SAT 00:00 Jonathan Aycliffe - The Matrix (b01ns0y8)
The Ceremony
"Andrew, I do not think you will ever know peace again until you know the ..."
Can student Andrew MacLeod escape the evil that stretches from North Africa to Scotland?
The gripping conclusion of Jonathan Aycliffe's chilling novel abridged in ten parts by Rosemary Goring.
Read by Robert Paterson
Producer: David Jackson Young
First broadcast on BBC Radio Scotland in 1997.
SAT 00:15 Book at Bedtime (b03xgtsj)
Lynne Truss - Cat Out of Hell
Episode 10
By acclaimed storyteller Lynne Truss, author of the bestselling Eats, Shoots and Leaves, the mysterious tale of a cat with nine lives, and relationship as ancient as time itself and just as powerful.
The scene - an isolated cottage on the coast on a stormy evening. Inside, Alec a recently bereaved widower and his dog. To pass the time Alec explores the contents of a folder of documents emailed to him by an acquaintance at the library where he used to work. What he discovers is an extraordinary story that will change his life forever.
Episode 10:
The showdown at Harville Manor. But can Alec survive in the face of such evil?
Reader: Mike Grady
Abridger: Jeremy Osborne
Producer: Karen Rose
A Sweet Talk Production for BBC Radio 4.
SAT 00:30 Soul Music (b0076bst)
Series 3
The Pathétique
Biographer Anthony Holden and conductor Vassily Sinaisky explore the cultural impact of Tchaikovsky’s final symphony.
Series about music that makes the hairs stand up on the back of our necks.
Taking part:
Anthony Holden
Gianandrea Noseda
Vassily Sinaisky
David Gregory
Producer: Lucy Lunt
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2002.
SAT 01:00 Sherlock Holmes (b007jq28)
The Devil's Foot
Episode 2
Tragedy in a Cornish village leads Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson deep into the soul of a man hell bent on revenge.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's story read by James Nickerson.
Produced in Manchester by Joanne Reardon.
Made for BBC 7 and first broadcast in 2003.
SAT 01:30 Kipling and France (b0076vnz)
Their Name Liveth for Evermore
Julian Barnes and Hermione Lee investigate why Rudyard Kipling became an inspector of war cemeteries in France. From November 2005.
SAT 02:00 Evelyn Waugh Short Stories (b007k30q)
On Guard 2/2
On Guard: A small dog called Hector comes to dominate his mistress's life while her fiance is abroad. Read by Crawford Logan. From March 2003.
SAT 02:15 The History of the Future (b01mqr52)
The Future From Here
Juliet Gardiner concludes her History of the Future with a view of the future from where we stand in 2012. Are we more or less anxious about what's to come than we ever were?
Juliet speaks to James Martin and Ian Goldin of the Oxford Martin School, a research community of over 300 scholars working to address the most pressing global challenges and opportunities of the 21st century. From the governance of geo-engineering and the possibilities of quantum physics, to the future of food and the implications of our ageing population.
Produced by Victoria Shepherd
A Juniper production for BBC Radio 4.
SAT 02:30 William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair (b007jvyz)
Episode 20
Becky, Jos, Amelia and William's futures are finally decided. Conclusion of William Makepeace Thackeray's drama, narrated by Stephen Fry.
SAT 02:45 Book of the Week (b00xk1zj)
Jane Shilling - Stranger in the Mirror
Episode 5
The Stranger in the Mirror is Jane Shilling's memoir about middle age, and looks both backwards and forwards to new adventures. Today austere times lie ahead after Jane's working life as a freelance journalist receives a blow.
Jane Shilling is a journalist who writes on books for the Daily Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph and Daily Mail, and on television for the Evening Standard. This is her second book. She lives in Greenwich with her son.
Read by Samantha Bond
Abridged by Julian Wilkinson
Produced by Elizabeth Allard.
SAT 03:00 Charles Dickens (b019lw3y)
Mrs Lirriper
Mrs Lirriper's Legacy
Jemmy returns from school for the holidays just in time to join Mrs Lirriper and the Major on a trip to France in search of a mysterious benefactor. When they eventually track him down, he turns out to be the last person anyone could have expected.
Charles Dickens's neglected classic dramatised and produced by Ellen Dryden.
Starring Julia McKenzie as Mrs Lirriper, John Fortune as the Major, Jordan Clarke as Jemmy, Alison Skilbeck as Miss Wozenham and Gus Brown as Mr Buffle/Consul.
Made by First Writes Radio for BBC Radio 4. First broadcast in 2007.
SAT 04:00 The 3rd Degree (b01dhn6p)
Series 2
Swansea University
Coming this week from Swansea University, "The 3rd Degree" is a funny, lively and dynamic quiz show aimed at cultivating the next generation of Radio 4 listeners whilst delighting the current ones. It's recorded on location at a different University each week, and it pits three Undergraduates against three of their Professors in a genuinely original and fresh take on an academic quiz. Being a Radio 4 programme, it of course meets the most stringent standards of academic rigour - but with lots of facts and jokes thrown in for good measure.
Together with host Steve Punt, the show tours the (sometimes posh, sometimes murky, but always welcoming!) Union buildings, cafés and lecture halls of six universities across the UK.
The rounds vary between Specialist Subjects and General Knowledge, quickfire bell-and-buzzer rounds and the 'Highbrow & Lowbrow' round cunningly devised to test not only the students' knowledge of current affairs, history, languages and science, but also their Professors' awareness of television, film, and Lady Gaga... In addition, the Head-to-Head rounds, in which students take on their Professors in their own subjects, were particularly lively, and offered plenty of scope for mild embarrassment on both sides...
The resulting show is funny, fresh, and not a little bit surprising, with a truly varied range of scores, friendly rivalry, and moments where students wished they had more than just glanced at that reading list...
Producer: David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4.
SAT 04:30 Albert and Me (b007k0dw)
Series 2
A Moving Story
Single dad Bryan tries to get a loan to move house, but it's not simple.
Stars Robert Lindsay and Pat Coombs.
Robert Lindsay takes over as the single parent struggling to find work and raise his baby son.
In the original 1977 series, Bryan was played by the late Richard Beckinsale who tragically died in 1979. After a six-year hiatus, the series returned with Bryan's mother and baby Albert played once again by the ever-versatile Pat Coombs.
Bryan Archer ...... Robert Lindsay
Mum/Albert ...... Pat Coombs
Mrs Willis ...... Diana King
Mr Benson ...... John Arnatt
Mrs Hagger ...... Dllys Laye
Ron ...... Larry Martyn
Mary ...... Rosalind Adams
Mr Tibbies ...... Roland MacLeod
Incidental music by Max Harris.
Producer: John Fawcett Wilson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in March 1983.
SAT 05:00 1834 (b011db7v)
The Time Machine
Jason decides the invention of the toasted sandwich maker will sort out his new 19th-century life.
21st-century teacher, Jason Slater, is coming to terms with waking up in 19th-century Macclesfield.
In Jim Poyser's riotous comedy of transportation and delight, Jason is now Tarquin, third son of Lord Belport with a faithful valet, Ned.
Jason Slater ...... Michael Begley
Ned ...... Joe Caffrey
Hoskins ...... Kenneth Alan Taylor
Lord Belport ...... Mark Chatterton
Stubbs ...... Glenn Cunningham
Millicent ...... Julia Rounthwaite
Directed at BBC Manchester by Polly Thomas.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2003.
SAT 05:30 Pauline Pepys Dowry (b00tbkfx)
Samuel Pepys' diaries make occasional mention of his sister Pauline who has come to visit. She appears not to have been an entirely welcome guest. This comedy is inspired by Pauline, and by many other unwelcome love-lorn house-guests throughout human history...
Meet Pauline Pepys. Her love life is in tatters, her sister-in-law wants her to move out of the spare room, and her best friend is her worst enemy. Oh, and this being London in the 1660s there's a nasty spot of plague about. This episode sees Pauline fall for a handsome executioner, but when he seems to prefer Charlotte she offers to fix Pauline up with a very romantic poet. Meanwhile Elizabeth has arranged for a lavish portrait of herself and Samuel that is not altogether going to plan. And the maid is doing something awful with a dead fish and a goat.
A new historical comedy starring Olivia Colman as hopeless romantic Pauline, Sharon Horgan as her best friend Charlotte the vainest woman in Britain, David Mitchell as a distinctly itchy Samuel Pepys, Katherine Parkinson as Elizabeth his wife, who is very stressed about making the right impression on society; and Tom Hollander as Russell de Bret, a man who in the twenty first century would be a rock star, but has chosen instead the career of public executioner; with Rebekah Staton as the peculiarly fish-obsessed house maid Jane and Dave Lamb as Joth a very angry painter and Wilston, a very sad poet...
Pauline Pepys' Dowry is written by Amy Shindler and Beth Chalmers and produced by Gareth Edwards.
SAT 06:00 Scott Cherry - The Book of Shadows (b06vbd1d)
Journalist Ellie Rogers is sent to Norfolk to investigate witchcraft.
Exceedingly sceptical, she soon witnesses some terrifying incidents which just can't be explained...
Jenny Funnell stars inn Scott Cherry 's tale of the supernatural.
Ellie Rogers …. Jenny Funnell
Dickens …. Terence Edmond
Det Insp Fowler …. John Hartley
Karen …. Gillian Goodman
Harriet …. Jilly Bond
Philippa Mallatrat …. Janet Dale
Tom Bradley …. Andrew Branch
John Crighton …. Maurice Denham
Gary …. James Duke
Fiona …. Sandra James Young
Caroline …. Sunny Ormonde
Kevin Metcalfe …. Richard Pearce
Sergeant Lake …. Christopher Scott
Music composed and played by Anthea Gomez.
Producer: Sue Wilson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 1995
SAT 07:30 Marguerite Patten's Century of British Cooking (b0075jzv)
Curries and Nut Roasts 1970-1979
Vichyssoise, Avocados, Beef Stroganoff, Sweet and Sour Pork Nut Roast, Chili Con Carne, Chicken Korma, Caramelised Oranges and Carrot Cake.
Marguerite Patten mingles diverse recipes of the 1970s with memories of decimalisation, the three-day week, the Silver Jubilee, the election of Margaret Thatcher and the arrival of the first jumbo jet at Heathrow.
Marguerite told us how to make the most of our rations during the Second World War in 'Kitchen Front' on the BBC Home Service. She fronted her first BBC TV cookery show in 1947.
Born in Bath, the home economist was widely considered to be the first celebrity cook, and wrote more than 170 books with worldwide sales of 17 million.
A regular contributor to BBC Radio 4's Woman's Hour programme from 1946, Marguerite's final appearance was in 2011. She was awarded the OBE in 1991 and CBE in 2011.
Born November 4th 1915, Marguerite Patten died just a few months short of her 100th birthday in June 2015.
Producer: Ian Willox
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1999.
SAT 08:00 Archive on 4 (b01c6kr7)
Attention All Shipping
"I love it. It's the nearest thing to poetry that I ever got to read on the radio - wonderful cadences" - Charlotte Green, Radio 4 announcer and newsreader is just one of dozens of professional broadcasters who've been transfixed by the strangely elegiac nature of the curt and abbreviated language of the formal statement of weather conditions around our island. For Archive on 4, Charlotte's former colleague, Peter Jefferson presents an elegy to the Shipping Forecast, travelling via the archive through the history and romance of the sea areas that daily make their weather known to seafarers.
The sea is calm tonight.
The tide is full, the moon lies fair
Upon the Straits; - on the French coast the light
Gleams and is gone; the cliffs of England stand,
Glimmering and vast, out in the tranquil bay.
But Matthew Arnold's poem 'Dover Beach' also perfectly encapsulates the spirit in which many Radio 4 listeners embrace the Forecast; gazing into the depths of the night, a seascape of indigo swept by a distant lighthouse beam. So is the Shipping Forecast as much a hymn to our former seafaring island as formal meteorological bulletin, to be shared and enjoyed by landlubbers who've long escaped all contact with the sea and ships....?
Peter travels to Exeter where the Forecast is compiled from the Met Office's supercomputer's myriad pieces of data... and talks to sailor and radio-lover Libby Purves, national poet of Wales and composer of an ode to the Forecast, Gillian Clarke and to photographer Mark Power, who shot a stunning sequence of black-and-white images of the sea areas.
Producer: Simon Elmes.
SAT 09:00 Hackers And Humphreys All (b06vc0qn)
Yes Prime Minister made its BBC TV debut on the same day that Michael Heseltine quit the cabinet.
In a celebration of 30 years of one of Britain's best loved sitcoms, BBC Radio 4 Extra explores the relationship between the real world of Whitehall and this timeless satire.
In fresh and exclusive interviews, Sir Antony Jay, a former political speech writer, and Jonathan Lynn, now a Hollywood film director, who between them wrote every word, share the secrets of Yes Prime Minister's success.
Shaun Ley hears about the sources who blabbed, how New Labour ministers were influenced by Jim Hacker's serial defeats at the hands of Sir Humphrey, and visits the very heart of the British government, the Cabinet Room, to find out how true to life some of the plotlines really were.
Featuring four classic BBC TV episodes of Yes Prime Minister:
Starring Paul Eddington as Prime Minister Jim Hacker, Nigel Hawthorne as Sir Humphrey and Derek Fowlds as Bernard.
* The Key
* The National Education Service
* A Diplomatic Incident
* The Grand Design
Directed for BBC TV by Sydney Lotterby.
Contributors include: Sir Anthony Jay, Jonathan Lynn, Sir Richard Mottram, Edwina Currie, Lord Bernard Donoughue, Lord Peter Hennessey, Graham McCann and Tony Blair.
Producer: Adam Bowen for BBC News - Westminster.
Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra and first broadcast in January 2016.
SAT 12:00 Street and Lane (b00vls7z)
Series 2
Ringing the Changes
The white van men are back. University drop-out and would-be writer Johnny Street and his worker-of-the-world mate Arthur Lane are Yorkshire builders for whom no job is too small.
Can they manage to fix some church bells with the help of slightly suspect 'bell expert' Stan French?
Shaun Dooley and Fine Time Fontayne star is series 2 of Ian McMillan and Dave Sheasby's comedy.
Johnny Street ...... Shaun Dooley
Arthur Lane ...... Fine Time Fontayne
Stanley ...... Stephen Hogan
Susan ...... Claire Rushbrook
Producer: David Hunter
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2007.
SAT 12:30 Fat Chance (b019fwxg)
Weigh in with Wendy
Graham joins the members of a slimming club run by Wendy Bottomley.
Jenny McDade's high-fat bittersweet five-part comedy - for those believing there's a thin person inside them begging to get out.
