The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 00:00 Midnight News (b01mzshd)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SAT 00:30 Book of the Week (b01n1vl7)
Edna O'Brien - Country Girl

Episode 5

The great Irish writer, Edna O'Brien, whose controverstial 1960 novel brought her both literary fame and notoriety, reads her astonishingly honest memoir of a literary life of high drama.

In today's episode: Edna rubs shoulders with the great and the good of New York, while back in London, her thoughts return to the past.

Author: Since her debut novel The Country Girls, Edna O'Brien has written more than twenty works of fiction along with a biography of James Joyce and Lord Byron.

Abridger: Miranda Davies

Producer: Justine Willett.

SAT 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01mzshg)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01mzshj)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 4 resumes at 5.20am.

SAT 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01mzshl)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 05:30 News Briefing (b01mzshn)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01n1w19)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Tina Beattie of Roehampton University.

SAT 05:45 iPM (b01n1w1c)
"When my home was burgled while I slept, I went to meet the offender in prison." How did it go? A listener puts iPM in touch with a woman who pursued restorative justice. With Eddie Mair and Jennifer Tracey. Also, BBC Business Editor, Robert Peston brings you "Your News".

SAT 06:00 News and Papers (b01mzshq)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SAT 06:04 Weather (b01mzshs)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 06:07 Ramblings (b01n1rfy)
Series 22

Dublin Bay with Eanna Ni Lamhna

Clare Balding continues her series of wildlife walks with a visit to the Irish Coast.

Today it's "Ramblings reunited", as she is joined again by Irish naturalist and broadcaster Eanna Ni Lamhna and her husband John Harding. Clare Balding last walked with her on a 'holiday hike' in the Wicklow mountains in September 2002. Today expert naturalist and broadcaster Eanna, takes her on a beautiful tour of the diverse wildlife havens of her home city, Dublin.

They dig for lugworms and talk Ulysses in Sandymount strand. They discover the unlikely winter stopover of flocks of thousands of Brent geese - Fontenoy Football Club (the geese have a taste for the well mown turf!)

On they walk to Ringsend Nature Reserve. In this a wonderful elevated wooded area, built on reclaimed builders rubble, they find a haven for linnets, goldfinches, blackbirds, wrens, curlews and egrets in the surrounded by wonderful views of the Dublin mountains and city spires.

As they walk, they revisit their walk, conversations and friendship built in the rainy Wicklow Mountains ten years ago, and explore how much their lives, and their walks, have changed since Clare's last visit.

SAT 06:30 Farming Today (b01n5z2q)
Farming Today This Week

It has been the wettest summer in 100 years, which has resulted in flooding in many parts of the country. Farming Today This week looks at it's effects and asks what can be done to prevent it.

Professor Rob Simmons is a soil scientist from the University of Cranfield, he says that there needs to be a greater awareness of how to care for the countries soil, which hold the key to flood prevention.

Farmers say they want their rivers dredged, yet DEFRA Minister Richard Benyon says that while he feels sympathy, dredging is only part of the solution.

The Eden Rivers Trust is a charity who works to conserve the River Eden in the Peak district for wildlife - this includes ways to alleviate the reasons why rivers flood. Lucy Butler from the trust says lots of small preventative actions will have a cumulative effect.

Meanwhile, some sectors are appealing to farmers to embrace flooding on their land and reintroduce flood meadows. Historically these were common in agriculture but now only account for around 1500 hectares.

Farming Today This Week was presented by Charlotte Smith and produced by Ruth Sanderson.

SAT 06:57 Weather (b01mzshv)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 07:00 Today (b01n5z2s)
Morning news and current affairs with James Naughtie and John Humphrys. Including Sports Desk, Weather and Thought for the Day.

SAT 09:00 Saturday Live (b01n5z2v)
Jackie Clune, stargazing with Jon Culshaw, John McCarthy in Thorpeness, Ralph McTell's Inheritance Tracks

Richard Coles and Sian Williams with performer Jackie Clune, Rob Manuel who turned carnivore after 15 years of vegetarianism, Courtney Stewart who is turning the New Testament into Jamaican, and Sylvia Hillier and Jenni Evennett who as teenagers hopped on board the Beatles' Magical Mystery Tour bus. JP goes stargazing with comedian and impressionist Jon Culshaw, and plays conkers with poet Luke Wright, John McCarthy explores Thorpeness and Ralph McTell shares his Inheritance Tracks.

Producer: Dixi Stewart.

SAT 10:30 For One Night Only (b01n5z2x)
Series 7

Clapton Unplugged

Paul Gambaccini is back with the award-winning series to re-visit two occasions on which a classic live album was recorded. He hears from those who were there, on-stage, backstage and in the audience, to re-create the event for all of us who, each time we play the album, think: 'If only I could have been there'.

In the series opener, Paul looks back at the 1992 recording of 'Eric Clapton Unplugged', in the company of Eric Clapton himself and others who were there.

On 16 January 1992, in front of a small audience at Bray Studios near Maidenhead, Berkshire, Eric Clapton and a small group of musicians made history. For the first time in a public performance, the legendary guitarist 'unplugged' his amp and picked up an acoustic guitar to record a selection of old blues favourites and brand new material, including the poignantly personal 'Tears in Heaven', about the tragic los of his son, Conor, the previous year. And then there was the radically surprising take on the classic 'Layla'.

Paul Gambaccini hears the story of the making of this classic album, which went on to sell over 20 million copies worldwide and won 6 Grammies, from Eric Clapton himself. He also hears the memories of members of the band: Andy Fairweather Low, Steve Ferrone, Chuck Leavell and Nathan East; Alex Coletti, who produced the show for MTV; sound recordist Buford Jones, and members of the audience.

Additional material from Paul Gambaccini's extensive interview with Eric Clapton will be streamed online.

Also in this series of For One Night Only: Pete Seeger and others on The Weavers At Carnegie Hall (1955)

Producer: Marya Burgess.

SAT 11:00 The Forum (b01n5z2z)

Conflicts around the world remind us daily of the perils of taking an eye for an eye. How deep does the instinct for revenge lie? Can victims of personal trauma find closure by other means? And how does a society overcome a shared sense of injustice?

On the ideas discussion programme, Bridget Kendall is joined by the celebrated novelist Rose Tremain, the Indian essayist Salil Tripathi and the activist Yvette Alberdingk Thijm.

Rose Tremain turns her thoughts to the quality of revenge - a trait missing from her creation, the doctor Robert Merivel. He appears in her latest novel, Merivel: A Man of His Time, which is the sequel to the highly-acclaimed Restoration about the doctor's rise and fall in Charles II's England of the late 1600s.

The Indian writer Salil Tripathi is currently writing a book about the crimes committed during Bangladesh's war of independence in 1971, and the way in which its survivors dealt with its violent aftermath.

And the activist Yvette Alberdingk Thijm talks about her work as executive director of Witness, a human rights organisation which helps victims from all over the world tell their stories by using video technology.

SAT 11:30 From Our Own Correspondent (b01n5z31)
Coming Home Early?

Quentin Sommerville in Kabul says an early and substantial drawdown of British troops in Afghanistan is being privately considered

David Willey wonders who else at the Vatican - besides the butler on trial for stealing Papal documents -- is dissatisfied with the way the church is being run

Frances Harrison meets survivors from the civil war in Sri Lanka as officials there hope cricket will help restore the island's image as a holiday paradise

Pascale Harter in Barcelona on the Chinese finding business opportunities amidst the recession in Spain

Mattia Cabitza charts Peruvians' relationships with their cats: some revere them as furry family pets, while others think they make a tasty meal.

SAT 12:00 Money Box (b01n5z33)
Paul Lewis brings you the latest news from the world of personal finance.

This week:

Most big banks are exploring new ways for their customers to get easy access to their cash. Natwest has been extolling through TV ads the virtues of its system which allows customers to withdraw money from an ATM by putting in a code without even needing their bank card. But one listener who was defrauded via this new system tells Money Box why he believes Natwest's fraud detection systems need to be much more stringent.

Earlier this week the Bank of England confirmed that the base rate would stay at 0.5%, the level it's been at for more than three years. But anyone looking to invest money can't fail to have noticed that savings rates haven't remained unchanged. They've been dropping. Meanwhile mortgage rates have been rising. Santander recently nudged its standard variable rate up to 4.74% from 4.24%. Anna Bowes director of discusses why savings rates have dipped, possibly to an historic low.

If you receive Council Tax Benefit, then there are big changes ahead. From April, it won't be the government deciding who can and who can't get help to pay their council tax bills. Instead, each local authority in England will decide who is eligible. Pensioners will be protected but Money Box hears from listeners affected by the changes and Paul Lewis talks to Dr Peter Kenway, Director of New Policy Institute, an independent think-tank

And Money Box is 35 years old. How has the world of personal finance changed in that time?

SAT 12:30 The News Quiz (b01n1vm0)
Series 78

Episode 5

A satirical review of the week's news, chaired by Sandi Toksvig. Panellists are Jeremy Hardy, Hugo Rifkind, Susan Calman and Francesca Martinez.

Produced by Lyndsay Fenner.

SAT 12:57 Weather (b01mzshx)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 13:00 News (b01mzshz)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 13:10 Any Questions? (b01n1vwk)
Clonter Opera Theatre, Goosfest Arts Festival, Cheshire

Jonathan Dimbleby presents the political debate and discussion programme from the Clonter Opera Theatre near Congleton in Cheshire, at Goosfest 2012, the annual arts festival.
Producer: Lisa Jenkinson.

SAT 14:00 Any Answers? (b01n5z35)
A chance for Radio 4 listeners to have their say on the issues discussed on Any Questions. Call Anita Anand on 03700 100 444 to email tweet using #BBCAQ. Topics to discuss are: One Nation Labour, the West Coast Mainline franchise debacle, Police investigation into Jimmy Savile allegations, BBC Freelancer tax payments under scrutiny? the new English Baccalaureate exam - will it raise standards?

SAT 14:30 Saturday Drama (b01n5z37)
The Air Gap

By Steve Waters.

"Hypothetical question: if you had free rein over classified networks for long periods of time, say 8-9 months, and you saw incredible things, awful things, things that belonged in the public domain, not on some server stored in a dark room in Washington DC, what would you do?" - Bradley Manning, from an unverified chat log with a hacker.

"Air gap" is the term for the separation between the civilian internet and the military and diplomatic computer network. In April 2010 this air gap was breached, leading to the biggest information leak in history.

One month later Bradley Manning, a soldier in the US Army, was arrested and accused of releasing classified information to WikiLeaks. He was taken to the military prison at Quantico, Virginia, held in solitary confinement for ten months and, his lawyers argue, subjected to cruel and unusual treatment. Manning was held for almost three years before his case came to trial and he subsequently received a 35 year prison sentence.

This factually-based drama combines dramatised accounts of Bradley Manning's experiences with imagined conversations and characters. It takes place in Quantico and the operating base near Baghdad where Manning was stationed leading up to his arrest. It's here he sees the war on terror documented in action reports and in video material, including the now infamous "collateral murder" video.

Since this drama was first broadcast Manning has announced an intended gender transition and change of name. She is now Chelsea Manning.

Sound and music by Alisdair McGregor and Howard Jacques.

Bradley Manning ..... Greg Wohead
Corporal ..... Michael Walters
Brig Guards ..... Corey Turner and Chris McKinney
Intelligence Operative ..... Serena Bobowski
Psychiatrist ..... Nancy Crane
Lawyer ..... Dominic Hawksley
Commanding Watch Officer ..... Nathan Osgood

Produced and directed by Boz Temple-Morris
A Holy Mountain production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 15:30 The Voices of... (b01n11cz)
Robert Wyatt

Robert Wyatt has been recognised as a prog-rock drummer, jazz composer, avant-garde cornet player, artist and activist in a wheelchair. But, above all else, he has been known by one of the most instantly recognisable and distinctive voices of the last fifty years.

Forever associated with Shipbuilding, Elvis Costello's song written in reaction to the Falklands War, Wyatt's voice and the causes he gives voice to are intricately entwined.

This intimate radio portrait, in his own words, traces Wyatt's journey from the psychedelic excesses of Soft Machine (appearing both with Jimi Hendrix and at the BBC Proms), through the life-changing accident that has confined him to a wheelchair for almost forty years, to recent celebrated musical projects that are reaching new audiences.

Producer: Alan Hall.

A Falling Tree production first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2012.

SAT 16:00 Woman's Hour (b01n5z39)
Martha Stewart; Lorraine Pascale and tourettes hero Jessica Thom

USA lifestyle guru Martha Stewart. Jessica Thom talks about Tourettes and how writing her book Welcome to Biscuitland helped her cope with her condition. Harriet Harman on how the Labour Party plans to address the concerns of women over 50. How to encourage children to do the things they're not keen on, but that might be good for them. The artist Celia Paul on painting her mother, and being muse to Lucien Freud. And Lorraine Pascale Cooks the Perfect chocolate mousse.
Presented by Jane Garvey
Produced by Emma Wallace.

SAT 17:00 PM (b01n5z3c)
Saturday PM

Full coverage of the day's news, presented by Ritula Shah.

SAT 17:30 The Bottom Line (b01n1rq4)
Boardroom battles

The view from the top of business. Presented by Stephanie Flanders, The Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with people running leading and emerging companies.

Stephanie's guests reveal the secrets of the boardroom and offer their tips for mastering boardroom politics - from hidden agendas and clashing egos, to a simple failure to agree.

They also swap thoughts on the risks and rewards of running large incumbent companies as opposed to smaller startups.

In the studio are Stuart Fletcher, Chief Executive of private healthcare company Bupa; Eileen Gittins, founder and Chief Executive of creative self-publishing platform Blurb; Ken Olisa, chairman of boutique technology merchant bank Restoration Partners.

Producer: Ben Crighton
Editor: Innes Bowen.

SAT 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b01mzsj1)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 17:57 Weather (b01mzsj3)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01mzsj5)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 18:15 Loose Ends (b01n5z3f)
Meera Syal, Don Warrington, Jesse Armstrong, Felix Dennis, Cowbell and Garland Jeffreys

Notorious entrepreneur Felix Dennis swaps publishing for poetry, pounds for prose and tells Clive about his extraordinary life as a multimillionaire magazine magnate and his subsequent literary incarnation. The documentary'Felix Dennis: Millionaire Poet' is on Sky Arts 2 and Sky Go on Wednesday 10th October at 2100.

Clive hitches a ride with actor Don Warrington, who rose to fame as smooth-mannered student Philip in hit seventies sitcom 'Rising Damp'. Now he plays Hoke Coleburn in 'Driving Miss Daisy' - the chauffeur of Jewish widow Daisy Werthan. What begins as a hostile pairing soon blossoms into a profound friendship. 'Driving Miss Daisy' tour starts on Wednesday 10th October at the Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Guildford.

Arthur Smith strips off with 'Peep Show' comedy writer Jesse Armstrong. He and writing partner Sam Bain recently focused on Freshers for 'Fresh Meat', a series about the hilarious, and often painful truths of being a student. Their new book 'Fresh Meat: The Essential Guide for New Undergraduates' records every disgusting, exciting, tragic and triumphant detail of student life.

Clive enjoys a Bhaji on the Beach with comedian and actress Meera Syal who is now starring as Beatrice in Royal Shakespeare Company's 'Much Ado About Nothing'. Beatrice and Benedick are locked into a love-hate relationship and tricked into confessing their love for each other. Goodness Gracious Me! 'Much Ado About Nothing' is at London's Noel Coward Theatre until Saturday 27th October.

With moosic from rock n roll duo Cowbell, who perform 'Hanging By A Thread' from their album 'Beat Stampede'.

And the grand seignior of urban poetry, New York music legend Garland Jeffreys performs one of his classic tracks 'New York Skyline'.

Producer: Cathie Mahoney.

SAT 19:00 Profile (b01n5z3h)

Chris Bowlby profiles the South Korean pop star Psy, sudden global star whose Gangnam Style has topped the UK singles charts, and whose video is the most popular video ever on Youtube. How has a Korean star swept the world, what lies behind his success, and why is he now selling fridges? And how has the world's most closed society, North Korea, responded to the global Gangnam craze?

Producer: Smita Patel.

SAT 19:15 Saturday Review (b01n5z3k)
Tom Sutcliffe and his guests Deborah Moggach, James Runcie and Deborah Bull review the week's cultural highlights.

Stephen Chbosky's film The Perks of Being a Wallflower is adapted from Chbosky's best-selling novel and stars Logan Lerman as Charlie - a shy, bookish boy re-entering school after suffering a nervous breakdown. His anxieties and loneliness are assuaged by a sympathetic English teacher (Paul Rudd) and outsiders Patrick (Ezra Miller) and Sam (Emma Watson).

Harry - the narrator of A.M. Homes' novel May We Be Forgiven - is a history professor whose life goes into meltdown after his brother George is involved in a car accident. Finding himself responsible for two children, a dog and a cat and facing unemployment, Harry's forays into internet sex only make his life more complicated.

Fiona Shaw stars as 16th century Venetian artist Galactia in Howard Barker's play Scenes From an Execution at the National Theatre. When Galactia is commissioned to create an epic painting commemorating the Battle of Lepanto she finds herself at loggerheads with the Doge (Tim McInnerny) when she produces a scene of butchery rather than a canvas that celebrates a military triumph.

The Turner Prize 2012 Exhibition at Tate Britain features work by this year's four shortlisted artists: Paul Noble, Elizabeth Price, Luke Fowler and Spartacus Chetwynd.

Arena: Magical Mystery Tour Revisited is a documentary that tells the story behind the Beatles film that was first seen on BBC1 on Boxing Day 1967. The audience's reaction at the time was very mixed with plenty of bemusement and fury from the older generation. The documentary is being shown on BBC2 along with the original film

Producer: Torquil MacLeod

SAT 20:00 Archive on 4 (b01n5z3m)
A Life Less Ordinary

Sandra Gregory

In the first part of a new series of 'A Life Less Ordinary', Sandra Gregory goes back over the coverage of the dramatic events that saw her placed firmly under the media spotlight. In 1993, she attempted to smuggle heroin out of Thailand in a bid to earn enough money to get home to the UK, was arrested and initially faced the prospect of the death penalty. Instead she spent over seven years in prison - first in Bangkok, then in Britain. Gregory talks candidly about the shame she felt upon seeing the TV cameras through the prison bars for the first time, knowing that the pictures would be relayed back home for her family and friends to see. We hear from journalists who visited her during her years in the so-called Bangkok Hilton prison, and she meets one of those columnists who had condemned her actions and shown little sympathy for her situation, given the severity of the crime she'd committed. Gregory also describes how she contemplated suicide while inside, and the mixed feelings she experienced when her parents finally ended their media silence to begin campaigning on her behalf.

At the point when Bosnia and Maastricht were dominating the headlines, the story of one individual's crime and punishment broke through and captured the nation's attention. Now the one person unable at the time to follow the coverage of the story because she was in prison, gets the opportunity to revisit her own story and describe what happens when an ordinary life becomes the subject of massive public and media scrutiny.

