The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 00:00 Midnight News (b01ntlqm)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SAT 00:30 Book of the Week (b01nx80p)
Former People

Episode 5

From the last days of the monarchy to the Red Terror of the Bolshevik Revolution and then Stalin's 'Operation Former People' the hundreds of thousands of families who formed the Russian nobility were subjected to a series of bloodthirsty purges.

This disparate group of people ranged from the entrenched monarchists of the old Tsarist regime to the impoverished rural nobility who struggled to make a living out of their lands.

Some of these nobles were in favour of change and supported the revolution but very few families escaped without at least one member experiencing imprisonment, exile, forced labour or execution. Palaces were looted and estates burned as the enemies of the new soviet state were made to pay over and over for their centuries of glittering privilege.

Drawing on meticulous research including letters and diaries from the period Douglas Smith brings to life the tiny human details of this extraordinary and tumultuous time.

Episode 5 of 5
With the death of Lenin and Stalin's assumption of power, a new kind of paranoia fuelled the savage quest for 'class enemies'. Reprisals against counter-revolutionaries led to the brutality of 'Operation Former People'.

Read by Robert Powell
Abridged and produced by Jill Waters
A Waters Company production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01ntlqp)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01ntlqr)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 4 resumes at 5.20am.

SAT 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01ntlqt)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 05:30 News Briefing (b01ntlqw)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01ntmtp)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

SAT 05:45 iPM (b01ntmtr)
This week iPM marks the seventieth anniversary of Operation Freshman,
a raid on a facility in Norway, that was crucial to the development of
the Nazi's atomic bomb programme during the Second World War.

Hear how it went tragically wrong and about the way the operation has been
largely forgotten, despite the heroism.

SAT 06:00 News and Papers (b01ntlqy)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SAT 06:04 Weather (b01ntlr0)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 06:07 Open Country (b01ntjpv)
Beasts of Brighton

Helen Mark visits Brighton to find surprising wildlife in the city. She finds an urban flock of sheep grazing on ancient chalk downland areas in the city. Their gentle nibbling is kinder to wildlife than mowing and ensures that green spaces stay clear for wildlife and people. Helen meets a volunteer shepherd in charge of watching the sheep through the winter months.

Nearby, Moulsecoomb Forest Garden and Wildlife Project works with excluded school pupils growing vegetables and gardening for wildlife. Helen is shown the project's tree house, outdoor clay oven, turf sofa, and traditional bee hive. Now a thriving garden run by an army of volunteers the original piece of land, hidden away behind Moulsecoomb railway station, had been left overgrown and derelict for nearly twenty years.
Down on Brighton's beach Helen joins Huw Morgan from Sussex Wildlife Trust as he splashes around in rock pools with children from a local school. Their city centre school lacks green space for them to explore so the beach is the perfect place for them to run free and learn about marine wildlife and sustainable fishing.

Producer Beatrice Fenton.

SAT 06:30 Farming Today (b01nwp2b)
Farming Today This Week

As many farmers gear up for the festive season, Charlotte Smith hears how Christmas dinner is a key moment for many British food producers.

Charlotte visits Bill Homewood, a third generation tenant farmer in Oxfordshire, who rears turkeys and geese. For him, Christmas begins in January.

The Farming Today This Week Christmas meal is completed by parsnips, brussels sprouts, goose fat and cranberries, which one brave man is trying to grow in Kent.

Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced in Birmingham by Rich Ward.

SAT 06:57 Weather (b01ntlr2)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 07:00 Today (b01nwp2d)
Morning news and current affairs, with Sarah Montague and Justin Webb, including:

The French prosecutor investigating the Annecy shooting that killed members of the al-Hilli family has announced that a motive for the killings has not been found. He spoke to the BBC's Christian Fraser on the revelation.

Is the Middle East is on the brink of another war? The BBC's world affairs correspondent Richard Galpin is on the line from Jerusalem.

This weekend the case for "slow-learning" will be made at the London Festival of Education. Professor of Education Maurice Holt shared why it might be important for children.

It is more than 50 years since the film Saturday Night and Sunday Morning was released. The BBC's Rebecca Jones reports from Nottingham, where a new exhibition inspired by the film is opening today.

The low turn-out at the recent Police and Crime Commissioners elections, and the number of independents voted in, suggests some concern about politics in policing. Kent's newly elected Police Commissioner Ann Barnes discusses the issue.

SAT 09:00 Saturday Live (b01nwp2g)
Val McDermid, Ulrika Jonsson's Secret Life, John McCarthy in Utrecht, Glenn Tilbrook's Inheritance Tracks

Sian Williams and Richard Coles with crime writer Val McDermid and ex-offender Junior Smart who is helping gangsters escape a life of crime, Tony Lynn investigates the mystery of the Saltburn yarnbomber, broadcaster Jeremy Vine talks about his early career on Drainpipe Radio, TV presenter Ulrika Jonsson reveals her Secret Life, John McCarthy continues his exploration of Utrecht and Squeeze's Glenn Tilbrook shares his Inheritance Tracks.

Producer: Dixi Stewartv.

SAT 10:30 Alice's Restaurant (b01nwp2j)
Ian McMillan goes in search of the people and places described in Arlo Guthrie's 1960's ballad, Alice's Restaurant and discovers how this eighteen minute song inspired a generation and still plays a unique part in American life today.
It's a piece that's had a profound effect on Ian ever since he first heard it as a twelve year old in Barnsley; his first introduction to small town America and the anti-war movement.On Thursday it'll be played on radio stations across the States, as America celebrates Thanksgiving. This song, that starts with a visit to the town dump and ends lampooning the Vietnam draft, was based on a true Thanksgiving day incident in Guthrie's life.
In the late 60's and 70's no student, either side of the Atlantic, would be thought to have a respectable record collection without the inclusion of the bright yellow LP with a photograph of the bare-chested, bowler-hatted, cutlery-brandishing singer, on the front.
Ian visits Stockbridge,the setting for the song and is taken to the scene of the crime, by the town's current police chief, Rick Wilcox and he goes to Great Barrington to visit the church where it all began.
He meets others for whom the song has been hugely important, including teacher, George Dunn who remembers being at the Rockport Folk Festival in 1968 when Arlo first performed the song for a live audience.
And in Maine Ian sings along with generations of children who've attended The Children's Garden Pre-school, for whom Alice's Restaurant has always been a key part of their curriculum.
Finally Ian's forty year old dream comes true when he meets Alice, now an artist with a gallery in Provincetown on Cape Cod, they talk about what the song has meant to her over the years.
Producer: Lucy Lunt.

SAT 11:00 The Week in Westminster (b01nwp2l)
Steve Richards of The Independent looks behind the scenes at Westminster this week.

After Labour took the Corby by-election this week, pundits were quick to read significance into the result. But how far do by-elections matter in the long run? Most are quickly forgotten and the euphoria of the victor can evaporate when voters next go to the polls. Here the opinion pollster, Anthony Wells, and the Labour MP, Nick Raynsford - a by-election winner himself - assess the evidence.

The by-election was called after the Conservative incumbent, Louise Mensch, decided to step down to join her family in New York. How did her constituents feel about that? And is it true that the relationship between MPs and constituents is growing ever stronger? The Conservative, Caroline Dineage, and Labour's Kate Hoey agree that a change is taking place.

This week, the Chancellor, George Osborne, went public with his thoughts on how the Conservatives will approach the next general election. His article in The Times newspaper raised eyebrows among his opponents because it seemed to set out an election strategy long in advance of polling day. The former aide to Tony Blair, Matthew Taylor, and a former David Cameron adviser, Sean Worth, consider the implications.

Finally, elections were held this week for the new figures of Police and Crime Commissioners. Turnout was low, as expected. Edward Byrne of the think tank, Policy Exchange, thinks elected police chiefs a great idea but the policy was poorly sold to the public.

Editor: Peter Mulligan.

SAT 11:30 From Our Own Correspondent (b01nwp2n)
A Frugal Dinner

Reporters' despatches from around the world.

Afghanistan: as pressure grows on the British prime minister to bring the troops back home early, defence correspondent Caroline Wyatt considers the legacy they'll leave behind.

Russia: the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk is the country's prisons capital. Alex Preston has been to meet a former convict trying to help others, recently released, to find a toehold back in Russian society.

El Salvador: the murder rate in this Latin American nation has gone down significantly thanks to a truce between two notorious gangs. Linda Pressly has been talking to some of their leaders in a high security jail.

France: the infamous Sangatte asylum centre may have closed but Emma Jane Kirby has been finding out that migrants continue to flow into the port city of Calais.

Germany: Steve Evans gets offered relatively frugal fare at a dinner party in Berlin. But he isn't surprised.

Producer: Tony Grant.

SAT 12:00 Money Box (b01nwp2q)
CPP, roaming costs, charges on income funds, a pre-pay card for kids

The banks have been criticised after the card protection firm CPP received a record fine from the FSA.

CPP was censured by the City watchdog for mis-selling insurance products over six years aimed to protect people against identity theft.

But the majority of policies CPP were sold were in collaboration with the banks when customers phoned to activate their cards.

Paul talks to John Mann MP and Tracey McDermott, director of enforcement at the FSA.

New rules began in July which should mean your mobile bill abroad can never exceed ?50 - about £40.

The rule applies to a contract with any UK based operator wherever you travel in the world. As with the earlier EU wide scheme customers can opt out of this protection.

But we ask if the opting out procedure is confusing after one woman discovered she had inadvertently opted out and got a bill for £2,400 - and it is still not clear what it is for.

Are investment managers hiding the cost of running their funds by taking their charges out of the capital rather than the returns they are making for investors?

Money Box talks to listener and accountant Tim Masters and Richard Saunders, chief executive of Investment Management Association

A new pocket money card for children as young as 8 has been launched. Its founders say it will help children learn to manage money and to use plastic cards for payment.

But its website confirms there can be nine separate charges on the card - including fees for putting money on the card and taking cash from a cash machine.

Paul speaks to Mark Timbrell, founder of PKTMNY which launched the card and Tracey Bleakley, Chief Executive of PFEG, a finance education charity.

SAT 12:30 The Now Show (b01ntlvy)
Series 38

Episode 2

Stepping Aside: in the week that George Entwhistle stepped aside as DG of the BBC, Starbucks stepped aside from paying UK tax, and the public stepped quickly aside to avoid the voting booths for the Police & Crime Commissioner elections, Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis present the week in stand-up and sketches with Jon Holmes, Laura Shavin, Mitch Benn and David Quantick. Produced by Victoria Lloyd.

SAT 12:57 Weather (b01ntlr4)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 13:00 News (b01ntlr6)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 13:10 Any Questions? (b01ntm2z)
All Saints Church, Dulverton, Somerset

Jonathan Dimbleby presents the political discussion and debate programme from All Saint's Church in Dulverton Somerset. Guests include Baroness Shirley Williams, David Willetts MP the Minister for Universities and Science, Shadow Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government Hilary Benn MP and Alex Deane who's Head of Public Affairs for Public Relations company Weber Shandwick.

SAT 14:00 Any Answers? (b01nwp2s)
A chance for Radio 4 listeners to have their say on the issues discussed on Any Questions. Call Anita Anand on 03700 100 444 or email or tweet using #bbcaq. The panel from Dulverton in Somerset included David Willetts MP, Hilary Benn MP, Baroness Shirley Williams and Alex Deane from PR firm Weber Shandwick. Topics included: Voter apathy in the Police and Crime Commissioner Elections, Israel/Gaza conflict, Should the content of social networking sites be controlled in light of the defamation of Lord McAlpine - is it possible or desirable? Wind farms - are they cost effective and what should the new Archbishop of Canterbury's priorities be as he prepares to take office?

SAT 14:30 Saturday Drama (b01mnxw7)
The Martin Beck Killings

The Laughing Policeman

In the fourth of the Martin Beck Killings, Beck is now a Detective Superintendant. But his promotion hasn't made him any more cheerful; if anything, it's only confirmed his gloomy belief that the best way to solve crimes is by hard slog, dogged persistence, a grimly realistic view of human nature - and the occasional flash of sheer intuition. His team of colleagues, headed by Lennart Kollberg and Frederick Melander, are used to his stubborn ways and his frequent colds. His wife Inga isn't as tolerant.

The Laughing Policeman begins on the evening of a big demonstration in Stockholm against the Vietnam war; as the police are dealing with protesters outside the American embassy, a mass shooting on a bus in a suburb ends with nine dead, including one of Martin Beck's team. The trail to find the murderer leads Beck back to an unsolved case from the past that had puzzled the Swedish police for years.

Dramatised for radio by Jennifer Howarth
Original Music by Elizabeth Purnell
Directed by Sara Davies.

SAT 15:30 Swansong (b01ntfvn)
The Smiths' Strangeways, Here We Come

In the summer of 1987 Britain's best loved indie band abruptly came to end when guitarist Johnny Marr sensationally quit. The Morrissey/Marr partnership that had produced such a wealth of finely crafted pop tunes was over, just weeks after the group finished recording their fourth album, "Strangeways, Here We Come." Since then, all four band members have separately pronounced the LP as their best work. Bass player Andy Rourke and drummer Mike Joyce also claim that, at the time, they were blissfully unaware of any conflict. So what happened?
In this final part of the Swansong series, Stuart Maconie examines the circumstances surrounding the final recording by The Smiths, revealing the reasons behind one of the most famous breakups in British pop history. With new interviews from Mike Joyce, Andy Rourke and producer Stephen Street and contributions from music journalist Sian Pattenden and Morrissey biographer Simon Goddard.

SAT 16:00 Woman's Hour (b01nwp2v)
Weekend Woman's Hour - Nick Clegg; Monica Galetti; Beth Orton; Robert Elms

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg on women's 'route back' to work and what you told us about working, Cook the Perfect ceviche with Masterchef's Monica Galetti, Robert Elms on his collection of hats, music from songwriter Beth Orton, the Kavanagh sisters on surviving abuse in childhood, real life stories from a school helped by Children in Need, donated sperm - what are the parental responsibilities?
Presented by Jane Garvey
Produced by Dianne McGregor
Editor: Anne Peacock.

SAT 17:00 PM (b01nwp2x)
Saturday PM

Full coverage of the day's news.

SAT 17:30 The Bottom Line (b01ntjqc)
Planet New

The view from the top of business. Presented by Evan Davis, The Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with people running leading and emerging companies.

There are many arguments about how to solve the world's economic problems, to increase employment and achieve economic growth. But if there's one solution that most will agree on it's that we need more new products or services, which drive capitalism and make us richer. Evan's guests this week discuss the importance of innovation for the global economy and the impediments to this kind of creativity. They also swap thoughts on the 'pivot' - when to change your mind in business.

Joining Evan in the studio are Suranga Chandratillake, founder of video and audio search engine Blinkx; Simon Woodroffe, founder of YO! Company; Olaf Swantee, chief executive of mobile phone operator EE.

Producer: Ben Crighton
Editor: Innes Bowen.

SAT 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b01ntlr8)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 17:57 Weather (b01ntlrb)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01ntlrd)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 18:15 Loose Ends (b01nwp2z)
Katherine Jenkins, Al Murray, Dallas Campbell, Mark Forsyth, Cerys Matthews, The Staves

Clive's having a knees-up down the boozer with the Pub Landlord Al Murray, whose new comedy tour sees the Guv tackling such subjects as the Euro and Scots Independence. Al opens his doors to the beautiful British public, serving up his premier brew of ale-inspired acumen and bar-room buffoonery. 'The Only Way Is Epic' UK tour runs until Thursday 29th November. Cheers!

Clive reaches dizzy heights with broadcaster Dallas Campbell whose new BBC One series sees him travel the globe, visiting the world's largest and most ambitious engineering projects. He undertakes some extraordinary feats - from cleaning the windows of the world's tallest building to scuba diving in raw sewage! 'Supersized Earth' is on Wednesday 21st November at 20.00.

Emma Freud gets garrulous with 'The Inky Fool', journalist, blogger and man of many words Mark Forsyth, who's reinvented the reference book, offering a cornucopia of hidden words waiting to be unleashed. Ever thought 'What's that word I'm looking for?' Well, 'The Horologicon' offers spectacularly weird words for familiar situations, such as gongoozler and bingo-mort!

Clive's Living a Dream with Premiere Welsh mezzo-soprano Katherine Jenkins, whose glittering career has seen her perform in honour of Pope John Paul II's Silver Jubilee, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee and in the US on 'Dancing With The Stars'. Katherine's now Away In A Manger with her new album 'This Is Christmas'; a mixture of classic carols and festive favourites.

With music from sibling trio The Staves who perform 'Tongue Behind My Teeth' from their debut album 'Dead & Born & Grown'.

And from another Welsh songstress, Cerys Matthews, who performs the Woody Guthrie song 'Who's Gonna Shoe Your Pretty Little Feet'.

Producer: Cathie Mahoney.

SAT 19:00 Profile (b01nwp31)
Abu Qatada

Mark Coles profiles Abu Qatada, the radical Islamic cleric described by the Home Secretary as "a dangerous man, a suspected terrorist, who is accused of serious crimes in Jordan". Seen by some as Britain's most wanted man and Osama Bin Laden's right hand man in Europe , the Palestinian-Jordanian scholar arrived in the UK in 1993 seeking asylum and claiming he had been tortured in Jordan.

This week, after serving seven years, without charge, in a British prison, a court ruled that he cannot be deported to Jordan where he's been convicted in his absence of involvement in terrorist activity.

But who is Abu Qatada, a serious intellectual leader who believes in violent Jihad and accordingly to former Home Secretary David Blunkett, " a prime suspect" in the war on terror or as one friend tell us "a changed man"?

SAT 19:15 Saturday Review (b01nwp33)
Tom Sutcliffe and guests Boyd Tonkin, Kevin Jackson and Monique Roffey discuss the cultural highlights of the week including The Effect by Lucy Prebble which opens at London's National Theatre with Billie Piper in the leading role. Lucy Prebble is the award winning writer of Enron,which explored financial malpractice in one of America's largest corporations. In "The Effect" Prebble takes on more major themes: how society treats the mentally ill, what we understand about the brain and what are the effect of drugs upon our emotions, particularly on love.

Amour - or Love - is the title of Austrian director Michael Haneke's new film and won him his second Palme D'Or at Cannes this year, the first being for "The White Ribbon" in 2008. Starring octogenarians Jean-Louis Trintignant, for whom the film was written, and Emmanuelle Riva, the film explores the effect on the couple's relationship when Anne, played by Riva, suffers a series of incapacitating strokes. Isabelle Hupert plays their daughter Eva.

Internationally renowned author of "The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat" Oliver Sack's new book "Hallucinations" explores a phenomenon many people assume are only suffered by the insane. Sack's account reveals that hallucinations are linked to a variety of causes in people with no mental illness, including sensory deprivation, intoxication, fever, injury and migraine. Dr Sacks weaves together the stories of his patients and his own mind altering experiences to tell us more about the structure and organisation of our brains.

The Richard Harris Collection "Death A Self Portrait" opens at the Wellcome Institute in London and includes over 300 treasures from a unique collection devoted to our complex and contradictory attitudes towards death. Rare artists' prints are displayed together with anatomical illustrations and sentimental postcards, human remains join Renaissance vanitas paintings and Mexican papier-mache sculptures celebrating the Day of the Dead showing that death remains a source of powerful inspiration for many artists today.

And BBC Storyville, working with more than 70 broadcasters round the world, is hosting a debate about contemporary poverty with Why Poverty? A series of 8 ground breaking international documentaries screened in 180 countries to explore why, in the 21st century, a billion people still live in poverty.

Producer: Hilary Dunn.

SAT 20:00 Archive on 4 (b01nwp35)
Regulating the Press

As the British press braces itself for the Leveson Report, Steve Hewlett explores past attempts to regulate it - or encourage it to regulate itself.

Steve begins by discovering how offending publishers were treated in the seventeenth century, when if you were flogged down Fleet St to the pillory you were getting off relatively lightly.

With the help of original documents from the period, he traces how, once licensing was lifted in 1695, the ideal of the free British press was born, only for real journalists and publishers to find themselves encumbered by taxes, libel laws and political influence.

In the 1920s, the rising divorce rate gave journalists ample opportunity to report the salacious sexual details revealed in the consequent flurry of court cases.

After a long period when governments had largely given up trying to regulate the press, the hardline Home Secretary, Sir William Joynson-Hicks moved a law to ban such unpleasantness.

However, it was only after the Second World War that there was a new series of attempts not to regulate the press by law, but to find a way to avoid that - by fostering self-regulation.

