The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 00:00 Harlan Ellison - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream (b037bvq6)
It’s 109 years after the near annihilation of humanity.

Harlan Ellison’s famous sci-fi story comes to radio with the author taking the role of the psychotic computer which has won mankind's last war.

A final battle remains, between the computer and the five surviving humans led by David Soul as Ted.

Ted .... David Soul
AM .......Harlan Ellison
Ellen.... Abi Eniola
Nimdok.. Ewan Bailey
Gorrister ... David Timson
Benny ... Jason O'Mara

Producer: Ned Chaillet

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002.

SAT 00:30 Nathaniel Hawthorne - Rappaccini's Daughter (b00qxcff)
Student Giovanni becomes obsessed with a mysterious girl living next door. Dark sci-fi romance starring Joseph Cohen-Cole.

SAT 01:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00h9t26)
Series 2

Episode 4

Simon is not convinced of a student's murder confession, but he soon gets sidetracked. Mark Tavener's comedy thriller stars Geoffrey Palmer and Samuel West.

SAT 01:30 Dalziel and Pascoe - Bones and Silence (b00j7p9h)
Episode 10

The detective duo fight to nail who murdered Gail Swain, and the other victims. Reginald Hill's story read by Philip Jackson.

SAT 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037bh90)
Episode 10

Going to Jean's aid, Dick and Freddie find the distinction between friends and enemies is becoming blurred.

The stirring 'Devil's Galop' heralds the arrival of Douglas Kelly as 'Dick Barton - Special Agent' in another thrilling tale of criminal masterminds, espionage and daring adventure.

Originally starring Noel Johnson, Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies, Dick Barton ran on the BBC Light Programme between 1946 and 1951, but sadly, very few original recordings survive.

With the original lost, this is a very authentic sounding re-recording of 'The Cabatolin Diamonds' using the original scripts and music, which was made for international distribution. Happily the audio was rediscovered in 2009, lurking in the vaults of the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia.

Script by Geoffrey Webb.

Producer: Morris West

First broadcast in Australia in April 1949.

SAT 02:00 Alison and Maud (b007k449)
Series 2

Men Misbehaving But Only Slightly

The sisters plan a celebration for Father's 85th birthday.

Second of two series of Sue Limb's Bed and Breakfast sitcom about sisters Alison and Maud and their guests at the Abbeyfield Guest House in Norwich.

Starring Denise Coffey as Alison, Miriam Margolyes as Maud, Joss Ackland as Father, Geoffrey Whitehead as Bernard, Chris Emmett as Mr Mullet and Nicholas Grace as Leslie.

Producer: Jonathan James-Moore.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2004.

SAT 02:30 Spending My Inheritance (b00fz0wd)
Saga Louts

Sitcom by Clive Coleman, starring Kris Marshall as cash-strapped forty-something Harry, who has to watch from the sidelines as his newly retired parents start spending their hard-earned cash on themselves.

Harry's parents offer to take him and his family on holiday.

Harry ...... Kris Marshall
Jo ...... Raquel Cassidy
Brian ...... Kenneth Cranham
Liz ...... Judy Parfitt
Jess ...... Antonia Thomas
Ron ...... Stephen Critchlow
Linda ...... Janice Acquah
Aristos ...... Chris Pavlo

Directed by Sam Hoyle.

SAT 03:00 Classic Serial (b0144ybg)
Anthony Trollope - The American Senator

Episode 3

The American Senator
By Anthony Trollope
Dramatised by Martyn Wade
Part Three
Lord Rufford has run away from Arabella but she hasn't given up hope. She is determined that he will marry her but then she receives some distressing news ..

Anthony Trollope...........Robert Glenister
Arabella Trefoil..............Anna Maxwell Martin
Lady Augustus..............Barbara Flynn
Lord Augustus...............Gerard McDermott
Lord Rufford...................Henry Devas
Lady Ushant..................Joanna David
John Morton..................Blake Ritson
Reginald Morton............Daniel Rabin
Mary Masters................Penelope Rawlins
Mrs Morton...................Richenda Carey
Senator Gotobed...........Stuart Milligan
Mounser Green............Joanathan Forbes

Directed by Tracey Neale

The Story:
In this little known tale, Anthony Trollope never allows The American Senator's attitude to get in the way of plot -and his ability to weave story strands which arise out of credible motivation, psychology and emotion is as sure as ever. The characters are as finely drawn as we have come to expect from the pen of Trollope. There's the extraordinary Arabella but also the comic, kind natured and the tragic characters too.

Arabella finds herself in the ignoble occupation of husband/fortune-hunting. She's aware that the years are passing and the strain of numerous failed relationships have made her prospects increasingly poor. She is unofficially engaged to John Morton, a diplomat, and owner of a large estate, but now the wealthy and more exciting Lord Rufford has come into view. His estate being larger and more grand. Surely he is worth fighting for?

Arabella, encouraged by her monstrous mother, Lady Augustus, decides to try and keep Morton on the back-burner (but deny her engagement in public) while engineering a series of compromising situations in an outrageous attempt to win Rufford.

But Arabella is playing a dangerous game and although her behaviour is both conniving and ruthless, she is extraordinary and powerfully-drawn and so does not become an out-and-out anti-heroine. She is, to some degree, the victim of her situation - and of her mother. She is courageous as well as devious, and she has her pride. As the tale concludes and she seeks some degree of redemption she achieves tragic status.

A parallel but secondary plot concerns Reginald Morton, an elder cousin of John, and Mary Masters, who is the complete antithesis to Miss Trefoil. Mary's absurd, domineering stepmother thinks that Mary should marry a besotted local farmer, Lawrence Twentyman but Mary is in love with Reginald Morton. Is he in love with her though? She finds support in the shape of Reginald's kind and gentle aunt, Lady Ushant, but there is the stern and grim grandmother of both John and Reginald who stands in the way of happiness because of a long-standing family feud.

Elias Gotobed, the visiting senator of the book's title, has little impact on events - but he has an important part to play as an observer of events; a gauche but vigorous critic of the antiquated elements of English society and the establishment. Gotobed's conclusions are a supplement to those which can be drawn from Arabella's tale, where greed, class-consciousness and snobbery are mercilessly displayed.

'The American Senator' is, in part, a state of the nation novel - enhanced by the parallels between Trollope's world and ours. Arabella has her modern-day equivalents, and the Senator's remarks throughout the dramatisation about the working man's passive and subservient nature have not lost their relevance.

The Author:
Anthony Trollope produced a vast collection of work about credible people and their foibles. He gained recognition as a writer who portrayed English life is a wry and honest manner with a cast of humorous and delightful characters. His portrayal of female characters is particularly skilful and Arabella Trefoil is no exception.

The Dramatist:
Martyn Wade is a skilled and talented radio writer and dramatist. He has dramatised the 'Barsetshire' novels for radio and the 'Palliser' series too. His other Trollope dramatisations have included 'Orley Farm' and 'Miss Mackenzie'. He also dramatised Ada Leverson's 'The Little Ottleys' for Woman's Hour.

SAT 04:00 Deborah Moggach - Tulip Fever (b007jm7m)
Episode 10

Sophia feels she has committed a terrible sin and must pay for it, but how? Read by Emma Fielding and William Gaminara.

SAT 04:15 Peter Wolf - Ghost on the Moor (b00sr5qc)
Haunted by a painful break-up, moors recluse Graham begins an unexpected relationship. Romantic drama starring Robert Glenister.

SAT 05:00 Beachcomber... By the Way (b0082ckc)
Series 1

Episode 4

Lord Shortcake takes up amateur dramatics, Captain Foulenough takes us back to his unsavoury childhood, Cricket is taken too seriously, and Prodnose is escorted to the graveyard in the hope he’ll take the hint...

Richard Ingrams, John Wells, John Sessions and Patricia Routledge recreate the world of the JB Morton.

Running in the Daily Express from 1924 to 1975 – JB Morton’s surreally comic ‘Beachcomber’ column paved the way for a great deal of modern humour.

Adapted by Michael Barfield with Richard Ingrams.

Announcer: Brian Perkins

Producer: Harry Thompson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1989

SAT 05:30 The Right Time (b00c693m)
Series 3

Episode 2

Facelift fracas - and a new TV quiz show for the hard of memory.

The sketch comedy for people growing older disgracefully.

Stars Eleanor Bron, Graeme Garden, Neil Innes, Clive Swift, Roger Blake and Paula Wilcox.

Written by Julie Balloo, Janet Ellis, Graeme Garden Mike Haskins, Jan Etherington, Alan Stafford, Colin Bostock Smith, Mike Pilman, Mark Brisenden and Robert Mills.

Script Editor: Jed Parsons.

Music by Ronnie & The Rex and Neil Innes.

Producer: Claire Jones

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2003.

SAT 06:00 Saturday Drama (b00jwq3g)
Frank Marcus - The Killing of Sister George

John Tydeman's adaptation of the stage play by Frank Marcus. The audience ratings for the popular daily serial Applehurst are on the slide. Will the leading character have to be sacrificed to save the show?

June Buckridge (Sister George) ...... Sarah Badel
Alice 'Childie' McNaught ...... Lucy Whybrow
Mrs Mercy Croft ...... Anna Massey
Madme Xenia ...... Frances Jeater
Bill ...... Tom Bevan
Fred ...... Keith Drinkel

Directed by John Tydeman.

SAT 07:30 Punt PI (b00b9y3h)
Series 1

Episode 3

Steve Punt turns private investigator, examining little mysteries that perplex, amuse and beguile.

He explores the area around Dark Peak in the Peak District, which can claim to be Britain's own Bermuda Triangle. Over 50 aircraft crashed there in a space of 30 years.

SAT 08:00 The Frankie Howerd Variety Show (b007jr40)
From 24/10/1978

Frankie Howerd receives Meals On Wheels by mistake and proves guilty of doing jury service...

Plus stars from the world of entertainment - Acker Bilk, Brian Coshall, Lois Lane and Alan J Bartley.

Music from the Max Harris Orchestra

Scripted by Rory McGrath, Laurence Marks and Maurice Gran.

Producer: Richard Willcox

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in October 1978.

SAT 09:00 Comedy Greats (b007k228)

Episode 2

Decade by decade, Barry Cryer showcases some of the funniest and finest shows ever broadcast by the BBC.

OK, yah? The original 1980s Sloane Ranger - complete with leg-warmers and shoulder-pads - presents six favourite shows plucked from the schedules of BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Radio 2 and BBC Radio 4:

* Naked Radio
(23rd March 1985)
The Scottish comedy team pokes fun at topical events. Recorded at the Glasgow Theatre Club at the Tron. Stars Ian Aldred, Ron Bain, Andy Gray, Tony Roper and Elaine C Smith. From 1985.

* The Grumbleweeds
(10th August 1980)
Impressions and sketches in an episode of the long-running series featuring the musical comedy band of Graham Walker, Albert Sutcliffe, Carl Sutcliffe, Maurice Lee and Robin Colvill. From 1980.

* The Jason Explanation... of Myths and Legends
Does the Loch Ness monster really exist? Is there life after death? Why do fingers and toes go all crinkly in the bath? David Jason explains all with Sheila Steafel and Jon Glover. From 1981.

* The Million Pound Radio Show
Series 2 (8/8)
Back to the days of Mrs Thatcher, Sir Clive Sinclair and Brookside courtesy of Andy Hamilton and Nick Revell's sharp-edged topical humour. From 1986.

* The Big Fun Show
Series 1 (5/6)
Sketches galore in the series starring Paul Merton, Julian Clary, Tony Hawks and Josie Lawrence - before they hit the big time. From 1988.

* Whose Line Is It Anyway?
Ep 4/6
The improv game before it moved to TV. Clive Anderson hosts more ad-lib fun with Stephen Fry, John Sessions, Kate Robbins and Griff Rhys-Jones. From 1988.

Produced and scripted by Peter Reed

Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in July 2003.

SAT 12:00 Melissa Murray - Good News (Omnibus) (b037gm2k)
Following a serious misdiagnosis, Adrienne is forced to confront some unexpected issues.

Adrienne ..... Rosie Cavaliero
Mal ..... Neil Dudgeon
Fred ..... Aimie-Ffion Edwards
Louise ..... Christine Absalom
Doctor ..... Nicholas Murchie
Cashier ..... Hannah Wood
Robot ..... Ben Crowe
Barman ..... Michael Shelford
Mary ..... Philippa Stanton
Alan ..... Robert Blythe
Written by Melissa Murray
Directed by Marc Beeby

First broadcast in five parts on BBC Radio 4 in 2013.

SAT 13:15 Baldi (b007jln9)
Series 2

Schecter's Knot

The priestly sleuth wonders if extreme professional jealousy is behind a talented professor's death. Stars David Threlfall.

SAT 14:00 Round the Horne (b007k3n2)
Series 3

Episode 3

More swashbuckling for Kenneth Horne as 'The Three Musketeers' continues, a sea shanty from Rambling Syd Rumpo, plus Julian and Sandy go bona cruising.

With Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Betty Marsden and Bill Pertwee.

Recorded at the BBC's Paris Studio in Lower Regent Street, London. Announcer: Douglas Smith

Round The Horne was born out of the demise of BBC radio comedy Beyond Our Ken, after the end of writer Eric Merriman's involvement. Using the same cast and producer, Barry Took and Marty Feldman were persuaded to write the scripts - which led to four series that ran between 1965 and 1968 - packed full of parodies, recurring characters, catchphrases and double-entendres.

Music by Edwin Braden and the Hornblowers and The Fraser Hayes Four.

Producer: John Simmonds

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in February 1967.

SAT 14:30 Dad's Army (b007jm2h)
Series 1

The Showing Up of Corporal Jones

Corporal Jones will be forced to retire from the platoon, unless he manages to complete an assault course in 15 minutes....

The comic exploits of a Second World War Home Guard platoon in Walmington-on-Sea.

Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV scripts by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles.

