The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 01:00 Through the Night (b00qff98)
Presented by John Shea

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Le Nozze di Figaro (K.492)
Erwin Schrott - bass (Figaro), Miah Persson - soprano (Suzanna), Gerald Finley - baritone (Count Almaviva), Dorotha Roschmann - soprano (Countess Almaviva), Rinat Shaham - mezzo-soprano (Cherubino), Graciela Araya - soprano (Marcellina), Jonathan Veira - bass (Bartolo), Philip Langridge - tenor (Don Basilio), Francis Egerton - tenor (Don Curzio), Ana James - soprano (Barbarina), Jeremy White - baritone (Antonio), Royal Opera House Chorus and Orchestra, Antonio Pappano (conductor)

Rossini, Gioachino (1792-1868)
Overture to 'Il Barbiere di Siviglia'
KBS Symphony Orchestra, Chi-Yong Chung (conductor)

Paganini, Niccolo (1782-1840)
Sonata (Op.31) 'Napoleon' (1st Sonata on the G string)
Viktor Pikajzen (violin), Evgenia Sejdelj (piano)

Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)
Piano Concerto in A minor (Op.16)
Sigurd Slåttebrekk (piano), Trondheim Symphony Orchestra, Eivind Aadland (conductor)

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Geheimes ("Über meines Liebchens Äugeln"), song for voice and piano (D.719) (Op.14 No.2)
Ronan Collett (baritone), Nicholas Rimmer (piano)

Vivaldi, Antonio (1678-1741)
Concerto da Camera in F major (RV.99)
Camerata Köln

Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
Concerto a 5
Christian Schneider & Erik Niord Larsen (oboe d'amore), Kjell Arne Jørgensen & Miranda Playfair (violin), Dan Styffe (bass), Hans Knut Sveen (harpsichord)

Lassus, Orlande de (1532-1594)
Missa Osculetur me
Royal Academy of Music Chamber Choir, Royal Academy of Music Cornett and Sackbut Ensemble, Patrick Russill (conductor)

Stradella, Alessandro (1644-1682)
Rinaldo Alessandrini (harpsichord)

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897), orch. Arnold Schoenberg in 1937
Piano Quartet in G minor, Op.25
Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Edo de Waart (conductor)

Ruynemann, Daniël (1886-1963)
Sonatine pour le piano (1954)
Ronald Brautigam (piano)

Fodor, Carolus Antonius (1768-1846)
Symphony No.4 in C minor (Op.19)
Netherlands Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Guido Ajmone Marsan (conductor)

Norman, Ludvig (1831-1885)
Själens frid (Peace of mind) (Op.37 No.2) (1855)
Kärlek (Love) (Op.37, No.5) (1876)
Olle Persson (baritone), Bengt-Åke Lundin (piano)

Förster, Kaspar Jr (1616-1673)
Sonata 'La Sidon'
Il Tempo Baroque Ensemble.

SAT 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn1j9)
Saturday - Ian Skelly

Breakfast on Radio 3 with Ian Skelly. Start the day with a refreshing choice of music.

SAT 09:00 CD Review (b00qn1lr)
Building a Library: Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet

With Andrew McGregor. Including Building a Library: Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet; Recent piano concerto recordings, including Schumann and Brahms; Disc of the Week: Mahler's Lieder.

SAT 12:15 Music Matters (b00qn1lt)

Music Matters goes Turkish today. Petroc Trelawny reports from Istanbul on the state of classical music in the city in its year as one of three European Capitals of Culture, and explores the role of culture in Turkey's bid to join the European Union.

SAT 13:00 The Early Music Show (b00qn1lw)
Mark How the Lark and Linnet Sing

The "freshwater pearl" voice of soprano Tessa Bonner, who died little more than a year ago, lent itself equally to baroque solo repertoire and Tudor polyphony. Catherine Bott pays tribute to a much-missed colleague and looks at the vital role that so called "jobbing" singers make to the early music scene. The programme includes contributions from singers Don Greig, Deborah Roberts and Cecilia Osmond and music by Purcell, Mozart, Palestrina, Bach, Monteverdi and Luzzaschi.


PURCELL Indian Queen, Act 1: 'Why should men quarrel'
The Purcell Simfony & The Purcell Simfony Voices
Track 4

VICTORIA: Requiem: 'Libera Me'
The Tallis Scholars
Peter Phillips (director)
Disc 1 Track 8

THOMAS TOMKINS: O Sing unto the Lord a new Song
The Tallis Scholars
Peter Phillips (director)
Track 18

MOZART: Trio - 'Seid uns zum Zweiten Mal willkommen' (from 'The Magic Flute')
London Classical Players
Roger Norrington (director)
EMI CDS 7 54287 2
Disc 2 Track 13

TRADITIONAL: Splendens ceptigera - from Llibre vermell
New London Consort
Philip Pickett (director)
L'OISEAU-LYRE 433 186-2
Track 7

ANONYMOUS: The Feast of Fools: Gregis pastor tityrus
New London Consort
Philip Pickett (director)
L'OISEAU-LYRE 433 194-2
Track 27

BIBER: Missa Salzburgensis: Kyrie
The Gabrieli Consort and Players
Musica Antiqua Koln
Paul McCreesh (conductor)
Archiv 457 611-2
Track 2

ANONYMOUS: Una Stravaganza di Medici: O fortunato giorno
Taverner Consort
Andrew Parrott (conductor)
EMI CDC 7 47998-2
Track 28

LUZZASCO LUZZASCHI: Deh vieni ormai cor mio
Musica Secreta
Track 11

MONTEVERDI: Vespro della Beata Vergine: Laetatus sum
New London Consort
Philip Pickett (director)
L'OISEAU-LYRE 425 823-2
Track 11

JS BACH: Magnificat in D major, BWV.243: Et Exsultavit
Collegium Musicum 90
Richard Hickox (conductor)
Track 17.

SAT 14:00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert (b00qfbky)
Michelangelo Quartet

A performance by the Michelangelo Quartet from London's Wigmore Hall. The quartet was formed in 2002 by four distinguished soloists, and today's programme includes the first of three quartets composed by Beethoven for Andrey Razumovsky, the Russian ambassador in Vienna, alongside the first of Shostakovich's fifteen quartets.

Shostakovich: Quartet for strings no.1 (Op.49) in C major
Beethoven: Quartet for strings (Op.59 No.1) in F major 'Rasumovsky'

The Michelangelo Quartet:
Mihaela Martin (violin)
Stephan Picard (violin)
Nobuko Imai (viola)
Frans Helmerson (cello).

SAT 15:00 World Routes (b00qn1ly)
World Routes in Istanbul

Selim Sesler, troubadour songs and an Alevi ceremony

Istanbul is a European Capital of Culture for 2010 and in the first of two programmes Moshe Morad goes in search of traditional music in this melting-pot of peoples and cultures. Including a live session at Badehane's bar with gypsy clarinettist Selim Sesler, troubadour songs recorded in one of the city's oldest hamams, and a rare recording of an Alevi ceremony. A minority branch of Shia Islam, the Alevis controversially believe in equality between men and women, and meet once a week for music and mass-wailing.
Istanbul is a rich and diverse meeting point for musicians in Turkey, and it's a city where you can find every type of Turkish traditional music represented. It's also a cross-roads between Europe and Asia, East and West. Moshe Morad explores this rich mix and records sessions with many of Turkey's top musicians – including one of the best clarinettists in the world (Selim Sesler), and Saz player Cengiz Ozkan. The music and the city are brought to life in a number of atmospheric settings such as the 15th Century bath-house Cemberlitas, an Alebi ceremony and the tiny bar called Badehane - in a quiet street away from the hustle and bustle of Taksim, it's where Selim Sesler has played every Wednesday night for nearly a decade. Moshe learns about some of Turkey's best-loved traditional instruments such as the kamanche and the saz, hears the stories behind the music, and finds out from the people who live there what Istanbul means to them. Is this vibrant city an island in Turkey, is it in Europe or Asia, and is it secular or religious?

Presented by Moshe Morad
Produced by James Parkin

Tel. 020 7765 4661
Fax. 020 7765 5052

SAT 16:00 Jazz Library (b00qn1m0)
Keith Tippett

Pianist Keith Tippett is a musician of extraordinary breadth and vision. His projects range from the vast 50-piece orchestra Centipede - so large it had its own private plane for touring - to introspective improvised solo concerts. He joins Alyn Shipton to pick the highlights of a recorded catalogue that spans over forty years, and which not only contains his ensembles large and small, but several surprises as well.

Keith Tippett is one of Britain's most inventive musicians, although nowadays he something of a prophet without honour in his own land, celebrated in Europe, but performing infrequently at home. This edition of Jazz Library demonstrates just what local audiences have been missing, in a fascinating spread of music in which Tippett handles sprawling big bands with the same sureness of touch as he applies to his own piano playing. The programme includes his large groups Tapestry, Ark and Centipede, his current band Mujician, the celebratory Dedication Orchestra which commemorates the cream of South African jazz players, and Keith's long musical partnership with his wife, Julie Tippetts, who was formerly known as the pop singer Julie Driscoll, with her top ten hit for Brian Auger "Wheels on Fire".

SAT 17:00 Jazz Record Requests (b00qn1m2)
Geoffrey Smith presents a selection of listeners' jazz requests.
Make a request...
Address: Jazz Record Requests, BBC Radio 3, Broadcasting House, London, W1A 1AA
Fax: 0207 765 5052

SAT 18:00 Opera on 3 (b00qn1m4)
Live from the Met

Donizetti's La fille du regiment

In tonight's Live from the Met Diana Damrau stars as Marie, the daughter of the 21st regiment of the French army. She's in love with Tonio, but won't marry him because he's not in the regiment, so the only option is for him to enlist. Meanwhile, Marie's long-lost mother has other plans for her romantic future.

Donizetti's La Fille du Régiment combines comedy with some famously virtuosic vocal writing, including Tonio's aria which includes no fewer than nine top C's, sung tonight by Juan Diego Flórez. And the production includes Kiri Te Kanawa in the speaking role of the Duchess of Krakenthorp.

Presented by Margaret Juntwait with guest commentator Ira Siff.

Marie: Diana Damrau (soprano)
Tonio: Juan Diego Flórez (tenor)
Marquise de Berkenfeld: Meredith Arwady (contralto)
Sulpice PIngot: Maurizio Muraro (bass)
Hortensius: Donald Maxwell (bass)
Corporal: Roger Andrews (bass)
Duchesse de Krakenthorp: Kiri te Kanawa
Conductor: Marco Armiliato
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra and Chorus.

SAT 21:00 The Wire (b00qn1m6)
Rapture Frequency

Listening to the black box recording of an ill-fated transatlantic flight, analyst Michael Shorthall stumbles across an unexpected sound. Interference, white noise, or could it possibly be proof of something more celestial? Abbie Spallen's story of obsession and one man's extraordinary quest.

Michael ..... Richard Dormer
Gina ..... Esther Hall
Steve ..... Shaun Dooley
Rennie ..... Philip Jackson
Frankie Hoyle/Pilot ..... Marty Maguire
Fr. Brian/Eric ..... Richard Howard
Captain Desaie/Simon ..... Paul Kennedy
Mrs Williams ..... Susie Kelly
Debbie ..... Laura Conway
Susie ..... Abbie Spallen

Sound Design by Bill Maul, John Simpson & Matthew Laughlin.
Producer/Director: Heather Larmour.

SAT 22:00 Pre-Hear (b00qx4xf)
Laurence Crane, Michael Nyman

As a prelude to tonight's edition of Hear and Now, Pre-Hear festures music by two composers associated with the English experimentalist tradition. Michael Nyman has carved a niche for himself with his personal take on driven minimalist textures, and the characteristic sound of his 'outdoor' band has defined his music as like no other. At the other end of the spectrum, Laurence Crane's enigmatic miniatures seem to float outside time, relishing sweet and astringent harmonies for their own sake.

Laurence Crane: Kierkegaards
Michael Finnissy, piano

Michael Nyman: 3 Quartets
Michael Nyman Band.

SAT 22:30 Hear and Now (b00qn1mb)
George Benjamin

Tom Service presents a 50th birthday celebration for George Benjamin, one of the UK's finest musicians, recorded at London's Queen Elizabeth Hall last weekend. In a concert showcasing his talents as composer, conductor, coach, performer and collaborator he will direct works including Palimpsests, and play the solo piece Piano Figures.

Watch "Viola, Viola" (link below)

George Benjamin: Piano Figures
George Benjamin: Viola Viola
George Benjamin: At First Light
George Benjamin: A Mind of Winter
George Benjamin: Palilmpsests

Claire Booth soprano
Paul Silverthorne viola
Eniko Magyar viola
Royal Academy of Music Manson Ensemble
London Sinfonietta
George Benjamin (conductor/piano)

Written for London Sinfonietta, At First Light is a classic illustration of Benjamin's dazzling sonic landscapes. The world of Turner's painting 'Norham Castle, Sunrise' is stunningly evoked through musical colours, textures and inventive harmonies.

A Mind of Winter illustrates a different side to Benjamin's musical flair, of setting voice with orchestral ensemble, as the soprano blends with the crystalline world of Wallace Stevens' poem The Snow Man. This performance of A Mind of Winter also highlights Benjamin's skills as a distinguished coach. The next generation of performers from the Royal Academy of Music Manson Ensemble will take their place on stage alongside London Sinfonietta.

The concert ends with the explosive orchestral Palimpsests, a gripping and dynamic work fusing violent brass against translucent wind and strings.


SUN 00:00 The Early Music Show (b00fd2l0)
The Symphonie

The Early Music discovers the origins of Symphony, as part of Radio 3's month long celebration.
We all know what is now called a Symphony, but the term has had many varied uses. Lucie Skeaping tracks down the origins of the Symphonie and encounters medieval hurdy-gurdys, spinets and virginals, a tale that the dulcimer is as old as the Bible and a royal wedding, not to mention a whole host of overtures, interludes, sonatas, canzonas and concertos.

SUN 01:00 Through the Night (b00qn320)
Presented by Susan Sharpe

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich [1804-1857]
Ruslan i Lyudmila (overture)
KBS Symphony Orchestra, Hubert Soudant (conductor)

Rachmaninov, Sergey [1873-1943]
Concerto for piano and orchestra no. 2 (Op.18) in C minor
Freddy Kempf (piano), KBS Symphony Orchestra, Hubert Soudant (conductor)

Dvorák, Antonín 1841-1904
Symphony no. 8 (Op.88) in G major
KBS Symphony Orchestra, Hubert Soudant (conductor)

Stradella, Alessandro (1644-1682)
Fulmini quanto sà - duet for soprano, bass and continuo
Emma Kirkby (soprano), David Thomas (bass), Alan Wilson (harpsichord), Jakob Lindberg (lute), Anthony Rooley (director and lute)

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
Pedja Muzijevic (piano)

Gershwin, George (1898-1937)
Symphonic Suite from Porgy and Bess
[William Tritt (piano)], Hamilton Philharmonic Orchestra, Boris Brott (conductor)

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Sonata No.3 in C major (BWV.1005)
Sigiswald Kuijken (violin - Giovanni Grancino, Milano c.1700)

Hammerschmidt, Andreas (1611/12-1675)
Suite in G minor/G major for winds - from the collection 'Ester Fleiß'
Hesperion XX, Jordi Savall (director)

Gwilym Simcock (b.1981- )
I Love You (improvisation)
Gwilym Simcock (piano)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Symphony No.16 in C major (K.128)
CBC Vancouver Orchestra, Mario Bernardi (conductor)

Handel, Georg Frideric [1685-1759]
Sonata for recorder and continuo (HWV.367a) in D minor
Sharon Bezaly (flute), Terence Charlston (harpsichord) Charles Medlam (viola da gamba)

Britten, Benjamin [1913-1976]
Oliver Cromwell [Suffolk nursery rhyme]
Early One Morning

Elizabeth Watts (soprano) Paul Turner (piano)

Glazunov, Alexander Konstantinovich (1865-1936)
Concert waltz for orchestra No.2 in F major (Op.51)
CBC Vancouver Symphony Orchestra, Kazuyoshi Akiyama (conductor)

Weill, Kurt (1900-1950)
Kleine Dreigroschenmusik
Winds of the Flemish Radio Orchestra, Jan Latham Koenig (conductor)

Grieg, Edvard (1843-1907)
Triumphal March from 'Sigurd Jorsalfar'
Danish Radio Concert Orchestra, Roman Zeilinger (conductor)

Grainger, Percy (1882-1961)
To a Nordic Princess
Leslie Howard (piano)

Delius, Frederick (1862-1934)
To be sung of a summer night on the water for chorus (RT.4.5)
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir; Paul Hillier (conductor)

Pezel, Johann Christoph (1639-1694)
Sonatina No.69 for 2 Trumpets and organ
Ivan Hadliyski & Roman Hajiyski (trumpets), Velin Iliev (organ)

Pezel, Johann Christoph (1639-1694)
Tower Music from Leipzig Intrada 1, 2 & 3
The Graham Ashton Brass Ensemble

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Symphony for string orchestra in B minor, No.10
Risör Festival Strings

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Partita for keyboard No.5 in G major (BWV.829)
Glenn Gould (piano)

Goleminov, Marin (1908-2000)
String Quartet No.3 on an Old Bulgarian Theme
Avramov String Quartet

Strauss, Richard (1864-1949)
Oboe Concerto in D major (1945, rev. 1948)
Hristo Kasmetski (oboe), Bulgarian National Radio Symphony Orchestra, Alexander Vladigerov (conductor)

Schütz, Heinrich (1585-1672)
Vater Abraham, erbarme dich mein (SWV.477)
La Capella Ducale & Musica Fiata, Roland Wilson (director).

