The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.
Unofficial Weekly Listings for BBC Radio 4 Extra — supported by
Saul and Elise make a grim discovery in the nursing home. Time-hopping thriller with Robert Glenister and Freddie Jones.
"Into my heart an air that kills
From yon far country blows:
What are those blue remembered hills,
What spires, what farms are those?
That is the land of lost content,
I see it shining plain,
The happy highways where I went
And cannot come again."
So wrote the poet AE Housman lamenting the loss of his brother in the Boer war in his epic poem A Shropshire Lad. It harks back to a simple idyllic rural way of life that is forever changed at the end of the nineteenth century as hundreds of country boys go off to fight and never return. George Butterworth adapted his words to music in 1913 just before the outbreak of the Great War. This edition of Soul Music hears from those whose lives continue to be touched by the loss of so many young men between 1914 and 1918. Broadcaster Sybil Ruscoe recalls visiting her Great Uncle's grave in a military cemetery in France with Butterworth's Rhapsody as the soundtrack to her journey. A concert at Bromsgrove School in Worcestershire where Housman was a pupil remembers the former schoolboys killed in action, and singer Steve Knightley discusses and performs his adaptation of The Lads In Their Hundreds as part of the centenary commemorations. The Bishop of Woolwich connects his love of the countryside and Butterworth's music with his father's battered copy of Housman's poems which comforted him while held captive in Singapore during the Second World War.
Producer: Maggie Ayre.
Cantankerous criminal psychologist Dr Morelle investigates the mystery death of wealthy French baroness in a hotel.
Ernest Dudley's Harley Street psychiatrist-turned-detective uses psychology as well as criminology to hunt down lawbreakers by deducing their felonious personalities.
Following on from the success of the 1949 Hammer Film 'Dr Morelle: The Case Of The Missing Heiress', this is the first of 13 BBC radio episodes starring British film veteran, Cecil Parker as Dr Morelle and Sheila Sim as his long-suffering assistant, Miss Frayle.
With Sydney Tafler as the Hotel Waiter, Tonia Bern as Mam'selle Rolin, Hugh Manning as Anthony Winter, Molly Rankin as the Hotel Receptionist and Kathleen Helme as Miss Shawcroft.
Audio recovered by BBC Radio 4 Extra listener, Steve Arnold.
Director: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in April 1957.
For a country that doesn't exist, Ruritania crops up a great deal. Comedian Tony Hawks goes in search of the truth. He finds himself at Angels costumiers being dressed up in gold braid and meets historian Jeffrey Richards, who explains that Ruritania was invented in 1894 by novelist Anthony Hope for his adventure The Prisoner of Zenda.
Tony is plunged into the swashbuckling world of romance novels and Ivor Novello operetta. He travels the realms of Hollywood for their versions of Ruritania in films such as Roman Holiday, Duck Soup and Prince and the Showgirl, discovering startling truths behind the fantasies. There was a Romanian prince who behaved as badly as Lawrence Olivier's character - but was Audrey Hepburn's princess who gives up the love of an unsuitable man based on truths closer to home?
When it was written, The Prisoner of Zenda captured a middle Europe of British imagination - full of inbred rulers, florid ceremony, intrigue and threats to democracy. Why did these romances become so popular? What do they tell us about the Britain that adored them?
Geographical detective work with foreign correspondent Alan Little places Ruritania in the Balkans. Belgrade born writer, Vesna Goldsworthy joins Tony and Alan in exploring how the Ruritanian image has had a demeaning effect on political relations with eastern Europe that continues into the present.
Tony has his sword, his epaulettes and knows how a Ruritanian hero behaves, he's even learnt a Ruritanian song but does he still want to go there?
This programme may contain swashbuckling.
Produced by Annie Caulfield and Marilyn Imrie
A Loftus production for BBC Radio 4.
Acclaimed novelist of the Italian Renaissance, Sarah Dunant, takes on the era's most infamous family - the Borgias.
The story of the Borgia Pope is not long - Roderigo Borgia, Alexander VI, was the Head of the Church for barely a decade - but an enormous amount of activity, social, political and sexual, was crammed into that period.
Our abridgement began last week in August 1492 when Roderigo Borgia won his campaign to become Pope. This week, we move on to the next four years of his reign. The problems seeded in the first year are blossoming into crises at every turn, as Italy explodes into war against the invading French. Rising above this challenge through a series of canny political manoeuvres, Alexander proves less able in his ability to control his children.
Read by Robert Glenister
Written by Sarah Dunant
Abridged by Eileen Horne
Produced by Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.
In the final part of her exploration of the selfie phenomenon, snowboarder Aimee Fuller describes how she will be using social media as she sets out to compete for a place at the next Winter Olympics. As she looks ahead, she also considers what she will share with fans - and what she would like to keep to herself.
Birmingham University Business School lecturer David Houghton explains how photographs of the self are viewed when posted frequently and how attitudes change depending on what is posted and how often. He explains the role of narcissism in social media and the difference between 'look at me' selfies and photos taken at tourist locations to explain where people are.
Nina Nesbitt is a singer-songwriter who uses social media to connect with her fans, including via a live video stream, and appreciates the way she gets feedback and encouragement from fans. She talks with her fans on Twitter most days and says it helps her when she is recording.
Aimee explains her views on what should be posted online - she posts in order to convey herself - and how there is a difference between 'social media Aimee' and her ordinary, day-to-day life. She talks about the people who criticise photographs taken and the drawbacks of social media.
Producer: Philip Reevell
A Manchester Digital Media production for BBC Radio 4.
by Edith Wharton
dramatised by Lin Coghlan
Mattie and Ethan take desperate measures not to be separated.
Ethan Frome ..... Dominic Mafham
Mattie ..... Jessica Raine
Zeena ..... Laurel Lefkow
Mrs Hale ..... Tracy Wiles
Edith Wharton ..... Fenella Woolgar
Ethan Frome is one of Edith Wharton's most enduring and powerful stories.
Set against the cold, grey, bleakness of a New England winter. Ethan Frome scrapes a living from his woodlot whilst trapped in an unhappy marriage with his hypochondriac wife, Zeena. A ray of light enters Ethan's life when his wife's cousin Mattie arrives to help. His life is transformed as he falls in love with Mattie but their fate is determined by their circumstances and the stifling conventions of the time.
Ethan Frome was deemed shocking when first published as it appeared to condone infidelity. What many readers did not know was that many of the novella's themes mirrored real events in the life of Edith Wharton. Her own story is told in 'The Jinx Element' that explores her own sexless marriage and a passionate affair that begun when she was 47.
Time is nearly up as Cobbett pens a last register. But even on his death bed, some merriment shines through. Biography of the renowned political reformer, read by Oliver Ford.
Arthur is struck by disaster, and Mrs Clennam is finally forced into revealing the family secret. Dickens adaptation stars Ian McKellen.
Martin Young presents the biographical quiz show. Francis Wheen and Fred Housego captain the teams.
Cravate and Pomeroy achieve freedom, but soon find themselves on a collision course. With Caroline Quentin. From December 1994.
Arms dealer Simon dreads his school reunion, but could he be the coolest kid in class? Stars Darren Boyd. From October 2007.
4 Extra Debut. Shona and best friend Kristen tackle the tricky world of romance and dating. Stars Miss London and Gráinne Maguire. From August 2013.
A sparky and touching portrayal of the relationship between a working-class Open University student and her alcohol-fuelled tutor.
Willy Russell's award-winning comedy stars Laura Dos Santos as Rita and Bill Nighy as Dr Frank Bryant.
Adapted by Willy Russell from his play originally commissioned by the Royal Shakespeare Company, which premièred at the Warehouse theatre, London in 1980.
Director: Kirsty Williams
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2009.
The Royal Collection is one of the most wide-ranging collections of art and artefacts in the world and provides an intriguing insight into the minds of the monarchs who assembled it.
In this series, BBC Arts Editor Will Gompertz encounters dozens of these unique objects - some priceless, others no more than souvenirs - each shedding light on our relationship with the monarchy and giving a glimpse into the essential ingredients of a successful sovereign.
In this programme, Will uses five objects to investigate a pivotal aspect of the art of monarchy - the projection of magnificence. An idea as old as monarchy itself, magnificence is the expression of power through the display of wealth and status. Will's first object unites our current Queen with George III; the Gold State Coach, which has been used for coronations since 1821. Built for George III in 1762, it reflects Britain's new found glory in its richly gilded carvings and painted panels...but the glory was to be short lived.
Will goes on to explore Henry VIII's taste for interior design at Hampton Court Palace, with the enormous Abraham Tapestries - a symbol of Henry's personal self-belief but also a post-Reformation statement to his rival the Pope. Charles II's preoccupations are given unlikely form in a silver table now held at Windsor Castle, whilst Sir Christopher Wren's designs for Hampton Court have an unusually egalitarian purpose.
The idea of magnificence might seem one-dimensional - but encoded into the jewels, the gilding, the silver and the marble are stories of political intrigue and personal paranoia.
Prod: Neil George.
Blame the abstract, blame the real, blame the stars, blame the bankers, blame the mother-in-law, blame anyone but yourself ....
