, Touch, Pause, Engage' for The Welsh National Theatre, Out-of-Joint, and The Arcola.

TUE 15:00 Short Cuts (m001mt4l)
Series 35


Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures about being in motion - from scandalising dance moves to taking flight.

The Twist
Extract from Between the Ears: Monument (London 1935 - 1993)
First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in 1993
Composed by Ian Gardiner
Produced by Alan Hall
Performed by Ensemble George W Welch
With a cast of voices from the BBC Sound Archive

Life Begins in the Stillness
Featuring Gabriel Rodreick
Produced by Julie Censullo

Unknown Person (from Baggage Allowance)
Released on the album A Secret Code
Composed and performed by Pamela Z

Joy of Bundle
Sound design by Axel Kacoutié
Written and produced by Lou Mensah

Curated by Axel Kacoutié, Eleanor McDowall and Andrea Rangecroft
Series Producer: Eleanor McDowall
A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4

TUE 15:30 Bad Blood: The Story of Eugenics (m001fw0c)
Birth Controlled

Who should be prevented from having children? And who gets to decide? Across 20th century America, there was a battle to control birth - a battle which rages on to this day.

In 1907, the state of Indiana passed the first sterilisation law in the world. Government-run institutions were granted the power to sterilise those deemed degenerate - often against their will.

In the same period, women are becoming more educated, empowered and sexually liberated. In the Roaring Twenties, the flappers start dancing the Charleston and women win the right to vote.

But contraception is still illegal and utterly taboo. The pioneering campaigner Margaret Sanger, begins her decades long activism to secure women access to birth control - the only way, she argues, women can be truly free.

In the final part of the episode, sterilisation survivor and campaigner Elaine Riddick shares her painful but remarkable story.

Contributors: Professor Alexandra Minna Stern from the UCLA Institue of Society and Genetics, Professor Wendy Kline from Purdue Univerity, Elaine and Tony Riddick from the Rebecca Project for Justice

Featuring the voice of Joanna Monro

Music and Sound Design by Jon Nicholls
Presented by Adam Rutherford
Produced by IIan Goodman

Clips: Coverage of Dobbs v Jackson Supreme Court decision from June 24, 2022 including BBC News / CBS News correspondent Jan Crawford / BBC News Sarah Smith / audio of protesters from Channel 4 News. / Mike Wallace interviews Margaret Sanger, September 1957, from the archive at the Harry Ransom Center, University of Texas at Austin

TUE 16:00 Law in Action (m001mt9j)
The new Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor, Alex Chalk KC MP

The new Secretary of State for Justice and Lord Chancellor Alex Chalk KC MP speaks to Joshua Rozenberg. How does he respond to criticisms levelled at the reforms of the Parole Board proposed in the Victims and Prisoners Bill? And how does he reconcile his wish to "provide individuals with the due process which is the hallmark of our legal system" with some aspects of the Home Office's Illegal Migration Bill, that aims to stop people crossing to the UK in small boats? Mr Chalk also speaks about new measures to protect investigative journalists from malicious libel actions, and confirms that the new Lord Chief Justice will be a woman, for the first time in a thousand years.

Most of the senior judges in England and Wales are male, white, middle-aged and former barristers. The new head of the Judicial Appointments Commission, Helen Pitcher, in her first broadcast interview, tells Joshua that diversity is very important and admits its an issue in the judiciary. So how will she increase it? We hear about projects and research to help remove barriers and ensure senior judges reflect the society they serve.

What is it like to do your job after a diagnosis of Parkinson's? The condition affects people differently, but many have a tremor, fatigue, reduced mobility in their arms, legs, or both, and some can have depression. Joshua meets a High Court judge, Sir Nicholas Mostyn, to find out how he has been able to carry on working despite the condition. What are employees' rights in this case? And what is it like for those in other lines of work? We also hear from a nurse with Parkinson's on how she does it.

Presenter: Joshua Rozenberg
Producer: Arlene Gregorius
Researcher: Bethan Ashmead Latham
Production Coordinator: Maria Ogundele
Editor: Clare Fordham

TUE 16:30 A Good Read (m001mt4n)
Zing Tsjeng and Yomi Ṣode

Journalist, broadcaster and author Zing Tsjeng and poet Yomi Ṣode join presenter Harriett Gilbert to talk about the books they love.

Zing chooses a book set in the heart of New York City's queer community. Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters is centred on the lives of Reece, a trans woman, her ex Ames, and her ex's new lover, Katrina. Yomi recommends Caleb Azumah Nelson's debut book, Open Water, a lyrical romance story set in South East London. And Harriett's choice is Intimacies, a novel by Katie Kitamura, where the main character is an interpreter at the International Court in The Hague, where unease bubbles below the surface of the novel's cool narration.

Comment on instagram: @agoodreadbbc
Produced by Eliza Lomas

TUE 17:00 PM (m001mt4q)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001mt4v)
The inquiry has been told the UK may not have been "very well prepared at all"

TUE 18:30 Olga Koch: OK Computer (m001mt4y)
Series 2

4. Family

Comedian and computer scientist Olga Koch returns for a second series of her comedy and STEM stand up show, joined by her trusty digital assistant ALGO (voiced by Tia Kofi). This episode, Olga and ALGO try to keep things in the family.

Written by Olga Koch and Charlie Dinkin

Featuring Tia Kofi

Additional Material From Rajiv Karia, Cody Dahler and Kate Dehnert

Production Co-ordinator Katie Baum

Produced by Benjamin Sutton

A BBC Studios Production

TUE 19:00 The Archers (m001mt52)
Anna Tregorran has come to see Helen while in Ambridge visiting her mum Carol, who really needs in-home care. Helen explains about Rob’s allegations and admits that she is starting to distrust her family. What’s the next stupid thing they’re going to do? Anna doubts Rob will agree to the Community Resolution Order. However, if Lee is convicted instead, it’s unlikely he’ll get jail time. Either way though, it allows Rob to portray Lee as a violent person and strengthens his case for access to Jack. They’ve put the ball in Rob’s court.
Ben visits Ruairi at Blossom Hill Cottage. When asked if he’s ready to return to dating, Ben admits he still thinks about getting in touch with Beth. Ruairi advises him to either message her, or to move on. Ben asks if Ruairi has had contact with Julianne, but Ruairi reveals she’s cut ties completely. He doesn’t really want to talk to about her.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth finds Freddie mixing a new track when he should be back working at Lower Loxley. Freddie insists he is not ready yet, he’ll start back at work tomorrow. He heads off to see Ben and Ruairi. At Blossom Hill, the lads talk about their futures. Ruairi has no interest in working at Home Farm, while Ben always knew a job at Brookfield wasn’t an option. Freddie bigs up his nascent DJ career, but when he says he has no choice but to work at Lower Loxley, Ruairi wonders if Freddie’s just too scared to make it? Later Freddie tells Elizabeth he’s a made decision. He’s not coming back to work. He quits.

TUE 19:15 Front Row (m001mt57)
Two debuts: novelist Cecilia Rabess, film director Dionne Edwards; the cost of maintaining arts organisations' buildings

Author and former data scientist, Cecilia Rabess joins Samira Ahmed to discuss her debut novel, Everything’s Fine, which explores the unlikely and complicated relationship between a liberal black woman working in the world of investment banking and her conservative white male colleague, during the lead-up to the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Following yesterday’s announcement that the Epstein Theatre in Liverpool is to close by the end of the month, Front Row takes a close look at the cost for arts organisations of maintaining infrastructure and cultural heritage sites across the UK. Joining Samira to discuss this are: architecture correspondent for The Times, Jonathan Morrison; Gillian Miller, CEO of Liverpool’s Royal Court, who reflects on the challenges of maintaining and modernising that grade II listed art deco theatre; and CEO of the Southbank Centre in London, Elaine Bedell, who thinks it’s time for new era of regeneration of the arts.

Pretty Red Dress, which captured a lot of attention when first shown at the BFI London Film Festival last year, is the debut feature film of screenwriter and director Dionne Edwards. She joins Front Row to talk about how the eponymous red dress becomes a way for the black family members, at the heart of the film, to define and redefine themselves.

Presenter: Samira Ahmed
Producer: Oliver Jones

TUE 20:00 File on 4 (m001mt5b)
Scout's Honour?

Nearly half a million young people in the UK are members of the Scout Association. The organisation employs 143,000 adult volunteers and leads the way in nurturing a love of the outdoors and providing practical skills which will allow members to make a positive contribution to society. But not everyone has been enriched by the experience. File on 4 has learned that in the last ten years the Scout Association has paid out £6m to scouts who were abused. Reporter Hayley Hassall hears from some female abuse survivors who say they were ignored when they reported abuse. The Scout Movement says it is "deeply sorry" for anyone who has suffered abuse. Now there are calls for the organsiation to overhaul its safeguarding policy. John Cameron, the former director of ChildLine and head of child protection operations at the NSPCC, tells File on 4 that voluntary organisations would benefit from an independent body overseeing safeguarding practices.

Reporter: Hayley Hassall
Producer: Paul Grant
Researcher: Shona Elliott
Technical Producer: Kelly Young
Digital Producer: Melanie Stewart-Smith
Journalism Assistant: Tim Fernley
Editor: Carl Johnston

TUE 20:40 In Touch (m001mt5g)
A Transport Special

The question of closing railway ticket offices has been in the headlines recently. Indeed, it remains one of the stumbling blocks to a settlement in the long running dispute between rail unions and train operators. One operator has already stopped selling tickets at discounted rates from their ticket offices for "same day" travel. This leaves travellers needing to use the internet or ticket vending machines to take advantage of reduced rates for same day journeys. We discuss what this means for visually impaired people with the help of Tony Miles from Modern Railways magazine.

