SAT 00:00 HG Wells (b01mmrhb)
The First Men in the Moon
Episode 5
Intrepid explorers Bedford and Cavor’s first mission to the moon comes to a surprising and unexpected conclusion.
First published in 1901, HG Wells’ novel abridged by Neville Teller.
Concluded by Tim Pigott-Smith.
Producer: David Roper
Made by Heavy Entertainment for BBC Radio 4 and first broadcast in July 2007.
SAT 00:15 15 Minute Drama (b09ny2dh)
The Truth About Hawaii
Potent and playful drama set in a near-future in which doctors can no longer prescribe antibiotics. By award-winning dramatist, Oliver Emanuel.
Sarah is 10 years old. She's scratched her knee and developed an infection.
Whilst her family prepare for an unexpected future, Sarah's imagination takes her to Hawaii where she's about to meet the king of rock and roll.
The Truth About Hawaii was developed through Wellcome Experimental Stories in consultation with Prof. Joanna Coast (Professor in the Economics of Health & Care, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol) and Dr Adam Roberts (Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
Consultants: Prof Joanna Coast and Dr Adam Roberts
Director: Kirsty Williams.
SAT 00:30 Off the Page (b0076k64)
Multicultural Britain
Matthew Parris welcomes three writers - Reshma S. Ruia, Archie Markham and Leone Ross - to a frank discussion. From 2004.
In each programme, Matthew Parris introduces a group of writers of fact and fiction: new talent and established names. In the context of a discussion of one of the ideas and pre-occupations of our times, each presents a piece on this week's topic.
The best new writing and the freshest conversation from 2004.
SAT 01:00 Book at Beachtime (b036q727)
Suzanne Rindell - The Other Typist
Episode 5
Odalie's devilish ingenuity is revealed and Rose is left reeling.
Prohibition New York is the setting for Suzanne Rindell's thrilling debut about dangerous friendship in which glitz and sleaze collide.
Concluded by Sasha Pick.
Abridged by Julian Wilkinson.
Producer: Gemma Jenkins
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra and first broadcast in Summer 2013.
SAT 01:30 Character Assassins (b00tpqlf)
The death of fictional superstars by pen, pencil or type lies, quite literally, in the hands of their creators.
At the Harrogate Crime Writing Festival 2010, Fiona Lindsay conducts a forensic cross-examination of popular writers, put on trial to reveal their motives for killing off their leading characters. It's an age-old friction in fiction between creator and creation. And the assassination of an author's key character is often a result of a clash of egos.
Agatha Christie kept the death of her famous Belgian detective Hercule Poirot secret for 30 years only to confess shortly before her own demise. She had no regrets and, as her biographer Laura Thompson reveals, was in no hurry to get Miss Marple on the case.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle detested Sherlock Holmes' public domination over his own life and murdered him merrily. Yet the firestorm of protest was so intense, resurrection was inevitable. Holmes expert David Stuart Davies and actor Roger Llewellyn incorporate the core of this controversy in their latest play.
Colin Dexter claims he didn't kill Morse: 'he died of natural causes'. A nation mourned, but the author is unrepentant, choosing kindly death over morose retirement.
Ian Rankin took the opposite view for the demise of Rebus, leaving the coffin lid open for a timely return. But since fictional characters are immortal, why kill them off at all?
Characters who become bigger than their authors, beware!! They may have all the best lines, but their creator has the last word.
Fiona Lindsay cross-examines the witnesses and interrogates the accused as they try to justify their acts of literal 'murder'.
Not so much a whodunit as a 'why did they do it?'
Producer: Chris Eldon Lee
A Culture Wise production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 2010.
SAT 02:00 Book at Bedtime (b04tlr0l)
Mary Costello - Academy Street
Episode 5
Shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award, Mary Costello's debut is a tender portrayal of a quiet woman's life.
It's 1962, and Tess has left Ireland to make a new life for herself in America, working as a nurse in New York. Shy and reticent, she has been introduced to her flatmate's cousin, David, and he has left a deep impression upon her.
Read by Niamh Cusack
Written by Mary Costello
Abridged by Kirsteen Cameron
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
SAT 02:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04d4ppb)
A Useful Weed
At a glance, Arabidopsis thaliana (Mouse ear cress) looks little more than a tiny flowering weed. But this nondescript plant became a Rosetta stone for understanding the molecular processes underpinning many plant traits when in 2000 it became the first plant to have its genome fully sequenced.
Professor Kathy Willis hears how Arabidopsis bagged the role in plant genetics research similar to that played by mice and fruit flies in animal research, and how amidst arguments for and against the technique of modification, it became a key to introducing new characteristics in a quicker and more targeted way than traditional plant breeding.
The overall size of the Arabidopsis genome however, is not typical of many plants. We hear how a new understanding of the surprisingly diverse range of genome sizes within the plant kingdom is shedding light on the speed of a plant's ability to reproduce and adapt in changing conditions, which could play a fundamental role in decoding the patterns of plant distribution we see around the world.
With contributions from historian Jim Endersby, plant scientist Prof Liam Dolan and cytogeneticist Ilia Leitch.
Producer Adrian Washbourne.
SAT 02:30 Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (b00cvbj4)
Mounting Debts
Emma has tried and exhausted every effort to repay her debts, but feels that she's left with only one course of action...
Gripping conclusion of the French masterpiece of betrayal and wantonness.
Narrator ...... John Hurt
Emma ...... Sarah Smart
CharlesConrad Nelson
Monsieur Homais ...... David Fleeshman
Berthe Bovary ...... Daisy Jones
Victor Lariviere ...... Martin Reeve
Justin ...... Sam Curtis
Gustave Flaubert's novel is dramatised by Diana Griffiths from a translation by Margaret Mauldon.
Producer: Pauline Harris
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2006.
SAT 02:45 Book of the Week (b04gc8p4)
Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind
And They Lived Happily Ever After
Adrian Scarborough continues reading from Yuval Noah Harari's ground-breaking account of humankind's remarkable history from insignificant apes to rulers of the world.
The world's a better place, but are we any happier?
Abridged by Penny Leicester
Produced by Gemma Jenkins
SAT 03:00 Sheridan Le Fanu - Uncle Silas (b007jtst)
Heiress Maud Knollyes increasingly believes her life is in danger...
Conclusion of Sheridan le Fanu's Victorian gothic horror novel dramatised by Alan Drury.
Maud .... Teresa Gallagher
Silas ... George Cole
Madame de la Rougierre .... Dorothy Tutin
Lady Monica Knollys ... Joan Sims
Mary Quince .... Kathleen Byron
Milly ... Jane Whittenshaw
Dudley .... Jonathan Keeble
Zamiel .... George A Cooper
Beauty .... Becky Hindley
Sarah Mangles ...Linda Regan
Wyatt .... Pauline Letts
Tom Brice ..... Roger May
The Coachman ..... Stephen Critchlow
Mrs Sewell ..... Joan Littlewood
Dr Bryerly .....John Hartley
Pianist: Michael Haslam
Director: Enyd Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1995.
SAT 04:00 It's Not What You Know (b01ckr46)
Series 1
Episode 2
Joining Miles this time round are "The Thick Of It" star, Rebecca Front, Fast Show actor and character comedian, Simon Day, and award-winning Geordie comic, Jason Cook, all of whom have nominated one of their intimate circle to answer questions about their relationship, in an attempt to prove how well they know them.
If the panel can predict the responses their nominees gave, they get points.
Rebecca thinks she knows her father, Charles Front, a retired illustrator and calligrapher, pretty well. Simon examines his relationship with best friend, Conrad Butlin, a stylist from Notting Hill in London. And Jason plumps for his mother, Pat, a recruitment consultant from Hebburn in Newcastle - and, it turns out, something of a Loose Women fan...
Producer: Sam Michell.
SAT 04:30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (b007jzhn)
Episode 2
After a contretemps with a haddock, the shy solicitor's clerk gains a guide and makes a move.
Richard Griffiths returns as the shy solicitor's clerk, Edgar Finchley, in a second series of adventures written by Victor Canning.
Lawrence Hume ...... Piers Gibbon
Marie Peters ...... Serena Evans
Robert Gillespie ...... James Cohen
Madame Mignard ...... Jacqueline Tong
Waiter ...... Keith Anderson
Narrated by James Villiers.
Adapted for radio by Andy and Eric Merriman.
Producer: Gareth Edwards
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in June 1994.
SAT 05:00 Charles Dickens (b00sb96j)
Sketches by Boz: Series 2
Horatio Sparkins
The socially ambitious Maldertons are delighted when their unmarried daughter receives the attentions of the romantic Mr Sparkins.
But who exactly is he?
Gloriously comic stories of London Life by Charles Dickens - dramatised by Stephen Wyatt.
Boz ...... Nicholas Farrell
Mr Malderton ...... DavidHaig
Mrs Malderton ...... Tessa Worsley
Teresa Malderton ...... Sarah-Jane Holm
Thomas Malderton ...... Adrian Schiller
Horatio Sparkins ...... Julian Rhind-Tutt
Flamwell ...... Patrick Barlow
Director: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1999
SAT 05:30 The Absolutely Radio Show (m000700w)
Series 3
Episode 3
The hugely popular sketch show returns for a third series on BBC Radio 4. Pete Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy and John Sparkes revisit some of their much-loved characters, and also introduce some newcomers.
Absolutely was a big hit on Channel Four in the late 80s and early 90s. In 2013, the group got back together for the Sketchorama: Absolutely Special for BBC Radio 4 - winning a BBC Audio Drama Award in the Best Live Scripted Comedy category. The Absolutely Radio Show followed, with the first two series picking up Celtic Media Award nominations for Best Radio Comedy, while the second series was also nominated for a BBC Audio Drama Award in 2018.
In the third episode of the series, Calum Gilhooley visits his optician and makes a good point for possibly the first time ever, The Rev McMinn saves his Minimart from chemical attack, and we meet Social Media Blogger and Influencer Susie Twip. From the archive, we hear the "See it. Say it. Sort it." campaign in action.
Written and Performed by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy and John Sparkes
Production Manager Sarah Tombling
Recording Engineer Dave Murricane
Editor Pete Baikie
Producer Gus Beattie
Producer Gordon Kennedy
BBC Executive Sioned Wiliam
Recording Venue The Oran Mor, Glasgow
An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4
SAT 06:00 Drama (b053rz5r)
Unmade Movies
Harold Pinter's Victory
Harold Pinter's screenplay of Josef Conrad's last major novel, in a special adaptation for radio by Sir Richard Eyre.
It's 1900 in the Dutch East Indies. Disenchanted with life and humanity, Heyst, a mysterious Swedish Baron, lives alone on a deserted island.
He believes he can avoid suffering by cutting himself off from others, but his life is altered when he visits the neighbouring island for a doctor's check up. Here he meets and falls in love with Lena, a young English violinist, travelling across the Pacific with a small commercial ladies Orchestra.
Surrounded by predatory older men, including the hotel manager Schomberg, she is drawn to Heyst and the sense of mystery that surrounds him. Together, in the middle of the night, they escape by boat to his island.
Narrator ...... Simon Russell Beale
Heyst ...... Bjarne Henriksen
Lena ...... Vanessa Kirby
Davidson ...... Matthew Marsh
Ricardo ...... Mark Strong
Jones ...... Robert Portal
Schomberg ...... Patrick O'Kane
Mrs Schomberg ...... Helen Schelesinger
Pedro ...... Martin Marquez
Chang ...... Paul Chan
Mrs Zangiacomo ...... Flaminea Cinque
Sound Design: John Leonard and Wilfredo Acosta
Director: Richard Eyre
Producer: Laurence Bowen
A Feelgood Fiction production for BBC Radio 4.
SAT 07:30 Roy Hudd - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat! (b0169n6w)
A Proper Cuppa Coffee
A comic celebration of the words and music of renowned songwriters RP Weston and Bert Lee.
Starring Roy Hudd as Bert Weston and Billy Dainty as Bert Lee.
Devised and written by Roy Hudd.
Musical arrangements by Ian Smith.
Producer: Jonathan James-Moore
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in November 1982.
SAT 08:00 World Book Club (b098ply0)
Judith Kerr - When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
Much-loved German-born, British author and illustrator Judith Kerr talks to Harriett Gilbert about her classic children's novel, When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit.
Set during the Second World War, this semi-autobiographical novel traces the story of a young Jewish girl and her family who flee Berlin just as the Nazis come to power. The journey of a family splintered by conflict, driven by fear and eventually rewarded with reunion is seen through the eyes of the nine-year-old Anna.
Judith Kerr's novel, by turns heart-lifting and heart-rending has stood the test of time. It continues to be enjoyed by readers of all ages to this day.
First broadcast on the BBC World Service in March 2016.
SAT 08:50 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lxhb3)
Series 1
Birds of Paradise
Sir David Attenborough talks about the Birds of Paradise, a group of birds which evolved in the relative safety of New Guinea, allowing them to acquire adornments and feathered decorations so resplendent that they fooled the early explorers who discovered them.
Series of talks by Sir David on the natural histories of creatures and plants from around the world.
Producer: Julian Hector.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra in 2009.
SAT 09:00 Billy Bragg's Changing Times (m0007497)
These are fractious times. But there have been fractious times before. And of all the ways of looking at history, the instinctive reactions of artists, specifically musicians, to changing times, is one of the most fascinating.
From Hamish Henderson to Tom Robinson, the Sex Pistols to U2, and more recently Radiohead and Stormzy, protest music has come a long way.
In this programme, Billy Bragg takes time to savour and share the stories of great moments where musicians were inspired by unfolding events to protest, to perform and to preach of an alternative way.
Along the way there will be contributions from author’s, artists and academics who have seen technology transform the way in which people create and listen to protest songs. And there will be a chance to hear from those producing protest music in the era of Brexit, Trump and fake news.
SAT 12:00 Best Behaviour (b05vfjtm)
Episode 3
Holly Walsh presents the comedy panel show that lays down the law of modern manners.
The guest panellists are comedians Richard Herring, Helen Zaltzman and Lloyd Langford, who are all pitching their ideas for new best behaviour rules to tackle modern life.
In this edition, the etiquette of travel is under comic scrutiny - including how to solve the phenomenon of 'man-spreading' on public transport, the need to ban emoticons from text messages, and the modern menace of cycling on pavements.
The panel also tackles the tricky etiquette problem of a member of the studio audience - 'how do I get out of nodding to the stranger I walk past every day when walking to work?'
Producer: Aled Evans
A Zeppotron production for BBC Radio 4.
SAT 12:30 Living with the Enemy (b0077154)
Episode 1
Sitcom written by and starring Nick Revell and Gyles Brandreth who play an alternative comedian-turned-holistic therapist and a Tory MP turned media figure.
Gyles Brandon ...... Gyles Brandreth
Nick Reynolds ...... Nick Revell
With Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Martin Hyder and Nathan Caton.
Producer: Ed Morrish
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2006.
SAT 13:00 House Rules (m0007499)
Series 2 (Omnibus)
Second series omnibus of Ben Lewis’s witty real-time drama set around a kitchen table at the weekly meetings of an argumentative yet lovable blended family.
Drawing on her experience as Assistant Chairperson of the Key Stage 3 Debating Society, 14 year-old Amelia has established her very own weekly meetings at home.
Every Monday evening, gavel in hand, Amelia calls the Washburn McGintys together to air their grievances and attempt to resolve their problems.
But with a new baby due any day, and grandmother Jan still living in the house, there’s an air of uncertainty around what kind of a future the family hope to share.
Amelia … Cleo Demetriou
Jan … Barbara Flynn
Sean… Jonathan Forbes
Nicole … Claire Rushbrook
Callum … Elliot Speller-Gillott
Director Kirsty Williams
First broadcast in five parts on BBC Radio 4 in 2019
SAT 14:10 Inheritance Tracks (m000749f)
Bryn Terfel
Bryn Terfel chooses National Anthem ‘Hen Wlad fy Nhadau’ by James James and Eli Jenkin's Prayer by Dylan Thomas and AHD Troyte.
SAT 14:15 Pam Ayres' Open Road (b007kdbd)
Series 1
The Welsh Valleys
Pam returns to Wales to see how the valleys have been transformed since she first visited as a teenager in the 1970s, when the landscape was black with coal dust.
Series in which poet and raconteuse, Pam Ayres takes to the open road, visiting eight places in Britain to hear tales from the people who live there.
Producer: Simon Elmes
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in 2000.
SAT 14:45 Ernest Fontwell versus the Experts (m000749h)
The Medical Experts
Frank Thornton ponders on how to beat the medical experts at their own game.
Written by Lawrie Wyman.
Starring Frank Thornton as Ernest Fontwell.
With Patsy Rowlands, David Tate and John Baddeley
Producer: Geoffrey Perkins
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1979.