SAT 21:00 Classic Serial (b01n0vh4)
Thomas Hardy - Far From the Madding Crowd

Cuts and Points

Bathsheba discovers that sending William Boldwood a valentine card was a terrible mistake. But Boldwood is not Gabriel's only rival for Bathsheba's heart.

Thomas Hardy's classic tale dramatised by Graham White.

Bathsheba ...... Alex Tregear
Gabriel Oak ...... Shaun Dooley
Boldwood ...... Toby Jones
Troy ...... Patrick Kennedy
Liddy ...... Lizzy Watts
Fanny ...... Hannah John-Kamen
Maltster ...... Robert Blythe
Jan ...... Joe Sims
Joseph ...... Sam Alexander
Henery ...... Patrick Brennan
Billy ...... Don Gilet
Cain ...... Harry Livingstone
Maryann ...... Amaka Okafor

Musicians: Colin Guthrie, Chris Davies, Lauren Swift

Director: Jessica Dromgoole

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

SAT 22:00 News and Weather (b01mzsj7)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by weather.

SAT 22:15 Bringing Up Britain (b01n1qyn)
Series 5

Episode 3

Mariella Frostrup and guests discuss adoption. Both its immediate challenges and wider issues from passing the selection process, nurturing traumatised children and dealing with biological parents to the question of mixed race adoption and the dilemmas of keeping siblings together when they might be better apart.

But as well as having specific challenges adoption also presents universal issues of authority, communication transparency and care. And with the government looking to speed up the adoption process we examine what this might mean for children in care and the adults who adopt them.

Guests include the Government's adoption adviser, Martin Narey.

SAT 23:00 Round Britain Quiz (b01n0xpn)
If an Inn of Court, an anatomy textbook and the Master of Ceremonies in 'Cabaret' are three, how many more are needed to create a publishing sensation?

Tom Sutcliffe puts this and other cryptic questions to the teams in the fifth programme of the current Round Britain Quiz series, who this week represent Wales and Northern Ireland. The regulars for Wales are David Edwards and Myfanwy Alexander, while Polly Devlin and Brian Feeney compete for Northern Ireland.

They'll be groping for half-remembered snippets of knowledge drawing on literature, languages, sport, popular culture, and history both ancient and recent, in order to answer the programme's trademark puzzles.

As usual the programme includes a smattering of question ideas from listeners, and suggestions are always welcome.

Producer: Paul Bajoria.

SAT 23:30 Poetry Please (b01n0vh8)
Roger McGough with a selection of poems requested by listeners, in performances taken from the BBC archives. These include a stirring version, by Robert Powell, of Lord Macaulay's "Horatius at the Bridge", a waspish recitation of a Betjeman poem by Geraldine McEwan, and a moving reading of John Donne by the young Kenneth Branagh.

Producer Christine Hall.


SUN 00:00 Midnight News (b01n4l1r)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SUN 00:30 James Hopkin - A Georgian Trilogy (b01n956s)
A Peacock in Sulphur

The first of three specially commissioned stories by James Hopkin. Niko Pirosmani was one of Georgia's greatest artists, but was it his art that killed him?

Read by Allan Corduner

Producer:Rosalynd Ward
A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l1t)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01n4l1w)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l1y)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 05:30 News Briefing (b01n4l20)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (b01n605m)
The bells of Church of St David, Moreton in the Marsh, Gloucestershire.

SUN 05:45 Profile (b01n5z3h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 News Headlines (b01n4l22)
The latest national and international news.

SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b01n605p)

Our relationship with the cat is a fascinating and contradictory one. Ancient cultures revered and sometimes worshipped them. Cats have at times been companions to holy men in many of the great faiths and exterminated at others. They are loyal friends and implacable enemies.

Mark Tully asks what it is that makes our relationship with one of our oldest pets so contradictory. He talks to art historian and journalist Caroline Bugler about the intriguing ways cats have been depicted in sacred art and draws on music by Rossini, Scarlatti and Peggy Lee and the writings of Doris Lessing, P.G. Wodehouse and Diodorus of Sicily.

Producer: Frank Stirling
A Unique production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 06:35 On Your Farm (b01n605r)
Dairy farmers across Britain have had a bad year, frustrated at the prices that supermarkets offer them for their milk. In Orkney, though, things are different. On the archipelago just off the north coast of Scotland the dairy farmers supply their milk to a cheese factory that they actually own. The result is a stable price for their milk and some tasty cheddar to export to mainland Britain and to the cheese-loving French.

Tom Heap visits Berriedale Farm on the lush island of South Ronaldsay to meet Marcus Wood, his son Erlend and the herd of Holstein-Friesian cattle that supply the milk to the cheesemakers.

Producer: Alasdair Cross

SUN 06:57 Weather (b01n4l24)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 07:00 News and Papers (b01n4l26)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 07:10 Sunday (b01n605t)
On the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council, controversial theologian Hans Kung, expert advisor to the Council alongside the then Joseph Ratzinger, tells us why he won't be celebrating the anniversary.

John Laurenson reports from the largest illegal settlement in the European Union on the role religion plays in the lives of it's many Moroccan Muslim inhabitants.

The Bishop of Chelmsford explores the religious history of the colour purple following the announcement that "purple belongs to Cadbury".

David Willey reports from Rome as the twists and turns of the Pope's butler trial conclude.

How do you forgive the unforgiveable? Marian Partington's sister Lucy was one of Fred West's victims. On National Quaker Week she talks about her journey to forgiveness guided by her Quaker faith.

Former religion editor for the Daily Telegraph George Pitcher gives a satirical take on the process of selecting the next Archbishop of Canterbury.

And the Bishop of Bangor talks to Trevor about how people in the Welsh village of Machynlleth have coped with the traumatic events of the past week.

SUN 07:55 Radio 4 Appeal (b01n605w)
Find Your Feet

Jon Snow presents the Radio 4 Appeal for Find Your Feet.
Reg Charity:250456
To Give:
- Freephone 0800 404 8144
- Freepost BBC Radio 4 Appeal, mark the back of the envelope Find Your Feet.

SUN 07:57 Weather (b01n4l28)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 08:00 News and Papers (b01n4l2b)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (b01n605y)
A service live from St Barnabas' Church, Epsom marking Epsom Mental Health Week and reflecting on how our mental well-being relates to our spiritual health. Led by the Vicar, the Revd Michael Preston and the Revd Sue Bull, a mental health chaplain, with Epsom Chamber Choir directed by Esther Jones. Epsom was one of the first spa towns in England and also was home to a large complex of psychiatric hospitals - a place of both sorrow and healing. Producer: Stephen Shipley.

SUN 08:50 A Point of View (b01n1vwm)
Presenting the Past

Sarah Dunant reflects on the role of history in society - and how it changes over time. Research and archaeology, as well as the views of the times in which historians live, change their perception of the past. Dunant also asks what historical fiction takes from academic study - and what it, in turn, can teach those who study the past. She also asks whether the humanities are as valued as they should be. Do we underrate them at our peril?
Producer Rosamund Jones.

SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (b01n6060)
Sunday morning magazine programme with news and conversation about the big stories of the week, presented by Paddy O'Connell.

SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (b01n6062)
For detailed synopses, please see daily episodes

Writer ..... Adrian Flynn
Director ..... Kim Greengrass
Editor ..... Vanessa Whitburn

Alistair Lloyd ..... Michael Lumsden
David Archer ..... Timothy Bentinck
Ruth Archer ..... Felicity Finch
Elizabeth Pargetter ..... Alison Dowling
Tom Archer ..... Tom Graham
Matt Crawford ..... Kim Durham
Lilian Bellamy ..... Sunny Ormonde
Christine Barford ..... Lesley Saweard
Fallon Rogers ..... Joanna Van Kampen
Will Grundy ..... Philip Molloy
Emma Grundy ..... Emerald O'Hanrahan
Ed Grundy ..... Barry Farrimond
Mike Tucker ..... Terry Molloy
Vicky Tucker ..... Rachel Atkins
Roy Tucker ..... Ian Pepperell
Hayley Tucker ..... Lorraine Coady
Brenda Tucker ..... Amy Shindler
Lynda Snell ..... Carole Boyd
Kirsty Miller ..... Annabelle Dowler
Jazzer McCreary ..... Ryan Kelly
Jim Lloyd ..... John Rowe
Rhys Williams ..... Scott Arthur
Arthur Walters ..... David Hargreaves
Eileen ..... Tina Gray.

SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (b01n6064)
Celia Birtwell

Kirsty Young's castaway this week is the designer Celia Birtwell.

In the ephemeral world of fashion she has endured; Marian Faithfull wore her creations in the 60s, Kate Moss is a fan today. Whimsical prints and flattering forms are her signature style and the vintage creations that she designed with her then husband Ossie Clarke now change hands for a small fortune. Her new ranges are highly collectable and fly off the high street rails too.

Never one of the fashion world's flamboyant self promoters she has, none the less, a face known to millions - as a long time friend and muse to David Hockney she is the woman at the centre of his famous painting "Mr and Mrs Clark and Percy".

She wants her work to be relevant because and says "there's nothing worse than being out-dated. If that happens and I feel I'm past it, I'll stop".

Producer: Cathy Drysdale.

SUN 12:00 The Museum of Curiosity (b01n0xpx)
Series 5

Murray, Bondeson, McAlister

Professor of Ignorance at the University of Buckingham, Professor John Lloyd CBE welcomes comedian Jimmy Carr for the fifth series.

Three guests are invited to donate one item each and explain why it deserves a place in the museum.

In the opening episode, John and Jimmy welcome the Natural History Museum's resident dipterologist (fly expert) Erica McAlister; Consultant Rheumatologist at the Cardiff University School of Medicine Jan Bondeson and comedian, historian and fictitious Pub Landlord Al Murray.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012

SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (b01n6066)
British Blue Cheese

British blue cheese is aspiring to move from niche to mass market. Blue cheese has been made on the continent since Roman times. But in the UK, blue in cheese was historically viewed as "white cheese gone wrong". Now, British blue cheese producers are trying to make creamy, sweet, salty cheeses in a European style to compete with the continental imports of Gorgonzola, Cambozola and Danish Blue.

Sheila Dillon travels to the British Cheese Award to search for the perfect blue cheese for the mass market's palate. Food historian Ivan Day explains why Stilton was the most expensive cheese in Victorian Britain. And cheese maker John Longman shows Sheila how to turn a cheese blue.

Presented by Sheila Dillon and produced by Emma Weatherill.

SUN 12:57 Weather (b01n4l2d)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (b01n6068)
The latest national and international news with Shaun Ley, including an in-depth look at events around the world. Email:; twitter: #theworldthisweekend.

SUN 13:30 A Kiss Is .... Never Just a Kiss (b01gg8h0)
The kiss is the most deceptive gesture.

Seemingly simple, it is in fact a highly complex action and - depending on the depth of passion used - can ignite a plethora of emotional, sensual and physical reactions including lowering blood pleasure, extending life expectancy and helping to choose a mate.

But the kiss we know and practice today, didn't always have emotional and erotic overtones. In Roman times a kiss was used as a symbol of power. The Greeks believed that breath was the life of man, and kissing an adored object represented a sort of sacrifice. And when European explorers introduced the practice of kissing in South Africa, the Tsonga people were horrified. So you see, the idea of kissing someone on the lips hasn't always thrilled people.

Today, just about every culture on the planet kisses - but some cultures are still reluctant. In Arab countries, public displays of affection can land you in prison - and if you kiss someone in Japan, you can find yourself engaged to be married!

Rowan Pelling - former Editor of the Erotic Review Rowan - tries to discover how and why our views of kissing have changed and whether it has lost some of its magic with over-use, and takes a lesson in how to do it for stage and screen when you've never met the person you're kissing before.

Producer: Angela Hind

A Pier production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in April 2012.

SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b01n1vlm)

Eric Robson continues the Gardeners' Question Time Northern Tour in North Yorkshire. Matthew Wilson, Chris Beardshaw and Alison Pringle are on the panel.

To mark its 65th anniversary, Eric Robson presents a condensed history of GQT.

Produced by Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

Questions answered in the programme:
Q. Could the panel recommended any small, pink, white or blue flowering pot plants to be used as table centrepieces at a wedding in early June?
A. Dwarf Rhododendrons, or bedding plants could be used. Streptocarpus could be used for cuttings now to grow in time. Love in a Mist (blue), Thrift (pink) or Dicentra Spectabilis 'Alba' - or 'Bleeding Heart' - (white) could also be used!

Q. What has been done to seed potatoes intended for harvest at Christmas in order to enable them to be harvested at that time?
A. These are very late or very early cropping potatoes, such as First Earlies. Nothing unusual will have been done to them.

Q. I planted a rose over 50 years ago named after R. A. Middleton. Can the panel identify the rose in question?
A. This is a hybrid tea rose. There is a rose called C. H. Middleton, named after horticulturalist Cecil Middleton. However, Cecil's wife Rosa Annie may have had a rose named after her too.

Q. When planting wild flowers, is it best to broadcast seed, or plant in plugs?
A. It depends upon location. In bare ground, you can use broadcast sowing, for plants such as Red Clover, Oxeye Daisies, Alkanets and Viper's Bugloss. In a grass area, plug plants are recommended. However, if an area is too fertile, wildflowers will not do well.

Q. My 6ft tall runner beans are battered by wind, so I have removed the leaves. Now that it is cooler, will the beans suffer without the protection of the wind?
A. Planting something to shelter the beans such as raspberries or Jerusalem artichokes could help provide a permeable shelter. Alternatively, the frame could be reduced in height, which will also help the beans' productivity.

Q. Could the panel suggest a houseplant suitable for an overheated, dark cottage with small windows and a neglectful owner?
A. Aspidistra, Phalaenopsis orchids or Vriesia Splendens tropical Bromeliad are recommended.

Q. What does scarifying the lawn do, and is it useful? Do the panel scarify their lawns.
A. Scarifying removes 'thatch' from the lawn - the build-up of dead grass and moss at the base of the grass - but not strictly necessary. It can also help prevent the formation of tussocks by tillering grasses.

SUN 14:45 The Listening Project (b01n606b)
Sunday Edition

Fi Glover presents the Sunday edition of Radio 4's series proving it's surprising what you hear when you listen, as she eavesdrops on conversations from around the UK

From Cumbria, Kent, Leeds, Ulster, Shropshire, Manchester, Wales and London we hear snippets of conversation about the weather, sex, Romany traditions, coping with children leaving home and then returning, alcoholism, dealing with disability within the family - and there's even a proposal of marriage.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Marya Burgess.

SUN 15:00 Classic Serial (b01n606d)
Thomas Hardy - Far From the Madding Crowd

A Successful Rival

One man proves constant in his love for Bathsheba, while she gives up on all hopes of happiness.

Thomas Hardy's classic tale dramatised by Graham White.

Bathsheba ...... Alex Tregear
Gabriel Oak ...... Shaun Dooley
Boldwood ...... Toby Jones
Troy ...... Patrick Kennedy
Liddy ...... Lizzy Watts
Fanny ...... Hannah John-Kamen
Maltster ...... Robert Blythe
Jan ...... Joe Sims
Joseph ...... Sam Alexander
Henery ...... Patrick Brennan
Billy ...... Don Gilet
Cain ...... Harry Livingstone
Maryann ...... Amaka Okafor

Musicians: Colin Guthrie, Chris Davies, Lauren Swift

Director: Jessica Dromgoole

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

SUN 16:00 Bookclub (b01n60lt)
Marilynne Robinson - Gilead

American writer Marilynne Robinson talks to James Naughtie and readers about her novel Gilead, winner of the 2005 Pulitzer Prize.

Marilynne Robinson enjoyed great success with her first novel, Housekeeping, when it was published in 1980. She reveals to Bookclub why there was a gap of twenty-four years before she was able to write Gilead, her second book; and how the voice of the narrator came to her when she found herself alone in a hotel one Christmas.

Gilead is the autobiography of the Reverend John Ames, an elderly pastor in the small, secluded and fictional town of the same name, who knows he's dying of a heart condition.

Writing in the late 1950s, Ames tells his story in the form of a letter to his seven year old son, who will have few memories of him. And as well as revealing his fears about what will happen to his family when he's gone, the account traces the family's history back to the time when the prairies around Kansas and Iowa were being settled, through the Civil War and up to the civil rights movement of the mid-twentieth century.

The voice of John Ames captivates the Bookclub audience, and Marilynne discusses his life and work with themes relevant to her own - solitude and religious contemplation.

November's Bookclub choice : Skellig by David Almond

Producer : Dymphna Flynn.

SUN 16:30 Poetry Please (b01n60lw)
The Ballad of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde's The Ballad of Reading Gaol, read by Alex Jennings. Presented by Roger McGough.

In May 1897 Oscar Wilde was released from Reading Gaol. That month he began to write The Ballad of Reading Gaol - to express his horror and outrage at what he had witnessed during his years in prison. The poem memorialises a fellow prisoner, who was hanged for murder in 1896.

Wilde wrote it in exile in Dieppe, then Naples. He finished it in October that same year, and it was published the following year, 1898. The author's name was given simply as C. 3. 3., Wilde's number in Reading Gaol, his cell being the third on the third floor of Block C.

Producer Beth O'Dea.

SUN 17:00 File on 4 (b01n11x6)
Undercover Cops

How far should undercover police officers go to gather intelligence?

Jane Deith talks exclusively to women suing the Metropolitan police claiming they were tricked into long standing relationships with undercover officers.

The unmasking of undercover cop Mark Kennedy who'd been infiltrating environmental protest groups has led to revelations that other officers had relationships with woman they were spying on. The women argue that the state agents they fell in love with used them physically and emotionally. They say the officers intruded into the most personal aspects of their lives causing them lasting damage. Their lawyer claims the relationships were a breach of the women's right to privacy and their right to form relationships without the interference of the state.

Yet there are no hard guidelines on undercover officers sleeping with 'targets'. The rules of engagement are shrouded in secrecy. Police chiefs have said the officers broke the rules, yet former undercover policemen say sex was sanctioned as a means of gathering intelligence. And the Government has told Parliament affairs like this can be a necessary part of undercover work.

So is forming intimate relationships a legitimate part of a difficult and vital area of policing, or an abuse of power by the state?

And, from environmental protest to serious and organised crime, how much do we really know about the secret methods of undercover policing?

Presenter: Jane Deith
Producer: Sally Chesworth.

SUN 17:40 Profile (b01n5z3h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l2g)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 17:57 Weather (b01n4l2j)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01n4l2l)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (b01n60ly)
What part of Marlene Dietrich's anatomy did Giles Brandreth find himself holding? Why are pop songs around 3 minutes long? Whatever did happen to the Omani National Anthem? The answers may please, perplex and puzzle you but we promise you 45 minutes of the best of BBC radio from the last 7 days with poetry, drama and music to spice up the mix. Join Liz Barclay for her choice of the best on BBC radio this week.