Graham Pitscottie ..... Gareth Corke
Wendy Bottomley ..... Janine Duvitski
Clive Bottomley ..... Michael Troughton
Soo Pitscottie ..... Anne Reid
Tina Tattersall ..... Julia Deakin
Kelly Chambers ..... Tilly Gaunt
Lee Dubs ..... Harry Myers
Mrs Enright ..... Frances Jeater
Producer: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1999.
SAT 13:00 Toni Morrison - Beloved (b06vc382)
Following the American Civil War, the spirit of a murdered child haunts the home of a former slave.
Toni Morrison's seminal 1987 novel about a haunted house in the era that followed the abolition of slavery in the United States. Melding horror and poetry, this is the story of Sethe, a woman who escaped slavery by crossing the Ohio river, but who, 18 years later, is still not free.
Narrated by Adjoa Andoh. With Nadine Marshall as Sethe, Pippa Bennett-Warner as Denver and Danny Sapani as Paul D.
Omnibus of the first five of ten parts adapted by Patricia Cumper.
Original music by Jon Nicholls
Director: Sasha Yevtushenko.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2016.
SAT 14:10 Inheritance Tracks (b06vc384)
Ian Hart
Influenced by music from his home town, actor Ian Hart selects The Beatles' 'In My Life' and passes on 'The Message' by Dr Dre.
SAT 14:15 In the Psychiatrist's Chair (b06vc3zc)
Uri Geller
Spoon-bending TV illusionist Uri Geller reflects on his unusual life with Professor Anthony Clare.
Psychiatrist Dr Anthony Clare's in depth interviews with prominent people from different walks of life.
Born in Dublin, author Anthony held a doctorate in medicine, a master's degree in philosophy and was a fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. After becoming a regular on BBC Radio 4's Stop the Week in the 1980s, he became Britain's best-known psychiatrist and earned his own vehicle, In the Psychiatrist's Chair.
Starting in 1982, this series ran until 2001 and also transferred to TV.
Anthony Clare died suddenly in Paris aged 64 in 2007.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1996.
SAT 15:00 Archive on 4 (b01c6kr7)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
SAT 16:00 Scott Cherry - The Book of Shadows (b06vbd1d)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
SAT 17:30 Marguerite Patten's Century of British Cooking (b0075jzv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
SAT 18:00 Liz Mickery - Adventures of the Soul (b06vc3zf)
Theft of a dead person's identity is one the UK's fastest growing crimes. But what if the dead decide it's time to reclaim their souls?
A contemporary ghost story by leading TV thriller writer Lizzie Mickery starring Helen Bradbury as Clare, John Hollingworth as Philip and Lucas Smith as Tom.
Clare opens her door to a meter reader, guides him to the cellar and watches him go down. But he doesn't come up. How can he have vanished into thin air? Clare doesn't sleep that night. No one believes her, not even the private detective she hires, although he stays on the case. They discover others too have vanished. They're a mix of illegal immigrants, criminals and conmen who left home one morning and never returned. No calls on their mobiles, no transactions on credit cards. It's as if they've been spirited away. The one thing each case has in common is that the vanished have all taken the identity of a dead person.
Meanwhile something has taken up residence in Clare's house. It picks her up and shakes her as though needing her to understand. Strange unidentifiable voices speak to her through the airwaves. Clare is terrified but determined to understand what's happening. When she discovers her late father's identity has also been stolen, she realizes whose violent spirit rages in her home. Her mission is no longer to prove her sanity but to save her father and other tortured souls from eternal limbo.
With a soundscape incorporating original electronic voice phenomenon (EVP) recordings by collector Raymond Cass.
Sound design: Eloise Whitmore
Director: Melanie Harris
Sparklab Productions for BBC Radio 3.
First broadcast in 2012.
SAT 19:00 Hackers And Humphreys All (b06vc0qn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
SAT 22:00 Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters (b036mykr)
Series 1
Episode 1
Enter the Carnival of Monsters, a bizarre and hilarious world of sketches, stories and characters, presented by the sinister Ringmaster.
Master character comedian Colin Hoult's debut comedy series.
Meet such monstrous yet strangely familiar oddities as: Thwor - the mighty (but Leeds-based) god of Thwunder; Len Parker - Nottingham-born martial arts and transformers enthusiast; Anna Mann - outrageous star of such forgotten silver screen hits such as 'Rogue Baker', 'Who's For Turkish Delight' and 'A Bowl For My Bottom'; and many more.
Writers Guild Award-winner Colin Hoult is best known for his highly acclaimed starring roles in 'Being Human', 'Life's Too Short', and 'Russell Howard's Good News', as well as his many hit shows at the Edinburgh Festival. He has also appeared and written for a number of Radio 4 series including 'The Headset Set' and 'Colin and Fergus' Digi-Radio'.
Producer: Sam Bryant.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2013.
SAT 22:30 Mordrin McDonald: 21st Century Wizard (b00y8yk1)
Series 2
The Dating Wizard
Written by David Kay and Gavin Smith, Mordrin McDonald is a 2000 year old Wizard living in the modern world where settling garden disputes and watching Countdown are just as important as slaying the odd Jakonty Dragon.
This week Mordrin decides to join a Wizard dating website after the being convinced by Bernard the Blue, but fails to read the full terms and conditions.
Mordrin ..... David Kay
Bernard The Blue ..... Jack Docherty
Geoff ..... Gordon Kennedy
Heather ..... Hannah Donaldson
Molly ..... Fiona Morrison
Duchess of Bedlam ..... Susan Calman
Producer/ Director ..... Gus Beattie
A Comedy Unit production for BBC Radio 4.
SAT 22:45 Warhorses of Letters (b01p0s13)
Series 2
Episode 1
The romantic correspondence between two of history's most important horses: Napoleon's mount Marengo and the Duke of Wellington's own Copenhagen.
This second series picks up the story of the two lovers sundered by fate as Napoleon returns from Elba. Their letters speak eloquently of love, loss, jealousy and nuts.
Marengo ..... Stephen Fry
Copenhagen ..... Daniel Rigby
Narrator ..... Tamsin Greig
Written by Marie Phillips and Robbie Hudson.
Producer: Gareth Edwards
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2012.
SAT 23:00 The Jason Byrne Show (b01p9jsb)
Series 3
First I Was a Nurse Then I Became a Roofer
The hyperactive Irish comedian scrutinises the realm of employment.
Jason reveals how he drove a former employer to distraction.
Amongst the audience he discovers a nurse-turned-roofer-turned-counsellor-turned-womble; a laundry manager in a private castle and one man who has no idea whatsoever of his job title.
Themed audience comedy show with high-energy stand-up and sketches with Laurence Howarth and Daisy Haggard.
Producer: Julia McKenzie
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in November 2010.
SAT 23:30 Son of Cliche (b00pbx1y)
Weird Magazines
Spoofing student life and a meaty mammal.
Sketch comedy with Chris Barrie, Nick Maloney and Nick Wilton.
Written by Rob Grant and Doug Naylor.
Producer: Alan Nixon
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1984.
SUN 00:00 Liz Mickery - Adventures of the Soul (b06vc3zf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Saturday]
SUN 01:00 Toni Morrison - Beloved (b06vc382)
[Repeat of broadcast at
13:00 on Saturday]
SUN 02:10 Inheritance Tracks (b06vc384)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:10 on Saturday]
SUN 02:15 In the Psychiatrist's Chair (b06vc3zc)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Saturday]
SUN 03:00 Archive on 4 (b01c6kr7)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 on Saturday]
SUN 04:00 Scott Cherry - The Book of Shadows (b06vbd1d)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Saturday]
SUN 05:30 Marguerite Patten's Century of British Cooking (b0075jzv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Saturday]
SUN 06:00 William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair Omnibus (b008s959)
Episode 4
Becky Sharp's husband is taken to debtors' prison. William Makepeace Thackeray dramatisation concluded by Stephen Fry.
SUN 07:15 Unbuilt Britain (b01l1g5t)
A West Coast Monument
In the last in the series, Jonathan Glancey visits the west highland town of Oban to find out why a remarkable landmark building never got finished. High on the hill above Oban is McCaig's Tower, built by John Stewart McCaig. It's an impressive sight, with a shape like the Coliseum in Rome. But McCaig planned to build much more than we can see today, and Jonathan sets out to find out why the plans were never followed through.
SUN 07:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b00qp1cf)
Series 6
Elgar Writes
Episode 6 : Elgar Writes
Whilst Ed is busily teaching grammar to some clumsy, apostrophe-ridden phishers. Elgar finds fame when he becomes an internet hit with his blog. Could Elgar be a more successful writer than Ed? Quite probably.
Ed Reardon ..... Christopher Douglas
Olive ..... Stephanie Cole
Jaz ..... Philip Jackson
Pearl ..... Rita May
Ping ..... Barunka O'Shaughnessey
Stan ..... Geoffrey Whitehead
Paul Sharma ..... Nicola Sanderson
Writers ..... Christopher Douglas and Andrew Nickolds
Producer ..... Dawn Ellis.
SUN 08:00 Jim the Great (b02x95ky)
Series 2
Fit for a Queen
The moustachioed monarch discovers that Boadicea is his sister-in-law. Stars Jimmy Edwards and June Whitfield. From August 1979.
SUN 08:30 A Life of Bliss (b04cfpy2)
The Flat
David prepares to move back into his flat, but with warnings from Tony ringing in his ears.
George Cole stars in Godfrey Harrison's sitcom about bashful, bumbling bachelor David Alexander Bliss.
David Bliss …. George Cole
Ann …. Diana Churchill
Tony …. Colin Gordon
Psyche the Dog …. Percy Edwards
Maxine …. Sarah Lawson
Six series of 118 episodes of A Life of Bliss ran on the BBC Home Service from 1953. It moved to BBC TV for a run of six episodes in 1969.
Sadly very few episodes survive in the BBC archive, including the first seven starring David Tomlinson. His replacement George Cole went to to star in the St Trinian's films and later as dodgy Arthur Daley in ITV's Minder.
The BBC Variety Orchestra conducted by Paul Fenhoulet.
Producer: Leslie Bridgmont
First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in August 1957.
SUN 09:00 Patrick McGilligan - Young Orson (Omnibus) (b06vc7pl)
Orson Welles, the defining wunderkind of modern entertainment, gets his due in a biography of his early years - including his first forays in theatre and radio before his groundbreaking move to Hollywood.
Omnibus of five episodes written by Patrick McGilligan
Read by Jack Klaff
Abridged and produced by Karen Rose
A Sweet Talk production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in January 2016.
SUN 10:10 Inheritance Tracks (b06vc7pn)
Alison Goldfrapp
The singer chooses 'Carmina Burana' composed by Carl Orff and 'Expecting' by Minnie Riperton.
SUN 10:15 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b06vc7y5)
Absent Friends
Lisa Jardine
4 Extra Debut. From Annie Lennox and Juliette Greco to Mozart, historian Lisa Jardine makes her castaway choices. With Kirsty Young. From June 2015.
SUN 11:00 The Moth Radio Hour (b06vdjpr)
Series 1
Astronauts, Family Trees, and Drips
True stories told live in the USA: Jay Alison introduces tales themed "around the bend - stories of coming home."
The Moth is an acclaimed not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling based in the USA. Since 1997, it has celebrated both the raconteur and the storytelling novice, who has lived through something extraordinary and yearns to share it. Originally formed by the writer George Dawes Green as an intimate gathering of friends on a porch in Georgia (where moths would flutter in through a hole in the screen), and then recreated in a New York City living room, The Moth quickly grew to produce immensely popular events at theatres and clubs around New York City and later around the USA, the UK and other parts of the world.
The Moth has presented more than 15,000 stories, told live and without notes, to standing-room-only crowds worldwide. The Moth podcast is downloaded over 27 million times a year.
Featuring true stories told live on stage without scripts, from the humorous to the heart-breaking.
The Moth Radio Hour is produced by Jay Allison and Atlantic Public Media in Woods Hole, Massachusetts and is distributed by the Public Radio Exchange.
SUN 11:50 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00yrg3g)
Series 2
New Zealand had several species of flightless bird living across the islands, all of which are now extinct, bar one.
The Kiwi has become one of those species iconic of the country, like the Koala to Australia, the Giraffe to Africa and the Alpaca to South America. Historically, New Zealand didn't have ground predators such as wild cats and stoats - which allowed birds to exploit living on the ground. Being flightless in New Zealand was a good way to be a bird.
Having filmed Kiwis, Sir David Attenborough muses on the niche the Kiwi occupies on the ground. He argues the Kiwi behaves more like a mammal than a bird, but what mammal do you think, in his view, the Kiwi most resembles..?
Producer: Julian Hector
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2011.
SUN 12:00 Jim the Great (b02x95ky)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
SUN 12:30 A Life of Bliss (b04cfpy2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
SUN 13:00 William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair Omnibus (b008s959)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
SUN 14:15 Unbuilt Britain (b01l1g5t)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:15 today]
SUN 14:30 Alex Garland - The Beach: Omnibus (b06vdjtp)
Episode 1
English backpacker Richard arrives in Thailand, with a map to a secret, idyllic beach. Can he find it? Read by Joe Dempsie.
SUN 15:45 Jenny Boston - Just Depending (b007jr1m)
A woman confronts old age, her fear of dependency and finding the resolve to start a new chapter in life. Read by Thora Hird. From April 1995.
SUN 16:00 Peter Ling - Moonbeam and Mrs Pat (b00756hj)
The most constant and adored companion in the life of the celebrated stage actress Mrs Patrick Campbell was her little dog Moonbeam.
With war declared in 1939, 'Mrs Pat' travels with Dorothy, the daughter of her former secretary, on a train journey to Spain. Thus begins Dorothy's voyage of discovery as she learns of her marriages, love letters from George Bernard Shaw – and how she met her beloved Moonbeam.
Imelda Staunton stars in Peter Ling's drama.
Mrs Patrick Campbell... Imelda Staunton
Egypt... Sarah Badel
Madame Lescaux... Zulema Dene
Mrs Whittall... Jilly Bond
Dorothy Whittall... Oona Beeson
George Cornwallis West.... David Collings
Harrington Bayley...John Hartley
George Alexander..... Roger May
With: Mark Montgomerie, Geoffrey Whitehead, Patience Tomlinson, Ross Livingstone, Andrew Branch, Stephen Critchlow and Joshua Towb.
Peter Ling - with Hazel Adair - most famously created the long-running Midland-based ITV soap opera, Crossroads.
