SAT 00:00 Midnight News (b00sdj69)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SAT 00:30 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sbrz7)
Empire Builders (300 BC - AD 10)

Head of Augustus

Neil MacGregor concludes the first week of the second part of his global history as told through objects from the British Museum. This week he has been exploring the lives and methods of powerful rulers around the world about 2000 years ago, from Alexander the Great in Egypt to Asoka in India. Today he introduces us to the great Roman emperor Augustus, whose powerful, God-like status is brilliantly enshrined in a larger than life bronze head with striking eyes.
Neil MacGregor describes how Augustus dramatically enlarged the Roman Empire, establishing his image as one of its most familiar objects. The historian Susan Walker and the politician Boris Johnson help explain the power and methodology of Augustus.

Producer: Anthony Denselow

SAT 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sdj8k)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sdj8m)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service. BBC Radio 4 resumes at 5.20am.

SAT 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sdj8p)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 05:30 News Briefing (b00sds2j)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b00sds2l)
with The Revd Mark Wakelin.

SAT 05:45 A View Through a Lens (b00gsv4v)
Series 1

Poyang Lake

Wildlife cameraman John Aitchison offers a personal view of life as he finds himself in isolated and often dangerous locations across the globe filming wildlife.

3/3. POYANG LAKE - Having set up his hide at the edge of Poyang Lake in China, John waits for dawn and watches the birds nearby as he reflects on everyday miracles like feathers, boatmen and Chinese worms!

Producer Sarah Blunt.

SAT 06:00 News and Papers (b00sds2n)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SAT 06:04 Weather (b00sds2q)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 06:07 Ramblings (b00sds2s)
Series 15

East Sussex - South Downs Way: Eastbourne

Clare Balding walks the South Downs Way. Starting at the coast near Eastbourne, she meets a group of disabled ramblers with a passion for the countryside of East Sussex.

SAT 06:30 Farming Today (b00sds2v)
Cuts, Culls and Coalitions

Cuts, culls and coalitions; Charlotte Smith examines the government's rural budget, and its controversial plan to cull badgers in England, to try and halt TB in cattle. Farming Today This Week visits the farm of Peter Kendal, president of the National Farmers' Union and asks where cuts in DEFRA's budget might be made.

SAT 06:57 Weather (b00sds2x)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 07:00 Today (b00sds2z)
With James Naughtie and Evan Davis. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.

SAT 09:00 Saturday Live (b00sds31)
Fi Glover is joined by Lucy Worsley, the Chief Curator of Historic Royal Palaces and poet, Murray Lachlan Young. There's a surgeon who's separated over a dozen sets of conjoined twins, a father and daughter who swam to safety from a sinking ship, a man who extols the virtues of Punch and Judy, and the Inheritance Tracks of actress Naomie Harris.

The producer is Debbie Kilbride.

SAT 10:00 Excess Baggage (b00sds33)
John McCarthy talks to art historian and conservator Cathy Giangrande about her visits to many of China's museums. They cover an astonishing range of subjects, from the more typical of China like jade, silk, tea, calligraphy and of course the Terracotta Army to less obvious themes such as kites, cigarettes, Jackie Chan, tap water and eunuchs. There's even a Jewish museum. Cathy explains how museums are enjoying a boom time as the Chinese discover their historical and cultural heritage.

Since the volcanic eruptions started in Iceland at the end of March, travel arrangements all over the world have been disrupted. But how has tourism in Iceland itself been affected? John McCarthy asks Jon Magnusson, who runs adventure holidays there, whether the volcano is keeping travellers away or drawing them in. And he hears from British photographer John Beatty, who was one of the first to visit the initial eruption, about his impressions of getting up close to the lava flow.

SAT 10:30 Ten Rare Men (b00sds35)
Anybody who sees a rare bird has a dilemma. How does you confirm that it's correctly identified and, most importantly, how can you be sure that someone will believe you? In the latter case, the ultimate arbiters are the Ten Rare Men, more properly known as the British Birds Rarities Committee.

Howard Stableford, a keen but by no means expert naturalist, celebrates 50 years of the Ten Rare Men by setting out to find his own rarity with the help of writer and birder Stephen Moss. On the way he meets the experts whose job it is to review and ratify records of rare birds they've received from all over the UK. As he discovers this isn't just about birds, but concerns hard-won reputations and diplomacy: a rejection is in the public eye and has to be handled carefully.

After 50 years the list of nearly 600 species seen in the UK is still growing. Some birds still pose knotty problems beyond their identification involving international research, questions about provenance, and even whether the bird was ship-assisted or not. Talking to past and present "rare men" Howard reviews some tricky cases from the archives including the never-to-be-repeated Slender-billed Curlew of 1998, which may now be extinct, and the fraudulent case of the Chipping Ongar hermit thrush. He also explores the future for the Ten Rare Men. As molecular analysis reveals more hidden species, and digital photography and the internet allow instant identification, is there a continuing role for the Ten Rare Men? Most important of all, will there ever be a Rare Woman?

Presented by Howard Stableford
Produced by Brett Westwood.

SAT 11:00 The Week in Westminster (b00sds37)
Peter Oborne of the Daily Mail reviews the coalition government's second week in office in which grand plans were laid before the public and backbench Conservative unease at David Cameron's management style came to the surface.

With six billion pounds of cuts in public spending due to be announced on Monday, the former Tory cabinet minister, John Redwood, and the newly-elected Labour MP and top union man, Jack Dromey, weigh the likely impact. They reflect too on the state of their own parties.

A big minority of Tory MPs reacted angrily when David Cameron changed the rules to allow ministers into the most influential backbench forum - the famous '1922 committee'. Some are now questioning his style of party management.

The deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg, meanwhile, unveiled a host of proposals to take power away from the state and give it back to the individual. ID cards are to be scrapped, the use of CCTV is to be reviewed and the DNA database restricted. The former Labour chairman of the Home Affairs Committee, Keith Vaz, wonders if all the proposals will become law. The Conservative, Douglas Carswell, gives them a wholehearted welcome.

Finally, the Labour Party is staging its leadership contest - described here by the politcal editor of The Independent newspaper, Andrew Grice.

Editor: Peter Mulligan.

SAT 11:30 From Our Own Correspondent (b00sds39)
Drinking, dancing and youthful frustration: From Our Own Correspondent takes to the streets of Tehran to discover how young people have fun in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

There's talk of grand scandal and conspiracy as climate change skeptics vent their wrath

Thailand's violent politics tear apart life on a quiet street in Bangkok.

And the secrets of the Seine: the dark past of Paris's great river.

There are few places where it's tougher to be a journalist than Iran. Around forty newspapers have reportedly been shut in recent months, and many journalists are in jail. International press freedom campaigners describe Iran as one of the world's most repressive countries. And in this climate it's hard to build up a full picture of life in the Islamic Republic. But a recent visitor..who, under the circumstances, can't be named.. has just spent time trying to guage the mood among the vast and ever expanding ranks of Iran's young people. The picture that emerged was one of profound frustration...

Bangkok is finally returning to something like normality. For weeks the city centre was a battleground. The Thai army fought and eventually overwhelmed anti-government protestors manning huge barricades. But the great majority of Bangkok's people weren't protesting. Chris Hogg has been talking to people who were appalled to watch their neighbourhoods descend into violent chaos. But as they piece together their lives again, they can't help wondering how long the calm will last....

It's become one of the greatest issues of our time. How is our climate changing? What might this mean for life on earth? And how much are we to blame? The major international body monitoring the climate says average temperatures are certainly rising. And it says most of the waming is likely to be caused by man. But this view is coming under increasingly vociferous criticism. And when the sceptics gathered in strength recently, our environment analyst, Roger Harrabin, was there to hear what they had to say..

The novels of the great writer, Graham Greene are set in difficult places, at difficult times. His characters wrestle with moral dilemmas in steamy tropical cities... Saigon, Havana, Port-au-Prince and elsewhere. He brilliantly evoked the atmosphere in settings like opium dens, and particular bars, cafes and hotels. Greene conjured a world so convincing and distinctive that his readers sometimes called it "Greene-land".. Tim Butcher has been following Greene's trail in West Africa, but there was real disappointment when he went in search of one of the writer's favourite haunts..

The River Seine flows through the world's image of Paris. On its banks sit some of the city's most majestic monuments.Notre Dame Cathedral, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower among them. For visitors, the Seine's quays and bridges capture much of the romance of the place. But at times in Paris's turbulent past the great river has played a dark role. And Emma-Jane Kirby says that some ways.the Seine divides Paris.

SAT 12:00 Money Box (b00sds3c)
In his first interview as Minister for Pensions, Liberal Democrat Steve Webb talks to presenter Paul Lewis about his policy priorities.He said he wants pensions to be simplified and that people should be able to access the money in their pension pot if they need to. And he responds to a letter of advice from a former pensions minister, Labour's Malcolm Wicks.

Financial markets: European markets have been falling, with London's FTSE 100 dipping below 5,000 for the first time since November 2009. Paul Lewis interviews Max King, an investment manager at Ivestec Asset Management. The falls have been put down in part to Germany's ban of the so-called naked short-selling of shares. Financial expert Paul Willmot explains the practice and why it is controversial.

Poorly-performing funds: Best Invest has released its new research into which actively-managed funds are the worst performers. Is your money in what it calls the "dog funds"? Paul Lewis interviews the financial advice firm's senior investment adviser, Adrian Lowcock.

Home Information Packs: It came as no real surprise when the coalition government announced this week that Home Information Packs were being scrapped immediately. Both the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats had made that commitment in their manifestos. Since their phased introduction in 2007 - people selling a house in England and Wales have had to pay from £250 to £500 for the sellers pack - which included title deeds, local searches and detailed information about their property - before they could legally show their home to potential buyers. Paul Lewis interviews property expert and TV presenter Kirstie Allsopp.

Producer: Ruth Alexander.

SAT 12:30 The News Quiz (b00sdgml)
Series 71

Episode 6

Sandi Toksvig presents another episode of the ever-popular topical panel show. Guests this week include Phill Jupitus and Jeremy Hardy.

Produced by Sam Bryant.

SAT 12:57 Weather (b00sds3f)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 13:00 News (b00sds3h)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 13:10 Any Questions? (b00sdgmn)
Jonathan Dimbleby chairs the live debate from Gowerton School on the Gower Peninsula in Wales with questions from the audience for the panel including: John McDonnell MP, who is hoping to gain enough nominations to stand in the Labour leadership contest; Grant Shapps MP, Minister for Housing and Local Government; the Chairman of the National Trust and Guardian columnist, Simon Jenkins; and Anastasia de Waal, deputy director of the thinktank Civitas.

Producer: Victoria Wakely.

SAT 14:00 Any Answers? (b00sdz2x)
Jonathan Dimbleby takes listeners' calls and emails in response to this week's edition of Any Questions?

SAT 14:30 Saturday Drama (b00by4xh)
Sacred Statues

By William Trevor.

Gifted Sculptor Corry is struggling to make ends meet for his pregnant wife Nuala and their children. He may be left with no choice but to sacrifice his beautiful statue carving and take a labouring job. Surely, Nuala reckons, there must be a way to safeguard his talent? She must find a way...

Nuala ..... Eileen Walsh
Corry ..... Gary Lydon
Mrs Falloway ..... Judy Parfitt
Etty ..... Ger Ryan
Mr Renne ..... Kieran Lagan
Boys ..... Adam Maul and Davis Best.

SAT 15:30 The Music Group (b00scjx4)
Series 4

Episode 6

Comedian, broadcaster and GP Dr Phil Hammond asks three guests to play the track of their choice for the delight or disdain of the others.

Journalist John Harris joins comedian Sarah Millican and ex-army captain Patrick Hennessey to explain why they've brought a swampy Cajun blues number, a TV soundtrack staple and an infamous song about mortality to the final group in the series.

In a wide ranging debate that takes in the impenetrable nature of Captain Beefheart and the emotional blackmail of bands like Coldplay, John describes a moment of epiphany outside a Leominster service station, Sarah revels in her taste for "mother-in-law" music and Patrick reveals what made his troops cry in Afghanistan. It wasn't always the hard combat and the casualties.

The music choices are:
Clear Spot by Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band
Chocolate by Snow Patrol
The Great Gig in the Sky by Pink Floyd

Producer: Tamsin Hughes
A Testbed production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 16:00 Woman's Hour (b00sf0sw)
Weekend Woman's Hour

Jane Garvey with the week's highlights when we discuss attitudes to women who leave the family home and their children. The first television advertisement for pregnancy advice - is it encouraging women to have abortions? Miranda Raison talks about life after Spooks and playing two very different Ann Boleyns.
Is s it possible to look good in plaits as a grown-up and how do you fit a harp in a taxi?

SAT 17:00 PM (b00sf0sy)
Saturday PM

Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Carolyn Quinn, plus the sports headlines.

SAT 17:30 iPM (b00sf0t0)
iPM, the programme that starts with its listeners. This week, Eddie Mair and Jennifer Tracey hear about sibling rivalry from two brothers who rowed on opposing teams in the closest ever Oxford and Cambridge boat race. Also, the deep solar minimum the Earth is experiencing and why it means there are fewer sunspots. Plus contagious yawning and the power of suggestion.

SAT 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b00sf0t2)
The latest shipping forecast.

SAT 17:57 Weather (b00sf0t4)
The latest weather forecast.

SAT 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sf0t6)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SAT 18:15 Loose Ends (b00sf0t8)
Clive Anderson and guests with an eclectic mix of conversation, music and comedy.

Clive is joined by the comedy actor Nick Frost, known for his appearances with long time collaborator Simon Pegg in Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz and Spaced as well as the series Man Stroke Woman and Hyperdrive. Nick takes the lead role of John Self in the BBC Two adaption of martin Amis's black comedy novel, Money.

Novelist and historian Robert Lacey talks about the film Arabia 3D, a visual extravaganza of one of the worlds most extraordinary and mysterious countries with no cinemas or film industry of its own, Saudi Arabia.

Plus Richard Coyle on the latest Terry Pratchett adaption for Sky 1, Going Postal.

Jo Bunting talks to the man given a whole Radio 4 series for his working class / middle class angst, Micky Flanagan.

With comedy from the comedians' comedian Stephen Carlin.

And music from double Ivor Novello winner and Squeeze co-founder Chris Difford and the haunting folk of Lone Wolf.

Producer: Sukey Firth.

SAT 19:00 From Fact to Fiction (b00sf0tb)
Series 8


By Kate Clanchy. With Warren Mitchell and Peter Marinker. When care home residents Dennis and Walter encounter a gang of young boys, they're reminded of their own tearaway youth.


Walter ..... Peter Marinker
Dennis ..... Warren Mitchell

Director: Emma Harding.

SAT 19:15 Saturday Review (b00sf0td)
Tom Sutcliffe and guests Adam Mars Jones, Natalie Haynes and Richard Coles review the week's cultural highlights including Herzog's Bad Lieutenant and Billy Budd at Glyndebourne

According to Werner Herzog, his film Bad Lieutenant - Port of Call:New Orleans has nothing to do with Abel Ferrara's 1992 film Bad Lieutenant. It stars Nicholas Cage as a police lieutenant whose conduct during a murder enquiry is unorthodox to say the least.

Benjamin Britten's opera Billy Budd has never been performed at Glyndebourne before and, in another first, it marks director Michael Grandage's operatic debut. The role of Billy is sung by South African baritone Jacques Imbrailo and Mark Elder conducts the London Philharmonic Orchestra.

Opera Italia is a three part series on BBC4 which sets out to explore the central role that opera
plays in Italian history and culture. Antonio Pappano, Musical Director at the Royal Opera House, traces the story from Monteverdi to Puccini.

The Chelsea Flower Show runs from 25th - 29th May. During that time 157,000 visitors will see what's new in state-of-the-art garden design, including the show garden by the Eden Project which is the largest ever to have been built at Chelsea.

One group of people uniquely challenged by the new coalition government are the nation's political cartoonists. Tom and his guests have been looking at their work to assess the different ways in which the Cameron-Clegg partnership is being portrayed and to see if any enduring images are emerging.

Producer: Torquil MacLeod.

