The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 19:00 Doris Day - Virgin Territory (b0074rwd)
Doris Day has often been dismissed as an actress and overlooked as a singer, despite career highs such as Calamity Jane and Pillow Talk. Covering her early years as a band singer, and her troubled private life, this documentary re-evaluates one of the screen's most enduring legends.

SAT 20:00 Francesco's Venice (b0078sl0)

Francesco da Mosto tells the fantastic story of the birth of the most beautiful city in the world, Venice. Of how a city of palaces, of gold and jewels, of art and unrivalled treasures arose out of the swamp of a malaria-ridden lagoon.

Of how one city came to enjoy all the glory of a royal capital yet did away with kings and queens; of how a tomb violently robbed would make an entire people rich; and of how one man - tortured and blinded by his enemies - would lead Venice to a revenge so terrible it would go down in history as one of the worst crimes ever.

Da Mosto reveals the stunning interiors of the Doge's Palace, the Basilica of St Mark, the Ca da Mosto, the Ca D'Oro and the first low-level aerial shots of the city in years. As a Venetian by birth whose family has lived there for over a thousand years, Da Mosto also reveals secret Venice - beset by violence and political intrigue and yet a place which has become the most romantic destination on earth.

SAT 21:00 Hinterland (b07btynj)
Series 2 (BBC Four)

Episode 4

The team investigate the personal life of missing Greta Pritchard after discovering a body in her car. In a world full of dark secrets will Mathias and the team unravel them before another person is killed?

SAT 22:30 Dancing Cheek to Cheek: An Intimate History of Dance (b04t6kb8)
The Shock of the New

Len Goodman and Lucy Worsley discover how the first few decades of the 20th century witnessed the most rapid and revolutionary change in the history of British dance. The bold new sound of ragtime music arrived on our shores from America and paved the way for wave after wave of new dances that would take the dance floor by storm.

Len gets to grips with quirky animal dances before exploring how a young couple called the Castles found fame as the first dancing screen icons. Lucy discovers how, whilst many people lapped up the new American imports, one woman saved that most English tradition, morris dancing, from extinction.

The First World War marked a pivotal moment - after the armistice everyone wanted to dance and Britain was swept up in the greatest dance boom the country had ever known. Palais de Danse opened across the country and for the first time dancing became a big business opportunity, with the dancing public holding sway over what was in or out of fashion on the dance floor.

Len and Lucy explore how we danced in interwar Britain and how women's new-found freedoms were epitomised by the iconic and reckless dancing girl, the flapper. They visit that most famous dance floor, the Tower Ballroom in Blackpool, to examine how dancing professionals sought to take back control with standardisation of music and dancing.

Finally, under the tutelage of Darren Royston, historical dance teacher at Rada, Lucy and Len put together one final performance of the most iconic dance from the era, the Charleston, in full period costume in front of a crowd at the famous Cafe de Paris in London.

SAT 23:30 Blues at the BBC (b00k36m5)
Collection of performances by British and American blues artists on BBC programmes such as The Beat Room, A Whole Scene Going, The Old Grey Whistle Test and The Late Show.

Includes the seminal slide guitar of Son House, the British R&B of The Kinks, the unmistakeable electric sound of BB King and Buddy Guy, Eric Clapton and John Lee Hooker, as well as less familiar material from the likes of Delaney and Bonnie, Freddie King and Long John Baldry.

SAT 00:30 BBC Four Sessions (b03kk1j5)
Bonnie Raitt

Filmed at Stoke Newington Town Hall in north London, this career-spanning concert features Bonnie Raitt and her road-tested band in sparkling form.

Raitt started out supporting blues artists like Mississippi Fred McDowell, while championing the generation of singer-songwriters who emerged in the early 70s. Now in her 60s, she released her debut album in 1971 and her most recent album Slipstream in 2012.

This set roams across her career and includes signature songs like Love Has No Pride, Nick of Time and the bluesy Love Me Like a Man. The slide guitar-slinging, flame-haired queen of roots and blues rock is joined by frequent collaborator and songwriter Paul Brady on Marriage Made in Hollywood and there's even a bluesy romp through the old Elvis tune, A Big Hunk o' Love.

