SAT 00:00 Midnight News (m001dp53)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 00:30 Disaster Trolls (m001dp1v)
5. Who believes this stuff?

How widespread is the belief in conspiracy theories that falsely claim UK terror attacks are faked? Marianna Spring reveals the results of a survey carried out for the BBC.

There’s a moment of revelation when she talks to Alicia, a fan of Richard D Hall, to learn more about the appeal of the online conspiracy show host. We also hear how Hall’s online reach has grown during the pandemic.

In this BBC Radio 4 podcast series, Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, investigates how survivors of the Manchester Arena bombing and other tragedies, are targeted with online abuse and false claims that deny the reality of the horrific events they have lived through.

How popular are these extreme conspiracy theories? What are the factors that make people more susceptible to believing them? This episode provides some insight from the results of an online survey carried out for the BBC. King's College London interviewed more than 4000 adults in the UK, between 1-9 October 2022.

Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main

SAT 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001dp5j)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

SAT 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001dp5x)
BBC Radio 4 presents a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes from the BBC World Service.

SAT 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dp6b)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

SAT 05:30 News Briefing (m001dp6n)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

SAT 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001dp6x)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Haydon Spenceley, Christian musician and worship leader.


Good morning. I really hate fireworks. At the risk of coming adrift from those listening to this programme as early as the second sentence of the broadcast I have to be clear and up front with you. It’s a semi-regular thought of mine that I wish Guy Fawkes had settled for a quieter, more peaceable existence around this time of year all those centuries ago.

We live in a world where fireworks are very common, both literally and metaphorically. I have cerebral palsy and part of that condition means that I have a startle reflex, particularly bad and annoying when I’m tired, when I will have a spasm at sudden loud noises (like fireworks). Many people have this and I’m far from alone, nor is mine as difficult to manage as I know it can be for others but it is incredibly frustrating, to say the least. Many the time I’ve ended up wearing a drink, and that’s because of the startle reflex, not because I’ve upset the person I was speaking to.

I wonder if there comes a point in our lives when we could do with a few less fireworks going off. The last few years has felt like a series of firecrackers, one after another. Perhaps you wake up, or head to bed, this morning, hoping, like me, for a few less fireworks and a little more still, small voice of calm in your life today.

Father, thank you for your peace, which is a gift you never take back once we have received it. Let us enjoy it and share it with others today.


SAT 05:45 One to One (m00180kj)
The Thrill of Fear: Felicity Hannah talks to Neil Gaiman

Spooky tour guide turned financial journalist Felicity Hannah wants to know why being scared can feel so good. Why do we frighten ourselves for fun? Why do we love scary stories and terrifying TV?

She asks Neil Gaiman, author of Coraline, The Graveyard Book, Neverwhere and The Sandman – a storyteller who knows all about the power of fear to fascinate and delight us.

Felicity and Neil talk about what scares them the most, when fear loses its thrill, and, of course, ‘horror for four year olds’.

Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Sarah Goodman.

SAT 06:00 News and Papers (m001dwgd)
The latest news headlines. Including the weather and a look at the papers.

SAT 06:07 Open Country (m001dnp8)
Tolkien Land

Tolkien once remarked that reviewers, "seem to think that Middle-earth is another planet!" In fact the Shire, Isengard and the horses of Rohan are much closer to home than you think. Tolkien had a car in the 1930's and used to drive out of Oxford and visit sites that definitely filter into the books he wrote. Now Miles Warde has been out with Tolkien expert John Garth to find traces of Tolkien Land at Faringdon Tower and the Rollright Stones. There's also a brief appearance for Sarehole near Birmingham, where the young Tolkien grew up, plus archive of the great writer talking about where his books may have been based.

John Garth is the author of The Worlds of JRR Tolkien - the places that inspired Middle-earth.

The producer for BBC audio in Bristol is Miles Warde

SAT 06:30 Farming Today (m001dwgj)
05/11/22 Bird flu compensation 'not fit for purpose', rural housing

As avian flu forces poultry in England into lockdown, Scottish farmers say their flocks too should be coming inside.
We hear calls for a better compensation scheme for farms hit with bird flu.
All week we've been focusing on rural housing: where we build, what we build and the challenges for people who want to work and live in the countryside.

Presented by Caz Graham and produced by Beatrice Fenton.

SAT 06:57 Weather (m001dwgp)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SAT 07:00 Today (m001dwgt)
Including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

SAT 09:00 Saturday Live (m001dwgy)
Luke Evans

Luke Evans joins Nikki Bedi and Richard Coles. The Hobbit and Nine Perfect Strangers star left a happy family home in Wales age 16 to pursue his dreams. Luke's big break came after being seen in a London play and he combines acting with a lifelong passion for singing, as he releases his second album.

Lucy Gray began collecting discarded shopping lists by accident, as a way to amuse her friends during lockdown. After amassing over 250 of them, they are being displayed in the Museum of Brands in London. Lucy talks about what shopping lists say about us, and how they offer a window into the human condition.

Susan Rogers started her career as a recording engineer and worked with Prince on albums including Purple Rain and Parade. After more commercial success in the 1990s she finally had the money to move into academia and is now a professor of Psychoacoustics, looking at why we’re drawn to music and what it says about us.

Dan Walker chooses his Inheritance Tracks: the theme-tune to Grandstand and Heartache Tonight by the Eagles.

Writer and poet, David Toms was born with a rare congenital heart defect - a transposition of the great arteries. As a result, he has had to live with the fear and restriction of not knowing when his heart might give out. What has life been like for him, having to learn to live life as a spectator?

A Song For You by Luke Evans is out now.
This Is What It Sounds Like: What The Music You Like Says About You by Susan Rogers is out now.
Standing on the Shoulders by Dan Walker is out now.
Pacemaker by David Toms is out now.

Producer: Claire Bartleet

SAT 10:30 The Kitchen Cabinet (m001dwh2)
Series 38


Jay Rayner and a panel of culinary experts are in Preston, Lancashire. Taking questions from the local audience are Tim Anderson, Jordan Bourke, Rob Owen Brown and Zoe Laughlin.

The panellists confess their go-to dish to impress a love interest, cooked with varying levels of romantic success. Meanwhile Lancashire lad Rob gets nostalgic munching on a local sweet treat, Goosnargh biscuits. On hand to tell us about its distinctive flavour is Rachel Carefoot, head baker at Williams Handbaked.

Our experts also share their favourite fried chicken recipes, including one with a surprise ingredient. Instant mashed potato, anyone?

Producer: Jemima Rathbone
Assistant Producer: Aniya Das
Executive Producer: Louisa Field

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4

SAT 11:00 The Week in Westminster (m001dwh8)
Top commentators review the political week, presented by political editor of The Guardian, Pippa Crerar. With guests Dame Diana Johnson MP, chair of the Home Affairs Select Committee; Sir John Hayes MP; Alok Sharma MP, outgoing COP president; Daniel Greenberg, incoming parliamentary commissioner for standards; Matthew Parris, columnist for The Times; and Susie Boniface, columnist for the Daily Mirror.

SAT 11:30 From Our Own Correspondent (m001dwhf)
Albania's Young Migrants

Albania’s Prime Minister this week has accused the UK of scapegoating his citizens to excuse its ‘failed policies’ on migration. This comes amid a deepening crisis over the UK’s handling of asylum seekers. Sara Monetta spoke to people in the suburbs of Tirana about why many of the Albania’s young people are choosing to leave.
Last weekend, young people gathered in the district of Itaewon, in the South Korean capital Seoul, to celebrate Halloween in far greater numbers than usual. Laila Shahrokhshahi experienced first-hand the force of the crowds before tragedy struck.
Voters in Israel chose to return Benjamin Netanyahu to power in this week's election. The big story of his dramatic comeback has been about the rise of Israel’s far-right, which he helped cultivate as a parliamentary alliance to boost the numbers for his right-wing bloc in the Knesset. Tom Bateman looks at the emergence of a new kingmaker, Itamar Ben-Gvir.
Ahead of the midterm elections, the abortion debate still polarises the US, following the Supreme Court decision to overturn Roe vs Wade. During those proceedings, there was talk of Safe Haven laws, which exist in every state, and allow mothers to anonymously leave their new-borns at a designated site if they feel they can’t parent. In Arizona, Linda Pressly met a family with direct experience of this.
Ukraine's President has accused the Kremlin of "energy terrorism", saying millions have been left without power because of Russian attacks on the energy network. Hugo Bachega has been living in the city and describes how Kyiv’s citizens have once again adapted to rapidly changing circumstances.

Presenter: Kate Adie
Producers: Serena Tarling and Ellie House
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith
Production Coordinator: Iona Hammond

SAT 12:00 News Summary (m001dwhh)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 12:04 Money Box (m001dwhk)
Landlords, Heat Networks and Happiness

The interest rate rose to 3% this week affecting mortgage rates. We'll be looking at what that means for buy-to-let landlords. Many will have interest only mortgages linked to the interest rate so they'll begin rising almost at once. What does it mean for landlords but also tenants?

We'll discuss how the freeze in tax thresholds impacts your income and look at what could happen over the coming years.

Why over half a million households could be facing heating bills more than double those covered by the Energy Price Guarantee. It's because they warm their homes using heat networks - communal heating systems used in blocks of flats or housing estates.

New figures suggest more than half of NHS and public sector workers eligible to get cheaper broadband are missing out.

And is happiness linked to your income? How much per year would it take to make you happy? Email us with your thoughts now to

Presenter: Paul Lewis
Reporter: Dan Whitworth
Researcher: Sandra Hardial
Editor: Jess Quayle

(First broadcast 12pm, Saturday 5th November, 2022)

SAT 12:30 The Now Show (m001dp35)
Series 61

Episode 2

Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis present the week via topical stand-up and sketches. They're joined by Colin Hoult, Laura Lexx and Jordan Gray.

Anna Mann (Colin Hoult) shares advice about the cost of living crisis, Laura Lexx looks ahead to Prince Harry’s autobiography, and musical guest Jordan Gray debunks a controversy about Mr Potato Head.

The show was written by the cast with additional material from Rebecca Bain, Laura Major, Nathan Cowley and Jade Gebbie.

Voice actors: Luke Kempner and Katie Norris

Sound: Marc Willcox & Gary Newman
Executive Producer: James Robinson
Producer: Rajiv Karia
Production Coordinator: Sarah Nicholls

A BBC Studios Production

SAT 12:57 Weather (m001dwhm)
The latest weather forecast

SAT 13:00 News and Weather (m001dwhp)
The latest national and international news and weather reports from BBC Radio 4

SAT 13:10 Any Questions? (m001dp3k)
Dame Margaret Beckett MP, Dr Maya Goodfellow, Sherelle Jacobs, Lee Rowley MP

Alex Forsyth presents political debate from East Midlands Airport with the Labour MP Dame Margaret Beckett, the writer and academic Dr Maya Goodfellow, the Daily Telegraph columnist Sherelle Jacobs and the Housing and Planning Minister Lee Rowley MP.

Producer: Camellia Sinclair
Lead broadcast engineer: Phil Booth.

SAT 14:00 Any Answers? (m001dwhr)
Have your say on the issues discussed on Any Questions?

SAT 14:45 39 Ways to Save the Planet (m0010nd6)
Zero Carbon Flight

Flying, for business or pleasure, has long been seen as one of the biggest carbon villains. As airports gear up again after Covid it's clear not every business wants to keep meetings online or holidaymakers settle for a staycation.

But what if we could fly without the guilt? Tom Heap meets some of the pioneers of zero carbon flight: hitching a ride with Harbour Air in Canada who have retrofitted one of their planes to fly on electric battery power; visiting the equivalent of the Batcave with a Bristol company making EVTOLs - electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles - which could see us zipping between cities; and asking about the use of sustainable aviation fuels. Dr Tamsin Edwards joins him to discuss how much carbon dioxide - and more - this could potentially save.

Produced in association with the Royal Geographical Society. Special thanks for this episode to Dr Andy Jefferson from Sustainable Aviation and Tim Johnson from the Aviation Environment Federation.

Producer: Anne-Marie Bullock
Researcher: Sarah Goodman.

SAT 15:00 Drama (m001dwht)
Exit Game

Reported by Alex Millar
Drama written by Nick Perry

Drama-documentary exploring the highly competitive world of the men’s professional football youth system.

At top football clubs across the country, floodlights illuminate the latest superstar youngsters from football’s production line as they twist defenders inside out and the fans chant their names in unison. But away from the lights, with stories that we rarely hear, are thousands of ‘Lost Boys’ rejected on an industrial scale by the football youth system in England.

Alex Millar, a journalist who has spent a lot of the last 20 years writing and broadcasting about lesser-known stories from within the footballing universe, takes us on a personal journey through football's youth system. Interwoven with Alex's journey, a fictional drama based on his research, explores the stories of two boys navigating their way through the system and the pressures their friendship comes under.

How are the latest footballing gems produced, and at what cost? And, how can football clubs produce tough, elite players - without a tough, elite system?

Jack . . . . . Tim Preston
Young Jack . . . . . Harvey Chapman
Nathan . . . . . Olatunji Ayofe
Young Nathan . . . . . Cannon Hay
Simon . . . . . Jonathan Forbes
Cath . . . . . Fiona Skinner
Grace . . . . . Chloë Sommer
Head Coach . . . . . David Hounslow
Dave . . . . . Roger Ringrose
Coach . . . . . Tom Kiteley
Ash . . . . . Hughie O’Donnell
Liam . . . . . Aaron Gelkoff

Sound design by Peter Ringrose
Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko

SAT 16:00 Woman's Hour (m001dwhw)
Beth Mead, Female doctors and the menopause, Donna Patterson, Policing, Shonda Rhimes & Betsy Beers, Caroline and Rose Quentin

Beth Mead was Player of the Tournament at the Euro's earlier this year, and runner-up in the Ballon d'Or which decides the best player in the world. Beth plays for Arsenal in the Women's Super League, and has a new book out called Lioness: My Journey To Glory.

After Donna Patterson's maternity leave, her employer Morrison’s gave her a full-time role, despite her only working part time. She represented herself in a tribunal and she won a £60k pay-out for maternity discrimination.

Shonda Rhimes and Betsy Beers are the producing partners behind some of the biggest American TV dramas of modern times – Grey’s Anatomy, Scandal, How to Get Away with Murder, and Bridgerton.

A report by the Police watchdog, His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary - into eight forces in England and Wales, has warned that hundreds of police officers have been cleared to serve when they should have failed vetting procedures. Sir Peter Fahy, the Chief Constable of Greater Manchester Police from 2008 to 2015 gave his reaction.

One in five female doctors say they have considered early retirement due to menopause symptoms. A new report warns that without better support there could be ‘an exodus’ of female doctors from the NHS. Dame Jane Dacre, President of the Medical Protection Society, and Dr Nadira Awal, a GP who specialises in women's health discuss.

Mother and daughter acting duo, Caroline and Rose Quentin are appearing in a new touring production of the George Bernard Shaw play, Mrs Warren’s Profession. They discuss their relationship and their first experience of working together.

Presenter: Anita Rani
Producer: Dianne McGregor

SAT 17:00 PM (m001dwhy)
Full coverage of the day's news

SAT 17:30 Political Thinking with Nick Robinson (m001dwj0)
The Gillian Keegan One

Nick Robinson talks to the new education secretary, Gillian Keegan, about leaving school at 16 to work in a car factory, the time Derek Hatton bought her a glass of champagne and why sometimes cabinet ministers should just admit it when they don't know something.

SAT 17:54 Shipping Forecast (m001dwj2)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

SAT 17:57 Weather (m001dwj5)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SAT 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dwjc)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

SAT 18:15 Loose Ends (m001dwjj)
Richard Herring, Thaddea Graham, Simon Garfield, Dominic Dromgoole, Tawiah, Rob Heron & The Teapad Orchestra, David Morrissey

Clive Anderson and David Morrissey are joined by Richard Herring, Thaddea Graham, Simon Garfield and Dominic Dromgoole for an eclectic mix of conversation, music and comedy. With music from Tawiah and Rob Heron & The Teapad Orchestra.

SAT 19:00 Profile (m001dwjn)
Kemi Badenoch

Since entering Parliament in 2017, the MP for Saffron Walden has rapidly risen through the ranks to a seat at the Cabinet table as Trade Secretary and Minister for Women and Equalities.

Kemi Badenoch surprised some in Westminster when she reached the fourth round of the Conservative leadership election this summer. Her forthright views on British colonialism and trans issues have won her admirers on the political right, but also been heavily criticised by LGBTQ campaigners.

So who is Kemi Badenoch? How has her childhood in Nigeria influenced her political outlook? And how does she like to unwind? Mark Coles investigates.

Researcher: Alice Struthers
Producers: Ben Cooper and Matt Toulson
Production Co-ordinators: Helena Warwick-Cross and Maria Ogundele
Sound engineer: Graham Puddifoot
Editor: Simon Watts

SAT 19:15 This Cultural Life (m001dwjs)
Tim Minchin

Comedian, actor and composer Tim Minchin wrote the songs for the musical adaptation of the Roald Dahl story Matilda which, after more than a decade of sell-out West End shows, has now also been adapted for the big screen. His stage musical version of the film Groundhog Day earned him an Olivier award and seven Tony nominations on Broadway. He also co-wrote and starred in the television comedy drama series Upright, and has performed solo shows around the world.

Tim Minchin tells John Wilson about his most important cultural influences and creative inspirations, starting with his upbringing in Perth, Australia. He recalls his earliest attempts at songwriting, influenced by TS Eliot and 90s grunge rock bands, which led to him writing a musical version of Love's Labour's Lost for a youth theatre company whilst he was still at school. Tim chooses the American singer-songwriter Ben Folds as one of his key influences, and particularly the 1997 Ben Folds Five album Whatever Ever And Ever, Amen. He also cites being commissioned to write the songs for The Royal Shakespeare Company's Matilda The Musical, and working with director Matthew Warchus, as a major turning creative turning point. Perhaps surprisingly, Tim chooses an ill-fated musical project, Larrikins, as another important moment in his career. He reflects on how the animated adventure, which was due to star Hugh Jackman and Margot Robbie, was cancelled by studio bosses and the effect that experience had on him.

Producer: Edwina Pitman

SAT 20:00 Archive on 4 (m001dwjx)
Our Archive Century


The second programme in the series celebrating the riches of the BBC's written, audio and audio-visual archives. In this episode the subject area is science and two of Britain's leading figures in the field, Robert Winston, Baron Winston and the Space scientist and broadcaster Maggie Aderin-Pocock select archival material that shows the changing relationship between science, the national broadcaster and the public. The fears of talking down, of over-simplifying, of bewildering and boring the listener and viewer have been with us since the earliest years. The presenters discuss how broadcasters have sought to square that circle, how the attitude to science and scientists has changed over the century and why the constant striving to make scientific endeavour available to the broadest possible audience remains so important. Expect to hear archive from the Space Race, from wonderfully patrician pre-war lectures and triumph of Science at Glastonbury.

Producer: Tom Alban

SAT 21:00 No Place But the Water (m000lnm5)
Part 3

Linda Marshall Griffiths' drama series set in a flooded future world.

When there is no place but the water, where do you go?

With the arrival of Caleb and Selene to the island the family can no longer ignore the questions that they haven't dared ask: about the hotel; about the forest beyond it; about what happened to the people that were there before; about how everything can’t stay the same when the food is running out and the water keeps rising.

And then there’s the question of the Angel...

BIRDIE ..... Poppy O’Brien
JESSIE ..... Sade Malone
CALEB ..... Cel Spellman
GIL ..... .Rupert Hill
LAURIE/SELENE ..... Jenny Platt
MAURICE ..... Pearce Quigley
THE ANGEL ..... Vinette Robinson

Directed by Nadia Molinari
Sound Design by Steve Brooke

Programme Consultants: Dr James M Lea and Dr Ian Dawson

SAT 21:45 Life at Absolute Zero (b08pdxbw)
Series 2

Accept No Substitute

Lynne Truss observes the inhabitants of Meridian Cliffs, a small wind-battered town on the south coast of England.

Jim regularly phones Sarah, his first wife, to go on about Emma, his second wife. Sarah doesn't mind listening to her ex husband talking about the woman who replaced her in his life. On the contrary, she loves hearing about their marital difficulties. But when Emma finds out - what a surprise - she doesn't turn out to be quite so understanding.