Meet David Sedaris - Radio 4
Book of the Week - Radio 4
Breakfast Show - Radio York
Archive on Four - Radio 4
Daily Drama - Radio 4
Sunday Feature - Radio 3
The Spanish Ambassador's Suitcase - Radio 4
Duration, Duration, Duration - Radio 4
Witness - World Service
The Voices of Robert Wyatt - Radio 4
Gardener's Question Time - Radio 4
Five More Ages of Brandreth - Radio 4

If there's something you'd like to suggest for next week's programme, please e-mail

Produced by Helen Lee.

SUN 19:00 The Archers (b01n60m0)
Jim is unsettled to find his housemate Jazzer eating whilst reading one of his books. Jazzer is fascinated by the book which is about the Romans. Jim is pleased, but not so happy about Jazzer leaving his washing up.

Jazzer shares his knowledge of the Romans with Tom and the pigs. Tom steers the conversation towards his ready meals and his worries. The organic produce means that production would be expensive. Jazzer makes a suggestion.

Brenda pops in on Vicky to admire the nursery and they chat about shopping for the baby. Mike and Jim arrive as Brenda leaves. Jim asks Mike if he would like to be in Borsetshire Life. Jim explains his proposal and Vicky thinks it's a fantastic idea. Mike accepts. Jim conducts the interview but asks them to keep quiet about it.

Tom puts Jazzer's suggestion to Brenda that he should remove his organic status. Brenda thinks it's a terrible idea and Tom agrees it was mad to take advice from Jazzer.

Later, Jim joins Jazzer who is watching a film about Romans - although it's more 'extreme' than Jim was expecting. Jim points out the historical flaws. Jazzer doesn't want a history lesson and suggests a pizza instead.

SUN 19:15 Meet David Sedaris (b01n60m2)
Series 3

Author Author; Front Row Centre with Thaddeus Bristol

The multi-award winning American essayist brings more of his wit and charm to BBC Radio 4 with a series of audience readings.

This week David gives his observations of life as an author on tour in "Author, Author", makes a satirical swipe at critics in "Front Row Centre with Thaddeus Bristol", and reads some extracts from his diaries.

Producer: Steve Doherty
A Boom Pictures Cymru production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 19:45 Where Were You... (b01n60m4)
Solo, A Cappella

Read by: Daniel Kaluuya

Where were you when Kennedy was shot? That was the starting point for this series in which five writers are asked to build a story around a significant historical event and explore it in fiction. As well as the assassination of JFK, the writers explore the meltdown of Chernobyl, the Tottenham riots, Columbine and the splitting of the lithium atom.

People often ask the "Kennedy Question" to highlight the magnitude of the event itself. And occasionally we find ourselves in the thick of the moment. But just as interesting are the polarities, disjunctions and weird connections between the moment that shakes the world and the life of the everyday.

Episode Five: Solo, A Cappella by Alison MacLeod

Valentine is a sixteen-year-old African girl with a voice like an angel. So what is she doing in the eye of the storm in Tottenham on 7 August 2011?

Alison MacLeod's hard-hitting story and fictional characters take their inspiration from the alleged events, theories and rumours that circulated regarding the trigger for the riots in London that summer.

Alison MacLeod lives in Brighton. Her story "The Heart of Denis Noble" was shortlisted for the BBC National Short Story Award in 2011. Her next novel will be published in the autumn of 2012. Alison is Professor of Contemporary Fiction at the University of Chichester.

Produced by: Jeremy Osborne
A Sweet Talk production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 20:00 Feedback (b01n1vlt)
This week saw the end of the Labour Party Conference in Manchester - but not before an interview with Ed Miliband on the Today programme prompted a flurry of angry emails to the Feedback inbox. For many listeners, Evan Davis's technique proved infuriating. Talking over his interviewee, interrupting, grandstanding and answering his own questions, were some of the complaints.

We get a response from the Today programme and also glean insight on the art of the political interview from Radio 4's Week in Westminster presenter, Steve Richards.

Roger Bolton also takes a trip to the BBC's legendary music studios at Maida Vale and is shown the sights and sounds by BBC 6 Music presenter and musician, Cerys Matthews. Along the way he learns about the art of recording live music for radio and what the listeners at home get out of it.

And was it worth flying to New York for an interview? The BBC's disability's affairs correspondent Peter White, presenter of No Triumph, No Tragedy, explains.

Presented by Roger Bolton

Producer: Kate Taylor
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 20:30 Last Word (b01n1vlr)
Eric Hobsbawm, Michael Hurll, Jerome Horwitz, Harry Chambers, Eddie Bert

Matthew Bannister on

The Marxist historian Eric Hobsbawm. We have tributes from Lord Kinnock and Eric's daughter Julia.

The TV producer Michael Hurll who was responsible for a string of light entertainment hits - Cilla Black and Ronnie Corbett recall working with him.

Dr Jerome Horwitz who developed the drug AZT as a treatment for cancer only to find 20 years later that it worked against HIV.

Harry Chambers who founded the respected publishing house: Peterloo Poets. Rosie Bailey pays tribute in verse.

And music from the jazz trombonist Eddie Bert who played alongside greats from Benny Goodman to Charles Mingus.

SUN 21:00 Money Box (b01n5z33)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Saturday]

SUN 21:26 Radio 4 Appeal (b01n605w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 today]

SUN 21:30 Analysis (b01n0xtj)
Obama: Peacemaker or Vigilante?

When Barack Obama stood before a 200,000-strong crowd in Berlin in 2008 his declaration that "now is the time to build new bridges across the globe" was met with jubilation by a crowd which believed the future American president would pursue a gentler foreign policy, completely unlike that of George W Bush. This liberal enthusiasm extended to the Nobel Committee, which awarded Obama its Peace Prize in his first year of office. The man himself accepted the Prize, and the warm feelings, but did he ever intend to pursue the sort of foreign policy which his well-wishers in Europe and on the American left expected of him? And what - when set against their expectations, or indeed his own promises - has President Obama actually achieved on the world stage?

Interviewees include:

Bruce Riedel, former adviser on foreign policy to Barack Obama
Ann Marie Slaughter, former Director of Policy Planning for the U.S. State Department under Barack Obama
Daniel Drezner, Professor of International Politics at The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
James Fallows, The Atlantic magazine
Gregory Johnsen, Near East Studies Scholar, Princeton University
Jameel Jaffer, lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union

Presenter: Mukul Devichand
Producer: Richard Knight.

SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (b01n60qt)
Preview of the week's political agenda at Westminster with MPs, experts and commentators. Discussion of the issues politicians are grappling with in the corridors of power.

SUN 22:45 What the Papers Say (b01n60qw)
Episode 124

A look at how the newspapers are covering the biggest stories in Westminster and beyond.

SUN 23:00 The Film Programme (b01n1rpp)
Francine Stock discusses the long-awaited screen adaptation of Jack Kerouac's On the Road with the film's director, Walter Salles.

Author and film historian, David Thomson, outlines his fears for the future of cinema.

Clare Stewart, new director of the BFI London Film Festival, on her vision for this year's festival.

Critic and journalist Karen Krizanovich on Sam Fuller's Park Row from 1952, a feisty flick chronicling the early days of the New York newspaper industry.

Producer: Craig Smith.

SUN 23:30 Something Understood (b01n605p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:05 today]


MON 00:00 Midnight News (b01n4l3n)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

MON 00:15 Thinking Allowed (b01n1qy8)
Sickness Benefit Recipients - New Society 50 Years On

Sickness benefit claimants and their fear of the 'brown envelope'. Laurie Taylor hears about a new study into the views and experiences of the long term sick and disabled in the context of ongoing welfare reforms. The researcher, Kayleigh Garthwaite, highlights their ambivalence - whilst some have a deep seated anxiety about losing rights and income; others hope it will distinguish between the genuinely ill, such as themselves, and those that are 'faking'. Also, the former social science magazine 'New Society' broke new and radical grounds in its creation of a space for thoughtful debate about everyday culture and social issues; showcasing the ideas of academics and intellectuals as diverse as Angela Carter and Richard Hoggart. A former editor, Paul Barker, analyses the heyday and legacy of 'New Society' 50 years after its launch. He's joined by the writer, Lynsey Hanley and the Professor of Cultural Studies, Fred Inglis.

Producer: Jayne Egerton.

MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (b01n605m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:43 on Sunday]

MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l3q)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01n4l3s)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l3v)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 05:30 News Briefing (b01n4l3x)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01n61rx)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Tina Beattie of Roehampton University.

MON 05:45 Farming Today (b01n61rz)
In the Orkney Islands wind turbines are to be found on many farms - and have been a useful boost to farm incomes. However, as Alasdair Cross reports from the Islands, there is a problem; these turbines are now producing an energy surplus. And English winemakers are picking grapes in the rain. What are the prospects for the 2012 vintage?

Presented by Charlotte Smith and produced in Birmingham by Rich Ward.

MON 05:57 Weather (b01n4l3z)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.

MON 06:00 Today (b01n61s1)
Morning news and current affairs with James Naughtie and Evan Davis. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.

MON 09:00 Start the Week (b01n61s3)
Diana Athill and Philip Hensher on the dying art of handwriting

On Start the Week Andrew Marr discusses the dying art of handwriting with the novelist Philip Hensher. As the typewriter has taken over from the pen, so email is killing off letter-writing, and Diana Athill celebrates the art of correspondence. But the poet Wendy Cope, who has just left thousands of emails to the British Library, welcomes the advent of digital communication, and the philosopher Nigel Warburton tweets, blogs and podcasts.
Producer: Katy Hickman.

MON 09:45 Book of the Week (b01n61s5)
On the Map

Episode 1

Simon Garfield starts his journey through the story of maps in the Great Library of Alexandria where, for the first time, scholars began to plot the wider world.

Ptolemy's atlas of AD 150 was to provide a template of the world for more than a thousand years and it was a version of this that Columbus took with him when he set sail for Japan in 1492.

Producer: Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01n61s7)
Former Beauty Queens, Down's Syndrome, Lonely at the top?

Former beauty queens, living with Down's syndrome, is being your own boss a lonely job? Women and the Conservative party - a view on the Cameron appeal.
Presented by Jane Garvey
Producer: Sarah Crawley.

MON 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n61s9)
HighLites: Retouched

Episode 1

by Steve Chambers and Phil Nodding.

1/5 Bridgford is blessed with the meanest hairdresser in Britain, and the stupidest. Bev and Shirley go mobile when the salon is closed down by environmental health.

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole

The enduring comedy of Bev, the bitter and vindictive Chief Stylist, played by Lorraine Ashbourne, and Shirley, her fond and foolish assistant, played by Rosie Cavaliero.

Originally piloted as an Afternoon Play, HighLites is now on its second 15 minute series, with another commissioned for next year.

MON 11:00 Cheaper Than Walking (b01n61sc)
Many of them had three wheels and engines more suited to powering lawnmowers. They looked like they'd escaped from a funfair ride and had names like the Allard Clipper, the Opperman Stirling, the Bond Mark A and the Frisky Family Three. In Cheaper Than Walking Andy Kershaw rediscovers a brief golden age in British car-making when we excelled in producing very, very small cars.

He looks back to a time of post-war austerity, of household budgets on a shoestring, a time when political upheaval in the Middle East, particularly the Suez Crisis, cast a dark shadow over fuel supplies. Across the UK, in workshops from Preston to Wolverhampton, from London to the Isle of Man engineers came up with the solution as they set to work on designing and producing microcars, better known today as bubble cars.

Andy climbs into the cramped, underpowered, noisy world of British microcars and meets the people who love them. His starting point is the Isle of Man and the only car ever to be produced there. In the early 1960s, the Peel Engineering Company decided to diversify from making fibre-glass boats into manufacturing cars. The result was the P50. Its wheels were five inches in diameter and equipped with go-kart tyres. When you wanted to park or reverse the P50 you simply got out, grabbed a chrome handle at the back of the car and manhandled it in much the same way as you might manoeuvre a shopping basket on wheels.

Andy sets off in the smallest car he - or anybody else - has ever driven to explore a social and mechanical phenomenon. In Kent Andy visits Jean Hammond, custodian of the largest private collection of microcars, the Hammond Collection, which was assembled by her late husband Edwin. She has a Peel P50 there, of course, but she also has a Bamby, a Bond, a Frisky and, rarest of all, one of the only two surviving examples of the Allard Clipper. Jean also runs the Register of Unusual Microcars, a treasure trove of lovingly crafted one-offs, hand-built in the 1950s and 60s by small engineering firms in carriage-works and garages.

'Lovingly-crafted one-offs' is also a good description of many of the enthusiasts Andy meets on his travels. He visits the annual get-together of bubble-car fans, the National Microcar Rally and he talks to two of the engineers who were involved in creating these wonderful vehicles back in the 1950s and early '60s.

If you want to upset anybody in the microcar world, just mention the Mini. Alec Issigonis' creation, unveiled at the 1958 Motor Show, may have been a triumph for the British motor industry and an icon of the 1960s but it rang the death knell for the real British microcar. Why have three wheels and two seats when you could pay £100 more and own a family car with four wheels? With the arrival of the Mini the bubble (car) burst.

In this programme Andy Kershaw recalls the golden age of British microcars. At a time when we're only too aware of tightening budgets, he celebrates a uniquely creative, three-wheeled answer to post-war austerity and evokes a lost era of tiny family companies making tiny family cars.

Producer: Jeremy Grange.

MON 11:30 Everyone Quite Likes Justin (b01n61sf)
Series 2

Episode 6

Justin's still living with his father-in-law, still working with his ex-wife and still calling on his Gran for her words of wisdom.

Now he also has to cope with the build up to the wedding of the year.

Starring Justin Moorhouse, Anne Reid and Paul Copley.

Sitcom written by Justin Moorhouse and Jim Poyser.

Justin ..... Justin Moorhouse
Gran ..... Anne Reid
Lisa ..... Christine Bottomley
Bryn ..... Lloyd Langford
Ray ..... Paul Copley
Tanya ..... Victoria Elliott
Miles ..... Rob Rouse

Recorded in front of an audience in Manchester.

Producer: Steven Canny

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2012.

MON 12:00 You and Yours (b01n61sh)
Buzz Aldrin is trying to help disabled people learn to fly

Crawley Borough Council is proposing a new voluntary scheme whereby council house tenants take in a homeless person who might otherwise have been put in B&B accommodation. Under the new housing benefit laws due to come into effect next year, tenants with spare rooms could see their benefits cut by up to a quarter. So is this a sensible use of resources and help for homeless people? Or an unwarranted intrusion into tenants' homes.

What can do when your mobile phone provider stops providing a signal in your neighbourhood? Should the company be obliged to make an effort to alert customers? And, do you have the right to break your contract without penalty?

Bespoke Islamic branding. What is it? Why do we need branding and advertising agencies aimed specifically at Muslim consumers?

Main Image: Buzz Aldrin in the BBC Radio Car. Copyright Peter Langdown.

Presenter: Julian Worricker
Producer: Paul Waters.

MON 12:57 Weather (b01n4l41)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 13:00 World at One (b01n61sk)
National and international news with Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

MON 13:45 China: As History Is My Witness (b01n61sm)
Sima Qian: China's Great Historian

Free speech has long had a high price in China. Here Sima Qian ponders his privates - and posterity - in a tale that still resonates after more than 2,000 years.

MON 14:00 The Archers (b01n60m0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Sunday]

MON 14:15 Drama (b00vkwvf)
Nick Warburton - Setting a Glass

By Nick Warburton

A man is summoned to a hospital where his elderly mother is fading away. He arrives in the middle of the night and walks through empty corridors looking for a coffee machine. So why is he avoiding sitting at his mother's bedside?

He gets talking to an auxiliary nurse, a disgruntled but determined young woman whose life is starting, just as his mother's is ending. As he tells this complete stranger about his mother's uneventful life, her small achievements, he comes to understand some of the mechanisms at play in his strange inability to sit with her.

Directed by Peter Kavanagh.

MON 15:00 Round Britain Quiz (b01n61sp)
Tom Sutcliffe is in the chair for another cerebral work-out, this week featuring the regulars from the North of England and Scotland. Scientist Jim Coulson and children's author Adele Geras play for the North of England, while the Scots are the critic and translator Michael Alexander and journalist Alan Taylor.

They'll need all their powers of recall and lateral thinking when tackling questions such as:

'Why would Arthur Stanley Jefferson, the first Quebecois Prime Minister of Canada, and a canyon in California, have been out of place at the Olympics?'

As always, the programme features two questions devised by listeners - and all of the questions are laid out on the Round Britain Quiz pages of the BBC Radio 4 website, if you'd like to play along with the teams.

Producer: Paul Bajoria.

MON 15:30 The Food Programme (b01n6066)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:32 on Sunday]

MON 16:00 Was Dracula Irish? (b01n61sr)
Bram Stoker's Dracula is said to be the biggest selling book after the Bible. First published in 1897 the book has never been out of print and has been translated into over fifty languages. Stoker's vampire has spawned over a thousand films and still counting, shaped popular culture and though it has been a hundred years since the death of Bram Stoker, interest in his charismatic vampire does not seem to be on the wane. So where did Stoker get the idea for his iconic blood-sucking Count? Dracula has long been associated with Vlad the Impaler and Transylvania. Whitby and London feature heavily in the book, but is the landscape of Transylvania really Ireland? How much did Irish politics shape the novel and was Dracula really based on Irish folklore, legend, and the stories told to the young Bram Stoker by his mother? Patrick McCabe, the Irish novelist, explores the idea that Dracula was, in fact, Irish.

MON 16:30 The Digital Human (b01n621l)
Series 2


Aleks Krotoski explores what the digital world tells us about ourselves. This week: Influence. How has the digital world changed the way opinions are voiced and shaped?

MON 17:00 PM (b01n61st)
Eddie Mair with interviews, context and analysis.

MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01n4l43)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 18:30 The Museum of Curiosity (b01n7l2h)
Series 5

Brand, Hart Dyke, Clark

Professor of Ignorance at the University of Buckingham, Professor John Lloyd CBE is joined by comedian Jimmy Carr for the fifth series.

Three guests are invited to donate one item each and explain why it deserves a place in the museum.

John and Jimmy welcome Astronomer Dr Stuart Clark; Plant-hunter and former hostage Tom Hart Dyke; and comedian, novelist and sitcom writer Jo Brand.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012

MON 19:00 The Archers (b01n61sy)
Emma tells Ed that she can't wait to have her wages again. She's concerned that it's Susan's birthday soon and they can't afford much. Ed searches through the cupboards for something appetising for his meal but struggles. Emma asks Ed to approach Oliver for money. Ed refuses.

Rhys is in Wales and The Bull is quiet. Kenton can tell that Fallon's feeling fed up. Fallon just wonders what's next for her in life. Kenton feels the same, revealing that he's struggling to settle back into Jaxx. Lynda arrives to enlist them both into her Christmas auditions. Kenton makes plenty of excuses.