SAT 01:30 Blues America (p01kc7bh)
Woke up This Morning

Blues is usually described as the sound of racial suffering and feeling sad, but this documentary argues that the blues began as a form of black pop music. First appearing in the southern states of the USA around 1900, blues created by the poorest people in the richest nation on earth took America by storm. The film looks at the early years of the blues to discover how Bessie Smith, Blind Lemon Jefferson and Charlie Patton used the latest media to bring their music to the public. With contributions from Keith Richards, Taj Mahal and Chuck D.

SAT 02:30 Blues America (b03kk1j7)
Bright Lights, Big City

After 1945, artists like Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf and John Lee Hooker rooted the blues firmly in the city, where it contributed to the musical desegregation of America by spawning rock 'n' roll. As the blues conquered the world and the music moved from black to white audiences, arguments developed about what was the real authentic blues. Robert Johnson returned from the dead to sell more records than any other blues artist. By the 21st century, the blues not only retained the earthiness of its roots but was also being celebrated in the White House. With contributions from Keith Richards, Bonnie Raitt, Seasick Steve and Buddy Guy.

SUNDAY 15 MAY 2016

SUN 19:00 BBC Young Musician (b07blqjf)

Grand Final

After a series full of thrilling performances, BBC Young Musician 2016 reaches its conclusion. Now just three exceptional musicians remain, as the Barbican Hall in the City of London plays host to the final. In this legendary venue, three finalists perform a full concerto with the BBC Symphony Orchestra and the celebrated British conductor Mark Wigglesworth.

Clemency Burton-Hill, trumpet player Alison Balsom - herself a finalist in 1998 - and Josie D'Arby present the coverage from what's sure to be a breathtaking climax to this year's competition, bringing behind-the-scenes insights and providing analysis of each performance.

We also hear from pianist Martin James Bartlett, who won this competition two years ago, and performs the first movement from Prokofiev's Piano Concerto no 3. Who will follow in his footsteps and become the winner of BBC Young Musician 2016?

SUN 21:15 The Silk Road (p03qb3q4)
Episode 3

In the final episode of his series tracing the story of the most famous trade route in history, Dr Sam Willis continues his journey west in Iran. The first BBC documentary team to be granted entry for nearly a decade, Sam begins in the legendary city of Persepolis - heart of the first Persian Empire.

Following an ancient caravan route through Persia's deserts, he visits a Zoroastrian temple where a holy fire has burned for 1,500 years, and Esfahan, one of the Silk Road's architectural jewels and rival to Sam's next destination - Istanbul. In the ancient capital of Byzantium, Sam discovers how the eastern Roman Empire was ruled through silk and how Venetian merchants cashed in on the wealth and trade it generated.

Sam's last stop takes him full circle to Venice. Visiting Marco Polo's house, Sam reminds us how the great traveller's book was one of the first to link east to west and how the ideas and products that trickled down the Silk Road not only helped to trigger the Renaissance, but set Europe on a path of unstoppable change.

SUN 22:15 Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer (b00jhv9g)
Cleopatra - the most famous woman in history. We know her as a great queen, a beautiful lover and a political schemer. For 2,000 years almost all evidence of her has disappeared - until now.

In one of the world's most exciting finds, archaeologists believe they have discovered the skeleton of her sister, murdered by Cleopatra and Mark Antony.

From Egypt to Turkey, Neil Oliver investigates the story of a ruthless queen who would kill her own siblings for power. This is the portrait of a killer.

SUN 23:15 Guts: The Strange and Wonderful World of the Human Stomach (p07801ts)
What's really going on inside your stomach? In this one-off special, Michael Mosley offers up his own guts to find out. Spending the day as an exhibit at the Science Museum in London, he swallows a tiny camera and uses the latest in imaging technology to get a unique view of his innards digesting his food. He discovers pools of concentrated acid and metres of writhing tubing which is home to its own ecosystem. Michael Mosley lays bare the mysteries of the digestive system and reveals a complexity and intelligence in the human gut that science is only just beginning to uncover.

SUN 00:15 Natural World (b01ntt8p)

Attenborough's Ark

David Attenborough chooses his ten favourite animals that he would most like to save from extinction. From the weird to the wonderful, he picks fabulous and unusual creatures that he would like to put in his 'ark', including unexpected and little-known animals such as the olm, the solenodon and the quoll. He shows why they are so important and shares the ingenious work of biologists across the world who are helping to keep them alive.