SAT 15:00 World Book Club (b098ply0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
SAT 15:50 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lxhb3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:50 today]
SAT 16:00 Drama (b053rz5r)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
SAT 17:30 Roy Hudd - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat! (b0169n6w)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
SAT 18:00 Mike Walker - 2025 (b00hy94c)
Episode 1
It's a future where computers rule and the possibility of artificial intelligence has become a reality.
Mike Walker's futuristic two-part sci-fi serial.
Irena ...... Alphonsia Emmanuel
Olivia ...... Mona Hammond
Dr Beth David ...... Daniela Nardini
Henry ...... David Yip
Anno ...... Su-Lin Looi
Praeger ...... John Rowe
Dr Finzey ...... Alastair Danson
Kate ...... Rachel Atkins as Kate
Capstick ...... Gerard McDermott
Terry Gupta ...... Ravin J Ganatra
Director: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1998.
SAT 19:00 Billy Bragg's Changing Times (m0007497)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
SAT 22:00 The Price of Happiness (b060724p)
Series 1
A Big White Wedding
Stand-up poet Kate Fox explores some of the things she doesn't want and has cheerfully failed to achieve in life, despite feeling society constantly reminds her that, as a woman, she should.
This time, Kate looks at the subject of "A Big White Wedding". Is it every little girl's dream to be walked down the aisle feeling like a Disney Princess, looking like she's been swallowed by taffeta? What if you're more Lightwater Valley Lass than Disney Princess?
Kate got married in a lighthouse, with guests waiting to cross the causeway because the lighthouse keeper drew up the wrong tide times. The wedding cost under a thousand pounds and guests brought their own food. To Kate, it was perfect. But would this somewhat unconventional day cost other brides their wedding smiles?
Statistics show that males and females still divide domestic duties up in traditional ways, although in Kate's household these roles are almost completely reversed. Is there such a thing as the perfect formula for marriage or is it a tradition as outdated as Morris Dancing with only slightly fewer hankies and bells?
Kate Fox is a comedian and poet from the North East of England. She has contributed poems and comic pieces to many Radio 4 shows including Saturday Live, Wondermentalist Cabaret, From Fact to Fiction, Woman's Hour and Arthur Smith's Balham Bash.
Producer: Lianne Coop
An Impatient production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 2015
SAT 22:30 Revolting People (b0089mbr)
Series 3
Young Love
Captain Brimshaw receives fresh orders from his father - to return to England and marry his cousin...
Sitcom set just before the American War of Independence,
Written by Andy Hamilton and Jay Tarses.
McGurk ...... Andy Hamilton
Samuel ...... Jay Tarses
Captain Brimshaw ...... James Fleet
Mary ...... Jan Ravens
Joshua ...... Tony Maudsley
Lord Brimshaw ...... Hugh Dennis
Emily ...... Penelope Nice
Producer: Paul Mayhew-Archer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2004.
SAT 23:00 Mark Steel - Who Do I Think I Am? (b08drbx2)
"I've always known I was adopted, even before I knew where babies who weren't adopted came from."
The surprising, moving and incredibly funny story about what Mark Steel discovered in his half-hearted attempt to navigate the red tape required to track down his birth mother.
A special performance of his critically acclaimed stand-up show recorded at the BBC Radio Theatre, London.
"It never really bothered me that I'd never met my mum. It never occurred to me I needed to meet her to 'find out who I was', as it didn't seem likely I'd discover I was someone different to who I thought I was. Could it turn out I was three stone lighter than I thought, or I spoke Italian or supported Arsenal or had a fear of Liquorice Allsorts? But after the birth of my own son, I realised it's quite an event to have a child, and she may well remember giving birth to me, and maybe even the adoption..."
Written and performed by Mark Steel.
Producer: Carl Cooper
A BBC Studios Production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 2017.
SUN 00:00 Mike Walker - 2025 (b00hy94c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Saturday]
SUN 01:00 House Rules (m0007499)
[Repeat of broadcast at
13:00 on Saturday]
SUN 02:10 Inheritance Tracks (m000749f)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:10 on Saturday]
SUN 02:15 Pam Ayres' Open Road (b007kdbd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Saturday]
SUN 02:45 Ernest Fontwell versus the Experts (m000749h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Saturday]
SUN 03:00 World Book Club (b098ply0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 on Saturday]
SUN 03:50 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lxhb3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:50 on Saturday]
SUN 04:00 Drama (b053rz5r)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Saturday]
SUN 05:30 Roy Hudd - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat! (b0169n6w)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Saturday]
SUN 06:00 Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (Omnibus) (b00cz223)
Episode 2
Beautiful Emma Bovary is planning to elope with her lover, Rodolphe.
A French masterpiece of betrayal and wantonness; the first great novel of adultery starring John Hurt..
Narrator ...... John Hurt
Charles ...... Conrad Nelson
Emma ...... Sarah Smart
Rodolphe Boulanger ...... Jude Akuwudike
Madame Bovary Snr ...... Brigit Forsyth
Monsieur Lheureux ...... Seamus O'Neill
Felicite ...... Sarah Jane Hallworth
Gustave Flaubert's novel is dramatised by Diana Griffiths from a translation by Margaret Mauldon.
Omnibus of the last five of ten episodes.
Producer: Pauline Harris
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2006.
SUN 07:15 Victorian Love Stories (m00074gh)
Ellen T Fowler - An Old Wife's Tale
A man recounts how he saved his wife-to-be in a house fire but could not save her sister...
Tales of requited and unrequited passion.
Hilary Neville reads Ellen T Fowler's short story.
Producer: Julia Butt
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2001.
SUN 07:30 Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On (b071whf9)
Series 1
Susan Calman is the least relaxed person she knows. She has no down time, no hobbies (unless you count dressing up your cats in silly outfits) and her idea of relaxation is to play Grand Theft Auto, an hour into which she is in a murderous rage with sky high blood pressure. Her wife had to threaten to divorce her to make her go on holiday last year. Her first for four years. But she's been told by the same long-suffering wife, that unless she finds a way to switch off, and soon, she's going to be unbearable.
So Susan is going to look at her options and try to immerse herself in the pursuits that her friends find relaxing, to find her inner zen and outer tranquillity. Each week she will ditch the old Susan Calman and attempt to find the new Susan Calm, in a typically British leisure pursuit; this week John Finnemore takes her on a spontaneous holiday, and in other episodes she goes hillwalking with Muriel Gray, watches a cricket match with Andy Zaltzman and visits an art gallery with Phil Jupitus.
Keep Calman Carry On is an audience stand up show in which Susan reports on how successful she's been - both at relaxing and at the pursuit itself - as well as playing in and discussing a handful of illustrative clips from her efforts. It's an attempt to find out how people find solace or sanctuary in these worlds and how Susan can negotiate her own place in them.
Produced by Lyndsay Fenner.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.
SUN 08:00 Whack-O! (b065y6qz)
A sneaky Sunday tabloid is after a school expose. Can Professor Jimmy Edwards fight back?
June Whitfield as Matron
Roddy Maude-Roxby as Aubrey Potter
Frederick Treves as Alfred Tennyson
Roger Shepherd as Lumley
Graham Aza as Figgins
Malcolm Ranson as Marvin
Richard McCarthy Michael Hammond
Starting life on BBC TV before transferring to radio, Chiselbury School is run "for the sons of gentlefolk".
Headmaster, Professor James Edwards, M.A. never misses a trick when it comes to exploiting the students and their parents. Sports pitches are given over to growing vegetables, which the boys nurture for their head to sell. Classes never exceed 95 pupils - 50 if private tuition is paid for at five guineas extra. It's only thanks to the efforts of the devoted deputy head, Mr Pettigrew, that the school exists at all.
Written by Frank Muir and Denis Norden and adapted for radio by David Climie.
Producer: Edward Taylor
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in August 1961.
SUN 08:30 Ray's a Laugh (m00074gk)
From 13/02/1959
Scramble for the eggsit as Ted and Kitty get cooped up with a hen.
Starring Ted Ray and Kitty Bluett.
With Kenneth Connor, Rosalind Knight and Laidman Browne.
Ray's A Laugh - the successor to ITMA - follows the comedy exploits of Ted's life at home with his 'radio' wife Kitty, as well as in a variety of jobs. It ran from 1949-1961.
Scripted by Bernard Botting and Charles Hart.
BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Paul Fenoulhet.
Producer: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in February 1959.
SUN 09:00 The Great Romantic (Omnibus) (m00074gm)
Neville Cardus described how one majestic stroke-maker 'made music' and 'spread beauty' with his bat. Between two world wars, he became the laureate of cricket by doing the same with words.
In The Great Romantic, award-winning author Duncan Hamilton demonstrates how Cardus changed sports journalism for ever. While popularising cricket - while appealing, in Cardus' words to people who 'didn't know a leg-break from the pavilion cat at Lord's'- he became a star in his own right with exquisite phrase-making, disdain for statistics and a penchant for literary and musical allusions.
Among those who venerated Cardus were PG Wodehouse, John Arlott, Harold Pinter, JB Priestley and Don Bradman. However, behind the rhapsody in blue skies, green grass and colourful characters, this richly evocative biography finds that Cardus' mother was a prostitute, he never knew his father and he received negligible education. Infatuations with younger women ran parallel to a decidedly unromantic marriage. And, astonishingly, the supreme stylist's aversion to factual accuracy led to his reporting on matches he never attended.
Yet Cardus also belied his impoverished origins to prosper in a second class-conscious profession, becoming a music critic of international renown. The Great Romantic uncovers the dark enigma within a golden age.
Read by Toby Jones
Abridged by Polly Coles
Produced by Clive Brill
A Brill Production for BBC Radio 4
SUN 10:10 The Listening Project (b081tkmh)
Nazli and Mariam – The Sound of Magic
Fi Glover introduces a conversation between artists about the exciting synergy they have found in shared projects. Another in the series that proves it's surprising what you hear when you listen.
The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Most of the unedited conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can learn more about The Listening Project by visiting
Producer: Marya Burgess
SUN 10:15 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b0722zk8)
Maggie Aderin-Pocock
From JS Bach to Stevie Wonder. Space scientist Maggie Aderin-Pocock shares her castaway choices with Kirsty Young. From March 2010.
SUN 11:00 The Moth Radio Hour (m00074gr)
Series 9
Hearing Voices
True stories told live in the USA: Sarah Austin Jenness introduces stories about the power of sound and trusting our ears.
The Moth is an acclaimed not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling based in the USA. Since 1997, it has celebrated both the raconteur and the storytelling novice, who has lived through something extraordinary and yearns to share it. Originally formed by the writer George Dawes Green as an intimate gathering of friends on a porch in Georgia (where moths would flutter in through a hole in the screen), and then recreated in a New York City living room, The Moth quickly grew to produce immensely popular events at theatres and clubs around New York City and later around the USA, the UK and other parts of the world.
The Moth has presented more than 15,000 stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. The Moth podcast is downloaded over 27 million times a year.
Featuring true stories told live on stage without scripts, from the humorous to the heart-breaking.
The Moth Radio Hour is produced by Jay Allison and Atlantic Public Media in Woods Hole, Massachusetts and is distributed by the Public Radio Exchange.
First heard on PRX in January 2019.
SUN 12:00 Whack-O! (b065y6qz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
SUN 12:30 Ray's a Laugh (m00074gk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
SUN 13:00 Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (Omnibus) (b00cz223)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
SUN 14:15 Victorian Love Stories (m00074gh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:15 today]
SUN 14:30 The Warlow Experiment (Omnibus) (m00074gv)
Episode 1
Herbert Powyss lives on an estate in the Welsh Marches, with enough time and income to pursue a gentleman’s fashionable investigation into botanical experimentation. But he longs to make his mark in the field of science – something consequential enough to present to The Royal Society in London.
Influenced by something he’s read, he decides to conduct a radical investigation into the Resilience of the Human Mind Without Society. He places an ad for a suitable guinea pig.
Only one man is desperate enough to apply for the job - a semi-literate, angry wife-basher.
What could possibly go wrong?
Omnibus of the first five of ten parts
Alix Nathan is the author of His Last Fire, a collection of short stories and the novel The Flight Of Sarah Battle.
Writer: Alix Nathan
Abridger: Jeremy Osborne
Reader: Robert Glenister
Producer: Karen Rose
A Sweet Talk production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 2019.
SUN 15:45 Parkmasters (b00773ph)
Edward Milner and the Lincoln Arboretum
Historian Tristam Hunt investigates the history of public parks: landscape gardener Edward Milner created a model template.
SUN 16:00 Charles Parker Prize 2019 (m00074h3)
The Charles Parker Prize is named after the famous radio producer who just over 60 years ago produced with Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger the series of innovative programmes which became known as the Radio Ballads. The award is given annually to the best features made by students studying radio and audio, at universities and colleges throughout the UK.
Charles’s daughter Sara Parker, herself an award-winning radio producer, introduces the five running-up finalists and their award-winning features, as part of this year’s extended celebrations, marking the centenary of Charles Parker’s birth.
This programme features this year’s five runner-up features, produced by; Jordan Blyth, Sam Ross, Lucy Ryan, Eddie Scott, and Faith Waddell. The five winners, including the Gold centenary prize recipient, can be heard all next week in the series ‘New Storytellers’ on BBC Radio 4.
Producer: Jay Sykes
A Soundscape Production for BBC Radio 4 Extra.
SUN 17:00 Poetry Extra (m00074h7)
Two Poets
Poet Daljit Nagra revisits the BBC's radio poetry archive and chooses ‘Two Poets’ featuring Les Murray to commemorate the Australian writer who died in April 2019.
The poetry of Australian Les Murray opens up a new world for Daniel Tammet, an autistic savant for whom words are filled with colour and numbers have become friends.
”Belonging is something that other people decide for you,” says the internationally acclaimed author Daniel Tammet, who is on the highly functional end of the autism spectrum. ”I wanted desperately to belong when I was growing up.”
This feature is about the power of poetry. And about seeing the world differently from everyone around you. In Daniel's world, four is shy, six a little sad. Numbers and words come easy to him. And he never forgets - once, he recited 22154 digits of Pi from memory. On another occasion, he learned Icelandic in a week.
We meet Daniel in Paris where he lives as an author, poet and translator. We hear about his early life in suburban London, about getting lost in his own mind while walking to school, trying to learn social skills as he would later learn a language. Then, one day, he stumbles across a book by the Australian poet Les Murray.
It transforms his life.
Les Murray's poetry gives him a language he understands. He recognises himself completely in Murray's words and sets about translating his poems into French. As a consequence, there's suddenly the possibility of the two poets meeting up, in person in Paris, when Les Murray asks Daniel to translate a poem about autism.
Presented and produced by Martin Johnson
A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2017.
SUN 17:30 Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On (b071whf9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
SUN 18:00 John Wyndham - Trouble with Lichen (b007k3cz)
Episode 2
Perturbed by her boss's silence over the mysterious properties of the lichen, Diana secretly begins her own investigation. Read by Joanna Tope.
SUN 18:30 The Price of Fear (b01s7w2d)
The Specialty of the House
Prince of terror Vincent Price recounts a culinary tale which leaves a bitter taste.
Co-starring Hugh Burden, Francis de Wolfe, William Sleigh and Vernon Joyner.
Written by Stanley Ellin and dramatised by Barry Campbell.
Producer: John Dyas
First broadcast on the BBC World Service in 1974.
SUN 19:00 The Moth Radio Hour (m00074gr)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
SUN 20:00 The Great Romantic (Omnibus) (m00074gm)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
SUN 21:10 The Listening Project (b081tkmh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:10 today]
SUN 21:15 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b0722zk8)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:15 today]
SUN 22:00 Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On (b071whf9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
SUN 22:30 Sean Lock - 15 Storeys High (b09hmjts)
Series 1
Episode 1
Living at flat 76, Sean Lock shares the comic lives of fellow urban residents of Elderberry House. With Jenny Eclair. From 1999.
SUN 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (m00079nb)
The Comedy Club Interview: Abigoliah Schamaun 2/2
10.00pm until midnight, seven days a week, the Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. Arthur Smith talks to Abigoliah Schamaun.
SUN 23:00 Small Scenes (b071x4ny)
Series 3
Episode 1
Award-winning sketch series starring Daniel Rigby, Mike Wozniak, Cariad Lloyd, Henry Paker and Jessica Ransom. Featuring more overblown, melodramatic scenes from modern life, such as a woman who uncovers the conspiracy behind cryptic crosswords, a saxophonist who is tortured by his inability to play the solo from Baker Street and what happens if you buy Chris de Burgh's old house.
Written by Benjamin Partridge, Henry Paker and Mike Wozniak, with additional material from the cast.
Produced by Simon Mayhew-Archer.
SUN 23:30 Chris Addison's Civilization (b00f2zsd)
A Working Society
The thinking idiot's anthropologist charts the bumpy evolution of the Western world. With Dan Tetsell. From April 2006.