SUN 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn326)
Sunday - Ian Skelly

Breakfast on Radio 3 with Ian Skelly. Wake up to music, news - and the occasional surprise.

SUN 10:00 Sunday Morning (b00qn33s)
North and South


with Suzy Klein


The idea of north occupies Suzy this morning, as she sets off up an imaginary musical M1 to discover music associated with the north, inspired by it, or having its roots 'up there'. "North" though is a relative term, so expect some musical surprises among contributions from Glenn Gould, Sibelius, Donizetti, and ... Peter Sculthorpe.

Producer: Lyndon Jones
A Perfectly Normal Production for BBC Radio 3

Dag WirénSerenade (excerpt - Marcia)4'30
Gothenberg SO / Neeme Järvi (cond)
DG 471 747-2 CD1 tr 13

ElgarMy Love Dwelt in a Northern Land4'30
Cambridge University Chamber Choir / Christopher Robinson (cond)
Naxos 8.570541 tr 9

DonizettiLucia di Lammermoor4'51
Soffriva nel pianto
Anthony Michaels Moore (Enrico) / Andrea Rost (Lucia) / Hanover Band / Charles Mackerras (cond)
Sony S2K 63174 CD 1 tr16

Grieg Holberg Suite19'30
Norwegian CO / Iona Brown (cond)
Virgin Classics 545224-2 tr 1-5

Meredith MonkFacing North (Arctic Bar)2'30
Meredith Monk / Robert Een
ECM 437 439-2 tr 7

EllingtonTake the 'A' Train2'50
Duke Ellington and his Orchestra
Delta Music 33312 CD 1 tr 22

Verdi Don Carlo (O Carlo ascolta)4'09
Dmitri Hvorostovsky (baritone - Rodrigo) / Orchestra of ROH / Bernard Haitink
Philips 454 463-2 CD 3 tr10

JosquinMille regretz1'55
Ensemble Clément Jannequin / Dominique Visse (director)
Harmonia Mundi HMA 1951279 tr 5

Philharmonia Orchestra / Vladimir Ashkenazy (cond)
Decca 473 590-2 CD3 tr8

BuxtehudePraeludium in A major5'05
Christopher Herrick (organ of Helsinger Cathedral Denmark)
Hyperion CDA 67666 tr 16

Sigurd von KochLike the Stars in the Night Sky3'30
Anne Sofie von Otter (mezzo soprano) / Bengt Forsberg (piano)
DG 449 189-2 tr4

RautavaaraCantus Arcticus (The Bog)7'30
Gothenberg SO / Neeme Järvi (conductor)
DG 471 747-2 CD2 tr 3

Arriaga String Quartet no 3 in E flat (finale) 7'15
Arriaga Quartet
ASV CD DCA 1012 tr 12

Vaughan Williams Songs of Travel (The Vagabond)3'10
Bryn Terfel (baritone) / Malcolm Martineau (piano)
DG 445 946-2 tr1

SpolianskyKing Solomon's Mines (Titles and Map)2'15
BBC CO / Rumon Gamba (cond)
Chandos CHAN 10543 tr 17

Dhafer YoussefCantus Lamentus3'45
Dhafer Youssef + group
Jazzland 0602498772249 tr 1

MendelssohnSymphony no 3 'Scottish' (finale)9'50
New Philharmonia Orchestra / Riccardo Muti (cond)
EMI CDM 769 660 2 tr4.

SUN 12:00 Private Passions (b00fr76b)
Paul Rhys

Michael Berkeley talks to Welsh actor Paul Rhys, who played Theo van Gogh in Robert Altman's film Vincent and Theo, Ludwig van Beethoven in the BBC TV mini-series, and who is appearing in a series of Spooks. His choices range from a Welsh male voice choir to Bach's St Matthew Passion, taking in works by Beethoven, Purcell, Schubert, Mahler, Puccini, Ravel and David Bowie.

M Berkeley The Wakeful Poet (Music from Chaucer) (pub OUP) 00 25
Beaux-Arts Brass Quintet BBQ BBQ 003 T10

Beethoven String Quartet in A minor, Op 132 (first movement, excerpt)
The Lindsays
Beethoven ASV CD DCA 1118 T1 03 01

Purcell What power art thou (King Arthur, Act 3)
Brian Bannatyne-Scott (The Cold Genius), The English Concert/Trevor Pinnock
King Arthur ARCHIV 435 490-2 CD1 T20 02 52

Kurt Weill That's Him (from One Touch of Venus)
Kurt Weill (vocal and piano)
Tryout LP: DRG MRS 904 S2 B5 03 27

Mahler Abschied (from Das Lied von der Erde (excerpt))
Kathleen Ferrier (contralto), Vienna PO/Bruno Walter
Kathleen Ferrier NAXOS 8.110871 T9 04 49

Puccini O soave fanciulla (duet from the end of Act 1 of La Bohème)
Luciano Pavarotti (Rodolpho), Mirella Freni (Mimi), Berlin PO/Herbert Von Karajan
Puccini: La Bohème DECCA 421 245-2 T4 04 11

David Bowie Life On Mars? (from Hunky Dory)
Hunky Dory EMI 5218990 T4 03 48

Ravel Piano Trio in A minor (1st movement, opening)
Jean-Jaques Kantorow (violin), Philippe Muller (cello), Jaques Rouvier (piano )
Ravel ERATO ECD 71569 T1 03 27

Schubert String Quartet in D minor, D810 (Death and the Maiden) (1st movement, excerpt)
Alban Berg Quartet
Schubert EMI CDC 747333-2 T1 04 41

Traditional Ar hyd y nos (All through the night)
Treorchy Male Voice Choir/John Cynan Jones
The very best of Welsh choirs LP: EMI EMC 3099 S2 B1 02 17

Bach Wir setzen uns mit Tränen nieder (final chorus from the St Matthew Passion)
Munich Bach Choir and Orchestra/Karl Richter
ARCHIV 463 701-2 CD3 T22 02 31.

SUN 13:00 The Early Music Show (b00qn3jc)
Marguerite of Austria

Catherine Bott presents a programme telling the unfortunate tale of Marguerite of Austria, ill-fated in love and marriage but who was a pre-eminent patron of the arts. At the age of 2, Marguerite was betrothed to the 13-year old dauphin of France, the future Charles VIII, and she moved to France at the age of 3 in 1483. 8 years later though she returned home, humiliated that Charles had married Anne of Brittany instead. In 1497 Marguerite married Juan of Spain but he died 6 months later; after a few years she married Philibert de Savoie but this marriage too ended with his untimely death 3 years later. Soon afterwards Marguerite also lost her brother, Philippe de Beau, leaving 4 children and a mentally ill wife. Music and literature flourished at her court, as well as the visual arts, and Marguerite established a very impressive library of manuscripts and books. Poets and scholars dedicated works to her and she also wrote poetry herself, often lamenting her misfortunes, and titles such as 'regrets' or 'complaintes' dominate her collection of chansons. Several notable composers worked at her court, in particular Pierre de la Rue, and the music in the programme includes compositions that appeared in some of her manuscripts by Ockeghem, Agricola, Josquin and de la Rue.

SUN 14:00 Radio 3 Requests (b00qn3jf)
Chi-chi Nwanoku introduces a selection of listeners' requests including Angela Gheorghiu as Madam Butterfly with Jonas Kaufman as Pinkerton, choral music by Richard Strauss and a symphony by Mozart's father Leopold.

SUN 16:00 Choral Evensong (b00qfcy4)
Choral Vespers from Leeds Cathedral

from Leeds Cathedral

Organ Prelude: Le pére (from Trois Méditations sur la Sainte Trinité) (Langlais)
Introit: Ubi caritas et amor (Brian Easdale)
Responses: Deus in adjutorium (Plainsong)
Office Hymn: Jesu corona Virginum (Plainsong)
Psalms: 122, 127 (Bevenot)
New Testament Canticle: Ephesians 1 vv3-10 (Bevenot)
Reading: Song of Songs 2 vv10-14
Motet: Caritas Christi (Langlais)
Homily: Monsignor Philip Moger
Magnificat (Dupré)
Marian Antiphon: Gaude Virgo Maria (Victoria)
Organ Postlude: Diptyque (Messiaen)

Director of Music: Benjamin Saunders
Assistant Director of Music: Christopher McElroy
Assistant Organist: Thomas Leech.

SUN 17:00 Discovering Music (b00qn3kb)
The Romantic Horn

The sound of the horn took on a special significance to the Romantic composers of the early 19th century with its suggestions of woodland magic and heroism. Charles Hazlewood deconstructs music by Weber, Mendelssohn and Schumann with the BBC Concert Orchestra, in an exploration of an instrument which achieved iconic status and came very much into its own when conveying the spirit of early Romanticism. Also helping Charles in his exploration are the hornists Stephen Bell and Michael Thompson.
Charles looks at Weber's Overture to the opera Oberon; Mendelssohn's Nocturne from A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Schumann's formidable Konzertstuck for four horns, the latter being a piece that also exploited the Romantic fascination for virtuosity.
The programme was recorded before an audience in Watford.

SUN 18:30 Choir and Organ (b00qn3kv)
As Lindsay Gray approaches his first anniversary as director of the Royal School of Church Music, he talks to Aled Jones about leadership, tradition and modernisation.

SUN 20:00 Drama on 3 (b007nv3g)
An Ideal Husband

The unprincipled Mrs Cheveley threatens to reveal Sir Robert Chiltern's secret past unless he agrees to give his support in Parliament to a questionable Argentinian venture. Faced with ruin in the eyes of the country and his wife, he seems to have no alternative. Wildean wit and the elegance of English society is woven into this classic drama.

The Earl of Caversham ...... Geoffrey Palmer
Viscount Goring ...... Jasper Britton
Sir Robert Chiltern ...... Alex Jennings
Lady Chiltern ...... Emma Fielding
Lady Markby ...... Sara Kestelman
Miss Mabel Chiltern ...... Joanna Page
Mrs Cheveley ...... Janet McTeer
Vicomte De Nanjac ...... Oliver de Sueur
Mrs Marchmont ...... Patience Tomlinson
Countess of Basildon ...... Lucy Whybrow
Mr Montford/James ...... John Cummins
Phipps ...... Hugh Dickson
Mason ...... Derek Beard

Directed by David Timson.

SUN 22:00 Sunday Feature (b00qn3mt)
Sinan the Magnificent

Koca Mimar Sinan was court architect to one of the most powerful dynasties the world has known: the Ottoman Empire in the sixteenth century. Responsible for some four hundred sublime and inventive buildings throughout Turkey, the Balkans and the Middle East he is virtually unknown in the West. Why is this?

Architectural journalist Jonathan Glancey tells Sinan's astonishing story.

Born a Christian in crumbling Anatolia, Sinan converted to Islam and was taken into the Janissary Corps which fought to extend the Ottoman Empire. He participated in the campaign for Rhodes in the 1520s, learning to build rapidly and well - catapults, mosques and caravanserais, all the structures a vast army needed. The experience would stand him in good stead when he became chief architect to Sultan Suleiman I soon after.

Sinan's best known work is perhaps the Suleiman Mosque in Istanbul. But he also created madrassas, bathhouses and viaducts. Influenced by the Byzantine buildings that surrounded him in Constantinople, it is also likely that he had contact with the designs of Renaissance figures including Michelangelo, who was his contemporary. But did the artistic dialogue go both ways? Did Sinan's reputation reach into Western Europe through the strong links between the Ottoman Empire and Italy in particular? It's a tantalizing thought which the programme explores.

Jane Beresford.

SUN 22:45 Words and Music (b00qn3p3)
Occidental as well as oriental - Turkey has often been disputed territory. It's the site of Homer's Troy; much of Xenophon's famous expedition takes place on its soil; and the country and its people have attracted admirers like the poets Yeats and John Ash as well as detractors like T.E.Lawrence. Byron as well as Lady Wortley Montagu have fallen under the spell of its customs and more recent visitors such as Rose Macaulay and Neal Ascherson have been both beguiled and bemused by their experience of the country.There's music to match from Mozart, Dave Brubeck, Arvo Part and Cantemir and the actors Ruth Wilson and Toby Jones are ready to set sail for Byzantium and beyond.