Ed helps David with rehanging a gate. Ed confides in him that the dairy farming business is bleak. David offers Ed a sympathetic ear whenever he needs it.

Lynda is directing Kenton on the floral planting outside The Bull, insisting that they're kept to standard to reflect the village's success in Britain in Bloom. Satisfied, she leaves him to find more cast.

Fallon catches Ed scoffing on a chocolate bar and she warns him that Lynda's on the hunt. Fallon senses that something's wrong. Ed reveals that he's finding business tough and hates it when Will flashes his money around. Ed just can't see a way out.

MON 19:15 Front Row (b01n621n)
Ruby Sparks, Roy Willliams,The Plane Crash, William Klein

With Mark Lawson.

Ruby Sparks is the new film from the directors of the Oscar-winning Little Miss Sunshine, Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. It explores the writer's fantasy of having a character come to life. Novelist Meg Rosoff reviews.

Alan Sillitoe's classic story, The Loneliness Of The Long Distance Runner, has been adapted for a new touring stage production by the playwright Roy Williams. He has swapped Sillitoe's 1950s Nottingham setting for London in 2012 just after the Olympics. Mark talks to Williams, director Marcus Romer and the star of the new production, Elliot Barnes-Worrell, about re-imagining the story for a contemporary audience - and the art of running on stage.

The Plane Crash is a TV documentary which delivers what the title says: scientists, pilots and aviation experts deliberately crashed an airliner in a remote Mexican desert, to find out what actually happens in such situations. Writer Henry Sutton, whose novels include Flying, set on a plane, gives his verdict.

The photographer and film maker William Klein, now 84, reflects on a career in which he trained as a painter before working in fashion and street photography. His work is about to go on display at Tate Modern, in an exhibition in which his images are shown alongside pictures by the Japanese photographer Daido Moriyama.

Producer Nicki Paxman.

MON 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n61s9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

MON 20:00 Ireland's Troublesome Priests (b01mtslz)
Early this summer, hundreds of Catholic priests gathered in Dublin, with the whiff of rebellion on their nostrils. They are demanding modernisation of their church, which they say, has lost touch with its people. But the people are also rebelling, not only going to Sunday mass in ever smaller numbers, but organising their own rebel groups to protest against a church which, they say is out of touch with the modern world

Ruth McDonald meets the dissident Priests, some of whom have been censured by Rome, demanding relaxation of rules relating to women, homosexuality, divorce and even their own celibacy, but the church is taking tough line telling them that strict church teaching is not open to interpretation, even by them.

As the campaign gains pace with series of meeting across Ireland, Ruth asks what the future is for the faith in a country where Catholicism and the state were, at one time, one and the same, and asks how The Vatican will deal with Irelands Troublesome Priests.

MON 20:30 Analysis (b01n625z)
Keeping the Free Market Faith

The financial crisis has made many on the political right question their faith in free market capitalism. Jamie Whyte is unaffected by such doubts. The financial crisis, he argues, was caused by too much state interference and an unhealthy collusion between government and corporate power.

Interviewees include:
Matthew Hancock MP, Minister for Skills and co-author of Masters of Nothing.
Luigi Zingales, author of Capitalism for the People: Recapturing the Lost Genius of American Prosperity and a professor at Chicago Booth School of Business.

Producer: Helen Grady.

MON 21:00 Material World (b01n1rpr)
This week Material World looks into what happens when published research is wrong, or worse fraudulent? When a published peer reviewed article is subsequently found to have something wrong with it, journals may send out a "retraction notice". But do these notices tell the whole story? Research out this week suggests that up to two thirds of retracted papers are due to scientific misconduct, rather than simple error. Also ecologists ask the public to help them identify 2 million bat calls and test tube spiders; how one of the largest British spiders has been reared in captivity and is now being released into the wild.

MON 21:30 Start the Week (b01n61s3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 21:58 Weather (b01n4l45)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 22:00 The World Tonight (b01n6261)
The Chancellor is to press on with cutting another 10-billion pounds from the welfare budget, despite the opposition of the Liberal Democrats; Hugo Chavez celebrates his re-election for a fourth term as president of Venezuela; and, after the allegations against Sir Jimmy Savile, how the workplace has changed for women in the past generation -
presented by Ritula Shah.

MON 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01n6263)
Summer Lies

The Night in Baden-Baden, Part 1

Bill Nighy reads from the new collection of short fiction by the author of The Reader, Bernhard Schlink.

He begins with a three-part story called The Night in Baden-Baden. An author goes to the first night of his first play, which is being performed in Baden-Baden. To celebrate the occasion he invites Therese to go with him. But Therese is not his girlfriend.

Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 23:00 News Quiz USA (b01n6265)
The News Quiz gets a US makeover with an all-American panel.

With the US election in balance this year, turmoil in the Middle East, financial insecurity all around - not to mention Pippa Middleton threatening to move to New York - a team of US comedians dissect the headlines as the News Quiz format crosses the Atlantic.

The host is Andy Borowitz - New York Times columnist, brain behind the Borowitz Report and Time magazine's top Twitterer (not to mention the creator of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air!). The panel are: US and UK improv legend Greg Proops; creator of the Daily Show, Lizz Winstead; Palestinian-American stand-up, ex-lawyer and winner of the 'Spirit of Bill Hicks' award, Dean Obeidallah; and top political comedian, Lee Camp.

Producer: Sam Bryant.

MON 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01n6267)
Should the drink-drive laws in England and Wales be changed to try to reduce the number of serious accidents on our roads?. That was one of the questions for peers on their first day back at Westminster after their 10-week summer break. Susan Hulme presents the main highlights of the day. Peers also weighed up the implications of the Government's announcement in August to abandon all plans for changing the Lords into an elected House from its present appointed House.
Also on the programme:
* Alicia McCarthy covers a Lords debate on zoos.
* And . What exactly is the role of Private Parliamentary Secretaries, better known as PPSs?


TUE 00:00 Midnight News (b01n4l50)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

TUE 00:30 Book of the Week (b01n61s5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Monday]

TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l52)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01n4l54)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l56)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 05:30 News Briefing (b01n4l58)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01njxy3)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Tina Beattie of Roehampton University.

TUE 05:45 Farming Today (b01n651f)
In a special programme from Dublin, Farming Today asks why ten thousand Irish farmers are protesting on the streets of Dublin. The Irish Farmers Association say they need to protect their subsidies from the CAP, address rising feed costs and get their members a better deal. However, not all farmers see this as the way forward. Tom Dineen from County Cork says they will alienate the Irish public by protesting. Alison Healey from The Irish Times says that despite the pressures Irish agriculture is in good shape to increase productivity by 30% over the coming years.

Presented by Ella McSweeney and produced in Dublin by Ruth Sanderson.

TUE 06:00 Today (b01n65zd)
Morning news and current affairs with James Naughtie and Evan Davis, including:

The Chinese telecoms company, Huawei, has been declared a national security risk by US House Intelligence Committee. Gordon Corera, BBC security correspondent, Nigel Inkster, director for transnational threats and political risk at International Institute for Strategic Studies discuss how concerned the UK should be.

Prime Minister, David Cameron, joins Today presenter James Naughtie from the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham and the BBC's political editor, Nick Robinson gives his analysis.

This afternoon the Austrian adventurer Felix Baumgartner will attempt to break a skydiving record that has been held for 52 years. The BBC's science correspondent Pallab Ghosh is in the United States for the jump.

Ken Livingstone and former Goldman Sachs managing director, Jennifer Moses, are appearing at an Intelligence Squared to debate on the proposition that "London should love its bankers". Mr Livingstone and Mrs Moses explain their views.

TUE 09:00 The Life Scientific (b01n651h)
Hugh Montgomery

Professor Hugh Montgomery is an intensive care physician and researcher at University College Hospital in London. His work has taken him to the Himalayas, where he and colleagues were studying the effect of oxygen uptake at high altitude. The findings were surprising and have implications for patients in intensive care. Jim al-Khalili talks to Hugh Montgomery about the gene for fitness and how mountaineers have influenced intensive care medicine.

TUE 09:30 One to One (b01n651k)
Kate Silverton on how our fear of failure can impact on the choices we make.

Kate Silverton wanted desperately to be a journalist from the age of 12. In her teens she travelled extensively - hitch-hiking across Israel and visiting the Palestinian territories in an attempt to better understand the conflict there, she stayed in a Bedouin in the desert and at nineteen went to Zimbabwe for four months armed with just a dictaphone to capture the stories of the people she met along the way. Despite her natural curiosity about the world and her desire to report stories of people living in conflict she didn't follow her heart because she feared she might fail. As the first in her family to go to university much depended on her and her career choice and she opted to enter the City as a Corporate Financier - a demanding job but one that diverted from her doing the one thing she wanted to do - because she feared she might not be good enough. It took the death of her best friend to convince her to change her mind. In the first of this two-part series for One to One, Kate talks to composer Raymond Yiu, who, despite his love for music at an early age, his strict parental upbringing stopped him from pursuing this as a career as he thought he wasn't good enough.
The producer is Perminder Khatkar.

TUE 09:45 Book of the Week (b01n8414)
On the Map

Episode 2

After the brilliant theories of Alexandria, the world appeared to fall into a cartographic dark age for about a thousand years.

Still the great maps of the middle ages, such as the Mappa Mundi in Hereford Cathedral, had their own different but lofty ambitions of metaphysical meaning - to provide a map-guide for a largely illiterate public to a Christian life.

Producer: Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01n651m)
Sexual harassment at work; Molly Ringwald; teens and drugs

Sexual harassment at work - we hear listener's experiences and discuss how much things have changed since the 70s. Teenagers and drugs - what parents should know. Hollywood actress Molly Ringwald on her first novel.
Presented by Jane Garvey
Produced by Lucinda Montefiore.

TUE 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n651p)
HighLites: Retouched

Episode 2

by Steve Chambers and Phil Nodding.

2/5 Bev and Shirley take their unique hairdressing style to an old people's home, and set about making Enid feel ten years older.

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole.

TUE 11:00 Saving Species (b01n651r)
Series 3

Episode 6

In this episode of Saving Species we look at one of Britain's favourite birds - the swallow. Ed Drewitt travels to a swallow roost in Southern England, where overnight he joins the British Trust for Ornithology to trap and ring swallows as they gather in a mass roost to head south. So how have the swallows and other summer migrants done this year? To find our Paul Stancliffe of the BTO explains what is happening at the roost site and how their research influences our understanding of the birds' needs.

Originating from the Mediterranean, the rare Southern Oak Bush Cricket was first recorded in the UK in 2001. Since then sightings of the bright green, wingless cricket have become more frequent, but it remains more elusive than its winged, native counterpart. Chris Sperring travels with entomologist Tristan Bantock to a central London park to track one down.

David Robinson from the Department of Environment, Earth and Ecosystems at the Open University joins Brett Westwood in the studio to discuss in more depth how the Southern Oak Bush Cricket came to be in the UK.

Also in the programme - News from around the world with our regular news reporter, Kelvin Boot. And we'll update you on the activities of the Open Universities iSpot.

TUE 11:30 One Man's War (b01n651t)
This is the story of classical music life in London during the Second World War, which instead of stopping altogether once war was declared in 1939, actually flourished as the bombs fell. Lionel Bradley was a Librarian at the London Library, and also an avid lover of ballet, opera, orchestral and chamber music. After each event he attended, Lionel would write a personal bulletin describing the occasion, which he then circulated to his friends. Katie Derham explores musical life in London during the Second World War, through the writings of Bradley who often provides invaluable insight into world premieres, refugee artists, and a classical music scene which flourished during a world in turmoil.

Lionel Bradley was passionate about the arts. He often went to see the same productions, or hear the same works again and again, and through his diaries, Bradley captures developments, changes, or nuggets of social history, otherwise forgotten today. These priceless insights into a bygone world contained within Bradley's bulletins, are held at the Royal College of Music, and the Victoria and Albert Museum. Professor Paul Banks from the RCM, and V&A's Curator of Dance Jane Pritchard, team up with Katie Derham to explore these written narratives, whilst Joan Bailey who worked with Bradley at the London Library, brings Bradley the man to life.

This story begins with the discovery of the Bradley documents at the RCM, and continues with the investigation of musical life in London during World War Two. Enlisting the help of historians Terry Charman, Patrick Bade and Suzanne Bosman, Katie Derham glimpses through the windows of Bradley's writings, exploring the determination of the likes of Myra Hess to continue concert life during war time, and surveying how the influx of refugee musicians, the falling bombs, and conscription, all impacted upon the musical scene of the day.

TUE 12:00 You and Yours (b01n651w)
Call You and Yours: Benefit Cuts

The Chancellor George Osborne told the Tory party conference in Birmingham "we will finish the job that we started" and that "we are still all in this together". He was referring to further cuts of £10bn from the benefits budget.

This is on top of the £18bn cuts announced in 2010.

Mr Osborne has spelt out ideas including limiting housing benefit for the under-25s, so that young people without a job have to live at home.

There will be further curbs on child tax credits and plans to allow benefit increases to be lower than the rate of inflation.

Mr Osborne told the BBC earlier today the better-off would have to pay more in taxes, but the budget could not be balanced "simply on the wallets of the rich". But he also said he wasn't keen on a "wealth tax," adding, "in the sense of a tax on your wealth levied annually".

So are we still all in this together?

On Call You & Yours we're asking for your views and experiences when it comes to the benefits budget. If a further £10 billion has to come out of it, where would you cut? Do you believe there's slack in the system.....anomalies which should be addressed? Or maybe you disagree with the Chancellor when he says the rich can't be the only ones to help Britain out of its financial difficulties?

03700 100 444 is the phone number to call or you can e-mail via the Radio 4 website or text us on 84844. Join me at four minutes past twelve tomorrow.

Presenter: Julian Worricker.

TUE 12:57 Weather (b01n4l5b)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 13:00 World at One (b01n651y)
National and international news with Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

TUE 13:45 China: As History Is My Witness (b01nbs6p)
Kublai Khan: The Barbarian

China has a love-hate relationship with what is foreign. Traditionally all people beyond the Great Wall were barbarians - only part human.

But invaders have sometimes been welcomed, in time, into the Chinese family. One was Kublai Khan.

In the 13th Century, no-one knew how big the world was so it was not so wild for the Mongols to set off from the grassland with the idea that they were going to conquer all of it.

When the mighty Genghis Khan died in 1227, he had already claimed an empire stretching from the Pacific to Europe. His grandson Kublai set out to finish the job - and started by moving south to attack China's Song dynasty.

But China had been a united empire on and off for more than 1,000 years. So what did the Song dynasty rulers make of Kublai's ambition?

Presenter: Carrie Gracie
Producer: Neal Razzell.

TUE 14:00 The Archers (b01n61sy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Monday]

TUE 14:15 Drama (b00r7l7b)
Nick Warburton - Not Bobby

by Nick Warburton

Frank brings a pet rabbit home. Mum gives Bobby's hutch pride of place in the sitting room. But who finished that last clue in yesterday's crossword? It wasn't mum...

Director: Peter Kavanagh


TUE 15:00 Short Cuts (b01n65q0)
Series 2

Making the Cut

Nina Garthwaite presents a showcase for delightful and adventurous short documentaries. A selection of brief encounters, true stories, radio adventures and found sound.

This week, Nina hears about the cuts we make and how we learn to recover from them. From not making the cut in a team to the actions of a rogue hairdresser.

We hear one man's story of how he coped working inside an Irish "meat factory" and the unusual soundtrack that enveloped him, and a modern retelling of the old Persian fable which looks at how the moon got her scars.

Produced by Eleanor McDowall
A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4

The items featured in the programme are:
Derby Tape Club - Cut Up
Found sound from Mark Vernon

Meat Factory: Earworms
Produced by Ronan Kelly

Making the Cut
Featuring Glen Morris

Two Little Girls Explain the Worst Haircut Ever
Produced by Jeff Cohen

Not Untouchable
Produced by Matilda James

Christine Jorgensen
Produced by Pejk Malinovski and Seline Baumgartner.

TUE 15:30 Costing the Earth (b01n65q2)
Tsunami Debris

Since the Japanese tsunami 1.5 million tonnes of debris has been floating across the Pacific towards the West coast of North America. Despite predictions that it wouldn't hit land until 2013 ,some material including a ship and a 66 foot dock have already beached - far earlier than expected. The dock itself - which landed in Newport, Oregon was covered in living creatures, including invasive species which could threaten native species and fisheries. It's also feared the debris could endanger wildlife that becomes entangled in or consumes it. As winter storms approach a new cluster of debris is expected. Tom Heap investigates what's being done to track it, what danger it poses, how it's being cleaned up and, in some cases, how possessions are being returned to their owners 5000 miles away.

TUE 16:00 Things We Forgot to Remember (b00pfr4y)
Series 5

The Glorious Revolution

Michael Portillo presents a series revisiting the great moments of history to discover that they often conceal other events of equal but forgotten importance.

The Glorious Revolution of 1688 is remembered for establishing the supremacy of Parliament over the Crown, setting Britain on the path towards constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Yet what's forgotten is that the events of 1688 actually constituted a foreign invasion of England by another European power, the Dutch Republic.

When William of Orange landed at Torbay in Devon on 5 November 1688, with a fleet four times the size of the Armada of the previous century, it was ostensibly at the invitation of seven Whig supporters who were anxious to avoid a Catholic succession to James II's reign. But William's invasion was central to his plan of war with France, ensuring that England would not add her armed force to that of the French; he was set on becoming king himself and was leading his troops as an occupying force. The last comparable event was a previous William's invasion in 1066.

Even though bloodshed in England was limited - though far from the entirely 'Bloodless' revolution that has been mythologised - the revolution was only secured in Ireland and Scotland by force and with much loss of life. Michael investigates the uncomfortable facts of invasion and occupation which lie behind the popular celebration of 1688.

TUE 16:30 A Good Read (b01n65q4)
Andy Cave and Ed Douglas

Patricia Highsmith's classic thriller' The Talented Mr Ripley' would make a great expedition read, according to Harriett Gilbert's guests this week, multi-award-winning writers - mountaineers both - Ed Douglas and Andy Cave. Not unexpectedly their choices both feature mountains, but from markedly different perspectives.

Ed's good read is Nan Shepherd's 'The Living Mountain', an undiscovered lyrical masterpiece of mountain literature from a writer who made her name as a modernist novelist.

Andy chooses a hair-raising account of the life and career of one of France's most colourful and energetic climbers, Lionel Terray, in 'Conquistadors of the Useless'.

Harriett GIlbert admits she's not a natural mountaineer but she loves a (fictional) murderous psychopath, namely, Tom Ripley, Patricia Highsmith's famous anti-hero.

Producer...Mary Ward-Lowery.

TUE 17:00 PM (b01n65q6)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Includes Weather.

TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01n4l5d)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 18:30 Rudy's Rare Records (b01n7hhp)
Series 4

Three's a Crowd

Father and son comedy set in the finest old-school record shop in Birmingham. Starring Lenny Henry, Larrington Walker and some terrific tunes.

Rudy's Rare Records is a tiny down at heel old reggae record shop in Birmingham - one of a dying breed; a place with real soul, stacked with piles of vinyl, where the slogan is "if we don't have it - them don't mek it". It's owned by the charismatic, irrepressible Rudy Sharpe (Larrington Walker), reluctantly helped out by his long-suffering neurotic son Adam (Lenny Henry) and Handsworth's first, black, surly girly goth, Tasha (Natasha Godfrey). Rudy has recently married his long-term love interest Doreen (Claire Benedict) which is leaving his best friend Clifton (Jeffery Kissoon) feeling left out.


Adam.............Lenny Henry
Rudy............Larrington Walker
Tasha...........Natasha Godfrey
Doreen..........Claire Benedict
Clifton...........Jeffery Kissoon
Karen ..........Susie Riddell
Craig...............Joe Sims

Written by Danny Robins
Producer: Katie Tyrrell

Tracks in this episode:


TUE 19:00 The Archers (b01n65rq)
In The Bull, Jazzer is enlightening Darrell on Roman inventions. Lilian arrives to have a word with Darrell. She grills him about exactly what Matt asked him to do at the Walters' and why he left work unfinished. Lilian then reveals that Joyce had an accident. Darrell is devastated. Lilian reassures him that she will sort everything. Darrell is appreciative. He mentions that his new boss Paul was asking after her. Lilian asks Darrell to send Paul her regards.
Jim is regaling Shula and Alistair with his experience of living with Jazzer. They are surprised that Jim is surviving but Jim finds Jazzer fascinating and likeable. Alistair casts his eye over Jim's Borsetshire Life article. Alistair points out that long words and Latin tags are not things that the usual readers could digest easily. The piece will need considerable rejigging.
Jim returns home dejected but is surprised to find a clean kitchen. Jazzer heads for an unusually early night while Jim concedes to do some rewriting.
Lilian goes home late and an anxious Matt is waiting for her. She is irritated that he's been checking up on her by calling Peggy, and for scheming behind her back. She gives him the cold shoulder.

TUE 19:15 Front Row (b01n65rs)
Pete Townshend

Musician Pete Townshend reflects on the highs and lows of a career which spans almost half a century, in conversation with John Wilson.

Townshend remembers his motivation for writing songs such as My Generation and I Can't Explain for The Who in the mid-1960s. He also recalls how his father, a dance-band saxophonist, did not encourage his musical ambitions.

In the light of his new memoir, Townshend examines his troubled childhood, and how it shaped him. He also looks back to the events surrounding his caution by the police in 2003, after entering his credit card details on a website which hosted pornographic images of children.

And after the deaths of band members Keith Moon and John Entwistle, he reflects on how he feels about taking to the stage with The Who now, including this year's performance at the Olympic closing ceremony.

Producer John Goudie.

TUE 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n651p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

TUE 20:00 File on 4 (b01n65zg)
Alcohol Fraud

A criminal gang was recently jailed for one of the biggest ever alcohol smuggling rackets in the UK. It's become big business for organised crime according to HMRC, with tax losses in unpaid duty as high as £1.2 billion per year. MP's are demanding tougher action. But these are highly complex frauds, which take years to investigate. Allan Urry examines the scale of the challenge facing the authorities, and reveals the extent to which criminals have penetrated the legitimate market in beer, wine and spirits
Presenter: Allan Urry
Producer: Paul Grant.

TUE 20:40 In Touch (b01n65zj)
A charity Scout Enterprises Ltd which was contracted to provide support work facilitators to people with disabilities including some who are visually impaired, is due to go in to liquidation and has made approximately 100 of its employees redundant with a number of weeks wages unpaid. We talk to a visually impaired worker and his facilitator about the situation and the options for resolving it.
Also Eileen Finch has setup up a company which is making large print and braille books for young children.

TUE 21:00 Inside Health (b01n65zl)
Stem cells, Functional disorders, Epilepsy, Stoptober, Whiplash

As the Nobel Prize for Medicine announced this week recognises stem cell research, Dr Mark Porter asks if it's already making a difference to patients.

And imagine waking up with numbness in your face, by the end of the day with paralysis in your leg, all tests are normal and there's no apparent cause - Margaret McCartney reports from Edinburgh on a burgeoning field of medicine - functional disorders.

Plus an Inside Health listener who has been taking epilepsy treatment for 35 years asks when is it safe to stop taking her medication? And do 'stop-smoking' campaigns really work? Kamran Abbasi looks at the evidence.

TUE 21:30 The Life Scientific (b01n651h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 21:58 Weather (b01n4l5g)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (b01n65zn)
Scotland Yard says Jimmy Savile was a predatory sex offender who may have abused up to 30 people, mainly young girls in their early teens, for four decades. And NATO says it stands ready to defend Turkey against Syrian forces - presented by Ritula Shah.

TUE 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01n7h2w)
Summer Lies

The Night in Baden-Baden, Part 2

A playwright has taken an old friend to the opening night of his first play but, when his girlfriend, finds out she isn't pleased. The more he claims the date was innocent, the more her jealousy escalates and he reflects that it is just this sort of jealousy that prompted his deception in the first place.

Bill Nighy reads from Bernhard Schlink's collection of short fiction..

Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 23:00 Clayton Grange (b01n65zq)
Series 1

Episode 3

The team attempt to make war just a bit more gentle.

This is Clayton Grange, top secret Scientific Institute with a government brief to solve the global fuel crisis, cheer people up and make war just a bit more gentle. Meet the scientists who are a bit rubbish at life. And not much better at science.

Comedy by Neil Warhurst with extra material by Paul Barnhill.

Saunders ..... Anthony Head
Geoff ..... Neil Warhurst
Roger ..... Paul Barnhill
Jameson ..... Stephanie Racine
Lionel ..... Don Gilet
Alan Dobson ..... Paul Stonehouse

Director: Marion Nancarrow.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2012.

TUE 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01n65zs)
Mark D'Arcy with the day's top news stories from Westminster .

Peers demand explanations and apologies over the West Coast mainline franchise after the government is forced to halt the process .

Also on the programme the Lords debate changes to the libel laws.


WED 00:00 Midnight News (b01n4l69)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

WED 00:30 Book of the Week (b01n8414)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Tuesday]

WED 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l6c)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01n4l6f)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l6h)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 05:30 News Briefing (b01n4l6k)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nbz88)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Tina Beattie of Roehampton University.

WED 05:45 Farming Today (b01n6r9q)
Farmers in Northern Ireland will get an extra £15 million on next year's subsidy to offset spiralling feed prices and a poor harvest. The money was originally destined to be moved from the Single Farm Payment to rural development schemes. Scottish farmers hope their Government will follow suit.

Continuing the poor harvest theme: 2012 UK wheat yields are down 14% on the five year average, according to a survey by the National Farmers Union. The NFU says that the relentless rain means many farmers are also struggling to plant next year's crops.

Also in the programme: the worst tree disease threat since Dutch Elm Disease, and a pig producer admits that the economics of his small farm would get him laughed off Dragons' Den.

Presenter: Anna Hill
Producer: Sarah Swadling.

WED 06:00 Today (b01n6r9v)
Morning news and current affairs presented by James Naughtie and Sarah Montague including:

It is the final day of the Conservative Party Conference in Birmingham and David Cameron will address the hall. Former party leader and Foreign Secretary William Hague discuses Syria and the party's efforts to become more liberal on social issues.

The National Farmers' Union has a bleak picture of this year's harvest, according to a survey of its members. Tim Lang, Professor of Food Policy at City University, and Lord Haskins of Skidby, a farmer and former chairman of Northern Foods, examine whether the UK's food prices are already rising more quickly than those in the rest of Europe.

British Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said on Tuesday he expects BAE Systems and EADS to announce before the London stock market opens on Wednesday if they will seek more time for talks on a $45bn merger. The BBC's business editor Robert Peston explains the developments.

The winner of the country's leading literary prize, the Man Booker, is announced next week and in the run-up to the award, Today will be talking to the six authors who've been selected for the shortlist. The BBC's arts correspondent Rebecca Jones went to see Hilary Mantel at her home in Devon to talk to her about the book.

WED 09:00 Midweek (b01n6r9x)
Steven Appleby, Des Lynam, Christopher Matthew, Sam Lee, Jan Beccaloni

Libby Purves meets cartoonist Steven Appleby; folk singer and Mercury Prize nominee Sam Lee; broadcasters Des Lynam and Christopher Matthew and spider expert Jan Beccaloni.

Jan Beccaloni is the curator of arachnida and myriapoda at the Natural History Museum in London. The class arachnida includes a diverse group of arthropods: spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites, harvestmen, and their cousins. Jan is the conservation officer for the British Arachnological Society.

Folk musician Sam Lee has been nominated for this year's Mercury Prize for his debut album 'Ground of Its Own'. The album is made up of traditional material, largely discovered through Sam's extensive research and exploration of long forgotten songs. He sourced most of his material direct from English gypsy and Irish and Scottish traveller communities. 'Ground of Its Own' is released on The Nest Collective label.

Steven Appleby is a cartoonist and illustrator. His new book 'Guide to Life' is a collection of his strip Loomus which appears in the Guardian newspaper. From dodgy Christmas presents to born-again nudists, his cartoons provide an idiosyncratic guide to everyday family life. 'Guide to Life - the collected Loomus cartoons' is published by Guardian Books.

Broadcasters Des Lynam OBE and Christopher Matthew present the series Touchline Tales on BBC Radio 4. In the programmes they visit sporting venues around the country to observe, reminisce and simply trade tales about some of the greatest pleasures in their lives. A CD 'Best of Touchline Tales' is available and a new series begins in November.

Producer: Paula McGinley.

WED 09:45 Book of the Week (b01n842w)
On the Map

Episode 3

Simon Garfield's journey through the world of maps investigates why America was named after a man who got there a year after Christopher Columbus.

Producer: Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01n6r9z)
Idina Menzel, board quotas, women at the Royal Academy

Women on Boards, do temporary quotas need to be imposed? How to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. Idina Menzel, star of Wicked and Glee on her stage show. Eileen Cooper and Stella Tillyard on the history of women at the Royal Academy of Arts and the impact they've had.
Presented by Jenni Murray
Produced by Laura Northedge.

WED 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n6rb2)
HighLites: Retouched

Episode 3

by Steve Chambers and Phil Nodding.

3/5 Bev and Shirley use their mobile salon to pervert the course of justice in a hit and run investigation that may be putting their van at the scene of the crime.

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole.

WED 11:00 Lives in a Landscape (b01n6rb6)
Series 11

The Longest Commute in Britain

The Longest Commute in Britain

Geoff picks up a copy of "Horse and Hound" for his wife and strides toward Euston Station; Angus heads for the lounge car, where a whisky is ready and waiting; Mary leaves the offices of 'Country Life', and joins the London rush hour crowds wearing sturdy walking boots; meanwhile Ann Marie has taken up her position at the end of the platform 15, to await the longest train in the UK - it will be her job to unlock the doors, and ready the train for departure.

This is arguable the longest commute in the UK - the Caledonian Sleeper - which at a quarter of a mile long, is also the longest train.
Walkers, climbers, shooting-parties and Americans tourists are regular fare, but week in week out, the same faces return, the band of commuters who live in the Scottish Highlands, but work in London.

Would you, given the choice, choose to spent two nights a week on a train? Two nights of camaraderie in the lounge car; two nights of friendly exchanges, unwinding with late night whiskies; but two nights also of jolting rails, beds just a mite too short for the tallest folk, and the notorious uncoupling at Edinburgh.

Alan Dein rides the rails with the experts, through the long night of the long distance commuter, to find out where home really lies.

Producer: Sara Jane Hall.

WED 11:30 Fags, Mags and Bags (b01n6rrz)
Series 5

Effervescent Members

More shop based shenanigans and over the counter philosophy, courtesy of Ramesh Mahju and his trusty sidekick Dave.

In this episode, the new sweetie craze of "Fizzy Limbs" has Fags, Mags and Bags rocking every lunchtime with rampaging kids. Local headmistress Mrs Temple (Julie T Wallace) confronts Ramesh about stocking them as she feels it's affecting the children's behaviour. But are such matter Ramesh's concern?

Join the staff of Fags, Mags and Bags in their tireless quest to bring nice-price custard creams and cans of coke with Arabic writing on them to an ungrateful nation. Ramesh Mahju has built it up over the course of 30 years, and is a firmly entrenched feature of the local area. Ramesh loves the art of the "shop".

Produced by Gus Beattie
A Comedy Unit production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 12:00 You and Yours (b01n6rs1)
The million pound bill to repair our canal bridges

Consumer news.

WED 12:57 Weather (b01n4l6m)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 13:00 World at One (b01n6rs3)
National and international news with Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

WED 13:45 China: As History Is My Witness (b01nbsv9)
The Duke of Zhou: The Ancestor

Many Chinese look to Confucius for guidance. But Confucius looked to the Duke of Zhou. He handed power to his nephew 3,000 years ago, but his ideas still motivate leaders today.

WED 14:00 The Archers (b01n65rq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Tuesday]

WED 14:15 Drama (b00js8m5)
Available Means

Available Means is the story of David an academic who flies into an Eastern European city to give a lecture on poetry. The city is remote and strange - full of puzzles and possibilities - and David is not a seasoned traveller. He strikes up relationships with both Oksana, a hotel cleaner and Adam, the city's police chief who takes it upon himself to be David's guide and mentor. The man is good company, amusing and, most importantly, he has integrity. He also has a mission: to clear up the corruption that is ruining his city. He's a "good" man.

But David's perspective changes when he realises that the police chief is using torture to achieve what he wants. Not only that, but the cleaner's brother is in his cells at the moment. Oksana is very distressed to think what might be happening to him. But then David learns something about the girl's brother that, perhaps, she doesn't know herself.

So it's not just the city that confuses David, it's the moral world he finds there. What seems right at one moment can suddenly change and seem wrong. The play ends with David facing a dilemma of his own. By the time he has experienced for himself the dark underside of this apparently respectable city, he has been forced to re-set his whole moral compass.

Original music by David Chilton
Written by Nick Warburton

Producer: Gordon House
A Goldhawk Essential Production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 15:00 Money Box Live (b01n6rs5)
Part-time working

Part-time working: More than 8 million people in the UK now work part-time. For some, working part-time is a choice, giving them time to bring up a family or care for an elderly relative. For others, it's a necessity because they can't find a full-time job in the current economic climate.

If you're amongst the millions of part-timers in the UK, do you know your rights? Perhaps you are self-employed and work part-time. If you have children or need to care for a family member, is your employer obliged to let you work part-time? How will part-time work affect your pension, your tax or your benefits? What about maternity rights, holiday entitlement and sickness provision? How can you ensure you're getting the same rate of pay, pro rata, as your full-time colleagues?

For all your questions on working part-time, join Paul Lewis and a panel of experts at 3pm. You can email or call 03700 100 444. Lines open at 1pm, Wednesday.

WED 15:30 Inside Health (b01n65zl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Tuesday]

WED 16:00 Thinking Allowed (b01n6rs7)
The New Arab Man, Lords Club Affiliation

The 'New' Arab Man: Middle Eastern, Muslim men are often represented as 'zealots' and oppressors of women. But Laurie Taylor hears how 2 decades of research by the Professor of Anthropology, Marcia Inhorn, is undermining such cultural stereotypes. Her study found that ordinary Arab men who confront childlessness and infertility are re-thinking conventional masculinity. Also, research by Matthew Bond into elite club membership in the House of Lords. Is a British establishment still evident in the club community? Karel Williams, Professor of Sociology, joins the discussion.

Producer: Jayne Egerton.

WED 16:30 The Media Show (b01n6rs9)
Lord Patten - Jimmy Savile

BBC Trust Chairman Lord Patten talks to Steve Hewlett about the Jimmy Savile controversy. "Hacked-off" on their open letter to David Cameron from victims of phone hacking and press abuses.

Producer Beverley Purcell.

WED 17:00 PM (b01n6rsc)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair.

WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01n4l6p)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 18:30 Party (b01n6rsf)
Series 3


The budding politicians get a crucial radio interview ahead of the upcoming by election.

Tom Basden's satirical comedy about a group of young idealists trying to make waves with their new political party.

Simon .... Tom Basden
Duncan .... Tim Key
Jared .... Jonny Sweet
Mel .... Anna Crilly
Phoebe .... Katy Wix
Alison the radio producer .... Rachel Stubbings
Radio Interviewer .... Peter Curran
Drama interviewee ...Jot Davies

Producer: Julia McKenzie.

First broadcast on Radio 4 in October 2012.

WED 19:00 The Archers (b01n6rsh)
Lilian is still frosty with Matt regarding the Walters' house and Matt is making efforts to be jolly. Lilian reminds Matt of Darrell's other work and Matt is cautious, asking casual questions to see if she knows that Paul's in the area. Matt's keen to keep her mind busy on other things.

Brenda visits Tom, who's ecstatic because he's found somewhere to produce his ready meals and keep his organic status. Brenda's pleased to see him so happy.

Kathy unpacks the shopping and asks Jamie how college was. Jamie hates it and tells her that he's no good at it. Kathy offers to go and speak to his tutor but Jamie says there's no point and leaves. Concerned, Kathy picks up the phone.

After offering to help Phoebe with the chickens after school, Josh asks Phoebe how she's settling back in. Phoebe feels like a bit of an outsider after her time away. Josh thought it might be about Vicky's baby.

Tom and Brenda are enjoying the sunset whilst checking on the weaners. They take the scenic route back and Tom reminisces about his childhood in the area. He loves Bridge Farm and he suggests that they could build a house and settle there. Brenda is apprehensive.

WED 19:15 Front Row (b01n6rsk)
This House - Roy Hattersley reviews; Jo Nesbo; Prince biography

With Mark Lawson.

Roy Hattersley, former Deputy Leader of the Labour Party, gives his verdict on James Graham's new play This House. Philip Glenister, Phil Daniels and Vincent Franklin star as Labour whips who will do anything to win the vote in the hung parliament in 1974.

The best-selling Norwegian writer Jo Nesbø was a footballer, stockbroker and the singer in one of Norway's biggest rock bands, before turning his hand to crime fiction in 1997, when he started a series of books featuring Detective Harry Hole. As his debut book in the series - The Bat - is published in English for the first time, he discusses turning crime clichés into crime gold.

The influential and reticent musician Prince remains something of an enigma. A new biography aims to shed light on a performer who was a chart star in the 1980s, but has steered his own idiosyncratic course ever since. Its author Matt Thorne joins Mark to discuss how Prince's life informs his music.

Producer Nicki Paxman.

