The BBC has announced that it has a sustainable plan for the future of the BBC Singers, in association with The VOCES8 Foundation.
The threat to reduce the staff of the three English orchestras by 20% has not been lifted, but it is being reconsidered.
See the BBC press release here.

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SAT 00:00 Marcy Kahan - The Uncertainty Principle (m000msr9)
It’s New York in 2099, at a time when people know exactly how long they’ll live… or do they?

Confusion reigns for four people whose expiry dates have been thrown into question.

Futuristic dilemma based on a drama written by Marcy Kahan.

Adam …. Kerry Shale
Chloe …. Mia Soteriou
Igor …. Clive Swift
Sanjay …. Paul Battacharjee
Nicki …. Barbara Barnes
Frederick …. Nigel Anthony

Music composed and played by Mia Soteriou.

Director: Gordon House

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1999.

SAT 01:00 Alice's Friend (b04hkk1m)
When 84 year old Alice employs Len as her chauffeur, a genuine friendship gradually develops between them.

But Alice's son and daughter don’t approve, thinking Len’s after the old woman's money.

Even Len's wife and family begin to resent the amount of time he gives her...

Starring Joyce Carey, Pauline Letts and Harold Goodwin.

Written by Owen Holder.

Alice ...... Joyce Carey
Enid Cooper ...... Pauline Letts
Len Cooper ...... Harold Goodwin
Charles ...... David Gooderson
Muriel ...... Jean Trend
Donald ...... Spencer Banks
Robert ...... Stephen Garlick
Phyllis ...... Theresa Streatfeild
Mr Hampton ...... Owen Holder

Pianist: Neil Rhoden

Director: Ian Cotterell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1982.

SAT 02:00 Galbraith and the King of Diamonds (b042m3c2)
5. Appointment in Zurich

The 'King of Diamonds' stays in Amsterdam, whilst Galbraith chases the 'Queen of Hearts'.

A quiet retirement still eludes veteran detective Bill Galbraith. His criminal mastermind foe, Cater, sets an intricate plan in motion.

Starring Bernard Hepton as the quirky investigator.

Crime thriller serial written by Robert Barr.

Galbraith …. Bernard Hepton
Cater …. Tom Watson
Lindemanns …. Cyril Shaps
Gelder …. Peter Dyneley
Anne-Marie …. Eva Haddon
Tom Evans …. Richard Davies
Betty Van Druten …. Francis Jeater
Lander …. Peter Hawkins
Milne …. Bruce Alexander

Producer: John Browell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1975.

SAT 02:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnyn)
5. Interrogating Archie

Kramer and his gang home in on the final clue about the secret weapon, turning their attention to its inventor.

Noel Johnson stars as Dick Barton

From 1946 to 1951, Dick Barton - Special Agent thrilled millions of listeners to the BBC Light Programme. The daily serial followed the exciting adventures of ex-commando Captain Richard Barton and his wartime mates Snowey and Jock, who solve all manner of intriguing crimes and mysteries.

Heralded by an iconic signature tune - Devil's Galop by Charles Williams - each gripping episode left listeners with a torrid cliff-hanger.

Sadly many of Dick's adventures didn't survive in the BBC Archive. But in 1972, as part of celebrations for the BBC's Golden Jubilee, Dick's very first ten-part adventure by Edward J Mason was recreated, featuring many of the original performers.

Dick Barton …. Noel Johnson
Snowey White …. John Mann
Wilhelm Kramer …. Francis de Wolff
Colonel Gardiner …. William Fox
Jean Hunter …. Margaret Robertson
Andrews …. Nigel Graham
Sid the Taxi Driver …. Haydn Jones
Hans …. Arthur Bush
Inspector …. Derek Birch
Announcer/Policeman/Constable …. Geoffrey Collins

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in November 1972.

SAT 03:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bs41)
5. Caught in the Act

Blanche is once again caught shoplifting, but this time it isn’t the understanding Nan that spots her.

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers' tender novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

Read by Eleanor Bron.

Written and abridged by Salley Vickers.

Producer: Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2019.

SAT 03:15 Shakespeare's Restless World (b01h7cdr)
20. Shakespeare Goes Global

The publication of the First Folio of Shakespeare's collected plays in 1623 began the process of turning an early modern playwright into a global phenomenon.

An annotated copy of the Collected Works of Shakespeare reveals the extent to which Shakespeare has inspired and influenced audiences across the globe and through the ages.

Object-based history series presented by Neil MacGregor, former Director of the British Museum.

Taking artefacts from William Shakespeare's time, he explores how Elizabethan and Jacobean playgoers made sense of the unstable and rapidly changing world in which they lived.

With old certainties shifting around them, in a time of political and religious unrest and economic expansion, Neil asks what the plays would have meant to the public when they were first performed.

He uses carefully selected objects to explore the great issues of the day that preoccupied the public and helped shape the works, and he considers what they can reveal about the concerns and beliefs of Shakespearean England.

Producer: Paul Kobrak

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2012.

SAT 03:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b05xglm4)
Series 10

Moby Dave

Ed's fortunes have taken a turn for the better as he's been given an advance to write a projected TV series perfect for Sunday night viewing.

He has comfortable lodgings, money in his pocket and a warm glow, in fact all is going very well indeed until Suzan decides that her new assistant, Jonathan, should help Ed with 'the scripty stuff'. At which suggestion someone loses their temper, and for once it isn't Ed.

The comical world of an author, pipe smoker, consummate fare-dodger and master of the abusive e-mail.

Starring Christopher Douglas.

Written by Christopher Douglas and Andrew Nickolds.

Ed Reardon ...... Christopher Douglas
Suzan ...... Raquel Cassidy
Olive ...... Stephanie Cole
Jonathan ...... Jack Farthing
Joan ...... Pam Ferris
Pearl ...... Brigit Forsyth
Frank ...... Simon Greenall
Jaz Mivain ...... Philip Jackson
Bill ...... Geoff McGivern
Ping ...... Barunka O'Shaughnessy
Stan ...... Geoffrey Whitehead

Producer: Dawn Ellis.

First broadcast on Radio 4 in June 2015.

SAT 04:00 Albert and Me (b007jynb)
Series 1

Rate of Decline

Struggling to bring up his baby son Albert, single dad Bryan Archer desperately needs cash for his rate arrears.

Stars Richard Beckinsale and Pat Coombs.

The struggles of single parent Bryan Archer to find work while raising his baby son, Albert.

Written by Jim Eldridge.

Bryan Archer …. Richard Beckinsale
Mum/Albert …. Pat Coombs
Dad …. John Comer
Joe Billings …. Harry Fowler
Sandra …. Karin MacCarthy
Magistrate …. Douglas Blackwell
Mr Benson …. John Arnatt

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in November 1977.

SAT 04:30 Kathmandu or Bust (b07s6dls)
End of the Road

The lights of Kathmandu are twinkling on the horizon, the truck is in fine working order, and a haunch of goat is roasting on an open fire.

What can possibly go wrong for the epic travellers..?

Series written by Mike Yeaman and David Napthine.

Simon …... David Haig
Petra …... Michelle Chadwick
Callum ..…. Forbes Masson
Trigger …... Richard Ridings
Joan …... Sarah Crowden
Ellie ..…. Lolly Susi
Mechanic ..…. Peter Serafinowcz
Consul ..…. Derek Waring

Producer: Lissa Evans

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1996.

SAT 05:00 The Food Quiz (b0076mtq)
Series 2

Episode 3

Journalist and food critic, Jay Rayner gives four contestants a good grilling on their knowledge of food and drink.

* What's a fucivore's favourite food?

* How is porridge traditionally eaten?

* Which wine writer had a bit part in a Hollywood blockbuster?

Chewing over these culinary conundrums:

Chef, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Food writer, Anissa Helou
Food writer, Sue Lawrence
Greengrocer, Charlie Hicks

Producer: Rebecca Wells

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 2004.

SAT 05:30 Plum House (b07gfzw3)
Series 1

Perilously Poorly Peter

Peter is forced to visit town, somewhere he hasn't been since Woolworths closed down, for a medical emergency.

He leaves his hopelessly out-of-touch deputy Julian in charge who sees it as a perfect opportunity for him to finally make his mark on the place by, amongst other things, establishing his cafe Chez Julian, a hangout for 'Cumbrian Jean Paul Sartres'.

Starring Simon Callow and Miles Jupp.

Every year thousands of tourists flock to the Lake District. But one place they never go to is Plum House - the former country home of terrible poet George Pudding (1779-1848). Now a crumbling museum, losing money hand over fist, it struggles to stay open under its eccentric curator Peter Knight.

Comedy about the inept staff at an historic house written by Ben Cottam and Paul McKenna

Peter ...... Simon Callow
Maureen ...... Jane Horrocks
Julian ...... Miles Jupp
Tom ...... Tom Bell
Alan ...... Pearce Quigley
Emma ...... Louise Ford
Mary ...... Kate Anthony
Jean ...... Sandra Maitland

Director: Paul Schlesinger

A Hat Trick production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in June 2016.

SAT 06:00 All Quiet On The Western Front (b00nmz8h)
The haunting, comic, lyrical and desperate story of a group of young German soldiers enduring and coming to terms with the realities of the First World War.

One of the greatest war novels of all time.

Starring Robert Lonsdale, Simon Trinder and Gunnar Cauthary.

Written by Erich Maria Remarque and first published in 1929.

Dramatised by Dave Sheasby

Paul Baumer .... Robert Lonsdale
Kropp .... Simon Trinder
Muller .... Gunnar Cauthary
Leer .... Lloyd Thomas
Tjaden .... Joseph Arkley
Katczinsky .... Stephen Critchlow
Cook .... Malcolm Tierney
Westhaus .... Stuart McLoughlin
Captain Bertinck .... Dan Starkey
Kemmerich .... Luke Walker
Himmelstoss .... Tim Treloar
Detering .... Nick Sayce
Mother .... Janice Acquah
French girl .... Donnla Hughes
Erna .... Jill Cardo
Mrs. Kemmerich .... Carolyn Pickles
Orderly .... Inam Mirza
Mittlestaedt .... Paul Rider
Major .... Chris Pavlo
Nurse .... Manjeet Mann

Director: David Hunter

First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in November 2008.

SAT 07:30 Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) (m000169y)
Five historians explore the global impact of the 1918 armistice and the legacy it has left in our world - from the fringes of Europe to the Middle East.

They challenge the conventional narrative about the end of the First World War and the peace settlements that followed, with repercussions still felt today.

Omnibus of five parts presented by:

Professor Heather Jones
Professor Santanu Das
Professor Patricia Clavin
Professor Mustafa Aksakal
Professor Jörn Leonhard

Readings by:

Helen Ayres
Will Hubbard
Susheel Kumar

Producer: Melissa FitzGerald

A Blakeway production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in November 2018.

SAT 08:45 Could Do Better (b00759x7)
Alan Coren

"Physics. Enthusiasm shown in the laboratories is often spoilt by silly behaviour."

Robert Booth summons Alan Coren to his study to blow the dust off the humorist and broadcaster's school reports and re-examines them with the benefit of hindsight.

Series where Robert Booth interviews celebrities about their school days.

With extracts from actual reports and other pertinent school documents.


Peter Craze
Michael Deacon
Geoffrey Whitehead
Polly James

Producer: Nigel Acheson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 1988.

SAT 09:00 The Men from the Ministry (b007jzmz)
Flushed With Success

The bungling bureaucrats take on Trooping the Colour and try to fix the ministry’s plumbing...

A weekly tribute to all those who work in government departments.

Stars Richard Murdoch and Deryck Guyler.

Written by Edward Taylor and John Graham.

Lennox-Brown …. Deryck Guyler
Lamb …. Richard Murdoch
Mildred Murfin/Miss Bentwater …. Norma Ronald
Sir Gregory Pitkin …. Ronald Baddiley
'Creepy' Crawley …. John Graham

The Men from the Ministry' ran for 14 series between 1962 and 1977.

Producer: Edward Taylor

First broadcast on the BBC Radio 4 in May 1973.

SAT 09:30 Something to Shout About (m000kvjd)
Series 3

Episode 20

Mr Blythe cracks down on expenses, so Maggie decides to shoot an advert on location.

"A light-hearted exposé of the advertising world!".

Set in a London ad agency called 'Apsley, Addis, Cohen, Barbican, Blythe, Giddy & Partners'.

Written by Myles Rudge and Ronnie Wolfe.

Michael Lightfoot …. Michael Medwin
Janet Harris …. Fenella Fielding
Maggie Tufnell …. Eleanor Summerfield
Adrian Beales …. Nicholas Phipps
Mr Blythe/Mr Dawson/The Police Officer …. Warren Mitchell
Shirley …. Sheila Hancock

Producer: John Simmonds.

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in February 1962.

SAT 10:00 The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh (m0017lvs)
Comedy in the 21st Century

1. Over the Garden Wall

BBC Comedy Controllers from across the decades look back at radio shows from the past.

Clocking up over 150 years on the job between them, Paul Jackson, Beryl Vertue, John Lloyd and Jimmy Mulville reveal what they do, why they do it and what makes them laugh.

From London's iconic BBC Radio Theatre in Broadcasting House - the home of British Radio comedy.

In the first of two programmes, the controllers argue over whether broadcast comedy has run out of ideas

And they wonder where do we go for laughs today?


‘OVER THE GARDEN WALL’ - from 7th October 1948 - BBC Light Programme

‘MRS BROWN'S BOYS’ [losing virginity sketch] - BBC TV

‘QI’ [Brendan O’Carroll appearance] BBC TV

‘YES, MINISTER’ [Jim Hacker’s first day] - October 1983 - BBC Radio 4

‘NO SUCH THING AS THE NEWS’ - 20th May 2016 - BBC TV

Series Producers: Paul Kobrak and Dixi Stewart.

Made for BBC Radio 4 Extra and first broadcast in April 2017.

SAT 11:00 All Quiet On The Western Front (b00nmz8h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SAT 12:30 Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) (m000169y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

SAT 13:45 Could Do Better (b00759x7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:45 today]

SAT 14:00 The Men from the Ministry (b007jzmz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SAT 14:30 Something to Shout About (m000kvjd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

SAT 15:00 The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh (m0017lvs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

SAT 16:00 Marcy Kahan - The Uncertainty Principle (m000msr9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 00:00 today]

SAT 17:00 All Quiet On The Western Front (b00nmz8h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SAT 18:30 Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) (m000169y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

SAT 19:45 Could Do Better (b00759x7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:45 today]

SAT 20:00 The Men from the Ministry (b007jzmz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SAT 20:30 Something to Shout About (m000kvjd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

SAT 21:00 The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh (m0017lvs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

SAT 22:00 Can't Tell Nathan Caton Nothing (b04gwlw4)
Series 3

About Intelligence

Nathan Caton illustrates what can happen when you try to prove to your family how clever you are.

A mix of stand-up and re-enacted family life - written by Nathan Caton and James Kettle

Young, up-and-coming comedian Nathan Caton, who after becoming the first in his family to graduate from University, opted not to use his architecture degree but instead to try his hand at being a full-time stand-up comedian, much to his family's horror and disgust. They desperately want him to get a 'proper job.'

Janet a.k.a. Mum is probably the kindest and most lenient of the disappointed family members. At the end of the day she just wants the best for her son. However, she'd also love to brag and show her son off to her friends, but with Nathan only telling jokes for a living that's kind of hard to do.

Martin a.k.a. Dad works in the construction industry and was looking forward to his son getting a degree so the two of them could work together in the same field. But now Nathan has blown that dream out of the window. Martin is clumsy and hard-headed and leaves running the house to his wife (she wouldn't allow it to be any other way).