Mrs Patrick Campbell (born Beatrice Stella Tanner in 1865, died 1940) made a name for herself in a variety of diverse theatre roles: Mrs Darling in Peter Pan, Eliza Doolittle in Pygmalion, Roxane in Cyrano de Bergerac and Raina in Arms And The Man.
Directed by Enyd Williams.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1996.
SUN 17:00 Poetry Extra (b06vdlb4)
The Echo Chamber - The Poet, the Poem, and the Savannah
BBC Radio 4's Poet in Residence, Daljit Nagra revisits the BBC's radio poetry archive.
In 'The Echo Chamber', Paul Farley talks to Glyn Maxwell, poet and author of On Poetry. White, Black, Form, Pulse, Chime, Space and Time are Glyn's chapter titles. How and why are poems written? With readings by Glyn of his own work, new and old.
Producer: Tim Dee.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2013.
SUN 17:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b00qp1cf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
SUN 18:00 Fear on 4 (b007jvnd)
Series 3
Dead Man's Boots
The Man in Black wonders if two neglected boots in a cupboard harbour a malignant soul?
Starring Sean Barrett as Richard, Jane Whittenshaw as Myra and Edward de Souza as the Man in Black.
Fear on 4 brings you more in a series of nerve-tinglers.
Written by William Ingram.
Producer: Martin Jenkins
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1991.
SUN 18:30 Martin Jameson - Ice (b007jlns)
Episode 1
Swept across the Galaxy, two children must battle the evil Ice Queen, Novod Scaa.
1998 retelling of 'The Snow Queen' by Martin Jameson in three parts.
Michelle ...... Tara Prendergast
Travis ...... Alan Halsall
Novod Scaa ...... Ishia Bennison
Gary ...... Gerard McDermott
Bandit ...... Miles Anderson
Stash ...... Vincent Davies
Roth ...... Bradley Lavelle
Keith ...... Christopher Wright
Headmaster ...... Iwan Thomas
Thug ...... Andrew Whyment
Chaperoning Child ...... Margaret Jervis
Director: Sally Avens.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1998.
SUN 19:00 The Moth Radio Hour (b06vdjpr)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
SUN 19:50 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00yrg3g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:50 today]
SUN 20:00 Patrick McGilligan - Young Orson (Omnibus) (b06vc7pl)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
SUN 21:10 Inheritance Tracks (b06vc7pn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:10 today]
SUN 21:15 Desert Island Discs Revisited (b06vc7y5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:15 today]
SUN 22:00 Ed Reardon's Week (b00qp1cf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
SUN 22:30 My Teenage Diary (b03bfkb7)
Series 5
Kate Mosse
Comedian Rufus Hound is joined by author Kate Mosse, whose diary tells of a rain-soaked family holiday to the Lake District in the 1970s.
Highlights of the trip included getting lost in the Newbury one-way system and a visit to a pencil factory.
Producer: Harriet Jaine
A Talkback production for BBC Radio 4.
SUN 23:00 Laura Solon - Talking and Not Talking (b00bw01s)
Series 2
Episode 2
Divorcee Carol has a fruit surplus and Adrian is asked to be a Bond girl.
Award-winning comedian Laura Solon's sketch and character comedy series
With Rosie Cavaliero, Ben Moor and Ben Willbond.
Written by Laura Solon.
With additional material by Stephen Carlin, Ben Moor and Charlie Miller.
Producer: Colin Anderson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2008.
SUN 23:30 The Harpoon (b00cgsrm)
Series 3
Episode 1
Is your journey really necessary? Do you know your submarines? Are you bored with your biscuits? And above all - are you German?
The Empire's favourite is back with a special wartime edition of the nostalgic spoof of boys' adventure magazines
Performed by Alistair McGowan, Peter Baynham, Susie Brann, Mary Elliot-Nelson and Julian Dutton.
Producer: Sarah Smith
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1994.
MON 00:00 Fear on 4 (b007jvnd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Sunday]
MON 00:30 Martin Jameson - Ice (b007jlns)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Sunday]
MON 01:00 William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair Omnibus (b008s959)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Sunday]
MON 02:15 Unbuilt Britain (b01l1g5t)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:15 on Sunday]
MON 02:30 Alex Garland - The Beach: Omnibus (b06vdjtp)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Sunday]
MON 03:45 Jenny Boston - Just Depending (b007jr1m)
[Repeat of broadcast at
15:45 on Sunday]
MON 04:00 Peter Ling - Moonbeam and Mrs Pat (b00756hj)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:00 on Sunday]
MON 05:00 Poetry Extra (b06vdlb4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
17:00 on Sunday]
MON 05:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b00qp1cf)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Sunday]
MON 06:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sw542)
Episode 1
The funeral of Faith Lavender, spinster of the parish, is attended by her family and friends and by one stranger - a man named Hubert Gaily, who never met Faith in his life...
Susan Hill's novel of family ties, friendship and loneliness, set in the small Midland village of Haverstock.
Starring Patricia Hayes as Eleanor Thorne, Gwen Watford as Dorothea Shottery, Stephanie Cole as Alida Thorne and Sian Phillips as Isabel Lavender.
Adapted by Bill Matthews.
Music by Peter Salem
Producer: Lissa Evans
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
MON 06:30 Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer (b00pqj0x)
Food is everywhere in children's literature.
The Famous Five were constantly eating enormous amounts of food. Midnight feasts an essential part of life at St Clare’s and Hogwarts. Not forgetting squashed fly biscuits, and even food which comes to life - children's books luxuriate in lavish descriptions of meals, picnics and treats.
Food is always delicious and written about with such enthusiasm that the reader is left wishing they could dive into the story and feast on the treats within. But why is British children's fiction so preoccupied with all this fictional feasting?
Former Children's Laureate, Michael Rosen, among others, discusses the meaning of all this gluttony with presenter Sheila McClennon.
Producer: Cecile Wright.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010
MON 07:00 Street and Lane (b00vt5ry)
Series 2
Fade to Black
The white van driving Yorkshire builders come across a couple of faded film stars, but all is not as it seems...
Shaun Dooley and Fine Time Fontayne star is series 2 of Ian McMillan and Dave Sheasby's comedy.
Johnny Street ...... Shaun Dooley
Arthur Lane ...... Fine Time Fontayne
Madeleine ...... Sandra Dickinson
Charles ...... John Carlisle
Producer: David Hunter
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2007.
MON 07:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b06tr6ld)
Series 64
Episode 6
Back for a second week at the Grand Theatre in Blackpool, regulars Barry Cryer, Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor are joined on the panel by Rob Brydon, with Jack Dee in the chair. Piano accompaniment is provided by Colin Sell. Producer - Jon Naismith. It is a BBC Radio Comedy production.
MON 08:00 Dad's Army (b007jqh1)
Series 3
The Big Parade
Captain Mainwaring wants a parade mascot, so he decides his Home Guard platoon must catch one.
The comic exploits of a Second World War Home Guard platoon in Walmington-on-Sea.
Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV scripts by Harold Snoad and Michael Knowles.
Captain Mainwaring …. Arthur Lowe
Sergeant Wilson …. John Le Mesurier
Corporal Jones …. Clive Dunn
Private Frazer …. John Laurie
Private Godfrey …. Arnold Ridley
Private Pike …. Ian Lavender
Warden Hodges …. Bill Pertwee
The Verger …. Edward Sinclair
Private Walker …. Larry Martyn
Mrs Pike …. Pearl Hackney
Announcer/Newsreader …. John Snagge
Producer: John Dyas
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1976.
MON 08:30 Brothers in Law (b007k1xl)
Series 2
Polite Notice
Parking his car lands bungling barrister Roger in a jam.
Starring Richard Briers as Roger Thursby, John Glyn-Jones as Grimes, Julia Lockwood as Sally, Bridget Armstrong as Joy, David Jason as Bannister, Gerald Cross as the Judge.
Others parts by Sean Arnold and Douglas Blackwell.
Written by Henry Cecil and Basil Dawson.
Published in 1955, Henry Cecil's comic legal novel Brothers in Law was adapted first for TV in 1962 by Frank Muir and Denis Norden. It provided the first regular starring role for Richard Briers, who later reprised his role of the idealistic young lawyer Roger Thursby for BBC Radio between 1970 and 1972.
Producer: David Hatch
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1971.
MON 09:00 Quote... Unquote (b012qq83)
Episode 4 in the new series of Quote...Unquote, hosted by Nigel Rees. This week's quotation quizzers are former BBC Chairman, Michael Grade, comedian Simon Munnery, poet Ian McMillan and psychiatrist Dr Sandra Scott.
The reader is Peter Jefferson.
Produced by Simon Mayhew-Archer.
MON 09:30 King Street Junior (b007jmhv)
Series 5
If only school problems could be as easily solved as the new school governor imagines. Stars Karl Howman and James Grout. From June 1990.
MON 10:00 Plantagenet (b011d77j)
Series 1
What Is a Man?
By the 1180s - the first of the House of Anjou to be King of England - Henry II had reigned for 30 years and was coming under increasing opposition from his own sons...
Mike Walker's trilogy - inspired by Holinshed's Chronicles, and the accounts of the lives of the Plantagenet Kings.
Starring David Warner as King Henry II, Jane Lapotaire as Queen Eleanor, Joseph Cohen-Cole as Prince Richard, Piers Wehner as Prince Hal, Rhys Jennings as Prince Geoffrey, Stephen Hogan as William Marshall, Bruce Alexander as Bertran de Bourne, Philip Fox as King Louis and John Biggins as Courtier
Director: Jeremy Mortimer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010.
MON 11:00 Afternoon Reading (b013wnbt)
F Scott Fitzgerald - The Pat Hobby Stories
Teamed with Genius
Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Adapted by Archie Scottney.
Studio head Jack Berners calls hack writer Pat Hobby into his office. Surprisingly he has a writing job for him. Pat seems ready for it. Berners teams him with British writer, Rene Wilcox. It's ballet picture. As Pat leaves the office Berners calls him back and puts some dollars in his hand. 'Get a new hat,' he says, 'You used to be quite a boy around the secretaries in the old days. Don't give up at forty-nine!' But over in the Writers' Building Pat discovers that Wilcox has never written for the cinema before, and doesn't want to collaborate. Can Hobby survive? Will he have to do some proper writing at last?
Producer/Director: Martin Jarvis
A Jarvis & Ayres Production for BBC Radio 4.
MON 11:15 Have Your Cake (b011j7kn)
Unusual Christening Cake
The cake club prepares for a christening, as Tess and Maggie struggle with secrets. Nicola Baldwin's drama stars Lesley Sharp.
MON 12:00 Dad's Army (b007jqh1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
MON 12:30 Brothers in Law (b007k1xl)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
MON 13:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sw542)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
MON 13:30 Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer (b00pqj0x)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
MON 14:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b008001s)
Episode 1
Five American college students murder one of their friends, but will they get away with it? Thriller read by William Hope.
MON 14:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4mk)
Episode 1
Every day planes descend into London, and on board, there is likely to be someone who will arrive into the capital for their very first time. To most of us, another faceless statistic, another visitor from abroad, one of the 120 million who fly into the capital every year. But what if we choose find out who they are - and what are they thinking of as they step off the plane?
Alan Dein goes to Heathrow airport to greet people who've flown in from anywhere in the world, and explores their hopes and jet-lagged dreams of London. What does the place mean to them, why have they come, who do they know in the City?
Picked out at random as they wearily wait at the baggage carousels, his interviewees share revealing, comic, and sometimes very moving tales of adventure, family reunions, opportunities, romance and tragedy. And then they head off, melting into the London crowds.
Producer Sara Jane Hall.
MON 14:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0153tq3)
Episode 1
Vic Brown is infatuated with his work colleague Ingrid Rothwell, but how will he manage to break the ice?
Set in Yorkshire, Stan Barstow's iconic 1960s novel is a compelling, poignant and humorous account of 20 year-old Vic's infatuation for Ingrid - which develops into an emotional crisis, thanks in part to her spiteful friend, Dorothy.
Dramatised by Stan Barstow's partner Diana Griffiths.
Starring Lee Ingleby as Vic Brown, Rebecca Callard as Ingrid Rothwell, Kate Layden as Mrs Brown and Fine Time Fontayne as Mr Brown
Director: Pauline Harris
First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in 2010.
MON 14:45 Book of the Week (b00xpjwr)
Alison Gangel - The Sun Hasn't Fallen From the Sky
Episode 1
Seven year old Ailsa Dunn's Ma is prettier than all the other mothers and her Da is the most handsome man in the world but when alcohol intrudes unpredictability reigns and when the man with the briefcase comes to call she senses the family is in trouble.
Maureen Beattie reads Alison Gangel's vibrant memoir set in the Glasgow of the late 1960s.
Producer: Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.
MON 15:00 Plantagenet (b011d77j)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
MON 16:00 Quote... Unquote (b012qq83)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
MON 16:30 King Street Junior (b007jmhv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
MON 17:00 Street and Lane (b00vt5ry)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
MON 17:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b06tr6ld)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
MON 18:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b00dyb0m)
Series 1
Mind the Gaps
The bizarre adventures of Edna Turner in London's parallel city of Undone.
Series one of Ben Moor's comic sci-fi saga.
Edna ...... Sarah Solemani
Billy/Carlo ...... Duncan Wisbey
Marlboro /Bouncer ...... Dan Antopolski
Tankerton ...... Ben Moor
Producer: Colin Anderson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in March 2006.
MON 18:30 A Good Read (b00761tv)
Philippa Pearce and Ben Gill
Matthew Parris and his guests, former President of the National Farmers' Union Ben Gill and author Philippa Pearce discuss favourite paperbacks by Gerald Durrell, Rian Mulan and Nick Hornby. From 2001.
Books discussed:
'My Family and Other Animals' by Gerald Durrell
Publisher: Penguin
'My Traitor's Heart' by Rian Mulan
High Fidelity by Nick Hornby
Publisher: Penguin.
MON 19:00 Dad's Army (b007jqh1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
MON 19:30 Brothers in Law (b007k1xl)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
MON 20:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sw542)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
MON 20:30 Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer (b00pqj0x)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
MON 21:00 Afternoon Reading (b013wnbt)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
MON 21:15 Have Your Cake (b011j7kn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 today]
MON 22:00 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b06tr6ld)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
MON 22:30 Fags, Mags and Bags (b00zzw1w)
Series 4
Foam Wizards
The hit Radio 4 series 'Fags, Mags & Bags' returns with more shop based shenanigans and over the counter philosophy, courtesy of Ramesh Mahju and his trusty sidekick Dave.
Written by and starring Donald McLeary and Sanjeev Kohli 'Fags, Mags & Bags' has proved a hit with the Radio 4 audience with this series picking up a Writers Guild nomination for best comedy in 2011.