WED 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n6rb2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

WED 20:00 Moral Maze (b01n6rsm)
The Morality of Public Service Broadcasting

The BBC, the world's first national broadcasting organisation, marks its 90th anniversary this year. It started life on the 18th of October 1922 as the British Broadcasting Company - a joint venture by a group of 6 companies. As the wireless grew in popularity, it became clear that the power of this new medium in people's lives required a different kind of approach. In 1927 the BBC became a non-commercial corporation with its own Royal Charter and the age of the public service broadcaster was born. Creating the BBC was an act of civil morality, a recognition that such a powerful medium should have something other than a commercial purpose; it should provide a public service - hence the now slightly quaint idea that it should "inform, educate and entertain." To say we're in a very different commercial and broadcasting environment now would be an understatement - so what is the moral purpose of a public service broadcaster today? Especially one that is funded by a universal tax? What is the balance between doing what the market won't, or can't do, but at the same time serving the widest possible audience to make sure they get something out what they're being forced to fund? In an age where the importance of an individual's right to choose has become almost an article of faith, is the idea of a universal licence fee to fund a common good still tenable? Especially in a sector where there is ample commercial provision? Or, by making individual choice the sole measure of quality, are we abandoning all values to the short-term demands of the market-place. A special edition of the Moral Maze recorded in front of a live audience at The Times Cheltenham Literature Festival to mark the 90th anniversary of the BBC.

Combative, provocative and engaging debate chaired by Michael Buerk with Michael Portillo, Anne McElvoy, Claire Fox and Matthew Taylor.

Witnesses: David Elstein - Chairman of Broadcasting Policy Group, Robin Aiken - Journalist, Matthew Flinders - Professor of Politics, University of Sheffield, Steve Barnett - Professor of Communications, University of Westminster.

WED 20:45 Four Thought (b01n6rsp)
Series 3

Mark Vernon: Narcissism

Writer and former priest Mark Vernon says we should rehabilitate the concept of narcissism as a valuable form of self-love.

"Love others as if they were yourself, yes. But also, love yourself so you can love others. Proper self-regard resources other regard," he says.

Producer: Sheila Cook.

WED 21:00 Costing the Earth (b01n65q2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:30 on Tuesday]

WED 21:30 Midweek (b01n6r9x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 21:58 Weather (b01n4l6r)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 22:00 The World Tonight (b01n6rst)
National and international news and analysis with Ritula Shah.

WED 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01n7h6w)
Summer Lies

The Night in Baden-Baden, Part 3

A playwright has taken an old friend to the opening night of his first play but, when his girlfriend, finds out she isn't pleased. The more he claims the date was innocent, the more her jealousy escalates and he reflects that it is just this sort of jealousy that prompted his deception in the first place.

Bill Nighy reads from Bernhard Schlink's collection of short fiction..

Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 23:00 My Teenage Diary (b01462bb)
Series 3

Janet Street-Porter

My Teenage Diary returns with four more brave celebrities ready to revisit their formative years by opening up their intimate teenage diaries, and reading them out in public for the very first time. Comedian Rufus Hound is joined by writer and editor Janet Street-Porter who revisits her heady teen years at the heart of swinging 60's Soho.

Producer: Harriet Jaine
A Talkback Production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01n6rsw)
Alicia McCarthy and team report on the day's top stories from Westminster, where Peers worry that if under 18 year olds are allowed to take part in the referendum on Scottish independence it would set a precedent for other UK votes. The independence or otherwise of the review into the West Coast Main Line franchising process is also raised with the Government. And there's reaction to the collapse of the proposed multi-billion pound merger between BAE Systems and the Franco-German aerospace giant EADS. Plus a report on what ex-Ministers do after being reduced to the ranks.
Editor: Rachel Byrne.


THU 00:00 Midnight News (b01n4l7s)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

THU 00:30 Book of the Week (b01n842w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Wednesday]

THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l7x)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01n4l7z)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l81)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 05:30 News Briefing (b01n4l83)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nbz8d)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Tina Beattie of Roehampton University.

THU 05:45 Farming Today (b01n6rzz)
Schmallenberg disease, which causes birth defects in calves and lambs, is found on farms in North Yorkshire and Northumberland. Anna Hill talks to the President of NFU Scotland Nigel Miller who feels this is a wake-up call for Scottish farmers. Anna gets the latest national picture from Professor Peter Mertens of the Pirbright Institute.

DEFRA and the Food Standards Agency have set up a group that is looking into the future of lead shot. Anna hears from group members the Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and the British Association for Shooting and Conservation and asks if lead shot has had its day.

Presented by Anna Hill and produced by Rich Ward.

THU 06:00 Today (b01n6s01)
Morning news and current affairs presented by John Humphrys and Sarah Montague, including:

Cycling legend Lance Armstrong's team ran "the most sophisticated, professionalised and successful doping programme the sport has ever seen" according to a report by the United States Anti-Doping Agency. Professor Chris Cooper of the University of Essex and author of the book Run, Swim, Throw Cheat, explains how difficult it was to detect Armstrong's alleged cheating.

It seems likely that 16 and 17 year-olds will be allowed to vote in the Scottish independence referendum in 2014 after the UK government conceded on the measure to ensure a deal with the Scottish Government on a simple yes or no question. Ben Page, chief executive of IPSOS Mori, argues that the 18-25 turnout is the worst of all age groups and Labour MP Natascha Engel and Lord Forsyth, former Scottish secretary, discuss the efficacy of the potential move.

The winner of the country's leading literary prize, the Man Booker, is announced next week and in the run-up to the award, Today will be talking to the six authors who've been selected for the shortlist. The BBC's arts correspondent Rebecca Jones spoke to Indian poet Jeet Thayil who is in the running with his first novel, Narcopolis.

If your elderly parent or relative dies in a private nursing home, how do you get assurance that their death was not down to lack of care? The Today programme's Andrew Hosken examines whether there is a gap in the current system.

THU 09:00 In Our Time (b01n6s03)

Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the life and achievements of Hannibal. One of the most celebrated military leaders in history, Hannibal was the Carthaginian general who led an entire army, complete with elephants, across the Alps in order to attack the Roman Republic. He lived at a time of prolonged hostility between the two great Mediterranean powers, Rome and Carthage, and was the Carthaginians' inspirational leader during the Second Punic War which unfolded between 218 and 202 BC. His career ended in defeat and exile, but he achieved such fame that even his enemies the Romans erected statues of him. Centuries later his tactical genius was admired and studied by generals including Napoleon and Wellington.


Ellen O'Gorman
Senior Lecturer in Classics at the University of Bristol

Mark Woolmer
Senior Tutor in the Department of Classics and Ancient History at the University of Durham

Louis Rawlings
Senior Lecturer in Ancient History at Cardiff University.

Producer: Natalia Fernandez.

THU 09:45 Book of the Week (b01n846c)
On the Map

Episode 4

Simon Garfield continues his journey through the world of maps. Today, he shows how the plotting of a very special map of London led a Victorian doctor to the source of cholera and enabled him to conquer it.

Producer: Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01n6sj2)
Michelle Ryan in Cabaret, Judy Finnigan, International Day of the Girl

Michelle Ryan has been an Eastender and the Bionic Woman - her next iconic role is the legendary Sally Bowles in Cabaret. Judy Finnigan joins Jenni to talk about her first novel, Eloise. On the first ever UN International Day of The Girl we ask whether foreign aid should be targeted at the education of girls, with Marie Staunton Chief Executive of Plan UK. Presented by Jenni Murray.

THU 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n6sj4)
HighLites: Retouched

Episode 4

by Steve Chambers and Phil Nodding.

4/5 Bev and Shirley take their mobile salon to the police station, the headquarters of the hit and run investigation, still keen to pervert the course of justice.

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole.

THU 11:00 From Our Own Correspondent (b01n6sj6)
India's Missing Children

Girls snatched for prostitution. Boys sold to farms and factories as slave labour. Anu Anand in Delhi on India's abducted children

A revolutionary plan for the future of Africa. Gabriel Gatehouse in Kenya meets a man with a scheme aimed at moving economies towards financial independence and away from reliance on aid

Angus Foster takes the slow train to Wuhan -- plenty of time for him to reflect on how much China's economic transformation has benefited the railways

Chloe Arnold bids farewell to Algeria and looks back at her time in a country full of contradictions, mired in a violent history but a place desperate to leave the past behind.

And Laura Trevelyan in New York moves from reporting the news to anchoring it -- and learns that that involves a full scale American style makeover.

THU 11:30 In Search of Richard Yates (b01n6sj8)
Nick Fraser argues that the work of Richard Yates should receive greater recognition. Yates is best known for his first novel, the remarkable Revolutionary Road, which was published to great acclaim in 1961. However, his subsequent books failed to gain the same readership and Yates slowly faded from view. By the time of his death in 1992 he was largely forgotten.

Friends, family and biographer Blake Bailey reveal the stark beauty of his prose, the heart-breaking complexity of his characters, and how his own struggles with alcohol and mental illness informed his work.

Fraser seeks to uncover the mystery of Richard Yates and examine how a a writer so well-respected, loved by his peers, capable of moving his readers so deeply, fell so quickly out of print. He explores the reasons why his work has, in recent years, enjoyed a revival and why his stories sit nicely alongside the public's affection for programmes such as Mad Men.

Producers: Jessica Treen and Stephen Garner.

THU 12:00 You and Yours (b01n6sjb)
Metal theft, wordsearch competitions and flu vaccines

Radio 4's consumer affairs programme with Winifred Robinson. Government plans to stop dealers paying cash for scrap metal in an attempt to prevent metal theft. The elderly woman who has paid thousands of pounds for phone calls - trying to claim prizes promised in word search competitions advertised in newspapers and magazines. And have you recorded any old BBC programmes like this over the years? The Listeners' Archive is asking you to help add to the BBC's archive collection.

THU 12:57 Weather (b01n4l85)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 13:00 World at One (b01n6sjd)
National and international news with Martha Kearney. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

THU 13:45 China: As History Is My Witness (b01nbsx2)
Du Fu and Li Bai - The Poets

China's two favourite poets were born 1,300 years ago, at the beginning of the 8th Century. The language has changed so little that they remain easy for modern Chinese people to read, and their themes are still relevant today - from friendship, love and landscape to the stench of political corruption.

Kaiser Kuo, a founder of China's first heavy-metal band, is probably one of the very few rock musicians, in any country, who draws inspiration from a poet born in 701AD.

"He was quite a drunkard... and writing some of his best poetry apparently, while completely inebriated. You know, he's wild and associated with a kind of unbridled revelry, and yeah that's part of why I love him," says Kuo.

He is talking about Li Bai, a poet born in Central Asia, who became a wandering superstar poet in China, known as "the fallen immortal" or "the immortal of wine".

Li Bai was a huge celebrity, showered with honours because of his genius. Du Fu, on the other hand, aspired to a career as a civil servant, but he failed the exam and was too prickly to network his way into a good post. In his later years, Du Fu was so poor that one of his children died of starvation.

Today, every Chinese person learns poems by Li Bai, and the country's other favourite poet, Du Fu, from childhood and their work is considered as important in Chinese literary history as Shakespeare is to people in Britain.

Presenter: Carrie Gracie
Producer: Neal Razzell.

THU 14:00 The Archers (b01n6rsh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:15 Stone (b00v1qnm)
Series 2

Collateral Damage

Series created by Danny Brocklehurst. Written by Martin Jameson.

DCI John Stone is forced to open up an investigation into the death of Gary Taylor, a veteran of the Iraq War suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The theory that he died from a self-inflicted drug overdose is turned on it's head when one of his ex-army mates accuses Gary's grieving widow of having murdered him.

Directed by Nadia Molinari.

THU 15:00 Ramblings (b01n6sjg)
Series 22

Samuel West at Rainham Marshes in Essex

Clare Balding walks with the actor, and passionate bird-watcher, Samuel West around one of his favourite birding spots, the RSPB reserve at Rainham Marshes in Essex.

Currently in rehearsals for a West End production of Uncle Vanya, Samuel West takes a day off to share with Clare Balding his deep love of birding.

He's drawn to birdlife because, he says, it reflects human-nature so well, "birds interact with the world through colour and song, both of which we - as humans - really get."

A trip to Kenya at the age of 14 ignited this passion; "In Britain, birds were 3 inches long and brown.. in Kenya they were 7ft tall and couldn't fly, or bright blue... they were easy to tell apart... that's where it all started".

Producer: Karen Gregor.

THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (b01n605w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 on Sunday]

THU 15:30 Bookclub (b01n60lt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

THU 16:00 The Film Programme (b01n6sjj)
Veteran actor Martin Landau discusses his role as the wise - if sinister - science teacher in Tim Burton's retro-fable Frankenweenie.

Author Michael Morpurgo reflects on the two very different screen treatments of his books, War Horse and Private Peaceful.

We reveal the winner of the first Wellcome Trust Screenwriting Prize, intended to encourage more and better scripts about science.

Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, the team behind Little Miss Sunshine, discuss their new film Ruby Sparks, about a novelist whose fictional creation comes to life.

Producer: Craig Smith.

THU 16:30 Material World (b01n6sjl)
This week is Nobel week, when the most recent recipients find out they've won the world's most important awards. We speak with three of this year's winners of the Science awards; Prof. Sir John Gurdon for Physiology or Medicine, Prof. Serge Haroche for Physics, and Prof. Brian Kobilka for Chemistry.

THU 17:00 PM (b01n6sjn)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair.

THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01n4l87)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 18:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (b01n6sjq)
Series 2

Episode 5

John Finnemore, the writer and star of Cabin Pressure, regular guest on The Now Show and popper-upper in things like Miranda and Family Guy, records a second series of his hit sketch show.

The first series was described as "sparklingly clever" by The Daily Telegraph and "one of the most consistently funny sketch shows for quite some time" by The Guardian. It featured Winnie the Pooh coming to terms with his abusive relationship with honey, how The Archers sounds to people who don't listen to the Archers and how Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde decided whose turn it was to do the washing up.

This week sees some moth-based lunacy, and a heartwarming tale of the days before health and safety. All of which is, as you'll see, "awesome".

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme is written by and stars John Finnemore. It also features Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Simon Kane, Lawry Lewin and Carrie Quinlan. It is produced by Ed Morrish.

THU 19:00 The Archers (b01n6sjs)
Lynda and Robert are auditioning for the Christmas play. Jim arrives, not to audition, but to pass on messages. Lynda tries her best to tempt Jim into a role.

Kathy invites Mike over for a chat. She wants his advice on whether Jamie can make a career from tree surgery, as it seems to be the only thing he is passionate about. Mike assures her that Jamie has the talent and that you don't need to be academic to do well in life.

Fallon's struggling to audition as Beatrice opposite Jim reading Benedick. Fallon's thrilled and surprised when Rhys appears and Jim is happy to be released. Rhys plays Benedick and Lynda is delighted with his performance with Fallon. After, Lynda tells Robert that she has her leads but despairs at the other cast.

Fallon asks if Rhys wants a quick drink but he's too tired after his trip back from Wales. Rhys remembers that it's the pub quiz tomorrow and Fallon asks him to pop in if he wants. Rhys says he will.

After a whisky, Robert suggests they put on a selection of Shakespeare extracts instead of a full play, to make rehearsals easier. Lynda is keen to include music and dancing to create a truly Elizabethan Christmas.

THU 19:15 Front Row (b01n6sjv)
Comedy performer David Mitchell, Nobel Prize for Literature

With Mark Lawson.

Comedy performer David Mitchell, best known for his role in Peep Show, discusses his autobiography, Back Story. The book charts events in Mitchell's life through a series of walks through London. He reflects on whether comedians need misery to be funny, his partnership with Robert Webb and his first sketch at a student comedy night.

The Nobel Prize for Literature has been awarded to Chinese writer Mo Yan, whose work has been described as combining "hallucinatory realism" with folk tales, history and contemporary life. John Freeman, the editor of Granta magazine, who recently spent time with the new Nobel laureate in China, assesses his work.

Bertie Carvel stars in a new National Theatre production of Damned by Despair, a 17th century Spanish morality tale by Tirso de Molina. Playwright Frank McGuinness has written a new version of the play, which follows the intertwining fates of two strangers. Writer Kate Saunders gives her verdict.

Recent screen roles for British actors Damian Lewis and Emma Watson have demanded American accents, and American actors including Dakota Fanning and Maggie Gyllenhall have recently used British accents for parts set in the UK. Voice coach Elspeth Morrison discusses the techniques needed for these transatlantic accent swaps.

Producer Claire Bartleet.

THU 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n6sj4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

THU 20:00 The Report (b01n6sjx)
Free Schools

In The Report this week Simon Cox investigates the battle for influence over free schools. A flagship Conservative policy, the establishment of state funded schools, independent from local authority control has been controversial amongst many teachers, parents and local communities. With this stiff opposition from the education establishment, how is the policy progressing? As the second tranche of these new schools are one month into their first term, we investigate why some of these schools are approved in areas such as Suffolk where there is seemingly no need for them. But we hear from successful groups wanting to change their local area and set up their visions of new schools. We speak to people whose free school projects have been pulled by the Department of Education one week before they were supposed to open, leaving parents and children in the lurch and ask just to what extent has the Department of Education got a handle on its new project.

Presenter: Simon Cox.
Producer: Charlotte Pritchard.

THU 20:30 The Bottom Line (b01n6sjz)

The view from the top of business. Presented by Evan Davis, The Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with people running leading and emerging companies.

Evan's guests delve into the concept of quality in business - how to get it high, and why it might end up low. They also compare notes on their respective weaknesses. Who do they turn to for help should they need it?

In the studio are Jon Moulton, founder and chairman of private equity firm Better Capital; entrepreneur and investor Deborah Meaden; David Haines, chief executive of German sanitary fittings manufacturer Grohe.

Producer: Ben Crighton
Editor: Innes Bowen.

THU 21:00 Saving Species (b01n651r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Tuesday]

THU 21:30 In Our Time (b01n6s03)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 21:58 Weather (b01n4l89)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 22:00 The World Tonight (b01n6sk3)
Turkey intercepts plane en route to Syria - what was on board and will regional tensions inflame?

Could Colombia's long running civil war come to end with the start of peace talks?

And a Chinese writer wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.

With Shaun Ley.

THU 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01n7jpj)
Summer Lies

Stranger in the Night, Part 1

A man sits beside a stranger on an overnight flight to Frankfurt and tells him the story of his life. A bond is formed in the dark cabin - but can either rely on the other or believe what they have been told?

Bill Nighy reads the first part of this haunting two part story from Bernhard Schlink's collection of short fiction.

Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 23:00 Bigipedia (b012l2z5)
Series 2

The Wisdom of Crowds

In this episode, the wisdom of crowds, the joy of deregulated advertising and Bigipedia throughout history.

At last, the long-awaited release of Bigipedia 2.0 - the infallible, ever-present cyberfriend is back! Now with all errors and mistakes.

Bigipedia 2.0 is now bigger, better and closer - so it looks bigger twice!

Bigipedia was conceived by Nick Doody, and written by Nick Doody, Matt Kirshen and Sarah Morgan, with Carey Marx.