The American satirist Joe Queenan presents A Brief History of Blame, an archive opera in six acts featuring Margaret Thatcher, Niall Ferguson, Tom Wrigglesworth, Richard Nixon, Melvyn Bragg, the Archbishop of Canterbury, plus new interviews with Germaine Greer, John Sergeant and Charlie Campbell. Together they reveal that we are all now living in a babel of blame.
Queenan gives no nonsense answers to six headings, including How Blaming Began. There are explanations for the word scapegoat, discussion of the role of parents in messing things up, and a rare outing from Margaret Thatcher in a performance of Yes Minister which she wrote herself. "I want you to abolish economists, " she demands. "Don't worry if it goes wrong - I'll get the blame, I always do."
"My qualifications for presenting this programme are impeccable," says Queenan. "My father was an alcoholic, my mother an emotionally distant manic depressive. Together we grew up in a charm free housing project in Philadelphia. So don't whine to me about how tough life is."
The producer is Miles Warde, who previously collaborated with Joe Queenan on A Brief History of Irony and An American's Guide to Failure.
Homeworker Nick Baker immerses himself in a study of work - from the hard at it, to the work shy. In his archive exploration, Nick enjoys a choice staffroom edition of King Street Junior and sympathises with a fellow who also works at home in Ed Reardon's Week.
Fascinating facts about offices of the future are revealed, along with the truth about working from home. And work as a form of madness is depicted in a series called You Don't Have to Work to be Mad Here. This features whimsical sackings (sometimes by answering machine message) and a careers adviser who hates her job so much she hides in a strange way.
Plus choice episodes from Kate Kellaway's History of Office Life - and Ricky Gervais reveals how his creation David Brent came to be.
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra by Testbed Productions.
The antiques quiz visits Petworth House in West Sussex. With Lars Tharp, Eric Knowles and Bunny Campione. From April 1998.
Recently separated from his wife and with a teenage son, Miles Rummings sets out to fulfil his dream of running a scout troop.
Family and friends don't quite share his enthusiasm, but nevertheless four misfits attempt to venture where no scout has ventured before...
Stars Kim Wall as Miles, Emma Amos as Dawn, Barnaby Power as Steve, Louis Dunsford as Jason and Gerard McDermott as the Farmer.
Producer: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2005.
Cyrano de Bergerac - swordsman, philosopher, poet - has one huge problem that's as plain as the nose on his face. Stars Tom Burke.
Crime novelist Donna Leon chooses Handel's 'Da Tempeste' as sung by Joyce DiDonato, and 'Myself I Shall Adore' by Cecilia Bartoli.
Brian Johnston visits Cumbria to explore the Lake District's northern gateway and birthplace of William Wordsworth.
Down Your Way was one of the BBC's longest-running radio series - starting on the BBC Home Service in 1946 and ending its run on BBC Radio 4 in 1992. Using a variety of hosts, including Richard Dimbleby and Brian Johnston, the programme toured villages, towns and cities across the UK. At the height of its success in the 1950s, the series was attracting 10 million listeners a week.
Producer: Anthony Smith
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1987.
Written by acclaimed writer Willy Russell.
Shirley Valentine is a middle-aged Liverpool housewife, who reveals her innermost thoughts and fears in a manner that is both insouciant and poignant. Once an incorrigible anti-establishment rebel, Shirley now chafes under the plodding insensitivity of her husband, Joe and the stultifying pace of her suburban routine. Her life enters a new and exciting phase when, after her best friend, Jane, wins an all-expenses-paid vacation to Greece, Shirley is given the opportunity to travel to faraway places without her husband; she begins to see the world, and herself, in a different light.
Starring Meera Syal, after a much lauded run at the Menier Chocolate Factory the play transferred to The Trafalgar studio to continued success. Finishing in theatre on October 30th Meera walked straight into the studio to record the one woman play for Radio 4. Based on the original Menier Theatre production directed by Glen Walford.
Producer: Clive Brill
A Pacificus production for BBC Radio 4.
Iain Glen is the Illustrated Man in a dramatisation by Brian Sibley of Ray Bradbury's iconic short story collection.
A young traveller encounters a vagrant on the road who claims his tattoos come to life after dark and have the powers of prophecy.
The vagrant offers his young travelling companion tantalising glimpses into the future with tales of restless androids, children caught up in a sinister game and astronauts stranded in outer space which all hint at dark and troubling times ahead.
The Illustrated Man.....Iain Glen
The Youth.....Jamie Parker
The Tattoo Witch.....Elaine Claxton
The Driver.....Wilf Scolding
Brayling/Brayling 2.....Patrick Kennedy
Smith.....Stephen Hogan
Mink....Nell Herrin
Mother....Heather Craney
Father....Clive Hayward
Anna....Lucy Hutchinson
Hollis....Alec Newman
Applegate....John P. Arnold
Stone....Jaimi Barbakoff
Stimson....Craige Els
Directed by Gemma Jenkins
Production Co-ordinator: Philippa Tilbury
Studio Managers: Anne Bunting, Peter Ringrose, Alison Craig.
First published in the UK in 1952, it's the startling framing device of a man whose tattoos predict the future of humankind which signals Bradbury's collection out as one of the defining works of 20th century Science Fiction.
The award-winning radio dramatist, Brian Sibley's other credits include dramatisations of TH White's The Once and Future King, Mervyn Peake's Gormenghast novels and The Lord of The Rings trilogy.
Sketches, stand up and song in a comic exploration of communication. With Andrew Lawrence and Sara Pascoe. From November 2012.
4 Extra's Comedy Club catches up on all the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
John Finnemore, the writer and star of Cabin Pressure; regular guest on The Now Show; and popper-upper in things like Miranda and Family Guy, presents a special edition of his sketch show, recorded at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
The first series, broadcast last year, was described as "sparklingly clever" by The Daily Telegraph and "one of the most consistently funny sketch shows for quite some time" by The Guardian. It featured Winnie the Pooh coming to terms with his abusive relationship with honey; how The Archers sounds to people who don't listen to the Archers, and Jekyll and Hyde's tricky housekeeping arrangements. This show won't feature any of those things, but that's ok, because it will feature other things, and they'll be funny too.
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme is written by and stars John Finnemore, with Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Simon Kane, Lawry Lewin and Carrie Quinlan.
Producer: Ed Morrish.
4 Extra's Comedy Club catches up on all the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Join Hardeep Singh Kohli for some hilarious stand up comedy from a selection of the best comedians working in the world right now. Hardeep At The Stand captures the entire comedy experience, there's backstage revelations, jokes, anecdotes and lots and lots of laughter. In this episode, Martin Mor electrifies the venue with his high energy presence, Bob Mills demonstrates the gentle art of stand up to perfection and there's some good old fashioned jokes from Chris Grady and Jo Jo Sutherland.
The incisive reporter on the pros and cons of bank holidays. Written by and starring Stephen Carlin. From November 2008.
4 Extra's Comedy Club catches up on all the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Ivor Cutler and friends present poems and songs, including runaway teaspoons and the spelling of 'marmalade'. From June 1997.
Ethan Frome scrapes a living from his woodlot whilst trapped in an unhappy marriage with his hypochondriac wife, Zeena. A ray of light enters Ethan's life when his wife's cousin Mattie arrives...
Set against the cold, grey, bleakness of a New England winter, one of Edith Wharton's most enduring and powerful stories was first published in 1911. Dramatised by Lin Coghlan.
Stars Dominic Mafham as Ethan Frome, Jessica Raine as Mattie, Laurle Lefkow as Zeena, Christopher Webster as Denis Eady, Adjoa Andoh as Post Mistress, Paul Moriaty as Andrew Hale and Fenella Woolgar as Edith Wharton.
Director: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2012.
4 Extra Debut. Helen envies her neighbour's garden and her life, but discovers that things are not always as they seem. Read by Niamh Cusack.
In a brand new series for Radio 4, Susan Calman explores issues on which she has strong opinions.
When Susan was younger (and more than a little self-obsessed), she thought that the brooding, silent type was the best way to be. Then, whilst trying to deal with depression, she went on a journey of counselling, self-help. even writing poetry - you name it, she did it all. Now she is convinced that bottling things up makes things worse and that we should all talk about everything all the time. Well, not quite. But nearly.
But does counselling help or does it encourage self-pity? Should we all just pull ourselves together?
Produced by Lyndsay Fenner.
The family are planning their summer holiday, but will it be plain sailing?
Starring real-life American family: Ben Lyon and his wife Bebe Daniels and their children, Richard and Barbara.
With Doris Rogers as Florrie, Molly Weir as Aggie, Horace Percival as Mr Wimple and Hugh Morton.
Life With the Lyons was one the BBC's most popular radio sitcoms between1950 and 1961. It was also adapted for BBC TV.
Written by Bebe Daniels, Bob Block, Ronnie Hanbury and Bill Harding.
BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Paul Fenoulhet.
Producer: Tom Ronald
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1954.
A local burglary turns into a Whitehall farce for Chiselbury School. Stars Professor Jimmy Edwards. With Roddy Maude-Roxby.
Starting life on BBC TV before transferring to radio, Chiselbury School is run "for the sons of gentlefolk".
