SAT 19:00 Only Connect (b00lpk02)
Series 2

Cambridge Quiz Society v Oxford Librarians

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take players so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital.

A team of three lads from the Cambridge Quiz Society pit their wits against a trio of Oxford Librarians with specialisms as diverse as Comparative Slavonic Linguistics, Classics and Theology.

They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from Goldeneye to The Kilns to Hill Top to Haworth Parsonage.

SAT 19:30 Apollo Wives (b00lkvtt)
Ten extraordinary women, all in their seventies, come to Arizona for a special reunion. They are each different but have one thing in common - each was married to an Apollo astronaut. These women were right at the heart of the most ambitious journey ever made, as America shot for the moon.

In exclusive interviews, they tell how it felt to watch their husband blast off into space and about the death, danger and divorce as many of their men struggled to come back to Earth.

SAT 20:30 Liz Smith's Summer Cruise (b00lpjw6)
Award-winning 87-year-old actress Liz Smith does the one thing she has never managed to achieve in her life - go on a proper holiday.

Liz, known and loved by millions as Nana in The Royle Family and Leticia in The Vicar of Dibley, finally fulfils her modest ambition to join a group of like-minded individuals on a summer cruise across the Adriatic to Venice.

The film gives an intimate and personal insight into Liz's life, both past and present, from the moment she plans her holiday, packs her bags and bids farewell to her friends in the security of her sheltered accommodation.

Was the holiday everything she dreamed of?

SAT 21:30 How to Be a Composer (b00lsylj)
Episode 1

Journalist, critic and self-confessed music addict Paul Morley embarks on a year-long pursuit to the heart of his obsession.

Morley begins a year of intense lessons and tutoring from one the most prestigious music schools in the world, the Royal Academy of Music in London, where he joins the composition department as an undergraduate student.

This is the first time Morley has been back in education since the age of 16, and it is by no means an easy year as he feels his way through his first lessons on rhythm and notation before finally composing his own music for an ensemble of young virtuoso musicians.

SAT 22:30 Mendelssohn, the Nazis and Me (b00l7rg2)
Felix Mendelssohn was a passionate Christian. He was also born a Jew. This film, marking the 200th anniversary of his birth, tells the extraordinary story of what happened, generations later, both to Mendelssohn's family and to his music, when the Nazis remembered the Jewish roots of Germany's most celebrated composer.

It also examines how the influences of both Judaism and Christianity affected Mendelssohn's music and was made by documentary-maker Sheila Hayman, Mendelssohn's great-great-great-great niece.

SAT 23:30 The Grandparent Diaries (b00lpk38)
The Littles

Molly Little is a typical 15-year-old - pushing boundaries, battles at home as she rallies for later curfews, shorter hem lines and more phone credit. But her living situation is not, as she and her 10- year-old brother Mitch are brought up by their grandparents in Kent.

Val and Ron have been looking after these two of their seven grandchildren for eight years after their mother Tammy died unexpectedly in 2001 and their father left the family. They are among the 200,000 grandparents in this country bringing up their grandchildren, numbers which are rising.

Tammy was murdered at her home in Cornwall by her estranged partner - the children's father, a paranoid schizophrenic. The children were in the house at the time and Molly was the person who pressed the panic button which brought the police to the house.

Mitch has grown up with his grandparents as surrogate parents, but for Molly, who already had a very close bond with and strong memories of her mother, it has been harder to adjust.

The desire to keep absolute normality for the children has been paramount since Tammy died. Living with the generation gap is not easy, as well their own private struggles to deal with the loss of a mother and a daughter. But clinging to the normal routine of every day life has helped get them through.

Through family archive, actuality, interview and the children's video diary, the film builds up an intimate picture of the family, past and present. It explores how far the love of these two doting (and grieving) grandparents has gone to repair a family coping with a tragic loss. Through the laughter, routines and arguments of daily life, we observe to what degree grandparental love can and cannot fill the breach of a lost member of the middle generation.

SAT 00:30 How to Be a Composer (b00lsylj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:30 today]

SAT 01:30 Apollo Wives (b00lkvtt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]

SAT 02:30 Only Connect (b00lpk02)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:00 today]

SAT 03:00 How to Be a Composer (b00lsylj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:30 today]


SUN 19:00 The Day of the Triffids (b0074t53)
Episode 5

A six-part adaptation of John Wyndham's classic sci-fi tale about an invasion of man-eating plants that blind their human prey. Despite spreading disease, Bill continues his search for Jo among the marauding triffids.