SUN 23:45 Jazz Line-Up (b00qn3p5)
Jamie Cullum

Every time Jamie Cullum releases an album it demonstrates his wide musical tastes and improvisational skills. This week's Jazz Line-Up features an exclusive set for this programme where he performs tracks from his previous albums and showcases his current rhythm section including Chris Hill on Bass, and Brad Webb on Drums.
He talks openly about his approach to Jazz, where his sits musically at the moment and his future plans. Claire joins him on one of Cullum's own composition "Love Ain't Gonna' Let You Down " on background vocals and illustrates his current writing on the album 'The Pursuit'.
Jamie leaves us in no doubt that Jazz is not standing still and he is there with his loyal audience to prove it.
Artist:Simon Spillett, Tenor Sax/John Critchinson, Piano/Andrew Cleyndert, Double Bass/Spike Wells, Drums
Album:Sienna Red
Label:Woodville Records WVCD 120
Comp:Tubby Hayes
Publ.WoodVille Records Ltd

Title:September Song
Artist:Kate and Mike Westbrook
Label:ASC ASC 112
Comp:Kurt Weill/Maxwell Anderson

Artist:Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble
Album:Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble
Label:Enja Tiptoe TIP 888839 2
Comp:G Atzmon

Artist:Vincent Herring & Earth Jazz (Vincent Herring, Sax/Anthony Wonsey, Piano/Richard Goods, Bass/Joris Dudli, Drums
Album:Morning Star
Label:Challenge Records CR 73297
Comp:John Coltrane

BBC Recording, recorded in Studio 80A, Broadcasting House, London, 30th November 2009
TitleDon't Stop The Music
ArtistJamie Cullum, Piano/Chris Hill, Bass/Brad Webb, Drums
CompJamie Cullum

BBC Recording, recorded in Studio 80A, Broadcasting House, London, 30th November 2009
TitleJust One of Those Things
ArtistJamie Cullum, Piano/Chris Hill, Bass/Brad Webb, Drums
CompCole Porter, Arr. Jamie Cullum

BBC Recording, recorded in Studio 80A, Broadcasting House, London, 30th November 2009
TitleLove Ain't Gonna Let You Down
ArtistJamie Cullum, Piano/Chris Hill, Bass/Brad Webb, Drums
CompJamie Cullum

BBC Recording, recorded in Studio 80A, Broadcasting House, London, 30th November 2009
TitleThe Wind Cries Mary
Artist Jamie Cullum, Piano/Chris Hill, Bass/Brad Webb, Drums
CompJamie Cullum

Title:Wolverine Hoods
Artist:Dan Berglund's Tonbruket
Album:Dan Berglund's Tonbruket
Label:ACT ACT 9023-2
Comp:Dan Berglund

Title:My Funny Valentine
Artist:John Horler
Album:As Time Goes By
Label:Mainstem Productions Ltd MSTCD 0051


MON 01:00 Through the Night (b00qn3q2)
Presented by Susan Sharpe

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Symphony no.3 in F major (Op.90)
Berliner Philharmoniker, Sir Simon Rattle (conductor)

Shostakovich, Dmitry (1906-1975)
Symphony no.10 (Op.93) in E minor
Berliner Philharmoniker, Sir Simon Rattle (conductor)

Rheinberger, Josef (1839-1901)
Sonata for horn and piano in E flat major (Op.178)
Martin Van der Merwe (horn), Huib Christiaanse (piano)

Wagenaar, Johan (1862-1941)
Frithjof's Meerfahrt' - Concert piece for orchestra (Op.5)
Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jac van Steen (conductor)

Moscheles, Ignaz (1794-1870)
Prelude No.1 in E major - from 50 Preludes or Introductions to all the major and minor keys (Op.73)
Tom Beghin (fortepiano - built by Gottlieb Hafner, Vienna, ca. 1830)

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Fantasia No.2 in E minor (Presto) 'The little trumpeter' - from 3 Fantasias (Caprices) for piano (Op.16)
Danijel Detoni (piano)

Naumann, Johann Gottlieb (1741-1801)
Symphonie à grand orchestre de l'opera Cora
Concerto Köln

Mondonville, Jean-Joseph Cassanéa de [1711-1772]
Grand Motet 'Dominus regnavit'
Ann Monoyios (soprano), Matthew White (counter tenor), Colin Ainsworth (tenor), Tafelmusik Chamber Choir, Tafelmusik Baroque Orchestra, Ivars Taurins (conductor)

Sibelius, Jean (1865-1957)
13 Pieces for piano (Op.76)
Eero Heinonen (piano)

Gal, Hans (1890-1987)
Serenade for string orchestra (Op.46)
Symphony Nova Scotia, Georg Tintner (conductor)

Németh-?amorinsky, ?tefan (1896-1975)
Birch Trees - symphonic poem
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra in Bratislava, Oliver Dohnányi (conductor)

Orff, Carl (1895-1982)
In Trutina - from Carmina Burana
Yvonne Kenny (soprano), Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Kamirski (conductor)

Parac, Ivo (1890-1954)
Andante amoroso for string quartet
Zagreb Quartet

Couperin, François (1668-1733)
Bruit de Guerre
Hungarian Brass Ensemble

Jenkins, John (1592-1678)
Newark Siege
Concordia, Mark Levy (conductor)

Byrd, William (c.1543-1623)
Selection from 'The Battle' for keyboard (MB.28.94)
Jautrite Putnina (piano)

Lipinski, Karol Józef (1790-1861)
Variations de Bravoure sur une Romance militaire in D major (Op.22) [c.1824]
Albrecht Breuninger (violin), Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Wojciech Rajski (conductor)

Handel, Georg Frideric (1685-1759)
Storge's aria "Scenes of horror .. While in never ceasing pain" -- from Jeptha
Maureen Forrester (contralto), I Solisti di Zagreb, Antonio Janigro (conductor)

Wilms, Johann Wilhelm (1772-1847)
Die Schlacht von Waterloo (1815) [Ein historisches Tongemälde für das Piano Forte (Op.43)]
Geert Bierling (organ of Beusichem by Christian Gottlieb Friedrich Witte, 1858)

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828) arr.Max Schonherr
Marche militaire No.1 in D major (D.733)
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Uri Mayer (conductor)

Kuula, Toivo (1883-1918)
March of the Cudgelmen
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra; Atso Almila (Conductor)

Donizetti, Gaetano (1797-1848)
Overture to La Fille du régiment
Oslo Philharmonic, Nello Santi (conductor)

Gabrieli, Andrea (1532/3-1585)
Aria della battaglia à 8
Theatrum Instrumentorum, Stefano Innocenti (conductor)

Kókai, Rezsö (1906-1962)
Recruiting Suite
Hungarian Radio Orchestra, András Kórodi (conductor)

Wiggins, Thomas (1849-1908)
Battle of Manassas (1861)
John Davis (piano)

Janequin, Clément (c.1485-1558)
Escoutez tous gentilz (La bataille de Marignon/La guerre) - from Chansons de maistre Clément Janequin, Paris c.1528
The King's Singers.

MON 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn3q8)
Monday - Sara Mohr-Pietsch

Breakfast on Radio 3 with Sara Mohr-Pietsch. Great pieces, great performances - and a few surprises!

MON 10:00 Classical Collection (b00qn3qn)
Monday - Sarah Walker

With Sarah Walker.

Featuring great performances and classic recordings.
This week's theme looks at the music of some of Mozart's Contemporaries, including many composers who are somewhat overlooked today.

Salieri: Der Rauchfangkehrer - Overture
Mannheim Mozart Orchestra, Thomas Fey (conductor)

Vanhal: Symphony in D minor
Concerto Köln
TELDEC 0630-13141-2

Schubert: Die Forelle D550
Gérard Souzay (baritone), Jacqueline Bonneau (piano)

Schubert: Ganymed D544
Bryn Terfel (baritone), Malcolm Martineau (piano)
DG 477 6358

Dittersdorf: String Quintet No.3 in C
Franz Schubert Quartet, Julius Berger (cello)
CPO 999 122-2

Britten: Six Metamorphoses after Ovid Op.49 (Narcissus)
Roy Carter (oboe)
EMI CDC 5553982

Crusell: Clarinet Concerto in E flat major Op.1
Kari Kriikku (clarinet), Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Sakari Oramo (conductor)

Prokofiev: Romeo and Juliet (excerpt)
The Building a Library recommendation from CD Review.

MON 12:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn3s3)

Episode 1

Bebop! It's a rather silly word for a crucial chapter in jazz history. It didn't just come out of nowhere but evolved, fizzed and bubbled into existence in the USA in the early 1940s, as a result of a gloriously rich and complex musical chemistry involving different combinations of musicians, styles and places. All week, Donald Macleod and his special guest, the writer and broadcaster Geoffrey Smith, have some serious fun investigating this amazing musical phenomenon.

In Monday's programme they start by exploring the roots of Bebop in the work of a varied cast of pioneers: pianist Art Tatum, guitarist Charlie Christian, tenor sax players Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins and trumpeter Roy Eldridge. Then it's off to Minton's Playhouse, the after-hours Harlem club and all-purpose Bebop laboratory, where some of the most innovative jazz musicians of the day let their hair down and jammed together into the small hours, gradually forging the new style through their collective experimentation. Finally, the two central figures of the Bebop revolution emerge from the crowd - alto sax player Charlie 'Yardbird' Parker and trumpeter Dizzy Gillespie - first separately, in earlier, pre-Bop incarnations, then playing together, explosively, in two early Bebop classics, 'Groovin' High' and 'Salt Peanuts'.

MON 13:00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert (b00qn3sr)
Benjamin Grosvenor

Today's Lunchtime Concert features the young pianist Benjamin Grosvenor, who is making an international name for himself while still only seventeen years old. His programme includes jazz inspired concert studies by the contemporary Russian composer Nikolai Kapustin, along with works by Chopin and Liszt's mighty B Minor Sonata.

MON 14:00 Afternoon Concert (b00qn3t2)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Episode 1

The Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam are one of the world's greatest orchestras - many people think they're the best of all. This week Louise Fryer presents concert performances from the orchestra's current season, conducted by Ivan Fischer, Bernard Haitink, and their Chief Conductor Mariss Jansons. The music runs from Mozart to Mahler - Jansons and the Concertgebouw got rave reviews for their performance of his Second Symphony when they brought it to London recently, and you can hear them playing it on home turf. The orchestra's hall, after which they're named, is a beautiful building with a beautiful acoustic, and the week also features the select band of players from the full ensemble who form the Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra. Plus performances with and without the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra by two young Dutch musicians who are former Radio 3 New Generation Artists: violinist Janine Jansen and mezzo-soprano Christianne Stotijn. And on Thursday, we pop south over the border to Belgium for the second in our Gluck double-bill of operas telling the tragic tale of the ancient Greek princess Iphigenia - the exciting productions staged recently at La Monnaie in Brussels.

Mozart: Overture to The Magic Flute
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Ivan Fischer (conductor)

Sibelius: Violin Concerto
Janine Jansen (violin)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Mariss Jansons (conductor)

Tchaikovsky: Serenade for strings
Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra
Marco Boni (conductor)

Prokofiev: Violin Sonata no. 1 in F minor
Janine Jansen (violin)
David Kuyken (piano)

Tchaikovsky: Selection of songs
Christianne Stotijn (mezzo)
Julius Drake (piano)

Rachmaninov: Symphony no. 2
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Mariss Jansons (conductor).

MON 17:00 In Tune (b00qn3tg)
Presented by Sean Rafferty.

Sean is joined by the Dante Quartet, who perform Janacek and Dvorak with composer-pianist Alissa Firsova ahead of their 'Czech Mates' Czech chamber music residency at Kings Place, London.

Also, rising star of the violin world Jack Liebeck and pianist Katya Apekisheva play Dvorak and Bloch in the studio and discuss their forthcoming concert at rock venue The 100 Club, London, for the monthly Limelight club night.

Main news headlines are at 5.00 and 6.00

MON 19:00 Performance on 3 (b00qn3tz)

Presented by Petroc Trelawny

Osmo Vänskä and the LPO continue their cycle of symphonies and other works by Jean Sibelius.
Compelling despite its largely brooding and desolate character, Sibelius's Fourth Symphony opens with an ice-cold 'tritone', the sound that traditionally stood for ominous foreboding in western music and was regarded in earlier centuries as "diabolic". The monumental Fifth Symphony, however, is a heroic struggle towards affirmation. Glimpsing a flock of sixteen swans taking flight over his Järvenpää villa, Sibelius discovered the joy of life once more. He thrust the swans' soaring, graceful ascent into the final movement of the Fifth.

Sibelius Luonnotar (Tone poem for soprano and orchestra)
Sibelius Symphony 4
Sibelius Symphony 5
Helena Juntunen soprano
Osmo Vänskä conductor

Followed by recent performances by the students of the Sibelius Academy, Finland.

Debussy: Estampes No 3: Jardin dans la pluie
Anna Kuvaja (piano)

Ilmari Hannikainen: Piano quartet
Nix Piano Quartet:
Paulina Valtasaari (violin)
Lilli Maijala (viola)
Markus Hohti (cello)
Terhi Jääskeläinen (piano)

Beethoven: Prelude op. 39/2
Joonas Ahonen (piano)

MON 21:15 Night Waves (b00qn3vc)
Douglas Hurd/Arthur Koestler/The Lovely Bones/Irving Penn

As the Iraq inquiry puts UK foreign policy in the spotlight Philip Dodd interviews Douglas Hurd about his own time in one of the great Offices of British politics, about the power he really exercised and how his experiences fit within the evolution of the office from Charles James Fox to David Miliband. Hurd was British Foreign secretary during turbulent times. From 1989 to 1995 he had an insider's view of the end of the Cold war, the first Gulf War and civil war in Yugoslavia. A well respected statesmanlike presence, he cultivated relations with both America and Europe but was seen to be on the wrong side of history in his desire not to intervene during the war in Bosnia. He is also the author of numerous political thrillers and has now written a history of the office of foreign secretrary.

When the little known Hungarian Journalist, Arthur Koestler, published Darkness at Noon in 1940, his prescient and savage attack on totalitarianism in Europe propelled him to international fame. He lived, by any account, an extraordinary life and attended many of the great moments of post war history but his character and reputation have been questioned, particulalrly over his relationship with his wife. Now, a new biography claims that he is an 'indispensible intellectual'. Philip Dodd puts the claim to the test in discussion with the author, Michael Scammell and Robert Hewison.

Film-maker Peter Jackson is famous for the fantasy and grandeur of the Lord of the Rings trilogy but now he has turned his hand to more delicate and intimate fare. Alice Sebold's novel The Lovely Bones told the story of a murdered girl coming to terms with her own death whilst looking down from heaven on her still living relatives. It was both critically praised and hugely popular. Matthew Sweet is joined by Sarah Dunant to review Jackson's film of the book starring Saoirse Ronan, Stanley Tucci and Mark Wahlberg.

Geoff Dyer looks at The National Portrait Gallery's new exhibition of work by the American photographer Irving Penn. A regular creator of Vogue cover shots Penn's work expanded beyond his roots in fashion encompass an extraordinary range of sitters from the worlds of literature, music and the visual and performing arts. Among those featured in the exhibition are Truman Capote, Salvador Dali, Christian Dior, T.S. Eliot, Duke Ellington, Grace Kelly, Rudolf Nureyev, Al Pacino, Edith Piaf, Pablo Picasso and Harold Pinter.

MON 22:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn3s3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 today]

MON 23:00 The Essay (b00j161b)
The Mews

The Egg and the Chick

Our essay series follows the writer and falconer Helen Macdonald through a year of keeping a female goshawk. As well as being a diary of training a large and powerful bird of bird - keeping a hawk called Mabel in a house in Cambridge, walking through the streets with her on her fist, and flying her after rabbits - the series of talks is also a meditation on the place hawks and falcons have had in the human imagination for millennia, and particularly on another falconer, another goshawk keeper and writer - the novelist T.H. White best known for his series of Arthurian books - The Once and Future King. White wrote an extraordinary account of his goshawk experiences in the 1950s and Helen Macdonald's talks are a conversation with this near-mad book.

The language of falconry is rich and poetic. A mews was a cage or a building where captive hawks and falcons were kept. And Helen Macdonald's talks reflect on a wealth of themes - on home and flying from it, on killing things and English fascism, on what can be tamed and what cannot.

Producer : Tim Dee (R).

MON 23:15 Jazz on 3 (b00qn3wd)
Alexander Hawkins Sextet

Jez Nelson presents an exclusive session from pianist and composer Alexander Hawkins with his sextet featuring Javier Carmona on drums, Otto Fischer on guitar, bassist Dominic Lash, Hannah Marshall on cello and Orphy Robinson on steel pans. Favoured by critics as 'the one to watch in 2010', Hawkins' adventurous ensemble play a combination of group improvisations, composed pieces and tunes by Sun Ra and Wadada Leo Smith.

Born in 1981, Hawkins is involved in some of the best young outfits around. He is a member of the transatlantic Convergence Quartet with American cornettist Taylor Ho Bynum and has recently released an album on Hammond C3 organ with bassist John Edwards and drummer Steve Noble. Receiving all-round praise from the critics, his album by the sextet in this session was hailed as 'an unqualified success' by All About Jazz.

Presenter: Jez Nelson
Studio guest: Alexander Hawkins
Producer: Joby Waldman & Peggy Sutton


CD track:

Artist: Neil Ardley
Track title: Rainbow Three
Composer: Neil Ardley
Album title: Kaleidoscope of Rainbows
Label: Dusk Fire Records

Tell us about your favourite jazz cello recordings by emailing

Alexander Hawkins joins Jez in the studio to chat about the music that has influenced his compositions for the sextet

Music played:

Artist: Rex Stewart and his Orchestra
Track title: Menelik - The Lion of Judah
Composer: Rex Stewart
Album title: Duke Ellington and His Orchestra: 1941
Label: Classics Records

Artist: Henry Threadgill
Track title: Grief
Composer: Henry Threadgill
Album title: Song Out Of My Trees
Label: Black Saint

Artist: Roscoe Mitchell Art Ensemble
Track title: Tatas Matoes
Composer: Lester Bowie
Album title: Congliptious
Label: Nessa Records

Alexander Hawkins Ensemble in an exclusive session for Jazz on 3 recorded at Phoenix Studios on October 5, 2009

Line up:
Alexander Hawkins - piano
Orphy Robinson - steel pans
Hannah Marshall - cello
Javier Carmona - drums
Dominic Lash - bass
Otto Fischer - guitar
As all Marines are riflemen, all members of the Ensemble are Kazooists.