Headmaster, Professor James Edwards, M.A. never misses a trick when it comes to exploiting the students and their parents. Sports pitches are given over to growing vegetables, which the boys nurture for their head to sell. Classes never exceed 95 pupils - 50 if private tuition is paid for at five guineas extra. It's only thanks to the efforts of the devoted deputy head, Mr Pettigrew, that the school exists at all.
Written by Frank Muir and Denis Norden and adapted for radio by David Climie.
Producer: Edward Taylor
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in September 1961.
Culinary history starts aboard the Mary Rose to discover how salt cod helped create the British Empire. Omnibus edition read by Melody Grove.
Fi Glover introduces a conversation between a theatre and a film director, both of whom major in horror. It's their passion, but is it good for them...?
The Listening Project is a Radio 4 initiative that offers a snapshot of contemporary Britain in which people across the UK volunteer to have a conversation with someone close to them about a subject they've never discussed intimately before. The conversations are being gathered across the UK by teams of producers from local and national radio stations who facilitate each encounter. Every conversation - they're not BBC interviews, and that's an important difference - lasts up to an hour, and is then edited to extract the key moment of connection between the participants. Most of the unedited conversations are being archived by the British Library and used to build up a collection of voices capturing a unique portrait of the UK in the second decade of the millennium. You can upload your own conversations or just learn more about The Listening Project by visiting
Producer: Marya Burgess.
4 Extra Debut. From Debussy to Imogen Heap, theatre producer Sonia Friedman shares her castaway choices with Kirsty Young. From June 2017.
True stories told live in in the USA: Catherine Burns introduces tales about heartbreak, fading glory and bearing witness.
The Moth is an acclaimed not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling based in the USA. Since 1997, it has celebrated both the raconteur and the storytelling novice, who has lived through something extraordinary and yearns to share it. Originally formed by the writer George Dawes Green as an intimate gathering of friends on a porch in Georgia (where moths would flutter in through a hole in the screen), and then recreated in a New York City living room, The Moth quickly grew to produce immensely popular events at theatres and clubs around New York City and later around the USA, the UK and other parts of the world.
The Moth has presented more than 15,000 stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. The Moth podcast is downloaded over 27 million times a year.
Featuring true stories told live on stage without scripts, from the humorous to the heart-breaking.
The Moth Radio Hour is produced by Jay Allison and Atlantic Public Media in Woods Hole, Massachusetts and is distributed by the Public Radio Exchange.
Actor Dennis Quaid chooses 'Into the Mystic' by Van Morrison and 'Life Is Like a Mountain Railway' by Anonymous.
Amanda Craig's new novel is a state-of-the-nation black comedy that highlights the growing disconnect between life in London and the rest of the country.
Quentin and Lottie Bredin, like many modern couples, can't afford to divorce. Having lost their jobs in the recession, they can't afford to go on living in London either; instead, they must downsize and move their three children to a house in a remote part of Devon. Arrogant and adulterous, Quentin can't understand why Lottie is so angry; devastated and humiliated, Lottie feels herself to have been intolerably wounded.
Ever practical, though, she rents out their London house for an extortionate sum in order to reap the city's ever-rising property market. The income covers the mortgage and allows them to rent a house in Devon (priced suspiciously low, even by rural standards).
Why is their rent so low? What is the mystery surrounding their unappealing new home? The beauty of the landscape is ravishing, yet it conceals a dark side involving poverty, revenge, abuse and violence which will rise up to threaten them all.
Reader: Amanda Lawrence
Writer: Amanda Craig
Abridger: Robin Brooks
Producer: Kirsteen Cameron.
Michael Feydeau and David Pershore probe a case of counterfeit art. Stars Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis. From April 2003.
Food writer, Home Economist and Food stylist Alison Clarkson follows eight people on a course in Leeds, specialising in how to run their very own Fish and Chip shop.
For generations, the meal has been a constant favourite with thousands, if not millions, of people across Britain. Churchill called them 'the good companion' and John Lennon loved his with tomato ketchup.
This episode focuses on the beginning of the course, introducing us to the eight students and featuring Mark Drummond and Arthur Parrington, who both play key roles in the course's leadership.
The series follows a three day course run by the National Federation of Fish Fryers in Leeds. It takes students through the requirements involved in running your own shop - from fish preparation and battering, through health and safety, to the legal and financial issues inherent in the business.
The students come from a wide variety of backgrounds - from the finance industry to a retired musician, from an optician to a newsagent. Two have ventured from France and one from Hamburg, especially to attend the course.
As well as following the students, the programmes trace the history and development of selling chips. The meal became popular in the early part of the nineteenth century as a result of the rapid growth of trawl fishing in the North Sea. In its heyday there were approximately thirty thousand fish and chip shops in Britain. Today the number is around twelve thousand. The acclaimed 5 out of 5, AA Rosette and multi Michelin Star award winning chef Jean-Christophe Novelli discusses his love and respect for our traditional meal.
Finally, we follow up the featured members of the course, six months after attending it. How do you like the meal, 'Open or wrapped..?!'
Presenter: Alison Clarkson
Produced by Eurof Williams
An Acme tv production for BBC Radio 4.
A mysterious Dutchman is condemned to sail the seas for all eternity, unless he can find a woman who loves him enough to die for him. But how do you prove a lover would give their soul to save yours?
In the short, dark days of Norwegian winter, this timeless tale explores the danger of getting what you wish for, the power of love and the strength of evil.
"The Dutch Mariner" is a retelling of the myth that inspired Wagner's classic opera "The Flying Dutchman". Scripted by Judith French.
Starring Gerard Murphy as The Mariner, James Laurenson as The Fiend, Ellie Beaven as Senta, Ifan Meredith as Eric and Pip Donaghy as Daland.
Producer: Rachel Horan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2003.
BBC Radio 4's Poet in Residence, Daljit Nagra revisits the BBC's radio poetry with 'Adventures in Poetry' featuring Charles Causley's poem 'Timothy Winters'.
A programme from the series that explores the background, effect and lasting appeal of some well-loved poems.
Producer: Sara Davies
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2006.
On the Isle of Luig, Lark and Cornelius are certain the death of Dr Hugh Dexter was no accident. From his research notes, they diagnose a mysterious island sickness.
The key to the mystery seems to be an apparently simple-minded 18-year-old, Flora Kiery...
Stars Peter Cushing as John Cornelius, Vincent Price as Professor Curtis Lark, Henry Stamper as Minister Donald Schooler, Shirley Dixon as Mrs Kyle, Sandra Clarke as Flora Kiery, Irene Sutcliffe as Mary, Frazer Carr as Dr Hugh Dexter and Andrew Sear as the Purser.
Written by Rene Basilico from an idea by Robert Holmes.
Producer: John Dyas
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1977.
Blazing a trail in the field of neuroscience with her ground-breaking work in 'audio therapy', Professor Maggie Shaw tries to revive the victim of a dubious experiment.
Richard Vincent's tale is introduced by Mark Gatiss as sinister raconteur, The Man in Black.
Stars Emily Woof as Maggie Shaw, Trevor White as Tom Heartland, Gunnar Cauthery as Dr Oliver Penright, Jonathan Tafler as Sir Max Rencart and Donna Hughes as the Computer.
Horrifying series of tales from The Man in Black. You might meet him at a luggage carousel in an airport, or behind the desk at an employment agency or he might approach you in the corridor of a care home.
Wherever you encounter him, he's eager to pass on his stories. Stories to unsettle and horrify. Stories to haunt you.
Director: Jeremy Mortimer
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in 2009.
4 Extra's Comedy Club catches up on all the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Vera and Henry are undecided about whether it is time for their Eton-educated sons, Charlie and Fred, to be told the facts of life. Neither parent feels that they are sufficiently qualified to discuss the birds and bees with their sons, so they go in search of somebody who is. Ginny and Lionel, conveniently staying, are invited to contribute, but it soon becomes clear that they are urgently in need of sex education themselves.
The Goslings deliver conflicting opinions: Mrs Gosling is affronted by the very mention of the facts of life, whilst Gosling, dealing with pollination on a daily basis, would happily talk of nothing else all year.
Finally a willing educator is found. Venus, deeply broody for her first child, volunteers to rush down to Eton and enlighten Charlie and Fred over ginger beer and crumpets. Worried lest they should suddenly become grandparents before their time, Henry and Vera swiftly call a halt to the whole scheme and pack Venus off to climb Everest instead.
Green-fingered Sapphist Vera Sackcloth-Vest shares a bijou castle in Kent with her devoted husband Henry, but longs for exotic adventures with nervy novelist Ginny Fox and wilful beauty Venus Traduces. It's 1921, the dawn of modern love, life and lingerie, but Vera still hasn't learnt how to boil a kettle.
Producer: Jamie Rix
A Little Brother Production for BBC Radio 4.
4 Extra's Comedy Club catches up on all the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Learning to drive, the social worker heads to the office Christmas party with Brian. Stars Sally Phillips. From December 2004.
4 Extra's Comedy Club catches up on all the latest from the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.
Ivor Cutler and friends present poems and songs, including the tale of a yellow fly and shoplifting with a twist. From June 1997.
A woman wants to be absolved from a case of murder, but will the cantankerous criminal psychologist Dr Morelle agree?