Steve finds out why the post-war period saw no less than three Royal Commissions on the Press - only for these to be followed by widespread objections in the 1980s that the press was out of control.

Instances like the publication of a rape victim's photograph and some of the reporting of the Hillsborough disaster, along with political objections to the invasion of privacy, were followed by yet another Inquiry, led by Sir David Calcutt.

And so, in 1990, the Government announced that the press was being given one final chance to make self-regulation work - or legal controls would follow.

But that never happened. The Calcutt Report led to the setting up of the Press Complaints Commission, but was then shelved - a fact that has not gone unnoticed by Lord Justice Leveson.

Producer: Phil Tinline.

SAT 21:00 Classic Serial (b01nt015)
Rebus: The Black Book

Episode 1

1/2. Ian Rankin's maverick detective, Inspector John Rebus, investigates an unsolved murder with the help of a notebook full of coded clues.

Dramatised in two parts by Chris Dolan.

When DS Brian Holmes is left in a coma after being severely beaten, Rebus discovers his colleague's black notebook contains coded clues on a case involving arson and murder. Five years before, a mysterious fire burned down Edinburgh's seedy Central Hotel. All the staff and customers were accounted for but an unidentified body was found in the rubble. The post mortem revealed the victim had died from a bullet through the heart before the fire broke out.

Producer/director: Bruce Young.

SAT 22:00 News and Weather (b01ntlrg)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by weather.

SAT 22:15 Moral Maze (b01ntgw5)
The Moral Code of Social Media

If Lord McAlpine decides he's going to sue those who wrongly accused him of being a paedophile any lawyers he consults could be extremely busy in the coming weeks. Not only would they have Newsnight and the BBC in their sights, but also those who named the peer on Twitter and other social networking sites. Newsnight and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism that combined forces to produce the initial report may be clinging on to the fig leaf that they didn't name Lord McAlpine, but they published all the clues like a scattered mosaic and it didn't take very long for those on social networks to put them all together, wrongly as it happens and in some cases perhaps maliciously. The internet feeding frenzy over who could be the top-Tory paedophile grew to such a fever pitch that Phillip Schofield, presenter of ITV1's This Morning, on a live programme and without any evidence to back it up, gave a list of names he'd printed off the internet to the Prime Minister and invited him to investigate them. The situation at the BBC is serious, but those involved will be identified and some could lose their jobs and careers as a result. But how should we deal with the almost countless thousands of people who used the internet to destroy the character of an innocent man they didn't know and who seemed, from many of their tweets at least, to take great pleasure in doing so? Twitter and other social media were supposed to be the tools to bring freedom of thought and expression to the internet; the ultimate democratiser giving anyone a voice to broadcast their thoughts to the world. Is freedom of speech on the net so important that we have to accept that the occasional witch-hunt and trashed reputation is the price some people have to pay for the rest of our rights and entertainment? Does the speed, anonymity and mimetic quality of social media make them uniquely malicious? Or are we in danger of blaming the medium, rather than the message - all Twitter has done is lay bare our baser instincts; our love of gossip and the mob mentality that feeds on the weak and vulnerable? And as we and traditional media increasingly tap in to this digital fog of instant comment, rumour and innuendo are we in danger of losing sight of a fundamental value - truth?. Combative, provocative and engaging debate chaired by Michael Buerk with Michael Portillo, Kenan Mailk, Giles Fraser and Claire Fox. Witnesses: Jamie Bartlett -
Director of the Centre for the Analysis of Social Media and Head of the Violence & Extremism Programme, Demos, David Allen Green - head of media at Preiskel & Co and legal correspondent of the New Statesman, Vicky Beeching - Visiting Research Fellow in Internet Ethics, University of Durham; theologian and social media consultant, John Rentoul - Chief political commentator for The Independent on Sunday, visiting fellow at Queen Mary, University of London.

SAT 23:00 Round Britain Quiz (b01nt3xy)
What tasteful connection might there be between Carmen Miranda above the neck, Josephine Baker around the waist, and Lady Gaga from head to toe?

Northern Ireland take on the Welsh in the penultimate clash of the current series, and this is just one of the puzzles they'll be asked to unravel this week. Tom Sutcliffe asks the questions and provides the teams with the hints they may need to nudge them towards the solutions - but the more clues they need, the smaller their scores will be.

Polly Devlin and Brian Feeney play for Northern Ireland, and David Edwards and Myfanwy Alexander for Wales. Both will be hoping to add to their tally of victories across the series, to propel them as far as possible up the final table.

Producer: Paul Bajoria.

SAT 23:30 Poetry Workshop (b01nt07k)
Series 2

Episode 2

Ruth Padel meets poets from East Suffolk to work on some poems in progress. Testing and revising as they go, in a spirit of supportive criticism. Tough love for poems.
Poetry Workshops are gathering all over the country. In the back rooms of pubs, in libraries and in front rooms, poets meet to hone their craft and sharpen their verse.
Ruth and the group work on three very different poems on the theme of 'darkness' - poems that evoke mystery, longing and sadness. In the process they consider the pros and cons of abstractions and the effective use of titles in a poem. The group are ruthless yet supportive as they chuck out words and redraft; listening, pruning and testing their work as they go.
The group discuss the techniques, inspiration, wordplay and imagination that make poetry so enjoyable and rewarding. As well as working on their own poems, the group consider a poem by Lavinia Greenlaw called 'Night Photograph.'
Producer: Sarah Langan.


SUN 00:00 Midnight News (b01nwh5m)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SUN 00:30 Vasily Grossman from the Frontline (b0144ybv)
Through Chekhov's Eyes

Elliot Levey reads Vasily Grossman's front line despatches from the battle of Stalingrad 1:Through Chekhov's Eyes. In the war of the rats snipers like Anatoly Chekhov reigned. Translated by Jim Riordan.

Vasily Grossman, author of Life and Fate, was transformed by his experiences as a front line war correspondent. Following the shock invasion of the Soviet Union in June 1941, Grossman volunteered for front line duty. Declared unfit for active service he was assigned to Red Star newspaper as a special correspondent. His editor David Ortenberg noted that Grossman, despite no combat experience, knew about 'people's souls' .

1: Through Chekhov's Eyes. Red Star 20th November 1942.
'I wanted to become the sort of man who destroys the enemy with his own hands'. The cult of the sniper emerged spontaneously during the Stalingrad conflict. The 'Stalingrad Academy of street fighting' became a new kind of war where every floor, every building, every block became its own front line. Here a sniper could extract a terrible and personal vengeance upon the German invaders who had forced the Soviets to the very banks of the river Volga. Encouraged by their commanders, lionized by journalists like Grossman, the sniper became a heroic symbol of steely determination. Here Grossman delivers a portrait both intimate and heroic of a young man transformed by war amidst the ruined city.

Chekhov, along with Vasili Zaitsev, was already a star with 35 kills in the heaviest fighting of October. According to Grossman's editor, General Ortenberg, the writer spent many hours with Chekov in his firing post by a wrecked wall. Chekhov would later be credited with 256 'sticks' or enemy soldiers.

Reader Elliot Levey
Translator Jim Riordan
Producer Mark Burman.

SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh5p)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01nwh5r)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh5t)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 05:30 News Briefing (b01nwh5w)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (b01nx324)
The bells of St Mary Magdalene, Chewton Mendip, Somerset.

SUN 05:45 Profile (b01nwp31)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 News Headlines (b01nwh5y)
The latest national and international news.

SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b01nx326)
In the Fullness of Time and At the End of the Day

Irma Kurtz considers the origins and uses of clichés.

She finds that, although many of our most often used clichés originated with Shakespeare, newly minted clichés appear every day. She reflects that clichés can be convenient truisms that keep us linked to our heritage and community - but also potentially dangerous generalisations.

To help explain her thesis we hear readings from the works of Shakespeare, Bernard Levin and Daisy Ashford, and music from Ravel, Cole Porter and Frank Loesser.

The readers are Liza Sadovy and Col Farrell.
The producer is Ronni Davis.
A Unique production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 06:35 Living World (b01nx328)
Centipedes and Millipedes

We are all familiar with these long cylindrical animals running across the soil in our gardens when we disturb a pot or some vegetation; their many segmented legs carrying them swiftly to safety. But how many of us really know what a centipede or a millipede actually is? Superficially they may look like the same species, but there are many differences. For this Living World, Chris Sperring heads off into the Oxfordshire countryside with Myriapod specialist Steve Gregory on a personal quest to find out more.

On suitably damp and overcast autumnal day Chris discovers there are remarkable differences in the ecology of the predatory centipede and the unrelated dead wood specialist the millipede. It turns out that centipedes and millipedes are as distantly related from its other as they are from spiders or flies. Learning that the easiest way to tell them apart is that centipedes are fast moving and have one pair of legs per body segment, Steve then reveals that Millipedes have two pair of legs on each body segment and are much slower when disturbed, often rolling up into coil or ball.

Distantly related land dwellers of lobsters and crayfish centipedes and millipedes have evolved to a life on the land, one of the oldest terrestrial fossil is a millipede, but they are more at home in moist leaf litter or behind rotting bark where they can hide away from predators during the day, coming out at night to feed. Autumn is a perfect time to look for these cylindrical species so beginning in a beech woodland the programme moves to an ancient wood near the banks of the River Thames where Steve reveals how well adapted these two species are to this moist habitat and how important they are in the life cycle and health of our woodland and garden ecology.

SUN 06:57 Weather (b01nwh60)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 07:00 News and Papers (b01nwh62)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 07:10 Sunday (b01nx32b)
As workers across Europe protested about austerity measures this week, the far right Golden Dawn party in Greece continues to grow and even has support from some parts of the Greek Orthodox Church. Edward speaks to Greek journalist Theopi Skarlotis.

Abu Qatada was released from prison this week instead of being extradited to Jordan as the government wished. But how is he viewed in the wider Muslim community? Edward speaks to Mohammad Safiq of the Ramadan foundation.

Seven years ago Dorian Jones filed a report for us on the return of Suriyani Christians to southeast Turkey. Now he returns to the region to report on the new challenges they face.

The Anglican Church around the world is digesting the news of Justin Welby's appointment as the new Archbishop of Canterbury. Our World Affairs correspondent Mike Wooldridge is currently travelling with Daniel Deng, the Archbishop of Sudan, and asked him for his views.

The Church of England General Synod meets next week and may finally vote to approve women Bishops. Edward talks to The Times Religion Correspondent Ruth Gledhill.

Is it acceptable for football supporters to chant Yid Army? Trevor Barnes examines whether the phrase is offensive to Jews and if action needs to be taken.

The diocese of Chichester has once more been the centre of Anglican child abuse allegations this week. Edward discusses the effectiveness of current safeguarding policies within the church in light of these developments with Bishop Paul Butler and Barrister Ann Lawrence.

Tensions continue to rise in the Middle East as Israel calls up thousands of reservists and considers a ground offensive into Gaza. Edward talks to Oliver McTernan from Forward Thinking who works extensively in the region and has just returned from Gaza.

SUN 07:55 Radio 4 Appeal (b01nx32d)
Children in Need

Sir Terry Wogan appeals on behalf of Children in Need.
Donations: Please call 0345 7 33 22 33 (Calls to 03 numbers are charged at standard geographic rates). You can give online at or send cheques to BBC Children in Need Appeal, PO Box 1000, London W12 7WJ.

SUN 07:57 Weather (b01nwh64)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 08:00 News and Papers (b01nwh66)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (b01nx32g)
I am not the same. Prisons Sunday is marked with a service from the church of St Peter de Merton and St Cuthbert in Bedford. The church stands in the shadow of Bedford Prison and the congregation is building links with the prison chaplaincy there. The RSCM Millennium Youth Choir leads the music and the service is led by the Co-ordinating Chaplain of Bedford Prison, the Revd Sharon Grenham-Toze.
Director of Music: David Ogden
Organist: Daniel Moult
Producer: Clair Jaquiss.

SUN 08:50 A Point of View (b01ntm31)
Mary Beard: Age of Consent

Producer: Adele Armstrong.

SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (b01nx32j)
News and conversation about the big stories of the week with Paddy O'Connell.

SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (b01nx32l)
For detailed synopses, see daily episodes

Writer ..... Tim Stimpson
Director ..... Julie Beckett
Editor ..... Vanessa Whitburn

Kenton Archer..... Richard Attlee
Shula Hebden Lloyd..... Judy Bennett
Daniel Hebden Lloyd..... Louis Hamblett
David Archer..... Timothy Bentinck
Ruth Archer..... Felicity Finch
Josh Archer..... Cian Cheesbrough
Elizabeth Pargetter..... Alison Dowling
Tom Archer..... Tom Graham
Brian Aldridge..... Charles Collingwood
Jennifer Aldridge..... Angela Piper
Matt Crawford..... Kim Durham
Lilian Bellamy..... Sunny Ormonde
Peggy Woolley ..... June Spencer
Jolene Perks..... Buffy Davis
Fallon Rogers..... Joanna Van Kampen
Jamie Perks..... Dan Ciotkowski
Joe Grundy..... Edward Kelsey
Emma Grundy..... Emerald O'Hanrahan
Edward Grundy..... Barry Farrimond
Neil Carter..... Brian Hewlett
Susan Carter..... Charlotte Martin
Brenda Tucker..... Amy Shindler
Lynda Snell..... Carole Boyd
Lewis Carmichael..... Robert Lister
Jim Lloyd..... John Rowe
Paul Morgan..... Michael Fenton Stevens
James Bellamy..... Roger May
Leonie Snell..... Jasmine Hyde
Rhys Williams..... Scott Arthur
Volunteer..... Janice McKenzie.

SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (b01nx32n)
John Lloyd

Kirsty Young's castaway this week is the director, producer and writer, John Lloyd.

His work has been making us laugh for over thirty years: Spitting Image, Not The Nine o'Clock News, Blackadder and QI are just a handful of the programmes he's helped to create. If the comedy work ever dries up he could open a shop selling second hand Baftas - he's won a stack of them and a Grammy and an Emmy.

Which isn't to say it's been an easy ride - fall outs, multiple sackings and missed opportunities have peppered his stellar career in comedy. He says,

"I like starting things ... there are starters and finishers in life, that's the great divide ... I like the fight and the passion and the difficulty - well I don't like it, but it's what I do".

Producer: Cathy Drysdale.

SUN 12:00 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b01nt3y6)
Series 58

Episode 1

The 58th series of Radio 4's multi award-winning 'antidote to panel games' promises yet more quality, desk-based entertainment for all the family. The series starts its run at the Grove Theatre in Dunstable, where regulars Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor are joined on the panel by Tony Hawks, with Jack Dee as the programme's reluctant chairman. Regular listeners will know to expect inspired nonsense, pointless revelry and Colin Sell at the piano. Producer - Jon Naismith.

SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (b01nx3pc)
Rethinking the hot dog

Originally the street food of German immigrants to the United States, the hot dog was the original artisan sausage in the late nineteenth century before going 'downscale' and becoming the cheap food for the masses. Now not just a watery, synthetic thing from a can, a new breed of pedigree frankfurter is on the rise. Tom Parker Bowles reports.

Producer: Maggie Ayre.

SUN 12:57 Weather (b01nwh6b)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (b01nx3pf)
The latest national and international news with Norman Smith, including an in-depth look at events around the world. Email:; twitter: #theworldthisweekend.

SUN 13:30 The Invention of... (b01ns477)

Episode 3

On February 15 1898, an American warship blew up suddenly and sank. The USS Maine had been moored in Havana harbour, sent by President McKinley from Key West to protect American interests in Cuba. It's still unclear if Spanish colonial forces were in anyway responsible for the sinking of the USS Maine. What we know for certain is that the brief, bloody war that followed completely changed the world.

In the third and final programme of The Invention of Spain, Misha Glenny charts imperial decline, from the early independence of Colombia, Venezuela and Mexico, up to the 1898 war that saw Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines all break free. With contributrions from Cayetana Alvarez de Toledo, Sir John Elliott, and Samuel Moncada, historian and Venezuelan ambassador to London. "The point is why do they (the colonies) follow Spain so long ? That is the miracle, not independence."

Misha Glenny is a Sony award winning broadcaster. His previous collaborations with producer Miles Warde include The Invention of Germany,.

SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b01ntlsf)
Bishop's Castle, Shropshire

The GQT team is in Bishops Castle, Shropshire, for this week's programme. Eric Robson is joined by Chris Beardshaw, Pippa Greenwood and Matthew Wilson, plus special guest Nicholas Parsons as Gardeners' Question Time meets Just A Minute in aid of BBC Children in Need.

Produced by Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

This week's questions:

Q. Would it be possible to keep a tender Jasmine outside over the winter, if it was covered in fleece?

A. It will die if left outside, so it would be better to prune the jasmine down to a suitable size to be brought inside. If you want it to flower next year, you will need to leave some of this year's growth on the plant.

Q. Could the panel advise on growing damsons, plums and apples on our smallholding? It is1250ft above sea level and with strong prevailing winds.

A. Plant other species such as Euonymus, Birch or Willow, which could help create a shelterbelt. In addition, grow on very dwarf rootstocks and grow against the sides of any buildings or sheltered areas. Join your local fruit group, who will have a repository of knowledge of varieties that grow well locally.

Q. What treatment can be used to prevent the gall midge ruining my Hemerocallis lilies?

A. Promptly remove affected buds on a very regular basis.

Q. Can the panel suggest some evergreen plants that will grow to about 3ft (though they can be clipped) and be happy living in pots at 600ft altitude and with a southwesterly aspect?

A. With shelter, you could grow Artemisia Arborescens which has a distinctive smell, as do Helichrysum and Rosemary. Buxus Sempervirens and Buxus Rotundifolia (the cultivar 'Pylewell' is resistant to Box Blight) can be kept low, as can Taxus or other small topiarised Yews. The small-leaved forms of Ilex, such as Ilex Crenata, could be used. Japonicus Aureopictus is also suggested.

Q. Why can I not grow miniature cucumbers in large pots in an unheated greenhouse? The initial crop is prolific, but subsequent baby cucumbers turn yellow.

A. Try not to let temperatures fluctuate too much. Also, a small cucumber will need at least 2 litres of water a day in full growth.

Q. I would like to move my 12-year-old, 3ft tall monkey puzzle tree. Would it be OK to do this?

A. At this size and age there should be no problem, but remember to give it plenty of space, as they will get very big. Move it with as much of a root ball as possible - a foot or so either side of the trunk - and replant and water straight away.

Gardeners' Question Time Meets Just A Minute

For plenty more hesitation, deviation or repetition, you can listen to an extended version of the GQT recording with Nicholas Parsons from Just A Minute, all in aid of BBC Children in Need, on the programme page here:

There are lots of ways to donate to BBC Children in Need, details of which can be found here:

Ash Dieback Disease

Ash dieback is a serious disease caused by a fungus called Chalara fraxinea. The disease causes leaf loss and crown dieback in affected trees and can lead to tree death. Chalara Fraxinia is considered to be so serious a threat that the government's COBRA emergencies committee met to discuss it.

The Forestry Commission would like the public to help spot affected ash trees and to report them. The Commission's website has useful photos and a video guide on how to spot the symptoms and how to report suspected cases.

You can find this here:

There is also a smart-phone app that has been developed by the University of East Anglia that shows symptoms and allows suspected cases to be reported. More information on this app can be found at:

Affected trees can be reported using the following contacts:
In England and Wales, on the Chalara helpline: 08459 33 55 77 or email:

In Scotland, to Forestry Commission Scotland: 0131 314 6156 or email:

The Forestry Commission are appealing for everyone to think about bio security - in other words the possibility that fungus could be spread on footwear, clothing, gardening tools, even our pets - and, if out and about in gardens, parklands or countryside, to think about the need to clean anything that might have come in contact with the ground or the trees themselves before venturing out again.

SUN 14:45 The Listening Project (b01nx3pk)
Sunday Edition

Fi Glover hears about lives that have been improved by Children in Need grants to charities ranging from theatre groups to those offering support for victims of domestic violence.

In Scotland nine year old Matthew attends the theatre-based project Arts in Merkinch, while Stephanie has been helped to come to terms with her mother's death her counsellor at the Bridges Project in East Lothian. And from Stoke on Trent comes a conversation between Sarah and her 11-year-old daughter Maria (not their real names), who fled an abusive home five years ago and have been helped by Voices of Experience to create some of the happy memories that are the right of any child.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

SUN 15:00 Classic Serial (b01nx3pm)
Rebus: The Black Book

Episode 2

2/2. As Rebus investigates an unsolved murder someone kidnaps and suspends his brother over the Forth Bridge. Ian Rankin's novel is dramatised by Chris Dolan.

