The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 19:00 Coast (b04sn7cy)
Series 5 (Shortened Versions)


Coast explores the strong bonds Britain has with its neighbour across the North Sea, Denmark.

SAT 19:10 The Riviera: A History in Pictures (b01ps9jr)
Painting Paradise

Two-part sun-filled series in which Richard E Grant follows in the footsteps of artists who have lived, loved and painted on France's glorious Cote d'Azur.

Revealing the intertwined relationship between modern art and the development of the French Riviera as an international tourist haven, Grant explores how impressionist painters Cezanne, Monet and Renoir first discovered the region in the 19th century when the newly built railway arrived there.

Captivated by the light and colour of this undiscovered landscape, the painters immortalised its shores on canvas and in doing so advertised the savage beauty of the region. For neo-impressionists Paul Signac and Henri-Edmond Cross, the region provided a vision of utopia, while for Henri Matisse the vivid colours of the area inspired him to adopt a new palette and in doing so set modern art en route to abstraction.

With visits to L'Estaque, St Tropez and Nice, Grant maps the progress of the region from cultural backwater to bohemian hotspot.

SAT 20:10 Pole to Pole (p02j8sp7)
Shifting Sands

Civil war and poor conditions bring Michael to a near halt as he crosses Sudan, and it takes him over 24 hours to travel just 60 miles as he draws near the Ethiopian border.

SAT 21:00 Paris Police 1900 (p09tqlz1)
Series 1

Episode 7

Tensions run high on Rue Chabrol. Encircled by the police, Guérin is protected by the butchers of La Villette. He waits for the trap to close in on Lépine and his men so that he can take power with his nationalist and monarchist allies.

In French with English subtitles.

SAT 21:50 Paris Police 1900 (p09tqmv5)
Series 1

Episode 8

Guérin and his men remain holed up in their HQ, but inclement weather disperses their supporters in the streets. An exhausted Fiersi is caught by Puybaraud's men and is persuaded to undertake one final commission for his boss.

In French with English subtitles.

SAT 22:50 Storyville (b00pft7f)
The Age of Stupid

Drama-documentary-animation hybrid starring Oscar-nominated Pete Postlethwaite as a man living alone in the devastated world of 2055, watching archive footage from 2008 and asking why climate change wasn't stopped before it was too late.

SAT 00:15 Climate Change by Numbers (p02jsdrk)
At the heart of the climate change debate is a paradox - we've never had more information about our changing climate, yet surveys show that the public are, if anything, getting less sure they understand what's going on.

This programme aims to remedy that, with a new perspective on the whole subject. Presented by three mathematicians - Dr Hannah Fry, Prof Norman Fenton and Prof David Spiegelhalter - it hones in on just three key numbers that clarify all the important questions around climate change. The stories behind these numbers involve an extraordinary cast of characters, almost all of whom had nothing to do with climate change, but whose work is critical to our understanding of the climate.

The three numbers are:
0.85 degrees (the amount of warming the planet has undergone since 1880)
95 per cent (the degree of certainty climate scientists have that at least half the recent warming is man-made)
1 trillion tonnes (the total amount of carbon we can afford to burn - ever - in order to stay below 'dangerous levels' of climate change)

Understanding how scientists came up with these three numbers gives a unique perspective on what we know about the past, present and future of our changing climate.

SAT 01:30 Pole to Pole (p02j8sp7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:10 today]

SAT 01:20 The Riviera: A History in Pictures (b01ps9jr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:10 today]


SUN 19:00 Death of a Salesman (m001169d)
Adaptation of Arthur Miller's classic play. Salesman Willy Loman attempts to make sense of both his life and his family relationships – with tragic results.

SUN 21:15 imagine... (m001169g)
Arthur Miller - Finishing the Picture

Renowned American playwright Arthur Miller discusses his life and work with Alan Yentob.

SUN 22:15 The Stalls of Barchester (m001169j)
Adaptation of MR James's ghost story about an ambitious cleric who decides to advance his career by murdering his archdeacon. Soon he is stalked by creatures that seem to spring from the very fabric of his church.

SUN 23:00 Arena (m001169l)
Painted with My Hair

Painted with My Hair is inspired by the paintings, poetry and letters of Donny Johnson, an exceptionally intelligent and talented US lifer, who has been locked away inside his country’s notoriously punitive prison system since the age of 18. At 58, Donny was released from solitary and had his first parole board hearing in April 2018. But for 24 years of his prison life, he was ‘buried alive’ in an 11-by-seven-foot concrete cell inside the Super Max Security Housing Unit of Pelican Bay State Prison, where creativity and the making of art were crucial to Donny’s survival.

Together with thousands of other long-time solitary confined prisoners, Donny was denied all physical contact with other human beings, and subjected to sensory and social deprivation. He was permitted to speak to visitors only via a phone through bullet-proof glass. Nevertheless, in 2002, against all the odds and through an initial ‘prisoners pen-pal’ contact and subsequent weekly correspondence with a New York writer and psychoanalyst, Stephen Kurtz, Donny began an intense and mutually transforming friendship. This relationship, expressed through over 500 letters, lies at the heart of this film. And while Donny revealed himself to be a fluent and incisive writer, even more remarkably, with encouragement from Steve, he became a dedicated artist – despite being refused access to conventional painting materials and forced to make brushes from his own hair, and to synthesise his pigments from the coloured sugar coatings of M&M’s and Skittles.

As Donny himself cannot be interviewed, his life and emotionally charged journey of self-discovery are presented in the film via quotations from his many letters, read by the award-winning American actor Stanley Tucci. Donny’s ‘voice’ thus becomes the driving force of the documentary, articulating its main themes and topics, from his childhood to the present. Interwoven with Donny’s own words are vivid and articulate contributions from people involved in his life, among them his mother Helen Grimes, his now close friend Steve Kurtz, and his San Francisco-based prisoners' rights lawyer Charles Carbone. A further emotional level is added through music, in the form of specially recorded jazz/rock improvisations for electric guitar and a few songs that have particular significance for Donny.