Meanwhile, on the buses, we report on a trial aiming to make bus stations more accessible. Transport for West Midlands has unveiled new smart codes at Wolverhampton Bus Station, giving passengers immediate access to wayfinding details and travel information on their mobile phones. To get an update on the trial and what it might mean for accessible bus travel in the future, we hear from RNIB's Robin Spinks and Gary Leek from Transport for West Midlands .

Presenter: Peter White
Producer: Fern Lulham
Production Coordinator: Liz Poole

Website image description: Peter White sits smiling in the centre of the image, wearing a dark green jumper. Above Peter's head is the BBC logo (three individual white squares house each of the three letters). Bottom centre and overlaying the image are the words "In Touch"; and the Radio 4 logo (the word Radio in a bold white font, with the number 4 inside a white circle). The background is a bright mid-blue with two rectangles angled diagonally to
the right. Both are behind Peter, one of a darker blue and the other is a lighter blue.

TUE 21:00 All in the Mind (m001mt5l)
The perfection trap: do you feel 'good enough'?

It's not only the headliners at Glastonbury and winners at Wimbledon who strive for perfection in their lives. Psychologist Dr Tom Curran says people in all walks of life are prone to believing they're not quite "good enough". The pressure to be perfect can come from inside ourselves or from society, via social media as well as our friends and family. He says perfectionism isn't about doing things faultlessly - it's about feeling that you are never good enough even if you get a gold medal.

Tom Curran is a perfectionist himself and experienced burnout because of pressure from unachievable goals. Our studio guest Dr Peter Olusoga who's a sports psychologist says burnt-out athletes can end up withdrawing from their sport and resenting their coach if too much emphasis is placed on winning, instead of a more holistic approach. He also talks about how a study of teenagers at specialist "talent" schools in Norway might help to identify when students are under too much pressure as they try to balance practice with academic work and friendships.

The last All in the Mind Awards finalist is Trinia - a community psychiatric nurse who supported Rae even when she was rude to her. Trinia's persistence paid off - helping Rae to get an allotment and start painting has made her feel like life is worth living again.

TUE 21:30 The Life Scientific (m001mt3h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (m001mt5q)
Trump Indictment Case Begins

Donald Trump had denied the stack of unprecedented federal charges against him

TUE 22:45 Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton (m001mt5v)
Episode 2

A radical gardening collective in New Zealand will push their principles to breaking point when they make a deal with Big Tech. Kerry Fox reads Eleanor Catton’s satirical, apocalyptic thriller.

Birnam Wood stalwart Mira has chanced upon the perfect site to scale up her guerrilla gardening collective. But in the background, friend and long-time collaborator Shelley is losing patience with the activist lifestyle.

Read by Kerry Fox
Abridged by Siân Preece
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie

TUE 23:00 Witch (p0fp3myh)
3. The Witches Well

The witch has held a place firmly in our imagination for centuries – from whispered warnings in folklore to pop culture-driven heights. But what does it mean to be a witch now?

Presenter India Rakusen, creator of the podcast 28ish Days Later, is on a journey to find out.

In Scotland, a campaign is underway for an official pardon for the women burned as witches centuries ago. India heads to Edinburgh to discuss the deeply embedded misconceptions that still surround the witch hunts.

Scored with original music by The Big Moon.

Presenter: India Rakusen
Executive Producer: Alex Hollands
Producer: Lucy Dearlove
Producer: Elle Scott
AP: Tatum Swithenbank
Production Manager: Kerry Luter
Sound Design: Olga Reed

A Storyglass production for BBC Radio 4

TUE 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001mt62)
News, views and features on today's stories in Parliament


WED 00:00 Midnight News (m001mvtw)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

WED 00:30 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mt3q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Tuesday]

WED 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001mt66)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

WED 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mt6c)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mt6k)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

WED 05:30 News Briefing (m001mt6r)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001mt6y)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Richard Reddie from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Good Morning!

This Sunday – 18 June – is Father’s Day. My dad, who will be 90, a few days after Fathers’ Day, currently lives in Jamaica. Unlike Mothering Sunday which is marked in March in the UK, and May in Jamaica; Father’s Day is on the same day in both countries. When my mother was alive, I always forgot about the different dates for Mothering Sunday. So when I then called her in Jamaica to wish her ‘Happy Mother’s Day’, she would thank me for the card, but then remind me of the date difference.

When my parents lived in this country, I always looked forward to the years when my dad’s birthday, which is the 21st June, coincided with Father’s Day, as it meant that I could buy one card or present for the two occasions. I remember my dad never complaining about my frugality, I think the most important thing for him was that I remembered.

At the moment, all the shops are selling a whole range of weird and wonderful gifts for Fathers’ Day, and it appears that we prove how much we love or value our fathers by spending lots of money on them. And while we may all be familiar with the maxim ‘It’s the thought that counts’, that phrase is often said when a person receives a present or gift that is deemed substandard or inappropriate.

As I am now a father myself, I’ll be taking a leaf out of my dad’s book for Fathers’ Day. I’ll be more than happy to receive a card or even a phone call from my son. For me, it is the thought that counts!

Gracious Lord, I thank you for special days and special people. May all important anniversaries and occasions be used to remember and affirm those individuals who have helped to shape our lives, thanking them for their vision, wisdom, courage and love.


WED 05:45 Farming Today (m001mt74)
14/06/23 Antibiotic use in pigs; Dual purpose sheep; Estate livestock and conservation

Pig farmers across the UK have reduced their use of antibiotics in their herds by 75% over the last eight years. That's according to figures released by the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. A 30% reduction target in total antibiotic had been set by a Targets Task Force (TTF) between 2020 and 2024, so this has now been passed. We asked the Pig Veterinary Society, whether the reduction was large, because farmers had been using too much antibiotic in the past.

Wales is famous for its lamb, which has protected geographical status and is exported across the world. The same can’t be said for its wool however, in fact the fleece from a typical Welsh mountain sheep can fetch less than thirty pence, it costs far more than that to shear the animal. Work has now started to breed a variety of sheep that's good for its lamb and its wool.

All week we've been visiting a big country estate, where farming, tourism and conservation have to work hand in hand. The Holkham National Nature Reserve is managed by Natural England and the estate itself. It's an internationally recognised site for breeding birds, but it's also part of the estate's grazing area for their 800 beef cattle. Getting the balance right, on sensitive marshland just behind the dunes on the coast, is crucial.

Presenter = Anna Hill
Producer = Rebecca Rooney

WED 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b09r4c8c)
Penny Anderson on the Spotted Flycatcher

When a pair of Spotted flycatchers decided to build a nest in a gap in the wall, ecologist Penny Anderson had to stop the pointing work being done to her house but she has no regrets as the birds have bred in her garden ever since.

Producer: Sarah Blunt
Photograph: Ian Redman.

WED 06:00 Today (m001mt4z)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

WED 09:00 More or Less (m001mt53)
Electric vehicles, 600 million bottles and does oral sex cause cancer?

There's been a lot of coverage about the risks electric cars may pose to infrastructure like bridges and car parks. We look at how much heavier EVs are. Plus we look at a new study that suggests a link between breastfeeding and improved grades at GCSE level. Also is throat cancer now primarily caused by a sexually transmitted disease - and are 600 million bottles going to litter Scotland because of disagreements with the UK government over the new Deposit Return Scheme?

Presenter: Tim Harford
Series producer: Jon Bithrey
Reporters: Jo Casserly, Nathan Gower, Charlotte McDonald
Editor: Richard Vadon
Sound Engineer: James Beard
Production Co-ordinator: Brenda Brown

WED 09:30 Living on the Edge (m001mt56)
Jaywick Sands

Ten coastal encounters, presented by Richard King.

Today: a tour of Jaywick Sands with Maria Revell.

Not simply town or countryside, the coastline is a place apart – attracting lives and stories often overlooked.

In these ten programmes, the writer Richard King travels around the UK coast to meet people who live and work there – a sequence of portraits rooted in distinct places, which piece together into an alternative portrait of the UK: an oblique image of the nation drawn from the coastal edge.

WED 09:45 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mt5c)
3. Trestle Tables for Truth

Where does all the anger come from? As Marianna delves further down the rabbit-hole, she finds herself in the alternative medicine clinic of one of Totnes’ movement’s figureheads. He is one of the people behind a conspiracy-theory group in the town called the New World Alliance who are key to organising monthly rallies in the town and distributing The Light. Curiously Marianna finds herself invited along to one of the rallies to learn more about it and the people within it.

Host: Marianna Spring
Producers: Philip Marzouk and Olivia Lace-Evans
Producer for BBC Radio 4 podcasts: Nathan Jones
Technical Producer: Alex Portfelix
Series producer: Emma Close
Senior news editor: Sam Bonham
Commissioner: Rhian Roberts

New episodes released every few days. If you're in the UK, listen to the whole series first on BBC Sounds

And please get in touch with Marianna by emailing at:

WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001mt5h)
Jo Tongue, Universal Basic Income, Sian Norris, Childhood Obesity

NHS England is going to open 10 new clinics this year to deal with childhood obesity. The clinics will provide "intensive" support to thousands of children with severe obesity and their families aged between two and 18. We know that mothers are on the frontline with managing doctors' appointment and family's health issues. So are these clinics the answer? Nuala speaks to Tam Fry, the Chair of the National Obesity Forum.

Jo Tongue is a sports agent who represents some of the best known sporting and broadcasting talent in the UK, including England footballer Leah Williamson. She is vocal in her push for parity of the profile and pay for women in sport - both on the pitch and in the media. For this reason, Jo earned herself a place on the Woman’s Hour Women in Sport Power List earlier this year. She joins Nuala to tell her about her career to date in a male dominated industry.

With automation threatening swathes of jobs, there’s growing momentum behind the idea of a universal basic income (UBI): an unconditional payment from the state regardless of any other income. For those unable to perform or find paid work, it would provide enough to live on. For those who can work, it would allow an escape from the ‘poverty trap’, where the loss of welfare benefits makes low-paid work uneconomic. A think tank called Autonomy is planning to pilot a UBI scheme, giving a flat payment of £1600 a month to participants. Nuala McGovern speaks to Cleo Goodman from Autonomy and also Eir Nolsoe, Senior Economics Reporter at the Daily Telegraph.