SUN 19:30 The Day of the Triffids (b0074t64)
Episode 6

John Wyndham's classic sci-fi tale about an invasion of man-eating plants that blind their human prey. Bill and Jo find themselves trapped in a Sussex farmhouse by growing numbers of triffids.

SUN 20:00 Wainwright Walks (b007vlhx)
Series 2


Julia Bradbury presents a series of classic walks and climbs in the Lake District. Armed with Wainwright's famous Pictorial Guides, Julia is setting out on some of the biggest and most popular fell walks in the country. Through sunshine and rain, Julia explores the stunning landscape that inspired the late Alfred Wainwright to produce his beautifully crafted guide books.

Nobody can call themselves a true fell walker until England's most popular mountain has been conquered. Julia Bradbury sets off to reach the summit of Helvellyn via the Lake District's most talked-about ridge - Striding Edge. And just like legendary fell walker Alfred Wainwright, Julia discovers herself reaching the Edge for the very first time, just as the cloud and the rain descend.

SUN 20:30 Fossil Detectives (b00djmrx)
South West England

Series in which Open University associate lecturer Hermione Cockburn leads a team of fossil experts and geologists around different regions of Britain to search for its fossil treasures and mysteries.

In the south-west of England, the team see Britain's best-preserved dinosaur, complete with crocodile teeth in its mouth and fossilised vomit in its throat, and discover why the Jurassic Coast is one of the most dynamic shorelines in the world.

They meet a relative of the dinosaurs which is alive and well today and, at Lulworth Cove, former Blur bassist Alex James explains his childhood love of fossils.

SUN 21:00 How to Be a Composer (b00lvgsk)
Episode 2

Journalist, critic and music addict Paul Morley continues his year-long attempts to learn the art of music composition.

After taking tentative steps towards writing a piece, Morley dives head on into being a composer, seeking advice along the way from expert instrumentalists and composers such as Bond and Tan Dun.

The film captures the essence of learning to make music, showing in detail how anything from a John Williams popular film score to a Rachmaninoff or Copland symphony is composed and, by taking an obsession close to Morley's heart, observes the process of him reassessing his analytical take on music.

As the relationship between Royal Academy teachers Christopher Austin and Hannah Riddell and the students builds, Morley's confidence and knowledge flourish, culminating in a grand performance of Morley's String Quartet in the Duke's Hall.

SUN 22:00 Nicholas Craig's How to Be Old (b00lpk04)
'Classical actor' Nicholas Craig, played by Nigel Planer, presents a masterclass on the intricacies, pit-falls and sheer blooming hard work that goes into the art of acting old, from perfecting the doddery walk to dealing with pesky youths.

SUN 23:00 Ray Gosling: Bankrupt (b00lvjy5)
For 40 years, Ray Gosling enjoyed success as a TV and radio presenter. However, work began to dry up, his partner died and then he was made bankrupt. This film follows Gosling from the time an eviction notice was served.

SUN 00:00 How to Be a Composer (b00lvgsk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

SUN 01:00 Wainwright Walks (b007vlhx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:00 today]

SUN 01:30 Fossil Detectives (b00djmrx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 today]

SUN 02:00 Nicholas Craig's How to Be Old (b00lpk04)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 today]

SUN 03:00 How to Be a Composer (b00lvgsk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]


MON 19:00 World News Today (b00lsz63)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

MON 19:30 Storyville (b00lsz65)
The Time of their Lives

Set in a north London residential home for the active elderly, this documentary paints a portrait of life at the Mary Feilding Guild and of three of its oldest residents. With a combined age of almost 300, Rose, Hetty and Alison continue to be powerfully engaged in their individual brands of activism - from journalism to anti-war demonstrations - whilst quietly negotiating the final years of their lives.

Rose, Hetty and Alison are fervently concerned about the state of the wider world and work energetically to make it a better place, but their private lives and loves are equally important. Through their intimate and surprising revelations, we learn the truth about how very old people experience life and how they deal with the intense challenges, and the indignities, that old age brings.