SAT 20:00 Archive on 4 (b00sf0tg)
Priestley's Postscripts

Archive on Four marks the 70th anniversary of a broadcasting phenomenon - the story of how Yorkshire man J.B. Priestley became the voice of the nation during the darkest days of the Second World War. Using original broadcasts, information stored in BBC files and interviews with his son Tom Priestley and step son Nicolas Hawkes, Archive on Four revisits these extraordinary broadcasts and asks why, in spite of their astonishing popularity, Priestley was taken off air.

Presented by Martin Wainwright.
Producers: Catherine Plane and Phil Pegum.

SAT 21:00 Saturday Drama (b0076jqf)
The Mouse That Roared

Mark McDonnell and Steven McNicoll's dramatisation of Leonard Wibberley's famous comic novel. It is 1956, and the Cold War is at its chilliest. But one European country is blissfully detached from the struggles of the Super Powers. The Duchy of Grand Fenwick and is just five miles long and three miles wide. Under the benign rule of Grand Duchess Gloriana it is a rural idyll almost untouched by the twentieth century, and happy to remain so. But its economy is entirely dependent on the export of a famously exquisite wine. So when this vital trade is threatened by an unscrupulous foreign rival, it's time for action. Gloriana - a wise head on young shoulders - proposes a solution long recognised as acceptable to all nations - that is, to declare war on their much richer enemy, lose, then sit back and wait for the inevitable billions in post-war aid to roll in. So, led by the valiant Tully Bascomb, the twenty men-at-arms that make up the army of Grand Fenwick strap on their chain mail, dust off their longbows, and set sail to wage a deliberately hopeless war on... the United States of America. The only problem is that no one has told Tully that he's meant to lose - and as a result of his remarkable escapades, Gloriana bizarrely finds herself the most powerful political leader in Europe...

Gloriana ..... Julie Austin
Tully ..... Mark McDonnell
Mountjoy ..... Crawford Logan
Sec. of State ..... Lou Hirsch
Kokintz ..... Simon Tait
Will ..... Jamie Newall
Benter ..... Steven McNicoll

ProducerPatrick Rayner

Leonard Wibberley (1915-1983) was a prolific author and journalist. He wrote over fifty books for children, and several historical novels. But he is best remembered for The Mouse That Roared, first serialised in the Saturday Evening Post in 1954.

SAT 22:00 News and Weather (b00sf0vk)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4, followed by weather.

SAT 22:15 The World Tonight (b00sgzsy)
Special Debate

From climate change to state breakdown, from inequalities in wealth to nuclear proliferation and Islamic militancy - as the global balance of power shifts from west to the east, what role can and should Britain play in a world faced by serious global challenges?

To mark The World Tonight's 40th anniversary, Robin Lustig chairs a special debate on Britain's future role in the world with a panel of global experts at the leading foreign policy think tank, Chatham House.

With Robin Lustig are
Lord Hurd, former Foreign Secretary
Dr Robin Niblett, Director of Chatham House
Monika Griefahn, former German SPD MP
Dr Stefan Halper, University of Cambridge
Professor Kanti Bajpai, University of Oxford.

SAT 23:00 Counterpoint (b00scgxy)
Series 24

2010 Heat 9

(9/13) The ninth and last heat of the 2010 contest comes from Manchester. Paul Gambaccini welcomes three contestants from Scotland and the North of England to the general knowledge music quiz. One of them will win the last remaining place in the semi-finals, which begin next week. The musical extracts in the programme encompass classical composers old and modern, jazz, rock and pop, and musical theatre.

Producer Paul Bajoria

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2010.

SAT 23:30 Poetry Please (b00sbcj3)
Roger McGough introduces requests for poems learnt by heart while at school. Including classic works by AA Milne, Thomas Hardy and 'Anon'.

SUNDAY 23 MAY 2010

SUN 00:00 Midnight News (b00sf0z3)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

SUN 00:30 Afternoon Reading (b00bf6ms)

So Many Things

Stories about rage and its different manifestations. Martina Cole reveals how her anger at injustice inspired her to take direct positive action.

SUN 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sf0z5)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sf1j8)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

SUN 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sf1jb)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 05:30 News Briefing (b00sf1jd)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 05:43 Bells on Sunday (b00sf1l8)
The bells of All Saints Church, Harpole in Northants.

SUN 05:45 I'd Like to Thank the Returning Officer (b00sbpk5)
If you're a newly-elected MP, how do you contain your joy? What do you say if you've just lost?

Phil Collins reviews fifty years of election night speeches - the moving, the inspirational, and the truly terrible. He talks to the MPs and their unsuccessful rivals who have had to give them. And as a former speechwriter himself, he offers some pointers for future candidates: who should you thank, who should you praise, and who - or what - should you just ignore? And how best to win or lose graciously?

Producer: Giles Edwards.

SUN 06:00 News Headlines (b00sf1v0)
The latest national and international news.

SUN 06:05 Something Understood (b00sf1v2)

Mark Tully presents a programme on the theme of translation to mark Pentecost, when Jesus' disciples spoke in different tongues.

He talks to Bible translator Father Nicholas King about the process of translating the New Testament: what is the most impossible passage? Does it matter if people find spiritual inspiration from texts which are actually mis-translations?

The programme includes poems and thoughts on translation by Keats, A.S.Byatt, Eva Hoffman, Vesna Goldsworthy and Kei Miller. The music comes from Allegri, John Tavener, JS Bach, and Ella Fitzgerald - "Let's Call the Whole Thing Off".

Producer: Elizabeth Burke
A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 06:35 Living World (b00sf1v4)

1/18. If you like gin, you should be interested in Junipers. Its aromatic berries give gin its characteristic flavour; they are considered medicinal and are delicious in cooking. And it lives in the UK. Juniper is one of only three native British conifers, and one of the first to recolonise Britain after the ice age.

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl), the Ministry of Defence civilian science centre, has about a fifth of the UK population of Juniper at its Porton Down site near Salisbury. However, there's a problem. The bushes here are either middle aged or close to the end of their lives, at over a hundred. There are no youngsters as the seedlings get eaten by millions of rabbits which share the range. As a result, the Juniper here could be extinct in 50 years.

Lionel Kelleway ventures out onto Porton Down to find out more. He talks first to Lena Ward, who has studied them for 41 years, and then meets Carl Mayers, Dstl Project Leader.

Lena is clearly fascinated with Juniper and reveals that on Porton Down 19 species of invertebrates rely on it. She explains that as a plant which prefers impoverished soils, it could thrive here. But, because its seedlings are being mown down by rabbits and surrounded by other plants like Blackthorn, it's in trouble. Which is where Carl Mayers comes in.

Carl explains how Dstl is working with Plantlife to collect berries, check seed fertility and process seeds. The seeds are then sown on the Porton Down range and protected with special rabbit-proof cages to give them a head start. If successful, this technique could secure the future not only of the Juniper on Porton Down but elsewhere in Britain. I'll drink to that.

Presented by Lionel Kelleway
Produced by Tania Dorrity.

SUN 06:57 Weather (b00sf7hb)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 07:00 News and Papers (b00sf7hd)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 07:10 Sunday (b00sf7hg)
Edward Stourton with the religious and ethical news of the week. Moral arguments and perspectives on stories, familiar and unfamiliar.

On this week's programme Edward Stourton talks to the incoming Catholic Archbishop of Southwark - Peter Smith. What does he make of the new coalition Government and how it will treat Catholics?

As part of the BBC's A History of the World series, Sunday programme reporter Charles Carroll travels to Shropshire, to visit the grave of Richard Munslow. Munslow is believed by many to be the last ever Sin-Eater to live and work in England.

We report from Turkey about specialist Muslim schools in the country. Both Pakistan and Afghanistan are keen to copy the Turkish education model to help combat extremism in their countries.

An interview with Oscar nominated director Greg MacGillvray, about his new film 'Arabia 3D'. It is the first major film production to be made in Saudi Arabia, and contains exclusive new footage of the Prophet's Mosque in Medinah.

We report from Scotland on the country's high suicide rate and what the Church is doing to reduce it.

Analysis from legal expert Joshua Rosenberg, on a legal ruling that ' religious and doctrinal matters' are not a matter for courts of law to decide upon.

Discussion about the ethical questions raised, after the world's first synthetic organism is developed in California.


Series producer: Amanda Hancox.

SUN 07:55 Radio 4 Appeal (b00sf7hj)

Carrie Grant presents the Radio 4 Appeal on behalf of the charity National Association for Colitis & Crohn's Disease.

Donations to National Association for Colitis & Crohn's Disease should be sent to FREEPOST BBC Radio 4 Appeal, please mark the back of your envelope NACC. Credit cards: Freephone 0800 404 8144. If you are a UK tax payer, please provide NACC with your full name and address so they can claim the Gift Aid on your donation. The online and phone donation facilities are not currently available to listeners without a UK postcode.

Registered Charity Number: 1117148.

SUN 07:58 Weather (b00sf7hl)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 08:00 News and Papers (b00sf7hn)
The latest news headlines. Including a look at the papers.

SUN 08:10 Sunday Worship (b00sf7hq)
Moved by the Spirit:
Our worship this morning celebrates the work of the Holy Spirit in the Christian church. Hinde Street Methodist Church in London has been a centre for work among the poor for 200 years. From the early days of Methodism John Wesley had felt God's power calling him to change his life and to live and preach the gospel and people continue in that work to this day.

The service is led by Giles Wilson with ministers and people from the church. The preacher is the Assistant Secretary of the Methodist conference, the Revd Ken Howcroft, once minister at the church. The multinational congregation is joined by the British Methodist Youth Choir, directed by Heidi Cottrell and the organist is Alex Chaplin. Producer: Clair Jaquiss.

SUN 08:50 A Point of View (b00sdgmq)
Coalitions Then and Now

In the first of ten programmes, the historian Professor Sir David Cannadine delivers his weekly view on current events. This week he recalls Britain's forgotten history of coalition government, reflecting that the so-called "new politics" has plenty of antecedents.

Producer: Sheila Cook.

SUN 09:00 Broadcasting House (b00sf7hs)
Archive Special

This week on BH, we're at the Radio Theatre in Broadcasting House with a live audience for our archive special.

This BH is the culmination of the experiment we started in January, asking you for your requests from the BBC's vast archive. We hear recordings of those affected by the Thalidomide scandal, the first ever uninterrupted sixty seconds on "Just A Minute", a British Olympic medal win from 1976- and we hear from some of the many listeners who got in touch with us to request these items, to ask them what it means to them. We also bring news of a fresh release of archive material relating to the Dunkirk evacuation in WWII, and the censoring of reporting on it at the time.

The Director-General of the BBC, Mark Thompson, joins us to talk about how the Corporation is planning to use its archive in future. And to discuss the role of archive in modern media, we speak to Richard Ranft, head of the Sound Library at the British Library, and Emily Bell, soon to be the first director of the Tow Centre for Digital Journalism at Columbia University.

The Sunday papers were reviewed by dancing legend Lionel Blair and Diane Abbott MP, in the week she announced her candidacy for the Labour leadership.

SUN 10:00 The Archers Omnibus (b00sf7hv)
For detailed synopsis, see daily episodes



SUN 11:15 Desert Island Discs (b00sf7hx)
Dame Stephanie Shirley

Entrepreneur Dame Stephanie Shirley joins Kirsty Young on Desert Island Discs.

As a child, she escaped Nazi Germany on the Kindertransport - travelling across Europe for two days in a train with a thousand children and just two adults. She went on to set up a computer programming company which made her a millionaire many times over. But she has given away most of her fortune and now is an ambassador for philanthropy. Her determination throughout it all, she says, has been to prove that hers was a life worth saving.

Record: Mozart- Sonata in C, K. 545
Book: AA Milne - Winnie The Pooh
Luxury: Mother and Child by Henry Moore.

SUN 12:00 The Museum of Curiosity (b00schhg)
Series 3

Episode 2

While Jon Richardson is detained by the volcano Eyjafjallajokull, John Lloyd is joined by emergency guest curator Dave Gorman to welcome poet Ruth Padel, Madness frontman Suggs and Bo Selecta comedian Leigh Francis, who are offering us the Great Exhibition of 1851, a tiger reserve and some Spidermans, and all for public display.

SUN 12:32 The Food Programme (b00sf7hz)

Taste - what exactly is it, how do we taste and how does it develop? Since it declines with age, what is being done to improve meals for the elderly? If, on the other hand, you are a 'super taster' does that make you the dinner guest from Hell? If you've experienced chemotherapy, what effect has that had on your taste buds, and what is happening at the Royal Marsden Hospital in London to improve meals for cancer patients?

What are the tastes that have assailed our senses through the ages? Was the arrival of spices one of the most significant events in culinary history? Sheila Dillon explores these issues and is joined in the studio by Prof Paul Freedman, editor of 'Food: a History of Taste' and author of 'Out of the East' - and by chef Gerard Baker who experiments with a blend of fresh spices.

SUN 12:57 Weather (b00sf7j1)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 13:00 The World This Weekend (b00sf7j3)
A look at events around the world with Shaun Ley.

SUN 13:30 The Greed Imperative (b00sf7j5)
Having worked in the City before becoming an academic and a nun, Dr Catherine Cowley is well acquainted with the temptations and the financial risks that city workers face each day. Dr Cowley questions whether money is the only motivation for those who work in the City and discusses whether greed is in fact a necessary and vital dynamic behind a successful economy.

Is greed linked to the endless growth demanded by our capitalist society? Dr Edward Skidelsky, lecturer in Philosophy at Exeter University, says that the economists in the past assumed that growth was a process with an end, and once that end came, people would enjoy the fruits of wealth. And as Karl Marx put it, "we'd hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon and discuss poetry in the evening".

Although the finance sector at the moment is being characterised as a hotbed of greed, would any of us, given the opportunity and the circumstances, act any differently? Are we focusing on bankers' greed so we don't have to look at our own?

Procucer: Rosemary Foxcroft
A Glass Mirror production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 14:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b00sdgmd)
Local gardening expert Carole Baxter joins Bob Flowerdew, Anne Swithinbank and Peter Gibbs in Aboyne, Aberdeenshire. Peter Gibbs explores woodland flora.

Producer: Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

SUN 14:45 Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen's Escape to the Country (b00sf8ky)
The Brotherhood of Ruralists, part 1

The designer explains how Mother Nature inspired a group of 1970s artists to paint rural life in the countryside.

SUN 15:00 Classic Serial (b00sf8l0)
Neglected Classics: The Snow Goose

Neglected Classic: The Snow Goose
by Paul Gallico
Dramatised by Nick Warburton
Introduced by Michael Morpurgo

A wounded bird brings together a disfigured artist and a young girl
and helps in a courageous act of bravery in World War II.

Philip Rhayader ..... Steven Mackintosh
Fritha ..... Georgia Groome
Mrs Farnes ..... Deborah Findlay
Storyteller ..... Sam Dale
Private Potton ..... Michael Shelford
Commander Brill-Oudener ..... Malcolm Tierney
Jock ..... David Seddon

Composer ..... Roger Goula
Director ..... Sally Avens

Steven Mackintosh stars in Paul Gallico's prize winning novella in our celebration of Neglected Classics.

When 'Open Book' asked various authors to champion a favourite negelected classic on the programme, Michael Morpurgo chose 'The Snow Goose'; perhaps no surprise, with his own story 'War Horse' depicting a friendship between a boy and his horse which takes them both into the horror of World War 1. 'The Snow Goose' won the listeners vote too and is now being dramatised for The Classic Serial.

SUN 16:00 Open Book (b00sf8l2)
Last November, Radio 4 listeners voted The Snow Goose their favourite Neglected Classic. Paul Gallico's novella tells the touching story of a teenage girl and a solitary artist, brought together by a wounded goose. In the week the book is dramatised as a Classic Serial, Mariella Frostrup and the writer who nominated it, Michael Morpurgo, visit the Lincolnshire lighthouse that inspired the story. They discover how the man who illustrated The Snow Goose, the artist and naturalist Peter Scott, influenced Gallico - and the modern-day resident of the lighthouse previously inhabited by Scott, David Joel, introduces Mariella to the snow geese he keeps there as a tribute to the book. Mariella also speaks to the novelist Elizabeth Jane Howard - Scott's first wife - who remembers her own encounters with Paul Gallico, and explains how she came to be the model for an iconic illustration of Fritha, the book's heroine.