Investigative journalist Sian Norris believes that anti-abortion movements across the world are not so much rooted in religious belief, but in far right extremism, white male supremacy and fascism. She joins Nuala to explain why she has come to that conclusion, and written a book called Bodies Under Siege – How the far right attack on reproductive rights went global.

Presented by Nuala McGovern
Produced by Lucy Wai
Edited by Sarah Crawley

WED 11:00 The Fast Furniture Fix (m001msv5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Monday]

WED 11:30 History's Secret Heroes (m001mt5m)
3. Ghost Army

Bernie Bluestein, Seymour Nussenbaum and George Dramis are part of a secret army unit with one job: to put on a show for an audience who wants to kill them.

Helena Bonham Carter shines a light on extraordinary stories from World War Two. Join her for incredible tales of deception, acts of resistance and courage.

A BBC Studios Podcast production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds.

Producer: Clem Hitchcock
Executive Producer: Paul Smith
Written by Alex von Tunzelmann

WED 12:00 News Summary (m001mt5r)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 12:04 You and Yours (m001mt5w)
Rent Controls, Shopping Habits, HRT Shortages

We ask if rent controls could be the answer to some of the massive hikes tenants are seeing right now. In the past year, rents for new lets have risen by more than 11 percent. In London, they've climbed by more than 15 percent. The Welsh Government has just opened a consultation on how to make renting fairer. In Scotland, the Government can impose local rent caps in areas where market rents are rising too quickly. In England, Bristol City Council says it wants to bring in rent controls. The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, says he wants to cap rents too. We speak to Timothy Douglas from Propertymark. He represents letting agents. We also hear from Councillor Tom Renhard from Bristol City Council. He's their Cabinet member for Housing Delivery and Homes and a Labour councillor.

We examine how food inflation is affecting the way people now shop. In April, food prices rose by more than 19 percent according to official figures from the ONS. We hear from people in Manchester about how they're shopping for groceries. We also speak to Lisa Webb, a consumer expert from Which.

We report on continued problems with the supply of hormone replacement therapy drugs or HRT. One in seven middle-aged women in England now takes HRT to help alleviate symptoms of the menopause. Since April women, who have to pay for their prescriptions, have been able to get HRT much more cheaply, using pre-payment certificates that bring the costs right down to less than £20 a year. The Government says it wants to help make HRT more widely available. We speak to Dr Paula Briggs, Chair of the British Menopause Society, and Thorrun Govind, chair of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society's England Board.

Presenter: Winifred Robinson
Producer: Tara Holmes

WED 12:57 Weather (m001mt61)
The latest weather forecast

WED 13:00 World at One (m001mt65)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

WED 13:45 Close Encounters (m001mt6b)
JJ Chalmers & Sir Archibald McIndoe

In the eighth episode of Martha Kearney's series Close Encounters, the former soldier and now TV presenter JJ Chalmers joins her in the National portrait gallery to celebrate a painting of Sir Archibald Hector McIndoe. McIndoe is known by many as the father of plastic surgery. His work during the second world war, on young airman who had suffered terrible and often disfiguring burns lead to developments in battlefield and cosmetic surgery that JJ reveals were behind his own recovery from serious bomb blast injuries sustained while serving in Afghanistan.
JJ also talks about McIndoe's 'Guinea Pig Club' made up of the airman who had come under McIndoe's care, which was the inspiration for JJ forming the Casy-Vac club for modern soldiers who have had to be evacuated from the front line as casualties.

The Series is a prelude to the re-opening of the National Portrait Gallery later this month after three years of massive renovation.

Producer: Tom Alban

WED 14:00 The Archers (m001mt52)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Tuesday]

WED 14:15 Auntie Jee (b0bk1dtq)
Sham runs a restaurant on the Curry Mile in Manchester. She also does a bit of matchmaking on the side.

But when best friend Julie asks her to find a partner things get a bit complicated.

A heart warming romantic comedy by Furquan Akhtar.

Sham ...... Shobna Gulati
Julie ...... Lisa Moore
Aneela ...... Shila Iqbal
Asif ...... Abdullah Afzal
Ali ...... Bhasker Patel
Bank Manager ...... Lloyd Peters

Director/Producer Gary Brown
A BBC Audio Drama North Production

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2018.

WED 15:00 Money Box (m001mt6j)
Money Box Live: How to protect your data

A prolific cyber crime gang has stolen personal data belonging to more than 100,000 employees. It's a mass hack which has impacted organisations globally.

In the hands of criminals, your personal data can be used to make cloned credit cards, buy phone plans, falsely claim government benefits and even take out a mortgage, for which you can become liable. In this podcast, we discuss how you can try and prevent this from happening and what you can do if you are a victim.

The experts on the panel are Sarah Lyons, from the National Cyber Security Centre and Matt Cooke, Cyber Security Strategist at Proofpoint - which helps protect businesses and employees online.

Presenter: Adam Shaw
Producer: Amber Mehmood and Clare Worden
Editor: Jess Quayle

(First broadcast 3pm Wednesday 14th June, 2023)

WED 15:30 All in the Mind (m001mt5l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Tuesday]

WED 16:00 Conspiracies: The Secret Knowledge (m001ly7v)
Machine Guns on Street Corners

Historian Phil Tinline explores the role of conspiracy, and conspiracy theory, in British politics.

In this first episode, Phil examines the rumours of plots that swirled around the Labour Prime Minister Harold Wilson in the late 1960s and mid-1970s.

Wilson was the subject of an extraordinary conspiracy theory harboured by disaffected MI5 officers: that he was a Soviet agent and that his predecessor as Labour leader had been assassinated to make way for him. Did this lead to a plot to oust him, as one of those officers, Peter Wright, later claimed?

Even before this, in the late 1960s, there was much talk of ousting Wilson from power. In May 1968, an extraordinary meeting took place which has long been remembered as the potential start of a coup. Alongside this, there were 'mutinous mutterings' in the military. And then there was the mysterious appearance of tanks at Heathrow, and the emergence of 'private armies'...

But did all this add up to a serious, detailed conspiracy to overthrow a democratically-elected leader? Phil explores the vital role in the construction of this narrative of Harold Wilson himself, to try to trace a clear line between fact and theory.

Series contributors include: James Ball, Nick Cohen, Stephen Dorril, Ruth Dudley Edwards, David Edgar, Steven Fielding, Simon Heffer, Dan Lomas, Andrew Lownie, Oliver Bullough, Jean Seaton, Camilla Schofield

Producer: Phil Tinline

WED 16:30 The Media Show (m001mt6q)
Charlie Brooker

Charlie Brooker is one of the most influential satirists working today. Having started out as a cartoonist, his razor sharp writing on culture and the media made his TV columns for The Guardian, begun in 2000, essential reading for many. It wasn’t long until his acerbic and frequently absurd world view found a home on BBC Four in the form of the TV review show, Screenwipe. He's also behind acclaimed comedies like Nathan Barley. But he’s found global fame with the series Black Mirror, which has entered the lexicon for a singular form of technology-enhanced dread. In the week that the new season launches, Charlie Brooker joins The Media Show to look back at his career.

Presenter: Katie Razzall

Producer: Simon Richardson

WED 17:00 PM (m001mt6x)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001mt73)
The BBC has seen footage that appears to show him trying to climb into a hostel

WED 18:30 Room 101 with Paul Merton (m001mt78)
Mark Steel

Returning in its original one-to-one incarnation, Paul Merton interviews a variety of guests from the world of comedy and entertainment to find out what they would send to Room 101.

In this episode, Mark Steel tells Paul his choices include tinned custard and his former self.

Additional material John Irwin and Suki Webster
Produced by Richard Wilson
A Hat Trick production for BBC Radio 4

WED 19:00 The Archers (m001mt7d)
As Elizabeth cooks dinner, she tells Vince about Freddie’s decision to quit his job at Lower Loxley. She made it clear that he can’t come waltzing back if he changes his mind, but Freddie was adamant. Elizabeth vents her frustration, wishing that Freddie would grow up and not be quite so hot-headed. Over dinner, Vince asks Freddie about his plans. The more he questions them, the more he reveals how unrealistic they are. Triggered, Freddie storms out. Later, Vince finds Freddie looking for flights. Vince apologises. He doesn’t blame Freddie for resigning after the way the trustees stitched him up. But he needs to have something to fall back on. To Freddie’s surprise, Vince offers him the position of Management Trainee at his firm. Freddie thanks him, but thinks it’s ludicrous. There’s no way he’s working at Casey Meats.
Brian isn’t pleased when Justin joins him at the bar in The Bull and needles him about the upcoming emergency board meeting. He’s even less pleased to discover that Justin’s meeting Stella. Later, Justin outlines his plan to persuade the board to terminate Home Farm’s contract unless Brian reinstates her. Stella is uneasy with the idea, especially when Brian has a private word and appears to plead with her not to abet Justin. She’d be squandering all her hard work if Home Farm lost the contract. As Stella and Justin leave, she expresses her discomfort, but Justin says that if she really wants her job back, he can’t see any other way of persuading Brian to reinstate her. Can she?

WED 19:15 Front Row (m001mt7k)
The Burrell Collection, Accordion Quartet, Women's Prize Winner Barbara Kingsolver, Folk Film Gathering

Allan Little visits the Burrell Collection in Glasgow, which re-opened last year after a £68 million transformation and is now a finalist for Art Fund Museum of the Year 2023. He talks to Director Duncan Dornan and Caroline Currie, Learning and Access curator.