It features Ewan Bailey, Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Nick Doody, Neil Edmond, Pippa Evans, Martha Howe-Douglas, Lewis Macleod and Jess Robinson. Occasionally you can hear Matt Kirshen.

Guy Jackson has done some music and that.

Bigipedia is a Pozzitive production, produced by David Tyler. His radio credits include Armando Iannucci's Charm Offensive, Cabin Pressure, Another Case Of Milton Jones, Jeremy Hardy Speaks To The Nation, Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off, The 99p Challenge, The Castle, The 3rd Degree and even, going back a bit, Radio Active. His TV credits include Paul Merton - The Series, Spitting Image, Absolutely, The Paul and Pauline Calf Video Diaries, Coogan's Run, The Tony Ferrino Phenomenon and Executive Producer of Victoria Wood's Dinnerladies.

Produced and directed by David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 23:30 Today in Parliament (b01n6sk5)
Sean Curran with the day's top news stories from Westminster.


FRI 00:00 Midnight News (b01n4l94)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

FRI 00:30 Book of the Week (b01n846c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Thursday]

FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l96)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b01n4l98)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b01n4l9b)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 05:30 News Briefing (b01n4l9d)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b01nbz8g)
A spiritual comment and prayer to begin the day with Tina Beattie of Roehampton University.

FRI 05:45 Farming Today (b01n6st7)
Abattoirs say they are discarding up to 50% of sheep and cattle livers after a rise in the incidents of liver fluke. The parasite which can cause liver damage and death in animals has thrived in this year's wet weather.

It is judging day for the first of the nominees for the BBC Farmer of the Year Award. One of the judges, Countryfile's Adam Henson finds out how organic farmer and finalist Guy Watson from Riverford Farm in Devon - went from delivering veg from the back of his car to running the largest organic veg box scheme in the country.

And in the week 20,000 Irish farmers took to the streets to demonstrate against changes which they think could change their traditional way of life on the family farm - Charlotte Smith hears from Colin Tudge from the Campaign for Real Farming and Professor Richard Tiffin from the Centre for Food Security at the University of Reading to debate the pros and cons of small farms.

Farming Today was presented by Charlotte Smith and produced in Birmingham by Ruth Sanderson.

FRI 06:00 Today (b01n6st9)
Morning news and current affairs presented by John Humphrys and Justin Webb, including:

A man has received a total sentence of eight months after wearing a t-shirt emblazoned with hand written offensive comments about the murders of two policewomen killed in the line of duty. John Cooper QC, leading criminal and human rights barrister, and Ian Hanson, chair of the Greater Manchester Police Federation debate the justification for the arrest.

As British Gas announces a 6% rise in its gas and electricity tariffs, its managing director Phil Bentley explains the reasons behind the move.

A controversial badger pilot cull is likely to begin. Tom Feilden explains that the cull will have to start in the next few days if it is going to be completed before the badgers go to ground for the winter and David Heath, Liberal Democrat agriculture minister explains why the government has issued two new licences for pilot culls.

The winner of the country's leading literary prize, the Man Booker, is announced next week and in the run-up to the award, Today will be talking to the six authors who have been selected for the shortlist. The BBC's arts correspondent Rebecca Jones spoke to Alison Moore about her book The Lighthouse from her home near Nottingham.

FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (b01n6064)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

FRI 09:45 Book of the Week (b01n848r)
On the Map

Episode 5

Is the old cliché that women are less good at navigating than men true? Or do they just have different ways of finding their bearings?

The last part of Simon Garfield's wander through the history of maps takes us down the routes of gender difference and sat nav.

Producer: Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (b01n6stc)
Shy Children - what's a parent to do? Everyone knows about the loud and disruptive children at school. But more often in the majority are the shy, anxious children who are quiet and find it hard to fit in and make friends. They don't contribute in class and often fail to thrive and learn. They often get overlooked by teachers. This pattern can carry on at secondary school and makes them more vulnerable. How do parents help their shy children without making an issue of it? And on the other hand, is being shy really a problem?

It only changes once a decade but China is deciding its new political leadership to be installed within a month. Currently just nine men hold the nexus of power over the world's second largest economy but seven of those men have to stand down this time. Will China's transition of power at the top signify any real change for Chinese women ?

On the 25th anniversary of The Pankhurst Centre in Manchester, Jenni talks to Dr Helen Pankhurst, great granddaughter of Emmeline, and granddaughter of Sylvia, about her childhood in Ethiopia, her career in international development, taking part in the Olympics Opening Ceremony, and taking forward the Pankhurst legacy in 2012.

Presented by Jenni Murray.

FRI 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n6stf)
HighLites: Retouched

Episode 5

by Steve Chambers and Phil Nodding.

5/5 When intimidating witnesses, tampering with CCTV, and making false statements fail to take the heat off Beverley and Shirley in a hit and run investigation, they resort to discrediting the victim. All in a week's work.

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole.

FRI 11:00 The Flower Fields (b01nb02j)
There's a gold rush in Cornwall; it's been going on for over a century - producing the first flowers of spring, daffodils especially.

Like mining, it's marked the landscape, and there are networks of tiny fields west of Mousehole and in the Isles of Scilly. Smaller than tennis courts, they nestle, safe from the wind between high hedges, warm on south facing terraced cliffs. From these old flower fields, called quillets, came something even more valuable than the 'Golden Harvest' of early blooming daffodils - delicate Cornish violets, carnations and anemones. From Victorian times to the 1960s fragrant bunches of these sped overnight by
rail to reach the morning London markets.

Michael Bird - who lives in St Ives - listens while Bill Harvey works the plots his father tended. They are too small to admit machines and depend on the long-handled Cornish shovel. At Churchtown Farm on St Martins in the Scillies, Keith Low explains how the fields were created.

Michael walks the cliff gardens with the archaeologist Graeme Kirkham, who interprets the landscape they pass through, including the industry's mysterious skills and traditions. And he meets Bob Paterson at London’s Covent Garden market who remembers selling the violets and anemones that came on the Penzance trains, and hopes he might again.

Producer: Julian May

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2012.

FRI 11:30 Gloomsbury (b01n6vn5)
Series 1

The St Ives School of Painting

The writer and transvestite Vera Sackcloth-Vest and her bosom chum, the novelist Ginny Fox, go down to St Ives in search of the writer of very naughty books Mr D.H. Lollipop. Their husbands, Henry and Lionel, accompany them, hoping to prevent their wives from succumbing to the dangerous animal magnetism of Lollipop, whose book Lady Hattersley's Plover has scandalized and unsettled them all.

Vera's persistent and flamboyant admirer Venus Traduces arrives, desperate to re-kindle their Sapphic passion. However she is distracted when, on the cliff path, she meets a thin man with a red beard who exudes animal magnetism. He informs her that his wife is away in London being painted by Augustus John, invites Venus to call him Dave, and ravishes her in the brambles.

Meanwhile, though Vera and Ginny seem to search in vain for Lollipop, he is always much closer than they think.

Vera Sackcloth-Vest ..... Miriam Margolyes
Henry Mickleton ..... Jonathan Coy
Venus Traduces ..... Morwenna Banks
Mrs Ginny Fox ..... Alison Steadman
Lionel Fox ..... Nigel Planer
DH Lollipop ..... John Sessions

Produced by Jamie Rix
A Little Brother Production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 12:00 You and Yours (b01n6vn7)
Bad food, gas prices and Italian coffee culture

Vodafone has been criticised for raising the cost of the fixed term contracts mid-term. Consumer groups say Ofcom should stop mobile phone operators from hiking the prices mid-contract.

Local authorities will resume a public health role for the first time in 40 years with the appointment of a Director of Public Health in all counties and metropolitan areas.

Low paid households are struggling to cope with food inflation and the government are worried that with more price rises in the food production lines the poor will struggle to eat properly. One solution is to buy more fresh food which is cheaper than most processed foods. Why do we find it so hard to change our eating habits when it will save us money and make us healthier?

The world's largest coffee chain Starbucks was inspired by the Italian cafe but the American giant has yet to open its first establishment in Italy. Dany Mitzman reports on the peculiarities of Italian coffee culture still managing to hold its foreign imitators at bay.

FRI 12:52 The Listening Project (b01n6vn9)
Alan and Carol: Talking Yorkshire

Fi Glover with the secret of a happy marriage from Alan and Carol - could it be an interest in the Yorkshire dialect - proving that it's surprising what you hear when you listen.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

FRI 12:57 Weather (b01n4l9g)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 13:00 World at One (b01n6vnc)
National and international news with Shaun Ley. Listeners can share their views via email: or on twitter: #wato.

FRI 13:45 China: As History Is My Witness (b01nbsxj)
The Soong Sisters - The Consorts

On one bank of the Huangpu river in Shanghai stands a forest of steel and glass skyscrapers, but on the other - colonial splendour. A century ago, foreigners unpacked a whole new fascinating way of life on the docks here.

From Western ships came bicycles, engine parts and young Chinese with a vision of modernity - adventurers like Charlie Soong who had been out to see the world and had come back.

Charlie had sons, and in any earlier generation he'd have ignored his daughters but he had been educated by American Methodists and he believed in Christian virtue, democracy and the dignity of women.

From this waterfront, he sent his daughters to America to get a grounding in all three.

As Shanghai boomed, their horizons expanded. And in 1914 the eldest, Ailing, made a strategic match with a young man, H H Kung. Money was no object. He and his bride would become China's richest couple.

Qingling, the second sister, married a very different kind of politician - Sun Yatsen, the revolutionary leader of China, who had become President of China after the overthrow of the Qing dynasty in 1912.

As Sun was an older man and already married, Qingling's parents objected - so she jumped out of a window and eloped with him.

All three sisters were very much in the public eye, and in the news magazines almost as often as film stars - but life wasn't just a round of photo opportunities and jazz.

Qingling's husband Sun Yatsen died in 1925 and his movement split into warring camps.His successor, Chiang Kaishek, was a no-nonsense military man - some would say a fascist. Qingling was horrified by his tactics. And doubly horrified when she discovered her younger sister Meiling was planning to marry him.

Presenter: Carrie Gracie
Producer: Neal Razzell.

FRI 14:00 The Archers (b01n6sjs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Thursday]

FRI 14:15 Drama (b01n6vnf)
Power in Crimpsea

Power in Crimpsea
Written by Vicky Meer

Mayor Goderick Derrick loves Crimpsea, surfing and his small business. Determined to be a cut above his seaside neighbours, he is hatching a master plan to extend Crimpsea's season. By embracing renewable energy, can he put his bracing seaside town on the tourist map, save his struggling plumbing business and the environment? A fantastical, tall tale of sea, surf and ambition.
By Vicky Meer.

Produced by Sharon Sephton
Directed by Pauline Harris.

FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b01n6vnh)
Eglwys Fach

Peter Gibbs chairs the horticultural panel programme from Eglwysfach in West Wales, with Bunny Guinness, Bob Flowerdew and Matt Biggs fielding questions from a gardening audience.

Questions answered in the programme:
Q. My parents' anniversary is marked by the flowering of a magnolia planted in the spring when they were married. Does the panel have a suggestion for something similar that could mark our anniversary on October 1st?
A. Tree Mallows, or Mediterranean Lavateras, flower very well in the autumn. Vitex agnus-castus, or the Chaste bush, (despite it's name) has blue flowers which come out in autumn. Alternatively, the mountain ash Joseph Rock is autumn flowering, but has primrose yellow fruit too.

Q. Do the team think it is possible to grow rhubarb on wet, Welsh hills at over 900ft above sea level? I have tried for 25 years.
A. If the soil is too thin, the rhubarb cannot get its large root down. It does not mind the cold, so could be planted in a large container and kept behind a north wall during winter and moved into the sun during spring. Try a virus-free clone such as Victoria or Fulton's Strawberry Surprise.

Q. Do the panel think gardening is a solitary activity?
A. When gardening, you have got to be of one mind and aiming towards the same goal, so it is often better to garden alone!

Q. With few bees to pollinate this summer, should I use a soft brush to help fertilise our four mature grape vines and tomatoes.
A. You can use a feather duster (but not when they're wet). It will do no harm to do it.

Q. Which members of the Cow Parsley family like an acid soil and the wet and windy climate of Wales?
A. Baltic Parsley is recommended, standing about 1.5 metres high, it is quite hardy and can be grown from seed. Alternatively, Anthriscus sylvestris or Ravenswing, Angelicas such as Angelica Gigas, or Seseli Gummiferum are interesting variations. Parsnips produce tall stems and are a statuesque plant or you could encourage existing Hogweed plants which are attractive to insects.

Q. What plants could the panel suggest for me to grow to encourage bats to forage in my garden, remembering that bats are insectivorous?
A. A lime tree is a good habitat for aphids and, as such, would encourage bats. Honeysuckles or Lupins might also be good. A wildflower meadow containing daisies, self-heals and Yellow Rattle for example will attract insects and in turn attract bats. Hawthorn trees will attract insects, as will a pond.

Q. Why can't I grow leeks in Wales? Could it be the slate-y soil, the acidic conditions, or the windy location?
A. Most vegetables don't like an acid soil, so lime will help. Manure will also help, as will growing them with a little more space between them.

Producer: Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 15:45 On the Brink (b01n6vnk)
Four-Minute Warning

Fifty years ago, the world stood on the brink of nuclear war, as the US and Soviet leadership engaged in a military stand-off over missiles in Cuba.

In Marina Lewycka's story, the second in a series looking at the Cuban Missile Crisis through the eyes of ordinary people, a teenage girl wonders how to make the most of her last four minutes, should the warning come...

Reader: Sian Thomas
Writer: Marina Lewycka's novel, 'A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian', was long-listed for the 2005 Man Booker Prize and short-listed for the 2005 Orange Prize for Fiction. Her most recent novel is 'Various Pets Dead and Alive'.
Producer: Justine Willett.

FRI 16:00 Last Word (b01n6vnm)
Verghese Kurien, Helen Nicoll, Bobby Hogg, Tereska Torres, 'Big Jim' Sullivan

Matthew Bannister on

Dr Verghese Kurien. Known as "India's Milkman", he transformed milk production in India by setting up co-operatives of small farmers.

Helen Nicoll - the children's author best known for her Meg and Mog stories. Her illustrator Jan Pienkowski pays tribute.

Bobby Hogg - the last surviving speaker of the Cromarty dialect which was used in parts of the Black Isle near Inverness.

The French writer Tereska Torres whose novel about wartime romances caused controversy with its depiction of lesbian affairs

And session guitarist "Big Jim" Sullivan who played on an amazing 55 number one songs.

FRI 16:30 Feedback (b01n6vnp)
Radio 4's forum for comments, queries, criticisms and congratulations.

Presented by Roger Bolton, this is the place to air your views on the things you hear on BBC Radio.

This programme's content is entirely directed by you.

Producer: Kate Taylor
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 16:55 The Listening Project (b01n6vnr)
Shelley and Lee: Surviving Loss

Fi Glover with a harrowing conversation from Cumbria. Lee and Shelley buried their child on what would have been his second birthday. Proving that it's surprising - and sometimes life-affirming - what you hear when you listen.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

FRI 17:00 PM (b01n6vnt)
Eddie Mair with interviews, context and analysis.

FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b01n4l9j)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 18:30 The News Quiz (b01n6vnw)
Series 78

Episode 6

A satirical review of the week's news, chaired by Sandi Toksvig. Panellists are Susan Calman, Francis Wheen, Rebecca Front and Nick Doody.

Produced by Lyndsay Fenner.

FRI 19:00 The Archers (b01n6vny)
Jolene is discussing business with Lilian and the occupational hazards of working with partners. Kenton arrives with some ideas for The Bull but Jolene asks why he's not saving them for Jaxx. Kenton wants to spend more time with her and has an interesting idea.

Emma's planning cheap activities - she loves doing things as a family. Ed suggests another activity for the two of them which doesn't cost anything...

Later, they are joking about Joe misplacing his teeth again when George appears with a new karate suit. Emma is seething that Will didn't discuss it with her, and that he might know about their money problems.

Fallon tells Jolene about Lynda's plans for an Elizabethan Christmas and that Rhys will play Benedick opposite her as Beatrice. Jolene is pleased for her but wants a private word.

Jolene and Kenton know that Fallon's been a bit down. They explain that Kenton is considering leaving Jaxx to work full time at The Bull. Fallon points out that this would be one less job for someone at the pub. Kenton then proposes that Fallon goes to manage Jaxx. An interview might be involved but Jim has been praising her. Fallon can see it's a great opportunity, but it's a big decision.

FRI 19:15 Front Row (b01n6vp0)
On the Road - the film, American Idiot, Agyness Deyn

With Kirsty Lang.

Jack Kerouac's novel On The Road has finally been turned into a film - directed by Walter Salles and starring Garrett Hedlund, Sam Riley and Kristen Stewart - 60 years after he wrote it. The original manuscript, written over three weeks on one long scroll, is currently on view at the British Library. Writer Iain Sinclair discusses whether the book has made a successful trip from scroll to screen

The Broadway musical American Idiot, based on the music of rock band Green Day, has just begun a British tour. It follows the fortunes of three young friends, finding their way in post 9/11 American suburbia. Music critic Kate Mossman reviews.

The Cold War has fascinated artists Jane and Louise Wilson ever since they established themselves with two works, Gamma, about the Greenham air force base, and Stasi City, examining the secret police HQ in East Berlin. They tell Kirsty about their latest show, the culmination of a three year project looking at the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster

Supermodel Agyness Deyn talks about her first major film role, in the thriller Pusher, playing a stripper and drug-dealer's girlfriend. She also describes making the transition to acting, and the art of mastering tricky accents for her forthcoming role in Terence Davies' film Sunset Song.

Miranda Hart, Cheryl Cole, Tom Daley and Pudsey the dancing dog are among the wide range of the celebrities who have just published their memoirs. As the rush to top the Christmas book charts begins, The Bookseller's Benedicte Page analyses the state of the autobiography market.

Producer Rebecca Nicholson.

FRI 19:45 15 Minute Drama (b01n6stf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (b01n6vp2)
Canford School, Wimborne

Jonathan Dimbleby presents the political discussion programme from Canford School, Canford Magna in Wimborne, Dorset. Guests include the Secretary of State for Defence, Philip Hammond; Labour peer, Lord Falconer of Thoroton; the head of Relate, Ruth Sutherland and the former BBC Director General, Greg Dyke. Producer: Lisa Jenkinson.

FRI 20:50 A Point of View (b01n6vp4)
Understanding Contemporary China 1/4

Martin Jacques presents a personal view on how best to understand the unique characteristics and apparent mysteries of contemporary China, its development and its possible future. In a new series of talks he sets out the building blocks for making sense of China today.

In this introductory talk, he argues that we cannot make sense of China by looking at it through a Western prism. China is not like a Western nation-state and never will be. Western nations are countries constituted on the basis of nation, China is a country constituted on the basis of a civilization. The consequences are profound and far-reaching.