Ernest Dudley's Harley Street psychiatrist-turned-detective uses psychology as well as criminology to hunt down lawbreakers by deducing their felonious personalities.
Following on from the success of the 1949 Hammer Film 'Dr Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress', the BBC radio series stars British film veteran, Cecil Parker as Dr Morelle and Sheila Sim as his long-suffering assistant, Miss Frayle.
With Phillip Wray as Inspector Hood, Mary Law as Paula Webb and other parts by Maurice Sweden, Norman Wynn, Hugh Manning, Betty Lynton and Alan McLelland.
Director: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in April 1957.
1/2. Merimee, the creator of Carmen
Writers Julian Barnes and Hermione Lee go on the trail of Prosper Merimee, author of the novella Carmen. He was employed in the 1830s as Inspector General of Historical Monuments, saving many of the sites that tourists to France enjoy today.
Sophie is mistaken for an asylum seeker. Can Nick and Gyles help her? Stars Nick Revell and Gyles Brandreth. From February 2006.
How hard can it be to talk for 60 seconds with no hesitation, repetition & deviation? Nicholas Parsons challenges Tony Hawks, Phill Jupitus, Sheila Hancock and Jenny Eclair to do just that.
Hayley Sterling blows the whistle.
Produced by Victoria Lloyd.
A BBC Studios Production.
When Devere invites Audrey to go skiing, he ends up being taken for a ride.
Starring Penelope Keith as Audrey fforbes-Hamilton, Keith Barron as Richard DeVere, Angela Thorne as Marjory Frobisher, Nicholas McArdle as Brabinger, Margery Withers as Mrs Polouvicka and Geoffrey Whitehead as Dr Horton.
The tale of lady of the manor Audrey fforbes-Hamilton, forced to sell her beloved Grantleigh Estate when her husband's death leaves her financially strapped. With butler Brabinger in tow, they've decamped to the tiny Old Lodge cottage.
From this vantage point, Audrey keeps a close and disapproving eye on the estate's new owner, the nouveau-riche Richard DeVere, a wholesale foods magnate of Czech descent.
First piloted on radio and then whisked off to TV before it ever appeared, before finally arriving home in 1997.
Adapted from his TV scripts by Peter Spence.
Producer: Jane Berthoud
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in February 1997.
The platoon battle to bring in a farmer's harvest - with help from ARP Warden Hodges.
Starring Arthur Lowe as Captain Mainwaring, John Le Mesurier as Sergeant Wilson, Clive Dunn as Corporal Jones, John Laurie as Private Frazer, Ian Lavender as Private Pike, Arnold Ridley as Godfrey, Bill Pertwee as Hodges and Frank Williams as the Vicar.
Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV scripts by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles.
Producer: John Dyas
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1975.
The antiques quiz visits Harewood House in Yorkshire. With Lars Tharp, Henry Sandon and Philippa Glanville. From April 1998.
Miles battles to hold his own scout parade, but a dead dog and an OAP spark unexpected trouble.
Recently separated from his wife and with a teenage son, Miles Rummings continues with his dream of running a scout troop.
Stars Kim Wall as Miles, Emma Amos as Dawn, Barnaby Power as Steve, Louis Dunsford as Jason, Dave Lamb as Garth and Peter Marinker as Eric.
Producer: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2005.
Singer Yvette Guilbert is drawn to a brand new venue in the capital city of France.
When the Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Montmartre, Paris in 1889, Toulouse-Lautrec was commissioned to paint a series of posters. A performer's career was made if they secured an appearance.
John Peacock brings Toulouse Lautrec's poster characters to life, in the first of four plays about those entertainers, whose lives were as vivid as Lautrec's paint.
Starring Julie Covington as Yvette Guilbert, Norman Jones as Zidler, Pauline Letts as Albine Guilbert, Carlos Douglas as Oller, Frances Barber as Louise Weber, Valerie Sarruf as Maxine, John Moffatt as Jean Lorrain and Simon Treves as Leon Forneau.
Music by Stephen Warbeck.
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1989.
Bestselling crime novelist Stuart MacBride concludes our series of brand new commissions from leading crime writers, all recorded in front of an audience at the Bloody Scotland Crime Writing Festival in Stirling.
Stuart MacBride is most famous for his detective novels set in the 'Granite City' Aberdeen, featuring Detective Sergeant Logan McRae. 'Charlie's Dying' is a sinister tale revealing the childhood secrets of a character soon to appear in a forthcoming Logan thriller.
Reader: Helen Mackay
Producer: Allegra McIlroy.
(An original story based on characters created by Joyce Porter)
A new adventure for Chief Inspector Dover, Scotland Yard's most unwanted man - and his long-suffering 'gofer', Sergeant MacGregor. MacGregor takes leave to return to Glasgow for the funeral of an old flame. But was her death a tragic accident or foul play? Reluctant to leave London as usual, Dover heads north to help his grief-stricken colleague find out the truth.
Chief Inspector Wilfred Dover is Scotland Yard's most unwanted man. He's a rather rude, dishevelled, glutton, who is sent out of London to help other police forces solve local crimes along with his long-suffering 'gofer', Sergeant MacGregor. Despite his objectionable demeanour Dover has an uncanny knack of solving crimes.
Starring Kenneth Cranham as Chief Inspector Dover and Stuart McQuarrie as Sergeant MacGregor.
Producer/Director........DAVID IAN NEVILLE.
The birth and the beginning of an eventful cubhood in the Devon countryside - seen through the eyes of a young otter.
Nicholas Farrell reads Henry Williamson's classic tale of otter life, first published in 1927.
Abridged in five episodes by Sally Marmion.
Producer: Elizabeth Allard
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002.
Robert Hanks tells of a human obsession through four doggy books. The Call of the Wild by Jack London. Is every pooch a wolf in dog's clothing? With Prill Barrett, John Bradshaw and Ian Bruce Miller and Jem the border terrier and Timmy the whippet. Producer: Tim Dee.
By Margaret Oliphant
Dramatised by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster
Penelope Wilton and Lyndsey Marshal star in this high Victorian tale of a woman who runs her own bank.
Sometimes called 'the feminist Trollope', Margaret Oliphant is an unjustly-neglected British writer of the nineteenth century, famed for her perceptive, ironic psychology, and her strong female characters. And Hester has a striking premise: a young woman in a nineteenth-century Cheshire town, having been snubbed and discarded in marriage, does something truly radical. When the family bank is in danger of a run, she pledges her whole private fortune to save it. But instead of merely underwriting it, in return she insists on running the bank herself, as a single woman, in defiance of all convention.
Using Oliphant's deliciously witty and sardonic narration, allied to a radical dramatisation by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster, 'Hester' reveals a flawed and fascinating heroine, reborn for radio.
This is a tale of banks and bankers. A tale of credit and discredit. This is a tale of a single woman in nineteenth-century Cheshire town, who does something truly radical.
Harp played by Ruth Faber
Producer/Director ..... Jonquil Panting.
This is the intriguing, hilarious and utterly compelling story of how Stephen Fry arrived at Cambridge on probation: a convicted fraudster and thief, an addict, liar, fantasist and failed suicide, convinced that at any moment he would be found out and flung away.
Instead, university life offered him love, romance and the chance to stand on stage and entertain. He began his iconic relationship with Hugh Laurie, befriended Emma Thompson among a host of household names, and emerged as one of the most promising comic talents in the country.
After leaving Cambridge Stephen began to make his presence felt as he took his first tentative steps in the world of television, journalism, radio, theatre and film. Shameful tales of sugar, shag and champagne jostle with insights into credit cards, classic cars and conspicuous consumption, Blackadder, Broadway and the BBC.
For all its trademark wit and verbal brilliance, The Fry Chronicles is a book that is not afraid to confront the aching chasm that separates public image from private feeling.
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
On the day of the festival, Saul and the Guardians prepare to fight. Time-hopping thriller conclusion with Robert Glenister.
4 Extra Debut. Sir Salman Rushdie talks to James Naughtie and a group of readers about his Booker Prize-winner Midnight's Children. From February 2003.
Field marshal of mirth and high priest of Hebburn, Jason Cook dispenses advice on how best to navigate the choppy waters of life and come out the otherside without feeling woozy, using the full spectrum of his own experiences as his educational aids.
Calling on regular guests Zoe Harrison and Neil Grainger to help him illustrate his lectures, he looks at how to successfully ask someone out and the traps to be avoided when going on a first date - using his trademarked "Place, Face, Case" methodology, also using stories from the audience to throw more light on the matter in hand.
Producer: Sam Michell.
The best in contemporary comedy. Paul Garner talks to Sam Bain.
This week, the Professor of Ignorance John Lloyd and his curator, the brilliant Romesh Ranganathan welcome:
The Austentatiously funny improvisor, comedian and writer Cariad Lloyd.
The Huddersfield girl who escaped modelling and headed for the Yorkshire hills, Amanda Owen.
The broadcaster, reporter, after-dinner speaker, former MP and Lord Commissioner of the Treasury, panellist, performer, Dictionary Corner occupant, Chancellor of the University of Chester, President of the Association of British Scrabble Players and prodigiously prolific author Gyles Brandreth.