MON 20:30 Only Connect (b00lsz67)
Series 2

Mathematicians v Wordsmiths

Quiz show presented by Victoria Coren in which knowledge will only take you so far, as patience and lateral thinking are also vital.

Three maths graduates take on a team featuring a linguistics graduate, an English graduate and an IT developer who is also a proofreader. They compete to draw together the connections between things which, at first glance, seem utterly random, from 'drip dry' to 'equal by definition' to 'MPs' obligation to vote' to 'exit 300yds ahead'.

MON 21:00 Wallander (b00lvfc1)
Series 1

The Brothers

The army is in Ystad all week for a training exercise, and Wallander is called to the site of a grim and premeditated double murder, with emotional resonance for him. As the murders continue, Wallander and his team investigate deeper and are forced to concede there may be a link with the troops.

MON 22:30 Being Neil Armstrong (b00lkvln)
It has been said that 10,000 years from now only one name will still be remembered, that of Neil Armstrong. But in the four decades since he first set foot on the moon, Armstrong has become increasingly reclusive.

Andrew Smith, author of the best-selling book Moondust, journeys across America to try and discover the real Neil Armstrong. He tracks down the people who knew Armstrong, from his closest childhood friend to fellow astronauts and Houston technicians, and even the barber who sold his hair, in a wry and sideways look at the reluctant hero of the greatest event of the 20th century.

MON 23:30 Ray Gosling: Pension Crisis (b00lvk45)
Documentary following TV presenter Ray Gosling's continuing refusal to face facts and sort out his bankruptcy situation. He accepts that he has done everything wrong, but it has made him sympathetic to others in his plight. Company pension schemes are going bankrupt across the country, leaving employees nothing for their old age.

MON 00:30 Only Connect (b00lsz67)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 today]

MON 01:00 Storyville (b00lsz65)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]

MON 02:00 Being Neil Armstrong (b00lkvln)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 today]

MON 03:00 Storyville (b00lsz65)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]


TUE 19:00 World News Today (b00lszgf)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

TUE 19:30 Only Connect (b00lsz67)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 on Monday]

TUE 20:00 South Pacific (b00ks63z)
Endless Blue

A large part of the remote, blue wilderness of the South Pacific is a marine desert. Many animals that live in the ocean - among them sharks, whales and turtles - must go to extraordinary lengths to survive. Tiger sharks travel hundreds of miles to feast on fledging albatross chicks and, every year, sperm whales journey from one side of the South Pacific to the other in their search for food and mates. Theirs is a journey that can end in tragedy.

But the South Pacific is not all desert. New Zealand's super-rich coast supports huge pods of acrobatic dolphins; its coral reefs are some of the most diverse on earth; and there are few places richer in wildlife than the quirky Galapagos Islands, home to tropical penguins and surfing sea lions.

Using the greatest shipwreck story of all time - an event that inspired Moby Dick - the huge challenges of survival in this seemingly endless blue ocean are revealed.

TUE 21:00 The Grandparent Diaries (b00lszpy)
Avril Pengilly

When a widowed elderly grandmother moves in with one of her children and grandchildren, it is usually assumed it is because she is too old and frail to continue to look after herself. But three years ago, when 78-year-old Avril Pengilly sold her bungalow to live with her youngest daughter Liz, her son-in-law Dave and her grandsons Jake and Mike, it was because they needed her help, both financially and practically, as much as she needed them.

Through interview and observation, the film explores both the advantages and challenges for all three generations living under one roof. Using personal photographs and Avril's memories of the her life in a small north Devon farming community, Avril looks back at her own history and how it has informed her role as a grandmother and mother today.

TUE 22:00 The Chaser's War on Everything (b00lszgh)
Episode 5

Australian comedy team The Chaser launch a real-life assault on everyone and everything.

The team use public transport as a cheap alternative to removalists. Ken Loach makes a gritty film based on the musical Cats. And do women really swoon into a bloke's arms when he goes around dressed as a dripping-wet Mr Darcy?

The sketch-and-stunt series was nominated for the Rose d'Or, and, in its native Australia, the War on Everything won a swag of awards.

TUE 22:30 Flight of the Conchords: On Air (b00kgbcv)
Behind the scenes look at the cult comedy series about Kiwi folk musicians Bret and Jemaine trying to make it big in their adopted home of New York.