When DS Brian Holmes is left in a coma after being severely beaten, Rebus discovers his colleague's black notebook contains coded clues on a case involving arson and murder. Five years before, a mysterious fire burned down Edinburgh's seedy Central Hotel. All the staff and customers were accounted for but an unidentified body was found in the rubble. The post mortem revealed the victim had died from a bullet through the heart before the fire broke out.

The attack on his brother can only mean that Rebus is close to deciphering the secrets of the black book - but can he track down those responsible for the Central Hotel murder before they decide that it will take more than a warning to stop his investigation?

Other parts played by the cast.
Producer/director: Bruce Young.

SUN 16:00 Open Book (b01nx3rm)
Rachel Johnson on her latest book Winter Games

Mariella Frostrup talks to Rachel Johnson about Winter Games, her book set across two time zones - the 1936 Winter Olympic Games in Bavaria and pre-credit crunch 2006 London, in which a granddaughter seeks to understand her grandmother's exploits in Nazi Germany.

How many times have you never wanted the book you're reading to end or felt so involved in a character's life that you want to keep their company for longer than the final chapter allows. Or perhaps you're left on a cliff edge, desperately wanting to know why a character has acted in a particular way but left by the writer without closure. Mariella discusses the world of prequels and sequels with Ronald Frame, who has written Havisham, a prequel of Dickens' famous jilted bride in Great Expectations and Geraldine McCaughrean, who wrote the authorised sequel to JM Barrie's children's favourite Peter Pan.

Despite only writing five novels, in the late 1920s and early 30s, Dashiell Hammett re-defined the genre of detective fiction with his dark, hard boiled , gritty thrillers set on the mean streets of the United States.
Hammett's book The Maltese Falcon was famously made into a noir film with Humphrey Bogart playing his tough talking detective Sam Spade and his last novel The Thin Man not only spawned a popular film but also 5 sequels for a cinema going audience who couldn't get enough of the retired private investigator Nick Charles and his heiress wife Nora, along with their dog Asta
As two sequel novellas, which he used as an outline for those films are published under the title The Return to the Thin Man, Hammett fan Michael Carlson examines the man, his novels and his influence.

Producer: Andrea Kidd.

SUN 16:30 Poetry Workshop (b01nx3rp)
Series 2

Episode 3

Ruth Padel works with a group of poets who meet at Stalybridge Station buffet bar in Manchester. Testing their poems as they go, in a spirit of supportive criticism; tough love for poems.
Poetry Workshops are gathering all over the country. In the back rooms of pubs like this one, and in libraries and in front rooms, poets meet to sharpen their verse.
Ruth and the group work on three very different poems on the theme of 'journeys' - both symbolic and actual. One poem takes us to Zante via Watford Gap, one considers perspective and scale from on high, whilst another has a much darker tone. The group will pay particular attention this week to metaphor.
The group consider the use of metaphor in their poems that are touching, funny and perceptive. Ruthless support is applied as they chuck out each other's words and test and prune as they go.
They discuss the techniques, inspiration, wordplay and imagination that make poetry so enjoyable and rewarding. As well as working on their own poems, they also consider a poem by Carol Ann Duffy called Close.
Producer: Sarah Langan.

SUN 17:00 File on 4 (b01ntfwh)
The Zombie Effect

It's estimated there are up to 150,000 so called zombie companies in the UK. They are often defined as businesses which are only able to pay off the interest on their debts and have little prospect of growing without restructuring or an injection of cash.

The BBC's Chief Economics correspondent, Hugh Pym, examines businesses caught in this situation and looks at what effect they are having on the UK economy. He hears from business experts who say these companies are partly responsible for the poor levels of growth. They say banks have huge amounts of capital tied up in businesses which are currently going nowhere and that means they have less money available to invest in more dynamic operations which have the ability to grow and create jobs. They say the banks are also unwilling to lend because they need to build up reserves to absorb losses if these businesses eventually fail.

Private equity investors such as Jon Moulton say in some cases the companies should be allowed to fail in order to let new businesses come through. But Hugh speaks to the head of a major bank's restructuring unit which is responsible for managing companies in distress who argues these companies can be nursed back to health and it is better to keep them alive and save jobs.

This decision often involves what is known as forbearance by the banks - where they ease or modify the terms of the loan to give a company breathing space. This is happening not only in business, but in the mortgage market too where billions of pounds of loans have been converted from repayment to interest only.

Some economists warn many of these debts will never be repaid and this means the banks aren't admitting to the true level of losses they are facing. Even the governor of the Bank of England is now warning of the dangers of forbearance and says banks should ensure they have enough funds to be able to draw a line under their losses.
Presenter: Hugh Pym
Producer: Paul Grant.

SUN 17:40 Profile (b01nwp31)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh6d)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 17:57 Weather (b01nwh6g)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01nwh6j)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (b01nx4hz)
What a week it's been, full of anniversaries and swansongs. Some people have had to step aside and get a grip - notably an intrepid reporter and conservationist monitoring grey seal pups on the Orkney island of Copinsay. Then there's the recently unearthed speech of Dr Martin Luther King accepting an honorary doctorate - from Newcastle University of all places. Plus, we've a Norwegian who carved a drum out of a block of ice... in an overheated BBC recording studio. And managed to play it before it melted. It promises to be a packed programme so join me, Simon Parkes...for Pick of the Week

Charlie and Alfie's Breakfast Show - Radio Newcastle
Radio United - All BBC Radio Networks
90 x 90: The Pips - R4xtra
Alice's Restaurant - Radio 4
The Naughty Picture Committee - Radio 4
Regulating the Press - Radio 4
Enquirer - Radio 4
In Tune: The Ice Drum - Radio 3
90 x 90: Arthur Mullard - R4xtra
The Evening Programme - Radio Orkney
Tim Key & Gogol's Overcoat - Radio 4
Malala's Diary - Radio 4
Swansong - Radio 4.

SUN 19:00 The Archers (b01nx4j1)
Ruth and David are checking the cows for signs of bulling. Ruth's excited about introducing the new paddock system and she's pleased that Neil has got the permit for Josh to do paid work with the Willow Farm hens. David gets a letter from their insurers, giving the go ahead to rebuild the barn.
Although touched, that Phoebe is spending a lot of time with Vicky, he hopes she isn't wearing Vicky out. Hayley is worried about Duncan Simpson's report on Lower Loxley and whether it will affect her. He's recommended branching out to adult education, in which she has no experience. She's grateful when Roy offers to have a subtle word with Elizabeth to see what her thoughts are. Jim pops round for Hayley's advice on children's activities for Tree Dressing Day. She gives him a few good suggestions.
At Jaxx, Jim tells Fallon about Daniel's lavish 18th birthday party, and how Lynda tried to enlist him into her Elizabethan Christmas. Rhys turns up for a drink on his night off from The Bull. He chats to Fallon about her plans to try to bring more customers into Jaxx. Eventually, Rhys picks up the courage to ask her on a date. She's happy to accept.

SUN 19:15 The Golden Age (b01nx4j3)
Saturday Sports Parade

Tharb and Lord Reith have to help the King overcome a bizarre speech impediment, with the dubious aid of tempestuous children's presenter, Lancelot Wyndham.

Meanwhile, Mabel tries to revamp the BBC's flagship sports show, "Saturday Sports Parade".

Set in the BBC's Broadcasting House in London during the 1930s, this series follows head of programmes, John Tharb and his assistant, Mabel Hopcraft as they struggle to deal with the foibles and fragile egos of radio's biggest stars.

These include the perpetually drunk band-leader, Ronaldo and the most boring man in radio, Mallard Tofts. Tharb's task is not made any easier by having to constantly defer to the whims and wishes of his irascible boss, Lord Reith.

Robert Bathurst stars in the first radio sitcom to be written by Channel 4's Father Ted writer, Arthur Mathews.

Robert Bathurst.....John Tharb
Vicky McClure.....Mabel Hopcraft
Ford Kiernan.....Lord Reith
Peter Egan.....Lancelot Wyndham
Pippa Evans.....The Queen Consort
Kevin Bishop.....The King / Edward Fellowes
Ewan Bailey.....Gerald Merry

Producer: Simon Mayhew-Archer.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2012.

SUN 19:45 Astray (b01nx4y3)
Episode 1

Four short stories from Emma Donoghue's new collection Astray. These fact-inspired fictions, about travels to, in and from North America, focus on emigrants, runaways or drifters all gone astray for love or money, under duress or incognito. Emma's compassionate imagination crosses borders of race, law, sex, and sanity bringing the reader through a scattered scrap-book of history.

Man and Boy, read by Richard Lumsden, is a love story between two lifelong companions facing involuntary emigration in 1882 London. Two mutually devoted mammals who find their only lasting sense of home in each other.

Dublin born Emma Donoghue is an emigrant twice over; she spent eight years in Cambridge doing a PHD before moving to southwest Ontario where she now lives. Emma is probably best known for her international bestseller Room, winner of the Roger's Writers' Trust Fiction prize and the Hughes & Hughes Irish novel of the year and a finalist for the Man Booker. Emma has also written The Sealed Letter, Landing, Life Mask alongside many short story collections, most recently Three and a Half Deaths. Emma has also written drama for radio, theatre and screen.

Man and Boy was abridged by Doreen Estall and produced by Laura Conway.

SUN 20:00 Feedback (b01ntlsp)
Radio 4's forum for comments, queries, criticisms and congratulations. Presented by Roger Bolton, this is the place to air your views on the things you hear on BBC Radio.

In a week when the BBC's own troubles have filled the schedules, what do you think of the way the Corporation has covered its crisis? Have programmes like Today, Call You and Yours and the Media Show restored your faith in the BBC's journalism or indulged in pointless navel-gazing?

Also, Feedback goes to the Radio Festival in Salford to participate in a session about the relationship between programme makers and their audience. The Festival was packed with industry types - but light on listeners. So we decided to take three listeners along to hear their views on the matter.

And as the BBC marks its 90th anniversary, the Radio 4 comedy The Golden Age satirises the early days of broadcasting. But some listeners felt that the comedy missed the mark and was inappropriate given the BBC's recent troubles.

Presenter: Roger Bolton
Producer: Kate Taylor
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 20:30 Last Word (b01ntlsm)
Sir Rex Hunt, Valerie Eliot, Duke Vin, Susan Jeffers, Joe Melia

Matthew Bannister on

Sir Rex Hunt who was the Governor of the Falkland Islands when the Argentinians invaded. We have eyewitness accounts from Major Mike Norman who commanded the marines and Patrick Watts of the island's radio station.

Also Valerie Eliot who married the poet TS Eliot when he was 68 and she was 30. After his death, she became the gatekeeper of his literary legacy.

Duke Vin who introduced the first Jamaican style sound system to the UK after stowing away on the Empire Windrush.

The psychologist Susan Jeffers, who wrote the best selling book "Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway"

And the actor Joe Melia - playwright Peter Nichols pays tribute.

SUN 21:00 Money Box (b01nwp2q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Saturday]

SUN 21:26 Radio 4 Appeal (b01nx32d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 today]

SUN 21:30 Analysis (b01nt3yg)
Green Shoots from the Arab Spring

With the downfall of the former Egyptian president, Hosni Mubarak, political change has already happened in Egypt. But how has such a revolution affected the mindset of ordinary people in the region?

In this edition of Analysis, the writer, Christopher de Bellaigue, considers the consequences for Arab society of a new culture in which ordinary people openly question those in authority - not just in the political sphere but within the family and religious realm too.

The programme explores a number of examples: From an apparent new determination to resist paying bribes to public officials, through a greater desire to see active debate rather than passive obedience in the classroom, to the growth of salafists - conservative Muslims who advocate a return to the core texts of Islam and a less deferential attitude towards the traditional scholars.

Though not all these phenomena were unknown before the Arab Spring, the political revolution does seem to have fuelled their growth: Key to many appears to be the disappearance of personal fear - one unmistakable consequence of the demise of the Mubarak regime. Today, despite often remaining wary of the future, Egyptians are, it seems, fearlessly asserting their own views as never before, without seeking external validation.

Questions, however, remain: If a new, more assertive mentality is indeed emerging, who shares it - and crucially, who does not? Would such an increased personal conviction necessarily result in more pluralism, as is sometimes assumed in the west, or give greater voice to Egypt's innate social and religious conservatism? And what are the chances that it could survive the country's overwhelming economic and political problems?

Producer: Michael Gallagher.

SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (b01nx4y5)
Preview of the week's political agenda at Westminster with MPs, experts and commentators. Discussion of the issues politicians are grappling with in the corridors of power.

SUN 22:45 What the Papers Say (b01nx4y7)
George Parker of The Financial Times analyses how the newspapers are covering the biggest stories in Westminster and beyond.

SUN 23:00 The Film Programme (b01ntjpx)
Francine Stock and guests look at Michael Haneke's latest, Amour, starring Jean-Louis Trintignant and Emmanuelle Riva who face the end together in their Paris apartment. Is Haneke the greatest living European filmmaker? Dr Catherine Wheatley and critic Jonathan Romney consider.

Bradley Cooper discusses his dance around disruptive personality disorders in the romcom Silver Linings Playbook.

Fashion journalist Chris Laverty pulls apart Ben Affleck's garb in Argo.

And from 1970, there's romance - with more than a dash of satirical comedy - across the racial divide in a New York suburb on the verge of gentrification in Hal Ashby's The Landlord. We talk to its star, Beau Bridges.

Producer: Craig Smith.

SUN 23:30 Something Understood (b01nx326)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:05 today]


MON 00:00 Midnight News (b01nwh7g)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

MON 00:15 Thinking Allowed (b01ntg5h)
Decline of the weekend; British riots of 2011

What was behind the British riots? From Blackberry and gossip to hard facts and first hand accounts. Laurie Taylor talks to Daniel Briggs about his research into last year's summer of discontent and damage. A definitive account of the nature and causes of the riots of 2011. Also, is it all over for the weekend? The sociologists, Jill Ebrey and Guy Standing, ask whether or not the weekend as a time for rest, family life and pleasure, is threatened with extinction by contemporary patterns of work.

Producer: Jayne Egerton.

MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (b01nx324)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:43 on Sunday]

MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh7j)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01nwh7l)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh7n)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 05:30 News Briefing (b01nwh7q)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nx57x)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

MON 05:45 Farming Today (b01nx57z)
The dramatic decline in the UK bird population. Conservation groups say 44 million birds have been lost over the last 50 years; those figures include a significant decline in farmland birds. The RSPB warns that proposed changes to the common agricultural policy could impact severely on bird populations.

This year's poor wheat harvest has led Ensus - a UK based biofuels refinery - to import maize from Europe to meet the shortfall. Despite this, they tell Farming Today they are optimistic about the future of biofuel production in this country. But a campaigner from Biofuel Watch claims the biofuels industry is unsustainable and subsidies should end.

And Polly Proctor experiences the challenges facing vegetable growers during harvest. At an organic farm in Staffordshire where weeds and mud have meant leeks and beet are being left to rot in the field.

Presented by Charlotte Smith. Produced in Birmingham by Polly Procter.

MON 05:57 Weather (b01nwh7s)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.

MON 06:00 Today (b01nx581)
Morning news and current affairs with John Humphrys and Evan Davis. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.

MON 09:00 Start the Week (b01nx5jv)
Art and Design with Antony Gormley and Ron Arad

On Start the Week, Andrew Marr explores how Britain trains the artists and designers of the future. Christopher Frayling and Sarah Teasley celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Royal College of Art, the world's oldest art and design school. But one of its former teachers, the industrial designer Ron Arad argues for a broader arts education which doesn't split sculpture from painting, architecture from design. And the artist Antony Gormley redefines the limits of sculpture and building.
Producer: Edwina Pitman

MON 09:45 Book of the Week (b01nx5yh)
Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure

Episode 1

Artemis Cooper's biography charts for the first time the extraordinary life story of the celebrated travel writer and war hero who was as renowned for his feats of derring-do as for his sumptuous prose.

Not long expelled, wearying of London and the bright lights, with dreams of becoming a writer, the 18 year old Patrick Leigh Fermor embarked in 1933 on his epic walk across Europe which was to form the basis for his award-winning and best-loved books, A Time of Gifts and Between the Woods and the Water.

Read by Samuel West
Abridged by Miranda Davies
Produced by Gemma Jenkins.

MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01nx5yk)
Maria Miller MP; Anne McElvoy; Ilene Prusher

Women's Minister and Culture Secretary, Maria Miller MP. Woman's Hour Power List: Anne McElvoy on the women shaping public policy. How some women celebrate their menopause: retreats, parties, dances? Is it time to inject some light-hearted fun into hot flushes? And foreign correspondent Ilene Prusher tells us about her novel Baghdad Fixer.
Presenter Jane Garvey
Producer Kirsty Starkey.

MON 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nx5ym)

Episode 1

By Steve Chambers.

Marie discovers that being married to a professional musician is not all plain sailing. George is romantic and great fun but how much does Marie really know about her new partner?

Director: David Hunter

After a whirlwind romance and Mediterranean marriage to chirpy cockney George Marie's plans for a cosy Christmas a deux are derailed when he says the band's schedule has changed. But at least it will allow her to visit her recently bereaved dad.

MON 11:00 Revolutionary Radio (b01nxh1f)
A revolutionary General in Nicaragua asks what is more dangerous in the hands of the public - guns or microphones?

Over the past 90 years, radio has proved a powerful political force, not just for reporting on changes of government but also for sending out a call to arms during some of the biggest revolutionary uprisings of the 20th century. These events track radio's evolution, from its rise as an exciting new technology used by the Bolsheviks to demonstrate their modernity to its reported demise amid the social media buzz of the Arab Spring.

Fi Glover speaks to those who participated in these events, as well as ordinary listeners who stood by their radios during extraordinary times.

In Prague, May 1945, William Greig calls for American assistance amid Nazi machine gun fire. In Greece, Antonia Moropoulou recalls Junta Military Police playing her student radio broadcasts during her incarceration in 1976. And in Serbia, Dusan Masic describes reading the news to the masses protesting below from the window of B92 radio during a government shutdown. Together they will tell the story of how radio became such a revolutionary medium.

Producer: Kate Lamble
A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 11:30 55 and Over (b01nxh1h)
Episode 2

Ray and Jane are both starting over with new paramours half their age. Despite the age gap it seems older does not always mean wiser.

Apparently it's not only teenagers that act like love-struck, tongue-tied fools.

Juliet Stevenson and Philip Jackson star in Peter Souter's comedy about love, sex and other foolhardy mistakes made by the modern 50-pluser.

Jane ..... Juliet Stevenson
Ray ..... Philip Jackson
Tony ..... Patrick Brennan
Heather ..... Liza Sadovy
Honey ..... Stephanie Racine
Sam ..... Adam Nagaitis
Honey's Dad ..... Robert Blythe
Portia ..... Sarah Thom

Director: Helen Perry

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2012.

MON 12:00 You and Yours (b01nxh1k)
Consumer minister Jo Swinson takes your questions

Got a gripe? The Consumer Minister Jo Swinson responds to your questions.

Some bank customers are so proud of the pictures on their new personalised credit cards that they can't wait to share them on Facebook. Bad idea. Find out why you should stop doing it immediately.

And just imagine the scenario... It's a rainy night. You're driving. You get a puncture. But when you pull over and delve inside the boot, there's no spare tyre! Guess what? More and more car companies are selling vehicles without spare tyres. We find out why and if there's anything you can do about it.

MON 12:57 Weather (b01nwh7v)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 13:00 World at One (b01nxh1m)
National and international news presented by Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

MON 13:45 On the French Fringe (b01nxh1p)
That Film Festival Fixation

Kirsty Lang and Lucy Ash take a series of snapshots off the beaten track in France, looking at the state of the nation through the prism of arts and culture. Along the way they meet an eclectic mix of artists, writers and performers.

France boasts 168 annual film festivals, possibly more than all the other countries in the European Union put together. Some are famous, like Cannes. Some are obscure, like one on the Ile de Groix off the coast of Brittany exclusively devoted to films about islands. Or the celebration of detective films in the little town of Beaune, more famous for Burgundy reds than blood-soaked thrillers.

Lucy and Kirsty visit Aneres, a remote village in the Pyrenees, (population 150) which hosts a silent film festival. The slogan is "Silent Cinema - Talking Piano" and they discover that the annual get-together, which began with the revival of the village cafe, now attracts top-class musicians from across France, many of whom compose original scores for films made before their grandparents were born. There is no entry fee - the audience is encouraged to 'feed the pig' - a huge piggy bank for donations outside the main screen in the village hall. But as the organiser Sylvain Airault admits, he relies on generous state subsidies which are under threat in this climate of austerity.

