The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 00:00 The Man in Black (b018j7ww)
Series 4

5. The New Boy by Matthew Wilkie

Craig has a new job, but how far will he go to impress his boss?

Mark Gatiss as the sinister raconteur, The Man in Black, introduces Matthew Wilkie's tale.

Craig ...... Simon Bubb
Mr Rubenstein ...... Stephen Greif
Beth ...... Victoria Inez Hardy
Nelson ...... Adam Billington
William ...... Christopher Webster

More horrifying tales from The Man in Black. You might meet him at a luggage carousel in an airport, or behind the desk at an employment agency or he might approach you in the corridor of a care home. Wherever you encounter him, he's eager to pass on his stories. Stories to unsettle and horrify. Stories to haunt you.

Director: Lucy Collingwood

Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra and first broadcast in December 2011.

SAT 00:30 Off the Page (b00p31l0)
Everyone's A Critic

Are you worried about the future of criticism?

You should be. When newspaper editors are forced to make cutbacks, it is critics who are the first in the firing line. But do we really need critics and criticism?

Critic and journalist Toby Young is joined by blogger Lynne Hatwell and occupational psychologist Clive Fletcher to write about and discuss criticism and the critics.

Presented by Dominic Arkwright.

Producer: Beatrice Fenton.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2009.

SAT 01:00 Wimsey (b007jzr6)
The Nine Tailors

8 Nine Tailors Make a Man

Can upper class sleuth, Lord Peter Wimsey finally solve the baffling mystery of the murder of Geoffrey Deacon?

Ian Carmichael stars as the aristocratic sleuth.

The conclusion of Dorothy L Sayers' detective mystery.

Lord Peter Wimsey …. Ian Carmichael
Bunter …. Peter Jones
Supt Blundell …. Timothy Bateson
Rev Theodore Venables …. Phillip Latham
Mrs Venables...Noel Dyson
Will Thoday …. Keith Drinkell
Harry Gotobed …. Alexander John
First Sluice Keeper …. Michael Spice
Second Sluice Keeper …. Peter Tudenham
Narrator …. John Westbrook

Dramatised by Alistair Beaton.

Producer: Martin Fisher

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1980.

SAT 01:30 Paper Doll (b07wzzzb)
" I can see you. I'm watching. Here in the dark, in this corner. I can see you, going through everything, dirtying it all with your fingers. Think you're alone, eh? Think it's just rubbish? Just wait. Soon. You'll find out. Soon. "

Two young men find more than they bargained for when they search for junk in a derelict house.

Chilling drama written by David Calcutt.

Matthews ....... Richard Pasco
Mick ....... Michael Staniforth
Ronnie ....... Daniel Abineri

Directed at BBC Birmingham by Vanessa Whitburn.

First broadcast in ‘Thirty Minute Theatre’ on BBC Radio 4 (Long Wave only) in March 1979.

SAT 02:00 No Room For Secrets by Joanna Lumley (b00gfsmh)
The Music Room and The Attic

Married life with a conductor husband and contemplating future resolutions.

Actress Joanna Lumley concludes her home-based autobiography

Producer: Liz Webb.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2004.

SAT 02:15 Gudrun (m0001g8t)
Series 5

Episode 5

Gudrun goes on the run. She ends up in the mountains, at the hideaway of a powerful seeress and her followers.

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness. Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Dag . . . . . Cameron Percival
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival
Volva . . . . . Carolyn Pickles

Written by Lucy Catherine.
Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

SAT 02:30 Woolf in the Jungle (b043xpqt)
Overshadowed for the greater part of his life by his brilliant wife Virginia, Leonard Woolf is largely remembered as a devoted husband and member of the Bloomsbury set.

Yet he was a gifted writer in his own right.

As a young man, Woolf worked as a colonial civil servant in Ceylon, as Sri Lanka was then known. After his return to England in 1911 he wrote 'The Village in the Jungle', the first English novel to portray sympathetically the plight of the rural poor in a remote corner of Empire. Published a decade before Forster's A Passage to India and two decades before Orwell's Burmese Days, it is also seen by some as the first novel to criticise British imperialism. Whilst the book has always been highly regarded in Sri Lanka because it is written from the indigenous perspective, Woolf's novel remains virtually unknown in this country.

Writer and broadcaster Nicholas Rankin explores why this is so and asks whether the book and its author deserve a more prominent place in literary history.

Among the contributors are writer Romesh Gunesekera, Woolf's biographer Victoria Glendinning, and Woolf's nephew, publisher Cecil Woolf.

Producer: Dan Shepherd

A Far Shoreline production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in May 2014.

SAT 03:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gszmm)
Loving and Losing

Despite the continuing feud between their families Philip has a plan that he believes will restore happiness to Maggie Tulliver.

Starring Michael Fitzgerald and Sylvestra Le Touzel.

The conclusion of George Eliot’s 19th century novel.

Maggie ...... Sylvestra Le Touzel
Tom ...... Richard Pearce
Philip ...... Michael Fitzgerald
Stephen ...... Nicholas Gilbrook
Mrs Tulliver ...... Tina Gray
Dr Wakem ...... Roger Hume
Bob ...... Paul Downing
Lucy Dean ...... Moir Leslie
Dr Cairn ...... Simon Carter

Pianist: Harold Rich

Dramatised by Michelene Wandor.

Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Philip Martin.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1991.

SAT 04:00 Counterpoint (b00s0b33)
Series 24

2010 Heat 5

Paul Gambaccini chairs the general knowledge music quiz from Manchester.

The questions cover every aspect of music - from the classical repertoire to world music, show tunes, film scores, jazz, rock and pop.

The three contestants from Teesside, London and Torquay are:

David Harman
Dan O’Hara
Valerian Ryland

Producer: Paul Bajoria

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2010.

SAT 04:30 Two Doors Down (b008h68b)
Series 2

Druids and Draws

Edith Black's lodger, Victor, the Ulster-Scots poet, has fallen in love with a Celtic druid, Anashuya - and brought her back to Belfast...

Starring Stella McCusker.

Annie McCartney's sitcom about the bohemian Belfast residents of Marlborough Road, saved from chaos by their cleaning lady, Sally.

Sally ...... Stella McCusker
Clare ...... Marcella Riordan
Evie ...... Katy Gleadhill
Victor ...... Alan Mckee
Anashuya ...... Laura Hughes
Miss Black ...... Roma Tomelty
Fintan ...... Gerard Murphy
Layla ...... Emily Walmsley
Rory ...... Richard Clements
Anna ...... Hannah R Gordon

With Gerry Anderson as Himself

Director: Tanya Nash

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2002.

SAT 05:00 The Break (b07dkk0k)
Series 1

Cold Mountain

Andy is beginning to settle in to the unusual seaside town of Flamford. When he and his Uncle Jeff find an abandoned fridge in the street, Jeff seizes the opportunity to teach his nephew the value of entrepreneurship.

Unfortunately, his plans are complicated by a particularly diligent and zealous Police Officer, a hard-nosed private landlord and Fish Shop Frank's refusal to see a business opportunity when it's sat on the pavement outside his chip shop.

Along the way, they meet a pair of half-hearted pirates, an eccentric plutocrat, Jeff's on-off paramour, Corinne and the youngest-sounding pub landlord in Britain.

Andy ...... Tom Palmer
Jeff ...... Philip Jackson
Frank ...... Mark Benton
PC Clark ...... Mark Benton
Corinne ...... Alison Steadman
Joyce ...... Alison Steadman
Morag ...... Alison Steadman
Max ...... Rasmus Hardiker
Julie ...... Shobna Gulati

Writers: Ian Brown and James Hendrie

Director: Gordon Kennedy

An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in June 2016.

SAT 05:30 The Confessional (m000vp1b)
Series 1

The Confession of Clarke Peters

Actor, comedian and broadcaster Stephen Mangan presents a comedy chat show about shame and guilt.

Each week, Stephen invites a different eminent guest into his virtual confessional box to make three 'confessions' to him. This is the cue for some remarkable storytelling, and surprising insights.

This week, Clarke Peters, famous for his roles as Lester Freamon in The Wire and Albert Lambreaux in Treme, surprises with his stories of youthful indiscretions, hidden loot and embarrassing his brother on the Borscht Belt.

We’re used to hearing celebrity interviews where stars are persuaded to show off about their achievements and talk about their proudest moments. Stephen is not interested in that. He doesn’t want to know what his guests are proud of, he wants to know what they’re ashamed of. That’s surely the way to find out what really makes a person tick. Stephen and his guest reflect with empathy and humour on why we get embarrassed, where our shame thresholds should be, and the value of guilt.

Other series guests include Marian Keyes, Cariad Lloyd, Joan Bakewell, Suzi Ruffell and Phil Wang.

Written and presented by Stephen Mangan
With extra material by Nick Doody
Produced by Dave Anderson and Frank Stirling
A 7digital production for BBC Radio 4

SAT 06:00 Over the Rainbow by Bernard Kops (m000vxkk)
To escape from the cold realities of London life in Maida Vale, Sandra lives in the fantasy world of the Hollywood films of her childhood.

It's an obsession shared by her close friend, Stanley. Then one day, she discovers her married lover, Malcolm, is unfaithful to her ...

'What would Joan Crawford do? She would take a sharp, jagged bread-knife. Cut. With a look of grim determination on her face she drives along Finchley Road. Cut.'

But what will Sandra do?

Bernard Kops' comedy drama stars Maureen Lipman, Peter Woodthorpe and Derek Fowlds.

Sandra .... Maureen Lipman
Stanley .... Peter Woodthorpe
Malcolm .... Derek Fowlds
Sidney .... Neville Jason
Henry .... Leonard Fenton
Jeanette/Gloria .... Sonia Fraser
Uncle Harold .... Brian Haines
Derek .... William Eedle
Marie .... Eva Stuart
Joe .... Manning Wilson

Director: Cherry Cookson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 1980.

SAT 07:30 Great Lives (b07v0fv2)
Series 40

Eliza Carthy on Caroline Norton

Eliza Carthy chooses the life of 19th-century poet and campaigner Caroline Norton to discuss with Matthew Parris.

Following separation from her controlling husband, Norton fought to gain access to her three children. She campaigned for 30 years resulting in changes to English Law that gave women a separate legal identity for the first time.

Eliza first discovered Caroline Norton when she was researching broadside ballads and came across Norton's verse ' Love not! love not! ye hopeless sons of clay'. It stood out, becoming the inspiration for her track 'Fade and Fall' and sparking an interest in Norton and her extraordinary life.

The expert is Dr Diane Atkinson, author of 'The Criminal Conversation of Mrs Norton'.

Producer: Toby Field

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2016.

SAT 08:00 The Motion Show (b071k5vf)
Series 3

Episode 5

Debates galore over mature students and putting daughters on the stage.

Graeme Garden chairs the quirky battle of words and wit.

From the Pleasance Theatre during the Edinburgh Festival.

With Hugh Dennis, Gyles Brandreth, Chris Neill and Stuart Maconie.

Producer: Helen Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2000

SAT 08:30 Smelling of Roses (b007jrhd)
Series 1

Positive Thinking

Rosie's company goes New Age, promoting the Brighton leg of a lecture tour by a Californian positive-thinking guru.

Prunella Scales stars in the first of four series of Simon Brett's sitcom following the trials and tribulations of Rosie Burns and her event-management company based in Brighton.

With Arabella Weir as Kate, Rebecca Callard as Jo, Duncan Preston as Bob, Annette Badland as Tess, Alison Skilbeck as Darcy Philpotts and Kerry Shale as Lyndon Merchant.

Producer: Maria Esposito

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2000.

SAT 09:00 Somebody Laughed: Eddie Braben Brings You Sunshine (b007lm74)
The man who brought sunshine to Eric and Ernie brings some golden rays into your ears - selecting a selection of the shows what he wrote.

Eddie Braben penned some of Morecambe and Wise’s most famous lines. But that wasn't the only string to his bow – other beneficiaries of his strong comic writing include Ken Dodd and Jimmy Cricket.

Eddie himself also steps into the spotlight to helm his own vehicle the Worst Show on the Wireless – with Alison Steadman.

In between his selections, Eddie reminisces about radio and what it has meant to him.


* The Morecambe and Wise Show (December 1977)

* The Show With Ten Legs (February 1977)

* The Ken Dodd Show - Star Parade (July 1963)

* Jimmy's Cricket Team (June 1991)

* The Worst Show in the Wireless (February 1975)

* The Morecambe and Wise Christmas Show (December 1977)

When Eddie Braben passed away aged 82 in 2013, Bruce Forsyth was one of those keen to pay tribute. Eddie began his writing career penning jokes on the back of paper bags on a fruit and veg stall.

Producer: Martin Dempsey

Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in May 2007.

SAT 12:00 Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse (b00dgjw3)
First Steps in a Business Career

Comedy series following the adventures of the extraordinary Psmith and his friend Mike in the world of Edwardian finance.

Mike's future looks gloomy when he's forced to give up his dreams of university and work in a bank. But help is at hand...

PG Wodehouse ..... Simon Williams
Psmith ..... Nick Caldecott
Mike Jackson ..... Inam Mirza
John Bickersdyke ..... Stephen Critchlow
Mr Rossiter/Mr Jackson ..... Chris Pavlo
Mr Waller ..... Jonathan Tafler
Bannister ..... Robert Lonsdale

Written by PG Wodehouse.
Dramatised by Marcy Kahan.

Producer: Abigail le Fleming

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2008.

SAT 12:30 Four Joneses and a Jenkins (b007jqlp)
September: Watch the Birdie

An everyday story of sheep, sin and scholarship under the shadow of the Long Mynd.

Sue Limb’s pastoral sitcom follows six months in the life of the Jones family, who live on a small farm in rural Wales.

It’s the start of the farming year, as daughter Megan sets her sights on Mr Bootle...

Mr Jones ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Ma Jones ...... Lisabeth Miles
Megan Jones ...... Rebecca Front
Owen Jones ...... Matthew Morgan
Mr Jenkins ...... Nickolas Grace
Bootle ...... Michael Fenton Stevens

Recorded on location.

Music composed by John Whitehall.

Producer: Jonathan James Moore.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2000.

SAT 13:00 Archive on 4 (b0b39r1q)

It’s over 175 years since the word "commuter" was used for the first time. (The word does not in fact describe a traveller, it describes a transaction: regular travellers on the railroad into Manhattan were given the opportunity to "commute" their individual tickets into a season pass. Ever since, commuters have been both travellers and revenue stream.)

Today - our great cities inhale and exhale millions of commuters, who start their journey in the darkness of winter mornings in the suburbs, resurface blearily in the heart of the city and return to long tucked-in children in darkness.

It wasn't meant to be like this. Matthew Sweet looks at our imagined world of fantasy journeys and asks if driverless cars, monorails, or high speed transport systems might deliver them in the future.

Producer: Mark Rickards

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2018.