Set list:
Sarah Teaches Kirsty To Read (Alexander Hawkins)
Composition 69(1) + 6(0) + 40(0) (Anthony Braxton)
Baobabs (Alexander Hawkins)
Albert Ayler - His Life Was Too Short (Leroy Jenkins)
Cowley Road Strut: Message From The East - for Pat Thomas (Alexander Hawkins)
120:4 (Alexander Hawkins)
Elmoic (Alexander Hawkins)
Owl (Friendly) / A Star Explodes 10,000 Years Ago, Seen By Chinese Astronomers (Alexander Hawkins)
For The People (Movement 1A) (Jerome Cooper / Oliver Lake)

Recommended further listening:

Artist: Alexander Hawkins Ensemble
Album title: No Now Is So
Label: FMR
Released: February 2009

Artist: Convergence Quartet
Album title: Live In Oxford
Label: FMR
Released: March 2007

Artist: DECOY
Album titles: Vol 1: Spirit and Vol 2: The Deep
Label: Bo' Weavil
Released: 11 January 2010

Joe McPhee improvisation on tenor saxophone in a solo session for Jazz on 3 recorded on December 12, 2009

Joe McPhee live dates with drummer Chris Corsano:
9 & 10 March @ Café Oto, London.


TUE 01:00 Through the Night (b00qn3xc)
Presented by Susan Sharpe

Schnittke, Alfred (1934-1998)
Suite in the old style, version for cello and piano (1972)
Valentin Radutiu (cello) (New Juventus Prizewinner), Muhiddin Dürrüoğlu-Demiriz (piano)

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
Introduction and Allegro For Harp, Flute, Clarinet and String Quartet (1907)
Jana Bou?ková (harp), Alexandra Grot (flute), Johnny Teyssier (clarinet), Goran Gribajcevic (violin), Jana Vonásková-Nováková (violin), David Gaillard (viola), Valentin Radutiu (cello)

Glinka, Mikhail (1804-1857)
Grand Sextet in E flat Major (1832)
Ferenc Vizi (piano), Goran Gribajcevic (violin), Jana Vonásková-Nováková (violin), Anna Kreetta Turunen-Gribajcevic (viola), Valentin Radutiu (cello), Dimitar Ivanov (double bass)

Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai (1844-1908)
[The tale of] Tsar Saltan - suite (Op.57)
Queensland Symphony Orchestra, Vladimir Verbitsky (conductor)

Tormis, Veljo (b. 1930)
Jaanilaulud (St. John's Day Songs) (1967)
BBC Singers, Stephen Cleobury (conductor)

Spohr, Louis (1784-1859)
String sextet in C major, Op.140
Wiener Streichsextet

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Overture from 'Die Geschopfe des Prometheus' Op.43
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Philippe Entremont (Conductor)

Korngold, Erich Wolfgang (1897-1957)
Aria: 'Mein Sehnen, mein Wähnen' (from 'Die tote Stadt', Act 2)
Brett Polegato (baritone), Canadian Opera Company Orchestra, Richard Bradshaw (conductor)

Serocki, Kazimierz (1922-1981)
Romantic Concerto for piano and orchestra
Adam Wodnicki (piano), Polish Radio National Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, Tadeusz Wojciechowski (conductor)

Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
Trio No.8 from Essercizii Musici
Camerata Köln

Handel, Georg Friedrich (1685-1759)
Incidental music to 'The Alchemist', a play by Ben Johnson
CBC Vancouver Orchestra, Monica Huggett (conductor)

Obrecht, Jacob (1450-1505)

J'ai pris amours a ma devise

Amsterdam Loeki Stardust Quartet

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Mass (K.257) in C major "Credo"
Elizabeth Poole (soprano), Sian Menna (mezzo soprano), Christopher Bowen (tenor), Stuart MacIntyre (baritone), BBC Singers, BBC Concert Orchestra, Stephen Cleobury (conductor)

Mendelssohn, Felix (1809-1847)
Overture to 'St Paul', Op 36
Rietze Smits (organ) [Grote kerk, Zaltbommel, organ built by Andries Wolfferts 1786]

Fauré, Gabriel (1845-1924)
Elegie for cello and orchestra (Op.24)
Shauna Rolston (cello), Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Uri Mayer (conductor)

Debussy, Claude (1862-1918), arr. Nancy Allen
Arabesque No.2
Mojca Zlobko (harp)

Debussy, Claude (1862-1918)
La fille aux cheveux de lin
Moshe Hammer (violin solo), Valerie Tryon (piano)

Rennes, Catharina van (1858-1940)
Zwaluwenvlucht & Herfststemming - from song cycle Zwaluwenvlucht (Op.59 Nos.1+3) Irene Maessen (soprano), Christa Pfeiler (mezzo-soprano), Franz van Ruth (piano)

Handel, Georg Frideric (1685-1759) ed. Dart
Sonata (HWV.357) in B flat major ed. Dart for oboe and continuo
Louise Pellerin (oboe), Dom André Laberge (organ - 1999 Karl Wilhelm at the abbey church Saint-Benoît-du-Lac, Québec, Canada)

Locatelli, Pietro Antonio (1695-1764)
Violin Concerto in E flat (Op.7 No.6) "Il Pianto d'Arianna"
Europa Galante, Fabio Biondi (violin/director)

Mohrheim, Friedrich Christian (1718-1780)
Trio No.IV in A major
Wolfgang Baumgratz (organ: made by Hillebrand in the Maria Basilica, Gdansk)

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Piano Trio in B major (Op.8)
Trio Ondine

Gabrieli, Giovanni (1554/57-1612)
Sonata for three violins and basso continuo

Anonymous (16th century)
Puse mis amores
Montserrat Figueras (soprano), Maite Arruabarrena (mezzo-soprano), Laurence Bonnal (contralto), Hespèrion XX, Jordi Savall (director)

Anonymous (16th century)
Aquella voz de Cristo
Luiz Alves da Silva (countertenor), Paolo Costa (countertenor), Lambert Climent (tenor), Jordi Ricart (baritone), Hespèrion XX, Jordi Savall (director)

Bakfark, Bálint (c.1526-1576)
Lute Fantasy No.1
Dániel Benkö (lute)

Ferrabosco, Alfonso (c1578-1628)
Pavan and Fantasie
Nigel North (lute)

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), orch. Schoenberg, Arnold (1874-1951)
Prelude and Fugue in E flat (BWV.552), [St Anne]
Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Edo de Waart (conductor)

Dvořák, Antonín (1841-1904)
Romance (Op.11) in F minor vers. for violin and piano
Mincho Minchev (violin), Violinia Stoyanova (piano).

TUE 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn3y4)
Tuesday - Sara Mohr-Pietsch

Breakfast on Radio 3 with Sara Mohr-Pietsch. Elgar to Ellington, Mozart to Makeba - wide-ranging music to begin the day.

TUE 10:00 Classical Collection (b00qn3ys)
Tuesday - Sarah Walker

With Sarah Walker.

Today's pieces by contemporaries of Mozart include a recently discovered aria for clarinet and soprano by Peter von Winter and a piano sonata by Joseph Martin Kraus, often referred to as 'the Swedish Mozart'

Hofmann: Symphony in F major (Badley F2)
Northern Chamber Orchestra, Nicholas Ward (conductor)
NAXOS 8.553866

Peter von Winter: Aria for Soprano, Solo Clarinet and Strings 'Torni al tuo sen la calma'
Dieter Klöcker (clarinet), Isolde Siebert (soprano), Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, Johannes Moesus (conductor)
ORFEO C 192 041 A

Brahms: Haydn Variations Op.56a
Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra, Claudio Abbado (conductor)
DG 435 349-2

Hummel: Piano Trio in E flat major Op.12
Trio Parnassus
MDG 303 0307-2 (2 CDs)

Giambattista Martini: Toccata
Haken Hardenberger (trumpet), Simon Preston (organ)
PHILIPS 434 074-2

Paganini: Caprice No.24 (arr. Julian Milone and Alison Balsom)
Alison Balsom (trumpet)
EMI 3532552

Hovhaness: Prayer of St. Gregory Op.62b
John Wallace (trumpet), The Royal Academy of Music and Drama Wind Orchestra, Keith Brion (conductor)
NAXOS 8.559207

Joseph Martin Kraus: Piano Sonata in E major VB196
Ronald Brautigam (fortepiano)
BIS 1319

Leopold Mozart: Trombone Concerto in G major
Alain Trudel (trombone and director), Northern Sinfonia
NAXOS 8.553831.

TUE 12:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn3z9)

Episode 2

Bebop! It's a rather silly word for a crucial chapter in jazz history. It didn't just come out of nowhere but evolved, fizzed and bubbled into existence in the USA in the early 1940s, as a result of a gloriously rich and complex musical chemistry involving different combinations of musicians, styles and places. All week, Donald Macleod and his special guest, the writer and broadcaster Geoffrey Smith, have some serious fun investigating this amazing musical phenomenon.

In Tuesday's programme, they focus on the 'yin and yang' of Bebop, Charlie Parker and the man he once referred to as 'the other half of my heartbeat', Dizzy Gillespie, starting with three studio recordings - 'Dizzy Atmosphere', 'Now's the Time' and 'Koko' - that galvanized the jazz world, both with the freshness and inventiveness of the musical language and the sheer virtuosity of the playing. Next we follow Parker and Gillespie on a trip to Los Angeles - an occasion notable both for the thrilling live concert they played there and for Parker's ensuing breakdown and stay in Camarillo State Hospital, where, after years of drug abuse, he underwent six months' psychiatric treatment; it would be several years before the two men collaborated again. In the meantime, Gillespie formed a big band and made a string of dazzlingly extrovert recordings; Parker's more reflective, introspective work from this time stands in stark contrast. Finally, we hear them together again in their last studio outing, from June 1950. Parker, always sailing close to the wind, would be dead within five years; Gillespie carried on playing Bebop for another 40, even becoming a cultural ambassador for the US State Department along the way.

TUE 13:00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert (b00qn3zw)
Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival 2008

Episode 1

Kerry Frumkin of WFMT introduces the first of four concerts this week from the 2008 Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, with contributions from the Festival's Artistic Director Marc Neikrug.

ALBENIZ Triana (from Iberia)
Yuja Wang (piano)

TANEYEV Piano Quintet
Cho-Liang Lin, Helen Nightengale (violins)
Choong-Jin Chang (viola)
Lynn Harrell (cello)
Yuja Wang (piano).

TUE 14:00 Afternoon Concert (b00qn3zy)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Episode 2

Louise Fryer presents performances by the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam and Dutch former Radio 3 New Generation Artist Christianne Stotijn. Maria Joao Pires joins the full orchestra in Mozart and there's Tchaikovsky from their chamber formation, plus Lorin Maazel conducts Strauss - a concert celebrating his upcoming 80th birthday.

Strauss: Selection of songs
Christianne Stotijn (mezzo)
Joseph Breinl (piano)

Mozart: Piano Concerto no. 23 in A, K.488
Maria Joao Pires (piano)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Ivan Fischer (conductor)

Tchaikovsky arr. Alexandru Lascae: Souvenir d'un lieu cher
Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra
Marco Boni (conductor)

Strauss: Le bourgeois gentilhomme - suite, Op. 60
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Lorin Maazel (conductor)

Wagner: Wesendonck Lieder
Christianne Stotijn (mezzo)
Joseph Breinl (piano)

Strauss: Sinfonia domestica
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Lorin Maazel (conductor).

TUE 17:00 In Tune (b00qn406)
Presented by Sean Rafferty.

With a selection of music and guests from the music world including an interview with legendary conductor Kurt Masur. Sean met with Maestro Masur during rehearsals with the Philharmonia at the Royal Festival Hall in London earlier in the week where they discussed the fall of the Berlin Wall, and performing Bruckner.

Also, Sean is joined live from Manchester by conductor Markus Stenz and composer Detlev Glanert. They discuss their long lasting partnership, performing world premieres and the Halle Orchestra's current season of "Mahler in Manchester".

Main news headlines are at 5.00 and 6.00

TUE 19:00 Performance on 3 (b00qn40g)

Presented by Petroc Trelawny

Viktoria Mullova joins the Philharmonia in Stravinsky's Violin Concerto, with music by George Benjamin and Bartok. Esa-Pekka Salonen conducts.

Stravinsky wrote his Violin Concerto in 1931; it is one of the masterpieces of his neoclassical style, with fast toccata-like movements separating two more lyrical arias. Bartók's great Concerto for Orchestra of 1943 was a product of his exile in New York, but is imbued with the folk melodies of his native Hungary that he spent so many years researching. The concert opens with a celebration for George Benjamin's 50th birthday year: his Dance Figures, nine choreographic sketches for orchestra dating from 2004

Viktoria Mullova, violin
Esa-Pekka Salonen, conductor

Benjamin: Dance Figures

Stravinsky: Violin Concerto

Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra

Followed by recent performances by the students of the Sibelius Academy, Finland, Including music for Romantic French horn.

Song by Toivo Kuula:
Kesäyö kirkkomaalla (text V.A. Koskenniemi)
Tiina-Maija Koskela (mezzo-soprano)
Lotta Emanuelsson (piano)

Brahms; Cello Sonata No 2 in F
Tuomas Ylinen (cello)
Martti Rautio (piano)

Songs by Toivo Kuula:
Tuijotin tulehen kauan (text Eino Leino)
Suutelo (text Aarni Kouta)
Tiina-Maija Koskela (mezzo-soprano)
Lotta Emanuelsson (piano)

TUE 21:15 Night Waves (b00qn40y)
Painting History/Ron Arad/The Last Station/Barbara Demick

From the George Bernard Shaw's St.Joan to A Tale of Two Cities, British culture is full of depictions of the history of France. But what of the view from the other side? As the National Gellery unveils an exhibition of French portraits of English historical scenes, including Paul DelaRoche's masterly The Execution of Lady Jane Grey, Matthew Sweet and guests discuss the role of Britain in French national history and the depictions of British culture to be found there.

Matthew talks to the designer Ron Arad as he prepares for the first major exhibition of his work in the UK. A bold experimenter and master of technological innovation Arad's work encompasses architecture, art, mass-produced items for the home and fabulously expensive one-offs. Thirty years ago his postpunk, Rover Chair, constructed from an old car seat and metal frame, launched him into celebrity in 198. More recently he has engaged with emerging technology: he created a chandelier made up of 1050 LED lights embedded within 2,100 crystals and the first to have its own mobile phone number. Text messages appear at the top of the chandelier and wind down the ribbon curves, creating the impression that it is slightly spinning.

Also on the program, Frances Welch reviews The Last Station, a fictionalised account of the final days of the Russian novelist, Count Leo Tolstoy, based on the book by Jay Parini. The stellar cast includes Christopher Plummer, Helen Mirren, James McAvoy, Paul Giamatti, and Anne Marie Duff.

The People's Republic of North Korea is the most secretive country on earth, beholden to ideologies that the rest of the world has forsaken. As a result the ordinary lives of North Koreans are unknown to us but American Journalist Barbara Demick has tried to find out. She has written Nothing to Envy - Real Lives in North Korea which uses extensive interviews with defectors to forensically piece together what it is like to life in the country. Matthew Sweet interviews Barbara Demick about how we engage imaginatively, emotionally and intellectually with a country that seems to be more from the pages of Orwell than the real world.

TUE 22:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn3z9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 today]

TUE 23:00 The Essay (b00j18gz)
The Mews

The Bird in the Spare Room

2 of 5: The Bird in the Spare Room

A falconer and her goshawk, by Helen Macdonald

Producer: Tim Dee (R).