Captain Mainwaring …. Arthur Lowe
Sergeant Wilson …. John Le Mesurier
Corporal Jones …. Clive Dunn
Private Godfrey …. Arnold Ridley
Private Frazer …. John Laurie
Private Pike …. Ian Lavender
Private Walker …. Graham Stark
Major Smith …. Jack Watson
Announcer …. John Snagge

Producer: John Dyas

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in April 1974.

SAT 15:00 The Frankie Howerd Variety Show (b007jr40)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

SAT 16:00 Saturday Drama (b00jwq3g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SAT 17:30 Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart (b037525c)
Of Coke Dealers and Cardioverters

Series Title: Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart
Programme/episode title: Of Coke Dealers and Cardioverters

Richard Tyrone Jones, healthy, gym-going poet, man about town and aspirant womaniser, finds himself, on his thirtieth birthday, stricken by an unexpected present: heart failure. Confined to hospital with a a dilated, literally-big heart, surrounded by old men, stuck on drugs and drips and forced to cope with curious medical procedures and even curiouser fellow patients, will he die, or worse, be doomed to life in a mobility scooter at home with his parents in Dudley?

Based on Richard's Wellcome Trust supported solo show each episode illuminates a different aspect of the experience of illness and facing your own mortality. Half-way between a sitcom and real-life storytelling, Richard will explain some of his illness's progression through direct address and his own poems.

Richard Tyrone Jones is a poet and writer and director of spoken word at the Edinburgh Festival Free Fringe.

It was written by Richard Tyrone Jones
With additional material by Michael Mixy Riccardi

Studio engineer and editor - Matt Katz

Produced by Nick Walker
A Top Dog production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 18:00 The Scarifyers (b008kl16)
The Devil of Denge Marsh

Episode 3

Lionheart faces a watery demise, as Dunning unleashes a being from the dawn of time. Stars Nicholas Courtney and Terry Molloy.

SAT 18:30 The Female Ghost (b00nj7cx)
The Cold Embrace

When handsome young artist Josef betrays his delicate fiancée, her retribution is eerily appropriate...

The first of four ghostly stories by women dramatised by Christopher Hawes.

Mary Braddon's eerie tale stars Stephanie Turner as Mary Braddon, Jonathan Firth as Josef, Alison Pettitt as Gertrude, Ioan Meredith as the Postmaster, John Hartley as Father, Carolyn Jones as the Woman, Hugh Dickson as the Passenger, Tracy-Ann Oberman as Parisienne and Chris Pavlo as the Fisherman.

Producer: Marion Nancarrow

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1997.

SAT 19:00 Comedy Greats (b007k228)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SAT 22:00 Meera Syal's Asian Comedy Night (b01qdwwr)
Episode 1

Meera Syal and Tommy Sandhu introduce a celebration of British Asian stand up comedy from the BBC Radio Theatre in London.

With Shazia Mirza, Imran Yusuf, Humza Badman, Kulvinder Ghir, Hyde Panesar and Pakistan's first stand up comedian Sami Shah.

Producer: Jon Holmes

Made for the BBC Asian Network by Tonic Productions and first broadcast in July 2012.

SAT 22:30 Another Case of Milton Jones (b00r2cm9)
Series 4

Test Pilot

Written by Milton with James Cary ("Think The Unthinkable", "Miranda")

In this episode, Milton's a daredevil test pilot and Top Gun who gets tangled up in a fiendish plot to replace the turkey twizzler... So if you find yourself daydreaming about owls, dodos, Papua New Guinea, a helicopter made of spoons and a comfy pillow made of chicken giblets then you've quite definitely caught "Another Case Of Milton Jones"

He's joined in his endeavours by his co-stars Tom Goodman-Hill ("Camelot"), Dave Lamb ("Come Dine With Me") and Ingrid Oliver ("Watson & Oliver").

Britain's funniest Milton and the king of the one-liner returns with a fully-working cast and a shipload of new jokes for a series of daffy comedy adventures

Each week, Milton is a complete and utter expert at something - Top Gun aviator, Weatherman, Billy Elliot-style dancer, World-beating cyclist, mathematical genius and Extreme Travel Entrepreneur ...

... and each week, with absolutely no ability or competence, he plunges into a big adventure with utterly funny results...

"Milton Jones is one of Britain's best gagsmiths with a flair for creating daft yet perfect one-liners" - The Guardian
"King of the surreal one-liners" - The Times
"If you haven't caught up with Jones yet - do so!" - The Daily Mail

Produced & directed by David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4.

SAT 23:00 The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries (b0084qwv)
A Surfeit of Lampreys

Gentleman sleuth Inspector Alleyn probes a grisly death of the head of a spendthrift aristocratic family. Stars Jeremy Clyde.


SUN 00:00 The Scarifyers (b008kl16)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Saturday]

SUN 00:30 The Female Ghost (b00nj7cx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Saturday]

SUN 01:00 The Frankie Howerd Variety Show (b007jr40)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Saturday]

SUN 02:00 Melissa Murray - Good News (Omnibus) (b037gm2k)
[Repeat of broadcast at 12:00 on Saturday]

SUN 03:15 Baldi (b007jln9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 13:15 on Saturday]

SUN 04:00 Saturday Drama (b00jwq3g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Saturday]

SUN 05:30 Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart (b037525c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:30 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 Ladies of Letters (b007k3xg)
Ladies of Letters Go Global (Omnibus)

Irene and Vera are back - and this time they are going global.

Determined to escape the aftermath of their respective Christmases from Hell, first Vera nabs a package to Ibiza, then Irene sets out to rescue her friend when she falls prey to the charms of Gaston the seductive Gascon.

Prunella Scales and Patricia Routledge star as grandmothers, Irene Spencer and Vera Small.

Series of comic emails written by Carole Hayman and Lou Wakefield.

Producer: Claudine Toutoungi

First broadcast in five parts on BBC Radio 4 in 2006.

SUN 07:15 The People of the British Museum (b009nh09)
Mummies, Myths and Magic

Through the eyes of its employees, Danny Danziger explores the wealth of treasures held in the vast collections.

SUN 07:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b00dqnyw)
Series 5

The Last Miaow

Comedy series by Christopher Douglas and Andrew Nickolds.

Ed Reardon, author, pipe smoker, consummate fare-dodger and master of the abusive email, attempts to survive in a world where the media seems to be run by idiots and lying charlatans.

Ed has rekindled his relationship with fellow author Mary Potter and they are in a record breaking second month of partnership 'bliss'. Elgar, however, is none too pleased

Ed Reardon ...... Christopher Douglas
Olive ...... Stephanie Cole
Felix ...... John Fortune
Mary Potter ...... Sally Grace
Ray ...... Simon Greenall
Jaz ...... Philip Jackson
Pearl ...... Rita May
Frank ...... Geoffrey McGivern
Ping ...... Barunka O'Shaughnessy
Stan ...... Geoffrey Whitehead

With Lewis MacLeod and Nicola Sanderson.

SUN 08:00 Meet the Huggetts (b00ns2m9)
What Unusual Wallpaper

The poor Huggett family are suffering in a summer heat wave.

Stars Jack Warner as Joe, Kathleen Harrison as Ethel, George Howell as Bobby, Marion Collins as Jane, Charles Leno as Fred Stebbings and Kenneth Connor as Mr Cross/The Insurance Man/The Postman/The Decorator.

Popular working-class family, the Huggetts first hit the cinema screen with a series of Gainsborough films between 1947 and 1949. Their subsequent BBC radio series ran from 1953 to 1962.

Scripted by Eddie Maguire.

Producer: Jacques Brown

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in September 1957.

SUN 08:30 The Men from the Ministry (b0121pt0)
The Night We Crept Into the Crypt

The bumbling bureaucrats land themselves up to their necks in it!

A weekly tribute to all those who work in government departments.

Stars Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. With Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham.

Written by Edward Taylor and John Graham.

'The Men from the Ministry' ran for 14 series between 1962 and 1977. Deryck Guyler replaced Wilfrid Hyde-White from 1966. Sadly many episodes didn't survive in the archive, however the BBC's Transcription Service re-recorded 14 shows in 1980 - never broadcast in the UK, until the arrival of BBC Radio 4 Extra.

Producer: Edward Taylor

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in July 1972.

SUN 09:00 Travelling Light (b037gsmx)
Carmen's Story

The cult tightens its grip on the Sutherlands, while Ecky and Carmen join forces. Stars Jay McInnes and Robert Glennister.

SUN 09:30 Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives (b008fdb8)
Under the Umbrella

Jo writes the story of her family's life, and finds true love at last. Stars Buffy Davis and Gayle Hunnicutt.

SUN 10:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b037gst2)

Dickie Bird

From Barbra Streisand to Pavarotti.

Cricket umpire Dickie Bird OBE shares his castaway choices with Sue Lawley.

Dickie Bird umpired 65 Test matches, 92 one-day internationals and three world cup finals.

He tells Sue Lawley about his church-going childhood in Barnsley, and his anxieties about punctuality - arriving as he has done at least four hours before time at Buckingham Palace, Chequers and The Oval.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1996.

SUN 10:45 Short Stories by John McGahern (b00p4mc5)
Sierra Leone, part 1

Half in love with an aging politician's mistress, a young man must assess his capacity for commitment. Read by Sean McGinley.

SUN 11:00 Elastic Planet (b007k33s)
The Zoo

Revealing the links between hurdling cattle, the Elephant's Lumberyard, gong beetles, alternative horticulture and the Llama movies of the early 60s.

Oliver Postgate narrates a stream of bizarre coincidences in Ben Moor’s cosmic comedy of connections.

With Julian Pettifer, Brian Hayes, Dan Strauss, Kerry Shale, Geoff McGivern, Fiona Allen.

Producer: Jon Naismith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1995

SUN 11:15 Ambridge Extra (b037gv4n)
Series 5 - Omnibus

Episode 4

Things are getting out of control for Matt, while Brenda is in seventh heaven.

SUN 11:45 The Art of Rhetoric (b007jxsj)
Speech and Spin

Simon Hoggart considers the future of spontaneous public speaking, as technology continues to shape the world of communication.

SUN 12:00 Ladies of Letters (b007k3xg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SUN 13:15 The People of the British Museum (b009nh09)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

SUN 13:30 A Game of Golf (b007jrr3)
Two couples' marital problems come to a head on the golf course. Part of Ayckbourn's Intimate Exchanges. With Robin Herford and Lavinia Bertram.

SUN 15:00 Meet the Huggetts (b00ns2m9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

SUN 15:30 The Men from the Ministry (b0121pt0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

SUN 16:00 Mel's Mix: The Best of The 4 O'Clock Show (b037gw8n)
Mel Giedroyc brings you a round-up of highlights from last week's 4 O'Clock Show, including a tour of a lighthouse and the story of the real-life Professor Calculus.

SUN 17:00 Travelling Light (b037gsmx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SUN 17:30 Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives (b008fdb8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

SUN 18:00 Mike Walker - 2025 (b00j0hbm)
2. Access

Olivia and Irena take a step closer to gaining access to illegal genetic engineering. But who can they trust?

The conclusion of Mike Walker's futuristic two-part sci-fi serial.

Irena ...... Alphonsia Emmanuel
Olivia ...... Mona Hammond
Dr Beth David ...... Daniela Nardini
Henry ...... David Yip
Anno ...... Su-Lin Looi
Praeger ...... John Rowe
Dr Finzey ...... Alastair Danson
Kate ...... Rachel Atkins
The Shopkeeper ...... Ravin J Ganatra

Director: Sally Avens

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1998.

SUN 19:00 Elastic Planet (b007k33s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

SUN 19:15 Ambridge Extra (b037gv4n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]

SUN 19:45 The Art of Rhetoric (b007jxsj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:45 today]

SUN 20:00 Meet the Huggetts (b00ns2m9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

SUN 20:30 The Men from the Ministry (b0121pt0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

SUN 21:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b037gst2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

SUN 21:45 Short Stories by John McGahern (b00p4mc5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

SUN 22:00 Ed Reardon's Week (b00dqnyw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

SUN 22:30 As Told To Craig Brown (b00bfp2j)
Episode 6

In the crosshairs of satire are hysterical media and busty starlets.

Craig Brown introduces a mixture of satire, social observation and nonsense.

Narrated by Juliet Stevenson and Steve Wright

With John Humphrys, Ronni Ancona, Jon Culshaw, Lewis MacLeod, Sally Grace, Ewan Bailey and Margaret Cabourn-Smith.

Producer: Victoria Lloyd

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2008

SUN 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (b037gw8q)
For two hours, six nights a week, the Comedy Club offers the best laughs around. Plus more from Arthur Smith's chat with Carey Marx.

SUN 23:00 The Maltby Collection (b00x7glw)
Series 2

Episode 2

Deputy curator Rod holds a museum press conference, and Walter hits on Susie Maltby. Stars Geoffrey Palmer. From June 2008.

SUN 23:30 My Booze Hell, by Little Johnny Cartilage (b00d67yf)
Frank Wignall

You and Yours presenter John Waite investigates the shocking claim that the Cartilages were not a real family.

The not-terribly-true autobiography of 1970s idol Little Johnny Cartilage.

Written by and starring Johnny Meres.


John Waite
Ben Miller
Peter Serafinowicz
Geoff McGivern
Rosemary Martin
Deborah Berlin.

Producer: Gareth Edwards

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 1996.

SUN 23:45 A Series of Psychotic Episodes (b00fn9hm)
Episode 4

What keys think, and a thumb-sized comedian. The surreal world of Miriam Elia, with Joanna Neary. From November 2008.


MON 00:00 Mike Walker - 2025 (b00j0hbm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Sunday]

MON 01:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b037gst2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Sunday]

MON 01:45 Short Stories by John McGahern (b00p4mc5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 on Sunday]

MON 02:00 Elastic Planet (b007k33s)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Sunday]

MON 02:15 Ambridge Extra (b037gv4n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Sunday]

MON 02:45 The Art of Rhetoric (b007jxsj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:45 on Sunday]

MON 03:00 Meet the Huggetts (b00ns2m9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Sunday]

MON 03:30 A Game of Golf (b007jrr3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 13:30 on Sunday]

MON 05:00 Travelling Light (b037gsmx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Sunday]

MON 05:30 Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives (b008fdb8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Sunday]

MON 06:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hdfdn)
Series 2

Episode 5

Simon continues his murder investigation, while the Dean sets his sights on promotion. Mark Tavener's comic thriller with Geoffrey Palmer and Samuel West.