Donny’s life is an example of one man’s resilience and personal transformation, achieved in defiance of a prison system that locks up more of its citizens – mostly the poor – than any other country. And this unusual and provocative film celebrates creativity and friendship as the essential routes to self-realisation for prisoners whose humanity is systematically denied.

Whether ‘indefinite confinement’ continues to be Donny’s fate was determined by a parole board hearing held in California’s High Desert State Prison on 19 April 2018. Despite evidence of Donny’s rehabilitation while in prison, his parole was not granted, with even a second hearing denied for a further five years. While the hearing could not be filmed, the tension leading up to the board’s decision, and its momentous emotional repercussions for Donny, his family and everyone else in his life, constitute the moving last sequence of the film.

SUN 00:15 Ireland to Sydney by Any Means (b00dhbf2)
Episode 1

Gritty adventurer Charley Boorman goes on one of his most daring journeys, covering three continents, 25 countries and over 20,000 miles from Ireland to Australia.

Charley gets off his bike and on to local means of transport, avoiding commercial airlines wherever possible to travel over land and sea on more than 100 different modes of transport, including container ships, dug-out canoes, solar cars and an elephant.

In the first episode, preparations are underway as Charley plans the three-month expedition. A few knock-backs, several training courses and some minor route alterations later, the three team members - Charley, producer Russ and cameraman Mungo - are ready. Starting from Charley's home in County Wicklow in Ireland, the trio rev the engines of three classic bikes before heading northwards for the shores of Kilkeel and the start of their adventure.

SUN 01:15 Ireland to Sydney by Any Means (b00dls64)
Episode 2

Gritty adventurer Charley Boorman returns for his most daring journey so far, covering three continents, 25 countries and over 20,000 miles from Ireland to Australia.

Charley's adventure takes him from the shores of Calais to the shores of Bandar-e Abbas. First, he puts his newly-learnt sailing skills to use and successfully crosses the tempestuous English Channel in a sailing dinghy.

From Calais, Charley and the team navigate their way through France and Italy, across to Croatia, Serbia and Bulgaria, before pressing on through far western Asia from Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Iran. The expedition hinges on whether they can enter Iran and make it to Dubai in time to catch a container ship to Mumbai.

Charley travels the distance on a vast array of transport, taking a luxury train to Venice, riding a Parisian city bicycle, wrestling with a sidecar motorcycle around a hairpin bend in Georgia, hitching a ride on a truck in Iran and onboard a sleeper train.

On the way, he and the team are faced with numerous logistical obstacles including a vintage car with an empty fuel tank, an ex-Soviet jeep with dodgy brakes and a serious bureaucratic hurdle in order to get their visas into Iran.

But Charley's passion for befriending all those around him and his notorious sense of humour means they also taste the flavours and meet the faces of this eclectic part of the world - from Cenk, the Turkish fixer who sings his Dolmus Blues, to a young Croat lady who tells the story of her father's capture and imprisonment in a concentration camp, and sharing hubbly bubbly with locals in a tea room in the Iranian desert.

SUN 02:15 Museums in Quarantine (m000hqml)
Series 1


In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Alastair Sooke gains privileged access to the Tate Modern for a last look at the Warhol exhibition. Sooke argues that Warhol might just be the most significant artist of the second half of the 20th century. Warhol not only predicted, but in many ways helped to create, the world we live in - one obsessed with hyper-consumption, mass media and celebrity.

Covering works from across Warhol’s career, Sooke explores Warhol’s long-running commitment to experimental film and TV, as well as his fascination with advertising, pop music and commerce. And he delves into the man behind the carefully curated eccentricity, examining the expressions of Warhol’s queer identity in his later works and how his background as the son of eastern European immigrants influenced his art.

In conversation with Gregor Muir, one of the exhibition’s curators, Sooke discovers that one of his aims with the show was to strip away some of the myths about Warhol’s work and broaden the focus away from Warhol’s pop art studies of the 1960s. Finally, he muses on the particularly Warholian irony that this blockbuster show was closed, due to the coronavirus lockdown, almost as soon as it had opened.

SUN 02:45 imagine... (m001169g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:15 today]


MON 19:00 Great British Railway Journeys (m0002pcs)
Series 10

East Malling to Rye

Steered by his Bradshaw’s Guide, Michael Portillo is on the last leg of his journey from Warwick to Rye in East Sussex. In the orchards of East Malling, Kent, Michael discovers that the Edwardians’ serious attitude towards cultivation bore fruit. Rootstock developed at the NIAB Centre for Fruit Research, established in 1913, is today responsible for much of world apple production.

In Folkestone, Michael hears how the town coped with an influx of more than 100,000 refugees from Belgium fleeing the German invasion in 1914.

In the High Weald, Michael heads for Tenterden Town and the light railway which opened in 1900. The Kent and East Sussex heritage line has been restored by an army of volunteers. Michael lends a hand in the restoration shed and is rewarded with a wonderful trip aboard Edwardian carriages powered by a locomotive nicknamed “Terrier” to Bodiam.

Michael’s last stop is the splendid medieval Cinque Port of Rye, where he tucks into a local speciality, scallops, and tours the beautiful home and garden of one of his favourite authors - the illustrious American Henry James.

MON 19:30 The Joy of Painting (m001168v)
Series 5

Misty Foothills

Bob Ross invites you to enjoy a fabulous mountain lake view, with layers of soft hills and trees shrouded in heavy-clouded haze.

MON 20:00 Raiders of the Lost Past with Janina Ramirez (m0008k83)
Series 1

The Olmec Heads

Janina Ramirez travels to Mexico, where, just before the outbreak of WWII, American husband-and-wife explorer team Matthew and Marion Stirling were lured into the jungle by the legend of a colossal stone head. They found the head – and a lot more than they bargained for – because it turned out to be the first clue in a trail that led to the discovery of a lost civilisation, now known as the Olmecs.