SAT 14:00 Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics (b03z9gmm)
Series 1


A fresh look at the ancient world.

Natalie Haynes, critic, writer and reformed stand-up comedian, brings the ancient world entertainingly up to date. In each of the four programmes she profiles a figure from ancient Greece or Rome and creates a stand-up routine around them. She then goes in search of the links which make the ancient world still very relevant in the 21st century.

Episode 2: Sophocles invents modern drama with Oedipus the King. Spoiler alert! – it doesn't end well. This episode includes handy hints on how to get in the mood for a classical tragedy (bring a bottle.) With Professor Edith Hall, poet and playwright Frank McGuinness and TV critic Andrew Collins.

Producer Christine Hall

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

SAT 14:30 Revolting People (b007lrv1)
Series 2

Trying Times

A wife returns, a daughter gives birth and Sergeant McGurk reveals the real reason the English won the Battle of Culloden.

The return of the comedy set just before the American Revolution.

Written by Andy Hamilton and Jay Tarses.

Stars Jay Tarses as Samuel Oliphant, Andy Hamilton as Sergeant McGurk, James Fleet as Captain Brimshaw, Jan Ravens as Mary, Hugh Dennis as Ezekiel Spriggs, Penelope Nice as Cora Oliphant, Tony Maudsley as Joshua Oliphant, Susie Blake as Elizabeth Oliphant and Selina Griffiths as Agnes.

Producer: Paul Mayhew-Archer

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2001.

SAT 15:00 The Consultants (b05z6glc)
Series 4

Episode 1

The lighthouse tour and the old-fashioned parents.

Cerebral sketch show written by and starring Neil Edmond, Justin Edwards and James Rawlings.

Producer: Will Saunders

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2005.

SAT 15:30 Chris Addison's Civilization (b00dr4t0)
Controlling the Universe

Chris Addison goes on a journey through the vast and rich subject of civilisation and explains exactly what we need to create a new one.

In the opening episode, he investigates the notion of a controllable universe.


Professor Austin Herring (Geoffrey McGivern)
Jo Enright
Dan Tetsell

Producer: Simon Nicholls

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2006.

SAT 16:00 Over the Rainbow by Bernard Kops (m000vxkk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SAT 17:30 Great Lives (b07v0fv2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

SAT 18:00 Dan Dare (b0076rwk)
Series 1

1 The Voyage of Venus 1/2

Dashing test pilot, Dan Dare, is selected to fly the Anastasia - a new experimental spacecraft using alien technology - on its maiden voyage to Venus. The mission is to make first contact with the mysterious civilisation that sent the technological secrets to Earth...

Adventures based on the Eagle comic strip 'Dan Dare' created in 1950 by the Reverend Marcus Morris and Frank Hampson.

Starring Ed Stoppard as Dan Dare, Geoff McGivern as Digby, Heida Reed as Professor Peabody, Raad Rawi as the Mekon, Bijan Daneshmand as Sondar, Amber Aga as Treen General, David O'Mahony as the Flight Engineer, Kelly Burke as Flight Control, and Dianne Weller as the On-board Computer.

Dramatised by Richard Kurti and Bev Doyle.
Director: Andrew Mark Sewell.
Made by B7 Media.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra in 2018.

SAT 18:30 Eagle: The Space Age Weekly (b00wqdx6)
Sir Tim Rice explores the lasting appeal of British magazine Eagle and the impact of its flagship character Dan Dare.

Eagle ran in two main incarnations between 1950 and 1994. Dan Dare, often referred to as "Biggles in space", is regarded in some circles as the greatest British science fiction hero of the 20th century

In this feature we chart the influences behind the comic, and explore the life of its creator Marcus Morris, a fascinating man who began the publication because of his concern over 'horrific' US comics which presented 'disturbing' storylines which he felt 'corrupted British youth'.

The programme reveals how Dan Dare was originally envisaged as a space chaplain before becoming the popular astronaut. It also examines the work of illustrator Frank Hampson who introduced technology years ahead of its time. Hampson knew the Space Age was on its way while serving in the Second World War and seeing the German VI rockets. He made the Dan Dare strips as realistic as possible by dressing his team in spacesuits and uniforms, basing the look of the fictional characters on his colleagues.

We reveal how the stories had educational value and, along with Dan Dare, we look at other Eagle offerings including Shakespeare's plays and the Greek myths which ran as comic strips.

Featuring contributions from author Philip Pullman, Sally Morris the daughter of Eagle Creator Marcus and Eagle Society member David Britton.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010.

SAT 19:00 Somebody Laughed: Eddie Braben Brings You Sunshine (b007lm74)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SAT 22:00 Rigor Mortis (b007k4xd)
Series 1

Episode 5

Dr Webster is puzzled when his 13 year old daughter isn't keen on a trip to the path lab. Stars Peter Davison. From July 2003.

SAT 22:30 Josie Long: Romance and Adventure (b074zw4l)
Series 1

Episode 1

A sitcom from award-winning comedian Josie Long about a young woman trying to build a new, more fulfilling life for herself in Glasgow.

Glasgow is the indie band theme park, where Josie will finally be happy and accepted. But almost as soon as she de-trains at Queen Street Station she begins to think she's made a big mistake.

Josie sets about finding friends, a place to live and a new job.

Based on characters from the short films "Romance and Adventure" and "Let's Go Swimming" by Josie Long and Douglas King.

Josie - Josie Long
Darren - Darren Osborne
Roddy - Sanjeev Kohli
Kerry - Hatty Ashdown
Eleanor - Clare Grogan
Chris - Michael Bertenshaw
Mona - Rebecca Hamilton
Fraser - Chris Pavlo

Written by Josie Long
Producer: Colin Anderson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2016.

SAT 23:00 Jason Cook's School of Hard Knocks (b03vgr6q)
Best Man Speeches and Weddings

Comedian Jason Cook uses his life experiences to help us better navigate the choppy waters of life.

In this opening episode, Jason examines the pitfalls of making best man speeches, with advice on how to make a wedding memorable.

With Zoe Harrison and Neil Grainger.

Jason was the creator of BBC2's comedy Hebburn.

Producer: Sam Michell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2014.

SAT 23:30 I've Never Seen Star Wars (b04yk55d)
Series 6

Gyles Brandreth

Marcus Brigstocke persuades his reluctant guest to try new experiences: things they really ought to have done by now. Some experiences are loved, some are loathed, in this show all about embracing the new.

This week, Gyles Brandreth is persuaded to spend a day doing absolutely nothing, and writes his first ever pop song.

Produced by Bill Dare.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2015.

SUNDAY 09 MAY 2021

SUN 00:00 Dan Dare (b0076rwk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Saturday]

SUN 00:30 Eagle: The Space Age Weekly (b00wqdx6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Saturday]

SUN 01:00 Archive on 4 (b0b39r1q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 13:00 on Saturday]

SUN 02:00 Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics (b03z9gmm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:00 on Saturday]

SUN 02:30 Revolting People (b007lrv1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:30 on Saturday]

SUN 03:00 The Consultants (b05z6glc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:00 on Saturday]

SUN 03:30 Chris Addison's Civilization (b00dr4t0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:30 on Saturday]

SUN 04:00 Over the Rainbow by Bernard Kops (m000vxkk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Saturday]

SUN 05:30 Great Lives (b07v0fv2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 No Room for Secrets by Joanna Lumley (Omnibus) (m000vy0k)
One of this country's best loved actors, Joanna Lumley, reads from her autobiography.

She uses the theme of rooms in a house to separate different parts of her life

Omnibus of five episodes.

Producer: Liz Webb.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2004.

SUN 07:10 Inheritance Tracks (b08d8cv4)
Bill Bailey

Comedian Bill Bailey chooses 'Magic Moments' by Perry Como and 'Once in a Lifetime' by Talking Heads.

SUN 07:20 Lucy Catherine - Gudrun (m0001k85)
Series 5 (Omnibus)

Episode 1

On a remote island, Gudrun seeks out an old friend.

Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness.

Iceland is now an occupied country, its people forced to convert to Christianity by rival Norse kingdoms. After many years away, with plans to overthrow the regime and rescue her daughter who is being brought up in the new faith, Gudrun once more sails into Icelandic waters.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Dag . . . . . Cameron Percival
Sylvia . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Aoife . . . . . Lucy Doyle
Hakon . . . . Michael Bertenshaw
Bolli . . . . . Lewis Bray
Aslak . . . . . Tony Turner
Sigrid . . . . . Rosie Boore
Leif . . . . . Don Gilet
Guard 1 . . . . . Lewis Bray
Frederick . . . . . Simon Scardifield
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival
Volva . . . . . Carolyn Pickles

Director: Sasha Yevtushenko

First broadcast in five parts on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

SUN 08:30 We're in Business (b007jydp)
Dudley's Granny

Dudley and Harry end up at the mercy of a devious criminal.

Stars Peter Jones as Dudley, Harry Worth as Harry and Irene Handl as Granny. With Paddy Edwards, Wallas Eaton and John Graham.

Peter Jones is small-time businessman, Dudley Grosvenor who's always out to make a fast buck - usually at the expense of his side-kick, Harry Worth.

Written by Peter Jones, George Wadmore and George Evans.

A selection of surviving episodes from two series broadcast between 1959-1960.

Producer: Charles Maxwell.

First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in June 1959.

SUN 09:00 Drop Me Here, Darling (m000vy0m)
A Winter Break

Leslie is broke and turns to mini-cabbing, but pays the price.

‘Drop Me Here, Darling’ ran from December 1982 to February 1983. It starred Leslie Phillips and Jill Bennett as a recently divorced couple, Leslie and Caroline Duggan. He was a successful businessman but has fallen on hard times - following the ‘80s property crash - and now earns a living by chauffeuring his wealthy ex, who runs the successful Quantum mail order company. Despite being divorced, their lives are interleaved and they keep a close, envious eye on each other’s love lives, divulging an enduring mutual fondness.


Leslie Duggan …. Leslie Phillips
Caroline Duggan …. Jill Bennett
Mini Cab Controller …. Norma Ronald

and featuring Kenneth Connor, John Kane, James Taylor, Jennifer Croxton, Sandra Clark

Written by Andrew Palmer.

Producer: Edward Taylor

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in February 1983.

SUN 09:30 Double Income, No Kids Yet (b007wznq)
Series 2

Episode 1

After yet another late night on the tiles, Lucy decides it is time for them to shape up and get fit.

But having managed to drag Daniel along with her to gym, how can she then persuade him to leave?

Starring David Tennant and Elizabeth Carling.

The return of David Spicer's comedy drama about modern life and parenthood, as seen through the eyes of two 30-something non-parents.

Daniel ....... David Tennant
Lucy ....... Elizabeth Carling
Katie ....... Samantha Spiro
Andy ....... Tony Gardner

Producer: Liz Anstee

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2002.

SUN 10:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b05vjjwn)

Sir Terry Wogan

After Roy Plomley and Sue Lawley, Sir Terry shares his third set of castaway choices with Kirsty Young. From January 2012.

SUN 10:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00zf648)
Series 2


One of the great wild sounds of North America is the purring of insects in the evening, especially that of Cicadas, one of the great stridulating sounds in the wild.

This is the tale of one Cicada; the 17-year periodic Cicada that stunned the community in New England thirteen years after the Pilgrim Fathers had landed. There was a plague of insects, all with red eyes on stalks - and all emerging continuously out of the soil. When the plague subsided a few weeks later the people of Plymouth Rock were braced for another onslaught, but nothing happened until 17 years later.

Sir David Attenborough recalls a filming trip to New England to film this species of Cicada with both fascinating natural history and a hilarious twist.

Written and presented by David Attenborough

Producer: Julian Hector

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2011.

SUN 11:00 Radiolab (m000v29y)
Series 7

Slippery Mystery

Radiolab is a Peabody-award winning show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and the human experience.

Radiolab explores a question that's flummoxed minds from Aristotle to Sigmund Freud: where do eels come from? With Jad Abumrad.

Jad Abumrad and the Radiolab team investigate a strange world.

From WNYC. First broadcast on public radio in the USA in 2020.

SUN 11:55 Inheritance Tracks (b08d8cv4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:10 today]

SUN 12:00 Poetry Extra (m000vy0p)
The King's Muse

Poet Daljit Nagra revisits the BBC's poetry archive and selects The King's Muse - featuring poetry written by a young Henry VIII.

In The King's Muse, Peggy Reynolds explores the world of the Tudor court, through the poetry of Henry VIII. Held at the British Library is a songbook that includes poetry and compositions by this Tudor monarch. These were not written by an aged despot with a fondness for divorcing and executing his wives, but instead by a youth who came to the throne as a teenager. These poems were penned by an educated young King who enjoyed games, hunting, and performing his own works in front of his courtiers. Henry's early court was one of the most brilliant in Europe, and a centre for culture and pageantry.

Historian David Starkey joins Peggy Reynolds to put these poems into context, lifting the lid on this cultured youthful King, long overshadowed by the machinations of the older tyrant he was to become. Peggy's journey begins at the British Library, where she is joined by musicologist Professor David Fallows as they leaf through this songbook compiled in the sixteenth century. Professor Raymond Siemens discusses the importance of this poetry in the development of Tudor literature, and delves into some of the reoccurring themes including love and politics, foreshadowing the more complicated monarch that would emerge.

Produced by Luke Whitlock.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2015.

SUN 12:30 Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics (b03yn6xr)
Series 1


A fresh look at the ancient world.

Natalie Haynes, critic, writer and reformed stand-up comedian, brings the ancient world entertainingly up to date. In each of the four programmes she profiles a figure from ancient Greece or Rome and creates a stand-up routine around them. She then goes in search of the links which make the ancient world still very relevant in the 21st century.

Episode 1: The worst dinner party in history. Natalie investigates the work of the writer Petronius, creator of the infamous Satyricon, later made into a film by Fellini. It’s all about excess; as a vegetarian, Natalie’s particularly revolted by the way in which the Romans insisted on making edible food look disgusting. With satirical cartoonist Martin Rowson, Fellini fan Richard Dyer and historian Victoria Rimell.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

SUN 13:00 The Wonder by Emma Donoghue (Omnibus) (b07xsf0g)
Episode 1

1859: English nurse Wright arrives in Athlone in Ireland to witness a 'miracle' called Anna O'Donnell. Read by Carey Mulligan.

SUN 14:10 Inheritance Tracks (b072181l)
Jeff Lynne

ELO's Jeff Lynne chooses 'If I Loved You' from Carousel by Rodgers and Hammerstein and 'Only the Lonely' by Roy Orbison.

SUN 14:20 Stories from Hay el Matar (Omnibus) (b08w92nd)
Sumayya Hilmi must decide the future of the family-run hospital.

Syrian writers and actors provide a rare glimpse of how life is lived in contemporary Damascus.

Running a hospital in Damascus is hard enough for the Hilmi family but, when Louai expands the counterfeit pharmaceuticals business to raise extra cash, things start to go very wrong indeed.