Producer: Thomas Morris.

SUN 16:30 Poetry Please (b00sf8l4)
Producer: Mark Smalley.

SUN 17:00 The Whites Who Fought Apartheid (b00scvxz)
In South Africa at the beginning of the 1960s a group of mostly white liberals - students, post-graduates and young professionals - formed a network dedicated to opposing the regime, the African Resistance Movement. Their aim: to halt apartheid by making South Africa ungovernable. They were prepared to use violence - blowing up pylons and communications equipment. This countered the jibes that, while communists, who dominated the ANC, were prepared to die for the struggle, the white liberals would not fight. In fact the African Resistance Movement was active before Umkhonto we Sizwe, the ANC's armed wing, and was the first group to use military action against the apartheid regime. But its members were adamant that people should not be targeted and human life not be endangered.The people involved, once the flowering of South Africa's radical youth, went on to become writers, journalists and academics - many rising to the top of their professions.

The charismatic president of the National Union of South African Students, Adrian Leftwich, was one of their leaders. Arrested by the police in July 1964, and terrified, he gave the names of ARM members and later became a state witness, giving evidence against them in court. As the organisation imploded in a welter of , arrests, a new member, John Harris, planted a bomb in a Johannesburg station to prove the campaign was not over. He alerted newspapers and the police, but they had little time to act and did not evacuate the building. The bomb went off wounding 24 people, including a 77 year old woman, who later died. Harris was executed for this in 1965.

Almost half a century after the end of their struggle the writer Horatio Clare seeks out survivors of the African Resistance Movement. He interviews Eddie Daniels, one of the few black members, who was sentenced to fifteen years on Robben Island, and takes him back to the site of one of his sabotage operations. He meets Hugh Lewin, who served seven years, Neville Rubin and the leader, Randolph Vigne, who managed to escape. Myrtle Berman, now 85, describes how, while she and her husband were in prison, they conceived the idea of the group. (She was also the jazz trumpeter Hugh Masekela's foster-mother). Sholto Cross, who was working with Umkhonte We Sizwe and R. W. Johnson, South Africa's pre-eminent contemporary historian, give views of the ARM from outside the organisation. On the steps of the campus of the University of Cape Town, Horatio interviews his father who as a student there knew several ARM members. Such was the secrecy surrounding the ARM that he did not know that the woman he married was involved. Horatio meets, too, the widow of John Harris, and his son, now a human rights lawyer. They reflect on his what he did and how he is now commemorated in South Africa.

The programme follows the movement from its genesis through training, the sabotage operations, and finally to the melt-down; imprisonment, exile, execution. All the contributors consider those days, their actions and the impact the ARM had on South Africa's history. One thing they agree on is that their contribution to the liberation struggle, as the first people to strike a blow against apartheid, has been overlooked. But, now, that might beginning to change.

Producer: Julian May.

SUN 17:40 From Fact to Fiction (b00sf0tb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Saturday]

SUN 17:54 Shipping Forecast (b00sf8l6)
The latest shipping forecast.

SUN 17:57 Weather (b00sf8l8)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sf8lb)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

SUN 18:15 Pick of the Week (b00sf8ld)
Archive on 4 - Priestley's Postscripts - Radio 4
It's My Story - The Girl in the Picture - Radio 4
Twenty Minutes -Concerning Franklin and his Gallant Crew - Radio 3
The Greed Imperative - Radio 4
Sunday Feature - The Pleasure Telephone - Radio 3
The Museum of Curiosity - Radio 4
The End of the World - Radio 4
Peter Porter On Air - Radio 4
Open Book - Radio 4
Young, Gifted and Black - Radio 4
The Lonesome Death of Hattie Carroll - Radio 4
The Whites Who Fought Apartheid - Radio 4
Miracles R Us - Radio 4
Words and Music - Radio 3

Icons seem to be the theme in this week's Pick of the Week. Lord Haw-Haw was a hate figure during the second world war - but the man brought in to challenge his propaganda, JB Priestley, became a radio icon in the process. Then there's the little girl filmed fleeing a napalm attack in the Vietnam war, that photo won a Pulitzer prize and she became an iconic image. William D. Zantzinger became an icon of racial prejudice when he killed a black waitress for taking too much time to serve him his drink, and was sentenced to a mere six months for the crime. And the whole programme's presented by a man who over the years has truly become a household word .. even if it's only in his own household. ( And we certainly couldn't mention the word) John Waite.

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Producer: Cecile Wright.

SUN 19:00 The Archers (b00sf8n4)
Worried Pip finally hears from Jude, who's been in Cornwall. He apologises for not spending time with Pip after her last exam, but Pip realises that Jude plans more trips away, with or without her. She insists that she can take a break from her books and join him. Jude can get them on the guest list at a club that's opening in Felpersham. But it's on Monday, the night before Pip's next two exams. Pip decides to come, saying she'll cram in some extra revision before Monday.

Matt warns Paul to steer clear of Lilian. Paul insists his only motive was to tell Matt their mother was dying. Convinced that Paul is after their money, Matt's thrown to hear about the dinner dance, but plays it cool. He becomes threatening, but Paul fights his corner. He compares Matt to their bullying mother. Paul finally agrees to disappear - but only for Lilian's sake.

Lilian's disappointed that Matt and Paul haven't bonded. Matt concludes that the idea of the three of them as a happy family was a fantasy project for Lilian. He thanks Lilian for waiting for him, and they agree to devote all their time and energy to each other. The past is forgotten...

SUN 19:15 Americana (b00sf8n6)
Americana: Presented by Matt Frei from Washington DC.

Like so much about this country, America's borders are record breakers.

To the north it enjoys the world's longest shared border.

And to the south, two thousand dusty odd miles that has the distinction of being the world's most frequently crossed international border.

For most Americans, it's a line that's being crossed far too many times.

So in a week that's seen Mexico's President in town, we'll hear from both the troubled far south west and a much less reported border dispute among the lush farmlands in Northern Vermont.

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Follow us on twitter @bbcamericana.

SUN 19:45 Afternoon Reading (b00c50wy)
Classical Assassins

Schubert and Me

1.Schubert and Me:
A young woman reveals the cruel revenge she took on the composer who failed to keep his promise to her.
Read by Jenny Harrold.
Produced by Sara Davies.

SUN 20:00 More or Less (b00sdgmb)
Tim Harford and the team return with the first in a new series of More or Less, looking at the maths of voting and whether the outcome of the fairest democratic model of them all - the Eurovision Song Contest - can be forecasted.

SUN 20:30 Last Word (b00sdgmg)
On Last Word this week
Major General Khattiya Sawasdipol - otherwise known as "Sae Daeng" or Red Commander. The flamboyant security chief of the red shirted anti-government protesters was shot dead in Bangkok last week.
Also Professor Richard Gregory, the eminent psychologist who increased our understanding of human perception
Hank Jones - the revered jazz pianist who played with most of the top names of the twentieth century
The political columnist Alan Watkins - one of the last greats of Fleet Street
And: never knowingly overdressed: the nude pin up of the fifties and sixties, Pamela Green.

SUN 21:00 Money Box (b00sds3c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Saturday]

SUN 21:26 Radio 4 Appeal (b00sf7hj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 today]

SUN 21:30 In Business (b00sdcfh)
Ticking Over

Can the Isle of Man create a revival in British watch making? Precision time pieces are proving recession proof but with so few watchmakers left in this country Peter Day finds out if we can really wind the clock back for a British tradition.
Producer: Clare Walker.

SUN 21:58 Weather (b00sf8vb)
The latest weather forecast.

SUN 22:00 Westminster Hour (b00sf8vd)
Reports from behind the scenes at Westminster.

SUN 22:45 What the Papers Say (b00shgq4)
Episode 2

BBC Radio 4 brings back a much loved TV favourite - What the Papers Say. It does what it says on the tin. In each programme a leading political journalist has a wry look at how the broadsheets and red tops treat the biggest stories in Westminster and beyond. This week Sarah Sands of The London Evening Standard takes the chair and the editor is Catherine Donegan.

SUN 23:00 The Film Programme (b00sdgmj)
Francine Stock reports on the British film industry during the New Labour years with director Roger Michell, Film Council Chair Tim Bevan, and novelist Deborah Moggach.

Neil Brand waxes lyrical about the music of Danny Elfman.

Haim Tabakman discusses his Israeli drama about the love that dare not speak its name, Eyes Wide Open.

SUN 23:30 Something Understood (b00sf1v2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:05 today]

MONDAY 24 MAY 2010

MON 00:00 Midnight News (b00sf9cn)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

MON 00:15 Thinking Allowed (b00scxbv)
Genealogical research has become a passion for a growing number of people. Programmes like Who Do You Think You Are? and websites like Genes Reunited feed a voracious interest in family origins and the lives of ancestors. But what impact does this kind of research have on the families which are being studied? Hidden pregnancies...mental illnesses...shunned relatives... Laurie Taylor talks to sociologist Anne-Marie Kramer, whose research has unveiled some of the conflicts which arise when family skeletons are dragged into the light, and to the cartoonist Martin Rowson who has performed some geneaological research of his own.
Also, how did a Danish stew of left-over vegetables and scrag end of lamb come to epitomise a proud and enduring British city culture? Ciara Kierans discusses a cultural history of Scouse.

Producer: Charlie Taylor.

MON 00:45 Bells on Sunday (b00sf1l8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:43 on Sunday]

MON 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9q0)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sfb0y)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

MON 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9xv)
The latest shipping forecast.

MON 05:30 News Briefing (b00sfb30)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b00sfbll)
with The Revd Mark Wakelin.

MON 05:45 Farming Today (b00sfbx7)
Bee keepers say winter colony losses are still too high despite new figures that show a small upturn in survival rates, and Farming Today reports on the extraordinary lengths to which farmers are prepared to go to make sure their livestock is in pristine condition for the County Show season.
Presented by Charlotte Smith. Produced by Martin Poyntz-Roberts.

MON 05:57 Weather (b00sfw48)
The latest weather forecast for farmers.

MON 06:00 Today (b00sff9c)
With James Naughtie and Sarah Montague. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.

MON 09:00 Start the Week (b00sfw4b)
On Start the Week on Monday the psychologist Dorothy Rowe asks why we lie. Andrew Marr confronts death with the neuroscientist David Eagleman, who has written a series of stories about the afterlife. Ian Buruma reflects on democracy and religion around the world, and viewing it all from the sidelines is Simon Baker, co-curator of an exhibition about voyeurism and photography.

Producer: Katy Hickman.

MON 09:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgxd)
Ancient Pleasures, Modern Spice (1 - 600 AD)

Warren Cup

Throughout this week Neil MacGregor, the director of the British Museum in London, is exploring the ways in which people were seeking pleasure around the world 2000 years ago, from pipe smoking in North America to court etiquette in China. He starts with the Roman Empire and a silver cup that offers a rare glimpse into the world of sex in ancient Rome. The cup features such explicit images of homosexual acts that it was once banned from America and museums refused to buy it. The Warren Cup is now one of the British Museum's better known objects. In today's programme Neil examines the sexual climate of Rome. Just how was sexuality viewed at this time, and why were the Romans so keen to copy the Greeks? The historians Bettany Hughes and James Davidson help provide the answers.

Producer: Anthony Denselow

MON 10:00 Woman's Hour (b00sfj0l)
Presented by Jane Garvey.
Diane Abbott MP talks about her bid to become leader of the Labour Party. WAG culture and role models for young women today. As the Miliband brothers contend for the leadership of the Labour Party we look at the issue of sibling rivalry within a family. What makes the perfect vinaigrette? Chef Allegra McEvedy helps Jane find out and there's music from Natalie Merchant.

MON 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b00sfj0n)
The Private Patient

Episode 1

PD James's latest Dalgliesh mystery, dramatised by Neville Teller.

Journalist Rhoda Gradwyn checks into Cheverell Manor, an exclusive cosmetic surgery clinic in Dorset. Chandler-Powell, the owner, is faced with his right-hand man, Marcus Westhall and his sister Candace trying to persuade him that it may not be a good idea to admit such a well-known investigative writer. Meanwhile, Rhoda is told a dark secret about the stone circle next to the clinic.

The Private Patient is the latest in the long-running Dalgliesh series, and the first to be dramatised on radio before television. The entire serial will be released on CD by BBCAudiobooks in June, and repeated on Radio 7 in August as part of a PD James season.

The dramatiser is Neville Teller, who also dramatised the previous Dalgliesh serial featuring Richard Derrington and Deborah McAndrew, A Taste For Death.

Narrator . . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Rhoda Gradwyn . . . . . Christine Kavanagh
George Chandler-Powell . . . . . Jonathan Keeble
Candace Westhall . . . . . Alison Pettitt
Marcus Westhall . . . . . Adrian Grove
Robin Boyton . . . . . Bertie Carvel
Sharon Bateman/Mary Keyte . . . . . . Charlotte Worthing

Dramatised by Neville Teller.

MON 11:00 Football Fights Back (b00sfwmh)
When the former professional football player Leroy Rosenior made his debut for Fulham football club as a teenager in the 1980s, he was one of the few professional black football players. He remembers the racist abuse as threatening and uncontrolled. In this programme he talks to Hardeep Singh Kohli about the progress that has been made since that time, but also emphasises that there is work still to be done.

Hardeep also attends an educational event organised for local schoolchildren by Show Racism The Red Card, and finds out how the organisation takes its message to the youngest fans.

Also in the programme, Kick It Out director Piara Powar talks about one of the latest cooperative ventures between Kick It Out and the Football Association - the short film aiming to show the ugliness of homophobic abuse. Hardeep questions the value of this kind of initiative, and meets Ivor Baddiel, who together with his brother David Baddiel, is launching later this year a similar film which attacks anti-semitism.

Hardeep visits Sue Law, Head of Equality at the FA, and to gain a European perspective he also talks to Rafal Pankowsky, who has made a study of far right-wing and neo-Nazi influences on football behaviour, and who has worked with FARE (Football Against Racism in Europe) to take his message further afield.

Producer: Richard Bannerman
A Ladbroke production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 11:30 Rudy's Rare Records (b00nkb2s)
Series 2

Ride With Me

Adam takes his mortality a little too seriously, and finds himself confronted with a little too much lycra.

Starring Lenny Henry, Larrington Walker and Joe Jacobs.

Sitcom by Danny Robins, set in the finest, feistiest, family-run record shop in Birmingham.

Adam ...... Lenny Henry
Rudy ...... Larrington Walker
Richie ...... Joe Jacobs
Tasha ...... Natasha Godfrey
Clifton ...... Jeffery Kissoon
DJ Karel ...... Andrew Brooke.

Producer: Lucy Armitage

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2009.

MON 12:00 You and Yours (b00sfj5h)
Julian Worricker talks to the Chief Executive of the Food Standards Agency about some of the most serious food scares that have dented consumer trust: salmonella; contaminated produce and food fraud.

And we report on the future of housing for councils and housing associations. We investigate the lie detector machines used by local authorities to eliminate benefit fraud: are they value for money?

And ivy. We invite you to take a peek into Julian's back garden to find out whether ivy climbing along walls is really as bad as we think.

MON 12:53 Moments of Genius (b00sl98q)
Stephen Fry

Stephen Fry describes his favourite moment in the history of science.

MON 12:57 Weather (b00sfj66)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 13:00 World at One (b00sfkhh)
National and international news with Martha Kearney.

MON 13:30 Counterpoint (b00sfwmk)
Series 24

Episode 10

(10/13) Three contestants who have won their respective heats return to face Paul Gambaccini's questions on all aspects of music, in the first semi-final of the 2010 competition. Paul will have plenty of musical clues and anecdotes, and, as always, the competitors will have to choose from an eclectic selection of 'special subjects' on which to answer individual questions.
Producer Paul Bajoria.

MON 14:00 The Archers (b00sf8n4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Sunday]

MON 14:15 Drama (b00sg77z)
Lennon: A Week in the Life

By Dick Clement and Ian la Frenais, adapted by Lizzie Nunnery

December 1980. When just forty people turn up to John Lennon's memorial service in Liverpool, his old friend and promoter Sam Leach is forced to act. A true story with a huge heart.

