SAT 19:00 Ulster in Focus (m00285zk)
The Banks of the Bann

A journey along the River Bann, Northern Ireland's longest river, from Loch Neagh to the sea, exploring its rich industrial heritage.

SAT 19:20 All Creatures Great and Small (p031d2sh)
Series 2

Ways and Means

A pig delays James from his appointment at Darrowby Youth Club, where he is to make a speech, but he would rather face a savage pig than face his fear of public speaking.

SAT 20:10 All Creatures Great and Small (p031d2sn)
Series 2

Pups, Pigs and Pickles

Tristan proves he is a gentleman, but when James delivers a calf and is offered an incredible breakfast, it puts his love of good food severely to the test.

SAT 21:00 An t-Eilean/The Island (m0026zqf)
Series 1

Episode 1

When Lady Mary Maclean is murdered on the Isle of Harris, newly qualified family liaison officer PC Kat Crichton is assigned to the case.

A high-profile case like this is the career opportunity of a lifetime but for Kat, this is not just a job. A decade earlier, she got caught up in the twisted web of the Maclean family and was forced to flee the island. Ten years older, a resolute Kat now returns, determined to bring the killer to justice.

Nuair a tha Lady Mary NicIllEathain air a murt sna Hearadh, tha an t-Oifigear Teaghlaich ùr, PC Kat Crichton, a’ tòiseachadh air a’ chùis.

Cha ghabh cùis le ìomhaigh cho àrd ri seo a sheachnadh ach do Kat, chan e obair a-mhàin a tha seo. Deich bliadhna roimhe, chaidh a glacadh ann an lìon toinnte teaghlach MhicIllEathain agus b’ fheudar dhi an t-eilean fhàgail. Tha Kat a’ tilleadh, nas sine, dàna agus daingeann gum faigh ceartas làmh an uachdair air a’ mhurtair.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

SAT 21:55 An t-Eilean/The Island (m00277g6)
Series 1

Episode 2

Kat brings up the inconsistencies in Sir Douglas’s story to her boss, but without hard evidence it feels flimsy. And when it’s revealed eldest Maclean son Calum has a questionable alibi, he becomes the focus of the investigation.

Tha Kat ag innse don cheannard aice mu mhì-chòrdalas sgeulachd Sir Douglas, ach gun fianais cheart, cha ghabh cus a dhèanamh. Nuair a thathar ag ionnsachadh gu bheil alibi mì-chinnteach aig Calum, tha e ga fhaighinn fhèin aig cridhe an rannsachaidh.

In Gaelic with English subtitles.

SAT 22:45 Compartment No. 6 (m00285zp)
Award-winning 'odd couple' drama set in 1990s Russia. Finnish Laura’s long train journey to the frozen north is shared with coarse young Ljoha, and finding common ground seems impossible.

In Russian and Finnish with English subtitles.

SAT 00:25 Going Straight (p00xb637)
Going Sour

Fletch takes pity on a young runaway pickpocket named Penny and takes her home for a bath and a meal. She betrays his kindness and Fletch feels let down.

SAT 00:55 As Time Goes By (p0479v3l)
Series 2


Jean and Lionel bump into Jean’s sister-in-law and get asked to stay for the weekend. They decide to lie about how long they’ve known each other, but this catches up with them.

SAT 01:25 All Creatures Great and Small (p031d2sh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:20 today]

SAT 02:20 All Creatures Great and Small (p031d2sn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:10 today]

SAT 03:10 Ulster in Focus (m00285zk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]


SUN 19:00 Classic EastEnders (b07cz86b)
Den and Angie

The classic two-hander between Den and Angie Watts, directed by Antonia Bird. Den’s demands for a divorce lead to a dramatic revelation from Angie – but is she telling the truth? This episode was first broadcast on 16 October 1986.

SUN 19:30 Ross Kemp Remembers... EastEnders: Sharongate (m002861h)
Ross Kemp gripped the nation for years playing the best-loved bad boy Grant Mitchell in EastEnders. Ahead of his long-awaited return to Albert Square, Ross recalls one of the soap's most explosive storylines - Sharongate - where Grant accidentally hears his wife confessing to not only being unfaithful, but that her affair partner was none other than Grant's brother Phil Mitchell.