Shirley a.k.a. Grandma cannot believe Nathan turned down architecture for comedy. She can't believe she left the paradise in the West Indies and came to the freezing UK for a better life so that years later her grandson could 'tell jokes!' How can her grandson go on stage and use foul language and filthy material... it's not the good Christian way!

So with all this going on in the household what will Nathan do? Will he persevere and follow his dreams? Or will he give in to his family's interference? Or will he finally leave home?!

Nathan ...... Nathan Caton
Grandma ...... Mona Hammond
Mum ...... Adjoa Andoh
Dad ...... Curtis Walker
Tyree ...... Alhaji Fofana
Reverend Williams ...... Don Gilet
Himself ...... Vernon Kay

Producer: Katie Tyrrell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2014.

SAT 22:30 Cowards (b00fq6rq)
Series 2

Episode 4

An interesting idea for a catalogue photo shoot - and a talking bike.

More from inside the strange and happy world of the Cowards.

Sketch comedy with a comic slant on human frailties

Written by and starring:

Tom Basden
Stefan Golaszewski
Tim Key
Lloyd Woolf

Producer: Victoria Lloyd

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2008.

SAT 23:00 Fred at The Stand (m0004f2v)
Series 2

Micky Bartlett, Jay Lafferty, Stuart Mitchell and Andy Askins

Fred MacAulay is back at The Stand Comedy Club in Glasgow doing what he does best - making people laugh.

The series brings another selection of some of the best of stand-up comedians working in the UK right now. Some you’ll know and some you won’t - yet.

* Micky Bartlett share his opinions on Northern Irish politics as well as living with a partner for the first time.
* Jay Lafferty speaks for a generation that didn't grow up with dating apps.
* Stuart Mitchell has changed his life by appearing to be a serial killer
* Closing the show, one of the most respected stand-ups in the country - the outstanding Andy Askins.

Fred At The Stand is the closest thing your ears are going to get to an actual night in a comedy club.

A Dabster production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in April 2019.

SAT 23:30 The Shuttleworths (b007jm47)
Series 2

The Birthday Bench

Sheffield’s aspiring singer/songwriter John Shuttleworth spots the perfect birthday gift for his agent. But Ken’s got other ideas...

Written and performed by Graham Fellows.

Producer: Paul Schlesinger

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1995.

SAT 23:45 Armando Iannucci - Facts And Fancies (b007jrlr)
From the Man Who Mistook his Bike for Olives

Spotlighting dictators - the producer, writer and performer Armando Iannucci presents his own collection of humorous essays.

Compiled by Jenny Baynes.

Producer: Jonathan James-Moore

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 1997.


SUN 00:00 James Follett - The Destruction Factor (b007k4mr)
2. The Devil's Harvest

As fires erupt - why is Ralph Exon's new plant strain mutation growing so rapidly?

Starring Paul Copley and Rosalind Adams.

James Follett’s sci-fi thriller.

Max Flinders …. T.P. McKenna
Denise Exon …. Rosalind Adams
Howard Rogers …. Paul Copley
Ralph Exon …. Clifford Rose
DI Balfour …. Peter Wickham
Commander …. Rod Beacham
Nurse …. Joan Matheson
Voice in Climatorium …. Jennifer Piercey

Producer: David Spencer

First broadcast as two x 90 minute dramas on BBC Radio 4 in March 1978.

SUN 00:30 The Price of Fear (b007jn6j)
The Man Who Hated Scenes

On a train journey across the USA, Vincent Price orders breakfast in the deserted restaurant car.

But then he encounters a meek millionaire with an alarming tale to share...

Robert Arthur’s story dramatised by William Ingram.

Vincent Price
Harry …. Peter Cushing
Marilyn …. Diana Olsson
Chuck …. Steve Preston

Producer: John Dyas

First broadcast on the BBC World Service in September 1973.

SUN 01:00 All Quiet On The Western Front (b00nmz8h)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Saturday]

SUN 02:30 Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) (m000169y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Saturday]

SUN 03:45 Could Do Better (b00759x7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:45 on Saturday]

SUN 04:00 The Men from the Ministry (b007jzmz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Saturday]

SUN 04:30 Something to Shout About (m000kvjd)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Saturday]

SUN 05:00 The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh (m0017lvs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Saturday]

SUN 06:00 Poetry Extra (m001scm9)
Dylan Thomas - Witness; The Essay; King Charles III

Poet Daljit Nagra revisits the BBC's poetry archive to commemorate 70 years since the death of Dylan Thomas - and to celebrate King Charles III - who turns 75 on Tuesday - 14th November.

And for the first time, Daljit reads his own poem We're Lighting Up the Nation - commissioned by the BBC and Buckingham Palace to mark this year's Coronation - originally read by James Nesbitt on BBC 1 on March 7th 2023.

WITNESS HISTORY - The Death of Dylan Thomas

In November 1953 the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas died in New York aged just thirty-nine.
Witness presents interviews from the BBC archives.

Presented and produced by Lucy Burns

First broadcast on BBC World Service in November 2013.

THE ESSAY - A Childhood Encounter with Dylan
Andrew Davies reflects on the influence of Dylan Thomas as a child growing up in Wales in the 1950s, with aspirations to be a writer.

Producer: Johannah Smith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 3 in May 2014

Prince Charles reading Fern Hill

The Prince of Wales, now King Charles III, recorded reading one of his favourite poems - Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas - originally broadcast to mark National Poetry Day in 2013.

At the time, the Prince was the patron of The Dylan Thomas 100 Festival, a BBC festival which celebrated the poet's centenary (in 2013).
Prince Charles said he enjoyed the poem for its "poignant and moving evocation of a rural west Wales childhood".

One of the legacies of Thomas's poetry is that it inspires people to appreciate the incomparable landscape of Wales.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Thursday 3 October 2013.

SUN 06:30 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) (m000bvgz)
Episode 1

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers’ tender new novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

Nan contemplates the perfect send off with the help of her grandson.

Read by Eleanor Bron.

Omnibus of the first five of ten episodes abridged by Salley Vickers.

Producer: Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2019

SUN 07:40 Inheritance Tracks (m001scmr)
Richard Osman

Quiz-master and author Richard Osman selects Life on Mars by David Bowie and Being Boring by Pet Shop Boys.

SUN 07:50 Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) (m001scn4)
Episode 4

A rare domestic clock with an equally rare minute hand and quarter-hour chimes reveals the changing relationship Shakespeare's audiences had to time.

Object-based history series presented by Neil MacGregor, former Director of the British Museum.

Taking artefacts from William Shakespeare's time, he explores how Elizabethan and Jacobean playgoers made sense of the unstable and rapidly changing world in which they lived.

With old certainties shifting around them, in a time of political and religious unrest and economic expansion, Neil asks what the plays would have meant to the public when they were first performed.

He uses carefully selected objects to explore the great issues of the day that preoccupied the public and helped shape the works, and he considers what they can reveal about the concerns and beliefs of Shakespearean England.

Omnibus of eps 16-20 of 20 episodes.

1603 saw not only a new king but the worst plague outbreak since the Black Death. Neil MacGregor shows how its impact and reach is told through a series of early seventeenth century proclamations and how the publication of the First Folio of Shakespeare's collected plays in 1623 began the process of turning an early modern playwright into a global phenomenon.

Producer: Paul Kobrak

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2012.

SUN 09:00 The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show (b01rqbf9)
Series 2

Episode 1

Eric’s got a surprise for Ernie’s birthday – and special guest Gayle Hunnicutt is desperate to be in one of Ernie's plays what he wrote.

Starring Ernie Wise and Eric Morecambe.

Written by Eddie Braben.


Gayle Hunnicutt
Richard Caldicot
April Walker

Music from Syd Lawrence and his Orchestra – with Roy Marsden, Sue Adams and The Seranaders

Producer: John Browell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in September 1976.

SUN 09:30 Tony's (b007k2tv)
Series 1

Is This True Love?

Barber Tony is 41 and still single. His mother - and fate - seem determined to take a hand.

Starring Victor Spinetti.

More misadventures of corner-shop barber, Tony.

Written by Jim Eldridge.

Tony …. Victor Spinetti
Hector …. John Laurie
Maisie …. Deborah Watling
Mama …. Norma Ronald
Laurie …. Kenneth Connor
Annie …. Josephine Tewson

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 1979.

SUN 10:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (m001scnh)
Doctor Who at 60

Billie Piper

Billie Piper is castaway on a desert island by Lauren Laverne.

Billie is an Olivier Award winning actor and former pop star.

She was born in Swindon in September 1982, and her parents nurtured her interests in dance and drama from a young age.

After a winning a scholarship to study at the Sylvia Young Theatre School, she moved to London as a young teenager, leaving the family home. By the age of 15, she was a full time pop star. She became the youngest female artist ever to go straight to number one in the UK charts when her debut single was a hit in 1998.

Just three years later, after releasing more successful singles and two albums and touring furiously to promote them, Billie left the music industry. She married the DJ Chris Evans, and found herself the frequent subject of newspaper stories.

She decided to turn to acting, her first love, and by 2005 she was back in the spotlight playing Rose Tyler in the BBC’s revival of Doctor Who.

Since then she has taken on a wide range of acclaimed screen and stage roles, most notably picking up all six available awards for Best Actress – including the Olivier Award – when she starred in a new version of Lorca's play Yerma. Her recent TV series I Hate Suzy, which she co-created, has been BAFTA nominated and she has also written and directed her first film, Rare Beasts.

DISC ONE: Pure Imagination by Gene Wilder
DISC TWO: This Must Be the Place (Naïve Melody) by Talking Heads
DISC THREE: Sara by Fleetwood Mac
DISC FOUR: Out of Space by The Prodigy
DISC FIVE: Champagne Supernova by Oasis
DISC SIX: Turn The Page by The Streets
DISC SEVEN: Halo by Beyoncé
DISC EIGHT: Juicy by The Notorious B.I.G

BOOK CHOICE: The Cost of Living by Deborah Levy
LUXURY ITEM: Billie’s children’s art work
CASTAWAY'S FAVOURITE: Champagne Supernova by Oasis

Producer: Sarah Taylor

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2021.

SUN 10:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lmdh4)
Series 1


What did Sir David do when he was confronted by a ten-foot-long grey-scaled reptile, with a long yellow forked tongue whipping in and out of its mouth?

He didn't run and, in fact, was one of the first to film it: the Komodo dragon.

Series of talks by Sir David Attenborough on the natural histories of creatures and plants from around the world.

Producer: Julian Hector

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2009.

SUN 11:00 Poetry Extra (m001scm9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SUN 11:30 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) (m000bvgz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

SUN 12:40 Inheritance Tracks (m001scmr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:40 today]

SUN 12:50 Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) (m001scn4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:50 today]

SUN 14:00 The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show (b01rqbf9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SUN 14:30 Tony's (b007k2tv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

SUN 15:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (m001scnh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

SUN 15:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lmdh4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

SUN 16:00 James Follett - The Destruction Factor (b007k4mr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 00:00 today]

SUN 16:30 The Price of Fear (b007jn6j)
[Repeat of broadcast at 00:30 today]

SUN 17:00 Poetry Extra (m001scm9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

SUN 17:30 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) (m000bvgz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 today]

SUN 18:40 Inheritance Tracks (m001scmr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:40 today]

SUN 18:50 Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) (m001scn4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:50 today]

SUN 20:00 The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show (b01rqbf9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

SUN 20:30 Tony's (b007k2tv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

SUN 21:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (m001scnh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 today]

SUN 21:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lmdh4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 today]

SUN 22:00 Mark Watson Talks a Bit About Life (b04l0x01)
Series 1


Multi-award winning comic Mark Watson attempts to answer the big questions and make sense of life.

He's nimbly assisted by Tim Key and Tom Basden.

For starters, Mark looks at "Success".

Everyone wants to be successful, just as everyone wants to be loved, or have a big flashy car.

But how do we actually measure success? Is it measured by how many things we have, how many swimming certificates are on our walls, whether or not we are Lionel Richie? Some people appear to be doing well in the world but are miserable. Other people don't have money, a good job or anything - but are happy.

Is that, in fact, the true definition of success - to find contentment with whatever life brings you?

Mark, Tim and Tom draw on modern definitions of success, and decide which ones are worthwhile. They look at successful people and those who have made a dog's dinner of life, to draw what conclusions they can.

Producer: Lianne Coop

An Impatient production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in October 2014.

SUN 22:30 Brian Appleton's Unofficial Multi-Media Lecture (m0010hk1)
Elvis Lives

Is Elvis Presley alive and well - working as a minicab driver in Blackburn?

Rock musicologist and Media Studies lecturer Brian Appleton examines the conspiracy theories which abound in the history of rock - including Freddie Mercury and Harry Secombe.

Written and performed by Graham Fellows.

Additional Research by Rex Brough.

Producer: Dawn Ellis

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2005.

SUN 22:45 We Know Everything (b083j3f0)
Episode 2

Experts Dan Gaster and Paul Powell tackle the questions no-one can be bothered to ask.

This time: What do you pack polystyrene in?

Listen in for the solution for this and many other needless questions.


Simon Godley
Clare Cathcart
Martin Hyder

Producer: Phil Clarke

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1995.

SUN 23:00 Small Scenes (b04mcw89)
Series 2

Episode 3

A man gets lost in a breakfast buffet and a stag party goes very wrong.

Symphonious sketch show.


Daniel Rigby
Sara Pascoe
Mike Wozniak
Cariad Lloyd
Henry Paker

Written by Benjamin Partridge, Henry Paker and Mike Wozniak.

Additional material from Olly Cambridge.

Producer: Simon Mayhew-Archer.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2014.

SUN 23:30 The Skivers (b00j5l87)
Series 3

Peter Stringfellow

Nightclubbing in London, courtesy of special guest, Peter Stringfellow.

Another generous hatful of skillful sketch comedy written and performed by Nick Golson and Tim de Jongh.


Peter Bradshaw
Sally Phillips

Announcer: Patrick Allen.

Producer: Jon Naismith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1997.


MON 00:00 Poetry Extra (m001scm9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Sunday]

MON 00:30 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) (m000bvgz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:30 on Sunday]

MON 01:40 Inheritance Tracks (m001scmr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:40 on Sunday]

MON 01:50 Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) (m001scn4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:50 on Sunday]

MON 03:00 The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show (b01rqbf9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Sunday]

MON 03:30 Tony's (b007k2tv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Sunday]

MON 04:00 Desert Island Discs Revisited (m001scnh)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Sunday]

MON 04:45 David Attenborough's Life Stories (b00lmdh4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:45 on Sunday]

MON 05:00 The Blackpool Detective (m001scnv)
Ben Lomax is 29, impetuous, and facing a new career.

He's actually an out-of-work actor who returns to his home town, with his girlfriend Anna, to run his father's private investigation agency.

Ben is employed in what appears to be a straightforward surveillance case, but in fact turns out to be something far more serious...

Starring Jason Done and Abigail Ramsay.

Written by Peter Whalley.

Ben Lomax .... Jason Done
Anna .... Abigail Ramsay
Beatrice Donovan .... Sarah Parks
Vince Donovan .... Glenn Cunningham
Stan .... John Branwell
Melodie Griffin .... Debbie McAndrew
Colin ....Keiran Cunningham
Det Thompson/Graham .... Mark Chatterton

Director: Pauline Harris

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2001.

MON 05:45 Short Works (m000j2vk)
You by Caleb Klaces

"I’m about to read you a list of five words. Please listen carefully. In a few minutes I’ll ask you which you remember."

A son speaks to his father across the airwaves, and across the years.

An original short work for radio, written and read by the poet and novelist Caleb Klaces.