MON 14:00 The Archers (b01nx4j1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Sunday]

MON 14:15 Drama (b01nxh1r)

Best known as an actor, Nicholas Gleaves' debut radio play Sunk stars the legendary snooker player John Virgo as himself.

Sunk is the story of young man, Willets, who has struggled to find the right path in life.

Haunted by his past and having spent his life feeling invisible and inconsequential, Willets is determined to make a change by pursuing his dream of becoming a champion snooker player. Can John Virgo help him realise his dream.

Directed by Celia de Wolff
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 15:00 Round Britain Quiz (b01nxh1t)

What's the aesthetic connection between Sewell's horse, Perrault's princess, the object of Spacey's affection, and a South London insect?

Tom Sutcliffe invites the regular teams from Scotland and the North of England to tackle this and other cryptic puzzles, in the last clash of the current series. By tradition, the questions in this final programme have all been suggested by Round Britain Quiz listeners, and the teams will need to be on their mettle to deal with the listeners' ingenuity.

Michael Alexander and Alan Taylor play for Scotland, and Adele Geras and Jim Coulson represent the North of England. Both teams will be making a last-ditch effort to increase their standing in the RBQ league table for 2012. The questions, as always, are available to read on the Round Britain Quiz pages of the BBC Radio 4 website.

Producer: Paul Bajoria.

MON 15:30 The Food Programme (b01nx3pc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:32 on Sunday]

MON 16:00 Expressing Pain (b01nxh2l)
Physical pain often refuses to be contained or accurately expressed through language. We struggle to use our day-to-day vocabulary to communicate acute hurt or discomfort, our words feel inadequate and our pain can be as difficult to articulate as a similarly acute feeling - love.

Dr Stuart Flanagan often feels frustrated at the difficulties in understanding his patients' private pain. While he tries to manage their pain, there is a gap between the experience of the patient and his understanding of their personal, lived-in anguish. Here he explores what art can teach him about physical pain.

Since antiquity, artists, musicians and poets have depicted physical agony in their work. With the help of art critic Rachel Campbell-Johnston, Dr Flanagan examines paintings from artists as diverse as Jackson Pollock, Edvard Munch and the Chapman Brothers to explore how they express pain. In communicating pain through art, does it become, paradoxically, something healing and of great beauty?

Poet Pascale Petit, author of What the Water Gave Me: Poems after Frida Kahlo, explains how she thinks 'art works on the pain spectrum' and chronic pain sufferer and artist Deborah Padfield tells Stuart about her inter-disciplinary work, working with chronic pain patients to create visual representations of their pain.

Together they go to meet James, a 26-year old father from Cardiff, who suffers with severe chronic pain and struggles to articulate his agony to his family and physicians. Can patient and Doctor try to bridge this communication gap through art?

Produced by Rebecca Maxted
A Wise Buddah production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 16:30 The Infinite Monkey Cage (b01nxh2n)
Series 7

Space Exploration

The Infinite Monkeys are back and in the first of the new series Brian Cox and Robin Ince boldly go where no science programme has been before, as they discuss space exploration with Captain Jean Luc Picard himself, actor Sir Patrick Stewart; former quantum physicist Ben Miller; and Professor of Planetary Sciences, Monica Grady. They'll be discussing whether space really is the final frontier and whether, with the development of ever more sophisticated robotic space missions, do humans need to go to space at all? Are un-manned missions more cost effective and ultimately more efficient in terms of the scientific knowledge they generate, or is the need to explore unknown worlds, on this planet, or any other, the key to driving the progress of science?

Producer: Alexandra Feachem
Presenters: Robin Ince and Brian Cox.

MON 17:00 PM (b01nxh2q)
Eddie Mair with interviews, context and analysis.

MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01nwh7x)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 18:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b01nxh2s)
Series 58

Episode 2

The 58th series of Radio 4's multi award-winning antidote to panel games promises more homespun wireless entertainment for the young at heart. This week the programme pays a return visit to the Grove Theatre in Dunstable. Regulars Graeme Garden, Barry Cryer and Tim Brooke-Taylor are once again joined on the panel by Tony Hawks with Jack Dee in the chair. At the piano - Colin Sell. Producer - Jon Naismith.

MON 19:00 The Archers (b01nxh2v)
Darrell and Vicky meet in the village shop. He tells her his new job is going well. Vicky's excited about Mike's photo shoot for Borsetshire Life but Darrell's never heard of the magazine.
Leonie is feeling delicate after a late night, and James attempts chaotically to cook her some breakfast. He sets off the smoke alarm so Lilian takes over.
Vicky is fussing over Mike about what clothes he should wear for his photo shoot for Borsetshire Life. Mike wants to wear his work clothes but Vicky wants him to dress to impress. Out on location, Mike finds it hard posing for Corey the photographer. Vicky fusses over Mike's appearance. She also does her best to get in shot.
Lilian visits Darrell at the church at Fawcett Magna but it's a ruse. Paul is delighted to see her, and after showing her round the renovation, they go for a quiet pub lunch. Lilian tells him about her worries at home and at work. She enjoys talking to him and Paul insists she can contact him any time she needs to talk. It looks like it's going to get more intimate, but Paul pulls back and flustered Lilian buries herself in the menu.

MON 19:15 Front Row (b01nxh2x)
Derek Jacobi, End of Watch, Denise Mina

With Mark Lawson.

Actor Derek Jacobi talks about his new TV series, Last Tango In Halifax, co-starring Anne Reid, Sarah Lancashire and Nicola Walker. He also reflects on moving away from traditional character roles, his desire to appear in a film franchise, and whether he would ever return to the role of King Lear.

Crime writer Denise Mina discusses how she has worked on a graphic novel version of Stieg Larsson's best seller The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, and plans to adapt all three volumes of the Millennium Trilogy - each in two parts.

Jake Gyllenhaal stars in police drama End Of Watch. Based around the patrol teams in one of LA's toughest neighbourhoods, South Central, the film chronicles the day-to-day work of Gyllenhaal and his partner (Michael Peña). Naomi Alderman reviews.

David Gilmour's concert DVD is being released as an App. Beck's forthcoming work, Song Reader, is to be released in the form of 20 new songs available only as online sheet music. Neil McCormick, author and the Daily Telegraph's chief rock music critic, considers why musicians are finding new ways of bringing their music to listeners.

Producer Claire Bartleet.

MON 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nx5ym)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

MON 20:00 What Does Ed Miliband Really Think? (b01nxh2z)
Steve Richards, political columnist on "The Independent", presents the story of Ed Miliband's journey of ideas since he became the Labour leader two years ago.

The programme includes in-depth conversations with Ed Miliband himself, and his chief adviser and long-standing friend, Lord Wood, as well as the views of critics. It explores ideas which the Labour leader has embraced, from "predatory capitalism" to "predistribution" and "One Nation Labour".

The Miliband camp points to parallels with Margaret Thatcher's time as Leader of the Opposition. Like her, say his supporters, he is setting out a radical vision of a different economy during a time of financial crisis with an unstable government. But how valid is the comparison?

Ed Miliband tells Steve Richards: "She was a conviction politician and conviction really matters. In the 1970s, it was a similar moment, in the sense that an old order was crumbling and it wasn't 100 per cent clear what was going to replace it. The challenge of the future is who can rise to the scale of challenge that the country faces and who can create a project for how this country's going to be run that is genuinely going to make our economy work, not just for a few people but much more widely."

But critics argue that Miliband's ideas are too abstract or too limited. They say he may be big on vision, but seriously lacking in policy detail.

Producer: Leala Padmanabhan.

MON 20:30 Crossing Continents (b01nthz9)
The Mayor of Mogadishu

Andrew Harding meets the Mayor with the job of running Somalia's capital, Mogadishu. Can the man nicknamed "Tarzan" tackle mass corruption and the physical and psychological impact of years of brutal warfare?

Andrew joins Mohamed Ahmed Noor who, by request of the president, has returned with his wife and family from a life in London to try and clean up Mogadishu.

The mayor discusses his ambitious vision for a city, much of which currently lies in ruins. He proudly shows off the new Mogadishu Mall and talks about the constant risk of attack by the militant Islamist group al-Shabaab - and narrowly escapes death by a car bomb along the way.

Producers: Kate Forbes and Daniel Tetlow.

MON 21:00 Material World (b01ntjpz)
Quentin Cooper presents his weekly digest of science in and behind the headlines.

A report this week issued by Greenpeace, Friends of the Earth and the RSPB suggests that crucial mistakes in our carbon accounting procedures make burning biomass in the form of wood appear a better idea than it really is. In fact, they go so far as to suggest we'd be better off sticking with coal. Yet recently some of the UK's biggest coal-fired plants have announced big increases in their biomass mix. From Princeton University in the US, Tim Searchinger - upon whose work much of the report is based - outlines the thinking. Gaynor Hartnell, CEO of the industry's Renewable Energy Association disputes the report.

Also this week, many results form the different LHC experiments at CERN are being presented at a meeting in Kyoto. Many scientists' hopes over the years have been that the LHC will find unexpected results and discoveries that will herald the "New Physics" - the theories that will take us beyond the standard model. A favourite has been supersymmetry. This week, a new type of decay (a Bs meson decaying into a muon and an anti muon) has been observed at a rate that almost exactly supports the standard model, rather than anything more exotic. And as we go to air, even the recently discovered Higgs boson seems to be nothing more exciting than a bog-Standard Model Higgs. But are reports of supersymmetry's demise highly exaggerated?

In the Netherlands, researchers have been working out whether emotions may be transmitted between humans via "Chemosignals" in people's sweat. You don't smell them, they are neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but left on a sweaty rag and wafted under female's noses they elicited a fear-like (and a disgust-like) response.

And finally Lambert Dopping-Hepenstal of consortium ASTRAEA talks to Quentin about imminent testing of civilian applications for Unmanned Aircraft, AKA drones...

MON 21:30 Start the Week (b01nx5jv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 21:58 Weather (b01nwh7z)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 22:00 The World Tonight (b01nxh33)
Clashes between Hamas in Gaza and Israel continue into a sixth day.

Should MPs be allowed to job-share - we hear from one who thinks so.

The latest from the DRC as rebels advance.

With Carolyn Quinn.

MON 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01nzcb7)
The Liars' Gospel

Episode 6

In her new novel, award-winning author Naomi Alderman imagines the world of Roman-occupied Judea and the fate of a charismatic Jewish preacher named Yehoshuah.

A year after Yehoshuah's death, four people tell their stories - his mother, Miryam; his former friend and follower Iehuda of Qeriot; the High Priest at the great Temple in Jerusalem, Caiaphas and the rebel, Bar-Avo.

In today's episode, the High Priest Caiaphas is put under pressure by the Roman Prefect Pilate.

Read by David Horovitch
Abridged by Sally Marmion
Produced by Emma Harding.

MON 23:00 Mastertapes (b01nxh35)
Series 1

Paul Weller (the B-Side)

John Wilson continues with his new series in which he talks to leading performers and songwriters about the album that made them or changed them. Recorded in front of a live audience at the BBC's iconic Maida Vale Studios. Each edition includes two episodes, with John initially quizzing the artist about the album in question in the A-side, and then the audience puts the questions. Both editions feature exclusive live performances.

Programme 3, the B-side. Having discussed the making of "The Gift", the final album from the Jam (in the A-side of the programme, broadcast on Tuesday 13th November and available online), Paul Weller responds to questions from the audience and performs acoustic live versions of some to the tracks from the album which was released 30 years ago.

Complete versions of the songs performed in the programme (and others) can be heard on the 'Mastertapes' pages on the Radio 4 website, where all the programmes of the series can also be downloaded and other musical goodies accessed.

Producers: Paul Kobrak & India Rakusen.

MON 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01nxh37)
The Home Secretary rejects a Labour charge that last week's elections for the new Police and Crime Commissioners were a "shambles".

The head of Ryanair, Michael O'Leary, tells MPs that the idea of a hub airport in the Thames Estuary is "stupid" and "hare-brained".
MPs debate the creation of groceries ombudsman to oversee the relationship between suppliers and the big supermarkets.
In the House of Lords, Peers question a plan by George Osborne to allow employees to give up some employment rights in exchange for shares.

Susan Hulme and team report on today's events in Parliament.


TUE 00:00 Midnight News (b01nwh8w)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

TUE 00:30 Book of the Week (b01nx5yh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Monday]

TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh8y)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01nwh90)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01nwh92)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 05:30 News Briefing (b01nwh94)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nxh46)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

TUE 05:45 Farming Today (b01nxh48)
Suspected cases of Ash Dieback appear in domestic gardens for the first time. The Royal Horticultural Society tells Farming Today how gardeners should deal with the fungus. And Jeremy Cooke visits a Danish forest to see whether their devastated woodlands are beginning to recover from Chalara fraxinea.

The booming slug population is causing some farmers to double the amount of slug pellets they are using on crops. Water companies are now concerned about the levels of slug pellet chemicals in watercourses. Anna Hill heads to an East Anglian farm to see how one farmer is coping with this slug invasion.

And a poor wheat harvest in the Ukraine has led to speculation that another Ukrainian wheat export ban is inevitable. In 2007 similar action led to the global food crisis. Jack Farchy from the Financial Times discusses the impact on financial markets and UK food prices.

Presenter: Anna Hill. Producer: Melvin Rickarby.

TUE 06:00 Today (b01nxh4b)
Morning news and current affairs with John Humphrys and Sarah Montague. Including Sports Desk; Yesterday in Parliament; Weather; Thought for the Day.

TUE 09:00 The Long View (b01nxh4d)
Appointing the Archbishop

Jonathan Freedland presents the programme which looks at the past behind the present. Today, with the lively debate over the appointment of a new Archbishop of Canterbury in mind, he travels back to the early 13th Century where the struggle was far fiercer. King John was determined to have his man in office, the Church secretly plotted to place their man in power and the Pope was forced to impose a solution that would lead to impasse and Kingly rage.

Producer: James Cook.

TUE 09:30 In Alistair Cooke's Footsteps (b01nxh4g)
New Orleans

Alvin Hall continues across the USA revisiting Alistair Cooke's Letter from America. This week he pursues Alistair's passion for jazz in New Orleans, the city where it all began.

Letter from America was Alistair Cooke's weekly radio broadcast that ran continuously for 58 years on the BBC, from 1946 to 2004. The BBC will be making available the entire archive - over 900 programmes - on the Radio 4 website, from November 1st. Cooke had set himself a challenge that seemed deceptively simple: to explain the United States to Britain and the world. His Letters achieved that and more. He was an acute observer, a marvellous story teller, a man who loved America but saw it in intensely clear terms - a country that was both great and sometimes terribly flawed in its greatness.

All the major issues, all the significant stories were grist for his writer's mill. The Korean War and the Cold War, desegregation, the assassinations of the Kennedys and Martin Luther King, the fall of Nixon, the rise of Reaganomics, immigration, September 11 and the George W Bush presidency.

But eight years after his death are the Letters still relevant? For Alvin Hall, the answer is emphatically yes. Crisscrossing America he tests the insights and observations of Cooke on subjects as diverse as desegregation and jazz, the American Dream and immigration. And Hall discovers that Alistair Cooke remains as fresh and insightful as he ever was when he wrote and spoke over all those years about an America he loved and understood so well. Alvin Hall is an internationally renowned financial educator, television and radio broadcaster, bestselling author, and regular contributor to magazines, newspapers, and websites. He is an unabashed admirer of Alistair Cooke and Letter from America.

TUE 09:45 Book of the Week (b01nxh4j)
Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure

Episode 2

Artemis Cooper's biography charts for the first time the extraordinary life story of the celebrated travel writer and war hero who was as renowned for his feats of derring-do as for his sumptuous prose.

The aspiring writer, on his epic quest across Europe, enters the Ottoman East.

Read by Samuel West
Abridged by Miranda Davies
Produced by Gemma Jenkins.

TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01nxh4l)
Justine Roberts; Movember woman; Natalie Duncan

Women bishops, Woman's Hour Power List: Justine Robert tells us about the women shaping family lives. Young women being taken on as apprentices. Natalie Duncan plays her song Grace. And, Movember...we're joined by a woman not shaving or bleaching her top lip to raise money for prostate and testicular cancer charities.
Presenter Jane Garvey
Producer Laura Northedge.

TUE 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxh4n)

Episode 2

By Steve Chambers

Marie's new husband George has been hurt in the Taunton rail crash. Marie thought he was playing Christmas gigs with his band in Scotland. She drives South to discover a whole lot more about the past of the man she married after a whirlwind romance.

Director: David Hunter.

TUE 11:00 Saving Species (b01nxh4q)
Series 3

Ash Dieback/Managing woodlands

"Plant a tree in 73" became a national slogan and very large numbers of trees have been planted over the decades since.

Ash die back has been widely reported in many programmes, especially news, in recent weeks and in this programme we ask whether the call to plant trees and desire to create new woodlands has in any way contributed to this fungal attack on Ash trees. We also ask how serious a threat diseases are to our trees.

Also in the programme - News from around the world with our regular news reporter, Kelvin Boot. And we'll update you on the activities of the Open University's iSpot.

Presenter: Brett Westwood
Producer: Mary Colwell.

TUE 11:30 Blues Run the Game (b01nxh4s)
Laura Barton reveals a lost gem of British folk music and tells the poignant story of its creator, Jackson C Frank.

With insurance money from a childhood accident Jackson C Frank migrated from New York to London in the mid-'60s, where his first album was produced by another ascendant young songwriter called Paul Simon. It was warmly received and Frank is spoken of as an influence on a generation of British folk performers.

And then, it seems, he disappeared from view. Little was heard from Jackson C Frank for decades.

Laura Barton speaks to some of those who knew him to find out about the lost years and the tragedy of the life of Jackson C Frank.

Featuring Jackson C Frank's friends Al Stewart, John Renbourn, Jim Abbott and John Kay.

Producer: Martin Williams.

TUE 12:00 You and Yours (b01nxh4v)
Call You and Yours: Can consumers make a difference?

Call You and Yours - Can consumers make a difference?

Last week executives from Starbucks, Google and Amazon were questioned by MPs on the Public Accounts Committee....they were being quizzed about the way they use favourable European tax jurisdictions for their UK businesses.

Following that, the Business Secretary Vince Cable condemned corporate tax avoidance as "completely unacceptable", but said that tackling the issue requires international agreement as well as domestic action.

Online there are calls for a consumer boycott of some of the companies criticised by MPs.....but is this the chance to send a genuinely powerful message to those involved, or an indulgent flash in the pan? Has direct consumer action ever succeeded in changing the policy of a profit focussed corporation? Would these businesses care, or even notice?

On Call You and Yours, we want to hear your views. Have you boycotted in the past, will you do so in the future....will it make a difference, has it ever done so before? Call us, too, if you're on the corporate side of this argument.....after all, tax avoidance is legal, so what's wrong with taking advantage of a system that the lawmakers apparently can't or won't change?

03700 100 444 is the phone number to call or you can e-mail via the Radio 4 website or text us on 84844.

Presenter: Julian Worricker
Producer: Maire Devine.

TUE 12:57 Weather (b01nwh96)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 13:00 World at One (b01nxh4x)
National and international news presented by Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

TUE 13:45 On the French Fringe (b01nzq4h)
Cartoon Crazy

Comics or Bandes Dessines are seen as "the ninth art" in France. Graphic novels are not just entertainment - they deal with serious topics from biography and philosophy to chronicling events like the Iranian Revolution and the Rwandan genocide. So why were the French the first to elevate comics to an art form rather than a geeky pastime?

Kirsty and Lucy talk to Jose Luis Bocquet about his vivid chronicle of the rollercoaster life of Kiki de Montparnasse -the famous beauty, artists' model and painter in her own right. In Paris, magazine editor Patrick de St Exupery explains why he commissions cartoonists to bring current affairs stories to a new audience. He says that the cartoons in XXI, which he set up as a French equivalent to the New Yorker, help to sell this glossy and expensive monthly magazine at a time when his competitors are closing down. And Lucy and Kirsty discover that Paris has several bookshops entirely devoted to selling graphic novels and cartoon books.

TUE 14:00 The Archers (b01nxh2v)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Monday]

TUE 14:15 Drama (b00w7856)
Blue Eyed Boy

A powerful and moving documentary-drama by Helen Cross, which tells the true story of her father, Lawrence, the evacuee who never went home. Told through improvised interviews and re-created actuality, the play is constructed as a documentary, as if it were happening now.