Ahead of their performance at the St Magnus Festival in Orkney which gets underway on Friday we have a live performance from members of the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland's Accordion Ensemble whose theatrical performances breathe new life into existing repertoire from tango to classical. We hear from one the players who'll be performing in the ensemble and in a number of other concerts throughout the festival; BBC Radio 3 New Generation Artist Ryan Corbett and Serbian born accordion professor at the RCS, Djordji Gajic who'll also perform with Ryan a duet of Puccini's Crisantemi.

The winner of the Women's Prize is announced tonight. We hear live from the winner direct from the ceremony.

Jamie Chambers founded The Folk Film Gathering in 2015. He explains what that is to Allan Little and introduces the focus this year on Ukrainian folk filmmaking. There are also documentaries about second sight in the Hebrides, and rarely screened Scottish classics from the 1970s. Each screening is preceded with live music and storytelling.

Presenter: Allan Little
Producer: Tim Prosser

WED 20:00 Moral Maze (m001mt7q)
The Morality of Borders

It’s almost impossible to imagine why anyone would risk a perilous crossing over cold, dark waters in an inflatable dinghy. This is a story of humankind: the despair – or ambition – that drove them, the wickedness of the traffickers who exploited them, and the moral dilemma of those of us already living where they want to go. History is all about borders.

Two cross-party reports out this week have sought to inform the political and moral response to the ‘Illegal Migration Bill’, currently making its way through Parliament, which proposes that people who come to the UK “illegally” will be detained and permanently removed. The Commons Joint Committee on Human Rights concludes that the bill, “breaches a number of the UK’s international human rights obligations”. Meanwhile, a Home Affairs select committee report states there is "little evidence" Albanians are at risk in their country and need asylum in the UK.

Migration brings into focus the competing worldviews of universalism and localism. Universalists argue that the world is shrinking, and that pandemics and climate change reveal our interdependence as one global community. It is neither moral nor in the national interest, they argue, to erect bigger borders out of a sense of protectionism. Their opponents see borders as not just territorial or political, but intrinsically moral. Borders, in their view, create moral communities in which people feel rooted and valued.

How much should a country be willing to compromise the integrity of its boundaries out of compassion for non-citizens? Is it unjust to see people differently, based on where lines are drawn on a map? Would a world without borders be a better place?

Producer: Dan Tierney.

WED 21:00 Bad Blood: The Story of Eugenics (m001fw0c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:30 on Tuesday]

WED 21:30 The Media Show (m001mt6q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 today]

WED 22:00 The World Tonight (m001mt7z)
North Koreans said to be starving to death

People living in North Korea tell the BBC of food shortages, with many dying of hunger.

Also in the programme: the fathers of the two students murdered in Nottingham speak at a vigil at their university; and Barbara Kingsolver wins the Women's Prize for Fiction.

WED 22:45 Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton (m001mt86)
Episode 3

A radical gardening collective in New Zealand will push their principles to breaking point when they make a deal with Big Tech. Kerry Fox reads Eleanor Catton’s satirical, apocalyptic thriller.

Mira has been caught trespassing on the Darvish farm by a mysterious American pilot who seems to see right through her. Shaken by the failure of her well-practised cover story, she retreats to do some research of her own.

Read by Kerry Fox
Abridged by Siân Preece
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie

WED 23:00 Twayna Mayne: Black Woman (p07r9sgg)
4. Colourism

Comedian Twayna Mayne was trans-racially adopted and in this episode she looks at ‘colourism’ as she explores her own Black British female identity. Along with stand-up in front of a live audience she chats to other women about their shared experiences, with this episode featuring a contribution from writer Danielle Dash.

First broadcast in November 2019.

Producer: Julia McKenzie
A BBC Studios Production

WED 23:15 The John Moloney Show (m0007wg2)
The Different Dog

The Godfather of British stand-up John Moloney returns to the live stage to share his latest tribulations of modern life.

This week, John takes the whole family to the historic city of York for a short break. As travellers with pets will well know, dogs are not always welcome in hotels; after negotiating in the only way he knows how, Jeffrey the Jack Russell is welcomed to the fancy establishment under the strictest of security.

A very important person is staying in the same hotel, with a number of her own dogs taking residence on the top floor. This can only end well.

Featuring Karen Bartke and Ian Rankin.

Originally recorded and broadcast in 2019.

A Dabster production for BBC Radio 4

WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001mt8f)
Susan Hulme reports on reaction to the Nottingham attacks.


THU 00:00 Midnight News (m001mt8m)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

THU 00:30 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mt5c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Wednesday]

THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001mt8v)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mt91)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mt97)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

THU 05:30 News Briefing (m001mt9f)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001mt9l)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Richard Reddie from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Good morning!

This time last year the Jamaican singer, Sizzla, topped the reggae music charts with his song, ‘Solid as a rock’, which had the lyrics: ‘You can’t keep a good man down, I’ve got a smile on my face, When you want me to frown’.

Among other matters, Sizzla’s lyrics about smiling and frowning also remind us that it takes more muscles to frown than to smile – or so the scientists suggest. This means that it is a lot easier (or less work) to smile than to frown.

We live in serious times, and we invariably extol the virtues of serious people who can respond to the issues of these times. We tend to dismiss those who smile or laugh easily as jokers or clowns.

I’ve always regarded a smile as a precursor to laughter – when you can no longer contain your smile it turns into an outburst of laughter. Interestingly, today is national laughter day, which connects laughter to acts of kindness and giving. The message is also that laughter is contagious and is good for you. When was the last time you enjoyed a good old fashioned belly laugh? One of those that brings tears to your eyes?

In the Hebrew language, the name Isaac means ‘laughter’, and one of the first instances of the word occurring in the Bible, is found in its first book, Genesis. Here, the biblical matriarch, Sarah, who miraculously gives birth to a son (Isaac) aged 90, bursts out laughing when she becomes a mother for the first time. I wonder if God smiles and laughs. If he does, he was no doubt smiling after creating this wonderful world in which we live.

While life is serious business, let us still find time to smile and laugh, especially at those little things we often overlook in our busy-ness. Gracious Lord, I thank you for the power of laughter. Which is contagious.


THU 05:45 Farming Today (m001mt9r)
15/06/23 Tree planting targets; Environmental Land Management Schemes; Gamekeeping

England has missed the government's tree planting targets for every year of this parliament, and is expected to miss them again when figures are published later today. The government aims to plant 7,500 hectares a year which is 90 to 120 million trees. However a report from the National Audit office last year pointed out tree-planting rates have not reached Defra’s 7,500 hectare per year target in the past 50 years and rates have only been above 6,000 hectares a year for three of the past 50 years.
The Woodland Trust describes progress as 'glacial at best' but Sir William Worsley Chair of the Forestry Commission says things are improving.

Farmers should be able to make a profit from public money when they're providing public goods - so says the former Environment Secretary George Eustice. He argues that increasing the payments for things like planting hedgerows would be more effective than compensating farmers for revenue they've lost. The Farming Minister says payment rates are being set at a level to encourage widespread participation.

All week we've been exploring the different aspects of running a large agricultural estate, juggling farming with conservation and tourism. Today we speak to the head gamekeeper. The estate in Norfolk has five gamekeepers and runs a number of shoots, most are private but some are commercial and they fund the work that the gamekeepers do.

Presenter = Charlotte Smith
Producer = Rebecca Rooney

THU 05:58 Tweet of the Day (m0001985)
Carry Akroyd and the Snipe

Although Carry Akroyd, who is is President of the John Clare Society, grew up in the countryside, as a child she was never shown or taught anything of the natural world around her.

It was not until adulthood that a revelatory moment occurred. Walking one day in Wicken Fen, that she heard an unfamiliar noise above her, which she discovered was the drumming flight of an overhead snipe, a bird whose long bill the peasant poet John Clare described as "...of rude unseemly length" .

Producer Andrew Dawes

THU 06:00 Today (m001mt6d)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

THU 09:00 In Our Time (m001mt6l)
Death in Venice

Death in Venice is Thomas Mann’s most famous – and infamous - novella.
Published in 1912, it’s about the fall of the repressed writer Gustav von Aschenbach, when his supposedly objective appreciation of a young boy’s beauty becomes sexual obsession.
It explores the link between creativity and self-destruction, and by the end Aschenbach’s humiliation is complete, dying on a deckchair in the act of ogling. Aschenbach's stalking of the boy and dreaming of pederasty can appal modern readers, even more than Mann expected.


Karolina Watroba, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in Modern Languages at All Souls College, University of Oxford

Erica Wickerson, a Former Research Fellow at St Johns College, University of Cambridge

Sean Williams, Senior Lecturer in German and European Cultural History at the University of Sheffield

Sean Williams' series of Radio 3's The Essay, Death in Trieste, can be found here:

THU 09:45 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mt6s)
4. The Conspiracy Theory Newspaper

Who is the man behind The Light? BBC disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring tracks down the editor of the conspiracy theory newspaper, The Light. His name is Darren and he agrees to meet Marianna in a pub just outside Manchester for a dual interview in which she interviews him for the podcast and he interviews her. What answers will she get about the paper and the man at its helm?

Host: Marianna Spring
Producers: Philip Marzouk and Olivia Lace-Evans
Producer for BBC Radio 4 podcasts: Nathan Jones
Technical Producer: Alex Portfelix
Series producer: Emma Close
Senior news editor: Sam Bonham
Commissioner: Rhian Roberts

New episodes released every few days. If you're in the UK, listen to the whole series first on BBC Sounds

And please get in touch with Marianna by emailing at:

THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001mt6z)
Synthetic embryos, Suzie Fletcher, Eco-anxiety, Lynzy Billing

Scientists have created synthetic human embryos using stem cells that sidestep the need for eggs or sperm. The news was presented yesterday at the International Society for Stem Cell Research’s annual meeting and the full details will be published at a later date. This could have a real impact on understanding IVF and early miscarriages. Krupa speaks to the Guardian journalist who broke the story, Hannah Devlin and Dr Helen O'Neill a lecturer and molecular geneticist at the Institute for Women’s Health at University College London.