MON 06:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dhq5t)
Episode 1

True story of the most sensational publishing fraud in history - the forging of Adolf Hitler's diaries. Read by Nigel Anthony.

MON 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037j6vh)
Episode 11

In a watery predicament, special agent, Dick Barton and friends have to think fast. Can they outwit their foe and escape?

The stirring 'Devil's Galop' heralds the arrival of Douglas Kelly as 'Dick Barton - Special Agent' in another thrilling tale of criminal masterminds, espionage and daring adventure.

Originally starring Noel Johnson, Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies, Dick Barton ran on the BBC Light Programme between 1946 and 1951, but sadly, very few original recordings survive.

With the original lost, this is a very authentic sounding re-recording of 'The Cabatolin Diamonds' using the original scripts and music, which was made for international distribution. Happily the audio was rediscovered in 2009, lurking in the vaults of the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia.

Script by Geoffrey Webb.

Producer: Morris West

First broadcast in Australia in April 1949.

MON 07:00 Married (b007ys7j)
Series 2


Divorced and penniless he may be, but Robin is about to discover that life can be sweet in his new universe - even if it is at someone else's expense.

Hugh Bonneville stars in Tony Bagley's comedy.

Robin .... Hugh Bonneville
Lesley .... Josie Lawrence
Dirk .... Stephen Frost
Murdo …. Lewis MacLeod
Ned …. Sam Bradley
Maxine …. Ann Gosling :
DS Cotton …. Simon Roberts

Producer: Claire Jones

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2000.

MON 07:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b0375d6f)
Series 59

Episode 4

The antidote to panel games pays a return visit to the Winding Wheel Theatre in Chesterfield. Regulars Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor are joined on the panel by Miles Jupp with Jack Dee in the chair. Colin Sell attempts piano accompaniment.

Producer - Jon Naismith.

MON 08:00 Round the Horne (b007jlx6)
Series 3

Episode 4

Kenneth Horne heads up the river and swings by Julian and Sandy's Bona Antiques shop just off the Portobello Road. Rambling Syd Rumpo sings 'The Taddle Groper's Dance'.

With Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Betty Marsden and Bill Pertwee.

Recorded at the BBC's Paris Studio in Lower Regent Street, London. Announcer: Douglas Smith

Round The Horne was born out of the demise of BBC radio comedy Beyond Our Ken, after the end of writer Eric Merriman's involvement. Using the same cast and producer, Barry Took and Marty Feldman were persuaded to write the scripts - which led to four series that ran between 1965 and 1968 - packed full of parodies, recurring characters, catchphrases and double-entendres.

Music by Edwin Braden and the Hornblowers and The Fraser Hayes Four.

Producer: John Simmonds

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in March 1967.

MON 08:30 Brothers in Law (b007js3q)
Series 2


Both of barrister Roger Thursby's girlfriends, Sally and Joy attempt to get him some work.

Starring Richard Briers as Roger Thursby, John Glyn-Jones as Grimes, Julia Lockwood as Sally, Bridget Armstrong as Joy, Blake Butler as Alec and James Hayter as Tewksbury.

Other parts played by Garard Green and John Ruddock.

Written by Henry Cecil and Basil Dawson.

Published in 1955, Henry Cecil's comic legal novel Brothers in Law was adapted first for TV in 1962 by Frank Muir and Denis Norden. It provided the first regular starring role for Richard Briers, who later reprised his role of the idealistic young lawyer Roger Thursby for BBC Radio between 1970 and 1972.

Producer: David Hatch.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1971.

MON 09:00 Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters (b037j6vl)
Series 1

Episode 4

Master character comedian Colin Hoult presents his much anticipated debut comedy series for BBC Radio 4. Enter the Carnival of Monsters, a bizarre and hilarious world of sketches, stories and characters, presented by the sinister Ringmaster.

Meet such monstrous yet strangely familiar oddities as: Thwor - the mighty (but Leeds-based) god of Thwunder; Len Parker - Nottingham-born martial arts and transformers enthusiast; Anna Mann - outrageous star of such forgotten silver screen hits such as 'Rogue Baker', 'Who's For Turkish Delight' and 'A Bowl For My Bottom'; and many more.

Writers Guild Award-winner Colin Hoult is best known for his highly acclaimed starring roles in 'Being Human', 'Life's Too Short', and 'Russell Howard's Good News', as well as his many hit shows at the Edinburgh Festival. He has also appeared and written for a number of Radio 4 series including 'The Headset Set' and 'Colin and Fergus' Digi-Radio'.

'Lewis Carol meets The League Of Gentlemen . A beautifully staged masterclass in character comedy' - Time Out
'Comic gold' - Metro
'Delightfully funny' - The Telegraph

Produced by Sam Bryant.

MON 09:30 Artists (b019m104)
Series 2

Raw Emotion

A new muse for Tamsin is an old flame for Gerard. Can he woo her back for good this time? Stars Graham Crowden. From May 2004.

MON 10:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00grysh)
Boy and Girl

While Mr Tulliver plans a fine education for Tom, Maggie learns of a disaster concerning rabbits left in her care.

George Eliot's most popular and widely read novel, first published in 1860.

Starring Michael Fitzgerald and Terry Molloy

Dramatised in five-parts by Michelene Wandor.

Philip ...... Michael Fitzgerald
Mr Tulliver ...... Terry Molloy
Young Maggie ...... Hilary Martin
Tom ...... Richard Pearce
Mrs Tulliver ...... Tina Gray
Mrs Glegg ...... Joyce Gibbs
Mr Glegg ...... Geoff Serle
Mr Dean ...... Michael Kilgarriff
Mrs Dean ...... Hedli Niklaus
Lucy ...... Melissa Katsoulis
Mrs Pullet ...... Heather Barrett
Mrs Moss ...... Sunny Ormonde
Bob ...... Paul Downing
Mr Pullet/Mr Moss/Mr Riley ...... Brian Miller

Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Philip Martin.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1991.

MON 11:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9x3)
Stories by Anton Chekhov

An Incident

Two children, two pets, one stranger. Then a small domestic disaster. Alistair McGowan reads a tale from the Russian master.

MON 11:15 Loose Ends (b037ghwz)
Peter Gabriel, Gilberto Gil, Keith Allen, Arthur Smith, Roopa Panesar, Malawi Mouse Boys, Carminho

Nikki's Shaking The Tree with musician Peter Gabriel, without whom, there would be no WOMAD. With several like-minded souls, Peter started the festival back in 1982. Since then, WOMAD has gone from strength to strength - as has Real World, the record label he set up to give exposure to great world music artists.

Activist turned Brazilian minister Gilberto Gil recently took to the stage in Egypt and is now at WOMAD. He tells Nikki about his 50 year quest to marry music and politics.

Nikki digs a Shallow Grave for actor, broadcaster and seasoned festival lover Keith Allen, who'll be sharing his thoughts on world music and what attracts him to a festival as eclectic as WOMAD.

And watch out - Arthur Smith's on the loose, sampling some of the delights that the festival has to offer.

Nikki plucks a string or two with musician Roopa Panesar, who is regarded as one of the finest Sitar players to emerge on the UK Indian music scene. As well as performing, Roopa also teaches the sitar and works to inspire the next generation of Indian classical musicians.

We have music from The Malawi Mouse Boys; a group of villagers who have been writing and playing music together since they were children. When not strumming on rudimentary guitars made from recycled scrap-metal parts, these young musicians make a living selling the local delicacy - mice on sticks as snacks for passing travellers - hence their name. They perform 'Palibe' and 'Kunvera' from their album 'He is #1'.

And on the stage with them is Portugal's brightest new Fado star, Carminho, who, after attending university and travelling the globe, realised that singing the music of her homeland was her calling in life. She performs 'Escrevi Teu Nome No Vento' from her album 'Alma'.

Producer: Sukey Firth.

MON 12:00 Round the Horne (b007jlx6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

MON 12:30 Brothers in Law (b007js3q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

MON 13:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hdfdn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

MON 13:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dhq5t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

MON 13:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037j6vh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

MON 14:00 Andrea Levy - Small Island (b0080jbw)
Episode 1

Jamaican Hortense Roberts emigrates to London. Enthralling exploration of Empire, prejudice, war and love with Nadine Marshall.

MON 14:15 Foreign Bodies (b01mnz73)
Series 1

Sicily - Inspector Rogas

Leonard Sciascia used crime stories to highlight Mafia crimes. The Sicilian was the author of novels including The Day of the Owl, A Simple Story and Equal Danger - which features Inspector Rogas.

Paul Bailey, Gianrico Carofiglio, Andrea Camilleri and Petra Reski discuss with Mark Lawson the influence of Leonardo Sciascia and the continuing presence of the Mafia in Italian life.

Producer: Robyn Read

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

MON 14:30 John Buchan - Sick Heart River (b00ljxx8)
Episode 6

A disorientated, feverish Galliard is found, but Sir Edward Leithen must now search for Lou. Read by Paul Young.

MON 14:45 John Bayley - Iris (b007jzdx)
Episode 1

Recalling her love of swimming, the husband of novelist Iris Murdoch tells his wife's story. Read by Oliver Ford Davies.

MON 15:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00grysh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

MON 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b037j7mb)
Mel Giedroyc with a brand new story, Awful End by Philip Ardagh, read by Mark Williams. We celebrate native ponies, and Philip Ardagh tells us some of his favourite books.

MON 17:00 Flying the Flag (b00b5r1h)
Series 2

Political Flu

The political climate in the People's Republic is milder than it used to be, but political sickness can still strike unexpectedly, and earthworm tables are not always the answer...

Alex Shearer's Eastern bloc embassy sitcom.

Starring Dinsdale Landen as HM Ambassador Mackenzie, Peter Acre as William Frost, Moir Leslie as Helen Waterson, Christopher Benjamin as Colonel Surikov, Peter Craze as Nesterov, Paul Gregory as Brodsky and Stephen Greif as the US Ambassador.

Producer: Pete Atkin

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1988.

MON 17:30 Married (b007ys7j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

MON 18:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qg1s3)

Episode 1

On a storm-battered island, Mau believes he's the only survivor. South Seas adventure read by Matt Addis and Charlie Norfolk.

MON 18:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js7p)
Episode 1

Aspiring poet Saul Judd gets drawn into a web of dark and mysterious forces - as a leprous prince ignores sinister warnings and a Bath playgroup's blind terror baffles the adults...

Bruce Bedford's time-hopping supernatural thriller serial in six episodes.

Robert Glenister .... Saul Judd
Sharon Duce .... Elise Judd
Freddie Jones .... The Scribe
Kate Binchy .... The Scribe's Wife
Constance Chapman .... Haensel Sethria
John Telfer .... Prince Bladud
Trevor Cooper .... Rough Peasant
Sam Dastor .... Karim el Hatel
June Barrie .... The Chairwoman
Geoff Serle .... The Northern Man
Jonathan Adams .... The Guardian

Original music composed by Thomas Johnson.
Music realised by Robin Lever.
Special effects: Dick Mills (Radiophonic Workshop)

Directed at BBC Bristol by Andy Jordan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1992.

MON 19:00 Round the Horne (b007jlx6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

MON 19:30 Brothers in Law (b007js3q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

MON 20:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hdfdn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

MON 20:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dhq5t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

MON 20:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037j6vh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

MON 21:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9x3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

MON 21:15 Loose Ends (b037ghwz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]

MON 22:00 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b0375d6f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

MON 22:30 Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters (b037j6vl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 23:00 The News Quiz Extra (b037j88g)
Series 8

Episode 5

Extended satirical review of the week's news, chaired by Sandi Toksvig. With Jeremy Hardy, Jason Cook, Julia Hartley-Brewer and Fred MacAulay.

MON 23:45 Hearing With Hegley (b00bbnvw)
Series 1

Episode 5

The poet laureate of alternative comedy, John Hegley, presents a selection of his work.

With contributions from Keith Moore, Susan Norton, Andrew Bailey and Nigel Piper.

Producer: Phil Clarke

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1996.


TUE 00:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qg1s3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Monday]

TUE 00:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js7p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Monday]

TUE 01:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hdfdn)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Monday]

TUE 01:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dhq5t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Monday]

TUE 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037j6vh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Monday]

TUE 02:00 Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters (b037j6vl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Monday]

TUE 02:30 Artists (b019m104)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Monday]

TUE 03:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00grysh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Monday]

TUE 04:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9x3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Monday]

TUE 04:15 Loose Ends (b037ghwz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Monday]

TUE 05:00 Flying the Flag (b00b5r1h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Monday]

TUE 05:30 Married (b007ys7j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Monday]

TUE 06:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hg9n4)
Series 2

Episode 6

Can Simon gather the evidence to prove who the killer is and stop more murders? Mark Tavener's comedy-thriller with Geoffrey Palmer and Samuel West.

TUE 06:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01djsdt)
Episode 2

Buying a yacht once owned by Hermann Goering, Gerd Heidemann discovers the existence of a Hitler diary. Read by Nigel Anthony.

TUE 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jf7d)
Episode 12

The trail of the smugglers leads Dick Barton and the chums to an old acquaintance. Is she hiding something?

The stirring 'Devil's Galop' heralds the arrival of Douglas Kelly as 'Dick Barton - Special Agent' in another thrilling tale of criminal masterminds, espionage and daring adventure.

Originally starring Noel Johnson, Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies, Dick Barton ran on the BBC Light Programme between 1946 and 1951, but sadly, very few original recordings survive.

With the original lost, this is a very authentic sounding re-recording of 'The Cabatolin Diamonds' using the original scripts and music, which was made for international distribution. Happily the audio was rediscovered in 2009, lurking in the vaults of the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia.