This series sees a crop of new shop regulars, and some guest appearances along the way from the likes of Mina Anwar and Kevin Eldon.
In this opening episode Ramesh and his son Alok go head to head as they enter a competition to design a new sweetie favourite. Will the old wise head see off the challenge from the young pretender to the corner shop crown?
So join the staff of 'Fags, Mags and Bags' in their tireless quest to bring nice-price custard creams and cans of coke with Arabic writing on them to an ungrateful nation. Ramesh Mahju has built it up over the course of 30 years, and is a firmly entrenched feature of the local area. Ramesh loves the art of the 'shop'.
However; he does apply the 'low return' rules of the shop to all other aspects of his life. Ramesh is ably assisted by his shop sidekick Dave, a forty-something underachiever who shares Ramesh's love of the art of shopkeeping, even if he is treated like a slave.
Then of course there are Ramesh's sons Sanjay and Alok, both surly and not particularly keen on the old school approach to shopkeeping, but natural successors to the business, and Ramesh is keen to pass all his worldly wisdom onto them whether they like it or not!
Ramesh ...... Sanjeev Kohli
Dave ....... Donald Mcleary
Sanjay ....... Omar Raza
Alok ....... Susheel Kumar
Mrs Begg ........ Marjory Hogarth
Keith Futures ....... Greg McHugh
Hilly ....... Kate Brailsford
Mrs Armstrong ........ Maureen Carr
Keenan ........ Max Merrill
Producer: Gus Beattie
A Comedy Unit production for BBC Radio 4.
MON 23:00 The News Quiz Extra (b06vf76k)
Series 16
Episode 1
Series 89 of the satirical panel show. Miles Jupp is back in the chair, trying to keep order as an esteemed panel of guests take on the big (and not so big) news events of the week. For this, the first episode of the new series, Miles is joined by Francis Wheen, Susan Calman, Nish Kumar and Zoe Lyons.
Producer: Richard Morris
A BBC Radio Comedy Production.
MON 23:45 Helen Keen's It Is Rocket Science (b01hkz33)
Series 2
Episode 1
Helen Keen stars alongside Peter Serafinowicz and Susy Kane for a second series of the factually-correct but funny exploration of the science and history of space travel. This week examines the Fermi paradox - if the universe is really infinite it should contain infinite life, and yet we have had no contact from alien civilisations. It also takes a look at different ideas through history of what life might be like on other planets, and some of the more surprising suggestions scientists have had on how to get in touch with it, from giant burning parallelograms in the Sahara to sending nude pictures into space....
Written by Helen Keen and Miriam Underhill
Produced by Garth Edwards.
TUE 00:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b00dyb0m)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Monday]
TUE 00:30 A Good Read (b00761tv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Monday]
TUE 01:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sw542)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Monday]
TUE 01:30 Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer (b00pqj0x)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Monday]
TUE 02:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b008001s)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Monday]
TUE 02:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4mk)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Monday]
TUE 02:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0153tq3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Monday]
TUE 02:45 Book of the Week (b00xpjwr)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Monday]
TUE 03:00 Plantagenet (b011d77j)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Monday]
TUE 04:00 Quote... Unquote (b012qq83)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 on Monday]
TUE 04:30 King Street Junior (b007jmhv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 on Monday]
TUE 05:00 Street and Lane (b00vt5ry)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Monday]
TUE 05:30 I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue (b06tr6ld)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Monday]
TUE 06:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sybr2)
Episode 2
Friendship blossoms at the village laundrette, but will Ma Gaily approve?
Susan Hill's novel of family ties, friendship and loneliness, set in the small Midland village of Haverstock.
Starring Patricia Hayes as Eleanor Thorne, Gwen Watford as Dorothea Shottery, Stephanie Cole as Alida Thorne, Sian Phillips as Isabel Lavender, Anna Cropper as Florence Ames and Pauline Letts as Ma Gaily.
Adapted by Bill Matthews.
Music by Peter Salem
Producer: Lissa Evans
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
TUE 06:30 Eyes Down on Clubland (b00jgv1b)
With working men's clubs on the verge of extinction, Dave Spikey, who co-wrote and appeared in the comedy Phoenix Nights, charts their history. He examines their social, cultural and political impact and celebrates those that continue to bring life to communities on the margins of 21st-century Britain.
TUE 07:00 Fat Chance (b019m4rs)
Celebrity Square
Graham becomes Tina Tattersall's escort for the night in a bid to make her errant husband jealous - and the rest of the slimming club have some surprising news.
Jenny McDade's high-fat bittersweet comedy for those believing there's a thin person inside them begging to get out.
Graham Pitscottie ..... Gareth Corke
Wendy Bottomley ..... Janine Duvitski
Clive Bottomley ..... Michael Troughton
Soo Pitscottie ..... Anne Reid
Tina Tattersall ..... Julia Deakin
Kelly Chambers ..... Tilly Gaunt
Lee Dubs ..... Harry Myers
Mrs Enright ..... Frances Jeater
Producer: Sally Avens
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 1999.
TUE 07:30 Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones! (b06ts1kz)
Series 2
When Milton finally decides to empty his bins he accidentally makes both a delicious sparkling wine and a deadly enemy.
Mention Milton Jones to most people and the first thing they think is 'Help!'. Because each week, Milton, and his trusty assistant Anton (played by Milton regular, Tom Goodman-Hill) set out to help people and soon find they're embroiled in a new adventure. Because when you're close to the edge, then Milton can give you a push.
"Milton Jones is one of Britain's best gagsmiths with a flair for creating daft yet perfect one-liners." - The Guardian.
"King of the surreal one-liners." - The Times
"If you haven't caught up with Jones yet - do so!" - The Daily Mail
Written by Milton with James Cary (Bluestone 42, Miranda), and Dan Evans (who co-wrote Milton's Channel 4 show House Of Rooms) the man they call "Britain's funniest Milton", returns to the radio with a fully-working cast and a shipload of new jokes.
The cast includes regulars Tom Goodman-Hill ( Spamalot, Mr. Selfridge) as the ever-faithful Anton, Josie Lawrence and Ben Willbond (Horrible Histories).
With music by Guy Jackson.
Produced and directed by David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in January 2016.
TUE 08:00 Round the Horne (b00n53d4)
Series 3
Episode 16
Kenneth Horne heads 'The Muffplaster Saga', while Julian and Sandy are offering some bona guided tripettes of London.
With Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Betty Marsden and Bill Pertwee.
Recorded at the BBC's Paris Studio in Lower Regent Street, London. Announcer: Douglas Smith
Round The Horne was born out of the demise of BBC radio comedy Beyond Our Ken, after the end of writer Eric Merriman's involvement. Using the same cast and producer, Barry Took and Marty Feldman were persuaded to write the scripts - which led to four series that ran between 1965 and 1968 - packed full of parodies, recurring characters, catchphrases and double-entendres.
Music by Edwin Braden and the Hornblowers and The Fraser Hayes Four.
Producer: John Simmonds
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1967.
TUE 08:30 The Men from the Ministry (b0121pt0)
The Night We Crept Into the Crypt
The bumbling bureaucrats land themselves up to their necks in it!
A weekly tribute to all those who work in government departments.
Stars Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler. With Norma Ronald, Ronald Baddiley and John Graham.
Written by Edward Taylor and John Graham.
'The Men from the Ministry' ran for 14 series between 1962 and 1977. Deryck Guyler replaced Wilfrid Hyde-White from 1966. Sadly many episodes didn't survive in the archive, however the BBC's Transcription Service re-recorded 14 shows in 1980 - never broadcast in the UK, until the arrival of BBC Radio 4 Extra.
Producer: Edward Taylor
First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in July 1972.
TUE 09:00 The News Quiz Extra (b06vf76k)
[Repeat of broadcast at
23:00 on Monday]
TUE 09:45 Helen Keen's It Is Rocket Science (b01hkz33)
[Repeat of broadcast at
23:45 on Monday]
TUE 10:00 Plantagenet (b011dd7h)
Series 1
Prince Richard has become heir apparent, but in the face of Henry II's refusal to acknowledge his position, he turns to the Crusades.
Mike Walker's trilogy - inspired by Holinshed's Chronicles, and the accounts of the lives of the Plantagenet Kings.
Starring David Warner as King Henry II, Jane Lapotaire as Queen Eleanor, Ed Stoppard as Richard, Stephen Hogan as William Marshall, John Biggins as King Philip, Raad Rawi as Saladin, Khalid Laith as El-adel, Ewan Hooper as Baldwin, Neil Stuke as Prince John, Philip Fox as Hugh, Rhys Jennings as Robert of Champagne, Piers Wehner as Conrad, Bruce Alexander as the Master and Joseph Cohen-Cole as the Secretary.
Director: Jeremy Mortimer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010.
TUE 11:00 Afternoon Reading (b013xm20)
F Scott Fitzgerald - The Pat Hobby Stories
Pat Hobby Does His Bit
Written by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Adapted by Archie Scottney.
It is a difficult business, in Hollywood, to borrow money from an actor on a set during the shooting of a moving picture. But Pat Hobby is desperate.
It's the stiffest chore Pat has ever undertaken but he's doing it to save his car. His old jalopy might not seem worth saving but, because of Hollywood's great distances, it's an indispensable tool of the writer's trade. But what Pat doesn't foresee is that, because of this financial arrangement, his whole life in pictures is about to change.
Producer/Director: Martin Jarvis
A Jarvis & Ayres Production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 11:15 Drama (b012r6v6)
Georges Simenon - The Other Simenon
In Case of Emergency
Georges Simenon, best known for Maigret, published scores of other novels, often tough, gripping and psychologically-penetrating dissections of small lives confounded by fate. Ronald Frame dramatises three of these stories beginning with the obsessive affair between a lawyer and a jewel thief. When her plan to rob a jeweller's shop goes wrong, Yvette - young, beautiful and dangerously impulsive - asks middle-aged lawyer, Lucien, to defend her in court. When he wins the case they begin an affair but he discovers that Yvette has a boyfriend who has no intention of giving her up.
Other parts played by the cast.
Producer/director Bruce Young.
TUE 12:00 Round the Horne (b00n53d4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
TUE 12:30 The Men from the Ministry (b0121pt0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
TUE 13:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sybr2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
TUE 13:30 Eyes Down on Clubland (b00jgv1b)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
TUE 14:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03njkh0)
Episode 2
A Greek tragedy is set in motion as a new student joins the classics group. Donna Tartt's thriller read by William Hope.
TUE 14:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4yw)
Episode 2
Every day planes descend into London, and on board, there is likely to be someone who will arrive into the capital for their very first time. To most of us, another faceless statistic, another visitor from abroad, one of the 120 million who fly into the capital every year. But what if we choose find out who they are - and what are they thinking of as they step off the plane?
Alan Dein goes to Heathrow airport to greet people who've flown in from anywhere in the world, and explores their hopes and jet-lagged dreams of London. What does the place mean to them, why have they come, who do they know in the City?
Picked out at random as they wearily wait at the baggage carousels, his interviewees share revealing, comic, and sometimes very moving tales of adventure, family reunions, opportunities, romance and tragedy. And then they head off, melting into the London crowds.
TUE 14:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0154xfd)
Episode 2
Vic's second date with Ingrid doesn't go well. Is their romance doomed before it starts? Stars Lee Ingleby and Rebecca Callard. From July 2010.
TUE 14:45 Book of the Week (b00xpnx3)
Alison Gangel - The Sun Hasn't Fallen From the Sky
Episode 2
Seven year old Ailsa Dunn adores her handsome Da and her pretty Ma but when alcohol intrudes chaos reigns and she and her sister are removed from home and taken to an orphanage. This is the Glasgow of the late 1960s and the strict regime is fiercely resented by the two feisty girls. Confused and unhappy Ailsa loses her bearings until she meets an inspirational teacher and timidly asks if he will teach her to play the piano.
Maureen Beattie reads Alison Gangel's vibrant memoir.
Producer: Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall Production for BBC Radio 4.
TUE 15:00 Plantagenet (b011dd7h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
TUE 16:00 Act Your Age (b00ftb87)
Series 1
Episode 3
Simon Mayo discovers which generation is the funniest. With Jon Richardson, Lucy Porter and Roy Walker. From December 2008.
TUE 16:30 Flying the Flag (b009r202)
Series 2
The Bread and Butter
A mystery body strains the Republic's spirit of glasnost at the British Embassy – where many more British tourists are finding their way here than in the past...
Alex Shearer's Eastern bloc embassy sitcom.
Starring Dinsdale Landen as HM Ambassador Mackenzie, Peter Acre as William Frost, Moir Leslie as Helen Waterson, Stephen Greif as the United States Ambassador, Christopher Benjamin as Colonel Surikov and Stephen Rashbrook as Harris.
Producer: Pete Atkin
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1988.
TUE 17:00 Fat Chance (b019m4rs)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
TUE 17:30 Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones! (b06ts1kz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
TUE 18:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxgx)
Series 1
Edna Turner meets a man, makes a friend and learns more about the bizarre parallel city of Undone.
Ben Moor's comic sci-fi saga.
Edna ...... Sarah Solemani
Tankerton ...... Ben Moor
Billy/Carlo ...... Duncan Wisbey
Grant ...... Tim Key
Kate ...... Montserrat Lombard
Producer: Colin Anderson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in October 2006.
TUE 18:30 That Reminds Me (b007jnv6)
Series 3
George Melly
Celebrated raconteur, jazz singer and critic George Melly regales an audience with tales of his eventful life and passions.
Aged 75, the bon viveur reveals his short-term memory is faulty, yet his past is crystal clear. As Melly charts his way through a varied career - underpinned by his hunger for entertaining and performing - he recalls his early gay lifestyle, and explains his great passion for surrealism,
When George died, BBC News said "With his flamboyant suits, oversize hats and Havana cigars, George Melly was a good-time Renaissance man who indulged, often over-indulged, his passions for jazz, film, art, fishing, writing, drink and sex."
George Melly: Born 17 August 1926. Died 5 July 2007.
Producer: Claire Jones
First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in November 2001.
TUE 19:00 Round the Horne (b00n53d4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
TUE 19:30 The Men from the Ministry (b0121pt0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
TUE 20:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sybr2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
TUE 20:30 Eyes Down on Clubland (b00jgv1b)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
TUE 21:00 Afternoon Reading (b013xm20)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
TUE 21:15 Drama (b012r6v6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 today]
TUE 22:00 Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones! (b06ts1kz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
TUE 22:30 The Show What You Wrote (b0368nzq)
Series 1
Crime and Thriller
The Show What You Wrote is a brand new sketch show, which is made up entirely from sketches sent in by the public. Recorded in Manchester in front of a live audience, and starring John Thomson, Helen Moon, Fiona Clarke and Gavin Webster.