TUE 23:15 Late Junction (b00qn41b)
Max Reinhardt

Three themes run through Max Reinhardt's late-night mixes this week, with miniatures by Moondog, the music of Ligeti and son, and the jazz-rock of Sun Ra, including his own 'cosmic' version of 'Great Balls of Fire.'.

Track List:

The Delmore Brothers: The Fugitive's Lament
Album: Murder - Songs From The Dark Side Of The Soul
Trikont 0399

Astrid Swan: Continents
Album: Spartan Picnic
Pyramid RAMCD3154


Cachao: Cachao's Guiro
Album: Cachao: Master Sessions Volume 1
Crescent Moon/Epic EK64320

Dowland: Farewell Fantasia, P 3
Paul O'Dette
Album: Dowland: Complete Lute Works, Vol. 1
Harmonia Mundi HMX 2907538


Moondog: Trees Against The Sky
Album: Moondog
Prestige OJCCD-1741-2


Grateful Dead: Dark Star (Edit)
Album: Live/Dead
Warner Bros 927 181-2

György Ligeti: Idegen földön: I. Siralmas nékem, II. Egy fekete holló, III. Vissza ne nézz, IV. Fujdogál a nyári szél
London Sinfonietta Voices
Album: György Ligeti Edition 2: A Cappella Choral Works
Sony Classical SK62305


Trio Ivorie: Tije-Kije
Album: Across The Oceans
Enja ENJ 95382


Benson Slamundyoli: Bbandu Bbandu Mweenda
Album: The Kankobela of the Batonga Vol 1
Sharp Wood Productions SWP 036

Sun Ra: Great Balls Of Fire
Le Sun Ra and His Arkestra
Album: The Singles
Evidence ECD 221642


Franck Vigroux: New York
Album: Récolte
D’Autres Cordes Records
(The Wire Tapper 22)


Lhasa: Soon This Space Will Be Too Small
Album: The Living Road 5050467012226

Nick Drake: Time Has Told Me
Album: Five Leaves Left
Hannibal HNCD 4434


George Kuo: KHBC
Album: Aloha No Na Kupuna - Love For The Elders
Dancing Cat Records 0802238009

Zingaros: Transiberiano
Album: Cirkari
Arc Music Productions EUCD 2266


Susumu Yokota: Plateau On Plateau
Album: The Boy And The Tree
Leaf/Skintone BAY25CDP

Jimmie Rodgers: Gamblin Bar Room Blues 2
Album: Murder - Songs From The Dark Side Of The Soul
Trikont 0399


Biber: Passacaglia
Mira Glodeanu (violin)
Album: Bach, Biber, Pisendel, Westhoff : L'Art Du Violon Sul Dans L'allemagne Baroque
Ambronay AMY019

Ravid: Loca
Album: World Music From Catalonia '10
Catalan! Music Promo DL B 37976-2009


Bernd Alois Zimmerman: Sonata for Violin and Piano- 2. Fantasia
Carolin Widmann (Violin); Simon Lepper (Piano)
Album: Phantasy of Spring
ECM New Series 2113 476 3310

Grigore Lese: Vine Cucu de Trei Zile
Album: Romania: Grigore Lese- Lapus Song
Ocora/Radio France C600023

Grateful Dead: And We Bid You Goodnight
Album: Live/Dead
Warner Bros 927 181-2

Broadcast & The Focus Group: I See So I see So
Album: Investigate Witch Cults of the Radio Age
Warp CD/LP/Download
Warp Sampler T8


WED 01:00 Through the Night (b00qn427)
Presented by Susan Sharpe

Hesketh, Kenneth (b.1968)
Graven Image for Orchestra
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily Petrenko (conductor)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Concerto for piano and orchestra no. 4 (Op. 58) in G major
Paul Lewis (piano), Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily Petrenko (conductor)

Rachmaninov, Sergey (1873-1943)
3 Symphonic dances for orchestra (Op.45)
Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Vasily Petrenko (conductor)

Monteverdi, Claudio (1567-1643)
Amor che deggio far? (from libro VII de madrigali - Venice 1619)
Concerto Italiano; Rinaldo Alessandrini (harpsichord & director)

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
String Quintet No.2 in G major (Op.111)
Members of Wiener Streichsextett

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Variations for violin and piano in E minor (D.802) [Op.posth.160]
Gidon Kremer (violin); Oleg Meisenberg (piano)

Montsalvatge, Xavier (1912-2002)
Concierto Breve
Angela Cheng (piano), Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, Hans Graf (conductor)

Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da (c.1525-1594)
Missa sine nomine
Silvia Piccollo (soprano), Annemieke Cantor (alto), Marco Beasley (tenor), Daniele Carnovich (bass), Diego Fasolis (conductor)

Schumann, Clara (1819-1896)
Variations on a theme of Robert Schumann for piano (Op.20) in F sharp minor
Angela Cheng (piano)

Fesch, Willem de (1687-c.1757)
Concerto for 2 flutes and orchestra in G minor (Op.5 No.2)
Musica ad Rhenum

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Divertimento in D major (KV 136)
Slovak Chamber Orchestra, Bohdan Warchal (director)

Morawetz, Oskar (1917-2007)
Clarinet sonata
Joaquín Valdepeñas (clarinet), Patricia Parr (piano)

Telemann, Georg Philipp (1681-1767)
Trio No.4 from Essercizii Musici, for Transverse Flute, Harpsichord obligato and continuo
Camerata Köln

Litolff, Henry [Charles] (1818-1891)
Scherzo - from the Concerto Symphonique No.4 (Op.102)
Arthur Ozolins (piano), Toronto Symphony, Mario Bernardi (conductor)

Bellini, Vincenzo (1801-1835), arr. unknown
Concerto in E flat for oboe (arranged for trumpet)
Geoffrey Payne (trumpet), Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, Michael Halasz (conductor)

Moniuszko, Stanislaw (1819-1872) arr.Stanislaw Wiechowicz & Piotr Mazynski
4 Choral Songs
Polish Radio Choir; Marek Kluza (director)

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750), arr. Busoni, Ferruccio (1866-1924)
Toccata and Fugue in D Minor (BWV.565)
Valerie Tryon (piano)

Enescu, George (1881-1955)
Concert Piece for viola and piano [1906]
Tabea Zimmermann (viola, Germany), Monique Savary (piano)

Ravel, Maurice (1875-1937)
Chansons Madécasses for voice, flute, cello and piano
Catherine Robbin (mezzo-soprano); Nora Shulman (flute); Thomas Wiebe (cello); André Laplante (piano)

Handel, Georg Frideric (1685-1759)
Concerto (Op.4'6) in B flat major vers. for harp and orchestra
Nicanor Zabaleta (harp), Zagreb Philharmonic, Gennadi Rozhdestvensky (conductor)

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Piano Quintet in A major 'The Trout' (Op.114 (D.667)
John Harding (violin), Ferdinand Erblich (viola), Stefan Metz (cello), Henk Guldemond (double bass), Menahem Pressler (piano)

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Jesu, meine Freude - motet (BWV.227)
Orchestra and Choir of Latvian Radio, Aivars Kalejas (organ), Sigvards Klava (conductor).

WED 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn429)
Wednesday - Sara Mohr-Pietsch

The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba (Solomon)
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra

First Gymnopedie
Alexandre Tharaud (piano)
CD.1 Tr.3

4th movement (finale: presto) of Oxford Symphony, no.92 in G
Berliner Philharmoniker
Sir Simon Rattle (conductor)
EMI Classics 0946 3 94237 2 9
CD 2, Tr.8

Wash Me Thoroughly
Choir of Clare College, Cambridge
Christopher Robinson (conductor)
NAXOS 8 570318
CD 1, Tr.4

Jupiter, the bringer of Jollity (Planets Suite)
New Philharmonia Orchestra
Sir Adrian Boult (conductor)
EMI Classics 5 66934 2

Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G Minor, Allegro
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Claudio Abbado (conductor)
CD 5 Tr.5

J.S. Bach arr. Max Reger
O Mensch, bewein’ dein’ Sunde gross, BWV622
Markus Becker (piano)
Hyperion CDA 67683

DELIUS, arr. Eric Fenby
La Calinda
Halle Orchestra
Sir John Barbirolli (conductor)
EMI Classics 0946 3 79983 2 8

Ohie Ch’io Cado
Nuria Rial (soprano)
VIRGIN CLASSICS 5099923614024

Piano Quartet in D major – 3rd mvt WoO dated 1785
Christoph Eschenbach (piano)
Norbert Brainin (violin)
Peter Schidlof (viola)
Martin Lovett (cello)
CD 1, Tr.6

Alban BERG
Die Nachtigall
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra
Christoph Eschenbach (conductor)
Barbara Bonney (soprano)
DECCA 468 818-2

Moto perpetuo
Itzhak Perlman (violin)
Samuel Sanders (piano)
EMI Classics 0946 3 50879 2 5
CD 1, Tr.3

Dance in the Twilight
Pro Arte Orchestra
George Weldon (conductor)
EMI Classics 5 66537

Miserere Mihi, Domine
Stile Antico

Symphonie Fantastique – Un Bal
London Symphony Orchestra
Andre Previn (conductor)
EMI Classics 50999 2 64299 2 2
CD 2, Tr.3

I Can’t Get Started
Dizzy Gillespie (trumpet)
Coleman Hawkins (tenor saxophone)
Cab Calloway Orchestra |
Oscar Pettiford (Bass)
Charlie Parker (Alto Saxophone)
Thelonious Monk (Piano)
Buddy Rich (Drums)
John Coltrane (Tenor Saxophone)
Ray Brown (Bass)

Trio Sonata no.12 in D (Z.801)
London Baroque
Charles Medlam

BRITTEN 1st – Cabaret Songs – Tell me the truth about Love
Della Jones (Mezzo Soprano)
Steuart Bedford (piano)
NAXOS 8556838

City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra
Christopher Robinson (conductor)
CLASSICS FOR PLEASURE 0946 3 82233 2 0
CD 3 Tr.21

Fur Elise
William Kempf (piano)
CD 3, Tr.9

The Fountain
Cambridge University Choir
Christopher Robinson (conductor)
NAXOS 8.570541

4th mvt, Vivace, or Sonata I in B minor
Retrospect Trio
Tr. 4

Crown Imperial – Coronation March
London Philharmonic Orchestra
Sir Adrian Boult (conductor)
EMI Classics CDM 5 65584 2

Cantiga de Santa Maria: Quen quer que na Virgen fia
The Dufay Collective
Vivien Ellis (voice)

Piano Sonata in C major, K545 1st mvt
Karl Engel (piano)
CD 4 Tr 10

Roses of the South, Op. 388
Vienna Johann Strauss-Orchester
Willi Boskovsky (conductor)
EMI 0946 3 81524 2 2
CD 1 Tr.4

Call to Remembrance, O Lord
Choir of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London
John Scott (conductor)
CD 1 Tr.2

Fuga from Prelude and Fugue No 19 in A major, BWV 865
Glenn Gould (piano)
SONY SM2K 52 600
CD 2 Tr.16

Girl Crazy
The New Princess Theater Orchestra
EMI Classics 0946 3 75879 2 8
CD 1 Tr.2

La Bouree
L’Ensemble Ludi Musici
Mimi Armstrong (cornet)
Sophie Jacques de Dixmude (cornet)

Doctor Gradus ad Parnassum; Jimbo’s Lullaby
Jean-Bernard Pommier (piano)
VIRGIN CLASSICS 7243 5 61421 2 1
CD.1 Tr.4, 5

HANDEL Concerto grosso in A major, Op. 6, No. 11
Enrico Onofri (violin)
Marco Bianchi (violin)
Paolo Beschi (cello)
Luca Pianca (archlute)
Margret Koll (tripleharp)
DECCA 478 0319
CD 3 Tr.11

WED 10:00 Classical Collection (b00qn42h)
Wednesday - Sarah Walker

With Sarah Walker

Today's pieces by contemporaries of Mozart include a splendid mass by Johann Baptist Vanhal and a cheerful symphony by Joseph Haydn's younger brother, Michael.

Cimarosa: L'infedeltà fedele - Overture
Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia, Alessandro Amoretti (conductor)
NAXOS 8.570508

Myslivecek: Concerto for Violin in F major
Shizuka Ishikawa (violin), Dvorak Chamber Orchestra, Libor Pesek (conductor)
SUPRAPHON SU 0016-2 011

Dvorak: Piano Trio No.2 in G minor Op.26
Trio Fontenay
WARNER APEX 0825646998487

Pier Domenico Paradies: Sonata No.9
Enrico Baiano (harpsichord)

Vanhal: Missa Pastoralis in G
Mary Enid Haines (soprano), Nina Scott Stoddart (mezzo), Colin Ainsworth (tenor),
Steven Pitkanen (baritone), Tower Voices of New Zealand, Arcadia Ensemble, Uwe Grodd (conductor)
NAXOS 8.555080

Stravinsky: Pastorale
Dimitri Ashkenazy (clarinet), Andrea de Flammineis (bassoon), Matthew Draper (cor anglais), Laurent Quenelle (violin), Jonathan Kelly (oboe)
DECCA 473 8102

Michael Haydn: Symphony No.33 in D major MH24
German Chamber Academy Neuss, Johannes Goritzki (conductor)
CPO 999 380-2.

WED 12:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn42t)

Episode 3

Bebop! It's a rather silly word for a crucial chapter in jazz history. It didn't just come out of nowhere but evolved, fizzed and bubbled into existence in the USA in the early 1940s, as a result of a gloriously rich and complex musical chemistry involving different combinations of musicians, styles and places. All week, Donald Macleod and his special guest, the writer and broadcaster Geoffrey Smith, have some serious fun investigating this amazing musical phenomenon.

In Wednesday's programme, they visit the engine-room of jazz - the rhythm section - and in particular, Bebop's two key drummers, Kenny 'Klook-Mop' Clarke and Max Roach. Clarke's innovation was to shift the drummer's time-keeping function to the ride cymbal, leaving the snare and bass drum free to 'drop bombs' - unexpected offbeat accents - that perfectly complemented the way that the most innovative jazz musicians were beginning to play. In the event, Clarke was shipped off to Europe as part of the US contribution to the war effort, and he missed Bebop's explosion onto the scene in 1945. His shoes were filled by Max Roach, a percussion virtuoso who absorbed and extended Clarke's innovations. Donald Macleod and Geoffrey Smith explore the contributions of both men to a stellar sequence of recordings, with Charlie Christian, Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Fats Navarro, Bud Powell, Thelonius Monk, Miles Davis, the Modern Jazz Quartet and Clifford Brown.

WED 13:00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert (b00qn42w)
Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival 2008

Episode 2

WFMT's Kerry Frumkin with the second of this week's concerts from the 2008 Santa Fe Festival.

JANACEK Violin Sonata
Benny Kim (violin)
Marc Neikrug (piano)

Lynn Harrell (cello)
Yuja Wang (piano).

WED 14:00 Afternoon Concert (b00qn44f)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Episode 3

Louise Fryer presents the Royal Concertgebouw's traditional Christmas Day concert - music by Mahler and Beethoven conducted by Bernard Haitink at the beautiful Concertgebouw in Amsterdam.

Mahler: Songs from Des Knaben Wunderhorn
Christianne Stotijn (mezzo)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Bernard Haitink (conductor)

Suk: Serenade for strings
Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra
Marco Boni (conductor)

Pfitzner: Selection of songs
Christianne Stotijn (mezzo)
Joseph Breinl (piano)

Beethoven: Symphony no. 6 in F, 'Pastoral'
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Bernard Haitink (conductor).