A growing number of people are experiencing what psychiatrists have labelled eco-anxiety or eco-grief, an overwhelming sense of hopeless and doom due to the current climate situation. So what exactly is the impact on people and how can we turn the tables and help people to feel more hopeful about the environment? Krupa is joined by climate scientist turned campaigner Jen Newall from the Climate Majority Project, and Judy Ling Wong CBE, President of the Black Environment Network.

Lynzy Billing, an Afghan-Pakistani journalist has been investigating how her family were killed in Afghanistan's Civil War. She has made an animated short film ‘The Night Doctrine’ about her journey to discover the truth of what happened when she was just two years old. The film has had its debut at this year's Tribeca Film Festival in New York City. She joins Krupa to share her story.

Suzie Fletcher, has been the BBC's The Repair Shop's resident leatherworker and master saddler since 2017. She has now released her memoir 'The Sun Over The Mountains' which explores her career, life in America, as well as giving an honest and intimate account of her marriage with her late husband. Suzie joins Krupa to discuss her abusive relationship.

Presenter: Krupa Padhy
Producer: Rebecca Myatt
Studio manager: Andrew Garrett

THU 11:00 From Our Own Correspondent (m001mt75)
The Myanmar Soldiers Refusing to Fight

Kate Adie introduces stories from Myanmar's civil war, Iran, Moldova, Denmark and South Georgia.

Since the military overthrow of the democratically elected government in Myanmar in 2021, the country has slid into civil war. When initial, peaceful demonstrations against the military coup failed, civilians took up arms. Now, some of the soldiers they are fighting are deciding to defect - refusing to fight against their own people. Many have fled to Thailand, where Rebecca Henschke spoke to them.

When an Iranian former political prisoner goes missing, who should his family turn to for help? The daughter of Ebrahim Babie was rightly reluctant to contact the Iranian authorities who had targeted her father, and instead she called the BBC's Persian Service. Jiyar Gol tells the story of his search for a missing dissident.

Moldova shares a large border with its much larger neighbour Ukraine, and since Russia's invasion, Moldovans have been on edge. Disinformation about the war have widened the unease between pro-western and pro-Russian factions in the country. But Moldova's president has big plans for a future in the EU, and was boosted by a recent European summit held in the capital, Chisinau. Stephen McGrath reports.

Hidden in a forest in northern Jutland, nearly 250 miles from Copenhagen, the sprawling REGAN Vest complex was built at the height of the Cold War. This huge nuclear bunker is where the Danish government and queen would have sheltered in the event of nuclear attack. Adrienne Murray paid a recent and discovered a remarkable time capsule that continues to resonate.

The island of South Georgia, eight hundred miles north of Antarctica, was plundered by Antarctic explorers, with its whales, seals and penguins killed for their oils, furs and meat. But now the island lies within a vast nature reserve, and on a recent visit Mark Stratton found an island restored.

Producer: Claire Bowes
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith
Production Co-ordinator: Janet Staples

Photo: Captain Zay Thu Aung, who spent 18 years in the Myanmar air force (Credit: ANDRE MALERBA/BBC)

THU 11:30 A Good Read (m001mt4n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 on Tuesday]

THU 12:00 News Summary (m001mt79)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 12:04 You and Yours (m001mt7f)
Gap Finder - Mark Neale from Mountain Warehouse

This week's Gap Finder is Mark Neale, Founder and Chief Executive of Mountain Warehouse.

Mountain Warehouse sells outdoor clothing and equipment. It's got 264 stores across the UK, and tends to have shops on those local high streets in market towns where some other retailers have struggled. Mark Neale opened the first Mountain Warehouse shop in Swindon in 1997 after trying his hand at a rollerskates shop and a toy shop. Since then Mountain Warehouse expanded massively and is still opening new shops where other retailers are closing them.
What's the secret to Mountain Warehouse's success?


THU 12:32 Sliced Bread (m001mt7j)
UV Sterilisers

During the pandemic, as people sought to protect themselves from Corona Virus, more and more products entered the market claiming to use Ultra Violet light to clean your belongings. These vary from UV wands and lamps, to phone boxes and UV baby bottle sterilisers.
You may have seen them advertised online, claiming to kill 99% of viruses and bacteria.
But do they deliver, and are they worth it, compared to more traditional methods of cleaning like alcohol wipes, or soap and water...
That's what listeners Chris and Ben wanted to know.

I'll be finding out by speaking to an expert in radiation safety Professor John O'Hagan at Loughborough University and Matt Knight, Product Testing Expert at the consumer group Which?

Once again this series we’re testing and investigating your suggested wonder-products, so if you’ve seen an ad, trend or fad, and wonder if there’s any evidence to back up a claim, drop us an email to or you can send us a voice note to our WhatsApp number: 07543 306807



THU 12:57 Weather (m001mt7n)
The latest weather forecast

THU 13:00 World at One (m001mt7v)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

THU 13:45 Close Encounters (m001mt80)
Alexa Chung and George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham

In the penultimate episode of Martha Kearney's series marking the re-opening of the National Portrait Gallery in London her guest is the model, writer and presenter Alexa Chung. Alexa took the opportunity of looking around the gallery as it prepared to re-open and made a shortlist of three pictures. The first was of Emma Hamilton depicted as an alluring young woman by the artist George Romney, who was clearly besotted with her, as was Admiral Lord Nelson who's portrait hangs next to Emma's in the gallery.
She was also drawn to an earlier portrait of Queen Henrietta Maria, the wife of King Charles I, not least because of the luxuriant and beautifully painted green silk dress she's wearing. The gallery curator Rab MacGibbon is on hand to point out that it was often the case that details in portraits, the landscape or clothes or flowers, would be the work of different hands, while the main artist would concentrate on the face and perhaps the hands.
However Alexa finally plumps for a huge canvas painted in 1616, the earliest portrait of the series. It's of the favourite, and very probably the lover of King James I, George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham. It shows him at the height of his powers, wearing the order of the garter regalia. As well as the extraordinarily vivid colour and drama of his costume, Alexa is drawn, as she was with Emma Hamilton, to the image of a man blessed with little more than good looks and a quick wit. Armed with these Emma and George before her made the best of what they had, and while they may not have been popular figures with the establishments of their respective times, they made a statement, and its a statement that survives in the gallery.

Producer: Tom Alban

THU 14:00 The Archers (m001mt7d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:15 Drama on 4 (m001mt85)
Undercover - Close to Home Episode 2

A fire bomb attack on Ben’s car following his public appeal brings unwelcome media attention and Una's insistence on making contact with the children threatens to expose Grace and undermine Ben's trust in her. But news about a sighting throws everything into question.

GRACE.....Ntombizodwa Ndlovu
BEN.....Matthew McNulty
JONAH.....Tareq Al-Jeddal
PENNY.....Bebe Massey
UNA.....Christine Bottomley
HARRY.....Esh Alladi
NATALIE.....Emma Cunniffe
KELLY/ SCHOOL SECRETARY.....Kymberley Cochrane
JOURNALISTS…..Lula Marsh, Jessica Bellamy, Esh Alladi

Written by Cath Staincliffe
Directed by Nadia Molinari

A BBC Audio Drama North Production

THU 15:00 Ramblings (m001mt8b)
Tree to Tree Trekking

Martin Hügi is taking an unconventional approach to his long distance hike from Land's End to John O’Groats. He’s planned the route so he can visit as many ancient and veteran trees as possible. It’s a busman’s holiday as his day job is with the Woodland Trust and it's their Ancient Tree Inventory, created in collaboration with the Ancient Tree Forum and the Tree Register, that he’s using to guide him.

He’s taken a four month sabbatical from work and Clare is joining him in the early stages of his trek near Marlborough in Wiltshire.

Producer: Karen Gregor

THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (m001msx4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:54 on Sunday]

THU 15:30 Open Book (m001mt0z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

THU 16:00 Buying a British Dad (m001lyhm)
You can buy almost everything on social media – how about a British dad for your child? A year-long BBC investigation has uncovered a brazen illegal immigration scam in which pregnant migrant women who are in the UK without a visa are paying British men thousands of pounds to pose as fathers to their children. The women gain British citizenship for their child, which means they may be able to get the right to remain themselves. The fake fathers receive hefty sums of money. And a network of criminal 'fixers' and translators are also cashing in. Divya Talwar reports.

THU 16:30 BBC Inside Science (m001mt8h)
The Kakhovka dam and global food security

On Tuesday, the United Nations reported that the breach of the Nova Kakhovka dam on the Dnipro River in Ukraine will impact heavily on global food security, causing a rise in food prices and leaving many without access to clean drinking water.

Nine days after the disaster Gaia looks to the future alongside Kira Rudyk, Ukrainian MP who is also leader of the opposition party Golos and Laura Wellesley, senior research fellow in the Environment and Society Programme at Chatham House.

Earlier this week the three-year inquiry into COVID began, seeking ‘to examine the UK’s response to and impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and learn lessons for the future.’ Eyes are on the inquiry from many angles. Inside Science looks at what scientists hope to contribute and learn from it, with author and broadcaster Philip Ball.

Also, a spike in North Atlantic sea temperatures has sparked concern among scientists. Richard Betts, head of climate impacts at the Met Office, talks through the factors that have coincided to form the anomaly.

Presenter: Gaia Vince
Producer: Harrison Lewis
Assistant producer: Robbie Wojciechowski
Editor: Richard Collings

THU 17:00 PM (m001mt8p)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001mt8t)
A committee of MPs has concluded that Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament

THU 18:30 Unite (m001mt90)
Series 2

3. Macbeth

After Eileen at the caff reads Tony’s tea leaves, he decides to run for the local council. However, he’s also promised Imogen they would join PADS (Putney Amateur Dramatics Society) where a pretentious director wants to stage a radical version of Macbeth.