We've picked the best sketches from thousands of submissions to make each show, and every week we'll be covering a different theme, from sci fi and fantasy, to kitchen sink drama. This week's episode is Crime and Thriller.
Script editor ...... Jon Hunter
Producers ..... Carl Cooper and Alexandra Smith
Written by ..... Jack Bernhardt, James Boughen. Peter Brush, Dominic Burgess, John Dennett, Richard Felber, Andy Fell, Robert Frimston & Edward Rowett, Stephen Holford, Caspian James, Nathan King, Nick Hall, Matt Oakley, John-Luke Roberts, Eddie Robson, Ash Williamson.
TUE 23:00 Twenty Players (b06vkfjk)
Series 2
Lady Cassandra Moon
Commentator Ted Lowe tells the story of billiards sensation, Lady Cassandra Moon.
One of a series of features on fictional sporting heroes.
Producer: Richard Wilson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1997.
TUE 23:15 Jelly Mountain (b00fkp5z)
Episode 3
A visit to the circus heralds arcane amusements. Songs and stories from Ivor Cutler, with Craig Murray-Orr. From May 1996.
TUE 23:30 Les Kelly's Britain (b016x3h7)
Episode 1
Les Kelly hosts a magazine show from hell. Les is a cross between Jeremy Kyle and a slap in the face. He claims this is the only radio show for 'normal, decent people'. 'If you aren't decent, this is not the show for you,' says Les.
Les meets a father whose daughter needs a new kidney. Well, perhaps 'need' isn't quite the right word. She just wants one more kidney than all her friends. Les also meets an expert on sanglanding. It's the dangerous new craze amongst young people - trouble is, no-one knows what it is.
Starring Kevin Bishop as Les Kelly.
Alan Francis as Jeff Stevens/Paddy O'Connor/Dr Legg/Kevin Fort
Pippa Evans as Ms Howard/Nurse Magery/San Glanding Woman
David Armand as Colin/Dr Stephens/Man in front row
Margaret Cabourn-Smith as Wendy Hooper/Kirsty Travis/Alice Fort
Produced and written by Bill Dare.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2011.
WED 00:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxgx)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Tuesday]
WED 00:30 That Reminds Me (b007jnv6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Tuesday]
WED 01:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00sybr2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Tuesday]
WED 01:30 Eyes Down on Clubland (b00jgv1b)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Tuesday]
WED 02:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03njkh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Tuesday]
WED 02:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4yw)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Tuesday]
WED 02:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0154xfd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Tuesday]
WED 02:45 Book of the Week (b00xpnx3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Tuesday]
WED 03:00 Plantagenet (b011dd7h)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Tuesday]
WED 04:00 Act Your Age (b00ftb87)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:00 on Tuesday]
WED 04:30 Flying the Flag (b009r202)
[Repeat of broadcast at
16:30 on Tuesday]
WED 05:00 Fat Chance (b019m4rs)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Tuesday]
WED 05:30 Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones! (b06ts1kz)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Tuesday]
WED 06:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t0z5z)
Episode 3
The villagers of Haverstock look forward to the annual fete and the Gailys make an impression.
Susan Hill's novel of family ties, friendship and loneliness, set in the small Midland village of Haverstock.
Starring Patricia Hayes as Eleanor Thorne, Gwen Watford as Dorothea Shottery, Stephanie Cole as Alida Thorne, Sian Phillips as Isabel Lavender and Pauline Letts as Ma Gaily.
Adapted by Bill Matthews.
Music by Peter Salem
Producer: Lissa Evans
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
WED 06:30 China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum (b00rbpb4)
China - manufacturer of Nunzilla the fire-breathing nun, the Egyptian mummy-shaped elastic band holder Mummified Mike, and the Dashboard Jesus.
Britain - home of the creative types who send these ironic, sometimes blasphemous, novelty gift designs to the Chinese for manufacture.
What do these throwaway gifts tell us about our own society and our relationship with China? While our economic relationship flourishes, our respective cultures remain poles apart.
Writer and comedian Anna Chen follows a novelty toy from design through manufacture to the gift shops. Workers on the production lines in a south Chinese factory give their take on what on earth it is they're making and British designers try their best to deconstruct the joke.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010.
WED 07:00 The Brothers (b00ny721)
Series 2
Episode 3
The arrival of Nigel and Michael's father sparks more havoc. Stars Raymond Coulthard and Adam Godley. From October 2005.
WED 07:30 It's Jocelyn (b06tvbz1)
Series 1
Episode 2
A raft of fresh new characters from Jocelyn including a terrible shop assistant, a pair of terrible bedroom DJ's and an old lady obsessed with dying.
Jocelyn vents her frustration at the world around her through sketches and stand-up. From pedantic dinner dates to coping with annoying friends, Jocelyn's life provides a rich seam of humour.
Jocelyn Jee Esien is delighted to be joined in the cast by Curtis Walker, Ninia Benjamin and Kevin J.
Producer: John Pocock
A BBC Radio Comedy production first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2016.
WED 08:00 The Navy Lark (b01g8dd4)
Series 5
HMS Troutbridge Gets a Rocket
Paranoia sets in when the crew of HMS Troutbridge are charged with a top secret mission.
Stars Leslie Phillips as the Sub-Lieutenant, Jon Pertwee as the Chief Petty Officer, Stephen Murray as the Number One, Ronnie Barker as Captain Bell, Richard Caldicote as Captain Povey and Tenniel Evans as Taffy Goldstein.
Laughs afloat aboard British Royal Navy frigate HMS Troutbridge. The Navy Lark ran for an impressive thirteen series between 1959 and 1976.
Scripted by Lawrie Wyman
Producer: Alastair Scott Johnston.
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in May 1963.
WED 08:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b011j5lh)
Series 7
Episode 9
Professor Prune is incarcerated and Bill Oddie rhapsodises the flowers in the garden.
Tim Brooke-Taylor
John Cleese
Graeme Garden
David Hatch
Jo Kendal
Bill Oddie
Sketches written by Graeme Garden and Bill Oddie
Originating from the Cambridge University Footlights revue 'Cambridge Circus', ISIRTA ran for eight years on BBC Radio and quickly developed a cult following.
Music and songs by Bill Oddie, Liam Cohen and Dave Lee.
Producer: David Hatch/Peter Titheradge
First broadcast on the BBC Radio 2 in March 1969.
WED 09:00 Counterpoint (b008vrb6)
Episode 12
Ned Sherrin's third semi-final with Louis Powell of Berkshire, Yorkshire's Colin Spencer and Len Smith from Essex.
WED 09:30 Beachcomber... By the Way (b008d0hd)
Series 2
Episode 3
JB Morton's whimsies as performed by Richard Ingrams, Patricia Routledge, John Sessions and John Wells. From July 1991.
WED 10:00 Plantagenet (b011djb6)
Series 1
John, by the Grace of God
The fourth son of Henry II never expected to succeed to the English throne. When he does, he reveals a talent for making enemies.
Mike Walker's trilogy - inspired by Holinshed's Chronicles, and the accounts of the lives of the Plantagenet Kings.
Starring David Warner as King Henry II, Jane Lapotaire as Queen Eleanor, Ed Stoppard as King Richard, Neil Stuke as King John, Stephen Hogan as William Marshall, Ryan Watson as Prince Arthur, Emerald O'Hanrahan as Queen Isabelle, John Biggins as King Philip, Raad Rawi as Saladin, Khalid Laith as El-Adel, Ewan Hooper as the Doctor, Joseph Cohen-Cole as Girard, Bruce Alexander as De Roche, Piers Wehnher as Fitzwalter, Rhys Jennings as Will Marshall and Bertie Gilbert as Prince Henry.
Director: Jeremy Mortimer
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2010.
WED 11:00 New Year, New Writers (b0196v3v)
Stories to mark the New Year by new writers from Scotland.
'Departures' by Katy McAulay.
A woman yearns for some January sun until an encounter at the airport changes everything. Read by Julie Duncanson.
WED 11:15 Drama (b012wxy2)
Georges Simenon - The Other Simenon
The Little Man From Archangel
Georges Simenon, best known for Maigret, published scores of other novels, often tough, gripping and psychologically-penetrating stories like this tragic tale of a bookseller whose wife goes missing. When Gina fails to come home one night, Jonas Milk tells his inquisitive neighbours that she's visiting a friend. But the gossips in this small country town know Gina has been having flagrant affairs and when it becomes clear that she's disappeared the bookseller is drawn into a nightmare of police enquiries and painful discoveries. Dramatised by Ronald Frame.
Other parts played by the cast.
Producer/director Bruce Young.
WED 12:00 The Navy Lark (b01g8dd4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
WED 12:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b011j5lh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
WED 13:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t0z5z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
WED 13:30 China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum (b00rbpb4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
WED 14:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03nnlkd)
Episode 3
The American college students are introduced to the seductive rituals of Dionysius. Donna Tartt's thriller read by William Hope.
WED 14:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4yy)
Episode 3
Every day planes descend into London, and on board, there is likely to be someone who will arrive into the capital for their very first time. To most of us, another faceless statistic, another visitor from abroad, one of the 120 million who fly into the capital every year. But what if we choose find out who they are - and what are they thinking of as they step off the plane?
Alan Dein goes to Heathrow airport to greet people who've flown in from anywhere in the world, and explores their hopes and jet-lagged dreams of London. What does the place mean to them, why have they come, who do they know in the City?
Picked out at random as they wearily wait at the baggage carousels, his interviewees share revealing, comic, and sometimes very moving tales of adventure, family reunions, opportunities, romance and tragedy. And then they head off, melting into the London crowds.
Producer Sara Jane Hall.
WED 14:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0154z0t)
Episode 3
Vic Brown fears that his big romance with Ingrid may be over when she fails to turn up for a night out. Stars Lee Ingleby. From July 2010.
WED 14:45 Book of the Week (b00xpnx7)
Alison Gangel - The Sun Hasn't Fallen From the Sky
Episode 3
Removed from the care of loving but alcoholic parents and placed in a strict Glasgow orphanage, Ailsa Dunn is struggling to cope. Then she meets Mr Shaugnessy and inspired by his piano playing she asks for lessons. Encouraged by his praise, she discovers a talent she never dreamt she had.
Maureen Beattie reads Alison Gangel's vibrant memoir.
Producer: Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.
WED 15:00 Plantagenet (b011djb6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
WED 16:00 Counterpoint (b008vrb6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
WED 16:30 Beachcomber... By the Way (b008d0hd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
WED 17:00 The Brothers (b00ny721)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
WED 17:30 It's Jocelyn (b06tvbz1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
WED 18:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxh5)
Series 1
Edna Turner's been given the secret of the parallel city of Undone, but her friendship with Kate and her loyalty to Tankerton are both tested by her crush on the lovely Grant...
Ben Moor's comic sci-fi saga.
Edna ...... Sarah Solemani
Tankerton ...... Ben Moor
Carlo ...... Duncan Wisbey
Grant ...... Tim Key
Kate ...... Montserrat Lombard
Jemima ...... Emma Kennedy
Producer: Colin Anderson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in October 2006.
Producer: Colin Anderson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in 2006.
WED 18:30 Off the Page (b0076xl3)
Mustn't Grumble
Dominic Arkwright discusses the art of complaining with Tom Winsor, Neil Herron and comic Mark Little. From 2006.
WED 19:00 The Navy Lark (b01g8dd4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
WED 19:30 I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again (b011j5lh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
WED 20:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t0z5z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
WED 20:30 China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum (b00rbpb4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
WED 21:00 New Year, New Writers (b0196v3v)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
WED 21:15 Drama (b012wxy2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 today]
WED 22:00 It's Jocelyn (b06tvbz1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
WED 22:30 Tom Wrigglesworth's Open Letters (b01h77ln)
Series 2
Episode 2
Sony Award-winning comedian Tom Wrigglesworth performs another of his open letters.
Tom turns his attentions to the low-cost airline industry. Are they are all they are cracked up to be?
If he does enough online check-ins, can he legitimately claim to be part-time staff and get an invite to the Christmas do?
Written by Tom Wrigglesworth, James Kettle and Miles Jupp.
Producer: Simon Mayhew-Archer.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2012.
WED 23:00 Listen Against (b0088nnz)
Series 1
Episode 1
A cheeky round-up of a week's worth of BBC radio that never happened.
Alice Arnold and Jon Holmes rewind and mangle real programmes from across the networks - and put them back together the wrong way round.
Featuring Scott Mills, Gordon Brown, Steve Wright and John Humphreys.
The brainchild of writer, comic and broadcaster Jon Holmes.
Producer: Bill Dare
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2007.
WED 23:30 Beautiful Dreamers (b00w7byd)
The Stardiver
Nat travels to Tuscany to meet the Uzbek dissident and billionaire Mikhail Azazev, as he prepares freefall from beyond the Karman Line - an altitude of over 100 kilometres. Featuring contributions from Simon McBurney and Kevin Eldon.
Writers ..... James Lever and Nat Segnit.
Producers ..... Steven Canny and Sasha Yevtushenko.
THU 00:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxh5)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Wednesday]
THU 00:30 Off the Page (b0076xl3)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Wednesday]
THU 01:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t0z5z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Wednesday]
THU 01:30 China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum (b00rbpb4)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Wednesday]
THU 02:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03nnlkd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Wednesday]
THU 02:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4yy)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Wednesday]
THU 02:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0154z0t)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Wednesday]
THU 02:45 Book of the Week (b00xpnx7)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Wednesday]
THU 03:00 Plantagenet (b011djb6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Wednesday]
THU 04:00 Counterpoint (b008vrb6)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 on Wednesday]
THU 04:30 Beachcomber... By the Way (b008d0hd)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 on Wednesday]
THU 05:00 The Brothers (b00ny721)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Wednesday]
THU 05:30 It's Jocelyn (b06tvbz1)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Wednesday]
THU 06:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t2y90)
Episode 4
Storms break and accidents happen, but can the ladies of Haverstock cope with change?
Susan Hill's novel of family ties, friendship and loneliness, set in the small Midland village of Haverstock.
Starring Patricia Hayes as Eleanor Thorne, Gwen Watford as Dorothea Shottery, Stephanie Cole as Alida Thorne, Sian Phillips as Isabel Lavender and Pauline Letts as Ma Gaily.
Adapted by Bill Matthews.