Sam Leach ..... Tony Maudsley
Joan Leach ..... Joanna Monro
Debbie Leach ..... Lauren O'Neil
Janine Hobday ..... Laura dos Santos
Morris Tate ..... Bruce Alexander
Clive Inch ..... Craige Els
Kenny Stratton ..... John Shortell
Carol Stratton ..... Alison Pettitt
Billy Butler ..... Billy Butler
Traynor ..... John Biggins
Jonesy ..... David Seddon
Homeless man ..... Rufus Wright
Wooldridge ..... Nigel Hastings

Directed by Jessica Dromgoole

Tony Maudsley stars in Dick Clement and Ian la Frenais' tribute to a man, a town, a moment. John Lennon, Liverpool, December 1980.

The play draws together fragments of reportage from the time, interviews with Lennon himself, the true story of Sam Leach, the Beatles' first promoter, some of the greatest music of the twentieth century, with the fictional stories of two lost young people whose lives were transformed by the concert, and Liverpool's own Billy Butler, recreating his earlier self, to create a joyous celebration of life, music and community.

MON 15:00 Archive on 4 (b00sf0tg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Saturday]

MON 15:45 A Musical Trip to South Africa - with Lenny Henry (b00rmr66)
Episode 1

In this series of five programmes Lenny Henry is in South Africa to enjoy and experience the country through its music.
South Africa has one of the richest musical traditions on the planet with a wealth of talent to match. Lenny meets the cream of that talent - from the legendary trumpeter Hugh Masekela (whose new show 'Songs of Migration' Lenny enjoys in Johannesburg) to S Africa's best selling recording artists, the Queen of Gospel, Rebecca Malope.

Lenny begins the whole series centre pitch at Soccer City in Jo'burg to the accompaniment of a chorus of Vuvuzelas - the deafening trumpets that blast out at football matches! He's invited onto YFM youth radio station to hear about Kwaito aka 'township house' music and finds himself in a recording studio with some of the country's hottest bands.

Producer: Susan Marling.

MON 16:00 The Food Programme (b00sf7hz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:32 on Sunday]

MON 16:30 Traveller's Tree (b00sfwmm)
Series 6


Pilgrimages are a fast-growing phenomenon. In Europe and beyond, shrines associated with healing, beauty, peace and prayer are attracting record numbers of visitors, and people are increasingly taking time out of their busy lives for a journey of enlightenment.

Over 2 million people are expected to visit the Turin Shroud this year, and the Spanish pilgrimage centre of Santiago de Compostela is celebrating a Holy Year with over 250,000 expected on July 25th.

Katie Derham travels to Santiago where she talks to the pilgrims, shares their stories, and touches the cloak of St James, as so many have done before.

She also gets advice on sustaining the pilgrim's appetite from Rick Stein, and meets the man who runs Santiago's pilgrims website.

We hear from listeners Duncan and Christopher Neil as they take a very special father and son pilgrimage to Iona.

And we also consider what is involved in the modern pilgrimage and how secular pilgrimages can in their own way be just as fulfilling.

Producer: David Prest
A Just Radio and Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 16:55 Moments of Genius (b00skwv4)
Brian Eno

Music producer, Brian Eno, describes his favourite moment in the history of science.

In 1970, the British mathematician John Conway worked out the Game of Life. "I'm not a mathematician but this idea made immediate sense to me", says Brian.

The Game of Life proves that incredibly complex things can be generated from something startlingly simple.

It's like a board game that has a very simple set of rules. You expect to be able to predict the outcome but you absolutely can't. "You just have to keep watching it happen to believe it, " says Brian who has spent many many hours doing just that.

The Game of Life is deeply counter-intuitive. It sheds light on what makes evolution possible and has had a huge influence on Brian Eno's music.

MON 17:00 PM (b00sftsc)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Plus Weather.

MON 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sfv47)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

MON 18:30 The Museum of Curiosity (b00sfwmp)
Series 3

Episode 3

John Lloyd invites guests Kevin Eldon, John Ronson and Richard Wiseman to add to the imaginary collection. From May 2010.

MON 19:00 The Archers (b00sfkj0)
Lilian confides in Jennifer about Paul, and Harry is moving in at The Bull.

MON 19:15 Front Row (b00sfv62)
Fourth Plinth; Noel Clarke's new film; mysteries of Henry VIII

Artist Yinka Shonibare discusses his new sculpture for the Fourth Plinth in Trafalgar Square. Nelson's Ship in a Bottle is a scale replica of HMS Victory in a bottle, measuring 4.7m in length and 2.8m in diameter.

Mark Eccleston reviews Kidulthood writer Noel Clarke's new film about a heist with a difference.

As the Globe Theatre in London stages Shakespeare's Henry VIII, the play's director Mark Rosenblatt talks to Professor Gordon McMullan, editor of the Arden edition, about the problems posed by this history play. Why is it so rarely performed? And did Shakespeare actually write it anyway?

And pianist Janina Fialkowska on her recovery from a rare form of muscle cancer, a journey which took her from paralysis to concert performance.

Producer Jerome Weatherald.

MON 19:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgxd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 today]

MON 20:00 The Truth About Goldman Sachs (b00sg1nj)
Goldman Sachs is one of the most profitable, powerful and respected financial institutions in the world. But to many it has become one of the most reviled. Money Box's Paul Lewis tries to find out the truth about Goldman Sachs.
Producer: Sandra Kanthal.

MON 20:30 Analysis (b00sfwtc)
Doomed by Democracy?

Governments might legitimately exercise emergency powers in wartime so, argues Prof James Lovelock, they should have similar powers to deal with the threat of global warming - even if that means abandoning democracy.

The BBC's "Ethical Man" Justin Rowlatt looks at whether Prof Lovelock is right to be so pessimistic about democratic societies' ability to act in the interests of future generations.

MON 21:00 Material World (b00sdcfc)
Quentin Cooper presents his weekly digest of science in and behind the headlines. This week he hears about the novel techniques that are being used to clean up the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Dr. Richard Pike, from the Royal Society of Chemistry, tells us how these methods should work as many of them have not been tested before.

The International Day for Biological Diversity in the UK is almost upon us; joining Material World this week Dr. Bob Bloomfield from the Natural History Museum and Dr. Ben Collen, from the Zoological Society of London, to discuss how humans are impacting on species loss and to explain why biodiversity needs to be taken as seriously as climate change.

Could tree rings from conifer trees that are thousands of years old tell us what the climate used to be like? Professor Chris Turney from Exeter University has been studying these ancient trees which have been preserved in peat bogs in New Zealand.

And what is a quantum kilogram? It does not exist yet! The kilogram is the only standard unit that is still based on an artefact. Jonathan Williams from the National Physical Laboratory explains how scientists are trying to redefine the kilogram. He also tells Quentin about the importance of standard measurements in science and engineering, all this on World Metrology Day.

MON 21:30 Start the Week (b00sfw4b)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 21:58 Weather (b00sfv7q)
The latest weather forecast.

MON 22:00 The World Tonight (b00sfvrv)
The government announces £6bn of cuts - how will they affect the economy?
Two children are found guilty of attempted rape, how should children be dealt with in court?
BP under new pressure to deal with the massive Gulf oil spill.

With Ritula Shah.

MON 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b00sfvvh)
A Vision of Loveliness

Episode 1

Jane James knows that she must have been born to better things than a dingy bedroom in her Aunt Doreen's house in Norbury and evenings spent eating gala pie and Heinz tinned potato salad in their 'sitting-cum-dining room'. So, armed with her well-thumbed copy of Lady Be Good, she practises her French turns, her killer smile and precisely how much thigh to show when crossing her legs, and dreams of a time when she can be a part of the world she glimpses through the Mayfair windows of the cashmere shop where she works.

When she finds a crocodile handbag left in a pub, it leads her to Suzy St John, a girl-about-town with the glamour, confidence and irresistible allure that Jane has been practising for so long. Suzy takes Jane under her wing, and Jane becomes Janey, a near carbon-copy of her new best friend and a delighted adventurer in an easy, sleazy, sixties West-End world of part-time modelling and full-time man-trapping.

Her new, improved self catwalks confidently through nightclubs, rag trade showrooms and luxury Mayfair flats but Jane finds that she can never quite drown out the carping voice of her past - or the nagging doubt that there might be slightly more to life than a mutation mink jacket or an engagement ring.

When a shocking act of violence threatens to bring Jane's glittering new life crashing down around her she must call on all her powers of reinvention if her dyed-to-match stilettos are to carry her away unscathed.

Written by Louise Levene, read by Emilia Fox.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 23:00 Word of Mouth (b00ryg40)
Chris Ledgard goes to Soho to meet the people that work in voiceoverland. He hears the American actor Kerry Shale dubbing over Peter Kay's voice for a cartoon about to be exported to the States. He talks to the people who produce the messages that we hear when we 'phone our banks. He asks a voiceover talent agent (whose own voice people who watch The Weakest Link will recognise) about the changes that have occurred in the industry over the years and he explores what it is that makes a particular voice grab our attention.
Producer Sarah Langan.

MON 23:30 Payola, the Pluggers and The Father of Rock and Roll (b00nwyqn)
Continuing his fascination with maverick American radio DJs, Nick Barraclough tells the story of Alan Freed, the Pluggers - and the Payola scandal which blew up fifty years ago.

Alan Freed was one of the most popular DJs of the 1950s. Also known as Moondog, Freed became internationally-known for promoting black rhythm and blues under the name rock n' roll - a term he is credited with creating. Black artists including Little Richard and Chuck Berry would salute him for his pioneering attitude in breaking down racial barriers among the youth of 1950s America.

But in the late 1950s Freed came into conflict with The American Society of Composers and publishers who wouldn't allow their published songs to be played on what they considered to be increasingly vulgar rock n' roll radio. In November 1959 the ASCAP encouraged the House Legislative Committee to widen investigations. DJs who had accepted payments for playing records were scrutinized. In the end, TV presenter and DJ Dick Clark TV and Alan Freed were brought up for questioning and sentenced.

Featuring contributions from Alan Freed's children Lance and Alana Freed, Freed biographer John Jackson and Nashville Radio DJ Gerry House.

Producer: Sarah Cuddon

A Smooth Operations production first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2009


TUE 00:00 Midnight News (b00sf94m)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

TUE 00:30 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgxd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Monday]

TUE 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9jp)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sf9xx)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

TUE 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9q2)
The latest shipping forecast.

TUE 05:30 News Briefing (b00sfb10)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b00sfb32)
with The Revd Mark Wakelin.

TUE 05:45 Farming Today (b00sfbsd)
DEFRA faces cuts of £162million - over five per cent of its budget - and it's the Regional Development Agencies which are worst hit. Anna Hill asks if this means their rural projects will be hit as a result.
Since 1998 the number of foreign workers in fisheries and agriculture has more than doubled to around 25 thousand. Farmers explain why they rely on foreign workers and can't find labour in the UK.
Meanwhile free-range pigs are frazzling in the hot weather. Produced by Anne-Marie Bullock.

TUE 06:00 Today (b00sfbx9)
With James Naughtie and Sarah Montague. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day.

TUE 09:00 Democracy on Trial (b00sfwwr)
Episode 3

Michael Portillo losing his parliamentary seat was voted Britain's third favourite TV moment. As a man who has felt the sharp end of the democratic process, Michael sets off to examine and interrogate the development of the fragile entity that we know as democracy.

Before 1900, there were no genuinely democratic countries in the world - and never had been. By 1943 only a handful of countries were still democratically run. Today there are democracies on every continent and democracy is seen by many as the gold standard of government, an ideal worth fighting and dying for. But not everyone is convinced that democracy has triumphed.

In the final edition of 'Democracy On Trial', Michael asks whether democracy has passed a high-water mark and is now entering a long period of retreat. In conversation with policy makers, pollsters and philosophers, Michael explores the paradoxes inherent in contemporary democracy and compares very different attittudes towards the democratic process in Russia, China, Iraq, Britain and across the world.

Producer: Julia Johnson.

TUE 09:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx2)
Ancient Pleasures, Modern Spice (1 - 600 AD)

North American otter pipe

The history of the world as explained through objects arrives in North America 2000 years ago and a stone pipe used in ritual. It is one of hundreds of pipes shaped as animals that were found in huge mounds in present day Ohio. Neil MacGregor pieces together the evidence for how these pipes were used. Tony Benn and the artist Maggie Hambling consider the allure of smoking from a modern perspective while Native American historian Gabrielle Tayac describes how the pipe formed a central role in traditional ritual and religious life.

Producer: Anthony Denselow

TUE 10:00 Woman's Hour (b00sfhs0)
Presented by Jane Garvey. American Soprano Renee Fleming on turning from opera to pop, the UK's youngest mayor - 29 year old Catherine Burnsall - is sworn in today in the borough of Windsor and Maidenhead, choreographer Susan Stroman discusses directing musicals and - as the Mental Health Foundation releases a report on loneliness - Bobby Baker describes her new book of diary drawings called Mental Illness and Me.

TUE 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b00sgb9h)
The Private Patient

Episode 2

PD James's latest Dalgliesh mystery, dramatised by Neville Teller.

A murder has taken place at an exclusive cosmetic surgery clinic in Dorset, and Dalgliesh and his team are called in to investigate. The arrogant owner of the clinic, George Chandler-Powell has just split up with his mistress and is facing the loss of his assistant surgeon Marcus Westhall.

The Private Patient is the latest in the long-running Dalgliesh series, and the first to be dramatised on radio before television. The entire serial will be released on CD by BBCAudiobooks in June, and repeated on Radio 7 in August as part of a PD James season.

The dramatiser is Neville Teller, who also dramatised the previous Dalgliesh serial featuring Richard Derrington and Deborah McAndrew, A Taste For Death.

Narrator . . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Dalgliesh . . . . . Richard Derrington
Kate Miskin . . . . . Deborah McAndrew
Rhoda Gradwyn . . . . . Christine Kavanagh
George Chandler-Powell . . . . . Jonathan Keeble
Flavia Holland . . . . . Vineeta Rishi
Harkness . . . . . Robert Lister
Whetstone . . . . . Mark Carey
Dr Glenister . . . . . Charlotte West-Oram

Dramatised by Neville Teller

Producer/Director . . . . . Peter Leslie Wild.

TUE 11:00 Saving Species (b00sfy5d)
Series 1

Episode 8

8/40. Howard Stableford is in the presenter seat for this programme and he presides over a particularly birdy programme.

Saving Species is going large on British seabirds. Naturalist and broadcaster Michael Scott is joining biologists from the Centre of Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) on the Isle of May in the Firth of Forth. The Isle of May is a small dumpy island, described by Michael "like a battle ship guarding the entrance to the Firth of Forth" and eclipsed in grandeur slightly by the nearby Bass Rock - "the rock" is the breeding site for Britain's largest seabird, the Gannet. The gannets will be plunge diving in the seas around the Isle of May, but it's the Puffins, the Guillemots and the Kittiwakes that Michael is going to see together with the rather dinosaurian shags. Over the recent three years Britain's seabirds have had a tough time surviving themselves let alone raising young. Their fortunes seem to be different depending where they breed and feed and it's this complex picture Michael will unpack on the Isle of May.

Seabird ecologist Bob Swann is live into the programme from a seabird Colony near Sutor, much further north than the Isle of May - a colony he has monitored daily over the last 40 years.

How are his seabirds doing this year? We hear from two research sites in Eastern Scotland.

And we have our latest "Memories are Made of This" package, this time recollections from Cornwall about the past abundance of herring and seabirds on the Peninsular.

And our newshound Kelvin Boot is with us armed with wildlife news from around the world.

Presented by Howard Stableford
Produced by Mary Colwell
Series Editor: Julian Hector.

TUE 11:30 Sidekick (b00sfy5g)
The sidekick is not, by definition, the focus of our attention. They are destined to be overshadowed by their better half, the hero who will save Gotham, solve the uncrackable case or rescue the girl from the bad guys...

But without the sidekick these heroes would often remain too distant, too powerful or just too brilliant for us to ever really love them. So in steps the earthy, flawed and loyal sidekick to provide the audience with someone to connect to, a character who knows how the world really works to help the hero off tilting at windmills.