Caleb is the author of two poetry collections, and the novel Fatherhood.

Producer: Mair Bosworth

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2020.

MON 06:00 Galbraith and the King of Diamonds (b042m84m)
6. The Last Move

All the cards are played, and the spotlight falls on the Joker.

Retired detective Bill Galbraith is powerless to stop Cater - but a new arrival changes the game.

Starring Bernard Hepton as the quirky investigator.

Conclusion of the crime thriller serial written by Robert Barr.

Galbraith …. Bernard Hepton
Cater …. Tom Watson
Lindemanns …. Cyril Shaps
Evans …. Richard Davies
Gelder …. Peter Dyneley
Anne-Marie …. Eva Haddon
Betty Van Druten …. Francis Jeater
Lander …. Peter Hawkins
Milne …. Bruce Alexander
Gunman …. Robert Gillespie
Mary Galbraith …. Katharine Page

Producer: John Browell

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1975.

MON 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnyp)
6. The Stand-Off

Kramer tries to persuade Sir Archie to give him the antidote formula. Can special agent, Dick Barton intervene in time?

Stars Noel Johnson and Alex McCrindle.

Written by Edward J Mason.

Dick Barton …. Noel Johnson
Jock …. Alex McCrindle
Colonel Gardiner …. William Fox
Jean Hunter …. Margaret Robertson
Wilhelm Kramer …. Francis de Wolff
Sir Archie Wrangle …. Richard Hurndall
James Thirgood …. Denis McCarthy
Police Sergeant …. Geoffrey Collins
Hans …. Arthur Bush
Blom …. Michael Kilgarriff

Heralded by an iconic signature tune – Charles Williams’ ‘Devil's Galop’ – from 1946 to 1951, ‘Dick Barton - Special Agent’ thrilled millions of listeners on the BBC Light Programme. The daily serial followed the exciting adventures of ex-commando Captain Richard Barton and his wartime mates Snowey White and Jock Anderson, who solved all manner of intriguing crimes and mysteries, with each gripping episode ending in a torrid cliff-hanger.

Sadly, not many of Dick's adventures survive in the BBC archive. But in 1972 as part of celebrations for the BBC's Golden Jubilee, the very first ten-part adventure by was recreated with many of the original cast.

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in November 1972.

MON 07:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bvwl)
6. Holidays

It’s summertime. Nan takes Billy on holiday where they befriend Minna and Rose.

Blanche, still estranged from her grandchildren, decides a trip of her own might be called for.

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers' tender novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

Read by Eleanor Bron.

Written and abridged by Salley Vickers.

Producer: Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2019.

MON 07:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdnw)
1. The Tooth

1860s: Sisters Sophia and Constance Baines live above a thriving drapery in the Potteries.

Starring Gillian Kearney and Katy Cavanagh.

Arnold Bennett's novel follows the lives of two very different sisters.

Shop assistant Sam Povey has toothache.

Dramatised in ten parts by Stephen Wyatt.

Constance .... Gillian Kearney
Sophia .... Katy Cavanagh
Narrator .... Phillip Jackson
Sam Povey .... Ian Dunn
Mr Baines .... John Rowe
Mr Critchlow .... Stephen Critchlow
Mrs Baines .... Barbara Marten

Director: Claire Grove

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2004.

MON 07:30 Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully (b01rr495)
Series 1

Little Green Lights

Katrina Lyons was only visiting Cresdon Green, the village where she grew up, to borrow some money from her parents. But when she tried to head back to London, it turned out alien beings known as the Geonin had lowered a force field around the village and were refusing to let anyone in or out.

Unfortunately almost everyone in the village is too cowardly, apathetic, polite or stupid to stand up to this alien menace, so Katrina has no choice but to start the resistance movement herself. In the cricket pavilion.

Eddie Robson's sitcom about an alien invasion of a small English village.

Starring Hattie Morahan and Julian Rhind-Tutt.

Uljabaan's superior officer Gryvook is coming for an assessment visit. Uljabaan is hoping to get the go-ahead to invade the rest of Earth - but first he has to prepare a welcome banquet. Tradition dictates he should serve a human child... which could create an awkward atmosphere in the village.

Meanwhile Richard is helping him with the invasion budget, and the figures just aren't adding up. It seems set to be a disaster - can Katrina exploit this to get the invasion cancelled permanently?

Katrina Lyons ...... Hattie Morahan
Field Commander Uljabaan ...... Julian Rhind-Tutt
Margaret Lyons ...... Jan Francis
Richard Lyons ...... Peter Davison
Lucy Alexander ...... Hannah Murray
Computer ...... John-Luke Roberts

Special guest: Geoff McGivern

Producer: Ed Morrish

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in March 2013.

MON 08:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jld2)
Series 2

Homes Fit for Heroes

Harold quarrels with his Dad Albert over his plan to pack him off to travel the world.

Starring Wilfrid Brambell and Harry H Corbett.

Classic sitcom about the lives of rag and bone men Albert Steptoe and his son Harold.

Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.

Albert ...... Wilfrid Brambell
Harold ...... Harry H Corbett
Miss Lottersby ...... Marie Makino
Matron ...... Olwen Brookes.

Adapted for radio from Galton and Simpson's TV script by Gale Pedrick.

Produced by Bobby Jaye

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in July 1967.

MON 08:30 The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere (b007jv2y)
Series 1

Episode 3

An Everyday Story of Towering Genius.

Sue Limb’s four-part soap opera set in and around the Lake District at the turn of the 18th century

Dorothy is perturbed by William's impending wedding. Percy Jelley is depressed despite his recent bigamous marriage to Mary Godwit.

The Leechpedlar reveals that he was 'The Antique Mariner'. Cholericke is inspired....

Dorothy Wordsmith ...... Denise Coffey
William Wordsmith ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Samuel Tailor Cholericke ...... Simon Callow
Stinking Iris ...... Miriam Margolyes
The Leechpedlar ...... Chris Emmett
Percy Jelley ...... Hugh Thomas
Mary Godwit ...... Alison Fiske

Music by Stephen Oliver and sung by Cantabile

Producer: Jonathan James-Moore

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1985.

MON 09:00 The Write Stuff (b09z77pk)
Series 17

Gerard Manley Hopkins

James Walton takes the chair for the game of literary correctness.

Team captains John Walsh and Sebastian Faulks are joined by Russell Davies and Sue Limb.

Recorded at the Hay Festival.

This episode's author is Gerard Manley Hopkins.

Reader: Beth Chalmers

Producer: Alexandra Smith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in October 2014.

MON 09:30 Ring Around the Bath (b00tnp6t)
Series 2

New Ways to Comb Old Gravel

Alison returns from Spain to find that Egg's taken her room and Xanthe has shrunk her favourite jeans in the wash.

Dad Patrick disappears off to work, leaving mum Stella to sort out the chaos - as she continues dreaming of a life in the country without her grown-up children.

Starring Duncan Preston and Penny Downie.

The return of Lucy Clare and Ian Davidson's sitcom about a topsy-turvy household.

Patrick ...... Duncan Preston
Stella ...... Penny Downie
Alison ...... Claudie Blakely
Rick ...... Bruce McKinnon
Xanthe ...... Catherine Shepherd
Egg ...... Daniela Denby-Ashe

Producer: Elizabeth Freestone

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2004.

MON 10:00 The Blackpool Detective (m001scnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

MON 10:45 Short Works (m000j2vk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

MON 11:00 Galbraith and the King of Diamonds (b042m84m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

MON 11:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnyp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

MON 12:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bvwl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

MON 12:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdnw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

MON 12:30 Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully (b01rr495)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

MON 13:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jld2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

MON 13:30 The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere (b007jv2y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

MON 14:00 The Write Stuff (b09z77pk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 14:30 Ring Around the Bath (b00tnp6t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

MON 15:00 The Blackpool Detective (m001scnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

MON 15:45 Short Works (m000j2vk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

MON 16:00 Galbraith and the King of Diamonds (b042m84m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

MON 16:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnyp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

MON 17:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bvwl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

MON 17:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdnw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

MON 17:30 Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully (b01rr495)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

MON 18:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jld2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

MON 18:30 The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere (b007jv2y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

MON 19:00 The Write Stuff (b09z77pk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

MON 19:30 Ring Around the Bath (b00tnp6t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

MON 20:00 Radiolab (m001bb6m)
Series 10

Hello, My Name Is

Radiolab explores the importance of names and our need to name everything around us. With Lulu Miller and Latif Nasser.

Radiolab is a Peabody-award winning show about curiosity. Where sound illuminates ideas, and the boundaries blur between science, philosophy, and the human experience.

Lulu Miller, Latif Nasser and the Radiolab team investigate a strange world.

From WNYC. First broadcast on national public radio in the USA in 2022.

MON 20:55 Inheritance Tracks (b06kp9zq)
Kate Mosse

Author Kate Mosse chooses Nancy Sinatra's 'These Boots Were Made For Walkin' and Jacques Brel's 'La Chanson Des Vieux Amants'.

MON 21:00 Mastertapes (b09gfy22)
Series 7

Emeli Sande (A-side)

Scottish singer-songwriter Emeli Sandé talks about her bestselling 2012 debut album, 'Our Version of Events'.

Series in which leading performers and songwriters talk to John Wilson about the album that made them or changed them.

Recorded in front of a live audience at the BBC's iconic Maida Vale Studios, each edition includes two episodes - the A-side and B-side.

In the A-side, Emeli talks to John Wilson.

She recalls her debut album 'Our Version of Events', the UK's biggest selling record of 2012 which spent more consecutive weeks in the British charts than any other debut album, breaking a record held for 50 years by The Beatles.

Featuring the singles Next To Me, Heaven, Clown and Read all About It, the album made her a household name and she was the only artist to perform at both the opening and closing ceremonies of the London 2012 Olympics.

Our Version of Events went on to win the BRIT Award for Album of the Year and Emeli was named Best British Female Artist.

In the B-side of the programme, it's the turn of the audience to ask the questions.

Producer: Edwina Pitman

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2017.

MON 21:30 Doctor Who (m001sdp2)
Tenth Doctor Adventures

Death and the Queen Part 2/2

Donna’s elaborate dream marriage to handsome Prince Rudolph of Goratania conceals a dark undertone.

Little does she suspect that on her wedding day, the line ‘till death do us part’ has a more literal and deadly meaning…

One of six adventures featuring the tenth incarnation of The Doctor.

Starring David Tennant and Catherine Tate.

Written by James Goss.

The Doctor …. David Tennant
Donna Noble …. Catherine Tate
Hortense …. Beth Chalmers
Death …. Alan Cox
The Queen Mum …. Alice Krige
Rudolph …. Blake Ritson

Original music by Howard Carter.

Director: Nicholas Briggs

A Big Finish production.

* Cover artwork by Tom Webster *

MON 22:00 Paul Sinha's Perfect Pub Quiz (m001s560)
Series 2

Episode 10 - Bridgwater

How much attention were you paying in 2022? This week Paul is in Bridgwater asking his audience about things that changed last year - such as the newest longest suspension bridge in the world, and the newest best restaurant in the world. He also asks about people who would have turned 100 in 2023, such as the French war hero, portrayed by Jesse Eisenberg in a film that flopped for surprising reasons.

Written and performed by Paul Sinha
Additional material: Oliver Levy
Additional questions: The Audience

Original music: Tim Sutton

Sound engineer: David Thomas

Producer: Ed Morrish

A Lead Mojo production for BBC Radio 4.

MON 22:30 Brian Gulliver's Travels (b01mqq6h)
Series 2


Brian Gulliver, a seasoned presenter of travel documentaries, finds himself in a hospital's secure unit after claiming to have experienced a succession of bizarre adventures.

More memories as Brian relives his experiences in Kognitia where selective memory is taken to a new extreme.

Brian Gulliver ..... Neil Pearson
Rachel Gulliver ..... Mariah Gale
Kalmena ..... Debra Stephenson
Lamet ..... Duncan Wisbey
Door ..... Harry Livingstone
PA ..... Amaka Okafor

Producer: Steven Canny

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2012.

MON 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (m001sm61)
Vittorio Angelone 1/3

From 10pm until midnight, seven days a week, The Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. And tonight, Arthur Smith talks to Vittorio Angelone.

MON 23:00 The Now Show (m001s63t)
Series 63

Episode 2

Steve Punt and Hugh Dennis present the week via topical stand-up and sketches. They are joined by Alasdair Beckett-King who mourns his political heroes, Desiree Burch with a deep dive on fast fashion, and Huge Davies gives us his musical take on why AI might not be so bad after all.

The show was written by the cast with additional material from Mike Shephard, Zoe Tomalin, Christina Riggs and Cody Dahler.

Voice actors: Daniel Barker & Gemma Arrowsmith

Producer: Sasha Bobak
Production Coordinator: Katie Baum

A BBC Studios Production for Radio 4

MON 23:30 Forty Nights in the Wildebeest (b00r93bk)
Episode 5

Dan Freedman and Nick Romero push the pun count beyond the pain threshold.


Cheeky movie spoofs of 'Star Wars' and 'Notting Hill'.

Music is performed by the Gents.

Producers: Jayne Gibson and Julian Mayers

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2000.


TUE 00:00 The Blackpool Detective (m001scnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 on Monday]

TUE 00:45 Short Works (m000j2vk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 on Monday]

TUE 01:00 Galbraith and the King of Diamonds (b042m84m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Monday]

TUE 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnyp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Monday]

TUE 02:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bvwl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Monday]

TUE 02:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdnw)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 on Monday]

TUE 02:30 Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully (b01rr495)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Monday]

TUE 03:00 Steptoe and Son (b007jld2)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Monday]

TUE 03:30 The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere (b007jv2y)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 on Monday]

TUE 04:00 The Write Stuff (b09z77pk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Monday]

TUE 04:30 Ring Around the Bath (b00tnp6t)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Monday]

TUE 05:00 Lee Hall - Blood Sugar (m001sdp8)
Jill is 14, overweight and obsessed with food. Her mum is glamorous, disappointed in Jill and about to embark on a new relationship with Billy, whilst watching silently from his chair is Dad.

Jill .... Sharon Percy
Mum .... Charlie Hardwick
Billy .... Trevor Fox
Grandma .... Elizabeth Kelly

Written by Lee Hall

Director Kate Rowland

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1996

TUE 06:00 Whodunnits (b007jsh0)
Julie Enfield Investigates: Murder West One

1. A Cure for Death

The discovery of a dumped body sparks another mystery for feisty Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield

She undertakes an investigation of Harley Street doctors and cutting-edge medicine of a very non-Hippocratic variety...

Starring Imelda Staunton as Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield

Atmospheric thriller written by Nick Fisher.

Imelda Staunton .... DS Julie Enfield
Dad ...... Geoffrey Matthews
DS Lawrence Evans ...... Ross Livingstone
Dr Jameson ...... David Collings
Andy Roberts ...... Harry Myers
Jenny ...... Tilly Gaunt
Ken ...... Ben Crowe
Mary Stone ...... Elizabeth Conboy
Gordon Wiseacre ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Dr Soames ...... Giles Fagan

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

TUE 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz6)
7. The Feminine Touch

With Sir Archie still in peril, Jean calls on her feminine intuition to work out where he's being held.

Stars Noel Johnson and Alex McCrindle.

Written by Edward J Mason.