MON 00:00 John Wyndham - Trouble with Lichen (b007k3cz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Sunday]
MON 00:30 The Price of Fear (b01s7w2d)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Sunday]
MON 01:00 Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (Omnibus) (b00cz223)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Sunday]
MON 02:15 Victorian Love Stories (m00074gh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:15 on Sunday]
MON 02:30 The Warlow Experiment (Omnibus) (m00074gv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Sunday]
MON 03:45 Parkmasters (b00773ph)
[Repeat of broadcast at
15:45 on Sunday]
MON 04:00 Charles Parker Prize 2019 (m00074h3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:00 on Sunday]
MON 05:00 Poetry Extra (m00074h7)
[Repeat of broadcast at
17:00 on Sunday]
MON 05:30 Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On (b071whf9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Sunday]
MON 06:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125j6y)
SJ Watson - Before I Go to Sleep
Episode 1
What if you lost your memory every time you went to sleep?
How would you cope with having to relearn your history every day only to lose it again?
In SJ Watson's desperately compelling and ambitious debut thriller, a woman has no memory of who she is.
She lives in the suburbs cared for by her husband, she can't work, she doesn't have any friends, she's trying to live a normal life but she can't remember anything when she wakes up in the morning. Slowly she starts to try and rebuild her memory, to piece together what has happened to her, who she is.
This is Christine's story.
This Debut thriller has been attracting a lot of attention and is part of Radio 4 Extra's Book at Beachtime Special Season.
Abridged by Alison Joseph
Read by Stella Gonet
Produced by Lucy Collingwood
MON 06:30 Ella in Berlin (b01s09z5)
Jazz singers Cleveland Watkiss and Dame Cleo Laine listen to Ella Fitzgerald's Mac the Knife, when she forgot the words in Berlin on 13 February 1960, and then have a go themselves.
For post-war Germany jazz, which had been banned under Hitler, was the music of freedom. When Norman Granz first brought his Jazz at the Philharmonic tours to Europe in the 1950s, Germans flocked to the concerts and Oscar Peterson and Ella Fitzgerald were soon firm favourites.
In February 1960, the German part of the tour opened in Berlin. Mac the Knife, from Brecht's Threepenny Opera, had been a number one for Bobby Darin for nine weeks the previous year, and Ella's friend Louis Armstrong had a hit with it in 1956. But Ella had never sung it. As a tribute to the people of Berlin, she decided she would. She did, but not the version they knew. Yet it was this
improvisation that would win her two Grammy awards.
Cleveland Watkiss, for whom Ella Fitzgerald has always been an inspiration, explores her virtuoso improvisation and scat-singing, in the company of another virtuoso performer, Dame Cleo Laine. They hear from people who were there that night in the Deutschlandhalle, including tour manager, Fritz Rau, pianist Paul Smith and guitarist Jim Hall, and from the author of a forthcoming cultural biography of Ella Fitzgerald, Judith Tick.
Cleveland Watkiss won the London Jazz Award for Best Vocalist in 2010 and was voted Wire/Guardian Jazz Awards best vocalist for three consecutive years. He's had a life-long passion for Cleo Laine and finally had the opportunity to meet - and sing with - her in the course of making this programme!
Producer: Marya Burgess
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2013.
MON 07:00 Lucky Heather (b0075s9h)
Recently widowed Denis hires Heather to trace his first love Yvonne.
Just this side of nosey, Heather is western movie-mad. She's also the Sherlock Holmes of the rundown Sutter Estate.
Sue Teddern's six-part comedy series star Lindsey Coulson as Heather. (Carol Jackson in BBC TV's EastEnders until 2015)
With Abigail Hart as Natalie, Ben Crowe as Ryan, Tom George as Craig, Beth Chalmers as Lisa and Dearbhla Molloy as Maev.
Director: David Hunter
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2000.
MON 07:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (m0006zxs)
Series 71
Episode 5
The 71st series of the multi award-winning comedy panel game chaired by Jack Dee
MON 08:00 A Very Private Man (b09hd8xy)
Series 1
Episode 3
A romantic reconciliation meal does not go as planned for David and Helen Parkinson.
Rodney Bewes stars in Terry Gregson's north v south sitcom.
David Parkinson ...... Rodney Bewes
Helen Parkinson ...... Ann Bell
Mrs Henderson ...... Daphne Oxenford
Mrs Arthur ...... Paula Tildrook
Mr Sands ...... Peter Wheeler
Produced at BBC Manchester by Ron McDonnell.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in February 1981.
MON 08:30 Dad's Army (b007jmrm)
Series 2
If the Cap Fits
Captain Mainwaring decides to promote fractious Private Frazer with some unexpected results.
Starring Arthur Lowe as Captain Mainwaring, John Le Mesurier as Sergeant Wilson, Clive Dunn as Corporal Jones, John Laurie as Private Frazer, Ian Lavender as Private Pike and Arnold Ridley as Godfrey.
Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV scripts by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1975.
MON 09:00 The Museum of Curiosity (b04nrmgx)
Series 7
Episode 6
This week, the Professor of Ignorance John Lloyd and his curator Phill Jupitus welcome
Neil Innes, either a musical comedian or a comedy musician or possibly both. He was the third member of the surreal psychedelic jazz pop fusion combo the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band; is acknowledged as the seventh member of the Monty Python team; and was, according to some authorities, the 33rd member of the Beatles.
Dr Bradley Garrett, a writer, photographer urban explorer and researcher at Oxford University. He is perhaps the only academic whose studies have resulted in hanging onto a crane at the top of the Shard, being arrested on the tarmac at Heathrow for criminal damage and trespassing on private property over 300 times in more than eight countries.
Isabel Berncke, a scientist who grew up in the wild mountains of Chile but moved to the UK to study in London, Cambridge and Oxford. She's a doctor of cognitive and evolutionary anthropology, but her research interests include neuroscience, music, primatology, poetry, ethnology, complexity theory, behavioural ecology and hobbits.
This week, the Museum's Steering Committee discusses wrapping the Angel of the North up warm, penis fencing, the lowest-rated prime-time show in American TV history, London's secret rivers, what makes a tree laugh and why we should stupidity should be put in an institution.
The show was researched by James Harkin and Molly Oldfield of QI.
The producers were Richard Turner and Dan Schreiber.
MON 09:30 Street and Lane (b00vdbvk)
Series 1
Singing Detectives
The intrepid Yorkshire builders take on work experience Tina, but how will the lass do? Stars Nick Lane. From September 2005.
MON 10:00 Classic Serial (b01d2bxg)
Out of the Hitler Time
When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit
The story of a Jewish family forced to flee from Germany in 1933 - told from the perspective of nine-year-old Anna.
The first book of Judith Kerr's internationally acclaimed trilogy dramatised by Beaty Rubens.
Young Anna ... Lauren Mote
Max ... Hugo Docking
Mama ... Adjoa Andoh
Papa ... Paul Moriarty
Julius ... James Lailey
Elsbeth ... Xenia Mainelli
Omama ... Eleanor Bron
Fraulein Lambeck ... Tracy Wiles
Aunt Sarah ... Sheila Steafel
Herr Rosenfeld ... Gerard McDermott
Passport Officer ... Christopher Webster
Concierge ... Alex Rivers
Director: David Hunter
MON 11:00 TED Radio Hour (m00074kc)
Series 5
Wired For Altruism
A journey through fascinating ideas based on talks by riveting speakers on the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) stage.
Guy Raz explores ideas about altruism – what motivates or limits us to be altruistic, and do we ever go too far?
First broadcast in the USA on National Public Radio in 2017.
MON 11:50 Inheritance Tracks (b093ph7x)
Anoushka Shankar
Sitar player and composer Anoushka Shankar chooses 'Tana Mana' and 'Shanti Mantra', both by her musician father Ravi Shankar.
MON 12:00 A Very Private Man (b09hd8xy)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
MON 12:30 Dad's Army (b007jmrm)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
MON 13:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125j6y)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
MON 13:30 Ella in Berlin (b01s09z5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
MON 14:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v328h)
Mary Costello - Academy Street
Episode 6
Mary Costello's acclaimed debut – shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award - traces the arc of a quiet woman's life: from Tess Lohan's childhood in 1940s rural Ireland through to her emigration to America and a career as a nurse in New York.
Flooded with feelings of confusion and shame, Tess is left reeling in the aftermath of her brief affair with David.
Read by Niamh Cusack
Written by Mary Costello
Abridged by Kirsteen Cameron
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
MON 14:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dk87y)
A Blooming Tree of Life
The new science of DNA sequencing during the 1990's would not only lead to the mapping of complete human and plant genomes but it was to also revolutionise the classification for flowering plants. For the first time, rather than the 200 year old tradition of classifying plants just on their shape and structures, scientists could begin to infer how closely plants were related by examining the differences in DNA between different families and species.
Kathy Willis examines the story of how new connections between plants were uncovered that appearance alone could never have suggested. She talks to Kew's Mark Chase, leader of the Angiosperm Plant Phylogeny Group - an international group of scientists who pioneered this work, and hears how this molecular analysis was to rewrite some of the many assumptions that we've made about close relationships within and between plant families.
Kathy also hears from plant morphologist Paula Rudell on how detailed pollen analysis was to back up some of the controversial findings that this work was suggesting The practical implications of this new way of classifying are huge and could open the way to identifying new plants for medicinal use, and help accurately determine the ability of plants to withstand future environmental change.
With additional contributions from Kew taxonomist Gwil Lewis and historian Jim Endersby
Producer Adrian Washbourne.
MON 14:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00074kf)
Episode 1
Lynne Reid Banks' sequel to The L-Shaped Room begins with unmarried Jane living with her small baby in the cottage inherited from her aunt.
One night she has a surprise visitor.
Dramatised by Juliet Ace
Jane ...... Lynne Seymour
Dottie .....Rachel Atkins
Toby ......John McAndrew
Henry .... Simon Ludders
Father .... Don McCorkindale
Billy Lee ...Lesley Rooney
Alan ....... Keiron Self
Mrs Stephens ...... Manon Edwards
Dora ......Siriol Jenkins
Director: Alison Hindell
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 n May 2005.
MON 14:45 Book of the Week (b04gr47w)
Alan Johnson - Please, Mr Postman
Episode 1
In July 1969, while the Rolling Stones played a free concert in Hyde Park, future Cabinet Minister Alan Johnson and his young family left West London to start a new life. The Britwell Estate in Slough, notorious among the locals, came as a blessed relief after the tensions of London's troubled Notting Hill, and the local community welcomed them with open arms.
Alan Johnson had become a postman the previous year and, in order to support his growing family, took on every bit of overtime he could, often working twelve-hour shifts six days a week. It was hard work, but not without its compensations – the crafty fag snatched in a country lane, the farmer's wife offering a hearty breakfast and even the mysterious lady on Glebe Road who appeared daily, topless, at her window as the postman passed by.
Please, Mister Postman paints a vivid picture of England in the 1970s, where no celebration was complete without a Party Seven of Watney's Red Barrel, smoking was the norm rather than the exception, and Sunday lunchtime was about beer and bingo. But as Alan Johnson's life appears to be settling down and his career in the Union of Postal Workers begins to take off, his close-knit family is struck once again by tragedy.
Epsiode 1:
Christmas 1967 and a teenage Alan Johnson is a shelf stacker at Anthony Jackson's supermarket in East Sheen. He dreams of pop stardom, but the need for money and a chance meeting at his sister's Christmas party change his life in unexpected ways.
Read by Alan Johnson
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4
MON 15:00 Classic Serial (b01d2bxg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
MON 16:00 The Museum of Curiosity (b04nrmgx)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
MON 16:30 Street and Lane (b00vdbvk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
MON 17:00 Lucky Heather (b0075s9h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
MON 17:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (m0006zxs)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
MON 18:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vvb)
The Twelve Wild Ducks
A Norwegian version of Snow White, involving 13 siblings, enchantment and a very wicked stepmother. Read by Eileen McCallum.
MON 18:15 15 Minute Drama (b09pkyy1)
The Truth About Hawaii
Storm Warning
Potent and playful drama set in a near-future in which doctors can no longer prescribe antibiotics. By award-winning dramatist, Oliver Emanuel.
Sarah is 10 years old. She scratched her knee, developed an infection and when that infection threatened her life, her parents agreed to have her leg amputated.
Angry and blaming the government's policy, her brother's tweeted an image of Sarah in hospital. Now the outside world is waking up to the reality of a society without antibiotics.
The Truth About Hawaii was developed through Wellcome Experimental Stories in consultation with Prof. Joanna Coast (Professor in the Economics of Health & Care, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol) and Dr Adam Roberts (Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
Consultants: Prof Joanna Coast and Dr Adam Roberts
Director: Kirsty Williams.
MON 18:30 A Good Read (b00cdr81)
Andrea Catherwood and Tom Standage
Sue MacGregor and her guests, the journalist Tom Standage and television presenter Andrea Catherwood, discuss some favourite books. From July 2008.
Union Street by Pat Barker
Publ: Virago Modern Classics
The Gift of Stones by Jim Crace
Publ: Picador /Pan Macmillan
A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines
Publ: Serpent's Tail Limited
MON 19:00 A Very Private Man (b09hd8xy)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
MON 19:30 Dad's Army (b007jmrm)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
MON 20:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125j6y)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
MON 20:30 Ella in Berlin (b01s09z5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
MON 21:00 TED Radio Hour (m00074kc)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
MON 21:50 Inheritance Tracks (b093ph7x)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:50 today]
MON 22:00 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (m0006zxs)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
MON 22:30 Clare in the Community (b00hklfr)
Series 5
Name Calling
Clare Barker the social worker with all the politically correct jargon but none of the practical solutions.
Society itself has improved little, so there are still plenty of challenges out there for an involved, caring social worker. Or even Clare.
The Sony Award Winning comedy, Clare in the Community, stars Sally Phillips as Clare Barker the social worker and control freak who likes nothing better than interfering in other people's lives on both a professional and personal basis. Clare is in her early thirties, white, middle class and heterosexual, all of which are occasional causes of discomfort to her.
The last series saw the personal and professional lives of Clare and her team shaken around and shuffled about, but it is in the nature of hell to be unchanging, and all are present and correct for a further round of frustration, despair, disappointment, team meetings and eleven o'clock cakes.
Clare ..... Sally Phillips
Brian ..... Alex Lowe
Helen ..... Liza Tarbuck
Ray ..... Richard Lumsden
Megan/Nali ..... Nina Conti
Irene ..... Ellen Thomas
Simon ..... Andrew Wincott
Schoolgirl ..... Donnla Hughes
Written by Harry Venning and David Ramsden
Produced by Katie Tyrrell
MON 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (m00079rj)
The Comedy Club Interview: Melinda Hughes 1/2
10.00pm until midnight, seven days a week, the Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. Laura Lexx talks to Melinda Hughes.
MON 23:00 Lobby Land (m00070zk)
Series 2
Risky Business
As Boris enters Number 10 and Britain melts in a heat-wave, the Hot Takes journalists follow the only reasonable course of action - hole up at home and turn off the news. Can the peace last?
Starring Yasmine Akram, Charlie Higson, Cariad Lloyd, Dan Tetsell and Daniel Lawrence Taylor.
Written by Jon Harvey, Christopher Davies and Sarah Dempster
With additional material by Laura Major and Dan Tetsell
Produced by Jon Harvey
A Naked production for BBC Radio 4
MON 23:30 Radio Active (b007k1r1)
Series 4
David Chizzlenutt
The Radio Active Rep perform Dickens's literary classic - live
Starring Helen Atkinson-Wood, Angus Deayton, Geoffrey Perkins, Philip Pope and Michael Fenton-Stevens.
Music by Philip Pope.
Written by Angus Deayton, Geoffrey Perkins with John Cantor, Moray Hunter, John Docherty and Michael Fenton-Stevens.
Producer: Jamie Rix
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1984.
TUE 00:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vvb)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Monday]
TUE 00:15 15 Minute Drama (b09pkyy1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:15 on Monday]
TUE 00:30 A Good Read (b00cdr81)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Monday]
TUE 01:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125j6y)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Monday]
TUE 01:30 Ella in Berlin (b01s09z5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Monday]
TUE 02:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v328h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Monday]
TUE 02:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dk87y)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Monday]
TUE 02:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00074kf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Monday]
TUE 02:45 Book of the Week (b04gr47w)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Monday]
TUE 03:00 Classic Serial (b01d2bxg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Monday]
TUE 04:00 The Museum of Curiosity (b04nrmgx)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 on Monday]
TUE 04:30 Street and Lane (b00vdbvk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 on Monday]
TUE 05:00 Lucky Heather (b0075s9h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Monday]
TUE 05:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (m0006zxs)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Monday]
TUE 06:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125m78)
SJ Watson - Before I Go to Sleep
Episode 2
What if you lost your memory every time you went to sleep?
How would you cope with having to relearn your history every day only to lose it again?