In 1944, when he was five years old, Lawrence Duncomb (Albie D'Urso) was evacuated from Blitz-torn London to Willerby, a village on the outskirts of Hull, and taken in by a childless couple. Lawrence had never eaten at a table before, never said prayers, never slept alone in a bed or had to mind his manners. Lilian (Jane Godber) is determined to raise him as a well-mannered Christian. She wants this substitute-child to accept and be grateful for all that she's offering. Her husband (John Godber) also knows she's desperate at the thought of the boy leaving her after the war. Soon Lilian starts to dream of ways of keeping him, even against his will.

Finely judged and authentic performances from a quality cast bring a poignant realism to this true story. The play concludes with an interview with the real Lawrence. He says he never stopped missing his mother and when he finally tracked her down as an adult, her first words were: 'I've been waiting for you to call.'

Director...Mary Ward-Lowery.

TUE 15:00 Making History (b01nxh4z)
History magazine programme.

TUE 15:30 Mastertapes (b01nxh51)
Series 1

Brinsley Forde (the A-Side)

John Wilson continues the series in which he talks to leading performers and songwriters about the album that made them or changed them. Recorded in front of a live audience at the BBC's iconic Maida Vale Studios, each edition includes two episodes, with John initially quizzing the artist about the album in question, and then, in the B-side, the audience puts the questions. Both editions feature exclusive live performances.

'New Chapter' - More than 30 years since its release, Brinsley Forde talks about Aswad's third studio album. Formed in Ladbroke Grove in West London, Aswad are the band that put UK reggae on the map. They were reknowned for their fusion of styles including dancehall, funk, hip-hop and dub and for bringing strong R&B influences to the reggae scene. New Chapter, their first album for CBS, was both a watershed for the group and a benchmark for British reggae and it features tracks like 'Natural Progression', 'Ina Your Rights', 'Candles' and 'African Children'. Released in 1981, it went on to influence the likes of Maxi Priest, Soul II Soul and Massive Attack.

In the B-side of the programme, it's the turn of the audience to ask the questions.

First broadcast on Radio 4, where a new series of Mastertapes began on 11th November.

TUE 16:00 Poor Reporting (b01nxzgk)
Nick Fraser asks what it takes to get people in the rich world engaged in the issue of global poverty, ahead of the major TV project 'Why Poverty', screening on the BBC in November. Nothing could be more important for the Western media yet, somehow, it never seems to get it right.

Fraser, editor of the BBC's Storyville, is in a unique position to examine the dilemmas. He has been working on the worldwide television project, reaching up to 500 million viewers, for the last three years. He reflects on the difficulties of selling a series on poverty and garners the opinions of others who have attempted to raise awareness around the globe. How can you avoid cliché, sentimentality and callousness? And what stops people turning off?

Fraser heads off to New York to meet an extreme example of his audience, earwigging among some of the wealthiest people on the planet, as they meet to discuss the war on want and attempt to address the world's ills.

Is poverty something the global rich care about or will watching a tear-jerking documentary simply salve their conscience as they plan their next holiday? And what part should the media play: reporting on things as they are or campaigning for how they should be?

Producer: Mark Savage.

TUE 16:30 A Good Read (b01nxh57)
Ben Goldacre and Michelle Paver

Strongly divergent opinions are aired on this week's edition of A Good Read as acclaimed children's author Michelle Paver brings Tove Jansson's 'Summer Book' to the table, a moving account of the relationship between an old woman and her granddaughter. We hear how she struggles with the choice of medical journalist Ben Goldacre, who discusses 'Testing Treatments', an account of how drug trials are conducted. Presenter Harriett Gilbert likes both, but proposes an autobiographical novel, 'Jigsaw' by Sybille Bedford, which for Goldacre misses the mark by a million miles.

Producer: Mark Smalley.

TUE 17:00 PM (b01nxh59)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Includes Weather.

TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01nwh98)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 18:30 Bleak Expectations (b01nxt2d)
Series 5

A Pleasant Yet Dull Life Re-Evilled

Pip Bin is beginning to miss the conflict with his absent evil nemesis Mr Gently Benevolent when he receives an intriguing invitation to a house party with Britain's poshest man, the Baron-Viscount-Marqu-earl-et the Lord-Dukey Clampvulture of Too-Many Titles.

But one of the other guests may not be all he seems....

Mark Evans's epic Victorian comedy in the style of Charles Dickens.

Sir Philip ...... Richard Johnson
Young Pip Bin ...... Tom Allen
Gently Benevolent ...... Anthony Head
Harry Biscuit ...... James Bachman
Clampvulture ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Ripely ...... Sarah Hadland
Pippa ...... Susy Kane
General Kartoffel-Kopf ...... Mark Evans

Producer: Gareth Edwards.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2012.

TUE 19:00 The Archers (b01nxt2h)
Roy and Elizabeth discuss plans for the upcoming Antiques Fair at Lower Loxley. Elizabeth asks after Vicky. Roy says all seems to be progressing okay. Roy tries to broach the subject of Hayley's work with Elizabeth but she's interrupted by a text from Freddie, who's going to be late from school so will be late for his maths lesson with Iftikar. Roy tries later but is interrupted again, when Kenton arrives to borrow some staging for the fashion show at The Bull.
Lilian goes to the office to finally take some of the work off Brenda. They have a catch up over a coffee, and Lilian discovers that Joyce is moving out of the house, because Arthur died. Lilian is shocked, and angry at Matt for not telling her. She confronts Matt, who insists that he told her and that she must have forgotten. Lilian is furious and storms out, telling Matt that Arthur's death should be on his conscience.
At the Fashion Show, Kenton has to take over as MC at the last minute because of illness. He's nervous but soon settles into it and enjoys the chance to ad-lib. Brenda notices he's even got Hilary Noakes smiling, which Elizabeth agrees is an achievement.

TUE 19:15 Front Row (b01nxt2k)
Neil Diamond; Costa Shortlists

With John Wilson.

Front Row reveals the shortlists for this year's Costa Book Awards. Gaby Wood of the Daily Telegraph and The Guardian's Alex Clark join John to discuss the nominations for the best first novel, novel, biography, poetry and children's book.

The morning after appearing on The Royal Variety Performance, American singer-songwriter Neil Diamond talks to John about his five decades in music.

Relationships, mental illness and a dance competition all come together in the film Silver Linings Playbook - starring Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Robert De Niro. After losing everything, and spending 8 months institutionalised, Pat Solitano (Cooper) returns to his family home with the goal of remaining positive and being reunited with his wife. Antonia Quirke reviews.

Producer Rebecca Nicholson.

TUE 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxh4n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

TUE 20:00 File on 4 (b01nxt2p)
Highways Agency

Fed up with road works? Stuck in a queue of traffic? The Government is promising big improvements for drivers who use motorways and major roads. It's looking for ways to increase private sector involvement and to boost investment. So what future for the body that currently manages the network in England? With the CBI calling for it to be scrapped, and with criticism from local authorities and motoring organisations, Allan Urry road asks whether it's the end of the road for the Highways Agency?
Producer: Ian Muir-Cochrane.

TUE 20:40 In Touch (b01nxt2r)
Listeners express their concerns that local councils are ignoring the needs of blind and visually-impaired people when implementing dog control orders and building new tram lines.
RNIB's Steve Winyard talked about the recent victory that RNIB had over Newham Council who failed to lay tactile paving in accordance with government guidelines.

TUE 21:00 All in the Mind (b01nxt2z)
New research by Professor Mary Cummings of MIT looks at the boredom threshold of drone operators.
In a simulated study with volunteers she discovered that operators distracting themselves by playing games, or checking e-mails could help improve the performance of UAV operators, air traffic controllers and nuclear power plant operators.

Author Sarah Wise talks to Claudia Hammond about the wealth of evidence she has uncovered about the rise, in 19th Century Britain, of the "mad doctor".

This new generation of medical men were powerful and corruptible, and there are many stories of difficult family members being locked up in lunatic asylums - or "living tombs" as they were called - in return for bribes.

And it seems that far from the classic view of women being the main victim of such skulduggery, moneyed men were more likely targets as relatives and business partners sought to get hold of their cash and property.

Suspicion and anger towards the asylum committal procedure crossed classes, and there were protests in the streets against "lunacy inquisitions".

It is often thought that the long term effects of neglect and abuse early in life mean that children are unable to form bonds with carers such as foster parents, but a new study from Professor Stephen Scott at the Institute of Psychiatry in London dispels this myth.

Producer: Geraldine Fitzgerald.

TUE 21:30 The Long View (b01nxh4d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 21:58 Weather (b01nwh9b)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (b01nxt31)
The Church Synod votes against women bishops; diplomatic efforts to reach ceasefire between Israel an Gaza as the conflict continues; and MP John McDonnell proposes a job-share proposal in parliament. Presented tonight by Ritula Shah.

TUE 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01nzch5)
The Liars' Gospel

Episode 7

In her new novel, award-winning author Naomi Alderman imagines the world of Roman-occupied Judea and the fate of a charismatic Jewish preacher named Yehoshuah.

A year after Yehoshuah's death, four people tell their stories - his mother, Miryam; his former friend and follower Iehuda of Qeriot; the High Priest at the great Temple in Jerusalem, Caiaphas and the rebel, Bar-Avo.

When a troublesome young preacher, Jehoshuah, causes chaos in the temple, Caiaphas is forced to hand him over to the Roman prefect, Pilate.

Read by David Horovitch
Abridged by Sally Marmion
Produced by Emma Harding.

TUE 23:00 The Infinite Monkey Cage (b01nxh2n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 on Monday]

TUE 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01nxt34)
Sean Curran with the day's top news stories from Westminster.


WED 00:00 Midnight News (b01nwhb5)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

WED 00:30 Book of the Week (b01nxh4j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Tuesday]

WED 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01nwhb7)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01nwhb9)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01nwhbc)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 05:30 News Briefing (b01nwhbf)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nxvhk)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

WED 05:45 Farming Today (b01nxvhm)
The global food company Vion announces it is putting all of its UK business up for sale. It is one of the largest meat processors in Europe employing 13,000 people at 38 sites in the UK. Farming groups say they are hopeful a buyer will be found to help ensure local producers can continue to supply livestock and poultry.

Researchers say they are hopeful a new kind of vaccine against Foot and Mouth is only a few years away following a grant of £5million.

And with only 24 hours to go before leaders from across Europe meet to thrash out the EU budget, Anna Hill talks to an Estate Manager about what subsidies mean for larger farms.

This programme is presented by Anna Hill and produced in Birmingham by Angela Frain.

WED 06:00 Today (b01nxvhp)
Morning news and current affairs with John Humphrys and Sarah Montague, including:

The Church of England has voted against allowing women to become bishops and it will be many years before it can even be discussed by the general synod again. It has been suggested that Westminster should step in, with parliament effectively forcing the church to change its rules on the basis that they are discriminatory. John Sentamu, Archbishop of York, speaks to the Today programme's John Humphrys.

There is still no sign of the hoped-for ceasefire between Israel and Gaza. Air strikes and rocket attacks have continued overnight. Parts of Gaza are now without power and another 20 Palestinians were reported to have been killed yesterday. And Israel says one of its soldiers and a civilian have been killed by the ongoing rocket attacks. Chatham House's Yossi Mekelberg and Col Richard Kemp from the Royal United Services Institute analyse the prospects for an end to the violence.

A report out this morning from the Office of the Children's Commissioner deals with the sexual exploitation of children outside their homes. There were 2,500 confirmed victims in the past year or so and more than 16,000 at high risk. The report's author, Sue Berelowitz, outlines its main findings and recommendations. And John Humphrys has been talking to the parents of one girl who was groomed and sexually exploited while she was in her early teens. Their voices are spoken by actors.

The great-great-great granddaughter of Charles Dickens will be giving a talk at Westminster today, not about her ancestor's novels but about his work as a parliamentary reporter. She joins Claire Tomalin, who's written a biography of Dickens, to speak to the Today programme's Sarah Montague.

WED 09:00 Midweek (b01nxvhr)
Lady Pamela Hicks, Ami James, Deborah Nadoolman Landis, Fergus Henderson

Libby Purves meets former Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen, Lady Pamela Hicks; tattoo artist Ami James; costume designer Deborah Nadoolman Landis and chef Fergus Henderson.

Ami James is a tattoo artist and star of the US reality TV series Miami Ink & NY Ink which follow Ami and his team in his tattoo shops. He has just opened his first London venture, Love Hate Social Club in Notting Hill with Huey Morgan of 'Fun Lovin' Criminals'.

Lady Pamela Hicks is the daughter of Lord Louis Mountbatten and was Lady-in-Waiting to the Queen when she was a princess and following her coronation. In her memoir, 'Daughter of Empire,' Lady Pamela tells of her extraordinary family and her time in India when her father was the last Viceroy. 'Daughter of Empire - Life as a Mountbatten' is published by Weidenfeld & Nicolson.

Professor Deborah Nadoolman Landis is a costume designer and curator of the Hollywood Costume exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. She is also chair of the David C Copley Centre for Costume Design at University of California, Los Angeles. The exhibition features classics such as Dorothy's blue and white gingham pinafore dress from The Wizard of Oz and more contemporary outfits including Meryl Streep's costume in The Iron Lady.

Chef Fergus Henderson MBE, known for his enthusiasm for offal, co-founded St John Restaurant in London in 1994. He was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease in 1998 and in 2005 had deep brain stimulation surgery which helped his mobility. His book 'The Complete Nose to Tail', written with baker Justin Piers Gellatly, is published by Bloomsbury.

Producer: Paula McGinley.

WED 09:45 Book of the Week (b01nxvht)
Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure

Episode 3

Artemis Cooper's biography charts for the first time the extraordinary life story of the celebrated travel writer who was as renowned for his feats of derring-do as for his sumptuous prose.

As a young solider in Crete, he devises the audacious plan which was to turn him into a war hero.

Read by Samuel West
Abridged by Miranda Davies
Produced by Gemma Jenkins.

WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01nxvhw)
Susan Boyle; Jude Kelly; Lone Frank

Susan Boyle on the changes to her life with fame and success. Woman's Hour Power List: Jude Kelly from the Southbank Centre discusses powerful women in the Arts. Lone Frank talks about her book My Beautiful Genome, shortlisted for the Royal Society Winton Prize for science books.
Presenter Jenni Murray
Producer Karen Dalziel.

WED 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxvhy)

Episode 3

By Steve Chambers.

Is Marie's new husband George a bigamist? The woman at his hospital bedside says she is married to him too. Who is Marie to believe? He is now conscious and wants to talk to her.

Director: David Hunter.

WED 11:00 From Worcester with Love (b01nxvq8)
Episode 2

Fifty years ago Peter White, at the age of eleven, left home for Worcester College. Then it was a residential school for blind and partially sighted boys. He had a love-hate relationship with it, but freely admits now that it changed his life and gave him the tools to compete in a tough world. Throughout the last academic year, Peter has returned to Worcester, to follow his twenty-first century successors: seven eleven- and twelve-year-olds, who have come to the school from a variety of backgrounds.

Much has changed. In the 1960's it was almost universally assumed that blind children would be educated together; now its far more common for them to attend mainstream schools. Worcester, now known as New College, is still residential; but pupils live in small houses, not in the institution itself, where they learn to cook, care for their clothes, and generally look after themselves. Its co-educational, and children go home far more often. Throughout the year, through a mixture of exchanged letters, and frequent visits, Peter and the current year seven pupils have been getting to know each other and comparing their experiences of school.

Nothing's been off-limits: the pupils have discussed homesickness, getting lost, bullying, a case of racism; and how the experience of living at New College is changing them. We've not only heard from the pupils; but staff, house-parents, and the children's families. They have proved to be a very varied, and engaging group of youngsters, who have talked very honestly about their experiences: Rufus: self-contained, fascinated by technology and delighted with Peter's tales of bad behaviour back in the sixties; Grace; clever, full of common-sense, but suffering badly from missing home and family. And then there's Zoey, the form all-rounder; bookworm, athlete, and learning to play the organ: Ali, obsessed with rap and the London street life he has left: but not quite as tough as he would like to make out; William, who is struggling to make friends and settle in and Jess, who describes daily dramas as she gets lost, battles with bees and plans mammoth sleep-overs at her London home.

From Worcester with Love follows the group through the year, as work gets harder, and the novelty wears off. Listeners will be able to track the engaging ins and outs as Will and Ali attempt to settle their differences and to find out how Angel, who revealed at the beginning of her year that she'd never had real friends before, copes with living away from home. Meanwhile Jess is considering whether to swap the hothouse atmosphere of a residential special school for the familiarities of home and the more Laissez-faire attitude of her local comprehensive. Peter follows what happens and is given pause for thought by an old school friend who actually works at the school today. How have things changed and what might life be like for those starting their secondary education at the blind school which played such an important role in shaping Peter's life.

Producer: Susan Mitchell


WED 11:30 Mr and Mrs Smith (b01blzkq)
The Music Festival

Will reluctantly accompanies wife Annabelle to a music festival. She brings her annoying friend Heather along.

Will Smith's sitcom about a couple in marriage counselling,

Counsellor Guy must mediate another dispute between Will and Annabelle, with flashbacks to the events that spawned the argument, and by the end, the couple find marital equilibrium once more. Sort of.

Will Smith ..... Will Smith
Annabelle Smith ..... Sarah Hadland
Guy ..... Paterson Joseph
Heather ..... Morwenna Banks
Various ..... Simon Bubb

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2012.

WED 12:00 You and Yours (b01nxvqb)
Benefit changes, energy tariffs, junk food on TV

It's claimed that the new Universal Credit, which will replace many existing benefits, could lead hundreds of thousands of social housing tenants into debt. Will the planned new energy tariffs lead to lower or higher bills? Are our children seeing too many TV adverts for junk food? The van hire company that's facing legal action over its reluctance to hand over customers' deposits
Producer: Jonathan Hallewell
Presenter: Aasmah Mir.

WED 12:57 Weather (b01nwhbh)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 13:00 World at One (b01nxvqd)
National and international news presented by Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

WED 13:45 On the French Fringe (b01nzq7v)
Street Theatre and a Giant Elephant

When the Sultan's Elephant made its way through central London in 2006, almost 1 million people turned out to see it, making it the most successful piece of street theatre ever performed in the UK. The giant French puppets have more recently appeared in Liverpool to mark the centenary of the Titanic's launch and sinking. But where did these towering animatronic creatures come from and who were the people pulling the strings?

Lucy and Kirsty go to Nantes, to find out how the street theatre company Royal de Luxe helped to transform this depressed former industrial city into a beacon of contemporary French culture. while retaining some of the traditional skills formerly used in shipbuilding. They meet its eccentric founder, Jean-Luc Courcoult , and see his latest show. They discover why the city's former mayor, Jean Marc Ayrault, now the Prime Minister, believes that investing in culture is key to promoting economic growth.

WED 14:00 The Archers (b01nxt2h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Tuesday]

WED 14:15 Drama (b00wdhq1)
Anita Sullivan - Selfless

Drew is brought into A&E by a car-driver who saw him come off his motorbike. He is concussed and has broken his ankle. But that's not all. Drew can't remember who he is or where he lives. He isn't carrying a phone and all he has in his wallet is a bank-card and a video-shop membership. The hospital will only discharge Andrew if he is watched for the next 24 hours. Owen, the driver, offers to put him up for the night. Owen is the perfect host and the flat is beautiful but it is on the third floor and the injured Andrew starts to feel trapped. The only thing he can remember is a phone number and a name - Elspeth.

Anita Sullivan's play is a psychological thriller locked in a claustrophobic space.

Produced and Directed by Kate McAll.

WED 15:00 Money Box Live (b01nxw21)

Ruth Alexander and a panel of guests answer your calls on the financial ins and outs of ending a relationship.

If you are divorcing, dissolving a civil partnership or splitting up after cohabitation, you'll be thinking about how to divide your assets, and any debts.

Selling a home, splitting a pension fund or arranging maintenance payments may all be on the agenda.

If you have a specific question, or don't even know really where to start, a panel of experts will be on hand to help.

You can email your questions in advance to Or the number to call is 03 700 100 444 - lines open at 1pm on Wednesday.

Presenter Ruth Alexander will be joined by Rachael Kelsey, partner at Edinburgh-based family law specialists Sheehan Kelsey Oswald; David Allison, partner at Family Law in Partnership; and Neil Bateman, independent welfare rights expert.