Dick Barton …. Noel Johnson
Snowey White …. John Mann
Jock …. Alex McCrindle
Colonel Gardiner …. William Fox
Jean Hunter …. Margaret Robertson
Wilhelm Kramer …. Francis de Wolff
Sir Archie Wrangle …. Richard Hurndall
James Thirgood …. Denis McCarthy
The Professor …. Heron Carvic
Inspector …. Derek Birch

Heralded by an iconic signature tune – Charles Williams’ ‘Devil's Galop’ – from 1946 to 1951, ‘Dick Barton - Special Agent’ thrilled millions of listeners on the BBC Light Programme. The daily serial followed the exciting adventures of ex-commando Captain Richard Barton and his wartime mates Snowey White and Jock Anderson, who solved all manner of intriguing crimes and mysteries, with each gripping episode ending in a torrid cliff-hanger.

Sadly, not many of Dick's adventures survive in the BBC archive. But in 1972 as part of celebrations for the BBC's Golden Jubilee, the very first ten-part adventure by was recreated with many of the original cast.

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in 1972.

TUE 07:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bx1m)
7. Unlikely Friendship

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers’ tender novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

Thrown together whilst their grandchildren play, Nan and Minna begin to form an unlikely friendship.

Read by Eleanor Bron
Written and abridged by Salley Vickers
Produced by Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2019.

TUE 07:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdz0)
2. A Battle

The Baines sisters are leaving school, but Sophia has ambitions beyond the family shop. Stars Katy Cavanagh and Gillian Kearney.

Starring Gillian Kearney and Katy Cavanagh.

Arnold Bennett's novel follows the lives of two very different sisters who grow up above a thriving drapery business in the Potteries, during the 1860s.

Narrator .... Phillip Jackson
Constance .... Gillian Kearney
Sophia .... Katy Cavanagh
Mr Baines .... John Rowe
Mrs Baines .... Barbara Marten
Miss Chetwynd .... Rachel Atkins

Dramatised by Stephen Wyatt.

Director: Claire Grove

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2004.

TUE 07:30 Making the Best of It (b03ws7gp)
Ceredigion or Bust

Anouska and Michael crave the simple life, and are willing to pay for it. So Barry and Gwen do their best to oblige. And so do the Druids.

Last of a series of comedies developed with the Comedians Theatre Company.

Anouska ...... Clare Corbett
Michael ...... Stephen Harvey
Barry ...... Robert Blythe
Gwen ...... Di Botcher
Wendy ...... Carys Eleri
Steve ...... Craige Els
Hugo ...... David Cann

Written by Matthew Osborn.

Produced and directed by Jonquil Panting.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2014.

TUE 08:00 The Goon Show (b00kjh64)
Series 10

The Silver Doubloons

Neddie Seagoon must plunder a sunken Spanish galleon.

Groundbreaking, surreal BBC radio comedy written by Spike Milligan.


Spike Milligan
Peter Sellers
Harry Secombe

First billed as Crazy People, ten series of The Goon Show were recorded between 1951 and 1960, but sadly many of the earliest shows weren’t kept in the archive.

With the Ray Ellington Quartet and Max Geldray.

Orchestra conducted by Wally Stott.

Announcer: Wallace Greenslade

Producer: John Browell

First broadcast on the BBC Home Service in January 1960.

TUE 08:30 King Street Junior (b007jnf4)
Series 8

Settling In

There's a new member of staff at the school and certain male colleagues are most impressed.

Created by Jim Eldridge, ten series of this comedy about a junior school ran between 1985 and 1998. King Street Junior Revisited ran from 2002 to 2005

Written by Ivan Shakespeare and Dave Single.

Phillip Sims …. Karl Howman
Mr Beeston …. James Grout
Mrs Stone …. Margaret John
Mrs Patterson …. Deirdre Costello
Mrs Rudd …. Vivienne Martin
Mr Long …. Paul Copley
Miss Lewis …. Marlene Sidaway
Adele McAfee...Moya O'Shea
Jill........................Serena Evans
Shaheen............Rosalind James
Wayne................Dax O'Callaghan
Ranjit...................Adam Dean

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1995.

TUE 09:00 Quote... Unquote (m000ckvr)
Ken Cheng, Helen Lewis, Luke Jennings

Nigel Rees quizzes his celebrity guests on the origins of sayings and well-known quotes, and gets the famous panel to share their favourite anecdotes and quotes.


Stand up comedian Ken Cheng
Journalist and author Helen Lewis
Author and dance critic Luke Jennings

Producer: Simon Nicholls

A BBC Studios production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in December 2019.

TUE 09:30 The Change (b0076czk)
Series 2

Episode 4

George and Carol are trying to find a way to make their marriage work - the answer comes from a most unlikely source.

George is pleased but will Carol approve or even find out?

Lynda Bellingham and Chris Ellison star as troubled hormonal wife Carol who kicked out her mechanic husband George when he revealed he's a transvestite.

Sitcom by Gavin Petrie and Jan Etherington.

Carol …. Lynda Bellingham
George …. Chris Ellison
Violet …. Sylvia Syms
Maureen …. Maureen Beattie
Ken …. James Vaugnan
Sonia …. Emma Kennedy
Jerry …. Barnaby Kay
Dave …. Mark Powley
Linda/Man …. Andrew Westfield
Amanda …. Paul Chadhidi

Written by Jan Etherington and Gavin Petrie.

Producer: Elizabeth Freestone.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 2003.

TUE 10:00 Lee Hall - Blood Sugar (m001sdp8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

TUE 11:00 Whodunnits (b007jsh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

TUE 11:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

TUE 12:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bx1m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

TUE 12:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdz0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

TUE 12:30 Making the Best of It (b03ws7gp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

TUE 13:00 The Goon Show (b00kjh64)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

TUE 13:30 King Street Junior (b007jnf4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

TUE 14:00 Quote... Unquote (m000ckvr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 14:30 The Change (b0076czk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

TUE 15:00 Lee Hall - Blood Sugar (m001sdp8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

TUE 16:00 Whodunnits (b007jsh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

TUE 16:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

TUE 17:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bx1m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

TUE 17:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdz0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

TUE 17:30 Making the Best of It (b03ws7gp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

TUE 18:00 The Goon Show (b00kjh64)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

TUE 18:30 King Street Junior (b007jnf4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

TUE 19:00 Quote... Unquote (m000ckvr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

TUE 19:30 The Change (b0076czk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

TUE 20:00 TED Radio Hour (m001sdzg)
Relationship Repair

A journey through fascinating ideas based on talks by riveting speakers on the TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) stage.

Manoush Zomorodi explores how it’s never too late to repair relationships with our family, the environment or the inevitable.

First broadcast in the USA on National Public Radio in 2023.

TUE 20:50 Inheritance Tracks (b05wcl3w)
Stephen Fry

Actor and raconteur Stephen Fry chooses the Overture to Tannhauser by Richard Wagner, and 'The Spanish Flea' by Herb Alpert and Tijuana Brass.

TUE 21:00 Mastertapes (b09gg8tm)
Series 7

Emeli Sande (B-side)

John Wilson continues with his new series in which he talks to leading performers and songwriters about the album that made them or changed them. Recorded in front of a live audience at the BBC's iconic Maida Vale Studios. Each edition includes two episodes, with John initially quizzing the artist about the album in question, and then, in the B-side, the audience puts the questions. Both editions feature exclusive live performances.

Having discussed the making of "Our Version of Events", the biggest selling UK album of 2012, (in the A-side of the programme, broadcast on Monday 27th November 2017 and available online), Emeli Sandé responds to questions from the audience and performs acoustic live versions of some to the tracks from the album.

Producer: Edwina Pitman.

TUE 21:30 Doctor Who (m001sdzv)
Tenth Doctor Adventures

Infamy of the Zaross Part 1/2

The infamous Zaross have come to take over the Earth.

Or have they?

When the Doctor and Rose arrive, it quickly becomes clear that this is a very unusual invasion indeed..

Part 1 of the fourth of six adventures featuring the tenth incarnation of The Doctor.

Starring David Tennant and Billie Piper.

Written by John Dorney.

The Doctor .... David Tennant
Rose Tyler .... Billie Piper
Jackie Tyler .... Camille Coduri
Leader .... George Asprey
Marge Ellmore .... Rosie Cavaliero
Ikron .... Guy Henry
Jess Ellmore .... Beth Lilly
Tanan/Steve .... George Watkins

Original music by Howard Carter.

Director: Nicholas Briggs

A Big Finish production.

TUE 22:00 Best Medicine (m001s5mp)
Series 1

5. Laughter, Other People, Inclusion, Tissue Engineering

This week comedian Nabil Abdulrashid tells us how laughter and comedy reduced the levels of violence in prison, heart surgeon Professor Massimo Caputo describes how he used tissue engineering in a world-first life-saving heart operation, neuroscientist Dr Adam Kampff brings us an incredible insight into the human brain by taking us from rats that play video games to the birth of language and human civilisation, and historian Phillipa Vincent-Connolly transports us back to Henry VIII's court to explore the lives of disabled courtiers.

Best Medicine is your weekly dose of laughter, hope and incredible medicine. Award-winning comedian Kiri Pritchard-McLean is joined by funny and fascinating comedians, doctors, scientists and historians to celebrate medicine’s inspiring past, present and future.

Each week, Kiri challenges her guests to make a case for what they think is 'the best medicine', and each of them champions anything from world-changing science to an obscure invention, an every-day treatment, an uplifting worldview, an unsung hero or a futuristic cure.

Whether it’s micro-robotic surgery, virtual reality syringes, Victorian clockwork surgical saws, more than a few ingenious cures for cancer, world-first lifesaving heart operations, epidurals, therapy, dancing, faith or laughter - it’s always something worth celebrating.

Hosted by Kiri Pritchard-McLean

Featuring: Nabil Abdulrashid, Professor Massimo Caputo, Dr Adam Kampff and Phillipa Vincent-Connolly

Written by Laura Claxton, Charlie George, Rajiv Karia, Pravanya Pillay, Kiri Pritchard-McLean and Ben Rowse

Producer: Ben Worsfield

Assistant Producer: Tashi Radha

Executive Producer: Simon Nicholls

Theme tune composed by Andrew Jones

A Large Time production for BBC Radio 4

TUE 22:30 Mr and Mrs Smith (b01blzkq)
Series 1

The Music Festival

Will reluctantly accompanies wife Annabelle to a music festival. She brings her annoying friend Heather along.

Will Smith's sitcom about a couple in marriage counselling,

Counsellor Guy must mediate another dispute between Will and Annabelle, with flashbacks to the events that spawned the argument, and by the end, the couple find marital equilibrium once more.

Sort of.

Will Smith ..... Will Smith
Annabelle Smith ..... Sarah Hadland
Guy ..... Paterson Joseph
Heather ..... Morwenna Banks
Various ..... Simon Bubb

Producer: Tilusha Ghelani

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2012.

TUE 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (m001sm7l)
Vittorio Angelone 2/3

From 10pm until midnight, seven days a week, The Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. And tonight, Arthur Smith talks to Vittorio Angelone.

TUE 23:00 The World of Simon Rich (m0002hmt)
Series 2

Episode Two

Celebrated American humourist Simon Rich returns with more of his enchanting tales of the absurd.

Performed in London by a top-drawer cast of comic talent including:

Robert Webb
Cariad Lloyd
Jamie Demetriou
Lewis Macleod
Freya Parker

Produced by Jon Harvey

A Hat Trick production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in February 2019.

TUE 23:30 Think the Unthinkable (b01hpf1m)
Series 3

The Post Office

Ryan and the management consultants battle to overhaul the Post Office.

James Cary’s award-winning sitcom about a team of incompetent management consultants.

Ryan ...... Marcus Brigstocke
Owen ...... David Mitchell
Sophie ...... Beth Chalmers
Daisy ...... Catherine Shepherd


Ewan Bailey
Sally Hawkins
Sue Elliott- Nichols
Martin Hyder

Music by John Whitehall.

Producer: Adam Bromley.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2004.


WED 00:00 Lee Hall - Blood Sugar (m001sdp8)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 on Tuesday]

WED 01:00 Whodunnits (b007jsh0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Tuesday]

WED 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz6)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Tuesday]

WED 02:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bx1m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Tuesday]

WED 02:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdz0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 on Tuesday]

WED 02:30 Making the Best of It (b03ws7gp)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Tuesday]

WED 03:00 The Goon Show (b00kjh64)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Tuesday]

WED 03:30 King Street Junior (b007jnf4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 on Tuesday]

WED 04:00 Quote... Unquote (m000ckvr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Tuesday]

WED 04:30 The Change (b0076czk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Tuesday]

WED 05:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl1)
1. The Brown Swan

Still trying to recover from the loss of her husband, Sophie visits an exhibition of paintings in an Edinburgh gallery.

There she sees a 17th century portrait of a young girl called Henrietta.

Before much longer, Sophie and Henrietta are to become linked over 300 years...

Starring Grace Glover and Ceit Kearney.

Catherine Czerkwaska's three-part drama.

Sophie …… Grace Glover
Henrietta …… Ceit Kearney
William Shaw …… William Trotter
Maisie …… Meg Fraser
Manus …… John Buick
Katy …… Stella Forge
Ben …… Mary Riggans
Grisel …… Monica Gibb
Angus MacNeill …… John Sheddon
Thomas …… Kenneth Glenaan
Man 1 …… Bob Docherty
Man 2 …… Finlay McLean

Whistle played by Mike Katz.

Directed at BBC Scotland by Hamish Wilson.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1996.

WED 05:45 Short Works (m000j9kk)
Senior Moment by Peter Bradshaw

Peter Bradshaw's playful and poignant look at the vulnerabilities of middle age and the fear we all have of the ravages that getting older can bring with it.

Ivor finds himself in a lavatory he knows not where, or why, apart from the obvious.

Increasingly anxious to remember not only his middle name, which is, he insists, on the tip of his tongue, he is also agitated about not recognising a series of people who address him in a friendly and familiar manner. And then there's this grand house and its elegant lawns, and that woman, dressed in white, who's the spit of his late wife. What IS going on?

Peter Bradshaw is a writer and has been chief film critic at the Guardian since 1999. This is his most recent short story for radio.

Read by Michael Maloney

Produced by Karen Holden

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2020.

WED 06:00 Whodunnits (b007jshc)
Julie Enfield Investigates: Murder West One

2. The Art of the Matter

Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield faces a strange theft and cunning scam in one of central London's art galleries, which ultimately leads to murder...

Starring Imelda Staunton.

Atmospheric thriller written by Nick Fisher.

DSI Julie Enfield ...... Imelda Staunton
Dad ...... Geoffrey Matthews
DS Lawrence Evans ...... Ross Livingstone
Johnny "The Tongs" Brickman ...... Ben Crowe
Jack "The Whistle" Stephens ...... Sean Barrett
Andrew Olson...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Kath Dyer ...... Elizabeth Conboy
Auctioneer ...... Harry Myers
Jack "The Whistle" Stephens ...... Sean Barrett
Terry Richards ...... Giles Fagan
Woman Resident ...... Frances Jeater

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

WED 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz7)
8. In the Cross Hairs

Henchman Blom is instructed how to use the ray gun - with our hero and Snowey lined-up as his guinea pigs.

Stars Noel Johnson, John Mann and Alex McCrindle.

Written by Edward J Mason.


Dick Barton …. Noel Johnson
Snowey White …. John Mann
Jock …. Alex McCrindle
Colonel Gardiner …. William Fox
Jean Hunter …. Margaret Robertson
Wilhelm Kramer …. Francis de Wolff
Sir Archie Wrangle …. Richard Hurndall
James Thirgood …. Denis McCarthy
Blom …. Michael Kilgarriff
Mane …. Arthur Bush

Heralded by an iconic signature tune – Charles Williams’ ‘Devil's Galop’ – from 1946 to 1951, ‘Dick Barton - Special Agent’ thrilled millions of listeners on the BBC Light Programme. The daily serial followed the exciting adventures of ex-commando Captain Richard Barton and his wartime mates Snowey White and Jock Anderson, who solved all manner of intriguing crimes and mysteries, with each gripping episode ending in a torrid cliff-hanger.