In SJ Watson's desperately compelling and ambitious debut thriller, a woman has no memory of who she is. She lives in the suburbs cared for by her husband, she can't work, she doesn't have any friends, she's trying to live a normal life but she can't remember anything when she wakes up in the morning. Slowly she starts to try and rebuild her memory, to piece together what has happened to her, who she is.
This is Christine's story.
Abridged by Alison Joseph
Read by Stella Gonet
Produced by Lucy Collingwood
TUE 06:30 The Oxbridge Murder (b00mtm9c)
Marking Cambridge University's 800th anniversary in 2009, David Baddiel investigates the events which led to its foundation and trace its origins to a crime committed in the 13th century.
With the help of Cambridge University archivist Dr Patrick Zutshi, medieval historian Henrietta Leyser and Detective Inspector Ted East, David discovers that the reason for a mass exodus of scholars from Oxford to Cambridge can be traced back to a murder. He walks the very streets where the murder took place and visits Oxford Castle, where some believe those accused of the murder were hanged.
He then takes a punt up the River Cam, where he is joined by members of the Cambridge Historical Society for a discussion about town and gown rivalry and also some of the amusing myths surrounding the university's foundation.
Finally, David visits St Mary's Church, where Cambridge's new student body met for their first lectures and ceremonies.
TUE 07:00 Living with the Enemy (b007719g)
Episode 2
Can ex-minister Gyles manage to stay a little longer in Nick's flat? Stars Nick Revell and Gyles Brandreth. From November 2006.
TUE 07:30 Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers (m0006zvf)
Series 2
A new series of potentially misremembered anecdotes from Andy Hamilton.
Over this 4 part series, Andy will be sort of remembering tales about Sport, Class, Religion and Stupidity. Through comic observations and personal anecdotes he will explore each theme, examining how much (or how little) things have changed in the 60ish years he's been on this planet.
In this first episode Andy looks at Sport, a subject very close to his heart and something he’ll argue you should try and care about as well – however much of a non-fan you may claim to be! Expect heavy old leather footballs, annoyingly helpful cricket teammates and a round of golf interrupted by poisonous snakes.
Andy was born in Fulham in 1954, read English at Cambridge and then in 1976 began writing comedy for BBC Radio, on programmes like Week Ending and The News Huddlines. In 1990, he and Guy Jenkin created Drop the Dead Donkey for Channel 4. Andy has spent much of his working life making acute observations about politics and family life. In 2007, again with Guy Jenkin, he created the massive TV hit, Outnumbered, which celebrated the chaos of life with young children. More recently they created the highly topical Ballot Monkeys for Channel 4, which charted the absurdities of the General Election and then the EU Referendum. For over 20 years he has been playing the part of Satan in his Radio 4 sitcom, Old Harry's Game. Andy is also a popular panellist on shows such as The News Quiz and Have I Got News For You.
Featured clip acknowledgements::
Murray Walker – ITV - 1999 San Marino Grand Prix
Eddie Waring – BBC – Challenge Cup Final 1968
Peter O’Sullevan – BBC – Grand National 1977
Kenneth Wolstenholme – BBC – 1966 World Cup Final
Producer: Richard Morris
A BBC Studios Production
TUE 08:00 The Al Read Show (b008xzwj)
From 28/10/1995
Right monkey! Al takes a peek inside the world of horse racing.
A compilation of the legendary Northern comic's 1950s monologues.
Originally produced at BBC North by Ronnie Taylor
Compilation produced by Mike Craig.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in October 1995.
TUE 08:30 To the Manor Born (b007jm4q)
The Honours List
With news of a New Year's Honour for a villager, Audrey is nice to Devere.
Starring Penelope Keith as Audrey fforbes-Hamilton, Keith Barron as Richard DeVere, Angela Thorne as Marjory Frobisher, Nicholas McArdle as Brabinger, Margery Withers as Mrs Polouvicka, Frank Middlemass as Ned/Lord Shaw and Jonathan Adams as the Brigadier.
The tale of lady of the manor Audrey fforbes-Hamilton, forced to sell her beloved Grantleigh Estate when her husband's death leaves her financially strapped. With butler Brabinger in tow, they've decamped to the tiny Old Lodge cottage.
From this vantage point, Audrey keeps a close and disapproving eye on the estate's new owner, the nouveau-riche Richard DeVere, a wholesale foods magnate of Czech descendent.
First piloted on radio and then whisked off to TV before it ever appeared, before finally arriving home in 1997.
Adapted for radio by Peter Spence from his TV script.
Producer: Jane Berthoud
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in March 1997.
TUE 09:00 Lobby Land (m00070zk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
23:00 on Monday]
TUE 09:30 So On and So Forth (b05xx8x5)
Episode 2
Sketch group So On and So Forth features John Sheerman, Nick Gadd and Martin Allanson, with talented comedy actress Alison Thea-Skot recruited in 2014 to bring some class to the proceedings.
So On and So Forth is a sketch group with a very clear, slightly nihilistic perspective on the world. Everything is funny if you look at it the wrong way.
They formed as a group in 2010 and have been defining their particularly British style of sketch comedy ever since. They've tested out sketches on the comedy circuit, in pubs and theatres, including a full month at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2011 and several trips to Latitude and the Leicester Comedy Festival.
They have also recorded over 30 sketches which have been posted on their YouTube channel and collectively accrued almost 300,000 views to date.
In 2011 they won the Cofilmic award for Best Online Sketch, and one of their YouTube sketches found its way to the USA where it featured on Comedy Central's hit US show Tosh.0 as video of the week.
With one thing leading to another, the group were invited to perform in the second series of Sketchorama on Radio 4. It wasn't long until Radio 4 Comedy saw their potential and commissioned a four part series for the group.
Produced by Gus Beattie
A Comedy Unit production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 2015.
TUE 10:00 Classic Serial (b01dhcg6)
Out of the Hitler Time
Bombs on Aunt Dainty
Having been forced to flee the Nazis, Anna and her family have now arrived in London.
Both Anna and her brother Max face the challenges of life as refugees rather better than their parents.
The second book in Judith Kerr's trilogy dramatised by Beaty Rubens.
Anna ... Anna Madeley
Max ... Adam Billington
Mama ... Adjoa Andoh
Papa ... Paul Moriarty
Dainty ... Thelma Ruby
Louise ... Susan Engel
Mrs. Hammond ... Joanna Monro
Mrs. Riley ... Ann Beach
Barbara ... Tracy Wiles
Cotmore ... Gerard McDermott
George ... Harry Livingstone
Otto ... Jack Holden
Sam ... Malcolm Tierney
Director: David Hunter
TUE 11:00 Telling Tales (m00075mj)
Kit de Waal
After a career in criminal and family law, Kit de Waal started writing in her mid-40s and she was 51 when she finally went to university, completing an MA in Creative Writing.
My Name Is Leon, her debut novel, draws on Kit’s mixed race, working class background, as well as the insights she gained into adoption and the care system. After a six-way auction between publishers, Kit signed a lucrative book deal, and My Name Is Leon became an international bestseller in 2016.
Kit has just published her third novel, Becoming Dinah, her first foray into YA fiction and the debut for a new publishing imprint focused on female voices. It is a coming-of-age tale, and a re-imagining of the American classic Moby Dick, in which a female character comes to the fore.
Whilst her own story is of one of extraordinary success, Kit began to speak up about the lack of opportunity for working class writers and the need for a change in the stories appearing on bookshelves.
Kit also acted upon what she saw, setting up a creative writing scholarship for people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and compiling an anthology of working-class writers, titled Common People.
This episode features a short story from 2014, titled The Beautiful Thing, as well as a 2017 documentary for Radio 4, which asks Where Are All The Working Class Writers?
Made for Radio 4 Extra.
TUE 12:00 The Al Read Show (b008xzwj)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
TUE 12:30 To the Manor Born (b007jm4q)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
TUE 13:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125m78)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
TUE 13:30 The Oxbridge Murder (b00mtm9c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
TUE 14:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v38s6)
Mary Costello - Academy Street
Episode 7
Mary Costello's acclaimed debut – shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award - traces the arc of a quiet woman's life: from Tess Lohan's childhood in 1940s rural Ireland through to her emigration to America and a career as a nurse in New York.
Resolute in her decision to raise her son alone, Tess vows never to explain herself to anyone again.
Read by Niamh Cusack
Written by Mary Costello
Abridged by Kirsteen Cameron
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
TUE 14:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dm6v3)
Dynamic Rainforest
Palms provide many basic necessities and are collectively one of the most important plants families after grasses and legumes. In 2007 and extraordinary new find came to light when a French plantation manager in Madagascar, came across a new species of palm tree 18metres high and with a 5m leaf span - visible from Google Earth. The palm family continues to grow at a rapid rate As new species make themselves known to science it's becoming vital to appreciate their potential uses. Discoveries are also helping to shed light on the "palm tree of life".
Professor Kathy Willis meets Head of Palms at Kew, Bill Baker, to examine how new technology such as DNA sequencing has come to provide an amazing evolutionary record of palms over timescales greater than the fossil record can offer. Crucially, it's beginning to show when the diversification of palms began. In doing so, the genetic analysis is beginning to rewrite our understanding of the origins of the rainforest and looking to favour Alfred Russel Wallace's overlooked "museum model " of the evolution of ancient rainforests.
With additional contributions from head of the Kew Palm House Scott Taylor, and former Head of Palms at Kew, John Dransfield
Producer Adrian Washbourne.
TUE 14:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00075ml)
Episode 2
Addy's novel won't be published for another year so, in the meantime, Jane has to find a job. Stars Lynne Seymour.
TUE 14:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1jn)
Alan Johnson - Please, Mr Postman
Episode 2
In July 1969, while the Rolling Stones played a free concert in Hyde Park, future Cabinet Minister Alan Johnson and his young family left West London to start a new life. The Britwell Estate in Slough, notorious among the locals, came as a blessed relief after the tensions of London's troubled Notting Hill, and the local community welcomed them with open arms.
Alan Johnson had become a postman the previous year and, in order to support his growing family, took on every bit of overtime he could, often working twelve-hour shifts six days a week. It was hard work, but not without its compensations – the crafty fag snatched in a country lane, the farmer's wife offering a hearty breakfast and even the mysterious lady on Glebe Road who appeared daily, topless, at her window as the postman passed by.
Please, Mister Postman paints a vivid picture of England in the 1970s, where no celebration was complete without a Party Seven of Watney's Red Barrel, smoking was the norm rather than the exception, and Sunday lunchtime was about beer and bingo. But as Alan Johnson's life appears to be settling down and his career in the Union of Postal Workers begins to take off, his close-knit family is struck once again by tragedy.
Epsiode 2:
Alan Johnson participates in his first strike, and takes his first steps on a union career that would eventually lead to higher office.
Read by Alan Johnson
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4
TUE 15:00 Classic Serial (b01dhcg6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
TUE 16:00 Best Behaviour (b05w4jcq)
Episode 4
Holly Walsh presents the comedy panel show that defines modern etiquette.
This week's guests are comedians Sarah Pascoe, Romesh Ranganathan and Richard Herring, who are all seeking to supply the top tips for best behaviour in the 21st century.
The panel debates the social minefield of who is best suited to host a dinner party, and the correct rules for lane discipline in the swimming pool. There's also advice on a social conundrum asked by a member of the studio audience - 'What should I say when I answer the telephone?'.
Produced by Aled Evans
A Zeppotron production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 16:30 The Sit Crom (b00lvmwp)
The Secret Knocke
Mercy's disguise is revealed, Father Francis is perplexed in his hole, Tobias denigrates the vegetables, Arise Higgs and his platoon are billeted on Firebasket Hall and Gazebo has lethal orders.
Sue Limb's six-part comedy set during the English Civil War.
Stars Joss Ackland as Sir John Firebasket, Denise Coffey as Lady Anne Firebasket, Clive Merrison as Tobias Thynne, Miriam Margoyles as Mercy, alias Melissa Ffortescue-Bottomley, Nickolas Grace as Father Francis, Chris Emmett as Slow Ned, Jack Klaff as Gazebo Fogg, Alun Armstrong as Captain Arise Higgs, Nicky Henson as Posthumous, Peter Hayward as Counter Tenor and Jane Whittenshaw as Lettice.
Producer: Jonathan James-Moore
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1990.
TUE 17:00 Living with the Enemy (b007719g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
TUE 17:30 Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers (m0006zvf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
TUE 18:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vvs)
The Wise Little Girl
Tales from Russia and Norway that feature young girls using their quick wits to outdo their superiors. Read by Eileen McCallum.
TUE 18:15 15 Minute Drama (b09plrfy)
The Truth About Hawaii
Potent and playful drama set in a near-future in which doctors can no longer prescribe antibiotics. By award-winning dramatist, Oliver Emanuel.
Sarah is 10 years old. She scratched her knee, developed an infection and when that infection threatened her life, her parents agreed to have her leg amputated.
With the British public up in arms about Sarah's situation, the political fallout becomes a global issue.
The Truth About Hawaii was developed through Wellcome Experimental Stories in consultation with Prof. Joanna Coast (Professor in the Economics of Health & Care, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol) and Dr Adam Roberts (Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
Consultants: Prof Joanna Coast and Dr Adam Roberts
Director: Kirsty Williams.
TUE 18:30 Dad Made Me Laugh (b007k1mb)
Annabel Meredith
Chic Murray's daughter chats to Sally Magnusson about her life with the legendary Scottish comedian. From October 2005.
TUE 19:00 The Al Read Show (b008xzwj)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
TUE 19:30 To the Manor Born (b007jm4q)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
TUE 20:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125m78)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
TUE 20:30 The Oxbridge Murder (b00mtm9c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
TUE 21:00 Telling Tales (m00075mj)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
TUE 22:00 Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers (m0006zvf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
TUE 22:30 Andrew O'Neill: Pharmacist Baffler (b04v3950)
Episode 1
Comedian Andrew O'Neill is a transvestite or as he prefers to call himself, a "pharmacist baffler", or "correct toilet double-check instigator" or "patriarchal birthright rejecter". Andrew is also heterosexual, married and in a steam punk band. He confounds expectations and preconceptions.
In this two-part series of audience, stand-up shows using his own personal experience he examines sexual and gender identity, what they are and how we get them.
Andrew is one of the most interesting and articulate voices on the circuit. He came out as a transvestite when he was 19, and now cross-dresses about half the time (the British Union Of Transvestites requires you to cross-dress at least 3 days out of the 7). He wears make-up and jewellery and has long hair. He's usually dressed in black, has lots of tattoos, plays in a steam punk band and has always been heterosexual. He's married and only ever fancies women. This makes him and Eddie Izzard the only out cross-dressing comics in the country. This series would brings his (almost) unique perspective to ideas about gender and sexual identity, He looks at where you get your ideas about what your gender is, and what it should look like, how your sexuality is defined and how other people's sexuality continues to fascinate us and not necessarily in a good way.
In the first show, he discusses gender identity from a transvestite's point of view and talks about his own experiences growing up. His humorous take on these difficult and thought provoking issues delights the audience whilst occasionally shocking them.
Written and performed by Andrew O Neill with on-stage help from Stephen Carlin. Produced by Alison Vernon-Smith.
TUE 23:00 The Croft & Pearce Show (b0742mqq)
Episode 3
A brand new sketch show from award-winning duo Croft and Pearce, rising stars of the UK comedy scene.
These Edinburgh Fringe favourites were the break-out hit of BBC Radio 4's Sketchorama and have performed sell-out shows in London, New York and around the UK.
Packed with sharply observed characters, this debut from writer-performers Hannah Croft and Fiona Pearce is not to be missed.
In the third episode, highly-strung ladies June and Jean have a meltdown in John Lewis, a bullish Brown Owl teaches her Brownies troop the importance of stealing, and Jeannette starts to wonder if her cranky 90-year-old Momma will ever die.
Written and performed by Hannah Croft and Fiona Pearce
Producer: Liz Anstee
A CPL production for BBC Radio 4
TUE 23:15 Creme de la Crime (b010j4pb)
Series 2
The Lord and Mike Shepherd
Michael Feydeau and David Pershore probe the unsolved case of a vanishing lord. Stars Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis. From May 2002.
TUE 23:30 Bussmann and Quantick Kingsize (b044vhlq)
Episode 3
A Puritan vet dishes out tough love to ill pets. Stars Jane Bussmann and David Quantick. With Peter Serafinowicz. From May 1998.
WED 00:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vvs)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Tuesday]
WED 00:15 15 Minute Drama (b09plrfy)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:15 on Tuesday]
WED 00:30 Dad Made Me Laugh (b007k1mb)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Tuesday]
WED 01:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125m78)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Tuesday]
WED 01:30 The Oxbridge Murder (b00mtm9c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Tuesday]
WED 02:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v38s6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Tuesday]
WED 02:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dm6v3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Tuesday]
WED 02:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00075ml)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Tuesday]
WED 02:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1jn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Tuesday]
WED 03:00 Classic Serial (b01dhcg6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Tuesday]
WED 04:00 Best Behaviour (b05w4jcq)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:00 on Tuesday]
WED 04:30 The Sit Crom (b00lvmwp)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:30 on Tuesday]
WED 05:00 Living with the Enemy (b007719g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Tuesday]
WED 05:30 Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers (m0006zvf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Tuesday]
WED 06:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125mth)
SJ Watson - Before I Go to Sleep
Episode 3
What if you lost your memory every time you went to sleep?