Script by Geoffrey Webb.

Producer: Morris West

First broadcast in Australia in April 1949.

TUE 07:00 The Pickerskill Reports (b00mlw59)
Series 1

Crispin Biggerstaffe

Ian McDiarmid stars as Dr Henry Pickerskill retired English master of Haunchurst School for boys, looking back on his most favourite pupils and their fortunes in the adult world based on their school reports and their letters to him after they left.

Pickerskill is forced by the Warden, A.R.F. Somerset-Stephenson to intercept intimate letters left carelessly by a love sick pupil as they threaten to expose and embarrass the boy's father, a well-known Conservative MP.

Dr Henry Pickerskill ..... Ian McDiarmid
Crispin Biggerstaffe ..... James Rowland
ARF Somerset-Stephenson ..... Mike Sarne
Chadwick ..... Tom Kane
Calman ..... Louis Williams
Mrs Pickerskill / Bernadette Feane ..... Abigail Hollick

Written and Directed by Andrew McGibbon.

Producer: Nick Romero
A Curtains For Radio production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 07:30 It's Not What You Know (b0375sfk)
Series 2

Episode 3

Justin Moorhouse, Bridget Christie and Ainsley Harriott each nominate someone they know well to answer a series of questions and they than have to second guess how they answered.

Host Miles Jupp tests Bridget on how well she knows her best friend Rebecca Sewell, Ainsley his best friend, pitch doctor Paul Boross, and Justin his former radio producer Sean Gibson.

What is the one thing that DJ Justin does not like talking about? What is Bridget's worst fear? And who is Ainsley's worst habit?

All answers and more will be revealed.

Producer: Sam Michell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2013.

TUE 08:00 The Goon Show (b007k4sy)
Series 5

The Mystery of the Marie Celeste (Solved)

Grytpype-Thynne needs a crew to discover the true fate of the mysterious brigantine.

Groundbreaking, surreal BBC radio comedy written by Spike Milligan and Eric Sykes.


Peter Sellers
Harry Secombe
Spike Milligan

First billed as Crazy People, ten series of The Goon Show were recorded between 1951 and 1960, but sadly many of the earliest shows weren’t kept in the archive.

With the Ray Ellington Quartet and Max Geldray.

Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott.

Announcer: Wallace Greenslade

Producer: Peter Eton

First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in November 1954.

TUE 08:30 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? (b007jrcz)
Cold Feet

Bob gets the jitters over marrying his fiancée, Thelma.

Starring James Bolam as Terry Collier, Rodney Bewes as Bob Ferris and Brigit Forsyth as Thelma Chambers. With Sheila Fearn and Michael Segal.

Created and scripted for BBC TV by Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais. Adapted for radio by Patrick Tilley.

Producer: John Browell

Originally lost from the archive, the audio was recovered in the BBC's Archive Treasure Hunt in 2003.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1975.

TUE 09:00 The News Quiz Extra (b037j88g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:00 on Monday]

TUE 09:45 Hearing With Hegley (b00bbnvw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:45 on Monday]

TUE 10:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gs5x8)
Home and School

Maggie Tulliver has run away, but will a passion for litigation prove to be her father's undoing?

Starring Michael Fitzgerald and Terry Molloy.

George Eliot’s 19th century novel dramatised by Michelene Wandor.

Philip ...... Michael Fitzgerald
Young Maggie ...... Hilary Martin
Tom ...... Richard Pearce
Mrs Tulliver ...... Tina Gray
Mr Tulliver ...... Terry Molloy
Mrs Glegg ...... Joyce Gibbs
Mr Glegg ...... Geoff Serle
Mr Dean ...... Michael Kilgarriff
Mrs Dean ...... Hedli Niklaus
Mrs Pullet ...... Heather Barrett
Mrs Moss ...... Sunny Ormonde
Bob ...... Paul Downing
Mr Pullet/Mr Moss/Mr Gore ...... Brian Miller
Young Philips ...... Sam Barriscale
Rev Stelling ...... Simon Carter
Woman ...... Susan Mansell

Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Philip Martin.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1991.

TUE 11:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9x9)
Stories by Anton Chekhov

A Play

She insists on showing him her terrible work. He takes drastic action. Alistair McGowan reads a tale from the Russian master.

TUE 11:15 Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (b00943r6)
An Offal Discovery

When Rupert Sethleigh vanishes, amateur sleuth Mrs Lestrange Bradley probes some alarming events in the village of Wandles Parva.

Stars Mary Wimbush as Mrs Bradley, Richard Pearce as Aubrey Harringay, Christopher Scoular as James Redsey and David King as the Vicar of Wandles.

Glady's Mitchell's story of mayhem and murder dramatised by Elizabeth Proud.

Producer: Sue Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1991.

TUE 12:00 The Goon Show (b007k4sy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

TUE 12:30 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? (b007jrcz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

TUE 13:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hg9n4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

TUE 13:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01djsdt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

TUE 13:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jf7d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

TUE 14:00 Andrea Levy - Small Island (b0080nxp)
Episode 2

A hurricane in Jamaica exposes a secret and devastates Hortense Roberts. Stars Nadine Marshall and Javone Prince.

TUE 14:15 Ambridge Extra (b037jr6t)
Series 5

Episode 9

Brenda meets Tatyana and she's a bit jealous of her until Tatyana reveals she and Dmitry are brother and sister. During a shopping trip, Brenda tries to find out more about Dmitry's line of work.

Dmitry has champagne to celebrate Brenda staying on in St Petersburg - although she hasn't decided yet. Brenda searches for a tea towel but finds a box with a diamond in. Puzzled Dmitry says it must belong to the man he's house-sitting for, so she puts it back.

Leonid has bad news for Matt: his deposited money has been withdrawn. Matt shows Leonid his bank receipt, which Leonid reveals is a fake. Leonid sympathetically says sometimes you have to just walk away from a business deal. Desperate Matt reveals this was no small investment: not to him.

Vitaly arrives, his father having secured his release from prison. He tells Matt that he had to move his money quickly in order to clinch the deal. Matt's angry and hurls himself at Vitaly. Vitaly gave his money to his contact, but now the contact has gone missing and the dangerous people who have the money have used intimidation to cut them out of the deal. Leonid apologises to Matt but he can't bail his son out again: if Matt wants to prosecute, Leonid won't stand in his way.

Leonid later warns Matt not to pursue the man who has his and Vitaly's money. Leonid has booked Matt a flight home and advises him to take it - and accept his loss.


Matt Crawford ..... Kim Durham
Brenda Tucker ..... Amy Shindler
Dmitry ..... Basher Savage
Tatyana ..... Larissa Kouznetzova
Leonid ..... Boris Isarov
Vitaly ..... Denis Khoroshko

Writer ..... Sarah Bradshaw
Producer/ Director ..... Julie Beckett
Editor ..... Vanessa Whitburn.

TUE 14:30 John Buchan - Sick Heart River (b00ljz6k)
Episode 7

A weakened Sir Edward Leithen is himself rescued by Lou, who has a positive effect on his flagging spirit. Read by Paul Young.

TUE 14:45 John Bayley - Iris (b007jzg6)
Episode 2

Novelist Iris Murdoch's husband recalls falling in love with the lady on the bicycle in Oxford. Read by Oliver Ford Davies.

TUE 15:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gs5x8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

TUE 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b037jr6w)
Mel Giedroyc presents more from Philip Ardagh's story Awful End, read by Mark Williams. She also tries to sleep in an Iron Age barn and hears about the Victorian circus.

TUE 17:00 Like They've Never Been Gone (b00cvjvf)
Series 4

Episode 5

Will singers Tommy and Sheila finally achieve the recognition they deserve – a Golden Goblet?

Ageing showbiz couple Tommy Franklin and Sheila Parr battle on with their second stab at fame.

Mike Coleman's sitcom starring Roy Hudd and June Whitfield.

Tommy Franklin …. Roy Hudd
Sheila Parr …. June Whitfield
Hetty Stark …. Pat Coombes
Murray …. Julian Eardley
Louis Elstein …. Edward Halsted
Laura Chapel …. Nicola Blake

Music by Frido Ruth.

Producer: Steve Doherty

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2002.

TUE 17:30 The Pickerskill Reports (b00mlw59)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

TUE 18:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qm4cp)

Episode 2

While survivor Daphne has regrets, death god Locaha takes a hand. South Seas adventure read by Matt Addis and Charlie Norfolk.

TUE 18:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js82)
Episode 2

After aspiring poet Saul Judd and his family win a competition, strange events happen.

Bruce Bedford's time-hopping supernatural thriller serial set in - and under - Bath.

Robert Glenister .... Saul Judd
Sharon Duce .... Elise Judd
Freddie Jones .... The Scribe
Kate Binchy .... The Scribe's Wife
Constance Chapman .... Haensel Sethria
John Telfer .... Prince Bladud
Trevor Cooper .... Rough Peasant
Sam Dastor .... Karim el Hatel
June Barrie .... The Chairwoman
Timothy West .... Selwyn Fist
Liz Goulding .... Rita

Original music composed by Thomas Johnson.
Music realised by Robin Lever.
Special effects: Dick Mills (Radiophonic Workshop)

Directed at BBC Bristol by Andy Jordan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1992.

TUE 19:00 The Goon Show (b007k4sy)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

TUE 19:30 Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? (b007jrcz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

TUE 20:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hg9n4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

TUE 20:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01djsdt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

TUE 20:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jf7d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

TUE 21:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9x9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

TUE 21:15 Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (b00943r6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]

TUE 22:00 It's Not What You Know (b0375sfk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

TUE 22:30 Deep Trouble (b00tb9f4)
Series 2

Episode 2

It's a case of 'goodbye Samantha, hello Sam' for Jack Trainor as he meets an old chum. Stars Ben Willbond. From May 2007.

TUE 23:00 Delve Special (b007k4nj)
Series 2

Double Agent Russell Nicholson

Reporter David Lander interviews notorious double agent Russell Nicholson at his luxury home in Bulgaria.

Presented by David Lander with assistance from Stephen Fry.

Studio production by Andrew Sachs, Jack Klaff, Brenda Blethyn and Felicity Montague.

Dramatic reconstruction by Robert Bathurst and Tony Robinson.

Researched and compiled by Tony Sarchet.

Editor: Paul Mayhew-Archer

Delve Special ran for four series from 1984 to 1987 and later transferred to TV as: This is David Lander.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1985.

TUE 23:30 Mordrin McDonald: 21st Century Wizard (b00qck4v)
Series 1

The Blairochil Business Awards

Written by David Kay and Gavin Smith, Mordrin McDonald is a 2000 year old Wizard living in the modern world where regular bin collections and watching Countdown are just as important as slaying the odd Jakonty Dragon.

In this episode Mordrin's jam making business Fruity Potions is up for a gong at the Blairochil Business awards, but who can he take along for his plus one?

Featuring and written by Scottish stand up David Kay and starring Gordon Kennedy and Jack Docherty, Mordrin McDonald mixes the magical with the mundane and offers a hilarious take on the life of a modern day Wizard.

Step into the magically mundane world that is the life of 21st century wizard Mordrin McDonald. An isolated 2000-year-old sorcerer with enough power in his small finger to destroy a town, yet not even enough clout to get his bins emptied on time by the local council. Even for such a skilful sorcerer modern life is rubbish!

Mordrin is deadpan, dry and makes delicious jams. He initially set up as a plc for income tax relief, but has found it a useful vehicle to help him bolster his Wizard skill set and his range of services. (Even a wizard has to diversify). He's been running Fruity Potions from his cave for the past few years, in between completing the odd quest as instructed by the Wizard Council. In the past his services were to help kings in battles of good and evil, or as he prefers to put it, assisting with neighbour disputes

Mordrin: David Kay
Geoff: Gordon Kennedy
Heather: Cora Bissett
Councillor Campbell: Callum Cuthbertson
Flora: Eleanor Thom
Jim The Joiner: Grant O' Rourke

Producer/Director: Gus Beattie
A Comedy Unit production for BBC Radio 4.

TUE 23:45 Steven Appleby's Normal Life (b00slvww)
Series 2

Normal Time

Cartoonist Steven Appleby claims dinosaurs mastered the 3Rs - reading, writing and riding bicycles.

Paul McCrink stars as Steven Appleby with what he laughably describes as "insights into normal, everyday life".


Rosalind Paul
Ewan Bailey
Nigel Betts
Rachel Atkins

Written by Steven Appleby

Producer: Toby Swift

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2003


WED 00:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qm4cp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Tuesday]

WED 00:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js82)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Tuesday]

WED 01:00 Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders (b00hg9n4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Tuesday]

WED 01:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01djsdt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Tuesday]

WED 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jf7d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Tuesday]

WED 02:00 The News Quiz Extra (b037j88g)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:00 on Monday]

WED 02:45 Hearing With Hegley (b00bbnvw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 23:45 on Monday]

WED 03:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gs5x8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Tuesday]

WED 04:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9x9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Tuesday]

WED 04:15 Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (b00943r6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Tuesday]

WED 05:00 Like They've Never Been Gone (b00cvjvf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Tuesday]

WED 05:30 The Pickerskill Reports (b00mlw59)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Tuesday]

WED 06:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvl)
The Crompton Canvas

A violent burglary leads Victorian detective Charles Craddock to a sinister rendezvous.

Lucy Greenwood travels from Lancashire to London to work with her uncle Charles at his London book shop - but soon discovers he has another profession as a private investigator.

Chris Thompson's mystery stars Martin Jarvis as Charles Craddock, Emma Tate as Lucy Greenwood, Struan Rodgers as Grout and Stephen Thorne as Leopold Kransky.

Directed by John Taylor.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 5 in 1993.

WED 06:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dk034)
Episode 3

Discovering that a set of Hitler's diaries exist, reporter Gerd Heidemann tracks down the mysterious supplier. Read by Nigel Anthony.

WED 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jvbf)
Episode 13

Dick Barton might have scored some victories, but finds himself on the back foot when Snowy and Jock vanish.