SUN 19:45 Classic EastEnders (m000kkcl)

Phil and Kathy's engagement party celebrations in the Queen Vic are cut short when Grant makes Sharon and Phil's affair public, with huge repercussions for all involved. This episode, the climax to a storyline dubbed 'Sharongate', was first broadcast on 25th October 1994.

SUN 20:15 Pam St Clement Remembers... EastEnders: Pat and Frank's Affair (m002861k)
Pam St Clement was an instant hit with audiences from the moment she first appeared on Albert Square, playing the tough - but occasionally tender - Pat Butcher. Here, Pam looks back on one of her biggest moments, remembering how the nation was gripped by one the soap’s most iconic episodes, when Pat’s affair with Frank was finally, and very publicly, exposed.

SUN 20:30 Classic EastEnders (m000fj9l)
Pat and Frank's Affair

Drama serial about life in an East London square. In a special one-hour slice of Walford life, there are fireworks of a different kind as Albert Square celebrates bonfire night. Originally aired on 2 November 2000.

SUN 21:30 Angela Wynter and Rudolph Walker Remember... EastEnders: Yolande and Patrick (m002861m)
Their roles as husband and wife Patrick and Yolande Trueman made actors Rudolph Walker and Angela Wynter firm favourites with EastEnders fans. Here, we join them, out of character, discussing the two-hander episode from May 2024 that won them huge praise for their poignant and sensitive handling of Yolande’s sexual assault storyline and Patrick’s discovery of Pastor Clayton’s involvement.

SUN 22:00 EastEnders (m001z1ll)
Elaine is the bearer of bad news, and Yolande and Patrick have a heart-to-heart.

SUN 22:30 Just Another Day (m002861p)
Series 2


In a programme first broadcast in 1987, John Pitman visits Albert Square and meets the cast of the BBC soap EastEnders.

SUN 23:10 EastEnders Family Album (m002861r)
Classic clips, including the unforgettable Den and Angie 'divorce papers', Sharon-gate and the Carol, Bianca and Dan drama, plus cast memories provide a retrospective of the soap as it celebrated its 15th birthday in 2000.

SUN 00:05 EastEnders: The Whole Truth (m002861v)
In a programme from 2001 that goes behind the scenes of the popular BBC soap, Gaby Roslin looks at the suspects in the Phil Mitchell shooting.

SUN 00:30 Wogan (m002861z)
EastEnders Stars, Joan Baez, Yousuf Karsh and Daniel O'Donnell

Terry Wogan chats with singer-songwriter Joan Baez, photographer Yousuf Karsh and EastEnders stars Michael Cashman, Letitia Dean, Gillian Taylforth and Susan Tully. Singer Daniel O'Donnell performs I Need You.

SUN 01:10 Classic EastEnders (b07cz86b)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

SUN 01:45 Classic EastEnders (m000kkcl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:45 today]

SUN 02:10 Classic EastEnders (m000fj9l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 today]

SUN 03:10 EastEnders (m001z1ll)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 today]


MON 19:00 A Timewatch Guide (b052775d)
Series 1


Using the BBC film archives, historian Vanessa Collinridge explores how our view of Cleopatra has changed and evolved over the years - from Roman propaganda, through Shakespeare's role in casting her as a doomed romantic heroine, to her portrayal in the golden age of Hollywood.

Along the way Vanessa investigates Cleopatra's relationships with Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony, her role as a politician, whether she should be seen as a murderer, and her tragic end. Drawing on the views of academic experts, BBC documentaries and drama, Vanessa charts how, throughout history, Cleopatra's image has been subject to myth, cliche and propaganda.

MON 20:00 The Man Who Discovered Egypt (b01f13f4)
Documentary about English Egyptologist Flinders Petrie, the pioneer of systematic methodology in archaeology. Ancient Egypt was vandalised by tomb raiders and treasure hunters until this Victorian adventurer took them on. Most people have never heard of him, but this maverick undertook a scientific survey of the pyramids, discovered the oldest portraits in the world, unearthed Egypt's prehistoric roots - and in the process invented modern field archaeology, giving meaning to a whole civilisation.