How would you cope with having to relearn your history every day only to lose it again?
In SJ Watson's desperately compelling and ambitious debut thriller, a woman has no memory of who she is. She lives in the suburbs cared for by her husband, she can't work, she doesn't have any friends, she's trying to live a normal life but she can't remember anything when she wakes up in the morning. Slowly she starts to try and rebuild her memory, to piece together what has happened to her, who she is...
This is Christine's story.
Abridged by Alison Joseph
Read by Stella Gonet
Produced by Lucy Collingwood
WED 06:30 Studio in the Sand (b01rft45)
Foreign correspondent and music journalist Robin Denselow travels to the refugee camps of the Saharawi people in Algeria who were displaced from Western Sahara following land dispute war with Morocco.
The Saharawi have been living in the camps for over 20 years, with their young people knowing nothing except life in the camps, where there is little chance of employment or escape. The music of the Saharawi is not as well known as that of neighbouring Mali, but it is a powerful expression of their culture and their desire to return home to the land from which they were displaced, a land whose landscapes and animals many younger Saharawi have never seen and can only dream about in the lyrics and chords of their music. The Saharawi are Muslim, but unlike in other parts of the region, here the women play a lead role in politics and music.
Robin speaks to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Culture in the camps about the forgotten struggle of the Saharawi whose plight has vanished off the international agenda, and about the role that their music plays to carry the story of their plight, as well as the haunting energy of their music, to an international audience.
Sandblast is a charity run by Danielle Smith and a group of British sound engineers who are setting up recording studios within the refugee camps in order to train musicians in how to produce recorded music, which can then be exported to an audience that would otherwise never get to hear its very particular note. Robin follows this initiative as the first trainees learn the ropes in the Studio in the Sand, speaking to trainers and new recruits and hearing electrifying first concerts.
Producer: Victoria Shepherd
A Somethin' Else production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in 2013.
WED 07:00 There Is No Escape (b06kcbw8)
Episode 3
Andrew attempts to beat his workmate, Lennie, to a promotion. But when all inevitably goes wrong, he then has to find a home for the dishwasher and tumble-dryer his girlfriend has already bought.
Sitcom about a man dissatisfied with his life, whose feeble attempts to run away invariably end with him traipsing home defeated.
Starring Andrew Lawrence and Diane Morgan.
With Marek Larwood, Lizzie Roper and David Hounslow.
Producer: Jane Berthoud
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2015.
WED 07:30 The Pin (m00070bd)
Series 4
Ep 4: Sabotage
The latest series from Ben and Alex, aka "The Pin", is a sketch-sitcom hybrid. The award-winning sketch duo are forced to record their latest series in their flat and the boys are glad of the new creative freedom this opportunity presents, away from the "prying eyes of the BBC". Unfortunately this week, their plans are thrown into disarray when Ben's mum decides she wants her flat back and has sent estate agents in. Luckily, the boys have some anti-eviction tricks up their sleeves...
The Pin At Home is written by Alex Owen and Ben Ashenden
It stars:
Alex Owen as Alex
Ben Ashenden as Ben
Pippa Haywood as Michelle/Henrietta the ghost
Celeste Dring as Maria
James McNicholas as David/Neville/Kronon
Krupa Pattani as Jane/Sophie
Ed McArthur as Clint/Bargeman 1
Jason Forbes as Bargeman 2
It was produced by Sam Michell
A BBC Studios Production
WED 08:00 The Diary of a Nobody (b01ghlgt)
Episode 3
Can pompous Mr Pooter deal with the consequences of his unemployed son's plan to get married? Read by Arthur Lowe.
WED 08:30 Doctor at Large (b00b0jz0)
To Bed or Not to Bed
Simon Sparrow takes Wendy off for a naughty weekend, but events don't quite go to plan...
The misadventures of newly qualified doctor, Simon Sparrow - adapted for radio by Ray Cooney from Richard Gordon's 'Doctor at Large' published in 1955.
Starring Richard Briers as Simon Sparrow, Norma Ronald as Wendy Swithenbank, Ray Cooney as Tony Benskin, Dennis Ramsden as Colonel Brown, David Jason as Harris the Receptionist and Edward Cast as the Waiter.
Producer: David Hatch
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1969.
WED 09:00 Act Your Age (b00g0nnv)
Series 1
Episode 4
Simon Mayo discovers which generation is the funniest. With Jon Richardson, Lucy Porter and Roy Walker. From December 2008.
WED 09:30 Cleaning Up (b054tl73)
Episode 4
Every night, as time is called and people are spat out onto the streets and squeezed into rides home to dream -tossed beds - others are hard at work. Teams of cleaners are in office spaces scrubbing, vaccuming and cleaning up. And right at the bottom of the food chain we find our gang - Spit n' Polish tackling the floors of a plush tower block in Manchester city centre.
Written by Ian Kershaw and with a top hole Northern cast this is a funny, sometimes dark comedy about people who always get the fuzzy end of the lollipop.This four part series is about a group of people who are thrown together by their work and who take as much solace as they can from this.
Episode Four.
Julie treats Nita to a little surprise.
Julie ..... Julie Hesmondhalgh
Nobby ..... Paul Barber
Dave ..... John Thompson
Shiv ..... Lauren Socha
Nita ..... Bhavna Limbachia
Our Bri ..... Jack Deam
Alex... Justin Moorhouse
Written by Ian Kershaw
Produced in Salford by Alison Vernon-Smith
WED 10:00 Classic Serial (b01dtgp4)
Out of the Hitler Time
A Small Person Far Away
It's now 1956 and Anna is married and settled in London when she gets a worrying telegram about her mother who has been living back in Berlin for 7 years.
The third book in Judith Kerr's trilogy dramatised by Beaty Rubens.
Anna ... Anna Madeley
Mama ... Adjoa Andoh
Max ... Adam Billington
Konrad ... Simon Treves
Richard ... Carl Prekopp
Hildy ... Sara Kestelman
Nurse ... Emerald O'Hanrahan
Ken ... James Lailey
Curator ... Peter Hamilton Dyer
Gunther ... Harry Livingstone
Director: David Hunter
WED 11:00 Dr John Cooper Clarke: Complete Control (m00075wz)
Cultural icon Dr John Cooper Clarke gets Complete Control of 4 Extra, to select his favourite comedy programmes from the BBC radio archives.
* John's hero Bob Hope performing stand-up in 1956
* A nod to the radio variety acts John grew up listening to, including Vic Oliver and Al Read
* A celebration of the pioneering radio DJ Jack Jackson
Jump aboard a radio road-trip travelling all the way from childhood favourites to recent pleasures, with laughs, thrills and chills along the way.
Don't worry though, he is a Doctor and he will be in Complete Control.
Producer: Luke Doran
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 Extra in November 2015.
WED 12:00 The Diary of a Nobody (b01ghlgt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
WED 12:30 Doctor at Large (b00b0jz0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
WED 13:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125mth)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
WED 13:30 Studio in the Sand (b01rft45)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
WED 14:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v4sxj)
Mary Costello - Academy Street
Episode 8
Shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award, Mary Costello's acclaimed debut traces the arc of a quiet woman's life: from Tess Lohan's childhood in 1940s rural Ireland through to her emigration to America and a career as a nurse in New York.
Tess has never again heard from David and has raised their son, Theo, alone. Now aged 14, Theo is old enough to ask some tough questions.
Read by Niamh Cusack
Written by Mary Costello
Abridged by Kirsteen Cameron
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
WED 14:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dmxwg)
Capture and Drawdown
In 2005 a landmark study was published which changed the political landscape for conservation, probably for ever. Rather than viewing biodiversity as something to be conserved for conservation's sake, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment started to assess the contributions that biodiversity makes to human livelihoods and well-being. These include regulating services ( such as modulating climate), cultural services (the spiritual, educational and recreational value) and provisioning services (the biodiversity that provides food, fresh water, and fuel).
Professor Kathy Willis examines the first of these new approaches to biodiversity conservation by firstly assessing the role plants play in regulating our atmospheric carbon dioxide. She talks to Yadvinder Mahli on the importance of trees in drawing down and capturing carbon and on new understandings in where the effect is most apparent on our planet.
But how we view ecosystems at the landscape scale is equally important if plants are to flourish in this capacity and recent reduction in vital plant pollination services are proving to be poorly understood .
But as Kathy Willis hears from chemistry ecologist Phil Stevenson, one of several approaches in improving the memory of bees that account for 30% of plant pollination could have a dramatic and significant effect in securing this vital function.
Producer: Adrian Washbourne.
WED 14:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00075x3)
Episode 3
Dottie's plans to start a business are moving very fast now that she's found an investor. Stars Lynne Seymour and Rachel Atkins.
WED 14:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1jq)
Alan Johnson - Please, Mr Postman
Episode 3
In July 1969, while the Rolling Stones played a free concert in Hyde Park, future Cabinet Minister Alan Johnson and his young family left West London to start a new life. The Britwell Estate in Slough, notorious among the locals, came as a blessed relief after the tensions of London's troubled Notting Hill, and the local community welcomed them with open arms.
Alan Johnson had become a postman the previous year and, in order to support his growing family, took on every bit of overtime he could, often working twelve-hour shifts six days a week. It was hard work, but not without its compensations – the crafty fag snatched in a country lane, the farmer's wife offering a hearty breakfast and even the mysterious lady on Glebe Road who appeared daily, topless, at her window as the postman passed by.
Please, Mister Postman paints a vivid picture of England in the 1970s, where no celebration was complete without a Party Seven of Watney's Red Barrel, smoking was the norm rather than the exception, and Sunday lunchtime was about beer and bingo. But as Alan Johnson's life appears to be settling down and his career in the Union of Postal Workers begins to take off, his close-knit family is struck once again by tragedy.
Epsiode 3:
Alan Johnson becomes more active in his union and joins the Labour Party. But his political inspiration comes from unlikely sources - Glasgow communist Jimmy Reid and his Tory-supporting brother-in-law Mike.
Read by Alan Johnson
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4
WED 15:00 Classic Serial (b01dtgp4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
WED 16:00 Act Your Age (b00g0nnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
WED 16:30 Cleaning Up (b054tl73)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
WED 17:00 There Is No Escape (b06kcbw8)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
WED 17:30 The Pin (m00070bd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
WED 18:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vw9)
Vasillisa the Fair
A Russian variation on the story of the downtrodden but eventually triumphant, Cinderella. Read by Eileen McCallum.
WED 18:15 15 Minute Drama (b09pm3ss)
The Truth About Hawaii
The End of Everything
Potent and playful drama set in a near-future in which doctors can no longer prescribe antibiotics. By award-winning dramatist, Oliver Emanuel.
Sarah is 10 years old. She scratched her knee, developed an infection and when that infection threatened her life, her parents agreed to have her leg amputated. It's been a waiting game ever since. Have the doctors managed to cut all of the infection out? They're about to find out...
The Truth About Hawaii was developed through Wellcome Experimental Stories in consultation with Prof. Joanna Coast (Professor in the Economics of Health & Care, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol) and Dr Adam Roberts (Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
Consultants: Prof Joanna Coast and Dr Adam Roberts
Director: Kirsty Williams.
WED 18:30 That Reminds Me (b007jp4b)
Series 3
Jack Douglas
Comic actor Jack Douglas - famed for playing 'Alf Ippititimus' - shares memories of his TV, stage and film career with an audience.
How Des O'Connor was Jack's springboard to success and a part in the 'Carry On' films. Plus the mystery of the sex appeal of co-star Sid James!
Producer: Claire Jones
Jack Douglas: Born: 26th April 1927. Died: 18th December 2008
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2001.
WED 19:00 The Diary of a Nobody (b01ghlgt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
WED 19:30 Doctor at Large (b00b0jz0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
WED 20:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125mth)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
WED 20:30 Studio in the Sand (b01rft45)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
WED 21:00 Dr John Cooper Clarke: Complete Control (m00075wz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
WED 22:00 The Pin (m00070bd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
WED 22:30 The Future of Radio (b04d4qpl)
Series 1
Breaking Small
What is the future of radio? In a world of digital overload can the public be expected to just listen to something without any pictures? Is the radio era over? The Institute of Radiophonic Evolution (IRE), based in South Mimms, is working hard to give radio a bright future.
Their secret work is revealed in these programmes which draw on conference calls, voice notes and life-logs, to tell a compelling and strange story of the technological lengths to which the researchers will go to keep radio relevant.
Instead of just adding pictures, the lab is working on ways to transmit smells, vibrations, and 3D images, as well as a way of putting radio into listeners' very brains!
It sounds impossible, but the IRE boffins believe in making the impossible audible. And that's their motto.
Each week a jiffy bag of sound files arrives at BBC Radio 4. We listen to the contents to discover what backroom boffins Luke Mourne and Professor Trish Baldock (ably assisted by Shelley – on work experience) have been up to.
In this week's episode, Luke invents a nano radio pill that can be taken orally. But the ingested radio molecules have curious side-effects.
Luke...........................William Beck
Trish...........................Emma Kilbey
Shelley.......................Lizzy Watts
Felix...........................David Brett
With Chris Stanton, Joan Walker & Ben Crowe.
Pianist: Mike Woolley
Written by Jerome Vincent and Stephen Dinsdale
Producer: David Blount
A Pier production for BBC Radio 4
WED 22:45 John Kearns (b05wykhz)
Episode 3 - Lunch Break
The third of four 14-minute vignettes in a brand new series from John Kearns, the winner of the main prize at the 2014 Edinburgh Comedy Festival, as well as the Best Newcomer Award in 2013. John and his work colleagues test each other's patience at the dinosaur museum, in 'Lunch Break'.
Producer: Arnab Chanda
WED 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (m00079s2)
The Comedy Club Interview: Melinda Hughes 2/2
10.00pm until midnight, seven days a week, the Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. Laura Lexx talks to Melinda Hughes.
WED 23:00 The Jason Byrne Show (b01ghlh2)
Series 2
The award-winning funny man muses on all beasts, including humans. With Laurence Howarth and Daisy Haggard. From August 2009.
WED 23:30 Hamish and Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea (b00770bs)
Series 3
Porridge Votes
The Scotsmen stand against the Laird in the local by-election. Stars Barry Cryer and Graeme Garden. From September 2006.
WED 23:45 Love in Recovery (b051s4vb)
Series 1
The Pub
Comedy drama by Pete Jackson, set in Alcoholics Anonymous and inspired by his own road to recovery. Starring Sue Johnston, John Hannah, Eddie Marsan, Rebecca Front, Paul Kaye and Julia Deakin.
The programme follows the lives of five very different recovering alcoholics. Set entirely at their weekly meetings, we hear them get to know each other, learn to hate each other, argue, moan, laugh, fall apart, fall in love and, most importantly, tell their stories.
There are funny stories, sad stories, stories of small victories and milestones, stories of loss, stories of hope, and stories that you really shouldn't laugh at - but still do. Along with the storyteller.
In this final episode of the series, the group is forced to leave the safety of the meeting room to try to rescue one of their members - from the pub.
Writer Pete Jackson is a recovering alcoholic and has spent time with Alcoholics Anonymous. It was there he found, as many people do, support from the unlikeliest group of disparate souls, all banded together due to one common bond. As well as offering the support he needed throughout a difficult time, AA also offered a weekly, sometimes daily, dose of hilarity, upset, heartbreak and friendship.
Written and created by Pete Jackson
Produced and Directed by Ben Worsfield
A Lucky Giant production for BBC Radio 4.
THU 00:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vw9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Wednesday]
THU 00:15 15 Minute Drama (b09pm3ss)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:15 on Wednesday]
THU 00:30 That Reminds Me (b007jp4b)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Wednesday]
THU 01:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125mth)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Wednesday]
THU 01:30 Studio in the Sand (b01rft45)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Wednesday]
THU 02:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v4sxj)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Wednesday]
THU 02:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dmxwg)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Wednesday]
THU 02:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00075x3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Wednesday]
THU 02:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1jq)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Wednesday]
THU 03:00 Classic Serial (b01dtgp4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Wednesday]
THU 04:00 Act Your Age (b00g0nnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 on Wednesday]
THU 04:30 Cleaning Up (b054tl73)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 on Wednesday]
THU 05:00 There Is No Escape (b06kcbw8)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Wednesday]
THU 05:30 The Pin (m00070bd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Wednesday]
THU 06:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125070)
SJ Watson - Before I Go to Sleep
Episode 4
What if you lost your memory every time you went to sleep?