This week, the Museum's Guest Committee offer as exhibits a bleak but cuddly Finnish troll, a tiny device that commands attention and a button with a dramatic past.
The show was researched by Anne Miller of QI and Mike Turner.
The production coordinator was Tamara Shilham.
The producers were Richard Turner and James Harkin.
It was a BBC Studios Production.
Comatose Ben shares his thoughts with those awake at the darkest hour of the night. Stars Neil Pearson. From October 2007.
When a temperamental film starlet receives a death threat, the cantankerous criminal psychologist Dr Morelle is called in.
Ernest Dudley's Harley Street psychiatrist-turned-detective uses psychology as well as criminology to hunt down lawbreakers by deducing their felonious personalities.
Following on from the success of the 1949 Hammer Film 'Dr Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress', the BBC radio series stars British film veteran, Cecil Parker as Dr Morelle and Sheila Sim as his long-suffering assistant, Miss Frayle.
With Rosalind Knight as Helen Desmond, Cecile Chevreau as Miss Curtis, John Horsley as Ronnie Cavanagh, Annette Kelly as the Maid, Norman Wynne as Mr Ashton and John Sharplin as Hal Digby.
Director: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1957.
2/2. Merimee, the Patron Saint of Tourists
Writers Julian Barnes and Hermione Lee visit Saumur and Chinon on the trail of Prosper Merimee, author of the novella Carmen, who was employed in the 1830s as Inspector General of Historical Monuments.
Back in London after his first trip to Paris, Mr Finchley upstages a ham and demands a decision - and Robert goes home.
Richard Griffiths is the shy solicitor's clerk, Edgar Finchley.
With Anna Cropper as Mrs Crantell, James Cohen as Robert Gillespie, James Cohen as Robert Gillespie, James Grout as Mr Sprake, Nicky Henson as Mr Hammerton, Edward de Souza as Esmond Lockwood, Richard Ridings as Perkins, Alex Arkell as Lanky Harris and James Villiers as the Narrator.
Written by Victor Canning and adapted for radio by Andy and Eric Merriman.
Producer: Gareth Edwards
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in July 1994.
Alice and Snoo have to resort to some rather unconventional means to get people into the library. A very low shelf, a book about zombies, a hosepipe ban and some hummingbirds bring the public flocking in.
Meet Alice, a former child prodigy who won a place at Oxford aged 9 but, because Daddy went too, she never needed to have any friends. She's scared of everything - everything that is, except libraries and Snoo, a slightly confused individual, with a have-a-go attitude to life, marriage, haircuts and reality. Snoo loves books, and fully intends to read one one day.
And forever popping into the library is Dr. Cadogan, celebrity doctor to the stars and a man with his finger in every pie. Charming, indiscreet and quite possibly wanted by Interpol, if you want a discrete nip and tuck and then photos of it accidentally left on the photocopier, Dr Cadogan is your man.
Their happy life is interrupted by the arrival of Simon Nielson, a man with a mission, a mission to close down inefficient libraries. Fortunately, he hates his mission. What he really wants to do is once, just once, get even with his inexhaustible supply of high-achieving brothers.
Written by Morwenna Banks, Rebecca Front and Arthur Mathews
Based on an idea developed with Armando Iannucci
Produced by David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for the BBC.
Les Dawson pays tribute to the Rochdale Universal Films version of Fu Manchu, plus Cosmo's Corner and the audience battle with another piano sing-along.
With Daphne Oxenford and Colin Edwynn.
Music by Brian Fitzgerald.
Scripted and produced by James Casey.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in December 1980.
The bumbling civil servants scale new heights for grumpy Sir Gregory's latest poster campaign.
A weekly tribute to all those who work in government departments.
Stars Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. With Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and Jo Manning Wilson.
Written by Edward Taylor and John Graham.
'The Men from the Ministry' ran for 14 series between 1962 and 1977. Deryck Guyler replaced Wilfrid Hyde-White from 1966. Sadly many episodes didn't survive in the archive, however the BBC's Transcription Service re-recorded 14 shows in 1980 - never broadcast in the UK, until the arrival of BBC Radio 4 Extra.
Producer: Edward Taylor
First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in September 1970.
The sofa-bound presenters tackle crises and reveal the popularity of sex. Stars Robert Duncan and Julia Hills. From May 1996.
Only a shadow on a poster - what is Valentin Renaudin in real life?
When the Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Montmartre, Paris in 1889, Toulouse-Lautrec was commissioned to paint a series of posters. A performer's career was made if they secured an appearance.
John Peacock brings Toulouse Lautrec's poster characters to life, in four plays about those entertainers whose lives were as vivid as Lautrec's paint.
Starring Stephen Thorne as Valentin Renaudin, Margaretta Scott as Celine Renaudin, Frances Barber as Louise Weber, Sylvestra Le Touzel as La Mome Fromage, Anna Cropper as Alice Goujon, Norman Jones as Zidler, Michael Graham Cox as Monsieur Goujon, Geoffrey Whitehead as Theo Renaudin, David Goudge as Georges Tabards and Carlos Douglas as Joseph Oller.
Music by Stephen Warbeck.
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1989.
This returning series features three emerging novelists who have been well praised and won prizes but haven't until now written short stories for radio. Ned Beauman (author of Boxer, Beetle and The Teleportation Accident), Jenn Ashworth (Cold Light and The Friday Gospels) and Alis Shaw (The Man Who Rained, The Girl with Glass Feet) make their story debuts for Radio 4.
1. Finding Your Voice
In Ned Beauman's tale, an actor with a beautiful voice has to act ruthlessly after a strange trip to Bulgaria..
Reader Nicholas Boulton
Producer Duncan Minshull.
Carl Prekopp stars in this first world war drama about one of the first major operations by the Red Cross.
In 1916, soldiers who had been living terrible, deprived lives in German POW camps were taken to Chateau d'Oex, a holiday resort in Switzerland, to be nursed back to health amongst the clean air and spring flowers, courtesy of the Red Cross. Some of their wives even made the long train journey from Britain to visit them.
It sounds like a fairy tale ending to the horrors of war and captivity, and for many it must have been just that. But what if a man doesn't want to be found and what if he thinks he doesn't deserve to be made better?
Based on newspaper reports of events at the time, Frances Byrnes' play follows two fictional soldiers: number 2301, an angry young sergeant who is ashamed to have been captured and won't reveal his identity, and Havildar Gurung, a young Ghurka who is going blind and longs for the hills of home.
Thrown together in this beautiful, gentle place, and with the winter snows now beginning to fall, is kindness and mercy enough to cure these damaged men?
2301.....Carl Prekopp
Nurse.....Siriol Jenkins
Special Correspondent.....Richard Mitchley
Gurung.....Muzz Khan
Officer.....Gareth Pierce
BBC/Cymru Wales Production directed by Kate McAll.
The young cub becomes confused when his mother abandons him, but a new friend awaits. Read by Nicholas Farrell.
Robert Hanks tells of a human obsession through four doggy books. Flush by Virginia Woolf. Is a pedigree over-rated? With Prill Barrett, John Bradshaw and Ian Bruce Miller and Jem, the border terrier, and Timmy the whippet. Producer: Tim Dee.
By Margaret Oliphant
Dramatised by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster
Penelope Wilton and Lyndsey Marshal star in this high Victorian tale of a woman who runs her own bank.
Sometimes called 'the feminist Trollope', Margaret Oliphant is an unjustly-neglected British writer of the nineteenth century, famed for her perceptive, ironic psychology, and her strong female characters. And Hester has a striking premise: a young woman in a nineteenth-century Cheshire town, having been snubbed and discarded in marriage, does something truly radical. When the family bank is in danger of a run, she pledges her whole private fortune to save it. But instead of merely underwriting it, in return she insists on running the bank herself, as a single woman, in defiance of all convention.
Using Oliphant's deliciously witty and sardonic narration, allied to a radical dramatisation by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster, 'Hester' reveals a flawed and fascinating heroine, reborn for radio.
When Hester is offered a merger to cancel all her debts, she finds a neat, but risky, solution.
Producer/Director ..... Jonquil Panting.
Stephen Fry has a curious encounter with Stephen Sondheim and becomes the literary critic of Tatler.
The Fry Chronicles is a book that is not afraid to confront the aching chasm that separates public image from private feeling.
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
Crazy panel show capers as Sue Perkins grills Simon Pegg, Armando Iannucci, Peter Serafinowicz and Bill Bailey. From July 2001.
Hopeless young peasant Mort is hired as an apprentice to Death, and taken to his home beyond time and space to begin his training.
The fourth of Terry's Pratchett's comic fantasy stories set on Discworld dramatised in four parts by Robin Brooks.
Narrated by Anton Lesser.
Starring Carl Prekopp as Mort, Geoffrey Whitehead as Death, Phillip Jackson as Albert, Clare Corbett as Ysabell, Philip Fox as Lezek, Jon Glover as Hamesh and Alice Hart as Princess Keli.
Director: Claire Grove
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2004.
Much-loved actor and broadcaster Peter Jones looks back over his showbiz career in both theatre and on radio. From April 1999.
From a spoof Melvyn Bragg to a signing chimp. Sketch comedy with Chris Barrie, Nick Maloney and Nick Wilton. From November 1984.