It follows the duo in the United States before and after the release of the first series, as they speak candidly about the road to fame, and we meet the other personalities, cast and crew that helped make their show a smash hit in America, NZ and the rest of the world.

As Bret McKenzie's long-term partner, director Hannah Clarke was in a unique position to gain access to the Conchords at their most relaxed, as well as their most frantic and exhausted, and was able to get an up-close-and-personal glimpse into this experience. Through her insider's eye we are granted an intimate look into the lives of this great comedy act and discover how they won the hearts of America.

TUE 22:55 Getting On (b00lqbkb)
Series 1

Episode 2

Pippa prepares her research paper and Den and Kim deal with a male referral, but it is problem patient Ivy who dominates the day. Aggressive and deeply unpleasant, she sets a chain reaction in motion that sees Hilary in tears and Kim in trouble.

Elsewhere on the ward, life and death continues as normal, but with the MRSA statistics up it seems another crisis is just around the corner. Meanwhile, Den and Hilary are starting to bond.

TUE 23:25 Ray Gosling: OAP (b00lvkc4)
TV presenter Ray Gosling talks about his life as a pensioner in Nottingham semi-sheltered housing, about an OAPs weekend in Bridlington and about teaching University of the Third Age, after selling his house due to bankruptcy.

TUE 00:25 The Grandparent Diaries (b00lszpy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

TUE 01:25 Are We Having Fun Yet? (b0074tk4)
Happy Families?

Series looking at changing Britain examines how childhood and families have transformed over the last decade. But from the scramble to get into the best schools to the pressures on working parents, are we too stressed to be happy?

TUE 02:25 Only Connect (b00lsz67)
[Repeat of broadcast at 20:30 on Monday]

TUE 02:55 The Grandparent Diaries (b00lszpy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]


WED 19:00 World News Today (b00lszpw)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

WED 19:30 Once a Soldier (b0074hkg)
Series 1

On Parade

Documentary series about the Chelsea Pensioners, former British soldiers who live in the Royal Hospital in Chelsea. All leave is cancelled - all 300 Chelsea Pensioners are ordered to the parade ground as HM the Queen takes the salute on Founders Day. But in the hottest June since records began, how will the massed ranks of the pensioners cope?

WED 20:00 Casualty 1907 (b009r25c)
Episode 1

Drama that uses case notes, ward reports, autopsy records and diaries from 1907 to bring doctors, nurses and patients at the Royal London Hospital back to life. Nurse Ada has to decide whether or not to take the job of Ward Sister, as it threatens to spoil her engagement to Dr James. The hospital is using a radical new technique, ultra-violet light, to treat skin disease caused by unsanitary living conditions in the East End. Queen Alexandra visits to see it.

WED 21:00 The Dead Sea Scrolls (b0074t4c)
Rageh Omaar tells the story of the Dead Sea Scrolls and uncovers the truth behind the myth. The biblical find of the age, they contain the earliest versions of the Hebrew bible, maps to hidden temple treasure, and insight into the mindset of John the Baptist, Jesus, and the early Christians. But the scrolls were soon embroiled in controversy, with allegations of conspiracy and cover-up, rumours that persist today thanks to The Da Vinci Code.

WED 22:30 Getting On (b00lszq0)
Series 1

Episode 3

The legacy of the Ivy fight has left a problem, with Hilary accusing Kim of making an inappropriate remark during the fight and insisting on disciplinary action. Kim has called in her union rep to defend her, but the meeting does little to sort out the mess. In revenge, Hilary demands the ward be shut down for a deep cleaning, forcing extra work on the staff. Pippa leaves for a health conference abroad, with her stool sample research complete.

WED 23:00 One Life (b007chtc)
Series 7

The Oldest Drivers in Britain

In Britain today there are around 30,000 drivers over the age of 90 and as the population ages it is a figure that is expected to increase dramatically over the next 10 years. This affectionate and funny portrait of some of Britain's oldest motorists peers over the steering wheel to find out what it's like to have been driving before motorways, roundabouts and the driving test were introduced.

WED 23:40 imagine... (b00lg89w)
Summer 2009

Save the Last Dance for Me

At an age when most people are content to take it easy, one group of pensioners have taken up contemporary dance for the first time. Alan Yentob follows them on their journey as they prepare to perform at Sadler's Wells, one of the top dance venues in the world. Save the Last Dance for Me challenges people's preconceptions about the physical and creative abilities of the over sixties.