The stirring 'Devil's Galop' heralds the arrival of Douglas Kelly as 'Dick Barton - Special Agent' in another thrilling tale of criminal masterminds, espionage and daring adventure.

Originally starring Noel Johnson, Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies, Dick Barton ran on the BBC Light Programme between 1946 and 1951, but sadly, very few original recordings survive.

With the original lost, this is a very authentic sounding re-recording of 'The Cabatolin Diamonds' using the original scripts and music, which was made for international distribution. Happily the audio was rediscovered in 2009, lurking in the vaults of the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia.

Script by Geoffrey Webb.

Producer: Morris West

First broadcast in Australia in April 1949.

WED 07:00 The Attractive Young Rabbi (b007k31j)
Series 2


The two rabbis are submerged in baby talk, while Melvin struggles with his conscience.

Barry Grossman’s comedy-drama about the collision between the old and the new in the Jewish community of Hillfield.

Rabbi Abraham Fine ...... David De Keyser
Rabbi Su Jacobs ...... Tracy-Ann Oberman
Melvin ...... Henry Goodman
Brian ...... Jonathan Kydd
Sadie Fine ...... Doreen Mantle
Fay ...... Diane Keen
Simone ...... Rachel Smith
Judith ...... Rebecca Gethings

Music: Max Harris.

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2000.

WED 07:30 The Brig Society (b0376ncx)
Series 1

King of Scotland

Uh-oh - Marcus Brigstocke has been put in charge of a thing! Each week, Marcus finds he's volunteered to be in charge of a big old thing - a hospital, the railways, British Fashion, a prison - and each week he starts out by thinking "Well, it can't be that difficult, surely?" and ends up with "Oh - turns out it's utterly difficult and complicated. Who knew...?"

This week, he's been volunteered to be the King of Scotland. As an Englishmen, Marcus will be going out and about in an attempt to understand the arguments for and against independence, hopefully without getting himself a kilt.

Helping him chew the fat, and other Scottish delicacies are Rufus Jones ("Hunderby", "Holy Flying Circus"), William Andrews ("Sorry I've Got No Head") and Margaret Cabourn-Smith ("Miranda")

The show is a Pozzitive production, and is produced by Marcus's long-standing accomplice, David Tyler who also produces Marcus appearances as the inimitable as Giles Wemmbley Hogg. David's other radio credits include Jeremy Hardy Speaks To The Nation, Cabin Pressure, Another Case Of Milton Jones, Kevin Eldon Will See You Now, Armando Iannucci's Charm Offensive, The Castle, he 3rd Degree, The 99p Challenge, My First Planet, Radio Active & Bigipedia. His TV credits include Paul Merton - The Series, Spitting Image, Absolutely, The Paul Calf Video Diary, Three Fights Two Weddings & A Funeral, Coogan's Run, The Tony Ferrino Phenomenon and exec producing Victoria Wood's dinnerladies.

Written by Marcus Brigstocke, Jeremy Salsby, Toby Davies, Nick Doody, Steve Punt & Tom Neenan

Produced by David Tyler

A Pozzitive production for the BBC.

WED 08:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007k4d6)
Series 4

Back From Holiday

On his return from a disastrous break, the lad discovers that Sid's rented his house out.

Starring Tony Hancock.

With Sidney James, Bill Kerr and Kenneth Williams.

Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.

Theme and incidental music composed by Wally Stott. Recorded by the BBC Revue Orchestra conducted by Harry Rabinowitz.

Producer: Dennis Main Wilson

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in October 1956.

WED 08:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b00zfp3n)
Series 6

Episode 11

Back to the Roaring 1920s for a punt on the river - and a one-sided debate.

Starring Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, David Hatch, Jo Kendall and Bill Oddie.

Written by John Cleese and Bill Oddie.

Originating from the Cambridge University Footlights revue 'Cambridge Circus', ISIRTA ran for 8 years on BBC Radio and quickly developed a cult following.

Music and songs by Liam Cohen and Bill Oddie.

Producer: David Hatch/Peter Titheradge

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 2 in June 1968.

WED 09:00 Crowned Hudds (b00plhpx)
Odd Stuart

A new slant on King Charles II. Roy Hudd's historical royal romp, with June Whitfield and Chris Emmett. From September 1994.

WED 09:30 Says on the Tin (b00gvhxv)

Comedy by Christopher William Hill.

Eliott makes a film to encourage US investment in the NHS, explaining that 'where there's pain, there's gain'.

Eliott Thurber ...... Michael Brandon
Esther Finn ...... Samantha Bond
Hannah Walker ...... Pippa Haywood
Zadie ...... Joannah Tincey
Baz ...... Inam Mirza
Ted ...... Malcolm Tierney
Carl ...... Jonathan Tafler
Moses ...... Stephen Critchlow
Film Director ...... Janice Acquah
Hospital Exec ...... Dan Starkey

Other Parts played by Stephen Critchlow, Jonathan Tafler, Dan Starkey, Gunnar Cauthery and Donnla Hughes.

WED 10:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gsj50)
Home and Work

Mr Tulliver is offered an unlikely escape route from his troubles.

Meanwhile Philip is enamoured of Maggie...

Starring Sylvestra Le Touzel, Michael Fitzgerald and Terry Molloy.

George Eliot’s 19th century novel dramatised by Michelene Wandor.

Maggie ...... Sylvestra Le Touzel
Philip ...... Michael Fitzgerald
Tom ...... Richard Pearce
Mr Tulliver ...... Terry Molloy
Mrs Tulliver ...... Tina Gray
Mrs Glegg ...... Joyce Gibbs
Mr Glegg ...... Geoff Serle
Mr Dean ...... Michael Kilgarriff
Dr Wakem ...... Roger Hume
Bob/Clerk ...... Paul Downing

Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Philip Martin.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1991.

WED 11:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9zv)
Stories by Anton Chekhov

The Old House

The landlord shows one of his properties, but the memories are traumatic. Alistair McGowan reads the Russian master's tale.

WED 11:15 Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (b00947vh)
The Bones of the Matter

Rupert Sethleigh is missing and a headless corpse's been found jointed in the Butcher's Shop.

Rupert's cousin Jimsey is under suspicion, but Mrs Lestrange Bradley has other ideas...

Stars Mary Wimbush as Mrs Bradley, Richard Pearce as Aubrey Harringay, Christopher Scoular as James Redsey, David King as the Vicar of Wandles, Teresa Gallagher as Felicity Broome, Terence Edmond as George William Saville and Norman Bird as Superintendent Bidwell

Glady's Mitchell's story of mayhem and murder dramatised by Elizabeth Proud.

Producer: Sue Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1991.

WED 12:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007k4d6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

WED 12:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b00zfp3n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

WED 13:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

WED 13:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dk034)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

WED 13:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jvbf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

WED 14:00 Andrea Levy - Small Island (b0080q83)
Episode 3

As Jamaicans travel to England to join the war effort, news arrives about Michael. Stars Nadine Marshall and Adjoa Andoh.

WED 14:15 Foreign Bodies (b01mnz7f)
Series 1

Spain - PI Pepe Carvalho

In his Pepe Carvalho novels, Manuel Vázquez Montalbán created a Barcelona-based private eye with a gastronomic passion, whose investigations are set against political developments in post-Franco Spanish society.

Mark Lawson continues his series looking at European history through crime fiction - discussing the books of Montalbán with Antonio Hill and Jason Webster - whose own crime novels depict contemporary Spain.

Producer: Robyn Read

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

WED 14:30 John Buchan - Sick Heart River (b00lk2cb)
Episode 8

Gaillard opens up to Leithen to reveal the reasons for him moving to America, and his disappearance. Read by Paul Young.

WED 14:45 John Bayley - Iris (b007jzhg)
Episode 3

Novelist Iris Murdoch's husband reflects on married life and recalls their wedding day in 1956. Read by Oliver Ford Davies.

WED 15:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gsj50)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

WED 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b037jz90)
Mel Giedroyc presents Philip Ardagh's story Awful End, read by Mark Williams, plus author-actor-presenter Tony Robinson's favourite books and Jeff Lynn's Inheritance Tracks.

WED 17:00 No Commitments (b007jn72)
Series 12

Darling Daughters

Charlotte and Victoria's daughters take centre stage in the sisters' one-upmanship. Stars Angela Thorne. From April 2006.

WED 17:30 The Attractive Young Rabbi (b007k31j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

WED 18:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qs6bl)

Episode 3

More survivors bring problems for Mau, who has to become Chief. South Seas adventure read by Matt Addis and Charlie Norfolk.

WED 18:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js8d)
Episode 3

Haensel Sethria warns Elise Judd, and Saul Judd is summoned to meet Selwyn Fist.

Bruce Bedford's time-hopping supernatural thriller serial set in - and under - Bath.

Robert Glenister .... Saul Judd
Sharon Duce .... Elise Judd
Freddie Jones .... The Scribe
Kate Binchy .... The Scribe's Wife
Constance Chapman .... Haensel Sethria
Gordon Reid .... Priscus
Michael Stroud .... Stranger
Jonathan Tafler .... Landlord
Timothy West .... Selwyn Fist
John Abineri .... Roman Officer
Jonathan Adams .... The Guardian

Original music composed by Thomas Johnson.
Music realised by Robin Lever.
Special effects: Dick Mills (Radiophonic Workshop)

Directed at BBC Bristol by Andy Jordan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1992.

WED 19:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007k4d6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

WED 19:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b00zfp3n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

WED 20:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

WED 20:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dk034)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

WED 20:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jvbf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

WED 21:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9zv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

WED 21:15 Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (b00947vh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]

WED 22:00 The Brig Society (b0376ncx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

WED 22:30 Mr Blue Sky (b01132yy)
Series 1

Get Well Soon

Harvey Easter is a family man, tone-deaf piano seller and eternal optimist. Bittersweet sitcom with Mark Benton. From May 2011.

WED 23:00 The Mel and Sue Thing (b00769y0)
Episode 3

More mayhem from Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins.

Tragedy befalls the family in Jane Austen's lost novella, plus a pair of rather tame Shock Jocks; a ridiculously simple murder to solve in Leather Island and a rare treat as the Queen pays her very own special tribute to Brian May.

With Paul Chahidi

Written by Mel Giedroyc and Sue Perkins.

Producer: Elizabeth Freestone.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2002.

WED 23:30 Masala FM (b007jypp)
Episode 3

When one of Auntieji's disgruntled listeners decides to take matters in to his own hands, Khalid may be the only one who can save the station.

Six-part sitcom written by Meera Syal

Starring Sanjeev Bhaskar, Nitin Sawheny, Meera Syal and Nina Wadia.

Music by Nitin Sawhney.

Producer: Liz Anstee

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1996.


THU 00:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qs6bl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Wednesday]

THU 00:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js8d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Wednesday]

THU 01:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Wednesday]

THU 01:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dk034)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Wednesday]

THU 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037jvbf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Wednesday]

THU 02:00 Crowned Hudds (b00plhpx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Wednesday]

THU 02:30 Says on the Tin (b00gvhxv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Wednesday]

THU 03:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gsj50)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Wednesday]

THU 04:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qb9zv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Wednesday]

THU 04:15 Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop (b00947vh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Wednesday]

THU 05:00 No Commitments (b007jn72)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Wednesday]

THU 05:30 The Attractive Young Rabbi (b007k31j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Wednesday]

THU 06:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvx)
The Play's the Thing

1899: Victorian bookseller-cum-detective Charles Craddock and his niece Lucy investigate mysterious backstage dramas at a London theatre.

Chris Thompson's mystery stars Martin Jarvis as Charles Craddock, Emma Tate as Lucy Greenwood, Struan Rodgers as Grout, David Thorpe as James Price and Colin Pinney as Rufus Weatherby.

Directed by John Taylor.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 5 in 1993.

THU 06:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dl90n)
Episode 4

While Heidemann is on the trail of Hitler's diaries, Jan Hensmann lets the Stern editors into a secret. Read by Nigel Anthony.

THU 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k0mw)
Episode 14

Alone and friendless, Dick Barton is determined to help his friends and strike back against the smugglers.

The stirring 'Devil's Galop' heralds the arrival of Douglas Kelly as 'Dick Barton - Special Agent' in another thrilling tale of criminal masterminds, espionage and daring adventure.

Originally starring Noel Johnson, Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies, Dick Barton ran on the BBC Light Programme between 1946 and 1951, but sadly, very few original recordings survive.

With the original lost, this is a very authentic sounding re-recording of 'The Cabatolin Diamonds' using the original scripts and music, which was made for international distribution. Happily the audio was rediscovered in 2009, lurking in the vaults of the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia.

Script by Geoffrey Webb.

Producer: Morris West

First broadcast in Australia in April 1949.

THU 07:00 The Mitch Benn Music Show (b00b311z)
Series 2

Episode 1

The comedian presents a selection of classic comic songs. With special guest Steve Brown. From October 2006.

THU 07:30 Meet David Sedaris (b01n0vhg)
Series 3

Attaboy; In the Waiting Room

The multi-award winning American essayist, David Seadris, brings more of his wit and charm to BBC Radio 4 with a series of audience readings.

Episode 1 (of 6):
This week childhood discipline in the Sedaris household is recalled in "Attaboy" and the perils of agreeing without understanding in a foreign country are examined in "In The Waiting Room".

Produced by Steve Doherty
A Boomerang Production for BBC Radio 4.

THU 08:00 Dad's Army (b007jm5w)
Series 1

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Walker

Captain Mainwaring's platoon is horrified when their black marketeer, Private Joe Walker, gets his army call up.

The comic exploits of a Second World War Home Guard platoon in Walmington-on-Sea.

Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV scripts by Michael Knowles and Harold Snoad.

Captain Mainwaring …. Arthur Lowe
Sergeant Wilson …. John Le Mesurier
Corporal Jones …. Clive Dunn
Private Godfrey …. Arnold Ridley
Private Pike …. Ian Lavender
Private Frazer …. John Laurie
Private Walker …. Graham Stark
Captain/Mr Rees …. Michael Knowles
Chairwoman …. Judith Furze
Sergeant/The Brigadier …. Jack Watson
Announcer …. John Snagge

Producer: John Dyas

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in April 1974.