As Janina follows in their footsteps through the jungle, she discovers that the go-getting Stirlings embodied the adventurous determination of prewar archaeological explorers. Breaking new ground, the Stirlings realised that it was the Olmecs – not the much-later Mayans or the Aztecs – who built the very first pyramids, palaces and planned cities for which Central America is now so famous.

Janina’s journey takes her to some of the most stunning ancient sites in Mexico as she pieces together the evidence that led the Stirlings to the controversial conclusion that the Olmecs flourished there 3,500 years ago, the same period as ancient Egypt. It is extraordinary to think, before their finds, that we not only had no idea the Olmecs even existed, but no idea any civilisation this ancient existed in Central America. The Stirlings’ work was so important that, very unusually, their expeditions and excavations continued during the war, shot in glorious technicolor by National Geographic. This fantastic archive features throughout the film, intercut with Janina’s modern journey.

MON 21:00 Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany (m000crdf)
Series 1

Episode 1

Recently discovered home movie footage from 1936 offers a unique and novel insight into what people in Germany were thinking and experiencing. In these prewar days, Germany was on a high and the Hitler Youth seemed like fun and games, but Nazi control was soon to become an all-pervading force, militarising the nation. The rise of anti-Semitism is explicit and grotesque, shocking even though we now have the knowledge of what happens next.

The film follows an infantry division during the invasion of France, fighting their way to Dunkirk, and reveals a new perspective on what the evacuation meant for the average German soldier. On the Eastern Front, a far darker and more visceral journey across the endless Russian steppe and the almost unimaginable horrors unleashed during Operation Barbarossa is captured by a soldier.

As well as amateur movie footage, the film charts the progress of the war through the diaries of ordinary Germans, some dizzy with excitement at what Hitler had achieved, others horrified by the effect it was having on their friends and families.

MON 22:00 Hilary Mantel: Return to Wolf Hall (m000g6q4)
Made across six months in the run-up to publication of The Mirror and the Light, the final book in Hilary Mantel’s Booker-winning Tudor trilogy on the life of Thomas Cromwell, this film enjoys exclusive and extensive access to one of the world’s greatest living writers, delving into Mantel's past and present as she describes a vivid imagination active from an early age and recounts with candour a tale of growing up with a dark family secret.

Who could have imagined that Mantel’s working-class anti-hero Thomas Cromwell would come to be so loved across the globe? Five hundred years after his death, the story of Cromwell’s extraordinary rise and sudden fall has been brought back into the light, drawing a vast readership, two Booker wins, a Bafta-winning television adaptation, a West End show and the interpretative gifts of some of the greatest actors.

Intertwining the themes of the Wolf Hall trilogy - power, faith, kingship and Englishness - with stories from her own life, the film also explores how the world of Thomas Cromwell reverberates in our world today. The film follows Mantel as she talks about how and why she embarked on the trilogy and how the writing of it has changed her life. This is an artist’s biography in the characteristic style and voice of one of the most singular and brilliant minds of our age. Showing Hilary Mantel in her own world, both real and imaginative, led by the curiosity that has driven her from the beginning, this film shows a writer at the peak of her powers.

MON 23:00 Ireland to Sydney by Any Means (b00dqdly)
Episode 3

Charley and the team are separated from Dubai by the Persian Gulf, where a scheduled container ship will depart for India in a matter of days. Despite encountering pirate-infested waters, they reach India, where the team head straight for the streets of Mumbai to soak up the colours, smells and flavours. Before them is a journey on a cramped sleeper train to reach India's capital, Delhi.

Disaster strikes as one of the team gets seriously injured and has to drop out, with an emotional goodbye and a return to London for medical attention.

One man down but determined the expedition will continue, the team reach Varanasi, the holy town on the banks of the sacred river Ganges. Charley watches a traditional Arti ceremony and reflects on how much he is drawn to the incredible and varied country, and how much he is looking forward to the other wonderful places that lie ahead.

MON 00:00 Ireland to Sydney by Any Means (b00dtx93)
Episode 4

Epic journey series, using as many forms of transport as possible.

After a spiritually enriching time in India it's time to head north towards Nepal. The next leg of the journey starts on tuk tuks, one of Boorman's favourite modes of transport. Charley and the team enjoy it so much that they decide to buy one.

Leaving the chaos of the streets, Charley boards a train at Varanasi and is met at Gorakhpur by a tremendous downpour of rain. The team have an easy border crossing and find themselves in the comparatively peaceful land of Nepal, where they take a tractor, a multicoloured local bus and a dugout canoe all the way to the Royal Chitwan National Park.

Charley bonds with an elephant that takes him through remote Nepali villages, before transferring to jeep and travelling over deep valleys and Indiana Jones-style suspension bridges.

Meanwhile in Kathmandu, the King is deposed, and the atmosphere in Nepal's capital is electric as it becomes a republic. Here the team seize the opportunity to go to Everest by helicopter on the 55th anniversary of a mountaineering conquest: the summit of the world's highest mountain.

Eventually making it into China, Charley and the team travel along the Xi Jiang River to Wuzhou on a cement barge. Now running behind schedule due to the swelling of the river, Charley hurries to Yangshuo to see the breathtaking scenery of limestone cliffs, and to ride over this remote and captivating part of the world in a hot air balloon.

MON 01:00 Great British Railway Journeys (m0002pcs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

MON 01:30 Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany (m000crdf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

MON 02:30 Raiders of the Lost Past with Janina Ramirez (m0008k83)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]


TUE 19:00 Great British Railway Journeys (m000d2dn)
Series 11

Newcastle to County Durham

Michael Portillo begins a new series of railway journeys through 1930s Britain, armed with an interwar Bradshaw's guide. He explores an unmistakably modern era of glamorous locomotives, cinema and dance halls but also a time of high unemployment and widespread poverty, when storm clouds gathered across the Channel.

Beginning just outside Newcastle in Jarrow, Michael uncovers the desperation which led 200 men to march 300 miles to Westminster in order to petition the government for work.