MON 21:00 The Latest Secrets of Hieroglyphs (m001f72n)
The great history of Egypt is inscribed on its monuments, temples and tombs, but hieroglyphs – the written language of the ancient Egyptians – fell silent until 1822 when a young French scholar, Jean-François Champollion, became the first person to decipher their texts for over a thousand years. Champollion’s insights and the work of other scholars helped bring an entire civilisation back to life.

Today, researchers are increasingly interested in the authors who created these hieroglyphic works. Near Luxor, The Latest Secrets of Hieroglyphs follows a new generation of Egyptologists as they unlock the texts inscribed inside a richly adorned tomb, revealing the beliefs and lives of the priests, scribes, painters, engravers and builders who created this grand funerary monument.

MON 22:00 Timewatch (p02zy01m)

Akhenaten and Nefertiti: The Royal Gods of Egypt

King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti introduced a completely new religion to ancient Egypt and were worshipped as gods on Earth. So why did it come to a sudden and mysterious end?

MON 22:50 Tutankhamun's Egypt (m002860f)
Series 1

The Life and Times of Tutankhamun

The final programme of the series looks at the life and times of Tutankhamun himself. The discovery of his treasure-filled tomb made this king world-famous - the one ancient Egyptian that everyone has heard of - but paradoxically, the details of his life are harder to make out than those of many other less well-known pharaohs.

His was a short and not very glorious reign in a troubled time, and a lot of detective work has been needed to piece together the facts about him - as they are presented in this programme.

Introduced by Cyril Aldred from the famous 1972 Tutankhamun Exhibition at the British Museum.

MON 23:10 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (m001sfvq)
Eyewitness to History: Norma Percy on The Fifty Years War

Award-winning film-maker Norma Percy looks back on her acclaimed 1998 documentary series The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs.

Through interviews and analysis from key players of the time, the series forensically detailed the conflict’s origins and key moments, and here Norma shares how the programme came to life, how she gained the trust of some of the most significant figures of the day and what the lessons from history might be.

MON 23:30 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (p0glc8xt)
Series 1


In 1948, the state of Israel was proclaimed. This episode recounts how the US, later Israel's greatest ally, came close to stopping the creation of the new state. Made in 1998.

MON 00:20 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (p0glc9tr)
Series 1


Tracing the pattern of dramatic and covert events leading to the Six Day War of June 1967. Made in 1998.

MON 01:10 The Man Who Discovered Egypt (b01f13f4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]

MON 02:10 Timewatch (p02zy01m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 today]

MON 03:00 A Timewatch Guide (b052775d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]


TUE 19:00 The Architecture the Railways Built (m0027pzy)
Series 1

Episode 8

Tim Dunn visits the former HQ of London Underground, 55 Broadway, which was the capital's first skyscraper, and sees the timber-framed Barmouth Bridge in north Wales.

TUE 19:45 The Flying Gardener (b00795ll)
Series 1 Shorts


Chris Beardshaw travels around by helicopter on a mission to find Britain's most inspirational gardens.

This edition comes from Kent, where he drops in on an enthusiastic group of organic farmers and helps a family trying to grow their own produce.

TUE 20:00 Going Straight (p00xb64z)
Going to Work

Fletch's probation officer gets him a job as a night porter, but his return to work is not smooth sailing.

TUE 20:30 As Time Goes By (p0479vfc)
Series 2

The Cruise

Jean’s personal life has become the focal point of conversation between Judy and Sandy. Lionel offers Jean a free cruise holiday, but her response is not what he’d imagined.

TUE 21:00 Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal (b0bkz5wv)
Series 1


The second film in this intimate portrait finds Princess Margaret and her husband Anthony Armstrong-Jones at the start of their married life in the early 1960s. At home with celebrities and artists, they are riding the wave of a cultural and sexual revolution that is transforming Britain.

In 1965, they set off on an official royal tour of the United States. From California to small-town Arizona, the royal couple promote Britain by day and party by night. They attend a dinner with Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton in a world where Hollywood royalty increasingly competes with the real thing. In Britain, the press starts to ask if the extravagant royal tour is a good way to spend public money. The mystique of monarchy is being increasingly undermined by the emergence of a more open and egalitarian society.