Directed by Kate McAll
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 22:00 News (m001dwk0)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

SAT 22:15 Behind the Crime (m001b43m)

Sally Tilt and Dr Kerensa Hocken are forensic psychologists who work in prisons.

Their role is to help people who have committed crimes to look at the harm they’ve caused to other people, understand why, and work out how to make changes to prevent further harm after they’ve been released.

In Behind the Crime, they take the time to understand someone whose crimes have led to harm and in some cases, imprisonment.

In this final episode they talk to Ian*, who pleaded guilty to the offence of indecent exposure. Ian received a non-custodial sentence, was placed on the register of sex offenders and was ordered to attend a sex offender treatment programme.

Ian’s story is one of a compulsion that started early in childhood and continued into his adult years. By talking through the key moments in Ian’s life and upbringing, we can start to understand how he, and others, reach the point where they cause harm through shameful acts that cause disgust to society.

Ian's conviction led to him seeking further help to curb his compulsions, and he has successfully learned how to live safely. His behaviour has been under control for over ten years, and his successful treatment may have prevented further, far more serious harm happening in the future.

Ian engaged with a specialist charity called StopSO, which offers treatment to perpetrators and offers support for survivors of sexual offending.

*Ian’s name has been changed to protect his identity.

A warning that some people may find this programme distressing.

For details of organisations that can provide help and support, visit

Producer: Andrew Wilkie
Editor: Hugh Levinson
Behind the Crime is a co-production between BBC Long Form Audio and the Prison Radio Association.

SAT 23:00 Brain of Britain (m001dmz4)
Semi-final 2, 2022

The semi-finals of the 2022 season continue, with another three outright heat winners and one of the top-scoring runners-up taking their place in the spotlight. One of them will go through to the Final and stand a real chance of becoming the 69th person to take the title Brain of Britain.

Russell Davies asks the questions, which encompass computer-generated music, the beliefs of Rastafarianism and the layout of a Monopoly board - among many other topics. The competition at this stage of the tournament is stiff, and the contenders need speed on the buzzer as well as wide knowledge. It's sure to be close.

Taking part are:
Catherine Bates from West London
Jamie Hall from Manchester
Ned Pendleton from Northamptonshire
Sarah Trevarthen from Manchester

As always, there will be a chance for a listener to win a prize by beating the Brains with questions he or she has devised.

Assistant Producer: Stephen Garner
Producer: Paul Bajoria

SAT 23:30 John Burnside: From the Other Side (m001dmq1)
"I was suffering from heart failure. Long story short, they thought I was going to die, told my wife to 'prepare for the worst'. In hospital, while I was 'on the other side', as it were, part of a poem came to me, out of nowhere (I have no memory of composing it)."

This is poet and novelist John Burnside's poetic exploration of his near-death experience following heart failure. Profoundly serious, and yet extremely trippy - he recalls bizarre hallucinations, after being rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties, which resembled William Burroughs' Naked Lunch.

This was followed by the realisation that he was dying. And in something John compares to an out-of-body experience, he watched his naked body as if it were a slab of meat viewed through a movie screen. Then an entirely different, deeply profound encounter after his heart stopped - an experience that was less religious and more akin to a psychedelic trip.

From his garden in Fife, two years on, John explains the impact of this near-death experience (NDE) on his life and work today. He reads part of the poem that came to him while recovering in hospital, from his recent collection Learning To Sleep. He shares a brand new work inspired by his NDE and anatomy lesson paintings, in addition to recalling beloved poems by Arthur Rimbaud and Emily Dickinson which have taken on new meaning.

Dr Penny Sartori also provides some medical context for John's experience. She is a senior lecturer in adult nursing at Swansea University and worked in intensive care for 17 years, where she carried out extensive research for a PHD on NDEs.

Reader: Ruth Sillers
Photo Credit: Robbie Lawrence
Because I Could Not Stop for Death performed by Susan McKeown and The Chanting House

Produced by Victoria Ferran
Executive Producers: Sara Jane Hall and Susan Marling
A Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4


SUN 00:00 Midnight News (m001dwk7)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 00:15 Bhopal (m001brny)
2. The Smell of Grass

The Bhopal gas tragedy was the worlds worst industrial accident. Tens of thousands of people died and many more suffered long term illnesses when lethal methyl isocyanate gas leaked from the Union Carbide plant in the city in central India on 2nd December 1984.

For the previous two years one man had been predicting that Bhopal was an accident waiting to happen. Forty years ago this month the Bhopali journalist Rajkumar Keswani wrote his first article warning of the dangers posed by safety lapses at the plant. During a dogged investigation pitting him against political power, corporate money and the indifference of the media and public opinion, he never gave up. This cinematic documentary series tells his story for the first time.

Episode 2. The Smell of Grass

Keswani digs deeper and discovers that a town planning order to relocate the chemical plant to an industrial zone, away from densely populated areas, was ignored. Union leaders smuggle him into the factory where he sees first hand the lack of safety controls and general disrepair. He learns more about the chemicals being manufactured as pesticides inside Union Carbide and understands the danger if they were to leak.

He sits down to write his first 'Rapat' newspaper article under the headline 'Save, Please Save this City', and waits for a response.

Narrator Narinder Samra
Written and researched by Anubha Yadav and Radhika Kapur
Music and Sound Design by Shreyan Chatterjee
Studio Mix by Donald McDonald
Producer Neil McCarthy

SUN 00:30 Short Works (m001dp2l)
Happiness by Chetna Maroo

Uma would be a happy if she wasn't haunted by her school reports. How can she hide them from her parents?

Chetna Maroo is winner of the 2022 Plimpton Prize for Fiction and author of the highly-anticipated forthcoming novel Western Lane.

Reader: Sabrina Sandhu
Producer: Ciaran Bermingham

SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001dwkh)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001dwkr)
BBC Radio 4 presents a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes from the BBC World Service.

SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dwl0)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

SUN 05:30 News Briefing (m001dwlb)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (m001dwln)
St Michael’s Church in Kingsteignton, Devon

Bells on Sunday comes from St Michael’s Church in Kingsteignton, Devon. The original parish church was built in the 15th century but was thoroughly restored in 1865. The medieval fabric of the west tower and arcades survive however. The tower houses a ring of eight bells which were cast in 1929 by the Gillett and Johnston Foundry in Croydon. The tenor weighs sixteen and three quarter hundredweight and is tuned to the note of F. We hear them ringing Devon style call changes.

SUN 05:45 Profile (m001dwjn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 News Summary (m001dwj6)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4

SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b01p30f1)
Houses of God

Mark Tully talks to the Archbishop of Westminster, in Westminster cathedral, as part of an exploration of the contemporary purpose of church buildings.

What is the true function of buildings dedicated to God? Churches were originally built to "His greater glory" but arguably we build them far less now and preserve them far more. Has our relationship with houses of God changed?

Mark Tully visits Westminster Cathedral and, in conversation with Archbishop Vincent Nichols, discusses the tension between honouring God through the creation of beautiful spaces and the duty expressed by all the major faiths to do charitable work.

With readings reflecting the building of great churches and mosques, as well as humble churches and chapels, and music from Brahms, Bruckner and Morton Feldman, Mark examines the benefits and the beauty of religious buildings. The readers are Toby Jones and Emily Raymond.

Producer: Frank Stirling
A Unique production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 06:35 On Your Farm (m001dwjf)
BBC Food & Farming Awards finalist: Overbury Farms

When Jake Freestone wants to grow a field of oil seed rape, he doesn't just plant rape seeds - he also plants buckwheat, clover and vetches. For him, the price of these extra seeds is more than made up for by the jobs the extra plants do for him. First, they help hide the young rape plants from pests which could damage them. Then they provide a habitat for predators like spiders, which also help tackle pests. The clover and vetches are nitrogen fixers, so reduce the amount of money Jake has to spend on fertilising the crop. This typifies his regenerative farming approach. Jake's focus is on improving his soil biology. He says, "If we can have healthy soil, we can have healthy plants and ultimately healthy food."

Overbury Estate has been chosen by Charlotte Smith as one of her three finalists in the "Farming for the Future" category of this year's BBC Food and Farming Awards. In this programme, Charlotte visits the farm to find out more about its regenerative approach and what that means for yields, carbon sequestration and biodiversity.

Presented by Charlotte Smith
Produced by Heather Simons

SUN 06:57 Weather (m001dwjk)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SUN 07:00 News and Papers (m001dwjp)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 07:10 Sunday (m001dwjt)
Same-Sex Marriage and the Church of England; Meat-Free Fridays; Bellringing for the King

It's an issue which has divided the Church of England for decades, and now the Bishop of Oxford, the Right Reverend Dr. Steven Croft has become the most senior cleric in the Church to speak out in favour of same-sex marriage. But will the growing support for the bishop's stance make any difference to the future direction of the church? Ed Stourton explores the issue with Dr Andrew Goddard, he was on the Steering Group for the church's Living and Loving in Faith Project and is a member of the Church of England Evangelical Council, and Ben Bradshaw, a former Labour cabinet minister and practicing Anglican who sits on parliament's Ecclesiastical Committee.

Could the Catholic tradition of abstaining from meat on Friday have an impact in tackling climate change? A new study suggests it could potentially reduce carbon emissions. Edward assesses the details with Professor Shaun Lacrom, from the Department of Land Economy at the University of Cambridge, and Bishop John Arnold, the environmental lead for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales.

'Ring for the King' is the campaign to recruit and train thousands of new bellringers ahead of next year's Coronation of King Charles on 6 May. Reporter Mark Hutchings joined a team of bellringers to find out what it takes to become expert in pulling the ropes.

And as Remembrance weekend draws near, Major Daljinder Singh Virdee from the Defence Sikh Network explains how he was inspired to develop a version of the Nitnem Gutka Sahib, or daily Prayer Book for Sikhs in the military, after seeing an image of a Sikh soldier in the trenches during the Great War.

Photo: Bellringers from St. Woolos Cathedral at St. Basil's Church, Newport.

Producers: Jill Collins and Fiona Leach
Editor: Tim Pemberton

SUN 07:54 Radio 4 Appeal (m001dwjy)

Liz Chaplin, who with her daughter Ava is a beneficiary, makes the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of the music charity Soundabout.

To Give:
- UK Freephone 0800 404 8144
-You can donate online at
- Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal. (That’s the whole address. Please do not write anything else on the front of the envelope). Mark the back of the envelope ‘Soundabout’.
- Cheques should be made payable to ‘ Soundabout'.
Please note that Freephone and online donations for this charity close at 23.59 on the Saturday after the Appeal is first broadcast. However the Freepost option can be used at any time.

Registered charity number: 1103002

SUN 07:57 Weather (m001dwk3)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SUN 08:00 News and Papers (m001dwk9)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (m001dwkk)
A Still Small Voice in Snowdonia

The third of four programmes of pilgrimage from the highest peaks of the UK’s nations, marking the BBC's Centenary.

Snowdon attracts over half a million climbers annually, seeking to scale its summit. Some pilgrims pursue adventure or a fitness challenge, while others seek to imbibe the purity of the mountain air and picturesque views of the rugged North Wales landscape. From Nant Peris in the foothills of Snowdon, Mary Stallard, Assistant Bishop in Bangor, treads the tracks of Wales’s highest peak. Reflecting on the Prophet Elijah’s ascent to Mount Horeb, Bishop Mary explores life’s own climbs, both physical and spiritual, with prayers and a blessing from the Most Rev'd Andrew John, Archbishop of Wales. Music includes the sound of the Welsh harp and traditional Welsh hymn tunes, sung by members of Bangor Cathedral Choir.

SUN 08:48 A Point of View (m001dp3q)
A Brit Abroad

As Americans prepare to go to the polls in the US midterm elections and the COP27 environment conference gets underway, AL Kennedy takes the temperature of debate and of the environment from a barn in upstate New York.

And she reflects on being a Brit these days in the US. 'In the normal course of events,' she writes, 'it's Brits who like to make fun of Americans. Now, Americans are bewildered by us'.

Producer: Adele Armstrong
Production coordinator: Iona Hammond
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith

SUN 08:58 Tweet of the Day (b03thsc6)
Long-Eared Owl

Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.

John Aitchison presents the long-eared owl. The low moaning hoot of a long-eared owl filters through the blackness of a pine wood. Long-eared owls are nocturnal and one of our most elusive breeding birds. They nest in conifer woods, copses and shelter-belts of trees near wide open grasslands and heaths where they hunt for rodents.

SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (m001dwkv)
The Sunday morning news magazine programme. Presented by Paddy O'Connell

SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (m001dwl6)
Writer ….. Sarah Hehir
Director ….. Jess Bunch
Editor ….. Jeremy Howe

David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck
Ruth Archer ….. Felicity Finch
Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris
Jolene Archer ….. Buffy Davis
Natasha Archer ….. Mali Harries
Lilian Bellamy ….. Sunny Ormonde
Leonard Berry ….. Paul Copley
Beth Casey ….. Rebecca Fuller
Vince Casey ….. Tony Turner
Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay
Tracy Horrobin ….. Susie Riddell
Kirsty Miller ….. Annabelle Dowler
Elizabeth Pargetter ….. Alison Dowling
Freddie Pargetter ….. Toby Laurence
Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd
Nurse ..... Deborah Tracey

SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (m001dwlk)
Richard E Grant, actor

Richard E Grant was born in Swaziland, now Eswatini, one of the smallest countries in Africa, and took his first steps as an actor as a teenager in the local amateur theatre company.

He studied Drama and English at Cape Town University in South Africa, and moved to London in 1982, hoping to find work as an actor, with - in his words - 'nothing more than a couple of suitcases, a boxful of music cassettes and blind ambition.' He worked as a waiter to pay the bills, until his very first film role, in Withnail and I, launched his acting career.

Since then, he has appeared in a very wide range of films, with roles in How to Get Ahead in Advertising, The Player, Jack and Sarah, Logan and Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, as well as the Star Wars series. He was nominated for an Oscar in 2019 for his role in Can You Ever Forgive Me?

Richard has been a lifelong diarist and has published three collections of memoirs. His most recent book chronicles his long and happy marriage to his wife, the dialect coach Joan Washington, who died from cancer in 2021.

DISC ONE: I'm The Greatest Star by Barbra Streisand
DISC TWO: When I Fall in Love by Nat King Cole
DISC THREE: When a Man Loves a Woman by Percy Sledge
DISC FOUR: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) by Eurythmics
DISC FIVE: Chopin: 24 Préludes, Op. 28 - 4. Largo in E Minor by Ivo Pogorelich
DISC SIX: Please Forgive Me by Patrick Doyle
DISC SEVEN: Fields of Gold by Eva Cassidy
DISC EIGHT: Don't Rain on My Parade by Barbra Streisand

BOOK CHOICE: Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: When I Fall in Love by Nat King Cole

Presenter Lauren Laverne
Producer Sarah Taylor

SUN 12:00 News Summary (m001dwwr)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 12:04 It's a Fair Cop (m001dmzl)
Series 7

Caravan Conundrum

In this week’s episode, copper turned stand-up Alfie Moore is called to a camping site to investigate a suspected break-in.

What's he finds inside one caravan creates a storm of competing interests. Should Alfie follow the letter of the law, focus on police targets or be led by his empathy and common sense? What do you do when self-interest comes up against your personal morals?

Written and presented by Alfie Moore
Script Editor: Will Ing
Production Co-ordinator: Becky Carewe-Jeffries
Producer: Sam Holmes

SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (m001dwm3)
Avoiding the Avocado?

There's a growing anxiety around avocados. With more awareness of their impact on the countries where they are grown, some chefs have been reducing their presence on menus. Are worries about their sustainability well-founded? Why do we focus so much on avocados and could we replace this contentious fruit with something else?

Leyla Kazim meets chef Adriana Cavita at her new Mexican restaurant to talk about growing up with Avocados and how she has tackled the issue of their sustainability. Leyla talks to food systems expert and the writer of a forthcoming book on avocados Honor Eldridge about the issues in the production of avocados in the Global South. She also gets a mini tour of avocado trees growing in London from garden designer and tropical plant fan Rob Stacewicz. Political commentator Ash Sarkar talks to Leyla about avocado's status as a meme in our public discourse. Wahaca owner and chef Thomasina Miers makes an alternative for Leyla to try.

Presented by Leyla Kazim and produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Sam Grist

SUN 12:57 Weather (m001dwmc)
The latest weather forecast

SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (m001dwmq)
Radio 4's look at the week's big stories from both home and around the world

SUN 13:30 The Coming Storm (m001dxt0)
The Mid-Terms 1. Groomers

As America goes out to vote for the first time since the tumultuous aftermath of the 2020 election, Gabriel Gatehouse is back in the deep undergrowth of the US political scene, in a bid to understand where the dark energy underpinning the January 6 assault on the Capitol is going now.

Some of the energy from the QAnon conspiracy theory about a satanic cabal of paedophiles is morphing into a grassroots political movement against ‘groomers’ – the idea that LGBTQI+ sex educators and trans healthcare advocates are indoctrinating young people into a sexualised culture.

The battleground is America’s school boards and the prize could be a galvanised Republican base with a new crusade. At a conference in Miami of thinkers shaping the future ideas of the right, Gabriel finds the issue top of the agenda.

And across the country, a slate of candidates linked to QAnon is running for office – how will they fare?

Producer: Lucy Proctor

SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (m001dp2j)

Kathy Clugston hosts the horticultural programme from Forfar. This week, she's joined by Kirsty Wilson, Matt Biggs, and Chris Beardshaw who will be answering questions from the audience.

The panellists discuss the key to cultivating successful seedlings, and share their tips for establishing a wildlife friendly garden. Things get a little lost in the weeds as they discuss what a garden should look like.

On a break from the questions, Kathy speaks to Professor Patricia Wiltshire whose work as a forensic ecologist helps crack the grizzliest of garden crimes.

Producer - Dominic Tyerman

Assistant Producer - Aniya Das
Executive Producer - Louisa Field

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 14:45 What Really Happened in the Nineties? (m001747w)
7. Hong Kong

Here we are in 2022 navigating cancel culture, Brexit, identity politics, war in Europe.

How did we get here? Did we miss something? Robert Carlyle is here to show us that we did. That the world we live in was shaped by the forgotten decade: the 1990s.

From Hong Kong to Moscow, Cool Britannia to No Frills flights, we travel back in time to key moments in the '90s that reverberate today in unexpected ways.

Episode 7: the Hong Kong Handover

In this programme Robert explores to the Hong Kong Handover of 1997 when Britain returned the colonial territory to China. He sees how it was an opportunity lost, as China took back Hong Kong during a relatively progressive point in its modern history, but one which was not to last.

The last Governor of Hong Kong Chris Patten gives a behind the scenes glimpse of the ceremony that would be watched around the globe and reflects on how the hopes and dreams for Hong Kong in the 1990s have been steadily eroded.

Historical Consultant Rana Mitter
Music and Sound Design Phil Channell
Producer Neil McCarthy

SUN 15:00 Working Titles (m001dwn5)

Classic oral history by Studs Terkel, adapted by Sarah Wooley.

Studs Terkel was a giant of American radio broadcasting, transmitting out of his beloved Chicago. He was also an oral historian. For this book, WORKING, he travelled around America in the early 70s with his tape recorder, talking to ordinary Americans about their jobs: steelworkers, sex workers, waitresses, janitors. In this adaptation we travel with Studs (Nathan Osgood) as he meets some of his interviewees and hears their stories. Fascinating, moving and surprising, these interviews record, as Studs put it, "the extraordinary dreams of ordinary people" and ask some searching questions about the purpose and the cost of the work we do.

Studs....Nathan Osgood
Carl....Roger Ringrose
Roberto....Joseph Balderrama
Grace....Fiona Skinner
Louis....Cyril Nri
Barbara....Kelly Burke
Tim.... Jonathan Forbes
Nora....Miranda Braun
Roberta.....Julianna Jennings
Terry....Samantha Dakin
Dolores....Laurel Lefkow
Lovin’ Al....Cyril Nri
Babe....Kelly Burke
Mike....Carl Prekopp
Tom....Jonathan Forbes
Elmer....Joseph Balderrama

Writer....Studs Terkel
Adapter....Sarah Wooley
Production Co-ordinator....Jenny Mendez
Production Co-ordinator....Sara Benaim
Technical Producer....Alison Craig
Technical Producer....Keith Graham
Technical Producer....Peter Ringrose
Director....Abigail le Fleming

Working was a BBC Audio Production for Radio 4.
It was made by kind permission of the Estate of Studs Terkel.