SUN 01:15 Horizon (b00z6zc7)

Are We Still Evolving?

Dr Alice Roberts asks one of the great questions about our species: are we still evolving?

There's no doubt that we're a product of millions of years of evolution.

But thanks to modern technology and medicine, did we escape Darwin's law of the survival of the fittest?

Alice follows a trail of clues, from ancient human bones to studies of remarkable people living in the most inhospitable parts of the planet and the frontiers of genetic research, to discover if we are still evolving, and where we might be heading.

SUN 02:15 The Silk Road (p03qb3q4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:15 today]

SUN 03:15 Redefining Juliet (b079rzqc)
Think you know who can play Juliet? Well, think again. Redefining Juliet is a unique retelling of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet using a group of diverse actors - all with disabilities or differences. Tall, small, large, deaf, limbless or wheelchair using, but each owning the iconic Shakespearean character of Juliet for themselves.

MONDAY 16 MAY 2016

MON 19:00 World News Today (b07blphw)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

MON 19:30 Insect Worlds (b01rd374)
Making Worlds

Steve Backshall reveals the incredible influence that insects and their close relatives have on Earth's many ecosystems. In the grasslands of South America, the landscape has been created almost solely by one team of insects - grass-cutter ants. Across the world's oceans one tiny creature plays such a key role that, without it, the largest animal on our planet, the blue whale, could not exist. And in East Africa the savannah would quickly be swamped in dung were it not for the activities of a certain beetle. Yet the greatest influence of all comes from a group of insects that have ultimately changed the colour and diversity of our planet.

MON 20:00 Madness on Wheels: Rallying's Craziest Years (b01fcncc)
In the 1980s rallying was more popular than Formula 1. 'Group B' machines had taken the world by storm. Deregulation opened the way for the most exciting cars ever to hit the motorsport scene. Nothing like it has ever happened since. 'This is the fastest rallying there has ever been' - Peter Foubister.

For four wild and crazy years manufacturers scrambled to build ever more powerful cars to be driven by fearless mavericks who could handle the extreme power. The sport was heading out of control and the unregulated mayhem ended abruptly in 1986 after a series of horrific tragedies. This is the story of when fans, ambition, politics and cars collided.

'The fans were crazy. As the cars sped by the spectators ran into the road!' - Ari Vatanen. 'They were playing with their lives'.

'To go rallying is madness. This was refined madness' - John Davenport

Featuring world champaions Ari Vatanen, Walter Rohrl, Stig Blomqvist, plus Michel Mouton, Cesar Fiorio, Jean Todt and many many more.

From the producer of Grand Prix: The Killer Years and the Grierson-nominated Deadliest Crash: The 1955 Le Mans Disaster.

MON 21:00 Timewatch (b017ctqp)
Double Agent: The Eddie Chapman Story

Following on from his documentary Operation Mincemeat, based on his book of the same name, writer and presenter Ben MacIntyre returns to the small screen to bring to life his other bestselling book - Agent Zigzag.

As part of the Timewatch series, MacIntyre reveals the gripping true story of Britain's most extraordinary wartime double agent, Eddie Chapman. A notorious safe-breaker before the war, Chapman duped the Germans so successfully that he was awarded their highest decoration, the Iron Cross. He remains the only British citizen ever to win one.

Including remarkable and newly discovered footage from an interview Chapman gave three years before his death in 1997, the programme goes on the trail of one of Britain's most unlikely heroes - a story of adventure, love, intrigue and astonishing courage.

MON 22:00 The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (b01p96fr)
The Wonder of Islam

The Dark Ages have been misunderstood. History has identified the period following the fall of the Roman Empire with a descent into barbarism - a terrible time when civilisation stopped.

Waldemar Januszczak disagrees. In this four-part series he argues that the Dark Ages were a time of great artistic achievement, with new ideas and religions provoking new artistic adventures. He embarks on a fascinating trip across Europe, Africa and Asia, visits the world's most famous collections and discovers hidden artistic gems, all to prove that the Dark Ages were actually an 'Age of Light'.