In the years that follow, Anthony Armstrong-Jones begins to withdraw from royal duties and the couple lead increasingly separate lives. Press speculation about the state of their marriage intensifies. In the 1970s Margaret retreats more and more to the Caribbean island of Mustique in an attempt to secure a private life. In an era of celebrity gossip and the telephoto lens, her relationship with a younger man and beach parties with rock stars like Mick Jagger lead to ever more press interest. As Britain lurches from one economic crisis to the next, Margaret's Caribbean lifestyle becomes the lightning rod for republican attacks on the monarchy.

In 1978, Margaret reflects changing attitudes sweeping the country and gets a divorce. The rebel royal is now increasingly eclipsed by a new generation of princesses. But in her own way, Princess Margaret helped pave the way for them and for the monarchy of the 21st century.

Contributors include Lady Anne Glenconner, a childhood friend who became her lady-in-waiting, Jane Stevens, one of her closest friends, Basil Charles, the owner of a bar on the Caribbean island of Mustique, David Griffin, Princess Margaret's chauffeur, and Craig Brown, her unofficial biographer.

TUE 22:00 Storyville (m002860c)
Gaucho Gaucho: Argentina’s Last Ranchers

A Storyville documentary that follows the lives of Argentina’s gauchos (cowboys and cowgirls), who proudly preserve their traditions in a fast-changing world.

They travel on horseback, accompanied by their dogs, moving their cattle across stunning landscapes. Their handmade clothing - woollen ponchos, bombacha trousers and boina hats - are signs to the outside world that they remain unshackled by the bindings of modernity.

The film follows the lives of men and women of different ages, backgrounds and talents, who are all connected by their incredible bonds with their animals and their fight to remain free.

TUE 23:15 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (p0glccdx)
Series 1


The Palestinian story, beginning with Yasser Arafat's first secret crossing of the River Jordan to launch raids on Israel and ending with his exile to Tunis. Made in 1998.

TUE 00:05 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (p0glcdwv)
Series 1


Israel was not prepared for the outbreak of the Yom Kippur War. Ex-US president Jimmy Carter recalls how, in 1978, he managed to broker the Arab-Israel agreement. Made in 1998.

TUE 00:55 The Latest Secrets of Hieroglyphs (m001f72n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Monday]

TUE 01:55 Tutankhamun's Egypt (m002860f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:50 on Monday]

TUE 02:15 The Flying Gardener (b00795ll)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:45 today]

TUE 02:30 Princess Margaret: The Rebel Royal (b0bkz5wv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]


WED 19:00 The Architecture the Railways Built (m0027q09)
Series 1

Episode 9

Tim Dunn visits the architecture of the Stockton & Darlington railway, the first passenger steam line in the world, and learns how Essex's enormous Chappel Viaduct was built.

WED 19:45 The Flying Gardener (b00796kx)
Series 1 Shorts

Devon Gardener

Chris Beardshaw visits inspirational gardens by helicopter. He travels to Devon to help Carol Cooper and her husband Stephen develop a beautiful spring woodland garden.

WED 20:00 Himalaya with Michael Palin (b0074qqv)
The Roof of the World

Leaving Everest Base Camp Michael Palin takes the high road to Lhasa to see for himself what the Chinese have done to Tibet. From the Potala Palace to the great monasteries of Tashilunpo and Sera he sees that religion is once again tolerated, while at the same time the old Tibetan centre of the city is being torn down and replaced with modern Chinese shopping malls and nightclubs.

Following the pilgrims to the holy Namtso Lake he finally gets warm in an Olympic sized hotspring before learning how to milk a yak with a nomad family with whom he travels to the summer horse festival in Yushu.

WED 21:00 Secrets of Size: Atoms to Supergalaxies (m0017njc)
Series 1

Going Big

In the concluding episode of the series, Jim encounters ever larger cosmic structures to reveal the latest breakthroughs in our understanding of the universe. For example, there’s the heliosphere, a vast cloud of solar plasma that surrounds and protects the solar system. Its unique physics help us understand why life is possible. Larger still, Jim comes face to face with our galactic home the Milky Way, a monstrous structure sculpted by the gravitational forces of dark matter. Jim finds out from pioneering researcher Adrian Fabian about the black hole at its centre, whose strange behaviour includes emitting the lowest note that can be heard in the cosmos.