WED 16:00 Choral Evensong (b00qn45f)
Mass for Ash Wednesday

From Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral

Introit: In ieiunio et fletu (Tallis)
Hymn: Forty days and forty nights (Aus der tiefe)
Old Testament Reading: Joel 2 vv12-18
Responsorial Psalm: 51 (Philip Duffy)
New Testament Reading: 2 Corinthians 5 v20 - 6 v2
Gospel: Matthew 6 vv1-6, 16-18
Miserere mei, Deus (Allegri)
Homily: The Most Revd Patrick Kelly
Offertory: Emendemus in melius (Byrd)
Sanctus and Benedictus (Plainsong)
Agnus Dei (Byrd)
Communion Motet: Attende, Domine (Plainsong)
O sacrum convivium (Tallis)
Final Hymn: Lord Jesus, think on me (Southwell)

Director of Music: Timothy Noon
Organist: Richard Lea.

WED 17:00 In Tune (b00qyrny)
Presented by Sean Rafferty.
With a selection of music and guests from the music world.

Conductor Neeme Järvi talks to Sean about conducting the Royal Scottish National Orchestra in two tragic tales of doomed love: Sibelius' Pelléas and Mélisande and Wagner's Tristan and Isolde.

Plus Oumou Sangare sings with her band in the In Tune studio ahead of the 2010 African Soul Rebels UK tour.

Main news headlines are at 5.00 and 6.00

WED 19:00 Performance on 3 (b00qn463)
Britten Sinfonia/Kuusisto/Padmore

Presented by Petroc Trelawny

Tenor Mark Padmore joins the Britten Sinfonia, directed by Pekka Kuusisto, in Britten's Les Illuminations, with works by Purcell and Tippett, and a new work by Nico Muhly. A protégé of Philip Glass, and collaborator of Björk and Rufus Wainwright amongst others, Nico Muhly is gaining a reputation as being one of the most impressive innovators of new music, effortlessly crossing the boundaries between classical and pop.

Purcell: Fantasia VII in C minor
Purcell: arr. Muhly Let the Night Perish (Job's Curse)
Purcell: Fantasia XIII in F 'Upon one Note'
Tippett: A Lament, from Divertimento on 'Sellinger's Round'
Britten: Les Illuminations, Op. 18
Steve Reich: Duet
Nico Muhly: Impossible Thing (World première tour)
John Adams: Shaker Loops

Britten Sinfonia
Mark Padmore tenor
Pekka Kuusisto violin/director

Followed by recent performances by the students of the Sibelius Academy, Finland, including music for piano trio by Turina.

Maurice Ravel: Gaspard de la Nuit - 1 : Ondine
and: Le Tombeau de Couperin: Menuet

Juho Pohjonen, piano

WED 21:15 Night Waves (b00qn469)
Anthony Julius/An Enemy of the People/Scandals/Baftas

Anne McElvoy talks to Anthony Julius about the long history of English Anti-Semitism from 1290 to the present day. His new book, Trials of the Diaspora, is the first comprehensive history of English Anti-Semitism. It catalogues the devlopment of the blood libel, the slow rehabilitation of the Jews after Cromwell and the persistent strain of Anti-Semitic thought in British literary life. Controversially, he argues that today a new political anti zionism - part secular part religious - is writing a new chapter in this very old story.

The Crucible Theatre in Sheffield has emerged from a creative and architectural re-design with a new production of An Enemy of the People starring Anthony Sher. Night Waves resident critic Susannah Clapp reviews both the play and the theatre that houses it. Anne McElvoy also talks to the Theatre's new Artistic Director, Daniel Evans, whose acting and directing career has garnered two Olivier awards, a host of other nominations and includes acting work that stretches from Sarah Kane to Stephen Sondheim.

After a run of scandals from MP's expenses to England football captain John Terry's alleged infidelities, Madeleine Bunting and Matthew Parris debate whether public life has lost the abililty to talk about ethics.

When he got married Michael Goldfarb made many vows but none of them involved the Bafta short list. But being married to a Bafta judge brings with it an annual ritual of dvds piling up, lights being dimmed and not being allowed to leave the sofa until the credits roll. He writes a letter for Night Waves on the annual arrival of a cultural behemoth into his domestic bliss but also on how you find time to think critically amidst the demands of family life.

WED 22:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn42t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 today]

WED 23:00 The Essay (b00j18my)
The Mews

On the Glove

3 of 5: On the Glove

Poet, writer, and falconer, Helen Macdonald is rearing and training a female goshawk.

Producer: Tim Dee (R).

WED 23:15 Late Junction (b00qn478)
Max Reinhardt

The Kipsigi people of Kenya sing in praise of Jimmy Rodgers, Paul O'Dette plays an Italian lute fantasia, and Kai Schumacher plays Rzewski's piano variations on 'The People United Will Never Be Defeated' Introduced by Max Reinhardt.

Track List:

Paul Curreri: Wildegeeses
Album: California
Hi-Ya Recordings TAR012

Chemutoi Ketienya & Girls: Chemirocha
Album: The Very Best of Hugh Tracey
Sharp Wood SWP 034


Nontwintwi: Inkulu Into Ezakwenzeka
Album: Very Best Of Hugh Tracey Recordings
Sharp Wood SWP 034


Orchestre De La Paillotte: Kadia Blues
Album: Golden Afrique, Vol. 1
Network 27.677


György Ligeti: Magyar Etüdök: I. 9. Etüd II. 49. Etüd / 40. Etüd
Album: György Ligeti Edition 2: A Cappella Choral Works
Sony Classical SK62305

Karayorgis / McBride / Newton: Heaven
Album: Betwixt
Hat Hut Records hatOLOGY 652


Jean Jenkins: Gerre Religious Singing (Somali-Borana medley)
Album: Music From Ethiopia
Topic World Series TSCD910

Moondog: Surf Session
Album: Moondog
Prestige OJCCD-1741-2


Sun Ra: The Cosmic Rays: Daddy's Gonna Tell You No Lie
Sun Ra and His Arkestra
Album: The Singles
Evidence ECD 221642

Federic Rzewski: Theme
Kai Schumacher (piano)
Album: Federic Rzewski:The People United Will Never be Defeated
Wergo 6730 2


Federic Rzewski: Variations 1-6
Kai Schumacher (piano)
Album: Federic Rzewski:The People United Will Never be Defeated
Wergo 6730 2


Pole: Taxidub
Album: The Only Blip Hop Record You Will Ever Need, Vol. 1
Luaka Bop LBCDJ39

Zena Edwards & Jamie Woon: In Other Words
Album: Apples & Snakes Twofive: Vinyl To Download
Apples & Snakes A&S 001


Nyeleti Mukkuli: Nchembele Musimbi Wangu
Album: The Kankobela of the Batonga Vol 1
Sharp Wood SWP 036

Guillaume De Machaut: Esperance Qui Masseure (B13)
Album: Ballades - Musica Nova
Aeon AECD0982


Lukas Ligeti: Chimaeric Procession
Album: Afrikan Machinery
Tzadik TZ 8054

György Ligeti: Magány
London Sinfonietta Voices
Album: György Ligeti Edition 2: A Cappella Choral Works
Sony Classical SK62305

Roosevelts Sykes "The Honey Dripper": 44 Blues
Album: Murder - Songs From The Dark Side Of The Soul
Trikont 0399


Goreala: Outro aka East
Album: Sound of The World presents Otro Mundo
Warner Classics and Jazz 5186543652

Brian Harnetty & Bonnie "Prince" Billy: Sleeping In The Driveway
Album: Silent City


Severino: Fantasia Sopra Susane Un Jour
Paul O'Dette
Album: The Art of The Lute
Harmonia Mundi HMX 2907538


THU 01:00 Through the Night (b00qn47r)
Presented by Susan Sharpe

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Piano Concerto No. 11 in F, K. 413
Christoph Hammer (fortepiano), Harmonie Universelle

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
String Quartet No. 14 in G, K. 387
Harmonie Universelle

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Prelude and Fugue in C, K. 394, for piano
Christoph Hammer (fortepiano)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
String Quartet No. 4 in C, K. 157
Harmonie Universelle

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Piano Concerto No. 12 in A, K. 414
Christoph Hammer (fortepiano), Harmonie Universelle

Klami, Uuno (1900-1961)
Symphonie enfantine (Op.17) (1928)
Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Pertti Pekkanen (conductor)

Balakirev, Mily Alexeyevich (1837-1910)
Tamara - Symphonic Poem
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra in Bratislava, Oliver Dohnányi (conductor)

Szymanowski, Karol (1882-1937)
Sheherazade - no.1 of 'Masques' for piano (Op.34)
Natalya Pasichnyk (piano)

Ramov?, Primo? (1921-1999)
Woodwind Quintet
The Ariart Woodwind Quintet

Foerster, Kaspar (1616-1673)
Viri Israelite
La Capella Ducale

Philips, Peter (1561-1628)
Amarilli mia bella, after Caccini
Vital Julian Frey (harpischord)

Forqueray, Antoine (1672-1745), transcribed by Jean Baptiste Forqueray (1699-1782)
No.5 La Portugaise (Suite No.1 in D minor)
Vital Julian Frey (harpischord)

Couperin, Francois (1668-1733)
La Françoise (La pucelle) - sonata
Ricercar Consort, Henri Ledroit (conductor)

Lilburn, Douglas (1915-2001)
Diversions for Strings
Symphony Nova Scotia, Georg Tintner (conductor)

Stenhammar, Wilhelm (1871-1927)
Late Summer Nights (1914)
Dan Franklin (piano)

Lindberg, Oskar (1887-1955)
Midsummer night
Swedish Radio Choir (women's voices only), Eric Ericson Chamber Choir, Maria Wieslander (piano), Gustav Sjökvist (conductor)

Verdi, Giuseppe (1813-1901)
Overture - from [The] Sicilian Vespers
Orchestre du Conservatoire de Musique du Quebec, Raffi Armenian (conductor)

Contant, (Joseph Pierre) Alexis (1858-1918)
Les Deux Âmes - overture
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra, Uri Mayer (conductor)

Herberigs, Robert (1886-1974)
There were 9 soldiers, Those who want to go to Iceland, The Squire of Brunswick - from 13 old Flemish Songs (1949-50)
The Flemish Radio Choir, Eric Mertens (flute), Joost Gils (oboe), Alex van Beveren (cor anglais), Anne Boeykens (clarinet), Luc Verdonck & Paul Gerlo (bassoons), Herman Lemahieu (horn), uncredited drummer, Johan Duijck (conductor)

Haydn, Joseph (1732-1809)
Sonata in E flat (Hob.XVI:49)
Arthur Schoondewoerd (fortepiano)

Blow, John (1649-1708)
The Graces' Dance; Gavott; Sarabande for the Graces - from Venus and Adonis
The Consort of Musicke, Anthony Rooley (director)

Shostakovitch, Dimitri (1906-1975)
Chamber Symphony for strings in C minor (Op.110a) arr. Rudolph Barshai from String Quartet no.8
The Slovenian Philharmonic String Chamber Orchestra, Andrej Petrac (Artistic leader)

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Schäfers Klagelied (D.121) (Op.3 No.1)
Christoph Prégardien (tenor), Andreas Staier (fortepiano) [The fortepiano is modelled by Christopher Clarke, Paris, 1981, on a fortepiano built by Johann Fritz, Vienna c.1815. It belongs to the collection of Marcia Hadjimarkos]

Zemzaris, Imants (b. 1951)
Pastorale for Summer Flute
Talivaldis Deknis (organ)

Anon (17th century)
Strawberry leaves

Gibbons, Orlando (1583-1625)
Fantasia a 3 No.2 from Koninklycke Fantasien

Concordia, Mark Levy (conductor)

Handel, Georg Frideric (1685-1759)
Sorge nel petto - aria from 'Rinaldo' (Act 3 Sc.4)
Recitativo accompagnato - Dall'ondoso periglio; Aria - Aure, deh, per pieta - from the opera 'Giulio Cesare in Egitto' Act 3 Sc 4

Graham Pushee (counter-tenor), Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Paul Dyer (artistic director)

Corelli, Arcangelo (1653-1713)
Sonata for trumpet, two violins & continuo in D major
Crispian Steele-Perkins (trumpet), The King's Consort, Robert King (director)

Halvorsen, Johan (1864-1935)
Norwegian Rhapsody No.1 in A
Bergen Philharmonic Orchestra, Christopher Warren-Green (conductor).

THU 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn48b)
Thursday - Sara Mohr-Pietsch

Breakfast on Radio 3 with Sara Mohr-Pietsch who shares her personal choice of music.

THU 10:00 Classical Collection (b00qn48d)
Thursday - Sarah Walker

With Sarah Walker. Today's pieces by contemporaries of Mozart include a double clarinet concerto by Franz Wilhelm Tausch and a beautiful aria from Paride ed Elena by Gluck.

Gluck: Orfeo ed Euridice - Overture
Vienna State Opera Orchestra, Charles Mackerras (conductor)
VANGUARD 08 4040 72

Hoffmeister: Parthia No.3 in B flat major
Consortium Classicum
CPO 999 107-2

Sibelius: Karelia Suite Op.11
London Symphony Orchestra, Colin Davis (conductor)
RCA 09026 68770

Joseph Martin Kraus: Stella Coeli
Annemei Blessing-Leyhausen (soprano), Julian Prégardien (tenor), La Stagione Frankfurt, Michael Schneider (conductor)
CPO 777 409-2

Franz Wilhelm Tausch: Concerto No.1 in B flat major for two clarinets Op.27
Thea King and Nicholas Bucknall (clarinets), English Chamber Orchestra, Leopold Hager (conductor)

George Auric: Five Bagatelles
Duo Crommelynck (piano)
CLAVES CD 50 9214

Saint-Saens: Caprice Arabe Op.96
Goldstone and Clemmow (pianos)

Poulenc: Piano Sonata for 4 Hands
Seta Tanyel and Jeremy Brown (piano)

Gluck: Paride ed Elena 'Quegli occhi belli - Fingere piu non so' (Act II, Scene I)
Paride: Magdalena Kozená (mezzo), Elena: Susan Gritton (soprano), Cupid: Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Gabrieli Consort and Players, Paul McCreesh (conductor)
ARCHIV 477 541-5 (2 CDs)

Cannabich: Symphony in D major
London Mozart Players, Matthias Bamert (conductor)
CHANDOS 10379.

THU 12:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn48s)

Episode 4

Bebop! It's a rather silly word for a crucial chapter in jazz history. It didn't just come out of nowhere but evolved, fizzed and bubbled into existence in the USA in the early 1940s, as a result of a gloriously rich and complex musical chemistry involving different combinations of musicians, styles and places. All week, Donald Macleod and his special guest, the writer and broadcaster Geoffrey Smith, have some serious fun investigating this amazing musical phenomenon.

Thursday's programme homes in on the 88 keys of the piano, under the phenomenal fingers of Bebop's two most influential pianists: Bud Powell and Thelonius Monk. The classically-trained Powell had a ferociously virtuosic style of playing. His personality, though, was shy and introverted, and there was something almost helpless about him. He had a tendency to drink to excess, and a formidable knack for getting into trouble. In 1945 he was beaten senseless by the Philadelphia police, an attack whose savagery left him with mental problems that dogged him for the rest of his all-too-brief life; he died in 1966, a couple of months short of his 42nd birthday. Powell and Monk met at Minton's Playhouse in Harlem, where Monk was house pianist in the early '40s, and they remained firm friends. We hear Monk's tribute to Powell, 'In Walked Bud', and Powell's reading of a Monk composition, 'Off Minor'. We also hear their very different readings of 'Tea for Two' - Powell's a wildly inventive hectic dash, like something from the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, Monk's much more spacious and angular. And to finish: 'Wee' from a celebrated live concert recording in which Powell played with Charlie Parker, Dizzy Gillespie, Charles Mingus and Max Roach; and a Monk tune, 'Little Rootie Tootie', in a magnificent arrangement for big band.

THU 13:00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert (b00qn49c)
Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival 2008

Episode 3

Another concert from the 2008 Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival, introduced by Kerry Frumkin of WFMT.