The best in contemporary comedy. Paul Garner talks to Sam Bain.
Episode 3: Let It Grow
Adam is keen to take on an allotment and work the land with his Dad, Rudy. Rudy would prefer a patio.
Adam hopes to bond with his Dad, Rudy, whilst they till the earth together on an allotment. However, Rudy prefers to chill with his best friend Clifton and only takes an interest when they spot a rare and illegal plant growing in the greenhouse.
Father and son comedy set in the finest old-school record shop in Birmingham. Starring Lenny Henry, Larrington Walker and some terrific tunes.
Rudy's Rare Records is a tiny down at heel old reggae record shop in Birmingham - one of a dying breed; a place with real soul, stacked with piles of vinyl, where the slogan is "if we don't have it - them don't mek it". It's owned by the charismatic, irrepressible Rudy Sharpe (Larrington Walker), reluctantly helped out by his long-suffering neurotic son Adam (Lenny Henry) and Handsworth's first, black, surly girly goth, Tasha (Natasha Godfrey). Rudy has recently married his long-term love interest Doreen (Claire Benedict) which is leaving his best friend Clifton (Jeffery Kissoon) feeling left out.
Adam ............ Lenny Henry
Rudy ............ Larrington Walker
Tasha ............ Natasha Godfrey
Doreen ............ Claire Benedict
Clifton ............ Jeffery Kissoon
Lucinda ............ Sarah Thom
Trader/Customer/Dealer ............ Adam Nagaitis
Written by Danny Robins
Producer: Katie Tyrrell
Music featured in this episode:
Episode Five:
The fifth episode of the new comedy panel show - Britain Versus The World - that pits two British comedians against a team of comics from overseas to find out which side is superior. Joining the British captain, Hal Cruttenden, is the English comedian Zoe Lyons while the captain of the Rest of the World - Henning Wehn - is teamed with Canadian stand-up Tony Law. The contest is overseen by Irishman Ed Byrne who does his very best to stay impartial.
Ed Byrne
Hal Cruttenden
Henning Wehn
Zoe Lyons
Tony Law
Programme Associate Bill Matthews
Devised and produced by Ashley Blaker.
Tormented by horrific nightmares, a man visits Dr Morelle to confess fears that he will murder his mother.
Ernest Dudley's Harley Street psychiatrist-turned-detective uses psychology as well as criminology to hunt down lawbreakers by deducing their felonious personalities.
Following on from the success of the 1949 Hammer Film 'Dr Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress', the BBC radio series stars British film veteran, Cecil Parker as Dr Morelle and Sheila Sim as his long-suffering assistant, Miss Frayle.
With Moira Lister as Helen Keen, Hugh Burden as Richard Wilson and Philip Ray as Inspector Hood.
Director: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1957.
Simon Winchester's tale of murder, madness and lexicography. A millionaire confined to Broadmoor contributes to the Oxford English Dictionary. From May 1998.
Richard, Maria and Paul's wishes come true, but the same can't be said for poor Ruby. Stars Toby Longworth. From July 1998.
Chain Reaction is Radio 4's long running hostless chat show where last week's interviewee becomes this week's interviewer.
In the fifth episode of the series star of Broadchurch, Twenty Twelve and Peep Show Olivia Colman, talks to creator, writer and star of BBC's BAFTA nominated sitcom Pulling, and winner of the British Comedy Award for best actress, Sharon Horgan.
Producer ... Charlie Perkins.
A drunken night out sparks chaos when an old mine - used as a collection box - is set adrift.
Starring Leslie Phillips as the Sub-Lieutenant, Jon Pertwee as the Chief Petty Officer, Dennis Price as Number One, Richard Caldicot as Captain Povey, Heather Chasen as Heather, Ronnie Barker as AS Johnson, Michael Bates as Ginger and Tenniel Evans as Willy.
The Navy Lark ran for an impressive thirteen series on BBC Radio between 1959 and 1976.
Scripted by Lawrie Wyman.
Producer: Alastair Scott Johnston.
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1959.
Returning from a holiday abroad, Sid tricks the lad and Bill into sneaking in watches.
Starring Tony Hancock. With Sidney James, Bill Kerr, Kenneth Williams, Patricia Hayes and Noel Dryden.
Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
Theme and incidental music written by Wally Stott.
Producer: Tom Ronald
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in September 1959.
Ian McMillan chairs the irreverent literary quiz with Arthur Smith, Stuart Maconie, Sophie Hannah and Linda Smith. From July 1999.
As Izzy's love-life grows ever more complicated, she's in for a big surprise. Stars Imelda Staunton. From December 1993.
Dancer Louise's nickname of La Goulue is singularly appropriate - she's a glutton for food and life...
When the Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Montmartre, Paris in 1889, Toulouse-Lautrec was commissioned to paint a series of posters. A performer's career was made if they secured an appearance.
John Peacock brings Toulouse Lautrec's poster characters to life, in the first of four plays about those entertainers, whose lives were as vivid as Lautrec's paint.
Starring Frances Barber as Louise Weber, Sylvestra Le Touzel as La Mome Fromage, Norman Jones as Zidler, Carlos Douglas as Joseph Oller, Michael Graham Cox as Henri Lassin, Alice Arnold as Nini, John Bull as Gerard, Marcia King as Mme Grille and Margaret Courtenay as Mme Gillottes,
Music by Stephen Warbeck.
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1989.
This returning series features three emerging novelists who have been well praised and won prizes but haven't until now written short stories for radio. Ned Beauman (author of Boxer, Beetle and The Teleportation Accident), Jenn Ashworth (Cold Light and The Friday Gospels) and Ali Shaw (The Man Who Rained, The Girl with Glass Feet) make their story debuts for Radio 4.
2. Five Thousand Lads a Year
In Jenn Ashworth's tale, the confident writer always succeeds with his workshops, but one new client has a chilling effect on him..
Reader Paul Hilton
Producer Duncan Minshull.
Richard E Grant stars as a son in search of his father. In 1911, at the age of 14, James Whyle's father arrived in South Africa with ten shillings in his pocket. By the time James was three, his father was dead. A true story and a unique family record.
Moving true story, based on James Whyle's family history embracing the First World War and apartheid.
Starring Richard E Grant as the Son, Tom Smith as Father, Peter Gevisser as Fatty. With Carl Prekopp, Ewan Bailey and Helen Longworth
Director: Claire Grove.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002.
As the winter storms arrive in Devon, fish are increasingly hard to find through the ice. Read by Nicholas Farrell.
Robert Hanks tells of a human obsession through four doggy books. Sirius by Olaf Stapledon. Can a man be a dog? With Prill Barrett, John Bradshaw and Ian Bruce Miller and Jem, the border terrier, and Timmy the whippet. Producer: Tim Dee.
Penelope Wilton and Lyndsey Marshal star in this high Victorian tale of a woman who runs her own bank.
Sometimes called 'the feminist Trollope', Margaret Oliphant is an unjustly-neglected British writer of the nineteenth century, famed for her perceptive, ironic psychology, and her strong female characters. And Hester has a striking premise: a young woman in a nineteenth-century Cheshire town, having been snubbed and discarded in marriage, does something truly radical. When the family bank is in danger of a run, she pledges her whole private fortune to save it. But instead of merely underwriting it, in return she insists on running the bank herself, as a single woman, in defiance of all convention.
Using Oliphant's deliciously perceptive and sardonic narration, allied to a radical dramatisation by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster, 'Hester' reveals a flawed and fascinating heroine, reborn for radio.
By Margaret Oliphant
Dramatised by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster
When Hester takes her wayward cousin Edward back into the Vernon family bank, she reckons without the influence of his vapid wife Ellen.
Producer/Director ..... Jonquil Panting.
Stephen Fry reveals how a call out of the blue led to him he becoming a poster boy for, of all things, celibacy.
The Fry Chronicles is a book that is not afraid to confront the aching chasm that separates public image from private feeling.
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
Death sends his apprentice Mort to collect three lives, but the lad takes a fancy to one of them - a princess.
The fourth of Terry's Pratchett's comic fantasy stories set on Discworld dramatised by Robin Brooks.
Narrated by Anton Lesser.
Starring Carl Prekopp as Mort, Geoffrey Whitehead as Death, Phillip Jackson as Albert, Clare Corbett as Ysabell, Alice Hart as Princess Keli, Adam Godley as Cutwell, John Rowe as the Abbot, Sheila Mitchell as Ammeline, Jon Glover as the stallholder and Liz Sutherland as the Maid.
Director: Gordon House
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2004.
"And the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed." The story of the Garden of Eden in Genesis is perhaps the most influential tale ever told. Its chief components of God, Adam and Eve and the snake, temptation, and a paradise lost still exert a hold on western thinking. Children understand it almost immediately, but this ancient story has not always been benign in its effects.
Joining presenter Dominic Arkwright are the novelist Zina Rohan, who talks about her own investigations into what this story has meant, particularly to women in the west; Sean Thomas writes about his search for where the real garden might have been; and Brook Wilensky-Lanford, whose book Paradise Lust is published in the UK later this year, describes the events of the Scopes trial of 1925. This famous clash between Darwinists and creationists featured an American presidential candidate who declared his belief that Eve was literally made from one of Adam's rib.