Music by Peter Salem
Producer: Lissa Evans
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
THU 06:30 Anglomania (b00g447z)
John F Jungclaussen, Die Zeit's UK correspondent, sets out to discover why so many of his fellow countrymen are in thrall to all things British.
Among his travels around Germany he experiences British Day in Hamburg, with its very own Last Night of the Proms, an evening in a Bayreuth pub where the locals only speak English and, in the Ruhr valley, a German rock band called Claymore, who perform in full Highland dress.
THU 07:00 Hazelbeach (b00853kb)
Series 1
Ronnie organises a trip to the races and Nick makes a startling discovery about the true nature of friendship.
Caroline and David Stafford's comedy stars Jamie Forman as Ronnie Hazelbeach.
Ronnie ...... Jamie Foreman
Nick ...... Paul Bazely
Chloe ...... Tracy Wiles
James ...... John Dougall
Harry ...... Simon Treves
Andrea ...... Liza Sadovy
Producer: Marc Beeby
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2007.
THU 07:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (b06tvm72)
Series 5
Episode 1
John Finnemore - writer and star of Cabin Pressure and John Finnemore's Double Acts, regular guest on The Now Show and The Unbelievable Truth - returns for a fifth series of his multi-award-winning sketch show, joined as ever by a cast of Margaret Cabourn-Smith, Simon Kane, Lawry Lewin and Carrie Quinlan.
This first episode sees an unlikely wager, a troubled bluesman, and, well - since you ask him for a rip-roaring adventure on the high seas...
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme won the BBC Audio Drama Award for 'Best Scripted Comedy with Live Audience' in 2015; and a Radio Academy Silver Award for Comedy in 2014.
"One of the most consistently funny sketch shows for quite some time" - The Guardian
"The best sketch show in years, on television or radio" - The Radio Times
"The inventive sketch show ... continues to deliver the goods" - The Daily Mail
"Superior comedy" - The Observer
Written by and starring ... John Finnemore
Ensemble ... Margaret Cabourn-Smith
Ensemble ... Simon Kane
Ensemble ... Lawry Lewin
Ensemble ... Carrie Quinlan
Original music composed by ... Susannah Pearse
Original music performed by ... Jason Hazeley
Producer: Ed Morrish
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme is a BBC Radio Comedy production.
THU 08:00 Steptoe and Son (b007k27m)
Series 5
The Desperate Hours
After news of a jailbreak at Wormwood Scrubs, Albert and Harold get some unwelcome visitors.
Written for TV and adapted for radio by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
Albert …. Wilfrid Brambell
Harold …. Harry H. Corbett
Johnny Spooner …. Leonard Rossiter
Frank Ferris …. Paddy Joyce
Following the conclusion of their hugely successful association with Tony Hancock, writers Galton & Simpson wrote ten pilots for the BBC TV's Comedy Playhouse in 1962. The Offer was set in a house with a yard full of junk, featuring the lives of rag and bone men Albert Steptoe and his son Harold and it was the spark for a run of eight series for TV.
Producer: Bobby Jaye
First broadcast on the BBC Radio 2 in May 1974.
THU 08:30 The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter (b007w2s0)
Series 1
The Picture
Gerald and Diana have a clear-out to try and make some cash.
The convoluted chronicle of an optimistic crime writer written by Basil Boothroyd.
Starring Ian Carmichael as Gerald C Potter and Charlotte Mitchell as his wife and more successful writer, Diana.
With Michael McClain.
The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter ran from 1976 to 1981.
Producer: Bobby Jaye
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1976.
THU 09:00 Genius (b0081cvq)
Series 3
Simon Munnery
Garments made of human dust fragments? Speaking parrots for people?
Dave Gorman asks comedian Simon Munnery to select the public's best loopy idea.
Award-winning comedian Dave Gorman and a celebrity guest chew over the ridiculous, unworkable but sometimes genius inventions, schemes and policies of the public.
Producer: Simon Nicholls
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2007.
THU 09:30 No Commitments (b007jnzl)
Series 7
Reflected Glory
With Charlotte's celebrity status rising, sister Victoria plans to deflate her ego. Stars Celia Imrie. From February 2001.
THU 10:00 Plantagenet (b02qf2hv)
Series 2
Edward I - Old Soldiers
Edward Longshanks - the Hammer of the Scots - was grief-stricken after the death of his first wife. But he finds new love with Margaret, sister of the French King. And heartache with his son Ned.
Mike Walker's trilogy - inspired by Holinshed's Chronicles.
Stars Philip Jackson as Edward the First, Ellie Kendrick as Margaret, Sam Troughton as Ned, Simon Bubb as Gaveston, James Lailey as Wallace and Jonathan Forbes as Roger Bigod.
With Sean Baker, Brian Bowles, Nyasha Hatendi, Stuart McLoughlin, Joanna Monro, Peter Polycarpou, Daniel Rabin, Alun Raglan and Jane Whittenshaw.
Directed by Jeremy Mortimer and Jessica Dromgoole.
These plays tell the story of the birth of a new Europe after the dark ages. The issues of control, of freedom, of belief, above all, perhaps, the temptations of power which are so familiar to us now were new to an age which had no template for domination on this scale.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2011.
THU 11:00 New Year, New Writers (b019h3pm)
Una and Coll Are Not Friends
Stories to mark the New Year by new writers from Scotland.
'Una and Coll are not Friends' by Kirsty Logan. A magical island tale in which two squabbling teenagers resist the well-meaning forces which push them together.
Read by Finn den Hertog and Claire Knight.
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie.
THU 11:15 Drama (b0132l72)
Georges Simenon - The Other Simenon
The Cat
Georges Simenon, best known for Maigret, published scores of other novels, often tough, gripping and psychologically-penetrating stories like this black comedy about a couple whose marriage has foundered. Conversation between Emile and Marguerite has given way to a mute exchange of vicious notes, a shared life to separate beds and separate larders. Meanwhile the sudden deaths of two cherished family pets - a poisoned cat and a murdered parrot - block all attempts at reconciliation. Emile, at the end of his tether, packs his bags and chooses freedom - but he quickly makes a discovery that, even when affection has gone, a powerful bond still unites a man and his wife. Dramatised by Ronald Frame.
Producer/director Bruce Young.
THU 12:00 Steptoe and Son (b007k27m)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
THU 12:30 The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter (b007w2s0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
THU 13:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t2y90)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
THU 13:30 Anglomania (b00g447z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
THU 14:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03nnqyc)
Episode 4
American college life - sex, drugs, campus parties and country house weekends! Donna Tartt's thriller, read by William Hope.
THU 14:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4z0)
Episode 4
Every day planes descend into London, and on board, there is likely to be someone who will arrive into the capital for their very first time. To most of us, another faceless statistic, another visitor from abroad, one of the 120 million who fly into the capital every year. But what if we choose find out who they are - and what are they thinking of as they step off the plane?
Alan Dein goes to Heathrow airport to greet people who've flown in from anywhere in the world, and explores their hopes and jet-lagged dreams of London. What does the place mean to them, why have they come, who do they know in the City?
Picked out at random as they wearily wait at the baggage carousels, his interviewees share revealing, comic, and sometimes very moving tales of adventure, family reunions, opportunities, romance and tragedy. And then they head off, melting into the London crowds.
Producer Sara Jane Hall.
THU 14:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0153hwv)
Episode 4
Vic and Ingrid's seemingly idyllic romance moves on a pace, but are doubts creeping in? Stars Lee Ingleby and Rebecca Callard. From July 2010.
THU 14:45 Book of the Week (b00xpnx9)
Alison Gangel - The Sun Hasn't Fallen From the Sky
Episode 4
Ailsa's older sister has been sent away from the orphanage for being too disruptive and now Ailsa has to brave the playground alone. But after winning a piano competition in Glasgow her piano teacher has entered her for the Saturday school at the Glasgow Academy of Music and she throws all her energies into her new found passion.
Maureen Beattie reads Alison Gangel's vibrant memoir.
Producer: Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.
THU 15:00 Plantagenet (b02qf2hv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
THU 16:00 Genius (b0081cvq)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
THU 16:30 No Commitments (b007jnzl)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
THU 17:00 Hazelbeach (b00853kb)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
THU 17:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (b06tvm72)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
THU 18:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxh9)
Series 1
Genuinely faceless bureaucrats threaten to run London, as Edna Turner's mum arrives
Ben Moor's comic sci-fi saga.
Edna ...... Sarah Solemani
Tankerton ...... Ben Moor
Carlo ...... Duncan Wisbey
Grant ...... Tim Key
Kate ...... Montserrat Lombard
Jemima ...... Emma Kennedy
Producer: Colin Anderson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in October 2006.
THU 18:30 Great Lives (b0076vlc)
Series 8
Thomas Cromwell
Series of biographical discussions with Francine Stock. Author Derek Wilson, with the help of Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch, champions the cause of the man who smashed the monasteries in the 1530s. Often portrayed as a cynical money-grabber, Cromwell ran the country for Henry VIII but lost his head after he hitched his King to the wrong wife.
THU 19:00 Steptoe and Son (b007k27m)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
THU 19:30 The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter (b007w2s0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
THU 20:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t2y90)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
THU 20:30 Anglomania (b00g447z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
THU 21:00 New Year, New Writers (b019h3pm)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
THU 21:15 Drama (b0132l72)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 today]
THU 22:00 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (b06tvm72)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
THU 22:30 The Secret World (b012gs0y)
Series 2
Episode 3
David Beckham tries to hire a rainbow for a party. Jon Culshaw explores famous folk's private lives. From July 2010.
THU 23:00 Susan Calman Is Convicted (b01qjb1y)
Series 1
Equal Marriage
Susan Calman explores issues on which she has strong opinions - starting with the hot political topic of Equal Marriage from a personal perspective.
When Susan was younger, she thought marriage was silly. A patriarchal institution which she would never buy into. That was until she grew up, fell in love and wanted more than anything to get married - except she couldn't.
Susan relates her own personal experiences on this matter; including the minutiae of the legislation governing her recent civil partnership ceremony, as well as examining the well-trodden arguments against the issue.
Producer: Lyndsay Fenner.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2013 - before new legislation was passed.
THU 23:30 The Museum of Everything (b007k1gw)
Series 1
The History of Everything
Discover the origins of the first-ever museum and learn the secrets of the Pyramids.
Meanwhile, Badgerland fights back
Written and performed by Marcus Brigstocke, Danny Robins and Dan Tetsell.
With Lucy Montgomery.
Music by Dominic Haslam and Ben Walker.
Producer: Alex Walsh-Taylor
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2004.
FRI 00:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxh9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:00 on Thursday]
FRI 00:30 Great Lives (b0076vlc)
[Repeat of broadcast at
18:30 on Thursday]
FRI 01:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t2y90)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 on Thursday]
FRI 01:30 Anglomania (b00g447z)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 on Thursday]
FRI 02:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03nnqyc)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:00 on Thursday]
FRI 02:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4z0)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:15 on Thursday]
FRI 02:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b0153hwv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:30 on Thursday]
FRI 02:45 Book of the Week (b00xpnx9)
[Repeat of broadcast at
14:45 on Thursday]
FRI 03:00 Plantagenet (b02qf2hv)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 on Thursday]
FRI 04:00 Genius (b0081cvq)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 on Thursday]
FRI 04:30 No Commitments (b007jnzl)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 on Thursday]
FRI 05:00 Hazelbeach (b00853kb)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 on Thursday]
FRI 05:30 John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme (b06tvm72)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 on Thursday]
FRI 06:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t5jml)
7 Premiere
Friendship and family ties are tested as the villagers of Haverstock hear the sound of wedding bells
Susan Hill's novel of family ties, friendship and loneliness, set in a small Midland village.
Starring Patricia Hayes as Eleanor Thorne, Gwen Watford as Dorothea Shottery, Stephanie Cole as Alida Thorne, Sian Phillips as Isabel Lavender, Anna Cropper as Florence Ames and Pauline Letts as Ma Gaily.
Adapted by Bill Matthews.
Music by Peter Salem
Producer: Lissa Evans
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 1993.
FRI 06:30 Fort Dunlop (b00qpmgh)
Giles Poyner, who works in Brand Design at the iconic Fort Dunlop building, pays tribute to the Birmingham landmark. He, his mother and grandfather talk about their working lives there.
Drive through Birmingham on the M6 and you can't fail to notice an imposing fort-like building, standing proud against the city's industrial skyline. The Fort Dunlop building was built for the tyre company in the early 20th century to accommodate the thousands of workers needed to supply the growing motoring and aviation industries. The Dunlop Tyre Company, was one of Birmingham's largest employers, and those who worked there were looked after and had a job for life. But by the end of the century, competition from overseas led to the closure of the site, as Dunlop transferred much of its operation abroad.
The Fort was abandoned in the late 1980s and stood empty for 20 years, until it was taken over by an innovative urban design company who transformed the vast empty tyre store into state of the art offices, cafes and shops.
This is where Giles Poyner works as brand design manager. The achingly hip surroundings of his office are a far cry from his 92-year-old grandfather's experience of working at the Fort. He recalls the stench of rubber in the air, the workers arriving by canal boat before the road was built and, above all, the sense of being part of a family, cared for by a benevolent employer.
Giles's mother Susan also worked at Fort Dunlop as a typist during the 1960s. She remembers the generous facilities provided for the workers, including a pub, theatre and playing fields.
Giles Poyner pays tribute to this iconic Birmingham landmark and discovers how his workplace has changed both physically and culturally over the decades.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2010.
FRI 07:00 1834 (b011klyr)
Strong Continental Lager
21st-century teacher Jason decides 19th-century Macclesfield needs a decent pub with decent beer.
In Jim Poyser's riotous comedy of transportation and delight, Jason is now Tarquin, third son of Lord Belport with a faithful valet, Ned.
Jason Slater ...... Michael Begley
Ned ...... Joe Caffrey
Hoskins ...... Kenneth Alan Taylor
Lord Belport ...... Mark Chatterton
Stubbs ...... Glenn Cunningham
Millicent ...... Julia Rounthwaite
Directed at BBC Manchester by Polly Thomas.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2003.
FRI 07:30 So Wrong It's Right (b01hkz2n)
Series 3
Episode 1
Charlie Brooker hosts the comedy panel show celebrating one of Britain's favourite subjects - failure.
He plunders his guests' pasts and creativity over a series of rounds in which panellists have to be wrong to be right. In this episode, the guests joining him to try and out-wrong each other with their ideas and stories are comedians Lee Mack, Susan Calman and "Harry Hill's TV Burp" writer Daniel Maier.