SUN 16:00 Bookclub (m001dwng)
Juan Gabriel Vasquez: The Sound of Things Falling

Juan Gabriel Vasquez answers audience questions about The Sound of Things Falling. Set in Colombia, the novel examines the personal and private impact of the drug wars that ravaged the country during the 1970s, 80s and 90s. It's the story of a strange friendship between two men, Antonio and Ricardo, told through Antonio's eyes. He sets out to investigate his friend's mysterious life, after Ricardo is murdered. The Sound of Things Falling is a powerful read about memory and storytelling, and about the lasting impact of living in a country ruled by violence and criminality.

To take part in Bookclub email

Next guests:

24/11/22 A J Pearce answering your questions about her debut Dear Mrs Bird.

08/12/22 Ross King takes us to Italy. He'll be talking about his book Brunelleschi's Dome: The Story of the Great Cathedral in Florence

SUN 16:30 The Language Exchange (m001dwnt)
Fiona Sampson and Tara Shears

Could sharing the insights of poets and scientists provide us with new insights into the big questions ?
Professor Tara Shears is investigating a mystery at CERN's Large Hadron Collider. If particles of matter have an antimatter counterpart - where precisely is all that antimatter? Where has it gone?
The answer could give us an insight into the very origins of the universe.
Fiona Sampson is an award-winning poet who is tasked with interrogating the language of top quarks, bottom quarks or beauty quarks and the myriad of repurposed words which physicists use to communicate.
In a trade off of perspectives and insights, Fiona will take this raw material of language and reinterpret it with a new work to be performed for Tara at the end of the project.
It's a collision of poetry and science which makes us consider how we communicate and explore the surprisingly thin boundary between imagination, theoretical science and art.
The music featured is "Sister" by Ulla Straus.

Presented by Fiona Sampson.
Produced by Kevin Core.

SUN 17:00 File on 4 (m001dnbr)
High Anxiety: The Deadly Trade in Street Valium

They’re cheap – but they’re also deadly. Illegal pills costing as little as 50p each are contributing to the deaths of hundreds of people each year in Scotland. Now an expert is warning benzodiazepines, or street Valium, could pose a growing threat elsewhere.

Jane Deith talks to those whose lives have been destroyed by benzodiazepines, a category of drugs usually used to treat anxiety that can be prescribed, but which have become a major feature of the illegal drugs market in Scotland and now elsewhere in the UK.

The so called “street benzos” are a class C drug manufactured in huge quantities in illegal factories and sold for as little as 50p each, less than a bar of chocolate.
But in combination with other drugs benzodiazepines can be fatal, significantly increasing the risk of an overdose. In recent years the number of people dying has risen sharply. Last year in Scotland more than 800 people died with illegal street benzos in their system. In England and Wales the death toll was over 500, with 171 of those who died having used benzodiazepine analogues, fake versions that can vary widely – and dangerously - in strength.

From the Clyde to Cornwall, File on 4 hears the stories of those dealing with the fallout from the trade in the drugs, including people who have been addicted to them; a mother in North East England who lost her daughter to a fatal overdose; a teenager who bought them on social media, and an expert who believes their influence is spreading, with potentially dangerous consequences.

Reporter: Jane Deith
Producer: Fergus Hewison
Research: George Crafer
Journalism Assistant: Tim Fernley
Production Manager: Sarah Payton
Technical Producer: Craig Boardman
Editor: Carl Johnston

SUN 17:40 Profile (m001dwjn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (m001dwp5)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

SUN 17:57 Weather (m001dwpj)
The latest weather reports and forecast

SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dwpy)
The head of the UN, Antonio Guterres, warns the planet is sending a "distress signal"

SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (m001dwqb)
Peter White

Broadcaster Peter White with a personal selection of highlights from the past week on BBC radio.

SUN 19:00 The Archers (m001dwqq)
Emma reminds George that Eddie wants his money back from his investment in the turkeys that were actually pheasants. George says he’s paid some already and the rest he’ll get from selling the pheasants. Martyn Gibson’s surprised when George rings him, but agrees to drop by and take a look. When Martyn sees the pheasants he offers fifty pounds because they’re scrawny. But when George asks for sixty, Martyn offers even less and George unwittingly agrees. After Martyn leaves Emma says Martyn’s a shark, but George disagrees. In five years he’ll be where Martyn is.
Ruth, David and Pip discuss Vince’s demand to pay back the loan for the solar panels. When Ben appears they quickly change the subject. Afterwards they agree that Ben mustn’t know about Vince’s edict – Ben’s got enough on his plate. They decide to fight Vince on the loan.
Pip catches up with Ben in the Tearoom admitting she knew Chelsea was pregnant but hadn’t realised Ben was involved. When Pip says Ben shouldn’t blame himself, Ben says he should ask gossipy Jean Harvey and Wendy Brink whose fault it is. They keep looking over at him and they’re right to stare. Ben wishes he could turn back the clock and start again. When Pip suggests counselling Ben says it won’t change anything that’s happened. Later Pip tells David and Ruth that Ben blames himself, and it won’t help if they go to war with Vince. Ruth and David agree they should pay off the loan but wonder where they’ll get the money from.

SUN 19:15 Now You're Asking with Marian Keyes and Tara Flynn (m001dwr4)
The Invisible Sibling Problem

Have you reached an age where it seems everything is beginning to annoy you? What should you do if you’re a sibling who is invisible to your family? How do you deal with a one-night stand who’s now ignoring you at the school gates? All these subjects have been sent in by our listeners and are given the Marian and Tara treatment in the latest instalment of their popular advice podcast.

The first series was welcomed by listeners and critics.
"Both are warm and kind enough to not only be funny but also offer genuinely thoughtful, if left-field, advice." (Miranda Sawyer, The Observer)
"Keyes and Flynn are my new favourite double-act." (Jane Anderson - Radio Times)
"I found their compassion endlessly soothing." (Rachel Cunliffe - The New Statesman)

Marian Keyes is a multi award-winning writer, with a total of over 30 million books sold to date in 33 languages. Her close friend Tara Flynn is an actress, comedian and writer. Together, these two friends have been through a lot, and now want to use their considerable life experience to help solve the biggest - and smallest - of their listeners' problems.

From dilemmas about life, love and grief, to the perils of laundry or knowing what to say at a boring dinner, we’ll find out what Marian and Tara would recommend - which might not solve the problem exactly, but will make us all feel a bit better.

Recorded in Dublin with emails received from listeners around the world, the hosts invite you to pull up a chair at their virtual kitchen table as they read and digest their inbox.

Got a problem you want Marian and Tara to solve? Email:

Producer: Steve Doherty.
A Giddy Goat production for BBC Radio 4 and BBC Sounds

SUN 19:45 Voices in the Valley (m001dwrk)
2: A Strange Case

Ten chilling strange tales from the British folk-horror author Andrew Michael Hurley.

Barrowbeck, in the north of England, has a reputation for strangeness. It is a place that brings out the sin in people. But despite the dark, the cold, the isolation, people have managed to live there for centuries - until the river finally got the better of them. And now the past voices of Barrowbeck want to tell their tales...

In today's story, it is 1782, and two Barrowbeck villagers are accused of the murder of a young woman. But the courtroom is awash with rumours about her unnatural death...

Writer: Andrew Michael Hurley
Reader: Reece Shearsmith
Producer: Justine Willett

SUN 20:00 Feedback (m001dp2s)
Andrea Catherwood puts listeners’ comments on the proposed BBC Local Radio cuts to Jason Horton, Acting Director BBC England.

Jeremy Howe, Editor of The Archers, and actor Maddie Leslay, who plays Chelsea Horrobin, answer listeners’ comments on the big storyline in recent weeks - Chelsea’s pregnancy.

We hear audience views on former leader of UKIP, Nigel Farage’s appearance on The World at One to discuss immigration.

And Radio 3’s Soundscape of a Century, celebrating the BBC’s 100th anniversary, featured music and audio from the BBC Archive. Listeners tell us what they thought of the marathon eight-hour broadcast.

A Whistledown Scotland production for BBC Radio 4

SUN 20:30 Last Word (m001dp2n)
Baroness Blood, Jerry Lee Lewis, Ian Jack, Hilaree Nelson

Matthew Bannister on

Baroness Blood (pictured), the trade unionist, community worker and peace campaigner who became the first woman from Northern Ireland to be given a life peerage.

Jerry Lee Lewis, the rock 'n' roll pioneer whose turbulent private life included bigamy, violence and drug addiction.

Ian Jack, the journalist known for his long form articles and for editing the Independent on Sunday and the literary magazine Granta.

Hilaree Nelson, the intrepid ski mountaineer who completed more than forty challenging expeditions in 16 countries.

Producer: Neil George

Interviewed guest: Monica McWilliams
Interviewed guest: Joe Bonomo
Interviewed guest: Bill Paterson
Interviewed guest: Sigrid Rausing
Interviewed guest: Richard Williams
Interviewed guest: Emily Harrington

Archive clips used: Newsline Belfast/ YouTube, NI Women's Coalition Launch and Forum 1996; BBC News, Lady Blood being sworn into the House of Lords 02/11/1999; BBC Radio 4, The House of Ladies - The Mouldbreakers 17/08/2005; YouTube, Jerry Lee & Myra Lewis interview 1958; BBC Radio 3, Night Waves 16/05/2007; The North Face, Mentors - Hilaree Nelson 04/09/2018; Men's Journal/ YouTube, The Line Between Good and Evil 20/01/2021; OutsideWatch/ YouTube, Failure Is Next To Success - Hilaree Nelson Elements 26/06/2020; AP Archive, US extreme skier cremated in Nepal 02/11/2022; The North Face, Lhotse ft. Hilaree Nelson and Jim Morrison 15/10/2019.

SUN 21:00 Money Box (m001dwhk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:04 on Saturday]

SUN 21:25 Radio 4 Appeal (m001dwjy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:54 today]

SUN 21:30 The Name Is DeSantis (m001dwp6)
You may not know who he is - but you should.
Under Donald Trump Ron DeSantis rode the MAGA wave to to the governor job in Florida.
For some, he's a "smart Trump". For others, a "troll" who, with a series of eye-catching stunts and pronouncements, has dominated headlines and is now viewed as a serious contender for the Republican nomination in 2024.
From transporting migrants to the millionaires' playground of Martha's Vineyard to taking on Disney over so-called "Don't Say Gay" legislation, this is a politician who has weaponised the culture wars to enormous effect.
For liberals, he's a cruel, socially awkward bogeyman, to his supporters, a resolute strongman turning the tide against corrosive wokeism.
James Naughtie profiles the man who, if he does turn his eye to The White House, may have to take the gloves off with the man who many say made him - Donald Trump.
The programme features Fernanda Santos of Futuro Media, Mike Binder of the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab and Rick Wilson, founder of The Lincoln Project.

Presented by James Naughtie.
Produced by Kevin Core.

SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (m001dwrw)
Carolyn Quinn's guests are the Conservative former minister Harriett Baldwin, Labour Party Chair Anneliese Dodds and the Lib Dem deputy leader, Daisy Cooper. They discuss questions over Rishi Sunak's Cabinet appointments, the prospects for the Cop27 climate change summit, and the choices facing the Chancellor in his forthcoming Autumn Statement. Hugo Gye - political editor of the i newspaper - brings additional insight and analysis.

SUN 23:00 Loose Ends (m001dwjj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:15 on Saturday]

SUN 23:30 Something Understood (b01p30f1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:05 today]


MON 00:00 Midnight News (m001dwsd)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

MON 00:15 Sideways (m001dngz)
The Social Contagion

On Armistice Day 2015, Mel gets a phone call from her son’s school, asking her to come in. When she arrives, she finds the car park filled with ambulances and police cars, emergency services buzzing around.

It began with someone fainting in assembly and then, like dominoes, more teenagers began to collapse. Students were sent back to their classrooms, but the outbreak spread, with more and more people feeling dizzy and sick.

In this episode of Sideways, Matthew Syed tells the story of a strange fainting outbreak at a school and delves into these types of events which affect dozens - sometimes hundreds - of people. What looks unexplained turns out to have a fascinating psychological explanation. But, as Matthew discovers, sometimes our desire to explain things can lead to us explaining them away.

With Professor Sir Simon Wessely, psychiatrist and epidemiologist at Kings College, London and Dr Johanna Braun, artist and researcher at the Academy of Fine Arts, Vienna.

Presenter: Matthew Syed
Producer: Pippa Smith
Series Editor: Katherine Godfrey
Sound Design and Mix: Rob Speight
Theme music by Ioana Selaru
A Novel production for BBC Radio 4

MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (m001dwln)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:43 on Sunday]

MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001dwsq)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001dwt0)
BBC Radio 4 presents a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes from the BBC World Service.

MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dwt8)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

MON 05:30 News Briefing (m001dwtj)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001dwtn)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Haydon Spenceley, Christian musician and worship leader.


Good morning. As we start a new week and move towards Remembrance Sunday, I find myself again fascinated by the role that memory plays in my life. I can list memory after memory of times I have got it wrong, things haven’t gone right or turned out as I had hoped. It’s a skill which, if it were ever to become an Olympic sport, I would be an absolute gold medal winning certainty. Not the best quality to have for sure, especially if rather than learning from it, the film of these memories which plays in my head at regular intervals shows an ongoing vision of history repeating itself.

One thing among money I learned from my history degree is that apparent progress and a failure to learn from the mistakes of the past can happily co-exist together if we’re not careful about making the changes needed for things to improve for the present and the future. To keep doing the same core things, albeit in technologically ever-more advanced ways, is more than likely to lead to similar results. What I imagine many of us look for as we look back, whether wistfully, with anger, disappointment or any other emotion, is a way to something better, more hopeful, built on solid foundations which won’t give way. As I sank into the mud leading my Football Club’s Annual Act of Remembrance a few days ago perched on a mound on the side of the road competing with the sound of cars, traffic light beeps and plenty more besides I was glad I would shortly be returning to solid ground. However far we drift away, it waits for us.

Father, help us to look to you for the present and the future. Help us to trust you and commit to loving you, others and ourselves today.


MON 05:45 Farming Today (m001dwtw)
07/11/22 Avian flu housing, COP 27, On-farm energy production

All poultry and captive birds in England must be kept indoors to help protect them from avian flu - but for some poultry keepers, that’s easier said than done. We hear from a listener who is stuck between conflicting planning rules and biosecurity recommendations.

COP 27 has kicked off in Egypt with a focus on farming. We hear how on-farm energy production could be part of the solution for UK farms looking to reduce their carbon footprint as well as their electricity bills.

Presented by Caz Graham
Produced for BBC Audio in Bristol by Heather Simons

MON 05:56 Weather (m001dwv1)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.

MON 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03dwy14)
Black-Headed Gull

Martin Hughes-Games presents the Black-Headed Gull.
Black-Headed Gulls are our commonest small gull and throughout the year you can identify them by their rather delicate flight action, red legs and the white flash on the front edge of their wings.

MON 06:00 Today (m001dwmf)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

MON 09:00 Start the Week (m001dwmr)
The authentic taste of Britain

The award-winning writer Jonathan Coe presents a portrait of Britain told through four generations of one family, in his latest novel Bournville. Set in middle England, in a suburb of Birmingham, he chronicles the years of social change post-war, and the events that both brought people together and divided them, from royal events and the World Cup to Brexit and Covid-19.

The chocolate factory that features heavily in the novel, and was once at the centre of life in Bournville, has since been transformed in part into a theme park, no doubt offering an authentic chocolate experience. The journalist Emily Bootle turns her attention to what she sees now as an obsession with authenticity. In a collection of essays, This Is Not Who I Am, she unpicks the ideology surrounding the goal of ‘living our truth’ amidst the fakery of digital culture and the illusion of infinite choice.

The award-winning saxophonist and rapper Soweto Kinch also takes a long hard look at the state of the nation for his latest album, White Juju, recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra. Conceived at the height of the pandemic the music is his response to lockdown, BLM, British history and the culture wars. He takes inspiration from European folklore, the African Diaspora and divisive national myths to create a unified modern tone poem.

Producer: Katy Hickman

MON 09:45 Disaster Trolls (m001dwvg)
6. The visitor

The visitor to Lisa’s boatyard appeared to be an ordinary customer. But, she was horrified to later discover the real reason he had turned up at her workplace.

The man who had pretended to be interested in buying a speedboat or a jet ski, was actually the conspiracy show host Richard D Hall.

Lisa was seriously injured in the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing - a terror attack which Hall falsely claims was faked by sinister forces in the secret services. Some time after Hall’s visit, Lisa was distressed to learn that Hall had visited her workplace, posing as a customer, with the aim of secretly recording her to discover whether she’s lying about her injuries - and that he had talked about it online.

As Lisa ponders how Hall can be held to account, another Manchester survivor reveals his plans to take legal action against him. Martin Hibbert - who we heard from in an earlier episode - is spurred on by the US court victory of the relatives of the Sandy Hook shooting victims who have successfully sued Infowars host Alex Jones in Texas.

Across this series - and in this episode - there are graphic descriptions of violence. This episode contains audio from Richard D Hall’s website.

Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main

MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001dwnd)
Lorna Luft on White Christmas. Mussolini's daughter. COP 27

Hailing from theatrical royalty, daughter of Judy Garland, actor and singer Lorna Luft is recognised as an iconic star of stage and screen. About to embark on a UK tour playing housekeeper Martha Watson in the much-loved musical White Christmas, she joins Emma Barnett to explain what draws her back to this role time after time.

The Prime Minister is in Sharm El Sheikh for this year's COP27 UN climate change summit - after coming under some pressure to attend in person. But 110 country leaders will be there. Money will feature high on the agenda and is sure to be a sticking point in negotiations. Leaders of those representing developing countries want developed nations like the US, UK and those of the EU to pay for the "loss and damage" they've suffered. We hear from Elise Buckle co-founder of SheChanges Climate and environmental campaigner Georgia Elliott Smith who is not going to this COP

A new biography of Edda Mussolini highlights her pivotal role in 1930s Italy during one of the most violent periods in human history. As the daughter of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini she was a powerful proponent of the fascist movement. Author of a new book all about her - Edda Mussolini the Most Dangerous Woman in Europe. - Caroline Moorehead joins Emma Barnett to talk about her role as a key role player and not just a witness to twentieth century European history.

And we want your help. A listener got in touch to describe how, in a discussion with a male colleague about the gender pay gap, she was told to ‘not take it personally’ and ‘calm down’. She'd like you tips on how to as she puts it "tackle this rebuttal often used by men to silence women who attempt to challenge male dominance in the work place”

Presenter Emma Barnett
Producer Beverley Purcell

MON 11:00 The Untold (m001dwns)
Three Sides of a Crisis: Part 1

Over the coming weeks, the Untold follows three individuals as they experience the cost of living crisis this autumn. We hear from a barrister in Manchester who is stepping out on strike action for the first time. We visit a pawnbroker's and her customers as they part with their belongings to pay the bills; and a father praying for a coal mine to open in Cumbria and provide jobs for his community to rely on.

Producers: Sam Peach, Sarah Bowen and Neil McCarthy

MON 11:30 The Name Is DeSantis (m001dwp6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:30 on Sunday]

MON 12:00 News Summary (m001dx5n)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 12:04 You and Yours (m001dwpx)
Covid in care homes, Working from the pub, Shell Energy complaints

Some care homes in England are still closing to visitors when they have an outbreak of Covid. That shouldn't be happening because Government guidance allows every resident to have one visitor at a time, even when there is Covid in a home. We hear from a listener who couldn't visit her 94-year-old mother during a recent lockdown following a Covid outbreak. We also speak to Helen Wildbore from The Relatives and Residents Association. The charity says the continued use of visitor bans is leaving some very vulnerable people isolated and lonely. Mike Padgham, Managing Director of St Cecilia's Care Group in North Yorkshire, tells us about lockdowns in his homes.