The producer is Miles Warde.
From John Humphrys to Alan Carr, Jon Culshaw explores the bizarre private lives of famous folk. Pilot from April 2008.
The best in contemporary comedy. Paul Garner talks to Sam Bain.
Intrepid reporter David Lander probes the rise and fall of Caribbean despot Felipe Delnazo. Stars Stephen Fry. From September 1987.
When the writer's niece and an old pal visit, love is in the air. Or is it just a hangover? With Doon Mackichan. From July 1993.
Cantankerous criminal psychologist, Dr Morelle probes the dealings of a mysterious Spanish Count.
Ernest Dudley's Harley Street psychiatrist-turned-detective uses psychology as well as criminology to hunt down lawbreakers by deducing their felonious personalities.
Following on from the success of the 1949 Hammer Film 'Dr Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress', the BBC radio series stars British film veteran, Cecil Parker as Dr Morelle and Sheila Sim as his long-suffering assistant, Miss Frayle.
With Phillip Wray as Inspector Hood, Douglas Young as Sir Clifford Forbes, Madeleine Christie as Lady Forbes, Ruth Trouncer as Cynthia Forbes, Haydn Jones as the Hotel Waiter, Humphrey Morton as the Hotel Manager, Beryl Calder as Lily the maid, Molly Rankin as Matron and Ian Sadler as Harry Fox.
Director: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1957.
John Wilson meets behind-the-scenes staff and visitors to major art exhibitions in London, as they come to a close. From March 2006.
Against the backdrop of an England-Germany World Cup final, the prime minister struggles to survive and lead his party into the imminent general election.
Can maverick BBC reporter George Cragge unmask the serial killer?
Mark Tavener's six-part sequel to his comedy thriller 'In the Red' set in the world of football, the BBC and party politics.
Starring Michael Williams as George Cragge and Barry Foster as Superintendent Jefferson.
With Jeremy Clyde, Robert Bathurst, Tracy Ann Oberman, Jim Carter, Peter Woodthorpe, Susie Brann, Christian Rodska, Ioan Meredith, Shirley Dixon, Dave Lamb, Joanna Monro, Alex Lowe, Christopher Scott and Alice Arnold.
Music by Paul Mottram
Producer: Paul Schlesinger
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1997.
Recorded at the BBC's Edinburgh Fringe festival site, rising star Kiri Pritchard-McLean showcases the cream of stand-up and sketch comedy from this year's festival.
Featuring new talents Darren Harriott, New Zealand's Rose Matafeo, Jon Pointing as Cayden Hunter and American stand up Desiree Burch...
Producer...Adnan Ahmed
BBC Studios Production.
Two Hell's Angels woo a waitress, and love is in the air in the Smith Report.
Starring Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Joan Sims and announcer Douglas Smith.
After the unexpected death of Kenneth Horne in 1969, plans for the next series of Round The Horne were axed. Instead - using an old catchphrase of Kenneth Williams as a series title - Kenneth joined Hugh Paddick to continue the comedy tradition and was also reunited with his "Carry On" film co-star Joan Sims.
Written by Myles Rudge, David Cumming and Derek Collyer.
With the Max Harris Group.
Producer: John Simmonds
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in May 1970.
Constable Neddie Seagoon sets out to apprehend Minnie and Henry's Sussex assailant. Stars Spike Milligan. From October 1954.
Gyles Brandreth's scandals quiz with Anthony Holden, Valerie Grove, Lucy Moore and Geoffrey Durham. From September 2004.
4 Extra Debut. Helen and Ben disagree on getting their home restored to its original character. Stars Paula Wilcox and David Wood. From March 1982.
They called her Crazy Jane because of the way she danced, but it was not an affectionate nickname. Jane Avril used people all her life and reaped the consequences...
When the Moulin Rouge cabaret opened in Montmartre, Paris in 1889, Toulouse-Lautrec was commissioned to paint a series of posters. A performer's career was made if they secured an appearance.
John Peacock brings Toulouse Lautrec's poster characters to life, in the first of four plays about those entertainers, whose lives were as vivid as Lautrec's paint.
Starring Angela Pleasence as Jane Avril, Vivian Pickles as Gazelle, Jack Galloway as Andre Vaubert, Clive Merrison as Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, David King as Arsene Ondet, Norman Jones as Charles Zidler and Jo Kendall as Annine.
Music by Stephen Warbeck.
Director: Jane Morgan
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1989.
This returning series features three emerging novelists who have been well praised and won prizes but haven't until now written short stories for radio. Ned Beauman (author of Boxer, Beetle and The Teleportation Accident), Jenn Ashworth (Cold Light and The Friday Gospels) and Ali Shaw (The Man Who Rained, The Girl with Glass Feet) make their story debuts for Radio 4.
3. Broken Mirrors
In Ali Shaw's tale a young woman decides to meet the stranger who collects shards of glass. But why?
Reader Louise Brealey
Producer Duncan Minshull.
Single mum hairdresser Denise is in for a shock from a new client.
Vanessa Rosenthal's gripping northern town drama with a touch of thriller.
Starring Jeff Hordley as Steve, Jo Joyner as Denise Judith Davis as Mrs Howden, Ann-Marie Frater as Leanne, Craig Potter as Ashley and Rebecca Zienko as Hannah.
Directed at BBC Manchester by Polly Thomas.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2002.
Spring arrives in the Devon countryside, with the smell of man and the cry of a she-otter. Read by Nicholas Farrell.
Robert Hanks tells of a human obsession through four doggy books. Niki by Tibor Dery. If a dog could vote, would it? With Prill Barrett, John Bradshaw and Ian Bruce Miller and Jem, the border terrier, and Timmy the whippet. Producer: Tim Dee.
Penelope Wilton and Lyndsey Marshal star in this high Victorian tale of a woman who runs her own bank.
Sometimes called 'the feminist Trollope', Margaret Oliphant is an unjustly-neglected British writer of the nineteenth century, famed for her perceptive, ironic psychology, and her strong female characters. And Hester has a striking premise: a young woman in a nineteenth-century Cheshire town, having been snubbed and discarded in marriage, does something truly radical. When the family bank is in danger of a run, she pledges her whole private fortune to save it. But instead of merely underwriting it, in return she insists on running the bank herself, as a single woman, in defiance of all convention.
Using Oliphant's deliciously perceptive and sardonic narration, allied to a radical dramatisation by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster, 'Hester' reveals a flawed and fascinating heroine, reborn for radio.
By Margaret Oliphant
Dramatised by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster
Hester doesn't want to see it. But here it is, swinging round slowly. The reverse of the medal - the other side of Edward's picture.
Producer/Director ..... Jonquil Panting.
Stephen Fry talks about his early love of radio and his first forays into broadcasting on Radio 4.
The Fry Chronicles is a book that is not afraid to confront the aching chasm that separates public image from private feeling.
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
Death has fun in the real world, leaving his daughter Ysabell and Mort in charge of the life-collecting business.
The fourth of Terry's Pratchett's comic fantasy stories set on Discworld dramatised by Robin Brooks.
Narrated by Anton Lesser.
Starring Carl Prekopp as Mort, Geoffrey Whitehead as Death, Phillip Jackson as Albert, Clare Corbett as Ysabell, Alice Hart as Princess Keli, Adam Godley as Cutwell, Philip Fox as Keeble and Jon Glover as the Landlord.
Director: Claire Grove
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2004.
Matthew Parris presents the biographical series in which his guests choose someone who has inspired their lives.
John Major discusses the life of Rudyard Kipling, poet to the British Empire. They are joined by Kipling biographer Andrew Lycett.
The young aspiring politicians of the new political Party get to grips with technology and whether it is making people stupid. Meanwhile, they launch a recruiting campaign on the internet. Second series of a satirical comedy written by Tom Basden.
Simon ..... Tom Basden
Duncan ..... Tim Key
Jared ..... Jonny Sweet
Mel ..... Ann Crilly
Phoebe ..... Katy Wix
Jared's Mum ..... Jane Whittenshaw
Produced by Julia McKenzie.
The sketch show team take their audience on a trip to the cinema. With Michael Rutger and Tim De Jongh. From May 1990.
With exhibits ranging from Robin Hood to tribute bands' Mock 'n' Roll Hall of Fame. Stars Marcus Brigstocke. From March 2004.
After receiving sinister death threats over the telephone, an elderly spinster calls in cantankerous criminal psychologist, Dr Morelle.
Ernest Dudley's Harley Street psychiatrist-turned-detective uses psychology as well as criminology to hunt down lawbreakers by deducing their felonious personalities.
Following on from the success of the 1949 Hammer Film 'Dr Morelle: The Case of the Missing Heiress', the BBC radio series stars British film veteran, Cecil Parker as Dr Morelle and Sheila Sim as his long-suffering assistant, Miss Frayle.
With Hester Paton Brown as Miss Nicholson, Percy Edwards as Billy Boy the dog, Alan McClelland as Mr Nicholson, Fred Yule as Superintendent Denham, Alan Keith as the Station Officer and John Baker as Julian Smith/Taxi driver.
Director: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1957.
Les Woodland tells the story of Captain Plugge, founder of Radio Normandie, the first station to take on the BBC. From January 2000.