Along with Christianity, the Dark Ages saw the emergence of another vital religion - Islam. After emerging in the near East it spread across North Africa and into Europe, bringing its unique artistic style with it. In the third episode, Waldemar examines the early artistic explorations of the first Muslims, the development of their mosques and their scientific achievements.

MON 23:00 The Genius of Marie Curie - The Woman Who Lit up the World (b01s954d)
Over 80 years after her death, Marie Curie remains by far the best-known female scientist. In her lifetime, she became that rare thing - a celebrity scientist, attracting the attention of the news cameras and tabloid gossip. They were fascinated because she was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize and is still the only person to have won two Nobels in two different sciences. But while the bare bones of her scientific life, the obstacles she had to overcome, the years of painstaking research and the penalty she ultimately paid for her discovery of radium have become one of the iconic stories of scientific heroism, there is another side to Marie Curie - her human story.

This multi-layered film reveals the real Marie Curie, an extraordinary woman who fell in love three times, had to survive the pain of loss, and the public humiliation of a doomed love affair. It is a riveting portrait of a tenacious mother and scientist, who opened the door on a whole new realm of physics, which she discovered and named - radioactivity.

MON 00:00 Order and Disorder (p00ynyl9)

Professor Jim Al-Khalili discovers the intriguing story of how we discovered the rules that drive the universe. Energy is vital to us all, but what exactly is energy? In attempting to answer this question Jim investigates a strange set of laws that link together everything from engines to humans to stars. It turns out that energy, so critical to daily existence, actually helps us make sense of the entire universe.

MON 01:00 Bullets, Boots and Bandages: How to Really Win at War (b019jsls)
Staying Alive

Military historian Saul David explores how wars are really fought - in the backroom of military planning. He begins by looking at how to keep an army fed and housed.

MON 02:00 The High Art of the Low Countries (b01rtf47)
Boom and Bust

Andrew Graham-Dixon looks at how the seemingly peaceful countries of Holland and Belgium - famous for their tulips and windmills, mussels and chips - were in fact forged in a crucible of conflict and division. He examines how a period of economic boom driven for the first time by a burgeoning and secular middle class led to the Dutch golden age of the 17th century, creating not only the concept of oil painting itself, but the master painters Rembrandt and Vermeer combining art and commerce together as we would recognise it today.

MON 03:00 The Genius of Marie Curie - The Woman Who Lit up the World (b01s954d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:00 today]


TUE 19:00 World News Today (b07blpj1)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

TUE 19:30 Insect Worlds (b01rk1x9)
Insect Worlds

Totalling an estimated 10 million species, the insects and their close relatives are the most abundant and diverse group of animals in the world, so what is the secret of their success? Their hard external skeleton provides strength and protection and their small size allows them to exploit many microhabitats. In Yellowstone, Steve Backshall reveals how teamwork allows a colony of bees to scare off a hungry bear, and in Australia this same teamwork allows a colony of ants to beat the rising tide. But to unlock the real secret of their success Steve takes us to the Swiss Alps, where an incredible relationship exists between the ant, the wasp and the butterfly.

TUE 20:00 The Silk Road (p03qb3q4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:15 on Sunday]

TUE 21:00 David Attenborough's Zoo Quest in Colour (p03qxfsg)
Thanks to a remarkable discovery in the BBC's film vaults, the best of David Attenborough's early Zoo Quest adventures can now be seen as never before, in colour, and with it the remarkable story of how this pioneering television series was made.

First broadcast in December 1954, Zoo Quest was one of the most popular television series of its time and launched the career of the young David Attenborough as a wildlife presenter. It completely changed how viewers saw the world, revealing wildlife and tribal communities that had never been filmed or even seen before.

Broadcast ten years before colour television was seen in the UK, Zoo Quest was thought to have been filmed in black and white, until now. Using this extraordinary new-found colour film, together with new behind-the-scenes stories from David Attenborough and cameraman Charles Lagus, this special showcases the very best of Zoo Quest to West Africa, Zoo Quest to Guiana and Zoo Quest for a Dragon in stunning HD colour for the very first time.