Sadly, not many of Dick's adventures survive in the BBC archive. But in 1972 as part of celebrations for the BBC's Golden Jubilee, the very first ten-part adventure by was recreated with many of the original cast.

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in 1972.

WED 07:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bxj5)
8. Reflection

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers’ tender novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

As their seaside holiday draws to a close, Nan and Minna reflect on their past lives and on the losses that have shaped their younger selves. Meanwhile, Blanche’s trip to Paris sharpens her understanding of the loss that’s shaping her now.

Read by Eleanor Bron
Written and abridged by Salley Vickers
Produced by Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2019.

WED 07:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdy5)
3. Elephant

While all of Bursley rush to see a dead elephant, Sophia stays at home with her invalid father and meets an admirer...

Starring Gillian Kearney and Katy Cavanagh.

Arnold Bennett's novel follows the lives of two very different sisters who grow up above a thriving drapery business in the Potteries, during the 1860s.

Constance .... Gillian Kearney
Sophia .... Katy Cavanagh
Narrator .... Phillip Jackson
Sam Povey .... Ian Dunn
Mrs Baines .... Barbara Marten
Gerald Scales .... Nicholas Boulton

Dramatised by Stephen Wyatt.

Director: Claire Grove

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2004.

WED 07:30 Shush! (b06d9p9x)
Series 1

Tome Raider

Alice and Snoo have to elicit the help of Alice's father to save Dr Cadogan from disgrace. Meanwhile Simon's feelings for Alice face an unexpected obstacle.

Meet Alice, a former child prodigy who won a place at Oxford aged 9 but, because Daddy went too, she never needed to have any friends. She's scared of everything - everything that is, except libraries and Snoo, a slightly confused individual, with a have-a-go attitude to life, marriage, haircuts and reality. Snoo loves books, and fully intends to read one one day.

And forever popping into the library is Dr. Cadogan, celebrity doctor to the stars and a man with his finger in every pie. Charming, indiscreet and quite possibly wanted by Interpol, if you want a discrete nip and tuck and then photos of it accidentally left on the photocopier, Dr Cadogan is your man.

Their happy life is interrupted by the arrival of Simon Nielson, a man with a mission, a mission to close down inefficient libraries. Fortunately, he hates his mission. What he really wants to do is once, just once, get even with his inexhaustible supply of high-achieving brothers.

Written by Morwenna Banks and Rebecca Front

Alice ...... Rebecca Front
Snoo ...... Morwenna Banks
Simon Neilson ...... Ben Willbond
Dr Cadogan ...... Michael Fenton Stevens
Daddy ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Spong Customer ...... Matt Green

Based on an idea developed with Armando Iannucci

Producer: David Tyler

A Pozzitive production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in October 2015.

WED 08:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jntz)
Series 5

Hancock's Car

Parked outside for ten years - the Lad's forced to move his motor car, but hits snags galore.

Stars Tony Hancock.

With Sidney James, Bill Kerr, Hattie Jacques and Kenneth Williams.

Written by Ray Galton and Alan Simpson.

Theme and incidental music written by Wally Stott.

Producer: Tom Ronald

First broadcast on the BBC Light Programme in April 1958.

WED 08:30 Ballylenon (b007k4qt)
Series 1

Episode 3

Vera's eavesdropping days are threatened by the Irish town's new automatic telephone exchange.

Series set in the sleepy town of Ballylenon, Co Donegal, in 1953, before the days of mass tourism and proper plumbing in every home.

Written by Christopher Fitz-Simon.

Phonsie Doherty ...... TP McKenna
Muriel Maconchy ...... Margaret D'Arcy
Vera Maconchy ...... Stella McCusker
Vivienne Boal ...... Aine McCartney
Guard Gallagher ...... John Hewitt
Peg Sweeney ...... Anna Manahan
Joe MacMonagle ...... Kevin Flood
Post Office Engineer ...... Robert Patterson

Music arranged and performed by Stephanie Hughes

Director: Eoin O'Callaghan

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 1994.

WED 09:00 Counterpoint (b01hw6gk)
Series 26

2012 Heat 5

Paul Gambaccini chairs the general knowledge music quiz

The questions cover every aspect of music - from the classical repertoire to world music, show tunes, film scores, jazz, rock and pop.

The fifth trio of 27 competitors are in the BBC Radio Theatre in London for the fifth heat of the series.

Trevor Collins from London
Brian Jones from Vancouver, living in London
Ray Thomas from Reading

Producer Paul Bajoria

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2012.

WED 09:30 The Right Time (b00cb3bx)
Series 3

Episode 6

Star Trek shock, love cheats - and digging deep.

The sketch comedy for people growing older disgracefully.

Stars Eleanor Bron, Graeme Garden, Neil Innes, Clive Swift, Roger Blake and Paula Wilcox.

Written by Graeme Garden, Mark Brisenden, Mike Barfield, Mike Coleman, Bob Sinfield, Chris Thompson & Pete Reynolds, Colin Bostock-Smith and Simon Roberts.

Script Editor: Ged Parsons.

Music by Ronnie & The Rex and Neil Innes.

Producer: Claire Jones

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 2003.

WED 10:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

WED 10:45 Short Works (m000j9kk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

WED 11:00 Whodunnits (b007jshc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

WED 11:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

WED 12:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bxj5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

WED 12:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdy5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

WED 12:30 Shush! (b06d9p9x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

WED 13:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jntz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

WED 13:30 Ballylenon (b007k4qt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

WED 14:00 Counterpoint (b01hw6gk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 14:30 The Right Time (b00cb3bx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

WED 15:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

WED 15:45 Short Works (m000j9kk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

WED 16:00 Whodunnits (b007jshc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

WED 16:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

WED 17:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bxj5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

WED 17:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdy5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

WED 17:30 Shush! (b06d9p9x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

WED 18:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jntz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

WED 18:30 Ballylenon (b007k4qt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

WED 19:00 Counterpoint (b01hw6gk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

WED 19:30 The Right Time (b00cb3bx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

WED 20:00 Archive on 4 (m000msb7)
A Broadcasting Life

Sue MacGregor looks back on five decades of broadcasting in this final goodbye to Radio 4.

When Sue MacGregor quietly retired from The Reunion in 2019, there was no fanfare, montage of past heroics or on-air hullabaloo, just a spontaneous ripple of applause from the original cast of the musical "Cats".

It marked the end of 52 years of continuous broadcasting on the BBC, including a unique unbroken run on Radio 4 since its inception. In this goodbye to the network, she reflects on some of her most memorable moments, and the way broadcasting has changed since 1968.

She represents the deepest values of the BBC, was once described as the "crown imperial" of Radio 4, and has forged a unique relationship with listeners over the decades as the presenter of programmes like Woman’s Hour, Today, A Good Read, Conversation Piece and many more.

Radio Times readers still place her in the Top 5 of the all-time best voices on radio.

In this programme, she recalls frying eggs at Piccadilly Circus (on a famously hot day in the late 60s), the El Vino’s sit ins of the early 70s (the last men only wine bar on Fleet Street), being smuggled into Winnie Mandela’s Soweto home whilst she was under house arrest, both wedding and funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, and memorable encounters with Julie Andrews, Margaret Thatcher, Bette Davis and a very angry Conservative Party Chairman.

Producers: Ellie Clifford and David Prest

A Whistledown production for BBC Radio 4.

First broadcast in September 2020.

WED 21:00 Short Cuts (b07z414x)
Series 10

The Deep End

Josie Long presents stories about people who have fallen in the deep end.

From the man who sets out to scam the con artists trying to exploit him, to the hypnotist who finds himself face to face with Uday Hussein, we hear true tales of falling down the rabbit hole into unsettling situations - including the moment when the poet Ross Sutherland accidentally crossed the boundary between fiction and reality and found himself being dragged into a wrestling match.

Series Producer: Eleanor McDowall

A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in October 2016.

WED 21:30 Doctor Who (m001sdyg)
Tenth Doctor Adventures

Infamy of the Zaross Part 2/2

The Doctor and Rose aim to end the run of ‘Take Me To Your Leader: an everyday story of planetary invasion'.

The infamous Zaross have come to take over the Earth.

Or have they?

When the Doctor and Rose arrive, it quickly becomes clear that this is a very unusual invasion indeed.

The conclusion of the fourth of six adventures featuring the tenth incarnation of The Doctor.

Starring David Tennant and Billie Piper.

Written by John Dorney.

The Doctor .... David Tennant
Rose Tyler .... Billie Piper
Jackie Tyler .... Camille Coduri
Leader .... George Asprey
Marge Ellmore .... Rosie Cavaliero
Ikron .... Guy Henry
Jess Ellmore .... Beth Lilly
Tanan/Steve .... George Watkins

Original music by Howard Carter.

Director: Nicholas Briggs

A Big Finish production.

WED 22:00 I Don't Know What To Say (m001s5jm)
We have all been in a situation where we don’t know what to say, or how best to support a friend during a major negative life event. When Laura Smyth was diagnosed with breast cancer she was blown away (and highly amused) at how poorly many around her responded to the news. From pulling the wrong face, to offering medical advice sourced on YouTube, to simply panicking and saying nothing at all… we have a tendency to put our foot in it.

In this half-hour special, Laura applies her award-winning stand up skills to the world of grieving, sharing funny and poignant anecdotes from her journey with cancer and her interactions with friends, family and strangers.

She asks why it is so difficult to say the right thing when trying to support loved ones, explores the sometimes unrealistic expectations that grievers put upon others, and speaks to psychotherapist Philippa Perry to get an expert opinion.

There may not be a perfect solution or ideal response, but can we all be better at knowing what to say?

Written and performed by Laura Smyth
Produced by Sasha Bobak
Executive Producer: Pete Strauss
Production Coordinator: Katie Baum
An EcoAudio certified production

It is a BBC Studios production for Radio 4.

WED 22:30 Date Night (m00035wh)
Series 1

Episode 2

DATE NIGHT, noun: A pre-arranged occasion when a couple who have been together for a long time commit to a regular night out in order to keep their relationship alive.

Semi-improvised comedy show in which a series of couples are desperately trying to keep their relationship functioning by creating a weekly date night intervention.

For some, the relationship is already broken, for others it's their pre-emptive strike in the hope of new-found longevity. More often than not, the stakes are high, involving children, careers and homes.

Richard/Richard/Fiona/Rob .….. Marc Wootton
Maddy …... Katherine Parkinson
Rita …... Ellie White
Jamali ….. Hammed Animashaun
Gary ….. Jamie Demetriou
Terri …... Catherine Tate
Narrator ...... Fi Glover

Produced by Anna Madley

A Black Hat production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in March 2019.

WED 23:00 The Harpoon (b007k4t8)
Series 2

Episode 3

The complete story of evolution from Little Blobby Thing to Homo Erectus Britishus Imperius.

Plus an advert for some sticks.

All in your nostalgic spoof of boys' adventure story papers.


Susie Brann
Alistair McGowan
Julian Dutton
Peter Baynham
Mary Elliot-Nelson

Producer: Sarah Smith

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in August 1992.

WED 23:30 The Skewer (m001s5mj)
Series 10

Episode 5

Fresh from winning Gold for Best Comedy at the British Podcast Awards (and Highly Commended as Podcast of the Year), Jon Holmes's comedy current affairs concept album returns for its 10th series to remix the news into satirical shapes.

This week - the HamM&S Christmas advert, Matt Hancock: Infinity War, and Ray Mears goes camping with Suella Braverman.

Creator / Producer: Jon Holmes

An unusual production for BBC Radio 4

The Skewer was twisted by:
Jon Holmes
Katie Sayer
Darren Phillips
Phil Lindsey
David Riffkin
Cooper Mawhinny Sweryt
Dave Wol
Tony Churnside

With additional material by:
Ali Panting
Anna Martin
Helen Brooks
Alice Gregg
Mike Battle
Adrian Fisk
Kevin Smith
John Weston
Beechar & Pullar
Arfie Mansfield
David Kidder
John Upton
Duncan Ladkin

WED 23:45 The Problem With Adam Bloom (b00h4cwy)
Series 2


Earlier this year, Adam told three of his closest friends what he most disliked about them. This is how they reacted.

Written by and starring Adam Bloom.


Brendon Burns

Producer: Victoria Lloyd

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2004.


THU 00:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl1)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 on Wednesday]

THU 00:45 Short Works (m000j9kk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 on Wednesday]

THU 01:00 Whodunnits (b007jshc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Wednesday]

THU 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnz7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Wednesday]

THU 02:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000bxj5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Wednesday]

THU 02:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sdy5)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 on Wednesday]

THU 02:30 Shush! (b06d9p9x)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Wednesday]

THU 03:00 Hancock's Half Hour (b007jntz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Wednesday]

THU 03:30 Ballylenon (b007k4qt)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 on Wednesday]

THU 04:00 Counterpoint (b01hw6gk)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Wednesday]

THU 04:30 The Right Time (b00cb3bx)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Wednesday]

THU 05:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl3)
2. The Mute Swan

In the 1700s Henrietta has been kidnapped and taken to Garve.

Here is surrounded by Gaels who neither speak her language or share her culture.

Now, Sophie and her son Ben travel to Garve on holiday...

Starring Grace Glover and Ceit Kearney.

Catherine Czerkwaska's three-part drama linking two women over 300 years apart.

Sophie …… Grace Glover
Henrietta …… Ceit Kearney
Maisie …… Meg Fraser
Manus …… John Buick
Ben …… Mary Riggans
Grisel …… Monica Gibb
Angus MacNeill …… John Sheddon
Thomas …… Kenneth Glenaan
Man 1 …… Bob Docherty
Man 2 …… Finlay McLean

Whistle played by Mike Katz.

Directed at BBC Scotland by Hamish Wilson.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1996.

THU 05:45 Short Works (m000jhp0)
Mumma's Boy by Kirstin Innes

Kirstin Innes' story about a woman who grapples with motherhood and apocalyptic.

Debbie feels oppressed by her new and demanding baby and relentless weather. She snipes with her supportive but ineffective partner, fails to connect with other women at the baby group and fields judgement from the professionals she meets. Online shopping tries to sell her a polished version of motherhood. Eventually she makes plans to climb a mountain with her baby and they set off, well equipped, into his future.

The Scottish writer and journalist has written two novels, Fishnet and Scabby Queen.

Read by Helen McAlpine.

Produced by Eilidh McCreadie.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 2020.

THU 06:00 Whodunnits (b007zghc)
Julie Enfield Investigates: Murder West One

3. Five Star Killing

At a glitzy London hotel, the body of an unknown woman is discovered in the service area amongst the empty champagne bottles.

Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield must unravel a high class mystery...

Nick Fisher's thriller stars Imelda Staunton.

DSI Julie Enfield ...... Imelda Staunton
Dad ...... Geoffrey Matthews
Jean-Pierre Renaud ...... Alan Bourgouin
Trevor Jones ...... Giles Fagan
Ken ...... Ben Crowe
John Manning ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Ralph Bingley ...... Robert Harper
Stephen Willis ...... Tom Bevan

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

THU 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzr)
9. Evil in the Air

With Snowey and Sir Archie at the mercy of Kramer's gang, special agent Dick and his chum Jock set about trying to rescue them...

Stars Noel Johnson, John Mann and Alex McCrindle.

Written by Edward J Mason.