Comedy series by Christopher William Hill, set in 1961. A BBC producer struggles to make a radio soap set in the unimaginably futuristic world of 2006.
Will Hugo give in to government manipulation to save his beloved show from cancellation?
Nigel Lavery ...... Peter Bowles
Sylvia Hann ...... Cheryl Campbell
Godfrey Winnard ...... John Fortune
Sir Angus McNairn ...... Gary Waldhorn
Hugo Kellerman ...... Joseph Kloska
Douglas Bennings ...... Jon Glover
Colin Franks ...... Paul Richard Biggin
Miss Pickford ...... Miranda Keeling.
Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis visit the Edinburgh Fringe and present the week in news through stand-up and sketches.
Can Tim escape the villains? Will Jo do a love scene with King Harold?
More quick-fire sketches, terrible puns, humorous songs and parodies.
Stars Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, David Hatch, Jo Kendall and Bill Oddie.
Written by Tim Brooke-Taylor, John Cleese, Graeme Garden, Eric Idle and Bill Oddie. Plus Andy Smith and Don Currell.
Originating from the Cambridge University Footlights revue 'Cambridge Circus', ISIRTA ran for 8 years on BBC Radio and quickly developed a cult following.
Music and songs by Dave Lee and Bill Oddie.
Producer: Humphrey Barclay
First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in October 1966.
Rookie barrister Roger Thursby must defend a women being sued by a pop star over a pup.
Starring Richard Briers as Roger Thursby, Richard Waring as Henry Blagrove and Ann Davies as Sally Mannering. With guest stars Aimi Macdonald and Richard Wattis.
Adapted for radio by Richard Waring from the BBC TV scripts.
Restored from BBC Transcription Service tapes - originally edited for sale abroad.
Published in 1955, Henry Cecil's comic legal novel Brothers in Law was adapted first for TV in 1962 by Frank Muir and Denis Norden. It provided the first regular starring role for Richard Briers, who later reprised his role of the idealistic young lawyer Roger Thursby for BBC Radio between 1970 and 1972.
Produced by David Hatch.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1970.
Martin Young presents the biographical quiz show. Team captains Francis Wheen and Fred Housego are joined by novelist Lynne Truss and biographer Anthony Holden. From October 2002.
Widow Sarah battles to bring up her 18-year-old daughter Clare, hindered by her meddling mother Eleanor.
The debut episode of Simon Brett's comedy about three generations of women - struggling to cope after the death of Sarah's GP husband - who never quite manage to see eye to eye.
Starring Prunella Scales as Sarah, Joan Sanderson as Eleanor, Benjamin Whitrow as Russell, Gerry Cowper as Clare and James Griffiths as Nick.
Four radio series were made, but instead of moving to BBC TV - Thames Television produced 'After Henry' for the ITV network.
Producer: Pete Atkin
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1985.
Kiev is protected by an uneasy alliance. Two brothers discover it's a bad time to be Tsarist. Stars Paul Hilton and James Loye.
The poet Paul Henry's comic tale 'Jogging with Mozart' is read by Mark Meadows. Matlock is a forty-three old musician whose girlfriend Karen has chucked him out, making him homeless. A friend takes pity and smuggles him into the empty flat of his dead Aunty at the 'Lavender Fountain Sheltered Housing Scheme for the Elderly'. He's not supposed to be there, so he tries to keep a low profile, avoiding the all-seeing eye of the warden, Eunice. As he tries to piece his life back together, he seeks comfort in jogging and rediscovers his passion for the piano, but fate deals him another cruel blow.
Producer: Sarah Langan.
By Sean Grundy
An illicit affair proves both destructive and a useful teaching aid. Starring John Gordon Sinclair, Sharon Horgan and Gemma Jones.
Stuart is a freelance surveillance expert who teaches covert 'information gathering' to new Intelligence recruits. As part of his work he 'bugs' friends & family, including his wife, Penny. When he discovers that she's having an affair with a man called Neil, his work colleague, Ren, offers her own skills in 'enhanced interview techniques' to help, but Stuart declines. He realises that the secret affair could make an engaging teaching aid. Initially, his students are slightly unsettled but very intrigued. The affair becomes the main focus of the curriculum, and the group study how to 'bug' all manner of difficult situations, such as an impromptu hotel room, a car in a field, busy nightclub, and hot-air balloon. But Penny feels terrible about the affair and Stuart discovers emotions deeply buried and things soon spiral out of control.
'The Recordist' is a dark, offbeat comedy, looking at the price love pays for clear acoustics in Dolby NR.
Stuart - John Gordon Sinclair
Penny - Sharon Horgan
Ren - Gemma Jones
Neil - Ed Weeks
Reese - Fergus Craig
Munro - Nick Mohammed
Penny's Mum - Phyllida Nash
Directed / Produced by Alison Crawford.
As the otter basks in the sunshine, a pack of hounds catch his scent, sparking a great chase. Concluded by Nicholas Farrell.
Robert Hanks tells of a human obsession through five doggy books. My Dog Tulip by J. R. Ackerley. The messy stuff - how do we live with it? With Prill Barrett, John Bradshaw and Ian Bruce Miller and Jem, the border terrier, and Timmy the whippet. Producer: Tim Dee.
Penelope Wilton and Lyndsey Marshal star in this high Victorian tale of a woman who runs her own bank.
Sometimes called 'the feminist Trollope', Margaret Oliphant is an unjustly-neglected British writer of the nineteenth century, famed for her perceptive, ironic psychology, and her strong female characters. And Hester has a striking premise: a young woman in a nineteenth-century Cheshire town, having been snubbed and discarded in marriage, does something truly radical. When the family bank is in danger of a run, she pledges her whole private fortune to save it. But instead of merely underwriting it, in return she insists on running the bank herself, as a single woman, in defiance of all convention.
Using Oliphant's deliciously perceptive and sardonic narration, allied to a radical dramatisation by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster, 'Hester' reveals a flawed and fascinating heroine, reborn for radio.
By Margaret Oliphant
Dramatised by Kate Clanchy and Zena Forster
This life is full of repetitions. Once again Mr Rule is facing a run on the bank which could close Vernon's forever.
Producer/Director ..... Jonquil Panting.
Today Stephen reveals the origins of his enduring love of technology and his great friendship with Douglas Adams.
The Fry Chronicles is a book that is not afraid to confront the aching chasm that separates public image from private feeling.
Producer: David Roper
A Heavy Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4.
Death has disappeared, leaving his apprentice Mort, his daughter Ysabell and Albert the cook to carry on the life-collecting operation.
The fourth of Terry's Pratchett's comic fantasy stories set on Discworld dramatised by Robin Brooks.
Narrated by Anton Lesser.
Starring Carl Prekopp as Mort, Geoffrey Whitehead as Death, Phillip Jackson as Albert, Clare Corbett as Ysabell, Alice Hart as Princess Keli, Adam Godley as Cutwell, Philip Fox as Rincewind and Jon Glover as the Duke.
Director: Claire Grove
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2004.
In this week's Soul Music Marianne Faithfull recalls the French Love song which went on to inspire Elvis's 60's hit, 'I Can't Help Falling in Love with You'.
'Plaisir d'Amour' is the classical French love song which somehow found its way through 18th century orchestration (Hector Berlioz) and 1960's folk revival, to an unexpected re-invention into the Elvis hit 'I Can't' Help Falling in Love with You'.
It's been recorded by Marianne Faithfull and busked on the streets of Paris by 'The Gruffalo' author Julia Donaldson. It has also touched the lives of former American Military Academy Freshman Andrew Scott and recently married couple Henry (76) and Christine Wallace (82) who fell in love on a moonlit New Year's Eve.
Written in 1784 by Jean-Paul-Égide Martini, Plaisir d'Amour muses on the pleasures and pains of love and was inspired by a poem which appears in Jean-Pierre Claris de Florian's novel 'Célestine'.
For 17 year old Marianne Faithfull it was a song of innocence, recorded in a tiny booth in the old Decca studios whilst happily pregnant with her first child. Meanwhile, author Julia Donaldson and husband Malcolm busked it on the streets of Paris. It was the summer of 1969 and police hid in alleyways, still fearful of students following the 1968 riots.
As the classical French melody was adopted by Elvis and transformed into 'I Can't Help Falling in Love with You', West Point Military Academy Freshman Andrew Scott learnt to pick it's tune on guitar. It's a song that went on to win the heart of his wife of now 20 years. For Henry and Christine Wallace, it summed everything up "It was what I was looking for, someone to share my life and the words 'take my whole life too was in tune with what I wanted'.
Produced By Nicola Humphries.
A huge night of comedy from the Edinburgh Fringe 2017. Dane Baptiste hosts a show where household names and the hottest rising stars stand shoulder to shoulder in front of a late night sold out audience. For the fourth year, 4 Extra Stands Up at the Fringe is one of the most anticipated shows at the Fringe by the audience and comedians alike. The diverse line up will surprise, excite and maybe even shock you, giving a taste of what a melting pot the Fringe really is.
Featuring Dominic Holland and Kae Kurd.
Joshua chops logs, while Cora discovers a gift for penning pornography. 1770 America sitcom with Andy Hamilton and Jay Tarses.