Whether it's in countless children's films - think Eddie Murphy's Donkey to Mike Myers's Shrek - or a hundred comic books and cartoons - or high literature from Cervantes to Sterne and Shakespeare to Verne - the sidekick provides the laughs, the pratfall and the focus of our empathy.

Frank Cottrell Boyce talks with those who've created sidekicks, those who've played the parts and those who've studied just how essential these characters really are to making the fiction seem believable and offer a human face to the often inhuman character supposedly at the centre of the show.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010.

TUE 12:00 You and Yours (b00sfj2j)
Is modern life making you lonely? On today's Call You and Yours Julian Worricker talks to the Mental Health Foundation about its new survey which has found the way we live now is impacting on how we connect with others - and its affect on our health.

It's found that pursuing careers and education opportunities means we live further away from home; technology means we're not spending quality time with friends and the decline of local services, such as post offices, has had an impact on those for whom they were a focal point of the community.

We'll also discuss whether developments in technology, like social networking sites, are helping us feel less isolated, or are in fact undermining our social skills.

Tell us your experiences and views on whether you feel lonely? Is modern life making you feel more isolated? Call 03700 100 444 or email

TUE 12:53 Moments of Genius (b00skwz3)
Sir Tim Hunt

Nobel prize winning scientist, Sir Tim Hunt describes his favourite moment in the history of science.

The experimental German biologist, Theodore Boveri, is one of Tim Hunt's heros: "He isn't exactly a household name but he should be".

In 1902, Boveri knew nothing about DNA and yet, in a beautiful set of experiments on sea urchin eggs, he worked out what happens when cells divide. This was fifty years before Watson and Crick and others confirmed that Boveri's theory of chromsomes was absolutely spot on.

TUE 12:57 Weather (b00sfj5k)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 13:00 World at One (b00sfk9l)
National and international news with Martha Kearney.

TUE 14:00 The Archers (b00sfkj0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Monday]

TUE 14:15 Drama (b00sfykg)
Nicola Jones - Scorched

Nicola Jones's tense, fast-moving thriller follows a man trying to re-interpret his memories of the long hot summer of 1976. Who is to blame for his sister's disappearance, and what really happened to her?

In 1976, Mike's sixteen year old sister, Evie, walked out of the house and never came back. There didn't seem to be any explanation, but Mike was thirteen at the time and didn't want to upset his Mum by asking too many questions. Now Mike is in his forties, his Mum is dead and a rare visit to his home town provides him with an opportunity to investigate the events of that scorching summer and reinterpret them from an adult perspective.

A meeting with an old school friend forces Mike to question his father more closely. Is he guarding a dark family secret? Is he telling the whole truth?

Written by Nicola Jones.

Mike - Tom Roberts
Bern - Kim Wall
Young Mike - Gabriel Towell
Evie - Chandeep Uppal
Sylvia - Bharti Patel
Jason - Robert Wilkinson
Taxi driver - Sean Connolly

Produced and directed by Peter Leslie Wild

Nicola Jones has written one previous radio play, "Angels in Disguise" for Radio 7's Man in Black series.

TUE 15:00 Making History (b00sfykj)
A listener's search for the answer to a television quiz programme reveals how a new philosophy changed the physical face of Edinburgh back in the eighteenth century. Dylan Winter travels to North Wales and Somerset to discover the history of lager in the UK 100 years before the lager lout, and we learn about a new English Heritage project that hopes to capture memories of the evacuation of Dunkirk.

Vanessa Collingridge presents the popular history programme in which listeners' questions and research help offer new insights into the past.

You can send us questions or an outline of your own research.

Write to Making History. BBC Radio 4. PO Box 3096. Brighton BN1 1PL
Join the conversation on our Facebook page or find out more from the Radio 4 website:

Producer: Nick Patrick
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 15:30 Afternoon Reading (b00sfyzs)
More Actors' Words

The Love of Order

Anna Massey tells the story of a young woman finding her way in 1950s bohemian London.

More Actors' Words is a second series of stories written and read by three actors. A favourite actor's voice can become a familiar friend, so to hear such familiar actors reading their own work, revealing their own imaginations is a rare and entertaining privilege.

Anna Massey, James Dreyfus and Tracy-Ann Oberman take us to three varied worlds. As you listen to each actor read their story, you will be struck by how true their writing is to their voice and, at the same time, how surprisingly different each story is from any perception you had of that performer before the story started.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 15:45 A Musical Trip to South Africa - with Lenny Henry (b00rt8nl)
Episode 2

Apartheid had a lasting effect on music in South Africa. Songs expressed political revolt. With Hugh Masekela Lenny explores the legacy of the struggle and nostalgia for those days.

The producer is Susan Marling, and the programme is a Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 16:00 It's My Story (b00sjcv2)
Ladies on The Door

Karole Seaby is 55 years old, a grandmother and a female bouncer. She's spent the last two decades working the doors of some of London's toughest venues, meeting the good, the bad, and the punchy along the way.

In Ladies On The Door, Karole tells us what it's like for women who work in the world of pub and club security.

With the help of Dr Kate O'Brien, a lecturer in Criminology who's worked as a door supervisor for her research, the programme follows Karole as she searches and manages hundreds of drunk and noisy teenagers during an average night on the job.

From scuffles at the door to finding hidden drugs and alcohol, Karole and security staff like her across the UK rarely get a quiet night. The programme hears how they handle the increasing menace of drunken girls who 'kick off', and reflects on why there has been such an increase in drunkenness and violence among some young women.

Away from the singing, shouting, pushing and shoving, Karole looks back at on over twenty years in door security, how the rules have changed for the people managing the public and how that same public has changed too.

Producer: Russell Crewe
A Made in Manchester production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 16:30 Great Lives (b00sg13b)
Series 21

Arthur Wharton

Viv Anderson, the first black footballer to play for England, talks to Matthew Parris about the life of Arthur Wharton, the first black professional player.

Arthur Wharton was born in Ghana in 1865. He came to England to study, but he very quickly started to gain a reputation as an athlete, winning the 100 metres in a world record time of ten seconds. He was a superb all-round athlete, and excelled in football and cricket.

In his career he played for Preston North End, Sheffield United, Rotherham Town, Stalybridge Celtic and Ashton North End. He ended his career at Stockport County in Division Two, and, for the remainder of his working life, he laboured as a colliery haulage hand in the pits.

Wharton came from a middle class background, but his choice of a life of sport meant that a career in civil service administration was quickly closed to him, He chose to do what he loved to do, but paid a terrible price. As his playing career collapsed, he developed a drink problem, and died a penniless alcoholic.

TUE 16:55 Moments of Genius (b00skx24)
Samuel West

Actor Samuel West describes his favourite moment in the history of science.

Why things burn, why we have any weather at all, why everything living tends to die: these are just a few of the questions that are answered by the rather prosaically named, Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The Second Law states that, energy-wise, everything tends to chaos.

It's a law of physics but also a personal motto for actor, Samuel West.

TUE 17:00 PM (b00sftrn)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Plus Weather.

TUE 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sfv2k)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

TUE 18:30 Micky Flanagan: What Chance Change? (b00sg13d)

Cockney geezer Micky Flanagan regales us with the story of his journey from tabloid to broadsheet; from the street party to the dinner party; from apples and pears to stocks and shares... Well you've got the idea.

Each week's episode focuses on a different decade of Micky's life. Micky regales us with stories from his life told through stand up comedy. In between, the programmes goes 'behind the scenes' with short interviews that give an insight into the stand up.

In this opening episode Micky talks about growing up in the East End in the 1970's. He chats to his school friends about their shared experiences of leaving with no qualifications to work at Billingsgate Fish Market. He also interviews Sociology Professor Paul Willis about his research on working class boys in a 1970's school.

Micky's transition from the mean streets of the East End, working as a Billingsgate Fish Porter to an entertainer living in the leafy lanes of Dulwich is a fascinating story, all the better for being told through jokes. The issue of class is a crucial theme in Micky's stand up. However it is framed less as "Do we now have a classless society?" and more as "Is it ok to ask for Tomato sauce in a fancy French restaurant?"

The series is written and performed by Micky Flanagan.
The producer is Tilusha Ghelani.

TUE 19:00 The Archers (b00sfkhk)
David has been up silaging since the crack of dawn. Pip was home very late last night, and he doesn't buy her story about car trouble. She should have seen through Jude by now.
Tom's concerned about not having more quality time with Brenda, but Tony's certain that things will calm down soon. Helen will find out if she's pregnant this week. Tony dreads the outcome either way. Tom distracts him by outlining a business idea, to add veal and ham pies to their range.
Pip panics, realising she got her exam time wrong. It's this morning. Elizabeth drives Pip in, calming her down. Pip really tried to get home early last night. It's not Jude's fault.
Noting Pip's early departure, Ruth suggests that perhaps Pip and Jude deserve a bit of credit.
Pip calls Elizabeth in a state. She was too late to be allowed into her business studies exam and the stress made her mess up her biology. Elizabeth won't say anything to her parents, but Pip must tell them eventually. Pip worries that they'll stop her from seeing Jude. Elizabeth feels this is all David's fault. Pip can't confide in her parents. Nigel warns Elizabeth not to meddle. She could make things worse.

TUE 19:15 Front Row (b00sfv49)
Sex and the City 2; Ian McEwan; Chang-rae Lee

Mark Lawson reviews the latest Sex and the City film, starring Sarah Jessica Parker.

The acclaimed Korean-American writer Chang-rae Lee discusses his new novel The Surrendered, which reflects on the aftermath of the Korean war.

Ian McEwan was announced today as the winner of the Bollinger Everyman Wodehouse Prize for Comic Fiction, set up in 2000, 25 years after the death of P G Wodehouse. McEwan responds to the award, and what it's like to be allowed to name a Gloucester Old Spot pig after his winning novel Solar as part of the prize.

Artist David Nash continues his personal behind-the-scenes tour of Yorkshire Sculpture Park, as the finishing touches are made to a major exhibition of his work.

Producer Jack Soper.

TUE 19:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 today]

TUE 20:00 File on 4 (b00sg13g)
Are bribe firms escaping justice?

For years Britain has been criticised for failing to investigate and punish companies who use bribery and corruption to win contracts overseas.

Just before the General Election, Parliament approved a new Bribery law. And in recent months the Serious Fraud Office has adopted a new strategy, prosecuting a string of British-based firms and managers who have pleaded guilty to corrupt practices abroad. It seemed that prosecutors were finally beginning to get results.

But now English judges are objecting to the American-style plea bargains which have encouraged guilty companies to confess to past illegality. One senior judge has warned prosecutors they have no power to strike such deals, which tend to offer a more lenient sentence in return for an admission of guilt. And in another case, an executive who cooperated with prosecutors has been sentenced to a year in prison for helping to bribe officials in the Greek health service to buy his company's medical equipment.

In the first of a new series of 'File on 4', Allan Urry investigates bribery by British firms abroad, and serious disarray in the court system which should be bringing them to justice.
Producer: Andy Denwood.

TUE 20:40 In Touch (b00sg13j)
The Internet Archive is a digital resource based in America, which has recently digitised many of its out-of-copyright books, to enable print disabled people to be able to access them.
Leonie Watson and Ian Macrae try out the site and succeed, with some difficulty, to find audio material.
And good news about an internet service blind people thought they were about to lose.

TUE 21:00 All in the Mind (b00sg13l)
The Future of Mental Health Care - Left Handedness - Colour and Dyslexia

Claudia Hammond gathers together users of mental health services as well as key professionals in the field, to discuss the future of mental health care. With a new government installed, how will ministers weigh demands for improved access to mental health services with demands for budget cuts to balance the books ?

She's joined by Dinesh Bhugra, the President of the Royal College of Psychiatrists, Janey Antoniou, writer and consultant in mental health issues and Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of MIND.

Around ten per cent of the population is left handed, but why did the numbers plummet around 1900 ? Newly discovered raw data - in the form of 6000 postcards - have recently helped to answer this question. Chris McManus, Professor of Psychology and Medical Education at University College, London, reveals the mystery of the missing poscards. Back in 1953 Dr Jacob Bronowski, of Ascent of Man fame, hosted a BBC TV programme which asked listeners to take part in a huge survey of left handedness. Six thousand answers on postcards duly arrived and Sir Cyril Burt from UCL was supposed to analyse them. But the postcards languished for more than half a century in shoe boxes in a dusty cupboard in the University archives...until recently. 57 years later the fascinating data has finally been analysed. And Professor McManus tells Claudia Hammond what it tells us.

The Dyslexia Research Trust has sponsored a garden at the Chelsea Flower Show about the impact of colour on dyslexia. Professor of Neuroscience at Oxford University, John Stein, and garden designer Tim Fowler, show Claudia around the garden and discuss the theory, which Professor Stein himself acknowledges is controversial, that colours can help with the processing of words on a page.

TUE 21:30 Democracy on Trial (b00sfwwr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 21:58 Weather (b00sfv64)
The latest weather forecast.

TUE 22:00 The World Tonight (b00sfv7s)
In the Queen's Speech, the Freedom Bill sets out plans to curb surveillance and data retention. But maybe the public wants more CCTV ?

The Con-Lib programme for government occupies the centre ground in policy terms. So where does Labour go ?

Germany plans a ban on all short-selling. Will it prop up falling markets ?

With Ritula Shah.

TUE 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b00sfvrx)
A Vision of Loveliness

Episode 2

After making friends with Suzy, Jane James finds herself at a dubious London nightclub.

Emila Fox reads Louise Levene's black comedy.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 23:00 So Wrong It's Right (b00sg13n)
Series 1

Episode 3

Charlie Brooker hosts the new comedy panel show that revels in glorious failure. He is joined for this edition by comics Richard Herring and Holly Walsh plus Iain Morris - the writer of hit TV sitcom 'The Inbetweeners'.

'So Wrong It's Right' is a comedy contest to give the wrongest answer to each of Charlie's challenges. The worst idea for an internet business (including Richard Herring's 'life comparison' website ranking the entire human race in order of success), and the problem with Richard Hammond are just two of targets that come under the wrong examination in this edition.

The host of 'So Wrong It's Right', Charlie Brooker, also presents BBC4's award - winning series 'Newswipe' and 'You Have Been Watching' on Channel 4 - plus writing for 'The Guardian'. He won 'Best Newcomer' at the British Comedy Awards 2009 and 'Columnist of the Year' at the 2009 British Press Awards for his column.

Produced by Aled Evans
A Zeppotron Production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 23:30 Today in Parliament (b00sfvvm)
Sean Curran and the BBC's parliamentary team report on the Queen's Speech and the new government's legislative programme.

David Cameron said the new list of laws marks a new start for the UK and ushered in an era of responsibility.

But the Labour acting leader, Harriet Harman cast doubt of the sustainability of the coalition government.


WED 00:00 Midnight News (b00sf94p)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

WED 00:30 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Tuesday]

WED 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9jr)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sf9xz)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

WED 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9q4)
The latest shipping forecast.

WED 05:30 News Briefing (b00sfb12)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b00sfb34)
with The Revd Mark Wakelin.

WED 05:45 Farming Today (b00sfbsg)
Landowners are being asked to earmark hundreds of hectares for new farmers. A Government advisor warns without gaining a foothold with access to land, young talent will go overseas.
In the wake of the new Government's announcement that it will go ahead with a badger cull to reduce bovine TB, a group of farmers in Devon have applied for a special licence to stage their own cull.
Anna Hill goes behind the scenes in an accommodation village for migrant workers to see what life on the farm is like for them.
Produced by Anne-Marie Bullock.

WED 06:00 Today (b00sfbxc)
With John Humphrys and Evan Davis. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day; Yesterday in Parliament.

WED 09:00 Midweek (b00sg147)
This week Libby Purves is joined by Jamie Wardley, Kate Kray, Bob Woodward and Andy Hamilton.

Jamie Wardley is a sand and ice sculptor who will be creating a monumental sand sculpture of a steam train for the East Neuk Festival this summer. It will be created over the course of a week in a prominent location on the high street in the picturesque East Neuk village of Crail in Scotland.

Kate Kray is the former wife of Ronnie Kray, one of the notorious Kray twins. She now researches and writes books on the British gangland underworld including 'Hard Bastards', a profile of 24 of Britain's toughest men. She has now written her first novel, 'Betrayed', published by John Blake.