Stories from Hay el Matar is set in a suburb of Damascus where people of all backgrounds attempt to live their lives while the war is fought around them. It's made by a team of Syrian writers and actors who are themselves living through the kinds of events depicted in the drama.

This is an adaptation from an Arabic language original, produced by BBC Media Action, also made on location in Beirut, Lebanon, by a Syrian and Lebanese team, many of whom commute from inside Syria.

Written in Arabic by Syrian writer Hozan Akko and adapted into English by British dramatist Jonathan Myerson, and recorded on location in Beirut.

The drama offers a rare glimpse of how normal life is lived inside Damascus during these extraordinary times.

Sound: Moe Choicair, Sandra Tabet (DB Studios) and Alisdair McGregor
Music: Ziad Ahmadiye
Studio management: Karim Beidoun, Guerilla Studios
Translation: Samira El Agha

Director: Boz Temple-Morris

A Holy Mountain production for BBC Radio 4, adapted from an original BBC Media Action Production.

First broadcast in five-parts in 2017.

SUN 15:30 Rockets in the Desert (b03zbv0c)
At a desolate airfield in the Mojave Desert, a group of entrepreneurs, engineers and rocket scientists is attempting to build a new industry of private spaceflight and exploration.

Some are calling the small town of Mojave the Silicon Valley of space. Others compare what is happening here with Kitty Hawk and the early days of the aviation industry.

Space journalist Richard Hollingham goes inside the workshops and hangars at the Mojave Air and Space Port, where he discovers rockets, space planes and a culture where risk is encouraged.

Richard talks to Virgin Galactic and tours the sixty-year old wooden hangar of lesser-known rivals, XCOR. Both companies are hoping to fly tourists into space. He sees the unremarkable shed where a new lunar lander is taking shape and meets the locals who are pinning their hopes on rocket scientists to revive the depressed local economy.

If the projects being developed in this small desert town are successful, they could ultimately transform access to space and make a difference to all our lives.

Producer: John Watkins

A Boffin Media production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in April 2014.

SUN 16:00 Martyn Wade - Burn the Aeneid! (b04yf68n)
What happens if an author gives instructions for his work to be destroyed when he dies?

The likely answer is an unholy row involving literary executors, members of the family and other interested parties.

It was even so in 19BC, in Brundisium, Southern Italy, at the deathbed of Publius Vergilius Maro, alias Vergil.

Martyn Wade's drama stars Clive Merrison as Varius, David Horovitch as Probus, Linda Marlowe as Drusilla, Norman Rodway as Tucca, Jonathan Adams as Proculus, James Grout as Eros, John Webb as Mucius and Peter Gunn as Envoy.

Producer: Cherry Cookson.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in 1992.

SUN 17:00 Poetry Extra (m000vy0p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 today]

SUN 17:30 Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics (b03yn6xr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:30 today]

SUN 18:00 Elizabeth Gaskell - Curious, If True (b00tvmjw)
The Poor Clare

1727: Investigating the heir to a substantial fortune, a young lawyer is drawn towards a young woman haunted by a mother's curse - and apparently possessed by a strange, dark force...

Elizabeth Gaskell's collection of intriguing "true" tales dramatised by Sally Hedges.

Stars Elizabeth Spriggs as Mrs Gaskell, Elizabeth Spriggs, Kim Wall as Philip, Janet Dale as Bridget, Kathryn Hunt as Lucy and William Simons as Bernard.

With Mary Wimbush, Christopher Scott, Sandra Berkin, Martin Head and Nick Aikens.

Producer: Nigel Bryant

An Armada production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 1998.

SUN 18:45 Murder & Mystery (m0003jms)
Series 5

The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe

A Dish Served Cold. A dark tale of revenge by the incomparable Edgar Allan Poe.

In a writing career that spanned barely two decades (he died in his 41st year) the American penned over 70 short stories. These he incessantly revised over the years and many became standards of the short form (like ‘The Fall Of The House of Usher’ or ‘The Pit and the Pendulum’).

But for our five fictional tales, we burrow down amongst Poe’s lesser-known, and often dark, gems.

Reader: Owen Teale
Abridger: Pete Nichols
Producer: Karen Rose

Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by Sweet Talk Productions, first broadcast in March 2019.

SUN 19:00 Radiolab (m000v29y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

SUN 20:00 Martyn Wade - Burn the Aeneid! (b04yf68n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 today]

SUN 21:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b05vjjwn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

SUN 21:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00zf648)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

SUN 22:00 Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics (b03yn6xr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:30 today]

SUN 22:30 The Iguanodon (b0075cpk)
Two Sausage Rolls Between the Seven of Us

A startling revelation for Sam after he survives a sinking and the pirates - again.

The passengers and crew of 'The Iganodon' are still adrift in the Woe Betides. Will they ever get back to the mainland?

Three-part comedy adventure by Paul Lucas.

Sam Varley ...... Paul Haigh
Mr Brook ...... Bernard Cribbins
Don O'Reilly ...... Dermot Crowley
Isabel ...... Rosemary Leach
The Captain ...... John Arthur
Laura ...... Sally Phillips
Harriet ...... Patsy Byrne

Other parts played by Fred Harris and Kevin Eldon.

Producer: Jo Clegg

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 1997.

SUN 23:00 As Told To Craig Brown (b00b4j53)
Episode 3

Satirist Craig Brown presents a bundle of parody, satire, social observation and nonsense.

Narrated by Juliet Stevenson and Steve Wright.

With the help of John Humphrys, Ronni Ancona, Jon Culshaw, Lewis McLeod, Sally Grace, Ewan Bailey and Margaret Cabourn-Smith.

Producer: Victoria Lloyd

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2008.

SUN 23:30 Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World (b007jtpd)
Series 2

The Sea

Why did Turner paint the sea so often? Was it its timeless majesty, or because he couldn't draw hands properly?

From Liverpool University - this is the cult New Age comedy that answers the questions which leave other shows scratching their beards.

Starring Stewart Lee and Richard Herring.

With Carla Mendonca, Armando Iannucci and the voice of Tom Baker.

Producer: Sarah Smith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1993.

MONDAY 10 MAY 2021

MON 00:00 Elizabeth Gaskell - Curious, If True (b00tvmjw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Sunday]

MON 00:45 Murder & Mystery (m0003jms)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:45 on Sunday]

MON 01:00 The Wonder by Emma Donoghue (Omnibus) (b07xsf0g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 13:00 on Sunday]

MON 02:10 Inheritance Tracks (b072181l)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:10 on Sunday]

MON 02:20 Stories from Hay el Matar (Omnibus) (b08w92nd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:20 on Sunday]

MON 03:30 Rockets in the Desert (b03zbv0c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 15:30 on Sunday]

MON 04:00 Martyn Wade - Burn the Aeneid! (b04yf68n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Sunday]

MON 05:00 Poetry Extra (m000vy0p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Sunday]

MON 05:30 Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics (b03yn6xr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:30 on Sunday]

MON 06:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsh0)
Murder West One

1. A Cure for Death

The discovery of a dumped body sparks another mystery for feisty Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield - in an investigation of Harley Street doctors and cutting-edge medicine of a very non-Hippocratic variety...

Nick Fisher's thriller stars Imelda Staunton as DSI Julie Enfield, Geoffrey Matthews as Dad, Ross Livingstone as DS Lawrence Evans, David Collings as Dr Jameson, Harry Myers as Andy Roberts, Tilly Gaunt as Jenny, Ben Crowe as Ken, Elizabeth Conboy as Mary Stone, Geoffrey Whitehead as Gordon Wiseacre and Giles Fagan as Dr Soames.

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

MON 06:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1sth7)
Series 1

The Asking Price by Sophie Hannah

Despite recent bad blood between them, Tanya goes to visit her former best friend Lynne in her new home. But what are her motives for doing so? Read by Monica Dolan.

An occasional series of stories from life's murkier places.

Taken from Sophie Hannah's 'Something Untoward: Six Tales Of Domestic Terror' (2012).

Sophie Hannah is a best-selling writer of psychological crime fiction. In 2013, her novel 'The Carrier' won the Crime Thriller of the Year Award at the Specsavers National Book Awards.

Produced by Jeremy Osborne.

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4 Extra.

MON 07:00 Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse (b00dl0jx)
The Haunting of Mr Bickersdyke

Comedy series following the adventures of the extraordinary Psmith and his friend Mike in the world of Edwardian finance.

The indomitable Psmith hatches a plan to take revenge on bullying manager Mr Bickersdyke.

P.G. Wodehouse ..... Simon Williams
Psmith ..... Nick Caldecott
Mike Jackson ..... Inam Mirza
John Bickersdyke ..... Stephen Critchlow
Mr Rossiter ..... Chris Pavlo
Mr Waller ..... Jonathan Tafler
Pleasure Seeker ..... Dan Starkey
Bannister ..... Robert Lonsdale

Written by PG Wodehouse,
Dramatised by Marcy Kahan

Produced by Abigail le Fleming

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2008.

MON 07:30 Nature Table (m000vq81)
Series 2

Episode 1

Nature Table is comedian, broadcaster and writer Sue Perkins’ new comedy ‘Show & Tell’ series celebrating the natural world and all its funny eccentricities.
Taking the simple format of a ‘Show & Tell’, each episode Sue is joined by celebrity guests from the worlds of comedy and natural history. Each of the natural history guests brings an item linked to the wild world to share with the audience, be it an amazing fact or funny personal anecdote. Each item is a springboard for an enlightening and funny discussion, alongside fun games and challenges revealing more astonishing facts. We also hear from some of the London Zoo, as they bring us their own natural history ‘show and tells’ for Sue and the guests to discuss.
Nature Table has a simple clear brief: to positively celebrate and promote the importance of all our planet’s wonderfully wild flora and fauna in an fun and easily grasped way... whilst at the same time having a giggle.
Note: Series 2 was recorded in November 2020, during lockdown conditions, so this time round there is no studio audience. The host, panel and guest zookeepers recorded the series at ZSL London Zoo, socially distanced.

Episode 1
Recorded at London Zoo, this week Sue Perkins is joined by special guests:
Chris Packham (Naturalist, writer, presenter), Michaela Strachan (Wildlife Presenter) and comedian Desiree Burch

Written by: Catherine Brinkworth, Kat Sadler & Jon Hunter
Researcher: Catherine Beazley
Music by Ben Mirin. Additional sounds were provided by The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.
Produced by: Simon Nicholls
A BBC Studios Production

MON 08:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jzsd)
Series 3

Steptoe and Son and Son

A visitor brings Harold Steptoe some unexpected news.

Starring Wilfrid Brambell as Albert and Harry H Corbett as Harold. With Gwendolyn Watts and Richard Griffiths.

Following the conclusion of their hugely successful association with Tony Hancock, writers Ray Galton and Alan Simpson wrote 10 pilots for the BBC TV's Comedy Playhouse in 1962. The Offer was set in a house with a yard full of junk, featuring the lives of rag and bone men Albert Steptoe and his son Harold and it was the spark for a run of 8 series for TV.

Adapted for radio from Galton and Simpson's TV script by Gale Pedrick.

Produced by Bobby Jaye

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in May 1971.

MON 08:30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (b007k0j8)
Episode 6

Back in London after his first trip to Paris, Mr Finchley upstages a ham and demands a decision - and Robert goes home.

Richard Griffiths is the shy solicitor's clerk, Edgar Finchley.

Robert Gillespie ...... James Cohen
Mrs Crantell ...... Anna Cropper
Marie Peters ...... Serena Evans
Mr Barker ...... John Bird
Mr Sprake ...... James Grout
Mr Hammerton ...... Nicky Henson
Esmond Lockwood ...... Edward de Souza
Perkins ...... Richard Ridings
Lanky ...... Harris Alex Arkell

Narrated by James Villiers.

Written by Victor Canning and adapted for radio by Andy and Eric Merriman.

Producer: Gareth Edwards

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in July 1994.

MON 09:00 Act Your Age (b00qcj8m)
Series 2

Episode 3

Simon Mayo hosts the comedy show that pits the comic generations against each other to find out which is the funniest.

Team captains Jon Richardson, Ed Byrne and Johnnie Casson are joined by Jared Christmas, Mark Watson and Eddie Large.

Producers: Ashley Blaker and Bill Matthews.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2010.

MON 09:30 The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII (b0076jd8)
Episode 6

The King acquires a sixth wife, Catherine Parr - now thrice-married - and a near-professional mother-in-law.

Jonathan Coy stars as Henry VIII

An unreliable history, created and written in six parts by Barry Grossman.

Henry VIII ...... Jonathan Coy
Thomas Cromwell ...... Milton Johns
The Chronicler ...... Alfred Burke
Catherine Parr ...... Rachel Atkins
Mother ...... Sally Grace

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2003.

MON 10:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006fdd)
1. The Broken Cross

Lord Mount Severn's country seat, East Lynne, would seem to speak most eloquently of its owner's wealth and power, but it is a hollow facade.

The noble lord is penniless and therein lie the seeds of the tragedy that is to be the lot of his only child, the Lady Isabel.

First published in 1861, Mrs Henry Wood’s novel dramatised in seven parts by Michael Bakewell.

Mrs Henry Wood ... Rosemary Leach
Lady Isabel ... Moir Leslie
Lord Mount Severn ... Alan Dudley
Mr Carlyle .... David Collings
Francis Levison ... Anthony Edridge
Miss Cornelia .... Maxine Audley
Barbara Hare .... Julie Berry
Richard Hare ... Kim Wall
Justice Hare ... Brian Hewlett
Mrs Hare ... Joan Matheson
Emma Vane ... Margaret Ward
Mrs Levison ... Sheila Grant
Charles ... Stephen Hattersley
Andrew ... Andrew Branch
Dill ... Tim Reynolds
Wainwright ... Paul Gregory

Director: David Johnston

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1987

MON 11:00 TED Radio Hour (m000vxpm)
Series 8

Accessing Better Health

A journey through fascinating ideas based on talks by riveting speakers on the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) stage.

Guy Raz explores whether essential healthcare can be extended to everyone - and not remain the privilege of the rich.

First broadcast in the USA on National Public Radio in 2019.

MON 11:50 Inheritance Tracks (m000vxpp)
Nicky Campbell

TV and radio presenter Nicky Campbell, chooses ‘Smile’ by Nat King Cole and ‘Alone Again (Naturally) by Gilbert O'Sullivan.

MON 12:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jzsd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

MON 12:30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (b007k0j8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

MON 13:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

MON 13:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1sth7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

MON 14:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dp3qs)
Episode 1

Recalling his earliest memory - of an event before his own birth - as well as the drama of his first kidnapping.

Broadcaster, writer and musician Miles Kington (1941-2008) reads from his account of an endearingly eccentric childhood.

Abridged in 5 parts by Richard Hamilton.

Producer: Emma Harding

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2005.