Dick Barton …. Noel Johnson
Snowey White …. John Mann
Jock …. Alex McCrindle
Wilhelm Kramer …. Francis de Wolff
Sir Archie Wrangle …. Richard Hurndall
James Thirgood …. Denis McCarthy
Blom …. Michael Kilgarriff
Hans …. Arthur Bush

Heralded by an iconic signature tune – Charles Williams’ ‘Devil's Galop’ – from 1946 to 1951, ‘Dick Barton - Special Agent’ thrilled millions of listeners on the BBC Light Programme. The daily serial followed the exciting adventures of ex-commando Captain Richard Barton and his wartime mates Snowey White and Jock Anderson, who solved all manner of intriguing crimes and mysteries, with each gripping episode ending in a torrid cliff-hanger.

Sadly, not many of Dick's adventures survive in the BBC archive. But in 1972 as part of celebrations for the BBC's Golden Jubilee, the very first ten-part adventure by was recreated with many of the original cast.

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in 1972.

THU 07:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c0br)
9. Confidants

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers’ tender novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

On her return from Paris, Blanche seeks Nan out as a confidant. Meanwhile young Rose makes a discovery so painful, that she can’t even bring herself to confide in Minna.

Read by Eleanor Bron
Written and abridged by Salley Vickers
Produced by Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2019.

THU 07:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf08)
4. The Traveller

At New Year, salesman Gerald Scales arrives on the Baines' door step in the snow.

Starring Gillian Kearney and Katy Cavanagh.

Arnold Bennett's novel follows the lives of two very different sisters who grow up above a thriving drapery business in the Potteries, during the 1860s.

Constance .... Gillian Kearney
Sophia .... Katy Cavanagh
Narrator .... Phillip Jackson
Sam Povey .... Ian Dunn
Gerald Scales .... Nicholas Boulton
Mrs Baines .... Barbara Marten

Dramatised by Stephen Wyatt.

Director: Claire Grove

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2004.

THU 07:30 The Break (b07dkk0k)
Series 1

Cold Mountain

Andy is beginning to settle in to the unusual seaside town of Flamford. When he and his Uncle Jeff find an abandoned fridge in the street, Jeff seizes the opportunity to teach his nephew the value of entrepreneurship.

Unfortunately, his plans are complicated by a particularly diligent and zealous Police Officer, a hard-nosed private landlord and Fish Shop Frank's refusal to see a business opportunity when it's sat on the pavement outside his chip shop.

Along the way, they meet a pair of half-hearted pirates, an eccentric plutocrat, Jeff's on-off paramour, Corinne and the youngest-sounding pub landlord in Britain.

Andy ...... Tom Palmer
Jeff ...... Philip Jackson
Frank/PC Clark ...... Mark Benton
Corinne/Joyce/Morag ...... Alison Steadman
Joyce ...... Alison Steadman
Morag ...... Alison Steadman
Max ...... Rasmus Hardiker
Julie ...... Shobna Gulati

Writers: Ian Brown and James Hendrie

Director: Gordon Kennedy

An Absolutely production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in June 2016.

THU 08:00 Dad's Army (b007jmyj)
Series 2

Boots, Boots, Boots

The Home Guard platoon take action when Captain Mainwaring becomes obsessed with their feet.

The comic exploits of a Second World War Home Guard platoon in Walmington-on-Sea.

Adapted for radio from Jimmy Perry and David Croft's TV scripts by Michael Knowles and Harold Snoad.

Captain Mainwaring …. Arthur Lowe
Sergeant Wilson …. John Le Mesurier
Corporal Jones …. Clive Dunn
Private Frazer …. John Laurie
Private Pike …. Ian Lavender
Private Godfrey …. Arnold Ridley
Mr Sedgewick …. Eris Chitty
Announcer …. John Snagge

Producer: John Dyas

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in March 1975.

THU 08:30 Second Thoughts (b00fnfnv)
Series 2

Maybe, Baby

Broody Faith fancies starting a second family - but does Bill?

Bill and Faith are two middle-aged divorcees, from very different backgrounds, trying to get it together. However, Bill’s ex and Faith’s two teenage children are doing their utmost to prevent it.

Series two of four inspired by the real lives of its writers, husband and wife Jan Etherington and Gavin Petrie.

A TV version made by LWT for ITV appeared in 1991 and ran for four series, with a spin-off 'Faith in the Future'.

Bill …. James Bolam
Faith …. Lynda Bellingham
Hannah …. Kelda Holmes
Joe …. Mark Denham
Mr Burrows....Norman Bird
Police Officer.....Deborah Rowbottom

Producer: Sioned Wiliam

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 1989.

THU 09:00 The Unbelievable Truth (m000kntz)
Series 24

Episode 3

David Mitchell hosts the panel game in which four comedians are encouraged to tell lies and compete against one another to see how many items of truth they're able to smuggle past their opponents.

Henning Wehn, Lou Sanders, Sindhu Vee and Neil Delamere are the panellists obliged to talk with deliberate inaccuracy on subjects as varied as furniture, birthdays, phobias and rocks.

Produced by Jon Naismith
A Random Entertainment production for BBC Radio 4

THU 09:30 Stockport, So Good They Named It Once (b007jrfl)
Series 1


Jason reckons his cheating ex-girlfriend wants him back, Dave gets his new company car - and Karen brings home a potential new member of the family.

The lives of the Stockport-based, Conroy family - in series 1 of Jim Poyser and Damian Lanigan's comedy drama.

Jason …. Dominic Monaghan
Dave …. Stefan Escreet
Colette …. Emma Clarke
Eddie …. John McArdle
Maureen …. Beverley Callard
Debbie / Karen…. Jo-Anne Knowles
Michael …. Jason Done
Hugo …. Chris Pavlo

Music: Big George

Producer: Neil Mossey

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 1999.

THU 10:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

THU 10:45 Short Works (m000jhp0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

THU 11:00 Whodunnits (b007zghc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

THU 11:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

THU 12:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c0br)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

THU 12:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf08)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

THU 12:30 The Break (b07dkk0k)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

THU 13:00 Dad's Army (b007jmyj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

THU 13:30 Second Thoughts (b00fnfnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

THU 14:00 The Unbelievable Truth (m000kntz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 14:30 Stockport, So Good They Named It Once (b007jrfl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

THU 15:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

THU 15:45 Short Works (m000jhp0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

THU 16:00 Whodunnits (b007zghc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

THU 16:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

THU 17:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c0br)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

THU 17:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf08)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

THU 17:30 The Break (b07dkk0k)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

THU 18:00 Dad's Army (b007jmyj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

THU 18:30 Second Thoughts (b00fnfnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

THU 19:00 The Unbelievable Truth (m000kntz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

THU 19:30 Stockport, So Good They Named It Once (b007jrfl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

THU 20:00 The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh (m0017lvs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 10:00 on Saturday]

THU 21:00 Great Lives (b0076xqm)
Morecambe and Wise

Actress Penelope Keith nominates legendary comedy double-act Morecambe and Wise as masters of classless entertainment.

On Christmas day in 1977, almost 29 million people sat down to watch Morecambe And Wise on BBC One. With false noses galore, Penelope co-starred alongside them in Ernie's play Cyrano de Bergerac. After this show, the duo defected back to ITV.

So will Penelope's two heroes stand up to intensive scrutiny from Mathew Parris and merit the description of having led great lives?

With Eric Morecambe's son Gary, who offers some fascinating insights into his father's background and how he viewed his success.

Producer: Miles Warde

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2006.

THU 21:30 Doctor Who (m001sf0q)
Tenth Doctor Adventures

The Sword of the Chevalier Part 1/2

London 1791. The Doctor and Rose get to meet one of the most enigmatic characters in history - The Chevalier d’Eon.

Born male, but living as a female, she became a spy and many other things.

If there’s one thing the Doctor knows it’s that identity is what you make it. Choose a life for yourself and be proud.

Mind you, if the alien Consortium of the Obsidian Asp get their way, all life may soon be over...

Part 1 of the fifth of six adventures featuring the tenth incarnation of The Doctor.

Starring David Tennant and Billie Piper.

Written by Guy Adams.

The Doctor .... David Tennant
Rose Tyler .... Billie Piper
Chevalier d'Eon .... Nickolas Grace
Hempel .... Lucy Briggs-Owen
Joxer .... Mark Elstob
Darcy .... James Joyce
Christopher Dallard .... Tam Williams

Other parts played by members of the cast.

Original music by Howard Carter.

Director: Nicholas Briggs

A Big Finish production.

THU 22:00 It's a Fair Cop (m000vjn9)
Series 6

1. Dog Theft

Alfie tackles the crime of dog theft which saw a huge rise in cases during the COVID pandemic.

Alfie takes us back to his time with the Humberside Police when he was called out to investigate the case of a missing dog. Is this even a police matter in the first place? Is it ok to offer a reward for the safe return of the dog with "no questions asked"? Alfie and the remote audience answer these questions and more with the help of a new online voting system that keeps the listeners on their toes as they're sworn in as police officers for the duration of the show.

Written and presented by Alfie Moore
Script Editor: Will Ing
Production Co-ordinator: Beverly Tagg
Producer: Richard Morris

A BBC Studios Production

First transmitted in April 2021

THU 22:30 The Lawrence Sweeney Mix (b008vzdy)
Series 2

Episode 2

From a room full of kittens to something you might find behind the sofa...

Josie Lawrence and Jim Sweeney make it up as they go along!

Faced with a live studio audience and a couple of microphones - the masters of improve create sketches from shouted out suggestions.

Producer: Dawn Ellis

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in February 2008.

THU 23:00 State of the Nations (b087rky3)
Northern Ireland

Elis James's tour of the four UK nations continues with a visit to The Empire in Belfast to discuss Northern Irishness.


Micky Bartlett
Shane Todd
Ursula Burns
Andrew Maxwell

One of four stand-up shows from the four nations of the United Kingdom exploring what it means to be variously Welsh, English, Scottish and Northern Irish.

Producer: Richard Morris

A BBC Studios production for BBC Radio 4, first broadcast in January 2017.

THU 23:30 A Look Back at the Future (b01rqbqk)

It's the Year of the Toddler Power.

Recorded in 1994, the futuristic show recalls the main events of 2010 - a year that was yet to happen.


Brian Perkins
Kate Robbin
Griff Rhys Jones

Everything you wanted to know then, about the 21st century.

Written by Mark Burton, John O'Farrell and Pete Sinclair.

Producer: Caroline Leddy

First broadcast (with the aid of a crystal ball) on Radio 4 in July 1994.


FRI 00:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl3)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 on Thursday]

FRI 00:45 Short Works (m000jhp0)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 on Thursday]

FRI 01:00 Whodunnits (b007zghc)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 on Thursday]

FRI 01:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzr)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 on Thursday]

FRI 02:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c0br)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 on Thursday]

FRI 02:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf08)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 on Thursday]

FRI 02:30 The Break (b07dkk0k)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 on Thursday]

FRI 03:00 Dad's Army (b007jmyj)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 on Thursday]

FRI 03:30 Second Thoughts (b00fnfnv)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 on Thursday]

FRI 04:00 The Unbelievable Truth (m000kntz)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 on Thursday]

FRI 04:30 Stockport, So Good They Named It Once (b007jrfl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 on Thursday]

FRI 05:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl7)
3. The Swan on the Lake

Henrietta's fate on the 18th century Garve looks set for a happier ending.

Meanwhile Sophie and Ben's holiday has to come to an end.

Starring Grace Glover and Ceit Kearney.

Conclusion of Catherine Czerkwaska's drama linking two women over 300 years apart.

Sophie …… Grace Glover
Henrietta …… Ceit Kearney
Manus …… John Buick
Ben …… Mary Riggans
Grisel …… Monica Gibb
Katy …… Stella Forge
Angus MacNeill …… John Sheddon
Thomas …… Kenneth Glenaan
Isobel …… Eliza Langland
Solicitor …… Paul Samson

Whistle played by Mike Katz.

Directed at BBC Scotland by Hamish Wilson.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 1996.

FRI 05:45 Short Works (m000jpg7)
Gloria and Max

An original short story by the Northern Irish writer Wendy Erskine.

A visiting professor regrets offering a lift to a local woman whilst en route to a film festival in County Antrim.

Wendy Erskine works full-time as a secondary school teacher in Belfast. Her writing has appeared in several publications including 'The Stinging Fly' literary magazine and the anthology 'Female Lines: New Writing by Women from Northern Ireland'. Her debut short story collection, Sweet Home, was shortlisted for The Republic of Consciousness Prize, and longlisted for The Gordon Burn Prize and The Edge Hill Prize.

Read by Robert Glenister

Produced by Celia de Wolff

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in June 2020.

FRI 06:00 Whodunnits (b007jsjl)
Julie Enfield Investigates: Murder West One

4. Soho Espresso

Detective Superintendent Julie Enfield's night out in London's Soho is rudely interrupted by a murder above a coffee bar.

The day's takings are left untouched, so robbery is clearly not the motive...

Nick Fisher's thriller stars Imelda Staunton.

DSI Julie Enfield ...... Imelda Staunton
Dad ...... Geoffrey Matthews
Mary Simons ...... Frances Jeater
Gerry Maddox ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
David Simons ...... Jonathan Keeble
Woman in Club ...... Priyanga Elan
Coffee Drinker ...... Elizabeth Conboy
David Simons ...... Jonathan Keeble
Tourist ...... Giles Fagan
Waiter ...... Ben Crowethe
Woman ...... Tilly Gaunt

Director: Richard Wortley

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in May 1999.

FRI 06:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzs)
10. The Flag of Deception

In an all-out siege at Kramer's hideaway, special agent Dick Barton and his chums battle to neutralise the ray gun.

Stars Noel Johnson, John Mann and Alex McCrindle.

The thrilling conclusion of Edward J Mason’s ten-part adventure.


Dick Barton …. Noel Johnson
Snowey White …. John Mann
Jock …. Alex McCrindle
Jean Hunter …. Margaret Robertson
Wilhelm Kramer …. Francis de Wolff
Sir Archie Wrangle …. Richard Hurndall
Colonel Gardiner …. William Fox
James Thirgood …. Denis McCarthy
Blom/Jenks …. Michael Kilgarriff
Hans …. Arthur Bush
Announcer/Sergeant/Corporal …. Geoffrey Collins

Heralded by an iconic signature tune – Charles Williams’ ‘Devil's Galop’ – from 1946 to 1951, ‘Dick Barton - Special Agent’ thrilled millions of listeners on the BBC Light Programme. The daily serial followed the exciting adventures of ex-commando Captain Richard Barton and his wartime mates Snowey White and Jock Anderson, who solved all manner of intriguing crimes and mysteries, with each gripping episode ending in a torrid cliff-hanger.

Sadly, not many of Dick's adventures survive in the BBC archive. But in 1972 as part of celebrations for the BBC's Golden Jubilee, the very first ten-part adventure by was recreated with many of the original cast.

Producer: Raymond Raikes

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in 1972.

FRI 07:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c2h9)
10. Togetherness

Three very different women’s lives collide in Salley Vickers’ tender novel about grandparents and the children they help to raise.

A trip to Kew Gardens brings Nan, Minna, Blanche and all their grandchildren together. There, Rose - still silently distraught about her father’s affair - hatches a dangerous plan.

Concluded by Eleanor Bron

Written and abridged by Salley Vickers

Producer: Kirsty Williams

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in December 2019.

FRI 07:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf0f)
5. The Defeat

Mrs Baines decides to put a stop to Sophia's affair with Gerald Scales.

Starring Gillian Kearney and Katy Cavanagh.

Arnold Bennett's novel follows the lives of two very different sisters who grow up above a thriving drapery business in the Potteries, during the 1860s.