Bob Woodward and his brother John spent nearly a decade from 1974 building a reconstruction of a Roman mosaic, The Orpheus Pavement. One of the most significant archaeological projects of recent times, the mosaic weighs 3.5 tons, is made from 1.6 million pieces of hand-cut clay blocks, measures 205 square metres, is made up of 140 sections and would take around 3 hours to assemble, and is about to be re-sold by the auctioneers Chorley's.

Andy Hamilton is a comedy writer and performer. He's best known for writing the acclaimed TV sitcom Outnumbered, as well as his appearances on TV and radio's I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue, News Quiz, his own radio series Old Harry's Game and Revolting People, Have I Got News For You and QI. He is currently touring with 'Hat of Doom', an audience-interactive evening of jokes, gossip, stories, nudity and trampolining!

WED 09:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx4)
Ancient Pleasures, Modern Spice (1 - 600 AD)

Ceremonial ballgame belt

Neil MacGregor's history of humanity as told through one hundred objects that time has left behind. This week he is looking at objects of leisure and pleasure around the world about 2000 years ago. How were we amusing ourselves back then? Today's object is a large stone belt, a heavyweight ceremonial version of the leather and fibre padding that was used in an ancient ball game in central America. This was a game with a rubber ball that dates back as far as three and a half thousand years ago - the world's oldest known organised sport. Neil offers up the rules of the game and describes how it connected players to the realm of their gods. The historian Michael Whittington considers the ritual aspects of the game while the writer Nick Hornby describes how sport straddles the emotional territory between the sacred and the profane.

Producer: Anthony Denselow

WED 10:00 Woman's Hour (b00sfhs2)
Presented by Jenni Murray
Are social networking sites taking over your children's lives? Do your kids have more friends online than outside? And do you ever feel the need to spy on them? We look at the serious issue of childhood Constipation and hear from the ceramicist Emma Bridgewater about her pottery business. Also, in the recession we look at the issue of equal pay in the public sector following last month's employment tribunal awarding millions in compensation to female employees of Birmingham City Council.

WED 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b00sgb97)
The Private Patient

Episode 3

PD James's latest Dalgliesh mystery, dramatised by Neville Teller.

A famous investigative journalist has been murdered at an exclusive cosmetic surgery clinic in Dorset. Commander Dalgliesh and his colleague DI Kate Miskin are called in because of some of the clinic's high-profile clients.

The Private Patient is the latest in the long-running Dalgliesh series, and the first to be dramatised on radio before television. The entire serial will be released on CD by BBCAudiobooks in June, and repeated on Radio 7 in August as part of a PD James season.

The dramatiser is Neville Teller, who also dramatised the previous Dalgliesh serial featuring Richard Derrington and Deborah McAndrew, A Taste For Death.

Dalgliesh . . . . . Richard Derrington
Kate Miskin . . . . . Deborah McAndrew
George Chandler-Powell . . . . . Jonathan Keeble
Dr Glenister . . . . . Charlotte West-Oram
Mrs Skeffington . . . . Kate Layden
Marcus Westhall . . . . Adrian Grove
Robin Boyton . . . . . Bertie Carvell

Dramatised by Neville Teller

Producer/Director . . . . . Peter Leslie Wild.

WED 11:00 Latch-Key Kids (b00sg1hf)
Actress Jessica Hynes a latch-key kid from the age of six hears the stories of others over the generations who too had to let themselves in to an empty house after school. How has this shaped and influenced the way she and others bring up their children?

The term "latch- key kid" came to prominence during the Second World War when children as young as five years old were being left as their Dads were away fighting and their mothers became part of the labour force. Sandra now a grandmother in her 70's, was along with her parents 'bombed out' of their home in Sheffield. They lost everything and her mum had to go out to work; throughout her entire school life Sandra was a latch--key kid. Later on in life when she too got married and had kids she made a secret pact - she was going to be around for her kids but in doing so what were the consequences?

Decades later the term became synonymous with neglect and was dropped but the practice continues to this day. John Amaechi defends rigorously his upbringing - having to be responsible and independent made him into who he is today - his success and they way he has raised his own family mirrors his own experience.

But 80's child Lizzie who became a delinquent teenager says she was "at times overlooked"....brought up on Pot Noodles and stale things she's opted for a different life for her two boys. Whose got it right ?

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2010.

WED 11:30 Miracles R Us (b00sg1hh)
Domestic Arrangements

The man lurking outside turns out not to be the private detective Sylvia supposes, but a potential client.

He's inadvertently encouraged a middle-aged American academic, in whom he has no romantic interest, to have hopes of a shared future. She is arriving next week. Can MiraclesRus help?

Sitcom by Lesley Bruce.

Sylvia ..... Anna Massey
Caroline ..... Deborah Findlay
James Linnet ..... David Horovitch
Mary Beth Haldeman ..... Laura Shavin
Pianist ..... Jeremy Limb

Producer: Katie Tyrrell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2010.

Music and stings from the music of Nick Drake. Theme: "When the Day is Done" and stings: "Time of No Reply" and "Cello Song".

WED 12:00 You and Yours (b00sfj2l)
An economist commissioned by the Government to design key elements of the Employment and Support Allowance system tells the BBC that he now has serious concerns about it.

Also, the financial investment that pays a chocolate "dividend".

Should mortgage holders have their maths skills tested by their lender?

And why production of the Boeing 787 - the "plane of the future" - has been delayed... again.

WED 12:53 Moments of Genius (b00sl9c6)
Caroline Lucas

The first Green MP, Caroline Lucas, describes her favourite moment in the history of science: the invention of the contraceptive pill.

The maverick scientist, Gregory Pincus, is often credited with the invention of the first contraceptive pill but, , without the direction and commitment of two influential women, he may never have pursued this line of scientific research.

"There's more to a moment of scientific genius than getting the science right ", argues Caroline Lucas. And it's time the credit for this moment was shared between Margaret Sanger, who dreamed of a magic pill to prevent pregnancy; the biologist Katherine McCormick who hired Pincus to do the work; and the scientist who worked it out, Gregory Pincus.

WED 12:57 Weather (b00sfj5m)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 13:00 World at One (b00sfk9n)
National and international news with Martha Kearney.

WED 13:30 The Media Show (b00sg1hk)
Last week we discussed the new Times and Sunday Times websites. With their launch this week, media commentator Dan Sabbagh takes a look. Are they as good as they need to be? And later in the programme, Daniel Finkelstein responds to the early reviews - he is leading the paywall project at The Times.

The General Medical Council struck Andrew Wakefield off the medical register on Monday, for misconduct in relation to his MMR research. We look back to the late 1990s with two health writers who covered the original story and watched it develop in different ways - Jeremy Laurance at the Independent and Jacqui Thornton at the Telegraph papers and then the Sun. Did the media really get the coverage wrong?

And Peter Horrocks is the BBC Global News director, responsible for the BBC World Service. How does he respond to reports of budget cuts of up to 25 per cent?

WED 14:00 The Archers (b00sfkhk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Tuesday]

WED 14:15 Drama (b00sg1hm)
The Line

By Kris Kenway

Taline is a young Turkish student fleeing an assassination attempt and seeking asylum in the UK. But, first she has to get through her screening interview with Carl.

Carl ..... Toby Jones
Taline ..... Marina Koem

Directed by James Robinson.

WED 15:00 Money Box Live (b00sg1hp)
Vincent Duggleby and guests will be here to answer your questions about student finance on today's Money Box Live.

Whether you're a new or returning student you may have a question about costs, tuition fees loans or grants.

What rate of interest will apply to your loan and when will you have to pay it back? Or perhaps you're considering an application for next year.

Whether you are studying in England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, Vincent Duggleby and guests will be waiting to take your call.

You can call the programme when lines open on Wednesday at 1330 BST. The number is 03700 100 444.
Standard geographic charges apply. Calls from mobiles may be higher.

WED 15:30 Afternoon Reading (b00sfyzv)
More Actors' Words

The Accident

James Dreyfus tells the story of grieving parents on a country estate. Part of a series of stories written and read by actors.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 15:45 A Musical Trip to South Africa - with Lenny Henry (b00ryf1b)
Episode 3

Lenny meets the Queen of Gospel, the mega-recording artist Rebecca Malope, he is blown away by a choir in Soweto and the choir boy who's now South Africa's sexiest singing star.

The producer is Susan Marling, and this is a Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 16:00 Thinking Allowed (b00sg1hr)
From Curtis Mayfield to 50 Cent, from Nina Simone to JayZ, black music has declined in its quality and lost its moral stance. That's the contention of the cultural critic Paul Gilroy. He joins Laurie Taylor and Caspar Melville to discuss the counter-cultural stance that black popular music once had, and explore whether it really has been destroyed.

Producer: Charlie Taylor.

WED 16:30 All in the Mind (b00sg13l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Tuesday]

WED 16:55 Moments of Genius (b00skwz3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:53 on Tuesday]

WED 17:00 PM (b00sftrr)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Plus Weather.

WED 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sfv2m)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

WED 18:30 Heresy (b019j12x)
Series 7

Episode 2

Atheist Marcus Brigstocke clashes with the Rev Richard Coles in a discussion about the irrationality of religious belief in an unusually combative edition of Heresy.

Victoria Coren Mitchell is aided in her attempts to maintain order by comedian Natalie Haynes, who argues that agnosticism is the only rational position to be adopted on the issue.

Victoria's guests find more consensus in taking a heretical position against the received wisdom that Kate Middleton should get a job, and that transport strikes are terrible for commuters.

Producer: Brian King
An Avalon production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 19:00 The Archers (b00sfkhm)
Pip's up early before her shift at Lower Loxley. She's evasive when David asks about her exams. She admits they didn't go well, but David says it can't be that bad. Just concentrate on the next one and forget the late nights with Jude.
Pip confides in Elizabeth that she nearly told David about yesterday. But then he started on about Jude again. He just doesn't listen.
Elizabeth calls David to say she's worried about Pip. David should talk to her about yesterday's exams, and hold back from mentioning Jude. David asks if Jude has put her up to this. They do seem awfully chummy. Elizabeth warns David he's alienating Pip, but he's having none of it, abruptly saying that everything's fine. Nigel suggests Pip might have better luck talking to Ruth. In the meantime, Elizabeth is going to stay out of it. But she'll still be there for Pip.
Helen's overjoyed to discover that she's pregnant, and wastes no time telling Pat and then Tony. Helen never thought she could be this lucky, and Tony is pleased to see her so happy. However, Tony later tells Pat this hasn't changed how he really feels. He'll be there for Helen, but don't expect him to be happy.

WED 19:15 Front Row (b00sfv4c)
Tony Parsons; Richard Alston; Exposed at Tate Modern

Mark Lawson interviews the writer Tony Parsons, who continues his focus on the dilemmas of modern fatherhood with his new novel Men from the Boys.

Images by Cartier-Bresson, Lee Miller, Paul Strand and Dorothea Lange are among the 250 works featuring in Exposed: Voyeurism, Surveillance and the Camera, a new exhibition at Tate Modern in London. Lynda Nead gives her response to the show which includes surreptitious and secretly-taken images as well as CCTV footage.

Choreographer Richard Alston is Artistic Director of The Place, a leading centre for contemporary dance which is celebrating its 40th anniversary. He discusses his career and and how he is recreating the first piece he made at The Place in 1969.

The final episode of Lost aired this week after six series, with the last part broadcast simultaneously in both the UK and the USA. TV critic Boyd Hilton discusses the ways to bring a successful series to a close.

WED 19:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 today]

WED 20:00 Devil's Advocate (b00sg1wg)
Fashion and Feminism

David Aaronovitch invites two guest speakers to turn their established views on their head and debate the contrary position. Speakers are given two weeks to research their arguments before appearing in the debate in front of an invited audience at Cambridge University.

In this final programme in the series, the motion is:

"The fashion industry has been bad for feminism."

The fashion industry has produced female icons like Coco Chanel and Vivienne Westwood, but has it helped or hindered the cause of feminism?

The speakers are fashion expert, designer and former Clothes Show presenter Caryn Franklin and Feminist author, Guardian journalist and co-founder of the group Justice for Women, Julie Bindel.

The programme is recorded at Judge Business School in Cambridge.

Producer: David Prest
A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 20:45 Real Life Party Animals (b00sh3hc)
They are at the bottom of the political heap, but they have the most fun. Comedian Dom Joly (once a political researcher himself) meets the researchers who keep Westminster on the rails and hears about their bad behaviour.

WED 21:00 Costing the Earth (b00sg2my)
Cleaning Up the Ganges

"The Ganges, above all is the river of India, which has held India's heart captive and drawn uncounted millions to her banks since the dawn of history. The story of the Ganges, from her source to the sea, from old times to new, is the story of India's civilization and culture, of the rise and fall of empires, of great and proud cities, of adventures of man". So said India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru.

The Ganges holds a sacred place in the Hindu religion. It is a requirement for the 830 million Hindus in the world today to bathe in its waters at least once in their lifetime.

Today the Ganges is a filthy shadow of its former majesty but all that is about to change. The World Bank is lending the Indian government $1.5 billion to help clean the river, but it is 10 times the length of the Thames and many argue that its distance from the sea, its proximity to so many fast-growing cities, as well as India's lack of a sewage system mean that it is an impossible task.

Efforts to clean-up the Ganges tributary, the Yamuna, have failed and scientists argue that more money is needed to expand treatment plants in Lucknow, Allahabad and Kanpur but sewage first needs to reach these plants. Some argue that water management is the source of the problem and that this is where money should be spent. Climate change and dam building are drying up the river at its source and they argue the only way to clean it is to increase the flow of clean supply.

Tom Heap travels the banks of the river to find out if the Holy Ganges can be saved.

Producer: Helen Lennard.

WED 21:30 Midweek (b00sg147)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 21:58 Weather (b00sfv66)
The latest weather forecast.

WED 22:00 The World Tonight (b00sfv7v)
National and international news and analysis.

WED 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b00sfvrz)
A Vision of Loveliness

Episode 3

Jane makes her debut as a showroom model... only to discover that the job is not as glamorous as she first thought.

Louise Levene's black comedy is read by Emilia Fox.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

WED 23:00 The Shuttleworths (b00sg2n0)
Series 5

A Gig With Billy Joel

When agent Ken Worthington offers John an unpaid gig in a remote village hall, John refuses. But the promise of his own designated parking space causes a serious rethink.

John is created and performed by Graham Fellows, and the series is produced by Dawn Ellis.

WED 23:15 One (b00n8pdm)
Series 3

Episode 3

Sketch show written by David Quantick, in which no item features more than one voice.

With Graeme Garden, Dan Maier, Johnny Daukes, Deborah Norton, Katie Davies, Dan Antopolski, Andrew Crawford and David Quantick.

WED 23:30 Today in Parliament (b00sfvvp)
The Shadow Chancellor Alistair Darling questions the Treasury Chief Secretary David Laws over spending cuts, and MPs and Peers continue to debate the Queen's Speech - focusing on Foreign Affairs, Defence and International Development. Susan Hulme and team report on today's events in Parliament.


THU 00:00 Midnight News (b00sf94r)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

THU 00:30 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Wednesday]

THU 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9jt)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sf9y1)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

THU 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9q6)
The latest shipping forecast.

THU 05:30 News Briefing (b00sfb14)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b00sfb36)
with The Revd Mark Wakelin.

THU 05:45 Farming Today (b00sfbsj)
For the first time in years wool prices are increasing. Charlotte Smith finds out if that means farmers will finally get more than it costs to shear the sheep. Only 10% of hill farmers, who tend some of England's wildest landscapes, have applied for a new environmental payment scheme.The Tenant Farmers Association says that could be 'disastrous'. Plus, the country's food production relies on migrant workers but what sort of impact does their arrival have on rural communities?

THU 06:00 Today (b00sfbxf)
With James Naughtie and Evan Davis. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day; Yesterday in Parliament.