We look at how pubs landlords and chains are coming up with new ways to drum up trade. Some are doing promotions to tempt people into coming to the pub to use it as a temporary office. Our reporter, Bob Walker, visits a pub in Nottingham where people have swapped working from home to work in the pub. He also speaks to the business owners who have concerns that doing remote work from a pub could compromise confidentiality.

Shell Energy, the giant gas and oil company, has moved into telecoms. Last year it took over providing landlines and broadband to more than 450,000 people who had been customers of the Post Office. According to the regulator, Ofcom, complaints about Shell Energy are three times higher than the industry average. The company is currently the most complained about for both broadband and landlines. We hear from listeners who've had problems and also speak to Katerina Vlachavas, Ofcom's Senior Policy Advisor. Shell say they are keen to improve their position in the league tables and are investing heavily in their customer service.

Presenter: Winifred Robinson
Producer: Tara Holmes

MON 12:57 Weather (m001dwq9)
The latest weather forecast

MON 13:00 World at One (m001dwqn)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

MON 13:45 Understand: The Economy (m001dwr0)
Series 1

The Economy: 1. Inflation

What is inflation, why does it matter, and is someone to blame if it goes up? Understanding inflation will help you understand why your shopping is getting more and more expensive and why prices rarely seem to come down. Tim Harford explains why the inflation figure you see on the TV might not reflect the price rises you’re experiencing and economic historian Victoria Bateman tells us why having a boat load of silver coins isn’t always a good thing.

Everything you need to know about the economy and what it means for you. This podcast will cut through the jargon to bring you clarity and ensure you finally understand all those complicated terms and phrases you hear on the news. Inflation, GDP, Interest rates, and bonds, Tim Harford and friends explain them all. We’ll ensure you understand what’s going on today, why your shopping is getting more expensive or why your pay doesn’t cover your bills. We’ll also bring you surprising histories, from the war-hungry kings who have shaped how things are counted today to the greedy merchants flooding Spain with silver coins. So if your eyes usually glaze over when someone says ‘cutting taxes stimulates growth’, fear no more, we’ve got you covered.

Producer: Phoebe Keane
Researchers: Drew Hyndman and Marianna Brain
Editor: Clare Fordham

A BBC Long Form Audio Production for BBC Radio 4

MON 14:00 The Archers (m001dwqq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Sunday]

MON 14:15 This Cultural Life (m001dwjs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:15 on Saturday]

MON 15:00 Brain of Britain (m001dwrm)
Semi-final 3, 2022

The Egyptian goddess Bastet took the form of which animal? Which flower gave its name to a revolution in Tunisia in 2011? What are the opening words of The Godfather?

Another quartet of semi-finalists lines up to face Russell Davies' questions. They have all won their heats in recent months, or been one of the top-scoring runners-up, so a keen contest is guaranteed. Only one of them can go through to the 2022 Final and stand a chance of becoming the 69th person to be named BBC Brain of Britain.

Taking part are:
Crispin Dawes from London
Marianne Fairthorne from London
Will Howells from London
Thomas Leeming from Adlington in Lancashire

Assistant Producer: Stephen Garner
Producer: Paul Bajoria

MON 15:30 The Food Programme (m001dwm3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:32 on Sunday]

MON 16:00 Hold On Tight: The Women of The Waste Land (m001dnmh)
"All the women are one woman," wrote TS Eliot in his deliberately difficult notes to his extraordinary modernist poem, The Waste Land. But who were all the women that race around his poem, and why did they inspire him so much, despite his unease with them?

Published in 1922, The Waste Land is often read as a response to the devastation of the First World War. But Eliot's poem is equally fascinated by women – some who are revered for their purity and remoteness, others who are repulsively and threateningly sexual.

One woman who has remained fascinated with the poem is arts journalist Jude Rogers. She still dreams of the modernism doctorate she never did and recently went on a TS Eliot study week for a treat for her 40th birthday. Despite her own struggles with the problematic poet, the beauty and bleakness of The Waste Land still draws her in, leading her to immerse herself in the worlds and the voices of the women inside and outside of the poem.

She meets other female experts fascinated by Eliot - biographer Lyndall Gordon, who’s just published The Hyacinth Girl: TS Eliot's Hidden Muse, and Frances Dickey, Eliot scholar and Associate Professor of Modern Literature at the University of Missouri. They discuss what it was like to be among the first to read more than a thousand love letters written by Eliot, from an archive that was recently opened after being hidden from the public for more than 50 years. We also hear from Beci Carver, Lecturer in 20th Century Literature at the University of Exeter, and Megan Quigley, Associate Professor of English at Villanova University, who discuss Eliot’s problematic if compassionate representations of women in The Waste Land.

Presenter: Jude Rogers
Producer: Georgia Moodie
An Overcoat Media production for BBC Radio 4

Collage by Catrin Saran James

MON 16:30 The Digital Human (m001dws4)
Series 26


Imagine being able to fix a malfunction in your body with a programmable smart device implanted deep inside your body… The device senses, monitors and responds to your condition in real time and provides updates and analysis on your phone.

In the past few years, we’ve seen a boom in health apps and wearable smart devices offering personalised and real time analysis of our daily lives. It’s one thing putting on a wearable smart device - but what does it take to trust one implanted inside your body?

From continuous glucose monitoring for diabetics to invasive surgery implanting electrodes on the spinal cord or in the brain, Aleks Krotoski asks how a closer relationship with implanted health technology can affect our trust; from our faith in device functionality, security, and longevity, to our trust of ourselves, be it our agency, identity and intuition to read our own bodies.

Produced by Jac Phillimore

MON 17:00 PM (m001dwsg)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dwt1)
The Cop27 climate summit hears that the world is on a highway to climate hell.

MON 18:30 It's a Fair Cop (m001dwt9)
Series 7


In this week’s series finale, copper turned stand up Alfie Moore, takes on the topic of speeding. Is it ever acceptable and if so how fast?

When Alfie decide to tackle a notorious speeding spot on his patch he goes out speed gun in hand to lay down the law. But when he pulls over Barbra she tries to justify her actions. Should Alfie let her go with a warning? Or is it ticket time?

Written and presented by Alfie Moore
Script Editor: Will Ing
Production Co-ordinator: Becky Carewe-Jeffries
Producer: Sam Holmes

A BBC Studios Production

MON 19:00 The Archers (m001dwth)
When Emma asks George if he’s now paid back Eddie for the pheasants, George admits he’s held back some money from selling them to Martyn for reinvestment. Emma tells George she’s not feeling very well, but George shirks helping with tea while she goes to help Fallon out at the Tearoom, pretending he’s doing some college work. When Fallon sends Emma home because she looks so peaky, George surprises Fallon by turning up as Emma’s replacement. Fallon offers to pay George and he quickly accepts.
Lynda and Tony discuss the malicious gossip surrounding Chelsea’s pregnancy and Ben being the dad. But Lynda can’t see any similarities when Tony says it’s like Alan being unreasonable over the stained glass window. Lynda asks Tony about any memories he might have of Christmas presents from times past. When Tony asks why, Lynda stumbles into saying she’s putting a collection of Ambridge residents’ memories of Christmas together. Lynda broaches the subject of gifts, asking whether there were any Tony had asked for from Father Christmas, but didn’t receive. Perhaps musical? She’s thrown when Tony remembers there was – it was when he’d been given a jumper instead of an expected trainset. He then invites Lynda to look at his trainset, which used to belong to John. After a suitable period, Lynda makes her excuses to go but is interrupted by the arrival of Jakob. She’s trapped when Tony suggests that she interviews him too. Lynda then listens as Jakob begins his recollection of many childhood Christmas memories.

MON 19:15 Front Row (m001dwtp)
Arts Council Funding, the art of the infographic, film director Tas Brooker

Arts Council England have announced the most dramatic shift in funding for decades, diverting investment from London towards other parts of the country. The Chair of Arts Council England, Sir Nicholas Serota, Stuart Murphy of English National Opera, which is set to relocate out of London, and arts journalist Sarah Crompton discuss the details.

Director Tas Brooker discusses her new film When We Speak, a documentary about female whistleblowers, including Rose McGowan and Katherine Gun, whose evidence lifted the lid on abuse and corruption.

To mark the start of the COP 27 climate conference in Egypt, Samira explores the art of the infographic and the appeal of data visualisation with Professor Ed Hawkins, creator of the viral Show Your Stripes temperature change graphic and information designer Stefanie Posavec.

Presenter: Samira Ahmed
Producer: Ellie Bury

Image: Show Your Stripes infographic representing the global average temperature for each year since 1850 to 2021 (data source: UK Met Office)
Credit: Creator: Professor Ed Hawkins, National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Reading Licensor: University of Reading Licence: Creative Commons

MON 20:00 Uncaged (m001dwtv)
3. The Future

As the 20th century unfolds, zoos are thrust into a precarious position, and need to evolve, fast.

In the days of Empire, when nations plundered the world for its treasures, zoos were the places where they displayed the spoils. Fast forward to today, and as the damage we've done to the wild places of this earth becomes ever more apparent, zoos are the places we wrestle with the reality of what we've done. Gone are the elephant rides, the performing seals and the bears you can poke with a stick; in its place, centres for conservation excellence, in which endangered species are protected from the damage we continue to do to their homes.

The conservation revolution of the 20th century changed what zoos are forever, but so much remains the same; at the end of the day, it's still a load of animals in captivity. And while the best zoos tout their conservation credentials with pride, Roadside Attractions with baby tigers for petting spring up in their hundreds.

Emily Knight asks: What makes a good zoo, today? And where are zoos headed in the future?

MON 20:30 Analysis (m001dwv0)
Economic Growth - can we ever have enough?

As the twin storms of economic turmoil and worsening climate change grip the UK and many other countries around the world, Analysis examines the future of economic growth. Does it offer a route out of economic malaise, or have its benefits reached a ceiling for developed countries? And can further growth be environmentally justified, or do we urgently need to halt - or even reverse - growth to limit the effects of climate change? Can so-called “degrowth” ever be possible?

Edward Stourton talks to economists and thinkers from around the world to appraise whether there’s still a central role for growth in the 21st century.

Presenter: Edward Stourton
Producer: Nathan Gower
Editor: Clare Fordham
Programme Coordinators: Maria Ogundele and Helena Warwick-Cross
Sound Engineer: Neva Missirian

MON 21:00 A Walk on the Supply Side (m001dn6k)
In September, the UK's new government took power heralding a ‘supply-side’ revolution.

But what is supply-side economics, and what do its origins in the battles of the 1970s and 1980s tell us about the rapid rise and fall of ‘Trussonomics’, and where we go from here?

The economics writer Duncan Weldon talks to Arthur Laffer about his campaign for tax rate reductions in the America of the 1970s - all the way from a dinner in Washington with Donald Rumsfeld in 1974, through a populist campaign to cut California property taxes in 1978, through to his work with President Reagan in the 1980s.

Duncan hears from the historian Rick Perlstein about why he assesses the 'Reagan tax cuts' to have failed - and what he makes of the fact that, rather surprisingly, he is reportedly Liz Truss' favourite historian. And the economist Patrick Minford, whose ideas influenced Truss, reflects on how his thinking had earlier influenced the Thatcher project. Can Thatcherism be recreated, and was it ever quite the same as Reaganomics?

Duncan also speaks to Gemma Tetlow of the Insitute for Government, Geoff Tily of the Trades Union Congress and Mark Littlewood of the Institute of Economic Affairs about the current viability of supply-side economics, whether in terms of tax cuts, deregulation or interventions on skills and infrastructure - and asks what all of this has to offer to the effort to revive the UK's sluggish rate of growth, now that the Sunak government has jettisoned Truss's plans.

Producer: Phil Tinline

MON 21:30 Start the Week (m001dwmr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 22:00 The World Tonight (m001dwv4)
Cop 27 conference in Egypt

Also tonight:

What’s at stake in the US mid terms ?

And the head of Amnesty international on jailed British-Egyptian activist Alaa Abdel Fattah

MON 22:45 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (m001dwv6)
Episode 6

Damon 'Demon' Copperhead is a good-hearted boy with the misfortune to be born into a broken society. As Demon battles through foster care, child labour and a dysfunctional education system, Kingsolver leavens her righteous anger with compassion for a glorious cast of characters in this epic tale of love, loss and community.

Young Demon has escaped foster care and made the arduous journey across state lines to track down Miss Betsy Woodall, the last remaining link to his family.

Charles Dickens’ 'David Copperfield' is reimagined for the modern age by Barbara Kingsolver, one of our best-loved novelists, in this compelling and atmospheric tale of redemption. Kingsolver is the prize-winning author of novels, essays, poetry and journalism. Her books include 'The Poisonwood Bible', 'The Lacuna' and 'Unsheltered' and she established the Bellwether Prize for Fiction, America's largest prize for an unpublished first novel.

Read by Carl Prekopp
Written by Barbara Kingsolver
Abridged by Siân Preece
Producer: Eilidh McCreadie

MON 23:00 The Witch Farm (m001dwv8)
Episode 4: The Painted Horse

Frightened and desperate, Liz and Bill enlist the help of a psychic medium, who becomes a divisive figure, suggesting that the haunting is the fault of somebody in the house. But, when strange, disturbing problems start affecting local farmers, Bill and Liz wonder if he could be right - are they responsible for all of this?

The Witch Farm re-investigates a real-life haunting – a paranormal cold case that has been unsolved for nearly 30 years - until now. Set in in the beautiful, remote Welsh countryside, this terrifying true story is told through a thrilling blend of drama and documentary.

Written and presented by Danny Robins, creator of The Battersea Poltergeist, Uncanny and West End hit 2:22 – A Ghost Story, The Witch Farm stars Joseph Fiennes (The Handmaid’s Tale) and Alexandra Roach (No Offence), with original theme music by Mercury Prize-nominated Gwenno. This 8-part series interweaves a terrifying supernatural thriller set in the wild Welsh countryside with a fascinating modern-day investigation into a real-life mystery.

Bill Rich ...... Joseph Fiennes
Liz Rich ...... Alexandra Roach
Larry Harry …… Tom Price
Wyn Thomas ...... Owen Teale
Laurence Rich ...... Jonathan Case
Marijke …… Laura Dalgleish
Jan …… Dan Starkey

Written and presented by Danny Robins
Experts: Ciaran O’Keeffe and Evelyn Hollow
Sound design by Charlie Brandon-King and Richard Fox
Music by Evelyn Sykes
Theme Music by Gwenno
Researcher: Nancy Bottomley
Produced by Danny Robins and Simon Barnard
Directed by Simon Barnard

Consultant: Mark Chadbourn, author of the book on the case 'Testimony'

A Bafflegab and Uncanny Media production for BBC Radio 4

MON 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001dwvb)
Sean Curran reports as the controversy about immigration continues.


TUE 00:00 Midnight News (m001dwvd)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 00:30 Disaster Trolls (m001dwvg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Monday]

TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001dwvj)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001dwvl)
BBC Radio 4 presents a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes from the BBC World Service.

TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dwvn)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

TUE 05:30 News Briefing (m001dwvq)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001dwvs)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day.


Good morning. When I was very young, I loved sport - I still do - and I had the opportunity to have a go at a Wheelchair Tennis Taster Event. In hindsight I think it’s conclusively the case that I and Wheelchair Tennis were not made to be friends. I have problems with spatial awareness, so judging distance, exactly where things are, that sort of thing, they’re not my strength. I couldn’t serve. I managed to hit the ball occasionally, but not very far, and the person given the gift of being my coach that day had a very repetitive time trying to keep my spirits up without telling me I was far from skilled at the sport.

At the end of the day, I tried to get out of the wheelchair and my legs didn’t work at all. They don’t work well at the best of times, but on this occasion, they absolutely failed me altogether. But I was delighted. I felt alive. I’d tried something, it hadn’t worked, but I’d given it a go and done something that I’d not thought possible up to then, however badly I’d carried it off. As I look back on it from a great distance of time this morning it remains one of my favourite memories. Not everything we try has to be tried again. It’s very much better that some things aren’t tried again, but there’s a real joy in the trying. Faith feels like that for me, something I try at with God’s help and which is refined day by day into something which becomes beautiful, but still pales next to the one it is about and for, Jesus.

Father, help us to persist in walking with you today, whether we are crawling, sprinting, rolling or if each breath feels a herculean task. Thank you that you are with us, and for us.

TUE 05:45 Farming Today (m001dwvv)
08/11/22 - Farmers selling carbon credits, global farm policy and on-farm wind turbines

Could the market for carbon credits encourage farmers to change the way they manage their land to sequester more carbon? We hear from one Leicestershire farmer who has just started selling credits after taking measurements of soil organic matter.

COP 27 is underway in Egypt, and ahead of the conference, agricultural policy makers from all around the world met to agree actions that could be taken to make farming and food systems more sustainable. This ministerial gathering discussed the impact of global food security in the light of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and the severe droughts experienced across Europe, China and North America.

And we visit a robotic milking parlour which is mostly powered by an on-farm wind turbine.

Presented by Anna Hill
Producer for BBC Audio in Bristol by Heather Simons

TUE 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03zrcm9)

Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.

Kate Humble presents the goosander. Goosanders are handsome ducks and belong to a group known as 'sawbills' because their long slender bills are lined with backward pointing 'teeth', for gripping slippery fish. Underwater they're as agile as otters, chasing fish in raging currents or nosing for them under riverbanks.

TUE 06:00 Today (m001dx1j)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

TUE 09:00 Room 5 (m001dx1y)
Series 2, Episode 2: Simon

Killing the worm in Simon’s brain before it kills him.

Simon’s just back from holiday when things go off-kilter. He tries to open the fridge door - but can’t find the handle. He feels a throbbing pain in his head and a growing pressure behind his eye. An MRI scan reveals a cyst in Simon’s head - containing a worm. Simon has a rare condition called neurocysticercosis.

And so the race against time begins: to kill the worm in Simon’s brain before it kills him. We follow Simon’s progress as he undergoes a pioneering treatment carried out by Dr Hadi Manji - Consultant Neurologist at the world famous National Hospital for Neurology, Queen Square.

The treatment is gruelling - Simon experiences hallucinations, mood swings, changes in personality - and we ask if he’s still the same man when he comes out on the other side.

In Room 5, Helena Merriman shares stories of real-life medical mysteries, interviewing people who - like her - were changed by a diagnosis. Combining intimate storytelling, immersive sound design, candid interviews, science and a large dose of compassion, Room 5 is a gripping portrait of extraordinary people at a moment when everything changes.

Written, presented and produced by Helena Merriman
Composer: Jeremy Warmsley
Sound Design: Eloise Whitmore

Production Co-ordinator: Janet Staples
Researcher: May Cameron
Editor: Emma Rippon


End song: Miffed by Tom Rosenthal

TUE 09:30 Flight of the Ospreys (m001dx29)
Through France

Scotland's ospreys have started their epic autumn migration to West Africa. A team of conservationists headed up by biologist Sacha Dench is following them all the way, aiming to discover much more about the journey that the ospreys make and the challenges they face along the way. Climate change is making weather patterns less predictable, crucial wetlands on their route are being poisoned by pesticides and depleted by drought and the birds have the unfortunate habit of electrocuting themselves when they land on powerlines with freshly caught fish.

Today, the Conservation Without Borders team follow the birds along the Loire Valley and down the Atlantic Coast, through landscapes parched by record-breaking summer temperatures and wildfires.

Producers: Emily Knight and Alasdair Cross

French translation : Sue Mackintosh

TUE 09:45 Disaster Trolls (m001dx2r)
7. I helped bring down Alex Jones

Rob tried to stop his Infowars colleagues spreading conspiracy theories about the Sandy Hook shooting. Now his testimony has helped hold his former boss to account in court.

Twenty of the 27 people killed in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Connecticut, were children. But for years after the attack, Infowars host Alex Jones used his show to spread false claims that nobody died, and that the shooting was faked to create a pretext to disarm US gun owners.

In this episode, Rob talks about his 13 years working for Infowars, and how in that time he saw Jones achieve enormous wealth and fame by pushing ever more extreme conspiracy theories.

Rob was mocked and ignored when he urged Jones and other co-workers to drop the harmful lies they were pushing about Sandy Hook. But his testimony, about what went on inside the company, has now helped parents of the shooting victims to win huge damages awards against his former boss.