THU 08:30 Take It From Here (b01f9slt)
From 19/02/1959

The fall and rise of a Punch & Judy show - and Ron and Eth are planning their honeymoon in 'The Glums'.

Starring Professor Jimmy Edwards, Dick Bentley and June Whitfield.

Announcer: Brian Matthew

Music from Wallace Eaton and the Keynotes and the BBC Revue Orchestra conducted by Harry Rabinowitz.

Scripted by Frank Muir and Denis Norden.

Producer: Charles Maxwell

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in February 1959.

THU 09:00 Big Jim and the Figaro Club (b008hpzv)
The French Connection

Arch-rivals town hall clerk Potts and sanitary inspector Perkins hurl insults and then onions...

Six anarchic tales from those demob days “when we was going to build the new Jerusalem - you know, before the world turned lax and sour”.

Stars Norman Rossington as Big Jim, Roland Curram as Harold Perkins, Harold Goodwin as Old Ned, David John as Nimrod, Sylvester McCoy as Turps, David Beckett as Chick, Christopher Godwin as Potts, Hilary Mason as Miss Farquhar, Andre Maranne as French Onion Johnnie and Norman Mitchell as PC Speedworth.

Narrated by Bernard Cribbins.

Written by Ted Walker.

Producer: Martin Fisher

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1987.

THU 09:30 Life in London (b011dg1t)
The Fancy

Tom and Jerry visit a cockfight, try to buy a horse, meet a sporting legend and lay a wager on which is better, London or the West Country.

Meanwhile, garrulous narrator Pierce Egan takes literary critic William Hazlitt to his first boxing match.

Starring Greg Wise, Mark Gatiss and James Bachman.

Pierce Egan’s 19th-century comic novel adapted by Dan Tetsell.

Corinthian Tom .... Greg Wise
Jerry Hawthorn .... Mark Gatiss
Bob Logic .... James Bachman
Plausible Jack .... Ben Graves
William Hazlitt/Tom Cribb .... Alex Mcqueen
Mrs Egan .... Alys Torrence
Pierce Egan .... Geoffrey McGivern

Music: Ben Walker

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2006.

THU 10:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gsr6p)
Loss and Love

Because of a long-standing feud between their families Maggie and Philip Wakem have been meeting in secret.

When Tom discovers he feels angry and betrayed.

Starring Sylvestra Le Touzel, Michael Fitzgerald and Terry Molloy.

George Eliot’s 19th century novel dramatised by Michelene Wandor.

Maggie ...... Sylvestra Le Touzel
Philip ...... Michael Fitzgerald
Tom ...... Richard Pearce
Mr Tulliver ...... Terry Molloy
Mrs Tulliver ...... Tina Gray
Mr Dean ...... Michael Kilgarriff
Dr Wakem ...... Roger Hume
Bob ...... Paul Downing
Lucy Deab ...... Moir Leslie
Stephen Guest ...... Nicholas Gilbrook

Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Philip Martin.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1991.

THU 11:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qbb8m)
Stories by Anton Chekhov

Ivan Matveyitch

An old academic and a young boy. It's a topsy-turvy friendship, but it endures. Alistair McGowan reads the Russian master's tale.

THU 11:15 Drama (b00tt6fs)
Andrew Doyle - The Second Mr Bailey

John is a young gay man living in Edinburgh in 1967. Homosexuality is about to be legalised in England, but not in Scotland. When John takes up lodgings with the enigmatic Mrs Margaret Bailey, he begins to experience what life as a conventional straight man could be like. But Margaret is no ordinary house-wife; she's slowly turning John into a replica of her husband. And John's beginning to like it.

Haunting drama by Andrew Doyle.


Young John...... Sam Swann
Older John ...... Richard Greenwood
Brian................ Owen Whitelaw
Margaret..... Gerda Stevenson
Hilary........ Gabriel Quigley
Policeman...... James Bryce

Producer: Kirsty Williams
Director: Bruce Young.

THU 12:00 Dad's Army (b007jm5w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

THU 12:30 Take It From Here (b01f9slt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

THU 13:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

THU 13:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dl90n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

THU 13:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k0mw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

THU 14:00 Andrea Levy - Small Island (b0080qnp)
Episode 4

After the end of the war, Hortense continues her vigil for missing cousin Michael. Stars Nadine Marshall and Delroy Brown.

THU 14:15 Ambridge Extra (b037k2lb)
Series 5

Episode 10

Matt has packed his bags for Ambridge. Sheepish Vitaly thanks Matt for not prosecuting him. But Matt simply couldn't afford to.

Brenda tells Matt she's staying in Russia with Dmitry for the time being. Matt's grateful and relieved that the new cash card Lilian posted works. He admits he's so angry to have been played for a fool. The last time he felt so angry, someone died and maybe in some indirect way he caused it. Vitaly arrives with the car as Brenda and Matt share a goodbye hug.

Brenda visits Tatyana at work, keen to know more about Tatyana's job and new opportunities herself. Brenda wonders if Dmitry would want to be as high flying as Tatyana, and she also mentions Dmitry wanting to take her to their parents' place in Georgia. Tatyana seems a bit thrown, but comes around before making her excuses that work is very busy right now. Brenda leaves. Tatyana calls Dmitry and they talk in Russian.

On the way to the airport Matt discovers Vitaly and his contact signed a contract. Matt realises Vitaly has the contract with him and grabs it off him. The man whose name is on it is of course now dead according to Vitaly. Vitaly assures Matt that going home is the safest option. They say goodbye at the airport, Matt refusing to shake Vitaly's hand. As soon as Vitaly has gone Matt hails a cab back to St Petersburg.


Matt Crawford ..... Kim Durham
Brenda Tucker ..... Amy Shindler
Dmitry ..... Basher Savage
Tatyana ..... Larissa Kouznetzova
Vitaly ..... Denis Khoroshko
Nina ..... Alexandra Everitt

Writer ..... Sarah Bradshaw
Producer/ Director ..... Julie Beckett
Editor ..... Vanessa Whitburn.

THU 14:30 John Buchan - Sick Heart River (b00lk9c4)
Episode 9

Deep in the wilds of Canada, Sir Edward Leithen fantasises about returning to the comforts of home. Read by Paul Young.

THU 14:45 John Bayley - Iris (b007jzjq)
Episode 4

Iris Murdoch's husband remembers the eerie, early signs of Alzheimer's shown by his novelist wife. Read by Oliver Ford Davies.

THU 15:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gsr6p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

THU 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b037k3d5)
Mel Giedroyc has the next episode of Philip Ardagh's Awful End, read by Mark Williams (aka Harry Potter's Arthur Weasley), plus how to make the perfect trifle and knit a sculpture.

THU 17:00 Ring Around the Bath (b00tqqjf)
Series 2

Go With the Flow

When Patrick makes a chart to show where all the children are at any one time, it dawns on Stella that one of them isn't always where her little arrow says she is.

Series 2 of Lucy Clare and Ian Davidson's sitcom about topsy-turvy family life.

Stars Duncan Preston as Patrick, Penny Downie as Stella, Claudie Blakley as Alison, Bruce MacKinnon as Rick, Catherine Shepherd as Xanthe, Daniela Denby-Ashe as Egg and Rosie Armstrong as Mrs Fox.

Producer: Elizabeth Freestone

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2004.

THU 17:30 The Mitch Benn Music Show (b00b311z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

THU 18:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qx4bz)

Episode 4

Mau learns how to build a nation. Daphne learns how to make beer. South Seas adventure read by Matt Addis and Charlie Norfolk.

THU 18:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js8q)
Episode 4

Saul learns the truth about Stonehenge and the fear-instilling Gibson Room, and two cavers push too deep.

Bruce Bedford's time-hopping supernatural thriller serial set in - and under - Bath.

Robert Glenister .... Saul Judd
Sharon Duce .... Elise Judd
Freddie Jones .... The Scribe
Kate Binchy .... The Scribe's Wife
Timothy West .... Selwyn Fist
Zoe Hicks .... Miss Dewhurst
Jonathan Tafler .... Alan
Steve Woodward .... Martin
Katy Carmichael .... Tracky
Jonathan Adams .... Optician
Cornelius Garrett .... Newsreader

Original music composed by Thomas Johnson.
Music realised by Robin Lever.
Special effects: Dick Mills (Radiophonic Workshop)

Directed at BBC Bristol by Andy Jordan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1992.

THU 19:00 Dad's Army (b007jm5w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

THU 19:30 Take It From Here (b01f9slt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

THU 20:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

THU 20:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dl90n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

THU 20:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k0mw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

THU 21:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qbb8m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

THU 21:15 Drama (b00tt6fs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]

THU 22:00 Meet David Sedaris (b01n0vhg)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

THU 22:30 Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off (b01hl2gc)
Series 3

Chalet Girl

Despite a lack of any obvious qualifications, Giles gets a job on the ski slopes of France. Stars Marcus Brigstocke. From February 2005.

THU 23:00 Everyone Quite Likes Justin (b012l4ng)
Series 1

Episode 4

House-hunting sparks all sorts of difficulties for Manchester DJ Justin.

Starring Justin Moorhouse, Anne Reid and Paul Copley.

Sitcom written by Justin Moorhouse and Jim Poyser.

Despite his messy life, Justin always remains positive. Every new day is a new opportunity, "When life throws you lemons, make lemonade".

Recorded in front of an audience in Manchester.

Anne Reid ..... Gran
Christine Bottomley ..... Lisa
Jim Poyser ..... Lisa's boyfriend
Justin Moorhouse ..... Justin
Lloyd Langford ..... Bryn
Paul Copley ..... Ray
Susan Cookson ..... Tanya

Producer: Steven Canny

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2011.

THU 23:30 The Skivers (b00805wv)
Series 2

Jon Pertwee

Doctor Who meets Worzel Gummidge, as Nick and Tim welcome special guest Jon Pertwee

Skilful sketch show written and performed by Nick Golson and Tim de Jongh.

With Peter Bradshaw and Mel Giedroyc

Producer: Jon Naismith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1995.


FRI 00:00 Terry Pratchett (b00qx4bz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:00 on Thursday]

FRI 00:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js8q)
[Repeat of broadcast at 18:30 on Thursday]

FRI 01:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsvx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Thursday]

FRI 01:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dl90n)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Thursday]

FRI 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k0mw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Thursday]

FRI 02:00 Big Jim and the Figaro Club (b008hpzv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Thursday]

FRI 02:30 Life in London (b011dg1t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Thursday]

FRI 03:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gsr6p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Thursday]

FRI 04:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qbb8m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 on Thursday]

FRI 04:15 Drama (b00tt6fs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 on Thursday]

FRI 05:00 Ring Around the Bath (b00tqqjf)
[Repeat of broadcast at 17:00 on Thursday]

FRI 05:30 The Mitch Benn Music Show (b00b311z)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Thursday]

FRI 06:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsw5)
My Dear Isabelle

Spring, 1900: The reappearance of a woman from his past persuades Victorian private investigator Charles Craddock to help find her kidnapped husband in France, but niece Lucy realises there are hidden perils.

Chris Thompson's mystery stars Martin Jarvis as Charles Craddock, Emma Tate as Lucy Greenwood, Struan Rodgers as Grout, Frances Jeater as Isabelle Vallance and Stephen Thorne as Leopold Kransky.

Directed by Chris Thompson.

Producer: John Taylor

First broadcast on BBC Radio 5 in 1993.

FRI 06:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dld10)
Episode 5

Despite Stern magazine trying to keep the diary scoop a secret, word gets out, intriguing an historian. Read by Nigel Anthony.

FRI 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k47d)
Episode 15

Special agent, Dick Barton's disguise succeeds in garnering clues, but when he's rumbled, someone pays a high price.

The stirring 'Devil's Galop' heralds the arrival of Douglas Kelly as 'Dick Barton - Special Agent' in another thrilling tale of criminal masterminds, espionage and daring adventure.

Originally starring Noel Johnson, Duncan Carse and Gordon Davies, Dick Barton ran on the BBC Light Programme between 1946 and 1951, but sadly, very few original recordings survive.

With the original lost, this is a very authentic sounding re-recording of 'The Cabatolin Diamonds' using the original scripts and music, which was made for international distribution. Happily the audio was rediscovered in 2009, lurking in the vaults of the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia.

Script by Geoffrey Webb.

Producer: Morris West

First broadcast in Australia in April 1949.

FRI 07:00 The Right Time (b00c0btz)
Series 3

Episode 3

Vengeful parents, school day memories - and an unusual police stop and check...

The sketch comedy for people growing older disgracefully.

Stars Eleanor Bron, Graeme Garden, Neil Innes, Clive Swift, Roger Blake and Paula Wilcox.

Written by Tony Bagley, Julie Baloo, Colin Bostock Smith, Jan Etherington, Graeme Garden, Mike Haskins, Emma Kennedy, Bob Sinfield, David Spicer, Peter Usher, Chris Thompson and Pete Reynolds.

Script Editor: Jed Parsons.

Music by Ronnie & The Rex and Neil Innes.

Producer: Claire Jones

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2003.

FRI 07:30 Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart (b037gt60)

Richard Tyrone Jones, healthy, gym-going poet, man about town and aspirant womaniser, finds himself, on his thirtieth birthday, stricken by an unexpected present: heart failure. Confined to hospital with a a dilated, literally-big heart, surrounded by old men, stuck on drugs and drips and forced to cope with curious medical procedures and even curiouser fellow patients, will he die, or worse, be doomed to life in a mobility scooter at home with his parents in Dudley?

Can he pull through, with the help of Poetry, cod philosophy, and friends - nihilistic Sophia, who tries to cheer his spirits with books by Houellebecq and Lovecraft, and his dour Welsh publisher / solicitor Jacob, who is in charge of his will, but might actually sell more books if he dies? And will having a Big Heart shrink his romantic possibilities?