In this edition the phrase 'keep calm and carry on' and ridiculous things to get angry about both come under the 'wrong' spotlight - as well as the best ideas for the worst new concept albums. Will anyone beat Susan Calman's pitch for an album based on her cat's bid to take part in the 2012 Olympics?
The host of So Wrong It's Right, Charlie Brooker, also presents BBC2's How TV Ruined Your Life, Channel 4's You Have Been Watching and 10 O'Clock Live, and writes for The Guardian. He won Columnist of the Year' at the 2009 British Press Awards for his column, and Best Newcomer at the British Comedy Awards 2009.
Produced by: Aled Evans
A Zeppotron Production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 08:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jp9g)
Series 6
The Childhood Sweetheart
The lad sets off for a romantic reunion pledged 25 years before.
Starring Tony Hancock.
With Sidney James, Bill Kerr, Kenneth Williams and Patricia Hayes.
Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.
Theme and incidental music written by Wally Stott.
Producer: Tom Ronald
First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in October 1959.
FRI 08:30 The Goon Show (b007jn16)
Series 6
The Tales of Montmartre
Paris, passion and duplicity abound in the tangled lives of two talented painters.
Groundbreaking, surreal BBC radio comedy written by Spike Milligan.
Peter Sellers
Harry Secombe
Spike Milligan
First billed as Crazy People, ten series of The Goon Show were recorded between 1951 and 1960, but sadly many of the earliest shows weren’t kept in the archive.
With the Ray Ellington Quartet and Max Geldray.
Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott.
Announcer: Wallace Greenslade
Producer: Peter Eton
First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in January 1956.
FRI 09:00 The 3rd Degree (b01dtkjn)
Series 2
Coming this week from the University of Warwick, "The 3rd Degree" is a funny, lively and dynamic quiz show aimed at cultivating the next generation of Radio 4 listeners whilst delighting the current ones. It's recorded on location at a different University each week, and it pits three Undergraduates against three of their Professors in a genuinely original and fresh take on an academic quiz. Being a Radio 4 programme, it of course meets the most stringent standards of academic rigour - but with lots of facts and jokes thrown in for good measure.
Together with host Steve Punt, the show tours the (sometimes posh, sometimes murky, but always welcoming!) Union buildings, cafés and lecture halls of six universities across the UK.
The rounds vary between Specialist Subjects and General Knowledge, quickfire bell-and-buzzer rounds and the 'Highbrow & Lowbrow' round cunningly devised to test not only the students' knowledge of current affairs, history, languages and science, but also their Professors' awareness of television, film, and Lady Gaga... In addition, the Head-to-Head rounds, in which students take on their Professors in their own subjects, were particularly lively, and offered plenty of scope for mild embarrassment on both sides...
The resulting show is funny, fresh, and not a little bit surprising, with a truly varied range of scores, friendly rivalry, and moments where students wished they had more than just glanced at that reading list...
Producer: David Tyler
A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 09:30 Albert and Me (b007jzd2)
Series 2
Breaking Up Is Hard to Do
Can Bryan save his sister Vera's marriage from breakdown?
Stars Robert Lindsay and Pat Coombs.
Robert Lindsay plays single parent Bryan Archer struggling to find work while raising his baby son, Albert.
Bryan Archer ...... Robert Lindsay
Mum/Albert ...... Pat Coombs
Mrs Willis ...... Diana King
Vera ...... Marcia Warren
Edward ...... Gorden Kaye
Incidental music by Max Harris.
Producer: John Fawcett Wilson
First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in March 1983.
FRI 10:00 Plantagenet (b02qnn10)
Series 2
Edward II - The Greatest Traitor
While Edward's power is prey to his passions, his queen, Isabella, and his most powerful ally, Roger Mortimer, find a passion of their own.
Mike Walker's trilogy - inspired by Holinshed's Chronicles.
Stars Sam Troughton as Edward the Second, Hattie Morahan as Isabella, Trystan Gravelle as Mortimer, Joseph Samrai as Prince Edward and Jonathan Forbes as Despenser.
Other parts were played by Sean Baker, Simon Bubb, James Lailey, Peter Polycarpou, Daniel Rabin, and Alun Raglan.
Directed by Jeremy Mortimer and Jessica Dromgoole.
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2011.
FRI 11:00 New Year, New Writers (b01b1nkh)
Stories to mark the New Year by new writers from Scotland.
'Bread', by Jane Flett. A remorseful woman clings to the hope that she can mend her broken relationship as she sprinkles flour, kneads dough and coaxes bread to rise. Read by Rosalind Sydney.
Produced by Eilidh McCreadie.
FRI 11:15 Drama (b01061ht)
Anita Sullivan - Titanium
History rarely remembers who came second. If Yuri Gagarin had so much as sneezed on the 12th of April 1961 the honour of being the first man in orbit would have gone to his training partner, Gherman Titov. But Gagarin didn't sneeze and a disappointed Titov had to climb back down the launch tower. A few months later Titov did launch successfully in Vostock II. He completed 17 earth orbits (got space-sick, ate and slept) and is still the youngest person ever to have gone into space. But he's largely unheard of because he wasn't 'first'. In Anita Sullivan's play, which marks the 50th anniversary of Gagarin's flight, the story of the two cosmonauts - their training, their selection, the flight and its aftermath, is told through Titov's eyes as he waits at Chkalovsky Airbase for Yuri to return from what should have been a routine training flight on the 27th March 1968.
A BBC/Cymru Wales production, directed by Kate McAll.
FRI 12:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jp9g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
FRI 12:30 The Goon Show (b007jn16)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
FRI 13:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t5jml)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
FRI 13:30 Fort Dunlop (b00qpmgh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
FRI 14:00 Donna Tartt - The Secret History (b03npbkf)
Episode 5
Why are four bookworms covered in wounds and bruises? Donna Tartt's thriller, read by William Hope.
FRI 14:15 London: Just off the Plane (b00sz4z2)
Episode 5
Every day planes descend into London, and on board, there is likely to be someone who will arrive into the capital for their very first time. To most of us, another faceless statistic, another visitor from abroad, one of the 120 million who fly into the capital every year. But what if we choose find out who they are - and what are they thinking of as they step off the plane?
Alan Dein goes to Heathrow airport to greet people who've flown in from anywhere in the world, and explores their hopes and jet-lagged dreams of London. What does the place mean to them, why have they come, who do they know in the City?
Picked out at random as they wearily wait at the baggage carousels, his interviewees share revealing, comic, and sometimes very moving tales of adventure, family reunions, opportunities, romance and tragedy. And then they head off, melting into the London crowds.
Producer Sara Jane Hall.
FRI 14:30 Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving (b015272f)
Episode 5
Vic is increasingly indifferent towards Ingrid, but can he let her out of his life? Stars Lee Ingleby and Rebecca Callard.
FRI 14:45 Book of the Week (b00xw4y0)
Alison Gangel - The Sun Hasn't Fallen From the Sky
Episode 5
Overwhelmed by both the atmosphere and the other confident students at the Academy of Music, Ailsa has not been attending her Saturday classes. But when the people at the orphanage find out and tell her beloved music teacher she is desperate to make amends.
Maureen Beattie reads Alison Gangel's vibrant memoir.
Producer: Jane Marshall
A Jane Marshall production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 15:00 Plantagenet (b02qnn10)
[Repeat of broadcast at
10:00 today]
FRI 16:00 The 3rd Degree (b01dtkjn)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:00 today]
FRI 16:30 Albert and Me (b007jzd2)
[Repeat of broadcast at
09:30 today]
FRI 17:00 1834 (b011klyr)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:00 today]
FRI 17:30 So Wrong It's Right (b01hkz2n)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
FRI 18:00 Ben Moor - Undone (b007jxhj)
Series 1
Things go from strange to stranger for Edna, Tankerton and both the Carlos...
Conclusion of series one of Ben Moor's comic sci-fi saga.
Edna ...... Sarah Solemani
Tankerton ...... Ben Moor
Carlo ...... Duncan Wisbey
Grant ...... Tim Key
Producer: Colin Anderson
Made for BBC Radio 7 and first broadcast in October 2006.
FRI 18:30 Soul Music (b0076m2z)
Series 4
Mad About the Boy
Noël Coward wrote Mad about the Boy in 1932 for the review Words and Music to celebrate the powerful appeal of the silent movie star.
Most recently it's been taken up as a gay anthem.
Sheridan Morley, Sir John Mills, Maria Aitken and Kit Hesketh-Harvey explain why this has become the most recorded number of all Coward's work.
Series about music that makes the hairs stand up on the back of our necks.
Producer: Lucy Lunt
First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2004.
FRI 19:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jp9g)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:00 today]
FRI 19:30 The Goon Show (b007jn16)
[Repeat of broadcast at
08:30 today]
FRI 20:00 Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies (b00t5jml)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:00 today]
FRI 20:30 Fort Dunlop (b00qpmgh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
06:30 today]
FRI 21:00 New Year, New Writers (b01b1nkh)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:00 today]
FRI 21:15 Drama (b01061ht)
[Repeat of broadcast at
11:15 today]
FRI 22:00 So Wrong It's Right (b01hkz2n)
[Repeat of broadcast at
07:30 today]
FRI 22:30 Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World (b007jqhc)
Series 1
The Human Mind
The sci-fi star and inventor explains life's big mysteries. With Tom Baker, Richard Herring and Stewart Lee. From November 1992.
FRI 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (b06ynz0d)
10.00pm to midnight, seven days a week, the Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. Plus Arthur Smith chats to Kieran Hodgson.
FRI 23:00 The Gobetweenies (b01l8qxl)
Series 2
Sex, Guns and Frida Kahlo
Mimi and Joe are in a state of conflicted liberal anguish because Lucy is growing up too fast. She wants a sexy Halloween costume to dazzle her boyfriend, but Joe talks her into going to a party dressed as Frida Kahlo. Meanwhile Joe's wily mother sorts out her son's vindictive and most recent ex-wife, the radical rug designer.
Written by Marcella Evaristi
Director: Marilyn Imrie
Producer: Gordon Kennedy
An Absolutely Production for BBC Radio 4.
FRI 23:30 Hard to Tell (b015zpdv)
Series 1
Episode 2
One of those parties that starts out as a great way to get to know each other better, but promptly gets taken over by fake tans, jerk chicken, insomniac parents and berets.
Hard To Tell is a four part relationship comedy by Jonny Sweet (Edinburgh Comedy Award for Best Newcomer 2009). It conjures up characters depicting every relationship from father and daughter to the mirror in the bathroom and the feller hiding at a party; from the stalker and the stalked to dog owners and their dogs; and from lifelong friends to long term partners and their dearly departed.
The series revolves around Tom Sheffield (played by Jonny himself), his immediate family (Getting On's Vicki Pepperdine, The Thick Of It's Alex MacQueen and Not Going Out's Katy Wix), and Tom's longed-for-and-lusted-after new girlfriend Ellen (played by Charlotte Ritchie), her best friend Hermione (Him & Her's Sarah Solemani) and Ellen's zealously protective father (Simon Greenall).
Tim Key and Tom Basden both make deliciously awkward cameo appearances.
Recorded on location, Hard To Tell's naturalistic, contemporary and conversational style brings new meaning to pub toilets, themed parties, early morning phone calls and Christmas Editions of Jonathan Creek.
Producer: Lucy Armitage
A Tiger Aspect production for BBC Radio 4.