MON 14:15 Gudrun (m0001hjf)
Series 5

Episode 6

By Lucy Catherine.

On the run from the church, Gudrun finds love in her mountain hideout.

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness. Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Dag . . . . . Cameron Percival
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival
Volva . . . . . Carolyn Pickles

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

MON 14:30 Open the Box (b0075rhq)
Sara Parker's nostalgic look at the impact of the humble red phone box and the lengths taken to keep them working. From 2000.

MON 15:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006fdd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

MON 16:00 Act Your Age (b00qcj8m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 16:30 The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII (b0076jd8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

MON 17:00 Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse (b00dl0jx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

MON 17:30 Nature Table (m000vq81)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

MON 18:00 Planet B (b00hxnfg)
Series 1

1. Golden Moments

Grieving for his girlfriend Lioba, John gets a shock.

A malfunction on Planet B means John Armstrong keeps re-living his girlfriend Lioba's funeral over and over again - or does he..?

Ten-part series about a mystery virtual world.

Written by Matthew Broughton.

John ...... Gunnar Cauthery
Lioba ...... Donnla Hughes
Medley ...... Lizzy Watts
Cerberus ...... Chris Pavlo
Council Official ...... Paul Rider
Funeral Man ...... Malcolm Tierney
Cherry ...... Janice Acquah
Danny ...... Stephen Critchlow
Arcade Manager ...... Inam Mirza

Director: Jessica Dromgoole

Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in March 2009.

MON 18:30 A Good Read (b01d13xz)
Chris Lintott and Neil McCormick

Astronomer and Sky at Night presenter Chris Lintott and the Telegraph's Chief music critic Neil McCormick discuss their favourite books with Harriett Gilbert.

Books chosen:
A Patchwork Planet by Anne Tyler
Publisher: Vintage

White by Marie Darrieussecq
Publisher: Faber

First Men by Olaf Stapledon
Publisher: Gollancz

Producer: Toby Field

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

MON 19:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jzsd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

MON 19:30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (b007k0j8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

MON 20:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

MON 20:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1sth7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

MON 21:00 TED Radio Hour (m000vxpm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

MON 21:50 Inheritance Tracks (m000vxpp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:50 today]

MON 22:00 Nature Table (m000vq81)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

MON 22:30 Chain Reaction (b03nt8bk)
Series 9

Frankie Boyle talks to Grant Morrison

Comedian Frankie Boyle continues the chain talking to comic book legend Grant Morrison.

They're talking Batman, where ideas come from and the future of humanity.

Chain Reaction is the long-running host-less chat show where last week's interviewee becomes this week's interviewer.

Producer: Carl Cooper

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2014.

MON 23:00 The News Quiz (m000vrk0)
Series 105

Episode 4

Andy Zaltzman presents a look back at the week's headlines with Paul Sinha, Angela Barnes, Ayesha Hazarika and Ian Smith.

This week, local elections, fishing quarrels and how snooker and raves made it into the same headline.

Written by Andy Zaltzman with additional material from Alice Fraser, Mike Shephard, Tasha Dhanraj and Ray Badran.

Producer: Gwyn Rhys Davies
Production Coordinator: Cherlynn Andrew-Wilfred
Sound Editor: Marc Willcox

A BBC Studios Production

MON 23:30 Sean Lock - 15 Storeys High (b09kct7r)
Series 1

Episode 5

A romantic neighbour and a group of aggressive children try to disturb Sean’s peace.

However much Sean tries to avoid the rest of the world, occasionally it will try to engage with him.

Starring Sean Lock, Tracy-Ann Oberman, Peter Serafinowicz, Martin Trenaman and Chris Pavlo.

Written by Sean Lock and Martin Trenaman.

Script Editor: Robert Fraser-Steele

Producer: Chris Neill

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1999.


TUE 00:00 Planet B (b00hxnfg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Monday]

TUE 00:30 A Good Read (b01d13xz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Monday]

TUE 01:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Monday]

TUE 01:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1sth7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Monday]

TUE 02:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dp3qs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:00 on Monday]

TUE 02:15 Gudrun (m0001hjf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:15 on Monday]

TUE 02:30 Open the Box (b0075rhq)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:30 on Monday]

TUE 03:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006fdd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Monday]

TUE 04:00 Act Your Age (b00qcj8m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Monday]

TUE 04:30 The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII (b0076jd8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Monday]

TUE 05:00 Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse (b00dl0jx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Monday]

TUE 05:30 Nature Table (m000vq81)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Monday]

TUE 06:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jshc)
Murder West One

2. The Art of the Matter

Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield faces a strange theft and cunning scam in one of central London's art galleries, which ultimately leads to murder...

Nick Fisher's thriller stars Imelda Staunton as DSI Julie Enfield, Geoffrey Matthews as Dad, Ross Livingstone as DS Lawrence Evans, Elizabeth Conboy as Kath Dyer, Harry Myers as the Auctioneer, Sean Barrett as Jack "The Whistle" Stephens, Ben Crowe as Johnny "The Tongs" Brickman, Geoffrey Whitehead as Andrew Olson, Giles Fagan as Terry Richards and Frances Jeater as the Woman resident.

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

TUE 06:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1t0cr)
Series 1

Something Untoward by Sophie Hannah

A woman's simple tube journey is thrown into confusion when her mother appears on the train. Read by Bryony Hannah.

An occasional series of stories from life's murkier places.

Taken from Sophie Hannah's 'Something Untoward: Six Tales Of Domestic Terror' (2012).

Sophie Hannah is a best-selling writer of psychological crime fiction. In 2013, her novel 'The Carrier' won the Crime Thriller of the Year Award at the Specsavers National Book Awards.

Produced by Jeremy Osborne.

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4 Extra.

TUE 07:00 Beauty of Britain (b010mryx)
Series 2

The Delegate

No professional care-worker can afford to miss Beauty Olonga's survival guide to Britain - its overheated houses, its disappointing church services and its world-class charity shops. Series 2 of this Radio 4 comedy follows Beauty's continuing adventures as the Featherdown Agency sends her to provide care for the elderly.

Beauty sees herself as an inspiration to other African girls hoping to live the dream in Britain. The series breaks the embarrassed silence about what happens to us when we get old and start to lose our faculties. It shows the process in all its chaotic, tragi-comedy but it does so from the point of view of Beauty, whose Zimbabwean Shona background has taught her to respect age. Beauty sees Britain at its best, its worst and also sometimes without its clothes on running the wrong way down the M6 with a toy dog shouting 'Come on!'

Episode 4 'The Delegate'

Karen of the featherdown agency sends Beauty to the 'End of Life' care conference on her behalf. Beauty struggles to understand the peculiar behaviour of the British at a conference and their obsessions with name tags and lanyards, as well as why she is the only carer in attendance. This must be why the keynote speaker, Professor Smythe takes a shine to her?

Beauty ..... Jocelyn Jee Esien
Jenny ..... Pippa Haywood
Rob ..... Tony Gardner
Mrs Grace ..... Phyllida Law
Sally ..... Felicity Montagu
Karen/Keely ..... Nicola Sanderson

The music for the series was performed by The West End Gospel Choir.
Written by Christopher Douglas and Nicola Sanderson
The producer is Tilusha Ghelani.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2011.

TUE 07:30 Bridget Christie: Mortal (m000vp48)

Episode 4 - The Afterlife

Following on from her hugely successful, award-winning previous series – ‘Minds The Gap’ and ‘Utopia’, Bridget now turns her attention to Mortality, covering ‘Birth’, ‘Life’, ‘Death’ and ‘The Afterlife’.

Like many of us forced to work from home during lockdown, Bridget has recorded this series herself in her house, and in her local park, on a pre-sanitised recording device sent to her in the post. Batteries weren’t included. She had to buy them all herself.

In a collection of informative, personal and absurd recordings, she confronts the difficult questions most of us spend our lives avoiding - all whilst being interrupted by cats, bad WiFi, life admin and her own dead self from beyond the grave.

If you are mortal, then this is the show for you.

Written and performed by Bridget Christie
With guest appearances from her sister Eileen and her friend Ash.
Producer... Carl Cooper
Sound Mixer... Olga M. Reed

Bridget Christie: Mortal is a BBC Studios Production

TUE 08:00 The Goon Show (b007jq5n)
I Was Monty's Treble

The British hatch a cunning plan to confuse the Germans. But who (or what) is Eccles? Stars Peter Sellers. From November 1958.

TUE 08:30 King Street Junior (b007jm65)
Series 3

The Facts of Life

Sex education spells trouble for Mr Beeston - and Mrs Rudd's chickens come home to roost. Stars Karl Howman. From March 1988.

TUE 09:00 The News Quiz (m000vrk0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:00 on Monday]

TUE 09:30 Four Joneses and a Jenkins (b007jqm4)
December - Sauce for the Goose

Under the shadow of the Long Mynd, Megan is out to save Gudrun from a plucking. Stars Geoffrey Whitehead. From August 2000.

TUE 10:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006fwx)
2. The Keepers of the Dead

Lord Mount Severn has died suddenly, leaving his daughter, the Lady Isabel, destitute.

Meanwhile young Richard Hare has risked his life, wanted as he is for the murder of Hallijohn, by returning secretly to West Lynne in a desperate attempt to clear his name.

Novel by Mrs Henry Wood dramatised by Michael Bakewell.

Mrs Henry Wood ... Rosemary Leach
Lady Isabel ... Moir Leslie
Mr Carlyle ... David Collings
Francis Levison ... Anthony Edridge
Miss Cornelia ... Maxine Audley
Barbara Hare ... Julie Berry
Lord Vane ... Stephen Thorne
Vane's butler ... Michael Tudor Barnes
Dill / 2nd Creditor ... Tim Reynolds
Marvel / Servant ... Susie Brann
Warburton /Lambert ... Paul Gregory
Joyce ... Jo Kendall
William Vane ... Alexander Goodman

Director: David Johnston

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1987

TUE 11:00 Archive on 4 (b09tybwl)
The Advance Guard of the Avant-garde

In the 1960s a group of writers set about shaking up the polite conventions of the British realist tradition through a whole range of experimental approaches.

Sound poets created some of the strangest programmes ever broadcast by the BBC, while the likes of BS Johnson cut holes in the pages of his novels - and in the case of his book 'The Unfortunates' published the unbound chapters in a box for the reader to mix up and read in whatever order they wished.

Johnson and similarly minded writers like Ann Quin, Bob Cobbing, Alan Burns and Christine Brooke-Rose were prominent in their day, appearing regularly on TV and radio programmes, but by now they've largely been forgotten.

Using some of the rich archive these writers left behind, D.J. Taylor sets out to tell their story, with the help of Johnson's biographer Jonathan Coe, editor of a new Ann Quin collection Jennifer Hodgson, novelist Eimear McBride and poetry critic Jeremy Noel Tod.

In a programme that borrows some of their techniques Taylor argues that while we may no longer talk about this group of determinedly experimental figures, many of today's most prominent writers, from David Mitchell to Alice Oswald, owe them a debt of gratitude.

Presenter: DJ Taylor
Producer: Geoff Bird

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

TUE 12:00 The Goon Show (b007jq5n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

TUE 12:30 King Street Junior (b007jm65)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

TUE 13:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jshc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

TUE 13:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1t0cr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

TUE 14:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dp6f6)
Episode 2

Frog-like Aunt Flo and Uncle Walter's fascination with fig leaves. The much-missed writer recalls his eccentric childhood. From September 2005.

TUE 14:15 Gudrun (m0001hw1)
Series 5

Episode 7

Living in exile among a cult of women in the mountains, Gudrun decides to kidnap her own daughter.

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness. Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Dag . . . . . Cameron Percival
Bolli . . . . . Lewis Bray
Sigrid . . . . . Rosie Boore
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival

Written by Lucy Catherine.

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

TUE 14:30 Getting the Picture (b03phd4f)
The Camera Has Attitudes

David Bailey's portrait photographs are world famous, instantly recognisable and have charted decades of fashion, celebrity and notoriety.

"You can't be judgmental and be a photographer," Bailey says in the first of two programmes in which he tells presenter, Tim Marlow, how he has gone about producing the images which have defined our times.

Bailey reveals in the first programme how he got started and how the portraiture that shot him to fame makes fashion photography more potent. "I thought the best way to sell the frock is through the girl. If the girl doesn't work, the picture doesn't work," he says.

As he lights Tim's own photographic portrait and selects the cameras for the shoot, Bailey discusses how he has gone about portraiture over the last fifty years or more.

In the central London studio which houses his archive of images, Bailey also reveals to Tim how he made his name with photographs of such stars as Marianne Faithfull, most notably for "Vogue".

And Tim talks to Marianne Faithfull herself about the two striking images of her which Bailey shot - in youth and in later years - and the sharply contrasting views she has of them now.

As this first programme draws to a close, the first shots of Tim's photographic session with Bailey are taken.

Producer Simon Coates

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014

TUE 15:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006fwx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

TUE 16:00 The Rest is History (b04vd88y)
Series 1

Episode 2

Frank Skinner loves history, but just doesn't know much of it.

This comedy discussion show with celebrity guests promises to help him find out more about it.

With Victoria Coren Mitchell, Andy Zaltzman and historian in residence Dr Kate Williams

Frank and company navigate their way through the annals of time, picking out and chewing over the funniest, oddest, and most interesting moments in history.

Producers: Dan Schreiber and Justin Pollard

An Avalon production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in December 2014.

TUE 16:30 Four Joneses and a Jenkins (b007jqm4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

TUE 17:00 Beauty of Britain (b010mryx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

TUE 17:30 Bridget Christie: Mortal (m000vp48)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

TUE 18:00 Planet B (b00hxqnk)
Series 1

2. New Boy

Convinced his girlfriend Lioba is alive in a virtual world, a nostalgic leap sends John to a brutal school.

Ten-part series about a mystery virtual world.

Written by Matthew Broughton.

John ...... Gunnar Cauthery
Lioba ...... Donnla Hughes
Medley ...... Lizzy Watts
Cerberus ...... Chris Pavlo
Teacher ...... Stephen Critchlow
Mark Swift ...... Inam Mirza
Dean Sullivan ...... Robert Lonsdale
Donna Sullivan ...... Manjeet Mann
Pip Blanc ...... Janice Acquah
Roger Farina ...... Malcolm Tierney
Announcer ...... Jonathan Tafler
Random boy ...... Paul Rider

Director: Jessica Dromgoole

Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in March 2009.

TUE 18:30 Soul Music (b00zsdsn)
Series 11

Mahler's Adagietto

Adagietto from Mahler's 5th Symphony

Mahler wrote his 5th Symphony during the summers of 1901 and 1902. The Adagietto is the 4th movement which is thought to have been inspired by falling in love with Alma who he married around this time. This single movement is Mahler's most well known piece of music. It was famously used in the 1971 Luchino Visconti film Death in Venice And it was also conducted by Leonard Bernstein at the mass at St Patrick's Cathedral, New York on the day of the burial of Robert Kennedy.