Producer: Bob Howard.

WED 15:30 All in the Mind (b01nxt2z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Tuesday]

WED 16:00 Thinking Allowed (b01nxw23)
Archaeology of homelessness; residential care revisited

Residential care revisited - Laurie Taylor considers Peter Townsend's landmark research, 'The Last Refuge', fifty years after its publication. Retracing Townsend's footsteps, a hundred, older volunteer researchers sought to find out what had happened to the 173 care homes in his classic study. Julia Johnson, one of the authors of the new study, charts the changes and continuities in care for older people in England and Wales. She's joined by Robin Darton, an expert in social care, Also, the archaeologist Rachael Kiddey, examines artefacts from two homelessness sites in Bristol and York. What can these items, as well as oral histories collected from the homeless, tell us about what it means to have no shelter in the 21st century?

Producer: Jayne Egerton.

WED 16:30 The Media Show (b01nxw26)
Lord Black's recommendation for press self-regulation

As we prepare for the publication of the Leveson Inquiry into Culture, Practice and Ethics of the Press Lord Black the Executive Director of the Telegraph Media Group talks to Steve Hewlett about why he thinks his plan for self regulation of the press is the best way forward. But what do victim representatives and those connected to the tabloids think of it?
Ann McElvoy, public policy editor at the Economist and Evening Standard columnist, newspaper veteran Professor Roy
Greenslade and media lawyer Mark Thomson, media lawyer who represented Sienna Miller in her privacy case.

Presenter Steve Hewlett
Producer Beverley Purcell.

WED 17:00 PM (b01nxw28)
Eddie Mair with interviews, context and analysis.

WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01nwhbk)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 18:30 Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show! (b00xhhvm)
Series 6

Ship on a Bottle

After problems assembling his model three masted schooner, Arthur goes in search of a free gift. After taking a well-earned break at Gerry's Cafe he sees an advert in the local paper which gives him an idea...

All he has to do is express an interest in a 'no obligation' timeshare apartment in the Canary Isles, and the free gift is his! What could possibly go wrong?

Steve Delaney
Alastair Kerr
Dave Mounfield
Mel Giedroyc

Producers: Richard Daws, Mark Radcliffe & John Leonard
A Komedia Entertainment & Smooth Operations production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 19:00 The Archers (b01nxw2b)
Fallon goes back to the Bull to get ready for her date. There's a slightly awkward moment when she bumps into Rhys but they're interrupted by Lynda who's looking for Jim.

While Jim and Oliver talk over ideas and where to get the materials for Tree Dressing Day, Oliver gets a call from Ed, who tells him that the power has gone off at Grange Farm. Oliver's concerned as to what has caused it. Lynda invites herself to sit with them. They talk about Jim's Borsetshire Life articles and Lynda warns him about the editor, Glen Whitehouse. She also pounces on the opportunity to persuade him into her Elizabethan Christmas. She tempts him with Anthony and Cleopatra but he prefers Coriolanus.

Ed manages to get the power back on but it doesn't last long. Oliver suggests he call someone out. Ed really doesn't want the extra cost.

After their date at the cinema and a drink, Rhys drives Fallon home. They've both had a great time and after a passionate kiss they end up going back to Rhys' flat.

WED 19:15 Front Row (b01nxw2d)
The Mousetrap at 60, Calixto Bieito on Carmen, New Russian Art

With Mark Lawson.

Agatha Christie's classic murder mystery play The Mousetrap has now been continuously in performance in London for 60 years, and the first ever touring production of the show is currently on a 60 date tour. Front Row sent three crime writers - Frances Fyfield, Mark Billingham and Suzette A Hill - to see The Mousetrap at three different locations. All three join Mark to debate whether the production has aged well.

The theatre director Calixto Bieito is renowned for his radical productions of classic operas. His version of Verdi's Un Ballo in Maschera opened with a row of singers on toilet seats, trousers down. As his sexually-explicit production of Carmen opens, Bieito reveals how travels to Morocco, seeing his first bull fight and the plight of women in Spain fed into his vision of Bizet's very popular opera - and the relevance of Henrik Ibsen's unusual pet.

A new exhibition of contemporary Russian art at the Saatchi Gallery showcases work by emerging young artists. Gaiety is the Most Outstanding Feature of the Soviet Union: Art from Russia, charts their response to the break-up of the Soviet Union. Author and former Moscow correspondent A.D. Miller discusses what the work tells us about politics and society in a changing Russia.

Producer Ella-mai Robey.

WED 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxvhy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

WED 20:00 Moral Maze (b01nxw2g)
Morality and Ethics in the Gaza Conflict

Both sides in the current conflict in Gaza have been claiming the moral high ground. To the Israelis it's an issue of self-defence and they're trying to avoid casualties. To Hamas it's about responding to the oppression and aggression of a much more powerful neighbour. The world looks on, counting the bodies and is almost inevitably drawn to the graphic simplicities of competing victimhood. The Palestinians win that hands down, but, terrible though it is, there's more to morality than suffering. What if, as the Israeli writer Amos Oz says, they're both right? Should we substitute pragmatism for morality? Stop trying to weigh up competing moral claims in the interests of some sort of solution. Or is giving up the idea of right and wrong, relativism of the worst kind, that could lead to a different kind of moral tragedy? Combative, provocative and engaging debate chaired by Michael Buerk with Michael Portillo, Anne McElvoy, Matthew Taylor and Claire Fox. Witnesses: Professor Daniel Statman - Department of Philosophy, University of Haifa; one of the authors of the IDF Code of Conduct, Dr David Rodin - Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict, University of Oxford, Dr Philip Cunliffe - Lecturer in International Conflict, University of Kent.

WED 20:45 Four Thought (b01nxw2j)
Series 3

Maria Popova: The Architecture of Knowledge

Maria Popova, Editor of Brainpickings, discusses how, with the world's knowledge more readily available to us than ever before, the fragmentation of our interests is driving us to seek out more and more of what we're already interested in. How, she asks, can we master the architecture of human knowledge in a way that takes advantage of the "Information Age", yet broadens rather than contracts our intellectual and creative horizons, both as individual consumers and as publishers of information?

Producer: Giles Edwards.

WED 21:00 Frontiers (b01nxw2l)

Humanity's impact on the Earth is so profound that we're creating a new geological time period. Geologists have named the age we're making the Anthropocene. The changes we're making to the atmosphere, oceans, landscape and living things will leap out of the rocks forming today to Earth scientists of the far future, as clearly as the giant meteorite that ended the Age of the Dinosaurs does to today's researchers.

Science writer Gaia Vince looks at the impact of these planetary transformations from the perspective of geological time. When was the last time comparable events happened in Earth history, and are what are the key marks we're making on the planet that define the Anthropocene?

Gaia explores the distinctive fossil record we will leave behind on the planet. Leading biologists and palaeontologists say this that will mark out the Anthropocene as a distinctive chapter in Earth history - on a par with the evidence of the mass extinction which took out the dinosaurs and launched a geological era 65 million years ago. "This time, we are the asteroid," says Berkeley's Antony Barnosky. Extinction rates around the world are approaching those estimated for times in the deep past when most species became extinct.

Far future fossil hunters may also discover a weirdly large number of large-sized fossil mammal species bones in the rocks of our times. Even more unnaturally, they come from just a tiny handful of species and they will be in the strata across every continent- a geological representation of billions of domestic livestock and the billions of people they fed.

Some of our cities may also be preserved as 'artificial' layers of rock in the geological record. They will be like no other strata before in the history of the Earth. But what would a fossilised metropolis - with its concrete and glass buildings and underground train tunnels and sewers - look like in ten million years?

WED 21:30 Midweek (b01nxvhr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 21:58 Weather (b01nwhbm)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 22:00 The World Tonight (b01nxw2n)
National and international news and analysis presented by Robin Lustig.

WED 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01nzct7)
The Liars' Gospel

Episode 8

In her powerful new novel, Naomi Alderman (author of 'Disobedience' and 'The Lessons') conjures the world of Roman-occupied Judea and the fate of a charismatic Jewish preacher named Yehoshuah.

A year after Yehoshuah's death, four people tell their stories - his mother, Miryam; his former friend and follower Iehuda of Qeriot; the High Priest at the great Temple in Jerusalem, Caiaphas and the rebel, Bar-Avo.

In today's episode, Bar-Avo journeys around Judea, gathering followers for his rebel army.

Read by Hugo Speer
Abridged by Sally Marmion
Produced by Emma Harding.

WED 23:00 Irish Micks and Legends (b01nxw2q)
Series 1

Children of Lir

Aisling Bea and Yasmine Akram become Ais and Yaz and are the very best pals. They are taking their role as Ireland's freshest story-tellers to the British nation very seriously indeed but they haven't had the time to do much research, learn their lines or work out who is doing which parts.

The girls' unconventional way of telling stories involves a concoction of thoroughly inappropriate modern-day metaphors and references to many of the ancient Irish stories.

With a natural knack for both comedy and character voices Yasmine Akram and Aisling Bea will bring you warm, modern re-workings of popular ancient Irish stories.

Today it's Children of Lir.

Written and performed by Aisling Bea and Yasmine Akram.

Producer: Raymond Lau

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2012.

WED 23:15 Living with Mother (b01nxw2s)
Series 2

Four Little Words

Owen is a TV addict and overweight. Since he's reached the age of forty, Allison thinks it's about time he did something about it.

Drawing on her days as a fitness fanatic, Allison draws up a fitness regime and puts a reluctant Owen through his paces. Frustrated at his bone-idleness, she hatches a plan. But a greedy man is a cunning man, and it's not long until Owen devises a plan of his own - with a little help from his friend.

Writing about the first series of Living with Mother, Radio Times described it as "Alexander Kirk's astutely-observed comedy series...underpinning each of these tales is a bittersweet poignancy, a moment when the easy laughs are replaced with a lip-trembling insight into the vulnerability, lack of self-confidence and interdependency".

Written by Alexander Kirk

Produced by Anna Madley
An Avalon production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01nxw2v)
Rachel Byrne reports on the day's proceedings as peers inflict a series of defeats on the government's plans for secret courts; David Cameron speaks up for women bishops; and the debate on Scottish independence heats up.

Editor : Peter Mulligan.


THU 00:00 Midnight News (b01nwhcj)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

THU 00:30 Book of the Week (b01nxvht)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Wednesday]

THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01nwhcl)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01nwhcn)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01nwhcq)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 05:30 News Briefing (b01nwhcs)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nxwmc)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

THU 05:45 Farming Today (b01nxwmf)
Flash floods have wiped out harvests in the South and West of England. Farmers say they are being forced to give up on their crops and start again in the spring, but are struggling to find seeds to plant as stocks run low. The weather is also threatening the welfare of livestock, as the nutritional value of grass has been diminished by months of heavy rain.

And ahead of the EU budget negotiations which start today, Rural Affairs Secretary for Scotland Richard Lochhead tells Anna Hill that maintaining subsidies for farmers is vital for food production.

Presented by Anna Hill. Produced in Birmingham by Angela Frain.

THU 06:00 Today (b01nxwmh)
Morning news and current affairs with Sarah Montague and Justin Webb, including:

A snap poll taken just after the ceasefire in Gaza was announced, suggested that around 70% of Israelis did not support it. Mark Regev, an Israeli government spokesman, examines the prospect of the ceasefire holding.

Ministers are setting out options for new laws giving some prisoners the vote, or continuing the blanket ban. Nick Herbert, former minister of state for police and criminal justice and MP for Arundel and South Downs, and Lord Lester, leading human rights lawyer who sits on the Joint Committee on Human Rights, analyse whether a change in the current system is necessary.

David Cameron will press for a minimum real-terms freeze in the EU's budget as leaders gather for a crunch summit on 2014 to 2020 spending. The BBC's political editor Nick Robinson gives his analysis of the on the pressure on the prime minister.

THU 09:00 In Our Time (b01nzgjz)
The Borgias

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the Borgias, the most notorious family in Renaissance Italy. Famed for their treachery and corruption, the Borgias produced two popes during their time of dominance in Rome in the late 15th century. The most well-known of these two popes is Alexander VI, previously Cardinal Rodrigo Borgia. He was accused of buying votes to elect him to the papacy and openly promoted his children in positions of power. Rodrigo's daughter, Lucrezia, is widely remembered as a ruthless poisoner; his son, Cesare, as a brutal soldier.

Murder, intrigue and power politics characterised their rule, but many of the stories now told about their depraved behaviour and evil ways emerged after their demise and gave rise to the so-called 'Black Legend'. The sullied reputation of the Borgia dynasty endures even today and their lives have provided a major theme for plays, novels and over forty films.


Evelyn Welch
Professor of Renaissance Studies at Queen Mary, University of London

Catherine Fletcher
Lecturer in Public History at the University of Sheffield

Christine Shaw
Honorary Research Fellow at Swansea University

Producer: Natalia Fernandez.

THU 09:45 Book of the Week (b01nxwmm)
Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure

Episode 4

Artemis Cooper's biography charts for the first time the extraordinary life story of the celebrated travel writer and war hero who was as renowned for his feats of derring-do as for his sumptuous prose.

Love flourishes in Cairo and in 1948 Paddy retreats to a monastery to write his first book.

Read by Samuel West
Abridged by Miranda Davies
Produced by Gemma Jenkins.

THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01nxwmp)
Grace Coddington; Antonio Carluccio

Grace Coddington, the flame-haired creative director of US Vogue on her 50 years on fashion's frontline. Antonio Carluccio Cooks the Perfect...arancini, or rice balls. Alison Hewitt talks about the frightening and life-changing consequences of being stalked, and about the new law that makes stalking a criminal act. Lynne Berry from the Canal and River Trust tells us about powerful women in the charity and voluntary sector. And women's unemployment - Ruth Alexander from Radio 4's More or Less crunches the statistics.
Presenter Jenni Murray
Producer Emma Wallace.

THU 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxwmr)

Episode 4

By Steve Chambers.

It's Christmas Day, Marie is unexpectedly pregnant, Laura still insists that she is married to her husband George, and now there's another woman sitting at his bedside.

Director: David Hunter.

THU 11:00 Crossing Continents (b01nxwmt)
El Salvador's Gang Truce

In one of the most violent countries on earth, peace has broken out. In March, a truce was brokered between El Salvador's two most violent street gangs; they agreed to stop killing each other.

The Mara Salvatrucha and Barrio 18 are criminal outfits that trace their origins to Los Angeles. In the 1990s, older members were deported from the US and forged local 'branches' on the streets of El Salvador. Since the truce - brokered in prisons with the gangs' leaders - the murder rate of this small Central American nation (with the highest homicide rate in the world after Honduras) has been cut by more than half.

In Crossing Continents, Linda Pressly visits the imprisoned leaders of both gangs to find out how the deal was done. And she finds many Salvadorans are relieved. Now they can go out at night, and their children can play again on the streets. But the truce has not been without its critics. Should the state sponsor a non-aggression treaty between criminal organisations? And is there more to the agreement than Salvadorans are being told?

Many are asking if this is a sustainable peace. Some question whether the murder rate is really falling, alleging that actually the gangs are continuing to kill and hiding the corpses. Claudia thinks this is what happened to her son - a teenager associated with the Barrio 18 who disappeared last month after a local shooting. She says she knows he's dead. All she wants is the return of his body.

But for all the uncertainty, the gains are dramatic. Not only has the murder rate plummeted, but the number of public hospital emergency admissions in San Salvador for people injured by guns or knives has fallen by nearly two-thirds. Can the truce last? El Salvador is holding its breath.

THU 11:30 Mockery With Monocles: The Western Brothers Revealed (b01nxwmw)
Geoffrey Palmer celebrates the songs of Kenneth and George Western and reveals their place in British comedy.

The Western Brothers became famous from the late 1920's onwards for their variety act satirising the establishment of the times. They perfected the aloof exaggerations of two derisive upper-crust society members and became an instant success in the entertainment world.

They toured the variety circuit through the 1930s and 40s with their own aeroplane and always stayed in the very best hotels.
What made their witty songs at the piano so distinct from the rest was their topicality. Many of them were list songs, in which the verses could be altered to fit the stories and personalities of the day. Fellow performers, politicians and especially the stuffiness of the BBC were their targets - then, after war broke out, they laid into the enemy with rather more finesse than most.

They became as famous for their appearance with monocles and old school ties as for their voices. Their photos frequently appeared in newspaper advertisements endorsing a variety of products. Their 'targets' mostly took the gentle barbs in good grace, but there were several occasions when their jokes attracted complaint. These included upsetting the Greek embassy, and suggesting nepotism at the heart of government, which necessitated an immediate written apology.

Contributors include Barry Humphries, Kit Hesketh-Harvey, Mitch Benn, Stan Stennett and the daughters of Kenneth and George Western.

Producer: Stephen Garner.

THU 12:00 You and Yours (b01nxwmy)
Extended opening hours, perfume ingredients, being lonely, squatters and pubs turned into supermarkets

Consumer news with Aasmah Mir.

THU 12:57 Weather (b01nwhcv)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 13:00 World at One (b01nxwn0)
National and international news presented by Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

THU 13:45 On the French Fringe (b01nzqg9)
False Beards and Feminists

In the wake of the Dominique Strauss-Kahn scandal which rocked France, Lucy Ash and Kirsty Lang find out how feminism in France is still very much a fringe affair. They meet some female French authors to discuss how language influences the way men and women relate to each other. Why did France's obsession with the perfect female form drive one writer to turn her heroine into a pig? And at some personal risk, they take part in an intervention staged by women wearing false beards.

THU 14:00 The Archers (b01nxw2b)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:15 Drama (b01nxwn2)
The Mysterious Case of Maria

by Florence Vincent, Emer Kenny, Corey Montague-Sholay, Wemmy Ogunyankin and Sandra Townsend.

A romantic comedy noir by a team of five young writers.

Ellie's dropped out of law college without telling her parents. She's found refuge in a down-at-heel bar where she devours thrillers featuring kick-ass detective Bianca Kane. When charismatic bartender Maria goes missing, Ellie starts her own eccentric investigation.

Directed by Abigail le Fleming
Studio production by Graham Harper and Robin Warren


The writers met while working on the online BBC drama E20, a spin-off from BBC One's EastEnders.

Emer Kenny was selected as the youngest ever writer for the BBC Writers Academy in 2012. Her first EastEnders episode was aired in 2012. Acting credits include EastEnders and Pramface.

Corey Montague-Sholay is an actor and writer studying Arts Management at the BRIT School and developing plays for theatre. His play Aisle 26/Painrelief was performed at the Warehouse Theatre.

Wemmy Ogunyankin is at college and was the youngest writer on E20.

Sandra Townsend is working on a series of online science documentaries and has completed the Royal Court's Young Writers Programme.

Florence Vincent also worked as a story writer for EastEnders on BBC One. She completed a Creative Writing Masters at Edinburgh where she co-wrote Remember This for Bedlam Theatre.

THU 15:00 Open Country (b01nxwn4)

Helen Mark discovers the myths and legends of the landscape of Snowdonia. A recent million pound appeal by the National Trust successfully enabled the Trust to buy one of Wales' most iconic farms, Llyndy Isaf, and the land around it on the shores of Llyn Dinas. As well as being important environmentally, legend states that the area is the setting for the mythical battle between the red and white dragon, the red dragon being the victor and claiming the honour of becoming the country's national symbol.
Helen also visits Ty Hyll, the Ugly House, a cottage saved from dereliction in the 1980s by the Snowdonia Society. The true origins of the house remain shrouded in mystery, although legend tells of it being built by two outlaw brothers as a 'Ty Un Nos', a house built overnight between sunset and sunrise with walls, roof and a smoking chimney. Under ancient law anyone succeeding in doing this could claim the freehold.
What other mysteries surround this stunning landscape?

Presenter: Helen Mark
Producer: Helen Chetwynd.

THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (b01nx32d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 on Sunday]

THU 15:30 Open Book (b01nx3rm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

THU 16:00 The Film Programme (b01nxwn6)
Colin Firth on his new film Gambit, and why he never expected to play posh people.

The man behind Festen, Danish director Thomas Vinterberg, discusses his timely drama The Hunt, about a nursery teacher accused of wrongdoing.

Cinema owner Kevin Markwick tracks the origins of advertising on the big screen, unearthing ads from as far back as the 1890s.

And critic Peter Bradshaw on the power of The Passion of Joan of Arc, Carl Theodor Dreyer's classic from 1928.

Producer: Craig Smith.