Could this sort of legal action provide a way for those targeted by similar conspiracy theories in Britain to seek accountability from their tormentors?

In this BBC Radio 4 podcast series, Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, investigates how survivors of UK terror attacks and other tragedies, suffer, online abuse and threats. This episode contains audio from the Infowars website.

Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main

TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001dx38)
Textile designer Althea McNish, Albanian female asylum seekers, endurance athlete Jenny Tough

Following, Elon Musk’s announcement that Twitter will permanently suspend any account on the social media platform that impersonates another, Nuala McGovern is joined by crime writer, Denise Mina who changed her twitter display name to ‘Elon Musk’.
Jenny Tough is an endurance athlete who's best known for running and cycling in some of world's most challenging events. For a forthcoming film - SOLO - she set herself an audacious objective: to run – solo and unsupported, across mountain ranges on six continents, starting with one of the most remote locations on earth in Kyrgystan. She joins Nuala to describe how mountains give her a sense of home and why travelling solo is a “force for joy”.
We speak to Anti Trafficking Social worker Lauren Starkey and Human rights Journalist about new research that suggests Albanian women are more likely to have their asylum applications approveddue to the threat they face from trafficking.
They’ll be sharing the experiences of some of the women with Nuala McGovern and give us an insight into the dangers that female asylum seekers face day to day.
Textile designer Althea McNish was the first Caribbean designer to achieve international recognition and is one of the UK’s most influential and innovative textile designers. There’s currently a major retrospective of her, Althea McNish: Colour is Mine at the Whitworth in Manchester on tour from William Morris Gallery, Walthamstow. Rose Sinclair a Lecturer in Design Education at Goldsmiths, University of London co-curated the exhibition.

Presenter: Nuala McGovern
Producer: Lucinda Montefiore

TUE 11:00 The Shadow Pope (m001dx3n)
It is almost a decade since the dramatic resignation of Pope Benedict. In that time, the Pope Emeritus, now in his 90s, has lived quietly in a monastery within the precincts of Vatican City. Yet many Catholics believe his shadowy presence has served as a lightning rod for division.

A recent book by respected Italian journalist Massimo Franco claims a rival court has grown up around Benedict, attracting traditionalists who feel alienated by the direction taken by Pope Francis. Benedict’s supporters have real power within the Vatican and have clashed with Pope Francis on major issues, including priestly celibacy, the role of women and whether Catholics who support abortion rights should receive Holy Communion.

Has Benedict’s long retirement contributed to these internal divisions? Given the contrasting approaches of Benedict and Francis, it was perhaps inevitable that the Church would find itself embroiled in the wider culture wars. The post-retirement Benedict may never have actively sought the role of conservative champion, yet many insist on viewing him in that light. Similarly, Pope Francis’s preoccupation with some issues of social justice has seen him categorised, perhaps simplistically, as a liberal.

Edward Stourton examines the evidence. He recalls the unexpectedness of Benedict’s abdication in February 2013, and the sheer theatre of his exit from St Peter’s. Benedict cited old age and looming infirmity, yet there was much speculation at the time about his true motives. While he remains hugely popular in traditionalist circles, his legacy holds less weight among progressive Catholics, not least in Benedict’s native Germany.

Has Benedict’s successor, Pope Francis, been constrained by the existence of a rival court around Benedict? Early expectations that he would be a liberal reformer haven’t been fulfilled. Free of Benedict’s shadowy presence, might Francis have been more proactive?

Few dispute that the past decade has had a profound impact on how the office is viewed. We end by asking how this might affect the succession and the church’s future direction.

Producer: Hugh Costello
Executive Producer: David Prest
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4

TUE 11:30 Moving Pictures (m001dx3z)
The Flagellation of Christ by Caravaggio

Cathy FitzGerald invites you to discover new details in old masterpieces.

Each episode of Moving Pictures is devoted to a single artwork - and you're invited to look as well as listen, by following a link to a high-resolution image made by Google Arts & Culture. Zoom in and you can see the pores of the canvas, the sweep of individual brushstrokes, the shimmer of pointillist dots.

In this episode, we explore The Flagellation of Christ, now held in the collection of the Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte in Naples.

Out of the darkness - Christ tied to a black marble column, surrounded by three men, who prepare to whip him. It's a violent, intense, yet deeply intimate scene, carefully choreographed by the great artist, Michelangelo Merisi da Caravaggio, to stop us looking away.

To see the super high-resolution image of the work made by Google Arts & Culture, visit Scroll down and follow the link to explore the high-resolution image of The Flagellation of Christ.

Interviewees: Caroline Paganussi, Sylvain Bellenger, Ben Quash, Jennifer Sliwka and Letizia Treves.

Producer and Presenter: Cathy FitzGerald

Executive Producer: Sarah Cuddon
Mix Engineer: Mike Woolley
Art History Consultant: Leah Kharibian

A White Stiletto production for BBC Radio 4

Picture credit: Caravaggio, Flagellation of Christ,1607. © Museo e Real Bosco di Capodimonte, Naples. On long-term loan from the Church of San Domenico Maggiore, property of the Fund for Ecclesiastical Buildings, 1972.

TUE 12:00 News Summary (m001dx49)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 12:04 You and Yours (m001dx4n)
Call You and Yours: What do you have planned for Christmas?

On Call You and Yours this week, we’re asking: What do you have planned for Christmas?

Retailers are gearing up for their so called "golden quarter" but new research from, consultancy firm, Deloitte suggests we're taking a thriftier approach this year. Their survey of 3,000 people found 59% believe they will have less money overall to spend during the festive season. 38% plan to switch to cheaper brands or stores for gifts. When it comes to lunch on Christmas Day, one in three aim to do at least part of their food shop at a discounter supermarket.

Will you be spending less this year due to the cost of living squeeze? Or are you determined to celebrate as before?

Email us to let us know:


TUE 12:57 Weather (m001dx4z)
The latest weather forecast

TUE 13:00 World at One (m001dx59)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

TUE 13:45 Understand: The Economy (m001dx5l)
Series 1

The Economy: 2. Interest Rates and Mortgage Rates

Why does the interest you pay on your credit card or your mortgage rate go up and down? What’s the Bank of England got to do with it all? In this episode, Tim Harford explains why the banks need to charge you interest when you borrow money and explains why the Bank of England might put interest rates up. Economic historian Victoria Bateman tells us why the Bank of England first lent money to the government. Spoiler alert…. it was to wage war.

Everything you need to know about the economy and what it means for you. This podcast will cut through the jargon to bring you clarity and ensure you finally understand all those complicated terms and phrases you hear on the news. Inflation, GDP, interest rates, and bonds, Tim Harford and friends explain them all. We’ll ensure you understand what’s going on today, why your shopping is getting more expensive or why your pay doesn’t cover your bills. We’ll also bring you surprising histories, from the war-hungry kings who have shaped how things are counted today to the greedy merchants flooding Spain with silver coins. So if your eyes usually glaze over when someone says ‘cutting taxes stimulates growth’, fear no more, we’ve got you covered.

Producer: Phoebe Keane

Researchers: Drew Hyndman and Marianna Brain

Editor: Clare Fordham

A BBC Long Form Audio Production for BBC Radio 4

TUE 14:00 The Archers (m001dwth)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Monday]

TUE 14:15 Drama (m000twh7)
Losing Paradise

By Stephanie Dale

The UK’s first ‘environmental refugees’ are due to be displaced in the next 20 years. This is the story of Fairbourne, in North Wales.

Fairbourne’s council has chosen to stop funding its coastal defences, so in a few years residents may be forced to leave their homes. Fairbourne’s story begins in the 19th Century, when mill owner Arthur McDougall created the idyllic holiday paradise. But his head builder – George Stevens – is plagued by dreams about what is to come.

George…. Kieran Knowles
McDougall…. John Dougall
Seithenyn…. Sion Pritchard
The Narrator…. Eiry Thomas
The Earth…. Lisa Jen Brown

Directed by James Robinson
A BBC Cymru Wales Production

TUE 15:00 The Kitchen Cabinet (m001dwh2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:30 on Saturday]

TUE 15:30 Costing the Earth (m001dx5v)
COP27: Meeting the Promises

The COP 27 summit in Sharm-El-Sheikh is welcoming world leaders and climate negotiators to Egypt. In a year that has been rocked by the war in Ukraine and global economic instability, can COP refocus the world’s attention on climate?

Tom Heap and Matt McGrath will take a look back at some of the pledges made last November in Glasgow for COP 26 to find out whether countries across the world are keeping to the agreements made on areas such as deforestation, methane reduction, finance and technology.

Everyone agrees that current geopolitics will make significant global agreements to decrease emissions difficult but there may be signs of hope in the actions of individual countries. Tom and Matt will try to decipher where we are and what we might be able to expect from this years ‘Conference of the Parties’.

To help them pick through the details our panel of experts include Bernice Lee from Chatham House, Danny Kennedy from New Energy Nexus, Mia Moisio from Climate Action Tracker, Piers Forster from the University of Leeds and Ben Caldecott from the Oxford Sustainable Finance Group.

Producer: Helen Lennard

TUE 16:00 Law in Action (m001dx61)
Protest and the Law

Climate change activists have caused a lot of disruption over the past year, and recently also made headlines with stunts like throwing tomato soup at a Van Gogh painting in the National Gallery. The government's response has been to tighten up protest law; first in the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 and now in the Public Order bill currently going through Parliament. What is and isn't illegal now? What could become illegal soon? And how are the police interpreting new laws that rely on their discretion, such as whether a protest is too noisy?

Can rap lyrics amount to confessions to murder? Song lyrics are usually understood to be fiction - Tom Jones's 'Delilah' isn't an admission that the Welsh singer actually stabbed an unfaithful girlfriend, and Bob Marley never "shot the sheriff". But in California rap lyrics have been presented as evidence in criminal prosecutions in such a way that the state has now legislated to restrict the use of those lyrics in trials. And a murder conviction has been overturned, and a retrial ordered, for a rapper convicted on the grounds of his lyrics.

Where would you go for free legal advice? Probably not a university, but in Liverpool people can now get appointments with law students at Liverpool John Moores University, who will conduct an interview them and produce a letter of advice, all under the supervision of solicitors, and free of charge. There's something in it for the students too: they gain practical experience which counts towards their course, and later on towards their qualifying examination.

Presenter: Joshua Rozenberg
Producer: Arlene Gregorius
Researcher: Diane Richardson
Production coordinators: Maria Ogundele and Helena Warwick-Cross
Sound engineer: James Beard
Editor: Simon Watts

TUE 16:30 A Good Read (m001dx67)
Heidi Regan and Neil Delamere

Comedians Heidi Regan and Neil Delamere discuss their favourite all-time books with Harriett Gilbert. Heidi chooses a non-fiction book on the cult of positive thinking by the late Barbara Ehrenreich, called Smile or Die. Neil suggests a novel by Ronan Hession about two unambitious friends in their thirties; Leonard and Hungry Paul, and Harriett picks the novella Foster by Irish writer Claire Keegan, who has recently been nominated for the 2022 Booker Prize.
Producer: Eliza Lomas for BBC Audio, Bristol
Join the conversation on Instagram @agoodreadbbc

TUE 17:00 PM (m001dx6g)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dx6q)
Campaign groups have expressed outrage after an ambassador for the football World Cup in Qatar described homosexuality as 'damage in the mind'.

TUE 18:30 The Missing Hancocks (m0001fw7)
Series 4

The Winter Holiday

The Missing Hancocks recreates those episodes of the classic Hancock's Half Hour that have been wiped or lost from the archive.

The first modern sitcom, Hancock's Half Hour made stars of Tony Hancock, Sid James and Kenneth Williams, and launched Ray Galton and Alan Simpson as one of the most successful comedy-writing partnerships in history. But 20 episodes of the show were missing from the BBC archives. Now, after three highly successful series, another batch of those episodes have been lovingly re-recorded in front of a live audience at the BBC Radio Theatre.

Tonight's episode: The Winter Holiday. Tony Hancock takes a break from his job as a lift attendant and decides to head to the seaside for a fortnight in winter!

Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson, and with the classic score re-recorded by the BBC Concert Orchestra, the show stars Kevin McNally, Kevin Eldon, Simon Greenall, Robin Sebastian and Susy Kane. The Winter Holiday was first broadcast on the 16th November, 1955.

Produced by Neil Pearson & Paul Sheehan.

Written by Ray Galton & Simpson

Music recorded by the BBC Concert Orchestra, conducted by Levon Parikian.

A BBC Studios Production.

TUE 19:00 The Archers (m001dx6x)
Pip tells Chelsea she felt betrayed when Chelsea didn’t tell her that Ben was the father. And now they’ve got Vince trying to ruin Brookfield because of it. Chelsea wonders what difference it would’ve made if she had told Pip? Later Pip apologises, saying she was feeling stressed. Chelsea opens up saying it feels like everyone thinks she’s trash and only getting what she deserves. Pip says she’s thought about what Chelsea said and she wouldn’t have changed her advice to Chelsea even if she’d known about Ben. And it’s wrong to blame Chelsea for what Vince is doing to them. When Pip mentions Ben’s giving himself a hard time, Chelsea says to tell Ben he’ll do alright. Pip thinks Chelsea will too. She seems so mature.
Alice is at her old rehab centre with Chris waiting to give a talk. When Chris mentions the stained glass window, Alice says she’s keeping out of it. Chris worries when Alice goes to get some air because she’s feeling unnerved by being back at the centre. She feels she can’t do the talk and asks Chris to fetch the car. Meanwhile Sally, one of the residents, asks Alice a favour – she’d like Alice to read a diary she’s written about her life before rehab. She wants Alice’s opinion before reading it to the group. When Alice asks why, Sally says it’s because Alice has survived the experience. Alice decides to do the talk. Afterwards Sally says she noticed Alice was holding her diary throughout the talk. Alice said it helped; Sally’s story is her story too.

TUE 19:15 Front Row (m001dx73)
Jennifer Lawrence, mandolin player Chris Thile, Chokepoint Capitalism

Jennifer Lawrence and director Lila Neugebauer discuss their new film Causeway.

Grammy award-winning mandolin player Chris Thile plays live in the studio from his latest album Laysongs, on the eve of his UK tour.

A new book, Chokepoint Capitalism, looks at how big tech companies and large corporations control large parts of creative markets. The authors, Rebecca Giblin, a professor at Melbourne Law School and Cory Doctorow, writer and activist, join Front Row to discuss what that means for both consumers and creators.

Presenter: Luke Jones
Producer: Olivia Skinner

Image: Jennifer Lawrence in Causeway

TUE 20:00 File on 4 (m001dx77)
Albanian Exodus

Their country is not at war and it's not ruled by an authoritarian regime, yet thousands of young Albanians are making the dangerous journey across the channel to live and work in the UK.

File on 4 travels across Albania to discover the truth behind the biggest migration controversy to hit Britain for years, visiting towns where most young men have already left and the rest are planning to leave as soon as possible.

In Has, a small town in Northern Albania, 80 per cent of families rely on funds being sent back by relatives living in the UK. A red phone box can be found outside a pub called Britain Lounge - a mark of respect to the country providing work to the majority of the town's youth.

While in neighbouring Kukes, men who've made their fortune and returned home, drive around the city in cars with GB number plates.

With wages low and youth unemployment high, File on 4 hears from young people who say there are no prospects for them in their home country.

They're lured to the promised lands of England by slick social media campaigns led by people smugglers and by Albanians who show off their wealth online.

But the exodus of skilled workers and the country's labour force is having a huge impact on the population of Albania, which has still yet to fully recover from its brutalist communist rule.

Reporter: Paul Kenyon
Producers: Hayley Mortimer and Fjori Sinoruka in Albania, Kate West and Annabel Deas
Technical Producer: Craig Boardman
Editor: Carl Johnston

TUE 20:40 In Touch (m001dx7d)
News, views and information for people who are blind or partially sighted

TUE 21:00 All in the Mind (m001dx7k)
Steven Pinker

Claudia Hammond meets cognitive scientist and author Steven Pinker. He describes the times we are living in as a pandemic of poppycock and has advice on how to be more rational.

TUE 21:30 Today in Parliament (m001dx7m)
All the news from today's sitting at Westminster.

TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (m001dx7q)
Sir Gavin Williamson resigns

Also tonight: ex UK ambassador to Washington Sir Kim Darroch on US “midterm madness”

And the former FA chairman David Bernstein on the Qatar World Cup

TUE 22:45 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (m001dx7t)
Episode 7

Damon 'Demon' Copperhead is a good-hearted boy with the misfortune to be born into a broken society. As Demon battles through foster care, child labour and a dysfunctional education system, Kingsolver leavens her righteous anger with compassion for a glorious cast of characters in this epic tale of love, loss and community.

Demon's luck takes a turn when his grandmother arranges a foster placement with the coach of the prestigious local football team.

Charles Dickens’ 'David Copperfield' is reimagined for the modern age by Barbara Kingsolver, one of our best-loved novelists, in this compelling and atmospheric tale of redemption. Kingsolver is the prize-winning author of novels, essays, poetry and journalism. Her books include 'The Poisonwood Bible', 'The Lacuna' and 'Unsheltered' and she established the Bellwether Prize for Fiction, America's largest prize for an unpublished first novel.

Read by Carl Prekopp
Written by Barbara Kingsolver
Abridged by Siân Preece
Producer: Eilidh McCreadie

TUE 23:00 US Election Special (m001dx7y)
Razia Iqbal, Justin Webb and Jamie Coomarasamy present BBC Radio’s coverage of the US midterm elections.

They will bring results and analysis from across America as voters go to the polls to decide the future direction and shape of US politics. President Biden’s Democratic party are looking to hold on to the House of Representatives and the Senate against a Republican party which is looking to re-establish a foot in governing at a national level. We might also get a good understanding of the future political ambitions of Donald Trump.

Razia, Justin and Jamie will be speaking to experts, politicians and voters across the country to find out what the impact of the economy, abortion, crime and the future of democracy itself will have on the results, and what it all means for America.

Presented by Razia Iqbal, Justin Webb and Jamie Coomarasamy


WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dx82)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

WED 05:30 News Briefing (m001dx8b)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001dx8l)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Haydon Spenceley, Christian musician and worship leader.


Good morning, Faith is built on memory. Whether good, bad, full of elation, challenge or anything else. Sometimes memory is reliable, sometimes it isn’t, but it’s both important to remember why we have faith in something in the first place, which could have been long ago, and also important to have recent reasons for faith to be maintained. I’ve been in Church all of my life, baptised on day two as I was thought to perhaps be not long for this world. Faith in God only became real to me during my young adulthood and has shifted and sifted around more than a few times since, but I find myself regularly turning to the question of what happens to God’s faith in me.

If God is beyond time, as we’re told, then it isn’t just the case that what I’ve done is known, but also that what’s to come will come as no surprise to God either. This might put me at ease, or it might scare me a great deal, sometimes both on the same day, but I’m finding comfort in the idea that whereas my faith story is my own, life is about more than just my story. We have stories that knit together, sometimes come apart at the seams, but which by means wonderfully beyond my understanding are held by a love which is greater than I can imagine. What a gift. That said, I hope today’s memories made will go in pile which are looked back on fondly with time.

Father, thank you for the gift of faith. Help our faith in you to grow today and help us to look back on today as a day where we knew and shared life-giving love.


WED 05:45 Farming Today (m001dx8t)
The latest news about food, farming and the countryside

WED 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b038qhyz)

Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about our British birds inspired by their calls and songs.

Brett Westwood presents the robin. The autumn song of the Robin is the soundtrack to shortening days, gathering mists and ripening fruit. Robins sing in spring but their autumn song is different. It may sound melancholy to us but for the Robin it has clear purpose - to defend the winter territories that male and female robins establish separately after they've moulted.

WED 06:00 Today (m001dx92)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

WED 09:00 Life Changing (m001dx9d)
Ripple effect

Electra Rhodes is walking down a busy London street when she sees a man collapse. She’s recently completed a first aid course and in the absence of anyone else she steps up and starts CPR. When the ambulance arrives and takes the man to hospital she makes a comment to his friend. Her words trigger a chain of events that will dramatically change the course of four lives. Electra tells Dr Sian Williams her story.