THU 09:00 In Our Time (b00sg2y4)
Giorgio Vasari's Lives of the Artists

Melvyn Bragg discusses 'Lives of the Artists' - the great biographer Giorgio Vasari's study of Renaissance painters, sculptors and architects. In 1550 a little known Italian artist, Giorgio Vasari, published a revolutionary book entitled 'Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times'. In it he chronicled the evolution of Italian art from the early pioneer Giotto to the perfection of Michelangelo.For the first time, Vasari set out to record artists' eccentricities and foibles as well as their artistic triumphs. We learn that the painter Piero di Cosimo was scared of the sound of bells, and witness Donatello shouting at his statues. But amongst these beguiling stories of human achievement, Vasari also explained his own theory of what made great art.In more recent decades, Vasari has been criticised for not allowing factual accuracy to get in the way of a good story. Nonetheless, the influence of his work has been unparalleled. It has formed and defined the way we think about Renaissance art to this day and some credit him with being the founder of the discipline of the history of art. Few artists that Vasari criticised have been comprehensively rehabilitated and Vasari's semi-divine trio of Michelangelo, Raphael and Leonardo are still seen as the apotheosis of artistic perfection. With:Evelyn WelchProfessor of Renaissance Studies and Academic Dean for Arts at Queen Mary, University of LondonDavid EkserdjianProfessor of History of Art and Film at the University of LeicesterMartin KempEmeritus Professor in the History of Art at the University of OxfordProducer: Thomas Morris.

THU 09:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx6)
Ancient Pleasures, Modern Spice (1 - 600 AD)

Admonitions Scroll

Throughout this week, Neil MacGregor has been exploring pleasure and recreation across the world of 200 years ago. Today he arrives in China to explore a painting based on a poem that attempts to define the proper behaviour for women during the tumultuous time that followed the collapse of the Han Empire. This eleven foot long scroll offers a guide to manners along well established Confucian principles. Neil MacGregor tells the story of the scroll and finds out what it is was about women's behaviour that was so worrying men of the period. The historian Shane McCausland, the politician Charles Powell, and the Chinese art expert Jan Stuart help paint the picture.

Producer: Anthony Denselow

THU 10:00 Woman's Hour (b00sfhs4)
Presented by Jenni Murray.
Child psychologist Oliver James discusses his latest advice for parents. Can analysis and practical strategies help or do they result in more pressure on parents who may already feel beleaguered and guilt-ridden.

As football fans gear up for the World Cup, police forces are preparing for an increase in levels of domestic violence. We look at research that links sporting events with violence in the home and discuss what tactics police are adopting to prevent it.

Broadcaster John Suchet talks about why he kept his wife's dementia secret from all but a close circle and about accepting her eventual move into a care home.

Bosnian music duo Amira and Merima Kljuco play live and discuss the urban folk music of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

THU 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b00sgb99)
The Private Patient

Episode 4

PD James's latest Dalgliesh mystery, dramatised by Neville Teller. Having set up base at the Cheverell manor Clinic in Dorset, Dalgliesh and his colleagues take a trip back to London to have a look at Rhoda Gradwyn's house. They make an important discovery among her papers.

The Private Patient is the latest in the long-running Dalgliesh series, and the first to be dramatised on radio before television. The entire serial will be released on CD by BBCAudiobooks in June, and repeated on Radio 7 in August as part of a PD James season.

The dramatiser is Neville Teller, who also dramatised the previous Dalgliesh serial featuring Richard Derrington and Deborah McAndrew, A Taste For Death.

Narrator . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Dalgliesh . . . . . Richard Derrington
Kate Miskin . . . . . Deborah McAndrew
George Chandler-Powell . . . . . Jonathan Keeble
Candace Westhall . . . . . Alison Pettitt
Marcus Westhall . . . . Adrian Grove
Flavia Holland . . . . . Vineeta Rishi
Sharon Bateman . . . . . Charlotte Worthing

Dramatised by Neville Teller

Producer/Director . . . . . Peter Leslie Wild.

THU 11:00 From Our Own Correspondent (b00sgbcp)
The economic sickness that now threatens to destroy Europe's wealth.

The Jews who put themselves on the side of the Palestinians.

The lady with all the shoes, Imelda Marcos tells us what happened when she met China's Chairman Mao.

And we go in the footsteps of Michaelangelo in the marble quarries of Tuscany.

Europe is in trouble. Suddenly decades of steady enrichment seem to be at an end. Gone is the confident talk of prosperity through unity. Instead, the focus now is on the great financial crisis welling up on the union's southern fringe -- in Greece, Spain and elsewhere. A rising, spreading sea of debt threatens to drown the dreams of millions across the continent. Paul Mason reflects on the failings and falsehoods that have led Europe astray...

If you're in Israel around the time of its annual independence day celebrations you can feel the pride in the air. The Israeli and white, and with the Star of David...seems to fly from every lampost. The great majority of Israelis see their establishment of a state in hostile territory as an extraordinary triumph. But it isn't only the Palestinians who regard the birth of Israel as a disaster. As Jake Wallis Simons explains, there is a tiny group of Jews who also believe that it was wrong....

Think of the former first lady of the Philippines, Imelda Marcos, and you think...."shoes....and lots of them". She abandoned her vast collection of size eight-and-a-halves when she was forced to flee the presidential palace with her husband, Ferdinand, in 1986. For many, the shoe mountain symbolised the grotesque excesses of the ousted rulers. But Imelda is very much back. She's just won a seat in the Philippine Congress. And as Kate McGeown has been finding out, Mrs Marcos insists that when it comes to serving her people, an eye for fashionable shoes isn't all that she has to offer....

Suddenly Colombia's governing party is facing a major challenge. It had thought that it had Sunday's election wraped up. President Uribe's annointed successor, the former Defence Minister, Manuel Santos looked a certainty. He promises more of the same -- a continuation of the government's uncompromising approach towards drug smugglers and left-wing guerrillas. But the results in the days ahead may well reveal that Mr Santos has been forced into a second round by a maverick former-mayor of Bogota. Out on the campaign trail, Will Grant has been watching the challenger in action...

Michaelangelo's work of genius, the statue of David in Florence, attracts more than a million visitors a year. The Biblical story of the young warrior's fight with the giant is set firmly in the Holy Land. But in one sense, Florence's a local boy. He was carved from marble quarried from the hills of Tuscany. Michaelangelo liked to work in the famous stone of the Carrara region. And all these centuries on, it continues to produce the finest marble. But as Christine Finn explains, around the quarries of Carrara, the world is gradually changing....

THU 11:30 The Wonderful Weightless World of the Flexidisc (b00sgbcr)
Long before the invention of the MP3, there was a way of getting hold of music, speech, and other audio sensations, free of charge, in the form of flexidiscs. Originally developed in the 1930s to play at 78rpm, by the 1960s, seven-inch, 45rpm flexidiscs were so cheap to produce, and so light and bendy, that they were often given away free with a magazine. In the Soviet Union, though, where flexidiscs were called roentgenizdat, and were recorded on disused medical x-ray sheets, the audio was usually of an illegal nature, such as jazz music, or, later, punk rock. In telling the story of the flexidisc, we'll hear plenty of music, some of which is now valuable (such as the Rolling Stones Exit on Mainstreet Blues, given away with New Musical Express in 1972).

In tracking down the story of flexidiscs, presenter Paul Bayley meets collector Jez Randell, journalist Ian Shirley, and the novelist Tim Lott, who co-founded Flexipop magazine in the early 1980s (which gave away a free flexi with every issue). The programme includes extracts from flexidiscs galore, including several advertisements for products as diverse as crisps, hair pieces and rat poison, music from big band jazz to beat groups to punk rock, and some of the most famous recordings made on flexidisc including Beatles fanclub records, Private Eye's satirical flexidiscs and the sound of humpback whales, from the world's biggest circulation flexidisc ever.

Presenter Paul Bayley previously presented The Strange Parallel World of Christian Pop for Radio 4, which subsequently inspired Frank Cottrell Boyce's radio play The Believers. The producer is Bob Dickinson.

THU 12:00 You and Yours (b00sfj2n)
Catching up with Chelsea Flower Show gold award winners from the charity Thrive - and the High Street shops you love to hate.

Plus feetless meat - is artificial meat now a viable and safe alternative to natural meat production? Professor Brian J Ford explains how scientists may soon be able to recreate the flavour and texture of natural meat in a safe and sustainable way. We discuss whether the public will buy into the idea.

Also in the week that the Student Loans Company lost two of its top brass, we speak to its new interim Chairman Professor Sir Deian Hopkin. Last year he wrote a very critical report about the company and now has the task of averting a repeat of last year's loans chaos.

THU 12:53 Moments of Genius (b00skx24)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:55 on Tuesday]

THU 12:57 Weather (b00sfj5p)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 13:00 World at One (b00sfk9q)
National and international news with Martha Kearney.

THU 13:30 Costing the Earth (b00sg2my)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:00 The Archers (b00sfkhm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Wednesday]

THU 14:15 Drama (b00sgbct)
Waves Breaking on a Shore, part 1

Period drama by Michael Eaton and Neil Brand.

At the turn of the twentieth century two vaudevillians - one Irish, the other Jewish - are trying to achieve success as Music Hall double act Cohen and Cohan, when they find themselves bitten by the bug of cinematography at the birth of film.

Performing in the small halls of London's poverty stricken East End, both would consider themselves to be loyal sons of the British Empire. Above all, they believe that laughter and song can bring different folk together.

Though their act is popular in the East End, they have their sights set on the big time. A chance meeting leads them down a path of new technology, performing their act for the new Edison phonograph, recording comic turns and melodramatic scenes.

But the flickers are a whole new territory, and Danny and Manny learn the hard way that this new form means big business to the people calling the shots.

Manny Cohen ..... Simon Schatzberger
Danny Cohan ..... Andrew Scott
Nettie Truman ..... Hayley Atwell
Uncle Max ..... Jonathan Tafler
Eugene ..... Jim Norton
Barraclough ..... Sean Chapman
Thief ..... Jason Maza

Music composed and performed by Neil Brand.

Directed by John Burgess
Produced by Nicholas Newton
A Promenade production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 15:00 Ramblings (b00sds2s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:07 on Saturday]

THU 15:27 Radio 4 Appeal (b00sf7hj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:55 on Sunday]

THU 15:30 Afternoon Reading (b00sfyzx)
More Actors' Words

Girl on an Island

Tracy-Ann Oberman tells the story of Augustus Caesar's daughter in Imperial Rome.

Part of a series of stories written and read by actors.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 15:45 A Musical Trip to South Africa - with Lenny Henry (b00s0cmz)
Episode 4

Lenny investigates the 'lost tribes' whose music is endangered as the country modernises. He gets into township Kiba and finds disaffected young Afrikaners reviving angry punk.

The producer is Susan Marling, and this is a Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 16:00 Open Book (b00sf8l2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

THU 16:30 Material World (b00sgbgs)
Quentin Cooper presents his weekly digest of science in and behind the headlines.

This week, the planes are flying again, but for how long? Has Iceland and its unpronouncable volcano got more volcanic ash to send our way? Quentin talks to Dr Joseph Ulanowski from the Centre for Atmospheric & Instrumentation Research at the University of Hertfordshire who's co-author of a paper investigating the odd electrical charges found within the plume. He also talks to Dr Carina Fearnley, from University College London's brand new Institute For Risk and Disaster Reduction, which has launched itself with a report on the implications of the Icelandic eruption.

A new rocket is on the launch pad in Florida. It's not an expensive NASA one, but a low-cost Falcon 9, developed by PayPal founder and head of Space-X, Elon Musk. For the first time, says space commentator Stuart Clark, the nation that claims to be the home of free enterprise is bringing the pioneer spirit back to space. If all goes well, Falcon 9 could soon be delivering cargo and eventually astronauts to the International Space Station - becoming, after the retirement of the Space Shuttle, the USA's only human spaceflight vehicle.

Why and how did the giant sauropod dinosaurs get so big? Not just bigger than elephants, but ten times bigger. Martin Sander, Professor of Vertebrate Paleontology at Bonn University tells Quentin that it may have been because they didn't chew their food, giving them time to swallow more into the great fermentation vats of their stomachs.

Producer: Martin Redfern.

THU 16:55 Moments of Genius (b00sl9c6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:53 on Wednesday]

THU 17:00 PM (b00sftrv)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Plus Weather.

THU 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sfv2p)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

THU 18:30 Count Arthur Strong's Radio Show! (b00p94fm)
Series 5

Beer Cruise

Arthur's off on a day trip to France with his friends – and he's brushed up his French. Stars Steve Delaney. From December 2009.

THU 19:00 The Archers (b00sfkhp)
Tom and Jazzer have trouble with the pigs, and Helen talks to Ian.

THU 19:15 Front Row (b00sfv4f)
Crime writer Peter James and World Cup jukebox jury

With Mark Lawson.

Crime writer Peter James discusses his new novel Dead Like You, the latest in his Detective Superintendent Roy Grace series.

The World Cup edition of Front Row's Juke Box Jury, invites comedienne Natalie Haynes and sports columnist Jim White to turn pop panelists, as they review a selection of records being released to tie in with this year's World Cup.

This week sees the opening of five new Galleries of Modern London at the Museum of London, which will focus on the lives of the city's population from 1666 to the present day. Historian Juliet Gardiner gives her response to the £20m makeover.

THU 19:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 today]

THU 20:00 The Report (b00sgbgv)
BP's Safety Record

As the political fallout from the Deepwater Horizon oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico tarnishes BP's reputation in the United States, Simon Cox asks whether the British oil giant could have done more to ensure the safety of its operations.

Five years after BP were landed multi-million dollar fines for a catastrophic explosion at a refinery in Texas, some politicians and environmentalists think BP has not done enough to clean up its act in the US.

The Report also asks whether American federal agencies responsible for policing offshore drilling have given the oil industry too easy a ride.

THU 20:30 The Bottom Line (b00sgbgx)
The view from the top of business. Presented by Evan Davis, The Bottom Line cuts through confusion, statistics and spin to present a clearer view of the business world, through discussion with people running leading and emerging companies.

Evan Davis is joined by a panel of top executives to discuss the current economic climate. As the crisis in the Eurozone adds to economic uncertainty around the world, how are companies planning for the short- and long-term? And as actions by governments begin to take effect, Evan finds out how political risk gets factored into business decisions. The panel also talks about Google's '20 percent' policy, under which the company's engineers are given a fifth of their time to work on their own projects - and about how to make the most of downtime.

In the studio with Evan are Matt Brittin, Managing Director of Google UK, Thomas Flohr, the founder and chairman of VistaJet, and Irwin Lee, Managing Director of Procter & Gamble, UK and Ireland.

THU 21:00 Saving Species (b00sfy5d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Tuesday]

THU 21:30 In Our Time (b00sg2y4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 21:58 Weather (b00sfv68)
The latest weather forecast.

THU 22:00 The World Tonight (b00sfv7x)
The government outlines plans for welfare reforms to get people off benefits and back to work, but will they succeed? We examine the existing schemes in Birmingham and London.

President Obama announces a delay in further exploration of off-shore oil and introduces tighter rules for the oil industry.

What chance of breaking a deadlock on the spread of nuclear weapons? We report live from the UN.

Three women who worked as sex workers have been murdered in Bradford - what can be done to improve the safety of prostitutes?

The World Tonight with Roger Hearing.

THU 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b00sfvs3)
A Vision of Loveliness

Episode 4

Jane has moved into a Mayfair flat with Suzy...but all is not straightforward.

Emilia Fox reads Louise Levene's black comedy.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 23:00 The Music Teacher (b00sgbh0)
Series 1

Episode 4

Written by Richie Webb.

Another tough week shut away in a tiny windowless practice room enduring challenging pupils for music teacher Nigel Penny, in this new musical comedy written by and starring 2009 Writers' Guild Award winner Richie Webb. Featuring Vicki Pepperdine as Arts Centre Manager Belinda.

Episode 4 sees Nigel faced with the usual bizarre array of pupils: the midlands answer to Bob Dylan, a homemade keyboard hobbyist and a singing dog prove to be fairly hard going. But it is Arts Centre manager Belinda - so usually the cause of much of his misery - who offers Nigel the chance of a lifetime: to write a jingle advertising the Arts Centre to feature on local radio. This is the chance Nigel has been looking for. This is his way out. This is his ticket to the fame and fortune that he so nearly tasted as a Young Musician of the Year Finalist in 1975. If only he could get The Beatles 'Eight Days A Week' out of his head he'd be fine. But he can't. And the deadline is approaching fast.