SCHUMANN Du Ring am meinem Finger; Der Nussbaum
Arianna Zukerman (soprano)
Marc Neikrug (piano)

BRAHMS Piano Quartet No. 2 in A
Benny Kim (violin)
Cynthia Phelps (viola)
Ronald Thomas (cello)
Jon Kimura Parker (piano).

THU 14:00 Afternoon Concert (b00qn49m)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Episode 4

Last December the Monnaie Theatre in Brussels staged both of Gluck's operas telling the tragic story of the ancient Greek princess Iphigenia. Afternoon on 3 is broadcasting both operas over two Thursdays, and today it's the turn of the second. Nadja Michael sings the title role of Iphigenia, exiled life far from home in Tauris - part of the Crimea, north of the Black Sea - where as High Priestess of Diana it is her duty to sacrifice strangers. When two young Greek men are shipwrecked in Tauris, she feels strangely drawn to one of them - but is commanded to kill them both...

Gluck: Iphigenie en Tauride - opera in 4 acts
Iphigenie...... Nadja Michael (soprano)
Orestes, King of Argos and Mycenae ...... Stephane Degout (baritone)
Pylades, King of Phocis ...... Topi Lehtipuu (tenor)
Thoas, King of Tauris ...... Werner Van Mechelen (bass)
Diana, goddess of hunting ...... Violet Serena Noorduyn (soprano)
Other roles sung by Gerard Lavalle, Bernard Giovani, Helen Kearns, Tomoko Taguchi, Anne-Fleur Inizan and Camille Merckx
La Monnaie Chorus and Orchestra
Christophe Rousset (conductor)

Continuing this week's focus on the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam.

Debussy: Danse sacree et danse profane
Ravel: Introduction and Allegro
Lavinia Meijer (harp)
Concertgebouw Chamber Orchestra
Marco Boni (conductor)

Mozart: Symphony no. 41 in C, 'Jupiter'
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Ivan Fischer (conductor).

THU 17:00 In Tune (b00qn49r)
Presented by Sean Rafferty.

The composer Graham Fitkin, winner of the Stage Works category of the 2009 British Composer Awards, and rising star of the dance world, the choreographer Jonathan Watkins, come in to the studio to talk about their new collaboration, 'As One', which premieres at the Royal Ballet this week.

Also, the Primrose Piano Quartet perform ahead of their concert at Kings Place, London, in which they give the London premiere of 'Variations on a Burns Air', a multi-composer work commissioned by the quartet to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Robert Burns' birth.

Main news headlines are at 5.00 and 6.00

THU 19:00 Performance on 3 (b00qn49y)
Magdalena Kozena/Andras Schiff

Presented by Petroc Trelawny

The brilliant mezzo-soprano Magdalena Kozená joins pianist András Schiff for the latest instalment of his "Songs - With and Without Words" series, in a programme which travels from Russia to Bohemia via Kozená's native Moravia and Schiff's Hungarian homeland.

Janácek: Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs (selection)
Janácek: In the Mists
Dvorák: Biblical Songs Op. 99
Musorgsky: Detskaya (The Nursery)
Bartók: Falun (Village Scenes)
ENCORE - Dvorak: The Songs My Mother Taught Me
ENCORE - Janacek: Stalost from Movarian Folk Poetry in Songs

Magdalena Kozená mezzo-soprano
András Schiff piano

Followed by rising young stars, Alina Ibragimova and Cedric Tiberghien, playing at the Wigmore Hall in London: Beethoven's Sonata No.1 in D major, Op.12 No.1.

Followed by recent performances by the students of the Sibelius Academy, Finland.

Janacek: Sonata Eb Minor
Joonas Ahonen (piano)

THU 21:15 Night Waves (b00qn4b8)
Free Thinking 2009

Lionel Shriver/Ian McMillan

Lionel Shriver is a novelist of international renown, best known for her controversial 2003 Orange prize-winning novel, We Need to Talk About Kevin, about a mother and her mass murderer son. Recorded on 24th October 2009 as part of Radio 3's Free Thinking festival of ideas, presenter Anne McElvoy and an audience from New Writing North's book clubs join Lionel at the Sage Gateshead. They engage in an frank, wide ranging and lively conversation about her 1996 novel, A Perfectly Good Family - the story of three siblings and a grand inheritance - and they discuss the ways in which families are portrayed in fiction. And Anne presses Lionel on a popular but contested trend in novel writing today: writers who make sure their own troubled family life as part of their work. Does Lionel Shriver think it is ethical to do so - or can it cause lasting damage?

Also in the programme from Free Thinking - you've heard of a poetry slam - poet and broadcaster Ian McMillan presents a theory slam as eight theorists from Gateshead pitch and pit their ideas against each other - debating and exploring philosophy, politics, culture and science in just three minutes.

THU 22:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn48s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 today]

THU 23:00 The Essay (b00j18sl)
The Mews

First Flight

Poet, writer, and falconer, Helen Macdonald is rearing and training a female goshawk.

Producer: Tim Dee (R).

THU 23:15 Late Junction (b00qn4bn)
Max Reinhardt

Max Reinhardt introduces a podcast repeat of the Late Junction Session with Malcolm Middleton and Mira Calix, also music by Bach and Takemitsu, and 'Pistol Slapper Blues' by Blind Boy Fuller, who spent time in prison for shooting his wife.

Track List:

Joni Mitchell: California
Album: Blue
Reprise MS 2038

Miles Davis: Sweet Pea
Album: Water Babies
Sony Records SRCS 5710

Edward Mun'gombe: Nkaambonzi Beenzuma
Album: The Kankobela of the Batonga Vol 1
Sharp Wood SWP 036


György Ligeti:Kállai kettös: Felülröl fúj az öszi szél, Eb fél, kutya fél
Album: György Ligeti Edition 2: A Capella Choral Works
Sony 62305

Moondog: Death, When You Come To Me
Album: Moondog
Prestige OJCDD 1741 2


Jean Jenkins: Rashaida End of Ramadan All-Night Dance (Part 1&2)
Album: Music From Ethiopia
Topic TSCD 910


Sun Ra: I'm Gonna Unmask The Batman
Sun Ra & His Astro Galactic Infinity Arkestra
Album: The Singles
Evidence ECD 22164 2


Guillaume De Machaut: Dame Se Vous Mestes Lointeinne (B37)
Album: Ballades - Musica Nova
Aeon 4200

Tony Oxley/Derek Bailey Quartet: Hydrolysis
Album: Tony Oxley/Derek Bailey Quartet
Jazz Werkstatt 033

BBC Late Junction Collaboration Session (Repeat):
Malcolm Middleton & Mira Calix
Track 1: Spring The Trap 5:36
Track 2: Passages 7:26
Track 3: Scala Dei Morti 5:05
Track 4: Trois 5:43
Recorded in August 2009

Blind Boy Fuller: Pistol Slapper Blues
Album: Murder - Songs From The Dark Side Of The Soul
Trikont 0399

Anouar Brahem: The Astounding Eyes Of Rita
Album: The Astounding Eyes Of Rita
ECM 2075 179 8628

Jean Jenkins: About a Cow (with Rebaba from Eritrea)
Album: Music From Ethiopia
Topic TSCD 910


Takemitsu: Landscape for string quartet
Lotus String Quartet
Album: Landscapes – Japanese String Quartets
Apex 2564 69327 7

Paul Baran: Tonefield
Album: Panoptic
Fang Bomb FB 013


J.S. Bach: Partita II - Sarabanda
Edin Karamazov (Luth)
Album: Britten - Bach: Come, Heavy Sleep

Sandy Wright: My Shining Star
Album: The Songs Of Sandy Wright
Navigator 23


FRI 01:00 Through the Night (b00qn4bw)
Presented by Susan Sharpe

Anon. (17th century)

Sanz, Gaspar (1640-1710)

Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Durón, Sebastián (1660-1716)

Ay de mí, que el llanto y la tristeza
Corazón, causa tenéis
Ay, qué me abraso de amor en la llama

Olga Pitarch (soprano), Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Ribayaz, Lucas Ruiz de [c.1640-?]
Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Navas, Juan de (1650-1719)
Ay, divino amor

Veana, Matías Juan de (1656-after 1707)
Ay, amor, qué dulce tirano

Olga Pitarch (soprano), Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Bizet, Georges (1838-1875)
Carmen Suite No.2
Slovenian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, Marko Munih (conductor)

Galán, Cristóbal (~1625-1684)
Vuele, vuele la flecha de Amor gloriosa

Humano ardor, que llegáis
Vivir para amar
Mariposa, no corras al fuego
¡O qué mal vamos, Amor!

Olga Pitarch (soprano), Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Selma y Salaverde, Bartolomé de (~1585-~1638)
Canzona terza
Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich (1804-1857)
Memories of a Summer Night in Madrid
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Oliver Dohnanyi (conductor)

Cabanilles, Juan Bautista José (1644-1712)
Tiento de falsas XII
Passacalles I for solo keyboard
Passacalles V for strings

Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Valls, Francisco (1672-1747)
Esta vez, Cupidillo
Olga Pitarch (soprano), Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Murcia, Santiago de (1682-1740)
La Jotta
Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Anon. (17th century)
Yo me soy la morenica
Olga Pitarch (soprano), Accentus Austria, Thomas Wimmer (director)

Brahms, Johannes (1833-1897)
Quartet for piano and strings No.1 (Op.25) in G minor
Laurence Power (viola), Kungsbacka Trio

Anonymous (17th century)
Ave Potentissima
Kamila Zajícková (soprano), Musica Aeterna Bratislava, Peter Zajícek (director)

Bree, Johannes Bernardus van (1801-1857)
Concert Overture in B minor
Netherlands Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jac van Steen (conductor)

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus (1756-1791)
Adagio in E major (K.261)
James Ehnes (violin/director); Mozart Anniversary Orchestra

Schumann, Robert (1810-1856)
Genoveva, overture (Op.81)
Orchestre Nationale de France, Heinz Wallberg (conductor)

Chausson, Ernest (1855-1899)
Paysage (Op.38)
Bengt Åke-Lundin (piano)

Lindblad, Adolf Fredrik (1801-1878)
Swedish Radio Choir, Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Gustaf Sjökvist (conductor)

Pez, Johann Christoph (1664-1716)
Passacaglia & Aria
Carin van Heerden & Ales Rypan (recorders), L'Orfeo Barockorchester, Michi Gaigg (director)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770 -1827);
Finale from the ballet music to "Prometheus"
Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra in Bratislava (orchestra) Ludovít Rajter (conductor)

Schubert, Franz (1797-1828)
Gesang der Geistern über den Wassern, Op.167
Estonian National Male Choir, Estonian National Symphony Orchestra, Juri Alperten (director)

Haydn, (Franz) Joseph (1732-1809)
Trio for strings in B flat major(Op.53 No.2)
Leopold String Trio

Wanski, Jan (1762-1821)
Symphony in D major from the opera "Pasterz nad Wisla"
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Andrzej Mysinski (conductor)

Doppler, Franz (1821-1883)
Andante and Rondo for two flutes and piano (Op.25)
Karolina Santl-Zupan and Matej Zupan (flutes), Dijana Tanovic (piano)

Gounod, Charles (1818-1893)
'Salut, demeure chaste et pure' from 'Faust'
Peter Dvorsky (tenor), Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra Bratislava, Ondrej Lenard (conductor)

Gluck, Christoph Willibald (1714-1787)
'Dances of the Blessed Spirits'
Australian Brandenburg Orchestra, Paul Dyer (conductor)

Bach, Johann Christoph Friedrich (1732-1795)
Trio in C major
Musica Petropolitana

Bach, Johann Sebastian (1685-1750)
Magnificat in D major (BWV.243)
Antonella Balducci (sop 1) Ulrike Clausen (alto), Frieder Lang (ten), Fulvio Bettini (bar), Chorus of Swiss-Italian Radio and Ensemble Vanitas, Lugano, Diego Fasolis (conductor)

Flury, Richard (1896-1967)
Three pieces for violin and piano
Sibylle Tschopp (violin), Isabel Tschopp (piano)

Beethoven, Ludwig van (1770-1827)
Rondo in C major (Op.51 No.1)
Andreas Staier (fortepiano)

Wegelius, Martin (1846-1906)
Rondo quasi Fantasia
Margit Rahkonen (piano), Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Petri Sakari (conductor).

FRI 07:00 Breakfast (b00qn4c5)
Breakfast on Radio 3 with Sara Mohr-Pietsch. Music to discover, rediscover and lift the spirits.

FRI 10:00 Classical Collection (b00qn4c9)
Friday - Sarah Walker

With Sarah Walker. Today's pieces by contemporaries of Mozart include a quintet by Cimarosa, a horn concerto by Rosetti performed and directed by Barry Tuckwell and a symphony by Dittersdorf from his Six Symphonies after Ovid's Metamorphoses.

Stamitz: Octet No.2 in B flat
Consortium Classicum
CPO 999 081-2

Cimarosa: Il Matrimonio Segreto 'Deh! Lasciate ch'io respiri' (Act 2, Scene 9)
Carolina: Arleen Auger (soprano), Conte: Alberto Rinaldi (baritone), Fidalma: Julia Hamari (mezzo soprano), Elisetta: Julia Varady (soprano), Geronimo: Dietrich-Fischer-Dieskau (baritone), English Chamber Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim (conductor)
DG 437 696-2 (3 CDs)

Chopin: Nocturne No.3 in B major Op.9 No.3
Daniel Barenboim (piano)
DG 423 916-2 (2 CDs)

Rosetti: Horn Concerto in E major K3:44
Barry Tuckwell (horn and conductor), English Chamber Orchestra

Vaughan Williams: Piano Quintet in C minor
Schubert Ensemble

Dittersdorf: Symphony in F major (The Rescuing of Andromeda by Perseus)
Cantilena, Adrian Shepherd (conductor)
CHANDOS 8564/5 (2 CDs)

Mozart: Exsultate, jubilate K.165
Carolyn Sampson (soprano), Kings Consort, Robert King (conductor)

Produced by Alex Anderson
A Classic Arts Production.

FRI 12:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn4dj)

Episode 5

Bebop! It's a rather silly word for a crucial chapter in jazz history. It didn't just come out of nowhere but evolved, fizzed and bubbled into existence in the USA in the early 1940s, as a result of a gloriously rich and complex musical chemistry involving different combinations of musicians, styles and places. All week, Donald Macleod and his special guest, the writer and broadcaster Geoffrey Smith, have some serious fun investigating this amazing musical phenomenon.

To conclude the week they take a look beyond Bebop and explore the various shoots that have sprouted from the original stem, in the hands of such musicians as John Coltrane, Cecil Taylor, Miles Davis, Ornette Coleman, Eric Dolphy, Wynton Marsalis and finally Sonny Rollins, who brings us into the 21st century with his take on the Jerome Kern standard, 'Why Was I Born' - a live concert recording made in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.

FRI 13:00 Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert (b00qn4dl)
Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival 2008

Episode 4

Kerry Frumkin of WFMT introduces the last of this week's concerts from the 2008 Santa Fe Chamber Music Festival.

RACHMANINOV 4 Preludes from Op. 23: No. 1 in F sharp minor; No. 2 in B flat; No. 4 in D; No. 5 in G minor
Yefim Bronfman (piano)

BRAHMS Piano Quintet
William Preucil, Benny Kim (violins)
Michael Tree (viola)
Eric Kim (cello)
Yefim Bronfman (piano).

FRI 14:00 Afternoon Concert (b00qn4dn)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra

Episode 5

When Mariss Jansons brought his Royal Concertgebouw of Amsterdam to London last December, Richard Morrison wrote in The Times that 'they delivered an account of Mahler's Second Symphony that left me unable to speak for several minutes after its stupendous finale had died away. In future I will rank Mariss Jansons's Second along with Bernstein's Fifth, Tennstedt's Sixth and Abbado's Third as the finest Mahler performances I have ever heard.' Today Louise Fryer presents the performance of Mahler's Second that Jansons and his orchestra gave at home in Amsterdam a week before they came to London. And we start on the south side of the Dutch-Belgian border with two more Romantic masterpieces from the Belgian National Orchestra: Richard Strauss's autumnal song cycle and another towering Second Symphony by Czech composer Josef Suk, composing at white heat after the death of both his beloved teacher Dvorak, and his wife, Dvorak's daughter Otilie. And one huge fan of Suk's work was... Gustav Mahler.