How would you cope with having to relearn your history every day only to lose it again?
In SJ Watson's desperately compelling and ambitious debut thriller, a woman has no memory of who she is. She lives in the suburbs cared for by her husband, she can't work, she doesn't have any friends, she's trying to live a normal life but she can't remember anything when she wakes up in the morning. Slowly she starts to try and rebuild her memory, to piece together what has happened to her, who she is.
This is Christine's story.
Abridged by Alison Joseph
Read by Stella Gonet
Produced by Lucy Collingwood
THU 06:30 Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa (b00wsqv9)
Chris Ledgard tells the story of one small-scale international cricket exchange and explores its rich history: the tradition of overseas cricketers playing for amateur clubs in the backwaters of England.
'Australian wanted for Woodhall Spa Cricket Club'. Such adverts can be found on any number of English cricket club websites. All over England, small cricket clubs welcome foreign players for the summer eason, committing themselves to supporting the players - with work or accommodation - on the understanding that they'll bring a sparkle to the score sheet.
This documentary follows one such exchange at Potterne cricket club in Wiltshire and weaves in its rich and fascinating history - which has seen some noble names playing in obscure places.
Chris meets Zimbabwean cricketer Dylan Higgins, who's come to this quintessentially English village club direct from Harare. The team captain is Graham Gaiger, who runs the construction company that provides Dylan with a job. Will the incoming sporting hero meet the expectation of the club? And how do overseas players go down with the local girls?
A fascinating, light-hearted observational documentary with a backbone of social history, on what happens when a new face is brought into the bosom of a tight band of sporting fanatics.
Producer...Mary Ward-Lowery
THU 07:00 Hobby Bobbies (b04v3cx5)
Series 2
Sitcom where Britain's longest serving PCSO -and Britain's laziest - make quite a pairing.
Written by Dave Lamb (the voice of Come Dine With Me) and starring Richie Webb (Horrible Histories), Nick Walker, Chris Emmett and Noddy Holder.
This week, Nigel has taken up free running in the hope that physical fitness can improve his performance at work. But what, if anything, will identify the mysterious hand cream thief?
Geoff...............Richie Webb
Nigel...............Nick Walker
The Guv..........Sinead Keenan
Nina................Pooja Shah
Bernie.............Chris Emmett
Geoff's Dad.....Noddy Holder
Written by Dave Lamb
Produced by Steve Doherty
A Top Dog production for BBC Radio 4
THU 07:30 Welcome to Wherever You Are (m00070jt)
Series 2
Episode 2
Welcome To Wherever You Are is a truly global stand-up show, in which comedians perform from wherever on the planet they happen to be, via high quality phone lines and internet video, to a live audience in the BBC Radio Theatre at Broadcasting House, London.
In this episode there’s stand-up from Serbia, Zimbabwe and the USA. Nikola Silic @NikolaSilic from Belgrade is one of the biggest names on the comedy scene in the Balkans and will feature at Croatia’s new international comedy festival this summer. Carl Joshua Ncube @carljoshuancube, “the biggest Zimbabwean stand-up comedian in the world” performs whilst metres from the Victoria Falls and from New Jersey we present Maysoon Zayid @maysoonzayid, one of America’s first Muslim women comedians and widely believed to be the first person to perform stand-up in Palestine and Jordan.
The show is hosted by Andrew Maxwell, a multiple Edinburgh Comedy Award nominee and a regular on The News Quiz, The Now Show, and who has presented his own Radio 4 series, Andrew Maxwell's Public Enemies.
Producer: Richard Morris
Production co-ordinator: Hayley Sterling
A BBC Studios Production
THU 08:00 Brothers in Law (b007k33c)
Series 1
Judgement Summons
Rookie barrister Roger Thursby finds himself defending a fortunate debtor.
Starring Richard Briers as Roger Thursby, Richard Waring as Henry Blagrove and Ann Davies as Sally Mannering.
With guest stars John Junkin as Mr Starling and Thorley Walters as Judge Perkins.
Adapted for radio by Richard Waring from the BBC TV scripts.
Restored from BBC Transcription Service tapes - originally edited for sale abroad.
Published in 1955, Henry Cecil's comic legal novel Brothers in Law was adapted first for TV in 1962 by Frank Muir and Denis Norden. It provided the first regular starring role for Richard Briers, who later reprised his role of the idealistic young lawyer Roger Thursby for BBC Radio between 1970 and 1972.
Produced by David Hatch.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1970.
THU 08:30 The Goon Show (b00k7xd2)
The £50 Cure
Kenneth Connor takes Harry Secombe's place, as Ned picks up a lavish NHS prescription for his broken legs. From February 1959.
THU 09:00 The Motion Show (m00076b9)
Series 5
Episode 1
Banning wasps and arts subsidies. Graeme Garden hosts the comedy debating show. With Gyles Brandreth, Steve Punt, Garry Bushell and Gina Yashere. From July 2002.
THU 09:30 Richard Barton: General Practitioner! (b00757q4)
Episode 2
Slimey Kenwood-Gore makes Dick's hackles rise. What kind of pressure is he putting on Amanda Cadwallader with Old Archie only just buried? Richard finds out that Kenwood-Gore has designs on the village, Cadwallader Hall included. But for what? Dick realises there's a connection with a shady character in his past. Could Kenwood-Gore's intentions be as dastardly? Dick intends to find out.
Starring Robert Bathurst as Richard Barton, Moray Watson as Old Dick Barton, Iain Cuthbertson as Jock, Julian Dutton as Young Dick Barton and Matilda Ziegler as Sally Barton.
In 1946, Edward J Mason wrote the first episode of Dick Barton - Special Agent. The BBC Light Programme's hugely popular serial followed the adventures of the ex-Commando and his mates Jock Anderson and Snowy White. Despite facing a series of never-ending cliff-hangers at the hands of dastardly villains, our hero always triumphed. "With one bound Dick was free!".
Half a century later, Edward J's son Lol created Richard Barton, son of Dick, in an affectionate homage to one of BBC Radio's most enduring heroes.
Producer: Jo Clegg
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1998.
THU 10:00 David Wade - Alexander (b007jx2h)
The King's Son
Baby Alexander is born and there's friction between King Philip of Macedon and Queen Olympias.
David Wade's six-part serial on the life of Alexander the Great.
Stars Barry Foster as the Spirit of Achilles, Simon Ward as the Spirit of Patroclus, Brian Cox as King Philip of Macedon, Geraldine James as Queen Olympias and Sam Crane as the Young Alexander.
With David March as Antipatros, Malcolm Sinclair as Demosthenes, Keith Drinkel as Lysimachos, Gary King as Young Hephaistion, Barry Gordon as Aristander, Philip Anthony as Artabazus, John Evitts as Kleitos, John Webb as Leonidas, James Telfer as Pusanias, David Thorpe as Menapis, Patti Holloway as Hellanike, Oona Beeson as Barsine, Rachel Atkins as Clotho, Jill Graham as Lachesis and Diana Payan as Atropos.
Music: Wilfredo Acosta
Director: Glyn Dearman
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
THU 11:00 Melissa Murray - Mackerel Fishing (b08nsbbk)
Two young brothers are forced to stay with their foster aunt but they are desperate to return home. Read by Robert Harper.
THU 11:15 Drama (b07882k7)
Jennifer Schlueter - North
Written by Jennifer Schlueter & conceived by Christina Ritter
When her husband asks her to meet the author of "The Little Prince", celebrated aviator Anne Morrow Lindbergh is terrified. But the two form a connection which will affect the rest of their lives.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh ..... Christina Ritter
Antoine de Saint Exupery ..... Samuel West
Charles Lindbergh ..... Ian Conningham
Director: Marion Nancarrow
Constructed entirely from the writings of "The Little Prince" author, Antoine de Saint Exupery and the celebrated aviators Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, this off-Broadway hit is the story of their meeting and its consequences and has been re-imagined for radio. It stars its original cast member, Christina Ritter, in her radio debut with actor Samuel West, who saw the production off-Broadway. Delicate and touching, it tells the behind-the-scenes story of one the most celebrated couples in America, the famous and shocking kidnap of their baby and the conflicts which flying, family and writing brought to their lives. This was further complicated by their meeting with one of France's most iconic writers.
THU 12:00 Brothers in Law (b007k33c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
THU 12:30 The Goon Show (b00k7xd2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
THU 13:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125070)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
THU 13:30 Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa (b00wsqv9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
THU 14:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v5ghf)
Mary Costello - Academy Street
Episode 9
Mary Costello's acclaimed debut – which has been shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award - traces the arc of a quiet woman's life: from Tess Lohan's childhood in 1940s rural Ireland through to her emigration to America and a career as a nurse in New York.
Close to retirement, Tess's life has settled into a contented rhythm; enjoying her family and taking great pleasure in reading. But fate intervenes and she must cope with a terrible loss.
Read by Niamh Cusack
Written by Mary Costello
Abridged by Kirsteen Cameron
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
THU 14:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dqngm)
Green and Pleasant Lands
Prof. Kathy Willis examines the different kinds of spiritual, physical and intellectual links that we have with the landscape and their diverse ecosystems and the extent to which they contribute to our health and well being.
As well as providing a source of inspiration and recreation there's plenty of anecdotal evidence suggesting that green spaces can make a positive contribution to our health, but what kinds of landscapes are of greatest benefit?
Kathy Willis assesses the some of the latest research assessing physiological and psychological benefits that ecosystems can provide from manicured botanical gardens to wild open countryside
With contributions from Richard Barley, director of horticulture Kew Gardens; Rachel Bragg researcher in Green Care at Essex University, Shonil Bhagwat environmental geographer at the OU, and historian Jim Endersby
Producer Adrian Washbourne.
THU 14:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00076bd)
Episode 4
Toby's flirtation with Whistler is worrying Jane so she invites him and Henry to come for Christmas. Stars Lynne Seymour.
THU 14:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1q5)
Alan Johnson - Please, Mr Postman
Episode 4
In July 1969, while the Rolling Stones played a free concert in Hyde Park, future Cabinet Minister Alan Johnson and his young family left West London to start a new life. The Britwell Estate in Slough, notorious among the locals, came as a blessed relief after the tensions of London's troubled Notting Hill, and the local community welcomed them with open arms.
Alan Johnson had become a postman the previous year and, in order to support his growing family, took on every bit of overtime he could, often working twelve-hour shifts six days a week. It was hard work, but not without its compensations – the crafty fag snatched in a country lane, the farmer's wife offering a hearty breakfast and even the mysterious lady on Glebe Road who appeared daily, topless, at her window as the postman passed by.
Please, Mister Postman paints a vivid picture of England in the 1970s, where no celebration was complete without a Party Seven of Watney's Red Barrel, smoking was the norm rather than the exception, and Sunday lunchtime was about beer and bingo. But as Alan Johnson's life appears to be settling down and his career in the Union of Postal Workers begins to take off, his close-knit family is struck once again by tragedy.
Epsiode 4:
Juggling a rural post-round – where he gets his first view of the Home Secretary's country retreat, Dorneywood – and with a growing role in the trade union, Alan finds himself at an inevitable crossroads between the family life he had worked so hard to build and the exciting demands of political office.
Read by Alan Johnson
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4
THU 15:00 David Wade - Alexander (b007jx2h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
THU 16:00 The Motion Show (m00076b9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
THU 16:30 Richard Barton: General Practitioner! (b00757q4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
THU 17:00 Hobby Bobbies (b04v3cx5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
THU 17:30 Welcome to Wherever You Are (m00070jt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
THU 18:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vww)
A Pottle O'Brains
Two tales, one from England, the other from Iceland, concerned with fools and marriage. Read by Eileen McCallum.
THU 18:15 15 Minute Drama (b09pn78z)
The Truth About Hawaii
The Accident
Potent and playful drama set in a near-future in which doctors can no longer prescribe antibiotics. By award-winning dramatist, Oliver Emanuel.
Sarah is 10 years old. She scratched her knee and developed an infection. When the infection threatened her life, her parents agreed to have her leg amputated. The amputation hasn't stopped the infection and Sarah only has days to live...
It's past midnight, her parents stand on the roof of the hospital. One of them thinks there's a way to save their daughter's life, the other thinks it's time to say goodbye...
The Truth About Hawaii was developed through Wellcome Experimental Stories in consultation with Prof. Joanna Coast (Professor in the Economics of Health & Care, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol) and Dr Adam Roberts (Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
Consultants: Prof Joanna Coast and Dr Adam Roberts
Director: Kirsty Williams.
THU 18:30 Great Lives (b01sj1td)
Series 30
Primo Levi
Edmund de Waal chooses a writer he believes is one of the greatest of the modern age - Primo Levi, author of the Periodic Table. Born in 1919 in Turin, Levi was an Italian Jew, one of the few deported to Auschwitz who would escape alive.
Primo Levi's account of his time in the camp, If This Is a Man, made him one of the first writers to document the Holocaust and it established his name around the world. But Levi was not just a writer. He was a chemist, which gave him the skills that helped save his life in Auschwitz. It was also a day job he never gave up, and his passion for science remained a life-long pursuit.
After the War, Levi returned to Turin, married, had a family and wrote books in his spare time. He also became an enthusiastic letter-writer, corresponding with a new generation of Germans, to help them better understand the effects of the Nazi regime. Yet from his youth, Levi suffered from depression. In 1987 he took his own life, throwing himself down the stairwell in the house where he'd been born.
Ceramicist and author Edmund de Waal joins Matthew Parris to discuss how Levi's work inspired The Hare With Amber Eyes - his own memoir of his family's history as Jews in 19th and 20th century Europe. And biographer Ian Thomson, one of the last to interview Levi, explains why we shouldn't confuse Levi the writer with Levi the man.
Producer: Lizz Pearson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2013.
THU 19:00 Brothers in Law (b007k33c)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
THU 19:30 The Goon Show (b00k7xd2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
THU 20:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125070)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
THU 20:30 Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa (b00wsqv9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
THU 21:00 Melissa Murray - Mackerel Fishing (b08nsbbk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
THU 21:15 Drama (b07882k7)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 today]
THU 22:00 Welcome to Wherever You Are (m00070jt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
THU 22:30 Julia Sutherland: Fat Chance (b05nvg7r)
Comedian Julia Sutherland spent over a decade battling with eating disorders and obesity. When she finally lost six-and-a-half stone, it felt like she had another shot at life.
A new body, a new perspective on the world – but was it really a new Julia? She attempts to find out through stand up, sketches and stories.
Producer: Sean Kerwin
A Dabster production for BBC Radio 4
THU 23:00 The Brig Society (b0832rjd)
Series 4
Marcus Brigstocke becomes a victim of his own newspaper as he gets caught up in a scandal and discovers that it's really, really difficult to doorstep yourself.
This week, there's sex, scandal and saucy secrets on Radio 4! But enough about Moneybox Live. In this show, Marcus examines how the great British press combine the difficult jobs of both selling newspapers and ruining peoples' lives.
Helping him peek through the curtain will be Margaret Cabourn-Smith ("Miranda"), William Andrews ("Sorry I've Got No Head") and Colin Hoult ("Derek")
Written by Marcus Brigstocke, Jeremy Salsby, Toby Davies, Nick Doody, Steve Punt and Dan Tetsell
Produced by David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4.
THU 23:30 The In Crowd (b00sf7tp)
Series 3
Episode 2
Sketch show from Manchester's Comedy Store with Robin Ince, Helen Moon, Smug Roberts and Kate Ward. From July 2002.
FRI 00:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vww)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Thursday]
FRI 00:15 15 Minute Drama (b09pn78z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:15 on Thursday]
FRI 00:30 Great Lives (b01sj1td)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Thursday]
FRI 01:00 Book at Beachtime (b0125070)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Thursday]
FRI 01:30 Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa (b00wsqv9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Thursday]
FRI 02:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v5ghf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Thursday]
FRI 02:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dqngm)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Thursday]
FRI 02:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00076bd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Thursday]
FRI 02:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1q5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Thursday]
FRI 03:00 David Wade - Alexander (b007jx2h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Thursday]
FRI 04:00 The Motion Show (m00076b9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 on Thursday]
FRI 04:30 Richard Barton: General Practitioner! (b00757q4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 on Thursday]
FRI 05:00 Hobby Bobbies (b04v3cx5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Thursday]
FRI 05:30 Welcome to Wherever You Are (m00070jt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Thursday]
FRI 06:00 Book at Beachtime (b0124v3t)
SJ Watson - Before I Go to Sleep
Episode 5
What if you lost your memory every time you went to sleep?
How would you cope with having to relearn your history every day only to lose it again?
In SJ Watson's desperately compelling and ambitious debut thriller, a woman has no memory of who she is. She lives in the suburbs cared for by her husband, she can't work, she doesn't have any friends, she's trying to live a normal life but she can't remember anything when she wakes up in the morning. Slowly she starts to try and rebuild her memory, to piece together what has happened to her, who she is.
This is Christine's story.