Constance .... Gillian Kearney
Sophia .... Katy Cavanagh
Narrator .... Phillip Jackson
Mrs Baines .... Barbara Marten
Sam Povey .... Ian Dunn
Aunt Harriet .... Frances Jeater

Dramatised by Stephen Wyatt.

Director: Claire Grove

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 2004.

FRI 07:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b05y0m0p)
Series 10

The New Thirty

Ed is facing a milestone in his life as he's about to turn 60.

As he reflects on his life he decides that things aren't half bad.

He finally has a bed to lay his head on, his cat is in rude health and he is leading a busy and fulfilling literary life.

However, as with all things Ed, this state of equanimity can't last and after a curious encounter with Jeremy Paxman, Ed decides to make some changes.

Ed Reardon ...... Christopher Douglas
Olive ...... Stephanie Cole
Eli ...... Lisa Coleman
Pearl ...... Brigit Forsyth
Jaz Mivain ...... Philip Jackson
Ping ...... Barunka O'Shaughnessy
Jake ...... Sam Pamphilon
Stan ...... Geoffrey Whitehead
Himself ...... Jeremy Paxman

Written by Andrew Nickolds and Christopher Douglas.

Produced by Dawn Ellis.

First broadcast on Radio 4 in June 2015.

FRI 08:00 Albert and Me (b007js8c)
Series 1

Looking for a Job

Single dad Bryan needs a job, but can he find an employer who'll let him bring his young son Albert along?

Stars Richard Beckinsale and Pat Coombs.

The struggles of single parent Bryan Archer to find work while raising his baby son, Albert.

Written by Jim Eldridge.

Bryan Archer …. Richard Beckinsale
Mum/Albert …. Pat Coombs
Dad …. John Comer
Rex …. Terence Alexander
Stephanie …. Madeline Smith
Mrs Warburton …. Jan Holden
Labour Exchange Official …. Milton Johns

Producer: John Fawcett Wilson

First broadcast on BBC Radio 2 in November 1977.

FRI 08:30 Rent (b04lxtl4)
Series 2

Episode 1

Paul's got his heart set on Ruby, Ruby's thinking of her missing guinea pig, Maria's plotting to get rid of the DJ rig and Richard's mind's set on a skip...

Lucy Flannery's Writers' Guild award-winning sitcom about Maria and Richard who take in lodgers.

Maria ...... Barbara Flynn
Richard ...... Patrick Barlow
Amy ...... Linda Polan
Paul ...... Toby Longworth

With Vivienne Rochester and Nelson David.

Producer: Liz Anstee.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in January 1995.

FRI 09:00 The Food Quiz (b0076n4w)
Series 2

Episode 6

Journalist and food critic, Jay Rayner puts four gastronomes through their culinary paces.

Wine writer Jancis Robinson, wild man Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall, chef Alastair Little and restaurateur Ruth Watson are set for a good grilling.

Issues for digestion include what a Fat Rascal is, who spent £67,000 on a new oven, and where dried tuna sperm is served as a delicacy.

Producer: Rebecca Wells

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in September 2004.

FRI 09:30 Plum House (b07hgb4m)
Series 1

Trust the Trust

A mysterious visitor arrives.

Being visited is an unusual event in itself, but when he shows genuine interest in how the place is run our team immediately suspect he has been sent from the Trust to spy on them.

Why else would a man, on his own, turn up at a museum unannounced?

Ben Cottam and Paul Mckenna's comedy about the inept staff at an historic house starring Simon Callow and Miles Jupp.

Every year thousands of tourists flock to the Lake District. But one place they never go to is Plum House - the former country home of terrible poet George Pudding (1779-1848). Now a crumbling museum, losing money hand over fist, it struggles to stay open under its eccentric curator Peter Knight.

Can anyone save Plum House from irreversible decline?

Kevin Eldon guest stars as the visiting man of mystery.

Peter ...... Simon Callow
Maureen ...... Jane Horrocks
Julian ...... Miles Jupp
Tom ...... Tom Bell
Alan ...... Pearce Quigley
Emma ...... Louise Ford
Martin ...... Kevin Eldon

Directed and Produced by Paul Schlesinger

A Hat Trick production for BBC Radio 4 first broadcast in June 2016.

FRI 10:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

FRI 10:45 Short Works (m000jpg7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

FRI 11:00 Whodunnits (b007jsjl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

FRI 11:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

FRI 12:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c2h9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

FRI 12:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf0f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

FRI 12:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b05y0m0p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

FRI 13:00 Albert and Me (b007js8c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

FRI 13:30 Rent (b04lxtl4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

FRI 14:00 The Food Quiz (b0076n4w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

FRI 14:30 Plum House (b07hgb4m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

FRI 15:00 Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet (b03bshl7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:00 today]

FRI 15:45 Short Works (m000jpg7)
[Repeat of broadcast at 05:45 today]

FRI 16:00 Whodunnits (b007jsjl)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:00 today]

FRI 16:45 Dick Barton - Special Agent (b007jnzs)
[Repeat of broadcast at 06:45 today]

FRI 17:00 Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (m000c2h9)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:00 today]

FRI 17:15 Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale (m001sf0f)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:15 today]

FRI 17:30 Ed Reardon's Week (b05y0m0p)
[Repeat of broadcast at 07:30 today]

FRI 18:00 Albert and Me (b007js8c)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:00 today]

FRI 18:30 Rent (b04lxtl4)
[Repeat of broadcast at 08:30 today]

FRI 19:00 The Food Quiz (b0076n4w)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:00 today]

FRI 19:30 Plum House (b07hgb4m)
[Repeat of broadcast at 09:30 today]

FRI 20:00 Up Close And Personal (b07vjqml)
Clarke Peters follows the croon and practitioners of the art, including Rudy Vallee, Russ Columbo, Al Bowlly and Bing Crosby.

He discovers how their romantic style of singing made the ladies swoon but inflamed the critics.

In the 1920s and 30s electric microphones and amplifiers enabled singers with soft, untrained voices to finally be heard. Vocalists no longer needed to project - they could get closer and deliver heartfelt performances - just like whispering in a listener's ear. They became the Justin Biebers of their day - commercial stars whose radio shows and public performances ignited passions across the US.

Their flirtatious style was not to everyone's taste, however, and they were condemned by the Roman Catholic Church for leading women astray. The slushy, sentimental style of singing also didn't go down well with the press who criticised the singers for their lack of artistic value... and the crooners' good looks and stylish clothes led to accusations of effeminacy - these guys just couldn't win.

Actor and singer Clarke Peters - star of TV' series the Wire - hears from Rudy Vallee's nephew about how his uncle regarded his own sex appeal - let's just say Rudy wasn't the bashful type.

He also talks to Lenny Kaye, writer, long time guitarist with the Patti Smith Group and fellow crooner devotee, about their place in American music history.

Producer: Paula McGinley

First broadcast on BBC September 2016

FRI 20:30 Soul Music (m000q3kg)
Lean On Me by Bill Withers

An enduring classic which delivers a message of support and friendship. Never more so than in 2020 when it was the musical backdrop to the Covid crisis in the UK, and at Black Lives Matter protests in the US.

Taking part:

Andy Greene, a senior writer at Rolling Stone magazine, tells the remarkable life-story of Bill Withers.

Composer, Neil Brand, explains how the simplicity of this track is what enables it to pack such a strong emotional punch.

Sara Morrell is a nurse whose version of Lean On Me, recorded quickly at home as a way of cheering-up colleagues, caught the attention of some big names in the music industry.

Sharmila Bousa organised a community flash-mob to show support to her local shops in Westbury-on-Trym which had suffered a spate of armed-robberies.

Arianna Evans has become a voice of the Black Lives Matter protests. She recalls a powerful moment at one of the Washington DC rallies where local singer, Kenny Sway, sang Lean On Me creating a memorable and much-needed moment of joy and unity.

Thanks to: Ian DeMartino who recorded the speech given by Arianna Evans; Zaranyzerak who provided the recording of Kenny Sway's performance; and to Tristan Cork who filmed the Westbury-on-Trym flashmob for Bristol Live

Producer: Karen Gregor

From BBC Audio in Bristol, first broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in 2020.

FRI 21:00 Monsters of Music with Tom Allen (p0gb4czw)
Wagner’s Tainted Legacy with Frank Cottrell Boyce

Richard Wagner was a romantic, a revolutionary and hostile antisemite. The composer of some of the most enduring and influential classical music, his pieces feature in famous film scores, wedding processions and would go on to soundtrack the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party.

History remembers him for his bigoted political essays and 'Here Comes The Bride'. But his story also included a one-sided romance with an eccentric Prince, a decadent life funded by adoring sponsors and scandalous affairs with married women. In this episode, screenwriter and author Frank Cottrell-Boyce joins Tom and Ben to trace the complicated life of one of classical music's most famous composers and place him on the monster scale.

Listen only on BBC Sounds.

Produced by Audio Always
Producer: Rufaro Faith Mazarura
Exec Producer: Jo Meek
Sound Design: Craig Edmondson

FRI 21:30 Doctor Who (m001sf0v)
Tenth Doctor Adventures

The Sword of the Chevalier Part 2/2

London 1791. The Doctor, Rose and the enigmatic Chevalier d’Eon take on alien slave traders.

Born male, but living as a female, she became a spy and many other things.

If there’s one thing the Doctor knows it’s that identity is what you make it. Choose a life for yourself and be proud.

Mind you, if the alien Consortium of the Obsidian Asp get their way, all life may soon be over...

The conclusion of the fifth of six adventures featuring the tenth incarnation of The Doctor.

Starring David Tennant and Billie Piper.

Written by Guy Adams.

The Doctor .... David Tennant
Rose Tyler .... Billie Piper
Chevalier d'Eon .... Nickolas Grace
Hempel .... Lucy Briggs-Owen
Joxer .... Mark Elstob
Darcy .... James Joyce
Christopher Dallard .... Tam Williams

Other parts played by members of the cast.

Original music by Howard Carter.

Director: Nicholas Briggs

A Big Finish production.

FRI 22:00 Who Runs the World? (m001sd45)
Independent Women

Comedian Catherine Bohart channels her inner Mel Gibson and asks “What Do Women Want”? in the second part of her raucous new stand up special.

Alongside answering this frankly impossible question, Catherine also wants to know why all of our female Prime Ministers have been Conservatives, and conversely, why the Labour Party prefers the world’s most boring man over literally any woman?

Catherine puzzles out Westminster’s pub-to-nursery ratio, before sitting down with Conservative Peer Baroness Warsi to discuss detoxifying the corridors of power.

Performed by Catherine Bohart

Written by Catherine Bohart, Charlie Dinkin and Georgie Flinn

Produced by Benjamin Sutton

A Daddy’s Superyacht Production for BBC Radio 4

FRI 22:30 I Think I've Got a Problem (b007xvrp)
Series 1

Episode 3

Tom gets a job as an international courier and has to deliver a package to a contact in Spain.

However, after his "imaginary" band spark mayhem on the plane, Tom and Sadie find themselves caught up in a world of death and deception.

Still, if a good song won't cheer them all up, nothing will.

Andrew McGibbon and Nick Romero's everyday story about a man who can't stop himself from breaking into song.

Suggs ..... Tom Caine
Bob Monkhouse ..... Dr Boone
Mika Simmons ..... Sadie
Phil Cornwell ..... Bouche
Michael Roberts ..... Clammy Clemence
Andrew McGibbon ..... Jake
Nick Romero ..... Monty DeVere
Emma Clarke ..... Air Stewardess

Songs: Andrew McGibbon. Nick Romero and Suggs

Director: Chris Neill

Producers: Torquil MacLeod. Julian Mayers and Andrew McGibbon.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in July 2001.

FRI 22:55 The Comedy Club Interviews (m001smhy)
Vittorio Angelone 3/3

From 10pm until midnight, seven days a week, The Comedy Club has two hours of comedy. And tonight, Arthur Smith talks to Vittorio Angelone.

FRI 23:00 On the Hour (b0090br1)
Series 2

Episode 2

Alan Partridge is at the Olympics. Barbara Wintergreen is in America.

All the news as it happens, if it happens from the BBC's urgent and incisive news overview.

Savagely satirical award-winning comedy starring Chris Morris.


Steve Coogan
David Schneider
Rebecca Front
Patrick Marber
Doon Mackichan

Written by Chris Morris, Armando Iannucci, Richard Herring, Steven Wells, David Quantick, Andrew Glover and Stewart Lee.

Producer: Armando lannucci

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in April 1992.

FRI 23:30 The Boosh (b007jmh0)

Bad-tempered Bob Fossil is creating new mutant animals to keep investors interested in his zoo.

A whale the size of a peanut might sound like a good idea, but zookeeper Howard Moon is not happy with the way things are going.

Written by and starring Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt.

The Boosh is a surreal adventure based on the Perrier Award-winning comedy show, featuring Howard and Vince's battles with zoo manager Bob Fossil.

Howard Moon ...... Julian Barrattt
Vince Noir ...... Noel Fielding
Bob Fossil ...... Rich Fulcher

With Dave Brown.

After BBC radio gave them their big break with this series, they transferred to BBC TV where The Mighty Boosh ran for three series.

Producer: Danny Wallace.

First broadcast on BBC Radio 4 in November 2001.

(Note: the times link back to the details; the pids link to the BBC page, including iPlayer)

A Look Back at the Future 23:30 THU (b01rqbqk)

Albert and Me 04:00 SAT (b007jynb)

Albert and Me 08:00 FRI (b007js8c)

Albert and Me 13:00 FRI (b007js8c)

Albert and Me 18:00 FRI (b007js8c)

Alice's Friend 01:00 SAT (b04hkk1m)

All Quiet On The Western Front 06:00 SAT (b00nmz8h)

All Quiet On The Western Front 11:00 SAT (b00nmz8h)

All Quiet On The Western Front 17:00 SAT (b00nmz8h)

All Quiet On The Western Front 01:00 SUN (b00nmz8h)

Archive on 4 20:00 WED (m000msb7)

Armando Iannucci - Facts And Fancies 23:45 SAT (b007jrlr)

Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) 07:30 SAT (m000169y)

Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) 12:30 SAT (m000169y)

Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) 18:30 SAT (m000169y)

Armistice 1918 (Omnibus) 02:30 SUN (m000169y)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 07:15 MON (m001sdnw)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 12:15 MON (m001sdnw)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 17:15 MON (m001sdnw)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 02:15 TUE (m001sdnw)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 07:15 TUE (m001sdz0)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 12:15 TUE (m001sdz0)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 17:15 TUE (m001sdz0)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 02:15 WED (m001sdz0)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 07:15 WED (m001sdy5)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 12:15 WED (m001sdy5)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 17:15 WED (m001sdy5)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 02:15 THU (m001sdy5)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 07:15 THU (m001sf08)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 12:15 THU (m001sf08)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 17:15 THU (m001sf08)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 02:15 FRI (m001sf08)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 07:15 FRI (m001sf0f)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 12:15 FRI (m001sf0f)

Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale 17:15 FRI (m001sf0f)

Ballylenon 08:30 WED (b007k4qt)

Ballylenon 13:30 WED (b007k4qt)

Ballylenon 18:30 WED (b007k4qt)

Ballylenon 03:30 THU (b007k4qt)

Best Medicine 22:00 TUE (m001s5mp)

Brian Appleton's Unofficial Multi-Media Lecture 22:30 SUN (m0010hk1)

Brian Gulliver's Travels 22:30 MON (b01mqq6h)