Based on Richard's Wellcome Trust supported solo show, which toured in 2012, each episode illuminates a different aspect of the experience of illness and facing your own mortality with a sense of humour.

Richard Tyrone Jones is a poet and writer and director of 'Utter!" spoken word, and director of spoken word at the Edinburgh Festival Free Fringe.

It was written by Richard Tyrone Jones
With additional material by Richard Sandling

Studio Engineer and editor - Matt Katz

Produced by Nick Walker
A Top Dog production for BBC Radio 4.

FRI 08:00 Steptoe and Son (b00rdsv7)
Series 1

The Bird

Harold Steptoe is furious when his date Roxanne is late for dinner.

Starring Wilfrid Brambell and Harry H Corbett.

Following the conclusion of their hugely successful association with Tony Hancock, writers Ray Galton and Alan Simpson wrote 10 pilots for the BBC TV's Comedy Playhouse in 1962.

The Offer featured the lives of rag and bone men Albert Steptoe and son Harold - and was the spark for a run of 8 series on TV.

Albert ...... Wilfrid Brambell
Harold ...... Harry H Corbett
Roxanne ...... Marion Stone

Adapted for radio from Galton and Simpson's TV script by Gale Pedrick.

Producer: Bobby Jaye

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in July 1966.

FRI 08:30 The Michael Bentine Show (b00kvkkw)
From 20/05/1984

From a murderous martial art to an unexploded double bass.

Michael Bentine stars in the ultimate one man show written and performed by the host.

Producer: Jamie Rix

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in May 1984

FRI 09:00 King Street Junior (b007jnp1)
Series 10


A new school year brings campaigning teachers - and congratulations may be in order...

Created and written by Jim Eldridge, ten series of this comedy about a junior school ran between 1985 and 1998. King Street Junior Revisited ran from 2002 to 2005.

Stars Karl Howman as Mr Sims, James Grout as the Headmaster, Margaret John as Mrs Stone, Paul Copley as Mr Long, Deirdre Costello as Mrs Patterson, Vivienne Martin as Mrs Rudd, Marlene Sidaway as Miss Lewis, Jacqueline Beatty as Miss Read, Tom Watson as Mr Holliday and Ritu Jutla as Rowena

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1998.

FRI 09:30 Spending My Inheritance (b00g2xfz)
Just One Night

Sitcom by Clive Coleman, starring Kris Marshall as cash-strapped forty-something Harry, who has to watch from the sidelines as his newly retired parents start spending their hard-earned cash on themselves.

When faced with domestic disaster, Harry and Jo turn to his parents to put them up for a night. However, despite their recent equity release, it seems that they are as tight as ever.

Harry ...... Kris Marshall
Jo ...... Raquel Cassidy
Brian ...... Kenneth Cranham
Liz ...... Judy Parfitt
Jess ...... Antonia Thomas
Amanda ...... Manjeet Mann
Boguslaw ...... Stephen Critchlow
Pizza Boy ...... Inam Mirza

Directed by Sam Hoyle.

FRI 10:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gszmm)
Loving and Losing

Despite the continuing feud between their families Philip has a plan that he believes will restore happiness to Maggie Tulliver.

Starring Michael Fitzgerald and Sylvestra Le Touzel.

The conclusion of George Eliot’s 19th century novel.

Maggie ...... Sylvestra Le Touzel
Tom ...... Richard Pearce
Philip ...... Michael Fitzgerald
Stephen ...... Nicholas Gilbrook
Mrs Tulliver ...... Tina Gray
Dr Wakem ...... Roger Hume
Bob ...... Paul Downing
Lucy Dean ...... Moir Leslie
Dr Cairn ...... Simon Carter

Pianist: Harold Rich

Dramatised by Michelene Wandor.

Directed at BBC Pebble Mill by Philip Martin.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1991.

FRI 11:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qbb8r)
Stories by Anton Chekhov

Bad Weather

Or to put it another way, what has the husband been up to in Moscow? Alistair McGowan reads Constance Garnett's translation. From January 1998.

FRI 11:15 Drama (b01jwk66)
Ben Lewis - Tiny

This is the story of a legend in the making.

A nervous young man lives at the dead end of a dead-end town. On his eighteenth birthday he comes into his inheritance. With a little help from an old teacher, he finds it equips him to broadcast over the internet.

Living in a house where rolling news is a constant presence, he does what comes naturally - he fires up his computer and presents the news. But his news is different. It puts a spring in its audience's step. That is, until his grandma starts to grow suspicious about what this boy is getting up to, nightly in his bedroom, and tries to put a stop to the broadcasts completely.

A quirky comedy about a teenager who becomes an internet phenomenon by Ben Lewis.

FRI 12:00 Steptoe and Son (b00rdsv7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

FRI 12:30 The Michael Bentine Show (b00kvkkw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

FRI 13:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsw5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

FRI 13:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dld10)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

FRI 13:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k47d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

FRI 14:00 Andrea Levy - Small Island (b0080sd5)
Episode 5

Hortense makes the journey from Jamaica to London, but she only finds disappointment. Stars Nadine Marshall and Don Gilet.

FRI 14:15 Foreign Bodies (b01mnz7r)
Series 1

Britain - DCI Jane Tennison

Dame Helen Mirren's portrayal of DCI Jane Tennison created a new image of women police officers in Britain. Lynda La Plante describes the creation of her character and what serving officers taught her about the macho culture of British policing before the millennium.

The Granada TV series which first aired in 1991 was sold around the world. Dutch best seller Saskia Noort and Scottish authors Ian Rankin and Val McDermid discuss its impact with Mark Lawson.

Producer: Robyn Read

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.

FRI 14:30 John Buchan - Sick Heart River (b00lkk0v)
Episode 10

Moved by their plight, Leithen spends his last days helping the Canadian Indians. John Buchan's novel read by Paul Young.

FRI 14:45 John Bayley - Iris (b007jzl1)
Episode 5

Iris Murdoch's husband reflects on his wife's inner world after the onset of Alzheimer's disease. Read by Oliver Ford Davies.

FRI 15:00 George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss (b00gszmm)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

FRI 16:00 The 4 O'Clock Show (b037k5zp)
Mel Giedroyc has the final episode in Philip Ardagh's Awful End as read by Mark Williams, tunes from Queen Victoria's iPod, and a wander around author Charles Dickens' London.

FRI 17:00 Beachcomber... By the Way (b0084hyx)
Series 1

Episode 5

Lady Cabstanleigh holds a party, Mrs McGurgle gets into an argument, Chief Inspector Blunderton follows up a few leads, and Justice Cocklecarrot has to contend with the antics of the Filthistan trio.

Richard Ingrams, John Wells, John Sessions and Patricia Routledge recreate the world of the JB Morton.

Running in the Daily Express from 1924 to 1975 – JB Morton’s surreally comic ‘Beachcomber’ column paved the way for a great deal of modern humour.

Adapted by Michael Barfield with Richard Ingrams.

Announcer: Brian Perkins

Producer: Harry Thompson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1989

FRI 17:30 The Right Time (b00c0btz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

FRI 18:00 Terry Pratchett (b00r2hhf)

Episode 5

Mau is in the grips of god of death Locaha. Can Daphne save him? South Seas adventure read by Matt Addis and Charlie Norfolk.

FRI 18:30 Bruce Bedford - The Gibson (b007js93)
Episode 5

Saul and Elise make a grim discovery in the nursing home.

Bruce Bedford's time-hopping supernatural thriller serial set in - and under - Bath.

Robert Glenister .... Saul Judd
Sharon Duce .... Elise Judd
Freddie Jones .... The Scribe
Kate Binchy .... The Scribe's Wife
Timothy West .... Selwyn Fist
Zoe Hicks .... Miss Dewhurst
Katy Carmichael .... Tracky
Constance Chapman .... Haensel Sethria
Bill Bellamy .... Leaflet Man

Original music composed by Thomas Johnson.
Music realised by Robin Lever.
Special effects: Dick Mills (Radiophonic Workshop)

Directed at BBC Bristol by Andy Jordan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1992.

FRI 19:00 Steptoe and Son (b00rdsv7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

FRI 19:30 The Michael Bentine Show (b00kvkkw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

FRI 20:00 Craddock and Co (b007jsw5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

FRI 20:30 Robert Harris - Selling Hitler (b01dld10)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

FRI 20:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds (b037k47d)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

FRI 21:00 Anton Chekhov (b00qbb8r)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:00 today]

FRI 21:15 Drama (b01jwk66)
[Repeat of broadcast at 11:15 today]

FRI 22:00 Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart (b037gt60)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

FRI 22:30 I've Never Seen Star Wars (b00rdzv8)
Series 3

Jenny Eclair

Marcus Brigstocke invites his comic guest Jenny Eclair to try five things she's never done before including having a bikini wax.

Whether the experiences are banal or profound, the show is about embracing the new and getting out of our comfort zones.

The title comes from the fact that the show's producer and creator Bill Dare had never seen Star Wars.

Producer: Bill Dare.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2010.

FRI 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (b037zv5x)
For two hours, six nights a week, Arthur Smith presents the best comedy around. Plus tonight, Neil Innes chats to Ray Peacock about The Rutles Reunion.

FRI 23:00 Ross Noble Goes Global (b01cvr0t)
Series 2


The comedian entertains bewildered Bedouins in the desert and ponders the merits of doing a wildlife show. From May 2003.

FRI 23:30 Flight of the Conchords (b00dn8br)
Tower of London

The Kiwi novelty music duo try to make it big in the English capital. Improvised by Bret McKenzie and Jemaine Clement, with Rob Brydon. From September 2005.

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

A Game of Golf 13:30 SUN (b007jrr3)

A Game of Golf 03:30 MON (b007jrr3)

A Series of Psychotic Episodes 23:45 SUN (b00fn9hm)

Alison and Maud 02:00 SAT (b007k449)

Ambridge Extra 11:15 SUN (b037gv4n)

Ambridge Extra 19:15 SUN (b037gv4n)

Ambridge Extra 02:15 MON (b037gv4n)

Ambridge Extra 14:15 TUE (b037jr6t)

Ambridge Extra 14:15 THU (b037k2lb)

Andrea Levy - Small Island 14:00 MON (b0080jbw)

Andrea Levy - Small Island 14:00 TUE (b0080nxp)

Andrea Levy - Small Island 14:00 WED (b0080q83)

Andrea Levy - Small Island 14:00 THU (b0080qnp)

Andrea Levy - Small Island 14:00 FRI (b0080sd5)

Another Case of Milton Jones 22:30 SAT (b00r2cm9)

Anton Chekhov 11:00 MON (b00qb9x3)

Anton Chekhov 21:00 MON (b00qb9x3)

Anton Chekhov 04:00 TUE (b00qb9x3)

Anton Chekhov 11:00 TUE (b00qb9x9)

Anton Chekhov 21:00 TUE (b00qb9x9)

Anton Chekhov 04:00 WED (b00qb9x9)

Anton Chekhov 11:00 WED (b00qb9zv)

Anton Chekhov 21:00 WED (b00qb9zv)

Anton Chekhov 04:00 THU (b00qb9zv)

Anton Chekhov 11:00 THU (b00qbb8m)

Anton Chekhov 21:00 THU (b00qbb8m)

Anton Chekhov 04:00 FRI (b00qbb8m)

Anton Chekhov 11:00 FRI (b00qbb8r)

Anton Chekhov 21:00 FRI (b00qbb8r)

Artists 09:30 MON (b019m104)

Artists 02:30 TUE (b019m104)

As Told To Craig Brown 22:30 SUN (b00bfp2j)

Baldi 13:15 SAT (b007jln9)

Baldi 03:15 SUN (b007jln9)

Beachcomber... By the Way 05:00 SAT (b0082ckc)

Beachcomber... By the Way 17:00 FRI (b0084hyx)

Big Jim and the Figaro Club 09:00 THU (b008hpzv)

Big Jim and the Figaro Club 02:00 FRI (b008hpzv)

Brothers in Law 08:30 MON (b007js3q)

Brothers in Law 12:30 MON (b007js3q)

Brothers in Law 19:30 MON (b007js3q)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 18:30 MON (b007js7p)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 00:30 TUE (b007js7p)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 18:30 TUE (b007js82)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 00:30 WED (b007js82)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 18:30 WED (b007js8d)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 00:30 THU (b007js8d)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 18:30 THU (b007js8q)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 00:30 FRI (b007js8q)

Bruce Bedford - The Gibson 18:30 FRI (b007js93)

Classic Serial 03:00 SAT (b0144ybg)

Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters 09:00 MON (b037j6vl)

Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters 22:30 MON (b037j6vl)

Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters 02:00 TUE (b037j6vl)

Comedy Greats 09:00 SAT (b007k228)

Comedy Greats 19:00 SAT (b007k228)

Craddock and Co 06:00 WED (b007jsvl)

Craddock and Co 13:00 WED (b007jsvl)

Craddock and Co 20:00 WED (b007jsvl)

Craddock and Co 01:00 THU (b007jsvl)

Craddock and Co 06:00 THU (b007jsvx)

Craddock and Co 13:00 THU (b007jsvx)

Craddock and Co 20:00 THU (b007jsvx)

Craddock and Co 01:00 FRI (b007jsvx)

Craddock and Co 06:00 FRI (b007jsw5)

Craddock and Co 13:00 FRI (b007jsw5)

Craddock and Co 20:00 FRI (b007jsw5)

Crowned Hudds 09:00 WED (b00plhpx)

Crowned Hudds 02:00 THU (b00plhpx)

Dad's Army 14:30 SAT (b007jm2h)

Dad's Army 08:00 THU (b007jm5w)

Dad's Army 12:00 THU (b007jm5w)

Dad's Army 19:00 THU (b007jm5w)

Dalziel and Pascoe - Bones and Silence 01:30 SAT (b00j7p9h)

Deborah Moggach - Tulip Fever 04:00 SAT (b007jm7m)