Abridged by Alison Joseph
Read by Stella Gonet
Produced by Lucy Collingwood
FRI 06:30 Plumbers and Penguins (b00wr6qk)
To mark the centenary of the conquest of the South Pole there's another chance to hear the stories of some of the tradesmen who live and work on Antarctica. In the summer of 2009, British Antarctic Survey very publicly recruited 43 plumbers, carpenters, mechanics, electricians and doctors to spend 18 months working on their most southerly research stations - promising "the most exhilarating experience of a lifetime". Chris Eldon Lee discovers what actually happened to the new recruits. Almost 2000 tradesman applied to be parted from their white vans and sent into whiteout conditions. Doctors were also hired to care for their welfare in such extreme conditions.
Mark Green, a 48-year-old Bristol plumber, was sent to Halley Research Station on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula. His job is to keep water supplies flowing at temperatures of minus 50 Celsius. 30-year-old Claire Lehman, a recently qualified Wiltshire GP, was posted to Rothera, on the western shore of the Peninsula.
Like everybody else in Antarctica, both have had to learn brand new skills to help keep their Bases going. Mark finds himself abseiling down precipitous crevasses and learning to be a sea-ice driver's mate. Claire is refuelling planes and supplying all the field scientists with freshly baked Christmas Cakes.
Producer: Chris Eldon Lee
A Culture Wise Production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 07:00 Secrets and Lattes (b060z7c5)
Series 2
All Change
It's the second series of Hilary Lyon's Secrets and Lattes. Trisha (Hilary Maclean) and Clare (Hilary Lyon) keep the caffeine-fuelled comedy coming in their Edinburgh coffee shop, Cafe Culture.
But can the sisters rise to the challenge of keeping the business going while coping with a missing chef and dealing with 20 year-old waitress, Lizzie (Pearl Appleby) falling off the kleptomania wagon?
Throw in Trisha's married ex-boyfriend and Clare's absent husband and it's emotional carnage all round.
Clare can't cope with change but Trisha positively craves it - praise the Lord for God-fearing Minty (June Watson), an eccentric but helpful customer who won't make a drama out of a crisis.
Director: Marilyn Imrie
Producers: Gordon Kennedy and Moray Hunter
An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4
FRI 07:30 The Absolutely Radio Show (m000747y)
Series 3
Episode 4
The hugely popular sketch show concludes its third series on BBC Radio 4. Pete Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy and John Sparkes revisit some of their much-loved characters, and also introduce some newcomers.
Absolutely was a big hit on Channel Four in the late 80s and early 90s. In 2013, the group got back together for the Sketchorama: Absolutely Special for BBC Radio 4 - winning a BBC Audio Drama Award in the Best Live Scripted Comedy category. The Absolutely Radio Show followed, with the first two series picking up Celtic Media Award nominations for Best Radio Comedy, while the second series was also nominated for a BBC Audio Drama Award in 2018
In the final episode of the series, Mr Muzak takes on his social media network’s algorithms, the Little Girl explains global warming and Stoneybridge Town Council discuss possible content for their brand-new Digital Information Board. The show also features two followers of Sober October revealing the rhyming activities they do for the other months of the year and we also find out far too much about Gwynned’s previous boyfriends.
Written and Performed by: Peter Baikie, Morwenna Banks, Moray Hunter, Gordon Kennedy and John Sparkes
Production Manager Sarah Tombling
Recording Engineer Dave Murricane
Editor Pete Baikie
Producer Gus Beattie
Producer Gordon Kennedy
BBC Executive Sioned Wiliam
Recording Venue The Oran Mor, Glasgow
An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4
FRI 08:00 The Burkiss Way (b00jr7ft)
Series 2
Do You-Know-What The Burkiss Way
Any doubts about you-know-what are put to rest by Jo Kendall, Nigel Rees, Chris Emmett and Fred Harris. From February 1977.
FRI 08:30 Steptoe and Son (b007k1r0)
Series 4
And Afterwards At
It's a big day for Harold. He's set to tie the knot! But Albert's not convinced.
Starring Wilfrid Brambell as Albert and Harry H. Corbett as Harold. With Pat Coombes, Patricia Hayes, Margot Boyd, Edward Kelsey, Sheila Grant, Martin Friend and Katherine Parr.
Following the conclusion of their hugely successful association with Tony Hancock, writers Ray Galton and Alan Simpson wrote ten pilots for BBC TV's Comedy Playhouse in 1962. The Offer was set in a house with a yard full of junk, featuring the lives of rag and bone men Albert Steptoe and his son Harold and provided the inspiration for eight series for TV.
Written for TV and adapted for radio by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
Produced by Bobby Jaye
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in March 1972.
FRI 09:00 It's Not What You Know (b01cwvbf)
Series 1
Episode 3
Miles Jupp hosts the show in which it's not what you know that matters, but who. And more importantly, how well you know them.
Roisin Conaty, Ed Byrne and Richard Madeley nominate one of their intimate circle to answer a series of questions and they then have to second-guess how their nominees responded. Roisin picks her best friend, Caroline, Ed chooses his mum, Jill, and Richard Madeley opts for his daughter, Chloe - all with varying degrees of success.
The panel also have to try and predict the responses of legendary football commentator, John Motson, as he is asked "what's your favourite film?", "what would you have been if you weren't a football commentator?" and "which other famous TV coat-wearer would you be? The Fonz, Columbo, or Paddington Bear?"
Producer: Sam Michell.
FRI 09:30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (b007jzrh)
Episode 3
Edgar finally meets his client and visits a fair. But will this bring down the curtain on his visit?
Richard Griffiths is the shy solicitor's clerk, Edgar Finchley.
With Piers Gibbon as Lawrence Hume, Nicky Henson as Mr Hammerton, Jeffrey Holland as Michel, Simon Roberts as Jerome Giraud, Serena Evans as Marie Peters, James Cohen as Robert Gillespie and David Howarth as Gaston.
Written by Victor Canning and adapted for radio by Andy and Eric Merriman.
Producer: Gareth Edwards
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in June 1994.
FRI 10:00 David Wade - Alexander (b007jx2n)
I am Also Alexander
Young Alexander, a pawn in his parents' war, is tutored by Aristotle. Stars Michael Maloney and Brian Cox. From July 1993.
FRI 11:00 Podcast Radio Hour (m00076s1)
Made for 4 Extra. Presenters recommend their favourite podcasts and speak to the people who make them.
FRI 12:00 The Burkiss Way (b00jr7ft)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
FRI 12:30 Steptoe and Son (b007k1r0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
FRI 13:00 Book at Beachtime (b0124v3t)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
FRI 13:30 Plumbers and Penguins (b00wr6qk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
FRI 14:00 Book at Bedtime (b04v5r70)
Mary Costello - Academy Street
Episode 10
Mary Costello's acclaimed debut – which has been shortlisted for the Costa First Novel Award - traces the arc of a quiet woman's life: from Tess Lohan's childhood in 1940s rural Ireland through to her emigration to America and a career as a nurse in New York.
Carrying the sorrow for her loss deep within her, Tess returns to visit her family in Ireland – her first trip back since she left in 1962.
Read by Niamh Cusack
Written by Mary Costello
Abridged by Kirsteen Cameron
Produced by Kirsteen Cameron
FRI 14:15 Plants: From Roots to Riches (b04dqwyh)
The Great Providers
Prof Kathy Willis concludes her major new history series by asking how much plant biodiversity is worth, and examines new research into securing the future of our staple crops.
Understanding the distribution, diversity and potential of plants for food, lay at the heart of the 18th century botanical impresario Joseph Banks' vision to "improve Britain's estates of the world". To secure future resilience of crops in today's world there's a growing need to conserve the closest wild relatives of our staple crops.
Kathy Willis discovers, given climatic threats to some of our most substantial crops such as coffee - for which the industry currently depends on a single species, the economic value of wild relatives of today's domestic crops is considerable.
And as we hear, some important future crops are still to be found from previously overlooked plants.
With contributions from Richard Thompson, Business valuations partner at Price-Waterhouse Cooper; historian Jim Endersby; head of coffee research at Kew, Aaron Davis; Kew's head of yams Paul Wilkin.
Producer Adrian Washbourne
Music for the series was composed by Mark Russell.
FRI 14:30 Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow (m00076s3)
Episode 5
Christmas has gone terribly wrong with David's illness, and Jane is furious that Toby isn't more helpful! With John McAndrew.
FRI 14:45 Book of the Week (b04hc1r3)
Alan Johnson - Please, Mr Postman
Episode 5
In July 1969, while the Rolling Stones played a free concert in Hyde Park, future Cabinet Minister Alan Johnson and his young family left West London to start a new life. The Britwell Estate in Slough, notorious among the locals, came as a blessed relief after the tensions of London's troubled Notting Hill, and the local community welcomed them with open arms.
Alan Johnson had become a postman the previous year and, in order to support his growing family, took on every bit of overtime he could, often working twelve-hour shifts six days a week. It was hard work, but not without its compensations – the crafty fag snatched in a country lane, the farmer's wife offering a hearty breakfast and even the mysterious lady on Glebe Road who appeared daily, topless, at her window as the postman passed by.
Please, Mister Postman paints a vivid picture of England in the 1970s, where no celebration was complete without a Party Seven of Watney's Red Barrel, smoking was the norm rather than the exception, and Sunday lunchtime was about beer and bingo. But as Alan Johnson's life appears to be settling down and his career in the Union of Postal Workers begins to take off, his close-knit family is struck once again by tragedy.
Epsiode 5:
By 1982 Alan Johnson's union career is going from strength to strength with a position on the Executive beckoning. Work keeps him away from home and the Thatcher government at its height ensures life is tough for the union. But the biggest storm clouds transpire to be personal rather than political.
Read by Alan Johnson
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4
FRI 15:00 David Wade - Alexander (b007jx2n)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
FRI 16:00 It's Not What You Know (b01cwvbf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
FRI 16:30 Mr Finchley Goes to Paris (b007jzrh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
FRI 17:00 Secrets and Lattes (b060z7c5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
FRI 17:30 The Absolutely Radio Show (m000747y)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
FRI 18:00 Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales (b0076vxb)
The Company of Wolves
Angela Carter's retelling of the story of Little Red Riding Hood in her own inimitable style. Read by Eileen McCallum.
FRI 18:15 15 Minute Drama (b09ppwdx)
The Truth About Hawaii
Potent and playful drama set in a near-future in which doctors can no longer prescribe antibiotics. By award-winning dramatist, Oliver Emanuel.
Sarah is 10 years old. She scratched her knee and developed an infection. When the infection threatened her life, her parents agreed to have her leg amputated. But the amputation didn't stop the infection.
Her family have been told she has days to live, but a scientist has offered them a glimmer of hope.
We join Sarah's imaginative world as she heads to the front line in the war between humanity and bacteria.
The Truth About Hawaii was developed through Wellcome Experimental Stories in consultation with Prof. Joanna Coast (Professor in the Economics of Health & Care, Bristol Medical School, University of Bristol) and Dr Adam Roberts (Senior Lecturer in Antimicrobial Chemotherapy and Resistance at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine).
Consultants: Prof Joanna Coast and Dr Adam Roberts
Director: Kirsty Williams.
FRI 18:30 Off the Page (b0076k92)
Matthew Parris and writers Peter Flannery, Mimi Khalvati and Jemma Kennedy discuss hope versus cynicism.
In each programme, Matthew Parris introduces a group of writers of fact and fiction: new talent and established names. In the context of a discussion of one of the ideas and pre-occupations of our times, each presents a piece on this week's topic.
The best new writing and the freshest conversation from 2004.
FRI 19:00 The Burkiss Way (b00jr7ft)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
FRI 19:30 Steptoe and Son (b007k1r0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
FRI 20:00 Book at Beachtime (b0124v3t)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
FRI 20:30 Plumbers and Penguins (b00wr6qk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
FRI 21:00 Podcast Radio Hour (m00076s1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
FRI 22:00 The Absolutely Radio Show (m000747y)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
FRI 22:30 BBC Introducing Radio 4 Comedy Award (m00076s5)
Heat 5
The final heat of BBC Introducing Radio 4 Award 2019, recorded at The Glee Club in Cardiff and hosted by Robin Morgan.
A nationwide search to find the best new stand-up talent in the UK.
PLUS we reveal the final contenders, who'll be progressing through to this year's semi finals in Edinburgh.
The acts featured are:
Adam Flood
Arielle Souma
Tom Lawrinson
Andy Bucks
Mo Omar
Robin Allender
Freya Mallard
Hannah Fairweather
Janine Harouni
The judges are: Mark Boosey from British Comedy Guide, from BBC Studios Alexandra Smith and comedian and writer Lloyd Langford.
Produced by Adnan Ahmed. A BBC Studios production.
FRI 23:25 Comedy Club Extra (m0007gbf)
Ones to Watch... Mr Thing
BBC Radio 4 Extra’s Comedy Club meets Owen Visser and Tom Clarkson, the chaps behind the cult comedy multimedia chat show 'thing' known as Mr. Thing.
FRI 23:30 Elvis McGonagall Takes a Look on the Bright Side (b066wglv)
Series 2
Full Tartan Jacket
The second series of Elvis McGonagall's daft comic world of poems, mad sketches, satire and facetious remarks, broadcast from his home in the Graceland Caravan Park just outside Dundee.
Stand-up poet, armchair revolutionary, comedian and broadcaster Elvis McGonagall (aka poet and performer Richard Smith) continues his frenzied and largely ineffectual search for the bright side. He is unenthusiastically convinced that there is a positive side to life. He's heard talk of it. He may even have caught a glimpse of it somewhere. So, from his caravan in the Graceland Caravan Park near Dundee, the Scottish punk poet goes in search of it.
With the hindrance of his dog Trouble and his friend Susan Morrison, Elvis does his very best to accentuate the positive - but the negative has a nasty habit of coming back to roost with the grim regularity of an unimaginative pigeon.
Recorded entirely on location, in a caravan on a truly glamorous industrial estate somewhere in Scotland.
Episode 1: Full Tartan Jacket
Elvis is being photographed for an interview in a style magazine, but will his tartan dinner jacket cut the mustard? And does that shade of mustard really suit him? Can it be that his career as a fashion icon is dead in the water?
Written by Elvis McGonagall with Helen Braunholtz-Smith and Frank Stirling.
Director: Frank Stirling
A Unique Broadcasting production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 23:45 The Celebrity Voicemail Show (b06bp5tt)
Series 1
Benedict Cumberbatch
The Celebrity Voicemail Show is an entirely fictitious comedy show written, improvised and starring only Kayvan Novak in which he imagines what it might be like to hear the answerphone messages of the rich and famous.
This week we listen in to the voicemail of 'Sherlock' star Benedict Cumberbatch.