In Newcastle, Michael admires the city's iconic railway bridge before heading to Byker, where he discovers a new innovation in greyhound racing. Tips for picking a winner lead to a photo finish.

There's a visit to Durham Cathedral to see the bones of the Father of English History and a chance to fire up the fryer at a coal-powered fish and chip shop frozen in time.

In Spennymoor, Michael meets the son of a Durham miner who became one of the most famous 20th-century artists of the North East.

TUE 19:30 The Joy of Painting (m00116cc)
Series 5

Home in the Valley

Visit a quaint Bob Ross shanty and experience the tranquility of mysterious distant mountains and an inviting pond just outside the door.

TUE 20:00 The Good Life (p02r4sfk)
Series 3

Whose Fleas Are These?

It's embarrassing enough when Tom and Barbara find themselves with fleas. But how can they stop these unwanted guests from catching on with Jerry and Margo?

TUE 20:30 One Foot in the Grave (b007bm26)
Series 1

The Eternal Quadrangle

Sitcom. Margaret worries that Victor might be having an affair, so she retaliates by spending more time with her friend, Mr Wharton.

TUE 21:00 The Royle Family (p00bkbck)
Series 2

Episode 6

Sitcom set in a Manchester council house. Barbara and Jim throw a party for Antony's eighteenth birthday and invite all their friends and neighbours.

TUE 21:30 British Sitcom: 60 Years of Laughing at Ourselves (b07vxlnl)
Documentary celebrating the British sitcom and taking a look at the social and political context from which our favourite sitcoms grew. We enjoy a trip through the comedy archive in the company of the people who made some of the very best British sitcoms. From The Likely Lads to I'm Alan Partridge, we find out the inspiration behind some of the most-loved characters and how they reflect the times they were living in.

Narrated by Rebecca Front, with commentary and insider knowledge from Steve Coogan, Richard Curtis, Beryl Vertue, James Corden, Jack Dee and top writing team Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais.

TUE 22:30 The Many Faces of... (b00wylqq)
Series 1

Alison Steadman

A documentary in which Alison Steadman talks about her impressive career, featuring archive clips, both treasured and rarely seen, weaved together with sincere testimony from friends and colleagues.

The programme contains footage and stills from programmes such as Gavin and Stacey, Abigail's Party, Newshounds, Nuts in May and her early appearances in Frost's Weekly. It progresses from her earliest appearances on screen to what drove her choices, for good or ill, and their consequences.

TUE 23:30 Ireland to Sydney by Any Means (b00dykzw)
Episode 5

Now in far flung Vietnam, Charley joins thousands of local bikers on a Minsk motorcycle rally, and makes his way over to Halong Bay to see the beauty of the Thousand Islands and meet traditional pearl makers. However, it is not long before this peaceful excursion takes a turn for the worse - nerves are quickly on edge as the team, now onboard a very small speedboat on rough seas, are pounded by the water. A wave kills the small engine just as the boat swings in towards the rocks, but the team's loud screaming alerts a nearby fishing boat, who luckily manages to pull them out of danger just in time.

Charley gets back on track behind the wheel of a US military jeep to visit some of the most significant places from the Vietnam War, such as Vinh Moc and its infamous underground tunnel network, built by the villagers to escape the devastation.

In Laos and Cambodia, Charley experiences the wonders of the Mekong River on board a powerful rocket boat. Enjoying the largest waterfalls in South East Asia and then dirt biking his way around the countryside, he finally marvels at the 11th century ruins of Angkor Wat.

Traveling south through Thailand and Malaysia, Charley tries out an unfamiliar form of transport to cross to Singapore - wakeboarding. Successfully across and now on Nikoi Island, Charley is to board a small cargo boat that looks well beyond its sell-by-date. After some pre-departure prayers with the crew, it's not long before they are far out at sea and the second bout of boating bad luck strikes - the boat has sprung a leak, and is rapidly taking in water.

TUE 00:30 Ireland to Sydney by Any Means (b00f2f40)
Episode 6

Tension fills the air as the team's waterlogged cargo boat begins to sink; they are on their way to Borneo to help with a Unicef vaccination project. With the boat out of action they have to find another way.

Three hundred miles of lush rainforest later, Charley and the Unicef team arrive with the vaccines in a village up the Pawan River, deep in the heart of Kalimantan on Borneo. Having missed the one ferry that would take them to Bali, the team have no choice but to double back and fly to their destination.

From Bali, Charley embarks upon a series of boat journeys navigating his way across the Indonesian archipelago. From speedboats to hand built traditional phinisi boats and hugely overcrowded ferries, he makes his way to Kupang.

After a turbulent five-day crossing from Kupang on board a handmade boat, Charley and the team are delighted to finally hit the shores of Australia - the end of the journey is in sight!

Despite being on the right continent, there is a huge distance to cover across the outback. The team decide to take the most direct route to Sydney over the Snowy Mountains, but are thwarted by bad weather. Charley tests out all sorts of weird and wonderful forms of transport from campervans to camels and road graders to road trains. On the last leg into Sydney, Charley leads an epic biker convoy over the famous Sydney Harbour Bridge. The trip that started life on the back of a boarding pass, that charted a journey from Ireland to Sydney using over a 100 means of transport in 102 days, is complete.

TUE 01:30 Museums in Quarantine (m000hqpj)
Series 1


Historian Simon Schama takes us on a very personal virtual tour of the Young Rembrandt exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, currently in lockdown. The exhibition charts the first ten years of the Dutch master’s career, when the miller’s son from Leiden became the superstar of 17th-century Amsterdam and was on course to become one of the greatest artists of all time.

For Schama, who was able to see the exhibition before it closed, the coronavirus crisis has given Rembrandt’s work even more impact and resonance. As he says, ‘No artist I think better understood the fragile nature of human happiness; the shocking suddenness with which we can go from riches to rags, wellbeing to sickness, contentment to grief.’