In this programme, composer David Matthews explains the significance of this piece in Mahler's output. Psychoanalyst Anthony Cantle describes listening to it with his mother during her last days of dementia. Malcolm Reid tells how this piece signified a change in himself as a young man in the British police force with narrow, racist views, to hearing it in Australia and shifting his to becoming a liberal. And Helen Epstein explains why it was played at her mother's funeral.

Producer: Rosie Boulton

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2011.

TUE 19:00 The Goon Show (b007jq5n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

TUE 19:30 King Street Junior (b007jm65)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

TUE 20:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jshc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

TUE 20:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1t0cr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

TUE 21:00 Archive on 4 (b09tybwl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

TUE 22:00 Bridget Christie: Mortal (m000vp48)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

TUE 22:30 Revolting People (b00fj2br)
Series 2

Even More Trying Times

Samuel's emporium faces competition from a new super-emporium and Mary climbs into bed with Captain Brimshaw.

Comedy set just before the American Revolution.

Written by Andy Hamilton and Jay Tarses.

Stars Jay Tarses as Samuel Oliphant, Andy Hamilton as Sergeant McGurk, James Fleet as Captain Brimshaw, Jan Ravens as Mary, Hugh Dennis as Ezekiel Spriggs, Penelope Nice as Cora Oliphant, Tony Maudsley as Joshua Oliphant, Susie Blake as Elizabeth Oliphant, Selina Griffiths as Agnes and Michael Fenton-Stevens as Isaac.

Producer: Paul Mayhew-Archer

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2001.

TUE 23:00 Small Scenes (b03h3fxj)
Series 1

Episode 4

Meet the funniest (and unhappiest) man in the world and also listen in on a couple of lorry drivers as they discuss hopes, dreams and life on the road.

Symphonious sketch series with Daniel Rigby, Mike Wozniak, Sara Pascoe and Henry Paker.

Written by the cast and Benjamin Partridge with additional material from Madeleine Brettingham.

Producer: Simon Mayhew-Archer

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2013.

TUE 23:30 Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better (b00k3n96)
Series 1


Welsh comedian Mark Watson sets out on his quest to free us from the seven deadly sins via stand-up comedy.

The first subjects are greed and gluttony and Tim Key and Tim Minchin provide sketches, songs and distractions.

Producer: Katie Marsden

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2007.


WED 00:00 Planet B (b00hxqnk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Tuesday]

WED 00:30 Soul Music (b00zsdsn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Tuesday]

WED 01:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jshc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Tuesday]

WED 01:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1t0cr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Tuesday]

WED 02:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dp6f6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:00 on Tuesday]

WED 02:15 Gudrun (m0001hw1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:15 on Tuesday]

WED 02:30 Getting the Picture (b03phd4f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:30 on Tuesday]

WED 03:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006fwx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Tuesday]

WED 04:00 The Rest is History (b04vd88y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 16:00 on Tuesday]

WED 04:30 Four Joneses and a Jenkins (b007jqm4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Tuesday]

WED 05:00 Beauty of Britain (b010mryx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Tuesday]

WED 05:30 Bridget Christie: Mortal (m000vp48)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Tuesday]

WED 06:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007zghc)
Murder West One

3. Five Star Killing

At a glitzy London hotel, the body of an unknown woman is discovered in the service area amongst the empty champagne bottles.

Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield must unravel a high class mystery...

Nick Fisher's thriller stars Imelda Staunton as DSI Julie Enfield, Geoffrey Matthews as Dad, Alan Bourgouin as Jean-Pierre Renaud, Giles Fagan as Trevor Jones, Ben Crowe as Ken, Geoffrey Whitehead as John Manning, Robert Harper as Ralph Bingley and Tom Bevan as Stephen Willis,

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

WED 06:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1txr5)
Series 1

The Safety Net by Sophie Hannah

A woman's attempt to frame her ex-boyfriend goes badly wrong. Read by Monica Dolan.

An occasional series of stories from life's murkier places.

Taken from Sophie Hannah's 'Something Untoward: Six Tales Of Domestic Terror' (2012).

Sophie Hannah is a best-selling writer of psychological crime fiction. In 2013, her novel 'The Carrier' won the Crime Thriller of the Year Award at the Specsavers National Book Awards.

Produced by Jeremy Osborne.

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4 Extra.

WED 07:00 A Short Gentleman (b019rqh1)
Episode 4

QC Robert's nemesis approaches, along with Edward, basset hound of doom.

Hugh Bonneville stars as Robert Purcell QC, a perfect specimen of the British Establishment, who applies faultless legal logic to his disastrous personal life.

Conclusion of Jon Canter's comic novel 'A Short Gentleman' adapted by Robin Brooks.

Geoffrey ..... Paul Moriarty
Father ..... James Hayes
Elizabeth ..... Lyndsey Marshal
Judy ..... Tracy Wiles
Pilkington ..... Ewan Bailey
Sergeant Carl Prekopp
Isbabel Lauren Mote
Max Ted Allpress
Alan ..... Gerard McDermott

Director: Jonquil Panting

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2012.

WED 07:30 Alone (m000vq62)
Series 3

One's Company

A sitcom about five single, middle aged neighbours living in flats in a converted house in North London .- written by Moray Hunter and starring Angus Deayton, Abigail Cruttenden, Pearce Quigley, Kate Isitt and Bennett Arron,

Mitch (Angus Deayton) is a widower and part-time therapist who is looking to put his life back together now that he is single and living with Will (Pearce Quigley), his younger, more volatile and unhappily divorced half-brother. Elsewhere in the building are schoolteacher Ellie (Abigail Cruttenden) who is shy, nervous and holds a secret candle for Mitch. Overly honest, frustrated actress Louisa (Kate Isitt), and socially inept IT nerd Morris (Bennett Arron) complete the line-up of mis-matched neighbours.

In the fifth episode, One’s Company…, it’s a bank holiday and nobody knows what to do with themselves, or with anyone else for that matter, until Morris reveals his feelings for Nina, his secret roof terrace and plenty more besides.

Angus Deayton- Mitch
Abigail Cruttenden- Ellie
Pearce Quigley- Will
Kate Isitt- Louisa
Bennett Arron- Morris

Created and Written by Moray Hunter
Script Edited by Ian Brown and James Hendrie
Directed by Moray Hunter and Gordon Kennedy
Recorded and Edited by Jerry Peal
Production Manager: Sarah Tombling
Based on an original idea developed in association with Dandy Productions
Recorded at The Soundhouse Studios
Produced by Gordon Kennedy

An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4

WED 08:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jyyw)
Cinderella Hancock

Bill bans the Lad from the National Film Ball, but then there's a knock at the door.

Starring Tony Hancock.

With Moira Lister, Bill Kerr, Sidney James, Dora Bryan, Paul Carpenter and Kenneth Williams.

Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.

Theme and incidental music composed by Wally Stott. Recorded by the BBC Revue Orchestra conducted by Harry Rabinowitz.

Producer: Dennis Main Wilson

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in January 1955.

WED 08:30 No Commitments (b007jmt9)
Series 2

Bright Lights

Much to Victoria's annoyance, Charlotte abducts her daughter for a frolic in Pimlico. Stars Rosemary Leach. From August 1993.

WED 09:00 The Motion Show (b0075dc8)
Series 3

Episode 6

Graeme Garden hosts the comic debating show with Hugh Dennis, Boothby Graffoe, Steve Punt and Stuart Maconie. From August 2000.

WED 09:30 Smelling of Roses (b007jrl9)
Series 1

Sleeping Partners

Rosie is arranging the activities for partners of delegates to a major finance company's conference.

Kate meanwhile sees it as her ticket back into a high-flying job...

Prunella Scales stars in the first of four series of Simon Brett's sitcom following the trials and tribulations of Rosie Burns and her event-management company based in Brighton.

With Arabella Weir as Kate, Rebecca Callard as Jo, Duncan Preston as Bob, Annette Badland as Tess, Debbie Norman as Sheila Wilkinson and Alan Cowan as Philip Wilkinson.

Producer: Maria Esposito

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2000.

WED 10:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006mmm)
3. A Chance Encounter in Boulogne

Mr Carlyle has become the proud new owner of East Lynne and has married Lady Isabel, so rescuing her from a life of misery and humiliation

Feeling poorly, she's prescribed sea air, but Mr Carlyle is busy elsewhere.

Mrs Henry Wood's novel dramatised in seven-parts by Michael Bakewell.

Mrs Henry Wood ... Rosemary Leach
Lady Isabel ... Moir Leslie
Mr Carlyle ... David Collings
Francis Levinson ... Anthony Edridge
Miss Cornelia ... Maxine Audley
Barbara Hare ... Julie Berry
Joyce ... Jo Kendall
Wilson ... Betty Huntley Wright
Mrs Hare ... Joan Matheson
Peter ... Brian Hewlett
Wainwright ... Paul Gregory
The Rev Little ... David Garth
Little Isabel ... Bernadette Windsor
Little William ... Ben Robb

Director: David Johnston

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1987.

WED 11:00 The Inimitable PG Wodehouse (m000vx1t)
3. Much Obliged

“Everything in life that’s any fun, as somebody wisely observed, is either immoral, illegal or fattening.” PG Wodehouse, Girl in Blue [1970]

Alexander Armstrong attended the special dedication to PG Wodehouse [1881-1975] at Westminster Abbey in September 2019, where sections of this programme were recorded.

Wodehouse was widely regarded as the greatest comic author of the 20th century, and during these three one-hour episodes, we’ll hear a collection of some his best loved work, including a celebration of his creations, such as the feckless Bertie Wooster and his phlegmatic manservant, Jeeves, and his many other characters. All brought to life on radio by stars including Simon Cadell, Michael Hordern and Richard Briers.

We’ll also hear rare interviews and archive along with contributions from fans, friends and family.

Celebrating the comic brilliance of PG Wodehouse is a personal passion for presenter Alexander Armstrong [Armstrong and Miller, Pointless], especially as he’s president of the PG Wodehouse Society – which attracts followers from all over the world.

Producer: Stephen Garner

Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra and first broadcast in January 2020 as part of a three-hour showcase.

WED 12:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jyyw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

WED 12:30 No Commitments (b007jmt9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

WED 13:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007zghc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

WED 13:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1txr5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

WED 14:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dpg1d)
Episode 3

Gossip, siestas and his brother's attempt to play a corpse. The much-missed broadcaster recalls his eccentric childhood. From September 2005.

WED 14:15 Gudrun (m0001jpd)
Series 5

Episode 8

Gudrun faces an impossible dilemma; forced to choose between living with her daughter, or the end of a bloody feud that threatens to engulf Iceland.

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness. Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Dag . . . . . Cameron Percival
Sylvia . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Sigrid . . . . . Rosie Boore
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival
Volva . . . . . Carolyn Pickles

Written by Lucy Catherine.

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

WED 14:30 Getting the Picture (b03q6bqj)
He Seduces Everybody!

In the second of two programmes about his work, David Bailey discusses with Tim Marlow the less well-known - but just as definitive - aspects of his portraiture. These include the documentary photographs he has taken on trips around the world which date back to his National Service in Singapore in the 1950s.

Bailey explains how the writer Rudyard Kipling and the explorer Sir Richard Burton fired his youthful imagination. He also talks about his reaction to the New York of the early 1960s and meeting Andy Warhol there. To a doubtful Tim, who wonders if there will be a change of heart, Bailey initially claims his recent punishing trip to India's Nagaland will also be his last foreign foray. This programme reveals if Bailey will in fact do more work abroad and, if so, where.

Bailey also discusses the joint ventures he has undertaken, including those with his wife Catherine, and with the artist Damien Hirst. Hirst, in turn, reveals how he and Bailey came to work together and what their collaborations have achieved.

As the opening of his show at London's National Portrait Gallery draws near, Bailey looks back on some of the shots that give him special pleasure.

And Catherine tells Tim that Bailey "seduces everyone from behind the camera". She adds, "He does it to me, he does it to everybody!"

Producer Simon Coates

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2014.

WED 15:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006mmm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

WED 16:00 The Motion Show (b0075dc8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 16:30 Smelling of Roses (b007jrl9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

WED 17:00 A Short Gentleman (b019rqh1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

WED 17:30 Alone (m000vq62)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

WED 18:00 Planet B (b00hxyy0)
Series 1

3. Freakshow

Searching for his girlfriend Lioba, John arrives at a bizarre music festival - but is this world a trap?

Ten-part series about a mystery virtual world.

Written by Dawn King.

John ...... Gunnar Cauthery
Lioba ...... Donnla Hughes
Medley ...... Lizzy Watts
Cerberus ...... Chris Pavlo
Ringmaster ...... Paul Rider
Epiphany ...... Janice Acquah
Reporter 2 ...... Dan Starkey
Reporter 3 ...... Inam Mirza
Karen ...... Manjeet Mann
Autograph Hunters ...... Audience/Cast

Other parts played by the cast.

Director: Jessica Dromgoole

Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in March 2009.

WED 18:30 Short Cuts (m00057n0)
What Lies Beneath

Josie Long presents short documentaries and adventures in sound about what lies beneath the surface of things - from a subterranean journey to a dive inside a painting.

Seams (Extract)
Originally made for the Timber Festival
Produced by Geoff Bird

The Neighbour
Produced by Sophie Townsend

The Box
Originally made for the HearSay International Audio Festival
Produced by Sofia Saldanha

A Deeper Dive
Featuring Richard Scott
Produced by Alia Cassam

Production Team: Andrea Rangecroft and Alia Cassam

Series Producer: Eleanor McDowall

A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in May 2019.

WED 19:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jyyw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

WED 19:30 No Commitments (b007jmt9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

WED 20:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007zghc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

WED 20:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1txr5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

WED 21:00 The Inimitable PG Wodehouse (m000vx1t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

WED 22:00 Alone (m000vq62)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

WED 22:30 Bleak Expectations (b00nrrd5)
Series 3

A Sort of Fine Life De-Niced Completely

Pip wants to save the poor and Harry Biscuit wants swans. Mark Evans's Dickensian spoof starring Tom Allen. From November 2009.

WED 23:00 The Problem With Adam Bloom (b007p1nn)
Series 1

Street Crime

Is there an etiquette to being mugged?

Adam Bloom explores the social awkwardness of petty crime.

Rob Rouse helps Adam solve these criminal dilemmas.

Written by Adam Bloom.

Producer: Adam Bromley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2003.

WED 23:15 Tina C (b01b1jwx)
Tina C's Global Depression Tour


Country legend Tina C challenges the Secretary for the US Treasury, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and the former CEO of Goldman Sachs that where they have failed, she can come up with a solution to the Global Recession, and sets off on a six country tour to prove it.

This week she goes down under.

Tina C...Christopher Green

With Andrew Cornell, Victoria Inez Hardy and James Lailey
Musical arrangements by Duncan Walsh Atkins and Christopher Green
Director Jeremy Mortimer.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2012.