(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)
15 Minute Drama
00:15 SAT (b09ny2dh)
15 Minute Drama
18:15 MON (b09pkyy1)
15 Minute Drama
00:15 TUE (b09pkyy1)
15 Minute Drama
18:15 TUE (b09plrfy)
15 Minute Drama
00:15 WED (b09plrfy)
15 Minute Drama
18:15 WED (b09pm3ss)
15 Minute Drama
00:15 THU (b09pm3ss)
15 Minute Drama
18:15 THU (b09pn78z)
15 Minute Drama
00:15 FRI (b09pn78z)
15 Minute Drama
18:15 FRI (b09ppwdx)
A Good Read
18:30 MON (b00cdr81)
A Good Read
00:30 TUE (b00cdr81)
A Very Private Man
08:00 MON (b09hd8xy)
A Very Private Man
12:00 MON (b09hd8xy)
A Very Private Man
19:00 MON (b09hd8xy)
Act Your Age
09:00 WED (b00g0nnv)
Act Your Age
16:00 WED (b00g0nnv)
Act Your Age
04:00 THU (b00g0nnv)
Andrew O'Neill: Pharmacist Baffler
22:30 TUE (b04v3950)
Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers
07:30 TUE (m0006zvf)
Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers
17:30 TUE (m0006zvf)
Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers
22:00 TUE (m0006zvf)
Andy Hamilton Sort of Remembers
05:30 WED (m0006zvf)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
18:00 MON (b0076vvb)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
00:00 TUE (b0076vvb)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
18:00 TUE (b0076vvs)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
00:00 WED (b0076vvs)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
18:00 WED (b0076vw9)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
00:00 THU (b0076vw9)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
18:00 THU (b0076vww)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
00:00 FRI (b0076vww)
Angela Carter's Book of Fairytales
18:00 FRI (b0076vxb)
Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa
06:30 THU (b00wsqv9)
Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa
13:30 THU (b00wsqv9)
Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa
20:30 THU (b00wsqv9)
Australian Wanted in Woodhall Spa
01:30 FRI (b00wsqv9)
BBC Introducing Radio 4 Comedy Award
22:30 FRI (m00076s5)
Best Behaviour
12:00 SAT (b05vfjtm)
Best Behaviour
16:00 TUE (b05w4jcq)
Best Behaviour
04:00 WED (b05w4jcq)
Billy Bragg's Changing Times
09:00 SAT (m0007497)
Billy Bragg's Changing Times
19:00 SAT (m0007497)
Book at Beachtime
01:00 SAT (b036q727)
Book at Beachtime
06:00 MON (b0125j6y)
Book at Beachtime
13:00 MON (b0125j6y)
Book at Beachtime
20:00 MON (b0125j6y)
Book at Beachtime
01:00 TUE (b0125j6y)
Book at Beachtime
06:00 TUE (b0125m78)
Book at Beachtime
13:00 TUE (b0125m78)
Book at Beachtime
20:00 TUE (b0125m78)
Book at Beachtime
01:00 WED (b0125m78)
Book at Beachtime
06:00 WED (b0125mth)
Book at Beachtime
13:00 WED (b0125mth)
Book at Beachtime
20:00 WED (b0125mth)
Book at Beachtime
01:00 THU (b0125mth)
Book at Beachtime
06:00 THU (b0125070)
Book at Beachtime
13:00 THU (b0125070)
Book at Beachtime
20:00 THU (b0125070)
Book at Beachtime
01:00 FRI (b0125070)
Book at Beachtime
06:00 FRI (b0124v3t)
Book at Beachtime
13:00 FRI (b0124v3t)
Book at Beachtime
20:00 FRI (b0124v3t)
Book at Bedtime
02:00 SAT (b04tlr0l)
Book at Bedtime
14:00 MON (b04v328h)
Book at Bedtime
02:00 TUE (b04v328h)
Book at Bedtime
14:00 TUE (b04v38s6)
Book at Bedtime
02:00 WED (b04v38s6)
Book at Bedtime
14:00 WED (b04v4sxj)
Book at Bedtime
02:00 THU (b04v4sxj)
Book at Bedtime
14:00 THU (b04v5ghf)
Book at Bedtime
02:00 FRI (b04v5ghf)
Book at Bedtime
14:00 FRI (b04v5r70)
Book of the Week
02:45 SAT (b04gc8p4)
Book of the Week
14:45 MON (b04gr47w)
Book of the Week
02:45 TUE (b04gr47w)
Book of the Week
14:45 TUE (b04hc1jn)
Book of the Week
02:45 WED (b04hc1jn)
Book of the Week
14:45 WED (b04hc1jq)
Book of the Week
02:45 THU (b04hc1jq)
Book of the Week
14:45 THU (b04hc1q5)
Book of the Week
02:45 FRI (b04hc1q5)
Book of the Week
14:45 FRI (b04hc1r3)
Brothers in Law
08:00 THU (b007k33c)
Brothers in Law
12:00 THU (b007k33c)
Brothers in Law
19:00 THU (b007k33c)
Bussmann and Quantick Kingsize
23:30 TUE (b044vhlq)
Character Assassins
01:30 SAT (b00tpqlf)
Charles Dickens
05:00 SAT (b00sb96j)
Charles Parker Prize 2019
16:00 SUN (m00074h3)
Charles Parker Prize 2019
04:00 MON (m00074h3)
Chris Addison's Civilization
23:30 SUN (b00f2zsd)
Clare in the Community
22:30 MON (b00hklfr)
Classic Serial
10:00 MON (b01d2bxg)
Classic Serial
15:00 MON (b01d2bxg)
Classic Serial
03:00 TUE (b01d2bxg)
Classic Serial
10:00 TUE (b01dhcg6)
Classic Serial
15:00 TUE (b01dhcg6)
Classic Serial
03:00 WED (b01dhcg6)
Classic Serial
10:00 WED (b01dtgp4)
Classic Serial
15:00 WED (b01dtgp4)
Classic Serial
03:00 THU (b01dtgp4)
Cleaning Up
09:30 WED (b054tl73)
Cleaning Up
16:30 WED (b054tl73)
Cleaning Up
04:30 THU (b054tl73)
Comedy Club Extra
23:25 FRI (m0007gbf)
Creme de la Crime
23:15 TUE (b010j4pb)
Dad Made Me Laugh
18:30 TUE (b007k1mb)
Dad Made Me Laugh
00:30 WED (b007k1mb)
Dad's Army
08:30 MON (b007jmrm)
Dad's Army
12:30 MON (b007jmrm)
Dad's Army
19:30 MON (b007jmrm)
David Attenborough's Life Stories
08:50 SAT (b00lxhb3)
David Attenborough's Life Stories
15:50 SAT (b00lxhb3)
David Attenborough's Life Stories
03:50 SUN (b00lxhb3)
David Wade - Alexander
10:00 THU (b007jx2h)
David Wade - Alexander
15:00 THU (b007jx2h)
David Wade - Alexander
03:00 FRI (b007jx2h)
David Wade - Alexander
10:00 FRI (b007jx2n)
David Wade - Alexander
15:00 FRI (b007jx2n)
Desert Island Discs Revisited
10:15 SUN (b0722zk8)
Desert Island Discs Revisited
21:15 SUN (b0722zk8)
Doctor at Large
08:30 WED (b00b0jz0)
Doctor at Large
12:30 WED (b00b0jz0)
Doctor at Large
19:30 WED (b00b0jz0)
Dr John Cooper Clarke: Complete Control
11:00 WED (m00075wz)
Dr John Cooper Clarke: Complete Control
21:00 WED (m00075wz)
06:00 SAT (b053rz5r)
16:00 SAT (b053rz5r)
04:00 SUN (b053rz5r)
11:15 THU (b07882k7)
21:15 THU (b07882k7)
Ella in Berlin
06:30 MON (b01s09z5)
Ella in Berlin
13:30 MON (b01s09z5)
Ella in Berlin
20:30 MON (b01s09z5)
Ella in Berlin
01:30 TUE (b01s09z5)
Elvis McGonagall Takes a Look on the Bright Side
23:30 FRI (b066wglv)
Ernest Fontwell versus the Experts
14:45 SAT (m000749h)
Ernest Fontwell versus the Experts
02:45 SUN (m000749h)
Great Lives
18:30 THU (b01sj1td)
Great Lives
00:30 FRI (b01sj1td)
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (Omnibus)
06:00 SUN (b00cz223)
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (Omnibus)
13:00 SUN (b00cz223)
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary (Omnibus)
01:00 MON (b00cz223)
Gustave Flaubert - Madame Bovary
02:30 SAT (b00cvbj4)
HG Wells
00:00 SAT (b01mmrhb)
Hamish and Dougal: You'll Have Had Your Tea
23:30 WED (b00770bs)
Hobby Bobbies
07:00 THU (b04v3cx5)
Hobby Bobbies
17:00 THU (b04v3cx5)
Hobby Bobbies
05:00 FRI (b04v3cx5)
House Rules
13:00 SAT (m0007499)
House Rules
01:00 SUN (m0007499)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
07:30 MON (m0006zxs)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
17:30 MON (m0006zxs)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
22:00 MON (m0006zxs)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
05:30 TUE (m0006zxs)
Inheritance Tracks
14:10 SAT (m000749f)
Inheritance Tracks
02:10 SUN (m000749f)
Inheritance Tracks
11:50 MON (b093ph7x)
Inheritance Tracks
21:50 MON (b093ph7x)
It's Not What You Know
04:00 SAT (b01ckr46)
It's Not What You Know
09:00 FRI (b01cwvbf)
It's Not What You Know
16:00 FRI (b01cwvbf)
John Kearns
22:45 WED (b05wykhz)
John Wyndham - Trouble with Lichen
18:00 SUN (b007k3cz)
John Wyndham - Trouble with Lichen
00:00 MON (b007k3cz)
Julia Sutherland: Fat Chance
22:30 THU (b05nvg7r)
Living with the Enemy
12:30 SAT (b0077154)
Living with the Enemy
07:00 TUE (b007719g)
Living with the Enemy
17:00 TUE (b007719g)
Living with the Enemy
05:00 WED (b007719g)
Lobby Land
23:00 MON (m00070zk)
Lobby Land
09:00 TUE (m00070zk)
Love in Recovery
23:45 WED (b051s4vb)
Lucky Heather
07:00 MON (b0075s9h)
Lucky Heather
17:00 MON (b0075s9h)
Lucky Heather
05:00 TUE (b0075s9h)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
14:30 MON (m00074kf)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
02:30 TUE (m00074kf)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
14:30 TUE (m00075ml)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
02:30 WED (m00075ml)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
14:30 WED (m00075x3)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
02:30 THU (m00075x3)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
14:30 THU (m00076bd)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
02:30 FRI (m00076bd)
Lynne Reid Banks - The Backward Shadow
14:30 FRI (m00076s3)
Mark Steel - Who Do I Think I Am?
23:00 SAT (b08drbx2)
Melissa Murray - Mackerel Fishing
11:00 THU (b08nsbbk)
Melissa Murray - Mackerel Fishing
21:00 THU (b08nsbbk)
Mike Walker - 2025
18:00 SAT (b00hy94c)
Mike Walker - 2025
00:00 SUN (b00hy94c)
Mr Finchley Goes to Paris
04:30 SAT (b007jzhn)
Mr Finchley Goes to Paris
09:30 FRI (b007jzrh)
Mr Finchley Goes to Paris
16:30 FRI (b007jzrh)
Off the Page
00:30 SAT (b0076k64)
Off the Page
18:30 FRI (b0076k92)
Pam Ayres' Open Road
14:15 SAT (b007kdbd)
Pam Ayres' Open Road
02:15 SUN (b007kdbd)
15:45 SUN (b00773ph)
03:45 MON (b00773ph)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
02:15 SAT (b04d4ppb)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
14:15 MON (b04dk87y)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
02:15 TUE (b04dk87y)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
14:15 TUE (b04dm6v3)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
02:15 WED (b04dm6v3)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
14:15 WED (b04dmxwg)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
02:15 THU (b04dmxwg)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
14:15 THU (b04dqngm)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
02:15 FRI (b04dqngm)
Plants: From Roots to Riches
14:15 FRI (b04dqwyh)
Plumbers and Penguins
06:30 FRI (b00wr6qk)
Plumbers and Penguins
13:30 FRI (b00wr6qk)
Plumbers and Penguins
20:30 FRI (b00wr6qk)
Podcast Radio Hour
11:00 FRI (m00076s1)
Podcast Radio Hour
21:00 FRI (m00076s1)
Poetry Extra
17:00 SUN (m00074h7)
Poetry Extra
05:00 MON (m00074h7)
Radio Active
23:30 MON (b007k1r1)
Ray's a Laugh
08:30 SUN (m00074gk)
Ray's a Laugh
12:30 SUN (m00074gk)
Revolting People
22:30 SAT (b0089mbr)
Richard Barton: General Practitioner!
09:30 THU (b00757q4)
Richard Barton: General Practitioner!
16:30 THU (b00757q4)
Richard Barton: General Practitioner!
04:30 FRI (b00757q4)
Roy Hudd - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat!
07:30 SAT (b0169n6w)
Roy Hudd - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat!
17:30 SAT (b0169n6w)
Roy Hudd - Stick a Geranium in Your Hat!
05:30 SUN (b0169n6w)
Sean Lock - 15 Storeys High
22:30 SUN (b09hmjts)
Secrets and Lattes
07:00 FRI (b060z7c5)
Secrets and Lattes
17:00 FRI (b060z7c5)
Sheridan Le Fanu - Uncle Silas
03:00 SAT (b007jtst)
Small Scenes
23:00 SUN (b071x4ny)
So On and So Forth
09:30 TUE (b05xx8x5)
Steptoe and Son
08:30 FRI (b007k1r0)
Steptoe and Son
12:30 FRI (b007k1r0)
Steptoe and Son
19:30 FRI (b007k1r0)
Street and Lane
09:30 MON (b00vdbvk)
Street and Lane
16:30 MON (b00vdbvk)
Street and Lane
04:30 TUE (b00vdbvk)
Studio in the Sand
06:30 WED (b01rft45)
Studio in the Sand
13:30 WED (b01rft45)
Studio in the Sand
20:30 WED (b01rft45)
Studio in the Sand
01:30 THU (b01rft45)
Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On
07:30 SUN (b071whf9)
Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On
17:30 SUN (b071whf9)
Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On
22:00 SUN (b071whf9)
Susan Calman - Keep Calman Carry On
05:30 MON (b071whf9)
TED Radio Hour
11:00 MON (m00074kc)
TED Radio Hour
21:00 MON (m00074kc)
Telling Tales
11:00 TUE (m00075mj)
Telling Tales
21:00 TUE (m00075mj)
That Reminds Me
18:30 WED (b007jp4b)
That Reminds Me
00:30 THU (b007jp4b)
The Absolutely Radio Show
05:30 SAT (m000700w)
The Absolutely Radio Show
07:30 FRI (m000747y)
The Absolutely Radio Show
17:30 FRI (m000747y)
The Absolutely Radio Show
22:00 FRI (m000747y)
The Al Read Show
08:00 TUE (b008xzwj)
The Al Read Show
12:00 TUE (b008xzwj)
The Al Read Show
19:00 TUE (b008xzwj)
The Brig Society
23:00 THU (b0832rjd)
The Burkiss Way
08:00 FRI (b00jr7ft)
The Burkiss Way
12:00 FRI (b00jr7ft)
The Burkiss Way
19:00 FRI (b00jr7ft)
The Celebrity Voicemail Show
23:45 FRI (b06bp5tt)
The Comedy Club Interviews
22:55 SUN (m00079nb)
The Comedy Club Interviews
22:55 MON (m00079rj)
The Comedy Club Interviews
22:55 WED (m00079s2)
The Croft & Pearce Show
23:00 TUE (b0742mqq)
The Diary of a Nobody
08:00 WED (b01ghlgt)
The Diary of a Nobody
12:00 WED (b01ghlgt)
The Diary of a Nobody
19:00 WED (b01ghlgt)
The Future of Radio
22:30 WED (b04d4qpl)
The Goon Show
08:30 THU (b00k7xd2)
The Goon Show
12:30 THU (b00k7xd2)
The Goon Show
19:30 THU (b00k7xd2)
The Great Romantic (Omnibus)
09:00 SUN (m00074gm)
The Great Romantic (Omnibus)
20:00 SUN (m00074gm)
The In Crowd
23:30 THU (b00sf7tp)
The Jason Byrne Show
23:00 WED (b01ghlh2)
The Listening Project
10:10 SUN (b081tkmh)
The Listening Project
21:10 SUN (b081tkmh)
The Moth Radio Hour
11:00 SUN (m00074gr)
The Moth Radio Hour
19:00 SUN (m00074gr)
The Motion Show
09:00 THU (m00076b9)
The Motion Show
16:00 THU (m00076b9)
The Motion Show
04:00 FRI (m00076b9)
The Museum of Curiosity
09:00 MON (b04nrmgx)
The Museum of Curiosity
16:00 MON (b04nrmgx)
The Museum of Curiosity
04:00 TUE (b04nrmgx)
The Oxbridge Murder
06:30 TUE (b00mtm9c)
The Oxbridge Murder
13:30 TUE (b00mtm9c)
The Oxbridge Murder
20:30 TUE (b00mtm9c)
The Oxbridge Murder
01:30 WED (b00mtm9c)
The Pin
07:30 WED (m00070bd)
The Pin
17:30 WED (m00070bd)
The Pin
22:00 WED (m00070bd)
The Pin
05:30 THU (m00070bd)
The Price of Fear
18:30 SUN (b01s7w2d)
The Price of Fear
00:30 MON (b01s7w2d)
The Price of Happiness
22:00 SAT (b060724p)
The Sit Crom
16:30 TUE (b00lvmwp)
The Sit Crom
04:30 WED (b00lvmwp)
The Warlow Experiment (Omnibus)
14:30 SUN (m00074gv)
The Warlow Experiment (Omnibus)
02:30 MON (m00074gv)
There Is No Escape
07:00 WED (b06kcbw8)
There Is No Escape
17:00 WED (b06kcbw8)
There Is No Escape
05:00 THU (b06kcbw8)
To the Manor Born
08:30 TUE (b007jm4q)
To the Manor Born
12:30 TUE (b007jm4q)
To the Manor Born
19:30 TUE (b007jm4q)
Victorian Love Stories
07:15 SUN (m00074gh)
Victorian Love Stories
14:15 SUN (m00074gh)
Victorian Love Stories
02:15 MON (m00074gh)
Welcome to Wherever You Are
07:30 THU (m00070jt)
Welcome to Wherever You Are
17:30 THU (m00070jt)
Welcome to Wherever You Are
22:00 THU (m00070jt)
Welcome to Wherever You Are
05:30 FRI (m00070jt)
08:00 SUN (b065y6qz)
12:00 SUN (b065y6qz)
World Book Club
08:00 SAT (b098ply0)
World Book Club
15:00 SAT (b098ply0)
World Book Club
03:00 SUN (b098ply0)