Strauss: Four Last Songs
Camilla Nylund (soprano)
Belgian National Orchestra
Walter Weller (conductor)

Suk: Symphony no. 2 "Asrael"
Belgian National Orchestra
Walter Weller (conductor)

Mahler: Symphony no. 2 "Resurrection"
Ricarda Merbeth (soprano)
Bernarda Fink (mezzo-soprano)
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam
Mariss Jansons (conductor).

FRI 17:00 In Tune (b00qn4f4)
Friday - Sean Rafferty

Presented by Sean Rafferty.
With a selection of music and guests from the music world.
Main news headlines are at 5.00 and 6.00

FRI 19:00 Performance on 3 (b00qn4ft)

Part 1

Presented by Petroc Trelawny

Live from St David's Hall, Cardiff, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, conducted by Walter Weller, plays Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony. John Lill joins them in the Piano Concerto No 2.
Walter Weller is one of the old school of Viennese conductors, steeped in the city's performing traditions - his visits to the BBC National Orchestra of Wales are always an event. In tonight's concert he turns his attention to one of the great Tchaikovsky symphonies and the fascinating and rarely performed Second Piano Concerto.

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.2
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5
Walter Weller, conductor
John Lill, piano.

FRI 20:00 Twenty Minutes (b00r2fl1)
Almost Like Literature

A talk by Robert Hanks on what George Orwell called "good bad books" - novels (loosely interpreted) that set out to entertain, but which one way or another do something rather more impressive. Some books that might be mentioned:

1. The Daffodil Affair by Michael Innes (1942). On the surface, The Daffodil Affair an extravagant and elaborate detective story-cum-thriller, set against the background of the Blitz and featuring, alongside Innes's regular protagonist, the intellectual Inspector Appleby, a mathematical horse, a witch-girl, a paedophilia-obsessed policeman and a tribe of Amazonian headhunters. But Innes was also J. I. M. Stewart, author of the final volume of the Oxford History of English Literature and a leading authority on modernism; and under this novel's fantastical surface is a portrait of a civilisation suffering a collective nervous breakdown, retreating from war and the threat of apocalypse into superstition - a portrait that drew inspiration from T. S. Eliot and in its turn inspired Graham Greene.

2. Gamesmanship, Oneupmanship and Lifemanship by Stephen Potter (1947-52). Most people wouldn't regard Potter's trilogy (I do not speak of Supermanship - the Godfather Part III of his oeuvre) as a novel at all; they take the form of a set of comic manuals on achieving sporting and social success. But the books do almost everything you demand of a sophisticated novel: there are vividly drawn characters (Gatling-Fenn, Godfrey Plaste of "Plaste's Placid Salutation", the obnoxious Odoreida); there is plot - there are far too many plots, in fact - and incident; and there is a thoroughly modern and promiscuous mingling of the real and the fictional. Above all, there is an over-arching satirical vision - Potter is a moralist, who detects and despises in our a society a willingness to believe that being good is only a matter of persuading other people you are good.

3. The Shield Ring by Rosemary Sutcliff (1956). It's a truism that historical novels say more about the time they're written than the time they supposedly portray: and Rosemary Sutcliff's novels together form one of the most vivid meditations on what it meant to be British in the years after the Second World War. Dawn Wind and The Silver Branch, set in the dying years of the Roman Empire, are about the agonies of imperial retreat, seen from the point of view of a colonial power; The Shield Ring, about a colony of Vikings in the Lake District holding out against the Norman yoke, sees colonialism from another angle: in the era of the Malaysian emergency, the Mau-Mau rebellion and the first stages of the Vietnam War, it is a sympathetic portrayal of asymmetric warfare. But it is also, in an age when "You've never had it so good", a lament for a people exhausted by conflict, resigning themselves to a new world that promises to prove infinitely drearier and more wearing than the old.

4. Saturn's Children by Charles Stross (2008). On the one hand, it's a fast-paced space-opera about a sex-robot zipping about a solar system denuded of human life - and what's a girl to do without the man for whom she's been hardwired to go weak at the titanium knees? On the other hand, it's an examination of free will and the difficulty of human existence in a universe where god is dead; it's a warning of the emptiness and hostility of the galaxy beyond our doorstep; and it's a beehive of allusions, from The Perils of Pauline to Isaac Asimov via P. G. Wodehouse and Raymond Chandler.

5. Swamp Thing, issues 21-64, by Alan Moore (1983-87). To begin with, the Swamp Thing was a scientist, Alec Holland, transformed by radiation into a dripping green monster, part man, part vegetable, haunting the swamps of Louisiana: then along came Alan Moore, a Northampton-born writer, best known for writing science-fiction strips in the British comic 2000AD, to reinvent the Swamp Thing as a spirit - often a vengeful one - of the earth. Over the next four years, he transformed a moderately popular American horror comic into a wildly inventive, ironic, mystical contemplation of nature, sexuality and the necessity of evil; and with a cast of fully-realised characters and a rhythmic, descriptive prose style, he transformed the understanding of what comics could do.

FRI 20:20 Performance on 3 (b00qn4gx)

Part 2

Presented by Petroc Trelawny

Live from St David's Hall, Cardiff, the BBC National Orchestra of Wales, conducted by Walter Weller, plays Tchaikovsky's 5th Symphony. John Lill joins them in the Piano Concerto No 2.
Walter Weller is one of the old school of Viennese conductors, steeped in the city's performing traditions - his visits to the BBC National Orchestra of Wales are always an event. In tonight's concert he turns his attention to one of the great Tchaikovsky symphonies and the fascinating and rarely performed Second Piano Concerto.

Tchaikovsky: Piano Concerto No.2
Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.5
Walter Weller, conductor
John Lill, piano.

FRI 21:15 The Verb (b00kh4lj)
Will Self, Dannie Abse and Fred D'Aguiar

Ian McMillan presents Radio 3's cabaret of the word in front of an audience at the Radio Theatre in Broadcasting House.

He talks to veteran poet Dannie Abse about his six decades of writing.

American poet Fred D'Aguiar reads from his collection Continental Shelf, and reveals new work The Pirate Songbook - with a little musical help from Meone.

Novelist Will Self presents an extract from book, Walking to the World, which charts his journey from the late JG Ballard's house in Shepperton to The World in Dubai, a collection of artificial islands shaped like countries.

And writer and performer Zena Edwards presents tales from the London Underground - Tube Sage (R)

Producer Belinda NaylorLaura Thomas.

FRI 22:00 Composer of the Week (b00qn4dj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 today]

FRI 23:00 The Essay (b00j19b6)
The Mews


Poet, writer, and falconer, Helen Macdonald is rearing and training a female goshawk

Producer: Tim Dee (R).

FRI 23:15 World on 3 (b00qn5dc)
Mary Ann Kennedy

Music from across the globe with Mary Ann Kennedy, and a Radio 3 debut session with the Carolina Chocolate Drops, a trio with roots in the tradition of Piedmont string bands.

The band was formed in 2005 by three young African-American musicians who started out by learning old American tunes and old fiddle techniques from some of the celebrated veteran players of North Carolina. America's Piedmont region is situated between the Appalachians and the Atlantic, and many freed slaves made their way there in the early years of the twentieth century. The 'Piedmont blues' was a distinctive style, influenced by ragtime and popular song, and it was made famous by the Tennessee Chcolate Drops. The Carolinas, named after the 1930s band, are an acoustic trio of Rhiannon Giddens, Justin Robinson and Dom Flemons, and they are reinventing this style for the present day. Although, as 'Newsweek' recently put it, 'more importantly they're just making great music.'.

Friday 19th February

Arr. Dropkick Murphys: Never Forget
Dropkick Murphys
Album: Meanest of Times
Cooking Vinyl Records COOKCD433

Keita: Samigna
Salif Keita
Album: La Difference
Universal Promo CD

Anon: Woman Sweeter than Man
Unknown performer, recorded by Arthur S. Alberts
Album: Songs of the African Coast –Café Music of Liberia
Yarngo Music Yarngo0389

Trad: Ev’ry Night
James Hill & Anne Davison
Album: True Love Don’t Weep
Borealis Records BCD195

McPeake Family: Will ye go Lassie, Go/Wild Mountain Thyme
The McPeake family
Album: Wild Mountain Thyme
Topic Records TSCD583

Studio Session

Carolina Chocolate Drops
Rhiannon Giddens (voice/fiddle)
Dom Flemons (voice/guitar/banjo/jug)
Justin Robinson (voice/fiddle/jug)

Trad, Arr. Flemmons/Giddens/Robinson: Cornbread & butterbeans
Carolina Chocolate Drops
BBC recording by engineers James Birtwistle & Martin Appleby, Maida Vale, February 2010

Trad: Cindy Gal
Joe Thompson
BBC recording by engineer Martin Appleby, June 2009

Trad, Arr. Flemmons/Giddens/Robinson: Cindy Gal
Carolina Chocolate Drops
BBC recording by engineers James Birtwistle & Martin Appleby, Maida Vale, February 2010

Ousmane Ag Mossa: Aratane N’Adagh
Album: Adagh
Glitterhouse Records GRCD703

Copertina B
Album: Trois Quatre –Musique du Monde
Trois Quatre TQ22

Perdona mi Tracion
Sierra Maestra
Album: Sonando Ya
World Village 450011

Te Vos maridar Roseta
Album: World Music from Catalan
Catalan! Music ICIC-World-2010

Tickell/Handyside: Our Kate/The Welcome Home
Kathryn Tickell
Album: The best of Kathryn Tickell
Park Records PRKCD107

Studio Session

Carolina Chocolate Drops

Trad, Arr. Flemmons/Giddens/Robinson: Trouble in your mind
Carolina Chocolate Drops
BBC recording by engineers James Birtwistle & Martin Appleby, Maida Vale, February 2010

Dallas Austin: Hit ‘em up style
Carolina Chocolate Drops
BBC recording by engineers James Birtwistle & Martin Appleby, Maida Vale, February 2010

C. Jackson, Arr. Dom Flemons: Your Baby ain’t sweet like mine
Carolina Chocolate Drops
BBC recording by engineers James Birtwistle & Martin Appleby, Maida Vale, February 2010

Rowan/Sunshine: Apocalypse
The Bevvy Sisters
Album: St James Session
Shoogle Records Shoodle09012

Murphy: Lazarus
Paul Murphy
Album: Postdata
Self Release

Anon: Mouthmusic
Rhiannon Giddens & Mary Ann Kennedy
BBC recording by engineers James Birtwistle & Martin Appleby, Maida Vale, February 2010

Trad, Arr. Walker: Air Failirinn iù
Rachel Walker
Album: Air Chall: Lost
Skipinnish Records SKIPCD20

Wright/Thomson/Green: Tears of the Sun
Sandy Wright
Album: The songs of Sandy Wright
Navigator Records Navigator23

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

Afternoon Concert 14:00 MON (b00qn3t2)

Afternoon Concert 14:00 TUE (b00qn3zy)

Afternoon Concert 14:00 WED (b00qn44f)

Afternoon Concert 14:00 THU (b00qn49m)

Afternoon Concert 14:00 FRI (b00qn4dn)

Breakfast 07:00 SAT (b00qn1j9)

Breakfast 07:00 SUN (b00qn326)

Breakfast 07:00 MON (b00qn3q8)

Breakfast 07:00 TUE (b00qn3y4)

Breakfast 07:00 WED (b00qn429)

Breakfast 07:00 THU (b00qn48b)

Breakfast 07:00 FRI (b00qn4c5)

CD Review 09:00 SAT (b00qn1lr)

Choir and Organ 18:30 SUN (b00qn3kv)

Choral Evensong 16:00 SUN (b00qfcy4)

Choral Evensong 16:00 WED (b00qn45f)

Classical Collection 10:00 MON (b00qn3qn)

Classical Collection 10:00 TUE (b00qn3ys)

Classical Collection 10:00 WED (b00qn42h)

Classical Collection 10:00 THU (b00qn48d)

Classical Collection 10:00 FRI (b00qn4c9)

Composer of the Week 12:00 MON (b00qn3s3)

Composer of the Week 22:00 MON (b00qn3s3)

Composer of the Week 12:00 TUE (b00qn3z9)

Composer of the Week 22:00 TUE (b00qn3z9)

Composer of the Week 12:00 WED (b00qn42t)

Composer of the Week 22:00 WED (b00qn42t)

Composer of the Week 12:00 THU (b00qn48s)

Composer of the Week 22:00 THU (b00qn48s)

Composer of the Week 12:00 FRI (b00qn4dj)

Composer of the Week 22:00 FRI (b00qn4dj)

Discovering Music 17:00 SUN (b00qn3kb)

Drama on 3 20:00 SUN (b007nv3g)

Hear and Now 22:30 SAT (b00qn1mb)

In Tune 17:00 MON (b00qn3tg)

In Tune 17:00 TUE (b00qn406)

In Tune 17:00 WED (b00qyrny)

In Tune 17:00 THU (b00qn49r)

In Tune 17:00 FRI (b00qn4f4)

Jazz Library 16:00 SAT (b00qn1m0)

Jazz Line-Up 23:45 SUN (b00qn3p5)

Jazz Record Requests 17:00 SAT (b00qn1m2)

Jazz on 3 23:15 MON (b00qn3wd)

Late Junction 23:15 TUE (b00qn41b)

Late Junction 23:15 WED (b00qn478)

Late Junction 23:15 THU (b00qn4bn)

Music Matters 12:15 SAT (b00qn1lt)

Night Waves 21:15 MON (b00qn3vc)

Night Waves 21:15 TUE (b00qn40y)

Night Waves 21:15 WED (b00qn469)

Night Waves 21:15 THU (b00qn4b8)

Opera on 3 18:00 SAT (b00qn1m4)

Performance on 3 19:00 MON (b00qn3tz)

Performance on 3 19:00 TUE (b00qn40g)

Performance on 3 19:00 WED (b00qn463)

Performance on 3 19:00 THU (b00qn49y)

Performance on 3 19:00 FRI (b00qn4ft)

Performance on 3 20:20 FRI (b00qn4gx)

Pre-Hear 22:00 SAT (b00qx4xf)

Private Passions 12:00 SUN (b00fr76b)

Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 14:00 SAT (b00qfbky)

Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 13:00 MON (b00qn3sr)

Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 13:00 TUE (b00qn3zw)

Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 13:00 WED (b00qn42w)

Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 13:00 THU (b00qn49c)

Radio 3 Lunchtime Concert 13:00 FRI (b00qn4dl)

Radio 3 Requests 14:00 SUN (b00qn3jf)

Sunday Feature 22:00 SUN (b00qn3mt)

Sunday Morning 10:00 SUN (b00qn33s)

The Early Music Show 13:00 SAT (b00qn1lw)

The Early Music Show 00:00 SUN (b00fd2l0)

The Early Music Show 13:00 SUN (b00qn3jc)

The Essay 23:00 MON (b00j161b)

The Essay 23:00 TUE (b00j18gz)

The Essay 23:00 WED (b00j18my)

The Essay 23:00 THU (b00j18sl)

The Essay 23:00 FRI (b00j19b6)

The Verb 21:15 FRI (b00kh4lj)

The Wire 21:00 SAT (b00qn1m6)

Through the Night 01:00 SAT (b00qff98)

Through the Night 01:00 SUN (b00qn320)

Through the Night 01:00 MON (b00qn3q2)

Through the Night 01:00 TUE (b00qn3xc)

Through the Night 01:00 WED (b00qn427)

Through the Night 01:00 THU (b00qn47r)

Through the Night 01:00 FRI (b00qn4bw)

Twenty Minutes 20:00 FRI (b00r2fl1)

Words and Music 22:45 SUN (b00qn3p3)

World Routes 15:00 SAT (b00qn1ly)

World on 3 23:15 FRI (b00qn5dc)