THU 16:30 Material World (b01nxwn8)
Quentin Cooper presents his weekly digest of science in and behind the headlines. He talks to the scientists who are publishing their research in peer reviewed journals, and he discusses how that research is scrutinised and used by the scientific community, the media and the public. The programme also reflects how science affects our daily lives; from predicting natural disasters to the latest advances in cutting edge science like nanotechnology and stem cell research.

THU 17:00 PM (b01nxwnb)
Eddie Mair with interviews, context and analysis.

THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01nwhcx)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 18:30 Andrew Lawrence: How Did We End Up Like This? (b01nxwnd)

Andrew Lawrence continues his comic explanation of our development via stand up, sketch and song.

This time, Andrew explores money.

Sara Pascoe and Marek Larwood assist.

Producer: Jane Berthoud

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2012.

THU 19:00 The Archers (b01nxwng)
It's the morning after and blissful Rhys and Fallon wake up together. It seems they'd both anticipated it might happen. Rhys makes Fallon breakfast. He tells her that he's always fancied her but after a bad experience dating a boss, it took her move to Jaxx to realise nothing was stopping him now.

Ed is still having problems with the milking bail. He tells Oliver that he's called an engineer.

Oliver practises his sonnet for the Xmas show on a tape recorder but he's appalled at how it sounds and throws the tape recorder in the bin. He offers to help Caroline with obtaining advertising support for the programme.

Ed appears with a report on what needs repairing and the bill is big. Oliver is sympathetic.

Emma is able to serve up pie and chips for lunch, thanks to the financial help from Neil and Susan but Ed's not hungry. He doesn't mention the engineer's bill until the evening. Emma is shocked and Ed is devastated that he can't support his family.

THU 19:15 Front Row (b01nxx0z)
With Mark Lawson.

When Matthew Bourne established the dance company Adventures in Motion Pictures in 1987, his pioneering fusion of contemporary dance, classical ballet, and theatre thrilled audiences worldwide, won prizes on both sides of the Atlantic, and divided critics. He discusses his new production of Sleeping Beauty and what he's learned from Strictly Come Dancing.

It's exactly 99 years since the birth of composer Benjamin Britten, and next year's centenary celebrations include numerous concerts, operas and broadcasts. But the events of recent weeks have renewed the focus on Britten's friendships with adolescent boys, a subject covered in biographies and documentaries - although there is no evidence of criminal behaviour. Singer Ian Bostridge, Jonathan Reekie of Aldeburgh Music and writer Martin Kettle reflect on Britten's current reputation.

The American actor John Lithgow takes the title role in The Magistrate, in a new National Theatre staging of Pinero's farce about a respectable man caught up in a series of scandalous events. Sarah Crompton reviews.

Producer Nicki Paxman.

THU 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxwmr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

THU 20:00 The Report (b01nxx11)
Burglary Victims Who Fight Back

The Report is a current affairs series combining original insights into major news stories with topical investigations.
Today Melanie Abbott asks what happens when victims of burglary come face to face with an intruder in their home and fight back. How does the legal process work? Are they treated as sympathetically as Justice Secretary, Christopher Grayling, thinks they should be? And what might result if the current law is strengthened?

THU 20:30 In Business (b01nxxzl)
The New Normal

Peter Day travels to the Midlands to find out how beleaguered manufacturers are coping with the most difficult economy in decades. The region used to be the metal bashing heartland of the country but now manufacturers, service providers and entrepreneurs starting their own companies are all struggling to find a way to keep profitable in an era of low growth. What lessons have been learned over the past five years and how can the past help plan the way forward for the future?

Contributors to this programme:

Stuart Fell
Chairman, Metal Assemblies Ltd

Mark Smith,
Regional Chairman, Price Waterhouse Coopers Birmingham

Ricardo Morcilo
Owner, Chase Park Café

Linda Arrowsmith
Chase Park Café

Mike Molesworth
Managing Director, Dennis Eagle

James Martin
Partner, Moore Stephens, Birmingham and Midlands Regional Representative for R3 Insolvency trade body

Sally Hares
Director, Hare's Moor Diy Curry

Paul Kalinauckas
Chief Executive, Black Country Reinvestment Society

Claire Dowdall and Chris Pritchard
Jelly Attendees

Dr Mark Swift
Head of SME Programmes at Warwick Manufacturing Group

Jim Griffin
Managing Director, Automotive Insulations.

THU 21:00 Saving Species (b01nxh4q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Tuesday]

THU 21:30 In Our Time (b01nzgjz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 21:58 Weather (b01nwhcz)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 22:00 The World Tonight (b01nxx15)
Europe's leaders seek budget deal, but is UK drifting away from the EU?; After the missiles and rockets, what hopes for people across the Gaza/Israel divide; and tackling loneliness. Tonight with David Eades.

THU 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01nzdkh)
The Liars' Gospel

Episode 9

In her visceral new novel, award-winning author Naomi Alderman ('Disobedience' and 'The Lessons') conjures the world of Roman-occupied Judea and the fate of a charismatic Jewish preacher named Yehoshuah.

A year after Yehoshuah's death, four people tell their stories - his mother, Miryam; his former friend and follower Iehuda of Qeriot; the High Priest at the great Temple in Jerusalem, Caiaphas and the rebel, Bar-Avo.

In today's episode, Bar-Avo finds himself sharing a cell with the Jewish preacher Jehoshuah. Both will face the vagaries of Roman justice.

Read by Hugo Speer
Abridged by Sally Marmion
Produced by Emma Harding.

THU 23:00 The Headset Set (b01nxx17)
Series 2

Episode 4

Audience sketch show set in the world of a call centre called Smile5, a company that sells anything and everything. The Headsetters have been asked to remove the massive hole in the middle of their office. It's health and safety gone mad.

Bernie and other characters ..... Margaret-Cabourn Smith
Big Tony, Ralph and other characters ..... Colin Hoult
Various ..... Lucy Montgomery
Sailesh, Bradley and other characters ..... Phaldut sharma

Writers ..... Various
Producer ..... Tilusha Ghelani

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

THU 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01nxx19)
Rachel Byrne on the latest chapter in the row about prisoner voting; incredulity at a BBC pay off; and more pressure on the Church of England over women bishops.

Editor: Peter Mulligan.


FRI 00:00 Midnight News (b01nwhdw)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

FRI 00:30 Book of the Week (b01nxwmm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Thursday]

FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01nwhdy)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01nwhf0)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01nwhf2)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 05:30 News Briefing (b01nwhf4)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nxzc4)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with the Revd Dr Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Church.

FRI 05:45 Farming Today (b01nxzc6)
As European leaders thrash out the new EU budget, Farming Today heads to Strasbourg to investigate if any common ground can be found among the EU nations. Whatever the decision in the debating chambers, it could have a serious impact on UK farming with a third of the current budget going towards the Common Agricultural Policy.

And the Environment Agency offers advice for farmers and landowners trying to deal with waterlogged fields.

Presented by Caz Graham. Produced in Birmingham by Angela Frain.

FRI 06:00 Today (b01nxzc8)
Morning news and current affairs with Evan Davis and James Naughtie. Including Sports Desk; Yesterday in Parliament; Weather; Thought for the Day.

FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (b01nx32n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

FRI 09:45 Book of the Week (b01nxzcb)
Patrick Leigh Fermor: An Adventure

Episode 5

Artemis Cooper's biography charts for the first time the extraordinary life story of the celebrated travel writer and war hero who was as renowned for his feats of derring-do as for his sumptuous prose.

The construction of Paddy's "power-house for prose" in Greece and a fascinating insight into the remarkable creative journey which culminated in the award-wining, A Time of Gifts.

Read by Samuel West
Abridged by Miranda Davies
Produced by Gemma Jenkins.

FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01nxzcd)
Maxine Peake on Beryl Burton, Myleene Klass, Kate Rusby

Celebrity power can sometimes be conferred by fame rather than hard graft. Cheryl Cole or Charlotte Church get more headlines than most women in politics. Does this mean they have more power or influence than politicians? How has social media increased celeb influence, and how seriously should celebrities take their status as role models?
Myleene Klass and showbiz journalist, Dan Wootton, discuss celebrity power.

Beryl Burton was an English racing cyclist and one of Britain's greatest ever athletes during the 50s, 60s, 70s and 80s. She dominated women's cycle racing in the UK, Best British all rounder for 25 successive years and twice world competition holder at 3000 metres. Now a docudrama has been written about her for Radio Four by the actress Maxine Peake, it is the first drama that Maxine has written and she also plays the character of Beryl. It is called "Beryl: A Love Story on two Wheels" and will be on Radio Four on Tuesday, 27th November at 2.15pm. Maxine is joined by Charlie Burton, Beryl's husband, and they talk about the life of this great cyclist and the new docudrama.

Kate Rusby grew up playing folk music in her parents ceilidh band. It's twenty years since her first public performance at the Holmfirth folk Festival and in celebration she has a new album '20' - featuring collaborations with some of the best Rock, Folk & Bluegrass artists. Kate talks about her two decades in music making and plays live for us.

Presented by Jenni Murray.

FRI 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxzcg)

Episode 5

By Steve Chambers

Marie has discovered that George has a family in London. How can she believe his explanations about Laura? How can she believe in a man who has so many secrets?

Director: David Hunter.

FRI 11:00 The Curse of Pendle (b01nxzcj)
Novelist Jeanette Winterson is fascinated by the Pendle witch trials of 1612.

Centuries later, she contemplates their history - a tale of ambition, warring families and James I.

12 were accused, charged with the murder of 10 people by witchcraft. They are the best documented of all the witchcraft trials in English history.

This is a fascinating story which moves beyond the localised accusation and hysteria of the well-worn Salem trials in the US and draws in the superstitions of James I, the desires of titled families to attract his good favour, and the local disputes and battles of two 'common' families.

Using the publication of the proceedings by the clerk of the court, Thomas Potts 'The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster', Jeanette weaves her own telling of the trial, whilst unearthing the back story and historic context.

Jeanette explores the local area, visiting key locations as she contemplates the "countie" of the time. Even today this area of Lancashire has an above average proportion of Catholic families and, during the reigns of Elizabeth I and James I, Catholic priests were regularly holding secret mass in the remote area of Pendle Hill. At the same time, James I was obsessed with witchcraft - he even wrote a book about it, Daemonologie.

Finally, Jeanette reflects personally on the trials and what they have meant to the development of the area.

Music composed by David Lloyd-Mostyn and performed by Aquilon
Producer: Kevin Dawson

A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in November 2012.

FRI 11:30 Polyoaks (b01nxzcl)
Series 2

Desperately Seeking Susans

In the NHS satire by Dr. Phil Hammond and David Spicer, a general practice somewhere in Bristol is faced with challenges and opportunities in equal measure as they adjust to another 'biggest shake-up of the NHS in a lifetime'.

This week, Polyoaks faces rocketing drugs bills as they try to implement 20% cuts. The Practice Manager, Betty, demands an audit in the pharmacy. Unfortunately, it appears drugs are going missing and it looks like an inside job. Brothers Hugh and Roy and celebrity TV doctor Jeremy are all prime suspects and Betty and practice nurse Vera turn detectives.

Dr. Roy Thornton.......Nigel Planer
Dr. Hugh Thornton........Simon Greenall
TV's Dr. Jeremy........David Westhead
Betty Crossfield.........Jane Whittenshaw
Nurse Vera Duplessis.......Polly Frame
Mr. Devlin...........Phil Cornwell
Mrs. Strickland........Claire Vousden
Malcolm...........David Holt

Written by Dr. Phil Hammond and David Spicer
Directed by Frank Stirling
Producer: David Spicer.

FRI 12:00 You and Yours (b01nxzcn)
Energy Bill, floods and Xmas in a can

The Energy Bill will see households paying up to £100 pounds a year extra to power and heat homes following a government agreement to allow power companies to raise nearly £8 billion from our bills to boost renewable energy capacity.

The government still has no agreement with the insurance industry over support for premiums for those who live in areas that are liable to flood. What's holding it up?

Would you eat a Christmas dinner in a can and a can that heats itself? It's one of a range of foods that UK based firm Hot Can hopes we'll learn to love.

Now that all Premier League football matches are screened live somewhere in the world should the FA scrap the rule banning live coverage of football matches in the UK between 2.45 and 5.00 pm on Saturdays?

The skiing industry has been going downhill in Scotland. Visitors have dived by at least a third; can the Cairngorms really compete with the Alps in sticky economic times.

For years the French have resisted the charms of musical theatre but now it seems they can't get enough; there are even plans to stage that most English of productions Mary Poppins- provided they can find an actress to play her.

The Care Quality Commission says elder people are too often not treated with sufficient care or dignity in hospitals and care homes. How does the Nurses union respond to the implied criticism?

FRI 12:52 The Listening Project (b01pc00z)
Zoe and Kate: Who's Mum Now?

Fi Glover hears from mother and daughter, Kay and Zoe from Manchester, about what it's like when the tables are turned as mum gets older and becomes the one who needs looking after, on Radio 4's series that proves it's surprising what you hear when you listen.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

FRI 12:57 Weather (b01nwhf6)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 13:00 World at One (b01nxzcs)
Guardian of revolution or putative pharaoh ? Egypt's president Mohammad Morsi is under attack after taking unprecedented powers. We hear the debate.

A man has died after his car became trapped by flood water under a bridge in Somerset. We hear from there, and about the weather prospects for the weekend - with further heavy rain forecast.

They're making heavy weather of it in Brussels this lunchtime, negotiating over the EU budget. We'll have the latest.

We return to the London Borough of Newham where the local authority is hoping to move families in need of housing to cheaper parts of the country.

FRI 13:45 On the French Fringe (b01nzqhb)
Underground Art - Literally

Kirsty Lang and Lucy Ash investigate an underground arts collective which operates in the vast network of tunnels which lie beneath Paris.The obsessively secretive members of the Paris Urban eXperiment, known internally as "The UX", have spent the last 30 years surreptitiously staging arts events and restoring and preserving parts of their heritage which they feel the French establishment has neglected. A few years ago these underground hackers and artists became infamous when one morning the clock at the Panthéon, that had not worked in years, began chiming thanks to their efforts. Kirsty and Lucy clamber down a series of rickety mental ladders and damp tunnels to find out why some people prefer the Paris far below street level in the company of Tristan and Alex and they speak to founder members Lazar Kunstmann and Jean Baptiste Viot.
Since broadcasting the programme, Mr. Kunstmann has strongly denied that Tristan and Alex belong to UX, stressing the serious purposes behind the group.

FRI 14:00 The Archers (b01nxwng)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Thursday]

FRI 14:15 Drama (b01nxzcv)
Series 5

According to Ditcher

By Nick Warburton. It's a full moon and no-one is sleeping On Mardle Fen. Samuel is reminded of an ancient fenland story and Marcia has something on her mind.

Director Tracey Neale
Producer Claire Grove

Nick Warburton won the Peter Tinniswood Award for the Best New Play on Radio. His series The Peoples Passion went out to great acclaim last Easter on R4. His afternoon play, Friday When It Rains (TX October), was Radio Times Choice. Nick dramatised Father and Son and The Snow Goose for R4's Classic Serial. His original radio plays include Our Late Supper with Marcia Warren. Other work includes 6 episodes of Thrush Green and Moonfleet for Radio 4. Plays for stage and radio include Conversation from the Engine Room, which won the 1985 BBC/Radio Times Award, The Messenger for Radio 3, an adaptation of Tolstoy's Resurrection, A Grove of Straight Trees (short-listed for the BBC/Radio Times Drama Award), and A Soldiers' Debt (entered for the Prix Italia).

FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b01nxzcx)
Balsall, West Midlands

Peter Gibbs is in the chair as Gardeners' Question Time heads to Balsall, West Midlands - with horticultural experts Christine Walkden, Chris Beardshaw and Bob Flowerdew fielding queries from the local gardening audience.

Produced by Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 15:45 The BBC and All That (b01nxzcz)
Episode 1

Roger Eckersley was persuaded in 1923 to give up his loss-making chicken farm and join the newly formed BBC. He stayed there for the rest of his career, holding many positions including Director of Entertainment.

This year, 2012, is not just the 90th anniversary of the BBC, but also the 80th of its move from Savoy Hill to the now iconic Broadcasting House.

Eckersley's memoirs, The BBC and All That, published in the 1940s, include beautifully drawn descriptions of that first month in Broadcasting House. He often smuggled in small groups of friends for unofficial tours of the hidden areas of the BBC, including drama studios, sound effects stores and the boiler room in the basement - his favourite.

He had a wonderfully unstuffy and rebellious nature - surprisingly appropriate for a BBC that was regarded by the Establishment of the time as an unruly upstart. He relished tales of being banned from broadcasting live football commentaries, so paying a string of eye-witnesses to leave the ground at regular intervals and give descriptions of the action they had just seen. He was part of the Pronunciation Committee when George Bernard Shaw and poet laureate Robert Bridges almost came to blows over the how to say "acoustic", and found himself in a discussion about jazz with Queen Mary during which, he learned from an appalled friend afterwards, he had persisted in calling her "My Dear".

The BBC and All That brings to life once more the feelings of awe and excitement experienced by the radio pioneers who worked within the walls of the brand new Broadcasting House.

Abridged and Produced by Neil Cargill

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 16:00 Last Word (b01nxzd1)
William Turnbull, Albano Harguindeguy, Martin Fay, Kenneth Cragg, Sir Philip Ledger

Matthew Bannister on:

The sculptor and painter William Turnbull. He was friends with Giacometti, Paolozzi and Rothko but always went his own way.

The Argentine General Albano Harguindeguy. As Interior Minister in the country's military regime, he was known as the brains behind the government's "dirty war".

Martin Fay, who was the original fiddle player with the Irish traditional band the Chieftains,

Bishop Kenneth Cragg, who devoted his life to the study of relations between Islam and Christianity

And Derek Hutchinson - the first and only man to kayak across the North Sea.

FRI 16:30 More or Less (b01ny0fc)
Ash Dieback and Fergie-Time

Ash Dieback. Did the disease really kill 90 percent of ash trees in Denmark? Is this really a good comparator for the UK and have 100,000 trees really been 'felled' in the UK?

Fiscal Multipliers. The International Monetary Fund has admitted that it got its fiscal multipliers wrong when forecasting growth. This could have huge consequences in assessing whether or not austerity at a time of deep recession is the right way forward. But what does this mean for the Treasurer of Trumpton Tim Harford after he sacked Dibble the fireman last year as part of his cutbacks.

Cod - we show how wrong the headline 'There are only 100 cod left in the North Sea' actually is.

Fergie-time. Does Fergie-time exist? Do Manchester United get more injury time than other top teams when they're drawing or behind?

FRI 16:55 The Listening Project (b01nxzcq)
Adrian and Christopher: Boarding School Beginnings

Fi Glover hears a conversation from Radio Ulster between father and son, Christopher and Adrian, about the impact that being sent to boarding school has had on their lives on Radio 4's series that proves it's surprising what you hear when you listen.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

FRI 17:00 PM (b01ny0ff)
Eddie Mair with interviews, context and analysis.

FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01nwhf8)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 18:30 The Now Show (b01ny0fh)
Series 38

Episode 3

Budgets, Bishops, and Bullying. This was the week that David Cameron threatened to use his veto at the EU, the Church of England voted against female bishops, and the BBC appointed a new DG. Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis present the week in stand-up and sketches, and Mitch Benn bashes the bishops. With Jon Holmes, Laura Shavin, and Sarah Kendall. Produced by Victoria Lloyd.

FRI 19:00 The Archers (b01ny0fk)
Elizabeth talks over the dairy block conversion with Lewis. He details everything that needs to be taken into consideration, and knows it will be a very interesting architectural challenge. Elizabeth suggests that Lewis takes on the project but he suggests someone with more recent experience.
Roy updates them on his progress with getting local sponsorship for their attractions. Roy finally manages to ask Elizabeth about Hayley's job. Mortified Elizabeth insists that she wouldn't want to lose Hayley.
Emma asks Ruth if she can do any more work around the house. There's not much Ruth can offer, but she agrees to a little bit.
George isn't allowed to help halter-train Wiggo for the Primestock Show, but watches enthusiastically. When Emma comes to collect George, Josh goes to help out with the chickens.
Ruth inseminates the first two milkers for their new Autumn calving regime. She tells David that they'll need a freelancer to help with the AI once the bulk of herd comes into season. And they'll have a huge amount of work when they all calve.
Emma tells her mum about the latest big bill to hit them and gets upset. She just doesn't know what to do any more.