WED 23:30 Bunk Bed (b07j68qd)
Series 3

Episode 5

Everyone craves a place where their mind and body are not applied to a particular task. The nearest faraway place. Somewhere for drifting and lighting upon strange thoughts which don't have to be shooed into context, but which can be followed like balloons escaping onto the air. Late at night, in the dark and in a bunk bed, your tired mind can wander.

This is the nearest faraway place for Patrick Marber and Peter Curran. Here they try to get the heart of things in an entertainingly vague and indirect way. This is not the place for typical male banter. From under the bed clothes they play each other music, and archive of Angela Carter, ex-Prime Ministers, a Castrato singer, and an elephant playing the piano.

Work, family, literature, and their own badly-scuffed dreams are the funny, if warped conversational currency.

A Foghorn Company production for BBC Radio 4.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

WED 23:45 Fabulous (b00j2516)
Series 1

Episode 5

Sitcom by Lucy Clarke about a woman who wants to be Fabulous but can't cope.

With Daisy Haggard, Adam Buxton, Joanna Scanlan, Joanna Neary, Matthew Holness, Eve Dallas, Katy Brand, Olivia Colman.

Music by Osymyso.


THU 00:00 Planet B (b00hxyy0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Wednesday]

THU 00:30 Short Cuts (m00057n0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Wednesday]

THU 01:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007zghc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Wednesday]

THU 01:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1txr5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Wednesday]

THU 02:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dpg1d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:00 on Wednesday]

THU 02:15 Gudrun (m0001jpd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:15 on Wednesday]

THU 02:30 Getting the Picture (b03q6bqj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:30 on Wednesday]

THU 03:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006mmm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Wednesday]

THU 04:00 The Motion Show (b0075dc8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Wednesday]

THU 04:30 Smelling of Roses (b007jrl9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Wednesday]

THU 05:00 A Short Gentleman (b019rqh1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Wednesday]

THU 05:30 Alone (m000vq62)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Wednesday]

THU 06:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsjl)
Murder West One

4. Soho Espresso

Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield’s night out in London’s Soho is rudely interrupted by a murder above a coffee bar.

The day's takings are left untouched, so robbery is clearly not the motive...

Nick Fisher’s thriller stars Imelda Staunton as DSI Julie Enfield, Geoffrey Matthews as Dad, Frances Jeater as Mary Simons, Geoffrey Whitehead as Gerry Maddox, Priyanga Elan as Woman in Club, Elizabeth Conboy as Coffee Drinker, Jonathan Keeble as David Simons, Giles Fagan as Tourist, Ben Crowe as the Waiter and Tilly Gaunt as the Woman.

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

THU 06:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1xqnv)
Series 1

The Birthday Treat by Sophie Hannah

Morag plans a 60th birthday present for her mother with a difference. Read by Bryony Hannah.

An occasional series of stories from life's murkier places.

Taken from Sophie Hannah's 'Something Untoward: Six Tales Of Domestic Terror' (2012).

Sophie Hannah is a best-selling writer of psychological crime fiction. In 2013, her novel 'The Carrier' won the Crime Thriller of the Year Award at the Specsavers National Book Awards.

Produced by Jeremy Osborne.

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4 Extra.

THU 07:00 Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction (b09byzdk)
What Makes a Habit an Addiction?

Mae Martin is kicking the habit.

Award-winning stand-up and Edinburgh comedy award nominee 2017 Mae Martin presents a brand new series for Radio 4.

Mae's exploring how we as a society think about addiction, and on a personal level, trying to understand who she is now she's no longer addicted to anything. Through the lens of her own experience, Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction follows Mae chronologically through a lifetime of obsessive behaviour and addiction with all her characteristic wit and levity.

What makes a habit an addiction?

As a young child, Mae may not have been addicted yet, but she was certainly OBSESSED. She's never just "liked" things, she's always loved them. Mae is finally drawing connections between her obsessive, all-consuming patterns of behaviour, and examining why they might occur.

Written by and starring Mae Martin
With Dr Gabor Mate and Carolyn Taylor

Producer Alexandra Smith
Production Coordinator Beverley Tagg

A BBC Studios Production, first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2017.

THU 07:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (m000vqr4)
Series 9

Episode 1

The ninth series of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme is very different to the previous eight. It's still written by John Finnemore, "one of our best sketch writers", (The Observer), and performed by him with "a great supporting cast of Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Simon Kane, Lawry Lewin and Carrie Quinlan" (The Telegraph), and there are still sketches and songs. But, with no live studio audience this year, John has taken the opportunity to try something completely new

Every episode in this series of Souvenir Programme is made up of scenes from one person's life, played in reverse order. There's no narrative to the episode; it's still a sketch show, not a sitcom... but the sketches in each episode all happened to one person, played by one member of the cast, over the course of their lifetime.

Episode one is all about Russ, and takes place between a Christmas day Zoom in 2020, and a funeral he attended as a six-year-old in 1986.

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme started in 2011 and quickly established itself as "One of the most consistently funny sketch shows for quite some time" (The Guardian), and "One of the funniest and most inventive new radio comedy shows of recent years" (The Daily Mail).

Written and performed by ... John Finnemore
Russ ... Lawry Lewin
Ensemble ... Margaret Cabourn-Smith
Ensemble ... Simon Kane
Ensemble ... Carrie Quinlan

Original music composed by .... Susannah Pearse
Original music arranged by ... Susannah Pearse and Tim Sutton
Recorded and edited by ... Rich Evans at Syncbox Post
Production coordinator ... Beverly Tagg
Producer ... Ed Morrish

A BBC Studios Production

THU 08:00 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b010hcq2)
Series 7

Episode 3

New town education - and Professor Prune's time travel adventure continues in Elizabethan England...

Starring Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall and Bill Oddie.

Sketches written by Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie.

Originating from the Cambridge University Footlights revue 'Cambridge Circus', ISIRTA ran for 8 years on BBC Radio and quickly developed a cult following.

Music and songs by Liam Cohen, Dave Lee, Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie.

Producer: David Hatch/Peter Titheradge

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 2 in January 1969.

THU 08:30 The House of the Spirit Levels (b007jv8g)
Mum, Will You Shut Up Please Now You're Dead?

Tony meets wandering corpses and visits a deranged teenage sweetheart. Nick Revell's epic saga with Peter Gunn. From May 1997.

THU 09:00 The Write Stuff (m000vyxk)
Series 7

Alexander Pope

James Walton's literary quiz.

Team captains Sebastian Faulks and John Walsh are joined by Harry Ritchie and Miles Kington.

Author of the week is Alexander Pope.

Reader: Beth Chalmers

Producer: Katie Marsden

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2004.

THU 09:30 Double Income, No Kids Yet (b007xrsn)
Series 2

Episode 2

When Lucy joins a school reunion website and is contacted by an old classmate, youthful indiscretions return to haunt Daniel's best friend Andy.

The second series of David Spicer's comedy drama about modern life and parenthood, as seen through the eyes of two 30-something non-parents.

Starring David Tennant as Daniel, Liz Carling as Lucy, Samantha Spiro as Katie, Tony Gardner as Andy and Nasreen Hussain as Amanda.

Producer: Liz Anstee.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002.

THU 10:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006mqk)
4. Never to Be Redeemed

Try as she might to find happiness in her marriage with Mr Carlyle, Lady Isabel has to battle with two strong emotions - her jealousy of Barbara Hare and her attraction towards the handsome Captain Levison.

Mrs Henry Wood's novel dramatised by Michael Bakewell.

Mrs Henry Wood ... Rosemary Leach
Lady Isabel ... Moir Leslie
Mr Carlyle ... David Collings
Francis Levison ... Anthony Edridge
Miss Cornelia ... Maxine Audley
Barbara Hare ... Julie Berry
Emma Mount Severn ... Margaret Ward
Mrs Hare ... Joan Matheson
Justice Hare ... Brian Hewlett
Richard Hare ... Kim Wall
Lord Mount Severn ... Stephen Thorne
Joyce ... Jo Kendall
Dill ... Tim Reynolds
Wilson ... Betty Huntley Wright
Little Isabel ... Bernadette Windsor
Thorn ... Paul Gregory
Young Lord Vane/Pierre ... Sean Arnold

Director: David Johnston

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1987.

THU 11:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b05vjjwn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Sunday]

THU 11:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00zf648)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 on Sunday]

THU 12:00 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b010hcq2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

THU 12:30 The House of the Spirit Levels (b007jv8g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

THU 13:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsjl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

THU 13:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1xqnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

THU 14:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dpnwr)
Episode 4

A Sherlock Holmes game unearths some awkward family evidence. The much-missed writer recalls his eccentric childhood. From September 2005.

THU 14:15 Gudrun (m0001krg)
Series 5

Episode 9

The women of the mountains are planning to ambush the church. Will Gudrun have to prove herself as the warrior queen?

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness. Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Bolli . . . . . Lewis Bray
Aslak . . . . . Tony Turner
Frederick . . . . .Simon Scardifield
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival
Volva . . . . . Carolyn Pickles
Guard 2 . . . . . Michael Bertenshaw
Kjartan . . . . . Luke MacGregor
Warrior . . . . . Don Gilet

Written by Lucy Catherine.

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

THU 14:30 Tehrangeles (b01n0sc7)
Comedian Maz Jobrani takes a journey to Tehrangeles - home to the largest Iranian diaspora in the world, right in the heart of Los Angeles.

Recorded on location, Iranian stand-up comedian and actor Maz Jobrani begins his journey in a street lined with Iranian stores, restaurants, beauty salons, cafes and businesses, where everyone speaks Farsi and all the shop signs are in Persian. But this is not downtown Tehran - this is Westwood Boulevard in Los Angeles, a stone's throw from affluent Beverly Hills, where 22% of the population are Iranian, and whose former Iranian born mayor Jimmy Delshad epitomizes the extraordinary success of Iranians in LA.

When bookshop owner Bijan Khalili set up shop here over 30 years ago, there were only a few Persian stores. He and others along Westwood Boulevard tell the story of how and why the LA community steadily grew into a Mecca for hundreds of thousands of Iranians. And how, against the backdrop of 32 years of hostility between America and Iran since the 1979 US hostage crisis, they have succeeded in making their mark. Even Bravo TV (creators of The Kardashians) have recently aired a hit reality TV show about the lives of a group of affluent Beverly Hills Iranians.

LA based Iranian- American comedian and actor Maz Jobrani delves into the heart of this unique and diverse microcosm of Iran in the heart of LA, otherwise known as Tehrangeles, to reveal the surprising stories and insights into the lives of Iranians who have recreated Little Tehran in the City of Angels.

Producer: Shoku Amirani

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

THU 15:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006mqk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

THU 16:00 The Write Stuff (m000vyxk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 16:30 Double Income, No Kids Yet (b007xrsn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

THU 17:00 Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction (b09byzdk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

THU 17:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (m000vqr4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

THU 18:00 Planet B (b00hy943)
Series 1

4. New Rome

John and Medley are transported to a world of orgies and circuses, where the slaves seek a new leader.

Ten-part series about a mystery virtual world.

Written by Simon Bowen.

John ...... Gunnar Cauthery
Lioba ...... Donnla Hughes
Medley ...... Lizzy Watts
Cerberus ...... Chris Pavlo
Odius ...... Stephen Critchlow
Magnolia ...... Janice Acquah
Bay ...... Robert Lonsdale
Chi ...... Josef Altin
Viscus ...... Jill Cardo
Cassius Maximus ...... Malcolm Tierney
Malicius ...... Inam Mirza
Bloddy ...... Paul Rider
Red ...... Dan Starkey

Other parts played by the cast.

Director: Pam Marshall

Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in March 2009.

THU 18:30 Great Lives (b07vs2hb)
Series 40

AA Gill on Arthur Neville Chamberlain

The writer and critic AA Gill nominates Neville Chamberlain as his great life. But, his choice is someone who is regarded as one of the worst Prime Ministers Britain has ever had. Chamberlain, is someone entrenched in popular legend, as the man who failed to stand up to Hitler.

So will AA Gill’s choice stand up to the scrutiny and will he be able to convince presenter Matthew Parris that this was a great life.? To help tell the story of Arthur Neville Chamberlain they are joined by Stuart Ball, Professor of Modern British History at the University of Leicester.

The producer is Perminder Khatkar.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.

THU 19:00 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b010hcq2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

THU 19:30 The House of the Spirit Levels (b007jv8g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

THU 20:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsjl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

THU 20:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1xqnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

THU 21:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b05vjjwn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Sunday]

THU 21:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00zf648)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 on Sunday]

THU 22:00 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (m000vqr4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

THU 22:30 John Kearns (b05xh3nh)
Day Off

John struggles to enjoy his fantasy day of doing nothing.

The last of four 14-minute vignettes in a series from John Kearns, the winner of the main prize at the 2014 Edinburgh Comedy Festival, as well as the Best Newcomer Award in 2013.

Producer: Arnab Chanda

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2015.

THU 22:45 Warhorses of Letters (b0174gm8)
Series 1

Episode 4

Deep in the British Library tucked into the slipcover of a book on the history of Blenheim Palace a packet of extraordinary letters has been discovered.

"Dear Marengo brackets Napoleon's horse close brackets, I've never written a letter like this before...."

Thus begins the first passionate letter from Copenhagen, the Duke of Wellington's horse, to his hero Marengo in this epistolary equine love story. A story of two horses united by an uncommon passion, cruelly divided by a brutal conflict.

Warhorses of Letters stars Stephen Fry as Marengo, the seasoned, famous and just-a-little-bit-short mount of Emperor Napoleon. Daniel Rigby stars alongside him as Copenhagen, the frisky young racehorse who as our story begins is about to be the new mount for the Duke of Wellington. This collection of their moving letters to each other is introduced by Tamsin Greig.

Episode 4 sees the wars rage on as Copenhagen lives it up in Paris and Marengo tries to enjoy a quiet retirement.

Written by novelists Robert Hudson (The Kilburn Social Club) and Marie Phillips (Gods Behaving Badly - soon to be a feature film starring Christopher Walken and Sharon Stone).

Directed by Steven Canny
Produced by Gareth Edwards.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2011.

THU 23:00 1966 and All That (b010hcwh)
The 1960s

Albert Einstein discovers the Beatles, while for the first time, the nation discovers sex.

Plus a look at the era of "Flour Power"; the World Cup is won by a team of men all called Bobby; and the with-it Royal try barbecuing.

Craig Brown's satirical history of Britain reaches the 1960s.

Stars Joss Ackland, Eleanor Bron, Rory Bremner, Ewan Bailey, Margaret Cabourn-Smith and John Humphrys,

Producer: Victoria Lloyd

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2006.

THU 23:30 Safety Catch (b00fc4vp)
Series 1

Show Me You Care

Guilt-ridden arms dealer Simon McGrath cares about the world and his needy girlfriend. Stars Darren Boyd. From September 2007.