At an even greater scale, Jim encounters huge structures such as the Laniakea Supercluster, of which the Milky Way is only a tiny part. Then there’s 'the giant arc', a collection of galaxies that account for more than three per cent of the observable universe. Jim learns from its discoverer, British PhD student Alexia Lopez, that this gargantuan structure is forcing scientists to reassess their theory of how the universe evolves and may overturn some of the most fundamental principles in physics.

WED 22:00 Vivien Heilbron Remembers... Cloud Howe (m0028625)
Actress Vivien Heilbron looks back on the 1982 drama series Cloud Howe, the second part of the BBC’s acclaimed adaptation of Lewis Grassic Gibbon’s classic trilogy A Scots Quair.

Vivien’s character Chris is now moving on from the death of her first husband, newly married to a church minister and trying to manage a new life in a small town where gossip and rumour runs rife.

WED 22:15 Cloud Howe (p0kjd1rc)
Series 1


Moving from Kinraddie to the mill town of Segget, Chris Guthrie is now married to a young and idealistic minister, Robert. Her unease grows as she struggles to understand the dark moods that engulf her new husband as his vision for the town is met with resistance.

WED 23:10 Cloud Howe (p0kjd4dm)
Series 1


Political unrest grows in Segget as Chris dreams of having another child. As Robert finds it hard to exact any change in the town, the return of the Laird helps little.

WED 00:10 Cloud Howe (p0kjd65q)
Series 1


Testing times in Segget as Chris is met with suspicion and town rumours, which upset Robert. Clashes with the striking miners ends in tragedy.

WED 01:10 Cloud Howe (p0kjd708)
Series 1


Chris and Robert are wearied by life as they increasingly find they can do little to help the townsfolk after the closure of the mills. The mills’ demise leaves families homeless with devastating consequences. Robert’s health deteriorates.

WED 02:05 The Flying Gardener (b00796kx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:45 today]

WED 02:20 Himalaya with Michael Palin (b0074qqv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]


THU 19:00 The Architecture the Railways Built (m0027q0n)
Series 1

Episode 10

Tim Dunn sees Swindon's railway village and explores the past of Milan's monumental station.

THU 19:45 Nothing Like a Dame (b0b5y3xn)
Together, they are 342 years old. They are in their seventh decade of cutting-edge, epoch-defining performances on stage and on screen. Funny, smart, sharp, competitive, tearful, hilarious, savage, clever, caustic, cool, gorgeous, poignant, irreverent, iconic, old... and unbelievably young.

Special friends, special women and special dames - and this special film is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to hang out with them all, at the same table, at the same time, and enjoy sparkling and unguarded conversation spliced with a raft of astonishing archive.

Atkins, Dench, Smith, Plowright. The dream dame team. Don't miss it.

THU 21:00 Screen Two (p00gfgwt)
Series 8

Enchanted April

Four women, driven to desperation in 1920s London, rent a small castle in Italy for a holiday, where they are joined by their husbands. The magic of the place soon begins to work in unexpected ways.

THU 22:40 Omnibus (m002861c)
Cuckoo: A Celebration of Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy

Documentary from 1974 about the classic comedy duo Laurel and Hardy, featuring many film clips and reminiscences from entertainers and associates. Narrated by Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise.

THU 23:45 Stan & Ollie (m000sdz8)
Once the world's most famous comedy double act, Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy reunite for a variety hall tour of Britain in 1953. As they set out on their demanding schedule, with their wives back home in the US, Stan is distracted by his attempts to pin down the producer of their proposed comeback film and Ollie tries to heal a rift caused by a perceived professional betrayal.

THU 01:20 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (p0glcgcl)
Series 1


The protracted search for peace was repeatedly sabotaged. The deadlock was finally broken by the Intifada - a Palestinian uprising in the occupied territories. Made in 1998.