Schama tells the story of the artist’s rise to fame and riches, celebrating the audacity and astonishing technical mastery of many of the works on show. But he also shows us a deeply wise and philosophical artist, who was always aware of the fickleness of fortune, and who was as interested – if not more - in portraying beggars as he was prosperous burghers and kings.

TUE 02:00 Great British Railway Journeys (m000d2dn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

TUE 02:30 The Many Faces of... (b00wylqq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 today]


WED 19:00 Great British Railway Journeys (m000d24m)
Series 11

Kielder Forest to Edinburgh

Steered by his 1936 Bradshaw's Guide, Michael Portillo is in Northumbria en route to the Highlands.

On this leg, he explores Kielder Forest, beginning at the County Show in Stocksfield. Michael discovers what lay behind a national initiative to plant one of the largest man-made woodlands in Europe.

Crossing the border to Scotland, Michael arrives in the weaving town of Hawick to visit Lovat Mill, where, in the 1930s, tweed was big business. A brightly -coloured new design is being prepared.

Boarding the recently-restored Scottish Borders Railway at Galashiels, crossing the Newbattle Viaduct, Michael travels to Edinburgh. In the Scottish capital, he investigates the formation of a new political party during the 1930s and visits the spectacular Scottish parliament building, opened in 1999.

In Morningside, Michael goes to the movies and in the front stalls at the Dominion cinema, he finds out about the father of documentary, John Grierson.

WED 19:30 The Joy of Painting (m00116dc)
Series 5

Seaside Harmony

Roll up your trousers, walk along the beach with Bob Ross and enjoy a sky full of clouds and waves crashing carelessly upon the rocks.

WED 20:00 Earth: The Power of the Planet (b008d8jl)

Dr Iain Stewart reveals the crucial natural forces that have shaped the earth's development. A flight in a jet plane, a trip to the Andes and a trip to Shark Bay in Australia are expensive but necessary to discuss atmosphere.

You can't see it, you can't taste it, you can't smell it and you can't touch it, yet without it almost all life on Earth would die instantly. The atmosphere is Earth's protective layer, warding off damaging cosmic rays and providing the life-giving oxygen which people depend on for life. Air is a fluid which shapes our world, from eroding rocks to building sand dunes. It also controls the world's weather and climate: Iain takes a trip to Argentina to one of the stormiest places on Earth, to watch a storm build up through the day.

The Earth's atmosphere is completely different to any other planets, and according to the normal laws of chemistry it shouldn't exist. What is extraordinary about our atmosphere is the way that it was created by life. When the planet was first born its atmosphere was made up of noxious volcanic gases - there was no sign of the oxygen humans depend on today.

Iain visits Shark Bay in Australia, home to some of the most ancient forms of life on the planet: stromatolites. These simple bacteria were responsible for transforming the atmosphere because they were the first organisms on the planet to photosynthesise, and in doing so pump oxygen into the air. It led to a revolution. An ozone layer formed which protected the planet from UV rays. Most crucially of all, it enabled the development of a new type of life, something that could burn oxygen to sustain a far more high-energy lifestyle.

WED 21:00 Charley Boorman: Sydney to Tokyo by Any Means (b00n48tv)
Episode 1

Charley Boorman embarks on a second series of By Any Means, this time starting his adventure in Sydney and travelling up the Pacific Rim through Australia, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, the Philippines and Taiwan, to finish in Tokyo, Japan.

Charley leaves Sydney with a huge biker convoy in tow, and during his journey up the east coast of Australia he meets unique characters, travels in a replica Spitfire, tries his hand at cattle mustering on horseback, and even gets bitten by a snake. Always heading north with Tokyo in sight, he gets a feel for the true Australia in his endearing and jovial way.

WED 22:00 Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen (b09cfwt4)
Historian Lucy Worsley teams up with artist and materials scientist Zoe Laughlin to explore the explosive science and fascinating history of fireworks, using an original pyrotechnics instruction manual, and other 400-year-old historical documents, to recreate one of the most spectacular fireworks displays from the Tudor era.

Lucy and Zoe are joined by a team of top class pyrotechnicians to replicate a mind-blowing fireworks display especially designed for Queen Elizabeth I - one of the first documented firework displays in England. Lucy pieces together clues from some of the earliest instruction manuals for making fireworks in England, as well as eyewitness accounts of the display laid on in 1575. Armed with this information, the team apply their understanding of cutting-edge pyrotechnics to recreate it in the grounds of Kenilworth Castle, Warwickshire, where it was originally staged.

Using hands-on experiments to test their designs, the team construct Tudor rockets, firework fountains and a fire-breathing dragon, as well as discovering the secrets of Elizabethan gunpowder.

Throughout the show, Lucy explores the history of the three-week extravaganza laid on by Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in his final attempt to win the queen's hand in marriage - from the elaborate food the Tudor audience would have eaten, to the colours that the set might have been painted in.

She also reveals the important role fireworks had during the Tudor era - from the firework effects used on stage at the Globe Theatre to the pyrotechnical experimentation that took place at the Tower of London, the MI5 of its day.

But not all the clues can be found in England - some of the fireworks described need to be tracked down further afield. Lucy travels to Italy to recreate the mysterious Girandola - a horizontal spinning wheel of fire - whilst Zoe flies to South Korea to witness the ancient, and rather terrifying, rocket box launcher in action.

The danger and technical challenges involved in recreating 400-year-old fireworks creates a real sense of scale and event. And the detective work needed to decipher these Tudor pyrotechnic manuals, and the engineering ingenuity to recreate them, form the narrative spine of the film, culminating in a spectacular recreation of Elizabeth I's mind-blowing firework display at Kenilworth Castle.

WED 23:25 Barneys, Books and Bust-Ups: 50 Years of the Booker Prize (b0bntjf6)
The Man Booker Prize is the world's most distinguished literary award for English fiction. Its winners instantly acquire a level of fame and wealth which most writers can only dream of. To commemorate its fiftieth birthday, this documentary looks back over six decades of the prize, exploring how, from humble beginnings, the Booker quickly went on to revolutionise the sleepy world of literary fiction and become a central part of British cultural life.