FRI 19:15 Front Row (b01ny0fm)
Brian Eno; Michael Hoffman; Spike Lee's Michael Jackson documentary

With Kirsty Lang

Producer and musician Brian Eno discusses his new album Lux and his new app, which allows listeners to create their own music by selecting a variety of shapes and sounds.

The story behind Michael Jackson's multimillion selling album, BAD 25, is shown in a new Spike Lee documentary. A fan of Jackson, Spike Lee wanted his film to remind audiences of the talent and creativity behind a singer whose troubled life and early death has overshadowed his musical career. Music journalist Jacqueline Springer reviews.

The Coen Brothers have written the screenplay for an updated version of the 1966 Shirley MacLaine and Michael Caine classic film, Gambit. The American director of this new release is Michael Hoffman - whose last film was the Oscar-winning The Last Station, about Leo Tolstoy. He discusses working with Colin Firth, Cameron Diaz and Alan Rickman, and the challenge of making a film whose roots lie in classic British film and TV comedy.

This week sees the release of the film, Nativity 2: Danger In The Manger! - in which David Tennant plays twins. Adam Smith considers other actors who've been given the chance to double their screen-time, if not their salaries.

Producer Olivia Skinner.

FRI 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01nxzcg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (b01ny0fp)
Samuel Ward Academy, Haverhill, Suffolk

Jonathan Dimbleby presents political debate and discussion from Samuel Ward Academy in Haverhill, Suffolk. Guests include the Shadow Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change Caroline Flint MP, Revd Canon Rosie Harper Chaplain to the Bishop of Buckingham and member of General Synod, Pensions Minister Steve Webb MP and Conservative MP Mark Reckless who led the recent Tory rebellion on the Euro budget.
Producer: Lisa Jenkinson

There are a limited amount of audience tickets left for this broadcast from the Samuel Ward Academy in Haverhill. To reserve them please email

FRI 20:50 A Point of View (b01ny0fr)
On Pompeii

"Last weekend I spent a couple of hours with the remains of one of the human victims of the eruption of Vesuvius" writes Mary Beard, as she wanders through the rooms of a new exhibition about Pompeii, the "City of the Dead".

The display at the J Paul Getty museum in Malibu is one of several Pompeii exhibitions running in different museums around the world - and very similar to one coming to the British Museum in the spring.

As she makes her way through the bodies - or "anti-bodies" as she refers to them - she ponders questions of privacy, archaeology and restoration.

Producer: Adele Armstrong.

FRI 21:00 Saturday Drama (b016vxyz)
Alan Garner - The Weirdstone of Brisingamen

Written by Alan Garner.

A much-loved story firmly rooted in an ancient landscape offers a thrilling and moving adventure.

Say 'Alderley Edge' to a lot of people and they'll think of footballers with their wives, living in grand mansions. But for a great many the words will conjure up wizards and a hundred knights sleeping in a cave for thousands of years.

Alan Garner used a local legend as the starting point for his bookThe Weirdstone of Brisingamen and the story is firmly set in the part of Cheshire that he knows so well. The book has been cherished by readers of all ages for fifty years.

Alan Garner's story,dramatised by Peter Thomson, is set on Alderley Edge and stems from a local legend of knights sleeping in a cave for hundreds of years, ready to awake and save the world from evil when the need comes.Wizards and dwarfs play their part, but it's two children who seem to hold the key to the future.

Dramatised by Peter Thomson
Music by Mia Soteriou.
Special Effects Wilfredo Acosta
Produced and directed by Jane Morgan

A Waters Company production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 21:58 Weather (b01nwhfb)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (b01ny0ft)
National and international news and analysis.

FRI 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01nzdyj)
The Liars' Gospel

Episode 10

In her challenging new novel, award-winning author Naomi Alderman ('Disobedience' and 'The Lessons') conjures the world of Roman-occupied Judea and the fate of a charismatic Jewish preacher named Yehoshuah.

A year after Yehoshuah's death, four people tell their stories - his mother, Miryam; his former friend and follower Iehuda of Qeriot; the High Priest at the great Temple in Jerusalem, Caiaphas and the rebel, Bar-Avo.

In today's episode, the elderly rebel Bar-Avo encounters a follower of Jehoshuah, who believes that the preacher died and rose again.

Read by Hugo Speer and Stephanie Racine
Abridged by Sally Marmion
Produced by Emma Harding.

FRI 23:00 A Good Read (b01nxh57)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 on Tuesday]

FRI 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01ny0fw)
For one day in the year, MPs are sent away and the green benches of the House of Commons are taken over by the UK Youth Parliament - made up of enthusiastic teenagers from all over the country. Today in Parliament reports on their passionate debates about education, work, transport and gay marriage. Meanwhile in Strasbourg - the European Parliament votes for stronger restrictions on chemicals which could be used for homemade bombs and moves to protect sharks. Join Mark D'Arcy for Today In Parliament at 11.30pm.

FRI 23:55 The Listening Project (b01ny0fy)
David: Saying Goodbye to Mark

Fi Glover presents an unusual conversation in that we only hear one side of it: David says goodbye to Mark, his partner of 20 years, whom he lost to brain cancer last year, on Radio 4's series that proves it's surprising what you hear when you listen.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 MON (b01nx5ym)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 MON (b01nx5ym)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 TUE (b01nxh4n)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 TUE (b01nxh4n)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 WED (b01nxvhy)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 WED (b01nxvhy)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 THU (b01nxwmr)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 THU (b01nxwmr)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 FRI (b01nxzcg)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 FRI (b01nxzcg)

55 and Over 11:30 MON (b01nxh1h)

A Good Read 16:30 TUE (b01nxh57)

A Good Read 23:00 FRI (b01nxh57)

A Point of View 08:50 SUN (b01ntm31)

A Point of View 20:50 FRI (b01ny0fr)

Alice's Restaurant 10:30 SAT (b01nwp2j)

All in the Mind 21:00 TUE (b01nxt2z)

All in the Mind 15:30 WED (b01nxt2z)

Analysis 21:30 SUN (b01nt3yg)

Andrew Lawrence: How Did We End Up Like This? 18:30 THU (b01nxwnd)

Any Answers? 14:00 SAT (b01nwp2s)

Any Questions? 13:10 SAT (b01ntm2z)

Any Questions? 20:00 FRI (b01ny0fp)

Archive on 4 20:00 SAT (b01nwp35)

Astray 19:45 SUN (b01nx4y3)

Bells on Sunday 05:43 SUN (b01nx324)

Bells on Sunday 00:45 MON (b01nx324)

Bleak Expectations 18:30 TUE (b01nxt2d)

Blues Run the Game 11:30 TUE (b01nxh4s)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 MON (b01nzcb7)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 TUE (b01nzch5)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 WED (b01nzct7)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 THU (b01nzdkh)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 FRI (b01nzdyj)

Book of the Week 00:30 SAT (b01nx80p)

Book of the Week 09:45 MON (b01nx5yh)

Book of the Week 00:30 TUE (b01nx5yh)

Book of the Week 09:45 TUE (b01nxh4j)

Book of the Week 00:30 WED (b01nxh4j)

Book of the Week 09:45 WED (b01nxvht)

Book of the Week 00:30 THU (b01nxvht)

Book of the Week 09:45 THU (b01nxwmm)

Book of the Week 00:30 FRI (b01nxwmm)

Book of the Week 09:45 FRI (b01nxzcb)

Broadcasting House 09:00 SUN (b01nx32j)

Classic Serial 21:00 SAT (b01nt015)

Classic Serial 15:00 SUN (b01nx3pm)

Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show! 18:30 WED (b00xhhvm)

Crossing Continents 20:30 MON (b01nthz9)

Crossing Continents 11:00 THU (b01nxwmt)

Desert Island Discs 11:15 SUN (b01nx32n)

Desert Island Discs 09:00 FRI (b01nx32n)

Drama 14:15 MON (b01nxh1r)

Drama 14:15 TUE (b00w7856)

Drama 14:15 WED (b00wdhq1)

Drama 14:15 THU (b01nxwn2)

Drama 14:15 FRI (b01nxzcv)

Expressing Pain 16:00 MON (b01nxh2l)

Farming Today 06:30 SAT (b01nwp2b)

Farming Today 05:45 MON (b01nx57z)

Farming Today 05:45 TUE (b01nxh48)

Farming Today 05:45 WED (b01nxvhm)

Farming Today 05:45 THU (b01nxwmf)

Farming Today 05:45 FRI (b01nxzc6)

Feedback 20:00 SUN (b01ntlsp)

File on 4 17:00 SUN (b01ntfwh)

File on 4 20:00 TUE (b01nxt2p)

Four Thought 20:45 WED (b01nxw2j)

From Our Own Correspondent 11:30 SAT (b01nwp2n)

From Worcester with Love 11:00 WED (b01nxvq8)

Front Row 19:15 MON (b01nxh2x)

Front Row 19:15 TUE (b01nxt2k)

Front Row 19:15 WED (b01nxw2d)

Front Row 19:15 THU (b01nxx0z)

Front Row 19:15 FRI (b01ny0fm)

Frontiers 21:00 WED (b01nxw2l)

Gardeners' Question Time 14:00 SUN (b01ntlsf)

Gardeners' Question Time 15:00 FRI (b01nxzcx)

I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 12:00 SUN (b01nt3y6)

I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 18:30 MON (b01nxh2s)

In Alistair Cooke's Footsteps 09:30 TUE (b01nxh4g)

In Business 20:30 THU (b01nxxzl)

In Our Time 09:00 THU (b01nzgjz)

In Our Time 21:30 THU (b01nzgjz)

In Touch 20:40 TUE (b01nxt2r)

Irish Micks and Legends 23:00 WED (b01nxw2q)

Last Word 20:30 SUN (b01ntlsm)

Last Word 16:00 FRI (b01nxzd1)

Living World 06:35 SUN (b01nx328)

Living with Mother 23:15 WED (b01nxw2s)

Loose Ends 18:15 SAT (b01nwp2z)

Making History 15:00 TUE (b01nxh4z)

Mastertapes 23:00 MON (b01nxh35)

Mastertapes 15:30 TUE (b01nxh51)

Material World 21:00 MON (b01ntjpz)

Material World 16:30 THU (b01nxwn8)

Midnight News 00:00 SAT (b01ntlqm)

Midnight News 00:00 SUN (b01nwh5m)

Midnight News 00:00 MON (b01nwh7g)

Midnight News 00:00 TUE (b01nwh8w)

Midnight News 00:00 WED (b01nwhb5)

Midnight News 00:00 THU (b01nwhcj)

Midnight News 00:00 FRI (b01nwhdw)

Midweek 09:00 WED (b01nxvhr)

Midweek 21:30 WED (b01nxvhr)

Mockery With Monocles: The Western Brothers Revealed 11:30 THU (b01nxwmw)

Money Box Live 15:00 WED (b01nxw21)

Money Box 12:00 SAT (b01nwp2q)

Money Box 21:00 SUN (b01nwp2q)

Moral Maze 22:15 SAT (b01ntgw5)

Moral Maze 20:00 WED (b01nxw2g)

More or Less 16:30 FRI (b01ny0fc)

Mr and Mrs Smith 11:30 WED (b01blzkq)

News Briefing 05:30 SAT (b01ntlqw)

News Briefing 05:30 SUN (b01nwh5w)

News Briefing 05:30 MON (b01nwh7q)

News Briefing 05:30 TUE (b01nwh94)

News Briefing 05:30 WED (b01nwhbf)

News Briefing 05:30 THU (b01nwhcs)

News Briefing 05:30 FRI (b01nwhf4)

News Headlines 06:00 SUN (b01nwh5y)

News and Papers 06:00 SAT (b01ntlqy)

News and Papers 07:00 SUN (b01nwh62)

News and Papers 08:00 SUN (b01nwh66)

News and Weather 22:00 SAT (b01ntlrg)

News 13:00 SAT (b01ntlr6)

On the French Fringe 13:45 MON (b01nxh1p)

On the French Fringe 13:45 TUE (b01nzq4h)

On the French Fringe 13:45 WED (b01nzq7v)

On the French Fringe 13:45 THU (b01nzqg9)

On the French Fringe 13:45 FRI (b01nzqhb)

Open Book 16:00 SUN (b01nx3rm)

Open Book 15:30 THU (b01nx3rm)

Open Country 06:07 SAT (b01ntjpv)

Open Country 15:00 THU (b01nxwn4)

PM 17:00 SAT (b01nwp2x)

PM 17:00 MON (b01nxh2q)

PM 17:00 TUE (b01nxh59)

PM 17:00 WED (b01nxw28)

PM 17:00 THU (b01nxwnb)

PM 17:00 FRI (b01ny0ff)

Pick of the Week 18:15 SUN (b01nx4hz)

Poetry Workshop 23:30 SAT (b01nt07k)

Poetry Workshop 16:30 SUN (b01nx3rp)

Polyoaks 11:30 FRI (b01nxzcl)

Poor Reporting 16:00 TUE (b01nxzgk)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 SAT (b01ntmtp)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 MON (b01nx57x)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 TUE (b01nxh46)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 WED (b01nxvhk)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 THU (b01nxwmc)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 FRI (b01nxzc4)

Profile 19:00 SAT (b01nwp31)

Profile 05:45 SUN (b01nwp31)

Profile 17:40 SUN (b01nwp31)

Radio 4 Appeal 07:55 SUN (b01nx32d)

Radio 4 Appeal 21:26 SUN (b01nx32d)

Radio 4 Appeal 15:27 THU (b01nx32d)

Revolutionary Radio 11:00 MON (b01nxh1f)

Round Britain Quiz 23:00 SAT (b01nt3xy)

Round Britain Quiz 15:00 MON (b01nxh1t)

Saturday Drama 14:30 SAT (b01mnxw7)

Saturday Drama 21:00 FRI (b016vxyz)

Saturday Live 09:00 SAT (b01nwp2g)

Saturday Review 19:15 SAT (b01nwp33)

Saving Species 11:00 TUE (b01nxh4q)

Saving Species 21:00 THU (b01nxh4q)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 SAT (b01ntlqr)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 SUN (b01nwh5r)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 MON (b01nwh7l)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 TUE (b01nwh90)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 WED (b01nwhb9)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 THU (b01nwhcn)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 FRI (b01nwhf0)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 SAT (b01ntlqp)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 SAT (b01ntlqt)

Shipping Forecast 17:54 SAT (b01ntlr8)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 SUN (b01nwh5p)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 SUN (b01nwh5t)

Shipping Forecast 17:54 SUN (b01nwh6d)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 MON (b01nwh7j)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 MON (b01nwh7n)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 TUE (b01nwh8y)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 TUE (b01nwh92)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 WED (b01nwhb7)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 WED (b01nwhbc)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 THU (b01nwhcl)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 THU (b01nwhcq)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 FRI (b01nwhdy)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 FRI (b01nwhf2)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 SAT (b01ntlrd)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 SUN (b01nwh6j)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 MON (b01nwh7x)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 TUE (b01nwh98)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 WED (b01nwhbk)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 THU (b01nwhcx)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 FRI (b01nwhf8)

Something Understood 06:05 SUN (b01nx326)

Something Understood 23:30 SUN (b01nx326)

Start the Week 09:00 MON (b01nx5jv)

Start the Week 21:30 MON (b01nx5jv)

Sunday Worship 08:10 SUN (b01nx32g)

Sunday 07:10 SUN (b01nx32b)

Swansong 15:30 SAT (b01ntfvn)

The Archers Omnibus 10:00 SUN (b01nx32l)

The Archers 19:00 SUN (b01nx4j1)

The Archers 14:00 MON (b01nx4j1)

The Archers 19:00 MON (b01nxh2v)

The Archers 14:00 TUE (b01nxh2v)

The Archers 19:00 TUE (b01nxt2h)

The Archers 14:00 WED (b01nxt2h)

The Archers 19:00 WED (b01nxw2b)

The Archers 14:00 THU (b01nxw2b)

The Archers 19:00 THU (b01nxwng)

The Archers 14:00 FRI (b01nxwng)

The Archers 19:00 FRI (b01ny0fk)

The BBC and All That 15:45 FRI (b01nxzcz)

The Bottom Line 17:30 SAT (b01ntjqc)

The Curse of Pendle 11:00 FRI (b01nxzcj)

The Film Programme 23:00 SUN (b01ntjpx)

The Film Programme 16:00 THU (b01nxwn6)

The Food Programme 12:32 SUN (b01nx3pc)

The Food Programme 15:30 MON (b01nx3pc)

The Golden Age 19:15 SUN (b01nx4j3)

The Headset Set 23:00 THU (b01nxx17)

The Infinite Monkey Cage 16:30 MON (b01nxh2n)

The Infinite Monkey Cage 23:00 TUE (b01nxh2n)

The Invention of... 13:30 SUN (b01ns477)

The Listening Project 14:45 SUN (b01nx3pk)

The Listening Project 12:52 FRI (b01pc00z)

The Listening Project 16:55 FRI (b01nxzcq)

The Listening Project 23:55 FRI (b01ny0fy)

The Long View 09:00 TUE (b01nxh4d)

The Long View 21:30 TUE (b01nxh4d)

The Media Show 16:30 WED (b01nxw26)

The Now Show 12:30 SAT (b01ntlvy)

The Now Show 18:30 FRI (b01ny0fh)

The Report 20:00 THU (b01nxx11)

The Week in Westminster 11:00 SAT (b01nwp2l)

The World This Weekend 13:00 SUN (b01nx3pf)

The World Tonight 22:00 MON (b01nxh33)

The World Tonight 22:00 TUE (b01nxt31)

The World Tonight 22:00 WED (b01nxw2n)

The World Tonight 22:00 THU (b01nxx15)

The World Tonight 22:00 FRI (b01ny0ft)

Thinking Allowed 00:15 MON (b01ntg5h)

Thinking Allowed 16:00 WED (b01nxw23)

Today in Parliament 23:30 MON (b01nxh37)

Today in Parliament 23:30 TUE (b01nxt34)

Today in Parliament 23:30 WED (b01nxw2v)

Today in Parliament 23:30 THU (b01nxx19)

Today in Parliament 23:30 FRI (b01ny0fw)

Today 07:00 SAT (b01nwp2d)

Today 06:00 MON (b01nx581)

Today 06:00 TUE (b01nxh4b)

Today 06:00 WED (b01nxvhp)

Today 06:00 THU (b01nxwmh)

Today 06:00 FRI (b01nxzc8)

Vasily Grossman from the Frontline 00:30 SUN (b0144ybv)

Weather 06:04 SAT (b01ntlr0)

Weather 06:57 SAT (b01ntlr2)

Weather 12:57 SAT (b01ntlr4)

Weather 17:57 SAT (b01ntlrb)

Weather 06:57 SUN (b01nwh60)

Weather 07:57 SUN (b01nwh64)

Weather 12:57 SUN (b01nwh6b)

Weather 17:57 SUN (b01nwh6g)

Weather 05:57 MON (b01nwh7s)

Weather 12:57 MON (b01nwh7v)

Weather 21:58 MON (b01nwh7z)

Weather 12:57 TUE (b01nwh96)

Weather 21:58 TUE (b01nwh9b)

Weather 12:57 WED (b01nwhbh)

Weather 21:58 WED (b01nwhbm)

Weather 12:57 THU (b01nwhcv)

Weather 21:58 THU (b01nwhcz)

Weather 12:57 FRI (b01nwhf6)

Weather 21:58 FRI (b01nwhfb)

Westminster Hour 22:00 SUN (b01nx4y5)

What Does Ed Miliband Really Think? 20:00 MON (b01nxh2z)

What the Papers Say 22:45 SUN (b01nx4y7)

Woman's Hour 16:00 SAT (b01nwp2v)

Woman's Hour 10:00 MON (b01nx5yk)

Woman's Hour 10:00 TUE (b01nxh4l)

Woman's Hour 10:00 WED (b01nxvhw)

Woman's Hour 10:00 THU (b01nxwmp)

Woman's Hour 10:00 FRI (b01nxzcd)

World at One 13:00 MON (b01nxh1m)

World at One 13:00 TUE (b01nxh4x)

World at One 13:00 WED (b01nxvqd)

World at One 13:00 THU (b01nxwn0)

World at One 13:00 FRI (b01nxzcs)

You and Yours 12:00 MON (b01nxh1k)

You and Yours 12:00 TUE (b01nxh4v)

You and Yours 12:00 WED (b01nxvqb)

You and Yours 12:00 THU (b01nxwmy)

You and Yours 12:00 FRI (b01nxzcn)

iPM 05:45 SAT (b01ntmtr)