TUE 22:30 Animals Through the Night: Sleepover at the Zoo (b03x3yff)
In a never-before-attempted sleep experiment, Bristol Zoo has been rigged with cameras and sensors and Liz Bonnin and sleep expert Bryson Voirin stay up all night to see what the animals get up to when they think no-one is watching. From red pandas and lions to meerkats and tapirs, for the first time a whole range of animal sleep behaviours is compared and contrasted across the course of a single night.

The programme delves into the extraordinary world of animal sleep, looking at not only what science has already discovered, but the questions which remain to be answered. From dolphins, which have come up with ingenious solutions to allow them to sleep while swimming, through to ants that have developed complex behavioural patterns which ensure that the colony sleeps undisturbed, to meerkats, who keep an ear open for danger during sleep, and flamingos, which arrange themselves in order to keep a wary eye out for night-time predators.

TUE 00:00 Timewatch (b017ctqp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Monday]

TUE 01:00 The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (b01p96fr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 on Monday]

TUE 02:00 David Attenborough's Zoo Quest in Colour (p03qxfsg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]


WED 19:00 World News Today (b07blpj6)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

WED 19:30 Handmade on the Silk Road (b07blsjw)
The Potter

The desert city of Meybod in southern Iran is famous for its ceramics and Abdol Reza Aghaei's family have been potters there for generations. This beautifully observed film follows Abdol and his father making a simple decorated water jug. Competing with cheap Chinese imports, they sometimes struggle to make a living, but share a dedication to keeping their traditions alive. And with Abdol's father teasing his son about who makes the best pots, the film also offers a touching, intimate portrait of two master craftsmen at work.

WED 20:00 Addicted to Sheep (b070jj99)
Set in the North Pennines, an intimate portrait of a year in the life of tenant hill farmers Tom and Kay Hutchinson as they try to breed the perfect sheep.

Through the sun, rain, sleet and snow, we watch the Hutchinsons toil away against the stark, stunning landscapes of north east England and witness the hard work it takes just to survive. Their three young children are growing up close to the land, attending the local primary school entirely comprised of farmers' children, all thoroughly immersed in their remote rural world. While the odds often seem stacked against them, the film conveys the importance of a balanced family life and the good humour that binds this tight-knit community together.

An entertaining and subtle reminder of how important farming is to the economy and the social fabric of our communities. Following your passion does have its rewards, although not always financial.

Beautifully observed, this heartwarming film provides an insight into the past, present and future of a way of life far removed from the high-tech hustle and bustle of modern life.

WED 21:00 Billy Elliot (b007wv29)
Coming-of-age drama about a young boy from a north east mining village who is sent for boxing lessons but joins ballet classes instead, for reasons he cannot explain to himself, let alone ones that his widower father would understand. He is encouraged by his dance teacher, but her ambition for him brings about a family crisis in the Elliot house.

WED 22:45 Everyday Eden: A Potted History of the Suburban Garden (p01t8n4q)
Because it's not grand, the story of the suburban garden has barely been told - and yet eight out of ten people in England live in the suburbs. In this documentary, writer and historian Michael Collins delivers a riposte to the urban intelligentsia which has spent a century sneering at the suburbs. His south London pilgrimage takes him to Bexley and Bromley, Surbiton and the new promised land of Bluewater in Kent to explore what the suburban garden has meant to the UK and to celebrate what one contributor calls 'their little piece of heaven'.

George Orwell famously laid out the icons of English culture as 'solid breakfasts and gloomy Sundays, smoky towns and... red pillarboxes' and Collins shows that the suburban garden very much deserves a place in that canon. South Londoner Collins previously charted the history of the white working class in his controversial book The Likes of Us and explored the rise and fall of the council house in BBC Four's The Great Estate. He tends to admire what critics of suburbia have loathed - its lack of history, the mock and ersatz style of its homes and gardens, and the suggestion that it is a 'nowhere place', neither town nor country but stranded in between.

Collins's journey starts a century ago in Hampstead Garden Suburb, a planned utopia that transformed the lives of its residents fleeing urban squalor, but one that came with off-putting regulations - maximum hedge size, a designated wash-day, and no pub. Suburban sprawl between the wars, when three million new homes were built, couldn't have been more different. 'You could', recalls one contributor from Welling, 'buy a house for 12/6 down and pay 7/6 a week on the mortgage, and suddenly you had a two-up/two-down, front garden/back garden. Those were the days!'