We hear the inside story of scandal, gossip and intrigue from a host of former winners, judges and prize administrators. Over the years, the prize has changed its rules, its sponsors and its name. But it has never lost sight of its core purpose: to stimulate debate and encourage the reading of literary fiction. This is a tale of bruised egos and bickering judges and, most importantly of all, of countless brilliant books.

Contributors include Booker-winning authors Peter Carey, Penelope Lively and John Banville.

WED 00:25 Into the Wind (b08lvxxs)
There is no walking without weather. It marks all experiences of being outdoors - for better or for worse.

For writer, birdwatcher and radio producer Tim Dee, the weather is never an innocent bystander - especially the wind. In any walk that he makes - to watch birds, to record sounds, to reflect on the landscape and the natural world - the wind is an active agent. It carries birds, it buffets microphones, it brings and takes away much of what moves and shapes his life.

In this poetic, mesmeric film, documentary film-maker Richard Alwyn follows Tim Dee on a walk along the vast open marshland of the Lincolnshire Wash, as he embarks on an idiosyncratic mission to capture the elusive sound of 'pure' wind. On the way, under extraordinary skies and dramatic light, Dee reflects on landscape and walking, on birds and writing, and on the 'wild track' of life - wind, bringer of birds into his world and with that, joy and inspiration about the business of being alive.

The problem, of course, is that recording the sound of wind is a quixotic quest because 'in some ways, it doesn't exist as a sound. What we think of as the wind is the sound that the wind is making as it rubs over the surface of the world,' says Dee. Undaunted, Dee walks to the lone high spot on the terminally flat Wash, there to raise his boom in an attempt to capture the wind as it arrives fresh out of the north, pure and untouched, new and exciting. 'I'm probably the first thing this wind has hit for about 1,000 miles or so - and it's telling me so.'

WED 00:55 Great British Railway Journeys (m000d24m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

WED 01:25 Earth: The Power of the Planet (b008d8jl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]

WED 02:25 Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany (m000crdf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Monday]


THU 19:00 Great British Railway Journeys (m000d2ch)
Series 11

Falkirk to Dundee

Michael Portillo's railway journey through 1930s Britain from Newcastle to Loch Ness reaches Falkirk in Scotland. Here he discovers the Westerglen Transmitting Station, from where they continue to broadcast analogue radio signal to the Scottish borders.

Following the route of the old Caledonian Railway Company, Michael discovers the 'Riviera of the Highlands'. With a daily direct train service to Kings Cross, Gleneagles remains a top destination and is also HQ for the British School of Falconry. Hamish the Harris hawk is ready to fly.

Berry Town, aka Blairgowrie, is Michael's next stop. At the home of the Scottish raspberry industry, which once sent fruit to London daily on board a raspberry special service from Cooper Angus station, Michael learns how to pick this most delicate of berries.

Last stop on this leg is the city of Dundee, home of the three Js: jute, jam and journalism. And waiting for Michael at publisher DC Thomson is a black and red striped comic hero beloved of 1930s children.

THU 19:30 The Joy of Painting (m00116dl)
Series 5

A Cold Spring Day

Painter Bob Ross invites you to enjoy the last of winter’s snowy touch on canvas, as mountains and valleys begin to emerge from their slumber.

THU 20:00 A House Through Time (m0004nxv)
Series 2

Episode 4

The final episode begins in 1946. The householders are John Walter and Florence Smyth. They live here with their daughter Myra and rent rooms to lodgers. A collection of family photos picture John Walter and Florence as a well-to-do couple who dote on little Myra. But there is another child in the photograph collection - an unidentified older girl pictured alongside Florence. David is keen to find out who she is.

Tracing Florence’s family history, David discovers that John Walter is Florence’s second husband. She was previously married to a man named John Thomas Clark with whom she had a daughter, Gladys. So David wonders if the mystery girl in the pictures might be Gladys. Further digging into John Thomas Clark reveals that his marriage to Florence ended in divorce, on the grounds that he had committed bigamy. Legal expert Rebecca Probert helps David unpack this case. After World War I, she explains, there was an explosion in bigamy cases. Many people who made hasty wartime marriages couldn’t legally end them when the relationships went sour. Divorce law was strict and it was socially unacceptable to ‘live in sin’. Bigamy was seen by many people as the only possible option, although it was still a crime. John Thomas Clark was sentenced to four months in prison.

After her divorce in 1926, Florence got custody of Gladys and went to work as a housekeeper in Ravensworth Terrace. Here she met John Walter Smyth - the man who became her second husband, and Gladys’s stepfather. But sadly, Gladys died soon afterwards at the age of just 18. Having solved the puzzle of the mystery photograph, David is keen to find out about the Smyths’ lodgers. He begins by searching the records for a young couple called John and Ruby Bell, who lived in the house during the late 1940s, and had a baby there.

This child, John Bell Junior is still alive and living locally. David brings him to the house to see the place where he was born. John reveals that his father served in the army during World War II, but was captured and sent to a prisoner of war camp. Following this lead, David uncovers a series of diaries that John Bell Sr wrote while he was incarcerated – an extraordinary record of the life of a prisoner of war. John writes of disease, death, cold, boredom and above all, hunger. And as Professor Deborah Sugg Ryan discovers, prisoners were chronically hungry in the camps, scavenging for food and even licking flour off floors.

But John’s circumstances worsened as the war drew to a close in 1945. He had been moved to a camp in the far east of Germany when the Soviets began to advance from the east. The Nazis decided to evacuate POW camps near the border and John joined over 120,000 Allied prisoners forced to march westward into Germany. This brutal journey came to be known as ‘The Long March’.

David meets 97-year-old veteran of the Long March Harry Winter, who describes exhaustion, starvation and men frozen to death or shot by their German captors. John stayed alive long enough to be rescued by American troops and returned to Newcastle, where he met Ruby, his future wife.