In his second talk, he examines the tributary system, the historical China-centric network of international relations which involved other parts of East Asia accepting the principle of Chinese superiority in return for protection and access to the Chinese market, an arrangement distinct to European forms of colonialism. He asks whether a system of this kind is now re-emerging.

In his third talk, he explores the nature of race in China. Over 90 per cent of the Chinese population regard themselves as belonging to the same race, the Han. This is a stark contrast to the multi-racial composition of the world's other populous states. Chinese ethnic identity stems from a process of integration and of cultural identity. What defines the Chinese above all is pride in their culture and a sense of cultural achievement. The advantage of the Han identity is that it is the cement that has held China together. The disadvantage is a weak understanding of and respect for ethnic and cultural differences.

In his final talk, he asks how the undemocratic Chinese state can enjoy legitimacy and authority in the eyes of its population. He argues that the Chinese state is held in such high esteem because it is seen as the embodiment, protector and guardian of Chinese civilization. The state is seen as an intimate, a member of the family indeed - in fact, the head of the family. It is a remarkable institution which will come to exercise interest and fascination outside China.

Martin Jacques is the author of 'When China Rules the World'.

FRI 21:00 China: As History Is My Witness (b01n9v4d)
Omnibus: Part 1

Omnibus edition of episodes 1-5 of China: As History is My Witness in which the BBC's former Beijing Correspondent Carrie Gracie explores 5 great lives from Chinese history and asks what they tell us about China today.

1. SIMA QIAN: China's Great Historian faces a tough choice - death or castration.

2. KUBLAI KHAN: How the man from Mongolia beat the odds and conquered the south and became China's favourite barbarian.

3. THE DUKE OF ZHOU: In a society built around ancestor worship, Carrie Gracie charts the life of the ultimate ancestor and the man who inspired Confucius.

4. DU FU & LI BAI: China's answer to Shakespeare - Chinese children still quote these two drunkard poets from the 8th Century.

5. THE SOONG SISTERS: The story of three sisters who married some of the most powerful men of the 20th Century - it is said that one sister loved money, one loved power and one loved her country.

Presenter: Carrie Gracie
Producer: Neal Razzell.

FRI 21:58 Weather (b01n4l9l)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (b01n6vtx)
An investigation into police behaviour at Hillsborough is launched.

Chief Whip Andrew Mitchell meets the Police Federation this evening, to try and smooth relations after his row with officers in Downing Street.

Paul Moss reports from Colombia on their growing economy.

All that and more with Carolyn Quinn at 10.

FRI 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b01n7kfx)
Summer Lies

Stranger in the Night, Part 2

A stranger tells his seatmate a chilling story on a night flight to Germany and then asks for his help. But is this soft-voiced, smiling man capable of murder? Bill Nighy reads the concluding instalment of Stranger in the Night from Bernhard Schlink's new collection of short fiction.

Abridged and produced by Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 23:00 A Good Read (b01n65q4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 on Tuesday]

FRI 23:27 The First LP in Ireland (b01h666r)
Colum Sands presents the story of how, in 1947, the Irish Folklore Commission and the BBC established a scheme to seek out and record folk music and stories throughout Ireland.

FRI 23:55 The Listening Project (b01n8ly2)
Karen and Mark: Our Faith Will Keep Us Strong

Fi Glover presents Radio 4's series that proves it's surprising what you hear when you listen. Karen and Mark from Northern Ireland find that their mutual love and their faith are helping them get through Karen's treatment for breast cancer.

The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Many of the long conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting

Producer: Marya Burgess.

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 MON (b01n61s9)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 MON (b01n61s9)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 TUE (b01n651p)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 TUE (b01n651p)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 WED (b01n6rb2)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 WED (b01n6rb2)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 THU (b01n6sj4)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 THU (b01n6sj4)

15 Minute Drama 10:45 FRI (b01n6stf)

15 Minute Drama 19:45 FRI (b01n6stf)

A Good Read 16:30 TUE (b01n65q4)

A Good Read 23:00 FRI (b01n65q4)

A Kiss Is .... Never Just a Kiss 13:30 SUN (b01gg8h0)

A Point of View 08:50 SUN (b01n1vwm)

A Point of View 20:50 FRI (b01n6vp4)

Analysis 21:30 SUN (b01n0xtj)

Analysis 20:30 MON (b01n625z)

Any Answers? 14:00 SAT (b01n5z35)

Any Questions? 13:10 SAT (b01n1vwk)

Any Questions? 20:00 FRI (b01n6vp2)

Archive on 4 20:00 SAT (b01n5z3m)

Bells on Sunday 05:43 SUN (b01n605m)

Bells on Sunday 00:45 MON (b01n605m)

Bigipedia 23:00 THU (b012l2z5)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 MON (b01n6263)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 TUE (b01n7h2w)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 WED (b01n7h6w)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 THU (b01n7jpj)

Book at Bedtime 22:45 FRI (b01n7kfx)

Book of the Week 00:30 SAT (b01n1vl7)

Book of the Week 09:45 MON (b01n61s5)

Book of the Week 00:30 TUE (b01n61s5)

Book of the Week 09:45 TUE (b01n8414)

Book of the Week 00:30 WED (b01n8414)

Book of the Week 09:45 WED (b01n842w)

Book of the Week 00:30 THU (b01n842w)

Book of the Week 09:45 THU (b01n846c)

Book of the Week 00:30 FRI (b01n846c)

Book of the Week 09:45 FRI (b01n848r)

Bookclub 16:00 SUN (b01n60lt)

Bookclub 15:30 THU (b01n60lt)

Bringing Up Britain 22:15 SAT (b01n1qyn)

Broadcasting House 09:00 SUN (b01n6060)

Cheaper Than Walking 11:00 MON (b01n61sc)

China: As History Is My Witness 13:45 MON (b01n61sm)

China: As History Is My Witness 13:45 TUE (b01nbs6p)

China: As History Is My Witness 13:45 WED (b01nbsv9)

China: As History Is My Witness 13:45 THU (b01nbsx2)

China: As History Is My Witness 13:45 FRI (b01nbsxj)

China: As History Is My Witness 21:00 FRI (b01n9v4d)

Classic Serial 21:00 SAT (b01n0vh4)

Classic Serial 15:00 SUN (b01n606d)

Clayton Grange 23:00 TUE (b01n65zq)

Costing the Earth 15:30 TUE (b01n65q2)

Costing the Earth 21:00 WED (b01n65q2)

Desert Island Discs 11:15 SUN (b01n6064)

Desert Island Discs 09:00 FRI (b01n6064)

Drama 14:15 MON (b00vkwvf)

Drama 14:15 TUE (b00r7l7b)

Drama 14:15 WED (b00js8m5)

Drama 14:15 FRI (b01n6vnf)

Everyone Quite Likes Justin 11:30 MON (b01n61sf)

Fags, Mags and Bags 11:30 WED (b01n6rrz)

Farming Today 06:30 SAT (b01n5z2q)

Farming Today 05:45 MON (b01n61rz)

Farming Today 05:45 TUE (b01n651f)

Farming Today 05:45 WED (b01n6r9q)

Farming Today 05:45 THU (b01n6rzz)

Farming Today 05:45 FRI (b01n6st7)

Feedback 20:00 SUN (b01n1vlt)

Feedback 16:30 FRI (b01n6vnp)

File on 4 17:00 SUN (b01n11x6)

File on 4 20:00 TUE (b01n65zg)

For One Night Only 10:30 SAT (b01n5z2x)

Four Thought 20:45 WED (b01n6rsp)

From Our Own Correspondent 11:30 SAT (b01n5z31)

From Our Own Correspondent 11:00 THU (b01n6sj6)

Front Row 19:15 MON (b01n621n)

Front Row 19:15 TUE (b01n65rs)

Front Row 19:15 WED (b01n6rsk)

Front Row 19:15 THU (b01n6sjv)

Front Row 19:15 FRI (b01n6vp0)

Gardeners' Question Time 14:00 SUN (b01n1vlm)

Gardeners' Question Time 15:00 FRI (b01n6vnh)

Gloomsbury 11:30 FRI (b01n6vn5)

In Our Time 09:00 THU (b01n6s03)

In Our Time 21:30 THU (b01n6s03)

In Search of Richard Yates 11:30 THU (b01n6sj8)

In Touch 20:40 TUE (b01n65zj)

Inside Health 21:00 TUE (b01n65zl)

Inside Health 15:30 WED (b01n65zl)

Ireland's Troublesome Priests 20:00 MON (b01mtslz)

James Hopkin - A Georgian Trilogy 00:30 SUN (b01n956s)

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme 18:30 THU (b01n6sjq)

Last Word 20:30 SUN (b01n1vlr)

Last Word 16:00 FRI (b01n6vnm)

Lives in a Landscape 11:00 WED (b01n6rb6)

Loose Ends 18:15 SAT (b01n5z3f)

Material World 21:00 MON (b01n1rpr)

Material World 16:30 THU (b01n6sjl)

Meet David Sedaris 19:15 SUN (b01n60m2)

Midnight News 00:00 SAT (b01mzshd)

Midnight News 00:00 SUN (b01n4l1r)

Midnight News 00:00 MON (b01n4l3n)

Midnight News 00:00 TUE (b01n4l50)

Midnight News 00:00 WED (b01n4l69)

Midnight News 00:00 THU (b01n4l7s)

Midnight News 00:00 FRI (b01n4l94)

Midweek 09:00 WED (b01n6r9x)

Midweek 21:30 WED (b01n6r9x)

Money Box Live 15:00 WED (b01n6rs5)

Money Box 12:00 SAT (b01n5z33)

Money Box 21:00 SUN (b01n5z33)

Moral Maze 20:00 WED (b01n6rsm)

My Teenage Diary 23:00 WED (b01462bb)

News Briefing 05:30 SAT (b01mzshn)

News Briefing 05:30 SUN (b01n4l20)

News Briefing 05:30 MON (b01n4l3x)

News Briefing 05:30 TUE (b01n4l58)

News Briefing 05:30 WED (b01n4l6k)

News Briefing 05:30 THU (b01n4l83)

News Briefing 05:30 FRI (b01n4l9d)

News Headlines 06:00 SUN (b01n4l22)

News Quiz USA 23:00 MON (b01n6265)

News and Papers 06:00 SAT (b01mzshq)

News and Papers 07:00 SUN (b01n4l26)

News and Papers 08:00 SUN (b01n4l2b)

News and Weather 22:00 SAT (b01mzsj7)

News 13:00 SAT (b01mzshz)

On Your Farm 06:35 SUN (b01n605r)

On the Brink 15:45 FRI (b01n6vnk)

One Man's War 11:30 TUE (b01n651t)

One to One 09:30 TUE (b01n651k)

PM 17:00 SAT (b01n5z3c)

PM 17:00 MON (b01n61st)

PM 17:00 TUE (b01n65q6)

PM 17:00 WED (b01n6rsc)

PM 17:00 THU (b01n6sjn)

PM 17:00 FRI (b01n6vnt)

Party 18:30 WED (b01n6rsf)

Pick of the Week 18:15 SUN (b01n60ly)

Poetry Please 23:30 SAT (b01n0vh8)

Poetry Please 16:30 SUN (b01n60lw)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 SAT (b01n1w19)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 MON (b01n61rx)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 TUE (b01njxy3)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 WED (b01nbz88)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 THU (b01nbz8d)

Prayer for the Day 05:43 FRI (b01nbz8g)

Profile 19:00 SAT (b01n5z3h)

Profile 05:45 SUN (b01n5z3h)

Profile 17:40 SUN (b01n5z3h)

Radio 4 Appeal 07:55 SUN (b01n605w)

Radio 4 Appeal 21:26 SUN (b01n605w)

Radio 4 Appeal 15:27 THU (b01n605w)

Ramblings 06:07 SAT (b01n1rfy)

Ramblings 15:00 THU (b01n6sjg)

Round Britain Quiz 23:00 SAT (b01n0xpn)

Round Britain Quiz 15:00 MON (b01n61sp)

Rudy's Rare Records 18:30 TUE (b01n7hhp)

Saturday Drama 14:30 SAT (b01n5z37)

Saturday Live 09:00 SAT (b01n5z2v)

Saturday Review 19:15 SAT (b01n5z3k)

Saving Species 11:00 TUE (b01n651r)

Saving Species 21:00 THU (b01n651r)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 SAT (b01mzshj)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 SUN (b01n4l1w)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 MON (b01n4l3s)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 TUE (b01n4l54)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 WED (b01n4l6f)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 THU (b01n4l7z)

Selection of BBC World Service Programmes 01:00 FRI (b01n4l98)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 SAT (b01mzshg)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 SAT (b01mzshl)

Shipping Forecast 17:54 SAT (b01mzsj1)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 SUN (b01n4l1t)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 SUN (b01n4l1y)

Shipping Forecast 17:54 SUN (b01n4l2g)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 MON (b01n4l3q)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 MON (b01n4l3v)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 TUE (b01n4l52)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 TUE (b01n4l56)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 WED (b01n4l6c)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 WED (b01n4l6h)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 THU (b01n4l7x)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 THU (b01n4l81)

Shipping Forecast 00:48 FRI (b01n4l96)

Shipping Forecast 05:20 FRI (b01n4l9b)

Short Cuts 15:00 TUE (b01n65q0)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 SAT (b01mzsj5)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 SUN (b01n4l2l)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 MON (b01n4l43)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 TUE (b01n4l5d)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 WED (b01n4l6p)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 THU (b01n4l87)

Six O'Clock News 18:00 FRI (b01n4l9j)

Something Understood 06:05 SUN (b01n605p)

Something Understood 23:30 SUN (b01n605p)

Start the Week 09:00 MON (b01n61s3)

Start the Week 21:30 MON (b01n61s3)

Stone 14:15 THU (b00v1qnm)

Sunday Worship 08:10 SUN (b01n605y)

Sunday 07:10 SUN (b01n605t)

The Archers Omnibus 10:00 SUN (b01n6062)

The Archers 19:00 SUN (b01n60m0)

The Archers 14:00 MON (b01n60m0)

The Archers 19:00 MON (b01n61sy)

The Archers 14:00 TUE (b01n61sy)

The Archers 19:00 TUE (b01n65rq)

The Archers 14:00 WED (b01n65rq)

The Archers 19:00 WED (b01n6rsh)

The Archers 14:00 THU (b01n6rsh)

The Archers 19:00 THU (b01n6sjs)

The Archers 14:00 FRI (b01n6sjs)

The Archers 19:00 FRI (b01n6vny)

The Bottom Line 17:30 SAT (b01n1rq4)

The Bottom Line 20:30 THU (b01n6sjz)

The Digital Human 16:30 MON (b01n621l)

The Film Programme 23:00 SUN (b01n1rpp)

The Film Programme 16:00 THU (b01n6sjj)

The First LP in Ireland 23:27 FRI (b01h666r)

The Flower Fields 11:00 FRI (b01nb02j)

The Food Programme 12:32 SUN (b01n6066)

The Food Programme 15:30 MON (b01n6066)

The Forum 11:00 SAT (b01n5z2z)

The Life Scientific 09:00 TUE (b01n651h)

The Life Scientific 21:30 TUE (b01n651h)

The Listening Project 14:45 SUN (b01n606b)

The Listening Project 12:52 FRI (b01n6vn9)

The Listening Project 16:55 FRI (b01n6vnr)

The Listening Project 23:55 FRI (b01n8ly2)

The Media Show 16:30 WED (b01n6rs9)

The Museum of Curiosity 12:00 SUN (b01n0xpx)

The Museum of Curiosity 18:30 MON (b01n7l2h)

The News Quiz 12:30 SAT (b01n1vm0)

The News Quiz 18:30 FRI (b01n6vnw)

The Report 20:00 THU (b01n6sjx)

The Voices of... 15:30 SAT (b01n11cz)

The World This Weekend 13:00 SUN (b01n6068)

The World Tonight 22:00 MON (b01n6261)

The World Tonight 22:00 TUE (b01n65zn)

The World Tonight 22:00 WED (b01n6rst)

The World Tonight 22:00 THU (b01n6sk3)

The World Tonight 22:00 FRI (b01n6vtx)

Things We Forgot to Remember 16:00 TUE (b00pfr4y)

Thinking Allowed 00:15 MON (b01n1qy8)

Thinking Allowed 16:00 WED (b01n6rs7)

Today in Parliament 23:30 MON (b01n6267)

Today in Parliament 23:30 TUE (b01n65zs)

Today in Parliament 23:30 WED (b01n6rsw)

Today in Parliament 23:30 THU (b01n6sk5)

Today 07:00 SAT (b01n5z2s)

Today 06:00 MON (b01n61s1)

Today 06:00 TUE (b01n65zd)

Today 06:00 WED (b01n6r9v)

Today 06:00 THU (b01n6s01)

Today 06:00 FRI (b01n6st9)

Was Dracula Irish? 16:00 MON (b01n61sr)

Weather 06:04 SAT (b01mzshs)

Weather 06:57 SAT (b01mzshv)

Weather 12:57 SAT (b01mzshx)

Weather 17:57 SAT (b01mzsj3)

Weather 06:57 SUN (b01n4l24)

Weather 07:57 SUN (b01n4l28)

Weather 12:57 SUN (b01n4l2d)

Weather 17:57 SUN (b01n4l2j)

Weather 05:57 MON (b01n4l3z)

Weather 12:57 MON (b01n4l41)

Weather 21:58 MON (b01n4l45)

Weather 12:57 TUE (b01n4l5b)

Weather 21:58 TUE (b01n4l5g)

Weather 12:57 WED (b01n4l6m)

Weather 21:58 WED (b01n4l6r)

Weather 12:57 THU (b01n4l85)

Weather 21:58 THU (b01n4l89)

Weather 12:57 FRI (b01n4l9g)

Weather 21:58 FRI (b01n4l9l)

Westminster Hour 22:00 SUN (b01n60qt)

What the Papers Say 22:45 SUN (b01n60qw)

Where Were You... 19:45 SUN (b01n60m4)

Woman's Hour 16:00 SAT (b01n5z39)

Woman's Hour 10:00 MON (b01n61s7)

Woman's Hour 10:00 TUE (b01n651m)

Woman's Hour 10:00 WED (b01n6r9z)

Woman's Hour 10:00 THU (b01n6sj2)

Woman's Hour 10:00 FRI (b01n6stc)

World at One 13:00 MON (b01n61sk)

World at One 13:00 TUE (b01n651y)

World at One 13:00 WED (b01n6rs3)

World at One 13:00 THU (b01n6sjd)

World at One 13:00 FRI (b01n6vnc)

You and Yours 12:00 MON (b01n61sh)

You and Yours 12:00 TUE (b01n651w)

You and Yours 12:00 WED (b01n6rs1)

You and Yours 12:00 THU (b01n6sjb)

You and Yours 12:00 FRI (b01n6vn7)

iPM 05:45 SAT (b01n1w1c)