WED 00:30 Getting On (b00lszq0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 today]

WED 01:00 The Dead Sea Scrolls (b0074t4c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 today]

WED 02:30 Batman (b008y3cn)
Series 1

Death in Slow Motion

The Riddler turns moviemaker, capturing his criminal escapades on film. Robin is strapped on a conveyor belt in a lumberyard, about to be sawed in two as Riddler records the event. Batman comes to the rescue, but liberates a dressed dummy. Meanwhile, the Riddler is about to drop Robin from the ledge of a high building, similar to a well-known Harold Lloyd stunt.

WED 02:50 Batman (b008y3cy)
Series 1

The Riddler's False Notion

Superhero action. Batman rushes to rescue Robin from the Riddler and a lumber yard demise.

WED 03:20 Getting On (b00lszq0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 today]


THU 19:00 World News Today (b00lszz9)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

THU 19:30 BBC Proms (b00lszzc)

Prom 9: Elgar Anniversary

Charles Hazlewood introduces a concert commemorating the 75th anniversary of Elgar's death, with his Second Symphony played by the BBC Philharmonic and conducted by Vassily Sinaisky.

Two intriguing English rarities start the programme - Ernest Moeran's G Minor Symphony and Gerald Finzi's Grand Fantasia and Toccata, with piano soloist Leon McCawley.

THU 22:05 Thoroughly Modern... (b007gmbt)
The Bicycle

Documentary series about objects the Edwardians either invented or advanced. One of the most important inventions of all time, the improvements made by the Edwardians meant the bicycle allowed the city dweller to escape to the country, provided a truly democratised means of transport and is even credited with widening the gene pool.

THU 22:35 Wallander (b00lvfc1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 21:00 on Monday]

THU 00:05 Flight of the Conchords: On Air (b00kgbcv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 on Tuesday]

THU 00:30 The Chaser's War on Everything (b00lszgh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:00 on Tuesday]

THU 01:00 The High Life (b00hq327)

Sitcom set on a passenger jet. The crew become embroiled in a small business espionage plot. A scientist is kidnapped for her re-creation of a 1950s recipe for tablet.

THU 01:30 BBC Proms (b00lszzc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]


FRI 19:00 World News Today (b00lt0rn)
The latest national and international news, exploring the day's events from a global perspective.

FRI 19:30 BBC Proms (b00lt0rq)

Prom 10: Orchestre National de Lyon

From Ravel and Takemitsu to Debussy's La Mer, this rollercoaster of a Prom celebrates the fascinating musical links between east and west. The French Orchestre National de Lyon, under their half-German, half-Japanese music director Jun Maerkl, perform with the young Japanese virtuoso violinist Akiko Suwanai, while Mayumi Miyata introduces the oriental instrument known as the sho to the Proms audience. Presented by Charles Hazlewood.

FRI 22:30 Madeleine Peyroux: Somethin' Grand (b00lt0rs)
Documentary tracing the childhood and career of Madeleine Peyroux, whose solo albums have steadily established her as a compelling if elusive chanteuse. Peyroux is an American of French descent whose subtle phrasing harks back to classic queens of heartache like Bessie Smith, Billie Holiday, Edith Piaf and Patsy Cline, all of whom she has been known to cover.

She spent her early years in Brooklyn before moving to Paris with her mother when her parents divorced. As a teenager she found herself busking. Now, at 35, she has recorded four solo albums including 2004's million-selling Careless Love. This film traces her life and her slow but steady emergence as a songwriter with her latest album, Bare Bones.

FRI 23:20 Madeleine Peyroux: Live in Los Angeles (b00lt0rv)
Concert filmed in Los Angeles in a club setting in January 2009 which captures jazz chanteuse Madeleine Peyroux and a small band debuting songs from her first self-penned collection and fourth solo album, Bare Bones. The set also features covers she has performed throughout her career, including classic songs by Leonard Cohen, Edith Piaf, Serge Gainsbourg and Bob Dylan.

FRI 00:40 BBC Proms (b00lt0rq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 19:30 today]

FRI 03:40 Madeleine Peyroux: Somethin' Grand (b00lt0rs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 22:30 today]