The couple left the house in 1947, and the Smyths continued to rent rooms to local workers. At this time Newcastle’s heavy industry was experiencing a postwar boom. But in 1959, after John Walter’s death, the house was sold.

Tracking down the next owner of the house is difficult but David discovers that it was bought by the Salvation Army and converted into a Goodwill Centre, a drop-in facility for needy local people. At the time the postwar industrial boom was over, unemployment was on the rise, and poverty and social problems on Tyneside were rife. Captain Eileen Moffatt, who worked at the Centre, describes a busy place whose doors were always open.

But in the early 80s, the Salvation Army leaves Ravensworth Terrace and the house is put on the market again. This time, it is no easy sell. The house is run down, along with most of the surrounding neighbourhood, and lies empty for months. Eventually it catches the eye of local solicitor Ian Bynoe. While working in a demanding job in Legal Aid, Ian – with the help of a local architect – restores the original features and starts to bring the house back to its former glory.

Subsequent owners continue the restoration work, and as the house is reborn, the city of Newcastle also experiences a regeneration too. Through the 1990s and early 2000s, the quayside is reinvigorated, and Newcastle develops a reputation as a city of culture.

In 2015, current owners Damian and Suzi buy the house, knowing nothing of its former life. David tells them the story of some of its former occupants. The programme ends as the city of Newcastle honours one of the former residents of Ravensworth Terrace. A plaque commemorating the life of Joshua Alder, renowed marine biologist, is placed on the wall of the house.

THU 21:00 The Fall of the Berlin Wall with John Simpson (m000b1h2)
It’s said that journalists write the first draft of history. To mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9 November 1989, John Simpson, the BBC’s world affairs editor and longest-serving correspondent, goes back to his reports on what he believes is the most important story he ever covered – the collapse of the Berlin Wall.

Back in 1989, John thought this event would change the world for the better, forever. But history has not turned out quite the way he expected. Russia is yet again an enemy of the West, and the Cold War battle that built the Berlin Wall has been replaced with other destabilising global power struggles - even more dangerous and much harder to understand.

Three decades on, John wonders if he was wrong to have been so optimistic. Using the anniversary as an opportunity to re-examine how he told the story, John watches the BBC’s extensive archive and talks with historians and other experts to try and understand just how accurate his reporting was.

At the heart of the documentary is an intense and personal interview with John. He begins by describing how he grew up in the shadow of the Cold War battle between the capitalist West and the communist East, and how he - like everyone else - believed that this global stand-off would continue for many more decades, ending sooner or later in nuclear war.

On 9 November 1989, John, like the rest of the world, in shock at reports that the Berlin Wall’s checkpoints had been opened up, rushed to Berlin to cover the incredible story. With great emotion, John recalls his happiness as he reported from in front of the Wall as Berlin’s people tore it down, until his broadcast was cut off midway by technical failure – giving him by far the most humiliating moment of his long career.

After the technical meltdown, John describes how he walked into the crowd feeling utterly depressed. But, surrounded by the thousands of people who had streamed through the checkpoints from East Berlin, untouched by the once trigger-happy border guards and greeted with delight by West Berliners, he could barely believe his own eyes and found himself overwhelmed with joy.

So, why has the legacy of the Wall not turned out the way John hoped and expected? He examines why he did not predict that the pace of change across Europe would lead to the terrible war in Yugoslavia, nor that Russia, with Vladimir Putin – a former KGB agent – as its president, would find a new guise in which to become a bitter enemy of the West.

John also reflects on the terrifying uncertainty of global politics today, which has left him with a certain nostalgia for the decades of the Cold War – a period that was certainly frightening, but arguably less so than the uncertainty and complexity of global politics that we live with today.

THU 22:00 The Exorcist (m00116dq)
When a charming 12-year-old girl takes on the characteristics and voices of others, doctors say there is nothing they can do. As people begin to die, the girl's mother realises her daughter has been possessed by the devil - and that her daughter's only possible hope lies with two priests and the ancient rite of demonic exorcism.

Based on the novel by William Peter Blatty.

THU 23:55 The Fear of God: 25 Years of the Exorcist (p07r5pwq)
Mark Kermode explores the extraordinary history of The Exorcist with the stars of the film and its creators.

THU 01:15 Great British Railway Journeys (m000d2ch)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

THU 01:45 The Fall of the Berlin Wall with John Simpson (m000b1h2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

THU 02:45 A House Through Time (m0004nxv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]


FRI 19:00 Exotic Pop at the BBC (b013g87m)
Compilation of international hits from the BBC archives that paint exotic musical portraits of far away countries or instantly conjure up memories of holidays abroad. This smorgasbord of foreign pop delights includes performances by Demis Roussos, Vanessa Paradis, Gheorghe Zamfir and Sylvia, amongst many others.

FRI 20:00 Top of the Pops (m00116fl)
Tony Dortie and Mark Franklin present the pop chart programme, first broadcast on 31 October 1991 and featuring Moby, SL2, Don McLean, Zoe, Control, INXS, Kylie Minogue and Keith Washington, Genesis and U2.

FRI 20:30 Top of the Pops (m00116fn)
Mark Franklin and Elayne Smith present the pop chart programme, first broadcast on 7 November 1991 and featuring The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu, Crowded House, K-Klass, Belinda Carlisle, INXS, Control, Neil Sedaka and Vic Reeves & The Wonder Stuff.

FRI 21:00 Simon & Garfunkel: The Harmony Game (m0010kjw)
At the end of a decade when the world was in crisis and inspiration needed resurrecting, an influential duo released a masterpiece of popular music, Bridge over Troubled Water. Through darkness and light, the album takes its listeners on an emotional ride that echoes its era, and has proved to be a work that continues to inspire an audience the world over. Its symphonic hymn of a title track became an anthem for a generation.

This film tells the story behind what is widely considered Simon and Garfunkel's greatest work. The influential duo's last studio album has its legacy shrouded in rock'n'roll mythology, complete with legendary tales of inspiration, innovation and separation. Paul Simon, Art Garfunkel and their collaborators share the journey in their own words and reflect back on its impact 40 years later, using never-before-seen film, photos and memorabilia.