In the 1930s, Wills cashed in on the suburban gardening craze with 50 cigarette cards offering handy tips. But this was also the era that identified a new condition - suburban neurosis. When war broke out, Rita Withers's dad, a veteran of the Somme, was so traumatised he dug a trench right across their lawn, thinking it the only way to protect his family. Wartime 'Dig for Victory', launched by the BBC's first horticultural expert, Mr Middleton, saw flowers sacrificed for vegetables and the war effort.

The Peace Rose ushered in the post-war garden, and contributors fondly remember the ubiquitous swing of the 1950s and 60s, the equally ubiquitous tortoise and the shock of the new as suburbia's new mecca, the garden centre, transformed the 70s garden. This was the era of The Good Life, but a Surbiton couple, the Howes, whose immaculate garden would have impressed Margot and Jerry, are keen to point out the series was actually shot in north London 'because Surbiton was not sufficiently like Surbiton to be worth filming... a kind of oblique compliment.'

Collins's suburban odyssey ends in the spanking new 21st-century purpose-built suburb of Ingress Park in Kent, a dormitory for Europe's biggest mall, Bluewater. Karen Roberts may have bought her astroturf lawn for £700 on the internet, but the appeal of the suburban garden is timeless. 'Ingress Park is dope', she explains. 'I live the dream. I haven't got a lot of money to spend, but I can go snip, snip, I'm doing my garden, I love it.'.

WED 23:45 Dancing Cheek to Cheek: An Intimate History of Dance (b04t6kb8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 on Saturday]

WED 00:45 Madness on Wheels: Rallying's Craziest Years (b01fcncc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Monday]

WED 01:45 Addicted to Sheep (b070jj99)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]

WED 02:45 Everyday Eden: A Potted History of the Suburban Garden (p01t8n4q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:45 today]


THU 19:00 World News Today (b07blpjc)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

THU 19:30 Top of the Pops (b07c3ywt)
Weekly pop chart programme presented by Mike Read, first broadcast on 1 October 1981. Includes appearances from The Tweets, Toyah, Altered Images, Gidea Park, The Creatures, Bad Manners, Dollar and Adam & The Ants, plus a dance sequence by Legs & Co.

THU 20:00 Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer (b00jhv9g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:15 on Sunday]

THU 21:00 Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British (b07c645b)
The Cottage

We would all love to live in a cottage. It is the national fantasy - thatch on the roof, roses over the door, fire in the grate. Dan is in Stoneleigh in the beautiful Warwickshire countryside. The village has barely changed in 500 years, its cottages perfectly preserved. But even better, there is a treasure trove of documents in the local abbey which reveal centuries of daily life in extraordinary detail. Whether it is the pub owner fined for serving poor beer, the widow told to pay for her new home with her best chicken, or the first glass windows in the village, this film charts the cottage's transformation from humble medieval hovel to modern dream home.

THU 22:00 Going Forward (b07c99ps)
Episode 1

One family, three days, countless events. Welcome to the Wilde family, Kim, Dave, sister Jackie, kids, dog (Carpet), and their ailing mum. Kim and Dave are the sandwich generation couple who've put their lives on hold for the sake of others. She's a care worker, he drives limos, they live outside London and life is all right, I suppose. Until Auntie Jackie has an idea.

Welcome to the Wilde family. Kim has burnt her uniform, Dave cannot understand his wage slip, and son Max is missing school again to look after daughter Poppy. With Dave pondering a return to Iraq and no money left in the money jar, it is left to Kim's sister Jackie, aided by a damp patch and an unfinished extension, to suggest a simple plan to sort things out. Helping out with advice is fellow chauffeur Terry, with a view on everything and his own free-life tutoring course on offer. With the Picasso playing up and dog, baby and son in tow, Kim calls in the cavalry before outsource providers Buccaneer 2000 ('we care about your healthcare') can find out and dock her pay.

THU 22:30 Arena (b0074prh)
Ken Dodd's Happiness

A tribute to Liverpudlian comic Ken Dodd, in which he discusses his career and the influences of his comedy style.

Features film clips of his early performances and footage of him on tour in more recent times.