Nigel Penny ...... Richie Webb
Belinda ...... Vicki Pepperdine
Other roles by Dave Lamb, Jim North and Jess Robinson.

Produced by Richie Webb
Directed by Nick Walker
A Top Dog production for BBC Radio 4

THU 23:15 My Teenage Diary (b00jtpwm)
Series 1

Steve Hall

Host Rufus Hound is joined by Steve Hall, member of the comedy sketch group We Are Klang. Steve reveals what it was like to grow up as a proper mummy's boy, and the nightmare situations he encountered because of it.

Part of a comedy series in which comedians read out selected passages from their teenage diaries.

Producer: Victoria Payne
A talkbackTHAMES production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 23:30 Today in Parliament (b00sfvvr)
As the first details of the Government's parliamentary programme are discussed in the Commons, MPs are told their long summer break is to be cut short. And debate continued in the Commons and Lords on the Queen's Speech - focusing on the environment, rural affairs and constitutional reform. Sean Curran and team report on today's events in Parliament.

FRIDAY 28 MAY 2010

FRI 00:00 Midnight News (b00sf94t)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4. Followed by Weather.

FRI 00:30 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 on Thursday]

FRI 00:48 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9jw)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 01:00 Selection of BBC World Service Programmes (b00sf9y3)
BBC Radio 4 joins the BBC World Service.

FRI 05:20 Shipping Forecast (b00sf9q8)
The latest shipping forecast.

FRI 05:30 News Briefing (b00sfb16)
The latest news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 05:43 Prayer for the Day (b00sfb38)
with The Revd Mark Wakelin.

FRI 05:45 Farming Today (b00sfbsm)
The government spends more on controlling TB in cattle than any other animal disease, but at the moment we don't vaccinate against it. Charlotte Smith finds out why. The price of oranges on the world markets is soaring, and the effects are starting to be visible on the supermarket shelves. And, how farmers recruit the European migrant workers which, they say, are vital to harvest British fruit and vegetables.

FRI 06:00 Today (b00sfbxh)
With John Humphrys and Justin Webb. Including Sports Desk; Weather; Thought for the Day; Yesterday in Parliament.

FRI 09:00 Desert Island Discs (b00sf7hx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

FRI 09:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx8)
Ancient Pleasures, Modern Spice (1 - 600 AD)

Hoxne pepper pot

Neil MacGregor's world history told through objects at the British Museum arrives in Britain at the time of the Roman collapse. Throughout this week he has been looking at how different cultures around the globe were pursuing pleasure, roughly 2000 years ago, from smoking in North America to team sports in Central America.

Today, Neil looks at how the elite of Roman Britain sustained their appetite for luxury goods and good living in the years before their demise. He tells the story through a silver pepper pot that was discovered as part of a buried hoard - hidden possibly by Romans on the run. He describes the ambitions of the elite in Roman Britain and how they satisfied their particular taste for pepper, with contributions from the food writer Christine McFadden and historian Roberta Tomber.

Producer: Anthony Denselow

FRI 10:00 Woman's Hour (b00sfhs6)
Presented by Jenni Murray.

Changes to the UK Corporate Governance Code - will it make a difference to women?

Get set for a summer of sweeping hems as The Maxi Dress hits the height of fashion. Jenni learns how to carry off a Maxi with style.

The Germans have always been rather good at coming up with words to describe emotions skirting around the outer fringe of the mind - Angst, Schadenfreude, Zeitgeist - and now they've come up with Freizeitstresse, which literally translated means 'free time stress'. Researchers recently concluded that up to three quarter of German adults suffer from 'Freizeitstresse'. Are we equally bad at not switching off?

Diana de Gunzburg talks about her novel for young adults, The Moonstone Legacy - set between North Yorkshire and India, and about her own experience of growing up between Yorkshire and the North West Frontier of Pakistan.

FRI 10:45 15 Minute Drama (b00sgb9c)
The Private Patient

Episode 5

PD James's latest Dalgliesh mystery, dramatised by Neville Teller.

After their discovery at Rhoda Gradwyn's flat in London, the trail leads Dalgliesh and Kate further north in search of the owner of a car seen parked near the scene of the crime. Have they discovered the culprit, or is there a darker secret waiting to be revealed?

The Private Patient is the latest in the long-running Dalgliesh series, and the first to be dramatised on radio before television. The entire serial will be released on CD by BBCAudiobooks in June, and repeated on Radio 7 in August as part of a PD James season.

The dramatiser is Neville Teller, who also dramatised the previous Dalgliesh serial featuring Richard Derrington and Deborah McAndrew, A Taste For Death.

Narrator . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Dalgliesh . . . . . Richard Derrington
Kate Miskin . . . . . Deborah McAndrew
Benton-Smith . . . . . Johndeep More
Robin Boyton . . . . Bertie Carvel
Stephen Collinsby . . . .Andy Hockley

Dramatised by Neville Teller

Producer/Director . . . . . Peter Leslie Wild.

FRI 11:00 Skip (b00sgbl8)
The secret life of the rubbish skip. They are such a familiar sight on our streets that most of us take the common-or-garden skip for granted.

But to some people they are the focal point of their lives, whether for survival, inspiration for art, or the subject of a university Garbology degree. And what is our fascination with not only keeping an eye on what other people put in them, but also maybe having a rummage, or best of all, spiriting away a discarded piece of treasure?

Writer and gardening expert Alys Fowler, herself no stranger to "liberating" skipped curios for her garden and home, builds a picture of our behaviour in and around these metal Aladdin's caves and unearths amusing and amazing tales to add to skip folklore of recent years.

Forget the old floorboards and broken sofas, afficionados see skips as a source of everything from priceless antiques to free food. And if your community needs affordable extra amenities such as a swimming pool or skateboard park, there's an artist who has created these very things - from old skips.

As Alys looks in a fresh way at skips throughout the land, what secrets and treasures are they about to reveal?

Producer: Neil Cargill
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 11:30 When the Dog Dies (b00sgbr3)
Series 1

Squeaky Shoes

These days Sandy finds himself doing more hospital visiting and attending an increasing number of funerals. At the latest, he finds himself singled out by the Merry Widow, Eileen. His children are horrified and so is his lodger Dolores. Son-in-law and security expert Blake keeps Sandy under close surveillance. Even so, Sandy finishes up in hospital himself.

Ronnie Corbett reunites with the writers of his hit comedy Sorry - Ian Davidson and Peter Vincent - for a new sitcom.

Sandy ..... Ronnie Corbett
Eileen ..... Anne Reid
Clovis ..... Jon Glover
Ellie ..... Tilly Vosburgh
Dolores ..... Liza Tarbuck
Blake ..... Jonathan Aris

Producer: Liz Anstee
A CPL production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 12:00 You and Yours (b00sfj2q)
In 1982 the European Cup was stolen. This has NEVER been reported - until now - and we'll bring you the full, exclusive and almost unbelievable story.

Promotion of Blackpool's football team to the Premiership is worth an estimated £90 million to the club. But will the wider local economy benefit too? We'll find out how the council will capitalise on this boost to the town.

Plus a massive regeneration strategy is ready underway in Blackpool - but are the plans too grand and expensive for this current period of austerity?

FRI 12:53 Moments of Genius (b00skwv4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:55 on Monday]

FRI 12:57 Weather (b00sfj5r)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 13:00 World at One (b00sfk9s)
National and international news with Shaun Ley.

FRI 13:30 More or Less (b00sgbr5)
Which would win in a fight - a shark or a toaster? Tim Harford finds out in this week's More or Less. The team also investigate whether Hospital Standardised Mortality Ratios (or HSMRs) - expected deaths to observed deaths - can be unhelpful, ask who stands to lose from the scrapping of Child Trust Funds and remember the great mathematician, Martin Gardner.

FRI 14:00 The Archers (b00sfkhp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 on Thursday]

FRI 14:15 Drama (b00sgbt7)
Waves Breaking on a Shore, part 2

Drama set in 1902, written by Michael Eaton and Neil Brand.

The vaudevillian double act Cohen and Cohan have made the leap from East End Music Halls into the new world of film. Their first foray ended badly as the daughter of the producer who discovered them puts them through the arduous task of performing in a film.

But with their eyes opened to the possibility of film, Manny and Danny quickly realise that in this new high-risk world the returns can be bountiful.

Whilst they consider themselves to be loyal sons of the British Empire, as first generation immigrants they want to tell the story of the world in which they grew up. But in London's East End, with racial tensions mounting and where many support the British Brotherhood League, Danny and Manny find their first effort subverted by Colonel Truman, proprietor of Trufilms, to suit his right wing views against immigrants.

Manny Cohen ..... Simon Schatzberger
Danny Cohan ..... Andrew Scott
Nettie Truman ..... Hayley Atwell
Uncle Max ..... Jonathan Tafler
Eugene ..... Jim Norton
Barraclough/Colonel Truman ..... Sean Chapman

Music composed and performed by Neil Brand.

Directed by John Burgess
Produced by Nicholas Newton
A Promenade production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 15:00 Gardeners' Question Time (b00sgcw2)
Eric Robson chairs the programme from Garden Show Ireland, at Hillsborough Castle, County Down. He is joined by Chris Beardshaw, Bunny Guinness and Bob Flowerdew.

Also, part four of Behind the Scenes at Chelsea: Judgement Day - how does everyone fare on the opening day of the flower show?

Producer: Howard Shannon
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 15:45 A Musical Trip to South Africa - with Lenny Henry (b00s2ws4)
Episode 5

Paul Simon's mega-album Graceland showcased South Africa's huge musical talent. Now many more stars are going global. Lenny meets astonishing Buskaid violinists and pop diva, Lira.

The producer is Susan Marling. This is a Just Radio production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 16:00 Last Word (b00sgcw4)
On Last Word this week:

The public service life of Sir Peter Baldwin - amongst many achievements, he cracked codes at Bletchley Park during the war, set up the Department of Transport, produced a comprehensive history of Britain's motorways and came up with the idea of 'hearing dogs' to help deaf people.

Also the ventriloquist Ray Alan, who appeared on stage and screen with his drunken aristocratic puppet Lord Charles,

Rosamind Julius who, with her husband, rand the furniture company credited with bringing modern design to our public and private buildings.

And Carlos Franqui, the Cuban writer and journalist, who was head of propaganda and a close friend of Fidel Castro but fell out with him after the revolution.

FRI 16:30 The Film Programme (b00sgdg0)
Francine Stock talks to director Michael Winterbottom about his Jim Thompson adaptation The Killer Inside Me, which has provoked angry reactions amongst some audiences, because of its depiction of violence against women.

The winner of the top prize, the Palme D'Or, at this year's Cannes Film Festival, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, reveals his plans for a "cinema of the mind".

Matthew Sweet picks another plum from the hundreds of listeners' suggestions of neglected British classics.

Pasquale Iannone waxes lyrical about a classic of the Czech New Wave, Diamonds Of The Night, and Colin Shindler sends a despatch from May 1960.

FRI 16:55 Moments of Genius (b00sl98q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:53 on Monday]

FRI 17:00 PM (b00sftrx)
Full coverage and analysis of the day's news with Eddie Mair. Plus Weather.

FRI 18:00 Six O'Clock News (b00sfv2r)
The latest national and international news from BBC Radio 4.

FRI 18:30 The News Quiz (b00sgdg2)
Series 71

Episode 7

Sandi Toksvig presents another episode of the ever-popular topical panel show. Guests this week are David Mitchell, Jeremy Hardy, Fred Macaulay and Susan Calman.

Produced by Sam Bryant.

FRI 19:00 The Archers (b00sfkhr)


FRI 19:15 Front Row (b00sfv4h)
Zoe Wanamaker and David Suchet star in Arthur Miller's All My Sons

With Kirsty Lang.

The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister, stars Maxine Peake as the C19th lesbian who flouted Victorian convention by living with her female lover. Based on diaries discovered 150 years after Anne Lister's death, the 90 minute television drama is reviewed by Suzie Feay.

Writer Joseph O'Connor talks about his new novel Ghost Light, which draws on the relationship between the renowned Irish playwright J M Synge and the young actress Molly Allgood.

Zoe Wanamaker and David Suchet star in Arthur Miller's 1947 drama All My Sons about a family living with a lie at the centre of their comfortable lives. Sarah Crompton reviews.

Blythe House is a gothic monolith in West London where the V & A, British Musem and Science Museum store their vast reserve collections. Front Row takes a look at some of the curiosities hidden inside and visits a new exhibtion within the V & A stores which fuses fashion and pyschology.

FRI 19:45 A History of the World in 100 Objects (b00sfgx8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:45 today]

FRI 20:00 Any Questions? (b00sgdg4)
Jonathan Dimbleby chairs the topical discussion from Sir Williams Perkins's School in Chertsey with questions from the audience for the panel including: Secretary of State for Business, Innovation & Skills Vince Cable; Shadow Secretary of State for Transport Lord Andrew Adonis; columnist and writer Polly Toynbee and writer and journalist, Toby Young.

Producer: Victoria Wakely.

FRI 20:50 A Point of View (b00sgdg6)
Volcano Power

The Icelandic volcano may have caused travel chaos, but David Cannadine looks back to eruptions which caused devastating loss of life and reflects on the long line of writers who have been fascinated by the fate of Pompeii.

FRI 21:00 15 Minute Drama (b00sgdg8)
The Private Patient


P D James's latest novel, dramatised by Neville Teller, finds Commander Dalgliesh (once again played by Richard Derrington) and DI Kate Miskin (Deborah McAndrew) investigating a mysterious death at a top cosmetic surgery clinic, Cheverell Manor, in Dorset. The clinic lies close to an ancient stone circle - the Cheverell Stones - where a young woman accused of witchcraft, Mary Keyte, was burned to death in the 17th century. One of the staff at the Manor believes the ghost of Mary Keyte is not at rest, while others may have a grudge against the clinic's arrogant owner. Added to this, there is an argument over a disputed inheritance which may or may not have a bearing on the crime.

The Private Patient is the latest in the long-running Dalgliesh series, and the first to be dramatised on radio before television. The entire serial will be released on CD by BBC Audiobooks in June, and repeated on Radio 7 in August as part of a PD James season.

The dramatiser is Neville Teller, who also dramatised the previous Dalgliesh serial featuring Richard Derrington and Deborah McAndrew, A Taste For Death.

Narrator . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Cdr Adam Dalgliesh . . . . . Richard Derrington
DI Kate Miskin . . . .Deborah McAndrew
DS Francis Benton-Smith . . . . . Johndeep More
George Chandler-Powell . . . . . Jonathan Keeble
Rhoda Gradwyn . . . . . Christine Kavanagh
Marcus Westhall . . . . . . Adrian Grove
Candace Westhall . . . . . Alison Pettitt
Robin Boyton . . . . . . Bertie Carvel
Sharon Bateman / Mary Keyte . . . . . . Charlotte Worthing
Flavia Holland . . . . . Vineeta Rishi
Dr Edith Glenister . . . . . Charlotte West-Oram
Stephen Collinsby . . . . . Andy Hockley
Mrs Skeffington . . . . . Kate Layden
DCI Whetstone . . . . . Mark Carey
Asst Comm Harkness . . . . . Robert Lister

Dramatised by Neville Teller

Producer/Director . . . . . Peter Leslie Wild.

FRI 21:58 Weather (b00sfv6b)
The latest weather forecast.

FRI 22:00 The World Tonight (b00sfv7z)
Efforts to extend the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty at the UN may fail.

President Obama sees Louisiana's oil-covered sands for himself.

Sex tourism in Brazil : a special report.

With Robin Lustig in New York and Roger Hearing in London.

FRI 22:45 Book at Bedtime (b00sfvs5)
A Vision of Loveliness

Episode 5

Suzy and Jane are fooling around in a sports car when they crash it into Jane's boyfriend, Johnny Hullavington... and kill him.

The final episode of this black comedy by Louise Levene, read by Emilia Fox.

Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 23:00 Great Lives (b00sg13b)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:30 on Tuesday]

FRI 23:30 Today in Parliament (b00sfvvt)
Volcano Power

News, views and features on today's stories in Parliament.