FRIDAY 14 MAY 2021

FRI 00:00 Planet B (b00hy943)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Thursday]

FRI 00:30 Great Lives (b07vs2hb)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Thursday]

FRI 01:00 Julie Enfield Investigates (b007jsjl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Thursday]

FRI 01:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b1xqnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Thursday]

FRI 02:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dpnwr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:00 on Thursday]

FRI 02:15 Gudrun (m0001krg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:15 on Thursday]

FRI 02:30 Tehrangeles (b01n0sc7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 14:30 on Thursday]

FRI 03:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006mqk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Thursday]

FRI 04:00 The Write Stuff (m000vyxk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Thursday]

FRI 04:30 Double Income, No Kids Yet (b007xrsn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Thursday]

FRI 05:00 Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction (b09byzdk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Thursday]

FRI 05:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (m000vqr4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Thursday]

FRI 06:00 RD Wingfield (b0089kpv)
Daylight Robbery

'Elderly lady living alone in remote house, willing to take in paying guests.'

When Miss Pickering puts this ad in the newspaper, she has an ulterior motive.

So have the four gentlemen who reply...

Monica Grey stars in RD Wingfield’s crime drama.

Miss Pickering .... Monica Grey
Colonel Fryatt .... Norman Shelley
Dr Brown .... Jonathan Scott
Harris .... Peter Woodthorpe
Wakeson .... Howard Goorney
Bank Manager .... Lewis Stringer
Woman in Telephone Kiosk .... Daisy Bell
Jones .... Brian Gear
Woman in Crowd / Hospital Sister .... Elizabeth Havelock
Constable .... Douglas Leach
Car Driver / Cashier .... David Ponting

Directed at BBC Bristol by John Cardy.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1977.

FRI 06:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b2n44h)
Series 1

Nobody Move by Sophie Hannah

A woman asks her family not to make mess before a house-viewing. Read by Monica Dolan.

An occasional series of stories from life's murkier places.

Taken from Sophie Hannah's 'Something Untoward: Six Tales Of Domestic Terror (2012)

Sophie Hannah is a best-selling writer of psychological crime fiction. In 2013, her novel 'The Carrier' won the Crime Thriller of the Year Award at the Specsavers National Book Awards.

Produced by Jeremy Osborne

A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4 Extra.

FRI 07:00 The Break (b07ffb29)
Series 1

Dead Man's Dinner

Jeff and his nephew Andy are contacted by the editor of The Flamford Bugle. They have won a slap-up dinner for two at Flamford's poshest eaterie, The Royal Albion Hotel.

Eagerly anticipating the night out of a lifetime, Andy and Jeff's dreams of gourmet heaven quickly deteriorate into the nightmare of a lifetime. The prize had been promised to local citizen Wally Metcalfe, but he died just after the draw. Now his widow is on the warpath with her two burly sons.

Social media doesn't help either, and in no time there is a mob baying for Jeff and Andy's blood.

Andy ...... Tom Palmer
Jeff ...... Philip Jackson
Frank ...... Mark Benton
PC Clark ...... Mark Benton
Corinne ...... Alison Steadman
Joyce ...... Alison Steadman
Morag ...... Alison Steadman
Kevin ...... Rasmus Hardiker
Mira ...... Shobna Gulati
Chris ...... Gordon Kennedy

Writers: Ian Brown and James Hendrie

Director: Gordon Kennedy

An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in June 2016.

FRI 07:30 The Confessional (m000vy28)
Series 1

The Confession of Suzi Ruffell

Actor, comedian and broadcaster Stephen Mangan presents a comedy chat show about shame and guilt.

Each week Stephen invites a different eminent guest into his virtual confessional box to make three 'confessions' are made to him. This is a cue for some remarkable storytelling, and surprising insights.

We’re used to hearing celebrity interviews where stars are persuaded to show off about their achievements and talk about their proudest moments. Stephen isn't interested in that. He doesn’t want to know what his guests are proud of, he wants to know what makes them ashamed. That’s surely the way to find out what really makes a person tick. Stephen and his guest reflect with empathy and humour on things like why we get embarrassed, where our shame thresholds should be, and the value of guilt.

This week, writer, podcaster and ‘confessional’ comedian, Suzi Ruffell recalls disruptive behaviour in class, a disastrous romantic break-up and the most embarrassing cab ride of her life.

Other guests *in this series include Marian Keyes, Cariad Lloyd, Joan Bakewell, Phil Hammond and Phil Wang.

Written and presented by Stephen Mangan
With extra material by Nick Doody
Devised with Dave Anderson and produced by Frank Stirling
A 7digital production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 08:00 Dad's Army (b007jsg2)
Series 1

Battle School

The Walmington-on-Sea platoon is off to a weekend training camp - subject to Captain Mainwaring and his map...

Six years after legendary sitcom Dad's Army started on BBC TV, these specially adapted radio versions began recording with the original cast.

Starring Arthur Lowe as Captain Mainwaring, John Le Mesurier as Sergeant Wilson, Clive Dunn as Corporal Jones, Arnold Ridley as Private Godfrey, Ian Lavender as Private Pike, John Laurie as Private Frazer, Jack Watson as Major Smith and Alan Tilvern as Captain Rodrigues. With John Snagge as the announcer.

Adapted from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's original BBC TV scripts by Michael Knowles and Harold Snoad.

Producer: John Dyas

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in April 1974.

FRI 08:30 Semi Circles (b091wl0y)
Series 1

A Desirable Residence

Helen and Ben disagree over restoring their home to its original character.

The improving story of life and improving times in an improving neighbourhood.

Starring Paula Wilcox as Helen and David Wood as Ben

Written by Simon Brett

Helen ...... Paula Wilcox
Ben ...... David Wood
Mrs Kelly ...... Pat Heywood
Alastair ...... Bruce Alexander
Mr Juke ...... Arthur English

Producer: Pete Atkin

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1982

FRI 09:00 Counterpoint (b00s2w22)
Series 24

2010 Heat 6

(6/13) Paul Gambaccini's in the chair for the sixth heat of the wide-ranging music quiz, with contestants from Glasgow, Cheadle and Blackpool. As always they'll face questions and musical extracts covering the musical spectrum, from the classics to show tunes, film music, jazz, rock and pop.

FRI 09:30 Two Doors Down (b008j0lm)
Series 2

Out of Tune

Miss Black throws a dinner party in honour of Sean Rafferty who’s in Belfast to interview her lodger Fintan for BBC Radio 3.

Musical prodigy Simon’s asked to play for the guests, but he has other ideas...

Series two of Annie McCartney's four-part sitcom about the bohemian residents of Marlborough Road in Belfast saved from chaos by their cleaning lady, Sally.

Starring Stella McCusker as Sally, Marcella Riordan as Clare, Katy Gleadhill as Evie, Alan Mckee as Victor, Roma Tomelty as Miss Black, Gerard Murphy as Fintan, Emily Walmsley as Layla, Patrick Gleadhill as Simon, Robert Patterson as Tony, Des McAleer as Trevor, Aine McCartney as Fidelma, Hannah R Gordon as Anna and Sean Rafferty as Himself.

Director: Tanya Nash

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2002.

FRI 10:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006ljw)
5. The Yearning of a Broken Heart

No sooner has Lady Isabel been betrayed by the wicked Francis Levison than she is left unrecognisably disfigured by a terrible train crash. What is to become of her?

Mrs Henry Wood's novel dramatised by Michael Bakewell.

Mrs Henry Wood ... Rosemary Leach
Lady Isabel ... Moir Leslie
Mr Carlyle ... David Collings
Miss Cornelia ... Maxine Audley
Barbara Hare ... Julie Berry
Richard Hare ... Kim Wall
Justice Hare ... Brian Hewlett
Joyce ... Jo Kendall
Afy.... Angela Crow
Little Isabel ... Bernadette Windsor
Little William ... Ben Robb
Baby Archibald ... Alexander Goodman
Wilson ... Betty Huntley Wright
The Rev Little ... David Garth
Mrs Latimer ... Pauline Letts

Director: David Johnston

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1987.

FRI 11:00 Podcast Radio Hour (m000vz3n)
Mental Health Podcasts

For Mental Health Awareness Week, Laura Grimshaw and Chris Pearson take a look at podcasts focussed on Mental Health

FRI 12:00 Dad's Army (b007jsg2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

FRI 12:30 Semi Circles (b091wl0y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

FRI 13:00 RD Wingfield (b0089kpv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

FRI 13:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b2n44h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

FRI 14:00 Someone Like Me by Miles Kington (b00dpspz)
Episode 5

A shock at the age of 18 from his sausage-loving father. The much-missed broadcaster recalls his eccentric childhood. From September 2005.

FRI 14:15 Gudrun (m0001kb9)
Series 5

Episode 10

Gudrun has been captured and faces execution at dawn. Have all her allies deserted her?

Gudrun, a young woman in 11th century Iceland, must forge her path through a world of unearthly beauty yet uncompromising harshness. Lucy Catherine's Viking epic of love, revenge and faith inspired by the Icelandic sagas.

Gudrun . . . . . Kate Phillips
Freija . . . . . Samantha Dakin
Dag . . . . . Cameron Percival
Bolli. . . . . Lewis Bray
Sigrid . . . . Rosie Boore
Guard 2 . . . . . Michael Bertenshaw
Heidr . . . . . Jeanette Percival

Written by Lucy Catherine.

Directed by Sasha Yevtushenko.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2018.

FRI 14:30 The Surgeon Of Crowthorne (b00758bl)
True story about Dr William Chester Minor, a mentally ill American surgeon, who posted scholarly contributions illustrating the way words were used - to the New English Dictionary (later Oxford English Dictionary) from his rooms in Broadmoor.

FRI 15:00 Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne (m0006ljw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

FRI 16:00 Counterpoint (b00s2w22)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

FRI 16:30 Two Doors Down (b008j0lm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

FRI 17:00 The Break (b07ffb29)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

FRI 17:30 The Confessional (m000vy28)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

FRI 18:00 Planet B (b00j0hqr)
Series 1

5. The Smart Money

John and Medley are transported to a world of orgies and circuses, where the slaves seek a new leader.

Ten-part series about a mystery virtual world.

Written by Paul May.

John ...... Gunnar Cauthery
Lioba ...... Donnla Hughes
Medley ...... Lizzy Watts
Cerberus ...... Chris Pavlo
Trader 1 ...... Janice Acquah
Trader 2 ...... Robert Lonsdale
Wheeler ...... Paul Rider
Regulator ...... Stephen Critchlow
Lyall ...... Inam Mirza
Fracta ...... Jill Cardo

Other parts played by the cast.

Director: Jessica Dromgoole

Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in March 2009.

FRI 18:30 Off the Page (b00p6rr2)
Me Time

Having it all is no longer enough - if you haven't factored some 'me time' into your diary you're missing out. Dominic Arkwright asks journalist Anna Raeburn, clinical psychologist Oliver James and writer Phoebe Gibson to explain how it works.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2009.

FRI 19:00 Dad's Army (b007jsg2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

FRI 19:30 Semi Circles (b091wl0y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

FRI 20:00 RD Wingfield (b0089kpv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

FRI 20:45 Murder & Mystery (b0b2n44h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

FRI 21:00 Podcast Radio Hour (m000vz3n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

FRI 22:00 The Confessional (m000vy28)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

FRI 22:30 The Consultants (b060002m)
Series 4

Episode 2

Award-winning comedy from Justin 'Lofty' Edwards, Neil 'Professor' Edmond and James 'Shortstop' Rawling. From October 2005.

FRI 23:00 The Remains of Foley and McColl (b007m4dx)

Sean Foley and Hamish McColl investigate the art of subtlety by visiting a Jane Austen novel.

Surreal comedy starring award-winning double act Sean Foley and Hamish McColl, the Right Size.

With Rose English, Count Arthur Strong and Chris Larner.

Producer: Lissa Evans

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2000.

FRI 23:30 Chris Addison's Civilization (b00dy51z)
Cities and Laws

What are the flaws in the urban democratic system?

Continuing his journey through the vast and rich subject of civilisation, Chris Addison explains exactly what we need to create a new one.

With Professor Austin Herring (Geoffrey McGivern), Jo Enright and Dan Tetsell.

Producer: Simon Nicholls

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2006.

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

1966 and All That 23:00 THU (b010hcwh)

A Good Read 18:30 MON (b01d13xz)

A Good Read 00:30 TUE (b01d13xz)

A Short Gentleman 07:00 WED (b019rqh1)

A Short Gentleman 17:00 WED (b019rqh1)

A Short Gentleman 05:00 THU (b019rqh1)

Act Your Age 09:00 MON (b00qcj8m)

Act Your Age 16:00 MON (b00qcj8m)

Act Your Age 04:00 TUE (b00qcj8m)

Alone 07:30 WED (m000vq62)

Alone 17:30 WED (m000vq62)

Alone 22:00 WED (m000vq62)

Alone 05:30 THU (m000vq62)

Archive on 4 13:00 SAT (b0b39r1q)

Archive on 4 01:00 SUN (b0b39r1q)

Archive on 4 11:00 TUE (b09tybwl)

Archive on 4 21:00 TUE (b09tybwl)

As Told To Craig Brown 23:00 SUN (b00b4j53)

Beauty of Britain 07:00 TUE (b010mryx)

Beauty of Britain 17:00 TUE (b010mryx)

Beauty of Britain 05:00 WED (b010mryx)

Bleak Expectations 22:30 WED (b00nrrd5)

Bridget Christie: Mortal 07:30 TUE (m000vp48)

Bridget Christie: Mortal 17:30 TUE (m000vp48)

Bridget Christie: Mortal 22:00 TUE (m000vp48)

Bridget Christie: Mortal 05:30 WED (m000vp48)

Bunk Bed 23:30 WED (b07j68qd)

Chain Reaction 22:30 MON (b03nt8bk)

Chris Addison's Civilization 15:30 SAT (b00dr4t0)

Chris Addison's Civilization 03:30 SUN (b00dr4t0)

Chris Addison's Civilization 23:30 FRI (b00dy51z)

Counterpoint 04:00 SAT (b00s0b33)

Counterpoint 09:00 FRI (b00s2w22)

Counterpoint 16:00 FRI (b00s2w22)

Dad's Army 08:00 FRI (b007jsg2)

Dad's Army 12:00 FRI (b007jsg2)

Dad's Army 19:00 FRI (b007jsg2)

Dan Dare 18:00 SAT (b0076rwk)

Dan Dare 00:00 SUN (b0076rwk)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 10:45 SUN (b00zf648)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 21:45 SUN (b00zf648)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 11:45 THU (b00zf648)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 21:45 THU (b00zf648)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 10:00 SUN (b05vjjwn)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 21:00 SUN (b05vjjwn)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 11:00 THU (b05vjjwn)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 21:00 THU (b05vjjwn)