THU 23:30 Francesco's Venice (b0078sl0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 on Saturday]

THU 00:30 Top of the Pops (b07c3ywt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]

THU 01:10 Animals Through the Night: Sleepover at the Zoo (b03x3yff)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 on Tuesday]

THU 02:40 Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British (b07c645b)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

FRIDAY 20 MAY 2016

FRI 19:00 World News Today (b07blpjj)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

FRI 19:30 Top of the Pops (b07c433m)
David 'Kid' Jensen presents the TOTP hits of the week, first broadcast on 15 October 1981. Includes appearances from BA Robertson & Maggie Bell, Squeeze, Dave Stewart & Barbara Gaskin, This Year's Blonde, Toyah, The Creatures and Bad Manners. Also includes a dance sequence by Legs & Co.

FRI 20:00 The Good Old Days (b07c433p)
Leonard Sachs presents an edition of the old-time music hall programme, filmed in 1973 from the stage of the City Varieties Theatre, Leeds. Guests include Bernard Cribbins, Sandie Shaw, Bill McCue and Frances Van Dyke.

FRI 20:45 Sounds of the Sixties (b051rz4l)

1964-5: Getting in on the Act 3

The Seekers kick off this episode of the sixties archive pop programme. The Hollies and The Byrds, precursors to Crosby, Stills and Nash, also appear.

FRI 20:55 Pop Go the Sixties (b00crz39)
Series 2

Herman's Hermits

Pop moments from the BBC's sixties archive. Britain's inoffensive pop conquerors of America, who anticipated the sound that the Monkees would later call their own, perform Something Is Happening on the Wednesday Show in 1968. Peter Noone leads the band on the song that made number six in the Swiss charts.

FRI 21:00 Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody (b06s76l4)
To mark the 40th anniversary of Bohemian Rhapsody, this documentary digs deep into archive to tell the story of Queen as it follows their journey from a struggling band gigging at pubs and colleges to the moment they captured the UK's hearts and minds with what was to become one of - if not the - greatest song of all time.

Queen's formative years have never been explored in such detail. With a wealth of unseen interviews, recently unearthed rushes of Queen's first ever video and outtakes from the recording sessions of Bohemian Rhapsody itself, this is the unique story of early Queen, told by the band themselves.

This documentary completes the final part of the trilogy alongside Days of Our Lives and Freddie Mercury: The Great Pretender.

It's simple. It's real. It's raw. It's what happened.

FRI 22:00 EMI: The Inside Story (b07c6fj7)
One record company has been a constant presence in popular music throughout our lives.

EMI brought The Beatles to the world and in every decade since has been instrumental in producing some of Britain's most celebrated and enduring music.

But behind the success lay a very British institution often at odds with the music it released. It had to come to terms with psychedelia, face punk head-on and find huge sums of money to feed the excesses of the 1980s.

Interviews with EMI artists including members of Queen, Pink Floyd, The Sex Pistols and Pet Shop Boys reveal how their demands for more and more control ultimately led to drastic changes at EMI. Former EMI employees share the gossip and goings-on in an industry infamous for its extravagance.

The British music industry is world-renowned. It has produced decades of memorable music that have reached all corners of the globe. EMI has always been at the forefront and has left an indelible mark on our culture forever.

FRI 23:00 Kate Bush at the BBC (b04f86xk)
Between 1978 and 1994, Kate Bush appeared on a variety of BBC programmes, including Saturday Night at the Mill, Ask Aspel, the Leo Sayer Show, Wogan and Top of the Pops. This compilation showcases her performances of hit songs such as Wuthering Heights, Babooshka, Running up That Hill and Hounds of Love, alongside other intriguing and lesser-known material in the BBC studios.