(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)
05:00 SAT (b011db7v)
07:00 FRI (b011klyr)
17:00 FRI (b011klyr)
A Good Read
18:30 MON (b00761tv)
A Good Read
00:30 TUE (b00761tv)
A Life of Bliss
08:30 SUN (b04cfpy2)
A Life of Bliss
12:30 SUN (b04cfpy2)
Act Your Age
16:00 TUE (b00ftb87)
Act Your Age
04:00 WED (b00ftb87)
Afternoon Reading
11:00 MON (b013wnbt)
Afternoon Reading
21:00 MON (b013wnbt)
Afternoon Reading
11:00 TUE (b013xm20)
Afternoon Reading
21:00 TUE (b013xm20)
Albert and Me
04:30 SAT (b007k0dw)
Albert and Me
09:30 FRI (b007jzd2)
Albert and Me
16:30 FRI (b007jzd2)
Alex Garland - The Beach: Omnibus
14:30 SUN (b06vdjtp)
Alex Garland - The Beach: Omnibus
02:30 MON (b06vdjtp)
06:30 THU (b00g447z)
13:30 THU (b00g447z)
20:30 THU (b00g447z)
01:30 FRI (b00g447z)
Archive on 4
08:00 SAT (b01c6kr7)
Archive on 4
15:00 SAT (b01c6kr7)
Archive on 4
03:00 SUN (b01c6kr7)
Beachcomber... By the Way
09:30 WED (b008d0hd)
Beachcomber... By the Way
16:30 WED (b008d0hd)
Beachcomber... By the Way
04:30 THU (b008d0hd)
Beautiful Dreamers
23:30 WED (b00w7byd)
Ben Moor - Undone
18:00 MON (b00dyb0m)
Ben Moor - Undone
00:00 TUE (b00dyb0m)
Ben Moor - Undone
18:00 TUE (b007jxgx)
Ben Moor - Undone
00:00 WED (b007jxgx)
Ben Moor - Undone
18:00 WED (b007jxh5)
Ben Moor - Undone
00:00 THU (b007jxh5)
Ben Moor - Undone
18:00 THU (b007jxh9)
Ben Moor - Undone
00:00 FRI (b007jxh9)
Ben Moor - Undone
18:00 FRI (b007jxhj)
Book at Bedtime
00:15 SAT (b03xgtsj)
Book of the Week
02:45 SAT (b00xk1zj)
Book of the Week
14:45 MON (b00xpjwr)
Book of the Week
02:45 TUE (b00xpjwr)
Book of the Week
14:45 TUE (b00xpnx3)
Book of the Week
02:45 WED (b00xpnx3)
Book of the Week
14:45 WED (b00xpnx7)
Book of the Week
02:45 THU (b00xpnx7)
Book of the Week
14:45 THU (b00xpnx9)
Book of the Week
02:45 FRI (b00xpnx9)
Book of the Week
14:45 FRI (b00xw4y0)
Brothers in Law
08:30 MON (b007k1xl)
Brothers in Law
12:30 MON (b007k1xl)
Brothers in Law
19:30 MON (b007k1xl)
Charles Dickens
03:00 SAT (b019lw3y)
China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum
06:30 WED (b00rbpb4)
China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum
13:30 WED (b00rbpb4)
China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum
20:30 WED (b00rbpb4)
China, Britain and the Nunzilla Conundrum
01:30 THU (b00rbpb4)
Colin Hoult's Carnival of Monsters
22:00 SAT (b036mykr)
09:00 WED (b008vrb6)
16:00 WED (b008vrb6)
04:00 THU (b008vrb6)
Dad's Army
08:00 MON (b007jqh1)
Dad's Army
12:00 MON (b007jqh1)
Dad's Army
19:00 MON (b007jqh1)
David Attenborough's Life Stories
11:50 SUN (b00yrg3g)
David Attenborough's Life Stories
19:50 SUN (b00yrg3g)
Desert Island Discs Revisited
10:15 SUN (b06vc7y5)
Desert Island Discs Revisited
21:15 SUN (b06vc7y5)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
14:00 MON (b008001s)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
02:00 TUE (b008001s)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
14:00 TUE (b03njkh0)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
02:00 WED (b03njkh0)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
14:00 WED (b03nnlkd)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
02:00 THU (b03nnlkd)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
14:00 THU (b03nnqyc)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
02:00 FRI (b03nnqyc)
Donna Tartt - The Secret History
14:00 FRI (b03npbkf)
11:15 TUE (b012r6v6)
21:15 TUE (b012r6v6)
11:15 WED (b012wxy2)
21:15 WED (b012wxy2)
11:15 THU (b0132l72)
21:15 THU (b0132l72)
11:15 FRI (b01061ht)
21:15 FRI (b01061ht)
Ed Reardon's Week
07:30 SUN (b00qp1cf)
Ed Reardon's Week
17:30 SUN (b00qp1cf)
Ed Reardon's Week
22:00 SUN (b00qp1cf)
Ed Reardon's Week
05:30 MON (b00qp1cf)
Evelyn Waugh Short Stories
02:00 SAT (b007k30q)
Eyes Down on Clubland
06:30 TUE (b00jgv1b)
Eyes Down on Clubland
13:30 TUE (b00jgv1b)
Eyes Down on Clubland
20:30 TUE (b00jgv1b)
Eyes Down on Clubland
01:30 WED (b00jgv1b)
Fags, Mags and Bags
22:30 MON (b00zzw1w)
Fat Chance
12:30 SAT (b019fwxg)
Fat Chance
07:00 TUE (b019m4rs)
Fat Chance
17:00 TUE (b019m4rs)
Fat Chance
05:00 WED (b019m4rs)
Fear on 4
18:00 SUN (b007jvnd)
Fear on 4
00:00 MON (b007jvnd)
Flying the Flag
16:30 TUE (b009r202)
Flying the Flag
04:30 WED (b009r202)
Fort Dunlop
06:30 FRI (b00qpmgh)
Fort Dunlop
13:30 FRI (b00qpmgh)
Fort Dunlop
20:30 FRI (b00qpmgh)
09:00 THU (b0081cvq)
16:00 THU (b0081cvq)
04:00 FRI (b0081cvq)
Great Lives
18:30 THU (b0076vlc)
Great Lives
00:30 FRI (b0076vlc)
Hackers And Humphreys All
09:00 SAT (b06vc0qn)
Hackers And Humphreys All
19:00 SAT (b06vc0qn)
Hancock's Half Hour
08:00 FRI (b007jp9g)
Hancock's Half Hour
12:00 FRI (b007jp9g)
Hancock's Half Hour
19:00 FRI (b007jp9g)
Hard to Tell
23:30 FRI (b015zpdv)
Have Your Cake
11:15 MON (b011j7kn)
Have Your Cake
21:15 MON (b011j7kn)
07:00 THU (b00853kb)
17:00 THU (b00853kb)
05:00 FRI (b00853kb)
Helen Keen's It Is Rocket Science
23:45 MON (b01hkz33)
Helen Keen's It Is Rocket Science
09:45 TUE (b01hkz33)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
07:30 MON (b06tr6ld)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
17:30 MON (b06tr6ld)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
22:00 MON (b06tr6ld)
I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue
05:30 TUE (b06tr6ld)
I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again
08:30 WED (b011j5lh)
I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again
12:30 WED (b011j5lh)
I'm Sorry, I'll Read That Again
19:30 WED (b011j5lh)
In the Psychiatrist's Chair
14:15 SAT (b06vc3zc)
In the Psychiatrist's Chair
02:15 SUN (b06vc3zc)
Inheritance Tracks
14:10 SAT (b06vc384)
Inheritance Tracks
02:10 SUN (b06vc384)
Inheritance Tracks
10:10 SUN (b06vc7pn)
Inheritance Tracks
21:10 SUN (b06vc7pn)
It's Jocelyn
07:30 WED (b06tvbz1)
It's Jocelyn
17:30 WED (b06tvbz1)
It's Jocelyn
22:00 WED (b06tvbz1)
It's Jocelyn
05:30 THU (b06tvbz1)
Jelly Mountain
23:15 TUE (b00fkp5z)
Jenny Boston - Just Depending
15:45 SUN (b007jr1m)
Jenny Boston - Just Depending
03:45 MON (b007jr1m)
Jim the Great
08:00 SUN (b02x95ky)
Jim the Great
12:00 SUN (b02x95ky)
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
07:30 THU (b06tvm72)
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
17:30 THU (b06tvm72)
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
22:00 THU (b06tvm72)
John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme
05:30 FRI (b06tvm72)
Jonathan Aycliffe - The Matrix
00:00 SAT (b01ns0y8)
King Street Junior
09:30 MON (b007jmhv)
King Street Junior
16:30 MON (b007jmhv)
King Street Junior
04:30 TUE (b007jmhv)
Kipling and France
01:30 SAT (b0076vnz)
Laura Solon - Talking and Not Talking
23:00 SUN (b00bw01s)
Les Kelly's Britain
23:30 TUE (b016x3h7)
Lionel Nimrod's Inexplicable World
22:30 FRI (b007jqhc)
Listen Against
23:00 WED (b0088nnz)
Liz Mickery - Adventures of the Soul
18:00 SAT (b06vc3zf)
Liz Mickery - Adventures of the Soul
00:00 SUN (b06vc3zf)
London: Just off the Plane
14:15 MON (b00sz4mk)
London: Just off the Plane
02:15 TUE (b00sz4mk)
London: Just off the Plane
14:15 TUE (b00sz4yw)
London: Just off the Plane
02:15 WED (b00sz4yw)
London: Just off the Plane
14:15 WED (b00sz4yy)
London: Just off the Plane
02:15 THU (b00sz4yy)
London: Just off the Plane
14:15 THU (b00sz4z0)
London: Just off the Plane
02:15 FRI (b00sz4z0)
London: Just off the Plane
14:15 FRI (b00sz4z2)
Marguerite Patten's Century of British Cooking
07:30 SAT (b0075jzv)
Marguerite Patten's Century of British Cooking
17:30 SAT (b0075jzv)
Marguerite Patten's Century of British Cooking
05:30 SUN (b0075jzv)
Martin Jameson - Ice
18:30 SUN (b007jlns)
Martin Jameson - Ice
00:30 MON (b007jlns)
Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer
06:30 MON (b00pqj0x)
Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer
13:30 MON (b00pqj0x)
Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer
20:30 MON (b00pqj0x)
Midnight Feasts and Lashings of Ginger Beer
01:30 TUE (b00pqj0x)
Mordrin McDonald: 21st Century Wizard
22:30 SAT (b00y8yk1)
My Teenage Diary
22:30 SUN (b03bfkb7)
New Year, New Writers
11:00 WED (b0196v3v)
New Year, New Writers
21:00 WED (b0196v3v)
New Year, New Writers
11:00 THU (b019h3pm)
New Year, New Writers
21:00 THU (b019h3pm)
New Year, New Writers
11:00 FRI (b01b1nkh)
New Year, New Writers
21:00 FRI (b01b1nkh)
No Commitments
09:30 THU (b007jnzl)
No Commitments
16:30 THU (b007jnzl)
No Commitments
04:30 FRI (b007jnzl)
Off the Page
18:30 WED (b0076xl3)
Off the Page
00:30 THU (b0076xl3)
Patrick McGilligan - Young Orson (Omnibus)
09:00 SUN (b06vc7pl)
Patrick McGilligan - Young Orson (Omnibus)
20:00 SUN (b06vc7pl)
Pauline Pepys Dowry
05:30 SAT (b00tbkfx)
Peter Ling - Moonbeam and Mrs Pat
16:00 SUN (b00756hj)
Peter Ling - Moonbeam and Mrs Pat
04:00 MON (b00756hj)
10:00 MON (b011d77j)
15:00 MON (b011d77j)
03:00 TUE (b011d77j)
10:00 TUE (b011dd7h)
15:00 TUE (b011dd7h)
03:00 WED (b011dd7h)
10:00 WED (b011djb6)
15:00 WED (b011djb6)
03:00 THU (b011djb6)
10:00 THU (b02qf2hv)
15:00 THU (b02qf2hv)
03:00 FRI (b02qf2hv)
10:00 FRI (b02qnn10)
15:00 FRI (b02qnn10)
Poetry Extra
17:00 SUN (b06vdlb4)
Poetry Extra
05:00 MON (b06vdlb4)
Quote... Unquote
09:00 MON (b012qq83)
Quote... Unquote
16:00 MON (b012qq83)
Quote... Unquote
04:00 TUE (b012qq83)
Round the Horne
08:00 TUE (b00n53d4)
Round the Horne
12:00 TUE (b00n53d4)
Round the Horne
19:00 TUE (b00n53d4)
Scott Cherry - The Book of Shadows
06:00 SAT (b06vbd1d)
Scott Cherry - The Book of Shadows
16:00 SAT (b06vbd1d)
Scott Cherry - The Book of Shadows
04:00 SUN (b06vbd1d)
Sherlock Holmes
01:00 SAT (b007jq28)
So Wrong It's Right
07:30 FRI (b01hkz2n)
So Wrong It's Right
17:30 FRI (b01hkz2n)
So Wrong It's Right
22:00 FRI (b01hkz2n)
Son of Cliche
23:30 SAT (b00pbx1y)
Soul Music
00:30 SAT (b0076bst)
Soul Music
18:30 FRI (b0076m2z)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
14:30 MON (b0153tq3)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
02:30 TUE (b0153tq3)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
14:30 TUE (b0154xfd)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
02:30 WED (b0154xfd)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
14:30 WED (b0154z0t)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
02:30 THU (b0154z0t)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
14:30 THU (b0153hwv)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
02:30 FRI (b0153hwv)
Stan Barstow - A Kind of Loving
14:30 FRI (b015272f)
Steptoe and Son
08:00 THU (b007k27m)
Steptoe and Son
12:00 THU (b007k27m)
Steptoe and Son
19:00 THU (b007k27m)
Street and Lane
12:00 SAT (b00vls7z)
Street and Lane
07:00 MON (b00vt5ry)
Street and Lane
17:00 MON (b00vt5ry)
Street and Lane
05:00 TUE (b00vt5ry)
Susan Calman Is Convicted
23:00 THU (b01qjb1y)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
06:00 MON (b00sw542)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
13:00 MON (b00sw542)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
20:00 MON (b00sw542)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
01:00 TUE (b00sw542)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
06:00 TUE (b00sybr2)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
13:00 TUE (b00sybr2)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
20:00 TUE (b00sybr2)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
01:00 WED (b00sybr2)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
06:00 WED (b00t0z5z)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
13:00 WED (b00t0z5z)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
20:00 WED (b00t0z5z)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
01:00 THU (b00t0z5z)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
06:00 THU (b00t2y90)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
13:00 THU (b00t2y90)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
20:00 THU (b00t2y90)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
01:00 FRI (b00t2y90)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
06:00 FRI (b00t5jml)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
13:00 FRI (b00t5jml)
Susan Hill - Gentleman and Ladies
20:00 FRI (b00t5jml)
Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones!
07:30 TUE (b06ts1kz)
Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones!
17:30 TUE (b06ts1kz)
Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones!
22:00 TUE (b06ts1kz)
Thanks a Lot, Milton Jones!
05:30 WED (b06ts1kz)
That Reminds Me
18:30 TUE (b007jnv6)
That Reminds Me
00:30 WED (b007jnv6)
The 3rd Degree
04:00 SAT (b01dhn6p)
The 3rd Degree
09:00 FRI (b01dtkjn)
The 3rd Degree
16:00 FRI (b01dtkjn)
The Brothers
07:00 WED (b00ny721)
The Brothers
17:00 WED (b00ny721)
The Brothers
05:00 THU (b00ny721)
The Comedy Club Interviews
22:55 FRI (b06ynz0d)
The Gobetweenies
23:00 FRI (b01l8qxl)
The Goon Show
08:30 FRI (b007jn16)
The Goon Show
12:30 FRI (b007jn16)
The Goon Show
19:30 FRI (b007jn16)
The Harpoon
23:30 SUN (b00cgsrm)
The History of the Future
02:15 SAT (b01mqr52)
The Jason Byrne Show
23:00 SAT (b01p9jsb)
The Men from the Ministry
08:30 TUE (b0121pt0)
The Men from the Ministry
12:30 TUE (b0121pt0)
The Men from the Ministry
19:30 TUE (b0121pt0)
The Moth Radio Hour
11:00 SUN (b06vdjpr)
The Moth Radio Hour
19:00 SUN (b06vdjpr)
The Museum of Everything
23:30 THU (b007k1gw)
The Navy Lark
08:00 WED (b01g8dd4)
The Navy Lark
12:00 WED (b01g8dd4)
The Navy Lark
19:00 WED (b01g8dd4)
The News Quiz Extra
23:00 MON (b06vf76k)
The News Quiz Extra
09:00 TUE (b06vf76k)
The Secret World
22:30 THU (b012gs0y)
The Show What You Wrote
22:30 TUE (b0368nzq)
The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter
08:30 THU (b007w2s0)
The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter
12:30 THU (b007w2s0)
The Small, Intricate Life of Gerald C Potter
19:30 THU (b007w2s0)
Tom Wrigglesworth's Open Letters
22:30 WED (b01h77ln)
Toni Morrison - Beloved
13:00 SAT (b06vc382)
Toni Morrison - Beloved
01:00 SUN (b06vc382)
Twenty Players
23:00 TUE (b06vkfjk)
Unbuilt Britain
07:15 SUN (b01l1g5t)
Unbuilt Britain
14:15 SUN (b01l1g5t)
Unbuilt Britain
02:15 MON (b01l1g5t)
Warhorses of Letters
22:45 SAT (b01p0s13)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair Omnibus
06:00 SUN (b008s959)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair Omnibus
13:00 SUN (b008s959)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair Omnibus
01:00 MON (b008s959)
William Makepeace Thackeray - Vanity Fair
02:30 SAT (b007jvyz)