Deep Trouble 22:30 TUE (b00tb9f4)

Delve Special 23:00 TUE (b007k4nj)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 10:00 SUN (b037gst2)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 21:00 SUN (b037gst2)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 01:00 MON (b037gst2)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 01:45 SAT (b037bh90)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 06:45 MON (b037j6vh)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 13:45 MON (b037j6vh)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 20:45 MON (b037j6vh)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 01:45 TUE (b037j6vh)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 06:45 TUE (b037jf7d)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 13:45 TUE (b037jf7d)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 20:45 TUE (b037jf7d)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 01:45 WED (b037jf7d)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 06:45 WED (b037jvbf)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 13:45 WED (b037jvbf)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 20:45 WED (b037jvbf)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 01:45 THU (b037jvbf)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 06:45 THU (b037k0mw)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 13:45 THU (b037k0mw)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 20:45 THU (b037k0mw)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 01:45 FRI (b037k0mw)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 06:45 FRI (b037k47d)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 13:45 FRI (b037k47d)

Dick Barton - Special Agent: The Cabatolin Diamonds 20:45 FRI (b037k47d)

Drama 11:15 THU (b00tt6fs)

Drama 21:15 THU (b00tt6fs)

Drama 04:15 FRI (b00tt6fs)

Drama 11:15 FRI (b01jwk66)

Drama 21:15 FRI (b01jwk66)

Ed Reardon's Week 07:30 SUN (b00dqnyw)

Ed Reardon's Week 22:00 SUN (b00dqnyw)

Elastic Planet 11:00 SUN (b007k33s)

Elastic Planet 19:00 SUN (b007k33s)

Elastic Planet 02:00 MON (b007k33s)

Everyone Quite Likes Justin 23:00 THU (b012l4ng)

Flight of the Conchords 23:30 FRI (b00dn8br)

Flying the Flag 17:00 MON (b00b5r1h)

Flying the Flag 05:00 TUE (b00b5r1h)

Foreign Bodies 14:15 MON (b01mnz73)

Foreign Bodies 14:15 WED (b01mnz7f)

Foreign Bodies 14:15 FRI (b01mnz7r)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 10:00 MON (b00grysh)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 15:00 MON (b00grysh)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 03:00 TUE (b00grysh)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 10:00 TUE (b00gs5x8)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 15:00 TUE (b00gs5x8)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 03:00 WED (b00gs5x8)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 10:00 WED (b00gsj50)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 15:00 WED (b00gsj50)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 03:00 THU (b00gsj50)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 10:00 THU (b00gsr6p)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 15:00 THU (b00gsr6p)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 03:00 FRI (b00gsr6p)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 10:00 FRI (b00gszmm)

George Eliot - The Mill on the Floss 15:00 FRI (b00gszmm)

Giles Wemmbley Hogg Goes Off 22:30 THU (b01hl2gc)

Hancock's Half Hour 08:00 WED (b007k4d6)

Hancock's Half Hour 12:00 WED (b007k4d6)

Hancock's Half Hour 19:00 WED (b007k4d6)

Harlan Ellison - I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream 00:00 SAT (b037bvq6)

Hearing With Hegley 23:45 MON (b00bbnvw)

Hearing With Hegley 09:45 TUE (b00bbnvw)

Hearing With Hegley 02:45 WED (b00bbnvw)

I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 07:30 MON (b0375d6f)

I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue 22:00 MON (b0375d6f)

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again 08:30 WED (b00zfp3n)

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again 12:30 WED (b00zfp3n)

I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again 19:30 WED (b00zfp3n)

I've Never Seen Star Wars 22:30 FRI (b00rdzv8)

It's Not What You Know 07:30 TUE (b0375sfk)

It's Not What You Know 22:00 TUE (b0375sfk)

John Bayley - Iris 14:45 MON (b007jzdx)

John Bayley - Iris 14:45 TUE (b007jzg6)

John Bayley - Iris 14:45 WED (b007jzhg)

John Bayley - Iris 14:45 THU (b007jzjq)

John Bayley - Iris 14:45 FRI (b007jzl1)

John Buchan - Sick Heart River 14:30 MON (b00ljxx8)

John Buchan - Sick Heart River 14:30 TUE (b00ljz6k)

John Buchan - Sick Heart River 14:30 WED (b00lk2cb)

John Buchan - Sick Heart River 14:30 THU (b00lk9c4)

John Buchan - Sick Heart River 14:30 FRI (b00lkk0v)

King Street Junior 09:00 FRI (b007jnp1)

Ladies of Letters 06:00 SUN (b007k3xg)

Ladies of Letters 12:00 SUN (b007k3xg)

Life in London 09:30 THU (b011dg1t)

Life in London 02:30 FRI (b011dg1t)

Like They've Never Been Gone 17:00 TUE (b00cvjvf)

Like They've Never Been Gone 05:00 WED (b00cvjvf)

Loose Ends 11:15 MON (b037ghwz)

Loose Ends 21:15 MON (b037ghwz)

Loose Ends 04:15 TUE (b037ghwz)

Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives 09:30 SUN (b008fdb8)

Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives 17:30 SUN (b008fdb8)

Louisa May Alcott - Good Wives 05:30 MON (b008fdb8)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 01:00 SAT (b00h9t26)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 06:00 MON (b00hdfdn)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 13:00 MON (b00hdfdn)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 20:00 MON (b00hdfdn)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 01:00 TUE (b00hdfdn)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 06:00 TUE (b00hg9n4)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 13:00 TUE (b00hg9n4)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 20:00 TUE (b00hg9n4)

Mark Tavener - High Table, Lower Orders 01:00 WED (b00hg9n4)

Married 07:00 MON (b007ys7j)

Married 17:30 MON (b007ys7j)

Married 05:30 TUE (b007ys7j)

Masala FM 23:30 WED (b007jypp)

Meera Syal's Asian Comedy Night 22:00 SAT (b01qdwwr)

Meet David Sedaris 07:30 THU (b01n0vhg)

Meet David Sedaris 22:00 THU (b01n0vhg)

Meet the Huggetts 08:00 SUN (b00ns2m9)

Meet the Huggetts 15:00 SUN (b00ns2m9)

Meet the Huggetts 20:00 SUN (b00ns2m9)

Meet the Huggetts 03:00 MON (b00ns2m9)

Mel's Mix: The Best of The 4 O'Clock Show 16:00 SUN (b037gw8n)

Melissa Murray - Good News (Omnibus) 12:00 SAT (b037gm2k)

Melissa Murray - Good News (Omnibus) 02:00 SUN (b037gm2k)

Mike Walker - 2025 18:00 SUN (b00j0hbm)

Mike Walker - 2025 00:00 MON (b00j0hbm)

Mordrin McDonald: 21st Century Wizard 23:30 TUE (b00qck4v)

Mr Blue Sky 22:30 WED (b01132yy)

Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop 11:15 TUE (b00943r6)

Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop 21:15 TUE (b00943r6)

Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop 04:15 WED (b00943r6)

Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop 11:15 WED (b00947vh)

Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop 21:15 WED (b00947vh)

Mrs Bradley - The Mystery of a Butcher's Shop 04:15 THU (b00947vh)

My Booze Hell, by Little Johnny Cartilage 23:30 SUN (b00d67yf)

Nathaniel Hawthorne - Rappaccini's Daughter 00:30 SAT (b00qxcff)

No Commitments 17:00 WED (b007jn72)

No Commitments 05:00 THU (b007jn72)

Peter Wolf - Ghost on the Moor 04:15 SAT (b00sr5qc)

Punt PI 07:30 SAT (b00b9y3h)

Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart 17:30 SAT (b037525c)

Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart 05:30 SUN (b037525c)

Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart 07:30 FRI (b037gt60)

Richard Tyrone Jones's Big Heart 22:00 FRI (b037gt60)

Ring Around the Bath 17:00 THU (b00tqqjf)

Ring Around the Bath 05:00 FRI (b00tqqjf)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 06:30 MON (b01dhq5t)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 13:30 MON (b01dhq5t)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 20:30 MON (b01dhq5t)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 01:30 TUE (b01dhq5t)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 06:30 TUE (b01djsdt)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 13:30 TUE (b01djsdt)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 20:30 TUE (b01djsdt)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 01:30 WED (b01djsdt)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 06:30 WED (b01dk034)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 13:30 WED (b01dk034)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 20:30 WED (b01dk034)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 01:30 THU (b01dk034)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 06:30 THU (b01dl90n)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 13:30 THU (b01dl90n)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 20:30 THU (b01dl90n)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 01:30 FRI (b01dl90n)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 06:30 FRI (b01dld10)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 13:30 FRI (b01dld10)

Robert Harris - Selling Hitler 20:30 FRI (b01dld10)

Ross Noble Goes Global 23:00 FRI (b01cvr0t)

Round the Horne 14:00 SAT (b007k3n2)

Round the Horne 08:00 MON (b007jlx6)

Round the Horne 12:00 MON (b007jlx6)

Round the Horne 19:00 MON (b007jlx6)

Saturday Drama 06:00 SAT (b00jwq3g)

Saturday Drama 16:00 SAT (b00jwq3g)

Saturday Drama 04:00 SUN (b00jwq3g)

Says on the Tin 09:30 WED (b00gvhxv)

Says on the Tin 02:30 THU (b00gvhxv)

Short Stories by John McGahern 10:45 SUN (b00p4mc5)

Short Stories by John McGahern 21:45 SUN (b00p4mc5)

Short Stories by John McGahern 01:45 MON (b00p4mc5)

Spending My Inheritance 02:30 SAT (b00fz0wd)

Spending My Inheritance 09:30 FRI (b00g2xfz)

Steptoe and Son 08:00 FRI (b00rdsv7)

Steptoe and Son 12:00 FRI (b00rdsv7)

Steptoe and Son 19:00 FRI (b00rdsv7)

Steven Appleby's Normal Life 23:45 TUE (b00slvww)

Take It From Here 08:30 THU (b01f9slt)

Take It From Here 12:30 THU (b01f9slt)

Take It From Here 19:30 THU (b01f9slt)

Terry Pratchett 18:00 MON (b00qg1s3)

Terry Pratchett 00:00 TUE (b00qg1s3)

Terry Pratchett 18:00 TUE (b00qm4cp)

Terry Pratchett 00:00 WED (b00qm4cp)

Terry Pratchett 18:00 WED (b00qs6bl)

Terry Pratchett 00:00 THU (b00qs6bl)

Terry Pratchett 18:00 THU (b00qx4bz)

Terry Pratchett 00:00 FRI (b00qx4bz)

Terry Pratchett 18:00 FRI (b00r2hhf)

The 4 O'Clock Show 16:00 MON (b037j7mb)

The 4 O'Clock Show 16:00 TUE (b037jr6w)

The 4 O'Clock Show 16:00 WED (b037jz90)

The 4 O'Clock Show 16:00 THU (b037k3d5)

The 4 O'Clock Show 16:00 FRI (b037k5zp)

The Art of Rhetoric 11:45 SUN (b007jxsj)

The Art of Rhetoric 19:45 SUN (b007jxsj)

The Art of Rhetoric 02:45 MON (b007jxsj)

The Attractive Young Rabbi 07:00 WED (b007k31j)

The Attractive Young Rabbi 17:30 WED (b007k31j)

The Attractive Young Rabbi 05:30 THU (b007k31j)

The Brig Society 07:30 WED (b0376ncx)

The Brig Society 22:00 WED (b0376ncx)

The Comedy Club Interviews 22:55 SUN (b037gw8q)

The Comedy Club Interviews 22:55 FRI (b037zv5x)

The Female Ghost 18:30 SAT (b00nj7cx)

The Female Ghost 00:30 SUN (b00nj7cx)

The Frankie Howerd Variety Show 08:00 SAT (b007jr40)

The Frankie Howerd Variety Show 15:00 SAT (b007jr40)

The Frankie Howerd Variety Show 01:00 SUN (b007jr40)

The Goon Show 08:00 TUE (b007k4sy)

The Goon Show 12:00 TUE (b007k4sy)

The Goon Show 19:00 TUE (b007k4sy)

The Inspector Alleyn Mysteries 23:00 SAT (b0084qwv)

The Maltby Collection 23:00 SUN (b00x7glw)

The Mel and Sue Thing 23:00 WED (b00769y0)

The Men from the Ministry 08:30 SUN (b0121pt0)

The Men from the Ministry 15:30 SUN (b0121pt0)

The Men from the Ministry 20:30 SUN (b0121pt0)

The Michael Bentine Show 08:30 FRI (b00kvkkw)

The Michael Bentine Show 12:30 FRI (b00kvkkw)

The Michael Bentine Show 19:30 FRI (b00kvkkw)

The Mitch Benn Music Show 07:00 THU (b00b311z)

The Mitch Benn Music Show 17:30 THU (b00b311z)

The Mitch Benn Music Show 05:30 FRI (b00b311z)

The News Quiz Extra 23:00 MON (b037j88g)

The News Quiz Extra 09:00 TUE (b037j88g)

The News Quiz Extra 02:00 WED (b037j88g)

The People of the British Museum 07:15 SUN (b009nh09)

The People of the British Museum 13:15 SUN (b009nh09)

The Pickerskill Reports 07:00 TUE (b00mlw59)

The Pickerskill Reports 17:30 TUE (b00mlw59)

The Pickerskill Reports 05:30 WED (b00mlw59)

The Right Time 05:30 SAT (b00c693m)

The Right Time 07:00 FRI (b00c0btz)

The Right Time 17:30 FRI (b00c0btz)

The Scarifyers 18:00 SAT (b008kl16)

The Scarifyers 00:00 SUN (b008kl16)

The Skivers 23:30 THU (b00805wv)

Travelling Light 09:00 SUN (b037gsmx)

Travelling Light 17:00 SUN (b037gsmx)

Travelling Light 05:00 MON (b037gsmx)

Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 08:30 TUE (b007jrcz)

Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 12:30 TUE (b007jrcz)

Whatever Happened to the Likely Lads? 19:30 TUE (b007jrcz)