THU 02:10 The Fifty Years War: Israel and the Arabs (p0glchkh)
Series 1


A series of cloak and-dagger manoeuvres sealed a historic first peace agreement between the Palestinians and Israel in September 1993. Made in 1998.

THU 03:00 Secrets of Size: Atoms to Supergalaxies (m0017njc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Wednesday]


FRI 19:00 Top of the Pops (m002861w)
Dannii Minogue presents the pop chart programme, first broadcast on 16 May 1997 and featuring North & South, Brownstone, Sinead O'Connor, Damage, Katrina & The Waves, Mary J Blige, Olive and Gary Barlow.

FRI 19:30 Top of the Pops (m0028620)
Mark Radcliffe and Marc Riley present the pop chart programme, first broadcast on 23 May 1997 and featuring No Mercy, Placebo, Skunk Anansie, Katrina & The Waves, The Rembrandts, Damage, Olive and Sarah Brightman & Andrea Bocelli.

FRI 20:00 Top of the Pops (b01cqrvq)
Noel Edmonds presents the pop chart programme, first broadcast on 24 February 1977 and featuring Racing Cars, Barbara Dickson, Leo Sayer, The Real Thing, Heatwave, Bryan Ferry, ELO and Legs & Co.

FRI 20:30 Top of the Pops (b07k8p62)
Mike Read presents the pop chart show, first broadcast on 18 February 1982 and featuring Toni Basil, Madness, UB40, Tight Fit, The Jam, Robert Palmer, George Benson and Jets.

FRI 21:00 Lindisfarne’s Geordie Genius: The Alan Hull Story (m0011vbk)
Brit Award winner Sam Fender goes in search of a musical hero from another era - the late, great, Alan Hull of Lindisfarne. Sam is amazed how few people, outside of his native north east, know much about his hero’s work. He’s now on a mission to win back Hull’s place in music history.

In this film, he traces the career of the man whose words and music put Newcastle and supergroup Lindisfarne on the musical map in the 1970s. Alan continued to write classic songs until his early death in 1995. He spoke of love and life, championed the underdog and the misunderstood, and celebrated working-class people and his hometown - both of which he loved with a passion. Alan lived and wrote through turbulent times - writing eloquently about the troubles in Northern Ireland, the Falklands War and the miners’ strike.

Sam digs out great archive interviews, performances and unseen footage, and meets friends, family and bandmates who knew Alan Hull best. Sam also hears from top stars like Sting, Elvis Costello, Mark Knopfler, Dave Stewart and Peter Gabriel. All were huge fans of songs such as Lady Eleanor, Fog on the Tyne, Winter Song, Clear White Light and Run For Home. But he also finds that Alan inspired an entire new generation of musicians like Kay Greyson: a young rapper from Tyneside. To his surprise, Sam discovers ‘Hully’ also took the lead role in an acclaimed BBC TV primetime drama. He reveals a complex man - a political animal, a drinker and an agitator, beset by his own insecurities but someone who could break hearts and inspire minds with his lyrics and melodies.

FRI 22:00 Rock Goes to College (m0028622)

Pete Drummond introduces a performance by folk rock band Lindisfarne from Essex University.

FRI 22:30 Folk Hibernia at the BBC (b0074tkd)
Celebrating the finest in Irish folk music with a compilation of performances taken from the BBC archives. Highlights include songs from The Clancy Brothers, The Chieftains, Christy Moore, The Pogues and Sharon Shannon.

FRI 23:30 Sounds of the Sixties (b0074qbv)
Original Series

The Folk Revival

A trawl through the BBC's archives for 60s music with an acoustic bent. Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen and Tim Buckley feature.

FRI 00:00 The Old Grey Whistle Test (m0011vbm)
John Martyn

Bob Harris introduces John Martyn in a concert from 1978 at the Collegiate Theatre, UCL, in London.

FRI 00:30 Top of the Pops (m002861w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

FRI 01:00 Top of the Pops (m0028620)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]

FRI 01:30 Top of the Pops (b01cqrvq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]

FRI 02:00 Top of the Pops (b07k8p62)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 today]

FRI 02:30 Lindisfarne’s Geordie Genius: The Alan Hull Story (m0011vbk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

FRI 03:30 Rock Goes to College (m0028622)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 today]