FRI 00:00 Top of the Pops (b07c433m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]

FRI 00:40 EMI: The Inside Story (b07c6fj7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 today]

FRI 01:40 Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody (b06s76l4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

FRI 02:40 Kate Bush at the BBC (b04f86xk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:00 today]

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

Addicted to Sheep 20:00 WED (b070jj99)

Addicted to Sheep 01:45 WED (b070jj99)

Animals Through the Night: Sleepover at the Zoo 22:30 TUE (b03x3yff)

Animals Through the Night: Sleepover at the Zoo 01:10 THU (b03x3yff)

Arena 22:30 THU (b0074prh)

BBC Four Sessions 00:30 SAT (b03kk1j5)

BBC Young Musician 19:00 SUN (b07blqjf)

Billy Elliot 21:00 WED (b007wv29)

Blues America 01:30 SAT (p01kc7bh)

Blues America 02:30 SAT (b03kk1j7)

Blues at the BBC 23:30 SAT (b00k36m5)

Bullets, Boots and Bandages: How to Really Win at War 01:00 MON (b019jsls)

Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer 22:15 SUN (b00jhv9g)

Cleopatra: Portrait of a Killer 20:00 THU (b00jhv9g)

Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British 21:00 THU (b07c645b)

Dan Cruickshank: At Home with the British 02:40 THU (b07c645b)

Dancing Cheek to Cheek: An Intimate History of Dance 22:30 SAT (b04t6kb8)

Dancing Cheek to Cheek: An Intimate History of Dance 23:45 WED (b04t6kb8)

David Attenborough's Zoo Quest in Colour 21:00 TUE (p03qxfsg)

David Attenborough's Zoo Quest in Colour 02:00 TUE (p03qxfsg)

Doris Day - Virgin Territory 19:00 SAT (b0074rwd)

EMI: The Inside Story 22:00 FRI (b07c6fj7)

EMI: The Inside Story 00:40 FRI (b07c6fj7)

Everyday Eden: A Potted History of the Suburban Garden 22:45 WED (p01t8n4q)

Everyday Eden: A Potted History of the Suburban Garden 02:45 WED (p01t8n4q)

Francesco's Venice 20:00 SAT (b0078sl0)

Francesco's Venice 23:30 THU (b0078sl0)

Going Forward 22:00 THU (b07c99ps)

Guts: The Strange and Wonderful World of the Human Stomach 23:15 SUN (p07801ts)

Handmade on the Silk Road 19:30 WED (b07blsjw)

Hinterland 21:00 SAT (b07btynj)

Horizon 01:15 SUN (b00z6zc7)

Insect Worlds 19:30 MON (b01rd374)

Insect Worlds 19:30 TUE (b01rk1x9)

Kate Bush at the BBC 23:00 FRI (b04f86xk)

Kate Bush at the BBC 02:40 FRI (b04f86xk)

Madness on Wheels: Rallying's Craziest Years 20:00 MON (b01fcncc)

Madness on Wheels: Rallying's Craziest Years 00:45 WED (b01fcncc)

Natural World 00:15 SUN (b01ntt8p)

Order and Disorder 00:00 MON (p00ynyl9)

Pop Go the Sixties 20:55 FRI (b00crz39)

Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody 21:00 FRI (b06s76l4)

Queen: From Rags to Rhapsody 01:40 FRI (b06s76l4)

Redefining Juliet 03:15 SUN (b079rzqc)

Sounds of the Sixties 20:45 FRI (b051rz4l)

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light 22:00 MON (b01p96fr)

The Dark Ages: An Age of Light 01:00 TUE (b01p96fr)

The Genius of Marie Curie - The Woman Who Lit up the World 23:00 MON (b01s954d)

The Genius of Marie Curie - The Woman Who Lit up the World 03:00 MON (b01s954d)

The Good Old Days 20:00 FRI (b07c433p)

The High Art of the Low Countries 02:00 MON (b01rtf47)

The Silk Road 21:15 SUN (p03qb3q4)

The Silk Road 02:15 SUN (p03qb3q4)

The Silk Road 20:00 TUE (p03qb3q4)

Timewatch 21:00 MON (b017ctqp)

Timewatch 00:00 TUE (b017ctqp)

Top of the Pops 19:30 THU (b07c3ywt)

Top of the Pops 00:30 THU (b07c3ywt)

Top of the Pops 19:30 FRI (b07c433m)

Top of the Pops 00:00 FRI (b07c433m)

World News Today 19:00 MON (b07blphw)

World News Today 19:00 TUE (b07blpj1)

World News Today 19:00 WED (b07blpj6)

World News Today 19:00 THU (b07blpjc)

World News Today 19:00 FRI (b07blpjj)