Rebecca suggests that, unless Gideon can get a job, he should be the primary carer for their baby prompting Gideon to offer his services as Tony’s Campaign Communication Director for the upcoming election.

Ashley has joined a dating app called Sophistidate as he’s looking for “a classy girl with good manners and that” but, on his first date at an all-you-can-eat buffet, he’s convinced his date has ulterior motives.

A welcome return for the critically-acclaimed sitcom.

When Tony (Mark Steel), a working class, left wing South Londoner, falls in love and marries Imogen (Claire Skinner), an upper middle class property developer, their sons - Croydon chancer Ashley (Elliot Steel) and supercilious Eton and Oxford-educated Gideon (Ivo Graham) - are forced to live under the same roof and behave like the brothers neither of them ever wanted.

Tony - Mark Steel
Imogen - Claire Skinner
Ashley - Elliot Steel
Gideon - Ivo Graham
Rebecca - Ayesha Antoine
Nigel - Simon Greenall
Tamsin - Susannah Fielding
Eileen - Ruth Bratt
Liz - Sally-Anne Hayward
Carol - Angela Barnes
Piers - Barry Castagnola
Delivery driver - Ian Pearce

Written by Barry Castagnola and Ian Pearce
(additional material from the cast)
Executive Producer- Mario Stylianides
Producer/Director- Barry Castagnola
Sound recordist and Editor- Jerry Peal
Broadcast Assistant - Sarah Tombling
Assistant Producer - George O'Regan
Production Assistant - David Litchfield

A Golden Path and Rustle Up production for BBC Radio 4

THU 19:00 The Archers (m001mt95)
Stella turns up unexpectedly at Home Farm. Gritting her teeth, she apologises to Brian for buying the drill without his approval. Brian knows that if he doesn’t accept her apology and reinstate her as manager, he’ll very likely lose the BL contact at this afternoon’s board meeting. Stella is allowing him to save face. With this tacit understanding, Stella agrees to return.
Meanwhile, Ruairi helps Brian clean the combine. Brian tentatively wonders what Ruairi intends to do after he’s graduated, implying he might come to work on the farm. Ruairi avoids the question though. Later, Brian drops Ruairi off at the coach station and insists he take some extra money. A grateful Ruairi doesn’t reveal why he’s struggling financially but assures Brian he hasn’t got himself into anything dodgy. Brian tells Ruairi he’s always there if he needs him and he’s really proud of him. Ruairi, in turn, says he’s proud of Brian too.
Lee surprises Helen in the farm shop. Trying to make amends, he suggests having lunch at the Tearoom together. Helen reject his entreaty. She knows what he’s doing and there’s no need. Later, Lee confides in Tony who explains it’s typical of Helen to withdraw into herself in times of stress. They need to let her do what she needs to do. Unbeknownst to Lee though, Helen has gone to talk to Kirsty. She’s decided to see Rob herself. It’s the only way of taking control. Kirsty begs her to reconsider, but Helen reveals she’s already contacted him. She’s meeting Rob tomorrow.

THU 19:15 Front Row (m001mt9c)
Glenda Jackson remembered, Wayne McGregor, Black Mirror reviewed

Front Row plays tribute to Oscar winning actor Glenda Jackson, who has died aged 87. Theatre critic Sarah Crompton remembers the power of her stage performances, and Aisling Walsh discusses directing her in her TV drama Elizabeth is Missing.

Choreographer Wayne McGregor talks about his new ballet, Untitled 2023, which was inspired by the works of Cuban-American artist Carmen Herrera.

And Tom Sutcliffe is joined by critics Erica Wagner and Isabel Stevens to review some of the week’s cultural highlights, including the new series of dystopian TV drama Black Mirror and the new novel from Lorrie Moore, I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home.

Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Sarah Johnson

THU 20:00 Law in Action (m001mt9j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Tuesday]

THU 20:30 The Bottom Line (m001mt9s)
Flying Circus?

As Covid restrictions were eased last year, the demand to travel abroad by air overtook the readiness of the industry to cope, leading to thousands of flights being cancelled and enormous queues at several airport terminals because of a shortage of staff across the board from security to baggage handlers and flight attendants.
What can passengers expect this year and has the industry been able to address the problems it experienced last year to provide a smooth passenger experience this year? Evan Davis and guests discuss.


Willie Walsh, Director General, International Air Transport Association, Former Chief Executive, IAG and British Airways

Tim Hawkins, Chief of Staff, Manchester Airports Group

Sally Gethin, Independent Aviation and Travel Analyst and Commentator

Produced in Partnership with The Open University.


Producers: Julie Ball and Simon Tulett
Researcher: Marianna Brain
Editor: China Collins
Sound: Rod Farquhar
Production Co-ordinator: Brenda Brown

THU 21:00 This Cultural Life (m001cp8l)
Glenda Jackson

Actor and former MP Glenda Jackson reveals the influences and experiences that inspired her work on stage and screen. One of the greatest actors of her generation, Glenda won Academy Awards for Women in Love and A Touch Of Class, and was Oscar nominated for Sunday Bloody Sunday. She has also won Tony, Emmy and Golden Globes awards for her theatre and television work. In 1992 she gave up acting to become a Labour MP, winning her seat five times. But in 2016 she returned to the stage, playing King Lear in London and New York, and to television for a BAFTA winning performance as an elderly women with dementia in Elizabeth Is Missing.

Glenda Jackson recalls her working class upbringing in Birkenhead, and how she won a scholarship to the drama school RADA with help from the manager of the Boots chemists’ where she worked at the time. She chooses the director Peter Brook as a major influence on her work, having starred in his radical 1964 stage production of the play Marat/Sade, and the version he subsequently adapted for cinema. She remembers also working closely with the director Ken Russell on several films, including the Oscar-winning Women in Love, adapted from the DH Lawrence novel. Glenda’s comic appearances on the Morecambe and Wise Show in the early 1970s are recalled as career highlights. Glenda Jackson also chooses Margaret Thatcher as huge influence on her life and career, as it was the policies of the former Prime Minister which prompted her to give up acting for 23 years while she served as a Labour MP.

Producer: Edwina Pitman

THU 21:45 The Museums That Make Us (m00154h2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:45 on Saturday]

THU 22:00 The World Tonight (m001mt9z)
Boris Johnson deliberately misled on Partygate, MPs find

MPs find Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament over lockdown parties

The Kim dynasty in North Korea

Remembering Glenda Jackson

THU 22:45 Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton (m001mtb3)
Episode 4

A radical gardening collective in New Zealand push their principles to breaking point when they make a deal with Big Tech. Kerry Fox reads Eleanor Catton’s satirical, apocalyptic thriller.

Birnam Wood has accepted financial support from enigmatic billionaire Robert Lemoine, who is installing an apocalypse bunker near one of New Zealand’s national parks. But not all members of the collective are happy with the partnership, and Tony Gallo’s journalistic instincts are about to cause problems.

Read by Kerry Fox
Abridged by Siân Preece
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie

THU 23:00 Rylan: How to Be a Man (p0fldkzz)
5. Mark Ormrod

Rylan Clark is joined by former Royal Marine and Paralympian, Mark Ormrod, who became a triple amputee after stepping on an improvised explosive device while on a tour in Afghanistan.

Mark lifts the lid on what it’s like to be a real life action man and, with a moving and vivid description of the incident that nearly cost him his life, tells how his devastating injuries made him reassess his own masculinity. He also recalls the hallucination where Will Smith came to visit him in hospital.

In this series, Rylan opens up the fault lines of masculinity in lively and revealing conversations with diverse, prominent figures and celebrities. Together they explore toxic masculinity, old-fashioned male stereotypes, gender identity, body image, parenthood, how to educate the next generation, role models and cultural differences to try to understand How to Be a Man in the 2020s.

Series Editor: Yvonne Alexander
Executive Producer: Kevin Mundye
A Mindhouse production in association with Simple Beast for BBC Radio 4

THU 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001mtbc)
Sean Curran reports as MPs digest the news that Boris Johnson deliberately misled Parliament.


FRI 00:00 Midnight News (m001mtbh)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 00:30 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mt6s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Thursday]

FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001mtbp)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001mtbw)
World Service

BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001mtc4)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping

FRI 05:30 News Briefing (m001mtcb)
National and international news from BBC Radio 4

FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001mtcj)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Richard Reddie from Churches Together in Britain and Ireland

Good morning!

I’m an avid cricket fan – always have been, always will be. As such, I’m looking forward to the first Test Match between England and Australia, which starts today at Edgbaston cricket ground in Birmingham.

Test matches between these countries are invariably played for the right to keep the ‘Ashes’ - the supposed burnt remains of cricket bails that are kept in a small urn or container. Although Australia currently holds the Ashes, the actual object itself, always remains at Lords, which some within the cricketing fraternity still regard as the home of international cricket.

Although Australia are arguably the favourites to hold on to the coveted prize, England with their newish Captain, New Zealand-born Ben Stokes and their New Zealand born and raised coach Brendon McCullum stands a real chance of seizing The Ashes this summer. Anyone familiar with Test cricket knows that it has its roots in empire. Those nations playing Test Cricket were formerly part of the British Empire, and rightly or wrongly, the rules that still govern the game are rooted in the values, culture, politics and ideas of that era and institution.

At its heart, Test cricket is all about testing one’s prowess and character against that of an opponent with bat and ball, over five days. However, it is also a team game in which eleven players must rely on their teammates if they are to be successful.

This is reminiscent of St Paul’s ‘one body but many parts’ analogy in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27, in which the Apostle noted that if we are part of the ‘Body of Christ’ (Jesus’ team), we need to value and trust each member of that team.

With that in mind, I pray that we try our best to live connected lives, and know that we are stronger together.’