WED 09:30 One Dish (p0cmqhst)
Bread Pudding with Suzi Ruffell

It’s comedian Suzi Ruffell in the hot seat this week, and she’s brought Andi a baked treat that’s been in her family for decades - bread pudding.

It’s important to note early on, as Suzi does, that this is very different to bread and butter pudding, though it does also provide a great opportunity for using up stale bread. Employing working class thriftiness to make the most out of ingredients past their best, bread pudding is a dish that Suzi associates with her beloved late nan Joan, who’d always have one on the go.

Its origins go back much further than a couple of generations though. Suzi and Andi discover the unexpectedly historic roots of the dish, and that it’s not always even been sweet. Find out what cleaned animal intestine has in common with a supermarket bag of mixed fruit as they discuss bread puddings through the ages.

And Kimberley Wilson has some interesting scientific insight into why bread goes stale in the first place.

Food Scientist: Kimberley Wilson
Food Historian: Neil Buttery
Producer: Lucy Dearlove
Executive Producer: Hannah Marshall
Sound Design: Charlie Brandon-King
Assistant Producer: Bukky Fadipe

A Storyglass production for BBC Radio 4

WED 09:45 Disaster Trolls (m001dx9v)
8. I was a conspiracy theorist - get me out of here

Brent has disavowed the toxic conspiracy theories he helped create about the 7/7 London terror attacks. But what will happen when he meets a survivor?

After years down the rabbit hole, Brent has severed his ties with the conspiracy world which has dominated much of his adult life. He recalls helping to shape false claims that the 7/7 London terror attacks in July 2005 were “false flag” operations staged by sinister forces in the government. But now he is trying to make amends.

Paul was seriously injured in those attacks, and has also suffered as a result of the sort of conspiracy theories that Brent used to propagate. Marianna brings the two men together for a conversation.

In this BBC Radio 4 podcast series, Marianna Spring, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent, investigates how survivors of terrorist attacks are targeted with online abuse and false claims that deny the reality of the traumatic events they have lived through.

Across this series - and in this episode - there are graphic descriptions of violence.

Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main

WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001dxb9)
Women's Rugby League World Cup, Matt Hancock in the jungle, Friends Forever - Nina, US midterms

England's Rugby League Women's team play their next World Cup match against Papua New Guinea tonight. Joining Emma to talk about how to get more women involved in the game are the official Women's Ambassador for the Rugby League World Cup Jodie Cunningham and the Captain Emily Rudge. Jodie is also an Ambassador for the RLWC's Social Impact Programme which champions inclusive volunteering. We hear from volunteer Jenny Robinson, who is a wheelchair user and has learning disabilities, who says it's changed her life.

Whether you choose to watch or not, you won’t have escaped the news that reality show I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here! is back on TV and that Matt Hancock, the former Health Secretary during the pandemic, who had to resign over breaking his own rules when an affair with an aide was exposed by the newspapers - is due to make his first appearance in the jungle camp in Australia tonight. Christine Hamilton, media personality and author, married to former Conservative MP Neil Hamilton - came third in the first series of I'm a Celebrity 20 years ago - back in 2002. She gives her view to Emma, as does Dr Cathy Gardner, who brought a judicial review on the government's discharge policy of hospitals to care homes at the beginning of the pandemic against Matt Hancock, the NHS and Public Health England – and won.

Results are being declared in the US midterm elections. The Republicans currently have the most seats in the House of Representatives but it is still unclear which party could gain control of the Senate. Abortion has played a role in these elections, with the first batch of exit polls showing that for 3 in 10 Americans, abortion was the most important issue. The Democrats ran campaigns that focussed on abortion rights and poll as the most trusted party with this issue, but has the importance of abortion rights been overplayed? Emma speaks to Amanda Taub, writer for The New York Times.

Over the last few weeks we've been talking about the power and the pain of female friendship. A Woman's Hour Listener we are calling Nina contacted us - she was listening to one of the episodes exploring whether friendships can be repaired - and it really chimed with her. Our reporter Jo Morris met Nina at her home to hear her story.

WED 11:00 Uncaged (m001dwtv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Monday]

WED 11:30 A Charles Paris Mystery (b09rzxgl)
Dead Room Farce

Episode 1

By Jeremy Front
Based on the novel by Simon Brett

A series of nasty accidents befall the cast of the play Charles is appearing in. Is it bad luck or is someone out to sabotage the production.

As ever, Charles is his own worst enemy, a louche lush who can resist anything except temptation especially in the form of women and alcohol. His intentions may be good but somehow the results always go wrong.

He's been out of work so long now he feels he may never get a job and he's driving Frances his semi-ex-wife mad.

So when he's offered a small role in an awful play up in Rugland she nearly pushes him out the door.

But as always with Charles murder is never far behind.

Charles Paris ..... Bill Nighy
Frances ..... Suzanne Burden
Maurice ..... Jon Glover
Suzi ..... Jan Ravens
Freddie ..... Philip Bretherton
Tony ..... Clive Hayward
Mark ..... Rupert Holliday Evans
Lisa ..... Isabella Inchbald
Cabbie ..... David Reakes

Directed by Sally Avens

WED 12:00 News Summary (m001dxbs)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 12:04 You and Yours (m001dxc8), Oxfam at 75, Disability Travel

We hear from one man whose cruise of a lifetime ended up costing him an extra £9000. His luggage which contained vital medical supplies was lost by the airline, meaning the cruise operator wouldn’t let him board the ship. Roberto Castiglioni from Reduced Mobility Rights explains how travel operators need to have and better structure of support and communication for disabled customers.

As Oxfam turns 75 years old, they’re launching a campaign for more volunteers as the demand for charity shops increases. We hear from those who already help out in some of their stores and why Oxfam wouldn’t exist without the hard work and dedication from the volunteers.

And have you ever bought something online that hasn’t turned up or is completely different to what you expected? Well, as Christmas fast approaches online shopping scams are on the rise and we’re being warned not to be drawn into deals that look too good to be true.



WED 12:57 Weather (m001dxcm)
The latest weather forecast

WED 13:00 World at One (m001dxcw)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

WED 13:45 Understand: The Economy (m001dxd3)
Series 1

The Economy: 3. Economic Growth and GDP

What is economic growth, and what happens if there isn’t any? And what does that GDP figure stand for? Tim Harford explains how and why we measure everything

If the economy stops growing, that could mean things like job cuts, so measuring what’s going on is crucial. In this episode Tim Harford explains how the economy is measured and what is missed out. Economic historian Victoria Bateman tells us why people first started to measure this in the first place. Spoiler alert…. it’s to do with war!

Everything you need to know about the economy and what it means for you. This podcast will cut through the jargon to bring you clarity and ensure you finally understand all those complicated terms and phrases you hear on the news. Inflation, GDP, Interest rates, and bonds, Tim Harford and friends explain them all. We’ll ensure you understand what’s going on today, why your shopping is getting more expensive or why your pay doesn’t cover your bills. We’ll also bring you surprising histories, from the war-hungry kings who have shaped how things are counted today to the greedy merchants flooding Spain with silver coins. So if your eyes usually glaze over when someone says ‘cutting taxes stimulates growth’, fear no more, we’ve got you covered.

Producer: Phoebe Keane

Researchers: Drew Hyndman and Marianna Brain

Editor: Clare Fordham

A BBC Radio Current Affairs Production for BBC Radio 4

WED 14:00 The Archers (m001dx6x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Tuesday]

WED 14:15 Drama (m001dxdf)

A new drama by award-winning writer/director debbie tucker green. Set over one day, four lives cross paths revealing aspects of themselves, events of the day and four different accounts of what they did and saw.

Mum ..... Cherrelle Skeete
Dad ..... Don Gilét
Son ..... Hayden McLean
Woman/Barista ..... Maddy Hill
Piercer/Ms Nexton ..... Manjinder Virk
Mr James ..... Jonathan Forbes

Written and directed by debbie tucker green
Produced by Toby Swift

debbie tucker green's last original radio drama, lament, won the gold award for 'Best Fictional Storytelling' in the ARIAS.

WED 15:00 Money Box (m001dxdp)
Money Box Live: Renting

There are around eight and a half million families who rent - quite a bit more than those who have mortgages - so the rise in housing costs, on top of a cost-of-living crisis, is likely to be causing significant challenges for millions of people.

The official numbers from the Office for National Statistics show that, on average, rental inflation is now 3.6%. It's highest in the East Midlands and lowest in London.

But companies such as Rightmove, HomeLet and Zoopla report much bigger rate increases of between 9 and 12%. That is likely to reflect the situation that landlords are often not raising rents for existing tenants by very much but when a home changes hands - they may take the opportunity to raise rents much more significantly.

In Scotland, emergency legislation was passed which froze most rents until the end of March 2023. So the situation is quite different from the rest of the UK.

To guide us through what is happening and what best to do about it are: Aneisha Beveridge, Head of Research at the estate and letting agents, Hamptons, Deborah Garvie, Policy Manager at Shelter England, and Allan Fuller, an independent estate agent.

Presenter: Adam Shaw
Producer: Amber Mehmood
Editor: Jess Quayle

(First broadcast 3pm, Wednesday 9th November, 2022)

WED 15:30 All in the Mind (m001dx7k)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Tuesday]

WED 16:00 Sideways (m001dxdx)
Doc and Jim: A Beautiful Partnership

The story of how Dr William Key and his super smart horse “Beautiful” Jim Key became one of the biggest acts in America, only to disappear into historical obscurity.
But not before they made a profound impact on millions of American children, who pledged to always be kind to animals, as a result of witnessing their extraordinary partnership.

Dr William Key was a former enslaved man who became a wealthy entrepreneur before turning his hand to patiently training a sickly foal to do maths and spell. They took their act on the road to the delight of millions of Americans and the attention of the American humane movement.

Matthew Syed invites us to dive into this extraordinary story of America in a moment of new understanding, and asks us to consider the possibilities offered by our relationship to animals.

With Mim Eichler Rivas, Eric Collins, Dr Bill Samuels, Dr Elizabeth Ormerod

Presenter: Matthew Syed
Producer and Series Editor: Katherine Godfrey
Sound Design and Mix: Rob Speight
Theme tune by Ioana Selaru
A Novel production for BBC Radio 4

WED 16:30 The Media Show (m001dxf6)
Qatar: a World Cup size failure of sports journalism?

“The worst World Cup ever” is how PR Week describes Qatar’s hosting of the event. The latest controversy was just this week, after the tournament’s ambassador said in an interview that being gay was “damage in the mind”. Meanwhile, human rights groups have been calling on players to protest on the pitch. So how did the World Cup end up being awarded to Qatar in the first place? Liverpool manager Jürgen Klopp says it’s partly the fault of journalists who "should have sent a message" about the country's unsuitability years ago.

Also in the programme, why local newspaper groups are up in arms about the BBC’s plans to spend more on digital news and less on local radio shows.

Guests: Joey D’Urso, investigations writer, The Athletic, Miles Coleman, Producer and writer, FIFA Uncovered, Beth Fisher, freelance sports broadcaster, Henry Faure Walker, Chief Executive, Newsquest, Rhodri Talfan Davies, Director of Nations, BBC, and Alice Enders, Head of Research, Enders Analysis

Presenter: Katie Razzall

Producer: Helen Fitzhenry

WED 17:00 PM (m001dxfj)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dxft)
Russia says its troops are to pull out of the Ukrainian city of Kherson -- but Kyiv remains cautious

WED 18:30 Rob Newman (m001dxg0)
Rob Newman On Air

Episode Three: Your Town Made Perfect

Multi-award winning stand-up comedian Rob Newman sketches a bold vision of how to future-proof our towns for life after oil, learning lessons from Julius Caesar's ancient Roman traffic ban and arguing that the re-introduction of wolves, bears and eagles to the British Isles will enliven many sporting and cultural events.

You will never look at city streets the same way again after exposure to this half-hour of stand-up, sketch and music. Co-starring Claire Price.

Written by and starring Rob Newman
With Claire Price
Original music by Boo Hewerdine and Chris Pepper
Recorded by David Thomas
Edited by Eloise Whitmore
Executive Producer: Polly Thomas
Produced by Jon Harvey and Eloise Whitmore

A Naked production for BBC Radio 4

WED 19:00 The Archers (m001dxg7)
Elizabeth tells Ben she’s concerned about him. She thinks that what Vince has done is completely wrong and she’s told him so. But it’s because Vince is upset about Beth. Ben says he doesn’t blame Vince. Elizabeth unwittingly reveals to Ben that Vince has asked for his loan back for the solar panels.
David and Ruth discuss options to pay back the loan. Things get a bit heated and Ben walks in on them arguing. When he asks whether it’s to do with paying back the loan, they realise he knows. Ben asks why they didn’t tell him, because it’s all his fault. David says they were going to tell him once they’d found a solution.
Elizabeth apologises to David and Ruth for telling Ben. She says Vince is behaving like a spoiled brat at the moment. Ben announces he’ll sort the loan by giving up his course and getting a job. Later David and Ruth agree they can’t let him do that. They have to pay off the loan, and quickly.
Chris tells Alice a couple from Penny Hassett want to look around the cottage today; they’re hoping to rent it. Alice offers to be there too so that Chris doesn’t get taken advantage of. Afterwards they laughingly agree that the couple wouldn’t make good tenants. They’re interrupted by Jakob asking to come and view the cottage too. Alice warns Chris not to let Jakob push him around. Later after pinning down all of Chris’s responsibilities, Jakob tells Chris he may consider himself a landlord in waiting.

WED 19:15 Front Row (m001dxgg)
Black Panther Director Ryan Coogler, Photographer Craig Easton

Filmmaker Ryan Coogler discusses returning to Black Panther after the death of Chadwick Boseman and how that experience has inspired the making of the sequel, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.

In the wake of this year’s annual Museums Association conference which asked its members to “to reimagine our future if we are going to survive”, Front Row brings together Rowan Brown, CEO of Museums Northumberland and Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Culture, Tourism and Sport Board to discuss how museums are responding to the challenge of the cost of living crisis and rising energy prices.

In 1992 Craig Easton photographed Mandy and Mick Williams and their children for the first time for a series he called Thatcher's Children. In 2016, he was able to reconnect with the family and has continued to photograph them since then. As he prepares to publish the photographs in a new book, Craig talks about taking pictures for posterity.

Presenter: Nick Ahad
Producer: Ekene Akalawu

Main image: Nick Ahad and Ryan Coogler

WED 20:00 Life Changing (m001dx9d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 20:30 Net Zero: A Very British Problem (m001cf5f)

The UK is a global success story when it comes to reducing carbon emissions. Committed to reaching net zero by 2050, we've surpassed targets for 2012, 2017 and - already - 2022. We are ahead of all EU countries and other leading economies.

On paper we look good, but it's about to get a lot tougher…

The carbon savings we've made so far have been the easy ones. To reach Net Zero, we need to start changing the way we live and work. We need to rethink our homes, our heating, our transportation and our food. We can’t reach net zero without these changes impacting on each and every one of us.

In this series, comedian and environmental economist Matt Winning looks at the ways in which unique aspects of British culture have shaped how we generate carbon, how we've managed to reduce emissions, and the challenges we now face to eliminate them completely. Travelling around Britain - from terraced houses to the tiniest of crofts, and from golf courses to cement factories – Matt reveals how our energy consumption is bound up with who we are.

The big question now is: can we change?

Produced by: Victoria McArthur & Amanda Hargreaves
Presenter: Matt Winning
Additional research by: Alice McKee
Sound mix: Lee McPhail
Senior Producer: Peter McManus
Based on an original idea by: Kate Bissell & Glyn Tansley

WED 21:00 Costing the Earth (m001dx5v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:30 on Tuesday]

WED 21:30 The Media Show (m001dxf6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 today]

WED 22:00 The World Tonight (m001dxgp)
Democrats do better than expected in US mid terms

Also tonight:

Meta lays off 11,000 employees

And the UK’s nurses vote for strike action

WED 22:45 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (m001dxh0)
Episode 8

Damon 'Demon' Copperhead is a good-hearted boy with the misfortune to be born into a broken society. As Demon battles through foster care, child labour and a dysfunctional education system, Kingsolver leavens her righteous anger with compassion for a glorious cast of characters in this epic tale of love, loss and community.

Demon's future is looking up as Coach Winfield offers him a long-term home - and invites him to try out for the football team.

Charles Dickens’ 'David Copperfield' is reimagined for the modern age by Barbara Kingsolver, one of our best-loved novelists, in this compelling and atmospheric tale of redemption. Kingsolver is the prize-winning author of novels, essays, poetry and journalism. Her books include 'The Poisonwood Bible', 'The Lacuna' and 'Unsheltered' and she established the Bellwether Prize for Fiction, America's largest prize for an unpublished first novel.

Read by Carl Prekopp
Written by Barbara Kingsolver
Abridged by Siân Preece
Producer: Eilidh McCreadie

WED 23:00 Believe It! (b0bgppt5)
Series 4


A fourth series of Richard Wilson's Radiography in which writer Jon Canter delves into the true and not so true nooks and crannies of Richard's life and works.

In this episode, Richard decides that it's time he became more Scottish and calls on all his Scottish friends to do likewise.

Richard Wilson - himself
Ian McKellen - himself
Anthony Sher - himself
Peter Capaldi - himself
David Tennant - himself
Arabella Weir - herself
Sheila/Deirdre/Scottish Lady - Lotte Rice
Nicola Sturgeon - Arabella Weir
Vincent/Drunk - David John

Produced and Directed by Clive Brill
A Brill production for BBC Radio 4

WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (m001dxh7)
Sean Curran reports as the prime minister comes under pressure over the appointment of Sir Gavin Williamson.


THU 00:00 Midnight News (m001dxhm)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

THU 00:30 Disaster Trolls (m001dx9v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Wednesday]

THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001dxhx)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001dxj5)
BBC Radio 4 presents a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes from the BBC World Service.

THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dxjc)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

THU 05:30 News Briefing (m001dxjm)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001dxk0)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Haydon Spenceley, Christian musician and worship leader.


Good morning. Leading a funeral service is one of the greatest privileges I have ever known. The gift of being with a family during what can be some of the most difficult moments of their lives is not something to take lightly. There’s a prayer I pray in each service I where I ask God to ‘heal any memories of hurt and failure’ and I’ve noticed that at least one person looks up each time. I’ve pondered over why that is over the last few years and I’ve come to a simple conclusion: it’s because we all have them, these memories of hurt and failure. Funerals are times when it can seem, or sometimes actually be, too late to make things up. We that are left may get the chance to grow old even as those who we mourn have finished their earthly race, As I say those words, ‘heal any memories of hurt and failure’ I’m committing myself to live differently, positively, to make amends if they can be made and to set a better course for the future come what may. It never fails to pull me up short.

I have plenty of memories that I’d like to be healed. I also have an indeterminate number of memories, simply because I don’t know how many, that I have caused to be left in the memory banks of others which I would like to be healed too, not to make myself feel better, but so that their lives might be improved. I’m never sure what impact I’ve had on other people but whether I wish it were so or not, it is undeniably true that each interaction leaves one.

Father, may the imprint of your life and love rest on us today. We need your help to live well with each other. Thank you that you give it to each one of us if we ask it of you.


THU 05:45 Farming Today (m001dxk8)
10/11/22 Farmers call on supermarkets to pay more for food, Growing biomass for energy, Gravitational battery

A major fruit farmer tells us he fears supermarkets will turn to cheaper imports because British costs of production are just too high. We ask the retailers' representative how supermarkets can keep backing British without increasing shoppers' bills.

All this week we're looking at farming and renewable energy. We visit a farmer growing miscanthus grass as biomass, and hear how a heavy-liquid gravitational battery could help store renewable energy on farms.

Presented by Anna Hill and produced by Beatrice Fenton.

THU 05:58 Tweet of the Day (b03bkf9f)
Bearded Tit

Tweet of the Day is a series of fascinating stories about the British birds inspired by their calls and songs.

Wildlife Sound Recordist, Chris Watson, presents the Bearded Tit. Bearded Tit live in reed-beds, eat mainly reed-seeds in winter and build their nests using reed leaves and flower-heads. The males do have a flamboyant black moustache which would be the envy of any Chinese mandarin.