Can't Tell Nathan Caton Nothing 22:00 SAT (b04gwlw4)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 05:00 WED (b03bshl1)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 10:00 WED (b03bshl1)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 15:00 WED (b03bshl1)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 00:00 THU (b03bshl1)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 05:00 THU (b03bshl3)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 10:00 THU (b03bshl3)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 15:00 THU (b03bshl3)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 00:00 FRI (b03bshl3)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 05:00 FRI (b03bshl7)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 10:00 FRI (b03bshl7)

Catherine Czerkawska - The Curiosity Cabinet 15:00 FRI (b03bshl7)

Could Do Better 08:45 SAT (b00759x7)

Could Do Better 13:45 SAT (b00759x7)

Could Do Better 19:45 SAT (b00759x7)

Could Do Better 03:45 SUN (b00759x7)

Counterpoint 09:00 WED (b01hw6gk)

Counterpoint 14:00 WED (b01hw6gk)

Counterpoint 19:00 WED (b01hw6gk)

Counterpoint 04:00 THU (b01hw6gk)

Cowards 22:30 SAT (b00fq6rq)

Dad's Army 08:00 THU (b007jmyj)

Dad's Army 13:00 THU (b007jmyj)

Dad's Army 18:00 THU (b007jmyj)

Dad's Army 03:00 FRI (b007jmyj)

Date Night 22:30 WED (m00035wh)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 10:45 SUN (b00lmdh4)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 15:45 SUN (b00lmdh4)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 21:45 SUN (b00lmdh4)

David Attenborough's Life Stories 04:45 MON (b00lmdh4)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 10:00 SUN (m001scnh)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 15:00 SUN (m001scnh)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 21:00 SUN (m001scnh)

Desert Island Discs Revisited 04:00 MON (m001scnh)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 02:45 SAT (b007jnyn)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 06:45 MON (b007jnyp)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 11:45 MON (b007jnyp)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 16:45 MON (b007jnyp)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 01:45 TUE (b007jnyp)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 06:45 TUE (b007jnz6)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 11:45 TUE (b007jnz6)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 16:45 TUE (b007jnz6)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 01:45 WED (b007jnz6)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 06:45 WED (b007jnz7)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 11:45 WED (b007jnz7)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 16:45 WED (b007jnz7)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 01:45 THU (b007jnz7)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 06:45 THU (b007jnzr)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 11:45 THU (b007jnzr)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 16:45 THU (b007jnzr)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 01:45 FRI (b007jnzr)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 06:45 FRI (b007jnzs)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 11:45 FRI (b007jnzs)

Dick Barton - Special Agent 16:45 FRI (b007jnzs)

Doctor Who 21:30 MON (m001sdp2)

Doctor Who 21:30 TUE (m001sdzv)

Doctor Who 21:30 WED (m001sdyg)

Doctor Who 21:30 THU (m001sf0q)

Doctor Who 21:30 FRI (m001sf0v)

Ed Reardon's Week 03:30 SAT (b05xglm4)

Ed Reardon's Week 07:30 FRI (b05y0m0p)

Ed Reardon's Week 12:30 FRI (b05y0m0p)

Ed Reardon's Week 17:30 FRI (b05y0m0p)

Forty Nights in the Wildebeest 23:30 MON (b00r93bk)

Fred at The Stand 23:00 SAT (m0004f2v)

Galbraith and the King of Diamonds 02:00 SAT (b042m3c2)

Galbraith and the King of Diamonds 06:00 MON (b042m84m)

Galbraith and the King of Diamonds 11:00 MON (b042m84m)

Galbraith and the King of Diamonds 16:00 MON (b042m84m)

Galbraith and the King of Diamonds 01:00 TUE (b042m84m)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) 06:30 SUN (m000bvgz)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) 11:30 SUN (m000bvgz)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) 17:30 SUN (m000bvgz)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers (Omnibus) 00:30 MON (m000bvgz)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 03:00 SAT (m000bs41)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 07:00 MON (m000bvwl)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 12:00 MON (m000bvwl)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 17:00 MON (m000bvwl)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 02:00 TUE (m000bvwl)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 07:00 TUE (m000bx1m)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 12:00 TUE (m000bx1m)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 17:00 TUE (m000bx1m)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 02:00 WED (m000bx1m)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 07:00 WED (m000bxj5)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 12:00 WED (m000bxj5)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 17:00 WED (m000bxj5)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 02:00 THU (m000bxj5)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 07:00 THU (m000c0br)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 12:00 THU (m000c0br)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 17:00 THU (m000c0br)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 02:00 FRI (m000c0br)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 07:00 FRI (m000c2h9)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 12:00 FRI (m000c2h9)

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers 17:00 FRI (m000c2h9)

Great Lives 21:00 THU (b0076xqm)

Hancock's Half Hour 08:00 WED (b007jntz)

Hancock's Half Hour 13:00 WED (b007jntz)

Hancock's Half Hour 18:00 WED (b007jntz)

Hancock's Half Hour 03:00 THU (b007jntz)

I Don't Know What To Say 22:00 WED (m001s5jm)

I Think I've Got a Problem 22:30 FRI (b007xvrp)

Inheritance Tracks 07:40 SUN (m001scmr)

Inheritance Tracks 12:40 SUN (m001scmr)

Inheritance Tracks 18:40 SUN (m001scmr)

Inheritance Tracks 01:40 MON (m001scmr)

Inheritance Tracks 20:55 MON (b06kp9zq)

Inheritance Tracks 20:50 TUE (b05wcl3w)

It's a Fair Cop 22:00 THU (m000vjn9)

James Follett - The Destruction Factor 00:00 SUN (b007k4mr)

James Follett - The Destruction Factor 16:00 SUN (b007k4mr)

Kathmandu or Bust 04:30 SAT (b07s6dls)

King Street Junior 08:30 TUE (b007jnf4)

King Street Junior 13:30 TUE (b007jnf4)

King Street Junior 18:30 TUE (b007jnf4)

King Street Junior 03:30 WED (b007jnf4)

Lee Hall - Blood Sugar 05:00 TUE (m001sdp8)

Lee Hall - Blood Sugar 10:00 TUE (m001sdp8)

Lee Hall - Blood Sugar 15:00 TUE (m001sdp8)

Lee Hall - Blood Sugar 00:00 WED (m001sdp8)

Making the Best of It 07:30 TUE (b03ws7gp)

Making the Best of It 12:30 TUE (b03ws7gp)

Making the Best of It 17:30 TUE (b03ws7gp)

Making the Best of It 02:30 WED (b03ws7gp)

Marcy Kahan - The Uncertainty Principle 00:00 SAT (m000msr9)

Marcy Kahan - The Uncertainty Principle 16:00 SAT (m000msr9)

Mark Watson Talks a Bit About Life 22:00 SUN (b04l0x01)

Mastertapes 21:00 MON (b09gfy22)

Mastertapes 21:00 TUE (b09gg8tm)

Monsters of Music with Tom Allen 21:00 FRI (p0gb4czw)

Mr and Mrs Smith 22:30 TUE (b01blzkq)

On the Hour 23:00 FRI (b0090br1)

Paul Sinha's Perfect Pub Quiz 22:00 MON (m001s560)

Plum House 05:30 SAT (b07gfzw3)

Plum House 09:30 FRI (b07hgb4m)

Plum House 14:30 FRI (b07hgb4m)

Plum House 19:30 FRI (b07hgb4m)

Poetry Extra 06:00 SUN (m001scm9)

Poetry Extra 11:00 SUN (m001scm9)

Poetry Extra 17:00 SUN (m001scm9)

Poetry Extra 00:00 MON (m001scm9)

Quote... Unquote 09:00 TUE (m000ckvr)

Quote... Unquote 14:00 TUE (m000ckvr)

Quote... Unquote 19:00 TUE (m000ckvr)

Quote... Unquote 04:00 WED (m000ckvr)

Radiolab 20:00 MON (m001bb6m)

Rent 08:30 FRI (b04lxtl4)

Rent 13:30 FRI (b04lxtl4)

Rent 18:30 FRI (b04lxtl4)

Ring Around the Bath 09:30 MON (b00tnp6t)

Ring Around the Bath 14:30 MON (b00tnp6t)

Ring Around the Bath 19:30 MON (b00tnp6t)

Ring Around the Bath 04:30 TUE (b00tnp6t)

Second Thoughts 08:30 THU (b00fnfnv)

Second Thoughts 13:30 THU (b00fnfnv)

Second Thoughts 18:30 THU (b00fnfnv)

Second Thoughts 03:30 FRI (b00fnfnv)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) 07:50 SUN (m001scn4)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) 12:50 SUN (m001scn4)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) 18:50 SUN (m001scn4)

Shakespeare's Restless World (Omnibus) 01:50 MON (m001scn4)

Shakespeare's Restless World 03:15 SAT (b01h7cdr)

Short Cuts 21:00 WED (b07z414x)

Short Works 05:45 MON (m000j2vk)

Short Works 10:45 MON (m000j2vk)

Short Works 15:45 MON (m000j2vk)

Short Works 00:45 TUE (m000j2vk)

Short Works 05:45 WED (m000j9kk)

Short Works 10:45 WED (m000j9kk)

Short Works 15:45 WED (m000j9kk)

Short Works 00:45 THU (m000j9kk)

Short Works 05:45 THU (m000jhp0)

Short Works 10:45 THU (m000jhp0)

Short Works 15:45 THU (m000jhp0)

Short Works 00:45 FRI (m000jhp0)

Short Works 05:45 FRI (m000jpg7)

Short Works 10:45 FRI (m000jpg7)

Short Works 15:45 FRI (m000jpg7)

Shush! 07:30 WED (b06d9p9x)

Shush! 12:30 WED (b06d9p9x)

Shush! 17:30 WED (b06d9p9x)

Shush! 02:30 THU (b06d9p9x)

Small Scenes 23:00 SUN (b04mcw89)

Something to Shout About 09:30 SAT (m000kvjd)

Something to Shout About 14:30 SAT (m000kvjd)

Something to Shout About 20:30 SAT (m000kvjd)

Something to Shout About 04:30 SUN (m000kvjd)

Soul Music 20:30 FRI (m000q3kg)

State of the Nations 23:00 THU (b087rky3)

Steptoe and Son 08:00 MON (b007jld2)

Steptoe and Son 13:00 MON (b007jld2)

Steptoe and Son 18:00 MON (b007jld2)

Steptoe and Son 03:00 TUE (b007jld2)

Stockport, So Good They Named It Once 09:30 THU (b007jrfl)

Stockport, So Good They Named It Once 14:30 THU (b007jrfl)

Stockport, So Good They Named It Once 19:30 THU (b007jrfl)

Stockport, So Good They Named It Once 04:30 FRI (b007jrfl)

TED Radio Hour 20:00 TUE (m001sdzg)

The Blackpool Detective 05:00 MON (m001scnv)

The Blackpool Detective 10:00 MON (m001scnv)

The Blackpool Detective 15:00 MON (m001scnv)

The Blackpool Detective 00:00 TUE (m001scnv)

The Boosh 23:30 FRI (b007jmh0)

The Break 07:30 THU (b07dkk0k)

The Break 12:30 THU (b07dkk0k)

The Break 17:30 THU (b07dkk0k)

The Break 02:30 FRI (b07dkk0k)

The Change 09:30 TUE (b0076czk)

The Change 14:30 TUE (b0076czk)

The Change 19:30 TUE (b0076czk)

The Change 04:30 WED (b0076czk)

The Comedy Club Interviews 22:55 MON (m001sm61)

The Comedy Club Interviews 22:55 TUE (m001sm7l)

The Comedy Club Interviews 22:55 FRI (m001smhy)

The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show 09:00 SUN (b01rqbf9)

The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show 14:00 SUN (b01rqbf9)

The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show 20:00 SUN (b01rqbf9)

The Eric Morecambe and Ernie Wise Show 03:00 MON (b01rqbf9)

The Food Quiz 05:00 SAT (b0076mtq)

The Food Quiz 09:00 FRI (b0076n4w)

The Food Quiz 14:00 FRI (b0076n4w)

The Food Quiz 19:00 FRI (b0076n4w)

The Goon Show 08:00 TUE (b00kjh64)

The Goon Show 13:00 TUE (b00kjh64)

The Goon Show 18:00 TUE (b00kjh64)

The Goon Show 03:00 WED (b00kjh64)

The Harpoon 23:00 WED (b007k4t8)

The Lawrence Sweeney Mix 22:30 THU (b008vzdy)

The Men from the Ministry 09:00 SAT (b007jzmz)

The Men from the Ministry 14:00 SAT (b007jzmz)

The Men from the Ministry 20:00 SAT (b007jzmz)

The Men from the Ministry 04:00 SUN (b007jzmz)

The Now Show 23:00 MON (m001s63t)

The Price of Fear 00:30 SUN (b007jn6j)

The Price of Fear 16:30 SUN (b007jn6j)

The Problem With Adam Bloom 23:45 WED (b00h4cwy)

The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh 10:00 SAT (m0017lvs)

The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh 15:00 SAT (m0017lvs)

The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh 21:00 SAT (m0017lvs)

The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh 05:00 SUN (m0017lvs)

The Real Comedy Controllers: The Things That Made Us Laugh 20:00 THU (m0017lvs)

The Right Time 09:30 WED (b00cb3bx)

The Right Time 14:30 WED (b00cb3bx)

The Right Time 19:30 WED (b00cb3bx)

The Right Time 04:30 THU (b00cb3bx)

The Shuttleworths 23:30 SAT (b007jm47)

The Skewer 23:30 WED (m001s5mj)

The Skivers 23:30 SUN (b00j5l87)

The Unbelievable Truth 09:00 THU (m000kntz)

The Unbelievable Truth 14:00 THU (m000kntz)

The Unbelievable Truth 19:00 THU (m000kntz)

The Unbelievable Truth 04:00 FRI (m000kntz)

The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere 08:30 MON (b007jv2y)

The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere 13:30 MON (b007jv2y)

The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere 18:30 MON (b007jv2y)

The Wordsmiths at Gorsemere 03:30 TUE (b007jv2y)

The World of Simon Rich 23:00 TUE (m0002hmt)

The Write Stuff 09:00 MON (b09z77pk)

The Write Stuff 14:00 MON (b09z77pk)

The Write Stuff 19:00 MON (b09z77pk)

The Write Stuff 04:00 TUE (b09z77pk)

Think the Unthinkable 23:30 TUE (b01hpf1m)

Tony's 09:30 SUN (b007k2tv)

Tony's 14:30 SUN (b007k2tv)

Tony's 20:30 SUN (b007k2tv)

Tony's 03:30 MON (b007k2tv)

Up Close And Personal 20:00 FRI (b07vjqml)

We Know Everything 22:45 SUN (b083j3f0)

Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully 07:30 MON (b01rr495)

Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully 12:30 MON (b01rr495)

Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully 17:30 MON (b01rr495)

Welcome to Our Village, Please Invade Carefully 02:30 TUE (b01rr495)

Who Runs the World? 22:00 FRI (m001sd45)

Whodunnits 06:00 TUE (b007jsh0)

Whodunnits 11:00 TUE (b007jsh0)

Whodunnits 16:00 TUE (b007jsh0)

Whodunnits 01:00 WED (b007jsh0)

Whodunnits 06:00 WED (b007jshc)

Whodunnits 11:00 WED (b007jshc)

Whodunnits 16:00 WED (b007jshc)

Whodunnits 01:00 THU (b007jshc)

Whodunnits 06:00 THU (b007zghc)

Whodunnits 11:00 THU (b007zghc)

Whodunnits 16:00 THU (b007zghc)

Whodunnits 01:00 FRI (b007zghc)

Whodunnits 06:00 FRI (b007jsjl)

Whodunnits 11:00 FRI (b007jsjl)

Whodunnits 16:00 FRI (b007jsjl)