FRI 05:45 Farming Today (m001mtcq)
16/06/23 Farm deaths, tree planting targets, estate tourism

18 people have died on UK farms so far this year, nearly double the number at this time last year. After years of campaigning, why are more people dying? Some farmers are asking if one of the problems is the design of agricultural machinery and the cost of buying and fitting safety measures to it.

England has missed the government's tree planting targets - again. The goal is for 7,500 hectares of woodland to be planted every year - but the new figures show that in the past year 3,100 hectares have been planted. The government says this puts tree planting at a record levels - and is a 40 per cent increase year-on-year - others, like The Woodland Trust, are less impressed.

All week we've been looking at how a Norfolk estate juggles farming with conservation and tourism. Even for smaller farms, diversifying into venues, camping or bed and breakfast, can be an important part of bringing in new income. On the estate we've been visiting, they employ more than three hundred people, and welcome nearly a million visitors to the house, the grounds, and the beach.

Presenter = Charlotte Smith
Producer = Rebecca Rooney

FRI 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b09wswn8)
Mark Cocker on the Wood Warbler

Nature writer Mark Cocker heard his first wood warbler at the age of thirteen. Now in middle age spring has not truly begun until he has heard the first wood warbler of the year singing explosive song, likened to a coin spinning on a metal top..

Producer Tim Dee
Photograph: Gray Clements.

FRI 06:00 Today (m001mtdd)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (m001msyr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

FRI 09:45 Marianna in Conspiracyland (m001mtdg)
5. Follow the Money

Who is funding this UK conspiracy theory newspaper? Flicking through the pages of The Light, Marianna is drawn to the adverts that populate its back pages. After the face-to-face encounter with the paper’s editor Darren she has more questions for the people involved in funding the paper. The advertisers. She manages to track down one: Iain, a property developer in Glastonbury. The two of them discuss wizards, goddesses, capital punishment and what motivates him to promote his business in The Light.

Host: Marianna Spring
Producers: Philip Marzouk and Olivia Lace-Evans
Producer for BBC Radio 4 podcasts: Nathan Jones
Technical Producer: Alex Portfelix
Series producer: Emma Close
Senior news editor: Sam Bonham

New episodes released every few days. If you're in the UK, listen to the whole series first on BBC Sounds

And please get in touch with Marianna by emailing at:

FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001mtdj)
Actor Cate Blanchett on Glenda Jackson, Girlguiding protests, Decluttering your love life, Aasmah Mir on her childhood memoir

The actor Cate Blanchett celebrates the work and life of Glenda Jackson, who died this week.

For the first time four British women have reached the quarter-finals of the same WTA (Women's Tennis Association) Tour event. Katie Boulter, Harriet Dart and Jodie Burrage have joined Heather Watson in the women's last eight in the Nottingham Open. Tennis reporter Karthi Gnanasegaram explains the significance.

Girlguiding has announced the closures of British Guiding Overseas and all five of its Activity Centres. Guide leader Aimmee Scholfield and Kirsty Patterson, also a leader and spokesperson for the campaign against the moves, explain why they are holding an overnight protest vigil and singalong outside Girlguiding UK headquarters.

The radio presenter and broadcaster Aasmah Mir was a teenage introvert and loner. She talks about her memoir ‘A Pebble in the Throat’, which tells the story of her childhood, growing up in the 1970s and 1980s in Glasgow, and traces in parallel the story of her mother’s own life as a young woman In Pakistan in the 1950s before she moved to Scotland.

Does the key to our happiness lie in ‘decluttering’ our love life? Inspired by Japanese organising expert Marie Kondo, journalist Lucy Holden has been deleting photos, throwing away clothes and unfollowing social media accounts of her ex-partners. Lucy along with comedian Cally Beaton, a self-proclaimed ‘joyous midlife dater’, discuss the pros and cons of a love life spring clean.

Presenter: Clare McDonnell
Producer: Dianne McGregor

FRI 11:00 Fit for Work (m001mtdl)
For 30 years, governments have tried to get disabled people into work by toughening up benefit rules. Part of the motivation has been to cut the welfare bill, but it's also been framed as an attempt to stop disabled people "languishing" on benefits.

But the policy has had tragic consequences, particularly for people with mental illness, who have felt coerced and pressured, as the department for work and pensions has deemed them fit for work. Many - maybe as many as 600 - have taken their own lives.

Jolyon Jenkins investigates how the policy came about. In this episode, he looks at why successive governments have failed in their aim of closing the disability employment gap. Now that the government has announced plans to scrap the Fit for Work test, he asks whether its replacement is likely to work any better.

Producer: Jolyon Jenkins
An Off Beat Media production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 11:30 A Charles Paris Mystery (m001mtdp)
So Much Blood

Episode 2

by Jeremy Front
based on the novel by Simon Brett

CHARLES PARIS ..... Bill Nighy
FRANCES ..... Suzanne Burden
MAURICE ..... Jon Glover
JAMES ..... Roger Ringrose
EILISH ..... Catriona Stirling
TESSA ..... Joanna Monro
ANNA ..... Natasha K Stone
LAURA ..... Chloe Sommer

Director..... Sally Avens

Charles is appearing in a one man show at The Auld Infirmary in Edinburgh which Frances, his semi-detached wife, has deigned to direct. A student production in the same venue has already suffered accidents amongst the company and now the sound designer, Angus, has been stabbed to death in a photo shoot using prop daggers. Charles is convinced it isn't an accident and before long he's sniffing out suspects whilst trying to get ready for his own opening night and take on board ever more demanding notes from Frances.

FRI 12:00 News Summary (m001mtdt)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 12:04 Archive on 4 (m000v75j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Saturday]

FRI 12:57 Weather (m001mtf1)
The latest weather forecast

FRI 13:00 World at One (m001mtf5)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Jonny Dymond.

FRI 13:45 Close Encounters (m001mtf9)
Simon Singh and Alan Turing

In this final episode of Close Encounters, Martha Kearney's series marking the re-opening of the National Portrait Gallery after three years of renovation, Martha is joined by the Mathematician and writer Simon Singh. He chooses to celebrate a very simple photographic portrait of the code breaker Alan Turing. Simon was part of a Bank of England panel that saw to it that Turing would be the image we see on our fifty pound notes and he explains why this quiet figure whose image is comfortably the smallest in the gallery in which it is displayed, is the most important figure in science and mathematics since Sir Isaac Newton.
It's a story that reveals much about the way Britain has changed in the last half a century and rounds off the series which itself illustrates the tone and impact the National Portrait Gallery is endeavouring to deliver as it opens its doors to the public once again.

Producer: Tom Alban

FRI 14:00 The Archers (m001mt95)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Thursday]

FRI 14:15 The Attendant (m0010q9q)

Strange things happen when you shake your hard-boiled egg in a packet of crushed up Monster Munch. A hilarious, unorthodox love story set on the night shift at a petrol station.

Petrol attendant Alex is desperate to find someone to share his life with, but too scared to do anything about it. A film-obsessive, he works the night shift at an isolated petrol station on the outskirts of a two-bit town. Awkward, and with no real friends to speak of, he confides in his only ‘colleague’ - a smiley-faced vacuum cleaner named Keith, whose voice only Alex can hear.

Ella is a cycling-mad woman of action, prepared for anything and curious about everything. By chance, Alex and Ella's lives intersect. These two lonely souls are made for each other, even if they don’t know it.

This is their story.

Tonight a mysterious crimson cloud pours red rain over the town, turning those caught in the storm into smooching - crazed zombies. Ella, returning home from Plumbing Enthusiasts Club, seeks shelter at the petrol station. Alex and Ella - along with a sandwich-loving truck driver named Jonny Tenaka – subsequently find themselves trapped in the petrol station shop, defending themselves against the zombie horde. Will they too become ‘infected’?


Alex……..…………………………….…………Will Merrick
Ella……….…………………………..………Patricia Allison
Keith and the ‘How To Tapes’....Kenneth Collard
Jonny Tenaka………………………………Tim Downie
Barry Oatcakes…………………………Joseph Tweedale

Written and created by The Cullen Brothers
Script Editor: Abigail Youngman
Producers: Alison Crawford and Mary Ward-Lowery
Sound Design: Ilse Lademann
Includes original music by Tom Constantine
Director: Alison Crawford

The Cullen Brothers (Oliver and Jake) are award winning writers, directors and producers from Bristol. The duo blend their love and knowledge of cinema with their distinctive, absurd and irreverent comedic style. They are currently developing other projects for radio, as well as TV and film. The Attendant series is based on their internationally acclaimed short film of the same title starring Robert James-Collier (Downton Abbey) and Isy Suttie (Peep Show).

FRI 14:45 Welcome to the Neighbourhood with Jayde Adams (p0fpwy99)
S2 E4 Alasdair Beckett-King

Jayde and her guest Alasdair Beckett-King mine the world of community apps and messageboards for comedy gold.

This week - the rules to join the Belmont Banter page are very clear regarding a certain type of selfie, are people allowed to smile in South Petherton in Somerset, and a supermarket in South London has a very unexpected delivery.

Producer: Cornelius Mendez
An unusual production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (m001mtfd)

How can I tidy up unruly forget-me-nots? What do I need to be aware of when gardening up north? What’s been munching the leaves of my plum tree?

The sprightly GQT team are back to share all their green-fingered guidance from Wallingford, Oxfordshire. Ready to get rid of all our weed-induced woes are plant pathologist Pippa Greenwood, garden designer Chris Beardshaw, and Head of Science at the Oxford University Botanic Garden Dr Chris Thorogood.

Alongside the panel’s horticultural advice, GQT producer Dan Cocker heads to Kew Gardens to meet garden curator Joe Richomme for a masterclass on peonies.

Producer: Bethany Hocken
Assistant Producer: Rahnee Prescod
Executive Producer: Hannah Newton

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 15:45 Short Works (m001mtfg)
Stay the Course by Dima Alzayat

A new short story from acclaimed writer Dima Alzayat.