THU 06:00 Today (m001dxtb)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

THU 09:00 In Our Time (m001dxtg)

Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the Bauhaus which began in 1919 in Weimar, Germany, as a school for arts and crafts combined, and went on to be famous around the world. Under its first director, Walter Gropius, the Bauhaus moved to Dessau and extended its range to architecture and became associated with a series of white, angular, flat-roofed buildings reproduced from Shanghai to Chicago, aimed for modern living. The school closed after only 14 years while at a third location, Bernau, under pressure from the Nazis, yet its students and teachers continued to spread its ethos in exile, making it even more influential.

The image above is of the Bauhaus Building, Dessau, designed by Gropius and built in 1925-6


Robin Schuldenfrei
Tangen Reader in 20th Century Modernism at The Courtauld Institute of Art

Alan Powers
History Leader at the London School of Architecture


Michael White
Professor of the History of Art at the University of York

Producer: Simon Tillotson

THU 09:45 Disaster Trolls (m001dxvz)
9. What they don’t tell you about terror

Travis survived the Westminster Bridge attack, but he didn’t expect what came next. Are victims of terrorism taken seriously enough when they seek help against abusive trolling?

A terror attack outside the Houses of Parliament in March 2017 left five people dead, while 50 more - including Travis - were injured. As Travis lay recovering in hospital, he opened his phone and saw a death threat that accused him of being a “crisis actor” paid to fake the attack. More were to follow.

But Travis says when he sought action to stop the abuse, he came up against a lack of awareness. He feels badly let down by the response he received. So is this a problem that society should be doing more to combat, and if so whose responsibility is it?

In this BBC Radio 4 podcast series, the BBC’s disinformation and social media correspondent Marianna Spring, investigates how survivors of UK terror attacks and tragedies are targeted with horrific conspiracy theories, online abuse and threats.

Across this series - and in this episode - there are graphic descriptions of violence.

Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main

THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001dxtl)
Woman in the Royal Navy 'was raped on ship'

A woman who served in the Royal Navy for 20 years speaks for the first time about how she was raped and sexually assaulted during her career. Speaking to Emma Barnett on Woman’s Hour she describes experiencing several other incidents of sexual harassment during her time serving, including a colleague putting his penis on her shoulder. She says that when a senior colleague discovered she was pregnant, they suggested that an appointment be made for her to have an abortion.

The Conservative MP Sarah Atherton serves on the Defence Select Committee, and led an inquiry last year into the experiences of women in the armed forces, which heard from 4200 women, including some 9% of women currently serving in the armed forces. The Atherton report found that 64 percent of female veterans and 58 percent of currently-serving women reported experiencing bullying harassment or discrimination during their careers. Sarah joins Emma to give her response to Catherine’s story.

Lieutenant colonel Diane Allen, served for 37 years in the Army before resigning last year. She has previously called for a Me Too moment across the military. Diane has a website- forwarned - where she collates testimony from serving and former service personnel and joins Emma Barnett.

At 53, Jenifer Aniston has opened up for the first time about spending years ‘throwing everything’ at trying to conceive, following years of speculation. There are so many stories of eventual happy endings for those on the infertility road. But what about those how who don’t have that? Emma Barnett is joined by Caroline Stafford, a baker, who shares her own experiences of what happens when things don’t work out.

Presenter: Emma Barnett
Producer: Emma Pearce

THU 11:00 From Our Own Correspondent (m001dxtn)
Surviving Mariupol

News this week of the discovery of another mass grave in the southern Ukrainian city of Mariupol has left families with missing relatives, fearing for their plight. And as media access has grown increasingly limited, understanding what really happened in Mariupol has become less clear. Hillary Anderson has spent much of the year trying to find out.

In Nigeria, the case of Mubarak Bala, who was sentenced to 24 years in prison for blasphemy, has thrown into the spotlight the limits on freedom of expression. Across the country, atheists, face discrimination at work and even violence. Yemisi Adegoke followed Mubarak's case and learned what can happen to those who decide to live openly without faith.

Residents of Jackson, Mississippi have long complained about their failing water system. And this summer, the crisis came to a head. Jackson’s residents were faced with dirty brown water coming from their taps, or no water at all - but the crisis is far from over. Nick Judin met some of the city’s most vulnerable residents.

The UN Secretary General this week warned that the world is on a 'highway to climate hell' as world leaders gathered for COP 27, in Egypt. Kate Vandy travelled to Svalbard – a Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic Ocean, which is warming six times faster than anywhere else on the planet.

Every year, the start of November brings the traditional Mexican holiday The Day of the Dead. People paint their faces, wear flowers in their hair, and hang skeleton-themed decorations in the streets. But in Mexico City, Olaf Furniss wonders whether today’s festivities are veering from tradition.

Presenter: Kate Adie
Producers: Ellie House and Serena Tarling
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith
Production Coordinator: Iona Hammond

THU 11:30 Ukraine: War and Words (m001dxtq)
Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, there has been an explosion - real and metaphorical - of translation of Ukrainian-language literature. Michael Goldfarb travels to Lviv to the annual Book Forum to meet authors, agents and translators who are working flat out to bring Ukrainian writing to a global readership.

He looks at war's effect on the process of writing. Imagine you are midway through the first draft of a novel and then get uprooted by invasion. Can you ever go back to that work when the world in which you were creating it no longer exists?

What are the differences between the Russian and Ukrainian languages - aside from spellings? Why has Russia for centuries tried to suppress the Ukrainian language? The Russian empire was multi-ethnic and multi-lingual, yet the Tsarist duma voted to prevent Ukrainian's use in schools. Is there a sensibility difference?

Are Ukrainians who write in Russian now pariahs? Is the historic literature of Ukraine written in Russian, for example the work of Gogol, no longer to be considered part of Ukrainian patrimony?

A Certain Height production for BBC Radio 4

THU 12:00 News Summary (m001dxwh)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 12:04 You and Yours (m001dxtv)
Gap Finders: Hotel Chocolat, Angus Thirlwell

Winifred Robinson talks to the co-founder of Hotel Chocolat, Angus Thirlwell, about how he spotted a gap in the UK chocolate market for a new kind of luxury chocolate.

With the moto "more cocoa, less sugar" they launched in 2004 with the aim of making British chocolate exciting again. The journey has taken them on a deep dive into all things chocolate from buying their own cocoa farm in St Lucia to opening chocolate inspired restaurants and a hotel.

Angus is joined by Hotel Chocolat co-founder, Peter Harris, and the two share why they believe their business partnership has proven so successful.


THU 12:32 Sliced Bread (m001dxtx)
Portable Heaters

It's getting colder and with the cost of living rising, how best to heat our homes in the most efficient way possible has become a big question.

Listener Ken got in touch about a new kind of portable ceramic heater he's seen advertised, promising to heat your room using 30% less energy.

Greg Foot teams up with Octopus Energy to run it through the evidence mill and test it against three other types of portable heater: a convection heater, a fan heater and an oil-filled radiator to find out which gives the most heat for the lowest energy used. The aim is to find out which portable heater is best for heating you, and the room you're in. And how does all that compare to using gas central heating?

This series, we’re testing and investigating your suggested wonder-products. If you’ve seen an ad, trend or fad and wonder if there’s any evidence to back up a claim, drop us an email to or you can send us a voice note to our new WhatsApp number: 07543 306807.


THU 12:57 Weather (m001dxtz)
The latest weather forecast

THU 13:00 World at One (m001dxv1)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

THU 13:45 Understand: The Economy (m001dxv3)
Series 1

The Economy: 4. Bonds, Gilts, Stocks and Shares

Who lends the government money and why? And what exactly does the stock market do? All those people in the movies shouting at the screens are buying and selling something, but what? Tim Harford explains why government debt isn’t always a bad thing and why the prices agreed in a room in London affect the prices you pay for petrol and food. Economic Historian Victoria Bateman tells the story of the East India Company, one of the first companies to ask for money and in return, give people a share of their profits.

Everything you need to know about the economy and what it means for you. This podcast will cut through the jargon to bring you clarity and ensure you finally understand all those complicated terms and phrases you hear on the news. Inflation, GDP, Interest rates, and bonds, Tim Harford and friends explain them all. We’ll ensure you understand what’s going on today, why your shopping is getting more expensive or why your pay doesn’t cover your bills. We’ll also bring you surprising histories, from the war-hungry kings who have shaped how things are counted today to the greedy merchants flooding Spain with silver coins. So if your eyes usually glaze over when someone says ‘cutting taxes stimulates growth’, fear no more, we’ve got you covered.

Producer: Phoebe Keane
Researchers: Drew Hyndman and Marianna Brain
Editor: Clare Fordham

A BBC Radio Current Affairs Production for BBC Radio 4

THU 14:00 The Archers (m001dxg7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:15 Drama (m000pxq4)

Fare by Tony Schumacher

Just a normal night for a taxi driver. Hoping that the next fare will be easy and hassle free. But then a dodgy geezer and his girlfriend climb in. All attitude and matching nylon tracksuits, they pay him big money to drive around. And it turns out not to be a normal night after all.

The Driver..... Mark Womack
Mikey.............. Mike Noble
Leanne......... Sade Malone
The Kid........ Sacha Parkinson
Producer/Director Gary Brown

This is Tony Schumacher's first radio play. He is the writer of the hit TV series 'The Responder starring Martin Freeman.

THU 15:00 Open Country (m001dxv5)
The Mushroom Man

"Mushroom fans, foragers like myself - and mycologists even more so - hate the word toadstool because it's basically just yet another example of British prejudice against mushrooms." Writer and forager Daniel Butler leads the charge against British mushroom ignorance as he steers a small group - plus dog - into the woods of mid-Wales. They're looking for tasty porcini, or penny bun mushrooms, to cook and eat. They find so many we can't tell you where they went.

Presented by Helen Mark and produced by Miles Warde

THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (m001dwjy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:54 on Sunday]

THU 15:30 Bookclub (m001dwng)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

THU 16:00 What Happened to Ricky Reel? (m001dptq)
A quarter of a century ago, Ricky Reel was on a night out with friends in Southwest London. Seven days later his body was found in the River Thames. His mother, Sukhdev Reel, has always maintained her son was killed in a racist attack. The family discovered the boys had been racially abused that night, leading to a fight between Ricky and his friends, and two white youths. Sukhdev is still campaigning for the Metropolitan Police to re-investigate her son’s death.

The actor and presenter Ameet Chana goes back to find out what happened to Ricky Reel and see if Sukhdev can find the answers she desperately wants. Ameet was cast in a reconstruction of Ricky's last night for a BBC documentary in 1998 and it’s a case that has stayed with him.

Two investigations were carried out by the Metropolitan Police in the 1990s and both concluded the death was likely to be an accident. In 1999, an open verdict was recorded and although the investigation into the death of Ricky remains open, it is no longer active as the Metropolitan Police maintain there are no further lines of inquiry left to follow.

To assist with the case, Ameet seeks the help of a former Detective Chief Inspector with the Metropolitan Police, Clive Driscoll, who was one of the main detectives to finally secure a conviction in the Stephen Lawrence case. Clive advises Ameet to go back and speak to the original investigators and find Ricky's friends. Will they shed any more light?

Also contributing in the programme are KC Michael Mansfield, and Suresh Grover from The Monitoring Group and coordinator of the Justice for Ricky Reel Campaign.

Produced by Perminder Khatkar
Executive Producer: Louise Orchard
A 2 Degrees West production for BBC Radio 4

THU 16:30 BBC Inside Science (m001dxv7)

One key issue on the agenda at the COP27 environment summit in Egypt is how to fund damage from the effects of man made climate change.

Often the effects of climate change are felt the strongest in countries least responsible for creating the emissions. This year we’ve seen a range of extreme weather events including drought and flooding which scientists have attributed to man-made climate change. The idea of providing funding for such human-induced disasters has long been discussed informally at COP summits. Finally the issue is formally on the table. It's fraught with diplomatic difficulties, not least over who should pay and how much.

We discuss some of the issues in getting a solution on this initiative known as ‘Loss and Damage’ with contributions from Josh Gabbatiss from the website Carbon Brief, Rachel Kyte, the Dean of Tufts University, Linnéa Norlander Assistant Professor of human rights and sustainability at the University of Copenhagen and Hyacinthe Niyitegeka, coordinator of the Loss and Damage Coalition.

And we look at methane with Drew Shindell, professor of Climate science at Duke University and Author of the UN Environment Programme’s Global Methane Assessment, who tells us a reduction in methane could give us a quick fix in terms of efforts to stabilise global temperatures.

THU 17:00 PM (m001dxv9)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dxvf)
Ukraine says it's made gains around Kherson following Russia's decision to withdraw.

THU 18:30 Alexei Sayle's Imaginary Sandwich Bar (m001dxvh)
Series 4

Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.

Alexei explores the place that repetition holds in our culture, discusses his time as an author on the arts centre circuit and debuts a new slam poem entitled “I Hate Kier Starmer”.

A mixture of stand-up, memoir, and philosophy from behind the counter of an imaginary sandwich bar.

Written and performed by Alexei Sayle.

Additional material by Tom Whyman.

Produced by Joe Nunnery.

A BBC Studios Production.

THU 19:00 The Archers (m001dxpl)
Brad sheepishly asks Chelsea if she’ll give him a smart haircut for the Hunt Ball – he’s working there next week. Brad mentions he went to see their dad with Oliver when Chelsea went missing. But Den was only friendly to Brad because he wanted to wangle money out of Oliver. After that he couldn’t wait to see the back of them. Chelsea tells Brad not to think about it – their dad’s a waster. Brad talks about being different from Chelsea and Tracy as they’re quick thinking and funny. Brad feels like he doesn’t belong. Chelsea agrees he’s different but that’s because he’s clever. Brad has brains and is a Horrobin – a winning combination. When she shows him his hair she tells him he’s super smart and super cool. If this is for some girl, she’d better watch out.
George asks Chris if he can help out at the forge. When Chris agrees, George asks what the rate will be. Chris makes it clear there wouldn’t be a payment, George would just be observing. George asks about being a tenant at Chris’s cottage, but Chris tells him it’s already promised to someone. Downcast George says he wants to move out because he feels stifled at home. He wants more than Grange Farm, but he just needs to take the first step. George manages to hide his horror when later Chris takes him to the Berrow pig unit; he’s arranged for Neil to discuss the possibility of doing some work experience there. Neil just needs to persuade Martyn Gibson first.

THU 19:15 Front Row (m001dxvk)
The Crown, Jafar Panahi's No Bears, Jez Butterworth, Goldsmiths Prize

The Crown: as series five is with us, we review the next ten part instalment of Netflix's royal drama as it slips into more recent territory - the turmoil of the nineties. Plus jailed Iranian film director Jafar Panahi’s new metafiction No Bears, in which he plays himself, forced to direct online from a village near Iran’s Turkish border. With Kate Maltby and Larushka Ivan-Zadeh.

Jez Butterworth: the playwright and screenwriter on his new show Mammals starring James Corden, airing on Amazon Prime.

The Goldsmiths Prize: live from the ceremony, we hear from the winner of this year’s £10,000 reward for fiction that, “breaks the mould or extends the possibilities of the novel form.”

Presenter: Tom Sutcliffe
Producer: Sarah Johnson

THU 20:00 Law in Action (m001dx61)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Tuesday]

THU 20:30 The Bottom Line (m001dxvm)
Turning Passion into Profit

Col Needham set up his first business at the age of 14 designing and selling games software for computers. But his real love, since the age of 5, has always been film. Col started logging every movie he'd seen in a paper diary which he eventually set up as a database, along with other like-minded film fans. Although it began and remains a personal passion, IMDB is now a multi million pound business, which was one of Amazon's first acquisitions.
Col has remained CEO and founder, and he's now seen 15,000 films - all logged religiously in IMDB. He talks to Evan Davis about the journey from passion to profit.

Col Needham, CEO and Founder, IMDB


PRODUCER: Julie Ball

EDITOR: Simon Watts

SOUND: Graham Puddifoot

PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATORS: Siobhan Reed and Helena Warwick-Cross

THU 21:00 BBC Inside Science (m001dxv7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 today]

THU 21:30 In Our Time (m001dxtg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 22:00 The World Tonight (m001dxvq)
Exclusive interview with the organisation bankrolling Just Stop Oil

Also tonight:

France and Italy fall out over migrants

And Nick Cave on Kylie and Kanye

THU 22:45 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (m001dxvs)
Episode 9

Damon 'Demon' Copperhead is a good-hearted boy with the misfortune to be born into a broken society. As Demon battles through foster care, child labour and a dysfunctional education system, Kingsolver leavens her righteous anger with compassion for a glorious cast of characters in this epic tale of love, loss and community.

While Demon settles in well at home and school, trouble is brewing in Lee County as a new drug takes hold across the state.

Charles Dickens’ 'David Copperfield' is reimagined for the modern age by Barbara Kingsolver, one of our best-loved novelists, in this compelling and atmospheric tale of redemption. Kingsolver is the prize-winning author of novels, essays, poetry and journalism. Her books include 'The Poisonwood Bible', 'The Lacuna' and 'Unsheltered' and she established the Bellwether Prize for Fiction, America's largest prize for an unpublished first novel.

Read by Carl Prekopp
Written by Barbara Kingsolver
Abridged by Siân Preece
Producer: Eilidh McCreadie

THU 23:00 BBC New Comedy Awards 2022 (m001dxvv)
The BBC New Comedy Awards has been running since 1995, and its winners have included comedians such as Marcus Brigstocke, Josie Long, Alan Carr, Rhod Gilbert, Angela Barnes, Lucy Beaumont and Lose Voice Guy.

This year, over a thousand new acts entered, being whittled down to 100 for the live heats, and then just 30 for the six regional finals. And now it's time for the the Grand Final, recorded at St David's Hall, in Cardiff.

Hosted by ... Kerry Godliman

First act ... Robbie McShane
Second act ... Omar Badawy
Third act ... Dee Allum
Fourth act ... Dan Tiernan
Fifth act ... Marjolein Robertson
Sixth act ... Joshua Bethania

Head judge ... Fern Brady
Judge ... Nabil Abdulrashid
Judge ... Rosie Jones

Producers ... Lindsay Jex and Ed Morrish
Assistant producer ... Nicola Clyde

Post-production ... Rich Evans at Syncbox Post

A Phil Mcintyre Television production for BBC Radio 4

THU 23:30 A Good Read (m001cx2l)
John Wilson and Chloe Petts

Broadcaster John Wilson and comedian Chloe Petts choose books to recommend to Harriett Gilbert. John has chosen Elizabeth Taylor's Mrs Palfrey at the Claremont, which features a character based on the other Elizabeth Taylor. Chloe has gone for The Topeka School by Ben Lerner and Harriett goes for Hilary Mantel's first novel, Every Day is Mother's Day.

Producer Sally Heaven


FRI 00:00 Midnight News (m001dxvx)
The latest news and weather forecast from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 00:30 Disaster Trolls (m001dxvz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Thursday]

FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (m001dxw1)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (m001dxw3)
BBC Radio 4 presents a selection of news and current affairs, arts and science programmes from the BBC World Service.

FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (m001dxw5)
The latest weather reports and forecasts for UK shipping.

FRI 05:30 News Briefing (m001dxw7)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4

FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (m001dxw9)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Haydon Spenceley, Christian musician and worship leader.


Good morning on this Armistice Day. This morning we prepare to fall silent at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month to remember before God those who have given their lives that we all might live in peace and freedom. Every Remembrance Season we look back not just to the First World War but also to conflicts near and far, both in history and geography, many of them concluded and lost to the mists of time but many still going on and some having lasting consequences, both individually and geopolitically.

We know, therefore, all too well that war rages on around us today. In Matthew 24 Jesus reminds his friends to keep their eyes on Him and not to see the tumult around them as portents of impending disaster necessarily. That said, we know that the real life and real world impact of war continues to be catastrophic. The world is in uproar all around and many, many people, are at huge risk. I can wash my hands like Pilate as it stays, mostly, away from my door, or I can look to the one who is Prince in a Kingdom of Peace and asks us to help it grow with him. Words, prayers, and action, altogether, through these I believe I can make memories which with God’s help bring healing and lasting peace to others. I’ve become good at asking for help but I also learned a good while back that sometimes asking for help leads me to be the one being sent to bring that assistance to others.