FRI 22:10 Simon & Garfunkel: Concert in Central Park (m0010kk0)
On 19 September 1981, Simon & Garfunkel reunited for a free public concert on the Great Lawn of New York City's Central Park, raising awareness and funding to help restore the world’s most famous urban park.

The duo had rarely performed since their breakup in 1970, but their music continued to resonate with the city from which they came. This unforgettable performance, which drew one of the largest audiences ever assembled for a single concert, features all of Simon & Garfunkel’s greatest hits as well as selections from their solo catalogues, newly arranged with an expanded 11-man band.

Songs performed include Mrs Robinson, America, Me and Julio Down by the Schoolyard, Bridge Over Troubled Water, The Boxer, Old Friends, The Sound of Silence and Late in the Evening.

FRI 23:40 The Old Grey Whistle Test (m00116fq)
Linda Ronstadt

Bob Harris introduces Linda Ronstadt in concert at the New Victoria Theatre, London, in 1976.

FRI 00:30 Exotic Pop at the BBC (b013g87m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

FRI 01:30 Top of the Pops (m00116fl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]

FRI 02:00 Top of the Pops (m00116fn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 today]

FRI 02:30 Simon & Garfunkel: The Harmony Game (m0010kjw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

A House Through Time 20:00 THU (m0004nxv)

A House Through Time 02:45 THU (m0004nxv)

Arena 23:00 SUN (m001169l)

Barneys, Books and Bust-Ups: 50 Years of the Booker Prize 23:25 WED (b0bntjf6)

British Sitcom: 60 Years of Laughing at Ourselves 21:30 TUE (b07vxlnl)

Charley Boorman: Sydney to Tokyo by Any Means 21:00 WED (b00n48tv)

Climate Change by Numbers 00:15 SAT (p02jsdrk)

Coast 19:00 SAT (b04sn7cy)

Death of a Salesman 19:00 SUN (m001169d)

Earth: The Power of the Planet 20:00 WED (b008d8jl)

Earth: The Power of the Planet 01:25 WED (b008d8jl)

Exotic Pop at the BBC 19:00 FRI (b013g87m)

Exotic Pop at the BBC 00:30 FRI (b013g87m)

Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 MON (m0002pcs)

Great British Railway Journeys 01:00 MON (m0002pcs)

Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 TUE (m000d2dn)

Great British Railway Journeys 02:00 TUE (m000d2dn)

Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 WED (m000d24m)

Great British Railway Journeys 00:55 WED (m000d24m)

Great British Railway Journeys 19:00 THU (m000d2ch)

Great British Railway Journeys 01:15 THU (m000d2ch)

Hilary Mantel: Return to Wolf Hall 22:00 MON (m000g6q4)

Into the Wind 00:25 WED (b08lvxxs)

Ireland to Sydney by Any Means 00:15 SUN (b00dhbf2)

Ireland to Sydney by Any Means 01:15 SUN (b00dls64)

Ireland to Sydney by Any Means 23:00 MON (b00dqdly)

Ireland to Sydney by Any Means 00:00 MON (b00dtx93)

Ireland to Sydney by Any Means 23:30 TUE (b00dykzw)

Ireland to Sydney by Any Means 00:30 TUE (b00f2f40)

Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany 21:00 MON (m000crdf)

Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany 01:30 MON (m000crdf)

Lost Home Movies of Nazi Germany 02:25 WED (m000crdf)

Lucy Worsley's Fireworks for a Tudor Queen 22:00 WED (b09cfwt4)

Museums in Quarantine 02:15 SUN (m000hqml)

Museums in Quarantine 01:30 TUE (m000hqpj)

One Foot in the Grave 20:30 TUE (b007bm26)

Paris Police 1900 21:00 SAT (p09tqlz1)

Paris Police 1900 21:50 SAT (p09tqmv5)

Pole to Pole 20:10 SAT (p02j8sp7)

Pole to Pole 01:30 SAT (p02j8sp7)

Raiders of the Lost Past with Janina Ramirez 20:00 MON (m0008k83)

Raiders of the Lost Past with Janina Ramirez 02:30 MON (m0008k83)

Simon & Garfunkel: Concert in Central Park 22:10 FRI (m0010kk0)

Simon & Garfunkel: The Harmony Game 21:00 FRI (m0010kjw)

Simon & Garfunkel: The Harmony Game 02:30 FRI (m0010kjw)

Storyville 22:50 SAT (b00pft7f)

The Exorcist 22:00 THU (m00116dq)

The Fall of the Berlin Wall with John Simpson 21:00 THU (m000b1h2)

The Fall of the Berlin Wall with John Simpson 01:45 THU (m000b1h2)

The Fear of God: 25 Years of the Exorcist 23:55 THU (p07r5pwq)

The Good Life 20:00 TUE (p02r4sfk)

The Joy of Painting 19:30 MON (m001168v)

The Joy of Painting 19:30 TUE (m00116cc)

The Joy of Painting 19:30 WED (m00116dc)

The Joy of Painting 19:30 THU (m00116dl)

The Many Faces of... 22:30 TUE (b00wylqq)

The Many Faces of... 02:30 TUE (b00wylqq)

The Old Grey Whistle Test 23:40 FRI (m00116fq)

The Riviera: A History in Pictures 19:10 SAT (b01ps9jr)

The Riviera: A History in Pictures 01:20 SAT (b01ps9jr)

The Royle Family 21:00 TUE (p00bkbck)

The Stalls of Barchester 22:15 SUN (m001169j)

Top of the Pops 20:00 FRI (m00116fl)

Top of the Pops 20:30 FRI (m00116fn)

Top of the Pops 01:30 FRI (m00116fl)

Top of the Pops 02:00 FRI (m00116fn)

imagine... 21:15 SUN (m001169g)

imagine... 02:45 SUN (m001169g)