FRI 16:00 Last Word (m001mtfj)
Silvio Berlusconi, Cormac McCarthy, Kathryn Harries, Francoise Gilot

John Wilson on

Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's flamboyant and controversial media mogul and four-time Prime Minister.

Kathryn Harries, The soprano sang in more than 60 major operatic roles and raised millions of pounds by doing sponsored charity walks.

Francoise Gilot, A celebrated painter and printmaker whose career spanned 8 decades. She was also known for a turbulent relationship with Pablo Picasso, with whom she had two children, Claude and Paloma.

Cormac McCarthy, Author who wrote 12 novels including The Road and No Country for Old Men, both of which were adapted as successful films.

Interviewee: Alastair Campbell & Nathalie Tocci
Interviewee: Robert MacFarlane
Interviewee: Mary McCabe
Interviewee: Markus Muller

Producer: Ed Prendeville

Archive used:
Cormac McCarthy on Oprah Winfrey. You Tube 2007, The Road - beginning scene, you tube 2012, Youtube: Italy bids farewell to Silvio Berlusconi with state funeral – source NBC news. Uploaded 14.06.23, Youtube: Compilation of Silvio Berlusconi's funniest blunders. Source The Telegraph. Uploaded 09.11.11, Youtube: Thank goodness for Silvio (Meno male che Silvio c'è) Source: Chickensh1t. Uploaded 12.04.08, Youtube: Françoise Gilot on Henri Matisse | Artist Interview | TateShots. Source Tate. Uploaded 06.06.14, Françoise Gilot – 'You Put Your Energy Into the Painting' | TateShots. Source Tate Uploaded 19.12.13, Francoise Gilot - Meet The Artist – Source: Arts Editor Doug MacCash of "The Times-Picayune". Uploaded 14.06.10. EXMOOR:KATHRYN HARRIES| VCS Take ID: ECEB5F7B | Prog: Ramblings Tx’ed 26.05.2006, KH Music Time Archive Christmas | Prog: Music Time | Tx’ed 28 Nov 1977

FRI 16:30 More or Less (m001mt53)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Wednesday]

FRI 17:00 PM (m001mtfl)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001mtfn)
Experts say pandemic came after a decade of austerity increased health inequalities. A man charged with 3 murders in Nottingham. Putin says western sanctions have failed.

FRI 18:30 Dead Ringers (m001mtfq)
Series 23

Episode 1

Introducing brand new characters including Holly Willoughby, Stacey Solomon, Therese Coffey and the cast of Succession.

Performed by Jon Culshaw, Lewis MacLeod, Jan Ravens, Jess Robinson and Duncan Wisbey.

This episode was written by: Nev Fountain & Tom Jamieson, Laurence Howarth, Ed Amsden & Tom Coles, James Bugg, Edward Tew, Cody Dahler, Robert Darke, Rachel E. Thorn, Sophie Dickson, Sarah Campbell, Peter Tellouche, Davina Bentley, and Toussaint Douglass.

Produced and created by Bill Dare
Production Co-ordinator: Dan Marchini

FRI 19:00 The Archers (m001mtft)
Writer, Tim Stimpson
Director, Rosemary Watts
Editor, Jeremy Howe

Brian Aldridge ….. Charles Collingwood
Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris
David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck
Helen Archer ….. Louiza Patikas
Pat Archer ….. Patricia Gallimore
Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch
Tom Archer ….. William Troughton
Tony Archer ….. David Troughton
Lee Bryce ….. Ryan Early
Harrison Burns ….. James Cartwright
Vince Casey ….. Tony Turner
Ruiari Donovan ….. Arthur Hughes
Justin Elliott ….. Simon Williams
Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler
Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling
Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence
Stella Pryor ….. Lucy Speed
Anna Tregorran ….. Isobel Middleton
Waiter/Doctor ….. Rhoda Ofori-Attah

FRI 19:15 Add to Playlist (m001mtfw)
Kate St. John and Joe Stilgoe take us from Paris to Buenos Aires

Cor anglais and oboe player Kate St. John and pianist and composer Joe Stilgoe join Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey Boakye to add another five tracks to the playlist.

Their short ride in a fast machine takes them from a Parisian classic to Buenos Aires tango via a train tour to Rainbow City.

Producer Jerome Weatherald
Presented, with music direction, by Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey Boakye

The five tracks in this week's playlist:

Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien by Édith Piaf
Stornelli Amorosi by Claudio Villa
Train Tour to Rainbow City by The Pyramids
Short Ride in a Fast Machine by John Adams
Spring in Buenos Aires (for piano), by Ástor Piazzolla, played by the Zürcher Klaviertrio

Other music in this episode:

Ordinary Life by Van Morrison
Vai de Roda by Duarte
Burrp by Nardo Ranks
Incredible by M-Beat
Oblivion by Grimes
I'm in the Mood for Love by Lord Tanamo
Cry Tough by Alton Ellis
Rudy, A Message to You by Dandy Livingstone
A Message to You Rudy by The Specials
Rudie Can't Fail by The Clash
Baby, Come Back by The Equals
I Don't Wanna Dance by Eddy Grant
Electric Avenue by Eddy Grant
Gimme Hope Jo'anna by Eddy Grant
Primavera porteña by Ástor Piazzolla

FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (m001mtfy)
Sir Jake Berry MP, Justine Greening, Dan Jarvis MP, Anita Sethi

Ben Wright presents political debate from The Milton Rooms in Malton, North Yorkshire with the Conservative MP and former party chairman Sir Jake Berry, former Cabinet Minister and founder of The Social Mobility Pledge Justine Greening, Labour MP and former Mayor of South Yorkshire Dan Jarvis and the writer and journalist Anita Sethi.
Producer: Camellia Sinclair
Lead broadcast engineer: Carwyn Griffith

FRI 20:50 A Point of View (m001mtg0)
Midsummer and the Mysteries of Colour

Rebecca Stott reflects on the colours of Midsummer as she attempts to find a paint for the hall in her new home,

With an array of paint charts laid out on her kitchen table, she looks to Darwin, Joseph Conrad and the former paint guru of Lewes for inspiration.

Producer: Adele Armstrong
Sound: Peter Bosher
Production Coordinator: Sabine Schereck
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith

FRI 21:00 Close Encounters (m001mtg3)
Omnibus Edition

The omnibus edition of Martha Kearney's new series celebrating portraits and portraiture through the eyes of ten Great Britons. Her guests in this second and last week of programmes are Edward Enninful, Clara Amfo, JJ Chalmers, Alexa Chung and Simon Singh.

After three years of closure for major refurbishment and expansion the National Portrait Gallery, just off London's Trafalgar Square is set for re-opening. To mark the occasion the gallery, along with BBC Radio 4 have launched a celebration of great Briton's, with Martha Kearney hosting a Close Encounter between the likes of Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Dame Katherine Grainger, Edward Enninful and Arlo Parks and a portrait they choose to champion. For Sir TIm Berners-Lee it's the Suffragette campaigner Christabel Pankhurst, for Dame Katherine Grainger it's the first English woman to swim the channel, the largely forgotten Mercedes Gleitze.

In each episode we find out about the subject of the portrait, the moment at which their image was captured for posterity and the importance of image and identity for those who find themselves in the eye of the nation's attention today. It's also a chance for Martha's guests to get a look behind the scenes as the gallery prepares for its grand re-opening.

Sir Chris Whitty, a household presence during the COVID pandemic, chooses the man who pioneered Smallpox vaccination, Edward Jenner. Former Marine and now TV presenter JJ Chalmers introduces Martha to Archibald McIndoe, the man whose work on burns victims during the second world war endured to the extent that treatments he developed were used on JJ' himself, after being injured serving in Afghanistan. Sometimes the portraits are lavish oil paintings. Sometimes they're discrete photographs, never intended for display in a major art gallery. That's certainly the case for mathematician Simon Singh's choice, Alan Turing. But while the photo might be the sort of black and white headshot that would appear in the back of a textbook, Simon's celebration of his story and the extent of his importance not just to cryptography and the wartime code breaking at Bletchley Park but to modern computing development expands the small photo portrait for listeners.

Producers: Tom Alban and Mohini Patel

FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (m001mtg6)
In-depth reporting, intelligent analysis and breaking news from a global perspective

FRI 22:45 Birnam Wood by Eleanor Catton (m001mtg9)
Episode 5

A radical gardening collective in New Zealand push their principles to breaking point when they go into partnership with Big Tech. Kerry Fox reads Eleanor Catton’s satirical, apocalyptic thriller.

Tony Gallo’s hunch about billionaire Lemoine pays off when the would-be journalist stumbles upon a secretive land survey near Birnam Wood’s new base.

Read by Kerry Fox
Abridged by Siân Preece
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie

FRI 23:00 Americast (m001mtgc)
Trump: For He’s A Jolly Good Felon?

On the eve of his 77th birthday, Donald Trump has appeared in court to face charges of mishandling classified documents. He even found time to stop by a bakery – though not for a cake to celebrate.

Sarah has made it through the media scrum in a humid Miami and the Americast team has assembled early this week to talk through another day of firsts in US political history.

We also hear from Miles Taylor, former chief of staff of the United States Department of Homeland Security under President Trump, about why he believes that the man he once served now poses a threat to the nation’s safety.

• Justin Webb, Radio 4 presenter
• Sarah Smith, North America editor
• Marianna Spring, disinformation and social media correspondent
• Anthony Zurcher, North America correspondent

• Miles Taylor, former chief of staff at the US Department of Homeland Security

• Send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp to +44 330 123 9480
• Email
• Or use #Americast

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This episode was made by Daniel Wittenberg, with Rufus Gray, Alix Pickles and Stephanie Mitcalf. The technical producer was Philip Bull. The editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.

FRI 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001mtgf)
Mark D'Arcy reports on a day of speed law making in the House of Lords. And it's been a busy week on the committee corridor.