Father, we remember with gratitude the sacrifice of many for our freedom today. We pray for peace around the world wherever it is lacking.


FRI 05:45 Farming Today (m001dxwc)
11/11/22 National Parks funding deficit, Food and Farming Awards' 'Future of Farming' winner, anaerobic digester

National Parks warn they’re being forced to consider job cuts, selling off land and closing visitor centres to try to save money. The Parks say they’re facing a combined funding deficit of £1 million over the next three years. The government says it gives £49 million a year to England's 10 National Park Authorities, but is working with them to find extra sources of funding, particularly through private investment.
Jake Freestone is the winner of the BBC Food and Farming Awards' 'Future of Farming' category. Jake manages Overbury farms on the Gloucestershire/Worcestershire border and was an early adopter of regenerative farming. That means he's integrated animals into the arable farm, he no longer ploughs and instead plants into the remnants of the old crop, in order to build up the soil and not release carbon.
All this week we've been looking at on farm energy, from solar panels to anaerobic digesters. Anaerobic digesters can be used to turn waste products into heat, electricity and digestate that can be used as a fertiliser, or even as livestock bedding.

Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Beatrice Fenton.

FRI 05:58 Tweet of the Day (m00013j6)
Grey Partridge in No-Man's Land

Throughout the First World War, birds were protected across the Western Front and elsewhere, which resulted in some remarkable stories of soldiers ceasing fire in order to protect birds from being killed.

Writer Derek Niemann who worked for the RSPB for 25 years, has latterly turned his time to writing, including the book Birds in a Cage, an affectionate tale of British prisoner of war ornithologists. Derek recalls how one species, the grey partridge, thrived in the area that became known as no-mans land. Including one remarkable story involving a French Colonel who halted a planned artillery barrage to allow his sergeant to move a covey of grey partridge to safety.

Producer Andrew Dawes

FRI 06:00 Today (m001dxnx)
News and current affairs, including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (m001dwlk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

FRI 09:45 Disaster Trolls (m001dxqt)
10. The billion dollar question

News breaks of a landmark US court ruling about the Sandy Hook shooting, raising the hopes of victims of conspiracy theories in the UK, in their own struggles for accountability.

When a Connecticut jury orders Infowars host Alex Jones to pay almost a billion dollars in damages for the false claims he promoted, Marianna Spring is contacted by many of the people she has spoken to during the series.

She is also sent reaction by other bereaved relatives of terror victims, who have been targeted with conspiracy theories and online abuse.

In this final episode, Marianna reflects on her investigation. She learns more about the libel action that Martin Hibbert, a survivor of the 2017 Manchester Arena attack, is taking steps to bring against the conspiracy show host Richard D Hall. There is news from YouTube, and a new video from Hall.

This episode contains audio from Richard D Hall’s website.

Presenter: Marianna Spring
Producer: Ant Adeane
Editor: Ed Main

FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (m001dxp1)
LeAnn Rimes, Professor Julie Cupples, Fiona Macintosh, Ebinehita Iyere, Professor Asma Khalil

The Grammy award-winning singer, songwriter and actress LeAnn Rimes released her first album, Blue, aged 13 and at 14 she won "Best New Artist”. Her unforgettable ballad "How Do I Live" holds the record as Billboard’s Hot 100 all-time #1 hit by a female artist. She joins Anita Rani to talk about the inspiration her latest album – god’s work – which features artists including Ziggy Marley and Aloe Blacc.

We’ll be getting an insight into what life behind bars is like for female activists in Nicaragua. Professor Julie Cupples, an Academic who has written about the country and spent time doing fieldwork for her thesis, will be speaking to Anita Rani along with Fiona Macintosh an author who was in Nicaragua at the time of political revolution in the 1980’s. They’ll both be sharing their experiences of women trying to push for revolution in the country.

A new report ‘Girls Speak: Pushed Out, Left Out’ from the charity Agenda Alliance highlights the problem of persistent adultification in schools which often leads to extra harsh discipline for Black and dual heritage girls. Anita speaks to Ebinehita Iyere who collaborated on the report joins Anita.

With early indications that COVID-19 rates are beginning to rise ahead of winter and a predicted flu wave, the UK Health Security Agency and NHS say it’s essential that pregnant women come forward and get protected. Anita is joined by Claire who contracted covid-19 when she was pregnant & Professor Asma Khalil, Professor of Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine at St George’s University Hospital, University of London.

Presenter: Anita Rani
Producer: Lisa Jenkinson
Studio Manager: Michael Millham

FRI 11:00 Armistice Day Silence (m001dxp3)
The traditional two-minute silence to mark Armistice Day.

FRI 11:02 Fallout: Living in the Shadow of the Bomb (m001dxp5)
Episode 5: Reverberations

In this final episode of the series, Steve Purse delves into what effect the nuclear testing programme has had on himself and his own family and asks what the future is looking like for those who are still seeking recognition from the British government.

With contributions from geneticist Dr Al Rowland, Mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham, journalist Susie Boniface and Steve's mum, Jackie Purse.

Including music by Barney Morse-Brown
Produced by Hannah Dean
A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4
(Photograph courtesy of Steve Purse)

FRI 11:30 Beta Female (m001dxp7)
Series 2


Sitcom by Amna Saleem, starring Kiran Sonia Sawar. Amna's cousin Raza makes an offer Amna can easily refuse. But should she?

Kiran Sonia Sawar ... Amna
Evelyn Lockley ... Nora
Omar Raza ... Haris
Layla Kirk ... Sunnah
Atta Yaqub ... Issa
Sudha Bhuchar ... Mum
Bhasker Patel ... Dad
Nadia Kamil ... Waitress
Sanjeev Kohli ... Raza

Production co-ordinator Lily Hambly
Producer Ed Morrish

Sound design by Rich Evans at Synbox Post

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 12:00 News Summary (m001dxy6)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 12:04 Archive on 4 (m001dwjx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Saturday]

FRI 12:57 Weather (m001dxpd)
The latest weather forecast

FRI 13:00 World at One (m001dxpg)
Forty-five minutes of news, analysis and comment, with Sarah Montague.

FRI 13:45 Understand: The Economy (m001dxpj)
Series 1

The Economy: 5. Banks

What are banks and what do they do with our money? Tim Harford explains where your money goes when you put it in a bank account and reveals that your bank might actually be a shadow bank. Economic historian Victoria Bateman tells the story of Priscilla Wakefield, one of Britain's forgotten female economists, who created the first saving bank for working-class women in a Tottenham grammar school.

Everything you need to know about the economy and what it means for you. This podcast will cut through the jargon to bring you clarity and ensure you finally understand all those complicated terms and phrases you hear on the news. Inflation, GDP, Interest rates, and bonds, Tim Harford and friends explain them all. We’ll ensure you understand what’s going on today, why your shopping is getting more expensive or why your pay doesn’t cover your bills. We’ll also bring you surprising histories, from the war-hungry kings who have shaped how things are counted today to the greedy merchants flooding Spain with silver coins. So if your eyes usually glaze over when someone says ‘cutting taxes stimulates growth’, fear no more, we’ve got you covered.

Producer: Phoebe Keane
Researchers: Drew Hyndman and Marianna Brain
Editor: Clare Fordham

A BBC Radio Current Affairs Production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 14:00 The Archers (m001dxpl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Thursday]

FRI 14:15 Limelight (m001dxpn)
Series 2

Harland - 3. Wōdnesdæg

Another visit to the troubled new town of Harland. The mysterious stranger known as Hare Mask has reappeared as Dan and Lindsay continue their quest to unlock the secrets of the Hare Witches. A supernatural thriller by Lucy Catherine.

Dan ..... Tyger Drew-Honey
Lindsay ..... Jasmine Hyde
Sadie ..... Melissa Advani
Serena ..... Chloë Sommer
Janice ..... Fiona Skinner
Bob ..... David Hounslow
The Fish ..... Joanna Monro
Other parts played by Jonathan Forbes and Tom Kiteley

Sound Design by Caleb Knightley
Directed by Toby Swift

A BBC Audio production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 14:45 Why Do We Do That? (m001dxpq)
Why Do We Kiss?

This episode is all about the iconic kiss. Is it as universal as we think? One study suggests that lip-to-lip romantic kissing - the snog, if you will - is only present in 46% of cultures around the world. So did we just recently learn to do it? Ella Al-Shamahi speaks to Journalist and Radio 1 Life Hacks Presenter Katie Thistleton to get deep into the strangeness of kissing. Speaking to Dr Rafael Wlodarski from Oxford University, they find out how kissing, or getting close to one another, has been shown to give away clues about your genetic information via smells - and why we find the smell of someone who is genetically compatible with us more attractive.

FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (m001dxps)
Pitmedden Garden: Postbag Edition

Kathy Clugston and a panel of horticultural experts visit National Trust for Scotland Pitmedden Garden. Answering questions from the GQT postbag are Chris Beardshaw, Kirsty Wilson and Matt Biggs.

This week, the panellists suggest some plants for autumn colour around a village war memorial. They also diagnose a poorly willow tree, and explain how to sow wildflower seed through grass.

Between the questions, they explore the brilliant gardens at Pitmedden, led by head gardener Scott Smith. They learn about the history of the parterres, and Chris talks us through a part of the garden that he designed himself.

Producer - Daniel Cocker
Assistant Producer - Aniya Das
Executive Producer - Louisa Field

A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 15:45 From Fact to Fiction (m001dxpv)
Come Back

By Steve May. Dawn is worried about the kids in Key Stage 1. Billy isn't helping, but then he's a parrot. Read by Sophie Thompson.

Story inspired by news reports of a sharp rise in the number of young children who help with speech and language development.

Steve May has won awards for drama, poetry and fiction. He has written more than 60 plays for BBC Radio. He is Provost of the College of Liberal Arts at Bath Spa University, where he was from 2008-2012 Head of Department, Creative Writing.

Producer...Mary Ward-Lowery

FRI 16:00 Last Word (m001dxpx)
Leslie Phillips CBE, Dame Valerie Beral, Avtar Singh Jouhl, Atarah Ben-Tovim MBE

Matthew Bannister on

Leslie Phillips CBE (pictured), the actor who made his name in the Navy Lark and the Carry On Films, then became a respected character actor.

Dame Valerie Beral, the epidemiologist who created the million women study and investigated the safety of the contraceptive pill and HRT.

Avtar Singh Jouhl, the trade unionist and activist who campaigned for racial equality.

Atarah Ben-Tovim MBE, the flautist who inspired generations of children to take up music.

Producer: Neil George

Interviewed guest: Peter Bradshaw
Interviewed guest: Tim Teeman
Interviewed guest: Jagwant Jouhl
Interviewed guest: David Jesudason
Interviewed guest: Emily Banks

Archive clips used: BBC News, HardTalk Extra – Leslie Phillips 2000; Peter Rogers Productions/ Beaconsfield Productions, Carry On Teacher (1959); BBC Radio 4 Extra, The Navy Lark – Left Hand Down A Bit! 28/03/2009; Sol C. Siegel Productions/ Metro-Goldwyn-Meyer, Les Girls (1957); Peter Rogers Productions/ Beaconsfield Productions, Carry on Nurse (1959); Impact Quadrant/ Izaro Films/ Quadrant Films, Spanish Fly (1976); Amblin Entertainment/ Warner Brothers, Empire of the Sun (1987); BBC Radio 4, The Skivers 17/03/1994; BBC Radio 4, The Life Scientific – Valerie Beral 05/02/2013; Jagwant Photobooks, Avtar Singh Jouhl interview – 2021; Midlands Today/ YouTube, Malcolm X visits Smethwick 03/10/2014; BBC Radio 3, Sound Archive – Atarah Ben-Tovim 11/05/1972; Thames TV, Seeing And Doing – Atarah Ben-Tovim 1985; BBC Radio 3, Atarah’s Music Box 04/10/1976; BBC Radio 4, Woman’s Hour 02/06/2004; Sandie Smith/ YouTube Channel, Atarah Ben-Tovim and Sophie Clavel at Chateau Rigaud 16/09/2016.

FRI 16:30 Feedback (m001dxpz)
Fi Glover joins Andrea Catherwood for a chat about the end of the Fortunately podcast, and life at and beyond the BBC.

In the week of the US mid-term elections, Jonathan Aspinwall, Senior News Editor, and Marianna Spring, the BBC's Disinformation and Social Media Correspondent join Andrea to discuss listeners views on the new series of the Americast podcast.

We have more comments from the audience on the planned cuts to BBC Local Radio programmes and, as a former local radio presenter, Fi Glover also gives her view on the matter,

And Feedback listeners Eirene Houston and Lesley Atkins are in the Vox Box this week to listen to the Radio 4 drama documentary Exit Game which explores the ultra-competitive world of the professional men’s football youth system.

Presented by Andrea Catherwood
Produced by Gill Davies
A Whistledown Scotland production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 17:00 PM (m001dxq1)
Afternoon news and current affairs programme, reporting on breaking stories and summing up the day's headlines

FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (m001dxq5)
Ukraine's troops have recaptured Kherson, the only regional capital occupied by Russia.

FRI 18:30 The Now Show (m001dxq7)
Series 61

Episode 3

Steve Punt is joined by Gemma Arrowsmith (standing in for Hugh Dennis) to present the week via topical stand-up and sketches. They're joined by Catherine Bohart, Fin Taylor and Jazz Emu.

Catherine Bohart wraps her head around the Elon Musk era at Twitter, Fin Taylor takes on the climate crisis, and Jazz Emu brings an original song that’ll turn your art perspective upside-down.

The show was written by the cast and Hugh Dennis with additional material from Tasha Dhanraj, Katie Storey, Carl Carzana and Cameron Loxdale.

Voice actors: Gemma Arrowsmith and Daniel Barker.

Sound: David Thomas
Executive Producer: Pete Strauss
Producer: Rajiv Karia
Production Coordinator: Sarah Nicholls

A BBC Studios Production

FRI 19:00 The Archers (m001dxq9)
Writer ….. Nick Warburton
Director ….. Kim Greengrass
Editor ….. Jeremy Howe

David Archer ….. Timothy Bentinck
Ruth Archer …… Felicity Finch
Ben Archer ….. Ben Norris
Pip Archer ….. Daisy Badger
Tony Archer ….. David Troughton
Alice Carter ….. Hollie Chapman
Chris Carter ….. Wilf Scolding
Neil Carter ….. Brian Hewlett
Martyn Gibson ….. Jon Glover
Emma Grundy ….. Emerald O’Hanrahan
George Grundy ….. Angus Stobie
Jakob Hakansson ….. Paul Venables
Brad Horrobin ….. Taylor Uttley
Chelsea Horrobin ….. Madeleine Leslay
Jim Lloyd ….. John Rowe
Elizabeth Pargetter …… Alison Dowling
Fallon Rogers ….. Joanna Van Kampen
Lynda Snell ….. Carole Boyd
Sally ….. Sarah Ovens

FRI 19:15 Add to Playlist (m001dxqc)
Time signatures and scales with Zara McFarlane and Ollie Howell

Singer and composer Zara McFarlane and jazz drummer and composer Ollie Howell take us on a musical adventure with the help of composer and musician Nitin Sawhney, as they join Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey Boakye to add the next five tracks.

Tune in for a scat singing lesson and a 50,000-year history lesson in the origin of musical scales.

Presenters Cerys Matthews and Jeffrey Boakye
Producer Jerome Weatherald

The five tracks in this week's playlist:

It Don't Mean a Thing if it Ain't Got That Swing by Ella Fitzgerald and Duke Ellington
Hey Ya! By Outkast
Lost It To Trying by Son Lux
Songs of Fun and Nonsense by Julie Andrews, Moondog and Martyn Green
Do-Re-Mi by Julie Andrews, from The Sound of Music by Rodgers and Hammerstein

Other music in this episode:

Fisherman by Zara McFarlane
Basin Street Blues by Louis Armstrong and His Hot Five
Purple Haze by The Jimi Hendrix Experience

FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (m001dxqf)
Adjoa Andoh, Sir Howard Davies, Lord Deben, Caroline Flint

Alex Forsyth presents political debate and discussion from Bath City Football Club with the actor Adjoa Andoh, the chair of Natwest Sir Howard Davies, the chair of the Committee on Climate Change Lord Deben and the Chair of the Committee on Fuel Poverty Caroline Flint.
Producer: Camellia Sinclair
Lead broadcast engineer: Tim Allen

FRI 20:50 A Point of View (m001dxqh)
My Ever Growing Pile of Books

Tom Shakespeare weighs up his options to avoid being crushed by the tottering pile of books on his bedside table.

'Shutting the blinds a few weeks ago,' Tom writes, 'I was hit on the head by three or four falling Terry Pratchett books'.

So act he must...and he came up with a plan to ensure no book goes unread.

Producer: Adele Armstrong
Sound: Peter Bosher
Production coordinator: Iona Hammond
Editor: Richard Fenton-Smith

FRI 21:00 Archive on 4 (b09cvrmf)
Missing Isaiah Berlin

Sir Isaiah Berlin was a rare beast. Educated in philosophy and the history of ideas, he could turn his generalist mind to most subjects and talk engagingly. Audiences loved him, his broadcast lectures and his appearances on discussion shows. This quintessential Oxford don was the benchmark public intellectual.

Twenty years after Berlin's death, philosopher Jonathan Wolff goes in search of the Isaiah Berlins of today. Where is this particular kind of public intellectual? Does it matter If they are no longer around and what, if anything, has replaced them?

Contributors include - Baroness Mary Warnock, crossbench life peer and moral philosopher; Professor Stefan Collini, author of Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain; Professor Timothy Garton Ash, author of Free Speech; Henry Hardy, literary executor of Isaiah Berlin; Claire Fox, director of the Institute of Ideas; and Professor Daniel Drezner, author of The Ideas Industry.

Producer: Dom Byrne
A Blakeway production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (m001dxqk)
In-depth reporting, intelligent analysis and breaking news from a global perspective

FRI 22:45 Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (m001dxqm)
Episode 10

Damon 'Demon' Copperhead is a good-hearted boy with the misfortune to be born into a broken society. As Demon battles through foster care, child labour and a dysfunctional education system, Kingsolver leavens her righteous anger with compassion for a glorious cast of characters in this epic tale of love, loss and community.

Life, school and football are all going well for Demon and there's romance on the horizon - when he glimpses a darker side to friend and confidant, Fast Forward.

Charles Dickens’ 'David Copperfield' is reimagined for the modern age by Barbara Kingsolver, one of our best-loved novelists, in this compelling and atmospheric tale of redemption. Kingsolver is the prize-winning author of novels, essays, poetry and journalism. Her books include 'The Poisonwood Bible', 'The Lacuna' and 'Unsheltered' and she established the Bellwether Prize for Fiction, America's largest prize for an unpublished first novel.

Read by Carl Prekopp
Written by Barbara Kingsolver
Abridged by Siân Preece
Producer: Eilidh McCreadie

FRI 23:00 Americast (m001dxqp)
Trump v DeSantis

As the midterm results continue to come in, the Americast team are back together in Washington DC taking a closer look at the rivalry between Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Donald Trump.

And long-time Republican donor for the Trump campaign Dan K Eberhart tells the team why he thinks the party should move in a different direction following the midterms.

Americast is presented by North America editor Sarah Smith, Today presenter Justin Webb, the BBC's Social Media and Disinformation Correspondent Marianna Spring and North America correspondent Anthony Zurcher.

Find out more about our ‘undercover voters’ here:

Email with your questions and comments. You can also send us a message or voice note via WhatsApp, to +443301239480

This episode is made by Phil Marzouk and Alix Pickles. The studio director is Emma Crowe. The assistant editor is Louisa Lewis. The senior news editor is Jonathan Aspinwall.

FRI 23:30 A Good Read (m001d5j2)
Damian Barr and Ben Fergusson

Writers Damian Barr and Ben Fergusson recommend books to Harriett Gilbert. Damian chooses the second volume of Janice Galloway's memoir, All Made Up. Ben talks about The Death of the Heart by Elizabeth Bowen, and Harriett has gone for Hilary Spurling's biography of Sonia Orwell, The Girl from the Fiction Department.

Producer Sally Heaven