Double Income, No Kids Yet 09:30 SUN (b007wznq)

Double Income, No Kids Yet 09:30 THU (b007xrsn)

Double Income, No Kids Yet 16:30 THU (b007xrsn)

Double Income, No Kids Yet 04:30 FRI (b007xrsn)

Drop Me Here, Darling 09:00 SUN (m000vy0m)

Eagle: The Space Age Weekly 18:30 SAT (b00wqdx6)

Eagle: The Space Age Weekly 00:30 SUN (b00wqdx6)

Elizabeth Gaskell - Curious, If True 18:00 SUN (b00tvmjw)

Elizabeth Gaskell - Curious, If True 00:00 MON (b00tvmjw)

Fabulous 23:45 WED (b00j2516)

Four Joneses and a Jenkins 12:30 SAT (b007jqlp)

Four Joneses and a Jenkins 09:30 TUE (b007jqm4)

Four Joneses and a Jenkins 16:30 TUE (b007jqm4)

Four Joneses and a Jenkins 04:30 WED (b007jqm4)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 03:00 SAT (b00gszmm)

Getting the Picture 14:30 TUE (b03phd4f)

Getting the Picture 02:30 WED (b03phd4f)

Getting the Picture 14:30 WED (b03q6bqj)

Getting the Picture 02:30 THU (b03q6bqj)

Great Lives 07:30 SAT (b07v0fv2)

Great Lives 17:30 SAT (b07v0fv2)

Great Lives 05:30 SUN (b07v0fv2)

Great Lives 18:30 THU (b07vs2hb)

Great Lives 00:30 FRI (b07vs2hb)

Gudrun 02:15 SAT (m0001g8t)

Gudrun 14:15 MON (m0001hjf)

Gudrun 02:15 TUE (m0001hjf)

Gudrun 14:15 TUE (m0001hw1)

Gudrun 02:15 WED (m0001hw1)

Gudrun 14:15 WED (m0001jpd)

Gudrun 02:15 THU (m0001jpd)

Gudrun 14:15 THU (m0001krg)

Gudrun 02:15 FRI (m0001krg)

Gudrun 14:15 FRI (m0001kb9)

Hancock's Half Hour 08:00 WED (b007jyyw)

Hancock's Half Hour 12:00 WED (b007jyyw)

Hancock's Half Hour 19:00 WED (b007jyyw)

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again 08:00 THU (b010hcq2)

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again 12:00 THU (b010hcq2)

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again 19:00 THU (b010hcq2)

I've Never Seen Star Wars 23:30 SAT (b04yk55d)

Inheritance Tracks 07:10 SUN (b08d8cv4)

Inheritance Tracks 11:55 SUN (b08d8cv4)

Inheritance Tracks 14:10 SUN (b072181l)

Inheritance Tracks 02:10 MON (b072181l)

Inheritance Tracks 11:50 MON (m000vxpp)

Inheritance Tracks 21:50 MON (m000vxpp)

Jason Cook's School of Hard Knocks 23:00 SAT (b03vgr6q)

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme 07:30 THU (m000vqr4)

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme 17:30 THU (m000vqr4)

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme 22:00 THU (m000vqr4)

John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme 05:30 FRI (m000vqr4)

John Kearns 22:30 THU (b05xh3nh)

Josie Long: Romance and Adventure 22:30 SAT (b074zw4l)

Julie Enfield Investigates 06:00 MON (b007jsh0)

Julie Enfield Investigates 13:00 MON (b007jsh0)

Julie Enfield Investigates 20:00 MON (b007jsh0)

Julie Enfield Investigates 01:00 TUE (b007jsh0)

Julie Enfield Investigates 06:00 TUE (b007jshc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 13:00 TUE (b007jshc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 20:00 TUE (b007jshc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 01:00 WED (b007jshc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 06:00 WED (b007zghc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 13:00 WED (b007zghc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 20:00 WED (b007zghc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 01:00 THU (b007zghc)

Julie Enfield Investigates 06:00 THU (b007jsjl)

Julie Enfield Investigates 13:00 THU (b007jsjl)

Julie Enfield Investigates 20:00 THU (b007jsjl)

Julie Enfield Investigates 01:00 FRI (b007jsjl)

King Street Junior 08:30 TUE (b007jm65)

King Street Junior 12:30 TUE (b007jm65)

King Street Junior 19:30 TUE (b007jm65)

Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World 23:30 SUN (b007jtpd)

Lucy Catherine - Gudrun 07:20 SUN (m0001k85)

Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction 07:00 THU (b09byzdk)

Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction 17:00 THU (b09byzdk)

Mae Martin's Guide to 21st Century Addiction 05:00 FRI (b09byzdk)

Mark Watson Makes the World Substantially Better 23:30 TUE (b00k3n96)

Martyn Wade - Burn the Aeneid! 16:00 SUN (b04yf68n)

Martyn Wade - Burn the Aeneid! 20:00 SUN (b04yf68n)

Martyn Wade - Burn the Aeneid! 04:00 MON (b04yf68n)

Mr Finchley Goes to Paris 08:30 MON (b007k0j8)

Mr Finchley Goes to Paris 12:30 MON (b007k0j8)

Mr Finchley Goes to Paris 19:30 MON (b007k0j8)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 10:00 MON (m0006fdd)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 15:00 MON (m0006fdd)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 03:00 TUE (m0006fdd)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 10:00 TUE (m0006fwx)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 15:00 TUE (m0006fwx)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 03:00 WED (m0006fwx)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 10:00 WED (m0006mmm)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 15:00 WED (m0006mmm)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 03:00 THU (m0006mmm)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 10:00 THU (m0006mqk)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 15:00 THU (m0006mqk)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 03:00 FRI (m0006mqk)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 10:00 FRI (m0006ljw)

Mrs Henry Wood - East Lynne 15:00 FRI (m0006ljw)

Murder & Mystery 18:45 SUN (m0003jms)

Murder & Mystery 00:45 MON (m0003jms)

Murder & Mystery 06:45 MON (b0b1sth7)

Murder & Mystery 13:45 MON (b0b1sth7)

Murder & Mystery 20:45 MON (b0b1sth7)

Murder & Mystery 01:45 TUE (b0b1sth7)

Murder & Mystery 06:45 TUE (b0b1t0cr)

Murder & Mystery 13:45 TUE (b0b1t0cr)

Murder & Mystery 20:45 TUE (b0b1t0cr)

Murder & Mystery 01:45 WED (b0b1t0cr)

Murder & Mystery 06:45 WED (b0b1txr5)

Murder & Mystery 13:45 WED (b0b1txr5)

Murder & Mystery 20:45 WED (b0b1txr5)

Murder & Mystery 01:45 THU (b0b1txr5)

Murder & Mystery 06:45 THU (b0b1xqnv)

Murder & Mystery 13:45 THU (b0b1xqnv)

Murder & Mystery 20:45 THU (b0b1xqnv)

Murder & Mystery 01:45 FRI (b0b1xqnv)

Murder & Mystery 06:45 FRI (b0b2n44h)

Murder & Mystery 13:45 FRI (b0b2n44h)

Murder & Mystery 20:45 FRI (b0b2n44h)

Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics 14:00 SAT (b03z9gmm)

Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics 02:00 SUN (b03z9gmm)

Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics 12:30 SUN (b03yn6xr)

Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics 17:30 SUN (b03yn6xr)

Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics 22:00 SUN (b03yn6xr)

Natalie Haynes Stands Up for the Classics 05:30 MON (b03yn6xr)

Nature Table 07:30 MON (m000vq81)

Nature Table 17:30 MON (m000vq81)

Nature Table 22:00 MON (m000vq81)

Nature Table 05:30 TUE (m000vq81)

No Commitments 08:30 WED (b007jmt9)

No Commitments 12:30 WED (b007jmt9)

No Commitments 19:30 WED (b007jmt9)

No Room For Secrets by Joanna Lumley 02:00 SAT (b00gfsmh)

No Room for Secrets by Joanna Lumley (Omnibus) 06:00 SUN (m000vy0k)

Off the Page 00:30 SAT (b00p31l0)

Off the Page 18:30 FRI (b00p6rr2)

Open the Box 14:30 MON (b0075rhq)

Open the Box 02:30 TUE (b0075rhq)

Over the Rainbow by Bernard Kops 06:00 SAT (m000vxkk)

Over the Rainbow by Bernard Kops 16:00 SAT (m000vxkk)

Over the Rainbow by Bernard Kops 04:00 SUN (m000vxkk)

Paper Doll 01:30 SAT (b07wzzzb)

Planet B 18:00 MON (b00hxnfg)

Planet B 00:00 TUE (b00hxnfg)

Planet B 18:00 TUE (b00hxqnk)

Planet B 00:00 WED (b00hxqnk)

Planet B 18:00 WED (b00hxyy0)

Planet B 00:00 THU (b00hxyy0)

Planet B 18:00 THU (b00hy943)

Planet B 00:00 FRI (b00hy943)

Planet B 18:00 FRI (b00j0hqr)

Podcast Radio Hour 11:00 FRI (m000vz3n)

Podcast Radio Hour 21:00 FRI (m000vz3n)

Poetry Extra 12:00 SUN (m000vy0p)

Poetry Extra 17:00 SUN (m000vy0p)

Poetry Extra 05:00 MON (m000vy0p)

Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse 12:00 SAT (b00dgjw3)

Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse 07:00 MON (b00dl0jx)

Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse 17:00 MON (b00dl0jx)

Psmith in the City by PG Wodehouse 05:00 TUE (b00dl0jx)

RD Wingfield 06:00 FRI (b0089kpv)

RD Wingfield 13:00 FRI (b0089kpv)

RD Wingfield 20:00 FRI (b0089kpv)

Radiolab 11:00 SUN (m000v29y)

Radiolab 19:00 SUN (m000v29y)

Revolting People 14:30 SAT (b007lrv1)

Revolting People 02:30 SUN (b007lrv1)

Revolting People 22:30 TUE (b00fj2br)

Rigor Mortis 22:00 SAT (b007k4xd)

Rockets in the Desert 15:30 SUN (b03zbv0c)

Rockets in the Desert 03:30 MON (b03zbv0c)

Safety Catch 23:30 THU (b00fc4vp)

Sean Lock - 15 Storeys High 23:30 MON (b09kct7r)

Semi Circles 08:30 FRI (b091wl0y)

Semi Circles 12:30 FRI (b091wl0y)

Semi Circles 19:30 FRI (b091wl0y)

Short Cuts 18:30 WED (m00057n0)

Short Cuts 00:30 THU (m00057n0)

Small Scenes 23:00 TUE (b03h3fxj)

Smelling of Roses 08:30 SAT (b007jrhd)

Smelling of Roses 09:30 WED (b007jrl9)

Smelling of Roses 16:30 WED (b007jrl9)

Smelling of Roses 04:30 THU (b007jrl9)

Somebody Laughed: Eddie Braben Brings You Sunshine 09:00 SAT (b007lm74)

Somebody Laughed: Eddie Braben Brings You Sunshine 19:00 SAT (b007lm74)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 14:00 MON (b00dp3qs)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 02:00 TUE (b00dp3qs)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 14:00 TUE (b00dp6f6)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 02:00 WED (b00dp6f6)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 14:00 WED (b00dpg1d)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 02:00 THU (b00dpg1d)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 14:00 THU (b00dpnwr)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 02:00 FRI (b00dpnwr)

Someone Like Me by Miles Kington 14:00 FRI (b00dpspz)

Soul Music 18:30 TUE (b00zsdsn)

Soul Music 00:30 WED (b00zsdsn)

Steptoe and Son 08:00 MON (b007jzsd)

Steptoe and Son 12:00 MON (b007jzsd)

Steptoe and Son 19:00 MON (b007jzsd)

Stories from Hay el Matar (Omnibus) 14:20 SUN (b08w92nd)

Stories from Hay el Matar (Omnibus) 02:20 MON (b08w92nd)

TED Radio Hour 11:00 MON (m000vxpm)

TED Radio Hour 21:00 MON (m000vxpm)

Tehrangeles 14:30 THU (b01n0sc7)

Tehrangeles 02:30 FRI (b01n0sc7)

The Break 05:00 SAT (b07dkk0k)

The Break 07:00 FRI (b07ffb29)

The Break 17:00 FRI (b07ffb29)

The Confessional 05:30 SAT (m000vp1b)

The Confessional 07:30 FRI (m000vy28)

The Confessional 17:30 FRI (m000vy28)

The Confessional 22:00 FRI (m000vy28)

The Consultants 15:00 SAT (b05z6glc)

The Consultants 03:00 SUN (b05z6glc)

The Consultants 22:30 FRI (b060002m)

The Goon Show 08:00 TUE (b007jq5n)

The Goon Show 12:00 TUE (b007jq5n)

The Goon Show 19:00 TUE (b007jq5n)

The House of the Spirit Levels 08:30 THU (b007jv8g)

The House of the Spirit Levels 12:30 THU (b007jv8g)

The House of the Spirit Levels 19:30 THU (b007jv8g)

The Iguanodon 22:30 SUN (b0075cpk)

The Inimitable PG Wodehouse 11:00 WED (m000vx1t)

The Inimitable PG Wodehouse 21:00 WED (m000vx1t)

The Man in Black 00:00 SAT (b018j7ww)

The Motion Show 08:00 SAT (b071k5vf)

The Motion Show 09:00 WED (b0075dc8)

The Motion Show 16:00 WED (b0075dc8)

The Motion Show 04:00 THU (b0075dc8)

The News Quiz 23:00 MON (m000vrk0)

The News Quiz 09:00 TUE (m000vrk0)

The Problem With Adam Bloom 23:00 WED (b007p1nn)

The Remains of Foley and McColl 23:00 FRI (b007m4dx)

The Rest is History 16:00 TUE (b04vd88y)

The Rest is History 04:00 WED (b04vd88y)

The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII 09:30 MON (b0076jd8)

The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII 16:30 MON (b0076jd8)

The Six Mothers-in-Law of Henry VIII 04:30 TUE (b0076jd8)

The Surgeon Of Crowthorne 14:30 FRI (b00758bl)

The Wonder by Emma Donoghue (Omnibus) 13:00 SUN (b07xsf0g)

The Wonder by Emma Donoghue (Omnibus) 01:00 MON (b07xsf0g)

The Write Stuff 09:00 THU (m000vyxk)

The Write Stuff 16:00 THU (m000vyxk)

The Write Stuff 04:00 FRI (m000vyxk)

Tina C 23:15 WED (b01b1jwx)

Two Doors Down 04:30 SAT (b008h68b)

Two Doors Down 09:30 FRI (b008j0lm)

Two Doors Down 16:30 FRI (b008j0lm)

Warhorses of Letters 22:45 THU (b0174gm8)

We're in Business 08:30 SUN (b007jydp)

Wimsey 01:00 SAT (b007jzr6)

Woolf in the Jungle 02:30 SAT (b043xpqt)